Ardern and Lambert 1997
Ardern and Lambert 1997
Ardern and Lambert 1997
In 1980 the entire black robin species Petroica traversi comprised only five birds, and the
current population of P 200 individuals is known to be derived from a single breeding
pair. We show here that levels of minisatellite DNA variation in the black robin are
among the lowest reported for any avian species in the wild. Surprisingly, similarly bot-
tlenecked control populations of a closely related species (P. australis australis) exhibit
significantly higher levels of genetic variation. This suggests that the black robin’s
persistence in a single small population for the last 100 years, rather than the recent bot-
tleneck itself, accounts for the low genetic variation observed. Despite apparent genetic
impoverishment, survival and reproductive performance indicate that the black robin is
viable under existing conditions. This example illustrates that significant levels of genet-
ic variation are not a necessary prerequisite for endangered species’ survival.
Keywords: conservation genetics, minisatellite DNA, population bottlenecks
However, it has been suggested that the poor popula- management techniques, including cross-fostering (a man-
tion parameters shown by captive and wild populations of agement tool applied only until 1988), the species has
cheetahs have more to do with ecological factors than made a remarkable recovery. The black robin species cur-
genetic ones (Caro & Laurenson 1994). It is clear that, in rently comprises P 200 birds distributed in two island
captive situations the low breeding success is due to ani- populations (Butler & Merton 1992).
mal husbandry practices for example, inappropriate social Our analysis of genetic variation in the endangered
conditions and a failure to detect oestrus in females. In black robin details current levels of minisatellite DNA
addition, for cheetahs in the wild, the major cause of cub variation. We compare the observed genetic variation in
mortality is predation by lions and hyenas (Caro 1987). black robins with closely related and similarly bottle-
Caro & Laurenson (1994) remarked that: ‘These findings necked New Zealand bush robin P. australis australis pop-
suggest that genetics may have been overemphasized in ulations and examine the association between genetic vari-
relation to the plight of the cheetah’. In fact, in the wild a ation and population viability in the black robin using
large proportion of female cheetahs breed and there is a available data.
high rate of litter production. This implies that the repro-
ductive anatomy and physiology of cheetahs are not
Materials and methods
adversely affected by their genetic constitution.
Nevertheless, phenomena such as founder events and
DNA methods
population bottlenecks are likely to play a role in reducing
genetic variation in cheetahs and other species (Wildt et al. Genetic variation in black robin and bush robin blood
1987; Packer et al. 1991; Hoelzel et al. 1993), the historical samples was assayed by hybridizing human-derived min-
evidence for such events is often lacking. isatellite DNA probes (Jeffreys et al. 1985; Longmire et
We report here the study of a wild avian population al. 1990) which typically produce hypervariable, individ-
which is known to have undergone a recent and severe ual-specific DNA profiles in birds (Burke & Bruford 1987;
population bottleneck. The Chatham Island black robin Wetton et al. 1992). We extracted high molecular weight
Petroica traversi is one of the world’s most endangered and DNA from whole blood using the following technique.
intensively inbred avian species surviving in the wild. Fifteen microlitres of blood was lysed by resuspension in
This small insectivorous passerine is found only on 400 µL of lysing solution (144 mM NH4Cl; 10 mM
Mangere and South East (Rangatira) Islands in the NH4HCO3). The lysate was centrifuged at 7500 r.p.m. for
Chatham Island group, 750 km east of the South Island of P 15 min and the supernatant discarded. The resulting
New Zealand (18 ha) (Fig. 1). Although it once occupied pellet was then resuspended in 400 µl of SET buffer (0.1 M
most of the larger islands in the Chatham group, for most NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.1 M Tris-HCl pH 8.0) to which sodi-
of this century the black robin has been isolated in a single um dodecyl sulphate (20 µL, 10% SDS) and proteinase K
population on Little Mangere Island (Fig. 1). It is unlikely (10 µL, 20 mg/mL) were added, and incubated 65 °C
that this small island would have supported more than overnight. We employed this method in order to remove
20–30 individuals at any one time over the last 100 years the bulk of the haemoglobin before proceeding and higher
(Merton 1990). In the 1970s, the species underwent a rapid quality DNA resulted when this step was included. DNA
and severe population decline primarily as a result of was then extracted and purified using standard
habitat degeneration (Flack 1975). Five individuals phenol/chloroform methods and precipitation and resus-
remained in 1979 and 1980 (Flack 1975, 1978; Merton 1990, pension of DNA was performed in accordance with
1992; Butler & Merton 1992). (Sambrook et al. 1989).
