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Geo-tubes Catalog
Operational Address: Lingxian Economic Development Zone, Dezhou, Shandong,
China (Mainland)
Product description:
1. A TechoTubes are large Geotube structures fabricated from high strength woven geotextile with soil-in-fills. Geotextile tube is formed
in situ by the hydraulic pumping of local soil into the prefabricated geotextile tube. This leads to a flexible, monolithic, continuous
structure that is highly resistant to water currents. Sand is widely used as the soil in-fill material because of its low compressibility but
other hydraulically pumped soil types can be used. Geotextile tubes are normally characterized in terms of theoretical diameter.

The geotextile used to make geotextile tubes has fine pore sizes to enable retention of the soil-infill but also has high permeability to
enable easy exit of water during the hydraulic filling stage. The geotextile has high tensile strength to enable it to resist the tensile
stresses occurring during hydraulic filling and maintain its structure shape.

2.In dewatering applications TechnoTubes are a reliable, economic and environment-friendly

TechnoTube main objective is to recycle waste rather than sending it to a landfill. The solution consists in some Geotube in which are
injected some sludge pumped from a waste storage area. Thanks to the filtration properties of the geotextile, the sludge remains into the
tubes and the water, separated from the sediments, leaves the tubes. Once dry, solids contained into the Geotube are converted into a
filter cake which can be easily recovered.
The Low Cost, High Volume Dewatering Solution

Geotube dewatering technology has become the dewatering method of choice for organizations around
the world. Geotube dewatering technology is used for projects large and small, and there is good reason -
- simplicity and low cost.

• There are no belts, gears, or complicated mechanics. Geotube containers are constructed of high-
strength, permeable, specially engineered textiles designed for containment and dewatering of high
moisture content sludge and sediment. They are available in a variety of sizes, depending on your
volume and space requirements. Geotube systems can even be mounted in mobile roll-off containers
that can be transported around your property as necessary. It's one of the most versatile dewatering
technologies available.

• And one of the most effective. Volume reduction can be as much as 90%, with high solid levels that
make removal and disposal easy. Our dewatering technology also allows for profitable recovery of
valuable solids.
Applications in dewatering;
• Geotube dewatering technology delivers solutions that offer high strength
geotextiles with very unique filtration and retention properties. From our
complete product line for the Dewatering Market, we offer materials that
provide solutions for the following applications:

1.Marine Remediation 2.Mining & Mineral Processing 3.Power & Utility

Applications in dewatering;

4.Pulp & Paper 5.Municipal 6.Light Industrial

7.Agriculture 8.Aquaculture
Applications in Marine embankment;
in Marine
How Geotube Dewatering Technology Works
• Dewatering with Geotube technology is a three-
step process:

• Step 1: Filling -- Sludge (dredged material) is pumped into the Geotube

container. Environmentally-safe polymers are added to the sludge, which
makes the solids bind together and water separate. The Geotube container's
unique fabric confines the fine grains of the material.
• Step 2: Dewatering -- Clear effluent water simply drains from the Geotube
container through the small pores in the specially engineered textile. This
results in effective dewatering and efficient volume reduction of the
contained materials. And this volume reduction allows for the repeated
filling of the TenCate Geotube container. Over 99% of solids are captured,
and clear filtrate can be collected and recirculated through the system. The
decanted water is often of a quality that can be reused/returned for
processing or returned to native waterways without additional treatment.
• Step 3: Consolidation -- After the final cycle of filling and dewatering, the
solids remain in the bag and continue to densify due to desiccation as
residual water vapor escapes through the fabric. Volume reduction can be as
high as 90 percent. When full, the geotube container and contents can be
deposited at a landfill, remain on-site, or the solids can be removed and land-
applied when appropriate.
How Geotube Dewatering Works
1. High strength, low deformation geotube geotube
2. Durability: steady property, not easy to resolved, air slaked and can
keep the original property long term
3. Anti-erosion: anti-acid, anti-alkali, resists insects and mould geotube
4. Permeability: could control the sieve size to retain certain
Permeability geotube
5.Effective high volume containment
6.Efficient dewatering and volume reduction
7.Cost effective
8.No special equipment required
Our aim is to help customers realize
their goals. We are making great efforts
to achieve this win-win situation and
sincerely welcome you come and visit
our fac. And if we are lucky we can
cooperation with each other.For any
question, or any further support, pls
don't hesitate to contact us.Your early
feedback and comments will be highly

Contact Us
Email: [email protected]

App:+ 8618963017520

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