Tissue Engineering/Biomaterials
In this study, a novel porous hydroxyapatite scaffold was artificial bone similar to natural bone structure is quite chal-
designed and fabricated to imitate natural bone through a lenging. For successful fabrication of artificial bone, the inter-
multipass extrusion process. The conceptual design manifested nal architecture of the bone should ensure microarchitecture
unidirectional microchannels at the exterior part of the scaf- formation by guiding the natural regeneration process. Several
fold to facilitate rapid biomineralization and a central canal reviews have been published on the general properties and
that houses the bone marrow. External and internal fissures design features of biodegradable and bioresorbable polymers
were minimized during microwave sintering at 1,100°C. No and scaffolds for artificial bone fabrication.2–4
deformation was noted, and a mechanically stable scaffold Bone is constantly undergoing remodeling processes.
was fabricated. Detailed microstructure of the fabricated arti- Critical-sized bone defects, which are inherently very difficult to
ficial bone was examined by scanning electron microscope and heal by the bone remodeling process, need artificial aid to help
X-ray diffractometer, and material properties like compressive the remodeling process cover up the defect site relatively shortly
strength were evaluated. The initial biocompatibility was exam- and with ease. The treatment has been addressed by autograft,
ined by the cell proliferation of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells allograft, xenograft, or synthetic bone graft. The former three have
using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazo- limitations in use due to problems of availability, collateral site
lium bromide) assay. Preliminary in vivo investigation in a rab- damage, morbidity, disease transmission, or rejection by the body.
bit model after 4 weeks and 8 weeks of implantation showed Synthetic materials are a common option for bone defect repair.
full osteointegration of the scaffold with the native tissue, and Studies have demonstrated that a porous microstructure is
formation of bone tissue within the pore network, as examined essential for fast osteointegration and proper bone cell ingrowth
by microcomputed tomography analyses and histological stain- in artificial bone grafting. Therefore, scaffolds for bone tissue
ing. Osteon-like bone microarchitecture was observed along engineering must have porous structure with consideration
the unidirectional channel with microblood vessels. These con- of the size, shape, connectivity, and porosity of the pores.5,6
firm a biomimetic regeneration model in the implanted bone Accordingly, the design of porous implant materials with pore
scaffold, which can be used as an artificial alternative for dam- size larger than 150 μm appears to be suitable size for clinical
aged bone. ASAIO Journal 2014; 60:216–223. bone graft applications. The design of porous implant materials
with microstructure that mimics the bimodal structural config-
Key Words: bioceramics, extrusion, microstructure, calcium uration of bone (cortical and cancellous) and with a sufficient
phosphate, layered ceramics degree of interconnectivity5 is a unique challenge.
Porous structures have inherently poor mechanical proper-
Human cortical bone is a naturally occurring composite ties. Thus, a key problem in artificial bone fabrication is how to
construct an osteoinducive microarchitecture with proper con-
material where around two thirds is composed of hydroxyapa-
tite (HAp) nanocrystal.1 The distinctive characteristics of hard nectivity and biological performance without too much neglect-
tissues in natural bone are the haversian lamellae, composed ing the mechanical strength. The conventional techniques for
of columnar osteons, which are distributed into a concentric scaffold fabrication include fiber bonding, solvent casting, par-
circle shape randomly around a central cavity containing bone ticulate leaching, membrane lamination, melt molding, polymer
marrow. Because of this complex microstructure, producing foaming, solid–liquid phase separation, textile technologies, and
electrospinning.7–10 However, with traditional processing meth-
ods, the bionic microarchitecture could not be ensured. The log-
From the *Department of Biomedical Engineering and Materials, ical choices of materials for artificial bone are HAp or tricalcium
College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Cheonan, Korea. phosphate ceramic materials or a mixture of the two. These
Submitted for consideration May 2013; accepted for publication in
revised form November 2013. materials not only support favorable cell–material interaction
Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of interest to report. but also promote bone ingrowth in vivo (osteoconduction).11,12
This work was supported by the Mid-career Researcher Program Bone remodeling is a multicellular phenomenon, which
through the NRF grant funded by the MEST (No. 2009-0092808). produces osteon bone mineral and also permits repair of
Reprint Requests: Byong-Taek Lee, Department of Biomedical Engi-
microdamage.13 The distinctive characteristics of hard tissues
neering and Materials, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang Univer-
sity, Cheonan 330–930, Korea. Email: [email protected]. in natural bone are the haversian lamellae, which are com-
Copyright © 2014 by the American Society for Artificial Internal posed of columnar osteons, with the osteons distributed and
Organs connected into a concentric circle shape around a central axis.
DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000000032 Because of this, it has been considered that producing artificial
bone similar to natural bone is quite difficult due to the com- filaments in the die and extruded to make a fourth filament
plex microstructure of natural bone. For a successful fabri- (16 mm in diameter). The fourth filament (16 mm in diameter)
cation of natural bone, the internal architecture of the bone was wrapped with a HAp shell and extruded to make the final
should be such that the scaffold not only ensures the formation green preform. Binder was burnt-out at a temperature of 700°C
of the characteristic microarchitecture but also guides the nat- in a flowing nitrogen atmosphere, reaching the final tempera-
ural regeneration process for natural-bone-like organization. ture after 7 days. The carbon was burnt-out at 1,000°C at 2°C/
Current research mainly involves the fabrication and minute increment in an air atmosphere through a second burn-
improvement of critical-sized defect sites by block, granular, out process. Finally, microwave sintering of the artificial bone
or injectable bone substitutes. But replacing a whole bone sec- to combine the composites was carried out in air at 1,100°C.
tion or using artificial bone within load-bearing region is basi-
cally different thing. Providing hierarchical architecture and at Characterization
the same time ensuring the functional organization of different
parts of the bone is a challenging task that needs a holistic The morphologies of the porous HAp composites were observed
approach for a successful design. by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, JSM-7401F) and energy-
Many have tried to fabricate microstructures that mimic dispersive spectrometry (EDS, JSM-7401F). The crystal structure
of the composite was determined by X-ray diffraction (Miniflex
human bone and contain many micropores using HAp/col-
II, Rigaku, Japan). The compressive strength of the samples was
lagen composites.14 Porous HAp was investigated as artifi-
measured using a universal testing machine (R&B, Korea).
cial bone application15 but obtaining complex geometry of
natural bone was not assured. New methods with stem cell
approach are being investigated to fabricate artificial bone, Compressive Strength Measurement
but the robustness of the bone and the load-bearing ability The cylindrical shape samples were subjected to compres-
of it are yet to achieve. A combination of sponge replica and sive strength measurement in the axial direction. Universal
electrospinning method addressed the unidirectional structure Testing Machine (R&B, Korea) was used with built-in software
and cortical trabecular combined approach, but this too was to measure the compressive strength. Sample height was cho-
devoid of significant load-bearing ability and scope for further sen as 3 mm and average of five measurements was taken.
improvement.9 We have already developed methods to pre-
pare unidirectional, mechanically stable porous bodies with In Vitro Biocompatibility Testing
pore size suitable for bone regeneration.16 But mismatch of the
thermal expansion coefficient of ZrO2 with that of HAp led to MG-63 osteoblast-like cells were obtained from the Korean
extensive cracking. Although our second attempt17 successfully Cell Line Bank and cultured with Dulbecco’s modified Eagle
controlled the structural integrity in the sintered scaffold, the medium (Hyclone, Thermoscientific, Pittsburgh, PA) supple-
presence of a bioinert phase prohibited the full biointegration. mented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Hyclone) and 1%
In the current study, we tried to fabricate all HAp porous bone penicillin/streptomycin antibiotics (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). Quan-
preform that could be used to guide a biomimetic regeneration tification of cell growth and proliferation was done using MTT
process after implantation. Detailed analysis of the microstruc- (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)
ture and materials properties was conducted. In addition, the assay. Ultrasonically cleaned and then autoclaved samples were
biocompatibility of the artificial bone with porous microstruc- put inside 24 well plate and seeded with 10,000 cells per well.
ture was investigated using in vitro and in vivo experiments. The scaffolds were incubated for 1, 3, and 5 days. After incu-
bation, the samples were transferred to a new plate (24 wells).
