Journal Critique Unit Ii
Journal Critique Unit Ii
Journal Critique Unit Ii
MyPlate is the current tool used by the US Department of Agriculture which supports
the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It visually represents the recommended patterns for food
group distribution intended for each individual with unique dietary requirements. It also
promotes variation and proportion of consumption of nutrient dense foods. In some
literatures, the effectiveness and usefulness of myPlate in different setting and population
groups are reported however, there were also some barriers that affects the integration of
MyPlate . In the study conducted by Chrisman et. Al, 2019 entitled “Barriers to and facilitators
of using MyPlate nutritional guidelines in K-12 teachers and principals”, facilitators and barriers
contributing to the effective utilization of nutrition lessons, MyPlate guidelines, and strategies
for improvement were ascertained.
As we all know, health literacy is very critical in the promotion of health . Academe and
school organization have significant role in spreading awareness about the dietary guidelines
which eventually could lead to community indulging in health promoting behaviours.
Integration of myPlate in the institutions curriculum, teaching personnel and extra curricular
activities about nutrition and food opens oppurtunity for the individuals to learn about
appropriate consumption of foods and its long term benefits. Article by Chrisman et al., 2019
also shows that inadequate time allowance, insufficient knowlegde about MyPlate, nutrition
being not part of the core curriculum, and lack of resources are the barriers affecting
integration of myPlate. On the other hand, high saliency to be part of the curriculum, already
part of the curriculum, and personal interest were facilitators of the effectiveness of applictaion
of my Plate in the academe settings.
Overall, I have learned that in the promotion of MyPlate in any settings, there would be
be certain circumstances which could facilitate and become a barier during the incorportion of
its concept . Moreover, health literacy is necessary in allowing individuals to be aware of what
is proper and appropriate when it comes to nutrition. Findings of this study will be a great help
in my profession as a nurse especially if I will take the path of public health nurses since this
will give me insights of what is happening in the school setting . Barriers and facilitators
identified in this study will be noted and as a nurse who is fully aware of these happenings I
would be able to equip myself with knowledge, strategies and skills to overcome barriers and
maximize the facilitators available in advocating nutrition and diet.
Chrisman, M., Patel, S., & Alonzo, R. (2019). Barriers to and facilitators of
using MyPlate nutritional guidelines in K-12 teachers and principals.
Health Education Journal, 79(2), 152–165.