Deaf School Business Plan PDF
Deaf School Business Plan PDF
Deaf School Business Plan PDF
All the figures are in Tanzanian shillings. The exchange rate today is:
Project Goal: To contribute towards improvement of Education for deprived deaf Children.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +255764864032
Endulen Special School for Deaf Children
I. Summary
II. Introduction
Project ideas
Spiritan capacity
Deafness in Tanzania
V. Methods
VIII. Budget
a) Buildings/Construction
b) Instruction Materials
c) Furniture
d) Other items
e) Human resources
IX. Income
XI. Deliverable
I). Section A: Summary about the applying Organization:
Organization details
A2 Organization Short name SPIRITANS
A3 Postal Adress/P.O.Box 7590 ARUSHA
A4 Physical address P. O. Box 42 NGORONGORO ENDULEN
A7 Postal Code
A9 Organization telephone no +255272553064
A10 Organization Fax No. +255272553088
A11 Organization Email [email protected]/[email protected]
A12 Organization Website
Contact details
A13 Salutation Priest incharge
A14 Name Albano Mwombeki C.S.Sp.
A15 Job title Priest incharge
A16 Email Address [email protected]/[email protected]
A17 Office Number +255764864032
A18 Mobile Number +255764864032
Operational details
A19 Organizational activities (What does the organization do? Who owns it?Who Manages
Among our activities are: Evangelization, education, health care, refugee ministry and
development projects. The Congregation is managed by the General Superior who is in
Rome Italy and at the same time every country has a provincial who acts on behalf of our
General Superior. The provincial superior is responsible for all activities in Tanzania.
A20 Year established 1703 in France
A21 Annual gross receips
A22 No. of members 120 Tanzanians only
A24 Type of registration Missionary Congregation
A25 Country of regitration TANZANIA/ France
A26 Registration Number
Project Details
B1 Innovation idea title Endulen Special School for Deaf Children
B2 Sector Primary Education
B3 Region Arusha
B4 Project Start date June 2015
B5 Project Duration 3years
The Spiritans are a Roman Catholic congregation founded in France in 1703 for
evangelization of the poor. We count the following as constitutive parts of our mission of
evangelization: the “integral liberation” of people, action for justice and peace and
participation in development. We therefore make ourselves the advocates, the supporters
and the defenders of the weak and the little ones against all who oppress them (Spiritan
Rule of life No. 14). Our Congregation is present on all continents, especially in Africa.
Spiritans in Tanzania are involved in many diverse ministries including Evangelization,
education, health care, parish work, development projects and refugee ministry. In Tanzania
the Spiritans Provincialate (head office) is located at Tengeru P. O Box 7590 ARUSHA. The
Spiritan Provincialate has already built and is running several schools including, Marian Girls,
Marian Boys and Marian Primary in Bagamoyo, Tengeru boys Secondary school and Tengeru
Vocational Training Center in Arusha, and Libermann Primary and Secondary school in Dar-
The Congregation is known for venture in new missions and difficult areas, this is the
reason for us to be in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Since almost fifty years we are
working with the Maasai community. In recent years we have been involved in development
issues, especially water projects in Endulen and Esere villages. These projects also supplied
water in primary schools in Endulen and Esere. During our last year chapter we realized, that
many of the marginalized in our society today are people with disabilities. We made it as our
commitment for the future to improve the life of the disabled people in Tanzania.
Spiritans fight for the complete and integral liberation of mankind. To achieve that
goal, education is our priority. Quality and relevant education is the only help and a solution
towards poverty eradication among the deaf people. We are convinced that everybody
should have a chance to improve his/her living conditions. This cannot happen without a
good education, which will give him/her a voice to express him/herself, to be independent,
and play a role in improving the economy of the community and the country at large.
Endulen Special School for Deaf Children will be established at Endulen village, Ngorongoro
District in Arusha Region occupying an area of 12 Ha. Actually, there is one deaf unit
attached at the government primary school. This Unit has a number of challenges and
children are not taken care of properly. It also accommodates few children and many of
them are left in their homes just to take care of animals, which ruin their future. The
Endulen Special School for the Deaf will be a boarding school for Deaf children only. It will
accommodate 50 children (25 girls and 25 boys).The division of Ngorongoro District has
many Maasai people who are often pastoralist. The area has many Maasai deaf adults and
deaf children. Moreover, due to poverty of their parents, deaf children in the area are left
behind compared to other normal hearing children in their families, they are not sent to
school even if they reach such age.
