Analysis of In-Vitro Explants Mineral Contents To Modify Medium Mineral Composition For Enhancing Growth of Persian Walnut (Juglans Regia L.)
Analysis of In-Vitro Explants Mineral Contents To Modify Medium Mineral Composition For Enhancing Growth of Persian Walnut (Juglans Regia L.)
Analysis of In-Vitro Explants Mineral Contents To Modify Medium Mineral Composition For Enhancing Growth of Persian Walnut (Juglans Regia L.)
Meri-Rastilantie 3 B, FI-00980 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.8 (2): 325-329. 2010
Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
Elahe Najafian Ashrafi 1, Kourosh Vahdati 2*, Hassan Ebrahimzadeh 1 and Masoud Mirmasoumi 1
Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Biology, College of Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. 2 Department of
Horticulture, College of Abouraihan, University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Tehran, P.O. Box 33955-159, Iran.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Micropropagation of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) still needs more study to be used consistently in various cultivars. Due to slow growth and
yellow appearance of Persian walnut explants in DKW medium, a trial was conducted to refine the DKW medium composition. The method
consists of adding the mineral composition that the walnut explants contain in the period of maximum growth to the DKW medium. The mineral
composition of the explants of two walnut cultivars (Sunland and Chandler) were determined by ICP-OES technique. Two modified media
(mDKW) were formulated based on the walnut explant mineral contents. Because of inappropriate concentration of nitrogen and calcium, media
with two ranges of calcium and nitrogen were formulated; 1) mDKW1 (DKW with 6 modified macronutrient concentrations) and 2) mDKW2
(DKW with 4 modified macronutrient concentrations). Other minerals were formulated based on explant mineral concentrations. The growth rate
of explants cultured on mDKW was compared to those cultured on DKW medium. There were no deficiency symptoms in explants in mDKW.
Among the cultivars, Chandler had the maximum stem length and auxiliary bud number. Explants grown on mDKW2 produced the maximum stem
length and auxiliary bud number. Also the explants grown on mDKW2 showed no deficiency and yellow color leaves after 30 days. The results
suggested that micropropagation in a medium containing mineral balance similar to that in explants may hold a hypertonic concentration of
minerals for them to move from medium to explant and therefore will obtain better growth and proliferation conditions for explants.
Chemical composition of the culture medium plays an important of Persian walnut has been studied by many researchers. Driver
role in the success of micropropagation 35. The deficiency of and Kuniyuki 6 using Cheng 41, Murashige and Skoog (MS) 28, B59
minerals in plants can cause biochemical, physiological and and woody plant media (WPM) 17 encountered the problem of
morphological changes, according to the nutrient and to the level gradual culture deterioration. This problem led them to develop a
of deficiency 24, 32. The difficulty of optimizing the culture medium, new medium called DKW, optimized especially for the growth of
because of interactions between different medium components, the paradox hybrid walnut.
has led to the employment of various tissue culture media 31, 32. Although DKW medium was developed for paradox hybrid
Generally, two strategies are used to define the balance between walnut, it has been proven suitable for a variety of Juglandaceae
the different minerals and organic elements for the optimal growth species, including Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) and is
of the plant cells or nutrients for one species by studying the currently the most widely used medium for walnut culture 5, 22, 23.
interaction effect of each of them on the others. One of the best Despite this medium caused rapid growth of walnut explants, there
known examples is the work of Murashige and Skoog 28 who have been some disorders in some walnut cultivars for propagation
established an optimal nutrient composition of the culture medium and optimum growth. The proliferation of few shoots, low rooting
for rapid growth with tobacco callus cultures. Another strategy is rate and chlorosis of walnut explants are some of the most important
adapting the mineral content of the medium according to an problems in DKW medium. In spite of such disorders, only few
elemental analysis of healthy plant tissue 8. studies were performed on optimization of this medium 12.
The optimization of mineral composition in the culture medium We hypothesized that developing a medium according to the
based on elemental analysis of various plant parts has been mineral concentration of the explant tissues will be resulted in the
frequently reported. The mineral compositions of various plant best nutritional conditions for growth of explants in the culture
parts have been used for this purpose, including a combination of medium. Therefore, the aim was to analyse in-vitro explants mineral
in vitro grown apical shoots and mature zygotic embryos 34, contents to modify medium mineral composition for enhancing
seeds 16, 31 and whole plants 2, 3, 10, 11, 24, 38. growth of Persian walnut.