A 200 μl MTT solution was added onto the composite, which
Experimental Procedure was then incubated at 37°C for 3.5 hours, after which the MTT
Extrusion Process for Fabricating Porous Composites solution was discarded. Then, the dimethyl sulfoxide solution
was added to dissolve any insoluble formazan crystals on the
An HAp nanopowder was synthesized in-house by precipita- samples. From the 24 well plate, 150 μl of solution was trans-
tion method. Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (ELVAX 210A; ferred to a plate with 96 wells. The absorbance was measured at
Dupont, Wilmington, DE), carbon powder (<15 μm, Aldrich, St. 595 nm using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or
Louis, MO), and stearic acid (Daejung Chemicals & Metals Co., microplate reader (Turner Biosystems CE, Promega Corporation,
Korea) were used as a thermoplastic binder, pore forming agent, Sunnyvale, CA) for MTT testing.
and lubricant, respectively. A shear-mixed green composite (50 vol The osteoblast cells were seeded on tissue culture polysty-
%/HAp 40 vol %/polymer 10 vol %/stearic acid) was prepared with rene as control samples and on the scaffold at a concentration
the above materials. HAp shell with 20 mm external diameter and of 104 cells/ml. Samples were kept at 37°C in a humidified air
2 mm thickness was warm pressed in a cylindrical die at 100°C. atmosphere with 5% CO2 for 1, 3, and 5 days. After the speci-
Shear-mixed carbon (50 vol %/carbon powder 40 vol %/polymer fied duration, the media was removed and the entire cell seeded
10 vol %/stearic acid) was prepared using the same process. specimens washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solu-
Cylindrical carbon core was wrapped by HAp shell to make tion and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 minutes at room
the feed roll and extruded to make the first filament (3.5 mm temperature. It was then permeabilized in PBS containing
in external diameter). A second filament (16 mm in external 0.25% Triton X-100 for 10 minutes and blocked in 2.5% bovine
diameter) was fabricated using the feed roll. The 28 first fila- serum albumin for 30 minutes. Cells were immunostained
ments arranged in the cylindrical die were extruded to make using fluorescein isothiocyanate–conjugated phalloidin for 2
a third filament (3.5 mm in external diameter). The second fila- hours at room temperature. Nuclei were counterstained with
ment was used as a central axis and wrapped with the 28 third 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. The scaffold were mounted
218 JANG et al.
Figure 1. Optical micrograph (A), scanning electron micrograph (B), detail of the pore network (C), and energy-dispersive spectrometry
profile (D) of hydroxyapatite extruded scaffold after sintering at 1,100°C.
onto glass slides and observed in confocal fluorescent micro- Micro-CT scanning. A Skyscan Deskop Micro-CT 1172
scope (FV10i-W) using accompanying FV10i-ASW 3.0 software. (Aartselaar, Belgium) with a source voltage of 60 kV and a cur-
rent of 167 μA was used to acquire X-ray radiographs. After
In Vivo Biocompatibility scanning, cross-sectional slices were reconstructed and each
scan result was reconstructed using the 0.010–0.067 threshold
Implantation. Implantation of the porous sintered scaffold values to distinguish bone and air.
was done in adult male New Zealand white rabbits each weigh- Histological staining. The section of the formalin-fixed rab-
ing 2.5 kg in average and 2 months old. We used three rabbits bit femur containing the implant’s decalcification was carried
for each time span. The scaffold was sterilized by ultrasonic
out by immersing in 5% nitric acid for 2 days and then de-
cleaning and then autoclaving. Before animal use with regard
hydrating with ethanol series and subsequent xylene immer-
to operation, raising and sacrifice approval was obtained from
sion for alcohol clearance. Samples were embedded in paraf-
the university ethical committee on animal care and use. The
fin wax and cut into 5 μm sections with a microtome (HM
rabbits were raised in animal care unit and were taken care of
325, Thermoscientific). Tissue sections were deparaffinized
daily. Urethane was used as anesthesia drug for performing the
and cleared using standard protocol before staining with he-
surgery. After sterilizing the shaved left femur area and steriliz-
matoxylin and eosin (H&E) method and Masson’s Trichrome
ing by Povidon, an incision was made to expose the left femur
method. Stained sections were viewed with an optical micro-
bone and a circular area was cut with a cylindrical rotary saw
scope (Olympus BX51, Japan).
with the saw diameter selected to make a cut to fit the sample.
