Suggestion by Researcher:: November, 26,2010)
Suggestion by Researcher:: November, 26,2010)
Suggestion by Researcher:: November, 26,2010)
“Reservation should be based on transparent survey of the each and every house of
the country, no doubt it is hard and long run process but possible to do it, but it can carry
the more wattage towards the policy. And Government should provide the reservation
certificate rather than caste certificate.
The survey must be taken after a particular interval time for include new and exclude
according to the income. E.g. If a person became the engineer after the finishing the study
and getting good salary, he or she must be excluded from taking further advantage of the
This work can be provided to the commission of the concerned caste.
Number of seats should be increased in the technical and prestigious institute for
providing opportunity to big number of student. Like in IITs, NLUs, Medical Colleges
Although caste is an important factor of exclusion at work in Indian society, other
factors such as gender, economic conditions, geographical disparities and kind of
schooling received cannot be altogether ignored because these are the fundamental
requirement of the depressed societies. For example, a child studying in a village or
municipal school does not enjoy the same status in society as another who has studied in
an elite public school, caste notwithstanding. Some academics have argued that a better
system of Affirmative Action would be one which seeks to address all the factors of
exclusion at work in society which restrict a person's competitive abilities. 1
“There should be reservation in private school and the financial aid to the poor reserve
students because, the standard of the government school going down day by day and the
fee structure of the private school is very high which these students can’t afford.
The compensation can be provided in the form of offering the jobs to the victims
those who suffered enormous economic loss in the past. And the other person who
denied from their job so they can be compensated in the later life.
Providing financial help, it can be in the form of pension reforms to the older
member of the discriminated society.
The compensation should also granted to those people who discarded from the
universities, hospitals and other institutions because of which their interest could not
be secured in both social as well as in political discretion. Like the woman hired for
the domestic work, she lose not only the social and political rights of herself but also
she could not be able to send her children to the good educational institution.”