The black robin is highly inbred as a result of this long DNA samples of P 20 µg were digested overnight with
history of isolation, and the extreme population bottleneck the restriction enzyme HaeIII (15 units) in the presence of
which occurred in the late 1970s and early 1980s when a spermidine trihydrochloride and bovine serum albumin
single pair bred successfully. Matings between siblings, (BSA, 2 mg/mL) with the manufacturer’s recommended
and between parents and offspring, have been common- buffer. After this interval we added a further 15 units of
place (Merton 1990) and all existing birds are thought to be HaeIII and incubation continued for approximately 1 h.
descended from a single black robin female (Flack 1975; HaeIII digested DNA was then electrophoresed through
Merton 1990, 1992; Butler & Merton 1992). 0.8% agarose gels in TBE buffer (134 mM Tris, 74.9 mM
The potential effects of intense inbreeding on popula- boric acid, 2.55 mM EDTA pH 8.8) until fragments smaller
tion viability have been of concern throughout the black than 3 kb were run off the gel (P 58 h). After Southern
robin’s recovery programme (Flack 1975; Merton 1983, blotting, probes 33.15, 33.6 and pV47-2 were labelled with
1990; Cemmick & Veitch 1985; Butler & Merton 1992). α32P dCTP by random priming. Hybridization was carried
However, as a result of interisland transfers to better habi- out as described by Westneat (Westneat 1990), except that
tat and enhanced productivity achieved using close-order hybridization temperatures and final wash stringencies
used were 61 °C (33.15), or 55 °C (33.6, pV47-2) and scored [33.15 and 33.6 only; proportion of fragments detect-
0.5 u SSC, 0.1% SDS (33.15, 33.6) or 5 u SSC, 0.1% ed by both probes was 0.02 ± 0.03 (SD)]. When they
SDS (pV47-2). DNA profiles were visualized by occurred, overlapping fragments were scored only once.
autoradiography. Percentage differences between pairwise comparisons
The molecular weight regions scored on profiles pro- of DNA profiles of individuals was calculated according
duced with each probe were as follows: > 4 kb (33.15, to Gilbert et al. (1991) and Packer et al. (1991). The average
l HindIII-1 kb); > 5 kb (pV47-2); > 8 kb (33.6). Bands of sim- of all pairwise values, average percentage difference
ilar mobility were considered to be identical if they dif- (APD) was used for each population as an index of within
fered less than twofold in intensity. Bin sizes were population genetic variation (Gilbert et al. 1991). Two ran-
assigned according to curvature observed for internal lane domization techniques were used to investigate the statis-
marker fragments across a gel, being 1 mm and 2 mm for tical significance of differences in APDs of P. traversi and
fragments u > 6 kb, and 6 kb > u > 4 kb, respectively. P. australis australis (Holmes 1994). These two techniques
There were few overlapping DNA fragments among pro- each incorporate different assumptions regarding the
files produced with the different probes in the regions degree of independence between fragments in a DNA
Fig. 2 Minisatellite DNA profiles of Petroica spp. produced by hybridization of 33.15 with HaeIII digested DNA. (a) P. traversi; (b) P. aus-
tralis australis, B1; (c) P. australis australis, S1. B1 and S1 are a pair of populations related by a translocation event, B1 being the bottle-
necked daughter population and S1 being its source population. P. traversi individuals sampled were second order relatives or more dis-
tantly related. Individuals of B1 and S1 represent a random population sample. The molecular weight range is indicated at left of the
Table 1 Summary statistics of minisatellite DNA variation in Petroica populations derived from DNA profiles of HaeIII digests hybridized
with probes 33.15, 33.6, and pV47-2. The notation S1, B1, S2, B2 refers to pairs of source and bottlenecked daughter populations related by
translocation events. Average percentage difference (APD) was calculated as the average of all pairwise difference values within the pop-
ulation sample as described by (Gilbert et al. 1991). Heterozygosity was estimated using the formula derived previously (Stephens et al.