The animal was kept in laboratory conditions and fed ad libitum
and raised for 4 weeks and 8 weeks before sacrifice. Baytiril Results
(enrofloxacin) was used as antibiotic during the postoperation Structural Features and Mechanical Properties
period. No postsurgical pain modification medication was ad-
ministered. The animals were sacrificed according to university The microstructure and design features are shown in
ethical committee guidelines. Before sacrifice, succinylcholine F igure 1A, in an optical image of the cross section of the sin-
chloride was used to immobilize the rabbit and the femurs were tered scaffold. The outer shell is dense, which gives ideal struc-
harvested. The harvested bone was fixed in 10% formalin and tural support to the scaffold jointly with the innermost thin
stored at room temperature before histological analysis. shell. The internal pores have very thin walls and are essential
Table 1. Gross Morphological Observation of the Novel Porous Hydroxyapatite Scaffold at Different Sintering Temperatures
Sintering Temperature (°C) External Fissure Internal Fissure Deformation Postsintering Stability
Table 2. Dimensional Analyses of Hydroxyapatite Composite Fabricated at 1,100°C and Corresponding Mechanical Strength
Sintering Compressive Internal External Number of Pore Size
Temperature (°C) Strength (MPa) Diameter (mm) Diameter (mm) pores (ea) (μm)
1,100 3.5 ± 0.28 2.3 ± 0.14 9.4 ± 0.23 784 150 ± 20
for fast resorption of the materials. Figure 1B shows the exter- which demonstrated the potential of the scaffold to host cell
nal and internal structure of the optimized HAp scaffold after growth and reproduction. Cell density in the scaffolds was
the polymer binder and graphite were removed, which were comparable to that of the control after 1 and 3 days of culture.
measured to have approximately 9.4 ± 0.23 mm outer diameter Slight increase in the cell density on the porous scaffold over
and 2.3 ± 0.14 mm inner diameter. The size of the pore channel the control was observed on the fifth day (Figure 3).
designed to facilitate bone growth was 150 ± 20 μm in diame- Figure 3, B1 and C1 shows the gross cell growth on the sur-
ter. The pore network is shown in detail in Figure 1C. The frame face of HAp scaffold after 1 day and 5 days of incubation. It
of the pores was only 50 ± 10 μm, which is thin enough for can be observed that cell adherence was prominent on day
very fast osteoresorption. The EDS profile (D) was taken from 1 (Figure 3B2–B5). The density of cellular growth increased
the D region of the SEM image (C), and it was clearly con- relatively after 5 days of incubation as cells covered most of
firmed that the frame is composed of HAp phase, as evidenced the outer shell of the scaffold surface (Figure 3, C2 and C3) as
by elevated Ca and P peaks only. well as the walls of the pore network (Figure 3, C4 and C5).
The scaffolds were fabricated at 1,000°C, 1,100°C, 1,150°C,
1,200°C, and 1,250°C. At temperatures higher than 1,100°C, In Vivo Biocompatibility
prominent cracks and deformations were seen at the outer thick
shell of the scaffold. Table 1 summarizes the gross morphologi- Material interaction and bone regenerating ability in a living
cal observation in the scaffolds. The dimensions and compres- system were investigated by implanting the scaffold in white
sive strength of the HAp scaffold were measured five times, and New Zealand rabbit model. The scaffold was sterilized and
the averages are shown in Table 2. The average pore size was set in drill-cut bone, as shown in Figure 4A. Extraction of the
150 ± 20 μm, and the scaffold was designed to have exactly femoral grafts was done during the fourth and eighth weeks of
784 pores within the network by arranging the number of extru- implantation. Gross animal appearance appeared to be normal
sion passes and filament number. The sintering temperature was during the entire period of observation.
