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This Abstracts Booklet is prepared solely as a convenient reference for the Conference participants.
Abstracts are arranged in a numerical order of the oral and poster sessions as published in the Final
Conference Program. In order to facilitate the task for the reader to locate a specific abstract in a given
session, each paper is given two numbers: the first designates the session number and the second represents
the paper number in that session. For example, Paper No. 25-1 is the first paper to be presented in the Oral
Session #25. Similarly, Paper No. P3-1 is the first paper to appear in the Poster Session #3.
It should be cautioned that this Abstracts Booklet is prepared based on the original abstracts that were
submitted, unless the author noted an abstract change. The contents of the Booklet do not reflect late changes
made by the authors for their presentations at the Conference. The reader should consult the Final
Conference Program for any such changes. Furthermore, updated and detailed full manuscripts, published in
the CD-ROM Conference Proceedings, will be sent to all registered participants following the Conference.
On behalf of the Twenty-Seventh Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, we wish to express our
sincere appreciation to Ms. Heidi M. Aufdenkamp for her dedication and professionalism; and Mr. Yannick
Heintz and Mr. Laurent Sehabiague for their invaluable assistance in preparing this Abstracts Booklet.
Thank you,
1-3 2-1
NOx Reburning in Oxy-Fuel Combustion – An Experimental Coal: Biomass Gasification - A Pathway for New Technology
Investigation Development of Oxygen Blown Co-fired Gasification with Integrated
Daniel Kühnemuth, Fredrik Normann, Klas Andersson, Filip Johnsson, Bo Electrolysis
Leckner, Chalmers University of Technology, SWEDEN Tana Levi, R. Witney, Y Iwasaki, Tony Clemens, CRL Energy Ltd.; S Pang,
Q Xu, University of Canterbury; AI Gardiner, Industrial Research Limited,
This work investigates the reburning reduction of nitric oxide (NO) in a 100 kW NEW ZEALAND
propane-fired oxy-fuel flame. The conducted experiments include a comprehensive
parameter study: NO was injected into the recycled flue-gas, the inlet oxygen This paper describes new research that builds on the air blown gasification of lignite
concentration was varied between 25 and 37 vol. % and the stoichiometric ratios at the for hydrogen production technology that has been developed over the past several
burner inlet ranged from 0.7 and 1.15. The respective influence of inlet oxygen years. The new technology package is designed to assist New Zealand meet the
concentration and burner stoichiometry on once-through and total reduction of NO was challenges of peak oil and global climate change. The programme uses the results from
measured. Furthermore, concentration and temperature in the furnace were mapped to gasifying a range of pellet blends of lignite or sub-bituminous coal with P.radiata or
E.nitens, in either a bench scale gasifier or a 50 kW gasifier, to develop a fundamental In this work, we first select a reference auto-thermal process of coal gasification
understanding of the chemical processes underpinning gasification behaviour of compatible with plasma generator integration. The concept chosen is based on the
coal/biomass blends. Significant attention is given to the development of a new NETL study entitled Baseline Technical and Economic Assessment of a Commercial
technology comprised of oxygen blown co-fired gasification with integrated Scale Fischer-Tropsch Liquids Facility (2007). The coal of reference in this study is an
electrolysis for production of low carbon footprint syngas, synfuels and hydrogen from Illinois No. 6 bituminous coal. The gasifiers studied concern two-stage, oxygen-blown,
New Zealand‟s coal and biomass resources. Syngas produced can be used for Fischer entrained flow, refractory-lined gasifiers with continuous slag removal. Dedicated air
Tropsch production of liquid transport fuels. If shown to be successful the new separation units supply 95 % purity oxygen to the gasification process. Gasification
technology would offer: i) Low carbon footprint transport fuels for the present and units are the heaviest investment part with 41 % of the total investment for the
hydrogen for future transport fleets, ii) Increased flexibility in tailoring syngas for considered plant. The commercial aim of the modeled plant is to produce 50 000
Fischer Tropsch production, and iii) A new option for matching the uptake of New barrels per day of commercial-grade diesel (56 %) and naphta liquids (44 %).
Zealand intermittent renewable generation (including wind, marine and hydro) with a In a second step, we design a new gasification process where plasma generators are
new deferrable load in the form of stored hydrogen. integrated, as realistically as possible, to the reference process. For this work we
essentially use the AspenPlus software. Plasma torches chosen belong to the non-
2-2 transferred arc technology with a hot cathode up to 200 kWe and a cold one beyond.
Hydrogen Generation from Water by Using Plasma Generally, the power range of plasma torches selected for industrial uses is 200-
Beycan İbrahimoğlu, İbrahim İbrahimoğlu, Anadolu Plazma Teknoloji 4000 kWe. Basically, current technological constraints concern cathode materials in
Merkezi; Fırat Şen, Vestel Defence Industry R&D Department; Şahika Yürek, relation to the plasma gas and the gasifier pressure range which is 0.1-0.5 MPa for
Türkiye Kömür İşletmeleri; Orhan Demirel, Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI), these plasma torches. We also define the operating conditions of syngas for a Fischer-
TURKEY Tropsch synthesis: with iron catalyst, the H2/CO ratio required being between 0.7 and
1.5 with the temperature range 493-613 K and the pressure range 1.5-3 MPa. Note that
Plasma is the key to the development of new advanced technologies of producing the quality of syngas is also determined by the content of tars usually accepted as
hydrogen from different sources – water, hydrogen sulfide, a variety of hydrocarbons < 0.1 mg / Nm3. This upper limit could be tightened if the generated syngas should be
(including natural gas) and even coal. Plasma processes are characterized by extremely compressed for Fischer-Tropsch treatment.
high specific productivity (more than 100 times in comparison with catalytic Several studies about coal gasification in hydrogen, air and steam plasmas were carried
processes), low metal capacity and absence of inertia, they are ecology friendly. out since 1990‟s [1-3]. Plasma generators integration in a coal gasification process is
21‟st era‟s the new energy carrier hydrogen can be produced from different sources. considered in [4,5], especially for coal ignition assisted by plasma generators.
Today though different methods have been used for hydrogen production from water; Equilibrium thermodynamic models and chemical kinetics approaches were also
it has not been produced in great amount and cheaply. Recently, to produce hydrogen developed in [6,7]. A similar study conducted for liquid biomass gasification with a
from water, plasma method is used. plasma assisted process has shown an improved ratio of H2/CO but of course at the
expense of electric power consumption [8].
2-3 Using all this available information, a comparison of the mass and energy balances
Technology and Operational Experience – The Shell Perspective with an assessment of carbon footprint for both autothermal and allothermal coal
Jay Wang, Shell Global Solutions International BV, THE NETHERLANDS gasification processes are presented. The additional energy consumption should not
ideally exceed the equivalent of energy released by coal combustion to entertain the
In our presentation we will discuss Shell‟s experience of deploying SCGP in China, auto-thermal gasification in the reference process. We also compare investment and
and how learning from our experience has enabled new levels of operational operating costs for the two processes including the Fischer-Tropsch units, compression
excellence. Up to date, Shell has sold nineteen licences in China, some of which are units and the gas cleaning systems.
repeat customers. We will illustrate how we have learnt from experience on the ground Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the General Directorate of Turkish
and were able to make a wave of several start-ups a success: in one plant less than 12 Coal Enterprises
hours elapsed between initial coal feeding and actual production of methanol products.
We will show that we are not just focusing on deployment enablers for today, but References:
continue to invest in both R&D and deployment capabilities that will enable the [1] B. Mikhailov, In: Solonenko OP, Zhukov MF (Editors) Plasma gasification of coal,
growth of coal gasification over the coming decades. We‟re harnessing excellence in thermal plasma and new materials technology, Vol. 2. Cambridge, Interscience, 1995.
technology and design – especially in India and China – while constantly seeking out p. 345–69
new opportunities to deploy gasification. [2] IM. Zasypkin, GV. Nozdrenko. Production of acetylene and synthesis gas from
coal by plasma chemical methods. In: Solonenko OP. (Editor).Thermal plasma torches
2-4 and technologies, Vol II.. Cambridge, Interscience, 2001. p. 234–43
Controlling the Synthesis Gas Composition from Catalytic Gasification of [3] J. Qiu, X. He, T. Sun, Z. Zhao, Y. Zhou, S. Gou, J. Yhang, T. Ma, Coal gasification
Hypercoal and Coal by Changing the Gasification Parameters in steam and air medium under plasma conditions: a preliminary study, Fuel
Atul Sharma, Toshimasa Takanohashi, National Institute of Advanced Processing Technology 85 (2004) 969–982
Industrial Science and Technology, JAPAN [4] A. N. Bratsev, V.E. Popov, A. F. Rutberg, and S. V. Shtengel‟, A facility for
plasma gasification of waste of various types, High Temperature, 44 (2006), 823-828
Catalytic gasification of coal is an efficient way to achieve high gasification rates at as [5] M. Sugimoto, K. Maruta, K. Takeda, O.P. Solonenko, M. Sakashita, M. Nakamura,
low as 700°C temperatures. The problem of deactivation of catalyst due to the Stabilization of pulverized coal combustion by plasma assist, Thin Solid Films 407
interaction of catalyst with mineral matter in the coal was overcome by using (2002) 186–191
HyprCoal, an ash less product of solvent extraction process as feed coal for catalytic [6] A. Mountouris, E. Voutsas, D. Tassios, Solid waste plasma gasification:
process. Synthesis gas is the main desirable product and its composition H2/CO ratio is Equilibrium model development and exergy analysis, Energy Conversion &
important for its use in the downstream FT process. However, in a catalytic Management, 47 (2006) 1723-1737
gasification process it is difficult to control the gas composition because of the effect [7] M. Minutillo, A. Perna, D. Di Bona, Modelling and performance analysis of an
of catalyst on water-gas shift reaction. Effect of temperature and gasifying agent integrated plasma gasification combined cycle (IPGCC) power plant, Energy
composition on gasification rate and synthesis gas composition were investigated. Conversion & Management, 50 (2009) 2837-2842
Experiments were carried out with pure steam, pure CO2 and mixture of steam and [8] J. Peybernes, D. Guenadou, H. Lorcet / CEA, Évaluation des potentialités de la
CO2 as gasifying agents in the 600~700°C temperature range to investigate the effects. gazéification allothermique de ligno-cellulose à la production de bio-carburant de
Results showed that by adjusting the steam to CO2 ratio of the gasifying agent it is synthèse (GALACSY), N° ANR-06-BIOE-006
possible to control the synthesis gas composition. Effect of CO2 addition on reaction
kinetics was discussed along with the calculated gas compositions. A new single step
process to produce a desired synthesis gas from catalytic gasification has been
proposed. SESSION 3
Carbon Management: GHG Management Strategies and Economics – 1
A Technico-Economical Feasibility Study of Plasma Assisted Coal
Gasification Compared to a Reference Auto-Thermal Gasifiction Process 3-1
Nazim Merlo, Iskender Gökalp, ICARE-CNRS, FRANCE Processes to Produce Value Added Products from CO2
Belma Demirel, Deena Ferdous, Rentech, Inc., USA
The paper explores the technical and economic feasibility of a plasma assisted coal
gasification facility. Allothermal gasification processes provide higher gas mass yield The possible ways to convert CO2 to valuable products are (1) catalytic conversion, (2)
compared to auto-thermal processes but their relevancy in terms of energy balance, electrocatalytic/electrochemical process, (3) plasma processes, (4) photocatalytic
global economics and environmental, namely CO2, impact remains still to be /photochemical process, and (5) enzymatic/biochemical process. Hydrocarbon,
demonstrated. hydrogen and oxygenates are mainly produced by the catalytic conversion of CO2 at
the temperature and pressure of 250-1000°C and 140-3500 psi, respectively. On the provide maps showing optimal strategies for the deployment of CO2 disposal
other hand, carbon monoxide, syngas, hydrocarbons and alcohols are the main infrastructure in the United States over time and quantify the cumulative required
products produced at low pressure and high temperature from plasma process. CO 2 is capital investment, levelized cost of disposal ($/tonne CO2), cumulative CO2 stored,
converted to hydrogen and hydrocarbons by photocatalytic/ photochemical process at and regional limits on CO2 storage capacity.
the temperature and pressure of 5-400°C and 485-1,470 psi, respectively.
Electrocatalytic/electrochemical process produces alcohol, aldehydes, ketones, other 3-4
oxygenated, alkenes and alkanes at very low temperature (room – 150°C). Linking Economic and Technological Modeling of CCS and Legislative
Furthermore, bi-carbonate and alcohols are also produced from CO2 at low Policy for Coal Mining Companies
temperatures and pressures using enzymatic/biochemical process. Successful Pratt Rogers, Sean Dessureault, University of Arizona, USA
implementation of the above mentioned processes could be a possible solution to
reduce the amount of CO2 emission into the atmosphere. The combustion of coal releases the greatest percentage of CO2/kWh of all fossil fuels
used in the generation of electricity. According to the Energy Information Agency
3-2 (EIA), under proposed carbon legislation, the cost of coal steam generation increases
Design and Operational Strategies for IGCC with CO2 Capture dramatically. CCS will be one component of the energy generation options within this
Chris Higman, Higman Consulting GmbH, GERMANY; George Booras, highly complex regulated energy sector and will be an integral part of coal‟s future as a
Electric Power Research Institute; Dan Kubek, Gas Processing Solutions source of electricity generation. There are a multitude of economic models projecting
LLC; Jim Sorensen, Sorensenergy LLC; Doug Todd, Process Power Plants, the impact of proposed legislation targeted at reducing carbon emissions. These models
LLC, USA offer broad generation projections based on macroeconomic, supply, demand, and
conversion assumptions. Due to the effects of these different legislative proposals and
In Europe, Japan, Australia, the USA and other countries actively developing plans for CCS technology developments, coal mining companies will need to understand the
CO2 capture, transport, and geological storage, specifications for the purity of the CO 2 price and fuel product (mineralogical) implications. An integration of these many
are still in the development stage. Specifications for existing CO2 pipelines in the USA different economic models would be needed. The first step in designing an integrated
vary according to the history of individual systems and CO2 usage. The EU directive model is to characterize the existing models by determining their inputs, outputs and
on CCS calls for the CO2 stream to consist overwhelmingly of CO2 and addresses the feedback loops. The proposed paper will review model characterization results from
makeup of the remainder in terms of outcomes to avoid, rather than in any specific the key existing public, and to the degree permitted, private economic models.
detail. In addition to meeting CO2 specifications for transport and storage, designers of Development of an integrated economic and technological model targeted for coal-
CO2 capture systems must address the environmental and safety impacts of low- mining companies will help them develop investment strategies under the different
concentration components in the CO2 when it must be vented during startup, shutdown, proposed legislation and mineralogical requirements of CCS technology.
and situations when send-out to transport and storage is interrupted. Specifications for
impurities such as sulfur species, CO, H2, acid gas removal solvent, etc. may be
dictated by environmental regulations and safety requirements, rather than by pipeline
materials compatibility and considerations related to underground storage or use for SESSION 4
enhanced oil recovery (EOR). IGCC possesses inherent advantages in meeting varying Coal Science: Coal Chemistry – 1
CO2 purity requirements, and offers flexibility and optimization potential for
mitigating the cost of satisfying these requirements. This paper presents the results of
the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CoalFleet-for-Tomorrow Program‟s 4-1
technical review of the impact that these issues have on the design and operation of Carbonaceous Emissions Reflected in Deposits on Building Stones: Case
IGCC units with CO2 capture. Study in Prague Castle
Ivana Sýkorová, Martina Havelcová, Hana Trejtnarová, Petra Matysová,
3-3 Alexandr Ńulc, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR, v.v.i.;
Envisioning CO2 Distribution Networks for Carbon Capture and Storage Antonín Zeman, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, AS CR,
(CCS) in the United States: Strategies for CO2 Pipeline Deployment at a v.v.i., CZECH REPUBLIC
Regional Scale
Nils Johnson, Joan Ogden, University of California, Davis, USA The formation of thin black surface layers or black-coloured gypsum crusts can be
observed on stones of many buildings and sculptures around the world. Such black
If CO2 emissions are regulated in the future to address climate change, technologies for surfaces not only change an aesthetic aspect of the (historic) sights, but they also
reducing the emissions associated with coal use must be implemented. The leading initiate destructions stone surfaces by exfoliation. Therefore, the principal aim of this
approach for achieving reductions is carbon capture and storage (CCS), where CO 2 is study was to identify the carbonaceous particles and isolate the organic compounds
captured at the source, compressed, and transported for storage in onshore or offshore present in the black weathered stone surfaces from chosen parts of Prague Castle.
underground geologic reservoirs. CCS infrastructure will require large financial Samples were collected by Department of Conservation of the Office of the Head of
investments and research is needed to identify cost-effective deployment strategies. State of the Czech Republic. This heritage is located in the centre of Prague – the
This paper uses a CO2 pipeline optimization tool and regional geographic data to capital of the Czech Republic – and is exposed to natural weathering influences, such
examine the viability of regional CO2 disposal networks for various CCS adoption as rain, wind, temperature or pressure. However, the main factors accelerating stone
scenarios in the United States. Geographic specific case studies are conducted for each decay processes are miscellaneous pollutants to which stone surface is exposed. The
of the U.S. Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership territories and aggregated into a approach applied on sandstone surfaces used here was a combination of non-
national assessment. We examine several approaches for building up regional CO 2 destructive (optical microscopy) and destructive (gas chromatography and pyrolysis-
sequestration systems. In one case we look at independent pipelines, connecting gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, Py-GC/MS) analytical techniques. Two
individual CO2 sources with sinks. In the other case we look at the development of samples of black layers were collected from Saint Vitus‟s Cathedral and one sample
interconnected regional CO2 pipeline networks. Regional networks have been proposed from a balcony of the historical building on the 3rd ward in Prague Castle.
as a means for reducing transportation costs through scale economies. However, it is Microscopically, we found an authigenic gypsum formation thickness up to 1 mm) at
unclear when and if these regional networks will be competitive with independent the surface of porous sandstone with the upper layer formed by admixtures of fine
pipelines connecting individual sources and sinks. grains of quartz, clay minerals, bricks, fly ashes and organic particles. High reflecting
The CCS adoption scenarios will specify the adoption of capture technologies at combustion residues, namely soot and chars, prevail in all samples and contain a lower
different types of point sources over time (e.g., sites with low cost capture will adopt portion of the low reflecting modern organic matter such as wood tissues, plant
CCS first). The pipeline optimization tool will use the location of sources and sinks remains, pollen grains, algae and fungal spores.
within each region, the scale of CO2 flows, and the capacity and type of geologic Total organic carbon content (TOC) varied from 0.08 % to 4.28%. GC/MS data of the
disposal sites to identify the CO2 pipeline network that minimizes both transport and dichloromethane extract did not show any significant amount of the organics typical of
injection costs. Not only will the proximity of sources and sinks impact the viability of pollution such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or other organic compounds. The
regional networks, but also the capacity and type of available disposal sites. For only substances found were phthalates. They are used in a large variety of industrial
example, it is possible that a more extensive regional network will be developed to products and they are being released in the environment. Pyrolysis-GC/MS analysis
take advantage of low-cost disposal sites (e.g., enhanced oil recovery sites) in cases was also used as a technique to determine organic substances. The pyrograms of the
where the reduction in injection costs exceed the increase in transport costs. Our samples showed a range of alkenes, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and other molecular
optimization tool is uniquely capable of examining the trade-offs between transport markers. Benzonitrille was the most abundant compound in the analyses. It is a product
and disposal costs in designing CO2 distribution networks in real geographic regions. of vulcanization or asphalt processing, but this substance is also a marker for Black
It is important to determine whether and when an organized regional pipeline network Carbon – a kind of carbonaceous particles released into the atmosphere mainly from an
will become economically viable in order to identify whether there is a business case incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass. Black Carbon particles are resistant
for regional CO2 disposal services. Potential cost advantages of a regional disposal in the environment and are able to absorb other organic particles, for example
network are scale economies in CO2 pipeline transport, and the ability to utilize a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, styrene or dibenzofurane. These organic
variety of higher quality disposal sites, rather than just the closest sites. This study will compounds were identified in the pyrolysates of the analysed samples and served as an
evidence of fuel-burning pollution. The most disaster sample was from the south part 4-4
of Saint Vitus‟s Cathedral. Surface Coal Mine Planning Against Large Landslides
Samples from weathered surfaces of sandstones from Prague Castle contained organic Celal Karpuz, Levent Tutluoglu, Arman Kocal, Middle East Technical
particles and compounds, which are known to result from human activities, particularly University; Mustafa Ozdingis, Kıvanc Het, Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI),
from combustion processes and others, which may partly come either from such TURKEY
sources or from biological production.
Acknowledgements: The research was funded by the Grant Agency of the Academy Can Lignite Surface Mine of Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI) is located on the
of Sciences of Czech Republic (project No. IAA300460804). northwestern Turkey. Lignite with about 9.3 billion tons of reserve is a major source
for energy production in Turkey. Turkish Coal Enterprises produces about 60% of the
4-2 country‟s yearly production. Can Surface Lignite Mine which is planned to produce
Visualization of Coal Conversion Using X-Ray Computed Tomography approximately 2.5 million tons of 3000 kcal/kg coal, will be one of the main
QP Campbell, HWJP Neomagus, North-West University, SOUTH AFRICA production areas of TKI. Slope failures in the form of large landslides can cause
serious interruptions in production of lignite. Major landslides commonly occur in TKI
Coal conversion processes, specifically pyrolysis and gasification, are often Can Lignite Mine. Back analysis of such slides can provide information about the
characterized on a laboratory scale using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) methods. mechanisms of such slides, so that preventive measures can be taken to reduce the
From these experiments, information about kinetics, conversion, and even structural future risks of landslides in the lignite basin.
features may be deduced. When using kinetic models, some assumptions have to be A large slide in Panel Can 5 involved movement of a mass of overburden extending
made about the structure and mechanisms of conversion. These assumptions should about 1.5 km from the slope face. Production activities were stopped here. To provide
always be confirmed with information about the coal structure, like porosity, pore information for slope planning in the other important panels such as Panel Can B,
structures and surface area. Still, it remains difficult to visualise the conversion process analyses were carried out in order to determine the mechanisms of this slope failure.
spatially in a coal particle, which is in any event almost never homogenous. Using a 2D limit equilibrium method of slices program SLIDE and FLAC 2D finite
Three dimensional X-ray computed tomography is a technique traditionally associated difference program, it was found that very low friction angle associated with a weak
with the medical field, but industrial tomography is already a mature technique. With clay layer underneath the coal seam triggered this large slide. Using overall slope
more sophisticated equipment, resolutions of images have increased to such an extent, angles as low as 17° did not prevent slides in the basin, since this layer was found to
that when the technique is used for scanning coal particles, a wealth of information can have a much lower friction angle and dominate the sliding mechanism. Towards the
be gained about the structure of the individual particles. Features like lithotype edges of this lignite basin, inclination of the sedimentary units including this weak
layering, structures and extent of mineral distributions, crack distributions and cleat layer and local fault formations increase, and this situation contributes to the
orientations can clearly be observed. occurrence of landslides. In designing production slopes especially around the edges of
In this study, both vitrinite- and inertinite rich coal particles were selected and these the basin, new production advancement directions and slope stability improvement
particles (approximately 20 mm) were first individually subjected to 3D X-ray CT alternatives were to be considered.
scanning, and then subjected to pyrolysis. The same particles were then scanned again Another major landslide interrupted the production at the southern part of the open pit
after complete pyrolysis, to determine any structural changes due to the process. These lignite mine. Landslide was back analyzed by numerical modeling in order to
particles were then subjected to CO2 gasification. The process was interrupted a determine mobilized shear strength parameters during the slide. This information was
number of times, and after cooling in an inert atmosphere, the individual particles were believed to be useful in planning the safe slope angles for future production areas and
scanned again. The remaining particles, after complete conversion, were scanned for a safe production advancement directions in developing new production panels in the
final time. mine considering the inclined nature of the coal bed and the basin especially around
The data obtained from the TGA were then compared with structural information from lignite basin edges.
the CT images, to obtain a better description of the conversion process. In numerical modeling efforts, a 2D limit equilibrium method of slices program SLIDE
and a 3D finite difference program were used to determine the shear strength
4-3 parameters that were mobilized during the slide. After the slide natural slope of the
Organic Sulphur Functionality Changes in Biotreated Coals loose material that moved on the foundation rock of the basin was around 13°. This
Lenia Gonsalvesh, Stefan Marinov, Maya Stefanova, Institute of Organic friction angle was assumed to be the natural trend of the mechanical behavior of the
Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA; Robert Carleer, weak material on the base rock, and thus it was kept constant during the analysis. In
Jan Yperman, Hasselt University, BELGIUM order to assign a cohesion value which was active during the slide, a circular failure
was initiated, and the cohesion for the sliding material was determined first with 2D
During the late century, rising global concerns over the effects of acid rain led to the method of slices. Accepting that even a few degrees improvement in the overall pit
development and utilisation of technologies to reduce SO2/NOx emissions. The slope angles can bring significant savings in stripping costs, further back analysis
formation of SO2 occurs during the combustion of sulphur containing coals and can modeling was carried out with a 3D program FLAC 3D program. 3D modeling effort
lead to acid rain but also acidic aerosols (extremely fine air-borne particles). A number resulted in an activated cohesion value almost twice as much compared to the 2D back
of technologies, collectively known as a desulphurization, have been developed to analysis results. Using this value in designing the overall slope angles future
reduce SO2 emissions. Recently, biological approaches – biodesulphurization, becomes production plans is obviously going to lead to significant savings.
more popular, in view of the fact that processes are performed under mild conditions
with no harmful reaction products and the characteristics of coal are hardly affected. 4-5
Since there are sufficient chemical, physical and biological desulphurization methods Clean Coal Strategies for Feed Coal for Power Plants: A Case Study of
for inorganic sulphur removal, the aim of the present study is to apply North Karanpura Coalfields (NKCF) Coal, India
biodesulphurization treatments with a desulphurization potential toward organic Uday Kumar, Ranchi University; R.P.Singh, RI-I, C.M.P.D.I.; Debashree P.
sulphur functional forms in coal. Another target of the study is to trace the changes in Singh, Geological Survey of India, INDIA
sulphur. Two Bulgarian high sulphur containing coal samples, sub-butiminious (Pirin)
and lignite (Maritza East), and one Turkish lignite (Cayirhan-Beypazari) are used in The modern industrial and agricultural activities depend largely on electric power for
the experiments. In order to concentrate our efforts on a deeper research on organic their growth and sustenance. More than 70% of India‟s Power generation comes from
sulphur, samples are preliminary demineralized and depyritized. The white rot fungi Thermal Power Plants (TPPs), out of which more than 90% are coal based. In India,
“Phanerochaeta Chrysosporium” – ME446 and the thermophilic and acidophilic out of the total coal production 78% coal is utilized for thermal power generation.
archae “Sulfolobus Solfataricus” – ATCC 35091 are the microorganisms applied in the Indian coal mining organizations has a target of 500 MT annual coal production by
biodesulphurization processes. next three years and their subsequent utilization in TPPs would lead to severe stress on
A requirement of any research on desulphurization is an availability of accurate environment by production of 150 MT of fly ash as well as large amounts of
method for sulphur functional forms tracing. It is important to evaluate the effect of the suspended particulate matter (SPM). The Indian Gondwana coals are characterized by
treatment and to select proper coals for sulphur specific desulphurization processes. high percentage of inertinite and high mineral matter content, due to its allochthonous
Temperature programmed reduction at atmospheric pressure (AP-TPR) together with origin (Stach et al., 1982), but they can burn satisfactorily to give high heat value
its variation in detection mode proves to be an effective technique. To specify the (Cloke and Lester, 1994; Choudhury et al., 2004). Generally, the reactive macerals,
organic sulphur forms in coal and to assess the changes in organic sulphur that occurs vitrinite and liptinite and also reactive inertinite participate in the burning activity
as a result of applied biotreatments AP-TPR coupled “on-line” with mass-spectrometry (Choudhury et al., 2007, Mandal and Kumar, 2009). All these organic constituents are
(AP-TPR-MS) in different gas media, i.e.H2 and He, is used. The sulphur volatile associated with the inorganic constituents or mineral matters which are in the form of
organic compounds, neither reduced in the AP-TPR condition nor captured in the tar carbonates, sulfates, sulphides and silicates. The trace elements in Gondwana coal are
fraction, are quantitatively determined by “off-line” TD-GC/MS technique applying mostly associated with mineral matter such as silicates, oxides, sulfides, sulfates, and
deuterated sulphur compounds as inner standards. Oxygen bomb combustion followed carbonates many of which are concentrated in coal more than their Clarke Value. The
by ion chromatography is used to evaluate quantitatively organic sulphur compounds combustion of such coal leads to further enrichment of trace elements in various
captured in the tar and char residue. components of ash, many of which are potential health hazards. As per the US EPA
Clean Air Act Amendment 1990, Trace Elements namely Antimony, Arsenic,
Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel,
Selenium, Thorium, Uranium and Zinc falls under the category of Hazardous those of typical fly ashes from conventional pf power stations burning Australian
Atmospheric Pollutant (HAP).The high concentration of trace element affect our bituminous thermal coals. Batch leaching tests were done at two liquid:solid ratios
biological system by their cytotoxicity or genotoxicity. The trace elements associated (3.5:1 and 20:1) and the results compared to similar pf ash studies. It is concluded that
with inorganic fraction of coal can be partially removed by conventional coal most trace elements were leached from the fly ash and bottom ash of FBC systems at
preparation techniques. similar concentrations to those present in equivalent leachates from ash of
North Karanpura Coalfield (NKCF), situated between latitudes 230 38'N - 230 56'N and conventional power stations (lower concentrations of Cd, Co, Ni and Zn were leached
longitudes 840 46'E - 850 23'E covering an area of 1230sq km is a storehouse of from the waste of two FBC power stations). Trace elements were also leached in
noncoking coals. The area is gradually becoming a major coal supplier to Thermal similar proportions from fly ashes derived from the same coals fired under air-fired
Power Plants of north India. The study area includes four adjoining blocks of NKCF, (conventional) and oxy-fuel combustion conditions. Some of the trace elements (e.g.
which are Ashok, K D Hesalong, Karkata and Piparwar (Fig.1). The area covers about B, Cr, Mn, V and Zn) in the gasifier slags were not leached as readily as those in fly
100 sq km. where the mining operation is active at present. In the three blocks viz. ash from conventional power stations; others (e.g. As and Se) were leached at similar
Ashok, K D Hesalong and Piparwar, Seam I to Seam IV are present, while Seam V is concentrations from both types of ash materials.
present along with the other four in Karkata Block. All these seams, in this area are
termed as Seam I = Dakra, Seam II = Bukbuka, Seam III = Bisrampur, Seam IV = 5-3
Karkata and Seam V = Raniganj. Borovac Coal Cleaning Process
The present paper is aimed at a brief petrographic study to know about the mineral- Branislav Grbovic, Borovac International Pty Ltd, AUSTRALIA; Miloljub
maceral association along with a detail study of trace elements present and its Grbovic, Borovac International Pty Ltd; Jelenko Micic, Mining Basin
environmental impact. Kolubara d.o.o.; Miroslav Spasojevic, “Nikola Tesla” Power Plants, SERBIA
A large number of organic humic substances are increasingly being applied worldwide
SESSION 6 especially in agricultural applications. Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI) has been
Coal-Derived Products: Chemicals/Materials producing humic acid and other humic containing substances from Turkish lignites and
leonardites since 2008. A number of methods for the extraction of humic substances
using sodium hydroxide solution in laboratory scale have been published. Potassium
6-1 hydroxide and different acids (hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and
Converting Brown Coal into Chemicals and Hydrogen by Steam phosphoric acid) were used for the production of humic acid in our laboratories before
Cracking and Gasification pilot plant was designed and pilot scale production was started. Humic substances were
Nozomu Sonoyama, Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd; Kazunari Nobuta, Tokuji first extracted to the alkaline medium at 85°C for 6 hours and then these extracted
Kimura, Sou Hosokai, Teruoki Tago, Takao Masuda, Hokkaido University; substances were precipitated with the acid. Experimental results showed that
Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Kyusyu University, JAPAN phosphoric acid resulted in the highest extraction efficiency of humic acid. The
extraction efficiencies of Göynük leonardite were found as 61.4, 66.9, 79.0 and 91.2 %
Chemical products are derived primarily from petroleum, while coal and natural gas for studies with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and phosphoric acid,
remain minor feedstock. The balance of supply and demand of crude oil inevitably respectively.
strongly affects the prices of many chemical products. To stabilize their prices, it is
necessary to diversity of the sources of these chemicals. Low-rank coals, such as 6-4
brown coals and lignites, are not usually exploited because of their low calorific Heavy Metal Removal by Using Chemically Crosslinked Turkish Coal
values, high moisture and oxygen contents, and propensity for spontaneous ignition. Based Humic Acid
We will propose a process converting Loy Yang coal into hydrogen and chemicals Tulay Inan, Hacer Dogan, Murat Koral, TUBITAK Marmara Research
such as mono-aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds by using steam as Center; Selahattin Anaç, Zeki Olgun, TKI(Turkish Coal Enterprises),
hydrogen source. Loy Yang coal was pyrolyzed and separated into char and tar. The TURKEY
char was gasified for hydrogen production and the tar was cracked catalytically for
chemical production. This presentation will show the activities of iron oxide catalysts Chemically crosslinked humic acid was synthesized by using epichlorohydrin as cross-
for cracking the tar and an integrated process with pyrolysis, gasification, and linking reagent. Humic acid was obtained from TKI (Turkish Coal Enterprises). The
cracking. reaction was optimized and the products were analysed by the Fourier transform
We experimentally determined a pyrolysis condition for the process. Loy Yang coal infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analyser (TGA) and scanning
was performed in a moving bed reactor and pyrolytic products were collected in char electron microscopy (SEM). The efficiency of these samples as adsorbent has been
and tar traps and a gasbag. At a temperature in the range of 853 to 873 K, char studied as a function of amount, contact time and initial heavy metal concentration by
contained traces of tar that was an inhibitor of gasification and the amount of tar a series of batch experiments. The study showed that crosslinked humic acid could
including oxygenated compounds was obtained in the range of 12.7 to 14.7 wt.%. We be used as an effective sorbent for the removal of heavy metals.
considered that the temperatures were advantageous for gasification and cracking.
Developing a catalyst for tar conversion is important. The catalyst was required to
convert the tar into the chemicals with producing less gaseous product so as to obtain
the chemicals that were more valuable than hydrogen. Catalytic cracking of pyrolytic
oil was performed in a fixed bed reactor with an iron oxide catalyst in a steam
atmosphere. Cracking with Ce-Zr-Al-FeOx yielded the more amounts of mono-
aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols and ketones than the oil. The total yield of chemicals
was up to about 40 mol-C% on an oil basis.
6-5 XRD pattern after multi-cycle test showed stable crystalline phase and confirmed that
Analysis of the Effect of Internal Defect on Coke Fracture Behavior by complete regeneration after multi-cycle tests was achieved.
