Eco Products - Factor Analysis
Eco Products - Factor Analysis
Eco Products - Factor Analysis
Sig. .000
Bartlett’s Test Sig.= 0.000<< 0.05, the significance level is small enough to reject the
null hypothesis. This means that correlation matrix is not an identity matrix.
Initial Extraction
Compone Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
nt Loadings
A scree plot visualizes the Eigen values. We see that the first 3 components have
Eigen values over 1. We consider these “strong factors”. After that the Eigen values
drop off and almost become constant.
Component Matrixa
1 2 3
We have extracted three variables wherein the 17 items are divided into 3 variables
according to most important items which similar responses in component 1 and
simultaneously in component 2 and 3.
In component 1, all the factors contribute to all the variables.
In component 2, only 2 factors contribute to all the variables.
In component 3, no factor contributes to all the variables. Hence we can ignore this