On The Nature of Banks
On The Nature of Banks
On The Nature of Banks
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1 author:
Luis Angeles
University of Glasgow
All content following this page was uploaded by Luis Angeles on 29 April 2019.
Luis Angeles*
University of Glasgow
Two views exist regarding the nature of the banking business. The dominant view defines banks as
financial intermediaries - institutions in the business of transferring money from savers to borrowers.
An alternative view advances that banks finance borrowers via money creation. I explain the
differences between these two views and argue for the superiority of the latter one as a description
of modern banking. I discuss the implications for economic analysis and explain how the connection
between bank lending and money creation helps us understand the effects of banking on economic
Adam Smith Business School (Economics), University of Glasgow. University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ,
United Kingdom. Email: [email protected]
1. Introduction
In the context of real economic models, models which abstract from the existence of money,
representing the business of collecting and transferring money would be, by definition, impossible.
Accordingly, banks are incorporated into such models as institutions in the business of transferring
real resources from savers to borrowers. The approach is meant to capture the economic role of banks
and other financial institutions at some fundamental level, and is the dominant method for the
economic analysis of banks in the macroeconomic literature.
This paper challenges the validity of viewing banks as financial intermediaries. In its place, I advance
that banks are better viewed as institutions in the business of financing borrowers via money creation.
The distinction between these two views may be blurred by the fact that the standard view of banks
as financial intermediaries also ascribes to them the capacity to create money. In the standard view,
however, money creation appears as a by-product of the banking business; banks are assumed to have
no control over it. The alternative view of banks put forward here is different in that banks may create
money independently of the actions of the general public. In a very meaningful sense, banks are in
control of the process of money creation.
While the view of banks as financial intermediaries dominates academic circles, this has not always
been the case. Little of what is to follow would have surprised some of the brightest economic minds
of the first half of the twentieth century - including Irving Fisher, John Maynard Keynes and Joseph A.
Schumpeter.1 Furthermore, the view that banks finance borrowers via money creation is found often
enough in policy circles - most particularly among Central Bank officials. Just focusing on the last few
years, the reader may refer to McLeay et al. (2014) and Jakab and Kumhof (2015) for work coming
from the Bank of England, Unger (2016) and Aldasoro and Unger (2017) for work coming from the
German Bundesbank, and, perhaps most notoriously, King (2016) and Turner (2016) for the views of
the former Governor of the Bank of England and the former Chairman of the Financial Services
Authority of the United Kingdom. Of course, none of these works ought to be taken as the official view
of the institutions in which their authors were employed; but rather as indication of a debate of ideas
taking place in them. The present paper wishes to engage more academic economists into this debate.
The next three sections of the paper discuss what is wrong with our current view of banking, and
how it should be amended, at three levels of analysis: banking viewed from the perspective of the
individual institution, banking at the aggregate level, and banking in relation to the Central Bank. These
sections may also be read as a blueprint for how to teach money and banking, as they repeatedly refer
to current teaching practice in the area. This is then followed by two sections in which the role of the
banking system as an economic actor is interpreted, and this interpretation is contrasted with the way
in which banking is incorporated into economic models. If the first three sections are of most
immediate relevance to the teaching of economics, these last two derive the implications for research,
and advocate a future direction for economic analysis in the area. A final section offers some
concluding remarks.
See Fisher (1922, chapter 3), Keynes (1930, pp. 20-21) and Schumpeter (1934, pp. 98-99). I also like to think
that Adam Smith would have agreed - see Smith (1776, pp. 316-317).
balance sheet are represented. Albeit it appears obvious at this stage, I have noted that the bank
depositor and the bank borrower are different persons, so that the first finances the second via the
actions of the bank. Figure 1, then, describes the business of banking as financial intermediation.
