62nd ARD International Music Competition Munich 2013: September 2 To 20, 2013
62nd ARD International Music Competition Munich 2013: September 2 To 20, 2013
62nd ARD International Music Competition Munich 2013: September 2 To 20, 2013
2 to 20, 2013
62nd ARD International
Music Competition Munich 2013
Internationaler Musikwettbewerb der ARD
Bayerischer Rundfunk
Rundfunkplatz 1
80335 München
Tel. ++49 89 5900-2471
Fax ++49 89 5900-3573
E-Mail ard.musikwettbewerb@br.de
General Conditions Organizers 2
The 62nd ARD International Music Competition 2013 The 62nd ARD International Music Competition in
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Prizes 3
Violin First Prize c 10,000
Second Prize c 7,500
Third Prize c 5,000
1 Title
2 General Conditions | Organizers
3 Prizes
4 Special Prizes
6 Concert Invitations
7 Further Concert Engagements
8 Conditions of Participation
9 Conduct of the Competition
10 Presence | Accommodation
11 Prize Winners
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Special Prizes 4
Audience Prizes Special Prize U21
Special Prizes
Audience prizes totaling c 6,000 made possible by The Special Prize U21 totalling c 2,000, underwritten
the Theodor Rogler Foundation will be awarded in the by the Dr. Marianne Kunkel Fund will be awarded by the
final round as follows: BR-KLASSIK young people’s program “U21 – Your Program.
– Violin in the amount of c 1,500 Your Music” for an outstanding performance by a very
– Viola in the amount of c 1,500 young participant.
– Bassoon in the amount of c 1,500
– Piano Trio in the amount of c 1,500 Alice Rosner Prize
The Alice Rosner Foundation awards the Alice Rosner
Special Prizes for the Best Interpretation Prize in the amount of c 1,000 for the best interpretation
of a Commissioned Composition of a 20th century work.
Special prizes totaling c 4,000 for the best interpre
tation of the individual commissioned compositions, Osnabrück Music Prize
made possible by the Alice Rosner Foundation, will be The Osnabrück Music Prize, made possible by the
awarded in the category: Werner Egerland Foundation, in the amount of c 7,500
– Violin for the composition by Ulrich Leyendecker is awarded to a finalist in the categories violin, bassoon
in the amount of c 1,000 or piano trio. It is linked to a concert with the Osnabrück
– Viola for the composition by Tigran Mansurian Symphony in January/February 2014.
in the amount of c 1,000
Contents – Bassoon for the composition by Evis Sammoutis Special Prize “Prima la musica”
in the amount of c 1,000 The Prize in the amount of c 5,000 will be awarded by
1 Title
– Piano Trio for the composition by Fazıl Say Krista Pfleiderer to a prize winner or finalist. It is linked to
2 General Conditions | Organizers
in the amount of c 1,000 three concerts with orchestra.
3 Prizes
4 Special Prizes
Special Prize from the Munich Chamber Orchestra Special Prize from the association “MEGEP”
6 Concert Invitations
The Special Prize from the Munich Chamber Orchestra The association “Musiciens entre Guerre et Paix” will
7 Further Concert Engagements
totaling c 1,000 will be awarded by the members of the award a Special Prize in the amount of c 2,100 to a piano
8 Conditions of Participation
Munich Chamber Orchestra for an outstanding inter trio and in the amount of c 1,500 to a violinist for the
9 Conduct of the Competition
pretation by a semi-finalist in the category violin, viola best interpretation of a work by Lucien Durosoir.
10 Presence | Accommodation
or bassoon.
11 Prize Winners
Busch Brothers Prize
Special BR-KLASSIK Prize The Busch Brothers Circle awards the Busch Brothers
Repertoire and Jury
The BR-KLASSIK program division of Bayerischer Rund- Prize in the amount of c 3,000 – in collaboration with the
12 Violin
funk will be presenting the Special BR-KLASSIK Prize in South Westphalian Philharmonic – to an outstanding
14 Viola
the amount of c 1,000 for an outstanding performance. finalist. It is linked to a concert appearance at the Busch
15 Bassoon
Brothers Circle and potential subsequent concerts with
16 Piano Trio
the South Westphalian Philharmonic.
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Continued on page 5
Special Prizes 5
Special Prize from Neue Philharmonie Westfalen
Special Prizes
Neue Philharmonie Westfalen will award a Special Prize
in the amount of c 6,000 to a finalist in the category
violin. The prize is linked to four concerts with the Neue
Philharmonie Westfalen in the season 2014/2015.