Rigid Bodies-Spring Model Acknowledgement: Work supported by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science,
Kenichi Hiraki, Hayashizaki Hideyuki, Yoshiaki Yamazaki, Tetsuya Kanai, Grant № 11.10.009. The authors are gratefully to Upper Silesian Enterprise of Water
Xiaoqing Zhang, Masakazu Shoji, Hideyuki Aoki, Takatoshi Miura, Supply Joint Stock to make samples available. [1] Application for the patent No
TOHOKU University, JAPAN P390127.
In this study, to investigate the effect of internal defect in coke, fracture analyses using 7-3
RBSM (Rigid Bodies-Spring Model) which is applied to fracture analysis of brittle Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling: Design Calculations and
materials such as concrete are carried out for coke. First, in case of taking no account Process Engineering Simulations Using Kinetic Data
of internal defect, the fracture analyses with RBSM assuming 4-point bending tests are JoAnn S. Lighty, Adel F. Sarofim, Asad H. Sahir, Edward Eyring, Gabor
carried out. As a result, analytical results reproduce the fracture behavior well. Next, it Konya, University of Utah, USA
is known that internal defect such as non-adhesion region boundaries in coke
influences coke strength, so in case of taking account of non-adhesion region Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) is a process which is being
boundaries, the fracture analyses with RBSM assuming 4-point bending tests are researched as a potential candidate for combustion of solid fuels facilitating effective
carried out. To investigate the location of non-adhesion region boundaries in coke, 3 CO2 capture. An engineering analysis has been developed using data from in-house
percent non-adhesion region boundaries are randomly located in the coke and fracture experiments on copper oxide as an oxygen carrier and utilizing global coal char
analysis of two cases are carried out. Analytical results show that fracture load oxidation kinetics reported in literature. Insights from the experimental study of Lewis
decreases when non-adhesion boundaries are located under region of high stress and and Gilliland on carbon gasification with metal oxide along with the developed
microcracks happen at around non-adhesion region boundaries. It is supposed that engineering analysis have been incorporated to develop scenarios to study the impact
these microcracks cause surface breakage. Analytical results also show that the fracture of the residence time of air and fuel reactors and the recirculation rate of oxygen
starts at non-adhesion region boundaries when non-adhesion region boundaries are carrier on the process. The analysis has been extended by employing an ASPEN PLUS
located under region of high stress. In particular, fracture progresses at the location of simulation of stoichiometric reactor models to develop relevant material and energy
continuous non-adhesion region boundaries. To investigate the fraction of non- balances in the formulated scenarios.
adhesion region boundaries in coke, 3, 5 and 10 percent non-adhesion region In-house experiments for gathering the kinetic data on unsupported and supported
boundaries are randomly located in coke. As a result, fracture loads decrease with an copper oxide have been conducted using a Thermo-gravimetric analyzer (TGA). From
increase of non-adhesion region boundaries in the coke. these experiments conducted on CLOU, supported copper oxides have emerged as
promising candidates and they are being explored further. The experimental data are
currently being evaluated for kinetic parameters to be incorporated into the
SESSION 7 The results of the order-of magnitude engineering analysis based on gas-solid reaction
Combustion: Chemical Looping Development – 1 kinetics, and global coal char oxidation kinetics are presented in this paper. Design
aspects of importance in identifying suitable conversions for the fuel and air reactors
have been investigated as well as the role and impact of oxygen carrier recirculation
rate on the energy balance of the process.
Ilmenite as an Oxygen Carrier in a Chemical Looping Combustion 7-4
System: Reaction Kinetics and Fluidized Bed Performance Chemical Looping Combustion and Gasification – A Novel Technique to
Christopher K. Clayton, Gabor Konya, Edward M. Eyring, Kevin J. Whitty, Produce Concentrated Stream of Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide from
The University of Utah, USA Victorian Lignites
Chiranjib Saha, Ali Akhavan, Sankar Bhattacharya, Monash University,
In order to better classify potential oxygen carriers for a Chemical-Looping AUSTRALIA
Combustion system, a lab-scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor has been designed and
built at the University of Utah. In order to simulate a dual-fluidized bed system, the Chemical-Looping combustion and gasification is a novel technique where an oxygen
reacting gas is cycled between the oxidizing gas (Air) and the fuel gas (CH4/N2 or carrier is used to transfer oxygen from the combustion air to the fuel, thus avoiding
H2/CO/N2 mixture). Volume percentages of CH4, CO, CO2 and O2 are analyzed in real direct contact between air and fuel. This technology is an alternative to conventional
time by a CAI NDIR/O2 gas analyzer. Ilmenite, a naturally-occurring and relatively combustion and gasification where oxygen needs to be supplied from air or air
low cost titanium-iron oxide mineral (FeTiO3) is an interesting potential oxygen carrier separation plants which are energy intensive. This new methodology prevents CO 2
for chemical looping combustion. Tests to characterize performance of ilmenite as an from being mixed with combustion gases. Chemical looping concept has been widely
oxygen carrier and to measure oxidation and reduction kinetics have been conducted at studied for combustion of natural gas; however its application to solid fuel, such as
temperatures ranging from 750°C to 950°C. One test was conducted for 24 hours in coal, is being studied only recently. From literature it is evident that limited number of
order to determine the long term performance of ilmenite over several cycles. Such studies has been performed on chemical looping using lignites. Victoria has large
data is important when considering applicability in industrial systems where attrition resources of lignites (>500 years at current consumption rate) and therefore there is a
resistance and long-term reactivity are important. Results compare favorably with strong incentive for development of efficient technologies, such as chemical looping,
thermogravimetric (TGA) studies of reaction kinetics conducted at the University of for power generation from lignites. Oxide of metals such as Nickel, Copper, Cobalt,
Utah. This paper describes the experimental approach, data analysis and assessment of and Manganese are good oxygen carrier candidates and have been studied extensively
the potential for ilmenite as a carrier in full-scale systems. to be used in chemical looping process. Iron oxide is an inexpensive mineral in
Australia and when used in chemical looping, it is expected to generate concentrated
7-2 stream of CO2 and H2. However, much is unknown about the yield of products such as
Application of Inorganic Remains Originating from Water Purification H2, CO2, CO, Char etc. from this process as a function of time, temperature, particle
and Sewage Sludge Ashes in Chemical Looping Combustion Process size and type of lignites. Present literature also lack information regarding the fate of
Ewelina Ksepko, Grzegorz Łabojko, Marek Sciazko, Institute for Chemical the externally added Fe2O3 particles through their interaction with the constituents of
Processing of Coal, POLAND lignites and their prospects for regeneration. This paper explores the possibility of
using lignite in chemical looping with iron oxide as oxygen carrier. The reduction and
The presented paper contains results of research on chemical looping combustion reoxidation properties of Fe2O3 are investigated using thermogravimetric analyzer
(CLC). The objective of paper was to prepare new low cost materials [1] used as (TGA). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) along with EDX of fresh solid reactants
oxygen carriers and investigate their reactivity in terms of applicability to energy is compared with used reactants to understand the changes in surface morphology and
systems. Multi cycle CLC tests in atmospheric TGA with oxygen carriers utilizing H 2 mineral composition. Surface elemental information of agglomerates as a function of
were conducted. Stability and oxygen transport capacity were described. Chemical temperature and time are also being investigated. This paper presents preliminary
phase composition was investigated by XRD technique. Three cycle test at 600 °C, 700 results from this ongoing study.
°C and 800 °C showed that proposed materials as oxygen carriers showed stable
performance during the 3-cycle test at each temperature. The oxygen transport capacity
has varied from 4 to 13.9 wt %, depending on temperature.
The fractional reduction, fractional oxidation and global rates (dX/dt) of reactions were
calculated. It was found, that thermal treatment of wastes did not affect
reduction/oxidation reaction rate. Oxidation reaction was much faster than reduction
for all oxygen carriers within time of 1.5 minute. High melting temperature in reducing
atmosphere of 1180 ˚C was observed. Small particle size below 59 µm was detected.
mixture (carbon monoxide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane) is UCG gas (syngas)
SESSION 8 can be used Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) configuration as a
Gasification: Underground Coal Gasification – 1 supplement and substitute fuel for electricity generation and chemical synthesis
resulting in manufacturing of synthetic liquid fuel or chemicals by Fisher-Tropsch
8-1 Turkish Petroleum Company (TPAO), has a vision being an energy company and
Bloodwood Creek UCG Pilot 2008 – 2010 taking in the commission to assess the low calorific value lignite reserves in Turkey by
Cliff Mallet, Carbon Energy Pty. Ltd., AUSTRALIA; Burl E. Davis, Carbon clean coal technologies under the roof of Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
Energy Pty Ltd, USA (ETKB) conjunction with General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration
(MTA), Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI), Electric Power Resources Survey and
In October, 2008 Carbon Energy PL installed their next generation commercial version Development Administration (EIEI), Electricity Generation CO.INC (EUAS), ETI
of a parallel UCG CRIP module at their site at Bloodwood Creek, 50 km west of MINE Works General Management (ETI Maden), Turkish Hard Coal Enterprises
Dalby, Queensland Australia. They demonstrated the commercial feasibility of their (TTK) and General Directorate of Mining Affairs (MİGM). In this review, geological,
UCG process at Bloodwood Creek with a 100-day field trial with both air and geophysical and chemical studies have been done on the lignite beds, which were
oxygen/steam injection. The single module is capable of accessing 200,000 tonne of determined during natural gas drilling in Thrace Basin in Turkey and their applicability
coal during its operational life. The UCG syngas was flared for over a year, and is now is being discussed to UCG processes.
used to feed a 5 MW of electricity plant, with power being sold into the local
electricity grid. This demonstrates commercial application of fuel gas generated by the
Carbon Energy Parallel CRIP UCG process. The next phase of the program will
involbe installation of a 20 MW facility for sale into the electricity grid. SESSION 9
Carbon Management: GHG Management Strategies and Economics – 2
Studies on Gasification of Turkish Lignite via Underground Coal
Gasification 9-1
Şahika Yürek, Kıvanç Het, Directorate of Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKİ), CO2-Reduction through Biomass Co-Firing in Coal Fired Power Plants
TURKEY Klaus-Dieter Tigges, Roland Jeschke, Alfred Gwosdz, Alfons Leisse, Hitachi
Power Europe GmbH, GERMANY
It is known that with nearly 12.3 billion tons of reserve coal, Turkey produces nearly
22% of its electricity needs via the burning of these reserve fuels. TKI, Turkey‟s Facing the threatening background of global warming the impetus for more and more
largest mining organization and the sixteenth largest national company, owns a nearly activities to reduce CO2 emissions is given. Biomass co-firing, being regarded as CO2
2.5 billion ton share of this reserve. TKI, engaged in extracting coal from mines for neutral, has a potential to reduce CO2 emissions generated by mankind. This
heating and thermal purposes, is also engaged in studies directed towards utilizing coal particularly applies for power generation based on fossil fuels. Besides that operators
for alternative purposes, following the latest technological advances in the world. One of utility boilers are always interested in reducing production cost with a special focus
of the spearheading studies is geared towards obtaining synthetic gas via the on fuels. Biomass is deployed increasingly in power stations as wood pellets, chips and
underground gasification of coal. others. Moreover most of the new power stations being under construction right now
The process of underground coal gasification is an operation in which steam, envisage biomass combustion in the short or mid term. Hitachi Power Europe has been
composed of air and water, is directed with the assistance of injection wells into involved in co-firing for a couple of years starting with grinding of wood pellets. In
underground coal deposits and the resulting gas from this reaction is directed to the consequence the development of biomass firing technology was extended to cover the
surface by conduction channels. This technique aims to render feasible what has been a entire value chain from storing and grinding up to firing a wide range of biomass
difficult and costly means of production for accessing reserves in the sea and at great products. This technology can be applied for both lignite and hard coal fired steam
depths. Furthermore, this technique would render possible the above-ground generators. It is based on HPE‟s well proven firing technology for hard coal and lignite
processing of obtained gas into H2, CH4, NH3, CO, and CO2 for a variety of and was refined under full scale conditions in a 35 MW test facility. The combustion
applications. However, these are not the only advantages of underground gasification tests provided a comprehensive set of operating data to evaluate the technology and
of coal; this process also aims to contain CO2, one of the key factors in the level of validate the combustion models especially adapted to biomass firing conditions. This
greenhouse gases, within the areas from which coal is extracted from beneath the paper outlines the biomass technology for co-firing woody biomass in hard coal or
surface of the earth. It has been widely accepted that the process of underground coal lignite fired steam generators up to an amount of 100% and shows possible
gasification is a means of clean coal production which minimizes environmental applications taking different biomass features into account. Results of combustion tests
impacts with low costs and high productivity. are described and calculated and measured data are shown.
Within the scope of these studies TKI has carried on contacts with both local and
foreign firms, and the most rigorous study in this area has been conducted under the 9-2
guidance of the leading expert in the field, the American firm Lawrence Livermore Ventilation Air Methane Abatement at CONSOL Energy‟s Enlow Fork
Laboratories. If a suitable site replete with the necessary conditions for an Mine
experimental initial run involving the underground gasification of coal in Turkey is Richard A. Winschel, Deborah A. Kosmack, William P. Fertall, CONSOL
identified by the advising firm, then plans will be laid for the undertaking of larger Energy Inc.; Jerry Gureghian, Green Holdings Corp., USA
scale underground gas production domestically.
In conclusion, without a doubt this technique could once again bring to the fore those CONSOL Energy Inc. and Green Holdings Enlow, Inc. (a subsidiary of Green
lignite coal resources of ours which are currently unexploited, which entails the Holdings Corp.), are developing one of the largest coal mine ventilation air methane
financial inactivity of those sites. Within the scope of Clean Coal Technology, this (VAM) emission abatement project in the United States at CONSOL's Enlow Fork
technology would be an important step in ensuring a prudential means of meeting of Mine in southwestern Pennsylvania, USA. The status of the project is discussed herein.
our future energy needs.
8-3 Novel Methods of Coal Seam Gas Content Determination for Estimation
Underground Coal Gasification and Applicability to Thrace Basin of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Mining
Lignite in Turkey Abouna Saghafi, CSIRO Energy Technology, AUSTRALIA
Ayşe Yildirim, Serdar Dogan, Turkish Petroleum Company, TURKEY
Coal seam naturally contains greenhouse gases, dominantly methane but also carbon
As it is known that, hydrocarbon reserves have been declined rapidly and with other dioxide and to a lesser extent higher hydrocarbons. With coal mining most gas
problems for energy demand, there have been expanded and renewed interests in new volumes trapped in coal seams and strata are liberated which mostly end up in
alternative technologies in worldwide. Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is the atmosphere. In order to assess fugitive emissions from mining new methods are
one of those technologies for new energy sources. UCG is a gasification process devised. In situ gas content of coal seams is a primary parameter required in these
carried on low calorific value, non mined or no minable coal seams due to the methods.
geological conditions (high fracture frequencies, volcanic, complex storage/tectonic Traditionally the purpose of gas content determination in coal mines has been the safe
structures). UCG process converts coal in situ into product gas (syngas) by using operation of mining and workers. Over the years various methods of measurement
oxygen/ steam mixture (air, enriched air, oxygen/water and carbon dioxide/oxygen). have been developed for ungrounded mining. However, these methods are not always
Here the coal beds react as a chemical reactor, thus gasification process is maintained adequate for requirement of emissions assessment for greenhouse gas inventory and
underground rather than conventional gasification methods. In this process; coal, steam new definition of gas content and more accurate measurement methods are required.
and oxygen are brought together to the combustion temperature for coal by adjusting The liability of the coal producer or coal user or both in relation to the emitted and
the amount of oxygen carefully, the coal is not completely burned but decomposed remaining gas in coal can be a major factor for the way gas content is defined and
chemically. The process is a partial oxidation rather than combustion. The resulting measured.
In order to accommodate the future emission trade scheme (ETS), one of the first steps methodology may be applied for evaluating the volume of accessible pores in other
is to debate the definition of gas content and developing more adequate methods of natural porous materials of interest for CO2 sequestration, such as saline aquifers,
measurement. In this paper the authors looks at possible definitions of gas content in shales, and sandstones.
relation to the purpose of its use and suggests novel methods of its determination.
Swelling of Moist Coal in Carbon Dioxide and Methane SESSION 10
Richard Sakurovs, Robyn Fry, Stuart Day, CSIRO Energy Technology, Coal Science: Coal Fires
The possibility of injecting CO2 into coal seams for enhanced coalbed methane 10-1
(ECBM) recovery while simultaneously providing long-term carbon sequestration is an Early Stage Detection of Coal Spontaneous Combustion in View of
active area of research. It is now well known that coal swells in the presence of water Pretreatment of the Coal
and gases, which in turn may affect the permeability of the coal. If the swelling of the Boleslav Taraba, Zdenek Pavelek, Jiri Janek, Ostrava University, CZECH
coal matrix by each component can be quantified, it may be possible to make better REPUBLIC
predictions about the suitability of particular seams for ECBM and carbon
sequestration. Although there have been numerous studies where coal swelling has The main aim of the investigations was to elucidate possible changes in oxidation
been measured in gases or water, there is relatively little information relating to how behaviour of coal from the mine district that had to be sealed off because of fire
swelling of coals by gases is affected by water. incident. With this respect, two samples of bituminous coal were studied to describe
In this paper we report on the gas-induced swelling behaviour of four moist Australian changes in evolution of the gases indicating early stage of spontaneous combustion
coals. Blocks of coal, nominally 30 × 10 × 10 mm, were cut parallel and perpendicular process (namely carbon monoxide, ethylene, propylene). Three types of coal pre-
to the bedding plane from larger lumps. Samples were moisture-equilibrated at 97 % teatment procedures were used to simulate in situ conditions of the coal lying near the
relative humidity before being exposed to CO2 or CH4 at pressures up to 16 MPa and a „spon-com“ site in the sealed off area: i) pre-oxidation of coal (200, 250°C), ii) pre-
temperature of 55 °C. Swelling of each sample was measured directly using an heating of the coal under inert gas (200, 250°C), and iii) extinguishing of pre-heated
apparatus where digital cameras monitored the change in length of the block as a coal (200, 250°C) by liquid water. After the pretreatments, amount and composition of
function of pressure. gases evolved from the coal during aerial oxidation at temperatures 40 – 200°C were
Results show that swelling was greater in CO2 than CH4, with lower rank coals measured at continuous flow reactor. Irrespective of type of the pre-treatment,
swelling more than high rank material. The presence of moisture significantly reduced oxidation of the pre-treated coal was found to be accompanied by increased CO
the amount of additional swelling by the gas compared to dry coals, however, the evolution in comparison with not-treated coal (up to temperature 100°C). Opposite to
degree to which the swelling of the coals was affected by moisture depended on the it, evolution of ethylene and propylene was ascertained to be somewhat lowered by the
rank of the coal. It was also found that, proportionally, CH4-induced swelling was coal pre-treatment procedures. However, experiments proved that threshold
more affected by the presence of moisture than CO2-induced swelling. Although moist temperature for the unsaturated hydrocarbons (i.e. minimal temperature when
coals swelled less in CO2 than dry coals, if the swelling due to moisture is included, the evolution of the indication gas is obviously detected) is not depended on the coal pre-
total swelling is more than that induced by CO2 in the dry coal. treatment procedure.
Obtained results thus indicate that carbon monoxide and unsaturated hydrocarbons
9-5 have their relevance as spontaneous combustion indicators even for mine areas that had
Evaluation of Total Porosity and the Amount of Inaccessible Pores in been sealed off because of coal fire incident, and that are to be re-opened.
Coal Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Yuri B. Melnichenko, L. He, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; M. Mastalerz, 10-2
Indiana University, USA; R. Sakurovs, CSIRO Energy Technology; T. Blach, Scope of Using Fly Ash for Reclamation and Control of Fire in Coal
Griffith University, AUSTRALIA Mines
R. V. K. Singh, G. Sural, V. K. Singh, Central Institute of Mining & Fuel
Carbon sequestration in geological formations such as deep unminable coal seems is Research, INDIA
one of the proposed measures for arresting the rising concentration of atmospheric
carbon dioxide. The efficiency of CO2 sequestration and enhanced coalbed recovery The disposal of Fly Ash is regulated by different countries as a waste. It is categorised
depends crucially on the ability to predict sorption capacity of green house gases in as Non-hazardous waste. In a recent report, Riley identified those International
coal, which may vary significantly depending on the total porosity of the coal as well agreements applicable to the disposal of coal ash. These regulations are administered
as on the amount of pores that are actually accessible to a specific fluid. Due to the by United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU) or the Council of the Organisation
high penetration power and relatively short wavelength of neutrons, small-angle for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Fly ash is being used for
neutron scattering (SANS) as well as ultra small-angle scattering (USANS) techniques construction of roads, embankment and building components, besides this it may be
are ideally suited for assessing the phase behavior of various fluids in engineered and used to control mine fires through underground and surface sealing, to reclaim mine
natural porous systems including coal. SANS and USANS offer a number of land, to restrict subsidence, to fill abandoned mine pits, to minimise or eliminate ash
advantages for evaluating the total coal porosity, as all pores both accessible and discharge to the rivers and reservoirs and to fabricate light weight blocks for rapid
inaccessible to the fluid contribute to the scattering at ambient conditions. One of the construction of mine stoppings in fire area for isolation.
most important advantages is that scattering experiments can be performed with Fire in coal mines is one of the serious problem of the Mining Industry. Huge quantity
samples saturated by non- or weakly adsorbed supercritical fluids at pressures of valuable natural resources like coal is being lost and environment is badly affected
corresponding to the zero average contrast (ZAC) condition. At this condition the due to release of noxious and green house gases. During the process of extraction of
neutron contrast between solid matrix of coal and all pores accessible to a fluid is coal by opencast mining method, firstly the industrial waste like soil, sand stone and
annulled and any residual scattering may be attributed to the scattering from overburden material is being extracted and it is not being utilised in the proper manner.
inaccessible pores which do not belong to the interconnected porous channels and Particularly in India, 75 - 85 Million tones of fly ash per annum is being generated by
therefore cannot be filled with the fluid. coal based Thermal Power Station which will cross 100 million tones per year in the
In this talk we will discuss the results of the USANS and SANS studies of four next two/ three years and will go up further with expansion of thermal generation.
bituminous coals from the Illinois Basin (USA) and and Bowen Basin (Australia) Production of fly ash from thermal power station has now become a matter of great
saturated with CO2 and methane at pressures up to 8000psi (53MPa) including concern for the utilisation. Most of the places after extraction of overburden material &
pressures corresponding to the ZAC condition. The scattering patterns at different coal, the remaining portion is being left idle for the longer time, thus spontaneous
pressures are used to demonstrate that the scattering length density of different coals, heating/ fire occurs and it creates a very danger problem. This extracted portion should
the parameter crucial for calculating ZAC condition can be accurately predicted from be filled up with waste like fly ash for proper filling material using the techniques like
evaluated based of the chemical composition of a particular coal obtained by ultimate surface sealing (blanketing) and making the incombustible barrier (stoppings). The
analysis. Scattering patterns at the ZAC are compared with SANS and USANS purpose of this paper is to present the different scope for using fly ash for reclamation
measured at ambient conditions and all studied coals reveal non-zero residual and control of fire in coal mines.
scattering, which shows that there are pores in coal inaccessible to methane and CO 2
on the timescale of the experiment (days). Scattering patterns from pores with sizes 10-3
greater than ~ 100 Angstrom are analysed using a newly developed approach which is SEM Study of Some Indian Natural Cokes (Jhama)
used to determine the amount of pores accessible to CO2 and methane in each coal as a Ashok K. Singh, Nandita Choudhury, Central Institute of Mining & Fuel
function of pore sizes. We demonstrate that the way the volume of accessible pores Research, CSIR; Mamta Sharma, National Metallurgical Laboratory, CSIR;
changes as a function of pore sizes is unique for each of the examined coals and the Mahendra P. Singh, Banaras Hindu University, INDIA
volume fraction of accessible pores may vary between 90 % (macropore region) to 30
% (mesopore region). We also analyse scattering from micropores, which reveals Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is an indispensable tool for studying the mineral
strong condensation effects of CO2 and methane in all for coals. The developed and organic matrix, particularly in the baked coals or natural cokes, which form due to
magmatic intrusion (dykes and sills) in coal seams. In this paper this tool has been used
to demonstrate the relationship between morphology and genesis of natural coke or SESSION 11
jhama samples derived from Damodar Valley Coalfields of India. The SEM studies Sustainability and Environment – 2
were carried out using JEOL-840A JSM under magnifications ranging from 200X to
50000X on selected heat altered coal/natural coke, CPC and graphite samples to
decipher the microstructures of these samples and comparative studies. The chips of 11-1
coal lithotypes, heat altered coal/natural cokes, CPC and graphite, of about 1cm size Emissions from Cofiring Coal with Renewable Materials Such as
were isolated from the coal blocks using hammer, chisel and forceps and were washed Biomass and Sewage
with alcohol to remove the superficial dust and mounted on brass stubs using silver Lesley Sloss, IEA Clean Coal Centre, UNITED KINGDOM
paste as glue and coated with gold (thickness about 400 Å).
SEM photographs reveal some textural features of natural coke which would not be The practice of co-firing biomass with coal in full-scale coal utility plants is increasing
detectable using optical microscopy. The similarity between images of natural and due to the benefits with respect to reduced fossil fuel-based CO2 emissions. Biomass
artificial coke and also the mineral assemblages present in the natural coke matrix is also tends to have a lower sulphur content than coal and therefore emissions of SO 2 are
proof that temperatures over 350°C were experienced during contact metamorphism. reduced. The same is true for NOx emissions from lower fuel nitrogen content. Further,
Due to its greater depth of focus compared to optical microscopy, SEM provides the lower flame temperatures and different combustion stoichiometry of biomass can
information on textures in unpolished samples complementary to microscopic data. result in lower thermal NOx production. The exception to this is the combustion of
The main findings include identification of carbonized matrix, mosaics and flow sewage sludge which may contain significantly more nitrogen than coal. However, co-
structures of various dimensions, nature and dimensions of the micro, meso, firing of coal with sewage sludge helps to reduce overall NOx emissions.
macropores and cracks formed due to escape of volatiles and relationship and A reduction in ash, especially when co-firing wood, is another advantage of co-firing.
association of mineral matter or their altered products (glassy matrix) with the Increased chlorine and/or changes in ash particle adsorbency can help reduce trace
generated pores. The system thus permits a combined maceral-mineral analysis, which element emissions such as mercury and arsenic. However, some biomass materials,
can be used to advantage in coal geology studies. such as straws and grasses, can have higher potassium and chlorine than coal which
may lead to problems such as slagging and fouling. There are also potential issues with
10-4 respect to changes in the operation of pollution control technologies. For example, in
Examination of Low Temperature Air Oxidation Mechanism of Brown some situations, the formation of dioxins can result from co-firing biomass in less than
Coal for Supressing Self Ignition Tendency optimal conditions. Phosphorus in sewage sludge can react with lime to reduce sulphur
Kouichi Miura, Ryota Okajima, Mitsunori Makino, Ryuichi Ashida, Kyoto capture in fluidised bed systems. Sewage sludge tends to have higher concentrations of
University, JAPAN several trace elements such as Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Fe than coal. It has been shown
that these elements tend to end up in the fly ash and it is important to ensure that this
Low rank coals including brown coal and lignite are valuable energy resources in this has no detrimental effects on the intended use of such ash.
century. For the storage and transportation of the low rank coals, suppression of self In most cases, the balance between the characteristics of the coal and biomass and the
ignition tendency as well as dewatering is essential. The self ignition tendency is plant operation can control any detrimental plant effects. In practice, full-scale coal-
closely related to the rate of oxidation of the coals. Therefore it is very important to fired plants such as Drax in the UK and Fiume Santo in Sardinia note little or no
examine the rate and mechanism of the oxidation of the coals at low temperatures. detrimental change in trace element emissions following the introduction of biomass as
In this paper the mechanism of air oxidation of an Australian brown coal, Loy Yang, a co-fuel.
was investigated at less than 300°C. The coal was heated up to an oxidation It would appear that, for the most part, the benefits of co-firing biomass far outweigh
temperature of 260, 280, or 300 °C at the rate of 10 K/min in an helium stream any negative effects. In fact, it would seem that the majority of environmental impact
containing oxygen by either 11 % or 22 %, and kept for o, 30, or 60 min at the assessments regard the production, transport and preparation of the biomass fuels more
oxidation temperature. Weight change, gas formation rate, and fate of surface important than changes in the stack emissions from the plant as a result of the co-
functional groups during the oxidation were investigated using thermogravimetry, gas firing. Detrimental effects, however, can be an issue for ash management.
chromatography, and in-situ FTIR spectrometry. The amount of gas phase oxygen
consumed, ξO2, was estimated from the weight change and the gas formation rate. The 11-2
oxidized coal was cooled to 65°C in the oxygen atmosphere and then heated up to Element Leaching from Coal Stockpiles – Case Studies from the Sydney
700°C at the rate of 10 K/min in the helium stream containing oxygen by 22 % to and Collie Basins, Australia
estimate the gasification rate of the oxidized sample. The self ignition tendency was Colin R. Ward, Leanne Stephenson, Zhongsheng Li, University of New South
characterized by the temperature, Tg, at which 10% of the oxidized coal is gasified. Wales; David French, Ken Riley, Owen Farrell, CSIRO Energy Technology,
The higher heating value (HHV) of the oxidized coal was estimated by the Motto- AUSTRALIA
Spooner equation with the ultimate analysis of the oxidized sample.
Laboratory testing has been carried out to evaluate the potential for release of elements
10-5 from coal in exposed stockpiles, drawing on sample sets from the Sydney Basin in
Beneficiation Prospects of Baked Coking Coals from Seam XV, Jharia New South Wales and the Collie Basin in Western Australia. Testing in the Collie
Coalfield, Damodar Valley, India Basin was further extended to evaluate element leaching from the coastal sand deposits
Ashok K Singh, N. K. Shukla, N. Choudhury, Central Institute of Mining & on which the stockpile was constructed, to ascertain whether the stockpile might
Fuel Research, CSIR; Mamta Sharma, National Metallurgical Laboratory, represent a significant source of contaminants to the associated groundwater system.
CSIR, INDIA The mobility of the elements in the coal and sand was evaluated by batch leaching
tests; samples of each material were shaken in sealed polyurethane bottles with water
Baked coals in the Jharia Coalfield, due to its irregular physical and chemical or a controlled pH (acid) solution for 18-24 hours, after which the concentrations of
characteristics such as hardness, loss in caking property and slow in burning due to major and trace elements in the resulting leachates were determined. For the Collie
loss of volatile matter, have got very poor response from utilization point of view in Basin complementary tests were also carried out in which coal and coal underlain by
industry. In this attempt the baked coals from seam XV, lying mostly unused in Jharia sand were separately placed in Perspex columns and demineralised water or an acid
coalfield, have been beneficiated through F & S in the laboratories at CIMFR, solution was allowed to permeate through.
Dhanbad, India. The washability investigations were carried out at the size fractions The natural pH of the Collie Basin coal in water was shown by the batch tests to be
50-25, 25-13, 13-06, 06-03 and 03-0.5 mm and at the specific gravity range of 1.4 to 4.75 to 5.0, while that of the Sydney Basin coals, and also of the Collie Basin sand,
1.8 at a difference of 0.05 and 0.1. The washability data developed on the size 50-0.5 was 8.0 to 9.3. Trace elements of environmental concern were mostly released at low
mm has been presented through conventional washability curve and Mayer‟s curve and concentrations from the coals of both basins. For the Sydney Basin some elements,
it is observed that at 11.9% ash level 25.8% cleans may be used for carbon artifact such as Mn, Co, Ni and Zn, were released at slightly higher levels when the coals were
industry and the rejects (74.2%) at 23.7% ash level may be used in Indian Power Plants tested with acid rather than water, suggesting a slight influence of pH on element
after judicious blending with high VM power coals. mobility from the coal samples. Other elements, such as Mo and Se, were less mobile
from the Sydney Basin coals under acid conditions than at natural (alkaline) pH levels.
Element release from the Collie coals, which had a naturally acid pH when tested with
water, showed a similar pattern to that displayed by the Sydney Basin coals under acid
test conditions.
Trace elements in the Collie Basin study, especially As, Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb, Th, U, V
and Zn, were mostly released in higher concentration from the sand than from the coal.
A few elements, such as Ba, Mn and Ni, were released in higher concentrations from
the coal (although values were still low), while others, such as Cd and Co, were
released in low but approximately equal concentrations from both coal and sand
Column tests on the Collie coal gave similar results to the batch leaching studies, Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration in 2005. The priority in these studies
although with slightly higher pH levels. The coal/sand column produced a leachate is given to re-investigate the areas suitable for coal deposition in our country, and so to
with a pH of 8.2 to 8.6, consistent with neutralisation of the acidic coal leachate by the determine new prospective fields. In this context, new coal deposits are discovered in
carbonate minerals in the sand sample. Flow through the coal/sand column became Thrace, Soma (Manisa), Karapinar (Konya), Dinar (Afyonkarahisar), Alpu (Eskisehir)
blocked in the course of the test, apparently due to solution and re-precipitation of and Afsin-Elbistan (Kahramanmaras) basins, there are also reserve increases in the
calcium carbonate in the sand by the acidic coal leachate. Higher concentrations of known coal fields. Our lignite reserves, known as 8.3 billion tonnes for a long time,
most trace elements, including As, B, Ba, Cr, Cu, Mo, Sb, Se, U and V, were released reached to 12.6 billion tonnes due to the exploration and research studies, commenced
from this column before the blockage compared to the columns with coal alone. in 2005 and conducted by General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration.
Comparison to the batch test results suggests that these elements were mainly derived However, taking into consideration the exploited amount in the lignite fields is 1.1
from leaching of the sand component. billion tonnes so far, it is concluded that lignite reserves in our country is 11.5 billion
tonnes. After 2005 an increasing amount of 4.3 billion tonnes of
11-3 proven+probable+possible reserves is a very crucial source of energy because it is
Economic Evaluation of Sulcis Coal Leaching Process domestic.
Elisabetta Fois, Melis Francesco, Carbosulcis S.p.A.; Giampaolo Mura, The utilization for fuels of coal-powered plants by our coals, which often have been
Antonio Lallai, Agata Pistis, Università di Cagliari, ITALY ranked as low-level lignites, is inevitable for a sustainable energy and therefore a
sustainable development.