The potential of tissue culture techniques for the propagation
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.8 (2), April 2010 325
Materials and Methods In vitro rooting of the cultivars was also examined. A two–
Plant materials and chemical analysis: Two Persian walnut phase rooting procedure was used according to Vahdati et al. 39.
cultivars, namely Sunland and Chandler that had been introduced For root induction, shoots of 3-4 cm with fresh cuts at the basal
in in-vitro more than 10 years ago and subcultured every 30 days end (to remove any callus) were harvested after 30 days and were
were used as the explant source for chemical analysis. The cultures placed in the 100-ml glass jars under dark for 7 days on MS
were maintained at 23±2°C under 7000 lux cool-white fluorescent medium supplemented with minerals, vitamins of MS medium 28,
light for 16-h photoperiod. DKW was used as the culture medium 30 g l-1 sucrose, 15 µM IBA and 2.5 g l-1 Gelrite (Sigma Co.). Use
source. The cultures were grown on fresh medium for 30 days of agar and quarter-strength DKW during the induction phase
since subcultures before the explants were harvested for analysis. was based on results reported by Navatel and Bourrain 30 and
The explants were cleaned by removal of medium material and Ripetti et al. 33. The pH of the media was adjusted to 5.5 before
dried at 70°C for 72 h. The dried samples were then ground to fine autoclaving at 121°C for 20 min. Induction was followed by
powder. For analysis of mineral composition, 250 mg of plant keeping under light on a mixture of ¼ strength DKW basal
material was dissolved in 3 ml H2SO4 (96%) and 10 ml of H2O2 (50% medium, 30 g l-1 sucrose, 2.5 g l-1 Gelrite (Sigma Co.) and vermiculite
w/v), heated and made up to 100 ml with distilled water. Total (1:1.25 v/v) and maintained in the same environment as for
nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl method, S by turbidimetric multiplication 13. Rooting percentage was determined after 3
method and P, Mg, Ca and K were analyzed by inductively–coupled weeks. Four plantlets were used during rooting for each cultivar.
plasma atomic emission spectroscopy.
Statistical analysis: Analysis of variance and comparison of
Calculation of the modified medium components: A new medium means were performed using SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC)
must hold a hypertonic concentration of macronutrients for the software. Significant differences among the mean values were
explants to move from medium to explants cells. This condition compared by Duncan’s multiple range test (P<0.05).
can be covered by a multiplication factor (αc) that compares the
total leaf macronutrient contents of a particular cultivar (M1) and Results
total macronutrient content of any widely tried medium (Mr) Table 1 shows the macronutrients found in explants and their
according to Equation 1 proposed by Terrer and Toms 38 : corresponding multiplication factors αc, defined by Equation 2:
reference medium macronutrients Mr (Eq. 1) Įc =ȈM / ȈM 2 = 25.5 / 13.98 = 179.8 (Eq. 2).
Įc = =
explant macronutrients M1
Macronutrient concentrations for modified medium (g l-1) are also
By multiplying this factor for each macronutrient found in explants shown in Table 1. The elemental composition of the modified
culture medium shows that the most important differences
a new specific composition will be obtained.
between the modified medium and DKW are an increase in the
concentration of N, P, S and a decrease in the concentration of K
Measurements and cultural conditions: The explants were
and Ca (Table 2). The nitrogen concentration of explants was
maintained in the DKW as a culture medium for 30 d in the following
much higher than in DKW medium. Also the calcium
conditions: 25°C and 7000 lux for 16 h per day in the 100-ml glass
concentration of explants and modified medium was 1/3 of that in
jars. The explants were harvested for analysis after 4 subcultures.
DKW medium. For this reason, two media with two ranges of
Several quantitative parameters, including stem length, auxiliary
calcium and nitrogen concentration as mDKW1 (medium with 6
bud number, stem width and leaves color of explants were
modified macronutrient concentrations) and mDKW2 (medium
recorded. The revised media contained micronutrients, vitamins
with 4 modified macronutrient concentrations) were used. Other
and hormones of DKW medium supplemented with 100 mg l-1
minerals were formulated based on explant mineral concentration
myo-inositol, 30 g l-1 sucrose and 2 g l-1 Gelrite (Sigma Co.). The
(Table 3).