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Concert Invitations 6
Prize winners may be invited to give concerts or make
Concert Invitations
Broadcast Appearance
Prize winners will receive invitations from ARD broad
casters to perform concerts or make recordings under the
usual radio conditions.
1 Title
2 General Conditions | Organizers
3 Prizes
4 Special Prizes
6 Concert Invitations
7 Further Concert Engagements
8 Conditions of Participation
9 Conduct of the Competition
10 Presence | Accommodation
11 Prize Winners
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Further Concert Engagements 7
Possible concert engagements may be Kammerkonzerte im Deutschen Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester
Conditions of Participation
The registration deadline for applications: March 31, 2013 Once the selection has been made, the decision of the
(date stamp does not apply) pre-selection jury, made up of members of the compe
Internationaler Musikwettbewerb der ARD tition jury along with the artistic director, on admission to
c/o Bayerischer Rundfunk the competition will be released by June 15, 2013 at the
Rundfunkplatz 1 latest. Its decisions are final and incontestable. No expla-
80335 München nations will be provided.
Germany The chosen competitors will receive written notifica-
tion of their selection. Competitors from abroad can, if
Application necessary, use this confirmation to apply for an entry visa.
The following application documents should be attached:
– application form (download expected from February Recognition of Conditions
2013 at: www.ard-musikwettbewerb.de) With the application for the competition the participant
– for the pre-selection, a personally recorded CD: the CD acknowledges acceptance of the participation and com-
may not be edited, may not be processed and may petition conditions as well as the decision of the pre-
not be older than one year (the works required for the selection jury and the competition jury as binding. There
pre-selection can be found in the repertoire conditions). is no right of appeal. Participation is only possible in one
Cuts, editing or other technological manipulation of of the competition categories.
pitches or lengths of held notes within the sections Applications that do not meet the requirements of the
Contents performed are not permitted. competition can be rejected. Submitted documents and
– a declaration by the recording studio / engineer on the sound recordings cannot be returned.
1 Title
recording of the CD – cf. application form
2 General Conditions | Organizers
– two recommendations from prominent musical Participation Fee
3 Prizes
personalities Following receipt of the admission confirmation, the par-
4 Special Prizes
– in the case of students, the approval of the teacher ticipation fee of c 100 for soloists and c 150 for piano
6 Concert Invitations
– an artistic curriculum vitæ trios must be transferred “free of bank charges for the
7 Further Concert Engagements
– a portrait photograph of the applicant (without copy- recipient” at the latest by July 31, 2013. Should the com-
8 Conditions of Participation
right), which will appear in the competition program, petitor be prevented from attending, or should he or she
9 Conduct of the Competition
black& white or color (also in TIFF format, minimum cancel his or her participation, this participation fee can-
10 Presence | Accommodation
300 dpi) not be refunded.
11 Prize Winners
Important for Shipping: Do not declare the recording
Repertoire and Jury
with any value, due to a large sum of customs charges
12 Violin
thereby incurred!
14 Viola
Subject to alterations!
15 Bassoon
In cases of doubt, the German text applies.
16 Piano Trio
The text of this invitation is available in the Internet
17 Schedule
in German, English and French, the invitation
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
can be downloaded with repertoire and application
19 Main Committee | Directors
form (expected from February 2013):
20 Upcoming Competitions
Conduct of the Competition 9
Jury First Audition Date
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Presence Accommodation 10
Presence of the Participant at the Competition Accommodation during the Competition
Presence | Accommodation
Each participant has to register personally at the central For the duration of the first round, economically priced
competition office one day before the first audition and hotels will be recommended to the participants. All
present his or her passport, ID card or officially recognized competitors who reach the second round will be provided
birth certificate, and should not leave Munich as long as by the competition management with the cost of accom-
he or she is an active participant in the competition modation and meals from this point for the duration
without the explicit approval of the competition manage- of their further participation in the audition process. This
ment (prize winners may first depart after September 20, does not apply to piano accompanists or other compan-
2013). ions.
Each participant accepts the obligation to remain free All competitors who reach the semi-final will be guests
of all professional obligations or concerts throughout the of the competition until the prize winners’ concerts.
duration of the competition.