Coal is a fossil fuel rich of elements different from carbon; sulphur can compose up to With newly discovered oil and coal fields, the General Directorate of Mineral Research
12% its mass but represents an undesired impurity as its combustion produces SO 2 and Exploration pioneered the establishment of TPAO and TKİ, both of which are the
gases which result in the formation of acid rain. most important institutions, and has been constituting a leadership in energy. Today,
Sulcis coal is a sub-bituminous coal from the Monte Sinni mine in the South West our institution again took this mission via proposed and conducted projects.
coast of Sardinia. The ash content of this coal is about 15 wt % as received, whereas
the sulphur content is 7-6 wt% (inorganic sulphur is present at about 3%). Since most
of the pyritic sulphur is finely disseminated in crystals of micron or sub-micron size,
the only remaining possibility of removing sulphur from this coal prior to its utilization SESSION 12
is confined to chemical methods. Coal-Derived Products: Activated Carbon Production-1
Leaching is also called solid-liquid extraction; it is in fact a process which aims to
separate soluble components from a solid mass by using a proper solvent. Leaching
with chemicals may be carried out to reduce ash and sulphur concentration in coal. In 12-1
coal industry, both biological and chemical leaching are used; the chemical one relies Activated Carbon from Brown Coal by Chemical Activation
mainly on mineral acids, but efficaciously utilises also some bases in the form of Luguang Chen, Sankar Bhattacharya, Monash University, AUSTRALIA
molten caustic mixtures, or combinations of these with oxidising reagents.
The present work shows the economic evaluation of Sulcis coal leaching process. In Victoria, brown coal is a cheap resource, which at current consumption rate has over
Moreover, this work shows results of the experimental testes which are conducted on 500 years of reserves. A possible utilization of these materials is converting them into
Sulcis coal samples by sequential leaching of potassium hydroxide followed by activated carbon, which has potential for use as adsorbent and catalysts. Activated
hydrogen peroxide. The tests carried out verify the technical efficiency of the process carbons can be produced by two methods - physical activation and chemical activation.
for desulphurization of that coal. This economic evaluation system has been developed Chemical activation is preferred over physical activation owing to the lower
to carry out feasibility studies at the preliminary stages of this project. temperatures and shorter time needed for activation. The activation property of
The process has been extensively studied at laboratory-scale. Parameters investigated activated carbon strongly depends on its surface area.
included coal top-size, reagent composition, slurry concentration, reaction temperature, In this study, we prepared activated carbons from Loy Yang brown coal using
and reaction time. Additional investigations include coal leaching-reagent chemical activation. The materials were dipped into the solution for 24 h at room
regeneration, product recovery, product stability on process performance and temperature, thoroughly washed by distilled water in order to remove the exact
economics. chemicals, and then filtered. Then the impregnated materials were pyrolyzed in a
The high efficiency of sulphur reduction, on average about 30%, was found to be of furnace at temperatures of 400ºC-600ºC for 30 mins under flowing N2 at 20 ml/min.
special technical relevance for relatively large particle sizes, i.e. -5.60 mm, said The type of activating reagent (KOH and K2CO3) and the effect of carbonization
efficiency being obtained through tests carried out on different particle size classes of temperature on the texture of activated carbons have been investigated.
leached samples. At the same time, the calorific value of the sample thus treated has The morphologies of activated carbons were observed by SEM. The surface areas of
surprisingly shown an appreciably reduced decrease only of 4 to 10%. activated carbons were measured by volumetric adsorption analyzer, using N 2 as the
adsorption gas at -196ºC.
11-4 This paper summarises the different chemical activation reagent and the carbonization
Coal Resource Estimation in Isiklar-Kisrakdere (Soma, Manisa, Turkey) temperature effects on activated carbons‟ porous structures and identifies the optimum
A. Erhan Tercan, Bahtiyar Ünver, Mehmet Ali Hindistan, Hacettepe preparation conditions for activated carbon from Loy Yang coal.
University; Perihan Çorbacı, Kıvanç Het, Turkish Coal Enterprises, TURKEY
Işıklar-Kısrakdere is a site that is located in Soma Neocene region and contains lignite Low-Temperature Catalytic Graphitization of Carbon Material
coal suitable for underground mining extraction. This paper presents a case study in Ch. N. Barnakov, A.P. Kozlov, V.Yu.Malysheva, Institute of Coal and Coal
which coal resource estimation is addressed. For this purpose a data base is constructed Chemistry SB RAS; S.K. Seit-Ablaeva, Kemerovo Technological Institute of
using drill hole information such as collar, survey, sample and geology tables. Then Food Industry; Z. R. Ismagilov, M.A.Kerzhentsev, Boreskov Institute of
solids for coal seams are produced by considering faults and geological layers. The Catalysis SB RAS, RUSSIA
solid models are divided into equal size and shaped blocks. The mean calorific values
of these blocks are estimated by geostatistical techniques. Finally quality-tonnage Carbon containing materials are generally classified by their graphitization
curves are produced. (crystallization) temperature into two types: hard-to graphitize (3000-3200 C) and
more easily graphitized (2200-2800 C). The temperature of graphitization can be
11-5 lowered to 1900 C by application of a vanadium catalyst [1]. The use of nanoparticles
Coal Explorations in Turkey: New Projects and New Reserves of various metals allows further reduction of the graphitization temperature, but
İlker Şenguler, MTA, TURKEY graphite is produced in the form of nanoparticles [2, 3]. In this work, low temperature
conversion of carbon materials into graphite was studied by the example of coal-tar
Of the primary energy sources, coal, which is regarded as a solid fossil fuel, is very pitch transformation into foamed graphite in the presence of d-metals at a temperature
crucial with respect to other primary energy sources since it has an undoubted longer of 600-1000 C [4]. The use of metal catalysts was shown to result in considerable
time of reserve and a wider distribution than the other sources. World recoverable coal reduction of graphitization temperature, suppression of emission of carcinogenic
reserves are 915 billion tonnes, and our country with own lignite reserves is among 10 benzopyrenes during the graphitization and an increase of the product specific
leading countries in the world. electrical conductivity. The specific conductivity of the obtained samples measured in
Tertiary deposits cover a total area of 110.000 km2, and they are distinguished as about a temperature range 4-300 K was close to that of crystalline graphite. The formation of
2% Eocene, 14% Oligocene, 52% Miocene and 32% Pliocene. Total prospecting area graphite was proved by the study of the products by XRD and Raman spectroscopy.
performed by the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration is 205.000 The produced foamed graphite can be pressed to form articles of different shape and
km². 42.000 km² areas of Tertiary, which could be prospective for coalfields, are size, which can be used, e.g., as material for the manufacture of electrodes.
studied with detail and the coalification is determined in an area of about 1500 km². References:
Coal exploration studies were about to cease at the beginnings of 1990‟s years due to 1. E.G.Novikov, E.A.Belenkov, E.M.Baitenger, Proceedings of Chelyabinsk Scientific
the fact that our country exploited more increasingly natural gas. These studies Center, No 3, 2007, p. 16.
augmented again by the projects, which commenced and co-ordinated by the General
2. US Patent Application 2007/0265162, Nov. 15, 2007. of plant performance, co-benefit mercury removal by other pollutant emission control
3. US Patent Application 2005/0008562, Jan. 13, 2005. technologies and mercury-specific control processes. This document was presented to
4. RF Patent Application 2009132561/15(04684). government agencies in four selected countries: South Africa, Russia, India, and
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the support of this work by Presidium China. When finalized, the document will serve as a tool for individual coal-fired,
RAS (Integration Project 27.58) and by Presidium SB RAS (Integration Project 88) electricity-generating plants and for individual countries to: evaluating the
opportunities to achieve multi-pollutant emission reductions at coal-fired power plants,
12-3 assessing opportunities to improve energy efficiency of power plants and thus
Experimental Research on the Preparation of Activated Carbon with achieving reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions together with the reduction of
Higher Absorbability from Anthracite mercury emissions, and providing guidance on how to optimize co-benefits of multi-
Jian Chang, Qiao-wen Yang, Zhen-hua Hou, Bin-bin Zhao, Dawei Zhao, pollutant control systems to reduce mercury emissions.
China University of Mining and Technology, CHINA This paper presents the contents of the POG document, including information on coal
usage and typical examples of air pollutant control equipment deployed at coal-fired
This paper studied experimental conditions of making higher absorption activated plants in each of the four countries of interest. Up-to-date progress and future plans for
carbon from Jincheng anthracite, under the action of two additives NaNO 3 and KOH. dissemination of the POG document in the four selected countries are also given.
The result was obtained by using the orthogonal experiment in which four factors were Finally, the paper presents the progress achieved in the four focused countries toward
designated: the carbonization temperature, the carbonization time, the activation time the completion of the UNEP background study.
as well as the additive types, with the target of iodine value. The optimized parameters
had been found out: the carbonization temperature is 600 C,the carbonization time is 13-2
1.5h, the activation time is 4h and the additive is NaNO3 which is better in a weight Direct Measurement of Mercury in Simulated Flue Gas
proportion of 8%. At last, under the optimized parameters, the better activated carbon Bihter Padak, Jennifer Wilcox, Stanford University, USA
products could be gained by acid pickling, which has a higher iodine value 1094.8mg/g
and low ash content 8.73%. Homogeneous oxidation of mercury in the flue gas of coal combustion utility boilers
has been studied for many years to understand the speciation of mercury. In spite of a
12-4 vast amount of experimental studies, supported by modeling efforts, there are still
Research on the Preparation of Highthermalconductivity Carbon Block many questions to be answered and the speciation of mercury is not fully understood
by the Ordered Growth of Self-assembled Mesophase yet. One needs to be able to make precise mercury measurements to understand its
Ming-Lin Jin, Rong-Hua Liu, Qing-Zhong Cheng, Jingxia Hu, Shanghai speciation and accurately predict the extents of mercury oxidation. Traditionally
Institute of Technology; Zong-Hong Bao, Nanjing University of Technology, “difference” techniques are used which involves the direct measurement of elemental
CHINA mercury. These techniques do not allow for distinguishing between the two different
oxidized forms, Hg+ and Hg+2 which makes it difficult to understand mercury
Highthermalconductivity carbon material is a focus in the new carbon material speciation. It has recently been shown that mercury measurements performed with wet
research field. With few QIs coal tar pitch as raw material in this work, the chemical conditioning systems are biased, resulting in inaccurate partitioning between
thermoplastic mesophase pitch was prepared by the thermal polymerization processes. oxidized and elemental mercury species. Given the shortcomings of the difference
The effect of molding pressure on the development of ordered mesophase was studied. techniques, it is essential to measure oxidized and elemental mercury directly and
In our experiments, the mesophase pitch containing the same TI was molded hence separately to have a complete understanding of mercury speciation. In this study
respectively at 25°C to 600°C under 6.18 MPa, 9.24 MPa, 13.84 MPa, 20.05 MPa, a custom-built electron ionization quadrupole mass spectrometer (EI-QMS) will be
carbonized at 1000°C and graphitized at 2800°C. The results showed that the used to directly measure mercury species in combustion flue gas.
graphitization degree of the carbon blocks ranges from 48.8% to72.1% by graphitized To accurately measure the low concentrations of different mercury species present in
at 2800°C. coal combustion flue gases, the EI-QMS must be sensitive to concentrations in the ppb
With the increase of pressure, the apparent density increased from 1.47 g/cm3 to range, which can pose a challenge. To increase the sensitivity, the system has been
1.58g/cm3 and the porosity decreased. It is shown by SEM that the regional mesophase upgraded to have a supersonic beam and a skimmer is placed after the first orifice that
displayed a sort of highly ordered structure with long fiber and the mesophase liquid is heated. In such a setup, scattering of the molecular beam is avoided and the amount
crystal molecules were aligned perpendicular to the compressing in the molding of gas which reaches the ionization region, and subsequently the ion detector, is
process. The axial and radial direction of thermal conductivity range of the carbon maximized, thereby improving the sensitivity of the instrument. Also a tuning fork
blocks was 140.5-156 W/m·K, 169.2-219.4W/ W/m·K, respectively. The anisotropic chopper has been implemented in the system along with a lock-in amplifier to enhance
ratio increased as the pressure increased and reached 1.41. It was proved that one-step the signal-to-noise ratio.
hot press molding not only increased the density and decreased the porosity of the A benefit of employing a mass spectrometer is, unlike traditional impinge-based
carbon blocks, but also promoted the growth of mesophase in order, formed the long- methods, the oxidized forms can be isolated and individually identified because it
range ordered, fibrous structure which was similar to carbon fibers. Consequently, the separates the products based on their mass-to-charge ratio. With this custom-built
phonons conducted along the long-range ordered structure, the hindrance of the instrument, mercury species will be directly measured for the first time for high
conduction of phonons was reduced. temperature combustion applications. By directly measuring mercury species
accurately, one can determine the actual extent of mercury oxidation in the flue gas,
which will aid in developing mercury control technologies. In addition, not only
mercury but also other trace metals in flue gas such as arsenic and selenium can be
SESSION 13 measured and speciated in flue gas.
Combustion: Mercury and Trace Elements
Modeling Trace Element Release from Included and Excluded Pyrite
13-1 during Pulverized Coal Combustion
UNEP Coal Combustion Partnership Area Activities Prior to 2013 Wayne S. Seames, Esam I. Jassim, Steven A. Benson, University of North
Global Mercury Treaty Dakota, USA
Wojciech Jozewicz, ARCADIS, USA; Lesley Sloss, IEA Clean Coal Centre,
UNITED KINGDOM; Gunnar Futsaeter, United Nations Environment A mathematical model was developed to study the vaporization of trace elements
Programme, SWITZERLAND during the combustion of individual coal and pyrite particle. The initial modeling has
focused on the release of As, Se and Sb associated with pyrite since it is the host site
To address the risk to human health and the environment from anthropogenic mercury for these elements. The model considers the release of the trace elements from pyrite
releases, the Governing Council (GC) of the United Nations Environment Programme included in coal particles and excluded from coal particles. The model predicts the
(UNEP) decided in 2003 to establish the UNEP Mercury Programme. The UNEP amount of elements vaporized as a function of coal particle size, mineral grain size,
Mercury Programme currently consists of two main complimentary activities: fulfilling mineral grain association, flame temperature, and residence time. The model considers
the aims of the Global Mercury Partnership and the negotiation of a legally binding the combustion of the coal char and the decomposition, fragmentation, melting, and
instrument. Negotiations of a legally binding instrument on mercury began in June coalescence processes of the pyrite particles.
2010 and are to be finalized by February 2013. The Global Mercury Partnership is the
main mechanism for the delivery of immediate actions on mercury during the
negotiation process.
The largest single anthropogenic emission source of mercury is the combustion of coal
in power plants and industrial boilers. Practices capable of providing reductions in
mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants have been summarized in UNEP‟s
POG (Process Optimisation Guidance) document. These practices include plant
efficiency improvement, pre-combustion control/prevention measures, maximization
Online Monitoring of Boron in Flue Gas Desulfurization Effluents by
Fully Automated Measuring Equipment SESSION 14
Seiichi Ohyama, Keiko Abe, Hitoshi Ohsumi, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Central Gasification: Underground Coal Gasification - 2
Research Institute of Electric Power Industry; Naotsugu Miyazaki, Koji
Miyadera, Kin-ichi Akasaka, DKK-TOA Corporation, JAPAN
We developed a fully automated measuring equipment for aqueous boron (referred to The Improvement of UCG Processes
as the online boron monitor) on the basis of a rapid potentiometric determination Karol Kostur, Technical University of Końice, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
method using a commercial BF4- ion-selective electrode (ISE). The equipment can
measure boron compounds with concentration ranging from a few to several hundred The idea of the transformation of coal in underground into synthetic gas so called
mg/L, and the measurement is completed in less than 20 min without any pretreatment syngas has interesting in world more centuries. UCG (Underground Coal Gasification)
of the sample. In the monitor, a series of operations for the measurement, i.e., sampling is an in situ technique to recover the fuel or feedstock value of coal that is not
and dispensing of the sample, addition of the chemicals, acquisition and processing of economically available through conventional recovery technologies. Today, less than
potentiometric data, rinsing of the measurement cell, and calibration of the BF4- ISE, is one sixth of the world‟s coal is economically accessible. Today, similarly to all other
automated. countries in the world also in Slovakia there is an interest in the revival and perfection
To demonstrate the performance, we installed the monitor in two full-scale coal-fired of the UCG technology. From the viewpoint of content the research is directed toward
power plants and measured the effluent from a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) unit. to increasing heating capacity of syngas. From the standpoint of the methods used one
The boron concentration in the effluents varied significantly depending on the type of can characterized the research by 2 approaches: experiments in UCG laboratory and
coal and the load of power generation. An excellent correlation (R2 = 0.987) was mathematical modeling, including of simulation studies. Both approaches have helped
obtained in the measurements between the online boron monitor and the conventional to discover complicated relationships during UCG and they will be subject this lecture.
measurement (ICP-AES). The online boron monitor revealed long term behavior of Most important are topologies/methods, humidity of coal, heat losses, temperatures in
boron in the FGD effluent for the first time and thus it can serve as a useful tool for relevant zones, composition of oxidation agents and permeability. Calorific value of
managing boron emission in process effluents. syngas is 0.55 – 4.45 MJ.Nm-3 on average with maximum 25.51 MJ.m-3 if oxidation
agent was used air only. In case using mixture air + oxygen have been obtained
13-5 calorific value from range 0.43- 6.38 MJ.m-3 on average with maximum 27.53 MJ.m-
Mercury Sorption on Brominated Activated Carbon 3. The analysis has been done for these big differences by aim to improve UCG.
Erdem Sasmaz, Jennifer Wilcox, Stanford University, USA Therefore in paper is described:
- Structure of thermodynamics model including simulation cases,
EPA estimated that approximately 75 tons of mercury were found in the coal delivered - Experimental plant, including measured data,
to power plants each year and about two thirds of this mercury was emitted to the air, - Relevant results (the influence of reaction‟s area).
resulting in about 50 tons being emitted annually. This 25-ton reduction was achieved
through existing pollution controls such as fabric filters (for particulate matter), 14-2
scrubbers (for SO2) and selective catalytic reduction units (for NOx). To predict the Modelling of Deep Lignite Seams for Conventional Production and
levels of mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants and determine the best Underground Coal Gasification in Turkey
applicable control technologies, it is important to understand heterogeneous mercury S. Anac, S. Yurek, M. Ozdingis, B.S. Halicioglu, Turkish Coal Enterprises;
reaction mechanisms on activated carbon surfaces. B.Unver, E. Tercan, M.A. Hindistan, G. Ertunc, E. Akcan, Hacettepe
Experimental studies are conducted using a bench-scale packed-bed system to further University, TURKEY
understand heterogeneous mercury reaction mechanisms. Methane is combusted in a
tubular burner and the effect of combustion products on the sorption of mercury are Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI) is the biggest state owned company in Turkish mining
investigated. Additionally, other flue gas species will be introduced in a controlled industry and has been producing lignite for more than a 50 years period. Majority of
manner to the reactor system to understand their effect on mercury adsorption. TKI‟s production has been done by surface mining methods. However, the lignite
Activated carbon-based sorbent materials before and after simulated flue gas exposure resources suitable for surface mining are to be depleted in about 10 years. This
are analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Characterization suggests that lignite production in the near future be supplied by underground mining.
experiments are conducted to determine the chemical bonds, surface coverage and It is compulsory to develop new underground mines for maintaining safe supply of
speciation of mercury. Our XPS results for mercury sorption tests on brominated lignite in the country. TKI and Hacettepe University have been collaborating on 3D
powder activated carbon surfaces conducted in an air environment suggest that modelling of lignite seams and subsequent underground mine design. Soma, Tuncbilek
mercury is adsorbed on carbon surfaces in the form of oxidized mercury; however, the and Yatagan lignite basins are selected for this purpose. Lignite seams in these basins
identification of the oxidation state of mercury on our samples was limited due to are subject to severe tectonic movement. This will unfortunately lead to loss of some
presence of silicon on the surfaces and its subsequent interference with mercury part of the deep seated seam(s) by underground mining methods. Hence, application of
spectral lines. underground coal gasification technique to utilize these parts is evaluated as a viable
alternative. This paper briefly describes tectonics and general characteristics of lignite
13-6 seams together with essentials of conventional underground mining and coal
Effect of Coal Volatile Matter on Emissions of Boiler Combustion gasification.
Hasancan Okutan, Nalan Erdöl Aydın, Erhan Böke, İstanbul Technical
University, TURKEY 14-3
An Integrated 3-D UCG Model for Predicting Cavity Growth, Product
Turkey‟s most important bituminous coal deposits are lacated especially in Zonguldak Gas, and Interactions with the Host Environment
basin on the shares of the Black Sea in the Northen Turkey. Coal obtained from John J. Nitao, David W. Camp, Souheil M. Ezzedine, Thomas A. Buscheck,
Zonguldak basin by means of underground mining is transferred to various washery S. Julio Friedmann, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
plants in districts such as Zonguldak, Çatalağzı, Armutçuk and Amasra, where its
sulfur amd mineral matter contents are reduced and it is classified as coking, This paper presents recent work from an ongoing project at Lawrence Livermore
semicoking and noncoking coal. Coking coal is used as feed stock in the coke National Laboratory (LLNL) to develop a comprehensive, integrated simulation tool
production, while noncoking coal is consumed as industrial and domestic fuel throught for underground coal gasification (UCG). This capability will predict cavity growth,
the country. product gas composition, and interactions with the host environment. We are
Bituminous coals from Zonguldak basin hava a considerable amount of volatile matter developing an efficient approach to integrate four classes of numerical submodels,
contents, some of which are easy to desorp from the coal surface during heating and representing specific processes in their respective spatial domains: (1) UCG cavity, (2)
they leave the coal structure without burning. wall zone, (3) rubble zone, and (4) far field. The UCG cavity submodel includes
In this study, effect of coal volatile matter on the combustion efficiency and CO, SO 2, turbulent gas-phase mass and heat transfer, radiative heat transfer, and gasification
NOx and particulate emissions of the bituminous coals and lignite from Turkey and reactions within the cavity. LLNL has gained considerable simulation experience in the
Sibirya are investigated in a 174 kW, half cylindirical hot water boiler. Experiments UCG-cavity domain, using STAR-CCM, a commercial computational-fluid-dynamics
were carried out for 27,0% volatile matter Zonguldak washery, 27,5% volatile matter (CFD) code. Furthermore, in the far-field domain, LLNL possesses expertise and
Çatalağzı washery, 34,0% volatile matter Armutçuk washery, 35% volatile matter cutting-edge simulation tools such as NUFT (Nonisothermal Unsaturated Flow and
Amasra washery, 0,8% volatile matter Zonguldak coke, 38% volatile matter Soma and Transport) code to model thermalhydrological behavior, and GEODYN-L and LDEC
18,9% volatile matter Sibirya coals. Combustion tests were performed according to codes to model geomechanical behavior. That expertise has been useful in developing
Turkish Standarts (TS) 4040 and 4041, which are equivalent to recpective ISO our integrated simulation approach. The integrated UCG simulation tool is intended to
standarts. Individual combustion efficiency, particulate and gas emissions profiles and support UCG design and operations, environmental monitoring, and risk assessments.
cumulative emissions are determined and the experimental results are discussed. In this paper we discuss the initial stage of development of our integrated modeling
approach, which focuses on the wall-zone submodel (WZM), and the integration of the
WZM with the far-field submodel (FFM). The WZM is a 1-D, multi-phase, multi- Average amount of α in each coal was estimated as 0.333, 0.376, 0.477, 0.171, and
species model that includes solid-reaction kinetics for pyrolysis and combustion; 0.347 mol/mol respectively, and that of β was also estimated as 0.688, 0.399, 0.397,
methanation and water-gas shift reaction for phase kinetics. The WZM extends far 0.717, and 0.247 mol/mol respectively. α and β seemed to correlate to the value of
enough into the host coal/rock to encompass the region of thermal effects. Because hcoal.
mechanical effects are assumed not to influence the far-field conditions, it is possible
for the FFM to be represented using an isothermal NUFT model. In later stages of 14-6
model development, we intend to address the influence of geomechanical effects on Computational Flow Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)
far-field hydrology. The WZM is executed as a family of 1-D submodels, distributed Process
over the surface of the UCG cavity, with the isothermal NUFT FFM providing the Sateesh Daggupati, Ramesh Naidu Mandapati, Sanjay M Mahajani, Preeti
necessary boundary conditions. The initial UCG cavity submodel is a simplified, Aghalayam, Anuradda Ganesh, IIT Bombay; Sapru R.K, Sharma R.K., UCG
abstracted model that uses mass- and heat-transfer coefficients to represent turbulent Group, IRS, ONGC, INDIA
and buoyant gas-phase mixing, includes gas-reaction kinetics, and represents flow
through the spalled material on the floor of the cavity. In later stages of model Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a technique which permits access to coal
development, the simplified, abstracted UCG cavity model will be replaced by either a which either lies too deep underground, or is otherwise too costly to exploit using
CFD model, or an abstracted model, calibrated using CFD models. Later stages of conventional mining techniques. At the same time, it eliminates many of the health,
model development will also incorporate the results of geomechanical models to safety and environmental problems of deep mining of coal. An irregular shape cavity is
represent spallation behavior and the geomechanical influence on far-field formed in the coal seam when coal is converted to gaseous products and its volume
permeability distribution. During the course of model development, we make increases progressively as the coal is consumed. The complexity involved in modeling
systematic comparisons with published UCG models to help validate our approach and UCG process thus compels one to adopt a rigorous modeling approach that calls for
to improve our knowledge of UCG. use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which solves all balance equations
This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by simultaneously on a high speed computer. The simulation tool developed in the present
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. work is capable of simultaneously predicting temperature distribution in the coal seam
and profiles of velocity, temperature and species inside the cavity of a given size and
14-4 shape. Further, with the help of this simulator we study the effect of various inlet
Quantification of the Effects of Various Thermal Boundary Conditions in conditions such as steam to oxygen ratio, feed temperature etc., on the product gas
the Underground Coal Gasification Cavities Using a Compartment compositions. Ultimately, this work would help one to obtain the optimum conditions
Model to produce product gas of high calorific value for a given cavity along with the
Sateesh Daggupati, Ramesh Naidu Mandapati, Sanjay M Mahajani, Anuradda specified inlet and boundary conditions. A broader objective of this simulation work is
Ganesh, Preeti Aghalayam, IIT Bombay; Sapru R.K., Sharma R.K., ONGC, to track the growth of cavity and the associated changes in the UCG performance.
The UCG product gas can be used for electricity generation, or as a chemical feed
stock, and gas turbine power generation combined with UCG is one of the promising SESSION 15
ways of accomplishing clean coal utilization. In the UCG process, a cavity consisting Carbon Management: CO2 Sequestration
of ash, char rubble and void space is formed and its size increases three dimensionally
in a non-linear fashion. Operational control of the UCG process is difficult because of
the several phenomena that are occurring simultaneously such as the detachment of 15-1
coal from the cavity roof (i.e. spalling), water intrusion, chemical reactions, heat and CO2 Sequestration in Unminable Coal with Enhanced Coal Bed Methane
mass transfer, and so on. These phenomena also lead to a complex flow distribution in Recovery: The Marshall County Project
the cavity. The characterization and quantification of this non-ideal flow field is Richard A. Winschel, James E. Locke, Ravi S. Srivastava, CONSOL Energy
necessary as it influences the performance of the UCG process. It is affected by several Inc.; Richard A. Bajura, Tom Wilson, Hema J. Siriwardane, Henry Rauch,
parameters such as the temperature gradients, inlet nozzle position and orientation, and Douglas Patchen, Brad D. Hega, Raj K. Gondle, West Virginia University;
coal properties such as thermal conductivity. The primary objective of this work is to Arthur W. Wells, NETL/DOE, USA
study the effect of temperature gradients and various thermal boundary conditions on
the reactant gas flow patterns in an underground cavity, through mathematical A pilot test is being conducted in Marshall County, West Virginia, USA, to evaluate
simulations. CFD simulations are performed for each case in order to get the flow enhanced coal bed methane recovery and simultaneous carbon dioxide sequestration in
pattern and residence time distribution curves. The effects of various thermal boundary an unmineable coal seam in the Northern Appalachian Basin. Injection of carbon
conditions in the underground coal gasification cavities are quantified by performing dioxide (CO2) began in September 2009 and it continues at the time of this writing.
the compartment modeling simulations independently. The results presented here may This paper describes the project and its current status.
provide good insight of the UCG cavity under different scenarios of the UCG process.
14-5 A GIS-DSS for a CO2-ECBM Project Feasibility Study: Case of Sulcis
Estimation of Chemical Reaction Occurred in Underground Coal Coal Basin (Sardinia, Italy)
Gasification Raimondo Ciccu, Alessandro Mazzella, Caterina Tilocca, University of
Osamu Yamada, Mamoru Kaiho, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Cagliari; Paolo Deiana, Sezione Impianti e Processi ENEA - Agenzia
Science and Technology (AIST); Sohei Shimada, The University of Tokyo; Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, ITALY
Shouji Fujioka, Japan Coal Energy Center; Jie Liang, China University of
Mining and Technology, JAPAN The correct identification of the potential sites for geological storage of greenhouse
gases (i.e. CO2) is the most important operative step to assure the success of the
We have proposed a method to derive the gasification reaction formula, from the result project. It is obvious that, in the CO2-ECBM technologies field, the success of a
of ultimate analysis and composition CHmOn + αO2 + βH2O -> γH2 + δCO + εCO2 + geological storage project can be reached only if, in addition to the technical and the
ηCH4, of gas produced. Since the numerical expressions to determine the value of α to economical accomplishment, the safety for the people and the ecosystems directly
η in above reaction formula were derived without any arbitrary assumption and exposed are always guaranteed.
approximation, we consider that the equations are generally used for the analysis of In the CO2-ECBM technologies field, the geological reservoir evaluation must consider
data obtained by any kind of gasification process. a great number of parameters, often very heterogeneous, mainly concerning: the coal
The characteristics of chemical reaction process of underground coal gasification seems features, the hosting formations properties, the environmental restrictions and
(UCG) in Fushin coal mine in China was elucidated by our method as presented the human/administrative constrains. The variety and variability of these parameters
previously. We have successfully prepared the method to estimate the temperature of make each evaluation unique and, for this reason, it is impossible to give some
gas in UCG reactor based on the heat of reaction hr calculated from reaction formula “universally-valid” guidelines to help the Decision Maker in the planning procedure.
by following equation; For these reasons it is not advisable for the Decision Maker using only his own
hr = γhH2 + δhCO + ηhCH4 - hcoal experience rather it would be advisable the use of a Decision Support System (DSS).
where hH2, hCO, hCH4, and hcoal show molar heating value of H2, CO, CH4, and coal. In the Carbon Geological Storage (CGS) field, the combination of DSS and GIS
Since the wall of the reactor of UCG is made of coal, hr seems to be utilized technologies allows the realization of very powerful tools able to identify and solve
effectively in pyrolysis and drying of coal. The UCG reactor was regarded as adiabatic, technical problems (like the location of geological reservoirs able to contain safely
therefore, hr agrees with a total of sensible heat of gas exist in the reactor at that large quantities of gases) and to evaluate technically/economically different
temperature. alternatives (like the environmental monitoring system planning) in order to assure the
We compared the reaction processes and gasification temperature of UCG carried out right balance between the technical/economical success of the project and its
at Xinghe mine, Liuzhuang mine, Ezhaung mine, Xiyang mine, and Fuxin mine. environmental sustainability.
Carbon content of each coal was 81.67, 82.66, 82.87, 92.34, and 79.70% respectively.
This research work concerns the first results accomplished by our research team in the Sensitivity analysis on several key parameters associated with fluid dynamic in the
development of a GIS-DSS for the pre-feasibility study of a CO2-ECBM project within porous media was conducted on the models.
the Sulcis coal basin (Italy, SW Sardinia).
The GIS-DSS has been completely implemented using the ArcGIS Model Builder 9.3. 15-5
The available data concerning: the basin DTM, the coal bed 3D-model, the geological Experimental Study on Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Mineral
maps, the aerial photo, the land use data and the environmental constraints have been Carbonation
combined using the Weighted Overlay Process (WOP). The WOP applied (also known Jun-Ying Zhang, Heng Yan, Yong-Chun Zhao, Chu-Guang Zheng, Huazhong
as Multi-Criteria Evaluation - MCE) produced an output grid by combining the input University of Science and Technology, CHINA
grids values and weighting them by using a relative importance scale. This operative
step allowed to define, within the basin area, the most suitable zones where the next Carbon dioxide sequestration by mineral carbonation is a potentially attractive route to
detailed studies should be concentrated (“Basin Suitability Map”). mitigate possible global warming on the basis of industrial imitation of natural
The current version of the GIS-DSS, fully functional although yet under development, weathering processes. In the paper, two typical minerals serpentine and wollastonite
can be modified to consider more input parameters and/or to produce different results were selected as feedstock for direct mineral carbonation experiments under low-
varying the weighting relative scale. middle pressure. Abundant experimental studies were performed in the paper to
investigate the factors (temperature, pressure, particle size, pre-treatment and gas
15-3 composition) that influence the conversion rate of carbonation reaction. The products
Effect of Rock Composition on Mineralization in Sequestration from experiments were analyzed by x-ray diffraction (XRD), field scanning electron
Prashanth Mandalaparty, Milind Deo, Joseph Moore, University of Utah, microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (FSEM-EDX). The results
USA show that, after antigorite mineral carbonation, the mainly mineral components
include: quartz, and magnesite, few antigorite. Rhombohedra magnesite crystals and
The reactive behavior of pure CO2 with limestone, sandstone, arkose and peridotite rounded particles of serpentine were also identified from SEM image. For the
was examined in this study. The experimental apparatus consists of series of high- wollastonite carbonation, the mainly mineral in production is calcite, which was also
pressure reactors with pure CO2 as feed gas at 1000C to evaluate the dependence of identified by SEM analysis. Few amorphous SiO2 which can‟t be identified by XRD
kinetics and mineralogical changes on rock composition. Arkose was observed to has been found around the calcite particles in the SEM image. All of these validate that
exhibit the highest tendency of participating in these reactions, which can be attributed mineral carbonation is a potential technique for carbon dioxide sequestration. The
to the geochemical complexity of its initial mineral assemblage. Layers of calcite were method of mass equilibrium after heat decomposition was used to calculate the mineral
seen growing on the surface of the arkose. Analcime deposits are almost omnipresent carbonation conversion rate. The conversion rate increases with the increasing of
either occurring as large connected aggregates or as deposits on surfaces of other temperature. The conversation rate of wollastonite carbonation is higher than antigorite
minerals. Ankerite and calcite deposition were observed as amorphous mass carbonation. Pressure is also an important factor to mineral carbonation. For both of
intergrown with starting minerals. wollastonite and antigorite, the carbonation conversion rate is increase with increasing
Continuous dissolution of limestone was seen with the release of CO2 gas, indicated by reaction pressure. Because carbon dioxide is dissolve in water solution easier in high
the increasing pressure in the reactor (formation of a gas chamber), which occurs due pressure. The conversion rate of mineral carbonation after pretreatment, such as heat
to the lack of any source of alkali to buffer the solution. With sandstone, there was treatment and pulverization, is much higher than the normal mineral. Under the
slight increase in pH due to dissolution of feldspars. The rate of carbonation of condition of simulated flue gas, the conversion rate of wollastonite mineral carbonation
feldspars is pretty slow compared to the dissolution. Hence the precipitation of decreased sharply compared with the pure carbon dioxide. And with the addition of
carbonates at the measured time scale is not evident. In peridotite experiments, SO2 in the simulated flue gas, the conversion rate of wollastonite mineral carbonation
carbonation of peridotite forming calcium and magnesium carbonates along with decreased. A carbonation experiment at PCO2 =4.0 MPa, T=150°C, dp< 30 m results in
serpentine was evident. Hence, arkose has the geochemical complexity for permanent a highest carbonation conversion rate of 89.5% for wollastonite. Compared with
sequestration of CO2 as carbonates and is an ideal choice. Geochemists workbench antigorite, wollastonite is more promising in carbon dioxide mineral sequestration.