Project idea
The proposed name of the project is ENDULEN SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR DEAF CHILDREN. The
project will help to contribute towards the improvement of Education for the deprived deaf
children. The idea originated from different people who visited the Deaf unit in Endulen and
also the teachers of the deaf Unit in Endulen, public leaders and parishioners. Experience
and research demonstrate that the deaf people in Tanzania are facing several challenges in
our society, especially those who are in rural areas. Among these challenges are: deaf
children are stigmatized by their communities even families, as a result they tend to be
isolated, they are the poorest among the poor, they remain uneducated and illiteracy is high
among them. Some families hide the deaf children for fear of losing their social status or
prestige. The most responsibility a deaf child can have in many families is grazing animals,
domestic work like washing dishes and cooking, ploughing the fields and even doing small
business for their parents. We Spiritans, with our commitment to the marginalized, with our
vision and mission, we do not want this situation to continue, therefor we want to decrease
the number of deaf children who are uneducated by establishing the school for deaf children
in Endulen.
Our aim is to reduce illiteracy and poverty among the deaf Children through Education.
Hence a Tanzanian deaf child will receive equal access to quality Education like any other
child. This will enhance them to meet their future dreams and have good living conditions.
Spiritan Capacity
During our chapter last year we realized that most of the marginalized in our society today
are people with disabilities. We made our commitment for the future to improve the life of
the disabled people in Tanzania. The Spiritan team in our Endulen Mission has the required
capacity to design interventions and at the same time give impetus to the program’s
management. We have in addition established networks with other organizations working in
the region and therefore have hands on experience in networking. The organization
constantly plans before engaging in project activities and other interventions. It’s recognition
by the local communities and Country government administration has further placed us in a
strategic footing to replicate ourselves inside Ngorongoro. We have established strategic
partnerships with key members of the local government. Endulen Mission has a rare unity of
purpose amongst its members. This has in turn ensured solidarity and hence it’s stability.
There is high potentiality that this achievement educating deaf children will be replicated
inside Ngorongoro District and beyond.
The current main source of the problem is Exclusion. This is derived from: Negative social
attitude towards these children in schools and surrounding communities, prevalence
environmental and communication barriers, poverty and concomitant challenges, lack of
knowledge and skills to manage the teaching and learning of children with special needs,
lack of awareness of parents who have deaf children, and community as well as some
traditional believes.
Since we have few special schools for the deaf children in Tanzania, more inclusive education
for children with disabilities and other marginalized groups are needed.
The effort is being made to sensibilize and mobilizes the community members about the
importance of deaf children as human beings, their right to access to quality education as
other normal hearing children. The alarming increase of uneducated deaf children in our
country remains a focal problem to be dealt with.
Deafness in Tanzania
There is widespread beliefs in Tanzania especially in rural areas like Ngorongoro that Deaf
children could not be educated, beliefs which are sustaining to acquire normal speech, and
hence the ability to communicate effectively with other members of the community.
Few people are recognizing that Education provide the KEY to normal development through
Language Training, understanding of words and concepts, reading skills and through Sign
Communication with others suffering from the same handicap as well as with hearing people
through lip-reading acquistion of speech. As consequence, many Deaf children and other
Hearing-Impaired children in Ngorongoro District have been condemned to life of social and
cultural isolation due to communication barriers. Special schools for the deaf in Tanzania are
only dedicated in far towns, whereby the poor parents in rural areas are unable to send their
deaf children to school.
The Government of Tanzania has progressively and systematically worked toward poverty
reduction and other related development programmes through policy initiatives including
2025 National Poverty Eradication Strategy and Poverty Reduction Sreategy (PRSP).The main
goal of such Strategy is to ensure the provision of social service (i.e EDUCATION, HEALTH,
WATER, ENERGY and COMMUNICATION ) to the poor and to enhance access to high quality
rural infrastructure service.
However, a crucial issue is that the Government has failed to address its participation and
involvement of vulnerable groups such as disabled/deaf, orphans, widows, person affected
by HIV/AIDS in these poverty reduction programs. Spiritans have taken the initiative to
change this situation and is now approaching organizations in order to improve the
conditions for Deaf children who are joining primary schools in the nearby villages and
In order to realize its goals, Spiritans have designed this Primary school education project
that will see construction of 7 class rooms, kitchen and store, 2 Dormitories , four teachers’
houses, and 1 administration block, dining hall, but also equip the school gradually with
teaching materials, such as text books, desks, chairs, tables and beds. Solar energy, acoustic
class room
Our objective is to contribute towards improvement and sustainability of education for the
deprived deaf children in Tanzania.