1 Title
2 General Conditions | Organizers
3 Prizes
4 Special Prizes
6 Concert Invitations
7 Further Concert Engagements
8 Conditions of Participation
9 Conduct of the Competition
10 Presence | Accommodation
11 Prize Winners
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Prize Winners 11
Awards Ceremony Media Exploitation
Prize Winners
The awards ceremony will take place during a festive The Competition, including the prize winners’ concerts,
concert. will be recorded by Bayerischer Rundfunk. These record-
Competitors will be expected to receive their awards ings can be used for broadcasting (radio or television,
in person. including on-line) in full and/or in selections, live or at a
later time, and also provided for individual access inde-
Prize Winners’ Concert pendent of the type of receiver and also be made publicly
At the prize winners’ concerts, chamber music works available. Other broadcasters in Germany and abroad can
and works for soloists with orchestral accompaniment make use of these recordings simultaneously or at a later
will be performed. The decision regarding the program time. Further use of our broadcasts and availabilities
and at which concert specific participants will appear will regardless of time and place (in full, in part or in selec-
be made by the competition management in conjunction tions) are possible.
with the jury and the music department of Bayerischer
Rundfunk. The administration of the Competition reserves the right
Prize winners will receive no fee for their participation to use the recordings of the Competition rounds and
in the prize winners’ concerts. prize winners’ concerts for the production of a CD and/or
a DVD to serve as publicity for the prize winners and doc-
umentation of the Competition. The administration of
the Competition further reserves the right to release or
Contents have released, and/or distribute or have distributed, itself
or through third parties, commercially or non‑commer-
1 Title
cially, any and all material from the Competition in audio
2 General Conditions | Organizers
or audio-visual form, on analogue or digital sound/
3 Prizes
image/sound-image data carriers including platforms,
4 Special Prizes
regardless of format or process. The declaration of agree-
6 Concert Invitations
ment required from the prize winners is regarded as
7 Further Concert Engagements
given with the application to the ARD Music Competition,
8 Conditions of Participation
the same applies to the transfer of rights in accordance
9 Conduct of the Competition
with the aforementioned stipulations. The prize winners
10 Presence | Accommodation
have no claim to additional compensation of any kind.
11 Prize Winners
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Violin 12
Pre-selection 5. one of the following works for violin solo:
Béla Bartók, Sonata
a) two caprices by Niccolò Paganini and/or
Luciano Berio, Sequenza VIII
Henryk Wieniawski
Karl Amadeus Hartmann, Sonata no. 1 (1927)
b) a sonata by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from KV 306 or Sonata no. 2 (1927)
on, which may be repeated in the competition program. Paul Hindemith, Sonata op. 31 no. 1 or no. 2
Max Reger, a Sonata from op. 91
6. one of the following sonatas:
First Round (max. 30 minutes)
Johannes Brahms, Sonata no. 2 op. 100 or no. 3 op. 108
1. a fifteen-minute program Claude Debussy
including sonatas or partitas for violin solo by Lucien Durosoir, Sonata in A minor*
Johann Sebastian Bach Georges Enescu, Sonata no. 2 op. 6 or no. 3 op. 25
Gabriel Fauré, Sonata no. 1 op. 13
2. one of the following works:
César Franck
Niccolò Paganini, Le streghe op. 8 or I palpiti op. 13
Charles Ives, Sonata no. 1 or no. 3
Maurice Ravel, Tzigane
Sergej Prokofjew, Sonata no.1 op. 80 or no. 2 op. 94a
Camille Saint-Saëns, Introduction et rondo capriccioso
Maurice Ravel (1923/27)
op. 28 or L’étude en forme de valse (Valse Caprice) op. 52
Franz Schubert, Fantasie D 934
no. 6
Robert Schumann, Sonata no. 2 op. 121
Contents Pablo de Sarasate, Fantaisie de concert sur les motifs
or no. 3 WoO.
de l’opéra “Carmen” op. 25 (Carmen Fantasy) or Caprice
1 Title
basque op. 24
2 General Conditions | Organizers
Karol Szymanowski, Nocturne and Tarantella op. 28
3 Prizes
or Myths op. 30 Semi-final with the Munich Chamber Orchestra
4 Special Prizes
Peter I. Tschaikowsky, Three pieces (Souvenir d’un lieu (without conductor)
6 Concert Invitations
cher) op. 42
7 Further Concert Engagements 7. Ulrich Leyendecker, composition commissioned
Henryk Wieniawski, Fantaisie brillante (Faust Fantasy)
8 Conditions of Participation for the ARD Music Competition 2013
op. 20
9 Conduct of the Competition The sheet music will be supplied along with the admission to the
10 Presence | Accommodation 3. one caprice by Niccolò Paganini (not no. 4 and competition. The commissioned composition may be performed with the
music, it may not be publicly performed prior to the competition.
