Demand-Based Control of Lab Air Change Rates: by Gordon P. Sharp, Member ASHRAE
Demand-Based Control of Lab Air Change Rates: by Gordon P. Sharp, Member ASHRAE
Demand-Based Control of Lab Air Change Rates: by Gordon P. Sharp, Member ASHRAE
Control of Lab
Air Change
By Gordon P. Sharp, Member ASHRAE the indoor environmental quality (IEQ)
conditions of labs and vivariums that are
abs and vivarium facilities typically consume large amounts of energy and using a dynamic or demand-based control
approach to lower air change rates.
have high carbon emissions1 because of the large volumes of outside air Before reviewing this study, it is impor-
tant to first understand how air changes
that are conditioned, supplied to, and exhausted from these facilities. With many can be safely reduced in labs and vi-
variums. One successful approach4 is by
modern laboratories operating with fewer fume hoods and more energy-efficient dynamically varying air change rates with
a demand-based concept that uses the air
equipment and lighting,2,3 the labs’ minimum air exchange rate requirement is quality level or “air cleanliness” of the lab
or animal room to control its air changes
often the dominant energy use driver. Achieving the safe reduction or variation or minimum dilution ventilation airflow.
As noted earlier, in a majority of labs
of air change rates in labs and vivariums can represent the greatest single ap- and vivariums, the airflow often is dic-
tated by the minimum air change rate for
proach for reducing their energy consumption and carbon footprint.
the space, which might be up to 12 ach in
Unfortunately, little objective data has and vivariums. This article attempts to
been available on the environmental and address this data gap with the results of About the Author
energy savings impact of safely reducing a major research study that generated a Gordon P. Sharp is chairman of Aircuity in New-
and controlling air change rates in labs significant amount of objective data on ton, Mass.
term exposures of VOC events versus a Air Data BACnet Web User Interface
Router Interface
constant level of VOCs from off-gassing
of construction materials.
Typical values for the particle level
Web Accessible Reports
threshold are about 1 million pcf or parti-
cles per cubic foot (35.3 million particles/
m3), and similarly this particle require-
ment was also set with guidance from Room
the LEED EQ 3.2 credit’s average value
threshold for flush-out after construction,
which is about 1.6 million pcf (56.5 mil-
lion particles/m3). Setting the minimum Figure 1: Facility-wide multiplexed sensing architecture.
control threshold level at 1 million pcf
(35.3 million particles/m3), again provides a slightly more also can be used to sense the lab and vivarium rooms for other
conservative threshold level for the lab ach control approach. control and monitoring purposes.
One approach to economically and reliably sense envi-
ronmental conditions in many labs and vivarium rooms of Methodology of the Study and Data Analysis
a facility is to use a novel sensing architecture known as In addition to being used for control purposes, the multi-
multiplexed sensing. With this approach, one central set of plexed sensing system of Figure 1 also sends its sensing data to
sensors is used in a multiplexed fashion to sense not one but a password-protected Web site to be archived and made available
many different rooms or areas. Instead of placing multiple for review and analysis purposes by facilities and other qualified
sensors in each room, this networked system routes packets, personnel. One use of this information is to assess the environ-
or samples of air, sequentially in a multiplexed fashion to a mental and energy savings impact of demand-based control of
shared set of sensors. air changes in a specific facility. To get a broader view of the
Every 40 to 50 seconds a sample of air from different areas efficacy of this concept across not just one, but many facilities,
is routed through a common air sampling backbone consisting a comprehensive research study was undertaken to analyze
of a hollow structured cable to the centralized set of sensors the archived data from many different lab and vivarium sites.
(known as a sensor suite) for measurement. These sequential This study was conducted using environmental data from 18
measurements are then “de-multiplexed” for each sampled area different lab and vivarium sites across the U.S. and Canada. Of
to create distinct sensor signals that can be used for monitoring these sites, six were from the East Coast, seven from the Central
and control. Typically, 15 to 20 areas can be sampled with one U.S., three from the West Coast, and two from Canada. These
set of sensors approximately every 15 minutes, which theoretical sites consisted primarily of life sciences and biology-related
and empirical spill testing7 has shown meets the time require- areas, as well as a smaller amount of chemistry and physical
ments for the safe, demand-based control of these spaces. sciences lab areas. Three of the above sites involved animal
This multiplexed sensing approach (Figure 1) can measure facilities that were broken out as a separate group. Almost all of
many different air parameters. For laboratories, the use of a PID the lab facilities involved spaces with a moderate or low density
type of TVOC sensor is beneficial for accurately detecting hun- of fume hoods. In total, more than 300 lab and vivarium rooms
dreds of commonly used laboratory chemicals that can volatize were involved in the study, representing a large cross-section
and become a safety concern. Additionally, other nonorganic of different lab room environments.
