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sswouezitr Ornamental plant propagation in the tropics Ornamental plant propagation in the tropics by Carmine Damiano Head, Propagation Department Fruit Trees Research Institute, Rome and Giovanni Ferraiolo Cooperating Scientist, Propagation Department Fruit Trees Research Institute, Rome Under the technical guidance and coordination of W.O. Baudoin Senior Officer Horticultural Crops Group Crop and Grassland Service FAO Plant Production and Protection Division FAQ PLANT PRODUCTION AND PROTECTION PAPER 158 Agriculture Organization or the United Nations 143 Management of the weutefly-vitus cornpliex, 1997 (E) 144 Prant nematode problems and their conivcl in the Near East cagion, 1997 (E} 145 Posticide residues in food 1997 = Report, 1926 (E) 146 Posticive rosidues in food 1997 — Evalvations — Part |: Rasidues, 1998 (6) 147 Soil aclarization ard integrated managemont of 0 pests, 1998 (E) 148 Pestiedo roviduos in food 1998 ~ Repert. 1999 (£) 149 Manual cn tha development and ute ot FAQ specifications for plant protection products ~ Fifth, dition, including the new procedure, 1986 (E) 150 Restoring tarmors’ good systems in disasiar situations, 1929 (E) 151 Seed polcy and programmes for sub-Sanaran Atica, 1099 (EF) 4150/1 Pasticide rosiduas in food 1998 — Evalustions - Par k: Rasidves, Volume 1, 1999 (E) 1522 Pesticide residues in food 1998 ~ Evaluations ~ Part Raskives, Volume 2, 1994 (E) 455 Peslicsio rasdues in food 1999 - Repo, 1999 (E) 5d Greennouses and shestar structures for tooical fegions, 1889 (E) 155, ‘Vegetable seedling production manual, 1999 (E) 185 ‘Date palm cultivation, 1999 (Ey 187 ——_Paslicse rasidues in food 1998 ~ Evaluations ~ Parti: Rosicues (€} 188 ‘Omamental plant propagation in the tropics, 2000 (E) ‘Avaitablity: August 2000 Ar — Arabic Muti ~ Mulitingust © = Chinese + Outot print E ~ Engisn in preparation F ~ Fronch P ~ Portuguese 8 = Spanish The FAO Technical Papers arp availabie through the authoricend FAQ Sales Agents or ciroctiy from Salas and Marsating Group, FAQ, Viaio delle Terme of Caracalla, 00100 Rocto, Italy FOREWORD This technical publication has been prepared in order to disseminate information on recent technologies for rapid propagation of tropical omamental plants. In a world of increased competition, the success and viability of the new undertakings may results from the promptness in reacting to new market opportunities. ‘The development of omamental plants production could reveal interesting potentials for crop diversification in the evolving liberalization of trade to the benefit of developing countries. ‘The paper concentrates on tissue culture which is the advanced aid modem propagation technology allowing for mass cloning of selected varieties or eco-lypes. It is hoped that this technical paper will be instrumental to enhancing the technical capacity of public institutions and private entrepreneurs, thus leading to new production and market opportunities. It is also expected that the application of tissue culture propagation techniques will facilitate and encourage the use of omamental plant diversity which is still largely untapped, Floriculture is a programme area covered by the Horticultural Crops Group of the Crop and Grassland Service within the Plant Production and Protection Division. Recent tends indicate that market demand for floriculture products are expanding. Floriculture could therefore play an increasing role in horticultural development strategics for crop diversification and income and employment generation, especially for the integration of women and youth in economic activities. We wish to acknowledge the seientifie cooperation with the Fruit Trees Research Institute at Ciampino, Rome in Italy, which has enabled to compile this interesting document. Special thanks are also extended to Ms, Barbara Horsley and Ms. Lucie Herzigova for the editing and formatting of the text. Marcio Porto Chief Crop and Grassland Service Plant Production and Protection Division This one u HOU TRCH=LS3-A82K TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTOF TABLES a St all LINTRODUCTION 1 THE LABORATORY 21 Facilities 2.2 Equipment. 2.2.1 Water purification sss so ee . QQ 2 SCANS a sssanassntninsinnssnnanisssssssssiisinisssssssssissssssssssssssssssssssnaussssssasisiasS 2.2.3 pH meters... 2.2.4 Hot plate stirrers.... a 2.2.5 Explant cleaning material, media dispenser and dishwasher. Sterilizing equipment, 2.2.7 Reftigerators . 2.2.8 Microscopes... 2.2.9 Transfer chamber 2.2.10 Growi 2.3 Suppli g OOM, tn Lae fee Ve Te ba Tle 6. HARDENING. 7_CASE HISTORIES ... Copperteatnn. Ase a casncensasansnsensesnassttaasnannnnsccnsazad stuns senesansaasheiaanaissa‘aasmunnsssanasasssssnnansanissal Agwappartthus esses eessecscssseseccsssee AO a cetaceans i anesnaeseeeasiLLMLeELLLLiisusissuninsninia tl Red ginger.. Calotropis...... oo Candle DSP avscuesteesneeeetanceissssttseiastecinateenstisssinsssiinnateannernnanstssn tl] Madagascar Periwinkle. Good-luck plant, Tree-of-Kings (Crame girs sesseeseresssiesstns ‘Scarlet plume ..... Poinsettia, Christmas star. Appendix 1 - ABBREVIATIONS 2.0... scssssscensceeesnesenesssseessueeeeneneet secceceseseseeenes 5D Appendix 2 - MEDIA COMPOSITIONS ......sssssssssessmesercesnusssnssssriansesesrerersrnnnrsssrrissssssssses OL vi gail op3k Ga ge Rete Sale LIST OF TABLES Page of supplie: Mother sofution of macro salts using the Murashige and Skoog formule 6 LIST OF FIGURES Controlling organogenesis according to hormone balance 9 LIST OF PLATES Composition of Anthurium, Heliconia, Strelizia, Ginger... cover page Wax plant (Chamaelaucium uncinanun) Spatiplyllum .. .. COWEr page Division and transfer of explants in the sterile laminar flow eabin Growth room, shelves and lightin; Hardening; humidity maintained with thin plastic film . Rooted explant at the commencement of hardening Flower pre Kage for shipping to export market Group of autoclave, demineralizer, glass di Research microscope Group of Ianinar flow, incubator and chemical hood. Microscape stereoscope .. EEEE 1. INTRODUCTION Vegetative multiplication of plants is a simple concept that can be explained as the ability of plants to reproduce themselves without any sexual process such as the fusion of gametes and the subsequent origin of a zygotic embryo. Many species, however, do not genetically possess this capacity, i.e., they multiply only through reproductive organs; others are capable of both sexual reproduction and vegetative multiplication; while a considerable number have lost the ability for the former and developed the faculty of giving rise to new individuals: through specialised systems such as runnering, layering and budding. In general, plants that have been produced without sexual reproduction show a phenotype, which is identical to that of the "mother" plant, This is one of the fundamental aspects of "cloning", In other words, whenever a plant reproduces itself vegetatively it produces a “clone”. Although sexual reproduction can also create clones, vegetative multiplication, hereafter called propagation, always gives rise to cloning. Since man has discovered that clones have identical features to those of the mother plant, many species of agronomic interest have been studied so as to enhance their natural ability to vegetatively multiplicate, The selection of the more productive plants or of those more suitable to man’s needs has given birth to propagation and nurseries. Many factors have favoured the development of the propagation industry: the advances in fundamental plant biology knowledge; the improvement of technology, and the production of synthetic hormones, These factors have permitted the propagation of the plant at specific ex situ sites, often very far from the original location. The concepts expressed so far remind us that the use of soils and specific substrates and the growth of an entire plant have led to nurseri rdens and greenhouses. In 1902, Gottlich Haberlandt predicted that embryos could be produced from vegetative cells. Two years later E. Hanning cultured zygotic embryos excised in an immature stage from seeds, and in 1920 scedlings of orchids were germinated jr vitro, in aseptic culture on artificial medium. It was evident that plant propagation was moving towards new approaches and technologies. However, it was only 40 years later that G. Morel and C. Martin grew dahlia shoots and potatoes from meristematic apexes. Modem in vitro propagation was bom, later to be known as “micropropagation”: At present not only meristems, meristematic apexes and buds are used as primary explants to initiate the micropropagation process. In fact, “cell totipotency" is exploited to regenerate shoots and somatic embryos in many crops, ormamental and forestry species. Cell tolipoteney is the ability of a single cell to reconstruct a plant int fo/o similar to that from which it was excised ‘The designations ermployed and the presentation al the materia in this publication da not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoaveren the part of the Food anc Agncuture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country. cy oF area or of its aumorites, er concerning the dolmitation ofits frontiars or boundaries, ISBN 92:5-104480-0 All nights reserved, Repreducton and cissemination of material in this information product for educational or ather non-commercial purposes are authorized without any priar written permission trom the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Rlepreduction of material in this information product forresale arothercommercial purposesis prohibited withaut “written permission of the copyright holders. Applications for such permission should be addressed fo the Chiel, Publishing and Mukimeda Servico, Information Division, FAO, Vialadella Terme di Caracalla, 06100 Rome, Italy or by e-mail toeapyright fao.org © Fao 2000 FAQ TECHNICAL PAPERS FAO PLANT PROOUCTION AND PROTECTION PAPERS 1 Horticuture: a selact bibliography, 1876 (€) 2 ‘Conen specialists and rosoarch matitutions in selected countries, 1976 (E) a Food lagumes: distibution, adaptability and biclagy at yield, 1977 (EF S) 4 ‘Soybean production in tho tropics, 1877 (C EF §) 4 Rov.1 Soybean procuction in tno tropics Hist revision}, 1982 e} 5 Les systémes pastoraux sahélens, 187 (F) 6 Pest resistance to pestickdes and crop loss assessment - Vol 1, 1977 4E FS) Pest resistance 1 pestickles and crop toss assessmant — Vol. 2, 19794E FS) Pest resistance to pesticides and crop toss assessment = Vol. 3, 1981 (E FS) Rodent pest blology and control — Bibliography 1970- 74, 