Basic Econometrics: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 - Regression Models
Basic Econometrics: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 - Regression Models
Basic Econometrics: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 - Regression Models
The art of the econometrician consists in finding the set of assumptions that are both sufficiently
specific and sufficiently realistic to allow him to take the best possible advantage of the data available
to him.5
Econometricians . . . are a positive help in trying to dispel the poor public image of economics
(quantitative or otherwise) as a subject in which empty boxes are opened by assuming the existence
of can-openers to reveal contents which any ten economists will interpret in 11 ways.6
The method of econometric research aims, essentially, at a conjunction of economic theory and actual
measurements, using the theory and technique of statistical inference as a bridge pier.7
Economic theory makes statements or hypotheses that are mostly qualitative in nature. For example,
microeconomic theory states that, other things remaining the same, a reduction in the price of a
commodity is expected to increase the quantity demanded of that commodity. Thus, economic theory
postulates a negative or inverse relationship between the price and quantity demanded of a
commodity. But the theory itself does not provide any numerical measure of the relationship between
the two; that is, it does not tell by how much the quantity will go up or down as a result of a certain
change in the price of the commodity. It is the job of the econometrician to provide such numerical
estimates. Stated differently, econometrics gives empirical content to most economic theory.
The main concern of mathematical economics is to express economic theory in mathematical form
(equations) without regard to measurability or empirical verification of the theory. Econometrics, as
noted previously, is mainly interested in the empirical verification of economic theory. As we shall see,
the econometrician often uses the mathematical equations proposed by the mathematical economist
but puts these equations in such a form that they lend themselves to empirical testing. And this
conversion of mathematical into econometric equations requires a great deal of ingenuity and practical
Economic statistics is mainly concerned with collecting, processing, and presenting economic data in
the form of charts and tables. These are the
5E. Malinvaud, Statistical Methods of Econometrics, Rand McNally, Chicago, 1966, p. 514.
6Adrian C. Darnell and J. Lynne Evans, The Limits of Econometrics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Hants,
England, 1990, p. 54.
7T. Haavelmo, "The Probability Approach in Econometrics," Supplement to Econometrica, vol. 12,
1944, preface p. iii.
jobs of the economic statistician. It is he or she who is primarily responsible for collecting data on
gross national product (GNP), employment, unemployment, prices, etc. The data thus collected
constitute the raw data for econometric work. But the economic statistician does not go any further,
not being concerned with using the collected data to test economic theories. Of course, one who does
that becomes an econometrician.
Although mathematical statistics provides many tools used in the trade, the econometrician often
needs special methods in view of the unique nature of most economic data, namely, that the data are
not generated as the result of a controlled experiment. The econometrician, like the meteorologist,
generally depends on data that cannot be controlled directly. As Spanos correctly observes:
In econometrics the modeler is often faced with observational as opposed to experimental data. This
has two important implications for empirical modeling in econometrics. First, the modeler is required
to master very different skills than those needed for analyzing experimental data. . .. Second, the
separation of the data collector and the data analyst requires the modeler to familiarize himself/herself
thoroughly with the nature and structure of data in question.8