Fe-HEDDA chelate was chosen as the iron source. The pH of the
Plantlets grown on DKW and mDKWs exhibited differences in
medium was adjusted to 5.5 before autoclaving at 121°C for 20
growth. Plantlets grown on mDKW1 had smaller leaves, auxiliary
min. Four shoot tips were transferred to the modified medium and
bud number and lower stem thickness than on mDKW2 and DKW
DKW as a control medium. This experiment was conducted with
as a control medium (Fig. 1). However, plantlets grown on mDKW2
three replications of walnut cultivars.
Table 2. Macronutrient contents (mg l-1) of modified medium for walnut explants and DKW medium.
Medium N P K Mg Ca S
Modified medium (mDKW) 1195 77.3 544 91.69 142.04 462
DKW medium 783 57 768 72 372 390
326 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.8 (2), April 2010
Table 3. Mineral composition (mg l-1) of modified media and Explants grown on mDKW2 produced the maximum stem length
DKW as a reference medium. and auxiliary bud number and stem thickness among the other
Salt mDKW1* mDKW2** DKW medium media (Table 5). Also the explants grown on mDKW2 showed no
NH4NO3*** 5954 1416 1416 deficiency and leaves chlorosis after 30 days. The rooting
Ca(NO3)2.4H2O 420 1968 1968 percentage was decreased in explants cultured on the mDKW1
Zn(NO3)2.4H2O 23.5 23.5 23.5 and mDKW2 comparing to the control. ‘Sunland’ had the highest
K2SO4 867 867 1559 root ability in all the media. However, the rooting percentage of
MgSO4.7H2O 864 864 740
MnSO4. H2O 33.5 33.5 33.5 mDKW2 was nearly similar to DKW medium (Table 6).
CuSO4.5 H2O 0.25 0.25 0.25
NiSO4.6H2O 0.005 0.005 0.005 Table 5. Growth rate criteria of Persian walnut under different
CaCl2.2H2O 149 149 149 culture media in 30 days.
KH2PO4 330 330 265
H3BO3 4.8 4.8 4.8 Character
Na2MoO4.2H2O 0.39 0.39 0.39 Medium Auxiliary bud Stem length Stem width
Fe-HEDDA 100 100 100 number (cm) (cm)
The medium with 6 modified macronutrient concentrations. ** The medium with 4 modified mDKW1 16.90± 1.64c*** 4.66 ± 1.01ab 2.06 ± 2.05a
macronutrient concentrations.*** The differences between two modified media was only at salts mDKW2** 19.04± 1.92a 5.83 ± 0.6a 3.01 ± 2.08 a
as NH4NO3 and Ca(NO3)2.4H2O highlighted with bold numbers. DKW 18.30 ±2.01ab 3.96 ± 0.46b 2.42 ± 0.44a
The medium with 6 modified macronutrient concentrations. **The medium with 4 modified
macronutrient concentrations. ***Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly
did not exhibit chlorosis in compare to plantlets grown on DKW different at P<0.05.
(Fig. 2).
Among the cultivars, Chandler had the maximum stem length Table 6. Rooting percentage of in vitro shoots of two Persian
and auxiliary bud number (Table 4). The effect of medium was walnut cultivars induced to root on MS medium with
significant on the stem length and auxiliary bud number (P<0.05). 15 µM IBA and 2.5 g l-1 in the dark for 1 week and
transformed to the development medium in the light
for 3 weeks.
Sunland 50a* 27a 42a
Chandler 40b 16ab 35b
Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different at P<0.05.
The differences of mineral concentrations between plantlets and
the media indicate that there are interactions between minerals in
the media or between minerals and the gel matrix 11. In addition,
Figure 1. Plantlets of Persian walnut grown in-vitro after four the differences may be due to different uptake mechanisms
subculture cycles on (a) DKW and (b) mDKW1 (medium with 6 possessed by the plant 11.
modified macronutrient concentrations). In mDKW1, the concentration of N is much higher but the Ca
content is lower than in DKW medium. On the other hand, in the
mentioned medium, the K/Ca ratio is higher than that in DKW.