chosen to be 1,100°C, because higher sintering temperature Micro-CT scanning images were seen in Figure 5, show-
produced some cracks, and the shape was slightly deformed. ing integration of the sample into the native bone tissue and
Figure 2 illustrates the XRD profiles of the (A) HAp start- material degradation after 4 and 8 weeks of implantation. The
ing powder and (B) HAp composite sintered at 1,100°C using porous scaffold showed dense, generally intact structure and a
microwaves. The XRD patterns of the HAp starting powder cal- clear, brightly colored micro-CT image of the implanted scaf-
cined at 750°C and HAp composite sintered at 1,100°C are fold with natural bone after 4 weeks of grafting (Figure 5, A1
shown in Figure 2, A and B, exhibiting peaks corresponding to and A2). Figure 5, B1 and B2 showed changed color of the
the HAp phase. From these results, it can be confirmed that the implanted scaffold that was similar to natural bone during the
HAp composite was composed of pure HAp particles. eighth week of grafting, which was representative of biodeg-
radation. Bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV) and bone sur-
In Vitro Biocompatibility face density/tissue volume (BS/TV) measurements of the newly
It was observed that cell growth in the porous sintered scaf- formed bone are shown in Figure 5. The BV/TV and BS/TV
fold had increased with the lengthening of the culture period, results show increased values of 57.853 (%) and 2.779 (%) in
8 weeks, compared to 51.627 (%) and 2.05 (%) in 4 weeks,
and the changed parameters show that the amount of newly
formed bone increased with implantation time.
Histological staining of tissue sections showed implant
behavior in vivo after 4 weeks and 8 weeks of implantation
(Figure 6, A1 and B1, respectively). The bone tissue–scaffold
junction during the fourth and eighth weeks showed similar
morphological behavior (Figure 6, A2 and B2, respectively).
Neat integration of the scaffolds in the native host tissue was
observed. No signs of inflammatory cell reaction were noted
in the perimeter of the implant. Enlarged details of the scaf-
fold pores showed significant osteoblast cellular activity (Fig-
ure 6, A3 and B3). Dense tissue deposition was observed in
the pore walls during the eighth week (Figure 6B3), which
is morphologically similar to the native bone in the bone–
scaffold junction. Blood vessel formation was also observed
within the pore channel during the fourth week of implanta-
Figure 2. X-ray diffractometer profiles of hydroxyapatite (HAp)
tion as a central conduit as indicated by arrow head (Figure 6,
starting powder calcined at 750°C (A) and HAp composites sintered A4 and B4). The microblood vessel formation is essential
at 1,100°C (B). for the increased cellular activity in the deep interior of the
220 JANG et al.
Figure 3. Cell proliferation behavior of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells in the hydroxyapatite scaffold after 1, 3, and 5 days using MTT assay (A).
Confocal laser micrographs of hydroxyapatite scaffold after 1 day (B1) and 5 days (C1) of culture with MG-63 osteoblast-like cells. Details of
the outer shell section (B2, C2) and pore network (B4, C4) were also visualized using higher magnification (B3, C3 and B5, C5, respectively).
Scale bar = 50 μm. TCP, tissue culture polystyrene.
implanted scaffold. This is crucial for the biointegration of scaffold is not an exception. However, bone mineral phase
the scaffold. regenerates its own biological structure periodically and can
Masson’s Trichrome method stains bone and collagen in be used to great advantage for tissue engineering applications.
blue. Figure 7 shows the bone tissue formation inside the scaf- The key is making an optimal design with proper microarchi-
fold’s pore network during the fourth week and eighth week of tecture to guide the regeneration process. The porous micro-
implantation (Figure 7, A1 and B1, respectively). Pores located structure achieved by using HAp was designed and studied
near the center were observed to have dense tissue formation extensively in artificial aid for bone regeneration and was
in the pore walls, but structural morphology of the cancellous found to possess osteoconductivity. However, the porosity of
bone was preserved (Figure 7B4). Both H&E staining and Mas- a scaffold compromises mechanical properties. In this study,
son’s Trichrome staining were duplicated for all the three rab- the scaffold was designed to have a porous structure with
bits, for each time span. a narrow range of pore diameters, fabricated by multiextru-
sion method. This method could easily control the pore size,
microstructure, and mechanical strength by changing the
extrusion number and pore network layout before extrusion.
