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282 Volume 101 Issue 4

5. Watson RM. Impression technique

for maxillary fibrous ridge. Br Dent J
6. Lynch CD, Allen PF. Management of the Method for fabrication of a cast
flabby ridge: using contemporary materi-
mounting device with interchangeable
occlusal templates
als to solve an old problem. Br Dent J
7. Campagna SJ. An impression technique
for immediate dentures. J Prosthet Dent
8. Freeman SP. Impressions for complete den- Jimmy Londono, DDS,a and Philip S. Baker, DDSb
tures. J Am Dent Assoc 1969;79:1173-8.
9. Zarb GA, Bolender CL, Eckert SE, Fenton School of Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Ga
AH, Jacob RF, Mericske-Stein R. Prost-
hodontic treatment for edentulous
patients: complete dentures and implant- The cast mounting device is an in- able occlusal templates for orienting from the open end of the cup, reduce
supported prostheses. 12 ed. St. Louis: dex for positioning a patient’s maxil- the maxillary cast in articulators using it approximately 10 mm more than
Mosby; 2003. p. 232-33, 246.
8 Resultant definitive cast. 10.Boucher CO. A critical analysis of mid- lary cast within the dental articulator. mounting plates. It may permit use of the required final plane height.
century impression techniques for full This technique is commonly based a single duplicate template on mul- 4. Obtain an indexed dowel pin
dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1951;1:472-91.
upon average measurements made tiple brands and models of articula- and matching sleeve (MR PIN - Dual
11.Applegate OC. Essentials of removable par-
SUMMARY REFERENCES tial denture prosthesis. 3rd ed. Philadephia: from anatomic landmarks. Although tors, when appropriate template bas- Pin and Sleeve; Select Dental Mfg
WB Saunders; 1965. p. 254-5. many studies1-23 have investigated es have been made using the outlined Co, Farmingdale, NY). Using a pencil
1. McGarry TJ, Nimmo A, Skiba JF, Ahlstrom 12.Al-Ahmad A, Masri R, Driscoll CF, von
A definitive impression technique RH, Smith CR, Koumjian JH. Classifica- Fraunhofer J, Romberg E. Pressure gener-
arbitrary or kinematic facebows to technique. Alternatively, multiple oc- point, place a hole in the center of the
using both impression wax and vi- tion system for complete edentulism. The ated on a simulated mandibular oral determine whether they are more ac- clusal templates could be fabricated cup bottom with a diameter slightly
nyl polysiloxane impression material American College of Prosthodontics. J analog by impression materials in custom curate methods for cast orientation, to fit a single base made for a specific greater than the widest diameter of
Prosthodont 1999;8:27-39. trays of different design. J Prosthodont
for displaceable mandibular residual 2. Kelly E. Changes caused by a mandibular 2006;15:95-101. controversy over their use contin- model, system, or brand of articula- the dowel sleeve. Mix mounting stone
ridges is described. Consideration has removable partial denture opposing a 13.Masri R, Driscoll CF, Burkhardt J, Von ues.24 tor, depending on the manufacturer’s (Mounting Stone; Whip Mix Corp)
been given to the choice of impres- maxillary complete denture. J Prosthet Dent Fraunhofer A, Romberg E. Pressure gener- Some commercial mounting de- design. and fill the modified cup. Place some
1972;27:140-50. ated on a simulated oral analog by impres-
sion materials as well as to the design 3. Xie Q, Närhi TO, Nevalainen JM, Wolf sion materials in custom trays of different vices currently available are the Artex of the remaining mounting stone into
of the impression tray to minimize the J, Ainamo A. Oral status and prosthetic designs. J Prosthodont 2002;11:155-60. Set Up Templates for Complete Den- PROCEDURE the retentive features of the mount-
factors related to residual ridge resorption 14.Martin JW, Jacob RF, King GE. Boxing the
amount of pressure exerted onto the tures (Amann Girrbach AG, Koblach, ing plate on the articulator. Invert the
in elderly subjects. Acta Odontol Scand altered cast impression for the dentate
displaceable regions of the residual 1997;55:306-13. obturator by using plaster and pumice. J Austria), the Denar HIP Mounting 1. Using a vacuum forming device stone-filled cup and place it on top of
ridges during the impression-making 4. Lytle RB. The management of abused oral Prosthet Dent 1988;59:382-4. Platform (Whip Mix Corp, Louisville, (UltraVac Vacuum Former; Ultradent the loaded mounting plate, adjusting
tissues in complete denture construction. J
procedure. Prosthet Dent 1957;7:27-42.
Ky), and the Quick Master Articu- Products, Inc, South Jordan, Utah), for correct alignment as needed. Re-
Corresponding author:
Dr Radi Masri lator System Mounting Table (FAG duplicate the metal occlusal template move any excess stone expressed from
650 West Baltimore St, Room 4228 Dentaire, Cluses, France). The Artex (Trubyte 20 Degree Posterior Tem- the opening in the bottom of the cup,
Baltimore, MD 21201
Fax: 410-706-1565
index is designed for use only in com- plate; Dentsply Intl, York, Pa) with so that it is approximately at the height
E-mail: [email protected] plete denture treatment, while the 0.080-inch hard, clear splint material of the original paper bottom. Prior to
Denar Platform and the Quick Mas- (Henry Schein, Inc, Melville, NY). initial stone set, embed the single pin
Copyright © 2009 by the Editorial Council for ter Mounting Tables are intended for 2. Trim the thermoplastic sheet to end of the dowel pin patrix in the cen-
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
dentulous as well as edentulous pa- the original external template outline tered cup hole, with the pin oriented
tient applications. with a vacuum form trimming bur perpendicular to the table top and
The primary limitation of these (Brasseler H219S.11.023; Brasseler pin shoulder at the level of the stone
commercial devices is their lack of USA, Savannah, Ga). Do not remove surface. Note that the template base
interchangeability with other manu- material from the lingual area. is now completed (Fig. 1, A).
facturers’ articulator systems. Unless 3. Secure a mounting plate to 5. Place a hole in the center of the
Availability of Journal Back Issues the dentist uses the appropriate ar- the lower member of the articulator duplicate 20-degree template using
ticulator with a specific cast mount- of choice. Center an inverted 6-oz a medium acrylic resin trimming bur
As a service to our subscribers, copies of back issues of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry for the preceding 5 years are ing device, it cannot be ensured that waxed paper cup (Solo Cup Co, High- (Brasseler E-Cutter H79E-050; Bras-
maintained and are available for purchase from Elsevier Inc until inventory is depleted. Please write to Elsevier Inc, the components will be compatible in land Park, Ill) on top of the mount- seler USA); the hole should allow pas-
Subscription Customer Service, 6277 Sea Harbor Dr, Orlando, FL 32887, or call 800-654-2452 or 407-345-4000 for either fit or orientation. ing plate. Position the duplicated, sage of the matrix sleeve of the dowel
information on availability of particular issues and prices. The purpose of this article is to trimmed template on the cup and pin. Seat the matrix fully on the pa-
describe a simple, quick, and inex- determine the appropriate cup height trix. Place the template on the seated
pensive method for fabricating a to establish the desired occlusal plane sleeve, avoiding dislodgement of the
mounting device with interchange- level within the articulator. Trimming sleeve from the patrix. Position the

Clinical Instructor, Department of Oral Rehabilitation.


Associate Professor, Department of Oral Rehabilitation.


(J Prosthet Dent 2009;101:283-284)

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Tan et al Londono and Baker

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