(GWB) was used for kinetic modeling of these reactions. A full factorial statistical
analysis was carried out to identify the most sensitive parameters (kinetic rates and 15-6
reactive surface areas) in the arkose. The results from simulations indicate much rapid CO2 Sequestration for the Shenhua DCL Plant in China
pace of these reactions when compared to experiments. Hence, caution should be Qingyun Sun, Jerald J. Fletcher, US-China Energy Center, West Virginia
exercised when using the calculated rates of reaction for making long-term process University, USA
predictions. The study provides useful laboratory data (with model comparisons) when
considering CO2 sequestration in different geologic The brine chemistry results for the In 2009 the world‟s 1st modern commercial direct coal liquefaction (DCL) plant was
experiments with different initial rock compositions are presented in this report. These completed in China by the Shenhua Group Corporation (Shenhua), the world‟s largest
results complement the changes in the rock chemistry. coal company. Based on the results obtained from initial start-up operations, the plant
has undergone a series of modifications prior to full scale operation that will produce
15-4 about 24,000 bbl/d of liquid fuels. When in full scale operation, the plant will generate
Geological CO2 Storage in Coal-Bearing Formation over 3 million metric tons of highly concentrated CO2 each year, a major issue given
Sohei Shimada, Zhenjie Chai, Naoto Sakimoto, The University of Tokyo, current concerns related to the carbon footprint of the energy sector. To address these
JAPAN concerns, Presidents Obama (US) and Hu (China) announced a joint effort to develop a
CO2 sequestration project related to the Shenhua DCL plant in November 2009 that is
CO2 geological storage (CGS) has been recognized as an indispensible and cost- an initial step in addressing the carbon management issue for the coal conversion
efficient abatement measure against the Global Warming due to the CO2 emission from industry. The US Department of Energy (DOE) and the China National Energy
large-scale energy-related sources. Within the CGS, disposal of CO2 into deep saline Administration (NEA) are supporting a cooperative effort by a US team led by West
aquifer formation (DSAF) and injection of CO2 into deep unminable coal seam (UCS) Virginia University (WVU) and a China team supported by Shenhua to analyze the
for enhanced coalbed methane recovery (ECBMR) are two promising technologies alternatives available and to develop an implementation plan for this project. These
which have been widely studies. Recently, the interest of geologists and policy-makers collaborative efforts include a feasibility study for the initial project and a broader
in a specific type of subsurface formation called deep coal-bearing formation (DCBF) study of the Ordos Basin to determine the potential for broader implementation and
is booming. DCBF is characterized by the generation of relatively thin coal seam inclusion of other CO2 sources. Cooperative efforts are expected to address risk
between strata of other subsurface materials, mostly sandstone. It deserves special analysis, modeling, CO2 utilization, geoscience research on CO2 storage and carbon
attentions because of its intrinsic saline-aquifer-like characteristics resulting from the management planning for the Ordos Basin. As a result of initial efforts previously
huge amount of storage potential all around the world as well as the presence of coal completed, Shenhua is implementing a series of engineering modifications to the DCL
which may reduce the risk of the leakage and offset the operation cost by ECBMR. plant to increase the concentration of the CO2 stream from the initial 89% level based
In this study, a non-isothermal multi-phase multi-component fluid dynamics simulator on the original plant design to 95% or greater to improve the sequestration efficiency.
was developed for the comprehensive study on CO2 migration and assessment on the A pre-feasibility study was completed in 2009. The new effort will support the
performance of CO2 storage in DCBF. development of a full feasibility study to extend the initial efforts as well as a pilot
Modeling of the thermophysical properties of fluid and the geological properties are demonstration project designed to store approximately 100,000 MT/y of CO 2 in deep
elaborated considering the trade-off between the simplicity and the accuracy required. saline aquifers near the Shenhua DCL plant. This demonstration project is expected to
The newly-built simulator was substantially verified by comparing the result of this be implemented during 2010. The data developed for the pilot project including data
simulator with the results calculated by other sophisticated simulation code for the test from test wells and the initial results of the pilot storage test are some of the first steps
problems and it shown a good agreement. The simulator was further verified by toward a comprehensive study of a CO2 sequestration effort for the Ordos Basin. If
simulating CO2 injection into saline aquifer formation and tracing the migration of CO2 successful, this broader effort could evolve into the world‟s largest current
under the consideration of non-isothermal effect. sequestration effort with an ultimate goal of sequestering 50-60 million mt/y of CO2 in
A reservoir models which are representative in the natural world were set up. Several the Ordos Basin. This paper provides an overview to the joint efforts between the
evaluation indexes considering every aspect of CO2 storage were introduced. WVU led US research team and the Shenhua led China research team to explore the
potential for such a sequestration effort. The results of these efforts are expected to
provide a better understanding of CO2 constraints and possible solutions relevant to related with the coal extraction yield. The amount of the solvent extractable component
future coal conversion developments around the world. could be regarded as a scale parameter of the mobile component. The maximum
fluidity of coal blends with HPC addition can be estimated from the arithmetic mean of
each component coal‟s extraction yield. Thus the optimum condition of HPC addition
to make strong coke can be determined by this method.
Coal Science: Coking 16-5
Effect of Technical Property of Coking Coal on Optical Texture of Coke
Ru Xiang, Gaifeng Xue, Peng Chen, Wuhan Iron and Steel Corp, CHINA
Clean Fuel Production Works from Canakkale-Can Coals The optical texture of coke is not only related with the metamorphism of coking coal,
Oguz Altun, Akan Gulmez, Ayşe Erdem, Selami Toprak, Mineral Research but also is related with the technical property of coking coal. In this paper, the effect of
and Exploration Directorate in Turkey; Zeki Olgun, Turkish Coal Enterprises, technical property of coking coal on optical texture of coke was studied, and the coke
TURKEY was coked by several kinds of coking coal with close rank but different technical
property. The results showed that if the coking coal had high caking index and
In this study, high sulfur containing Canakkale-Can coals were used to upgrade their thickness of colloidal matter layer, it was easy to make the coke optical texture
calorific and sulfur values, with employing washing, multi gravity separation and transform to higher aeolotropic degree, that was to say, the isotropic structure was easy
flotation methods. to transform to the close grained or the close grained was easy to transform to the
For this purpose, samples were taken from the fields, and then representative samples coarse grained; if the coking coal had low caking index and thickness of colloidal
were prepared to conduct physical, chemical, mineralogic and petrographic analysis, matter layer, the contents of isotropic and inert structure of its coke would become
determine grain size distribution, proper ore processing method and suitable working high.
conditions of the chosen suitable devices, for the experimental works.
Sink-float tests were performed on the various sized prepared samples. The received 16-6
data was evaluated, then concentrated coals with determined densities were obtained, Research on Coke Microstructure Coked by High Metamorphism Coal
then the briquettes were made out of these coals. The secondary washing cycle of Different Grain Size
products and -0.5mm coals were taken to be tested with a Multy Gravity Seperator. Gaifeng Xue, Ru Xiang, Zikui Song, Wuhan Iron and Steel Corp, CHINA
Besides, flotation tests were carried out to decrease sulfur content of the coals.
High metamorphism coal used into coking-blending can become leaning agent and
16-2 center of coking. The coking morphology, size, the state of combing with active
Study on the Relation between Moisture of Coals and the Coking Process component and combing strength has many effects on coke quality. By researching on
and the Quality of Cokes the coke microstructure coked by meagre-lean coal of G value 0~5, 5~10, 10~20, and
Junfang Bao, Gaifeng Xue, Hongbin Chang, Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) lean coal of G value 20~40, 40~65, it finds the coke microstructure and morphology is
Corporation, CHINA obviously different if the coal coked at the state of different grain size has different
metamorphism and G value. This paper emphasizes on the changes of microstructure
According to determining the moisture of coals through the water were 0%, 6% and and quality of coke coked by the meagre-lean coal of G value 10~20 and the lean coal
12% the proportion of coal the bulk density, heating rate and the quality of the crucible of G value 40~65 in different grain size, the results show if the thin coal or meager-
coke, the conclusion was educed that the moisture of coals have significant impacted lean coal is blended at the state of best grain size, the mixture ratio can be increased
bulk density, heating rate and the quality of the crucible coke. When the moisture is 20%~25%, and the coke quality can be improved especially the thermal property, the
0%, bulk density, heating rate and the quality of the crucible coke are much better than M10 can be improved 1%~1.5%, M40 can be increased 2%, CRI can be improved
the moisture at 6% and 12% in both cases. 3%~6% and CSR can be increased 2%~5%.
Coke Quality Prediction Based on MATLAB Neural Network
Lizhi Zhan, Zikui Song, Ru Xiang, Gaifeng Xue, Wuhan Iron and Steel SESSION 17
(Group) Corporation, CHINA Sustainability and Environment - 3
The research aimed to confirm the feasibility of predicting the coke quality by using
BP neural network based on MATLAB with Gieseler fluidity data. 60 samples of 17-1
blended coals were tested with their Gieseler fluidity including softening temperature, Carbon Capture and Integration: An Alternative Perspective to CO2
plastic range and maximum Gieseler fluidity,the corresponding cokes‟ CSR and CRI Emissions and Carbon Capture and Sequestration
were also tested. 50 samples were trained by BP neural network and 10 samples were Catherine A. McGanity, University of Richmond, USA
simulated, the results show that BP neural network model had an extremely high fitting
precision. As carbon dioxide emissions come under greater scrutiny due to being linked with
catalyzing the adverse effects of global climate change, high pollution-emitting coal
16-4 power plants are called to lessen their contribution to rising greenhouse gas levels.
Thermoplasticity Improvement of Coal Blends by Adding Solvent- However, the international increase in coal usage continues in the world‟s fastest
Extracted Coal growing economies, especially China, India, South Africa and Indonesia, despite such
Noriyuki Okuyama, Hiroki Shishido, Koji Sakai, Maki Hamaguchi, Nobuyuki criticism (Coal Information: 2010; IEA, 2010). The potential for coal power plants to
Komatsu, KOBE STEEL, Ltd.; Haruo Kumagai, Hokkaido University, remediate their emissions through subterranean Carbon Capture and Sequestration
JAPAN (CCS) is economically viable, yet it does not correct the potential harm such storage
procedures have on the environment or public health. Evidence analyzing harm created
A coal extract, produced by thermal extraction and solvent de-ashing in 2-ring from water aquifers acidifying, since they are comprised of carbon-absorbing rock, is
aromatic solvent, has an excellent thermoplasticity even though the parent coal appears slowly bringing to light questions concerning the total human and ecological safety of
no thermoplasticity. We named it “HPC, High Performance Caking additive”, and have CCS in the long term (Economics of geological CO2 storage and leakage; van der
been developing to utilize as a thermoplasticity accelerator to make strong coke for Zwaan & Gerlagh, 2008). Rather than seeing carbon dioxide as a pollutant, creating a
blast furnace. This study concerns with the effect of HPC addition to improve procedure for Carbon Capture and Integration (CCI) can utilize these gaseous
thermoplasticity of coal blends. byproducts as usable secondary resources. Instead of diverting greenhouse gases from
Significant improvements in the thermoplasticity of coal blends were observed by HPC power plant smoke stacks to deep boreholes of porous stone, altering emissions flow
addition, especially with high blending ratio of slightly caking coals. The thermoplastic directly to a contained environment for growing biomass (namely fast-growing and
phenomenon of coal, softening, fluidizing and re-solidifying, was traced as the heavily carbon-dependent algae) provides a circular rather than linear method of
quantitative behavior of the molecule mobility of coal. The quantitative behavior of the carbon storage (Lehmann, 2009). Evidence already provides means of carbon dioxide
mobile component was investigated by in-situ high temperature 1H-NMR relaxation transportation for other industries, namely industrial and chemical facilities. Grown
time measurement1). Thermoplasticity appealed with generation of the mobile biomass can be transformed and reintroduced into the energy production economy via
component, and the fluidity increased with increase in the mobile component, and re- two processes: 1) conversion into bio-ethanol using steam generated by excess heat
solidified with disappearance of the mobile component. The mobile component was from coal combustion and sold as a secondary output and 2) transformation into
increased by HPC addition, and also the fluidity strongly increased. Each coal, HPC dehydrated algae cake and used as a solid fuel supplement should coal resource prices
and coal blends were thermally extracted in the 2-ring aromatic solvent. The coal rise beyond sustainable profit-making levels. Outside of the energy economy, these
extraction yields were quantitatively related with the mobile component measured by integrative approaches enable future banking of emissions credits when larger carbon
the 1H-NMR relaxation time measurement. The maximum fluidity of coal was also cap and trading institutions become regionally established. In both cases, Carbon
Capture and Integration can be environmentally and economically beneficial for extraction (SE) procedure was selected to determine the element partitioning in
meeting the growing demand in energy currently placed on coal-based infrastructures different physicochemical forms in coal fly ash as a function of the ash dump profile.
while remaining conscious of the international repercussions from increasing carbon XRD revealed the major fly ash mineral phases to be quartz and mullite. Other minor
footprint levels. phases included hematite, lime, calcite, anorthite, mica and enstatite. The carbon
content and unburned carbon (LOI) of fly ashes analyzed in the study had low values
17-2 in general. The brine irrigated weathered ash samples were sialic in chemical
Future Coal Production Outlooks in the IPCC Emission Scenarios: Are composition. The ratio of SiO2/Al2O3 as determined by bulk chemical composition (X-
They Plausible? ray fluorescence) classified it as a silico-aluminate class F fly ash. The results of
Mikael Höök, Uppsala University, SWEDEN sequential extraction (SE) showed that some major and trace elements are moving in a
leaching pathway through the ash in water soluble, exchangeable, carbonate, iron and
Anthropogenic climate change caused by CO2 emissions is strongly and fundamentally manganese fractions. Silicon, calcium and magnesium are mainly present in carbonate,
linked to the future energy production. The Special Report on Emission Scenarios iron and manganese and residual fractions of the coal fly ash. Trace element likes Se
(SRES) from 2000 contains 40 scenarios for future fossil fuel production and is used and As are mainly present in exchangeable, carbonate and residual fractions of 8yrs old
by the IPCC to assess future climate change. Coal, with its 26% share of world energy, brine irrigated fly ash. The order of selectivity of some toxic metals association with
is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and commonly seen as a key contributor specific phases was found to be; Se (Residual > Exchangeable > Water soluble >
to anthropogenic climate change. SRES contains a wide array of different coal Carbonate > Iron and manganese), As (Exchangeable > Carbonate > Residual > Water
production outlooks, ranging from a complete coal phase-out by 2100 to a roughly soluble > Iron and manganese) Cr (Carbonate > Iron and manganese > Exchangeable >
tenfold increase from present world production levels. Scenarios with high levels of Water-soluble > Residual), Mo (Carbonate > Iron and manganese > Exchangeable >
global warming also have high expectations on future fossil fuel production. Water soluble), B (Exchangeable > Water soluble > Carbonate > Iron and manganese
The assumptions on resource availability are in SRES based on Rogner‟s assessment of > Residual). Results demonstrate preferential adsorption of elements for different
world hydrocarbon resources from 1997, where it is stated that “the sheer size of the physicochemical forms in brine irrigated fly ash; transport of the metals through
fossil resource base makes fossil sources an energy supply option for many centuries to weathering processes therefore might depend on the association phase and its aqueous
come”. Regarding the future coal production it is simply assumed to be dependent on behavior. Toxic analytes investigated are present in water soluble, exchangeable and
economics, accessibility, and environmental acceptance. It is also generally assumed carbonate fractions of brine irrigated fly ash. The release of As, Se, Cr, Mo and B from
that coal is abundant, and will thus take a dominating part in the future energy system. water soluble fraction is of environmental concern for possible contamination of
Depletion, geographical location and geological parameters are not given much ground water underneath the brine irrigated ash dump.
influence in the scenario storylines.
This study quantifies what the coal production projection in SRES would imply in 17-5
reality. SRES is riddled with future production projections that would put unreasonable Methane Enrichment from Anaerobic Digestion Gas (ADG) Using
expectation on just a few countries or regions. Is it reasonable to expect that China, Polymeric Hollow Fiber Membrane
among the world‟s largest coal reserve and resource holder and producer, would Hyung-Keun Lee, Dae-Hoon Kim, Ki-Hong Kim, Young-Mo An, Hang-Dae
increase their production by a factor of 8 over the next 90 years, as implied by certain Jo, Korea Institute of Energy Research; Gang-Woo Lee, Yoo Sung Co. R&D
scenarios? Can massive increases in global coal output really be justified from Center, KOREA; Ki-Jun Baik, Yanbian University of Science and
historical trends or will reality rule out some production outlooks as implausible? Technology, CHINA
The fundamental assumptions regarding future fossil fuel production in SRES was
investigated and compared with scientific methodology regarding reasonable future The hollow fiber membrane (HFM) was prepared by the dry-wet phase inversion
production trajectories. Historical data from the past 20 years was used to test how method using polyethersulfone for recovery of methane from ADG application. The
well the production scenarios agree with actual reality. Some of the scenarios turned produced fiber was characterized by a scanning electronic microscope(SEM) and
out to mismatch with reality, and should be ruled out. Given the importance of coal single gas permeation measurements using methane and carbon dioxide. The HFM
utilization as a source of anthropogenic GHG emissions it is necessary to use realistic module was manufactured in order to examine mixture gas separation behavior.
production trajectories that incorporate geological and physical data as well as Separation experiments of ternary mixtures (H2S/CO2/CH4) were carried out to
socioeconomic parameters. SRES is underpinned by a paradigm of perpetual growth investigate removal of hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide and methane enrichment
and technological optimism as well as old and outdated estimates regarding the according to retentate flow rate and operating pressure difference. To improve
availability of fossil energy. This has resulted in overoptimistic production outlooks. separation efficiency, simulation of multi-stages separation process with recycle was
conducted by numerical analysis using a MATLAB. As a result, recovery ratio of
17-3 methane increased from 55 % to 90 %.
The European Coal Market, a Prosperous Future?
Manfred Rumberger, ER-Consult GmbH, GERMANY 17-6
Effect of Introduction of Clean Coal Technology on Future Asian Energy
From the worldwide crisis of finance and economy in 2009 the international coal Supply
market was not exempted. Production and demand of coal showed an incising Sohei Shimada, Yuta Koyama, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
recession. In particular the member countries of the EU 27 were affected. Market
forecasts up to that time about the further development of the European coal market, Dynamic New Earth 21 (DNE21), a long-term energy supply calculation model, was
including bituminous coal as well as lignite, became completely worthless in shortest used to estimate the future energy supply up to 2050 when the CCT was introduced in
time and need now an intensive revise and actualisation. Asian countries under GHG emission regulation. Three scenarios, BAU, Emission
The consideration of all important factors and figures, political, economic and Regulation with CCT employment and NO CCT employment, were set. The
technological, only will come to the result that in the long term the EU market will be a statements of world main countries‟ GHG reduction target were used for the CO2
shrinking one, whereby at the time being it is not possible to give an exact and emission regulation. The results showed that the introduction of CCT combined with
approximately reliable forecast about market conditions and a safe evaluation of the CCS is a key technology to establish the stable energy supply for China and India
various factors. The complexity of the subject will be illustrated and evaluated in the under GHG emission regulation.
following paper.
Trace Metals Mobility and Partitioning in Brine Irrigated Weathered SESSION 18
Coal Fly Ashes from a Coal Burning Power Station in the Mpumalanga Coal-Derived Products: Activated Carbon Production-2
Province, South Africa
S.A. Akinyemi, A. Akinlua, O.I. Ojo, W.M. Gitari, R.O. Akinyeye, L.F.
Petrik, University of the Western Cape, SOUTH AFRICA 18-1
Investigation of Carbonization Kinetic of Tunçbilek Lignite Used for the
The aging process (weathering) of discarded coal fly ash that is initiated by chemical Preparation of Activated Carbon
interaction with ingressed CO2, atmosphere (O2) and percolated rain water might lead Burcu Özdemir, Nilgün Karatepe, Reha Yavuz, Istanbul Technical University,
to eventual release of metals present in different mineral phases or physicochemical TURKEY
forms in coal fly ash. In most cases the mineral forms holding these toxic contaminants
in weathered coal fly ash are not identified and quantified. This study was carried out The main objective of this study was to investigate the carbonization of Tunçbilek
to gain insight into the metal partitioning in different physicochemical forms and lignite by TG. Thermogravimetric analyses were performed at different conditions
different environmental conditions (rain water percolation, ingress CO2 and ingress O2) such as heating rates of 10 and 30 °C/min, temperatures of 500, 650 and 800 °C,
that can cause their eventual release into the ground water system. 8 years old drilled particle sizes of 1700-700 and 150-100 m, heating mediums of nitrogen and carbon
core ash samples collected from the dump at a South African coal burning power dioxide and gas flow rates of 15 and 40 cm3/min. Based on TG curves, the kinetic
station were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD). A five step sequential parameters of the process were calculated using the methods of Coats–Redfern,
Horowitz-Metzger and Dharwadkar-Karkhanavala in order to illuminate the aluminum, calcium, and other metal compounds. The concentrations of the toxic
mechanism of carbonization of Tunçbilek lignite. The carbonization kinetic models of metals Sr, Mn, Zn, and Cu are no higher than the maximum permissible
Tunçbilek lignite were set up. The main carbonization stage could be described by the concentrations. The supramolecular structure of the organic matter of coal mainly
second order global models for Tunçbilek lignite and activation energies varied in the consists of closely packed graphite_like clusters containing on average 6.7 aromatic
range of 31.7-69.0 kJ/mol. layers. A small fraction of carbon (about 20 %) is structured as γ_components at the
periphery of clusters. Active carbon was obtained by thermal steam activation. Its
18-2 structural characteristics and sorption capacity for iodine and methylene blue were
Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Materials from Coal-Tar and determined.
Petroleum Pitches and Nitrogen Containing Organic Precursors
Z. R. Ismagilov, M.A.Kerzhentsev, I.Z.Ismagilov, Boreskov Institute of 18-5
Catalysis SB RAS; Ch. N. Barnakov, A.P. Kozlov, Institute of Coal and Coal Research on the Preparation of Thermal Conductivity C/C Composites
Chemistry SB RAS; E.I.Andreikov, Institute of Organik Synthesis UB RAS, by One-step Hot Press Molding
RUSSIA Jin Ming-Lin, Qingzhong Cheng, Shanghai Institute of Technology; Yan-Wen
Zhang, Xiao-Long Zhou, East China University of Science and Technology,
Doping of carbon nanomaterials with nitrogen opens possibility of regulation of their CHINA
functional electrophysical and adsorption properties.
A series of amorphous microporous carbon materials were prepared by chemical and Along with unceasing development of aerospace technical and national defence
subsequent thermal treatment of various nitrogen containing organic precursors, or industry,introducing C/C composites as thermal conductivity of materials can meet the
their mixtures: o-nitroaniline, 8-oxyquinoline, benzotriazole, etc. The obtained demands of new technology.Compared with traditional metal materials,C/C
products have nitrogen content in the range of 0.5-20 wt.%. The samples have a very composites have the features of light unit weight,high thermal conductivity,corrosion-
high specific surface area (1000-3100 m2/g) and a large fraction of micropores - over proofed.This study focused on preparation of C/C composites with SCFs and
70%. The effects of the nature of the precursor and the preparation conditions on thermoplastic mesophase pitch by hot press molding and discussion about the
nitrogen content and product properties were studied. It was shown that the BET area influence of SCFs‟ content and distributed orientation on two-dimensional thermal
and pore volume generally decrease and the N content increases with lowering of the conductivity and bulk density.The results showed that when TI yield level of
carbonization temperature. thermoplastic pitchs was 82.1% and SCFs‟ mass fraction was 7%,the hot pressed
Another series of nitrogen doped materials were prepared by carbonization of sample had high bulk density.By analysis of SEM morphology,the fiber‟s distributed
petroleum pitch, coal-tar pitch or coal-tar pitch mixed with polyvinylchloride (PVC) as orientation was almost perpendicular to hot pressing direction and ordered arrangement
carbon precursors and polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as a nitrogen precursor. Depending on of toothlike pitch structure was visibly found after etched with potassium
the conditions of the preparation and the PAN/pitch ratio, materials containing dichromate,which led to thermal conductivity of longitudinal section at
different amounts of nitrogen (from 5.3 to 13.6%) were obtained. The presence of PVC 127.51W/(m.K).Reversely,increasing overmany SCFs resulted in poor ordering degree
in coal-tar pitch was shown to increase the yield of the nitrogen containing and decreasing graphitization degree of matrix carbon.
carbonaceous product. As a result of chemical interactions between carbon precursors
and PAN the aromatic structures containing nitrogen are formed. IR spectra showed 18-6
the presence of pyrrole structures in the products. The carbonization of carbon Preparation and Charateration of New Adsorbents (AC-COPET)
precursors with PAN was shown to be an effective method of preparation of carbon Zhi-yuan Yang, Peng Liu, Pan Ran, Xi‟an University of Science and
materials with high nitrogen content. Technology, CHINA
The state of nitrogen species in the prepared N-doped carbon materials was studied by
XPS. The results showed that three types of nitrogen are generally present in these The new adsorbents, which can be used to concentrate CBM, were studied in the fields
materials: with binding energies of 398.5; 400,1 and 400.8 eV. According to literature, of their preparation by SFC/PET co-carbonization and their methane-affinity
these signals correspond to pyridine-like N, pyrrole nitrogen and bridgehead-type N modification in this paper. We compared the traditional physical and chemical
incorporated into graphitic network, respectively. activation methods with microwave chemical process by the preparation of adsorbents
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the support of this work by Presidium and found that the latter had higher odine adsorption capability, shorter preparation
RAS (Integration Project 27.58) and by Presidium SB RAS (Integration Project 88). time and higher yield ratio. The optimum conditions for preparing AC-SFC by
microwave chemical synthesis were: microwave power 450 W, irradiation time 6.5 hr.
18-3 Further, we could find that SFC and PET had good carbonized synergies and the AC-
Effect of Mineral Matter of Brown Coals on the Reactivity of Char Steam COPET, which prepared by w (SFC): w (KOH): w (PET) = 1: 3: 0.4, has high iodine
Gasification and on the Properties of Activated Carbons adsorption value, 1837 mg/g, BET‟s surface area 1590.8 m2/g, micropore‟s area 456.9
P.N.Kuznetsov, Kolesnikova S.M., L.I.Kuznetsova, Institute of Chemistry m2/g. The performances of AC-COPET had significantly exceeded active carbon
and Chemical Technology of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of (SPAC) on sale.
Sciences; Yu.F.Patrakov, Institute of Coal and Coal Chemistry of Siberian According to the special experiment combined with analysis of FTIR, TG and XRD,
Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA the formation mechanism of AC-COPET was found that collaborative co-
carbonization between coal and PET was mainly about cleavage reaction in early
The goal of this paper is to gain a fundamental understanding about steam gasification stage, while it became polycondensation in late stage. Under the hot alkali and the free
of different brown coal chars under low temperature and high pressure. The coals from radical attack, PET occurred secondary cracking in pyrolysis, and small molecules
different deposits of Kansk-Achinsk Basin, Lena Basin and from Yallourn Basin (for such as C2H4 and C6H6, had appeared. These small molecules were captured by coal
comparison) were used to study the role of the naturally occurring metals on the macromolecules and participated in the reaction of coal aromatic structure unit
physico-chemical properties of the chars and steam gasification reactivity. The data on dehydrogenation condensation. PET played a positive role in the carbonization process
how the preliminary decationization with solution of hydrochloric acid affects the of coal and the formation of pore structure of carbonized products.
structural characteristics of brown coal chars and their gasification reactivities are
presented. The importance of controlling parameters (such as structural characteristics
of carbon and naturally occurring metals) in the physico-chemical properties of the
chars, in the gasification reactivity and in the textural properties of gasified chars is SESSION 19
considered. The concentration of calcium and catalytic activity of calcium species were Combustion: Oxy-Coal Development – 2
found to be a key factor for their reactivity for steam gasification and carbon dioxide
formation. Quantitative relations were revealed.
18-4 Comparative Study of Coal Ash and Deposits from Air and Oxy-Fuel
Study of the Properties of Coal from Mongolian Saikhan-Ovoo Deposit Combustion
and the Char and Carbons Produced Jost O.L. Wendt, Dunxi Yu, William J. Morris, University of Utah; Andrew
B.Purevsuren, Ya.Davaajav, Kh.Serikjan, S.Batbileg, Institute of Chemistry Fry, Constance L. Senior, Reaction Engineering International, USA
and Chemical Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, MONGOLIA;
P.N Kutsnezov, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Siberian Oxy-fuel combustion is a promising technology used to realize carbon capture and
Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA storage (CCS). To retrofit conventional air-fired power plants to oxy-fuel combustion,
the effects of switching from air- to oxy-firing on ash deposition must be well
The main performance characteristics of coal from the Saikhan-Ovoo deposit in understood. A down-fired oxy-fuel combustor was used to generate bulk ash, size-
Mongolia were determined. This coal corresponds to a high metamorphic stage, which segregated ash and deposit samples under conditions of: (a) air; (b) 27%O2/73%CO2;
corresponds to lean coal transitional to anthracite. It is characterized by high yield of (c) 32%O2/68%CO2. Once-through CO2 was used in oxy-fuel cases to simulate cleaned
char, high calorific value, and low sulfur content. Iron compounds (60.2 %) flue gas without moisture or contaminants. The excess oxygen in the flue gas for all
predominate in the mineral matter of coal with a small participation of silicon, combustion cases was fixed at 3%. For bulk ash collection, the combustion products
were directed into an isokinetic water-cooled probe with a 90 mm filter housing, where discussed, as well as future research needs. The results presented include experimental
ash was deposited on the filter for subsequent examination. No dilution was used. For work from the literature and results by the oxy-fuel group at Chalmers. The
size-segregated ash collection, the combustion products were extracted by an experiments at Chalmers are performed in a 100 kWth oxy-fuel test facility, which has
isokinetic, nitrogen-quenched and water-cooled sampling probe. The combination of a been used extensively since its commissioning in 2003. In addition, modeling of the
pre-cyclone and a Berner Low Pressure Impactor (BLPI) was used to obtain full gas phase chemistry is discussed and related to the experimental work. All results
particle size distributions and ash samples for further analyses. For ash deposit presented for oxy-fuel combustion are related and compared against air-fired
collection, a water-cooled probe fitted with a detachable tubular deposition substrate conditions.
was horizontally fixed at a distance from the burner. The exposure time was about 4-5 The sulphur chemistry in oxy-fuel combustion differ from that under air-fired
hours. The obtained bulk ash, size-segregated ash and deposit samples were subjected conditions; the main areas discussed in the paper are the
to chemical analyses. Characteristic data of ash and deposits are used to identify major Conversion of fuel-S to SO2
constituents that contribute to ash deposition. The effects of switching from air- to oxy- H2S formation in the flame at (local) fuel rich conditions
firing on ash partitioning between ash and deposits are investigated. SO3 formation
The SO2 concentration increases drastically in oxy-fuel compared to air-fuel
19-2 conditions. Both experiments and modeling show that the formation of H 2S is
Oxy-Fuel Combustion: A Technological Option for Retrofitting Existing promoted by the high SO2 concentration in the oxy-fuel environment, given sub-
Pulverized Lignite Fired Power Plants in Turkey stoichiometric conditions. The SO3 concentration is also expected to increase, due to
İskender Gökalp, CNRS-ICARE, FRANCE; Mücella Ersoy, Turkish Coal the elevated SO2 concentration. Increased concentrations of SO3 in combination with a
Enterprises, TURKEY high moisture content in the flue gases (when recycling wet flue gases) will lead to a
higher acid due point temperature with corrosion implications at low temperature parts
Lignite is one of the major domestic primary energy resources in Turkey. Turkish of the boiler.
lignite reserves are estimated to 12 billion tons by 2010. However its quality is quite Both experimental and modeling work indicates that the CO formation is influenced by
low and requires promotion of efficient clean coal technologies. Lignite is consumed in both homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions occurring in oxy-fuel combustion.
three sectors in Turkey: thermal power plants (85%), industry and households. Due to Modeling of the homogenous chemistry in methane flames has shown that the main
the oil crisis faced during 1970s, lignite gained great importance as a domestic gas-phase reaction influencing the formation is
resource and most of the existing pulverized lignite-fired power stations were installed CO2 + H ↔ OH + CO (1)
in mid 1980s. Reaction 1 gives, besides a direct effect on CO formation, also an effect on the radical
In Turkey, the average annual energy consumption increase rate is 7%. 8079 MW of pool composition by promoting the formation of OH, which influences the SO 3
the total Turkish 44000 MW existing installed capacity concern lignite-fired power formation as is discussed further in the paper. High levels of CO are also found in
stations. While the share of lignite in electricity generation reached its highest value of experimental work on oxy-coal flames where gasification reactions are suggested to
47% in 1986, this share declined to 15% in 2004 due to the use of natural gas in contribute to the CO formation, in addition to the homogenous reactions. The main
electricity generation. Over the last four years it has increased again to 21,1% by reaction considered is the so called Boudouard reaction
commissioning of new lignite-fired power plants. According to the Turkish “Electricity C(s) + CO2 ↔ 2CO (2)
Market and Security of Supply Strategy Paper” issued in 2009, all existing proven However, there are different opinions on the influence of gasification reactions on the
lignite reserves will be used for electricity generation by the year 2023. CO formation in oxy-coal combustion, as will be discussed further in the paper. To
Except one power plant based on fluidized bed combustion technology, most of the summarize, high levels of CO and H2S are observed in the flame and near burner zone
remaining pulverized lignite-fired power plants in Turkey are old and need to be as well as higher SO2 concentrations in the combustion zone in general. As mentioned,
retrofitted to meet environmental commitments. The thermal efficiencies of existing the SO3 levels are expected to increase in oxy-fuel compared to air-fired conditions,
Turkish lignite-fired power plants vary between 28% and 39% in 2008. but the formation of SO3 needs to be studied in more detail under oxy-fuel conditions.
This paper consists in two parts. The first part will summarize the past and present For corrosion phenomena occurring at combustion temperatures, design principles
situation of electricity generation in Turkey using lignite power plants. This will be otherwise employed during reburning and air/fuel staging in air-fired boilers may be
done by taking into account the fact that Turkey signed the Kyoto Protocol in 2009 and adopted in oxy-fuel firing. For coals with a high sulphur content and ashes with low
also is a candidate for EU membership and therefore Turkish legislation should be sulphur retention capabilities, the temperature window of low temperature corrosion
harmonized with EU coal, electricity and environment related legislations. New may be drastically influenced. Thus, oxy-fuel combustion is expected to cause a more
investments in the existing lignite-fired power plants to comply with EU legislations corrosive environment than air-firing, due to the elevated concentration of combustion
and Kyoto Protocol commitments are therefore urgently required. products.