1977 (6) “Tropical pasture seed production, 1979 (E F"" S” Foed lagume crops: improvement end production, 1877 (E 10 Pesticide sasidues in food, 1977 —Rlepor, 4078 (EFS) 10 Rev. Pesticide residues in food 1977 - Report, 1978 (E) 10Sup. Pesticie residues in food 1977 ~ Evaluations, “88 1678 (6) 1” Pesticide rosidues in food 1965-78 — Index and summary, 1978 (E FS} 2 (Crop calendars, 1978 (E/F/S) a ‘Tho use of FAO specifications for plant protection products, 1979 (E F S} 1 Guidelines for integrated contol of rie insect pests 1978 (Ar CE F 8) 6 Pestiogs residues in taod 1978 - Roper, 197916 F §) 15 Sup, Pesticde restiues i food 1978 - Evaluations, 1978 (6) 16 Rodeniicides: analyses, specifications, formulations, 1979(E F 5) 7 Agrometearotagles! crop monitonng and torecasting, 1979 (C EFS) 8 Guidings for integrated contol of maize pests, 1979, tee) 18 Elorents of integrated contiol of sorghum pests, 1878 (EFS) 20 Pesce residues in food 1979 — Report, 1980 (E F S) 20'Sup Pesticide residues in food 1978 - Evalustions, 1990/6) a Recommended methods for moasurement cf post resistance to pesticides, 1980 (EF) Ee Chin: mutiplo cropping ane lated crop production technlagy, 1260 (E} a China’ devaicpment of alive production, 1980 (E) pat Improvement and production af maize, sorghum and rile? - Vol. +, General principles, 1980 (EF) 24/2 Improvement and production of maize, sorphum and milet ~ Vol, 2, Brasding, agronomy and seed production, 1880 (E F) Ey Prosopis tamanuga: fodder tree tor and zones, 1851 (EF 5) 2 Pesticide residues in food 1980 - Report, 1961 4E FS) 20-Sup. Pesticide residues in food 1980 ~ Evaluations, 1981 (E 2 ‘Smal-scale cash crop farming in South Asia, 1981 (E) 2B ‘Second expert consultation on envircnenental criteria for registration of pesticides, 1861 (EF S) 2 at 82 Sup1 at 33 33 4 45 48 a 4a 49 et as 85 88 8r ag 70 Socame: status and improvement, Palm ticouo euttura, 1081 (CE) An ace-clenatic classitication of intenropical Attica, 19814) Weeds in tropical craps: selected abstracts, 1981 (E) \Weads in tropical crops: review of abstracts, 1862 (E) lant catlecting and hervarium development, 1981 (E} Improvernent of nutritional qualty of toad crops, 1981 (cE) Date production and protection, 1982 (Ar E) El cultwo y la utlizacién del tarwi = Lupinus mutatis ‘Sweet, 1882 (5) Pesticide residues in food 1981 —Repon, 1982 (E FS) Winged bean production in the tropics, 1582 (E} Seeds, 1862 (E/F/S) Rodent contro! in agriculture, 1982 (Ar G E FS) Rice development and rased rice productan, 1982 (E) Pesticide residues in food 1981 — Evaluations, 1982 (E) Manual on mushcom cuttivetion, 1983 (E F) Improving weed management, 1964 (E F §) Pockat computers in agrometoorology, 1983 (E) Pesticide residues in food 1982 ~ Regoe, 1989 (E FS) ‘The saga paim, 1983 (E F) Guidelines tor integrated control of cotton pests, 1983 1 (E) (ar EFS) Pesticiga residues in food 1982 - Evatuatons, 1983 {€) International plant quarantine troatmont manual, 1983 (CE) Handbock on jute, 1983 (E} Tha pamyran pam: potential and parspoctives, 1983 © Selected medina plants, 1983 (E) Manual of tumigetlon for insect control, 1884 {C E F 5) Breading for durable d-sease and pest resistance, 1988 (CE Pestickde residues i food 1883 — Report, 1984 (E F S) ‘Coconut, tos of ia, 1984 (E 8} Eoonamic guidelines for crop pest control 1908 (€ FS) Micropropagation of solectod roctcrops, palms, crus ‘and ornamental species, 1984 (E) ‘Minium requirements for receiving and maintaining ‘issue culture propagating materia, 1985 (E FS) Pesticide residues in food 1883 ~ Evaluations, 1985 (E) Pesticide retidues in food 1884 — Report, 1085 (E F S) ‘Manual of eet control for food security reserva grain stocks, 1685 (C E) ‘Contribution & écologia des aphides aticains, 1985 (F Amelioration eta cutture iriguia du nz des pot tarmiars. 1985 (F) Sesame and saffowor: status and potentials, 1985 (E) Pesticte residues in food 1884 ~ Evaluations, 195 (E) ‘Pesticide resiqus in toad 1985 - Report, 1985(E FS) [Breeding tor norwonial resistance ta wheat diseases, 1986 (E) Breeding for durable resistance in perennial ctors. 1988 (E) n RA Tare 74 20 ot sat oe oi 72 109 soa tor Technical guideline on seed potato micropropagation ‘and matipscation, 1986 (E) Pesticide residues in food 1985 - Evaluations = Pad | Rosidues, 1986 (€) Pesticide residues in food 1985 - Evaluations ~ Part Il: Toxicology. 1986 (E) Eaty agromateorological crop yietd assestmont, 1986 (EFS) Ecology and cortrct of perennial woeds in Latin America, 1086 (E S) Technical guidelines tor feld vanety tras, 1993 (E FS) Guidoines for seed exchange and plant Introduction in tropical crops, 1986 (E) Postiowe raskiues i lod 1996 ~ Report, 1986 (E F S) Pesticide residues in lood 1986 ~ Evaluations — Part | Residues, 1886 (E) Pesticide residues in lood 1986 ~ Evaluations ~ Pan i Toxicology, 1987 (E) Tissue culture of selected tropical tit pnts, 1887 (E) kxnproved weed management in the Near East, 1887 (E} Weed science and weed control in Southeast Asia, 1987 (6) Hybrid seed production of selected cereal cil ard ‘vegetable rons, 1967 {E} Litchi cultvation, 1868 (E 8) Posticide rosiduas in food 1987 ~ Roport, 1987 (E F 5} ‘Manual on the dovelopment and wsa.of FAO sspoctications tor plant protection products, 1987 (E" FS) Pesticide residues in food 1987 ~ Evaluations = Part | Residues, 1088 (E) Pesticide rosidues in food 1987 — Evaluations ~ Pam it; Towcotogy, 1988 (E) Root and tuber crops. plantains ard bananas in deveianing countries — challenges and opportunities, 1888 (E) Jessenia and Qenocarpus: neatropical oll palms Worthy of domesticaton, 1988 {E ) Vegetable producuan under arid and semiarid conditions in tropical Africa, 1988 (E F) Protected cultivation in the Mediterranean climate 1900 {E F) Pasturas and catto under secenuts, 1988 (E 8) Pesticide residues in food 1988 - Ropart, 1988 (E F S) Posticido residves in food 1988 ~ Evalualions ~ Past Residues, 1868 (E) Pesticide rosidues in food 1988 ~ Evaiuntions ~ Pan it: Tonicolcgy, 1988 (E) Utlizatien of genetic rescues: suitable approaches, agronomical evaluation and use, 1689 4E} Rodent pasts and their control in the Near East, 1988 «© Stiga Improved managemont in Attica, 1989 (€) Fodders for the Near East allafa, 1989 (Ar E) Foxkdors forthe Near East: annua modic pastures, 1989,Ar E F) ‘An annotated bibliography on rodent research in Latin ‘america 1960-1865, 1583 (E}) Pesticide residues in food 1989 - Report, 1989 (E F S) Pesticide residues in food 1989 ~ Evaluations ~ Patt | Residues, 1990 (E) Pesticide residues in food 1989 ~ Evaluations = Pant it: Toxicclogy, 1990 (E} Soiloss cultura for horticultural crop production, 190048) 102 tow 104 108. 108 107 108 109 110. m1 nz 41341 4 115 116 17 118 19 120 121 122 123, 138 125, 128 127 128 125 130 11 132 132 193 138 138 17 138 139 140 wt 142 Pesticide residues in food 1990 — Report, 1890 (E F S) Pesticide residues in food 1960 = Cvaluniions = Part Resioves, 1996 (E} hajor woods of te Noar East, 1991 (E) Fundamentcs tearieo-préctices cel cultive da teas: vogetalos, 1990 (S) “Technical guidelins fer mushroom growing in the tropics, 1090 (E} Gynanaropsts gynancia (.) 84a, — a tropical leaty vegotable — its cultivation and utilization, 1901 (E) Carambota cultivation, 1993 (E S) Soil sslariation, 1991 (E} Potato production and consumption a developing countries, 1981 (E) Pesticke rosigues i food 1991 — Report, 199 fe) Cocoa pest and disease management in Southeast Asia and Australasia, 1882 (E) Paestickte residues in food 1281 = Evaluniorss = Pact Resioues, 1991) Integrated pest managament tor protacted vegetabie caltvaton in tre Nea East, 1992 (E} Olive pests and their control in the Near East, 1982 (E) Pesticido residues in foog 1992 - Report, 1990 (E F §) Quality declared seed, 1993 (E FS} Pesticide residues in food 1982 ~ Evaluations ~ Part | Posiduos, 1955 (E) Quarantine for seed, 4995:(E} Wed management for dovotoping courses, 1993 (E S) Rambutan cultivation, 1993 (E) Pestieido rasidues:in food 1993 - Report, 1999 (E FS} Rodent past management in easter flsce, 1894 (E) Pesticide residues hn food 1966 — Evaluatiene — Part | Resesues, 1954 (E) Plant quarantine: theory and practice, 1994 (Ar) Tropical root and tuber erops — Production, porspoctives and future prospects, 1984 (E) Pesticide residues In food 1994 — Report, 1994 (E) Manual on he devatopment and use of FAQ specifications tor plant protachon products ~ Fourty ‘ition, 1885 (EF 8} Mangostoon cultivation, 1995 (E) Post-harvast deterioration of exssave — ‘A biotechnology perspective, 1995 (E) Pesticide recidues in food 1964 — Evaluations — Past: Residues, Volume 1, 1995 (E} Pesticide residues in food 1964 ~ Evaluations ~ Pas | Residvas, Volume 2, 1995 (E} ‘Agro-ecoiagy, cutivation and woes of cactus pear, 1995 (E) Pesticide residues in food 195 - Report, 1986 (E) (Number not assigned) Citrus past problems and theie contol in the Near East, 1996 (E) El papino dulce y su cultive, 1996 (S) Pesticide residues in food 1995 — Evaluations — Pari: Residues, 1888 (E) Sunn pasts and theie convol in the Near East, 1996 (&) ‘Weed management lance, 1908 (E) Pesticide residues in food 1965 ~ Rogor, 1997 (E) Cotton pests and their contral in the Near East, 1997 (E) Pesticide residues In food 1986 - Evaluations ~ Part & Reassves, 1997 (&) 2. THE LABORATORY 21 Faciuirn Three separate areas are needed. This is duc to the nature of the work itself. In fact, one devoted to the chemical preparation of the artificial culture media, a second is needed for ihe work to be carried out under sterile conditions and the third is that of the growth room, housing the sterile containers with the explants and plantlets growing under artificial light and at controlled temperatun area When designing the laboratory it is important to ensure that cach area conforms to certain basic requirements. A sterile environment is essential for the transfer chamber. Even the slightest contamination occurring during the transfer of the explants is responsible for heavy loss of material and enormous delay in plant production. On the other hand, total isolation of this sector is impossible without compromising the smooth functioning of the laboratory. This chamber should be aerated through dust-collecting air-filters and connecting hatches between the media preparation area and growth room would be advisable. 