[Figure 1]
As it turns out, the actions in figure 1 would be an acceptable description of banking as it took place
in classical Greece and imperial Rome - what we may refer to as “ancient banking”. Ancient banking is
the business model which arises when currency is the only form of money in circulation - or, to be
more precise, the only widely accepted medium of exchange. If only currency is money, banks would
have no other method for financing borrowers than collecting this currency from the public and
transferring it to borrowers. This was the case in classical antiquity, with currency taking the form of
precious metal coinage.2
Ancient banking is to be distinguished from what I shall call “modern banking” - a business model
which, in the Western world, has been in continuous existence since the late 12th century AD. 3
Modern banking arises when bank deposits - that is to say, when a liability issued by a bank - begins
to be accepted as a means of payment. This may be said to take place as soon as a seller of goods or
services accepts as payment not a delivery of currency but a credit to a bank deposit in his name; a
credit which the bank agrees to put in place against a simultaneous debit to the bank deposit of the
corresponding buyer. When this operation becomes commonplace, bank deposits may be referred to
as money.
When bank deposits become money, banks realize that borrowers may be financed not just by a
transfer of currency, but by the creation of new bank deposits. As noted long ago by Abbott P. Usher,
"Banking [by which he means modern banking as defined here] begins only when loans are made in
For a detailed account of the history of banking see Bogaert et al. (1994). For a concise account of the history
of both money and banking see Angeles (2019).
See De Roover (1974, p. 200) and Bogaert et al. (1994, pp. 83-84). Some aspects of modern banking had
already been tried in ancient Rome - see Harris (2008, p. 189) and von Reden (2010, p. 118).
bank credit" (Usher 1934, p. 399). Where ancient banks would finance borrowers via monetary
transfer, the modern bank finances borrowers via money creation.
The process of bank lending via money creation is represented in figure 2. Panel (a) of this figure
shows an initial situation, with a bank holding a mix of assets and liabilities - the specific composition
of each being, at this stage of the analysis, of no relevance. In panel (b) of this figure a borrower
approaches the bank for a loan, which is approved. The bank issues a liability against itself and in
favour of the borrower - a new bank deposit which appears on the liabilities side of the bank's balance
sheet. In exchange, the borrower issues a liability against itself and in favour of the bank - the new
bank loan on the assets side. Since the total amount of bank deposits in the aggregate banking system
has increased, money has been created.
[Figure 2]
The importance of presenting the business of banking at the level of the individual institution using
figure 2, rather than figure 1, is critical. Given their name and their historical origin, it is natural to
believe that bank deposits can only be created following a physical deposit of currency at a bank; and
therefore that banks cannot create bank deposits "out of nothing" as in figure 2. This notion is
fallacious because a bank deposit is a liability, not a record for currency received. To be sure, the
reception of currency will give rise to such a liability, but liabilities may be issued under a number of
alternative scenarios - in particular, a bank may issue a liability in exchange for the liability of a
borrower. This exchange of liabilities is what we call bank lending. Banks are not different from other
firms and private individuals in their capacity to issue liabilities to whoever is willing to give something
in return for them. Banks are only different in that their liabilities, unlike those of any other private
entity, circulate as money.
To the mind of some teachers of economics, figure 2 is ultimately no different from figure 1 since,
once the borrower spends the deposit granted to him, the bank's balance sheet will look the same
under both figures. Indeed, if we were to follow panel (b) of figure 2 by a third panel where the deposit
is spent, we would see that bank lending leads to no expansion of deposits on the liabilities side of
this particular bank, and a decrease in reserves which matches the increase in bank loans on the assets
side. In other words, we would observe the same balance sheet changes as in panel (c) of figure 1, but
the action would have been split in two stages. This, however, does not imply the two figures are
Figure 2 is a correct description of how banks make loans, figure 1 isn't: no modern bank disburses
loans using currency. Figure 2 makes clear that bank deposits may be created under circumstances
other than the deposit of currency; figure 1 perpetuates the opposite idea. Figure 2, finally, advances
that the business of banking is not dependent on the collection of a form of money which, in most
advances economies, is of residual importance. To give a specific example, currency amounts to only
3% of the money supply in the United Kingdom (McLeay et al. 2014) - it would be exceedingly
troublesome if banks were dependent on the willingness of the public to deposit this form of money
with them in order to make further loans.
