Food Waste Handling in Malaysia and Comparison With Other Asian Countries
Food Waste Handling in Malaysia and Comparison With Other Asian Countries
Food Waste Handling in Malaysia and Comparison With Other Asian Countries
Food waste handling in Malaysia and comparison with other Asian countries
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Food waste handling in Malaysia and comparison with other Asian countries
Lim, W. J., 1*Chin, N. L., 1Yusof, A. Y., 2Yahya, A. and 3Tee, T. P.
*Corresponding author.
Email:[email protected]
S2 Lim, W. J. et al. /IFRJ 23(Suppl): S1- S6
Nature-friendly food waste handling methods practises composting to utilise food waste to produce
The more prominent and nature-friendly food bio-fertiliser through their national program named
waste handling methods include composting, “Total Recycling for Kitchen Garbage” (Chang et al.,
anaerobic digestion or animal feeding. These 2008; Chen et al., 2008). In Thailand, 15% of food
are possible options of sustainable food waste waste from municipal solid waste was decomposed
management system which are suitable for future into bio-products such as biogas and bio-fertilizer
implementation in Malaysia instead of incineration (Pollution Control Department, 2010). However, it is
or landfill which pose detrimental effects to the noted that composting of food waste is less effective
environment (Thi et al., 2015). The discussion on in developing countries due to reasons of improper
incineration and landfill has been omitted in this segregation of food waste from other solid waste
article. and poor food waste management framework (Thi et
al., 2015). As a result, this causes predicament for
Composting investment in composting projects.
At research scale, food waste composting is
usually implemented through two different practises, Anaerobic digestion
which are the in-vessel system and the windrow Anaerobic digestion of food waste is a biological
system (Cekmecelioglu et al., 2005; Chikae et process involving biodegradation of putrescible
al., 2006; Kumar et al., 2010). Table 3 lists the organic substrate into biogas via four main steps,
differences between these two methods. The in- i.e. hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and
vessel system involves covering of food waste in methanogenesis (Zhang et al., 2014). Thailand
a closed system such as silo, drum, agitated bed, has a noteworthy implementation of food waste
closed or batch container for composting (Rudnik, anaerobic digestion technology. For instance,
2008). This system is an effective composting system Rayong municipality has established a full scale
instead of windrow system since it requires less area biogas plant utilising food waste which include
and offers a better management in term of gas and vegetable and fruit wastes coupled with night soil
leachate discharge (Cekmecelioglu et al., 2005). waste for producing biogas and electricity supply
This system also helps to reduce retention time of in rural areas (Juanga et al., 2006). In China, there
food waste in the mesophilic phase and thermophilic is no full scale developed and operational anaerobic
phase (Cekmecelioglu et al., 2005). Kim et al. food waste digestion plant yet but there are over
(2008) developed a pilot scale in-vessel system 20 national projects under development phase
for food waste treatment and suggested that ways comprising anaerobic digestion and composting of
essential effort is needed to improve the efficiency main substrates of food waste, manure and municipal
of this in-vessel system. The windrow system is an solid waste (Christian and Dubendorf, 2007). In spite
open composting system constructed in the form of a of many development project of food waste anaerobic
triangular pile. The optimum size of this pile is very digestion in India, most of the projects have been
subjective due to it is constraints of weather condition hampered due to technical failure, poor management
and physical properties of substrates. The base of and incomplete regulation and policy (Christian and
pile can be of any length from 2 to 6 m in width Dubendorf, 2007). Vietnam and Philippines have an
and 1 to 3 m in height as long as the pile achieves integrative technology where anaerobic digestion and
optimum condition for composting (Kulman, 1990). composting are combined for food waste reduction in
Cekmecelioglu et al. (2005) constructed a pile with landfill areas (Thi et al., 2015). In Sri Lanka, many
11 m length, 2.5 m width and 1.2 m height using small scale food waste anaerobic digestion plants are
the conventional layering and mixing methods. established through cooperation between government
However, leaching and odour problem occurred thus and non-government organisations (Christian and
this system is considered not environmental friendly Dubendorf, 2007).
although it is popularly practised in rural area as it is
an easy method and requires less capital cost. Animal feeding
Composting of food waste coupled with South Korea and Taiwan are countries which
municipal solid waste is extensively implemented in have great demand for animal feeds from food waste.
India which has more than 70 composting facilities It is legal to use up to 81% and 72.1% of food waste
(Ranjith, 2012). Every year, there are approximately in animal feed in the respective countries (Kim et
4.3 billion tonnes of compost produced from the al., 2011; EPA, 2013). Food waste as feedstock
food waste which stands at 5.9% of their municipal for animal feeding is not suitable in developing
solid waste in India. The Taiwan government also countries as loading and separation of food waste
S4 Lim, W. J. et al. /IFRJ 23(Suppl): S1- S6
from municipal waste is scarcely implement there. obstacles of incomplete legislations and policy,
In Malaysia, following FEED ACT (Act 698) (Law inadequate management, weak enforcement and
of Malaysia, 2009), not all food waste is suitable for lack of allocation budget (Thi et al., 2015). As food
use as animal feed for livestock except for the more waste issue will become more severe with time, it is
commonly practised of harvesting of carcass bone necessary to pay more attention to establish concrete
and egg shell. Food waste contribution on animal food waste strategies.
feed is mostly from bone meal, eggshell, sea shells
as they are major mineral supplement sources of Conclusion
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