22 EQuipMeNt 2 -1 Water purification Water is one of the fundamental factors in tissue culture. Artificial media for growing in vitro culture require a very careful balance of nutrients, growth regulators and other components, Since the composition of the media can be altered by the impurities present in water, this must be as pure as possible. The lowest degree of purity acceptable is defined by a minimum resistivity of 200.000 chms/em. The following three methods are generally used to remove the chemicals naturally contained in water: distillation, dcionization and reverse osmosis. Distillation: Low cost, free standing, electric stainless steel still units are normally available, These small apparata produce 4-5 litres of distilled water per hour, sufficient for a small laboratory processing one hundred jars per day, This kind of still unit is particularly recommended, as it is casy to repair and carry out maintenance work, Glass distilling units serve the same purpose and provide better quality water, but there is a very high risk of breaking the glass ampoules used for boiling, - Deionization is a popular system used in those laboratories where local technicians provide assistance when mechanical problems appear. Water is passed through positive and negative ion exchange resins, where its salts are released. After the resins are exhausted (ali the ions are replaced by the salts) regeneration is essential and occurs through washing with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. Use of disposable cartridges facilitates the work, but there is a proportionate increase in the cost of production of distilled water. = Reverse osmosis is the diffusion of a fluid through a membrane into a higher concentrated solution. This system is rarely used to produce ready-to-use water; it is ly adopted as a pre-still or pre-deionizer. For standard micropropagation and in the presence of normal water it is not needed. 2.2.2 Scales Due to the wide range of weights involved, from a few milligrams to several grams, two types of scales are recommended: one analytical, with an accuracy of at least 0.1 milligrams, and one technical with a precision of 0.1 grams, There are several types of scales available on the market today. Care must be taken when buying the analytical scale as it will be used for the weighing of hormones and vitamins, 2. pH meters The explants grown in vitro generally have a high capacity of adaptation to small pH variations in the media; however, continuous changes negatively affect the growth and the success of rooting. It is therefore recommended that a good quality pH meter be provided, equipped with self-regulating electrodes, sensitive to room temperature; a spare set of electrodes should always be available 2.2.4 Hot plate stirrers A minimum of four units of medium size and power (500 W) is required. They are used for dissolving chemicals, for shaking (tossing) during sterilisation of the explants and for preparing the agarised media. This latter operation can also be carried out in a steel container with a top-mounted stirring moter, heated on a gas bumer. 2.2.5 Explant cleaning material, media dispenser and dishwasher Several laboratories use sophisticated equipment, such as vacuum pumps and ultrasonic cleaners, to control the sterilising procedures of the vegetative material. Although helpful they are not essential, since most of the contamination occurs on the extemal layer of the tissue and can be neutralised only through direct contact with the sterilising agents. The use of a stirrer and some tensioactive in the disinfectant solution is always recommended. The explants should remain in the solution for the length of time established through the experimental trials. Lt is rather doubtful that a method will be discovered for the successful removal of endogenous bacteria or fungi, The acquisition of an automatic media dispenser depends upon the size of the laboratory and on how many tubes and containers must be filled. It is not considered economically feasible for less than a thousand containers per day. A dishwasher is recommended. Dishwashers specifically for laboratory use are very expensive and can be replaced by home dishwashers, bearing in mind that the last rinse cycle must utilise distilled water, 2.2.6. Sterilising equipment Sterilisation of the tools and the media is one of the most delicate phases in the micropropagation laboratory. The size of the autoclave must be well proportioned to the amount of work to be done. A medium size autoclave has a cylindrical sterilising chamber with a diameter of 50cm and a depth of 70cm; this size allows to load 60-65 half-litre jars. With a single-wall autoclave (where steam is produced in the sterilising chamber) the duration of a cyele is about 85-100 minutes; when using a double-wall type (steam is produced in a separate pressure chamber from which it flows at the desired pressure, ready to use at any time) the cycle lasts 40-45 minutes. It is essential to use good quality autoclaves, since bad sterilisation compromises the work done during months of activity. If the laboratory is located far from the repair and maintenance centres, the use of simple operating equipment is recommended, as routine maintenance can be directly taken care of by the laboratory technicians. 2.2.7 Refrigerators ‘Two or three houschold refrigerators are useful to store perishable chemicals and stock solutions. A deep freezer is also needed to store special products or to keep them for a longer length of time. It is sometimes helpful to also have large or walk-in refrigerators to store the cultures or plantlets when they are ready for transfer to the greenhouses or nurseries. 2.2.8 Microscopes Dissecting and compound microscopes are tools to be routinely kept in the micropropagation laboratory. The dissecting microscope is required for obtaining meristem starls and for ex tion of the growing explants during the first phases of growth. The compound microscope is not really essential, but it is useful when more accurate investigation is necessary, for example the identification of contamination or the cxamination of adventitious regeneration, 2.2.9 Transfer chamber This is the site where the laminar flow cabinet is located. It must be a clean area, preferably with washable walls and floors. Openings to the exterior should be carefully sealed when the cabinets are working, in order to reduce the dust accumulation in the pre-filters, which must be frequently replaced to prolong the life and efficiency of the HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters. These ensure sterility by retaining particles as small as 0.3 micron, the size of one of the smallest known microbes. The laminar flow hood is also an important item of equipment. Although a different procedure, such as the use of still air boxes, could be adopted when creating a sterile work environment, the provision of one good quality sterile laminar flow hood is highly recommended. Its functioning is very simple: the air is forced to pass through special filters and to flow towards the operator, thus leaving the interior of the cabin free of particles, A double- seated model is recommended to enable the operator to place in the cabin a large number of containers with the explants to be transferred. 2.2.10 Growing room ‘This is a section of the micropropagation laboratory where the explants and plantlets growing in the test tubes are kept under artificial light, at an appropriate temperature and photoperiod The intensity and the quality of light and temperature control are critical factors. Fluorescent cool industrial white lights are generally required and considered sufficient; the light intensity at explant level should be around 2 500-3 000 lux. A good conditioning unit is needed 10 keep the temperature at 23°-26°C; the light ballast should be mounted externally so as to reduce the heat sources in the room, w! mited air circulation maintains the temperature al a constunt level. Accurate cleaning must be ensured: through removal of dust and cleansing of Moors and surfaces with sterilising solutions. In this respect, in order to avoid the creation of stant contaminants, it is highly recommended that different sterilising solutions be used, alternating them as often as possible. 23 SUPPLIES. The following list is an example of supplies needed 1 establish a {about 50 000-100 000 plants per year). nall laboratory Table 1 LIST OF SUPPLIES Trem Size/Capacity ‘Quantity Alcohol eth. 70° 500 ml 3 Alluminum fe sm 5 Beaker 160 ml 10 Beaker 250ml 10 Beaker 300 ml 5 Beaker 1.000 ml 5 Canning jars 500ml 500 Cotton hydrorepellent 500 ¢ 10 Cotton wool 500 g 25 Culture tubes 25 mm diam. 1.000 Caps for culture tubes 1.000 Detergent (household) 1 Mitre 10 Petri dishes 15cm diam, 100 Sodium hypo (bleach) ‘litre 10 Erlenmeyer flask 1 000 mi 10 Erlenmeyer flask 2.000 mi 10 Filter paper 40 x Oem kg Forceps (stainless) 20cm s Forceps em 5 Forceps (fine tips) Wem 5 Graduated cylinders 350ml 3 Graduated cylinders 100 ml 10 Graduated cylinders 250ml 10 Graduated eylinders 500 ml 3 Graduated eylinders 1000 ml 3 Knife holdes 18m 10 Blades for knife holders 1000 Marking pens 20 I ml 20 2ml 20 smi 20 1oml 20 20ml 20 Spatulas (di 10 ‘Test tube racks (48 holes) for 25 mm. Thermometer 50°C 3 mer (household) 4 Rinsing bottles 250m! 5 Rinsing boitles 500 ml 10 Note: Most of the above items are made ef Pyrex glass, Whenever possible, purchase of the disposable versions of the same is recommended, as they are cheaper. 3. PREPARATION OF MEDIA 3.1 THE STOCK AND MOTHER SOLUTION Since the amount of chemicals required for the preparation of the solution is often very small and, consequently, weighing is difficult and inaccurate, it is advisable to proceed with the preparation of a stock and mother solution, Stock solutions are those in which one element only is dissolved at a high concentration, generally, for macro-elements it is 50 g per litre and for microelements from 0.1 to 1 g per litre. Macro, micro, hormones and vitamin mother solutions are those that contain all the chemical components of the formula with a concentration 10-20 times higher than that of the final solution. To prepare these mother solutions, proportional volumes from each stock solution must be mixed and adjusted to the right volume. The following is an example for the preparation of a mother solution of macro salts using the Murashige and Skoog formula. Table 2, MOTHER SOLUTION OF MACRO SALTS USING THE MURASHIGE AND SKOOG FORMULA Chemical Stock cons, Quantitytobe Quantity to be Final taken for mother taken from mother cone. wh (my (ml) (mgt KNOg 50 380 1900 NH4NO3 30 330 1650 CaCly.2H320 sO BB 440 MgS03.7H20- 50 74 370 KHQPOg 30 es 170 Distilled H2O 4 Total x 10 mother solution 1000 100 Distilled H90- 300 Total x 1 final solution 1000 It is not necessary to store the macro and micro solution at fridge temperature, although the following is recommended: freezing the stock solution of vitamins and hormones, keeping theit mother solutions refrigerated and replacing these with freshly prepared ones every 15 days. Below are a few recommendations to be followed when preparing the chemicals: 1) When mixing the products, follow the order given; this oflen avoids precipitation of compounds, 2) Gently warm the compounds whose reaction is endothermic and vice versa. 