Given the above, it is worth asking ourselves why figure 1 is so often preferred to figure 2 in
textbooks and university courses. In my opinion, this has much to do with the fact that figure 1 makes
immediately clear that banks need to find a source of funds for the loans they make. Figure 1,
however, renders this idea in a way which is at odds with reality - banks do not need to collect currency
before making loans, let alone collect currency for a value equal to the loans they wish to make. As I
will describe below, the way in which banks fund their loans in reality is best described by the banking
model from figure 2, but only once we extend the analysis to the aggregate level.
Figure 1 may also offer a more reassuring vision of the business of banking, as banks are portrayed
as merely the agents of depositors. Depositors decide on the level of financing available to borrowers,
and banks are only the middlemen in the process. As we shall see, figure 2 leads into a different
understanding of the economic role of banks, giving them far more agency in the process of financing
borrowers than what figure 1 allows for.
Figure 2 did not incorporate the spending of the new bank deposit created for the bank borrower
for a simple reason: the operation typically involves a second bank, and thus takes us into the analysis
of banking at the aggregate level.
The business of banking at the aggregate level is understood to lead to money creation, following a
process known by students of economics throughout the world as the money multiplier. The money
multiplier process is presented in figure 3 under two guises. Most textbooks use the version in panel
(a), which assumes that individual banks behave as described in figure 1. As is well-known, the initial
deposit of currency into “Bank 1” gives rise to a sequence of loans and currency deposits across
multiple banks in the system which are geometrically decreasing in size. Once the process runs its
course, the total amount of new bank deposits in the system equals the amount of currency initially
deposited times the inverse of the banks' reserve ratio - a.k.a. the money multiplier.
[Figure 3]
Panel (b) of figure 3 presents the same process assuming that banks disburse loans in the form of a
newly-created bank deposit rather than currency - the banking model of figure 2.4 Once the deposit is
spent, bank reserves migrate to another bank just as they did in figure 1, only without passing through
the hands of the public in currency form. Note how the final balance sheet of “Bank 1” is the same
under both versions of the money multiplier process. As was the case in panel (a), the transfer of
reserves to “Bank 2” allows for a further loan, giving rise to the same structure of bank deposit
expansions as previously.
It is worth noting that in both versions of the money multiplier process banks can never make loans
for an amount larger than their holdings of excess reserves. Indeed, in both versions reserves are
See Mishkin (2016, p. 393) for this less common version of the money multiplier.
bound to fall by the full amount of the loan - immediately in the case of panel (a), and once the
proceedings of the loan are spent in the case of panel (b).
My argument in this section is that the money multiplier process, whether based on lending by
currency transfer or directly by deposit creation, is a very poor description of banking at the aggregate
level. Its inadequacy is obvious once pointed out: the process assumes that banks in the economy
must make loans sequentially. The second bank in the chain cannot make a loan before the first one,
as it needs the reserves which this first one will provide in order to proceed. The same applies to all
subsequent banks in the process.
In reality, of course, all banks in the economy make loans simultaneously - and they do not need to
wait for reserves to be in place before the loans are made. The process is described in figure 4, which
starts from the account of banking at the individual level presented in figure 2 and considers the
consequence of all banks in the economy behaving in this way at the same time. Panels (a) and (b) of
this figure simply reproduce the corresponding panels of figure 2; there are N banks instead of one,
but this is of no consequence up to this point since banks have not yet interacted with each other.
Without loss of generality, all banks are assumed to be equal.
[Figure 4]
The crucial part of the process comes in panel (c), as borrowers spend the money received. When
they do so, the bank deposit created for their purpose is transferred to another bank in the system,
together with an equal amount of bank reserves. As we assume perfect symmetry, each bank will
transfer bank deposits to other banks in the system and receive bank deposits from them for the same
amount, leading to a net change in bank deposits equal to zero. The same is of course true for bank
reserves. As a consequence, the balance sheets of banks do not change between panels (b) and (c)
when we look at their overall holdings of reserves or bank deposits - but the identity of the deposit
holders does change. In panel (b), all new loans were matched by new deposits belonging to the
people who had acquired the loans - bank debtors and bank creditors were the same person. In panel
(c), we have reached the recognizable stage where bank debtors and bank creditors are different
people – the loan given to Mr. A may be said to be funded by the deposits held by Mrs. X, Y and Z.