1992). Calculation of the values presented was facilitated by use of the computer programme ‘Thumbprint’ (Marshall 1992)
Total no.
Population Mean novel.
(no. individuals/ number of fragments
no. pairwise Average fragments/ scored in Proportion of
Species comparisons) APD (SD) heterozygosity individual (SD) population fixed fragments
estimates of variability in the black robin. However, data the lowest level of genetic variation among P. australis aus-
from several populations of a related species, the New tralis populations studied). These data indicate that the
Zealand bush robin, P. australis australis, were available for extremely low minisatellite DNA variation observed in
comparison. These represent two sets of source and black robins is not a general feature of the genus Petroica
translocated populations, each daughter population and specifically is not a feature of similarly bottlenecked
established from five individuals in 1973 (Flack 1978) – populations of a congeneric species.
essentially control populations for the black robin bottle-
neck event of around 1980.
Figure 2(b) and 2(c) together with measures of variabil-
ity presented in Table 1 show markedly lower genetic Comparison of genetic variation among individuals of P.
variation among black robins than among individuals of traversi and P. australis australis suggests that the low level
P. australis australis from both the source and bottlenecked
populations. APDs observed within P. australis australis
populations ranged between 39.4 (± 7.3) and 55.4 (± 8.7)
and were considerably higher than the equivalent measure
for black robins. It appears that the effects of reduced pop-
ulation size may be evident even in the P. australis australis
source populations. Higher APDs of P 80 have been esti-
mated for a population of North Island robins P. a. longipes
(Holmes 1994). None the less, differences in APDs
between P. traversi and both bottlenecked populations of
P. australis australis were each statistically significant using
both the FCM and IAM methods (P < 0.001).
The mean number of fragments scored per individual,
the other parameter amenable to statistical analysis, also
proved to be significantly lower among black robins, in
comparison with the least variable bottlenecked popula-
tion, Motuara (P < 0.001). In addition, the proportion of
fixed fragments detected was over an order of magnitude
higher among P. traversi than P. australis australis. Figure 3
shows the detection of novel fragments with increasing
number of fragments sampled, illustrating the exceptional Fig. 3 Discovery curves for Petroica traversi and P. australis australis
(bottlenecked population B1) showing cumulative numbers of
lack of variation among black robins. Few new fragments
new fragments detected with increasing number of fragments
were discovered in this species after four individuals had sampled. Combined results for HaeIII digests hybridized with
been scored. In contrast, the curve continues to rise until probes 33.15, 33.6 and pV47-2 are given. Squares represent P. aus-
P 10 individuals are sampled for robins of B1 (bottle- tralis australis individuals (n = 17) and dots represent P. traversi
necked daughter population number one which exhibited individuals (n = 15).
of minisatellite variation currently observed in black robin dence of genetic variation quantified at different genetic
individuals is unlikely to be attributable to the 1980 bottle- loci (Yuhki & O’Brien 1990). Given the probable high level
neck alone. Although a trend towards the loss of genetic of homozygosity at other loci, one might anticipate a
variation through bottleneck events was observed in P. strong association between reduced fitness and low genet-
australis australis, moderate levels were maintained in both ic variation in this species. However, there is little clear
bottlenecked populations, including one in which effective evidence of the deleterious consequences of inbreeding
population size is limited to P 60 birds due to habitat size associated with low genetic variation in the black robin.