Scaffold fabrication for replacing a major part of or an entire In the fabricated scaffold, the porous structure is organized
organ is a significantly complex task and involves numerous but structurally weak and disintegrates in low load and is not
obstacles and challenges. Fabrication of an artificial bone suitable for high load-bearing applications. Very thin pore
Figure 4. Photomicrographs of novel porous hydroxyapatite scaffold (A), defect (arrow) made with the rabbit femur (B), and implantation of
the hydroxyapatite scaffold on the bone defect (C).
Figure 5. Microcomputed tomography micrographs (A1 and B1) and reconstructed 3D images (A2 and B2) of the porous hydroxyapatite
scaffold after 4 weeks (A1 and A2) and 8 weeks (B1 and B2). Percentage bone volume (C) and bone surface density (D) of implanted scaffold
after 4 weeks and 8 weeks of grafting. BS, bone surface density; BV, bone volume; TV, tissue volume.
wall within the porous interior limits the load-bearing abil- the artificial bone. The proliferative ability and cell adhesion
ity of the fabricated scaffold, which is reasonable because of behavior of osteoblast-like cells were investigated. Results
the lower strength and fracture toughness of used HAp mate- showed favorable cell growth pattern and behavior as the
rial. This can be averted by designing a thicker pore wall and cells showed increasing growth rate and nuclear density and
higher compressive strength could be achieved, albeit with increased extracellular material deposition over time. Cells
a compromise of its biodegradation and integration behav- were seen to increase in number as the culture time was
ior. However, the drawback is partially minimized with the lengthened. In connection with the porous network of the
structural support from the strong peripheral thick enclosure. fabricated scaffold, porosity produces a biological advantage
This enclosure at the outer region also ensures the shape of as it provides a means of nutrient exchange and diffusion
Figure 6. Tissue sections of bone containing the implant during 4 weeks (A1) and 8 weeks (B1) of implantation. Enlarged micrographs of
the bone tissue–scaffold junction (A2 and B2), cellular activity and cell penetration in the pore network (A3 and B3), and possible signs of
vascularization (A4 and B4).
222 JANG et al.
Figure 7. Tissue sections of bone containing the implant during 4 weeks (A1) and 8 weeks (B1) of implantation. Enlarged micrographs of
the pore network (A2 and B2), details of bone tissue formation in the pores near the base of the scaffold (A3 and B3), and pores near the
center (A4 and B4).
across the material, thereby providing an optimum environ- for further modification for tissue engineering concept by
ment for cell proliferation. The porous structure has some bioactive materials coating and modification and stem cell
important features, which allows for cell migration, formation loading.
of vascularization, as well as diffusion of nutrients.18 All the
in vitro data evidently showed that the expected biocompat- Conclusion
ibility of the HAp scaffold and microarchitectural features did
not pose any hindrance. Porous HAp scaffold was fabricated as an artificial bone
The in vivo data evidently showed the superior bone preform using a multipass extrusion process to replace natural
regeneration profile using the fabricated scaffold. The results bone. The pore size and microstructure of the imitation natu-
of BV/TV and BS/TV measurements in Figure 6 reveal the ral bone were closely related to the extrusion numbers and
bone formation with the implanted porous artificial bone arrangement of each filament in the last step. The porous struc-
over time. The newly formed bone filled in the porous micro- ture was sintered without surface cracks at 1,100°C. In vitro
structure and gradually the whole implanted section was and in vivo tests confirm that the porous microstructure is a
largely ossified. relatively good environment for grafting on the scaffold with-
The interactions between the surfaces of implant and native out eliciting inflammatory reaction. Extensive bone formation
bone are shown in Figure 7. Tissue formation was evident was evident after 8 weeks of implantation.
within the pore walls of the scaffold, which appeared denser
at a later harvested period. Pores of the scaffold also appeared References
to be larger at this time, which may have been due to material
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