The project will be of vital for the deaf children especially in enabling them to access quality
Education, particularly Primary education. The accessed education will make them
independent, by caring and supporting them mentally and psychologically, spiritually and
The targeted beneficiaries of the project are the Deaf children from 5 years of age above,
particularly those who are ready to enter in standard one (1) at primary school level and
whose parents fail to send them to attend school due to poverty, and those who fail access
education facilities due to the above constraints. ???
The deaf children need assistance from the donors with good wills, otherwise the
vulnerability of being affected by the disability will remain high. And if not taken care for,
these deaf children in rural area(s) will be exposed and susceptible to, as well to the
unbecoming uneducated, behavior like alcohol addiction and prostitution, which will
accelerate social problems and endanger their lives. Something needs to be done to reduce
illiteracy among the deaf children.
The identification and selection of targeted group will be done by Village/sub-village leaders,
in collaboration with the school management. The project will focus more on deaf children
in community participation especially on education; the identified deaf children will actively
be involved in education and in other basic needs. However the proposed project will not
operate in isolation but rather it will network /collaborate with other partners like
community members, community Based Organization, Faith Based Organizations, and
Community Care Coalition and government officials.
The project will integrate the cross cutting themes including gender balance, environmental
conservation, child rights and protection, Disability, human values ,peace , conflict resolution
and human rights. This project will not only motivate the parents to take care of their deaf
children, but also the deaf children will experience the same love within the same family.
VI. Strategies of Implementation
At the initial stage of the Deaf children school project, the Spiritan team in Endulen will
construct 7 class rooms, 6 toilets and 6 bathrooms, 1-kitchen and a store, 2 Dormitories and
1 administration office, 4 teachers houses, and also equip the school gradually with: teaching
materials such as text books, chairs, tables, desks ,beds and mattresses, food, water supply
Spiritan team will engage the expertise of constructors and other laborers to carry out the
actual work. Then there will be procurement of the construction materials which will be
done in Karatu and their transportation to the construction site as has been agreed with the
project management committee. The project Manager will prepare all the necessary reports
including the financial reports and submit them to the funding organization as will be agreed
Phase 1
This will include: Construction of 4 classrooms, Kitchen and store, two Dormitories, Toilets,
Teachers house, and administration office. This will start as soon as funds are availed.
Phase 2
This will concern the construction of storage tanks for rainwater collection, solar power
installation, buying of the text books; manufacturing desks, chairs, tables, and other teaching
and learning materials. We expect to start with twenty children by January 2016. Then we
will be admitting 10 children per year. We need to have 4 teachers at the beginning and we
will add the number gradually. (Ref personnel chart below). The school will admit 50
students over five years.
Phase 3:
It is about completing the construction of three classes and two teacher’s houses. Plus a
dining hall.
Spiritans’ team will invite the donor representatives and members of the government to
carry out their own independent evaluation after the completion of the project. Continuous
monitoring of the project will be conducted by the Spiritans team and representatives from
the church Diocese to ensure that the project achieves its goals and objectives as set out in
this proposal.
We expect to:
Increase the number of Deaf children attending schools. Quality education for 50
deaf students delivered through creation of adequate learning spaces.
Increase and accelerate learning programs for 50 disadvantaged deaf children who
had hither to not access basic education.
50 Deaf children enrolled and retained in school through school feeding programs.
Special Primary school for the Deaf constructed in Endulen village
Community members accept and support deaf children. The maasai community in
Ngorongoro will begin to appreciate the Deaf child education.(the understanding of
The expected result is that 50 deaf children receive quality education and are well taken care
of. We expect to be registering 10 deaf children per year. Hence in the long run the status of
deaf people in the country will change positively. The lives of deaf people will be improved
and their living conditions, even the country’s economy at large.
The major component of the project is the construction of the basic infrastructure
covering administrative, instructional facilities (educational and boarding) and staff houses.
The total cost for the buildings, instructions materials and furniture’s is Tz.shs
578.224.000,00/ equivalent to 290,000.00/US dollars or 275,400.00/Euros. We would like to
request participation from you. Any amount given to us is of great help and will certainly
advance the construction of the school.
Different costs will be involved in this project. We have divided them in two parts. Part one
concerns the construction and equipments. Part two concern the running cost:
Part One
Offices 3 15,000,000
Dormitory 2 111,229,000
Teachers house
6 150,000,000
Outside toilets (6
6 6,000,000
block 1 20,000,000
The school is expected to enroll a total of 100 students. The head teacher will need financial
support before opening the school to purchase relevant textbooks and other required
materials. Also we plan to request help from associations specializing in providing books for
our library.
