The Title of Your Paper Times New Roman, Italic, Font 24 PT, Multiple Line Spacing 1,2

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Template for Research and Conceptual Paper

The Title of Your Paper

Times New Roman, italic, font 24 pt,
multiple line spacing 1,2
First Author1, Second Author 2, Third Author3
1, 2 ,3
University, City - Country
[email protected]/[email protected] (Times New Roman, 9 Pt)

Abstract--Write your abstract here. Abstract contains a brieft specification dan analysis method in the perspective of
introduction to the problem, objective of paper, research law science.[2]
methods and a brieft summary of result. Abstract is single- (Times New Roman (10 Pt) with multiple line spacing at
spaced typed in English maximum 200 words. 1,2)
(Time New Roman Font 9 Pt , bold italic)
Keywords- arranged by alphabetically and contain three to five
words/phrases separated with semicolon (;) (time new roman
font 9 , bold italic) Results should be clear and concise. Discussion should
explore the significance of the research or ideas. [3]
Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published
literature. If your manuscript provides figures and table,
see below:
This guideline is a template for research and
conceptual paper for ICOLGAS submission. This Figures
guideline is available online at Author Guideline page on Figure should be in grayscale, and if it made in color, it
ICOLGAS official website. Authors are allowed to should be readable when it later printed in grayscale. [4]
modify this template for submission purpose. Manuscript Caption should be numbered with Times New Roman 8 Pt
use Times New Roman (10 Pt) with multiple line and single spaced. A caption should comprise a brief title
spacing at 1,2. Manuscript should be containing at (not on the figure itself) and a description of the
least 4.000 words and maximum 6.000 words including illustration. [5] (Times New Roman (10 Pt) with multiple
embedded figures and tables and the file should be in line spacing at 1,2)
Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx). Manuscript should be in
prepared in A4 paper (21cm x 29.7cm) using 4 cm for For example :
inside margin and 3 cm for top, bottom, and outside Figure 1. Figure Caption
margin. No need to alter page number in this template as
the page number will be reordered at preprinting process.
Manuscript should state the objectives of the work and
provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed
literature survey or a summary of the results. Explain how
you addressed the problem and clearly state the aims of
your study. [1] Use endnote.


Type your manuscript question here, First, how .... and

Second, ......
Number tables consecutively in accordance with their
(Times New Roman (10 Pt) with multiple line spacing at
appearance in the text. Place footnotes to tables below the
table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase
letters. Avoid vertical rules. Be sparing in the use of
tables and ensure that the data presented in tables do not
duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.
State the objectives of your research/conceptual ideas
and explain how to get the result. Explore your approach,
Table 1 Table Caption
Year Punishment
2010 5
2011 16
Source : institution, year

The main conclusions of the study may be presented
in a short conclusions section. The conclusion section
should lead the reader to important matter of the paper.
(Times New Roman (10 Pt) with multiple line spacing at

Acknowledgements enable you to thank all those who
have helped in carrying out the research/conceptual ideas.
(Times New Roman (10 Pt) with multiple line spacing at

For example :
[1] Saefudin, Y. (2017). Urgency of Integrated
Assessment on Drugs Crime (A Study in
Purbalingga Regency). Jurnal Dinamika Hukum. 17
(3). 40-52
[2] Samekto, FX. Adji. (2005). Studi Hukum Kritis:
Kritik Terhadap Hukum Modern. Bandung: PT.
Citra Aditya Bakti
[3] Bintoro, R., Raharjo, A., & Sudrajat, T. (2018).
Corporate Criminal Liability Towards The Doer of
Illegal Unregulated and Unreported Fishing in
Indonesia. E3S Web of Conference. 47. 1-7.
Retrieved January 3, 2019, from https://www.e3s-
[4] Yonkers, K. A., Ramin, S. M., Rush, A. J.,
Navarrete, C. A., Carmody, T., March, D., &
Leveno, K. J. (2001). Onset and persistence of
postpartum depression in an inner-city maternal
health clinic system. American Journal of
Psychiatry. 158 (11). 1856-1863.
[5] Wassman, J., & Dasen, P.R. (1998). Balinese spatial
orientation. Journal of Royal Anthropological
Institute. 4. 689-731

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