(Holmes 1994). Therefore, it seems likely that a long peri- A range of biological indicators, including survival and
od of inbreeding in a single small population, rather than reproductive performance measures suggest that the black
the 1980 bottleneck itself, has been the major determinant robin population was viable under the managed condi-
of the low variation observed in black robins. tions, prior to 1988. For example, egg fertility of P 90%,
Because minisatellite DNA is typically noncoding and hatchability of P 70%, survival to one year of 75% and
therefore selectively neutral, there is not likely to be any adult mortality of less than 30% are typical (Flack 1975;
functional significance of reduced levels of genetic varia- Merton 1990; Butler & Merton 1992). Since intensive man-
tion at minisatellite loci. However, historical evidence of agement ceased in 1988, the species has, however, contin-
long-term isolation and small population size suggests ued to increase and current numbers are P 200.
that genetic variation in other regions of the black robin Furthermore, black robins have not displayed any particu-
genome is also likely to be low (unless maintained by lar susceptibility to disease, although cases of avian pox
overdominance), particularly as minisatellite DNA is and infestations of parasitic mites have been recorded in
amongst the most variable class of genetic elements black robins and their congeners (Butler & Merton 1992;
known. Several authors have presented correlative evi- Flack 1979).
Table 2 Survival and productivity of Chatham Island black robins and New Zealand bush robins. New Zealand bush robin data were
predominantly collected at a mainland location, unless otherwise specified
Percentage of eggs 67.5 (Butler & Merton 1992) 83‡ (Powlesland 1983)
hatched (SD) (14.9)*
Per cent survival 75.6 (Butler & Merton 1992) 9.4z (Flack 1973)
to 1 yr (SD) (14.2)** 16.9‡ (Powlesland 1983)
Per cent annual 29.4 (Flack 1974) 28.2 (range 23–37) (Flack 1973)
adult mortality 21.6** (Butler & Merton 1992) 61.4‡ (Flack 1974)
(SD) (11.5) (Powlesland 1983)
Table 2 shows available data on survival and produc- range of species require that the genetic consequences of
tivity of black and bush robins. It should be noted that small population size remain a cause of concern for the
bush robins have been most extensively studied on the viability of endangered species. However, the example of
New Zealand mainland rather than on islands, typically the black robin illustrates that, although genetic variation
exhibiting higher reproductive output than island popula- in such populations may indeed be very low, this may not
tions (Flack 1973, 1979; Powlesland 1983; cf. Flack 1974; be associated with low population viability. This contrasts
Maloney 1991). However, survival on the mainland is con- with the findings and interpretation of the cheetah exam-
siderably reduced due to the presence of introduced mam- ple and indicates the need for further studies of this kind.
malian predators such as stoats, cats and rats (Flack 1974). In conservation biology a cautious approach stimulated by
According to Butler and Merton (Butler & Merton 1992) awareness of reported cases of inbreeding depression
the only factor which raises suspicions of inbreeding must be balanced by the knowledge that intense inbreed-
depression in black robins is that P 35% of eggs laid fail to ing and low levels of genetic variation do not necessarily
hatch (Table 2). Published estimates indicate that a lower prohibit the continued survival of endangered species.
proportion of eggs fail to hatch among bush robins (17%)
(Table 2) (Powlesland 1983). The larger proportion of black
robin eggs that fail to hatch appears to be attributable pri-
marily to females laying eggs on nest rims, rather than in This research was supported by grants from the Auckland
the nest itself. It has been suggested that the number of University Research Committee and New Zealand Lottery
eggs ‘laid over the rim’ may constitute an abnormality Science to D.M.L. and S.L.A. In addition, the World Wide Fund
for Nature provided support for minisatellite DNA analyses in
among black robin females (Butler & Merton 1992).
the form of a grant to D.M.L. We thank Scott Baker, John Craig,
Interpreting its significance is difficult as similar cases of Ian McLean, Craig Millar, Judith Robins, Allen Rodrigo, Peter
reproductive failure have been recorded among several Ritchie, Euan Young and the New Zealand Department of
bush robin pairs on Tiritiri Matangi Island (recently estab- Conservation, in particular Don Merton and Euan Kennedy, for
lished from a larger more outbred population compared very helpful discussions.
with black robins), resulting from females building nests
in unstable sites (Armstrong, personal communication). It
should be pointed out, however, that a variable that was
measured in recent years (young/pair) shows a lower rate Brock MK, White BN (1992) Application of DNA fingerprinting to
in black robins than bush robins (Table 2). the recovery program of the endangered Puerto Rican parrot.
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