Citizenship Advancement Training

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Citizenship Advancement Training - Presentation Transcript

3. Introduction to CAT P/2lt Rodel E. Sinamban (Res.) PA
5. Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT) is a restructuring of the “Citizen Army Training”, and is a component of
MAPEH in the Fourth Year. What is CAT? ( DepEd Order No. 35 s. 2003)
6. Citizen Advancement Training as provided by the Rule II-General Provisions, Section 2 of the Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) to implement the National Service Program.
7. Citizen Advancement Training It is a restructuring of the Citizen Army Training required to all Fourth Year High
School students in the Philippines in both public and private schools as provided for in the Department of Education
(DepEd) Order Bo. 35, s. 2003 and reinforced by the DepEd Order No. 52, s. 2004.
o To enhance the students’ social responsibility and commitment to the development of their communities.
o Develop the ability to uphold the law and order as they assume active participation in the community
o Readiness in assisting the members of the community especially in times of emergency.
10. MILITARY ORIENTATION deals with the introduction and exposure of the learner to basic knowledge, unfamiliar
situations and experiences as well as activities related to military .
11. COMMUNITY SERVICE refers to any activity that helps achieve the general welfare and the betterment of life of the
members of the community.
o PSLS which encompasses all programs and activities which are contributory to the maintenance of peace and
order, enhancement of public safety and encouragement in the observance of and compliance to laws.
13. The Program is a requirement for graduation for all fourth year high school students in both public and private
secondary schools.
14. What is the emphasis of the three peogram components of CAT?
o All the three program components of CAT shall give emphasis to citizenship training, encouragement of
youth to contribute in the improvement of the general welfare and quality of life of the community, and
instilling patriotism, moral, virtues, respect for the rights of civilian and adherence to the constitution.
o Develop in the Corps of Cadets of a good fellow by actually undergoing that part, in order to prepare them
for their subsequent role as CAT Leaders.
o Enhance the students’ social responsibility and commitment to the development of their communities.
o Develop their ability to uphold the law and order as they assume active participation in community activities
and their readiness in assisting the members of the community especially in times of emergency.
o Develop personal qualities and attributes essential to successful leadership.
o Install to the students’ appreciation and deep feeling for the spirit and the true meaning of the motto – Honor,
Loyalty, and Integrity.
o The Citizenship Advancement Training leads the way to the holistic approach and in the country as a whole.
18. Can any high school student be exempted from the C.A.T.?
o No. This training is a requirement for graduation in the high school.

How is the performance of the sttudent in the C.A.T. rated? Student performance in the CAT is rated either PASSED or

19. How is CAT considered as a separate component of MAKABAYAN?

o CAT is considered as a separate component of MAKABAYAN along with Araling Panlipunan (AP),
Edukasyong Pagpapahalaga (EP), Technology and Livelyhood Education(TLE), and Music, Arts, PE and
Health (MAPEH). CAT is treted as a separate subject.
20. How many unit credits are given to CAT?
o CAT carries a unit credit of 0.30 as per DepEd Order No. 57, s.2004.