3) Prepare the x 200 mother solution of iron chelates as follows: — dissolve g 5.56 FeSO,.7H,O in 300 ml distilled H,O; - dissolve g 7.44 Na,EDTA in 300 ml distilled H, - mix both and heat to boiling point; — coo! overnight at room temperature; - using distilled water, adjust volume to 1 000 ml distilled water. 4 5) 6) A reasonable mother concentration for vitamins and hormone is 0.1 mg per ml. Vitamins are generally water soluble. Citokinins should first be dissolved in a few nil of 0.1 N HCI (occasionally a little heating is needed), then adjusted to the desired volume; at times it is useful to adjust the pH of the mother solution to a value of around 7 in order to avoid a rapid degradation of the hormene. Auxin's sall is water soluble, Pure crystalline auxins are dissolved in small amounts of 99% ethanol; the vatume is then adjusted. If precipitation should occur, more alcohol is lo be added or, alternatively, the solution gently heated. The latter method should be adopted when a solution with high concentration is stored at fridge temperature. Boric a better dissolved through gentle heating. Solutions 0.1 and | N of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid should always be ready for use for pH adjustment. Broad adjustments are made using | N solutions and refinement with 0.1 N. ‘Three compounds are added to the media in powder form: sugars (saccharose, glucose, fructose, others); gelling agent (agar-agar, gelrite, other agar substitutes), and charcoal (only when specifically required by the formula). It is recommended that these products be added after the pH adjustment of the media and before starting (o boil the solution, STEPS FOR MEDIA PREPARATION prepare the stock solutions; - prepare the mother solutions; prepare and mix the compounds of the chosen medium; adjust the pH to the desired value (ranges between $.2 and 6.0); - add sugar gelling agents and, eventually, charcoal; heat, while stirring, to sub-boiling point (at this temperature the agar is dissolved and the solution is almost clear); place in the containers (test tubes, jars or other containers resistant to 140°- 150°C); wrap these containers in paper (keep them in an upright pasition!), - sterilise in autoclave at 1 atmosphere pressure (corresponding to 121°C approx.}; eject the steam very slowly (to avoid rapid boiling of med rapidly cool the containers, and store the containers in the fridge in the dark. 4. ESTABLISH! NT OF ASEPTIC CULTURES As the vegetative cells have the ability to reproduce new plants, any pant of the plant can be collected as an initial explant from which new individuals will originate. However, in the micropropagation protocols, it is always desirable to start with pre-formed shoots or meristematic apexes. The reason for this is that when plants are originated through adventitious processes, the development of plants which are not tnie-to-type is likely to result, This is something to be absolutely avoided when cloning. 41 The apexes of dormant and lateral buds which are 2-3 em long must be surface-sterilised before commencing culture, It is highly recommended to collect this material from actively growing and healthy plants, since it would be almost impossible to successfully sterilise endogenously contaminated material, Although there are many sterilising agents, the most commonly used are: alcohol 70%, calcium or sodium hypochlorite at 1% free chlorine, sodium mertiolate 0.5 % (mercuric salt). Technicians should rely on their own experience, bearing in mind that the tissues to be cultivated must not be damaged. The ideal material should have the inner meristematic apex absolutely pathogen free, and the sterilisation of the most extemal parts only should be required. The latter segments are removed with sterile tools (forceps, razor, ete.). Tensioactive compounds are recommended to allow the active principles to penetrate the tiniest niche. The usc of antibiotics is not recommended unless under very particular circumstances (other buds not available, very rare and valuable genotypes, ete.), since there is a high risk of generating antibiotic-resistant bacteria, 4.20 EXPLANTING AME TEMATIC APEX Although it is recommended that micropropagation be initiated with a meristem, as this is generally pathogen free, many species have difficulty in resuming cell division and organ formation when this part of the bud is cultivated without the first two-three leaf primordia. Therefore a meristematic apex, consisting of meristem and some primordia, is a reasonable compromise when establishing first cultures. The size of this organ varies according to species; it generally ranges between 0.1 and 0.5 mm, although in some monocots it can reach 2 mm. For this reason a good quality binocular stereomicroscope, having a good field depth, is needed during the preparation, which essentially consists of removing, under sterile conditions, all the leaves around the apex. During this operation, it is important that the tissues do not dehydrate as a result of the long exposure to the air flow of the laminar flow cabinet. 4.3) ROLE OF HORMONES IN MICROPROPAGATION Skoog and Miller were the first authors who demonstrated the importance in the balance of the exogenous auxin/cytokinin when addressing in vitro organogenesis. The general effects of this balance are shown in Figure L: AUXIN CITOKININ Thizogenesis on microcuttings embryogenesis rhizogenesis on callus callogenesis adventitious budding fttttt trrred axillary budding Fig. 1. CONTROLLING ORGANOGENESIS ACCORDING TO HORMONE BALANCE (from Zyrd, 1988) However, there are some cases for which the response differs from that expected: - Some species require a quantity of auxin added to the cytokinin in order ta obtain axillary bud proliferation - _ Inmonocot species auxins induce strong callus proliferation. - In monocot species organogenesis is favoured by a strong limitation of auxin afler a period of cultivation under auxin control. When employing exogenous hormones it must be borne in mind that they can have two different effects: direct modification of the cell mechanism, or influence on the balance of endogenous growing subslances, More exhaustive information on the action and specific role of growing substances used in micropropagation can be found in Zyrd (1988) and George and Sherringhtan (1990). 9 5. MASS PROLIFERATION This covers all those procedures which allow the multiplication of axillary buds under the control of a specific hormone balance. This phase in the micropropagation process must be considered as a true biotechnological step, since only under specific conditions, which are not found in nature, do the shoots multiply without root differentiation. This "shoot-to-shoot" process has been available since the discovery of cytokinin, cytokinin-like compounds and their industrial production through artificial synthesis. Mass proliferation (or multiplication) is based on the fact that after a few weeks the explants, developed on artificial media, cease their growth on the exhaustion of the chemicals contained in the media. At this point they are very similar to miniature tufts with many lateral shoots issuing from the base of the old explants. They are divided under the sterile laminar flow with the aid of sealpels and transferred (0 freshly prepared media where they resume the eycle, growth and proliferation of lateral buds and branches. ‘The process is theoretically endless, but it is good practice to re-initiate the culture from normal field plants after some months of in vitro culture. This caution must be taken in order to avoid the risk of modification in the phenotype which aften occurs when the explants are aled for a long time. Although there are some experimental indications, the duration of period is very variable and is in relation to the genetic background of the material that is being utilised, this When single cuttings have developed a good, well-connected to the stem, and functional stem, the é” vitro phase is completed. The plants should now be transplanted for normal ation, Some morphological and physiological features make this propagating material very delicate and atypical. When a cross-section of the leaves is examined under a light microscope, the first observation is that the palisade tissue is largely vacuolated and the cells contain less chlorophyll than the leaves of normal seedlings. The epidermis is poorly protected by cuticula, and stomata are frequent and open. root The above condition ean lead the plants to a rapid death by dehydration. Humidity must be very gradually reduced after the explants are placed in the greenhouses. Transparent plas coverings generally tend to maintain high humidity levels and satisfactory lighting, thereby inducing chlorophyll photosynthesis to resume the normal process which was reduced i vitro due to the presence of carbon sources, such as sugars. 