The initial requirement for this component for the first year may amount to Tzshs 5,000,000
equivalent to US dollars 2500 or 2380 Euros.
Section Item Quantity Unit price@ Total price
2. Dining Hall:
3. Staff Room :
4. Computer room
and Library:
5. Dormitory:
6. Head teacher
Table 1 280000 280000
In order for the school to operate smoothly a number of items are need to be purchased and
maintained. Total cost is estimated at Tzsh 8,500,000 Equivalent 4.250 US dollars or 4.050
A Buildings 512,229,000
C Furniture 52,495,000
Human resources are the key to succeed and achieve goal in every project. To run the school
we need workers like teachers and also sub-ordinate workers such as cooks, watchmen, and
The table below shows the operation budget for the entire project staff for 1 year.
N.B Salaries level is high in order to encourage teachers and workers to work in difficult
environment. Two teachers will be employed in the fourth or fifth year.
b) Running costs after the construction phase: (A summary of one year budget)
The running costs of the school at full capacity will be estimated at Tz. shs 124,000,000
equivalent to 62,000/ US dollars or 59,000/ Euros per year, for the following items.
Implementation of the project will entail a number of strategies. There will be individual
initiatives so as private financing. We expect to receive funds from donors to construct the
school. The project will be realized mainly by funds from NGO’s, different associations,
friends and local fundraising campaigns.
Spiritans will continue to work with the Ministry of education department to build on this
capacity while also working closely with local NGO working on education programs in the
area. Spiritans will develop a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education
and Vocational Training which will clarify each partners’ roles and responsibilities both short
and long term. In this way sustainable structures for primary school education for deaf
children delivery will be developed in Endulen Village, Ngorongoro in Arusha Tanzania.
Spiritans will also work in partnership with local Churches, and involve them in technical
trainings and work closely with them in developing methodologies for engaging with Deaf
children`s communities. Spiritans are focusing on technical and logistical support as well as
on institutional capacity building.
Spiritans will work with local communities to develop the capacity of individuals to play an
active role in governance and delivery of education in primary school for deaf children.
Parents of deaf children and Teachers Association (PDTA) will be formed to ensure the
school’s future sustainability. Spiritans annual sustainability assessment will be used to
review the capacity of Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, local communities and
local Churches to take on further aspects of supporting the school after the donor’s phase is
The Endulen Deaf School will be a private school owned by the Spiritans. Therefore as is the
case of all privately owned and administered schools, the source of income will largely be:
The school will be obliged to seek external development support from different agencies as
the children will not be able to pay any school fees. However the teachers’ salaries, which
represent approximately half of the annual running costs, will be covered by the Ministry of
Education. The remaining 50 % will be covered by the above mentioned sources. Such
external sources include:
- The formation of a Parent Teachers Association (PTA) will help by having systematic
contributions’ campaigns related to fund-raising activities.
The project committees will continue with the project activities and benefit beyond financial
support from the donors. Such activities like honey harvesting, will help towards the
sustainability of the project. For the enhancement of this aim the project committee will
develop internal mechanism for the project sustainability.
Project indicator will be used to assess the progress of the project towards achievement of
project sustainability. Project indicator however, has been addressed in the project design
and proposal development.
XI. Deliverable
Project Manager will deliver both technical and financial reports three times a year to the
funding agency. This will include details of the class construction, dormitories, class
attendance by learners and teachers, lessons taught, materials purchased, challenges faced,
achievements realized, money spent and the community support.
The organization structure is very important in running any institution. This helps to avoid
conflict of authority in work in an organization. The school organization expected to be as
A variety of formal and informal Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms will be central to
bring the appropriate delivery of effective and sustainable services. These will include: Multi
Indicator Cluster Surveys, class performance surveys, class attendance data, girl-boy
retention data and exit surveys.
The registered Trustee of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost (Spiritans) has appointed Fr
Albano Mwombeki to be the Manager of the School. The school will have a board of
directors drawn from founders, professionals, parents, community leaders, with proven
interest and experience in education development. The school board will define and oversee
the overall policy of the school, including selection of children joining the school and
requirement of qualified staff.
Finally we wish to appeal to all well ‘wishers to stretch their helping hand so as the project
may be realized and sustained.
NB: there is no cost for 1. Solar power installation, 2. water supply system and drainage nor
3. acoustic room in this project. These will appear in a different project proposal.