compounds (such as ammonia, which is of interest in vivarium Approximately 1.5 million operating hours of lab data and
rooms) can be detected with a PID sensor. Other TVOC sensors about 100,000 hours of vivarium data were analyzed. If only
such as metal oxide (MOS) sensors are used in addition to the one lab room was studied versus more than 300, the number
PID sensor for broader detection of chemical contaminants. of operating hours would have spanned over 18 decades. The
Combining these sensors with a laser-based particle counter data from the various sites was for different lengths of time
allows the identification of particles, which can be used as a depending on when the site came online. Data was analyzed
proxy for animal allergens in a vivarium, as well as for detect- for lab operation in a range starting in the early fall of 2006
ing aerosol vapors and smoke particles in a lab room. Carbon and continuing until early January 2009. In total, more than 20
dioxide sensors and accurate dew-point or humidity sensors million sensor values were collected and analyzed including
feeding these rooms were taken with the same sensor, thereby Figure 2: Average TVOC level percentages over threshold (1.5 mil-
creating very accurate differential measurements. lion hours of lab operation).
To simplify the analysis, all sensor data was placed into bins
representing the number of counts or times that a parameter
3 1.5%
2 1.0%
1 0.5%
0 0.0%
0.1 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 6 8 0.1 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 6 8 16
TVOC Level Threshold (ppm) TVOC Level Threshold (ppm)
Figure 4: Number of short TVOC events per week for an average Figure 5: Average TVOC level percentages for multiple lab sites (1.5
lab area. million lab hours).
rates to purge the rooms during these events versus trying to amount of TVOC activity, the dynamic control concept can still
use a fixed, but likely lower ach rate that may not be as effective save energy about 98% of the time with almost four hours of
during these events. time during which the minimum room ach rate is increased to
To show the variations in this data between different sites, safely respond to TVOC-based events.
Figure 5 shows the same TVOC graph but with each of the lab Another parameter that can cause an increase in the minimum
sites shown as a separate line with the average curve shown by air change rate is an increase in particles in the lab due to a
the black dotted line. Note that even at the site with the greatest reaction that may go out of control or an acid spill that causes
500,000 1 Million 2 Million 3 Million 4 Million 5 Million 6 Million 8 Million
Small Particle Level Threshold (pcf)
Percentage Time Over Threshold
1.5% Advertisement formerly in this space.
500,000 1 Million 2 Million 3 Million 4 Million 5 Million 6 Million 8 Million
Small Particle Level Threshold (pcf)
Figure 7: Small particles graph for multiple lab sites (1.5 million
operating hours).
Supply Air
8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16
12 a.m.
Percentage Time Over Threshold
NHP – Open Cages
Rodents – Ventilated Cages
Rodents – Open Cages
250,000 500,000 1 Million 2 Million 3 Million 4 Million
Small Particle Level Threshold (pcf)
variability across sites with the worst-case sites for TVOCs and 6 a 7 a 8 a 9 a 10 a 11 a 12 p 1 p 2 p 3 p 4p
particles having about three times the average of all the sites. As
Figure 11: Impact of NHP cage cleaning on room particle and
such, the worst-case sites saw conditions requiring increased flow
dew-point/humidity levels. Data recorded on September 8.
on average of about four hours a week per each lab room.
For the three types of vivariums studied, similar to labs, the Allow Ventilation Rate Reductions and Save Energy Without Compromis-
IEQ conditions of low TVOC and particulate levels occurred ing Safety?” Presented in Session E2 at the 2009 Labs21 Conference.
about 98.5% of the time or less, safely
allowing for substantial energy savings
for all but about 2.5 hours a week when
higher flows were required.
With the current challenges many
organizations are facing concerning
reducing their carbon footprint and their
use of energy, this study provides ample
evidence of the significant contribution
that the demand-based variation of lab
and vivarium air change rates can make
towards safely meeting these goals.
Advertisement formerly in this space.
1. EIA. 1999. “Commercial Buildings
Energy Consumption Survey.” U.S. Energy
Information Administration. www.eia.doe.
2. Mathew, P., et al. 2005. “Right-sizing
laboratory HVAC systems, part 1.” HPAC
Engineering (9).
3. Mathew, P., et al. 2005. “Right-sizing
laboratory HVAC systems, part 2.” HPAC
Engineering (10).
4. Sharp, G.P. 2008. “Dynamic variation of
laboratory air change rates: a new approach
to saving energy and enhancing safety.” ALN
Magazine (11/12).
5. Klein, R.C., C. King, A. Kosior. 2009. “Lab-
oratory air quality and room ventilation rates.”
Journal of Chemical Health & Safety (9/10).
6. Schuyler, G. 2009. “The effect of air change
rate on recovery from a spill.” Presented in
Seminar 26 at the ASHRAE Winter Conference.
7. Abbamonto, C., G. Bell. 2009. “Does Cen-
tralized Demand-Controlled Ventilation (CDCV)