According to Malavolta et al.18, one of the reasons of the Fe
deficiency is a high K/Ca ratio. High levels of K cause Fe deficiency
but does not affect significantly on Ca 24. It was supposed to see
Fe deficiency in the modified media but the N/P ratio in the media
eliminated the Fe deficiency. An imbalance in the N/P ratio may
be also involved in the induction of chlorosis. It is proposed that
the yellowish color of leaves and deficiency symptoms shown in
mDKW1 are caused by imbalance of N/P and K/Ca ratios. In
mDKW2, the ratio of these minerals is thought to be optimal for
walnut explants.
Figure 2. Plantlets of Persian walnut grown in vitro after four subculture The most important differences between the modified media
cycles on (a) DKW and (b) mDKW2 (the medium with 4 modified and DKW are an increase in the concentrations of N, P, S and a
macronutrient concentrations). decrease in the concentrations of K and Ca. Although Judd
et al.14 believed that the concentrations of N, P, K
Table 4. Growth rate of Persian walnut cultivars under in-vitro condition and B were much higher in tissue cultured plantlets
in the revised media. than in greenhouse grown plants, other minerals
Character (Ca and Mg) were found at lower levels in vitro. It
Cultivar should be emphasized that analyses of used media
Auxiliary bud number Stem length (cm) Stem width (cm)
Chandler 18.19± 2.12a* 4.67 ± 3.73 a 2.90± 1.75 a showed no exhaustion for any specific mineral. This
Sunland 17.67± 2.56 a 4.10 ± 0.71 a 2.71 ± 0.33 a meant that the differences in growth on the
Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different at P<0.05.
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.8 (2), April 2010 327
investigated media were a consequence of differences in relative healthy plant growth in vitro and in control of growth disorders
concentrations of these minerals and therefore differences in which are often related to mineral deficiency or toxicity. Tissue
relative uptake 3. In addition, some minerals in vitro, in particular analysis was shown to be an essential tool for the diagnosis of
N, P and K, were outside the adequate ranges for explants and at mineral imbalances in vitro 21. The lower rooting percentage of
levels that could adversely affect the plantlet growth 14. plantlets in the mDKW2 than in DKW has also revealed that this
The higher levels of N, P, Mg and S in walnut explants than medium needs more modifications with subsequent subcultures
those in DKW medium were thought to be caused by subsequent and changes in the culture medium formulations.
subculturing but the much lower Ca in explants corresponded to Murphy et al. 29 suggested that it might be worthwhile to
low solubility of this element in the medium. In addition, more periodically grow plantlets on different media to neutralize any
than one third of the Ca supplied by the culture medium is required long-term deterioration induced by continuous growth on a
by agar or Gelrite to create its net 36. So we used the Ca specific medium. However, Ni has been recognized as an essential
concentration of DKW in mDKW2 to avoid the deficiency element for plant growth 1 but is absent from most media
symptoms of explants. Morard and Henry 26 also proposed a new formulations. Therefore, the absence of Ni in culture media needs
mineral composition for in vitro culture of Solanum paludosum further investigations 11.
with a larger amount of Ca than that of K. Because there were no changes in the plant growth regulators,
The explants grown on mDKW1 showed yellow leaves and we could not expect great differences in multiplication, and the
shoot–tip necrosis. These symptoms are typical for calcium improvement found for mDKW2 can be attributed to the greater
deficiency in tissue cultures 20. Calcium depletion effects are size of the individual plantlets, so a new balance of growth
always visible in young leaves, although photosynthetic regulators should be tried in the modified medium. The described
efficiency is not affected 4. It is likely that Ca deficiency also method for selection of specific macronutrient composition seems
results in decreased growth rate 11. In a non-circulating nutritive to be a good tool for a better understanding of in vitro plant
solution, a recombination between H2PO4- and Ca2+ is responsible nutrition.
for an insoluble form of calcium. In addition, calcium availability
is low in media, because of its low solubility in water 25. Acknowledgements
Among the mobile elements, nitrogen generally has the greatest The authors thank the University of Tehran and Iran National
effect upon growth, affecting cell number and cell size; Science Foundation (INSF) for financial supports and also the
phosphorus has similar but less pronounced effects and potassium analytical chemistry laboratory of College of Sciences, University
has the least effect upon growth, affecting mainly cell size 40. of Tehran for providing ICP spectroscopy.
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