10 6. HARDENING Even though rooting is perfect, roots lack the capillary absorbent system; because of this, water and nutrient transport 10 the plant is further delayed. Therefore, during the first days, care must be placed in the quality of the substrates; starting from a mixture of peat- mosssand/perlite 1:1:1 in volume and a pH of 6 Because of the weakness of the plant material, care must be taken in protecting the plants from soil and air-bome diseases. The major risks derive from those organisms which are responsible for stem and. root rot, Unfortunately, they belong to different families and different strategies must be adopted in prevention and curing. Most of the rot symptoms are due to Phytophthora spp., Prihium spp., Rhizoctonia spp. and Fusarium spp. Before planting, it is always advisable to treat the soil with steam and appropriate chemicals. It is recommended that the humidity be gradually reduced after 15-18 days. Large shaded grecnhouses are equipped with tunnels or tents on benches, These enclosures are variously equipped with mist, bottom heat, exhaust fans, cooling pads or lighting with appropriate timing and sensing devices. A fog system is an ideal way of maintaining high humidity without over-saturating the plants, but the high cost and expensive maintenance of system do not recommend it for adoption in those areas where assistance is poor. On the job (left to right, top to bottom) Plate 7 Plate 8 Plate 9 Plate 10 Plate 11 Plate 12 (CROSS SECTION OF MERISTEM APEX (X 25) FIRST ASEPTIC ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION AND TRANSFER OF EXPLANTS IN THE STERILE LAMINAR FLOW CABIN GROWTH ROOM, SHELVES AND LIGHTING HARDENING; HUMIDITY MAINTAINED WITH THIN PLASTIC FILM ROOTED EXPLANT AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF HARDENING At the market (top to bottom) Plate 13. FLOWER PREPARATION AT BARBADOS FARM Plate 14 PACKAGE FOR SHIPPING TO EXPORT MARKETS Equipment (Icft to right, top to bottom) Plate 15, Plate 16 7 Plate 18 GROUP OF AUTOCLAVE (front), DEMINERALIZER (rear left), GLASS DISTILLING (rear right) RESEARCH MICROSCOPE GROUP OF LANINAR FLOW (right), INCUBATOR AND CHEMICAL HOOD. MICROSCOPE STEREOSCOPE PLa! Bot name Acalypher wilkesiana Aechmea fasciata Agapanthus unbeltatus Aloe barbadiensis Alpinia pupurata Anthveriam x cultoran atsclepias curassavica Bauhinia variegata Bougainvillea glabra Caesalpinia pulcherrima Calotropis gigantew Cassia didymahorrya Catharantus roseus Codiaeum variegatum Cordyline fruticosa Costus specioustes Euphorbia filgens Euphorbia pulcherrima Gloriosa superba Gi Heliconia psittacornm ania linguate Jatropha panduraefolia Liaaris spicata Momordica cherantia Mussaenda ervtrophylia Neoregelia carolinae Passijlora cerulea Plumbago indica Strelitzia reginae Thevetie peruviana 7. CASE HISTORIES Common name Copperleat Aechmea Agapanthas Aloe Red ginger Anthurium hybrids Blood flower Bahunina Bougainvillea Barbados pride Calotropis Candle bush Madagascar periwinkle Croton Good-luck plamt Cape ginger Scarlet plume Poinsettia Glory lily Guzmani Parrot's plantain Peregrina Blazing star Balsam pear Red flag bush Neorey Blue passion-flower Piumbago Bird of paradise flower Yellow oleander Family Fuphorbiaceae Bromeliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Zingiberaceae Araceae Asclepiadaceae Caesalpiniacene Nyctaginaceac Caesalpiniaceae Aselepiadaceae Caesalpiniaceae Apocynaceae Euphorbiaceae Liliaceae Zingiberaceae Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiaceae Liliaceae Bromeliaceae Musaceae Euphorbiacese Compositae Cucurbitaceac Ru jaceae Bromeliaceae Passifloraceae Plumbaginaceac Musaceae Apocynaceae Botanical name: Acalypha wilkesiana Muell. Arg. Macrophylla’ Common name Copperleat "TECHNIQUES: Bud branching from stem node segments (Stoltz, 1979) MS medium sucrose 20 g 1" BAP 0.2 mg!" pHS8 agar 6 g I" Rooted plantlets from shoots (Stoltz, 1979) Macronutrients: White (1984) Micronutrients: Stoltz (1979) sucrose 20 g I! pH 58 agar 6 gt" REFERENCES: Stoltz, L.P. (1979) "In vitro propagation of Acalypha witkesiana (Copperleal)". in. HortScience no. 14, p 702-703, 16 Botanical name: Aechinea fasciata (Lindl.) Baker Common name: Aechmea "TECHNIQUES: Adventitious bud induction and shoot proliferation from lateral buds (Hosoki and Asahira, 1980) Macronutrients, amino acids and amides: MS Micronutrients: Ringe and Nitsch (1968) Vitamins: Nitsch and Nitsch (1965) sucrose 20-2 I" NAA 1g!" BAP 1 mg I! agar 7 gl" (only in shoot proliferation} Rooted plantlets from shoots (Hosoki and Asalrira, 1980) Macronutricats, amino acids and amides: MS Micronutrients: Ringe and Nitsch (1968) Vitamins: Nitsch and Nitsch (1965) sucrose 20g 1" NAA 0.1 mg! agar 7g I" REFERENCES: Hosoki, T, and T. ihira (1980) “Jn vitro propagation of Bromeliads in liquid culture" in HortSeience 00. 15, p 603-604, ‘Other references: Jones, J.B. and T. Murashige (1974) "Tissue culture propagation of Aechmea fusciaia Baker and other bromeliads" in Comb. Proc. Int. Plant Prop. Soc. no. 24, p 117-126. Zimmer, K. and W. Pieper (1976) "Methods and problems of clonal propagation of bromeliads in vitro” in Acta Horiicotturae no. 64, p 25-29. Ziv, M., T. Youev and O. Krebs (1986) "Effects of paclobutrazol and chlormequat on growth pattem and shoot proliferation of normal and variant Aechmea fasetata Baker plants regenerated ini vitro” in Israel Journal of Botany 35, nos 3-4, p 175-182. Botanical name: Agapanthus umbellatus UHeér. ‘Common name: Agapanthus T INIQU Shoot proliferation and rooted plantlet from apical shoot (Apollonio et al., 1989) - Smatl callus and unique shoot (rooted shoot on the same medium) MS medium sucrose 35 g I IAA (or NAA) 1-5 mg I" KIN I mg!" pHs agar 10g t* - Large callus and multiple shoots MS medium sucrose 35 g 1" IAA (or NAA) 1-5 mgT! BAP 10 mg’ pH 58 agar 10g 1" (shoots produced will reot on ihe following medium) MS medium sucrose 35 g I" IBA 10mg" pHs.s agar 10g 1" REFERENCE Apollonio, G., F. Scaramuzzi and 8, D'Emerico (1989) “Ju vitro propagation of Agupanihus umbellatus Her. (= A. africanus Hoflim.) by culture and repeated subculture of different types of explants" ("Propagation in vitra d'Agapanthus umbellarus L'Her. [= A. africanus Hofim.] par culture et repiquages répétés de divers types d'explants") Comptes Rendts des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales 183, no. 3, p 193-202. Other references: Malho, R. and M.S.S. Pais (1992) "Kinetics and hydrodynamics of Agapanthus umbellatus pollen-tube growth: a structural and stereological study" in Sexual Plant Reproduction 5, no. 3, p 163-168. Robbertse, Pu, JU, Lock, E. Stoffberg and L.A, Coetzer (1990) "Effect of boron on directionality of pollen tube growth in Petunia and Agapanshus" in South African Journal of Botany 56, n0. 4, p 487-492. Botanical name: Aloe barbadiensis Mill. (syn. Aloe vera L.) Common name: Aloe TECHNIQUES: Micropropagation fram vegetative meristems (Natali ef al., 1990) MS mineral salts and vitamin sucrose 30 g I" 2.4-D 1.TM KIN23 TM pHS7 agar 7 g I {after 60 days shoots will be propagated on the following medium) MS mineral salts and vitamin sucrose 30 g I! 2,4-D 0.11 TM BA2.2T pH 5.7 agar 7 1" Bud growth and rooting of shoots (Meyer and van Staden, 1991) MS salts and vitamin sucrose 30 g I" IBA 5. TM. pH 5.7 gelrite 2g 1" Induction, growth and maintenance of callus tissues from young axillary shoot segment (Roy and Sarkar, 1991} MS medium PvP 1g!” 2,4-D Img t' KIN 0.2 mgt pH $.6-58 p-aminobenzoic acid 0.1 mg" agar 20 Shoot differentiation from callus (Roy and Sarkar, 1991) MS medium 2,4-D 0.02 mg I? KIN l mgt! pHs.6-5.8 agar REFERENCES: Meyer, HJ. and J. van Staden (1991) "Rapid in vitro propagation of Aloe barbadiensis Mill." in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture no. 26, p 167-171 Natali L., 1.C. Sanchez and A, Cavallini (1990) “In vitro culture of Aloe barbadiensis Mill.: micropropagation from vegetative meristems" in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, no. 20, p 71-74. Roy $.C. and A. Sarkar (1991) "fa vitro regeneration and micropropagation of Aloe vera L." in Se. Horticolturae, no, 47, p 107-113. 2 Botanical name: Alpinia purpurata (Nicill.) Schumann Common name: Red ginger TECHNIQUES: Micropropagation of bulbils ari in the inflorescens (Dekkers et af. 1991) MS medium BA 441M pHS.? agar 7g" One year in vitro storage of bulbils arising in the inflorescens (Dekkers e# al., 1991) MS medium: BA441TM pHS7 agar7 gt"! liquid paraffin overlay (diluted autoclaved liquid paraffin, colourless light, viscosity < 30 centistokes, density 0.83-0.86 g m!', GPR product 29436, BDH Ltd., Poole, UK) 12h cool daylight fluorescent lighting at 10 TE m* sat 28 41°C. 12 h darkness at 25 41°C REFERENCES: Dekkers, A.J, A. N, Rao and C.J. Goh 1991 “ia vitro storage of multiple shoot cultures of gingers at ambient temperatures of 24°- 29°C" in Sciemtia Horticulturae no. 47, p 157-167. Botanical nan Anthurium x cultorum Binisey (syn, A. andreanum hort. non Linden) Common name: Anthurium hybrids TECHNIQL Shoot growth from vegetative buds (Kunisaki, 1980) (liquid medium) Micro and macronutrients: MS Vitamins: Kunisaki (1975) sucrose 20 g [* coconut milk 150 gf! pH ss Multiple shoots {rom 2-node stem sections (Kunisaki, 1980) Miero and macronutrients: MS Vitamins: Kunisaki (1975) sucrose 20 x1! agar $ g1" Rooted plantlets from shoots (Pietik ef al. 1974) MS medium (macronutrients half strength) sucrose 30 I" pH s.8 agar 7g Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration (Kuehne et a., 1992) - Embryogenic calli initiation from whole leaf blade explants MS medium (half strength) sucrose 20 ¢ I? glucose 10 9 1 24-D 1-4 mg |” KIN 0.33-1.00 mg I pHS.8 gelite L8gh! - Somatic embryos from embryogenic calli MS medium sucrose 20 g I" BA0.2 mg!" pH58 gelrite 18g! 16 h photoperiod 54 TE m?s" at 25°C REFERENCES: Kuehnle, A., F.C. Chen and N. Sugii (1992) "Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Anthurium andraeanum hybrids" in Plant Cell Reports no. 11, p 438-442 Kunisaki, 1.7. (1980) "fn vitro propagation of Anil andreanum Lind. in HortScience no. 15, p 508-509. Picrik, R.L.M., H.H.M. Stecgmans and J.A.J. Van det Mcys (1974) "Plantlet formation in callus tissues of Anthurium andreanum Lind." in Sefentia Horticolturae no. 2, p 193-198. Other references: Finnie, J.F. and J. Staden (1986) "Iv vitro culture of Anthurium andreanum" in South African Journal of Botany $2, no. 4, p 343-346. Foja Singh (1991) "Micropropagation and plant conformity in Anthuritn andreanum” in Proceedings of the Intemational Seminar on New Frontiers in Horticulture, organized by Indo-American Hybrid Seeds, Bangalore, India, 25-28 Nov. 1990 (edited by J. Prakash and R.L.M, Pierik), Kluwer Academic Publishers (1991) in Current plant science and biotechnology in agriculture 12, p 201-204, Kuehnle, A.R. and N, Sugii (1991) "Callus induction and plantlet regeneration in tissue cultures of Hawaiian anthuriums" in HortScience 26, no. 7, p 919-921 Kuehnle, A.R. and G.L. Nan (1991) “Isolation and culture of protoplasts from twe tropical monocots, Anthrrin and Dendrobium orchid" (Abstract). Eighth intemational protoplast symposium in Physiologia Plantarum 82, no, 1, p. A7. Kuehinle A., F.C, Chen and N. Sugii (1992) "Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Anthurium andraeanum hybrids" in Plant Cell Reports 11, no. 9, p 438-442. Lightboum G.J. and P.W.D, Prasad (1990) "da viero techniques for rapid multiplication of four varieties of Anthwriwn andracanwm in Jamaica". XXXVI Annual meeting, Kingston, Jamaica, 27 April-3 May 1990 in Jamaica Proceedings af the Interamerican Society jor Tropical Horticulnere no. 34, p 3-5. Soczek U. and M. Hempel (1989) “Effect of cytokinins on growth and development of Anthurium x cultorum Birdsey shoot explants in vitro". Third symposium on