11 Prize Winners not no. 6) or by Henryk Wieniawski
8. one of the concerts for violin and orchestra
Repertoire and Jury by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or Joseph Haydn
12 Violin
Second Round
14 Viola
15 Bassoon 4. one of the following works:
16 Piano Trio one of the sonatas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
KV 306, 378, 379, 380, 403, 454, 481, 526, 547
17 Schedule or
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons a sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven (except for no. 9)
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Continued on page 13
Violin 13
Final with the Symphonieorchester
des Bayerischen Rundfunks
9. one of the following concerts:
Ludwig van Beethoven
Johannes Brahms
Jean Sibelius
* The best interpretation of the marked work will be awarded the special
prize by the association “Musiciens entre Guerre et Paix”.
The music can be downloaded here: www.ard-musikwettbewerb.de
1 Title
2 General Conditions | Organizers
3 Prizes
4 Special Prizes
6 Concert Invitations
7 Further Concert Engagements
8 Conditions of Participation
9 Conduct of the Competition
10 Presence | Accommodation
11 Prize Winners
Arnold Bax, Sonata
a) J. S. Bach, from a suite for violoncello solo BWV 1009,
Benjamin Britten, Lachrymae – Reflections on a song
1010 or 1011 (with or without scordatura): each with
of Dowland
Praeludium, Sarabande and Gigue
Rebecca Clarke, Sonata
b) Joseph Jongen, Allegro appassionato op. 79 Hans Werner Henze, Sonata (1979)
Paul Hindemith, one of the three sonatas: op. 11 no. 4
c) George Enescu, Konzertstück
or op. 25 no. 4 or 1939
Dmitri Schostakowitsch, Sonata op. 147
Isang Yun, Duo
First Round (20 – 25 minutes)
1. one of the following works:
Semi-final with the Munich Chamber Orchestra
Adolf Busch, Suite op. 16a
(without conductor)
Paul Hindemith, one of the solo sonatas
Max Reger, one of the three suites op. 131 d 7. one of the following concerts:
Franz Anton Hoffmeister, in D major
2. one of the following works:
Carl Stamitz, in D major op. 1
Bartolommeo Campagnoli, Caprice no. 17
Niccolò Paganini, Caprice no. 13 or no. 20 8. Tigran Mansurian, composition commissioned
Contents Johannes Palaschko, op. 36 no. 20 “Jagd” (IMC N.Y.) for the ARD Music Competition 2013
Maurice Vieux, from 20 Nouvelles Études no. 1 The sheet music will be supplied along with the admission to the
1 Title competition. The commissioned composition may be performed with the
or no. 8 (Leduc)
2 General Conditions | Organizers music, it may not be publicly performed prior to the competition.
Henri Vieuxtemps, Capriccio in C minor op. posth.
3 Prizes
4 Special Prizes 3. A work to be freely selected
6 Concert Invitations
Final with the Symphonieorchester
7 Further Concert Engagements
des Bayerischen Rundfunks
8 Conditions of Participation
Second Round (40 – 45 minutes)
9 Conduct of the Competition 9. one of the following concerts:
10 Presence | Accommodation 4. one of the sonatas: Bela Bartók (in the version by T. Serly)
11 Prize Winners Johannes Brahms, op. 120 no. 1 or no. 2 Alfred Schnittke
Franz Schubert, in A minor (Arpeggione) D 821 Tibor Serly, 1929 (MCA N.Y.)
Repertoire and Jury Robert Schumann, Märchenbilder op. 113 William Walton
12 Violin
5. one of the following works for viola solo:
