Method For The Analysis of Total Fluoride in Fluoride-Releasing Dental Varnishes
Method For The Analysis of Total Fluoride in Fluoride-Releasing Dental Varnishes
Method For The Analysis of Total Fluoride in Fluoride-Releasing Dental Varnishes
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utilized as the standard method of analysis for total fluo- Methods
ride in F-releasing dental varnishes. This method may be-
Sample Preparation
come the basis for national and international standards The method was evaluated by measurement of total fluoride in
that ensure the F-varnish products used in clinical prac- six types of commercially available fluoride-releasing dental var-
tice have the fluoride content declared in the product lit- nishes that contained difluorosilane or sodium fluoride either
erature. alone or in combination with calcium phosphate salts. Three of
Shen and Autio-Gold [2002] described the measure- the products analyzed contained CaPO4 salts as tricalcium phos-
phate, amorphous calcium phosphate, or a mixture of calcium sul-
ment of total fluoride in three fluoride varnishes and re- fate and potassium phosphate. Other potentially confounding in-
ported a wide range of concentrations. This wide range gredients included protein, wax, xylitol, flavorings, colorings,
was either due to a lack of product uniformity or inherent thickeners and solvents such as ethanol, ethyl acetate, hexane, and
standard uncertainties related to the analytical methods glycerin.
used, or a combination of both. Since that time a large The six varnish types employed in this investigation included
two products that contained sodium fluoride alone (NaF-A and
number of new F-varnish products have been introduced NaF-B), that had very different carrier matrices. Three contained
to the marketplace that are designed to release fluoride sodium fluoride in combination with calcium phosphate: NaF
faster, reside on the tooth longer, or to have mobility with amorphous calcium phosphate forming salts (NaF/ACP),
around the oral cavity. Because F-varnishes have such a NaF with tricalcium phosphate (NaF/TCP), and NaF with casein
wide variety of compositions the development of a single phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate complex (NaF/
CCP-ACP). The sixth varnish contained 0.1% difluorosilane
method that can accurately determine the total fluoride (F2H2Si) as its fluoride source. Samples were taken from the indi-
content in commercially available F-varnishes is difficult. vidual varnish types within a single lot or reference number and
This is why we feel it is important to provide methods that within the label expiration assigned by the manufacturer.
can be used to assess the fluoride content for this wide To achieve product homogeneity, we mixed the varnish in the
variety of products. packaging prior to dispensing aliquots of varnish product. Sam-
ples were mixed a second time using either a stainless-steel spat-
We developed and tested a simplified sample prepara- ula or the applicator brush provided before dispensing the varnish
tion that can be used to analyze the fluoride content of product to the digestion vial. For the product packaged in squeeze
complex samples. The basic approach is to dissolve the tubes, after kneading the tube for a few minutes to mix the prod-
nonaqueous portion of the sample (resins and rosins) uct as best as possible, approximately 1 inch of product was dis-
which does not contain active fluoride into chloroform, a pensed and discarded from every new tube to ensure product ho-
mogeneity; samples were obtained from the remaining varnish
hydrophobic organic phase. The sample-chloroform product.
mixture is then mixed with an aqueous buffer to dissolve
the fluoride complexes into an aqueous phase. The buffer Sample Digestion
serves several functions including chelating cations to re- After testing, we determined that the required ingredients for
lease fluoride ions from ion pairs, and adjusting the ionic sample preparation should be added in the following order: First,
on a freshly tared balance, we added 0.05–0.15 g (1–3 drops) of the
strength and pH to create the optimum conditions for varnish product to a chloroform-resistant scintillation vial with
fluoride ion-selective electrode analysis. The buffer we 25 ml or greater capacity. We found that adding the sample di-
have found that meets our needs is marketed as Total Ion- rectly to the vial allows for a decreased loss via evaporation and
ic Strength Adjusting Buffer II (TISAB®-II, Sigma-Al- resulted in an easier and more accurate record of varnish mass. The
drich, St. Louis, Mo., USA). TISAB-II contains high con- F2H2Si varnish samples required this immediate attention after
dispensing when determining the F-varnish mass because the sol-
centrations of cation chelators which facilitate hydrolysis vent of this product evaporates quickly. We placed approximately
of fluoride-ion pairs by releasing fluoride ions from any 4 ml (±0.5 ml) of chloroform to each sample vial and swirled the
cation-fluoride complexes that may be in the product. An contents to dissolve the varnish. After the varnish product was dis-
equivalent buffer solution can be made following the rec- solved completely, we added 10.0 ml (±0.1 ml) TISAB to dissolve
ipe described in ASTM International [2010]. This sample and hydrolyze the fluoride complexes in the products. We ob-
served that the addition of TISAB polymerizes the resin in some
preparation sets our method apart from other methods in of the varnish products resulting in the formation of small beads.
the literature. Our goal was to develop a reliable method We determined that at this point in the dissolution phase, all con-
to measure total fluoride concentration [F] in a wide va- tents should be vigorously shaken by hand until all of these hydro-
riety of NaF and fluorosilane-based F-varnishes. We ana- phobic beads of resin are disrupted. Following this mixing, the
lyzed six types of F-varnishes which, according to pack- vials were stirred at 550 rpm overnight at room temperature. The
following day, the stir plate was turned off and the samples were
age labels, contain 5% sodium fluoride (2.26% fluoride) left to sit for at least 2 h to allow the chloroform and TISAB to
with the exception of the fluorosilane product, which separate. The top aqueous solution layer was then ready for fluo-
contains 1% difluorosilane (0.1% fluoride). ride measurement. - 8/4/2014 5:44:18 AM
Dir.General de Bibliotecas, UNAM