growth regulators in ornamental horticulture, Skierniewice, Poland, 10-15 Sept. L988 in Acta Horticulturae no. 251, p 249-254. Botanical name: Aselepias curassavica L. Common name: Blood flower TECHINIQUES: Callus induction trom twining stem segment (Prabhudesai and N'swami, 1974) Macronutrients: MS Micronutrients: Halperin (1966) sucrose 20g |" 2,4-D 2 mg I" coconut milk 10 % agar REFERENCES: Prabhundesai, V. and S. Narayanaswamy (1974) "Organogenesis in tissue cultures of certain aselepiads” in 2. Pflanzenphysiology no. 71, p 181-188. ‘Other references: Dasgupta, M., T.K. Pramanik and S.K. Datta (1987) "Mass propagation and genetic variability of twa cardenolide plants én vitro" in Acta Horticulturae no. 208, p 263-271. Pramanik, T.K., $.K. Datta (1986) "Plant regeneration and ploidy variation in culture derived plants of Asclepias curassavica L." in Plant Cell Reports 5, no. 3, p 219-222, Botanical name: Bauhinia variegata L. Common name: Bauhinia TecHAIQU Shoot proliferation from nodal explants (Mathur and Makunthakumar, 1992) MS medium sucrose 30 g 1? myo-inositol 100 mg 1" BA 13.3 TM pHSS agar 7 g I" Rooted plantlets from 3-4 nodes shoots (Mathur and Makunthakumar, 1992) MS medium suerose 30-4 1" myo-inositol 100 mg I IBA 49 TM pHS.S agar 7 1! REFERENCES! Mathur, J. and S. Makunthakumar (1992) "Micropropagation of Bauhinia variegata and Parkinsonia aculeata from nodal explants of mature trees” in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture wo, 28, p 119-121 Botanical name: Bougainvillea glabra Magnifica’ Common name: Bougainville T NIQUES: Culture initiation from shoot tips (Chaturvedi et al., 1978) Macronutrients, vitamins, amino acids and amides: Chaturvedi et al. (1978) Micronutrients: MS sucrose 30.1" TAA Lmg I! BAP O.2 mg!" pHS.8 agar7 gl" Shoot multiplication (Sharma et a/., 1981) Macronutrients, vitamins, amino acids and amides: Chaturvedi et al. (1978) Micronutrients: MS. sucrose 30 gl" IAA LS mg!" BAP OS mgt! pHs.8 agar 7 g I" Rooted plantlets from shoots (Sharma er al., 1981) Macronutrients, amino acids and amides: Chaturvedi et af. (1978) Micronutrients: MS Vitamins: Sharma A.K. ef al. (1981) sucrose 30 g1' IBA 0.1 mgt" 24,5-T 0.1 mg! pHs agar 7g!" REFRRENCES: Chaturvedi, H.C., A.K. Sharma and R.N. Prasad (1978) "Shoot apex culture of Bouganvillea glabra 'Magnifiea™ in HertScience no. 13, p 36 Sharma, A.K., R.N, Prasad and H.C, Chaturvedi (1981) "Clonal propagation of Fouganviliea glabra 'Magnifica' through shoot apex culture" in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture no. 1, p 33-38, 27 Botanical name: Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw. ‘Common name: Barbados pride, Dwarf Poinciana Techniques: Micropropagation through nodal buds (Rahman et al, 1993) + Shoots proliferation from nodal buds. MS medium BA4.5 TM (or KIN 4.5 TM) NAA SSM pl 5.8 Difco Bacto-agar 6 g I! grown at: 25 = 2°C; humidity $5-60%; 16h photoperiod (50-70 Tmol m” s* provided by warm white fluorescent tubes) - Adventitious root induction MS medium (half strength) IAA5.5TM pHS.8 Difeo Bacto-agar 6 g 1" REFERENCES: Rahman, S.M., M: Hossain, B.K. Biswas, 0.1. Joarder and R. Islam (1993) "Micropropagation of Caesalpinia putcherrima through nodal bud culture of mature tree” in Plant Cet Tissue and Organ Culture 32, no. 3, p 363-365. Botanical name: Calotropis gigantea (Linn.) R. Br. Common name: Calotropis TECHNIQUES: Callus induction from immature embryos, shoot bud formation, growth and rooted plants (Rey and De, 1990) - Callus induction from immature embryos (1.0-1.5 mm long embryos) medium (MS salts modified as follows: NH,NO, 2000 mg I" KNO, 2 400 mg I CaCl, 600 mg [') sucrose 30 g 1! thiamine-HCI 4 mg]! myo-inositol 300 mg T" 24-D1 mgt! pH S.7 agar 8 g I" - Shoot bud formation and growth from callus Basal medium (see callus induction) sucrose 30 g 1" thiamine-HCl 4 mg I" atyo-inositol 300 mg |" NAA 01 mel” BAP 20mg" pHs.7 agar 8 gI" - Rooted plantlets from shoots Basal medium half strength (sce callus induction) sucrose 30 g I" aiyo-inositol IBA 0.1 mg I" pH 8.7 agar 8 g1" » REFERENCES: Roy, A.T. and D.N. De (1990) "Tissue culture and plant regeneration from immature embryo explant of Calotropsis gigantea (Linn,) R. Br." In Plant Ceil, Tissue and Organ Culture no. 20, p 229-233, 30 Botanical name: Cassia didymobotrya Fresen Common name: Candle bush TECHNIQUES: Cell suspension cultures from seedling-derived callus (Botta er a/., 1989) - Seed germination MS basal sucrose 30g medium + Callus induction from explants of hypocotyl and stem (3-7 day-old seedlings}; suspension culture initiation and maintenance MS basal salt medium sucrose 30 gL" 24-D Img!" KIN 0.1 mg I" pH $$ agar gT" (only in-callus induction) (cell suspension was subcultured every 3 weeks} REFERENCES: Botta, B., G. Dall Olio, F. Ferrari, B. Monacelli, G. Pasqua, R. Seurria and G. Delle Monache (1989) "Cell suspension cultures af Cassia didvmobotria: optimization of growth and secondary metabolite production by application of the orthogonal design method" in J. Plant Phystol. no. 135, p 290-294. Other references: Bajaj. Y.P.S, (1993) "Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry 21" in Medicinal and aromatic planes W A-13?, Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, p xxi + 443 pp. Monache, G. delle, M.C. de Rosa, R. Scurria, B. Monacelli, G, Pasqua, G. Dall'Olio and B. Botta (1991) “Metabolites from ia vitro cultures of Cassia didymobatna" in Phytochemistry 30, no. 6, p 1849-1854. Shah, R.R., K.V. Subbaiah and A.R. Mehta (1978) "Carbohydrate influence on polyphenol accumulation in Cassie and Datura tissues cultured in vitro" in Biol. PI. No. 1, p 5-13 Botanical name: Catharantus roseus (L.)G. Don Common name: Madagascar Periwinkle ‘TECHNIQUES: Callus growth from stem or pod (Ramawat er al., 1978) MS medium sucrose 30 g {' KIN 0.25-I mg!" NAA 0.25-5 mg I" agar Well-developed shoots from callus (Ramawat et al., 1978) MS medium sucrose 30 ¢ I" KIN2.5 mg!" + NAA 0.08 pH ss agar REFERENCES: Ramawat, K.G., R. Raj Bhansali and H.C. Harya (1978) "Shoot formation in Catharanthus roseus L., Don callus eultures" in Currend Science no. 47, p 93-94, Other references: Berglund, T., A.B. Ghlsson and J. Rydstrom J. (1993) "Nicotinamide increases glutathione and anthocyanin in tissue culture of Catharanthus roseus" in Journal of Plant Physiology 141, Vol. 5, p 596-600, Constabel, F., H. Koblitz, JW. Kirkpatrik and $. Rambold (1980) "Fusion of cell sap vacuoles subsequent te protoplast fusion" in Can. J. Bof. no. 58, p 1032-1034. Constabel, F., S. Rambold, K.B. Chatson, W.GM. Kurz and J.P. Kutney (1982) “Alkaloid production in Casharanshus raseus (L.) G. Don, VI. Variation in alkaloid spectra of cell lines derived from one single leat" in Plant Cell Report no. 1,p 3-5. Hegarty, P-K., NJ. Smart, AH. Scragg and M.W. Fowler (1986) "The acration of Catharanthus roseus L.G.D. on suspension cultures in airlift bioreactor: the inhibitory ¢ffect at high aeration tates on culture growth" in. Exp. Bot. no. 37, p 1911-1920. Morris, P. and M.W. Fowler (1981) "A new method for the production of fine plant cell suspension cultures" in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture no. 1, p 15-24. Renaudin, J.P. (1981) “"Taberanthine by cell suspension cultures of Casharanthus roseus L.G.Don and Acer pseudoplatanus L." in Plant Science Letter no. 22, p 59-70. Stafford, A.. L. Smith and M.W. Foler (1985) "Regulation of product synthesis in cell culture of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G, Don, Growth related indole alkaloid accumulation in batch cultures" in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture no. 4, p 83-94. Botanical name: Codiaeum variegatum L. Common name Croton TECHNIQUES Embryogenetic callus from isolated embryos (Chikkannaiah e# ai, 1976) Macro, micronutrients and vitamins: Ranga Swamy (1961) Aminoacids and amides: John and Bajaj (1962) sucrose 20 x |" 24-D Img!" coconutmilk 10% pHS.8 agar 81" REFERENCES: Chikkannaiah, P.S., K. Nataraja and M.C. Gayatri (1976) “Response of seeds and isolated embryos of Costiaewm varéegatam in vitro" in Current Science no. 45, p 196-197, Other references: Chikkannaiah, P.S. and M.C. Gayatri (1974) “Organogenesis in endosperm tissue cultures of Codiaeum vartegatum Blume" in Current Sefence no. 43, p 23-24. Botanical name: Cordyline fruticosa (L. ) A. Chev. (syn. C. terminalis L. Kunth) Common name: Good-luck plant, Tree-of-Kings TECHNIQUES: Shoots production from axillary buds (Welander, 1988) MS medium sucrose 30 g I" NAA O7 mg!" BA OS mg!” agar 6 gt" Shoots micropropagation (Pack ev al,, 1985) MS medium TAA 10 mgT' KIN 30mg I" adenine sulphate 100 mg I” PO, H,O 150 mgt! agar light intensity 500-1500 lux Y., M.O. Oh and JK. Choi (1985) "Mass propagation of Cordyline and Seindupsus in vitro” in Journal of the Korean Society for Horticultural Science 26, no. 1, p 83-92. (In Korean; summary in English.) Welander, T, (1988) "Micropropagation of Cordyline terminalis ev. Atoom - » European cooperation project” in Sveriges Lanthruksuniversitet no, 54, p 13. Other references: Evaldsson, LE. and N.Y, Welander (1985) "The effects of medium composition on in vitro proj tion and in vive growth of Cordyline terminalis cv, Atoom" in Journal of Horticultural Science, 60, no. 4, p 525-530. Kunisaki, JT. (1975) "In vitro propagation of Cordiline terminatis L. Kunth" in HortSeience no. 10, p 601-602. Mee, G.W.P. (1978) “Propagation of Cordyiine terminalis from callus culture" in HortSeience no, 13, p 660, Maene, L.J. and P.C, Debergh (1987) *Optimalisation of the transfer of tissue cultured shoots to in vive conditions” in Acta Horticultrae no. 212, Vol. 1, p 335-348. Miller, L.R. and T, Murashige (1976) "Tissue culture propagation of tropical foliage plants" in In vitro no. 12, p 797-813. 