14 Viola The works from no. 1, 2, 7 and 9 are to be performed from memory.
Luciano Berio, Sequenza for viola solo
15 Bassoon
Hans Jürgen von Bose, “vom Wege abkommen”
16 Piano Trio
György Kurtág, Jelek (Signes) op. 5 Jury Viola
György Ligeti, Sonata: one movement to be freely selected Robert Levin Chairperson USA
17 Schedule
Bruno Maderna, Viola Atar Arad Israel/USA
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
Krzysztof Penderecki, Cadenza Gérard Caussé France
19 Main Committee | Directors
Aribert Reimann, Solo Paul Coletti Great Britain
20 Upcoming Competitions
Igor Strawinsky, Élégie Christophe Desjardins France
Jürgen Kussmaul Germany
Nils Mönkemeyer Germany
Bassoon 15
Pre-selection Semi-final with the Munich Chamber Orchestra
(without conductor)
a) Johann Sebastian Bach, Partita BWV 1013
transcribed for bassoon solo (UE) 6. Antonio Vivaldi, one of the concerts for bassoon
b) Franz Berwald, Konzertstück (Bärenreiter) 7. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Concerto B flat major KV 191
8. Evis Sammoutis, composition commissioned
First Round
for the ARD Music Competition 2013
1. one of the following works: The sheet music will be supplied along with the admission to the
Johann Wenzeslaus Kalliwoda, Variations and competition. The commissioned composition may be performed with the
music, it may not be publicly performed prior to the competition.
Rondo B flat major op. 57
Gioachino Rossini (Attrib.), Concerto (Hofmeister)
Heitor Villa-Lobos, Ciranda das sete notas
Final with the Münchner Rundfunkorchester
Carl Maria von Weber, Andante and Rondo Ungarese
9. one of the following works:
2. one of the following works:
Bernhard Crusell, Concertino
Marcel Bitsch, Concertino
Johann Nepomuk Hummel, Concerto in F major
Roger Boutry, Interferences I
André Jolivet, Concerto for bassoon, string orchestra
Henri Duttilleux, Sarabande et Cortège
and piano
Contents Jacqueline Fontyn, Zephyr
Carl Maria von Weber, Concerto in F major
Alexandre Tansman, Sonatina
1 Title
2 General Conditions | Organizers The works from no. 6, 7 and 9 are to be performed from memory.
3 Prizes
Second Round
4 Special Prizes
6 Concert Invitations 3. one of the following works:
7 Further Concert Engagements Antoine Dard, one of the sonatas op. 2
8 Conditions of Participation François Devienne, one of the sonatas op. 24
9 Conduct of the Competition François Devienne, one of the sonatas without opus no.
10 Presence | Accommodation Georg Philipp Telemann, Sonata in F minor
11 Prize Winners Antonio Vivaldi, one of the nine sonatas for cello
4. one of the following works:
Repertoire and Jury
Charles Koechlin, Sonata op. 71
12 Violin
Anton Reicha, Sonata in B flat major (op. posth.)
14 Viola
Camille Saint-Saëns, Sonata op. 168 Jury Bassoon
15 Bassoon
Robert Schumann, Fantasiestücke op. 73 Reinhart von Gutzeit Chairperson Germany
16 Piano Trio
Robert Schumann, Fünf Stücke in Volkston op. 102 Pascal Gallois France
Dag Jensen Norway
17 Schedule 5. one of the following works for bassoon solo:
Gordon Laing Great Britain
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons Luciano Berio, Sequenza
Ursula Leveaux Great Britain
19 Main Committee | Directors Heinz Holliger, “KLAUS_UR”
Marco Postinghel Italy
20 Upcoming Competitions Olga Neuwirth, Torsion
Henrik Rabien Germany
Karlheinz Stockhausen, “In Freundschaft”
Isang Yun, Monologue
Piano Trio 16
Pre-selection Semi-final
a) Joseph Haydn, in E major Hob XV:28 6. Ludwig van Beethoven, in D major op. 70 no. 1
or E flat major op. 70 no. 2
b) Johannes Brahms, Trio op. 8 (1889 version):
1st and 3rd movement 7. Maurice Ravel, in A minor
Max Reger, in E minor op. 102
First Round
8. Fazil Say, composition commissioned
1. one of the following works by Joseph Haydn: for the ARD Music Competition 2013
in C major Hob XV:27, in E major Hob XV:28, in E flat major The sheet music will be supplied along with the admission to the
Hob XV:29, in E flat major Hob XV:30 competition. The commissioned composition may be performed with the
music; it may not be publicly performed prior to the competition.
