Template English Ok
Template English Ok
Template English Ok
1-4) [1]
Kusairi1*, Muthmainnah2 (center, Times New Roman 12, Bold, spasi 1, spacing before 18, after 6 pt)
Department of Physics, Science and Technology of Faculty, Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jl. Gajayana No. 50 Malang 65144
Department of Physics, Mathematic and Natural Science of Faculty, University of Yamato
Jl. Ampera No. 65 Malang 65147
Recieved: 22th Januari 2016; Revised: 10th Februari 2016; Accepted: 26th Maret 2016
(Center, font 10, Line spasi singgle, spacing before 24, after 12 pt)
An abstranct is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any-
depth analysis of a particular subject or disipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain
the paper purposes. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript or
typescript, acting as the point-of-entry for any given academic paper or patent application. Absatrcting
and indexing services for various academic discipline are aimed at compiling a body of literature for
that particular subject. Abstract length varies by discipline and publisher requirements. Abstracts are
typically sectioned logically as an overview of what appears in the paper. (simple, singgle paragraf
100-200 words, Times New Roman 10, spaci 1)
Keywords: content; formatting; article (minim 3 words, maks 9 word)
*Corresponding author.
E-Mail: [email protected]
k=0 k
() (1)
objectives outlined in the
Introduction section (what)? Do you
provide interpretation scientifically Tables are sequentially numbered
for each of your results or findings with the table title and number
presented (why)? Are your results above the table. Tables should be
consistent with what other centered in the column OR on the
investigators have reported (what page. Tables should be followed by
else)? Or are there any differences? a line space (12pt). Elements of a
table should be single-spaced,
Title however double spacing can be
used to show groupings of data or
This is your opportunity to attract
to separate parts within the
the readers attention. Remember
table. Table headings should be in
that readers are the potential
10pt bold. Tables are referred in the
authors who will cite your article.
text by the table number. eg: Table
Identify the main issue of the paper.
1. Do not show vertical line in the
Begin with the subject of the paper.
table. There is only horizontal line
The title should be accurate ,
should be shown within the
unambiguous, specific, and
table.e.g tabel 1.
Figure and Grafic => anak subjudul font 12, the text is a set of body text
spacing after 3, before 6 pt. paragraphs defined as follows:
Figures are sequentially 12pt Times New Roman.
numbered commencing at 1 with
the figure title and number below A4 (i.e., 210 x 297mm) paper size
the figure as shown in Figure 1.
Detailed recommendations for two-column format (width:7,75cm)
figures are as follows:
Ensure that figures are clear and Lines are single spaced, justified.
legible with typed letterings.
Page numbers should be included
Black & white or colored figures in the text located in top of page
are allowed. [brackets] section of each page.
Hard copy illustrations should, Conclusion <= font 14, spacing before 12 pt, after
6 pt, line spacing singgle
preferably, be scanned and
included in the electronic version Conclusions should answer the objectives
of the submission in an of research. Tells how your work advances
appropriate format as follows:
the field from the present state of knowledge.
BMP - Microsoft bitmap file Without clear Conclusions, reviewers and
readers will find it difficult to judge the work,
JPG and whether or not it merits publication in the
journal. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list
If figures cannot be scanned, the experimental results. Provide a clear scientific
original should be placed in its justification for your work, and indicate
location within the manuscript
possible applications and extensions. You
using wax or colorless glue.
should also suggest future experiments and/or
Resolution of figure min. 300 dpi point out those that are underway
Recognize those who helped in
the research, especially funding
supporter of your research. Include
individuals who have assisted you
Figure 1. 6 pts space above and 12 pts below in your study: Advisors, Financial
supporters, or may other supporter
Manuscript i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and
Suppliers who may have given
Manuscript should be typed using
word processors (Microsoft Word or
Open Office) software. The body of
References <= font 14, spacing before 12 pt, after
6 pt, line spacing singgle