36 Botanical name: Costus speciosus (Koenig) Smith Common name: Crape ginger TECHNIQUES: Shoots proliferation from rhizome shoot tips (Chaturvedi et a/., 1984) Macronutrients, vitamins, amino acids and amides: Chaturvedi ef af, (1984) Micronutrients: SH sucrose 20 gt! IAA Tmg!" BAP 0.5 mgt’ pH52 agar Rooted plantlets from shoots (Chaturvedi et al, 1984) Macronutrients, vitamins, amino acids and amides: Chaturvedi et al. (1984) Micronutriems: SH sucrose 20 g I! IAA L mgt" pH 5.2 agar Multiple shoots from mature embryos (Pal and Roy, 1991b) SH medium KINO. mgt! IBA 0.1 mgI* agar Rhizome development from stem cuttings (Pal and Roy, 199 1a) SH medium casamino acids (CA) 250 mg |" agar a7 Rhizome callus, caulogenesis, shoot development and shoot rooting from rhizome tissue explants (Iain and Chaturvedi, 1985) - Rhizome callus and caulogenesis from rhizome ti SH medium adenine sulphate 10 mg I" BA 0.25 mg I! TAA 0.5 mgt! malt extract 100 mg I" agar - Shoois development SH medium IAA2 me" adenine sulphate 15 mg I" BA 0.25 mg!" malt extract 200 mg I" agar = Rooted plantlets from shoots SH medium IAA 3 mg!" agar REFE Chaturvedi, HC, P. Misra and M. Jain (1984) “Proliferation of shoot tips and clonal multiplication of Costus speciosus in long term culture" in Plant Science Letter no. 35, pov-Tl Jain, M. and H.C. Chaturvedi (1985) "Caulogenesis in rhizome callus of Costus speciostis" in Planta Medica no. 5, p 462-463. Pal, A. and A. Roy (1991a) "Propagation of Costus speciosus (Koen.) Sm. through in vitro thizome production" in Plant Cell Reports 10, no. 10, p §25-528. Pal, A. and A, Roy (1991b) "Embryo culture of Costus spectosus (Koen,} Sm. to regenerate ible diosgenin yielding clones" in Plant Cell Reports 10, no. 11, p 565-568. Other references: Li, Z.S., J. Attias and B. Marin (1992) "Estimation of the nucleotide pools of plant cells by high performance liquid chromatography: effect of column temperature and elution pH" in Coniptes Rendus de U'Academie des Sciences, Series 3, 315, no. 3, p 127-132, 38 Botanical name: Euphorbia fulgens Karw. ex Klotsch Common name: Scarlet plume TECHNIQUES: Shoot proliferation from nodal section of actively growing apical shoot (Zhang and Stoltz, 1989b) MS medium sucrose 130-160 mM. Zhang, B, and L.P. Stoltz (1989) "Shoot proliferation of Euphorbia fulgens in vitro affected by medium components" in HortScience 24, no. 3, p 503-504. Other references: Zhang, B., L.P. Stoltz and J.C. Snyder (1987) “In vitro propagation of Euphorbia fulgens” in HoriScience 22, no. 3, p 468-486, Zhang, B. and L.P. Stoltz (19893) "Acclimatization systems for Euphorbia fulgens microcuttings" in HortSefence 24, no. 6, p 1025-1026. Botanical name: Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Common name: Poinsettia, Christmas star ‘TECHNIQUES? Plants via direct adventitious shoots from seedling hypocotyl (Nataraja et af., 1973) Ranga Swamy medium 1961 sucrose 20g" 24-D | mg I KIN T mg!" coconut milk 10% agar Embryogenic callus from seed embryo (Nataraja et al., 1973) (The same medium as above) REFERENCES: igowda (1973) "In vitro production of shoot buds no. 42, p 577-578. Nataraja, K., M.S. Chennaveeraiah and P. in Euphorbia pulcherrinta” in Curr. Se ‘Other references: Geier, T.. A. Beck and W. Preil (1992) "High uniformity of plants regenerated from cytogenetically variable embryogenic suspension cultures of poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd, ex Klotzsch)" in Plant Cell Reports 11,n0. 3, p 150-154. Preil, W., P. Florek, U. Wix and A. Beck (1988) "Towards mass propagation by use of bioreactors", Intemational symposium on propagation of omamental plants, Geisenheim, German Federal Republic, 23-29 Aug. 1987, in Acta Horticulturae 226, Vol. 1, p 99-106. Botanical name: Gloriosa superba L. Common name: ly TrecnNigui Callus formation from embryos, tubers or seedlings (Finnie and Staden, 1989) MS medium sucrose 30 ¢[' 24-D Img" KIN I mg!" agar 8 gi! Multiple plantlet production from mature tubers (Finnic and Staden, 1989) MS medium sucrose 30 g I" NAA 0.25 mg |! BA orKIN 2.5 mg! agar 8g 1 REFERENCI Finnie, JF. and J. van Staden (1989) "Ja vitro propagation of Sanderseaia and Gloriosa" in Plant Celt, Tissue and Organ Culture no. 19, p 151-158, Other references: Somani, V.J., C.K. John and R.J. Thengane (1989) "fn vitro propagation and corm formation in Gloriosa superba L." in Indian Journal of Experimental Bielogy, 27, no. 6, p 378-579. 41 Botanical name: Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez Common name: Guzmania TECHNIQUES: Optimal seedling growth from seeds (Pierik et al, 1984) Macronutrients; MS half strength Micronutrients: Pierik (1975) Vitamins: Mekers (1977) Amino acids and amides: Gresshoff and Doy (1972) sucrose 25 g I! NAA 0.5 mg!" pHoo agar 9 g [' Multiplication of plantlets (Mekers, 1977) MS medium (also diluted 1:2 or 1:3 of the normal salt concentration) sucrose 20.91" meso-inositol 100 mg I" nicotinic acid S mgl' thiamin-HCI 5 mgt" pyridoxine-HC1 0.5 mg I" glycine 4.0 mg I" NAA I mgt’ BAP i mg I" adenine 40 mg I" pH 5.s agar REFERENCES: Mekers, Q. (1977) "In vitro propagation of some Thillansoideae (Bromeliaceae)" Acta Hort. No. 78, p31 0, Picrik, R.L.M., H.H.M. Steegmans and J. Hendriks (1984) "The influence of naphtaleneacetic acid on the growth of in vitro cultivated seedlings of Bromeliaceae” in Scientia Hort. no. 24, p 193-199. 42 Botanical name: Aeliconia psittacorum L. Common name: Parrots plantain TECH QU Propagation by bud culture (Nathan ef a/., 1992) MS inorganic salt medium thiamine-HCI 0.5 mg I" myo-inositol 100 mg |" sodium hydrogen phosphate 170 mg I" adenine sulphate 80 mg I! sucrose 30 gT" BA4OTM coconut water 150 m1" pHS.7 gelrite2g 1" {after 3-4 months shoot will be tansferred on the following medium) MS inorganic salt medium thiamine-HCL 0.5 mg I" myo-inositol 100 mg I" sodium hydrogen phosphate 170 mg I" adenine sulphate 80 mg I" sucrose 30 g I! BATM ps7 Gelrite 2 g 1" High frequency plant regeneration from shoot tips derived callus (Nathan ef af., 1993) {in the dark on semisolid medium) MS medium activated chareoal 0.5 gl" casein hydrolysate 1.0 g 1" 2,4-D 80 TM. Reducing the concentration of 2,4-D in the medium to 40 TM and subculturing at 6- week intervals enabled long-term maintenance of this regenerative callus. 43 REFERENCES: Nathan, M.J., PP. Kumar and G.. Goh (1993) "High frequeney plant regeneration in Heliconia psittacorwn L." in Plant Science (Limerick), 90, no. 1, p 63-71 Nathan, M.J., C.J. Goh and P.P. Kumar (1992) "fir vitro propagation of [eliconia psittacorum by bud culture” in MortScience 27, no. 5, p 450-452. 44 Botanical name: Jatropha panduraefolia andr. (syn. 5. integerrima Jacq.) Common name: Peregrina ‘TECHNIQUES! Adventitious shoot and root formation from subcultured embryo-derived callus (Srivastava and Johri, 1974} = Callus from endosperm and embryo Macro, micronutrients and vitamins: Ranga Swami (1961) Amino acids and amides: Satsangi and Mohan Ram (1965) sucrose 20 g 1! 24-D2mgh KINS mg! agar = Adventitious shoot and root from subcultured callus Macro, micronutrients and vitamins: Ranga Swami (1961) Amino acids and amides: Jobri and Bajaj (1962) sucrose 20 mg I" NAA 0.5 mg I" KIN 0.5 mg I" agar Direct shoot regeneration, rooting and propagation, from different explants (Sujatha and Dhingra, 1993) - Shoot regeneration MS medium sucrose 30 gl" BA 2.20r4.4TM IBA 4.9'TM (IBA 2.5 TM promotes further development of shoots) pH 3.8 agar 7 gi" ~ Rooted plantlets from shoots MS medium sucrose 30 g 1? pH 3.8 agar 7 g1"! 45 REFERENCES: ‘Srivastava, P.S. and Johri (1974) "Morphogenesis in mature endosperm cultures of Jatropa panduraefotia" in Beir. Biol. Pflanz., no. 50, p 255-268 Sujatha, M. and Mukta Dhingra (1993) "Rapid plant regeneration from various explants of Jatropa integerrima” in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture no. 35, p 293-296. Other references: Johri, B.M. and §.S, Bhojwani (1965) "Growth responses of mature endosperm in cultures” in Nature no. 208, p 1345-1347. Jhori, B.M. and PS. astava (1973) "Morphogenesis in endosperm cultures" in 2. Pflanzenphysiol. no. 70, p 285-304, Srivastava, P.S. (1971) "fr vitro induction of triploid roots and shoots from mature endosperm of Jatropa panduraefolia® in Z. Planzenphysiot. no. 66, p 93-96. 46 Botanical name: Liatris spicata L. ‘Common name: Blazing star, Gay feather TECHNIQUES: Shoot proliferation from stem (Stimart and Harbage, 1989) MS medium BA2.71TM Difco Bacto-agar 6 g 1" Rooted plantlets from shoots (Stimart and Harbage, 1989) MS mediunt IBA 5.0 TM Difco Bacto-agar 6 ¢ 1" REFERENCES: Stimart, D.P. and J.P. Harbage (1989) "Shoot proliferation and rooting in vitro of Liairis spicata” in HortScience, 24, 5, p 835-836. Botanical name: Momordica charantia L. Common name: Balsam pear TecHstgu Morphogenesis (Halder and Gadgil, 1982) - Sceds germination White medium 1954 sucrose 20 g 1" agar - Callus growth from hypocotyl and subsequent subcultures MS medium sucrose 20 1" NAA 2g!" (later | mg ['} coconut milk 15% pH 5.8 agar - Shoot buds (and callus production) from callus MS medium sucrose 20g} NAAOG1-L mg" adenine (anhydrous) 33.8 mg [" pH 5.8 agar REFERENCES: Halder, T. and V.N. Gadgil (1982) "Morphogenesis in some plant species of the family Cucurbitaceae" in Rao AN. (0d.) 1982, Tisswe Culture of Economically Important Plants, Proc, of Int. Symp, Singapore 1981, COSTED and ANBS, p 98-103. 48 Botanical name: Mussaenda erythrophylla Schum. & Thonn. Common name: Red flag bush TECHNIQUES: Callus and regeneration from segments (0.3-0.5 mm) of midrib and petiole (Panda et al., 1989) - Callus production from segments (0.3-0,5 mm) of midrib and petiole MS medium sverose 30 g I BAOS mg!’ aseorbie acid 10 mg 1" war - Shoot regeneration from callus MS medium: sucrose 30 g I! BA3 mal" IAA 2 mgt" ascorbic acid 10 g I". agar - Shoots propagation MS medivin sucrose 30 31" adcnine sulphate 40 mg I' agar ~ Rooting shoots MS medium sucrose 30 g 1! NAA 0.3 mg I" agar Shoot proliferation (Cramer and Bridgen, 1993) MS salts media sucrose 30 g 1" myo-inositol 100 mg I! thiamine-HCL 0.4 mg I ey BAP 10 Tm adenine sulphate 217 TM pHSs agar7 gt" REFERENCES: Cramer, C.S. and M.P. Bridgen (1993) "Jn vitro shoot proliferation of Mussaende "Dona Luz" in HartScience no, 28, 447. Panda, N.. B.K Debata and P, Das (1989) "In vitro regeneration of Mussaenda eryihrophylla cvs ‘Queen Sirikit' and ‘Rosca’ from callus cultures” in Orissa Journal of Horticulture 17, nos 1-2, p 18-22. Other references: Das, P.. G.R. Rout and A.B, Das (1993) "Somatic embryogenesis in callus culture of Mussaenda ervthrophylla evs. ‘Queen Sirikit! and 'Rosea’ in Plant Cell, Fissue and Organ Culture n0. 