Banks, in other words, have found a source of funds for the loans they have made, but this has taken
place after the granting of the loans, not before. Bank loans are ultimately funded by the public’s
willingness to accept bank liabilities as money.
Figure 4 brings to light a number of important features about the banking business which are only
visible at the aggregate level. The business of banking consists in financing borrowers via money
creation, but this has to be followed by a capacity to attract funds once the money created has been
spent by the borrowers. This last assertion does not undermine the fact that banks increase the
aggregate amount of funds available whenever they grant a loan, but they still need to compete with
the rest of the banks for the funds in existence. Individual banks have funding needs even though their
loans are initially funded via money creation: the money they create will leave their books and will
need to be gained back against other suitors. The aggregate banking system, on the other hand, has
no such financing worries.5
Figure 4 assumes that all banks expand their lending portfolio in the same proportion and that, given
their share of the banking business, they are all able to fund their loans with incoming deposits. In
reality, some banks may choose to run ahead of the industry average and lend more if they believe
they will be able to capture an equally large proportion of the deposits being created. Failure to
capture enough deposits will lead to the loss of reserves, and eventually to the cost of borrowing
reserves from other banks in order to stay within the limits set by prudence or by regulatory
authorities. In all cases, however, banks are not constrained to make loans not exceeding in value their
current holdings of bank reserves - contrary to what was assumed in both panels of figure 3. Banks
can perfectly well make loans for a value in excess of their reserves, provided that subsequent reserve
inflows will compensate the reserve outflows this will produce. Notice that, in figure 4, nothing is said
about the magnitude of the new loans made with respect to existing reserves.
I shall add that, although bank loans and bank deposits expand by the same magnitude initially, the public
may exchange some of the deposits created for non-monetary liabilities issued by banks later on. Such a
mechanism would explain the divergence between bank loans and broad money in most developed nations
over the post-war period (Schularick and Taylor 2012, p. 1036). This consideration does not invalidate any of
the arguments in the present paper since such actions can only take place later on, once borrowers have spent
the money created for them.
This last point leads us into considering the limit to the amount of money the banking system is able
to create when granting loans. In figure 4, assuming a required ratio of reserves to bank deposits of
10%, banks would not be able to grant new loans beyond the point where aggregate bank deposits
equal 10 times aggregate reserve holdings. An individual bank may attract reserves from its peers in
order to create more money, but at the aggregate level the total amount of money creation will be
constrained by this limit.
This limit to the amount of money that banks may create for a given level of aggregate reserves
happens to coincide with the total amount of money created under the money multiplier process. This
may be reassuring, but it should not be taken as an argument in favour of the money multiplier as a
teaching device. The money multiplier introduces an imaginary structure to the expansion of loans
and deposits which simply is not there. Figure 4, on the other hand, advances that bank lending can
expand by anything between zero and the maximum level that bank reserves allow for, and that this
expansion can take place immediately rather than through a protracted sequence of increasingly small
The money multiplier process assumes that bank lending will proceed in an automatic way - banks
will inevitably want to lend the currency or reserves received, as failure to do so would imply they
hold an asset whose rate of return does not cover the cost of the corresponding liability. Figure 4, on
the other hand, makes clear there is nothing automatic about the expansion of bank lending. Bank
lending creates a new asset and a new liability, and banks will proceed with the operation only if the
expected return from the asset exceeds the cost of the corresponding liability.
Banks may well decide not to go ahead with new lending even when reserves are plentiful, as policy
makers found out to their apparent surprise following the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Incidentally,
the last 10 years of monetary policy experience offer as stark a rejection of the empirical validity of
the money multiplier process as we are ever likely to observe.
The money multiplier mechanism is a rather complicated and fictitious process which does students
of economics a disservice in their attempts to understand how banks create money. Figure 4 offers a
representation of the process of money creation by banks which is both simpler and far more accurate.