When are classes considered in the passing or failing of CAT? CAT classes may be conducted during Saturday upon
the approval of the School Head and PTCA .
21. Is there a uniform clothes or dress required while taking the CAT?
o No special uniform, dress or clothes is prescribed but the school uniform may be used, not military fatigue
nor combat shoes as per DepEd Order No. 52, s. 2004.
o School-CAT related activities may prescribed one as agreed by the School Head and CAT unit but not
22. CADETS’ HAIRCUT The prescribed military haircut is the traditional white-side wall (Crew cut or Army cut) , with a
tolerable length of two - weeks old hair.
24. Grade Components Class Standing Grade (70%)   1 .     Attendance ……………………. 15% 2.     Aptitude
……………………….. 25%. 3. Quizzes/Com. Service……….. 25% 4.     Performance ………………….. 35%
TOTAL …………. 100% Summative Test Grade (30%) Term Grade = (C.S.(70%)+Sum. Test(30%))
25. Each cadette/cadet shall be given 100 points as merits at the beginning of every term. For every infraction of
regulations, she/he shall be penalized by demerits. Additional merits may be awarded.   THE DEMERIT SYSTEM
26. CLASS A: (10 – 30 DEMERITS) Major Misdemeanors
o Gross disrespect of superior officers
o Abuse of authority
o Unexcused absence
o Destruction of school property
o Cheating during examinations
o Violation of standing instructions
o Long hair and mustache (for cadets)
27. CLASS B: (6-10 DEMERITS) Grave Misdemeanors
o Points the rifle at any person
o Rumor mongering
o Making boisterous remarks while in ranks
o Sleeping in classroom while instruction is being conducted
o Tardiness in formation
o Unkempt hair
28. CLASS C: (4-5 DEMERITS) Less Grave Misdemeanors
o Slouching in ranks
o Walking in uniform without headgear
o Rolling up of sleeves Spitting in ranks
o Does any act detrimental to discipline while in ranks (howling shouting, etc.)
o Chewing of gums or cadies while in ranks
o Carelessly laying aside the rifle
o Wearing of dirty and slovenly uniform
o Commits any act similar in nature as the offenses mentioned
29. CLASS D: (1-3 DEMERITS) Minor Misdemeanors and Omission
o Untucked T-shirt
o Unbraided hair for cadettes
o Unpolished brass articles
o Dirty face
o Not bringing of handouts
o Malingering
o Wearing of uniform other than the one prescribed
o Falling out from ranks without permission
o Lazily dragging the rifle
o Commits any act similar in nature to the above offenses.
o Observe regular attendance and punctuality.
o Obey all orders given by your officers.
o Always move in “Double Time”.
o Wear your proper uniform.
o Observe proper grooming and bearing.
o Be cordial to your officers.
o Observe silence inside the lecture room
o Listen and participate attentively to the instructor.
o Proceed to your classrooms immediately after the period.
o Should you have any inquiries about CAT, consult your officers or the CAT Commandant only.
32. Philosophy of the Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT)
33. What is Philosophy?
o comes from the Greek words – philo and sophilo , which together means love for wisdom
o Refers to the doctrine of values which seeks to answer the meaning and purpose of life. (Gregorio, 1979)
34. Three Virtues of CAT
o Integrity – be honest at all times
o Loyalty – speak well of the institution
o Service – work for the betterment of mankind
o Stand and deliver.
o Don’t quit.
o Perfect practice makes perfect.
o Respect is not given but earned.
o Attitude is a small thing but it makes a difference.
o He, who lives without discipline, dies without dignity.
o Obey first before you complain.
o The fault of one is the fault of all.
o My “buddy” is my body.
o If it is not for the good of all, I will not sacrifice myself.
o I must be stable even under pressure.
o A cadet does not lie.
o A cadet does not cheat.
o A cadet does not steal.
o A cadet does not cover-up the wrongs of his fellow cadet.
38. Military Secrecy: “What you se, what you hear, when you leave, leave it here.” Military Principles: “ Obey first before
you complain.” “ You do what I say.”
o If you work for a man in heaven’s name, work for him, speak well of him and stand by the institution he
represents. Remember, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must growl or externally
find fault, resign your position and when you are on the outside, damn to your heart’s content. But as long as
you are part of this institution, do not condemn it. If you do, the first high wind that comes along will blow
you away and probably you will never know why.
40. Why should we take CAT?
41. It is our duty.
o “ The state recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation building and shall promote their physical, moral,
spiritual, intellectual and social well being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism and
encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs .”
o 1987 Constitution ( Article II, Sec.13)
42. It is our obligation.
o National Defense Act (Article I, Sec.2)

Citizenship Advancement Training is a training program for both Public and Private Secondary Schools in the Philippines. It
aims to enhance the student's social responsibility and commitment to the development of their communities and develop
their ability to uphold law and order as they assume active participation in community activities and in assisting the members of
the community specially in times of emergency. It originated as Preparatory Military Training (PMT) as provided for in Title III,
Article I, Sec 52 of the National Defense Act. It was termed Citizen Army Training - I in 1973 as per AFPR G 314 - 033. It was
restructured and termed Citizenship Development Training as per Dep Ed Order No. 35 s. 2003 dated May 13, 2003. Latest
informations about its implementation are contained in Dep Ed Order No. 50 s. 2005 dated August 26, 2005.

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