In the second part of the paper, retrofitting of the existing Turkish pulverized lignite-
fired power plants for oxy-firing will be evaluated. Oxy-fuel combustion is a
technology which, if optimized, may significantly contribute to the reduction of CO 2
emissions. An important requirement is to demonstrate that this technology can be SESSION 20
retrofitted to the many existing power plants already operating in order to prepare for Gasification: Fundamentals - 1
implementation of CCS after 2020. This is necessary to fully evaluate the concept
feasibility, address perceived commercial risks, and improve the overall cost and
efficiency when the CCS readiness is taken into account. As most work to date on oxy- 20-1
fuel coal combustion has been applied only at small scale and to bituminous coal, it is Modeling of Coal Char Gasification in Coexistence of CO2 and H2O
necessary to extend the range of fuels and the scale of the technology. Developing oxy- Satoshi Umemoto, Shiro Kajitani, Saburo Hara, Central Research Institute of
firing for lignite plants should ensure that clean coal technologies can be applied to Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), JAPAN
these plants and should demonstrate the fuel flexibility of lignite, which increases the
competitiveness of the technology. In coal gasifier, carbon dioxide gasification reaction and steam gasification reaction
A multi-partnership project is under development in order to retrofit a small lignite- occur at the same time. However, the gasification models which explain the
fuelled boiler. A combined RTD/Demonstration approach is developed to validate the competition between carbon dioxide gasification and steam gasification are few. In this
feasibility of retrofitting and assessing some innovative options for efficiency study, coal chars were gasified with carbon dioxide and steam at the atmospheric
improvement of oxy-fuel combustion. RTD goals are to optimize the oxy-fuel condition using a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) at various reac-tant partial
combustion process, fuel handling and safety, oxy-fuel burner design, evaluation of pressures. Langmuir-Hinshelwood type gasification model was modified to explain the
retrofitted system, its efficiency and environmental performance, including the quality char gasification by carbon dioxide and steam. In the proposed model, carbon dioxide
of the CO2 stream for various CCS options. Demonstration goals include a full retrofit gasification and steam gasification share active sites partially. The proposed model can
of a pulverized lignite power plant in operation and validation of its scalability. The describe the gasification reaction rate of coal chars in the presence of carbon dioxide
details of the project will be presented and discussed in the presentation. and steam which was not explained by con-ventional models.
19-3 20-2
Oxy-Fuel Combustion Chemistry – Implications on Corrosion Related Investigation of Component Release During Pressurized, High Heating
Issues Rate Devolatilization of Coal and Petroleum Coke
Klas Andersson, Daniel Fleig, Fredrik Normann, Filip Johnsson, Chalmers David Wagner, Kevin J. Whitty, University of Utah; Glenn L Shoaf, Paul
University of Technology, SWEDEN Fanning, Eastman Chemical Company, USA
The present work addresses recent findings on the oxy-fuel combustion chemistry and A high pressure wire-mesh heater developed at the University of Utah was used to
the related composition of oxy-fuel flames. The two main topics are the sulphur study devolatilization characteristics of two coals and one petroleum coke. The fuels
chemistry occurring in coal combustion including SO2, SO3 and H2S formation for were pyrolyzed under nitrogen and temperatures ranging from 1000 °C to 1200 °C at
different coals and the formation and oxidation of CO in methane, propane and in pressures to 63 bar and with holding time at maximum temperature to five seconds.
various coal flames. The implications on corrosion issues in oxy-fuel boiler design are Char and volatile yields were quantified using a „design of experiments‟ approach to
assess the gasification behavior the three fuels. The findings of these data agree with 21-2
similar wire-mesh studies concerning pressure, hold time, and final temperature trends. High Capacity Regenerable Sorbent for Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture
Gökhan Alptekin, Ambal Jayaraman, Steve Dietz, Lauren Brickner, Ryon
20-3 Tracy, TDA Research, Inc, USA
High Pressure TGA Studies on German Brown Coal under Carbon
Dioxide Atmosphere TDA is developing a novel sorbent that removes CO 2 via physical adsorption from
Abhishek Bhargava, Patrick J. Masset, Freiberg University of Mining and synthesis gas and the relatively strong affinity of the sorbent to CO2 enables effective
Technology, GERMANY operation at temperatures up to 300°C (well above the dew point of synthesis gas
stream generated by most commercial gasifiers). However, because the sorbent and the
In this study, a high pressure thermo-gravimetric analyser was used to probe the partial CO2 do not form a true covalent bond, the energy needed to regenerate our sorbent (4.9
oxidation characteristics of coal to simulate gasification like conditions. A gasification kcal per mol of CO2) is much lower than that observed for either chemical absorbents
grade, German lignite coal was selected for the HP-TGA analysis at increasing values (e.g., 29.9 kcal/mol CO2 for sodium carbonate) or amine-based solvents (e.g., 14.2
of total pressures of up to 45 bars in carbon dioxide atmosphere. Three distinct reaction kcal/mol CO2 for monoethanolamine). Our sorbent can be regenerated isothermally
zones were identified and the kinetic constants were calculated using the Coats and and CO2 could be recovered at pressure (~150 psia). Thus, the energy needed to
Redfern model. It was shown, the accessible porosity responsible for gas transport regenerate the sorbent and compress the CO2 for sequestration is significantly lower
increases with the temperature and therefore the reaction rate. Computer controlled than that for any technology reported to date. TDA‟s CO2 sorbent could be used to
scanning electron microscope (CCSEM-EDX) was used to probe the surface capture CO2 in a Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plant after the
morphology of coal-char particles recovered from the HP-TGA to validate the water-gas-shift (WGS) reaction when most of the carbon is in the form of CO 2. The
transport mechanism of the reactant gas from the surface to the un-reacted core. The high surface area and favorable porosity of the sorbent also provides a unique platform
evolution of solid phase porosity in coal samples with increasing temperature impacted to introduce additional functionality, such as active groups to catalyze the or to remove
the diffusivity of reactant gases in coal particle and thus the reaction kinetics. trace metals (e.g., Hg, As).
We carried out bench-scale evaluations of TDA‟s CO2 sorbent in both fixed-bed
20-4 adsorber and a thermo gravimetric analyzer (TGA). The sorbent achieved high CO 2
Studies on Gasification of Char in Fixed Bed Reactor capacity, high removal efficiency and excellent durability. The sorbent showed stable
Ramesh Naidu Mandapati, Preeti Aghalayam, Sateesh D, Narseh D, Sanjay M performance in both these systems under simulated synthesis gas (180+ cycles in the
Mahajani, Anuradda Ganesh, IIT Bombay; Sharma R.K., IRS, ONGC, INDIA bench-scale flow system and over 1,644 cycles in the TGA). We also studied the effect
of operating parameters like temperature, pressure, and cycle time on the sorbent
In the present work, we study gasification of char obtained by pyrolysis of Indian performance. The results from our on-going sorbent evaluations will be presented at
Lignite coal, in a fixed bed reactor. Because of its operational flexibility, the fixed bed the meeting.
reactor (FBR) can be conveniently used to carry out endothermic reactions under
controlled conditions. The present work is focused on how various operating 21-3
parameters such as temperature, flow rate, particle size and pressure affect the extent Fixed-Bed Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide-Nitrogen Mixtures onto
of the steam and CO2 gasification reactions. A broad objective of this work is to Activated Carbon: Characteristics of CO2 Adsorption and Modeling
develop a kinetic model, identify mass and heat transfer limitations, if any, based on Regina F.P.M. Moreira, Tirzhá L.P. Dantas, Federal University of Santa
this data and further support the results obtained by carrying out independent Catarina; Francisco Murilo T. Luna, Ivanildo J. Silva Jr., Diana C. S. de
thermogravimetric analysis. Azevedo, Federal University of Ceará, BRAZIL; Carlos A. Grande, Alírio E.
Rodrigues, University of Porto, PORTUGAL
The atmospheric content of the most abundant greenhouse gas, CO2, has risen from
SESSION 21 preindustrial levels of 280 parts per million (ppm) to present levels of over 365 ppm.
Carbon Management: Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture The main sources of CO2 emissions are the combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal,
natural gas and petroleum, and industrial processes, such as oil refinement and the
production of cement, iron and steel. The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from
21-1 flue gases can be achieved using post-combustion technologies such as adsorption.
Development of Dry Regenerable CO2 Sorbent and WGS Catalyst for Different adsorbents, such as activated carbon, zeolites, MCM-41, mesoporous silica
SEWGS Process material SBA-15 and several enriched-amine sorbents, have been tested. Good
Joong Beom Lee, Tae Hyoung Eom, Jungho Ryu, Jeom-In Baek, Dong- recovery and product purity have been accomplished with very high energy
Hyeok Choi, Keun Woo Park, Seong Jegarl, Seug-Ran Yang, Korea Electric consumption. An ideal sorbent should offer high adsorption and selectivity for carbon
Power Research Institute, KOREA dioxide as well as economically feasible regeneration. However, if the affinity of the
adsorbent for carbon dioxide is too high, the regeneration step can negatively affect the
IGCC integrated with CCS has been regarded as a promising option to reduce CO2 cost of the process.
emission under the situation that coal is the dominant source among fossil fuels for the In this paper, we report an experimental and theoretical study on the separation of
electricity-generating units. Recently, KEPCO Research Institute proposed the new carbon dioxide and nitrogen on activated carbon in a fixed bed. The breakthrough
concept for the pre-combustion CO2 capture process, which is named as one loop curves were obtained at different temperatures using CO2/N2 mixtures. A model based
sorption enhanced water gas shift (SEWGS) process consisted of two fluidized bed on the Linear Driving Force (LDF) approximation for the mass transfer was used,
reactors. Sorption enhanced water gas shift (SEWGS) process is combined the water- taking into account the energy and momentum balances, to satisfactorily reproduce the
gas shift reaction with CO2 capture at the same time. In this study, Nine MgO-based breakthrough curves.
dry regenerable CO2 sorbents and Seven CuO-based water gas shift catalysts were
prepared by spray-drying technique to evaluate their applicability to a fluidized-bed 21-4
sorption enhanced water gas shift (SEWGS) process. In these sorbents, MgO-based Development of Dry Regenerable CO2 sorbent for Fluidized-Bed CO2
sorbents satisfied most of the physical requirements for commercial fluidized bed Capture Process from Coal Power Plant
reactor process along with reasonable chemical reactivity. All sorbents had a spherical Chong Kul Ryu, Joong Beom Lee, Tae Hyoung Eom, Bok Suk Oh, Jeom-In
shape, an average size of 112–148 m, and a size distribution of 45–250 m, a bulk Baek, Kyeongsook Kim, Young Ho Wi, Jegarl Seong, Won Sik Jeon, Korea
density of 0.61–0.83 g/mL. The attrition Index (AI) of all the sorbent was below 15% Electric Power Research Institute, KOREA
except P-9 sorbent, compared to about 20% for commercial fluidized catalytic cracking
(FCC) catalysts. CO2 sorption capacity of PC-4 was approximately 17.6 wt% at 200 °C This paper summarizes the results of performance of dry regenerable sorbent for CO2
and 21 bar with synthesis gas conditions. capture at low temperature. Each sorbents was prepared by spray drying techniques to
Spray dried CuO-based WGS catalyst showed relatively good physical properties. identify potential materials with Na2CO3 and K2CO3 as active material. The physical
Most of catalyst had a spherical shape, an average size of 121–157 um, and a size properties, particle size distribution and average particle size, bulk density, BET, Hg
distribution of 37–250 m, a bulk density of 0.92–1.06 g/mL. Attrition Indices (AI) of porosity and shape, of the spray-dried sorbents were investigated by standard methods
PC-4, PC-12 and PC-13was below 10%, which is suitable for fluidized SEWGS and the attrition resistance of the sorbents for circulating fluidized-bed application was
process. measured with a modified three-hole air-jet attrition tester based on the ASTM D
5757-95. Sorbent chemical reactivity was measured in low temperature range
(carbonation at 50°C~70°C and regeneration at 120°C~140°C) with simulated flue gas
containing 10 vol% H2O and 14.4 vol% CO2 with simultaneous thermo gravimetric
analyzer (TGA). The maximum CO2 sorption capacity of sorbents was approximately
12wt% and attrition index (AI) reached below 1% in case of K-based sorbents and
35% in case of Na-based sorbent. The results of physical properties and CO2 sorption
capacities showed excellent characteristics for circulating fluidized-bed process evaluated. The KM2 coal seam was encountered between 900 and 940 m depth in two
application to capture CO2 from flue gas condition. boreholes drilled approximately 1 km apart. Wellhead gas content was measured on
coal cores following the USBM method (Diamond and Levine, 1981). Additionally,
coal was placed in hermetically sealed canister and desorbed gas was analyzed in
laboratory for chemical composition (by FTIR gas analyzer) and 13C isotope (by GC-
SESSION 22 IRMS). Coal characterization was completed by means of Rock Eval (RE) Pyrolysis,
Coal Science: CBM/Carbon Dioxide Proximate and Ultimate analyses, as well as microscopic analyses for typing of
macerals and vitrinite (huminte) reflectance measurements.
The wellhead gas content measurements (six core measurements from two boreholes)
22-1 indicate that as much as 4 m3 gas / ton coal is present in the coal recovered from 900 to
A Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical High Pressure CO2 940 m below the surface. The rank of coal based on vitrinite (huminte) reflectance
Isotherms on Coals from the Upper Silesian Basin, Czech Republic measurements is lignite to sub-bituminous (0.40 to 0.45 % Ro); supported by RE Tmax
Zuzana Weishauptová, Oldřich Přibyl, Martina Ńvábová, Institute of Rock values of 420 0C. TOC content of the coal samples vary between 53 to 73 %. The
Structure and Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, composition of the gas is dominantly methane (more than 99.4 %) and the 13C/12C
CZECH REPUBLIC isotope ratio of methane is 61 to 65 per mil. Considering the chemical composition of
the gas and the del 13C isotope of the methane, the source of the coal gas is biogenic
A manometric high pressure sorption apparatus was constructed. Pilot tests of the probably generated by bacteria. The maceral analyses show that coal samples on
apparatus were carried out in the subcritical region below 6 MPa pressure and the average contain more than 60 % huminite(vitrinite). Adsorption on the internal coal
results were compared with the results of low pressure measurements extrapolated to surface is considered as the primary mechanism of gas storage in coals and the surface
the same pressure. Both methods provided comparable results. area, which controls the gas adsorption capacity, is in general a function of the micro-
pore volume (Levy et al., 1997; Crosdale et al., 1998) which is known to be abundant
22-2 in vitrinite maceral group. The vitrinite/huminite maseral content has positive
Conversion of Ukrainian Low Grade Solid Fuels with CO2 Capture correlation with gas sorption capacity (Levy et al., 1997); meaning that at a given
О.М. Dudnyk, I.S. Sokolovska, Coal Energy Technology Institute of National pressure, the higher percentage of micro-pore dominated huminite/vitrinite the more
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, UKRAINE gas adsorption capacity. In this context, the Miocene Soma lignites have good micro-
pore properties in respect to gas adsorption.
The processes of generation of synthesis gas with high hydrogen content from the Preliminary evaluation, based on limited analyses and results summarized above, on
Ukrainian low grade solid fuels are studied at the Fuel Cell Test Installation. In case of gas potential of the Miocene Soma Basin is encouraging, yet further investigations in
the use of coals (bituminous coal of Lvov-Volyn coal deposit and brown coals of the Soma Basin are underway by coal desorption testing of cores received from
Alexandria and Zhytomyr deposits), there were studied the processes: steam ongoing coal exploration boreholes.
conversion of volatile to produce high-reactivity char; char steam gasification using
lime to produce synthesis gas with high hydrogen content. In case of the use of wood 22-4
waste (from Kyiv region), there were studied the processes: carbonization of wood Underground Coal Determination by Integrated (Reflection & WVSP)
waste pre-impregnated with water solutions of H3PO4, FeCl3, and CaCl2 to produce Seismic in the Miocene Soma Basin (Western Turkey)
wood coal; wood coal steam gasification using lime to produce synthesis gas with high Ruhi Saatçılar, Sedat İnan, Fırat Duygun, Semih Ergintav, Aynur Dikbaş,
hydrogen content and activated char coal. A special technique for determination of TÜBİTAK Marmara Reasearch Center; Murat Yılmaz, Ali Rıza Toygar,
CO2 absorption and desorption degrees in the steam gasifier was developed for Turkish Petroleum Corporation; Ayhan Kösebalaban, Selahaddin Anaç,
experimental evaluation of char steam gasification. Hakkı Duran, Mehmet Onbaşı, Mücella Ersoy, Mehmet Atasayar, İsmail
The IGCC circuits with fuel processor, electrochemical fuel cell generator, steam and Ergüder, Turkish Coal Enterprises; M.Namık Yalçın, İstanbul University;
gas turbines are developed. In case of utilization of bituminous and brawn coals, it is Ender Okandan, Middle East Technical University; Yuda Yürüm, Sabancı
proposed to use the batch fuel processor that can operate in the modes of combustion University; Emin Demirbağ, İstanbul Technical University, TURKEY
(desorption of CO2) and steam gasification (absorption of CO2). In case of biomass
utilization, it is proposed to use fuel processor consisting of the system for special The Neogene Basins of Turkey contain as much as 9 billion tons of lignite-rank coal
preparation of wood waste, carbonizer for wood coal production, gasifier for synthesis (Şengüler, 2001; Tuncalı et al., 2002). The Miocene Soma Basin, a rift basin trending
gas and activated char coal production, system of CO2 absorption for an increase in NE-SW (approximately 20 kilometers by 5 kilometers) in the Aegean Extensional
hydrogen concentration in the product gas and CO2 desorption for absorbent Province (EAP) of Western Turkey, is estimated to contain at the least one billion tons
revivification. of lignite and about half of this reserve is present at depths greater than 600 m (Turkish
The research work was carried out within the framework of two projects of the Coal Enterprises, 2006). Miocene marl/limestone units and Pliocene clastics and
Complex Program of Scientific Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of volcanic tuffs overlie the Miocene coals of the Soma basin. There are several coal
Ukraine "Fundamental Problems of Hydrogen Energy" at the Fuel Cell Test seams in the basin but the most economical and thus target seam is known as KM2
Installation with elaboration of the before prepared approaches for the development of with an average thickness of about 20 meter across the basin. In the Soma Basin,
the Fuel Cell IGCC circuits. Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKİ) has mined this KM2 seam by open cut coal mining and
underground mining for several decades in the Northern and Central part of the basin,
22-3 respectively. Recently, coal exploration activities have been extended to the Southern
Coalbed Gas Potential in the Miocene Soma Basin (Western Turkey) part of the basin by means of exploratory drillings.
Sedat İnan, Aynur Dikbaş, Semih Ergintav, Fırat Duygun, TÜBİTAK In order to aid fast and economical coal exploration activities of the Turkish Coal
Marmara Reasearch Center; M.Namık Yalçın, Kübra Tırpan, Korhan Yaşar, Enterprises (TKİ), a colloborative work has been started for development of an
İstanbul University; Ender Okandan, Mustafa Baysal, Middle East Technical integrated seismic method for coal exploration. The aim is to develop a practical
University; Yuda Yürüm, Sabancı University; Ruhi Saatçılar, Sakarya seismic method for TKİ to apply in its exploration activities in other Lignite coal
University; Murat Yılmaz, Ali Rıza Toygar, Turkish Petroleum Corporation; basins of Turkey. The information gathered from tens of coal exploration boreholes
Ayhan Kösebalaban, Selahaddin Anaç, Hakkı Duran, Mehmet Onbaşı, already drilled in the study area will be used to calibrate the horizons to be mapped by
Mücella Ersoy, Mehmet Atasayar, İsmail Ergüder, Turkish Coal Enterprises, surface seismic and WVSP methods (Tselentis and Paraskevopoulos, 2002). Surface
TURKEY seismic data will be collected on roughly East-West and North-South oriented lines.
Furthermore, at the intersect of these lines borehole WVSP data will be collected. The
The Neogene Basins of Turkey contain as much as 9 billion tons of lignite-rank coal seismic source for both surface and borehole WVSP seismic will be a mini-vibrator
(Şengüler, 2001; Tuncalı et al., 2002). The Miocene Soma Basin, a rift basin trending and the data will be collected contamporanously. The seismic study will be conducted
NE-SW (approximately 20 kilometers by 5 kilometers) in the Aegean Extensional between May and July 2010. Soon after, the seismic data processing work will be
Province (EAP) of Western Turkey, is estimated to contain at the least one billion tons initiated.
of lignite and about half of this reserve is present at depths greater than 600 m (Turkish References
Coal Enterprises, 2006). Miocene marl/limestone units and Pliocene clastics and Şengüler, İ., 2001, Lignite and thermal power plants for sustainable development in
volcanic tuffs overlie the Miocene coals of the Soma basin. There are several coal Turkey, World Energy Council 18th Congress, Buenos Aires, October 2001
seams in the basin but the most economical and thus target seam is known as KM2 Tselentis, G.A., and Paraskevopoulos, P., 2002, Application of a high-resolution
with an average thickness of about 20 meter across the basin. In the Soma Basin, seismic investigation in a Greek coal mine. Geophysics, 67, 50–59.
Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKİ) has mined this KM2 seam by open cut coal mining and Tuncalı et al., 2002, Chemical and Technological Properties of Turkish Tertiary Coals.
underground mining for several decades in the Northern and Central part of the basin, General Directorate of Mineral and Research Exploration of Turkey (MTA) Special
respectively. Recently, coal exploration activities have been extended to the Southern Publication. ISBN: 6595-47-7, 400 p.
part of the basin by means of exploratory drillings. Recently, coal exploration activities
have been extended to the Southern part of the basin by means of exploratory drillings.
In this context, two boreholes encountering a coal seam (KM2) up to 20 m thick were
22-5 °C for 1h and the characterization steps showed the phases: Na2SO3; (NH4)2(SO4). In
Study on Griding Technology of Weakly Caking Coal this work are the results of XRD, particle size distribution and the pyrite heating results
Gaifeng Xue, Peng Chen, Ru Xiang, Junfang Bao, Wuhan Iron and Steel at different temperatures.
For lower cost and saving the premium resource, People have explored the coking- Pyrolysis of the Various Types of Fuels - Credit Cards
blending technology and extended the blending proportional of weakly caking coal. In Dagmar Juchelkova, Helena Raclavska, Adela Cízkova, Vaclav Roubicek,
this study, the coal coking properties, coal contractibility, change of coke VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
microstructure and coking-blending experiment of coal are discussed, and the effect of
the grinding technology of different metamorphism of weakly caking coal on coking The project concerns on the Technologies for pyrolyses processes and quality of fuels.
behavior and coke quality are investigated. The results showed that the active We concern us also on the optimization of technology and the influencing of system
components of the meager-lean coal and lean coal, whose vitrinite reflectance is over and output parameters. According to the experiences of long term test form the small
1.60%, played the role of inertia during the process of converting coke just like other units was redesigned. The new unit allows making tests close to the real conditions.
inertia components, so they only became the center of coking. Moreover, the Some interesting information will be present.
microstructure could deteriorate the coke quality. So if we adopt the fine grinding
technology to destroy the structure default, the blending proportional will increase over
20%, at the same time, the coke quality also increases. If the low rank weakly caking
coal, such as gas coal and 1/3 coke coal, have higher activity in the course of coke, SESSION 24
they can combine with other kind of coal easily, and even melt each other in the Coal-Derived Products: Direct Coal-to-Liquids
interface, which will result in granule of coal structure and the quality of coke will be
influenced, so such coal should not be ultra fine grinding; On the other hand, the
interial components of them have lager shrinkage, shrinkage gap will appear in the 24-1
course of coking, due to the fine particle produced during grinding, and result in the Alliance DCL Technology for Producing Ultra Clean Transportation
poor coal quality, so the appropriate grinding is necessary. The study proved that high Fuels
metamorphism weakly caking coal should be adopt the fine grinding technology and Theo L.K. Lee, Headwaters CTL, LLC.; John Duddy, Axens North America,
the low metamorphism weakly caking coal adopt the selective grinding technology. Inc., USA
This paper presents the dependence of combustion characteristics and emission on in- We have recently proposed an upgrading method of low rank coal which consists of
furnace blended method in Drop Tube Furnace (DTF). The experiments were treatment of coal in non-polar solvent, such as 1-methylnaphthalene, at temperatures
performed with blending of sub-bituminous and bituminous coals (single coals and below 350°C. The products obtained from the treatment are solvent-soluble fraction
approximately 25%/75%, 50%/50% and 75%/25% blends) at different blending (extract) and insoluble fraction which we call “upgraded coal (UC)”. It was found that
method under the condition of 1.34 excess air ratio. the gasification reactivity of the UC char was much larger than that of the raw coal
In the in-furnace blended method, the distance between injection positions was char for the seven coals out of the nine coals tested, indicating that the proposed
changed along the axial direction to investigate the interaction between the different upgrading method can be one of the ways of enhancing the gasification reactivity of
rank coals. coal char without using catalyst. In Japan oxygen blown gasification with recycled CO2
The results show that the unburned carbon ratio decreased as the blend ratio of Adaro has been proposed to facilitate the CO2 separation and hence to increase the
(subbituminous coal) in Yakutugol (bituminous coal) increase when two coals fed into gasification efficiency under the NEDO “Innovative Zero-emission Coal Gasification
the furnace simultaneously(out-furnace method). But, at the 75% of sub-bituminous Power Generation Project”. To realize the gasification concept practically, it is
coal blending, emission of unburned carbon was higher than the amount which was essential to increase the CO2 gasification reactivity of coal chars under high CO2
emitted from Yakutugol (bituminous coal) burning solely. The NOx emission increased pressure of ~2 MPa at T = ~ 1200°C. This requests the developments of methods to
as blending ratio of Adaro increase. In the case of the 75% Adaro and 25% Yakutugol increase the gasification rate and to measure the gasification rate under such extreme
blending, in-furnace blending method was performed to compare with out-furnace conditions. In this work a mini direct heating reactor (mini-DHR) was successfully
blending method. In-furnace blended method led to a higher combustion efficiency and constructed to measure the CO2 gasification rate of coal chars at high temperature and
lower NOx emission than out-furnace blended method. In other words, it was seen that high pressure. The validity and accuracy of the gasification rate measurement by the
ignition position in blending influences remarkably combustion efficiency and NOx mini-DHR were well clarified, indicating that the mini-DHR can be a handy apparatus
emission. The reason was that volatiles burning of Adaro coal which has high volatiles for measuring the gasification rate under extreme gasification conditions. Measurement
content relatively launches earlier than Yakutugol coal in the out-furnace blending of CO2 gasification rate of the UC char using the mini-DHR showed that the
method. It led to increase of unburned carbon in bituminous coal by deficiency of gasification rate of UC char was larger than that of the raw coal char by about 2 times
oxygen to be reacted. Different ignition position between bituminous and sub- even at high temperature and high pressure. This clarified that the proposed coal
bituminous coals by in-furnace blended method improves burning rate of bituminous upgrading method is effective in increasing the CO2 gasification rate at high
coal and reduce the unburned carbon from bituminous coal at specific blending ratio. temperature and high pressure without using catalyst.
Furthermore, NOx emission also decreased by using in-furnace blending method.
25-4 CFD Simulation of Process-driven Particle Fragmentation in a Coal Bed
TGA and DTF Studies on Coal Blends to Assess Combustion Gasifier
Performance Franz Holzleithner, Roland Eisl, Markus Haider, Institute for Energy Systems
P. Sarkar, A. Mukherjee, S. G. Sahu, A. Choudhury, A. K. Adak, M. Kumar, and Thermodynamics, Vienna University of Technology; Georg Aichinger,
N. Choudhury, S. Biswas, Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research; S. Siemens VAI Metals Technologies Gmbh&Co, AUSTRIA
Ghosal, Jadavpur University, INDIA
Good gas-solid contact is essential in a coal bed gasifier such as in a COREX® melter
As the practice of utilization of high ash Indian coals for power generation by blending gasifier. The charged particle size distribution and the particle fragmentation behavior
those with low ash coals are growing, uncertainties in resultant combustion inside the slowly moving fixed bed strongly influence the local counter current gas
characteristics associated with blending practices need to be assessed in depth. For this flow and therefore also the rate of heat transfer between gas and coal, the rate of
purpose, two typical blend combinations of Indian coals, representing combinations of drying, devolatilisation and gasification.
similar and different coal rank, were chosen. Combustion studies with blends in COREX® is the first commercially operating smelting reduction process, based on
Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) and in Drop Tube Furnace (DTF) reveal both coal instead of coke, as alternative for industrial ironmaking route via the blast furnace.
interactive and non-interactive behaviour of constituent coals. Type and level of Besides coal the melter gasifier also contains reduced iron ore and additives, which are
interaction varies with constituent coal-type, blend proportion, combustion-conditions not subject of this paper.
and combustion-stages. Both positive and negative deviations from the expected General multiphase models in commercial CFD codes are not directly applicable to the
weighted average values of combustion parameters were noticed. In top port (DTF) simulation of moving reactive beds considering changes in particle size distribution. A
interactions are high (compared to next ports), carbon burnout values are scattered and customized approach based on a combination of Eulerian and Lagrangian formulation
inferior than parent coals. TGA showed lowering of activation energy in blends. is used to describe the flow of gas and solids as well as the physical and chemical
Characteristic TGA parameters and burn out efficiencies in different ports of DTF‟ processes across the moving bed reactor.
reflected interesting features. The solids flow and the gas flow are represented by a set of Eulerian equations. So the
flow of solids respectively the flow of a granular material is treated as a continuum
with appropriate material properties. The balances for solids and gas flow are
interconnected via source terms. The energy balance of the solids flow and the models
SESSION 26 for fragmentation and devolatilization are implemented by means of a Lagrangian
Gasification: Fundamentals – 2 formulation. The solids flow consists of a set of particle sizes including dust. This set
of particle sizes changes according to local process parameters which are: solids
pressure, shear stress, rate of water evaporation (coal drying), rate of devolatilization,
26-1 rate of gasification and rate of temperature change. To take this into account a
Effect of Operation Parameters on Gasification for the Production of fragmentation model has been developed which solves a conservation equation for
Synthesis Gas each particle size. The local source terms within these equations are connected to the
Atilla Biyikoğlu, Bekir Zühtü Uysal, Gazi University; Afşin Güngör, Niğde above mentioned local process parameters. Due to the fact that the considered moving
University; Coşku Kasnakoğlu, Murat Özbayoğlu, TOBB University of bed consists of non-uniformly sized particles the temperature of small particles will be
Economics and Technology, TURKEY different from the temperature of larger particles. However, the temperature of the
particles is important for the rate of drying, devolatilization and gasification. Therefore
The sensitivity of operating parameters on the gasification of different Turkish coals an energy balance for each particle size is implemented within the presented model.
was investigated for the production of synthesis gas. The coal properties were In a first step the model has been used to study the impact of a changing particle size
determined by detailed analysis in Turkish Coal Enterprises. The calculations and the distribution on the gas flow and heat transfer between gas und solids. The effect of
analysis were carried out assuming the kinetic equilibrium model for gasification. The fragmentation on the devolatilization process has been simulated too. Next
higher heating value of the synthesis gas produced was calculated for the evaluation of development steps are the integration of models for coal drying and gasification as
performance of the process. The effects of steam rate of water gas shift reactor, bypass well as a gas phase reaction model.
ratio and coal composition on synthesis gas produced were analyzed. Moreover,
integration of the gasifier with water-gas shift reactor was also investigated to obtain
the desired H2/CO ratio using different coals. The model developed in this work can be
used for choosing the proper set of operating parameters to produce the synthesis gas
with the desired composition suitable for the purpose of its end use.
Experimental Investigation into Primary Fragmentation of Large Coal SESSION 27
Particles Carbon Management: Post-Combustion CO2 Capture – 1
Adam Luckos, Roelof L.J. Coetzer, Ed L. Koper, Sasol Technology R&D,
SOUTH AFRICA; Monika Kosowska-Golachowska, Częstochowa University
of Technology, POLAND 27-1
Development of Post Combustion Carbon Capture Technology
Thermal fragmentation plays an important role in coal conversion processes because it Matthew Hunt, F. D. Fitzgerald, S. Black, R. A. Gardiner, Doosan Power
accelerates devolatilization and affects the kinetics of gasification and combustion. In Systems, UNITED KINGDOM
addition, fragmentation may generate large quantities of fine particles. Elutriation of
these un-reacted coal fines lowers carbon conversion and, therefore, the thermal Doosan Power Systems Ltd (DPS) are currently developing post-combustion and
efficiency of the conversion process. Most of the fragmentation tests were conducted oxyfuel carbon capture technologies for early commercialisation. The purpose of this
with medium-size particles in fluidized beds at temperatures 750–900°C. Little document is to highlight the work that is being carried out by DPS specifically on Post
information is available in the open literature on the primary fragmentation of large Combustion Carbon Capture.
coal particles typically encountered in coke ovens, smelting furnaces and fixed-bed Post Combustion Capture
gasifiers. DPS licensed an advanced solvent scrubbing technology from HTC Purenergy Inc.
In this paper the results of primary fragmentation tests conducted with single particles back in September 2008. HTC who are based in Regina, Canada, work very closely
of three bituminous non-swelling coals in a laboratory-scale reactor at convective with the University of Regina who are recognised as one of the leading global research
conditions are reported. All tests were carried out in inert atmosphere at ambient institutes in Post Combustion Carbon Capture. In addition to the licence agreement,
pressure and superficial gas velocity of 0.2 m/s. The effects of temperature, particle DPS acquired a 15% stake in HTC to further cement the bond. DPS are now preparing
size, and mineral matter content on the fragmentation behaviour were studied. The commercial bids for fullscale solvent scrubbing plants, comprising all equipment from
primary fragmentation process was quantified through the probability of fragmentation flue gas desulphurization (FGD) plant outlet to CO2 compression plant inlet. The long-
and degree of fragmentation. During tests, coal particles were breaking up into pieces term performance of HTC‟s proprietary amine-based solvent, RS2, has been assessed
producing a few big pieces and a large number of fine fragments. Both particle size in verification runs at the Boundary Dam pilot plant (4 tonnes per day CO2 capture).
and gas temperature significantly influenced the fragmentation process. Only 20-mm Further work is being carried out by DPS at its purpose built solvent scrubbing pilot
particles tested at 400°C did not undergo the primary fragmentation. The most plant in Renfrew, Scotland. This plant is part of the Emissions Reductions Test Facility
extensive fragmentation was observed for 80-mm particles at 600°C. The degree of (ERTF) with an approx. 1tpd CO2 capture rate. This paper outlines Doosan Power
fragmentation increased with increasing mineral matter content. The experimental data Systems post combustion capture development and commercialisation activities.
provide evidence that a „critical‟ size exists below which coal particles do not
experience primary fragmentation in the convective environment. 27-2
Lignite Derived Carbons for CO2 Capture
26-5 Alan L Chaffee, Seamus Delaney, Gregory Knowles, Monash University,
Investigation of the Pyrolysis and Gasification of a Turkish Coal Using AUSTRALIA
Thermal Analysis Coupled with Mass Spectrometry
Sibel Özdoğan, Ugur Özveren, Mehmet Beypınar, Marmara University; Aylin A range of carbon adsorbents were prepared from Victorian lignite and investigated for
Boztepe, Yildiz Technical University, TURKEY their ability to selectively capture carbon dioxide (CO2).