4. Commercial Banks and the Central Bank
The last section has confirmed that, in accordance with conventional views, the maximum amount
of money which the banking system is able to create is a multiple of the aggregate amount of reserves
in the system. As these reserves are nothing but liabilities of the Central Bank, either currency or
Central Bank deposits, textbooks dealing with the subject have traditionally concluded that the money
supply of the nation is ultimately under the control of the Central Bank. Students of economics are
told the Central Bank increases or decreases these reserves via open market operations - purchases
or sales of assets held by commercial banks. When bank reserves increase, the money supply increases
- in the standard story this happens automatically via the money multiplier process, but the same
endpoint would be reached if we adopt the framework of figure 4 and assume that banks exhaust
their lending capacity. The principle is then incorporated into most standard macroeconomic models
to which students are likely to be exposed - within these models, the money supply is a variable
exogenously set by the Central Bank.
Oddly enough, and as is well-known by teachers of the above material, no Central Bank in the world
sets up as its policy objective any given level or growth rate of the money supply. Instead, Central
Banks define a desired level of the short-term interest rate on the interbank market for Central Bank
reserves, and take the necessary steps to see it realized. Open market operations may well be part of
these necessary steps, but they are tools used to reach a certain goal rather than a goal in themselves.
As noted long ago by Charles Goodhart, a Central Bank setting the aggregate level of bank reserves
has rarely, if ever, been more than a theoretical possibility. If implemented, the policy would give rise
to extreme instability in the interest rate on reserves: on each day on which reserve requirements are
computed, the overnight rate will fall to zero if aggregate reserves exceed the total amount required
by all banks given existing deposits, and will rise to some penalty rate in the opposite case (Goodhart
1994). Central Banks have concluded, sensibly, that such instability would be undesirable.
Even more important, and as the preceding sections have made clear, banks do not sit passively
waiting for the arrival of new deposits which, by increasing their excess reserves, would allow them
to make additional loans. Instead, banks make new loans by creating new deposits - pushing their ratio
of reserves to deposits downwards in the process. An individual bank may try to stop this ratio from
falling by obtaining additional reserves from other banks, but this option is not available at the
aggregate level. If the aggregate banking system is extending its loan portfolio, it will need to buy
additional reserves from the Central Bank. Under such circumstances, how is the Central Bank to
impose any quantitative limit on bank reserves? Denying additional reserves to commercial banks
does not appear to be a viable option, as it would stop all new lending. Overdrafts and approved lines
of credit would not be able to proceed; economic activity would be compromised. Understandably,
no Central Bank wishes to take responsibility for such a policy choice - nor is it likely that it would be
allowed to follow it.
As a consequence, Central Banks target the price on bank reserves rather than their quantity: they
stand ready to supply the banking system with reserves on demand at a certain price, which then
determines the price that banks will charge each other. The relationship between the money supply
and bank reserves thus works in the exact opposite direction to that assumed in most textbooks. The
private banking system and bank borrowers jointly decide on how much money will be created by
entering into loan agreements with each other, which creates a need for additional bank reserves.
These will be supplied by the Central Bank on demand, as failure to do so would render its own interest
rate policy unworkable. Causality runs from the private banking system to the Central Bank - albeit, to
be sure, the target interest rate imposed by the Central Bank is one among several factors influencing
bank lending. This degree of influence notwithstanding, it is far more accurate to say that bank
reserves endogenously adapt to the requirements of the private sector rather than the other way
The above sequence of events is incorporated into the framework of figure 4 by simply adding one
additional operation - giving us figure 5. The first three panels of figures 5 and 4 are essentially
identical: figure 5 only makes explicit the initial composition of assets and liabilities for all banks, as
we will now be concerned with the ratio of reserves to bank deposits. Following the granting of bank
loans via deposit creation, and the spending of these deposits, banks in panel (c) find themselves with
insufficient reserves: the ratio of reserves to bank deposits is below 10% for all of them. Left to
themselves, they would all fall foul of financial regulations, and their willingness to avoid the
For more discussion on this point see Goodhart (2009, 2017). The point has been made numerous times by
Central Bank officials, see Holmes (1969, p. 73), King (1994, p. 264) and McLeay et al. (2014, p. 21) for some
corresponding penalties would drive the interest rate on reserves skyward. The banks thus approach
the Central Bank in order to exchange some of the assets they hold for additional reserves, and the
Central Bank agrees. The resulting balance sheets are shown in panel (d), with all banks now holding
reserves in excess of the minimum required by law.
