Comparative Study Between Diffirent Control Strategy of The Z-Source Inverter
Comparative Study Between Diffirent Control Strategy of The Z-Source Inverter
Comparative Study Between Diffirent Control Strategy of The Z-Source Inverter
Chaib Ibtissam, PHD Behlouli Asma, PHD Hdjaidji Fatma Zahra, Benkouider ouarda, Berkouk El-Madjid,
student student student student Professor
Process Control Laboratory Process Control Laboratory Process Control Laboratory Process Control Laboratory Process Control Laboratory
National Polytechnic National Polytechnic National Polytechnic National Polytechnic National Polytechnic
school school school school school
Algiers, Algeria Algiers, Algeria Algiers, Algeria Algiers, Algeria Algiers, Algeria
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. [email protected] dz
Abstract— This paper deals with comparative analysis different Z-source inverter bridge has one extra zero state when the both
control methods of the Z-source inverter (ZSI). These control devices of any one phase leg are gated on. We call this third zero
methods are Simple boost control SBC, maximum boost control state the shoot-through state, which can be generated by seven
MBC, maximum constant boost control MCBC, and the space different ways: shoot-through via any one phase leg,
vector modulation SVM. The relationship of voltage gains to combinations of any two-phase leg, and all three phase legs [3].
modulation index and the THD are analyzed in detail and verified
by simulation for the same modulation index. The Z-source inverter advantageously uses the shoot-
through states to buck and boost the dc bus voltage to a desired
Keywords- z-source inverter, pulse width modulation, boost output voltage. The equivalent circuit and the equations of the
factor, modulation index, shoot through, Simple boost control, Z-source inverter have been studied in [2].
maximum boost control, maximum constant boost control, and the
space vector modulation. Many pulse-width modulation (PWM) control methods have
been developed and used for the control of the duty ratio of the
I. INTRODUCTION shoot-through. The simple boost control has been described in
The recent researchers are trying to find out different [2]. Maximum boost control is presented in [3]. Maximum
improved version of inverter topologies for different Constant Boost Control is presented in [5]. Space Vector PWM
applications to overcome the limitation of the traditional inverter is presented in [6]. In this paper, a comparative study between
[1]. This traditional inverter can provide only buck output the previous strategies will be held, by simulating ZSI in
voltage and it cannot exceed the dc link voltage or the dc rail MATLAB/Simulink.
voltage has to be greater than the ac input voltage. The upper and II. PWM CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR ZSI
the lower devices of each phase leg cannot be turned on at the
same time, otherwise shoot through would occur and the devices The structure of the proposed Z-source inverter is shown in
will be destroyed [2]. fig. 1.
To overcome these limitations, Peng proposed in [2] a new VL
inverter topology, called Z-source inverter, shown in fig.1. It ig iL
uses an impedance network (Z network) to replace the traditional Lz
dc link. CZ CZ Lf Rch
The Z-source inverter employs an impedance network to Vg Vc Vdc b N
couple the inverter to the dc source, load, or another converter.
Therefore, the dc source can be a battery, diode rectifier, Lz Cf
thyristor converter, fuel cell, an inductor, a capacitor, or a
combination of those. This impedance network consists of a
split-inductor L1 and L2 and capacitors C1 and C2 connected in Fig 1. Structure of a Z-source inverter
X shape [2].
As described in [2], the voltage gain of the Z-source inverter
The three-phase Z-source inverter bridge has nine can be expressed as:
permissible switching states (vectors) unlike the three-phase V- 𝑣̂𝑎𝑛
source inverter that has eight. The V-source inverter has six = 𝑀. 𝐵 (1)
active vectors and two zero vectors. However, the three-phase
Where 𝑉̂𝑎𝑛 is the peak value of the output phase voltage, 𝑉𝑔 Obviously, the distance between these two curves
is the input dc voltage, M is the modulation index, and B is the determines the Shoot-Through ratio, it is always constant for a
boost factor, which is determined by given modulation rate, it is equal to √3𝑀 . Consequently, the
1 formulas are as given,
𝐵= ≥1 (2)
1−(2𝑇0 ⁄𝑇) √3
𝑑0 = 1 − 𝑀
Where 𝑇0 is the shoot-through time interval over a switching 1
cycle 𝑇, or (𝑇0 ⁄𝑇) is the shoot-through duty ratio 𝑑0 . 𝐵 = 3√3𝐺 − 1 =
√3𝑀−1 (5)
A. Simple boost control SBC
{𝑉𝑑𝑐 = 𝐵𝑉𝑔 = (√3𝐺 − 1)𝑉𝑔
In addition to the traditional sinusoidal PWM the simple
boost control uses two straight lines equal to the peak value of
the three phase references to control the shoot-through duty
ratio, as shown in Fig. 2. When the triangular waveform is
greater than the upper line 𝑉𝑝 , or lower than the bottom line, 𝑉𝑛 ,
the circuit turns into shoot-through state. Otherwise it operates
just as traditional carrier based PWM.