Carbons were prepared by steam activation of titania- impregnated Victorian lignite.
Clean conversion of coal into gaseous and liquid fuels and chemicals is of utmost The titania was removed by acid washing following activation. Pore size analysis
importance along with its direct utilization via combustion in a sustainable manner. (using nitrogen adsorption data and the BJH method) indicated a total pore volume of
Pyrolysis is an important intermediate stage in coal conversion processes such as 0.48 mL/g) with a significant volume present as mesopores (0.16 mL/g) and an
combustion and gasification. Coal gasification is applied in IGCC systems for power average pore size of approximately 3.7 nm. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated no
generation as well as for the production of a range of gaseous and liquid fuels from ordered symmetry.
hydrogen to diesel. Thermal analysis results coupled with mass spectrometry (TA/MS) This carbon was then further modified to incorporate approx 1% nitrogen. The carbon
applied to the pyrolysis and gasification of a Turkish coal are presented here. Pyrolysis was nitrated and the resulting nitrate groups were reduced using aqueous ammonia.
experiments have been carried out in argon atmosphere while air has been used as the When nitration was carried out with fuming nitric acid, the pore volume dropped
gasification agent. The samples have been heated from room temperature up to significantly to about half its prior value and the proportion of mesopores was reduced,
1000°C. The main evolved products have been identified through the on-line recorded suggesting that some structural degradation and pore blockage had developed during
mass spectra. The thermolysis behavior of the coal sample has been checked the modification. When using sodium nitrate as the nitrating agent, this degradation did
comparatively for selected gas flow rates and heating rates. The gas flow rate has been not occur such that the original pore volume distribution was substantially maintained.
changed between 5 and 70 mL/min whereas the heating rate range has been selected as The reversible CO2 adsorption capacities of these materials were measured and
10 to 40 °C/min. Two different sample masses (5 and 10mg) have been used to observe compared. Modification of the carbon led to an increase in the amount of carbon
any effect of the mass on the thermal analysis results. Final operation conditions are dioxide that could be adsorbed from a CO2-rich stream (90% in Ar) at ambient
based on these results. The TG curves, the on-set, shape and off-set of the DTG curves conditions. As much as 8.3 wt% (1.9 mmol/g or 36 g/L) CO 2 was reversibly adsorbed
combined with the evolution temperatures of the major gaseous products such as H2, on the modified carbon. A further 1.4 wt% was irreversibly adsorbed at ambient
CO, CO2, CH4, H2S and SO2 for the selected appropriate operation conditions clearly conditions, but could be quantitatively recovered from the adsorbent by increasing the
show differences in the thermolysis behavior at different atmospheres, gas flow rates temperature to 120°C. Modification of the carbon with N also led to small increase in
and heating rates. These differences in thermolysis behavior indicate when and under the heat of adsorption from 28.3 to 32.1 kJ/mol CO2 adsorbed, indicating that CO2
which conditions pyrolysis and/or partial oxidation (gasification) and/or oxidation capture occurred via a physisorption mechanism rather than via a chemisorption as had
might be occurring. The TA/MS results are also indicative of the reactivity of the coal originally been postulated.
sample to the selected atmosphere at various temperatures. Key drivers for undertaking this investigation were the very low cost and very low
TG-MS results can be utilized to determine kinetic parameters via various methods. mineral content of this lignite as a potential carbon precursor. However, the CO2
Care should be taken to avoid mass transfer limitations. The results prove that the adsorption capacities of the highly mesoporous products described above were not as
gasification of coal consists of two major reactions: pyrolysis and gasification of in situ high as for carbons prepared from other materials or by other routes. Carbons with
formed char. The rate of the latter reaction is much slower than that of the former higher pore volumes, proportionately more microporosity and/or with more extensive
reaction. The volume of the gasifier is therefore primarily dependent on the modification by N gave better results.
gasification rate of char. For this reason, kinetics of char gasification obtained by
TA/MS plays a key role by providing valuable information for the proper design and 27-3
operation of gasifiers. Physical Properties and Reactivities of Mg-Based Dry Regenerable CO2
Sorbents Prepared by Spray-Drying Method
Jeom-In Baek, Tae Hyoung Eom, Joong Beom Lee, Won Sik Jeon, Chong
Kul Ryu, Korea Electric Power Research Institute, KOREA
Imported coal travels large distances in ship-holds and is thereafter stored in strategic
stockpiles. From the moment the coal is mined it undergoes degradation in a process
SESSION 28 called weathering. This process involves a series of reactions between atmospheric
Coal Science: Coal Chemistry – 2 oxygen and the coal surface which result in several gaseous emissions.
The present research aims at expanding our knowledge of the formation of low
temperature (30-150°C) oxidation products and their dependence on coal rank. The
28-1 coals studied are those which serve for power production, namely lignites and
Carbonaceous Particles from the Incomplete Combustion bituminous coals. The focus of this work is primarily on the functional groups that can
Martina Havelcová, Ivana Sýkorová, Hana Trejtnarová, Alexandr Ńulc, serve as precursors to the formation of carbon oxides. It is known that the formation of
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR,v.v.i., CZECH REPUBLIC carbon oxides is correlated to the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere. However,
the precise relationship and the specific functional groups at the coal surface that are
The abundance and composition of emitted products are primarily related to the fuel reactive are still unclear.
composition and to the characteristics of the combustion processes. Fuels used in It has been observed that coals of different rank react differently to atmospheric
combustion are usually fossil fuels or living or dead vegetation and they are mainly of oxidation. That is why simulation experiments were carried out with bituminous coals
a carbonaceous nature. The chemical composition of combustion plumes is a complex on the one hand as well as lignites on the other hand. From the results of these
and as a result of incomplete combustion processes particles enter the atmosphere as experiments a comparison of the behavior of variously aged coals has been evaluated.
well. As combustion whether from motor vehicles, industrial flames, or biomass Conclusions drawn from the present research can help to gain a better understanding of
burning is ubiquitous, carbonaceous particles are found virtually everywhere. Black the reactions occurring while stored coal undergoes the oxidation process.
carbon (BC) is general term used to describe carbonaceous residues produced by
incomplete combustion of organic matter. The concept of BC refers to particles which 28-4
are black when measured by optical techniques. Quantitative Determination of Minerals in Coal by CQPAC Method
In this work we characterized the chemical and petrological changes associated with Zdeněk Klika, VŃB-Technical University Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
the formation of char from coal, peat, wood and wheat. Since the formation of BC
depends on several factors, we prepared series of carbonaceous residues in two Recently a new method (CQPAC) for the quantitative determination of minerals in
environments. The combination of non-destructive (optical microscopy) and coal has been suggested (Klika and Ritz, 2009). This method is based on the
destructive (gas chromatography and pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass recalculation of the elemental bulk chemical analysis on quantitative determination of
spectrometry) analytical techniques was used for the samples characterization. The minerals by optimization procedure. In this contribution the errors of quantitative
chemothermal oxidation method was employed to determine the BC content in the calculated minerals by CQPAC method are tested using typical analysis of the
samples. bituminous coal. These errors can rise from not quite correct input data which are: a)
identified minerals, b) wrong determined crystallochemical formulae of minerals and
28-2 c) error in chemical analysis. The influence of those sources of errors on quantitative
Trace Element Partitioning and Leaching in Solids Derived from determination of minerals in coal by CQPAC method is critically evaluated.
Gasification of Australian Coals
Alexander Ilyushechkin, Daniel Roberts, David Harris, Ken Riley, CSIRO 28-5
Energy Technology, AUSTRALIA The Catalytic Effect of Added Sodium- and Potassium Carbonate to an
Acid Treated Inertinite Rich South African Bituminous Coal Char
Trace element concentrations vary between coals from ppb to ppm levels and can Christien A Strydom, Lucinda Klopper, John R Bunt, North-West University,
depend on the rank of the coal and its geological origins. During gasification, some of SOUTH AFRICA; Harold H Schobert, Penn State University, USA
the trace elements are volatilised at high temperatures and may condense and deposit
in cooler downstream parts of the system or in quench water streams. Some species Alkali salts in the mineral part of coal decompose, react and vaporize as the
may appear in condensed phases such as slag or flyash. Changes in the trace element temperature increases. The degree of vaporization of alkali metals or compounds, as
concentrations in the slag and flyash from that of the parent coal are expected due to well as other inorganic species, depends on the mode of occurrence of the mineral
the reactions occurring at high temperatures and the different chemical activity of the matter, the temperature and the grain size in the coal. The condensed inorganic species
trace element phases in the slag, flyash and syngas. deposit onto the boiler tubes of the furnace at lower temperatures and give rise to a
Four Australian coals were used in a gasification test program conducted in the fouling problem. The condensed alkali species also lead to agglomeration of remaining
Siemens 5 MWth gasification test facility. Solid samples were collected from different coal and ash particles within the reactors. Potassium and sodium compounds also
points in the gasification process during each test. Compositions of these samples were enhance the gasification rate due to catalytic activity of these compounds. Alkali
analysed and the distribution of trace elements was studied. species react with the coal phenolate- and carboxylic groups and catalyze the formation
It was found that the elements can be classified as follows, according to their tendency of ether cross-links within the carbon matrix of coal. The amounts of potassium and
to appear in the slag and fly ash: sodium species within coal thus change the reactivity of the coal.
- Non-volatile and no partitioning between slag and flyash: Nb, U A South African inertinite rich bituminous coal, containing 23% ash was treated with
- Partitioned between slag and fly ash: Cu, W, Mo, Cd, Bi, Zn, Sn, Sb HF and HCl to reduce the mineral content to less than 2%. The coal char was prepared
- Partially volatile and depleted from either slag or fly ash: Be, Th, Sc, Y, Li, by heating the coal samples under nitrogen up to a temperature of 900 ºC and constant
Mn, Ni, Sr, Ba mass. Between 0.25% and 4% (mass percentages) of Na2CO3, K2CO3 and a blend of
- Highly volatile (i.e. were not observed in either slag or fly ash): As, Se, B, these compounds were added to the coal samples before charring. The same amounts
Hg, F, Pb, V. were added to separate charred coal samples. Comparative CO 2 reactivities of the acid
treated coal char samples were determined using a thermogravimetric method. The
Comparison of these experimental results with equilibrium calculations of trace catalytic effects of potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate on the reactivity of the
element appearance in the condensed phases suggests that the modelling approach is treated coal char samples were investigated. These large percentages of added
suitable only for certain elements. For several of the trace elements of significance in compounds enhance the influence thereof and lead to clearly identified trends. A
this study, kinetic factors have to be considered in conjunction with thermodynamic substantial increase in the reactivity was observed after addition of these catalysts.
modelling. SEM analyses of the char that formed indicated changes in char porosity and surface
The leaching behaviour of the trace elements in the slag was also studied. This work structure. BET surface area analyses were performed and reported. The contribution of
shows very low leachability for most of the trace elements except Zn and Sb, which, the increased surface areas to the increased reactivity was established and the influence
due to their relatively high volatility, reported in the slag samples in very low of the added catalysts thus validated. The samples were also heated under CO 2 to 900
concentrations. ºC in a tube furnace, and XRD and FTIR analyses performed on the products to
analyze the composition of the samples.
Parametric evaluations were conducted at nearly all tests sites using a 3-level
SESSION 29 experimental design in an effort to realize optimum performances. Regardless of coal
Coal Science: Beneficiation - 1 type, table frequency and longitudinal slope were found to be the most critical factors
in controlling product ash content over a range of energy recovery values.
Additionally, the amount of fluidization of air applied through the deck was critical for
29-1 ensuring optimum energy recovery.
Pre-Combustion Cleaning of Pulverized Fine Coal at Power Plant Using
Novel RTS Dry Separation Technology 29-4
Daniel Tao, Ahmed Sobhy, Qin Li, Rick Honaker, University of Kentucky, Improving the Efficiency of Lignite Drying
USA Wayne S. Seames, Carlos J. Bucaram, Steven A. Benson, University of North
Dakota; Srivats Srinivasachar, Envergex, LLC, USA
Coal cleaning technologies are vitally important for producing clean coal to supply
abundant and affordable energy for the nation‟s economy under the increasingly The feasibility of using mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) to increase the
stringent environmental regulations. They are generally categorized into pre- efficiency of drying North Dakota lignite coal has been examined. MVR is used to
combustion and post-combustion processes. Coal cleaning prior to combustion is often recover the latent heat of vaporization by compressing the moisture-laden process
accomplished using wet physical processes at coal preparation plants. However, the streams from the drying process. The work conducted includes: 1) compiling and
resultant coal product still contains a significant amount of impurities such as ash, analyzing lignite coal data from lignite-fired power plants; 2) identifying achievable
sulfur, mercury that are not well liberated from coal particles mostly in the size range drying goals for the plant, and 3) performing computer simulations to determine
of several millimeters to inches. The pulverization of coal prior to combustion at the potential efficiency gains through the use of MVR. Scenarios examined included
power plant provides an ideal feed of well liberated fine coal particles for physical drying the lignite from an initial moisture content of 38% to less than 10% using direct
cleaning. If a cost-effective dry separation process is developed to further clean MVR, indirect MVR, and combined indirect and direct MVR. In addition, options for
pulverized fine coal at the power plant prior to its combustion, the cost of expensive utilization of waste heat in the system were examined.
post-combustion chemical cleaning processes such as flue gas scrubbing can be
reduced considerably. 29-5
In this study, a novel rotary triboelectrostatic separator (RTS) was investigated for dry Effect of Particle Size, Shape and Density on the Performance of the Air
cleaning of pulverized Illinois fine coal samples. The proprietary RTS technology is Fluidized Bed in Dry Coal Beneficiation
characterized by an innovative high efficiency rotary charger, charger electrification, Pheneas Chikerema, Michael Moys, University of the Witwatersrand,
laminar air flow, and specially designed electrodes. The separation performance of this SOUTH AFRICA
technology was evaluated in terms of ash content reduction as well as mercury and
sulfur content reduction. Important process parameters such as charger material, Most of the remaining coalfields in South Africa are found in arid areas where process
potential and rotation speed, feed flow rate and air flow rate were investigated for their water is scarce and given the need to fully exploit all the coal reserves in the country,
effects on the separation performance. this presents a great challenge to the coal processing industry. Hence, the need to
consider the implementation of dry coal beneficiation methods as the industry cannot
29-2 continue relying on the conventional wet processing methods such as heavy medium
The Prediction of Caking Propensity of Gondwanaland Coals Using separation. Dry coal beneficiation with an air dense-medium fluidized bed is one of the
Petrography dry coal processing methods that have proved to be an efficient separation method with
Daniel Van Niekerk, Johan Joubert, Trudie Brittz, Sasol Technology R&D, separation efficiencies comparable those of the wet heavy medium separation process.
SOUTH AFRICA Although the applications of the fluidized bed dry coal separator have been done
successfully on an industrial scale, the process has been characterized by relatively
The caking propensity of a coal (the extent of agglomeration) is an important factor to poor (Ecart Moyen), Ep values owing to complex hydrodynamics of these systems.
consider in coal conversion processes. In general, the caking propensity of Northern Hence, the main objectives of this study is to develop a sound understanding of the key
Hemisphere Carboniferous-aged coals can be predicted using vitrinite content: The process parameters which govern the kinetics of coal and shale separation in an air
higher the vitrinite content, the greater the caking propensity. Predicting caking fluidized bed focusing on the effect of the particle size, shape and density on the
propensity for Permianaged Gondwanaland coal is problematic due to the high performance of the fluidized separator as well as developing a simple rise/settling
inertinite content. Inertinite consists of both a reactive component (exhibit behaviour velocity empirical model which can be used to predict the quality of separation.
similar to that of the corresponding vitrinite) and an inert component. Therefore, it is As part of this study, a (40 x 40x 60) cm air fluidized bed was designed and
postulated that the amount of reactive macerals will correlate to the caking propensity. constructed for the laboratory tests. A relatively uniform and stable average bed
Current characterization of reactive inertinite is conducted by visual recognition during density of 1.64 with STDEV < 0.01 was achieved using a compound mixture of silica
maceral point-count analysis. Visual recognition is highly subjective and therefore and magnetite as the fluidizing media. Different particle size ranges which varied from
prone to errors. To reduce the amount of bias from the maceral analysis, a new multi- (+9.5 -16mm), (+16 -22mm), (+22 -31.5mm) and (+37 -53mm) were used for the
maceral reflectogram model is proposed. A multi-maceral reflectogram consisting of detailed separation tests. In order to investigate the effect of the particle shape, only
reflectance values from vitrinite, semifusinite and inertodetrinite were constructed for three different (+16 -22mm) particle shapes were used namely blockish (+16 -22mm
various coals. From the multi-maceral reflectogram the amount of reactive macerals Blk), flat (+16 -22mm FB) and sharp pointed prism particles (+16 – 22mm
could be determined. The amount of reactive macerals obtained from the reflectogram SR).Different techniques were developed for measuring the rise and settling velocities
exhibited a linear relationship with caking propensity: The greater the caking of the particles in the bed.
propensity, the higher the amount of reactive macerals. Therefore, the multi-maceral The Klima and Luckie partition model (1989) was used to analyze the partition data for
reflectogram is proposed as a petrographic method to predict caking propensity of the different particles and high R2 values ranging from (0.9210 - 0.9992) were
Gondwanaland coals. recorded. Average Ep values as low as 0.05 were recorded for the separation of (+37 -
53mm) and (+22 -31.5mm) particles under steady state conditions with minimum
29-3 fluctuation of the cut density. On the other hand, the separation of the (+16 -22mm)
Dry Coal Cleaning Using the FGX Separator and (+9.5 – 16mm) particles was characterized by relatively high average Ep values of
Mehmet Saracoglu, Rick Q. Honaker, University of Kentucky, USA 0.07 and 0.11 respectively. However the continuous fluctuation or shift of the cut
density for the (+9.5 -16mm) particles made it difficult to efficiently separate the
The extraction of coal typically results in the recovery of pure rock that ranges from particles. Although, particle shape is a difficult parameter to control, the different
very small to very large quantities depending on the seam thickness and other separation trends that were observed for the (+16 -22mm) particles of different shapes
characteristics. In the eastern U.S. coalfields, a significant amount of out-of-seam rock indicate that particle shape has got a significant effect on the separation performance of
is being extracted in order to recover coal from relatively thin seams. As a result, the the particles in the air fluidized bed.
amount of run-of-mine feed that is rejected as rock material at the coal cleaning plant A simple empirical model which can be used to predict the rise/settling velocities or
can range from 50%-70%. The haulage, processing, and storage of the rock represent respective positions of the different particles in the air fluidized bed was developed
significant energy inefficiency and high operating costs. Removing the pure rock based on the Stokes‟ law. The proposed empirical model fitted the rise/settling data for
material near the extraction point would provide significant economic and the different particle size ranges very well with R2 values varying from 0.8672 to
environmental benefits. 0.9935. Validation of the empirical model indicate that the model can be used to
The removal of pure rock using a relatively high-density separation of around 2.0 is accurately predict the rise/settling velocities or respective positions for all the other
referred to as “deshaling”. Wet-based technologies are the most commonly employed particles sizes ranges except for the (+9.5 – 16mm) particles where a relatively high
cleaning units for removing rock from coal; however, these processes are generally average percentage error of (21.37%) was recoded.
massive and immobile, while also requiring water addition and a slurry treatment The (+37 -53mm) and (+22 -31.5mm) particles separated faster and more efficiently
system. This study focused on evaluating a novel dry separation technology, the FGX than the (+16 -22mm) and (+9.5 -16mm) particles. However, the separation efficiency
Separator, at several coal mining operations throughout the U.S. The FGX Separator of the particles can be further improved by using deeper beds (bed height > 40cm) with
applies table concentration principles using air as the medium. relatively uniform and stable bed densities. Prescreening of the coal particles into
relatively narrow ranges is important in the optimization of dry coal beneficiation 30-3
using an air fluidized bed since different optimum operating conditions are required for Fe-Co/TiO2-Catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: Role of Fe
the efficient separation of the different particle size ranges and shapes. The accuracy Thierry Musanda, Diane Hildebrandt, David Glasser, University of the
and the practical applicability of the proposed empirical model can be further improved Witwatersrand, SOUTH AFRICA
by carrying out some detailed rise/settling tests using more accurate and precise
equipment such as the gamma camera to track the motion of the particles in the The influence of the addition of Fe to supported Co has been investigated for FT
fluidized bed as well measuring the actual bed viscosity and incorporate it in the Synthesis. Co/TiO2 and Fe/TiO2 catalysts containing 10 wt% of Co and Fe were
model. prepared by a single step incipient impregnation of Co(NO3)2.6H2O or Fe(NO3)3.9H2O
respectively on TiO2 support. Fe:Co/TiO2 bimetallic catalysts containing 10 wt% of Co
and different amount Fe were prepared by co-impregnation of Co(NO3)2.6H2O and
SESSION 30 Fe(NO3)3.9H2O on TiO2 support. They were reduced in situ for 24 hours at 350°C
Coal-Derived Products: Coal-to-Liquids/Fischer-Tropsch - 1 under atmospheric pressure using pure H2 and tested separately in a fixed bed reactor
at 230°C and 20 bar. Other runs were performed on the physical mixtures of the two
catalysts using different Co/TiO2: Fe/TiO2 ratios.
30-1 The physical mixtures of Fe/TiO2 and Co/TiO2 in the same catalytic bed display high
Deactivation of Iron Based Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst: A Critical Problem conversion and chain growth probability and less olefin to paraffin ratio than the Fe:
Belma Demirel, Deena Ferdous, Rentech, Inc., USA Co/TiO2 systems. However, CH4 selectivity is significantly high when mixing
physically Fe/TiO2 and Co/TiO2 in the same catalytic bed. CO conversion, CH4
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) catalytically converts syngas, a mixture of CO and H 2 selectivity and the chain growth probability increase with the addition of Fe content for
to hydrocarbons through a surface polymerization reaction. Iron-based FTS catalyst the physical mixture while they decrease in the Fe:Co/TiO2 bimetallic catalysts.
precursors consist of Fe2O3 nanocrystals. Promoters are often added to these
nanocrystals in order to improve catalyst performance. However, the exact structural 30-4
composition of the active sites and the deactivation mechanism of this catalyst are still Product Distribution and Reaction Pathways during Fischer-Tropsch
not clearly understood. Iron based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts undergo two types of Synthesis on an Iron Catalyst
deactivation during use. One is due to the physical degradation of the catalyst because Dragomir B. Bukur, Texas A&M University at Qatar, QATAR; Lech
it destroys the integrity of the catalyst. This is considered as a serious problem because Nowicki, Technical University of Lodz, POLAND
it forms fine particles that cannot be easily separated from the heavy wax products. It
also increases the viscosity of the slurry which may cause extreme pressure drops. The A precipitated iron Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) catalyst was tested in a stirred tank slurry
other deactivation pathway can be classified as being due to chemical or phase change. reactor under different process conditions. The extent of water-gas-shift (WGS)
Moreover, carbon deposition, pore blocking, sintering and deposition of other reaction increased with increase in conversion of the limiting reactant, indicating that
chemicals such as sulfur on the catalyst are also considered as the possible reasons of the WGS is a consecutive reaction with respect to water formed in the F-T synthesis
Fe based Fischer-Tropsch catalyst deactivation. reaction. The experimental results indicate that 1-olefins participate in secondary
reactions (e.g. 1-olefin hydrogenation, isomerization and readsorption). Secondary
30-2 hydrogenation and isomerizationof 1-olefins increased with increase in partial pressure
The Effects of La and K on Nano – Sized Iron Catalyst for Fischer – of hydrogen. Gas residence time had significant effect on selectivity of ethylene and
Tropsch Synthesis other gaseous 1-olefins. Chain growth probability factor increased with increase in
Yahya Zamani, A.Mohajeri, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry(RIPI), molecular weight.
National Iranian Oil Company; M.Bakavoli, M.Rahimizadeh, Ferdowsi
University of Mashhad, IRAN 30-5
Simulation of Rate and Product in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Fischer – Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is an important route for production of liquid Yoshifumi Suehiro, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp.; Masato
hydrocarbons from coal-derived syngas and natural gas. Iron catalyst has low cost and Murayama, Kaoru Fujimoto, The University of Kitakyushu, JAPAN
excellent water gas shift reaction activity. Iron catalysts contain small amounts of
promoters to improve their activity and selectivity[1-5]. In this paper, nano-sized iron For a long period of time the carbon-number distribution of the Fischer-Tropsch
catalyst concluding nano-sized iron, copper and lanthanum oxides or potassium oxides Synthesis (FTS) product has been simulated by Anderson-Schulz-Flory (ASF)
separately were prepared then mixed. The catalyst characterized by AAS, XRD, TEM, distribution which is based on the concepts that (1) the chain growth probability is
SEM and BET. 1.3 g catalyst was loaded in a fixed-bed stainless steel reactor then independent on the carbon number (c-number) of the fractions, and (2) products are
activated by %10H2/N2 gas mixture with GHSV=12 nl.h-1.g-Fe-1 at atmospheric never subjected to the secondary reactions which change the c-number. For this ideal
pressure with increasing temperature from ambient to 380 °C at 2 °C /min which is ASF the product distribution is characterized by a single parameter, α. This type of
maintained for two hour and then reduced to 270 °C. Activation is followed by the ideal distribution only can be obtained if the kinetic environment is identical and
synthesis gas stream with H2/CO=1 and GHSV= 2 nl.h-1.g-Fe-1 for 24 h in atmospheric constant at each catalytic site of synthesis. It is widely considered that the occurrence
pressure and 270 °C. After activation, the catalyst activity tests were performed at 285 of the deviation of the real data from the ideal data can be attributed to the secondary
°C, 18 atm reaction pressure, H2/CO= 1 and GHSV=1-4 nl.h-1.g-Fe-1. We investigated reactions (reinsertion into the chain growth process, hydrogenolysis and
effect of K and La promoters on catalyst activity and products selectivity. isomerization). It gives the most reasonable explanation for these deviations.
CO Conversion CO In our previous study, effective control of carbon number distribution in FTS was
Type of C2- C5 - demonstrated with co-fed 1-olefins in a trickle bed reactor. In the presence of suitable
CH4 C11+ to CO2 Conversion
Catalyst C4 C11 n-paraffin solvent, 1-olefin selectivity was as high as 40 mol%, irrespective of c-
(%mol) (%)
Fe/Cu/La 4.3 10.2 68.1 19.4 49.5 86.9 number. In this study, we show a reaction model analyzed it by a simulation method to
Fe/Cu/K 5.1 6.4 27.2 67.5 46.3 80.1 elucidate the rate parameters which control the c-number distributions, and also effect
of added olefins using parameters. And we also report the result of effect of co-fed 1-
Addition of K promoter improves adsorption of CO and suppresses H 2 adsorption.As olefin in the slurry system.
results showed that K promotes chain growth and retards hydrogenation reaction.
Addition of La facilitate dissociation of C-O bond and increases hydrogenation
reaction. Nano-sized iron catalyst consist of La produces lower hydrocarbons than
other promoter.
[1] R.B. Anderson, The Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis, Academic Press, Orlando, FL
[2] Γ.Π. ςαν δερ Λααν,Α.Α.Χ.Μ. Βεεναχκερζ, Χαηαλ. Ρεω.-χι.Ενγ.41(1999)255
[3] A.P. Steynberg, M.E. Dry; Fischer-Tropsch Technology, Elsevier Science
&Technology Books, Dec 2007
[4] A. Nakhaei Pour, S. Taghipour, M. Shekar Reiz, S M K Shahri, Yahya Zamani;
Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology; vol. 8, 1-5, 2008
[5] Z. Lili, L. Guangrong, L. Jinlin; Chin.J.Catal, 2009, 30(7), 637-642
2500 Main Problems Concerning Co-Firing Biomass Mixture with Hard Coal
No addition in Pulverized-Fuel Boilers
Krzysztof Jesionek, Henryk Karcz, Marcin Kantorek, Wrocław University of
2000 No addition -Calc
Technology, POLAND
Yield [C-mmol/h.kgcat]
The methods of burning used in Poland are limited mainly to stocker-fired and fluidic
Olefin Feed - Calc
1500 fuel boilers application as well as to co-burning coal powder mixtures in pulverized
fuel boilers. The co-burning of timber with coal results however in lowering thermal
efficiency of steam producing installation or impairs its operational reliability i.e.
1000 increases its running costs and lowers its safety or service. Generally speaking it results
from the difference in kinetic characteristics at timber and coal. Into consideration
were taken typical pulverized fuel boilers working according to the method established
for Polish power engineering for feeding with hard coal. Operating indexes of boilers
500 were analyzed (fired with mixture of biomass and hard coal) bound with combustible
portion ratio in slag and volatile ash. The analysis was made for the boilers OP-1050,
OP-210, OP-230, OP-430, OP-650, applying the normal combustion chambers. Results
0 obtained concern the maximum boiler heat-load and maximum number of working
0 5 10 15 20 25 mills defined as optimum quantity for a given type of boiler. The unburned part in slag
and volatile ash has been marked as that ment for a standard boiler fuel and for various
Carbon Number mixtures of biomass and hard coal.
Experimental date and simulation result
Technical and Economic Evaluation of the Desulphurization Processes at
Power Stations Using Lignite
SESSION 31 Hasancan Okutan, Bülent D. Çift, İstanbul Technical University, TURKEY
Combustion: Fluidized-Bed Combustion and Co-Firing – 1
Due to industrial development and population growth Turkiye‟s energy demand is
increasing every year. Although renewable energy sources are becoming widespread
31-1 these sources are not sufficient enough to meet all of the energy demand of Turkey in
Smartsheet Tool Applied to Boiler Performance Analysis and Economic the near future. Therefore fossil fuels are going to be used for a long time for domestic
Optimization of a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler heating and electricity production. The disadvantage of using fossil fuels is sulfur
Abhinaya Joshi, Xinsheng Lou, Carl Neuschaefer, Paul Panos, Alstom Power dioxide (SO2) emissions during the combustion according to the sulfur content of the
Inc.; Weikko Wirta, AES Thames, USA fuel. Turkey‟s energy consumption depends heavily on fossil fuels. Therefore SO 2
emission level is going to be higher than the legal limits according to Industrial Based
In the current deregulated competitive electricity market and with tighter air Pollution Control Regulation since our lignite has a low calorific heating value and
environmental regulations, it is an important goal that power plant boilers are operated high sulfur content which are 1807 kcal/kg and 1.85 % respectively. Although there
and controlled in the most efficient, economic and cleanest manner while fulfilling the are disadvantages of using lignite for electricity production it‟s our native energy
grid load demand requirements. This paper presents the development and testing source and by applying appropriate desulphurization methods it is possible to reduce
results of a boiler performance analysis and optimization tool referred to as emission of SO2 to lower levels. Removal of SO2 is not only legal obligation but also
“Smartsheet”, capable of assisting plant owners and operators in meeting the stated an act for protection of the public health and environment. Because an important effect
optimization goals. The Excel based tool includes a neural network process model, of SO2 is it‟s contribution to acid rain. Acid aerosols cause chlorosis, the loss of
economic relationships, an optimization solver and a number of user functions and chlorophyll and plasmolysis, tissue collapse of leaf cells in plants. In this study, most
interface for use in the analysis and the operational optimization of a circulating prevalent way to prevent SO2 emission, desulphurization flue gas after combustion of
fluidized bed (CFB) boiler. In view of the fact that a CFB boiler process is nonlinear fossil fuel especially lignite, is elaborated wet scrubbing, spray dry and dry sorbent
with strong interactions among process variables, an artificial neural network (ANN) injection methods are investigated. A computer program is written to determine the
based model was developed to capture the nonlinear relationships between the lowest capital investment among those three methods of desulphurization is found as
variables representing operating conditions and the variables that relate to operating dry sorbent injection capital investment cost model for certain methods are developed
costs. The tool has been tested at the AES Thames, station in Uncasville Connecticut. as a function of plant capacity and sulfur content for trona sorbent.
The validation testing involved developing two orthogonal test matrices based on
Design of Experiments (DoE) methods that were then used to carry out two 31-5
independent tests in the Alstom supplied CFB boiler (100MW). The test data collected Desulfurization Characteristics of Powdered Hydrated Lime for Flue Gas
from the first set of tests was used to train the ANN model and the data from a second Sorbent Injection Process
set of tests was used for the model validation. The model was combined with the other Hyok Bo Kwon, Kyungnam University; Sang Whan Park, KIST; Hyung Taek
software developed functions into a tool to support power plant engineers and Kim, Ajou University, KOREA
operators in boiler and total plant performance analysis. The tool is specifically
designed to assist in generating economically optimal operating plant settings based on In this study, the effect of property change of hydrated lime by methanol treatment and
a utility‟s specified current cost and emission credit factors. The optimization results to adsorption temperature change on desulfurization efficiency in flue gas sorbent
date show that the optimized operating settings can save, on average, more than 2% of injection process was determined. Desulfurization efficiency of methanol treated
operating costs over the current operating conditions, which have been fine tuned by hydrated lime increased and it was affected by BET surface area change. In addition,
almost 20 years of operating experience. Additional validation tests of the optimal reaction temperature did not affect desulfurization efficiency at normal operating
operating conditions suggested by the optimization tool have been planned with the temperature range of 70-150 °C. Desulfurization efficiency increased significantly
customer to further validate the tool. when water was added to sorbent. Desulfurization efficiency increased as moisture
content of untreated sorbent increased; however, it decreased as moisture content of
31-2 methanol treated sorbent increased. In conclusion, desulfurization efficiency increases
A Model of Primary Fragmentation of Coal Particles in Fluidized-Bed by adding water and moisture content should be modulated by sorbent property for
Combustion optimal desulfurization efficiency.
Adam Luckos, Sasol Technology R&D, SOUTH AFRICA; Monika
Kosowska-Golachowska, Częstochowa University of Technology, POLAND 31-6
Status of Large Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Operation in China
Fragmentation of coal particles plays a significant role in fluidized-bed boilers because Jie Yu, Beijing Research Institute of Coal Chemistry, China Coal Research
it accelerates devolatilization and influences the size distribution of char particles in Institute, CHINA
the bed. A model is proposed to describe heating, devolatilization and fragmentation
processes for large coal particles burnt in a fluidized-bed combustor. Results of tests Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler technology has been rapidly developed in China
carried out in a bench-scale bubbling-bed unit at conditions similar to those prevailing due to its fuel flexibility including low rank coal and low cost emission control. In the
in fluidized-bed boilers are compared with predictions of the model. past twenty years, the CFB technology was developed by the local institute and
companies. In the sane time, it was also introduced from foreign famous companies.