[Figure 5]
Figure 5 completes our description of the business of banking at the aggregate level. In contrast to
the essentially passive role ascribed to them in the money multiplier process, banks are on the driving
seat of the process of money creation from start to finish. Banks expand the money supply by creating
bank deposits when they make loans, and back up these new deposits with additional reserves they
acquire using some of the assets they hold - assets which were themselves bought via money creation.
As we see, the capacity of commercial banks to create money is not under the direct influence of
the Central Bank - the Central Bank exercises only an indirect influence via interest rates. Banks are
constrained in their money creation abilities not so much by public policy, but by two other forces
which derive from the analysis above. First, at the level of the individual banking institution, banks are
constrained by the need to keep in line with the rest of their peers or, what comes to the same thing,
by the need to find sources of funds when the deposits they have created leave their books. This was
well understood by John Maynard Keynes when, in his Treatise on Money, he affirmed that "there is
no limit to the amount of bank money which the banks can safely create provided that they move
forward in step" (Keynes 1930, p. 23; italics in the original). Second, however, and notwithstanding
Keynes, money creation is also constrained at the level of the aggregate banking system by the
willingness of the public to acquire more debt. Banks will not be able to expand their lending if they
cannot find takers for their loans. The amount of money in circulation is thus endogenous to the
decisions taken by the private sector - private banks and the borrowing public - and far from being
something which the Central Bank or the government can control.
When it comes to banking, macroeconomic models over the post-war period have fallen into two
vast categories. First, most models from the 1950s to the 1980s simply do not feature banks - consider
the IS/LM and AS/AD models of undergraduate courses, the standard DSGE framework of
postgraduate courses, and pretty much all of growth theory. This type of models continues to be
prominent after the 1980s, but by the end of that decade it is joined by a second category:
macroeconomic models that do feature banks, but do not feature money. The financial accelerator
literature (Bernanke and Gertler 1989, Kiyotaki and Moore 1997) is the most prominent example of
this second case.
The explanation for the first approach lies in the view of banks as financial intermediaries. An
intermediary only carries out the orders set to him by other agents, and as such may be considered of
secondary importance. Macroeconomic models with no banks implicitly assume that modelling the
saving decisions of households and the investment decisions of firms renders banks largely irrelevant.
The second approach arises once we assume there exist some imperfections in the process of
financial intermediation – imperfections which are substantial enough for banks to be modelled
explicitly. Unfortunately, the modelling of banks is rendered problematic by the long-standing
assumption that real economy models are the tools of choice to analyse economic phenomena at a
fundamental level. Financial intermediation – the transfer of money from savers to borrowers –
cannot be represented in a model without money. Macroeconomists have avoided this impasse by
interpreting banks as intermediaries in real resources: institutions whose actions ultimately lead to a
transfer of real resources from people who want to save to people who want to borrow. Is either of
these two approaches justifiable in the light of our discussion over the preceding sections of this
From the outset, we may say that the first approach – ignoring banks – is simply not tenable. As
anticipated in the introduction, banks are not mere financial intermediaries but rather institutions in
the business of financing borrowers via money creation. They do not take their orders from the public
or from bank depositors, but carry out lending according to their own economic interests. The
interests of banks are not perfectly aligned with those of borrowers or the general public, which is
why their behaviour needs to be analysed explicitly within macroeconomic models.
In order to assess the second approach, we need to consider the implications of banking on real
resources at the aggregate level. Could financing via money creation lead to a transfer of real
resources from savers to borrowers?
To be sure, borrowers receiving a loan are being granted access to real resources from the economy.
It does not follow, however, that these resources are taken away from bank deposit holders, who do
not lose access to any money during the process. Since borrowers are financed via money creation,
their funds do not come at the expense of anybody else. Something other than a transfer of resources
between bank depositors and bank borrowers must be taking place.