35, p 199-201. Botanical name: Neoregelia carolitae (Mez) LB. Smith var. tricolor L.B. Smith Common name: Neoregelia TECHNIQUES? Shoots proliferation from meristems (Tombolato et al., 1991) {ona filler paper bridge) MS medium sucrose 30 gf" (after 30-40 days explants will be subcultured as follows) MS medium sucrose 30g 1" NAA 0.2 mg!" BAO2 mg!" agar 7 gI" (after 2 months shoots will be wansferred as follows) MS medium sucrose 30 41" NAA2 me!" BA2 mgt! agar 7 g |" Rooted plantlets from shoots (Tombolato et al, 1991) MS medium sucrose 30 g |! RE NCES? Tombolato, A.F.C.. $.8.G. Takebayashi, A.M.M. Costa and E. Quirino (1991) "dn witro culture of bromeliads" in Bre il Agronontico 43, nos 2-3, p 77-78. Botanical name: Passiflora caerulea L. Common name: Blue passion flower TECHNIQUES: Rapid growth of juvenile shoots (Drew, 1991) MS medium sucrose 20g I" KIN 10 TM IAA 5 TM pHS.8 Difco Bacto-agar 8 g 1" Rooted plantlets from shoots (Drew, 1991) MS medium sucrose 20 g¢ |! IAA STM pHs Difco Bacto-agar & gt" Callus initiation from leaf discs and shoot initials (Seorza and Janik, 1979) Macro and micronutrients: MS Vitamins: Hall and Collin (1975) Amino acids and amides: Gresshoff and Doy (1972) sucrose 30 gf! NAA Lmgt' BAP | mg I" (only in callus initiation) pH 8.8 agar REFERENCES; Drew, R.A. (1991) "ia vitro culture of adult and juvenile bud explants of Passiffora species" in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 26, na. 1, p 23-27. Scorza, R. and J. Janik (1979) "Tissue culture in Passiffora" in 24th Ann. Cong, Am. Soc. Hort ‘Sei. Trop. Reg. 1976, p 179-183. Other references: Montaldi, £.R. (1972) "Kinetin induction of bud differentiation on roots of entire plants” in Z. Pflanzenphysiot, no. 61, p 43-44. Botanical name: Pluumbago indica L. Common name: Plumbago TeCHNiques: Ve ‘egetative shoots from stem section (Nitsch and Nitsch, 1967) Macronutrients: Knop 1865 half strength Micronutrients and vitamins: Nitseh and Nitsch (1965) Amino acids and amides: MS sucrose 10g 1" KIN I mg" adenine (anhydrous) 40.5 mg I” agarose 10 ¢ 1" Adventitious flower buds from stem segments (Nitsch, 1968) Macronutrients, amino acids and amides: MS Micronutrients: Bourgin and Nitsch (1967) ‘Vitamins: Nitseh and Nitseh (1963) sucrose 30g I! 20.2 mg" adenine sulphate (dihydrate) 40 mg I agar § gI"! REFERENCES: Nitsch, C. and J.P. Nitsch (19672) "The induction of flowering in vitro in stem segments of Plumbago indica L. ll. The production of vegetative buds" in Plania no, 72, p 355-370, Nitsch, C. (1968) "Induction in vitro de la Moraison chez une plante de jour courts: Phambago indica L.." in Amr. Sct. Nat, Bot, Paris, 12th Series, no. 9, p 1-91 Other references: Nitsch, C. and J.P, Nitsch (1967b) "The induction of flowering én vitro in stem segments of Plumbago indica L. U1. The production of reproductive buds" in Planta no. 72, p 371-384. Nitsch, J.P. (1965) “Deux espéces photopériodique de jour courts: Piunbago indica L. et P. zeylanica L." in Bull, Soc. Bot. France no. 112, p 517-522 Nitsch, J.P. and C. Nitsch (1965) "Néoformation de fleurs in vitro chez une espéce de jour courts: Plumbage indica L." in Aun, Phys, Fég. no. 7, p 231-256. Nitsch, LP, C. Nitsch, L.M.E, Rossini and D. Bui Dng Ha (1967) "The role of adenine in bud differentiation in Phycomorph, no. 17, p 46-453. s4 Botanical name: Strelitzia reginae Banks ‘Common name: Bird of paradise flower ‘TECHNIQUES: Shoot prolife jon and callus from stem node (Ziv and Halevy, 1983) MS medium (macronutrients half strength) sucrose 30 g I"! NAA | mg!! IBA 2.5 mel" 2,4-D 0.5 mg!" KIN 5 mgt? pH5.8 activated charcoal 1% agar Shoot growth from shoot cluster (Ziv and Halevy, 1983) (liquid medium) MS medium (macronutrients half strength) sucrose 30 ¢ 1? IBA 5.0 BAP 1.0 dithiothreitol 0.04 % pH 5.8 REFERENCI Ziv, M, and A.H. Halevy (1983) "Control of oxidative browning and in vitro propagation of Sirelitzia reginae” in HortScience no. 18, p 434-436 55 Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schum. Yellow olcander Somatic embryogenesis and high frequeney plantlet regeneration in young leaf dises derived callus (Anjani Kumar, 1992) - Callus production from 30-day-old leaf dises MS medium -D9.0TM KIN 467M - Callus subcultures MS medium 2.4-D 4.35 TM KIN 0.46 TM - Production of somatic embryes from callus after 30-45 days MS medium KIN 9.26 TM (or 2iP 5.95 TM) 2.4-D 0.45 TM REFERE! Anjani Kumar (1992) "Somatie embryogenesis and high frequency plantlet regencration in callus cultures of Theveria peruviana® in Plane Cell, Tissue and Organ Culure 31, no, 1, p 47-50. Other references: Anjani Kumar (1990) “Investigation on in vitro laticifer differenti peruviana 1." in Phytomorphology, 40, 008 1-2, p 113-117. Barros, A.M., L. Cosson, M, Foulquier, §. Labidalle, J. Osuku-Opio, H. Galons, M. Miocque and A. Jacquin-Dubreuil (1992) "Biotransformation of ethyl 2-acetylamtino-2- carbethoxy-4-(phenylsulphinyl-}-butanoate by cell suspensions of Catharanthus roseus and Thevetia neriifolia Dantas" in Phytochemistry 31, no. 6, p 2019-2020, Chatterjee, M., G. Ghosh and P.C. Datta (1987) "Role of exogenous cholesterol on int vitro secondary metabolism in Theveda peruviana (Pers.) Schum." in Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 25, no. 3, p 204-206, jon in Theveria 56 Dasgupta, M., T.K. Pramanik, S.K. Datta (1987) "Mass propagation and genetic variability of two cardenolide plants in vitro” in Acta Iorticuliurae no, 208, p 263-271. Kreis, W., U, May and E, Reinhard (1986) "UDP-glucose: digitoxin 16-O-glucosyltransferase from suspension-cultured Digitalis Janata cells" in Plant Cell Reports 5, no. 6, p. 7442-7445, 57 air 24-D 24,57 BA or BAP IAA IBA KIN MS medium NAA PVP SH medium z APPENDIX I - ABBREVIATIONS N*-(2-isopentyl)adenine 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetie acid 6-benzylaminopurine 3-indoleacetic acid 3-indolebutyric acid Kinetin; 6-furfurylaminpurine Murashige and Skoog 1962 (see Appendix 2) I-naphtylacetic acid Polyvinylpyrrolidone Schenk and Hildebrandt 1972 (see Appendix 2) Zeatin; 4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2-butenylaminopurine 59 APPENDIX 2— MEDIA COMPOSITIONS MACRONUTRIENTS = Macronutrient Chaturved = Knop — Murashige Ranga = Sehenkand = White ieval. 1865 and Skoog. Swamy — Hildebrandt 1954. 1978/1984 1962 (MS) 1961 1972 (SH) KNO3 5300/1 000 250 1900 80 2500 80 NHygNO3 1300 1450 Ca(NO3)7-4H20 1000 260 287.8 €aClz-2H20 200 440 200 MgS0g-7120 ton’400 250 370 360 400 737.1 KCI 65 63 RH2PO4 17010 250 170 NH4H3PO4 9/300 300 Nall3PO4H20 189.8 19 NapSOg 200 200 Note: All quantities are in mg I MICRONUTRIENTS : Micronutrient Bourgin Gresshoff Halperin. Murashige —Nitsch —_Nitseh and and Day 1966 and Skoog 1968 and Nitseh 1972 1962 (MS) Nitsch 1967 1965 MnSO4.4H2O 25.000 13 200 22300 22 300 25000 = 25.000 ZnS04.7H20 10.000 3.000 8.600 8.600 10.000 10.000 H3B04 19.000 3.000 6200 6 200 10000 = 10.000 KI 750 $30 830 CuSO4.SH20 25 250 25 25 35 23, NaMoO4.2H70 250 250 250 250 250 250 CoCl2.6H20 250 25 25 25 Fenie citrate 10 000 FeSO4.7H20 27850 27880 13.928 27850 27 850 NagEDTA2H30 37.250 37250 18 625 37.250 37250 ‘NaFeEDTA. Note: All quantities are in 1 6 MICRONUTRIEN Micronutrient Pierik Ranga Ringeand Schenkand = Stoltz = White 1978 = Swamy = Nitsch = Hildebrandt = 1979 1954 1961 1968 1972 (SH) MnSO4.48130 2300-3000 25 000 13.200 7000 GAR 2nS04.7H30- 8 600 500 10.000 1.900 3000-2672 H3BO4 6200 500 10 000 5000 1560 1500 KI 830 1000 1.000 750 750 CuSO4.5H20 25 25 5 200 NaMo0.2H20 250 29.375 250 100 CoC 12.6420 25 45.812 28 100 Ferrie citrate 10000 FeS04.7H30 27580 Is000 25.000 Fez(SO4)3 2500 NaFeEDTA 25 000 NagEDTA.2H20 37250 200M EDTA 26 200 Note: All quantities are in Tg F VITAMIN: Vitamin Chaturvedi Gresshoff Hall Halperin. Kunisaki — Mekers etal. and Doy and 1966 1975 1977 1078/1934 1972 Collin 1975, Tnositol (mg 1) 100/0 10 200 100 100 Thiamine.HCI 1900/5 000 1.000 200 3.000 400 5.000 Nicotinic ae 500/35 800 le 1000 5.000 500 5000 Pyridoxine. ICL 100500 100 1.000 300 500 Biotin 10/0 Ascorbic ac. 5.00010 62 Vitamin Murashige Nitselh =~ Ranga = Schenkand = Sharma White and Skoog = and = Swamy ‘Hildebrandt et 1954 1962(MS) —Nitsch 19611972, al. 1981 1965 Inositol (mg Ih) 100 100 1000 Thiamine.HC] 100 500 250 5000 100 100 Nicotinic ac. 500 5000-1250 $000 $00 S00 Pyridoxine HCI 500 500 28 500 100 foo Ca-pantothenate 25 Biotin 50 100 Folic ac, 500 Ascorbie ae. 5.000 Note: Quantities are in Tg [except for inositol AMINO ACIDS AND AMIDE: Amino Acids. Chaturvedi Gresshoffand Halll and Johriand = Murashige and Amide etal. Doy 1972 Callin 1975 Bajaj 1962_—_and Skoog 1978/1984 1962 (MS) Glycine 2.0/8.0 40 40 78 2.0 Arginine 10.015.0 Glutamine 0.0/10.0 Protein 2000.0 1000.0 1000.0 Hydrolysates Aminoacids and Nitsch and = Ranga Swamy =‘ Satsangiand Mehan = White 1954 amide Nitsch 1965 1961 Ram 1965, Glycine 20 75 7S 30 Glutamine 200.0 Yeast/Malt Extract 2500.0 Noie: All quantities are in mg 1! 6 APPENDIX 3 —- RECOMMENDED FURTHER READING Bhojwani, SS. and MK, Razdan (1983) Plant tissue culture: theory and practice, Elsevier, Amsterdam. Conger, B.V. (1981) Cloning agricultural plants via in vitro techniques, CRC Press, 2 000 N.W. 24th Street, Boea Raton, Florida. Din, M.A, and C. seed to Heuser Jr. (1987) The reference manual of woody plant propagation: from issue culture. A practical working guide to the propagation of over 1100 species, varieties and cultivars, Warsity Press, Athens, GA (USA). Drew, R., M. Smith, J. Moisander and J, James (1991) Plant tissue cudture: general principles and commercial applications, Queensland Department af Primary Industries, Australia GPO Box 46, Brisbane 4001. Evans et al (1983 and following) Mandhook of plant cell culture (six volumes), MacMillan Publisher, New York. Green, CE., D.A. Soners, W.P. Hackett and D.D. Biesboer (1986) Plant tissue and cell culture, Alan Liss Inc., New York. Hartmann, H.T., D.E. Kester, F.T. Davies (1990) Plant propagation: principles and practices, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (USA). Kyte, L. (1987) Plants from test ubes, Timber Press Margara, J. (1989) Bases de la multiplication vegetative, INRA, 149 rue de Grenelle, 75341 Paris Cedex, France. Pietik, R.LM. (1987) in vitro culture of higher plaats, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Kluwer Group, Dordrecht. Reinert, J. and Y.P.S. Bajaj (1977) Plant cell, Heidelberg, New York, e and organ culture, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Zimmerman, R.H. and P. Debergh. (1981) Micropropagation, Kluwer Publisher, Dordrecht. Zyrd, LP. (1988) Cultures des celtules, tissus, et organes végétaux, Presses polytechnique romandes, CH-1015 Lousanne. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anjani Kumar (1990) “Investigation on im vitro laticifer differentiation in Thevetia peruviana L.” in Phyfomorphology 40, nos 1-2, p 113-117. Anjani Kumar (1992) "Somatic embryogenesis and high frequency plantlet regeneration in callus cultures of Theverta peruviana" in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culure 31, no. 1, p 47-50, Apolionio, G., F, Searamuzzi and 8. D'Emerico (1989) "In vitro propagation of Agapanthus winbellatus L'Her. (= A. africanus Hoffm.) by culture and repeated subculture of different types of explants" (Propagation én vitro d'Agapanthus umbellatus L'Her. 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