Now, China has the largest installed number and capacity of CFB boiler in the world.
The total number of CFB boilers in China is over 3000, of which capacity ranges from
6MWe to 330 MWe. The fuel in the CFB boilers includes anthracite, lean coal, small or large, which affects the pressure drop across the nozzle. A balance needs to be
bituminous, lignite, gangue, petroleum coke, biomass, municipal solid waste, and stricken between the pressure drop across the nozzle (atomizing velocity) and the angle
many kinds of industrial waste. The total installed capacity of CFB boiler in China is of the injector discharge. The geometries of the injector design should be optimized to
66GWe, sharing about 15% of the total thermal power generation, among which, the provide a thorough devolatilization of the coal-water slurry.
number of 135MWe CFB boilers is over 200, while that of running 300MWe CFB Through cold-flow testing, a higher pressure drop was shown to provide better
boilers is 26, and there are other more than 60 units of 300MWe CFB ordered. Now, atomization. By increasing the impingement angle, the water droplets in the plume
the 600MWe supercritical CFB boiler demonstration is being constructed. The appeared to be smaller than those of a smaller impingement angle. The smaller
operational performance of large CFB boilers including 135MWe and 300MWe was impingement angle provided the smallest water spray angle, giving it a larger velocity
investigated in the present paper. And the reliability, economy, emission are also component in the downward direction. Changing the gas and liquid flow rates for a
discussed as well as the problems in these units. given impingement angle and pressure drop did not appear to affect atomization.
During tests on the entrained flow gasifier, a higher impingement angle caused a slight
increase in gasification products. Also, higher pressure drops led to an increase in
gasification products as well as a slight increase in temperature.
Gasification: Fundmentals - 3 32-4
Analysis of Fines Produced from Non-Slagging Coal Gasifier and
Evaluation of Economic Usage
32-1 Yongseung Yun, Seok Woo Chung, Na Rang Kim, Institute for Advanced
An Updating of Coal Gasification Experimental Tests in a Pilot CO2-Free Engineering, KOREA
Coal-to-Hydrogen Plant
Alberto Pettinau, Caterina Frau, Francesca Ferrara, Sotacarbo S.p.A., ITALY Most coal gasifiers apply the slagging method for coal ash under high temperature,
which gives an advantage on ash disposal with smaller volume and non-leaching of
Large-scale hydrogen production through near zero emissions coal gasification plants heavy metal components. Slagging was related to many operational problems that had
represents a reliable technology characterized by a very low environmental impact and been occurred in pilot and demonstration-scale coal gasifiers. Slagging causes
it is being more and more interesting for its potential implications from the economic distinctive problems in gasifier operation such as slag-tap plugging and the
point of view. However, the application of these technologies is currently subject to accumulation of a sticky fly-slag on the radiant cooler and in syngas passage. If the fly-
high capital and operative costs. This need a great scientific and technical effort in ash from the gasifier can be used as an economically viable material such as cement
order to optimize the processes and the equipments, thus reducing the hydrogen filler or construction raw material, the coal gasification on non-slagging mode might
production cost. be an attractive option which replaces coal slag to fly-ash as a final product. In
In this context, a flexible and fully equipped pilot platform has been built up in the particular, coals that contain ash components exhibiting a high melting temperature
Sotacarbo Research Centre in Carbonia (South-West Sardinia, Italy), in order to study such as many Australian coals can be utilized more widely in gasification. Coals of
several integrated gasification and syngas treatment process configurations for a CO2- high ash melting temperature should add a certain fluxing agent to reduce the ash
free combined production of hydrogen and electrical energy, to be used in medium and flowing temperature. If the fly ash from the non-slagging gasification can be used as a
small-scale commercial plants. useful material as much as slag, development of a versatile gasifier that can be
The platform includes a demonstrative and a pilot fixed-bed coal gasifiers, both based applicable to wide range of coals would be possible.
on an up-draft and airblown gasification reactor; in particular, the pilot unit is equipped For usage of fly-ash for other applications, it should meet a certain criteria. Typically,
with a flexible and complete syngas treatment process for the development and the combustion fly-ash should contain less than 5 wt% remaining carbon to be useful
optimization of hydrogen and electrical energy production technologies. as cement filler, etc. However, fines from the one-stage entrained-bed coal gasifier of
This paper reports an updating about the main gasification results obtained in the pilot pilot-scale 1 ton/day contain 20-70% remaining carbon. In this case, final fines might
plant during an experimental campaign which is currently under development in order be applicable for another low-grade fuel if combustibility and other criteria are
to define the optimal operating conditions of the plant. In particular, after a significant satisfactory, or a specialty fuel that does not contain volatiles with high surface area.
improvement in the plant configuration, a series of experimental tests has been carried The pilot-scale coal gasifier which was designed to complete the conversion in one
out between December 2009 and July 2010 in order to optimize the gasification pass through the gasifier normally produced 1-5 wt% of feed coal powder as entrained
process in different operating conditions. Moreover, a mention of the global plant fines. In terms of carbon conversion, typically more than 97% has reached. Although
performance (based on the experimental results obtained in each plant section, the internal recycle amount of reacted fines to the gasifier can reach more than 50% in
processed through a simulation model for the evaluation of the material balances) has two-stage gasifiers, actual amount of fines and slag remains at the ash amount in feed
been presented, with particular reference to hydrogen, carbon and pollutant emissions. coal plus a small portion of un-reacted carbon which is below than 1-3 wt% of total
32-2 In the study, remaining carbon in fines and their physical characteristics were
Performance of a 500 KWTH Pressurized Entrained-Flow Coal Gasifier evaluated for the samples obtained from a non-slagging gasifier with slags from the
Kevin J. Whitty, Randy Pummill, David R. Wagner, Travis Waind, David A. same coal. In short, in order to compare and verify the applicability of fines from the
Wagner, The University of Utah, USA non-slagging gasifier as a useful by-product, an Indonesian subbitumious coal was
gasified in the 1 ton/day scale non-slagging gasifier. Samples of entrained fines from
In order to acquire industrially-representative data on performance of coal gasification the gasifier were analyzed by SEM, EDX, ICP-OES, particle size analyzer, and TGA.
systems, the University of Utah has commissioned a small pilot-scale, pressurized, Leaching result of heavy metals on the entrained fines was compared with that from
oxygen-blown entrained flow coal gasifier. This system has a maximum throughput of gasification slag on the same coal. And a preliminary evaluation on the possible usage
approximately 1.5 tons coal/day (approx. 500 kWth) at the maximum design pressure of entrained fines as a useful material is discussed.
of 31 bar. Operationally, the system performs well, achieving good conversion and
producing hydrogen- and carbon monoxide-rich syngas. Operation at very low 32-5
pressures (< 5 bar) is challenging, primarily because the system was designed for Development of Gas, Power and Tar Co-Generation System with
operation at 10-30 bar. Initial results from experimental campaigns suggest that a Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology
residence time on the order of 5-6 seconds is necessary to achieve good conversion. Qinhui Wang, Mengxiang Fang, Zhongyang Luo, Mingjiang Ni, Kefa Cen,
Zhejiang University, CHINA
Characterization of a Small Scale Slurry-Fed, Oxygen-Blown Entrained A gas, power and tar cogeneration technology, which combines a circulating fluidized
Flow Gasifier: How Injector Geometry Affects Flame Stability and bed (CFB) boiler and a fluidized bed gasifier to realize gas, power and tar co-
Performance generation in one system, has been developed. A 12 MWe gas, power and tar co-
Travis Waind, Kevin Whitty, University of Utah, USA generation demonstration plant fired Huainan bituminous coal has been operated
successfully and the demonstration operation results showed that the constructed co-
The University of Utah operates a 1 ton/day pressurized, slurry-fed, oxygen-blown generation system may be operated continuously under the design requirements. A
entrained-flow coal gasifier. To determine the ideal design settings for the coal slurry series of test operation results showed that the operation temperature in the gasifier has
injector in this system, a number of factors were evaluated. The injector is a twin-fluid great influence on the pyrolysis gas composition and tar yield. The tar yield reaches a
design with coal slurry flowing through the central channel and oxygen entering at maximum value at a temperature range from 550 to 600o, and hydrogen content in the
high velocity through a concentric, angled annulus around the slurry, providing produced gas increases with increasing the operation temperature in the gasifier.
atomization. The injector is positioned in a water-cooled sleeve to keep the injector
The tip of the injector can be removed from the injector and replaced. The angle that
the oxygen tube is tapered can be adjusted to change the pattern of the injector
discharge. The tip of the injector can also be adjusted so that the oxygen flow path is
32-6 33-3
Thermal Chemical Process Study on Chemical Reaction Network of Jet- Influence of Pressure on Dry Reforming of Methane over Carbonaceous
Fluidized Bed Gasifer Reaction System Catalyst
Jie Feng, Xuecheng Hou, Wenying Li, Xiao-Hui Chen, Taiyuan University of Bingmo Zhang, Yongfa Zhang, Guojie Zhang, Fengbo Guo, Taiyuan
Technology, CHINA University of Technology, CHINA
To study and optimize gasification characteristics of jetting fluidized bed coal gasifier, Reforming of methane by CO2 to syngas has been studied on carbonaceous catalysts on
we studied the influence law of two gasification parameters, oxygen feed rate into high pressure. The catalysts have been characterised by BET and FITR techniques. The
center nozzle and coal feed rate, on gasifier gasification process and gas composition catalytic activity and stability of catalysts are closely related to the pressure. It has
variations using established reactor network model, and analyzed the calculation been observed that the catalytic activity, CH4 and CO2 conversion decrease with the
results. Results show that the gasifier temperature distribution is one of the most pressure increased. Some process methods, such as increasing the reaction
critical factors affecting gas compositions for jetting bed coal gasifier, and oxygen feed temperature, prolonging reaction residence time and increasing CO 2 and CH4 molar
rate into center nozzle and coal feed rate result in obvious changes of gasifier ratio, can improve catalysts stability. Moreover, the positive effect of carbonaceous
temperature distribution. Within the calculation range, with the increase of oxygen catalysts oxygen-containing groups(C-O) on catalysts activity has been evidenced. The
feed rate into center nozzle, jet region increased nearly twice, temperature increased by basic function of the carbonaceous materials surface area also seemed to increase H-
306 K and high-temperature region moved up, carbon conversion efficiency rose from abstraction of methane and CO2 adsorption.
68% to 97% (jet region temperature had exceeded the ash melting temperature), and in
generated gas, CO and H2 content changed obviously. With the increase of coal
processing capacity, jet region temperature decreased by 252 K, the gasifier overall
temperature decreased, and carbon conversion efficiency reduced from 98% to 74%. SESSION 34
Dilute phase region has a great effect on effective gas composition in final products, Coal Science: Coal Chemistry - 3
especially H2 content.
Predetermination of the Fault Crossing the Underground Coal Mine
SESSION 33 Galeries by Seismic Reflection Method: An Application at a Longwall
Carbon Management: Post-Combustion CO2 Capture - 2 Coal Mine in Turkey
G.G.U. Aldas, B. Kaypak, B. Ecevitoglu, Ankara University; A. Can, General
Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, TURKEY
An Efficient Membrane Process to Capture Carbon Dioxide From Power In longwall mining operations, to provide continuous coal production, it is crucial to
Plant Flue Gas know the locations, types, dips, strikes and throw of the faults, before the operations.
Bilgen Firat Sercinoglu, Tim Merkel, Xiaotong Wei, Haiqing Lin, Jenny He, The aim of this study was to determine the existent faults and their important features
Richard Baker, Karl Amo, Hans Wijmans, Membrane Technology and in the longwall coal mining region, before starting the exploitation. Multi channel
Research, Inc., USA seismic reflection method, which is the most widely used and powerful geophysical
method to view the tectonic structures, was used in the study. The method provides
To mitigate the harmful effects of global climate change, CO 2 in power plant flue gas good results in determining the existent faults and their structures in the region.
must be captured and sequestered. Current absorption technologies proposed to capture
CO2 from flue gas are costly and energy intensive. Membrane technology is an 34-2
attractive CO2 capture option because of advantages such as energy-efficient passive Alberta‟s 2 Trillion Tonnes of „Unrecognized‟ Coal
operation, no use of hazardous chemicals, tolerance to acid gases and oxygen, a small R.J. Richardson, CanZealand Geoscience Ltd., NEW ZEALAND
footprint, no additional use of water, and no steam use requiring modifications to the
existing boiler and steam turbine. Historically and currently Canada is considered by the international energy industry to
Working with DOE, MTR has developed new membranes and process designs to have minor coal reserves relative to those of the traditionally accepted major coal
recover CO2 from power plant flue gas. MTR Polaris membranes have CO2 nations. Recent estimates by the World Energy Council (WEC) for proved recoverable
permeances ten times higher than standard commercial membranes, which greatly reserves (that is, the tonnage of coal that has been proved by drilling etc. and is
reduces the cost of a membrane capture system. These membranes are combined with a economically and technically extractable) has the United States at 238.308 Gt
novel process design that uses incoming combustion air as a countercurrent sweep to (gigatonnes or billion tonnes), Russian Federation at 157.010 Gt, China at 114.500 Gt,
maximize membrane module performance and recycle CO2 to the boiler. Design Australia at 76.200 Gt, India at 58.600 Gt while Canada is listed as having only 6.578
calculations estimate that this membrane process can capture 90% of the CO2 in flue Gt; less than a 1% share of the world coal reserves and a little less than nations such as
gas as a supercritical fluid using <20% of the plant power, at a cost of $20-$30/ton of Poland (7.502 Gt), Brazil (7.059 Gt) and Columbia (6.814Gt).
CO2 captured. This translates to an increase in the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) In Alberta (the Canadian Province having the largest coal resources) the Alberta
of about 40%. Energy Resources Conservation Board ERCB) estimates the remaining established
Currently, MTR is testing this membrane CO2 capture process with Arizona Public reserves (similar to WEC‟s proved recoverable reserves category) of all types of coal
Service (APS) at natural gas and coal-fired power plants. The test at APS‟ Cholla in Alberta at December 31, 2008, to be 33.4 Gt. Of this amount, 22.7 Gt (or about 68
power plant uses commercial-scale membrane modules and captures about 1 ton per cent) is considered recoverable by underground mining methods, and 10.8 Gt is
CO2/day. Technical results from the field tests and future plans will be discussed in this recoverable by surface mining methods. In addition the ERCB recognize an ultimate
presentation. potential of 620 Gt and ultimate in place coal resource of 2000 Gt (the Alberta
Geological Survey using different methods put the estimate at a minimum of 2500 Gt).
33-2 Alberta‟s coal resources are vast and at 2000 Gt it is similar in scale to that of total coal
CO2 Capture by Condensed Rotational Separation resources of the United States.
R.J. van Benthum, H.P. van Kemenade, J.J.H. Brouwers, M. Golombok, Coal data varies in quantity and quality from nation to nation and part of the definition
Eindhoven University of Technology, THE NETHERLANDS of reserves involves economics and again changes markedly from place to place and
from time to time. In addition there is geological complexity to consider in estimating
Condensed rotational separation is a technique in which flue gas is cleaned by reserves. Resource estimates can be even more wide ranging.
condensation of the CO2 and mechanical centrifugal separation. It requires a Alberta does have a substantial amount of publically available geological data that can
purification of CO2 in the flue gas, prior to separation. This purification can be realized be used to establish coal resources. In addition to tens of thousands of shallow coal
with existing techniques like oxygen enriched coal combustion or CO2 separating exploration holes and more than 17 thousand recent Coal Bed Methane (CBM) wells
membranes. Combined with an enrichment technique, condensed rotational separation there are data from over 350 thousand oil and gas boreholes drilled in Alberta. The
provides an answer that can compete with promising conventional techniques for CO2 database grows by 15-20 thousand boreholes a year.
capture, like oxy–fuel combustion or amine absorption. These conventional techniques Many of these oil and gas boreholes intercept deep coals and the coals that are readily
produce a waste stream with a high CO2 purity that can be compressed to supercritical indentified on geophysical logs. Industry geologists often use hundreds to thousands of
pressure for transport and storage. It is shown that energy consumption of CRS is only these oil and gas boreholes to outline CBM plays. Almost all of the deeper coals are
slightly more than gas compression of a sequestration stream resulting from not extractable (economic) through traditional mining at present.
conventional separation techniques. However traditional coal mining is no longer the only option for coal. Thinking about
coal has changed in recent years with new and improved technology for in-situ
gasification paired with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and with the current
concerns of world depletion of oil and climate change. The recent international interest
in in-situ gasification, surface gasification and associated energy technologies such as
CTL, GTL, hydrogen and fuel cells has surfaced in a number of jurisdictions including 35-2
Alberta. Comparative Study of Oil Agglomeration and Flotation of Low Grade
Now with coal being in-situ mined up to 1400m depth in an Alberta coal gasification Coals
pilot project; Alberta‟s huge coal endowment needs to be recognized. Feridun Boylu, Fırat Karakas, Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY
34-3 In this study, the collector, also called as the bridging oil, used in both oil
Temperature as a Factor Affecting Adsorption Behavior of Coal to Lead agglomeration and flotation is introduced to test in the form of emulsion. Kerosene,
(II) Ions Fuel oil and Diesel oil were used for both flotation and oil agglomeration as bridging
Boleslav Taraba, Petra Vesela, Roman Marsalek, Zuzana Navratilova, oil or collector. In flotation experiments, MIBC, DTAB and n-Decanol were also used
Ostrava University, CZECH REPUBLIC as frother, and emulsifiers respectively.
In agglomeration tests, it was found that diesel oil was superior to kerosene and fuel oil
Adsorption behavior of lead (II) ions on bituminous and subbituminous coals was according to the combustible recoveries and ash contents of the agglomerates. The
investigated at temperatures 30, 60 and 80°C. Adsorption isotherms as well as emulsification of the bridging oils resulted in enhancement on combustible recoveries
adsorption kinetics were studied using batch adsorption experiments. In addition, flow from 40 % to 75 %.and the reduction on the ash contents of original coal samples from
calorimetric measurements were applied to direct determination of adsorption 35 % to 19 %. In flotation tests with emulsified diesel oils of 8000 g/t based on the
enthalpy. coal weight, the clean coal products with approximately 15 % ash contents and 60-70
The shape of the adsorption isotherms indicated that the adsorption data could be % combustible recoveries were obtained.
tightly fitted by the Langmuir adsorption model. For both coal types, practically no Finally the oil agglomeration and the flotation of low grade coal were compared and it
change in adsorption capacity of the coals to Pb(II) ions was ascertained with was found that the oil agglomeration methods should be announced as superior method
increasing temperature. On the other hand, practically doublefold increase in the values to flotation for providing higher combustible recoveries and lower ash contents.
of adsorption rate constant k was found when temperature rises from 30 to 60°C. The
interaction of lead (II) ions with coal was then confirmed to be slightly exothermic 35-3
process giving „net“ adsorption heat = 1 J/g for both coal samples. Briquetting Studies of Canakkale-Can Coals
Oguz Altun, Akan Gulmez, Ayşe Erdem, Zafer Gencer, Mineral Research and
34-4 Exploration Directorate in Turkey; Zeki Olgun, Turkish Coal Enterprises,
Bioflotation of Coal TURKEY
Peter Fecko, Tana Kantorkova, Radomir Michniak, Lukas Koval, Alena
Kasparkova, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC Canakkale-Can coals, after being washed within 1.4 g/cm3 density, were studied and
air channeled briquettes were prepared to be used for domestic consumption, in this
This work deals with application of bioflotation on samples of brown and black coal. study.
The bacteria Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans werw used for the purposes and the effect Due to high sulfur content, Canakkale-Can coals cause to emit large amount of sulfur
of bacterial action (o-24 hours) on the results of flotation was observed. The acquired oxide gasses and resultantly, environmental pollutions. This property of the coals
results imply that bacterial action manifested itself in a negative way on the black coal makes the usage of the coals hard as domestic fuels or conventional power plants‟
samples (drawn in the localities of Marcel mine and Zyglowice), in principle, there fuels.
was a Loir concentrate yield and the ash and sulphur contents were higher. On the It is obvious that, due to high moisture, volatile matter, ash and sulfur contents, direct
other hand, the results of bioflotation using brown coal samples drawn CSA Mine in usage of Canakkale-Can coals will cause environmental pollutions. Utilizing the coals
Most brought positive results and i tis apparent that even short-term action of the domestically may only be possible with decreasing ash values and increasing calorific
bakteria, i.e. 30 minutes, is able to increase the concentrate yield and improve the values with beneficiation processes, and also with some additions of lime. Moreover,
concentrate quality, which means that both contents of ash and sulphur were lower. making air channeled briquettes out of them, will make it possible to decrease their
sulfur and smoke emissions to tolerable limits.
In this study, chemical analysis and stove thermal efficiency test results of the
briquettes, made of Canakkale-Can coals were presented.
Coal Science: Beneficiation – 2 35-4
Drying Kinetics of Çanakkale – Çan Lignite
Ufuk Gündüz Zafer, Ö. Murat Dogan, Duygu Öztan, Bekir Zühtü Uysal, Gazi
35-1 University; Zeki Olgun, Mustafa Ozdingis, Ömer Sezgin, Selahaddin Anac,
Suitability of the Sulcis Coal for CWS Preparation Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI), TURKEY
Raimondo Ciccu, Giovanni Mei, Caterina Tilocca, University of Cagliari;
Paolo Deiana, Sezione Impianti e Processi ENEA - Agenzia Nazionale per le In this research, the drying kinetics of Çanakkale - Çan lignite was investigated.
Nuove Tecnologie, ITALY Experiments were carried out in Denver IR 35 M model moisture analyzer. Drying
experiments were performed at temperatures of 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 °C. Five
A Coal Water Slurry (CWS) containing about 65-70% solids by weight can be defined different particle sizes (1.5, 2.6, 5.6, 10 and 30 mm) were studied. The critical moisture
as a stable combustible mixture having a high heat power, in spite of the presence of of lignite and kinetic parameters of the drying process (ko, Arrhenius equation pre-
water. A suitable particle size distribution accompanied by a small quantity of exponential factor and Ea, activation energy) were determined from the weight loss
additives contribute to the obtainment of such properties enabling handling, data as a function of drying time. The average value of critical moisture was found to
trasportation, storage and combustion as a heavy fuel oil. be 0.23 kg water/kg dry lignite from experiments performed at different drying
The utilization of CWS offers a number of economic and environmental advantages temperatures and with different particle sizes. Pre-exponential factor of the Arrhenius
concerning either the transport and storage operations (better management of coal equation and activation energy were calculated as 0.517 s-1 and 25,381 kJ/kmol,
stockpiles, lower intensity of traffic ….) and the final combustion (CWS can be the respectively. It was observed that a 4 minute drying process was enough to decrease
starting phase for the application of a number of clean coal technologies including the moisture content below 20 % in the range of particle sizes of 1.5 – 10 mm.
gasification and hydrogen production)
Aim of the research work dealt with in the paper is the study of the influence on 35-5
suspension stability and rheologic characteristics (viscosity, thyxotropy) of various Beneficiation of Lignites by Heat Treatment
parameters such as: G. Onal, N. Acarkan, M. Özer, Istanbul Technical University; M. Özdingiş,
Particle size distribution Turkish Coal Enterprises, TURKEY
Type and dosage of a fluidising additive
Type and dosage of a stabilising agent The proven Turkish coal reserves, particularly of lignites, amount to 10 billion tons.
Proportion of coal in the mixture. The majority of these lignites are characterized by their high ash (14% to 42%),
Optimum CWS should be characterised by a high heat value, good stability and a moisture (15% to 55%) and volatile matter (16% to 38%) contents. In addition, the
viscosity low enough for pipeline delivery. lignites contain sulfur levels ranging from 1% to 5%. As most of these coals are
Results obtained through a systematic experimental programme, while confirming a consumed without any upgrading processes; high moistures, low calorific values and
better aptness of high.rank coals, have shown that also the sub-bitominous coal mined high sulfur contents become the main causes of coal based air pollution. However, the
in the Sulcis coalfield is amenable to the preparation of CWS to be burned in the advanced coal cleaning technologies can achieve substantial reductions in coal-based
nearby power stations. emissions.
In this paper, low carbonization tests were carried out on lignite samples from Istanbul-
Yeniköy region. The results indicate that these low-rank coals can be upgraded to the
desired quality both in terms of heating value as 6246 kcal/kg, total sulfur contend is
1.45%.calorific value and sulfur content.
Simple economical outcomes were conducted for the semi-coke and briquetting private organizations in wide range of equipment and under severe operating
techniques. An investment was found $80 million, for a 1000 tons/day plant. The net conditions.
benefit/investment ratio is found to be around 80%. Tar, liquid and gas substances, Rentech made a 25% strategic investment in ClearFuels technologies, Inc. ClearFuels
acquired as the by-products of the coking process, were also included into this owns a proprietary flexible biomass gasification technology platform that converts
economic evaluation. multiple rural cellulosic biomass feedstocks such as sugarcane bagasse and virgin
wood waste into clean syngas suitable for integration with synthesis gas-to-liquids
35-6 technologies. Rentech and ClearFuels. To facilitate the development process,
Innovative High Energy Efficiency Brown Coal Drying based on Self- ClearFuels will build a 20 ton-per-day biomass gasifier designed to produce syngas
Heat Recuperation Technology from bagasse, virgin wood waste and other cellulosic feedstocks at Rentech‟s PDU in
Muhammad Aziz, Chihiro Fushimi, Yasuki Kansha, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, Colorado. The gasifier will be integrated with Rentech's Fischer-Tropsch Process and
Shozo Kaneko, Atsushi Tsutsumi, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN UOP's upgrading technology to produce renewable drop-in synthetic jet and diesel fuel
at demonstration scale. Rentech and ClearFuels have been selected to receive up to $23
Brown coal drying based on Self-Heat Recuperation (SHR) technology which recovers million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to construct the biomass
effectively both latent and sensible heat is introduced to improve the drying energy gasifier at the PDU site.
efficiency. SHR based fluidized bed drier (SHR-FBD) with heat exchanger immersed Rentech will build a plant at the capacity of approximately 640 barrels per day of
inside the bed is adopted as the evaporator. To evaluate the drying efficiency of the renewable synthetic fuels using Rentech-SilvaGas biomass gasification technology in
proposed SHR-FBD system, a comparison to the available Mechanical Vapor Rialto, CA. In addition, the plant will be exporting approximately 35 MW of
Recompression (MVR) based FBD (MVR-FBD) system in relation to the fluidization renewable power.
velocity and bed aspect ratio in respect of the required energy input was conducted.
From the results, the proposed SHR-FBD system was found to be able to drastically 36-3
reduce the drying energy consumption in all evaluated fluidization velocities and bed Graphical Methods for the Representation of the Fischer-Tropsch
aspect ratios. Furthermore, the proposed system can decrease the energy consumption Reaction Systems: Method and Water Gas Shift Reaction
to about 15% and 75% of that required in hot air and MVR drying systems. Thierry Musanda, Diane Hildebrandt, David Glasser, University of the
Witwatersrand, SOUTH AFRICA
The paper deals with verification of floatability of classical collector Montanol 551 and
pyrolysis oils, which were obtained through pyrolysis of waste, namely mixed plastics,
tyres and waste rubber in combination with black coal from Lazy Mine, in black coal SESSION 42
flotation. Black coal from ČSA OKD, a.s. coal preparation plant was used for flotation Coal-Derived Products: H2 Production/SNG
tests. The results imply that it is possible to produce collectors from waste materials
which may be applied in the flotation of black coal.
41-2 Development of Hydrogen Transport Membranes for Separating
Studies of a Multi Gravity Separator (MGS) to Produce Clean Coal from Hydrogen from Coal Gasification Stream
Turkish Lignite and Hard Coal Fine Tailings U. (Balu) Balachandran, T. H. Lee, C. Y. Park, Y. Lu, S. E. Dorris, Argonne
Eyüp Sabah, Selçuk Özgen, M. Fatih Can, Afyon Kocatepe University, National Laboratory, USA
Hydrogen, the fuel of choice for both electric power and transportation sectors, can be
The multi-gravity separator (MGS) is a novel piece of equipment for the separation of produced from fossil and renewable resources by various technologies. Because it is
fine and ultra-fine minerals. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of produced in gas streams with numerous components, purification is a critical step in its
different process variables on the performance of the Multi Gravity Separator (MGS) production. Argonne National Laboratory is developing dense cermet (i.e., ceramic-
for beneficiation of Turkish lignite and hard coal fine tailings to recover ultra-fine coal. metal composite) hydrogen transport membranes (HTMs) for separating hydrogen
The main minerals of Tunçbilek lignite tailings are kaolinite, illite and mica. The from coal gasification streams. Hydrogen separation with Argonne's HTMs yields high
dominant minerals of Zonguldak hard coal tailings are chlorite, quartz, mica, calcite, purity hydrogen, thereby eliminating the need for post-separation purification steps.
pyrite, and amorphous materials. Various operating and design conditions of MGS HTMs were prepared by standard ceramic fabrication techniques, and their hydrogen
such as drum speed, tilt angle, shaking amplitude, wash water rate, feed rate and pulp permeation rate, or flux, was measured in the range of 400-900°C. A cermet membrane
solid ratio were investigated. A hydrocyclone was used for pre-enrichment with the (thickness ≈18 μm) on a porous support structure gave a maximum hydrogen flux of
MGS. Operation parameters of the hydrocyclone, namely feed solids, inlet pressure, ≈52 cm3 (STP)/min-cm2 at 900°C in tests using 100% H2 at ambient pressure as the
vortex finder and apex diameters were investigated. The results showed that clean coal feed gas. We also measured the hydrogen flux through a
was obtainable with 22.83% ash, 5.696 kCal/kg calorific value and recovery of 49.32% at 400°C using H2, CO, CO2, H2O, and He as feed gas at ≈200 psig. Because good
from lignite has 66.21% ash and 1.835 kCal/kg calorific value, with 6.98% ash, 7.214 chemical stability is critical for HTMs, due to the corrosive nature of product streams
kCal/kg calorific value and recovery of 85.61% from a hard coal has 28.41% ash and from coal gasification, we evaluated the effect of various contaminants on the chemical
5863 kCal/kg calorific value by this two-stage concentration process. stability of cermet membranes. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a particularly corrosive
contaminant, impedes hydrogen permeation through cermet membranes by reacting
41-3 with them to form palladium sulfide (Pd4S). To evaluate the chemical stability of
Petrographic Characterisation of Beneficiated Material of Tailings from membranes, the Pd/Pd4S phase boundary was determined in the temperature range
Soma Işıklar Derekoy Coal Washing Plant (TURKEY), by Multi Gravity ≈400-700°C in tests using various feed gases that contained 10-73% H2 and ≈8-400
Seperator (MGS) ppm H2S. The Pd-containing cermets are stable between about 430°C and 680°C in gas
Selami Toprak, Ayşe Erdem, Akan Gulmez, Oguz Altun, Mineral Research stream containing 73% H2 with between about 60 and 400 ppm H2S. When the gas
and Exploration Directorate in Turkey; Sarper Alyildiz, Turkish Coal contains only 10% H2, the membrane is stable for H2S concentrations between about 8
Enterprises, TURKEY and 50 ppm. We assessed the effect of syngas components on the Pd/Pd 4S phase
boundary by locating the phase boundary in feed gas that contained CH4, CO2, and CO
In this study, coal tailing samples taken from Soma Isıklar Washing Plant belonging to in addition to 400 ppm H2S. The present status of membrane development at Argonne
Aegean Lignite Enterprise of Turkish Lignite Authority were analyzed and the challenges involved in bringing this technology to fruition will be presented in
petrographically and the results were used in the ore beneficiation studies. this talk.
Representative sample was taken from determined tailing pond and with aid of a Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, National
mechanical mixer working by electricity; a homogeneous mixture of the material was Energy Technology Laboratory‟s Hydrogen and Fuels Program, under Contract DE-
obtained and reduced to a working amount in a laboratory. Samples were obtained for AC02-06CH11357.
analysis (mineralogic-petrographic, chemical and sieve analysis) and wet screening.
The tailing is composed of coal and associating gangue minerals. In order to determine 42-2
the types, percentages and liberation degree and their average sizes, mineralogic and HTGR-Integrated Coal to Liquids Production Analysis
petrographic analyses were conducted to the samples. It was determined that the tailing Anastasia M Gandrik, Rick A. Wood, Idaho National Laboratory, USA
is composed of 55% of mineral matter which contains of clay, calcite and pyrite
minerals. And the coal part seems to contain about 45% of the material and is As part of the Department of Energy‟s (DOE) Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
composed mostly of Huminite macerals. nuclear energy development mission, the INL is leading a program to develop and
According to evaluation of the mineralogic and petrographic, chemical and sieve design a high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), which has been selected as the
analyses, the samples with -0.5+0.3 mm and -0.3+0.02 mm sizes were determined as base design for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP). Because an HTGR
suitable for beneficiation studies by MGS and -0.02 mm size were determined as to be operates at a higher temperature, it can provide higher temperature process heat, more
worked by flotation methods. The sizes of different pyrites were determined and their closely matched to chemical process temperatures, than a conventional light water
sizes seemed to be too tiny for beneficiation. MGS was used to upgrade and increase reactor. Integrating HTGRs into conventional industrial processes would increase U.S.
the calorific values of the coal wastes. After the cleaning process, the ash content of energy security and potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), particularly
the concentrate lowered up to 16.45%, total sulfur to 1.26% and calorific value to 5335 CO2. This paper focuses on the integration of HTGRs into a coal to liquids (CTL)
kcal/kg. process, for the production of synthetic diesel fuel, naphtha, and liquefied petroleum
gas (LPG). The plant models for the CTL processes were developed using Aspen Plus.