Crucially, in neither of the two scenarios just outlined are banks mere intermediaries in real
resources. Instead, banks approve the access to real resources by borrowers without the consent of
the general public. The public may benefit from the actions of banks if they lead to increased
investment and activity and may suffer from them if they lead to speculation and turmoil; but they
have no direct influence over them. Banks do not act as agents of the public, and do not transfer
resources allocated to them.
To conclude, our current approach to modelling banks is as much in need of revision as our current
approach to their teaching. Banks should not be ignored in macroeconomic models and, when
present, should not be incorporated as intermediaries in real resources. The next section illustrates
the negative consequences of modelling banks as intermediaries in real resources by considering an
area of research which has received a vast amount of attention since the Global Financial Crisis of
2008: the relationship between banking and economic recessions.
The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 took most economists by surprise. The main tool for thinking
about how the financial sector and the real economy interact was, and to a large extent still is, the
financial accelerator literature. Within this literature, imperfections in the intermediation process
mean that banks may act as amplifiers of disturbances taking place elsewhere in the economy. In the
aftermath of the events of 2008, this feature rendered such models questionable: disturbances
originating outside the financial system were hard to identify. Not only that, but most commentators
would place the financial system itself at the origin of the problems leading to the Global Financial
Crisis - a far cry from the mere amplifying role proposed by the academic profession.
Like most real economy models, models from the financial accelerator literature put emphasis on
the supply side of the economy to explain disturbances in aggregate activity. Any effects of banking
on aggregate demand will be difficult to envision precisely because banks are conceived as
intermediaries in real resources. If banks reallocate real resources, the loss in demand from savers will
be, to a first approximation, compensated by the increase in demand from borrowers. The repayment
of bank loans would result in flows of real resources in the opposite direction, with equally muted
consequences. Departures from this baseline result are possible, but require substantial elaboration.7
As a consequence, most of the theoretical work on the interaction between banking and economic
activity during recessions abstracts from aggregate demand effects, at a time when some empirical
findings strongly support the importance of this precise channel.8
For an example, see Eggertsson and Krugman (2012).
See, in particular, Mian and Sufi (2010, 2014).
In stark contrast, the effects of banking on economic activity via aggregate demand fluctuations
arise almost effortlessly if we view banks as institutions financing borrowers via money creation, and
analyse their actions in a model featuring money. As advanced in the previous section, bank lending
increases aggregate demand by giving borrowers access to funds without reducing the funds available
to the rest of the public. This process, however, leaves something else behind: debt. The rapid
accumulation of private debt was perhaps the most salient characteristic of the build-up towards the
Global Financial Crisis of 2008; a phenomenon which, some few exceptions aside, left most economists
unconcerned. Debt is not a problem in models which view banks as intermediaries of real resources,
but it becomes a major risk if we understand how debt flows give rise not only to money creation -
but also to money destruction.
The repayment of bank debts reduces money in circulation as it triggers the balance sheet changes
described in figure 2 but in reverse: a bank loan is eliminated from the assets side of a bank's balance
sheet together with an equal amount of bank deposits. As the debtor needs to abstain from
consumption in order to make these bank deposits available for this purpose, his contribution to
aggregate demand decreases. And since no member of the public receives the money being repaid,
which simply disappears from circulation, the overall effect on aggregate demand is negative.
Under normal circumstances, new bank lending exceeds repayments to existing bank debt so that
the net effect on aggregate demand is positive. The accumulation of debt, however, creates the
potential for vast declines in aggregate demand if new bank lending slows down or comes to a halt
while repayments to existing debt are due. The accumulation of bank debt is thus an important risk
factor on the stability of aggregate demand, and therefore on economic activity. The drag on
aggregate demand would not wear out in a year or two, but have a protracted time pattern as medium
and long-term loans become due. In other words, the economy could see several years of negative or
weak growth while it deals with the consequences of excessive bank lending. At the same time, the
prospect of several years of slow growth would only reaffirm banks' decision to cut out new lending
in the first place. Bank lending and the subsequent process of debt deleveraging would thus produce
a pattern of boom and bust in economic activity, which clearly parallels the experience of multiple
economies before and after a crisis.
