Video and Lecture SMEs
Video and Lecture SMEs
Video and Lecture SMEs
su opinión sobre el contexto y los llamados de la internacionalización de las PYMES. Comente las
opiniones de sus socios.
international behaviors in the firm's first international ventures as well as of radical strategic
changes is enhanced by an analysis focusing on entrepreneurs. Such a conceptual framework is
used to analyze this study's cases. New concepts are developed: the marketing entrepreneur who
implements an international push strategy; the technical entrepreneur who implements a strategy
focusing on technical development, creating an international pull strategy; and the structure
entrepreneur who implements an international restructuring of an industry.
Then, a model establishing the entrepreneur as a central factor in explaining firms' international
behavior is introduced
Internationalization literature
different researchers hold different assumptions about decision making. They also focus on
different levels of aggregation in analyzing internationalization processes: the individual actors'
level, the firm level, and the firm's environment level
This literature focuses on the company and its environment and can be positioned in squares B
and C in Figure 1. Since the decision maker is rational, he will choose the optimal solution. The fact
that various decision makers can make different strategic decisions in the same situation is not
acknowledged in this approach.
the one expanded to recognize the importance of networks (Johanson and Vahlne, 1990, 1993))
discuss learning at organizational levels and maintain that top management's ability to affect the
internationalization process is limited.
The strategy and internationalization processes will not start without acting entrepreneurs. It is not
enough to be a firm with resources and opportunities in the environment. Internationalization must
be wanted and triggered by someone (Boddewyn, 1988). To show the central role of individuals'
actions in creating strategy and international processes, the entrepreneur is represented as an
arrow that goes from the structure side to the process side. The reverse arrow, from the process
side to the structure side, shows that the processes influence the structure side of the model.
The entrepreneurs' intentions and persistence in carrying out different strategies are decisive for the
firms' early internationalization. Assar Svensson's strong push for technical improvement led to his
assigning large amounts of resources to technological developmen
The conclusion that entrepreneurs can be used to understand firms' international behavior is
valuable in itself, but identifying the ways in which entrepreneurs influence firms' international
behavior can be even more useful
The risks involved in the internationalization of a SME derived from essential and
transcendental issues such as the financing system, the guarantees associated with
the contracts (financial and technical), the Incoterms, the legislation applicable to a
contract of any class, or the relevance of the submission to international arbitration.
The success of the SME internationalization process will depend on multiple factors: it
will be necessary to have adequate strategic and financial planning, and of course, to
have highly qualified technical and legal advice to ensure its development in stable
and safe conditions and, with this, achieve the success of the internationalization.
Today, internationalization for SMEs can be done in a much faster and easier way
than many years ago, and all this is thanks to the fact that globalization has allowed us
to connect with people from all over the world.
However, companies in their search for growth always seek to enter the international
market in order to begin their transformation from a medium-sized company to a large
company, but this forces the company to face a series of challenges that leads to
Internalization calls always seek to enter the market in this way to generate more
income, but in addition to this, internalization also helps the company to seek
production alternatives in other parts of the world and thus reduce its costs.
The internationalization process for Small and Medium Enterprises is difficult due to
the number of variables that they have to take into account. A great environment is
essential for the companies expansion, not only at a firm level but also the whole
external environment, which can be influenced by entrepreneurs (to some extent) by
taking advantage of the opportunities presented. When it comes to internationalization,
there are few constants and, it is said that one of the biggest mistakes in applying
modern theories is their focus in generalizations where one set of strategies is
supposed to fit all the firms. It is better to categorize the firms among those with similar
behavior. To succeed in this expansion process, the entrepreneur needs to be aware
that he/she influences the international behavior of the company in different directions
using a conceptual framework.
The challenges that SME's mainly face are: The cultural differences because customer
tastes differ from one country to another due to their beliefs or even trends so that the
company has to adapt itself to the new culture or try to captivate new consumers by
highlighting its own culture through the products or services. Also, the capacity of the
entrepreneur because it is very important that he/she has the ability to see new
combinations of factors, the will to act and develop these combinations in order to
benefit the enterprise, the ability to convince other to invest in their projects, be able to
choose the right strategies and balance rational decisions with the behavioral ones.