My English Essay
My English Essay
My English Essay
Ms. Reid
English 239
October 9, 2020
When thinking about love, you think of picnics, family, and marriage. Most people are
familiar with the saying, “love your loved one unconditionally.” In the book Bastard out of
Carolina written by Dorthy Allison she mentions a very visual story about a family. The story
follows between a little girl and her family and a man coming into the family to try and make it
complete. Over the time, the little girl was telling us about her mother’s story, the story was
based off her own life. She dedicated the whole story to her mom, to show the kind of stuff her
mom went through and was so blinded by the love of this man that she could not see what was
wrong with this man. In the Bastard out of Carolina, Allison puts together this domestic story
and how a man could break a woman down but still find a way to be strong at heart. In the
I have seen it all when it comes to this type of love, I have actually witnessed it firsthand
also. Love can make a person blind, the person that is blinded would not be able to see
anything wrong with their lover’s actions. But other than that, the man was so abusive to the
family that it was sick, where I’m from, we say, if you hit a woman your no longer considered a
man. When reading other articles about the abuse of women, I find it very sad that it is a lot of
men out here doing it. Domestic violence is the most common form of violence against women.
It affects women across the life span from sex selective abortion of female fetuses to forced
suicide and abuse, and is evident, to some degree, in every society in the world (Ravneet Kaur
and Suneela Garg). With this being said, realizing that this is the most common form of
violence. I realize that this is happening every day to a lot of women and I do not know how the
women can stand it because they do not deserve the abuse and some cases sexual abuse they
go through.
When people think of abuse, its so much going through they head, because it is a lot of
ways to abuse someone, especially women. In the story, Bastard out of Carolina, Allison
mentions that the woman’s husband was a nice person at first. He never showed no bad blood,
he was all fun and games at the beginning. But once the moms open her heart more and the
get married, things takes a turn for the worst. Not mention they was living in poverty and the
women worked two jobs to provide for the family. But when she opened her heart more he
started to abuse her, physically. But she was so blinded on how much she loved him it didn’t
seem to bother her. But he even abused her children at one point. She didn’t do nothing at all,
she didn’t believe the children when they tried to tell her about it. It was like she just wiped it
off and pushed it to the side. Women were always considered weak, vulnerable and in a
position to be exploited. Violence has long been accepted as something that happens to
women. (Ravneet Kaur and Suneela Garg). With the article saying this, you think to yourself,
why don’t women just stand up for they self? But its harder than that to a woman because in
they head they can not possibly do anything to a man that’s really strong or capable with
anything. In their mind they are scared and probably thing their alone with no help.
Allison mentions rape in the story, further throughout the story though. Rape is so
messed up, I can not even begin to imagine what the people go through when something like
that happens to them. In the book Bastard out of Carolina, Allison mother had to kids, but the
one time the man sexually assaulted one of them was when her mother was pregnant with his
child, she was in the hospital and he decided that he was going to touch all over one of the girls,
while she was going in to labor inside of the hospital. He touched all on her while she said that
she was just sitting there scared to even talk or say anything to him, but she knew it was wrong.
She said it was not something she wanted to do but he had a pretty tight grip on her and he
was trying to make it seemed like he cared by rocking back and forth saying, “it will be okay.”
This girl was only a kid, but once he was done, she got back in her spot in the car, and could
only think about the horrific image of what just happen. She was even scared to look at him in
the eye. After that she told her mother, she did not believe her. She was blind by the love she
had for him, which is sad because her daughter must live with that bad memory forever.
women have experienced sexual assault, including rape (Antonia Abbey, Ph.d., Tina Zawacki,
M.A., Philip O. Buck, M.A., A. Monique Clinton, M.A., and Pam McAuslan, Ph.d.).
Sexual assault of adolescent and adult women has been called a silent epidemic,
because it occurs at high rates yet is rarely reported to the authorities (Koss 1998). Selecting
these articles, I give the proof of the lack of justice for women that are getting rapped. Because
even when the women report the actions going on with these men, it still seems that there are
not getting any help or justice from them. So, I can probably see why they give up, and just sit
in silence with things like this go down. He went limp and came down on me, rag-loose and panting.
His hand dropped from my mouth, but the urge to scream was gone. Blood and juice, his sweat and
mine, my blood, all over my neck and all down my thighs, the sticky stink of him between my burning
legs. How had it all happened so fast (Allison, 286)? This tells you that women are just plain out scared,
they way things could happen this fast and there would not be a soul around to help you out with the
situation, or even to comfort you. This action right here could honestly break a person mentally and
physically, and this person could never learn how to let someone in again or even to love someone else
They way abuse gives the book a lot of meaning because it seems as that is what really is going
on in the book. I say that because it happens in multiple sections of the book. It was really hard to even
look past the sexual and domestic abuse going on during reading the book. Some readers who have read
the book say that some people should not read this book because some can not handle it. This book is
very interesting and graphical, if you have the right imagination or picture in your head. This book could
be very disturbing. I wouldn’t say that could be the only topic about this book neither though because it
also had stuff to deal with, such as them going through poverty, having to rob places for food, just to get
a decent meal out of it. It’s a lot of words and topics you could go over with this book but my main focus
was to talk about the abuse that was going on and still goes on till this day all over the world. No matter
what type of abuse it is. It could verbal, physical, and mental, they all still can affect one person and
could drive them crazy. Children who experience physical, sexual, and emotional abuse or neglect
are at least two to three times more likely to attempt suicide in later life, according to the
largest research review carried out of the topic (University of Manchester, 2019).
What I think this book really symbolizes is growth in women, Allison told this story for her
mother and based it off her mother because I feel like she wants to let everyone know how strong her
mother is. Not only just that she probably wants female readers or even male readers that have been
through this that it is possible to overcome the fears that is going on in their head and that eventually
everything would be okay. My eyes were dry, the night a blanket that covered me. I wasn't old. I would
be thirteen in a few weeks. I was already who I was going to be. I tucked the envelope inside my pocket.
When Raylene came to me, I let her touch my shoulder, let my head tilt to lean against her, trusting her
arm and her love. I was who I was going to be, someone like her, like Mama, a Boatwright woman. I
wrapped my fingers in Raylene's and watched the night close in around us (Allison 309). This shows the
relaxation of her mind, it shows that she is well overwhelming and knows that she will see brighter days
ahead. Just because someone is abuse, does not make them any different. It actually makes them
Antonia Abbey, Ph.d., Tina Zawacki, M.A., Philip O. Buck, M.A., A. Monique Clinton, M.A., and
Pam McAuslan, Ph.d: Alcohol and Sexual Assault: Alcohol Res Health 2010.
Allison, Dorthy. The Bastard out of Carolina. New York: Published by the Penguin Group
University of Manchester: Child abuse linked to risk of suicide in later life. Science daily:
January 9, 2019