Finally, under the analysis above, the implications for economic policy in response to a debt-fuelled
financial crisis are far-reaching. With bank debt viewed as a transfer of real resources debt repayments
have no negative macroeconomic consequences - and should be enforced on moral grounds, as it is
only fair to return the resources initially ceded by the public. If bank debt is the outcome of money
creation, however, a different perspective emerges. Bank lending does not necessarily transfer real
resources from the public to borrowers, as aggregate production may itself increase due to bank
lending. And debt repayments do not return anything to the public - they take money out of
circulation. Debtors should of course be expected to pay back their debts under normal circumstances,
but the macroeconomic consequences of such actions should be factored in during periods of
aggregate debt deleveraging. Insisting on prompt debt repayments is not necessarily wise if it comes
at the expense of aggregate economic activity. Softening conditions on debtors via debt restructuring
and partial bailouts, accompanied with adequate measures to sustain the viability of the banking
system, is thus a valid policy option under the specific economic environment of high indebtedness
and low demand. By and large, this has not been the policy of choice when dealing with the aftermath
of the crisis in the years since 2008.
7. Concluding Remarks
The conflict between the two views about the nature of banking here described runs deep in the
history of economics, and closely relates to the conflict between the two views about the nature of
money, as discussed by Goodhart (1998). Towards the end of his monumental History of Economic
Analysis, Joseph A. Schumpeter reflects on these two approaches to banking as they existed towards
the middle of the 20th century. While in most other areas of economics Schumpeter would abstain
from expressing too marked preferences, he makes an exception at this point and chooses his words
rather uncompromisingly:
"It is much more realistic to say that the banks ‘create credit’, that is, that they create deposits
in their act of lending, than to say that they lend the deposits that have been entrusted to
them. [...] The theory of ‘credit creation’ not only recognizes patent facts without obscuring
them by artificial constructions; it also brings out the peculiar mechanism of saving and
investment that is characteristic of fullfledged capitalist society and the true role of banks in
capitalist evolution."
Schumpeter (1954, p. 1114)
In the decades since this opinion was expressed, it has only become more and more pertinent.
Banks should not be omitted from any discussion of the economy at the aggregate level which
concerns the financing of borrowers, as most borrowers in most economies are financed by money
creation from banks, rather than by money transfers from financial intermediaries. And, for this same
reason, an economic analysis of banking cannot take place within a model economy where money is
All models simplify reality, but good models choose wisely which aspects of reality may be left out,
and which shouldn't. Trying to think about banks without thinking about money is not only ill-advised;
to a large extent it is self-contradictory. The capacity to issue liabilities which function as money is,
more than anything else, what defines the modern bank.
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Figure 1
Bank lending via money transfer
Reserves 100 Bank deposit 100
(currency) (of Mrs. Z.)
Reserves 10 Bank deposit 100
(currency) (of Mrs. Z.)
Bank loan 90
(to Mr. A.)
Figure 2
Bank lending via money creation
Assets xx Liabilities xx
(incl. reserves)
Assets xx Liabilities xx
(incl. reserves)
Bank 1 Bank 2
Reserves 10 Bank deposit 100 Reserves 9 Bank deposit 90
Bank 1 Bank 2
Reserves 100 Bank deposit 100 Reserves 90 Bank deposit 90
Bank 1 Bank 2
Reserves 10 Bank deposit 100 Reserves 9 Bank deposit 90
Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100
(to Mr. A.) (of Mr. A.) (to Mr. B.) (of Mr. B.) (to Mr. N.) (of Mr. N.)
Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100
(to Mr. A.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.) (to Mr. B.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.) (to Mr. N.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.)
Figure 5
The business of banking at the aggregate level: obtaining bank reserves.
Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100
(to Mr. A.) (of Mr. A.) (to Mr. B.) (of Mr. B.) (to Mr. N.) (of Mr. N.)
Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100
(to Mr. A.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.) (to Mr. B.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.) (to Mr. N.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.)
Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100 Bank loan 100 Bank deposit 100
(to Mr. A.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.) (to Mr. B.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.) (to Mr. N.) (of Mr/Mrs. X., Y., Z.)
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