2. Johannes Brahms, no. 2 in C major op. 87
or no. 3 C minor op. 101
9. Hans Werner Henze, Chamber sonata
Second Round
10. Franz Schubert, in B flat major D 898 op. post. 99
3. one of the following works by W. A. Mozart:
or E flat major D 929 (op. 100)
in G major KV 496, in B flat major KV 502, in B flat major
Contents KV 542, in C major KV 548, in G major KV 564
* The best interpretation of the marked work will be awarded the
1 Title special prize by the association “Musiciens entre Guerre et Paix”.
4. one of the following works:
2 General Conditions | Organizers The music can be downloaded here: www.ard-musikwettbewerb.de
Ernest Chausson, in G minor op. 3
3 Prizes
Antonín Dvořák in F minor op. 65
4 Special Prizes
Gabriel Fauré, in D minor op. 120
6 Concert Invitations
Edouard Laló, no. 3 in A minor op. 26
7 Further Concert Engagements
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, no. 1 in D minor op. 49
8 Conditions of Participation
or no. 2 in C minor op. 66
9 Conduct of the Competition
Camille Saint-Saëns, in F major op. 18
10 Presence | Accommodation
Robert Schumann, no. 1 in D minor op. 63
11 Prize Winners
or no. 2 in F major op. 80 or no. 3 in G minor op. 110
Repertoire and Jury 5. one of the following works:
12 Violin Lucien Durosoir, Trio in G minor*
14 Viola Charles Ives, Trio
Jury Piano Trio
15 Bassoon Wolfgang Rihm, Fremde Szene II
Menahem Pressler Chairperson USA
16 Piano Trio Nikolaj Roslawets, no. 4 (1927)
Esther Hoppe Switzerland
Dmitri Schostakowitsch, in E minor op. 67
Boris Kuschnir Austria
17 Schedule Mieczyslaw Weinberg, Trio op. 24
Martin Löhr Germany
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
Antonio Meneses Brazil/Switzerland
19 Main Committee | Directors
Jean-Marc Phillips-Varjabédian France
20 Upcoming Competitions
Susan Tomes Great Britain
Schedule 2013 17
Violin Prize Winners’ Concerts
Thursday, September 5: 1st round begins Concert with the Münchner Rundfunkorchester
Monday, September 9: 2nd round begins Wednesday, September 18, 8:00 P.M.
Thursday, September 12: semi-final
Sunday, September 15: final Concert with the Munich Chamber Orchestra
Thursday, September 19, 8:00 P.M.
Tuesday, September 3: 1st round begins Concert with the Symphonieorchester
Saturday, September 7: 2nd round begins des Bayerischen Rundfunks
Tuesday, September 10: semi-final Friday, September 20, 8:00 P.M.
Friday, September 13: final
Monday, September 2: 1st round begins
Thursday, September 5: 2nd round begins
Sunday, September 8: semi-final
Wednesday, September 11: final
Piano Trio
Contents Thursday, September 5: 1st round begins
Sunday, September 8: 2nd round begins
1 Title
Wednesday, September 11: semi-final
2 General Conditions | Organizers
Saturday, September 14: final
3 Prizes
4 Special Prizes
6 Concert Invitations
7 Further Concert Engagements
8 Conditions of Participation
9 Conduct of the Competition
10 Presence | Accommodation
11 Prize Winners
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Honorary Committee Patrons 18
Sir Colin Davis The General Directors of the ARD
12 Violin
14 Viola
15 Bassoon
16 Piano Trio
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Main Committee Directors 19
Ulrich Wilhelm, Chairman Artistic Director of the Competition
Detlef Rentsch
Program Director of the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
Cultural Division, Leipzig
Werner Wittersheim
Head of the Music Program Group,
Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Cologne
1 Title
2 General Conditions | Organizers
3 Prizes
4 Special Prizes
6 Concert Invitations
7 Further Concert Engagements
8 Conditions of Participation
9 Conduct of the Competition
10 Presence | Accommodation
11 Prize Winners
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors
20 Upcoming Competitions
Upcoming Competitions 20
2014 Competition Informationen:
Upcoming Competitions
Piano – Violoncello – Percussion – Wind Quintett Internationaler Musikwettbewerb der ARD
c/o Bayerischer Rundfunk
2015 Competition Rundfunkplatz 1
Voice – Flute – Trombone – Piano Duo 80335 München
2016 Competition Telefon ++ 49 89 5900-2471
Double Bass – Harp – Horn – String Quartet Fax ++ 49 89 5900-3573
E-Mail: ard.musikwettbewerb@br.de
Subject to alterations!
In cases of doubt, the German text applies.
17 Schedule
18 Honorary Committee | Patrons
19 Main Committee | Directors für das grafische Erscheinungsbild des
20 Upcoming Competitions Internationalen Musikwettbewerbs der ARD München