In this case the voltage gain of the Z source inverter can be
written as 𝐺 = . The other formulas are as given,
𝑑0 = 1 − 𝑀
{ 𝐵 = 2𝐺 − 1 = (3)
𝑉𝑑𝑐 = 𝐵𝑉𝑔 = (2𝐺 − 1)𝑉𝑔
Fig 2. The SBC strategy reference signals
B. Maximum boost control MBC
In case of MBC, the total zero-state time period is converted
into the shoot through state, which causes better result than SBC.
As can be seen from Fig.3, in this strategy, the circuit is in shoot
through state when the triangular carrier wave is either greater
than the maximum curve of the references (𝑉𝑎 , 𝑉𝑏 , 𝑉𝑐 ) or smaller
than the minimum of the references.
The shoot through duty cycle varies each cycle. The
formulas could be expressed as:
𝑑0 =
𝐵 = 3√3𝐺 − 1 =
𝜋𝑀 (4)
3√3𝐺−𝜋 Fig 3. The MBC strategy reference signals
{ 𝑉𝑑𝑐 = 𝐵𝑉𝑔 = 𝜋
{ 𝑉𝑑𝑐 = 𝐵𝑉𝑔 = (√3𝐺 − 1)𝑉𝑔 𝑰𝑳𝒁𝒎𝒊𝒏 (A) 1.8 7.57 7.1 4.65
𝑰𝑳𝒁𝒎𝒂𝒙 (A) 2.65 16.87 10.7 6.01
III. SIMULATION RESULT d0 0.297 0.4 0.39 0.353
G 1.73 4 3.2 2.451
Simulations are carried out to verify the mentioned control
strategies. These control strategies have been simulated in B 2.467 6 4.65 3.4
MATLAB/Simulink. Table I gives the simulation parameters THD (%) 2.94 0.46 3.03 0.8
whereas the table II presents the results using the previous
analytic equations (3), (4), (5) and (6).
A. Simple boost control B. Maximum boost control
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
Fundamental (50Hz) = 619.6 , THD= 0.46%
Mag (% of Fundamental)
0 5 10 15 20
Harmonic order
(e) (e)
Fig7. Simultation SBC (a ;b(zoom)) Vdc-Vcz & Vg Voltages ;(c) Inductance Fig8. Simultation MBC (a) Vdc-Vcz & Vg Voltages ;(b ;c zoom) Inductance
current ;(d) Van & V1cf voltages;(e) FFT analysis current ;(d) Van & V1cf voltages; (e) FFT analysis
C. Maximum Constant Boost Control D. Space Vector PWM control
(a) (a)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
Fig 9 . Simultation MCBC (a) Vdc-Vcz & Vg Voltages ;(b) Inductance Fig 10 . Simultation SVPWM (a) Vdc-Vcz & Vg Voltages ;(b) Inductance
current ;(c) Van & V1cf voltages; (d) FFT analysis current ;(c) Van & V1cf voltages; (d) FFT analysis
These values and the analytical calculation are approximate, Despite the simplicity of this direct method (SBC), it results
the small differences are mainly due to the joule losses in the relatively high voltage stress across the switches Vdc which will
two inductances LZ . It is also noted that the ripple rate of the limit the voltage gain obtained.
current flowing through the inductance has a tolerated value. Indeed, turning all zero states into shoot-through states in
Except the results of MBC are quite different to the analytic MBC method can minimize the voltage stress. However, it
result, this difference is due to the high ripple of the inductor introduces a low frequency current ripple that is associated with
current, which cause a voltage drop. the output frequency in the inductor current and the capacitor
voltage. This will cause a higher requirement of the passive
components when the output frequency becomes very low.
Therefore, the maximum boost control is suitable for Using MCBC, the voltages at the terminals of the switches
applications that have a fixed or relatively high output blocked during the active states are slightly higher than those of
frequency. the MBC strategy and are lower than Those of the SBC strategy.
MCBC and SVPWM method allows to minimize the The voltage gains and the boost factor of the SVPWM
fluctuations of the inductance currents. Thus, it presents an strategy are similar to those in the MCBC strategy.
important value of the voltage Vcfmax than that of the SBC
strategy. These findings assert that these methods bring together V. CONCLUSION
the advantages of the two previous strategies. In this paper, four PWM control methods are illustrated and
However, the SVPWM has a good THD, which confirm the compared for ZSI topology under the same input voltage, the
efficiency of this strategy. same modulation index M, and the same Z-source impedance
parameter. These methods are developed from sinusoidal and
vectorial PWM control techniques, for conventional two-level
inverters. Each strategy has advantages and inconveniences
Table IV shows a summary of all relations for different PWM that determine the appropriate application’s field for each
control methods. Fig. 6(a) shows voltage gain versus strategy.
modulation index and fig. 6(b) shows voltage stress versus The comparison results of the different strategies show that
voltage gain for different PWM control methods. the two MCBC and SVM strategies are the most appropriate
for controlling the Z-source inverter. Nevertheless, the SBC
Table IV: Summary of different PWM control methods expressions strategy is characterized mainly by remarkable simplicity, and
the MBC strategy offers a very high amplification factor.
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Voltage Gain
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Voltage Gain (G)
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
Modulation index (M)
Fig 11. (a) The G (M) ;(b) B ( G) characteristics of different strategies