41-4 The models were constructed with plant production capacity set at 50,000 barrels per
Soma Region‟s Coals Washing at Dereköy Washery with Working 800 day of liquid products. Analysis of the conventional CTL case indicated a potential
TPH and it‟s Washing Performance Evaluation need for hydrogen supplementation from high temperature steam electrolysis (HTSE),
S.I. Alyildiz, S. Gurkan, S. Tuncer, Directorate of the Aegean Lignite with heat and power supplied by the HTGR. By supplementing the process with an
Establishment, TURKEY external hydrogen source, the need to “shift” the syngas using conventional water-gas
shift reactors was eliminated. HTGR electrical power generation efficiency was set at
Coal is one of the major energy sources in most nations like Türkiye. The washing of 40%, a reactor size of 600 MWth was specified, and it was assumed that heat in the
coal is an important industry in Turkish coal mining. For this reason, run of mine form of hot helium could be delivered at a maximum temperature of 700°C to the
processes. Results from the Aspen Plus model were used to perform a preliminary
economic analysis and a life cycle emissions assessment. The following conclusions SESSION 43
were drawn when evaluating the HTGR-integrated CTL process against the Combustion: Fluidized-Bed Combustion and Co-Firing - 2
conventional process:
When compared to conventional CTL production, HTGR integration decreases coal
consumption by 65% using electrolysis and nuclear power as the hydrogen source. In 43-1
addition, HTGR integration decreases CO2 emissions by up to 95% when compared to Sulphur Capture Under Fluidised Bed Combustion Conditions Using
conventional CTL. Coal Ashes as Sorbents
In order to support a 50,000 barrel per day CTL facility, 11 HTGRs (600 MWth each) Rufaro Kaitano, Dursman Mchabe, Raymond C Everson, Hein W J P
are required. Neomagus, North-West University, SOUTH AFRICA
The preliminary economic assessment indicates that the incorporation of HTGRs and
the associated HTSEs impacts the expected return on investment, when compared to An investigation to determine whether coal ash can be used for reduction of sulphur
conventional CTL with or without sequestration. However, in a carbon constrained emission from coal combustion was carried out. The experimental work involved the
scenario, where CO2 emissions are taxed and sequestration is not an option, a determination of sulphur retention and capturing capacities of three ashes derived from
reasonable CO2 tax would equate the economics of the HTGR-integrated CTL case typical South African low grade coals. The coals under investigation had ash content
with the conventional CTL case. The economic results are preliminary, as they do not which varied between 37 and 46 wt %, reactive calcium oxide between 1.48 and 4.13
include economies of scale for multiple HTGRs and are based on an uncertain reactor wt % and total sulphur (organic and inorganic) within the range 0.70 to 1.90 wt. %.
cost estimate. Refinement of the HTGR cost estimate is currently underway. The sulphur capture experiments were carried out under isothermal (750ºC and 900ºC)
To reduce well to wheel (WTW) GHG emissions below baseline (U.S. crude mix) or and atmospheric pressure conditions. The simulation to assess the desulphurization
imported crude derived diesel, integration of an HTGR is necessary. WTW GHG potential of the ashes was carried out with a typical flue gas mixture composed of 3000
emissions decrease 8% below baseline crude with HTGR-integrated CTL. Even with ppm SO2, 8% CO2, 8% O2 concentration and balance N2. Reactivity measurements
CO2 sequestration, conventional CTL WTW GHG emissions are 24% higher than were carried out with a Thermogravimetric analyser.
baseline crude emissions. A detailed examination of phase transformation of the calcium containing minerals
Current efforts are underway to investigate the incorporation of nuclear integrated during combustion and desulphurization was executed in order to identify and quantify
steam methane reforming for the production of hydrogen, in place of HTSE. This reactive phases for the evaluation of sulphur retention and desulphurization properties
could potentially reduce the number of HTGRs required for the process. of the coal ashes. Mineral analyses of coal and ash samples were done by QEMSCAN.
The transformation of a large fraction of the calcium bearing minerals to sulphates is
42-3 evident with total sulphur retention of between 55.3% and 66.9 % of the total sulphur
Methane Production from Coal, Coal-Biomass Mixtures present in the parent coal. The transformation of all the other minerals is also evident
Arun SK Raju, Christophe Capelli, Viresco Energy LLC, USA with the formation of calcium containing non-crystalline phases with no sulphur
capturing properties.
Viresco Energy has developed an innovative conversion technology that can produce The results showed that approximately 40% of the reactive calcium was converted
methane (Synthetic Natural Gas) from carbonaceous feedstocks such as coal, biomass, within the first 90 minutes of reaction at 900 C. The shrinking core model with
municipal and green waste and biosolids. This technology uses the Steam diffusion through the product layer as the controlling mechanism was found to describe
Hydrogasification Reaction (SHR) based gasification process invented at the College the reaction.
of Engineering – Center for Environmental Research & Technology (CE-CERT) at the
University of California Riverside (UCR). SHR gasification uses steam and hydrogen 43-2
to convert feedstocks into high energy content product gases under relatively modest CO2 Reduction Potential and Co-Combustion Possibilities of the FBC-
temperatures and pressures. This gasification process has several advantages over Boilers on the Czech Conditions
conventional partial oxidation or air blown gasifiers. The process configuration for Dagmar Juchelkova, Helena Raclavska, Jiri Bilik, Pavlina Pustějovská, VSB-
methane production involves the utilization of the innovative SHR gasifier with a shift Technical University of Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
reactor. The slurry made of the carbonaceous feed and water, along with the recycled
hydrogen is fed to the SHR gasifier. The SHR generates a high methane content At present the task of minimizing carbon dioxide emissions in relation to its influence
product gas that is subjected to warm gas cleanup in order to remove contaminants on environment belongs to the priorities of EU research activities. For achieving the
such as sulfur. The clean product gas is then fed into a water gas shift reactor. In the best possible results it is necessary to focus attention on information concerning input
shift reactor, the CO present in the clean product gas reacts with the steam to produce materials character study of production as well as manufacturing processes and
H2. Methane This product gas is then cooled down and H2 is separated for recycle to subsequent returning the products back to environment (anthroposphere). The problem
the SHR as feed. The recycle hydrogen stream eliminates the hydrogen supply is very extensive and covers many fields. Problem of CO2 reduction is one from the
problem. The final product gas contains high quantity of methane. EU priority in longtime context (2010 and further).
Gasification experiments have been conducted using lignite coal and lignite-biomass The aim of research in our University is large scale experiments in the fluidized-bed
mixtures. The experimental work was conducted in a pressurized kiln type continuous boilers. The experiments are carried out for Czech brown coal, wood, sewage sludge
flow steam hydrogasifier. The product gas was passed through a Non-Dispersive and wastes including analyses and recommendations for optimal thermal utilization
Infrared Sensor (NDIR) and a Gas Chromatograph (GC). After each test, the un- and minimizing CO2 and harmful emissions. The next step is thermal analyses of coal,
reacted char and ash were collected and weighed. The experiments were conducted alternative fuel- wood pellets and sewage sludge from treatment plant. From the results
over a temperature range of 650 to 850 C. All the experiments were conducted at 150 of experiments it is clear that alternative fuels can be used in the large fluidized-bed
psi operating pressure and at a 2:1 ratio of H2O to feed mass ratio. The experimental boilers in the Czech Republic.
data including the carbon conversion and the gas composition information will be
presented. Aspen Plus based simulations have been performed in order to evaluate the 43-3
impact of parameters on the process efficiency. The simulation results will also be Co-Combustion of Various Biowastes with a High-Sulfur Turkish Lignite
presented. in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor
Aysel T. Atimtay, Murat Varol, Middle East Technical University; Hayati
42-4 Olgun, Alper Unlu, Berrin Bay, Ufuk Kayahan, TUBITAK-MRC, Energy
Methanation of Syngas over Coral Reef-Ni/Alumina Catalysts Institute; Hüsnü Atakül, Mustafa C. Çelebi, Istanbul Technical University,
Yizhuo Han, Yisheng Tan, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of TURKEY
Science; Shengli Ma, Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences, CHINA In this study, combustion and co-combustion of two biomasses and a Turkish lignite
coal was carried out in a circulating fluidized bed combustor. A lignite coal which has
Coral reef-Ni/alumina catalysts prepared by coprecipitation method was used for high sulfur content and two biomasses were used in the experiments. The biomasses
methanation of syngas. The Ni/Al2O3 catalysts were tested in a continuous flow type were hazelnut shells and woodchips. The combustion system consists of a circulating
fixed-bed reactor. The experimental results show that the Ni/Al2O3 catalyst calcined at fluidized bed combustor column, a fuel feeding system, electrical heaters, and two
673 K exhibited better activity than those calcined at 573 K and 773 K. Under the cyclones. Its thermal capacity is 30 kW. The combustor column has an inside diameter
reaction conditions of H2/CO(molar ratio)=3:1, 593 K, atmospheric pressure and 2500 of 108 mm and a height of 6 m. The temperatures along the column are observed with
h-1, CO conversion and CH4 selectivity reached to 98.8% and 86.9%, respectively. The thermocouples located at specific heights. The temperature of the column is kept at
structure and properties of fresh and used catalysts were analyzed by SEM, XRD and about 850 °C during the combustion experiments. The pressure drops along the
H2-TPR and BET techniques. combustor column, cyclone, downcomer, and loopseal are continuously measured and
observed in order to determine the solid mass flux within the combustor. A series of
combustion tests for each fuel and mixture was performed in order to investigate the
effect of excess air ratio on the flue gas emissions. During the combustion
experiments, CO2, CO, O2, NO, and SO2, emissions in the flue gas was continuously He/7.5%O2/additional steam, respectively. The Molecular-Beam-Mass-Spectrometry-
measured by ABB-AO2000 Advanced Optima continuous gas analyzer and recorded. technique (MBMS) used for hot gas analysis is well established and is able to detect
The results of the experiments showed that as the biomass ratio in the fuel mixture and differentiate key chemical species released during the different phases of
increases for co-combustion, the combustion takes place more in the freeboard of the gasification. The release of inorganic species occurred for the most part during
main column. Therefore, the maximum temperatures are seen in the freeboard rather pyrolysis phase. Main species detected by the MBMS were 34H2S+, 36HCl+,
than in the bed. Also the CO emissions increase as the biomass percentage increases in 39K+/39NaO+, 56KOH+, 58NaCl+, 60COS+, 64SO2+, and 74KCl+. The release
the fuel. Biomass fuels have high CO emission which indicates that a secondary air behaviour is primary related to the coal composition and secondary to the content of
addition is required for the system. Secondary air injection into the freeboard may be a steam. Especially, the amounts of 39K+/39NaO+ and 56KOH+ have been strongly
good solution to decrease the CO and also hydrocarbon emissions and to increase the influenced by the presence of steam.
combustion efficiency.
43-4 Kinetics of Char and Catalyzed Char Gasification under High H2 and
Co-Combustion Performance of Oil Shale and Biomass Fuels Steam Partial Pressure
Emre Özgür, Mustafa Verşan Kök, Middle East Technical University, Katsuhiro Nakayama, Yoshizo Suzuki, National Institute of Advanced
TURKEY; Sharon Falcone Miller, Bruce G. Miller, Penn State Industrial Science and Technology; Shiying Lin, Japan Coal Energy Center,
University,USA JAPAN
In this study, the thermal analysis of co-combustion of biomass fuels and oil shale Effects of high H2 and H2O (steam) partial pressure (H2 up to 1.2 MPa, H2O up to 2
were investigated. The objective was to assess the effect of the biomass on combustion MPa) on coal char and Ca loaded coal char gasification rate were investigated by using
performance when blended with oil shale. Thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermogravimetric apparatus with low temperature range (923 K to 1123 K). It is
scanning calorimetry were used to analyze the samples. The biomass samples studied found that gasification rate was quickly decrease with PH2/PH2O increase, but
were hazelnut shell, wheat bran, poplar, and miscanthus. Co-combustion of blends gasification rate of Ca loaded coal char was much higher than that of coal char
were performed at different biomass proportions (10, 20, 50 % by wt.). gasification, and the reduction of gasification rate by the increase of H 2 partial pressure
for Ca loaded coal char gasification was smaller than that for char gasification. Effect
43-5 of H2O and H2 partial pressure on char and Ca loaded coal char gasification rate were
Study on NOx Reduction and its Heterogeneous Mechanism during analyzed by applying L-H mechanism.
Biomass Reburning Temperature effects on gasification rate under high H2 and H2O pressure shown much
Ping Lu, Yongqiao Wang, Fei Lu, Yongsheng Liu, Nanjing Normal difference for char and Ca loaded char. Gasification rate of Ca loaded coal char was
University, CHINA about 4 times higher than that of char gasification rate at 1123 K, but it was 26 times
higher at comparatively low temperature 923 K. The activation energy for char
Effects of biomass types (such as rice straw, wheat straw, cotton stalk, rice husk and gasification, E was 234 [kJ/mol], and for Ca loaded coal char, E was smaller as 138
wheat straw char), reburning fuel fraction (Rff); reaction temperature in the reburning [kJ/mol].
zone (T2); stoichiometric ratio in the reburning zone (SR2) and particle sizes of
reburning fuel (dp) on NO reduction efficiency during biomass reburning were 44-3
investigated in an entrained flow reactor. The contribution of NO heterogeneous Modeling of Steam Gasifier in Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification
reduction by wheat straw char to the total NO reduction was analyzed. Results indicate Toshiyuki Suda, Zhihong Liu, Makoto Takafuji, Masahiro Narukawa, IHI
that cotton stalk behaves the best performance of NO reduction for tested four kinds of Corporation, JAPAN
biomass; followed by wheat straw; and rice husk and rice straw are less effective. NO
reduction efficiency increases with increasing of reaction temperature in the reburning Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification (DFBG) is one of the promising technology to
zone at the same SR2 and in the range of T2= 900~1100℃. NO reduction efficiency produce high calorific and hydrogen rich syngas without using pure oxygen. It is a
increase insignificantly with decreasing of biomass particle sizes while dp < 425μm. combination of steam blown gasifier and air blown combustor, and several
NO reduction efficiency of biomass reburning behaves a trend of first increase and configuration of dual fluidized bed (selection of bubbling fluidized bed or high speed
then decrease with decreasing of SR2 or increasing of Rff. The higher NO reduction riser) has been proposed in the world. Up to know, this technology has been used in
efficiency (more than 50%) can be achieved at the range of SR2=0.7~0.8 or Rff gasification of biomass or waste to use syngas as a fuel of power generation or feed
=20%~25% during reburning by four kinds of biomass. The contribution of stock of synthetic fuel.
heterogeneous reduction by wheat straw char to the total NO reduction is in the higher Although it is preferable to apply this technology to low rank coal gasification,
range of 59%~68% while Rff is in the range of 10%~26%. designing of the gasifier is one of the difficult issue because of the difference of
gasification behavior between biomass and coal.
Basically, coal has less volatile and more char than biomass, which means that larger
residence time in the gasifier is necessary to achieve enough carbon conversion.
SESSION 44 Therefore, the modeling of fluidized bed steam gasifier is performed to predict the
Gasification: Fundamentals – 5 performance of the gasifier for low rank coal. The model is made by the combination
of residence time distribution (RTD) of coal in bubbling fluidized bed with the
fundamental rate equation of steam gasification. RTD of coal is calculated from the
44-1 empirical model of particle movement in the fluidized bed including mixing and
Influence of Steam on the Release of Alkali Metal, Chlorine, and Sulphur segregation effect. Rate equation of steam gasification is derived from the experiment
Species During High Temperature Gasification of Lignite using small scale fluidized bed steam gasifier. The gasification experiment using pilot
Marc Bläsing, Michael Müller, Institute of Energy Research (IEF-2), scale DFBG is also performed, and the result of carbon conversion is compared with
GERMANY the prediction by the modeling work. From the result, although there is a certain
difference between the experimental and predicted value, both value showed the same
Coal will remain one of the top energy resources for the foreseeable future due to its tendency for the effect of temperature, steam flow rate, size of the gasifier, which
low cost, its diversity location, the low mining and transportation costs, and of course shows that the model basically can be used to predict the performance of the steam
the widespread of the amount of existing power generating systems. However, the use gasifier in DFBG for low rank coal.
of coal has been connected to several problems regarding both the environment and the
plant systems. New, cleaner and more efficient coal utilisation technologies are 45-4
required to meet the environmental needs and to satisfy the steadily rising demand in Steam Gasification of Low Rank Coals with Ion-Exchanged Sodium
electric power production as well. Higher efficiency can be reached by higher turbine Catalysts Prepared Using Natural Soda Ash
inlet temperatures. To prevent the turbines from several problems which occur at the Yasuo Ohtsuka, Yuu Hanaoka, Enkhsaruul Byambajav, Takemitsu Kikuchi,
desired temperatures (e.g. hot corrosion) hot gas cleanup systems have to be Naoto Tsubouchi, Tohoku University, JAPAN
developed. Over years, progress in coal science has been made partly by pragmatic
stepwise improvements in engineering practice, but in more recent years by an Ion exchange reactions of brown and sub-bituminous coals with natural soda ash,
enhanced scientific understanding of the underlying reactions and the relation of the which is composed of > 99 % Na2CO3, have been studied at 20 – 40 °C without any
reactions to the process conditions. Basic investigations on the release of alkali metal, pH-adjusting reagents, and the pyrolysis and subsequent steam gasification of the
chlorine, and sulphur species form a crucial element in designing control measures and resulting Na-exchanged coals has been carried out with a fixed bed quartz reactor
to develop hot gas cleaning strategies for coal gasification systems. Together with mainly at 700 °C.
other experimental approaches a large body of useful data has already been delivered When the Na+ concentration and pH of an aqueous mixture of each coal and the soda
in this area, but the underlying reaction mechanisms are not yet sufficiently ash are monitored in the ion exchange process, these factors decrease both at a larger
understood. Therefore, release experiments have been done in lab-scale with six hard rate with the brown coal that contains a higher content of COOH groups, showing that
coals and four lignite at 1400°C, 1 atm and a gas stream of He/7.5%O 2 and the ion exchange of Na+ with the H+ of the COOH takes place predominantly. About
65 % of the COOH can be exchanged with Na+ ions under the optimized conditions,
irrespective of the coal type. 45-2
The reactivity of these raw coals in steam at 700 °C is almost the same to be low, and A Dynamic Simulator of a Commercial-Scale IGCC Plant
char conversions are less than 20 mass % even after 2 h reaction. The exchanged Na Mi-Yeong Kim, Yong-Jin Joo, In-Kyu Choi, Joong-Won Lee, Si-Moon Kim,
promotes remarkably the gasification of both coals at this temperature, but the rate Min-Churl Lee, Korean Electrical Power Corporation, KOREA
profile is different:
The conversion for the brown coal increases linearly with increasing time and reaches In this study, the simulator for a commercial-scale plant of IGCC (Integrated
almost 100 % at 1 h, whereas it needs approximately 2 h for the sub-bituminous coal to Gasification Combined Cycle) is developed for dynamic tests and an education of plant
be gasified completely. The temperature dependency of the conversion with this coal operation. The simulator consists of a dynamic process model and a HMI (Human-
reveals that the use of the Na catalyst can lower reaction temperature by about 120 °C, Machine Interface). The dynamic process model of plant includes ASU, Gasifer, Gas
and the Arrhenius plots of the initial specific rate show that apparent activation treatment units, Combined Cycle using dynamic process simulation tool. Specially, a
energies are estimated to be 190 and 120 kJ/mol without and with the catalyst, model of gasifier is analyzed in detail, flow which has gasification reaction in the
respectively. gasifier is divided by 6 zones, and heat transfer and mass balance of each zone are
The SEM-EPMA and XRD measurements of Na-bearing chars recovered after the calculated. The dynamic process model acts as a field and DCS (Distributed Control
pyrolysis and gasification suggest that the Na catalysts are finely dispersed at the initial System) of plant. DCS in the simulator has master-control of plant like turbine lead
stage of the reaction but that they may be deactivated by the formation of sodium mode, gasifier lead mode, coordination mode. The master-control means a plant selects
silicates at high char conversions of more than 90 % even at a low temperature of 700 to follow and control output of gas turbine or gasifier first as changing total power
ºC. command and a plant will be operated under three kinds of master-control as following
plant condition. The HMI of simulator works connection between controller of the
45-5 dynamic model and operator, operator can control a whole plant. Operator can do start-
Separation of Pyrolysis from Fluidized Bed Steam Gasification: Its up and shut-down of plant easily using HMI. In addition, Operator can monitor
Conception and Application conditions of plant though graphs of real-time based data and history data of important
Masahiro Narukawa, Makoto Takafuji, Toshiyuki Suda, IHI Corporation, process variables in the HMI. Developed simulator is possible to perform engineering
JAPAN studies of IGCC plant like dynamic test for process variables and changing feed stock
and analysis for control logic and so on.
The pyrolysis separation dual fluidized bed gasification (P-DFBG) place a bubbling
fluidized bed pyrolyzer above a bubbling fluidized bed gasifier involved in the normal 45-3
dual fluidized bed gasification (N-DFBG) systems. The heat carrier particles circulated Accelerating Clean and Efficient Coal Gasifier Designs with High
from the char combustor enter first the pyrolyzer to facilitate the pyrolysis reactions of Performance Computing
fuel occurring therein, and the particles are in turn forwarded into the gasifier to Aytekin Gel, ALPEMI Consulting, LLC/NETL; Tingwen Li, Chris Guenther,
provide endothermic heat for the steam gasification reactions of chars. By feeding Madhava Syamlal, U.S. DOE/NETL, USA
fuels into the upper pyrolyzer, the pyrolyzer can separate pyrolysis gases from fuel
chars so that the lower gasifier gasifies the resultant chars produced in the pyrolyzer. Coal-based power plants are made up of complex devices for handling and processing
Therefore, the steam gasification reactions in the gasifier proceed without pyrolysis coal, such as feed systems, gasifiers and combustors of various designs, gas cleanup
gases, which inhibit the steam gasification reactions of chars. Consequently, by using systems, heat exchangers, etc. These devices are extremely difficult to probe
P-DFBG it is hopeful to increase gasification efficiency. This anticipation was verified experimentally and are difficult to design using standard engineering tools used for
through gasifying subbituminous coal in two 2.0 kg/h experimental setups configured more traditional process industries. In the last two decades, computational modeling
according to the principles of P-DFBG and N-DFBG, respectively. and simulation has evolved to become the third pillar of science under the discipline of
Increases in carbon conversion and cold gas efficiency of P-DFBG compared with N- computational sciences in addition to theory and experimentation. Computational
DFBG were about 3%, respectively. science tools, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, are being routinely
used to tackle challenging problems, such as, coal combustion and offer a viable
alternative to experimentation.
Green Energy initiatives such as Clean Coal Initiative have aggressive targets to pave
SESSION 45 the way to environmental sustainability due to the dire need of secure, affordable and
Gasification: Modeling – 1 clean energy by the major consumers of the world‟s energy resources today. For
example, one of the targets for coal gasification in the near future is capturing 90% of
the carbon with less than a 10% increase in cost of electricity.
45-1 These aggressive goals can be only achieved with innovative designs that reach the
Process Simulation - The Way from Pilot Plant to a Training-Centre for market place quickly with a shorter design cycle, minimal risk for the investor and in
a 500 MW Gasifier System an economically viable way. The role of computational modeling tools in achieving
Friedemann Mehlhose, Julia Kittel, S. Stoye, H. Kotthaus, Siemens Fuel these goals heavily depends on the use of high performance computing (HPC)
Gasificaiton Technology GmbH & Co.KG, GERMANY effectively to aid the design of complex innovative industrial scale gasifiers with a
short time-to-solution.
The plant automation together with the design of the emergency shutdown system is There are number of factors that make simulating commercial scale gasifiers
one of the most important topics in the project execution of gasification plants. The challenging. The computational algorithm involves iterative solution of more than
Siemens Fuel Gasification Technology (SFGT) 500MW class gasifier is an improved twenty non-linearly coupled conservation equations at each time step in three
design based on about 20 years operation experience with a 200MW gasification plant dimensions, which makes multiphase simulations extremely CPU intensive. The
and the 5MW pilot plant at SFGT headquarter in Freiberg, Germany. transient nature of gas-solid flows and the small time-steps required to resolve the
The automation of the first SFGT 500MW gasification plant was developed with the physics, which is bounded by time-scales like particle relaxation time and collision
Siemens Power Plant Automation System (SPPA) T3000 together with a dynamic time, are two reasons necessitating long computation times. Another contributing
simulation of the gasification island in “Dymola” and “SIMIT”. factor is the non-linearity of the problem, which requires several non-linear iterations
The knowledge and experiences from the pilot plant could be used perfectly as basis per time step. The non-linearity stems from complex constitutive closures for solids-
for the processes simulation and later on for the validation of simulation results. These phase stresses as well as interactions between the gas and solids phases, the chemical
validated simulation results have enabled SFGT to predict the behavior of the large species reactions, and the heat transfer. Another important aspect that makes the
scale gasification system properly and with only few uncertainties. problem computationally intensive is the numerical grid resolution requirement.
The paper presents two different concepts of process simulation its goals and Numerical predictions cannot mirror the physical model unless grid independence
application. It shows how simulation can support the engineering and design as well as studies are conducted and grid-converged solutions are obtained.
the automation of customer projects e.g. our 500MW gasification plant in the PR Researchers at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) are collaborating
China. Dynamic testing of the control and emergency shutdown logics saves time and with industry, academia, and other national labs on multiphase computational models
cost during plant commissioning. Customer training with a validated dynamic like the legacy code MFIX (Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchange) which can
simulation and the same automation system used in real plants guarantee the best help design, operate, and scale-up clean coal gasifiers to meet the new challenges of a
learning conditions. carbon sensitive world. MFIX is an open source code with over two decades of
In the Research & Development program of SFGT dynamic process simulation helps development towards state-of- the-art models for simulating coal gasification (i.e.,
very efficiently to make judgments on advanced design philosophies or cost saving detailed Carbonaceous Chemistry for Continuum Modeling (C3M) capability), which
measures. A real time data transfer from site to SFGT headquarter will support was recognized for its uniqueness with several awards including a 2008 Federal
commissioning and operation as well as the validation of the dynamic model with a Laboratory Consortium (FLC) award for C3M and 2007 R&D 100 award for MFIX.
commercial size gasification plant. All this ideas were driven by the aim of cost MFIX is based on a continuum multiphase flow model that considers gas and solids to
reduction and an improved operation philosophy together with the highest demands of form interpenetrating continua. MFIX has been validated with the experimental data
plant safety. from a smaller scale prototype reactor. Validated CFD models play crucial role in
scalability studies for commercial size reactors due to the limited availability of However, there exists an optimal water/coal ratio for the maximum hydrogen
experimental data at that scale. Recently the U.S. Department of Energy granted a production. The generated syngas by using a general low-carbon high-oxygen biomass
multiyear Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment as the stock is predicted to have a composition much lower in carbon monoxide and
(INCITE) award to NETL researchers to perform high-fidelity simulations of a higher in carbon dioxide than that by using the coal.
transport gasifier for a commercial scale plant design with MFIX on the leadership
class supercomputers such as Cray XT5 at National Center for Computational Sciences
(NCCS). This award has enabled researchers to perform perhaps first-of-its-kind
simulations of gas-solids reacting flows with a grid resolution in the order of ten SESSION 46
million cells, providing detailed information about the gas-solids flow structure and the Coal Science: Coal Chemistry - 5
pressure, temperature and species distribution in the gasifier. Preliminary results of the
high-resolution simulations have prompted the study presented in this paper. To better
understand the effect of coal jets in the gasifier a separate set of reduced configuration 46-1
simulations focusing on the coal jet region were performed by imposing flow An Understanding of the Porosity of Residual Coal/Char/Ash Samples
conditions from the full-scale gasifier. Several grid resolutions (0.3M, 0.7M and 2.4M Dissected from a Pilot Scale Packed Bed Reactor Operating on Inertinite-
cells) and numerical discretization schemes were employed. In spite of the additional Rich Lump Coal
transient details captured with the high resolution and high order numerical scheme, FB Waanders, J R Bunt, North West-University, SOUTH AFRICA
the computational cost was reported to be nearly tripled when compared to a lower
fidelity simulation, which brings up an important consideration, i.e., the trade-off The thermal treatment of coal causes a development of internal porosity of the
between fidelity and cost. resultant char due to the changes in the coal char pores such as the opening of
Prior work on the detailed numerical analysis of the reduced configuration simulations previously closed pores, the formation of new pores and an increase in pore size of
of coal jets had focused on the flow hydrodynamics primarily. In order to better existing and newly formed pores. Furthermore, the porosity formed during pyrolysis
understand the influence of simulation fidelity on the prediction of gasifier reactions, a causes changes in pore structural elements such as: density, pore size distribution, total
standalone study was conducted to investigate the effect of grid resolution and open pore volume, porosities and average pore diameter. Much research has been
numerical discretization scheme on the computed chemical reaction rates. The conducted in this area, but was mainly focused on fine particle sizes (<1mm) and
instantaneous and time averaged reaction rates based on the C3M model is compared vitrinite-rich coals, particularly from the Northern hemisphere. The objective of this
for different grid resolutions and numerical schemes is presented in this paper. The study was to obtain an understanding of both the macro and micro-porosity
objective is to develop effective simulation strategies to solve industrial scale gasifier development within the pyrolysis zone of a packed bed consisting of lump inertinite-
problems by employing techniques such as hybrid strategy that uses both low and high rich coal (75mm x 6mm) from the Highveld coalfield in South Africa. This was
fidelity simulations to strike a balance between accuracy and the cost of time-to- achieved by generating samples in a pilot-scale packed bed reactor and conducting
solution. proximate, CO2 reactivity, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and BET CO2 surface area
analyses on the dissected coal / char / ash samples.
45-4 From mercury-intrusion porosimetry results obtained for the pyrolysis reaction zone of
Entrained Flow Slagging Slurry Gasification and the Development of the reactor, it was found that although the percentage macro-porosity and average pore
Computational Fluid Dynamics Models at CanmetENERGY diameter increased by 11% and 77% respectively (which confirms pore development),
Robin Hughes, Dennis Lu, Adrian Majeski, Ben Anthony, CanmetENERGY; that these developments do not enlarge the surface area, and thus has no significant
Andrew Corber, National Research Council, CANADA contribution on the reactivity of the coal/char. On the other hand, the micro-pore
surface area, pore volume and pore diameter were all found to increase during
The development of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models representing pyrolysis, resulting in an increase in the coal char reactivity. The micro-porosity is thus
entrained flow slagging slurry gasification has proven difficult due to limited generally responsible for the largest internal surface area during pyrolysis, which
information being available in the open literature regarding gasifier geometry, burner enables increased reactivity. The CO2 reactivity (at 1000 °C) increased from 3.8 to 4.5
spray characterization, and local gas and char conditions. This paper describes efforts hr-1 during fast pyrolysis, and then decreased to 3.8 hr-1 in a slow pyrolysis regime.
made by Canadian national laboratories CanmetENERGY and the National Research This is due to the maximum pore expansion and volatile matter evolution reached at
Council, to provide the data required for developing and validating gasification CFD 4.5 hr-1, before coalescence and pore shrinkage occur with a further increase in
models. temperature within the slow pyrolysis region of the reactor. During pyrolysis there is
The CanmetENERGY two tonne per day (slurry feed rate) pilot-scale gasifier has been thus both an increase and decrease in reactivity which might suggest two distinct
modified to allow local gas and char conditions to be sampled from within the gasifier intermediate zones within the pyrolysis zone.
and from the syngas exiting the quench vessel during gasifier operation. A series of
Canadian and U.S. solid feedstocks have been gasified and a subset of the results of 46-2
these gasification tests is presented here. Comparison of Measured and Calculated Viscosities of German Lignite
The National Research Council‟s Institute for Aerospace Research spray Based Slags
characterization laboratory is determining droplet size and velocity characteristics for Arne Bronsch, Patrick J. Masset, Freiberg University of Mining and
the CanmetENERGY slurry gasifier burner spray at elevated pressure and temperature. Technology, GERMANY
Gasifier geometry, burner spray characterization, local gas and char conditions, fuel
characteristics, and slag viscosity measurements have been used in the development of The viscosity of German lignite based slags was investigated at temperatures up to
CanmetENERGY CFD models representing the system. The data is being forwarded to 1700 °C with a Couette type viscometer under reducing conditions to simulate
our industrial, academic, and government research partners in Canada and the U.S. gasification conditions. The experimental values are compared with available models
of the literature. For iron, sulphur and sodium rich slag and for silica poor slag some
45-5 discrepancies have been observed. For the other investigated compositions a pretty
Numerical Simulation Analyses of an Entrained-Bed Gasification good agreement was observed between experimental and calculated values.
Ming-Hong Chen, Tsung Leo Jiang, National Cheng Kung University; Yau- 46-3
Pin Chyou, Chang-Bin Huang, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Atomic Drying Mechanism of Low Rank Coal with Different Reacting
Energy Council, TAIWAN, ROC Conditions: Fixed Bed vs. Fluidized Bed
Hyungtaek Kim, Taejin Kang, Doman Jeon, Ajou University; Sihyun Lee,
A three-dimensional numerical simulation model for the coal combustion and Sangdo Kim, Korea Institute of Energy Research, SOUTH KOREA
gasification of an entrained-bed gasification reactor has been developed by employing
the computational-fluid-dynamic software FLUENT. The numerical simulation model Low rank coal (lignite) can be successfully utilized in the thermal power plant through
is able to predict the flow and reaction characteristics of a gasification reactor fed by the pretreatment of coal with efficient way. The price of low rank coal is equivalent to
dry pulverized coal, wet pulverized coal, and/or biomass. It adopts several physical one third of steaming coal. However, it is difficult to be utilized in thermal power plant
models, including the coal gasification model, the turbulence flow model, the mainly for two reasons: high moisture, and instability. In the present investigation,
turbulence reaction model, and the thermal radiation model, and can be applied to experiments are progressed with low rank coal to reducing moisture content. The
analyzing a gasification reactor with a multi-feeding fuel-injection system at varying experimental parameters of this study are drying temperature and time duration as well
operation conditions. The results obtained from the present study show that the as particle size as divided three sections of 0.3~1mm, 1~1.18mm and 1.18~2.8mm.
generated syngas is primarily composed of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, and the Temperature variation on the drying results that moisture content is not much changed
predicted outlet gas composition is in good agreement with the experimental result. For below 80°C and drying is saturated above 150°C. With different particle size
coal gasification, a lower oxygen/carbon ratio is found to produce more carbon investigated in this study, drying behavior is not much different with particle size.
monoxide and hydrogen, and the outlet temperature is relatively lower. The produced Furthermore, it also indicated that pore structure changed after dewatering which can
carbon monoxide decreases with an increasing water/coal ratio. be discerned the SEM microscopy such that Lignite progressively transforms pore
structure of mesopore into micropore when it is dried. Consequently, it can be found
that a total dimension of pore is reduced through the dewatering lignite. Investigation cumulative sink ash curve, Elementary ash curve, specific gravity curve and specific
will be progressed with different reaction condition, especially in fluidized-bed. The gravity distribution curve were drawn. It was possible to decrease ash content of coal
resulting data will be used in designing the fluidized bed drying demonstration plant. down to 4.61%, 3.1% and 5.1% for the sizes of +50mm, -50 +18 mm and -18 mm
fractions respectively at the lowest separation density of 1.30 g/cm3 with very low
46-4 yield.
The Natural Technology for Pretreatment and Utilization of the The operating coal preparation plant have a Drew boy and dense medium cyclones for
Energetic Fly Ash cleaning of coarse and fine coals respectively. The first separation in the Drew boy is
Maria Kusnierova, Maria Prascakova, Institute of Geotechnics of Slovak carried out at high density. The float fraction of first Drew boy is send to the second
Academy of Sciences, SLOVAK REPUBLIC; Peter Fecko, Rudolf Matysek, drew boy which is operating with low separation density. Here the float product for
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC thermal power station is ptoduced. The fine fraction of plant feed is cleaned in single
stage operation of dense medium cyclones.
The progressive usage of primary raw materials force on to the higher wastes A detailed in-plant operation of the dense medium separation employed in İmbat coal
utilizations and processing in the case of the useful components containing. By the preparation plant was also conducted to determine the relationship between the plant
development of new technologies of this wastes processing can be imitate the capacity and the plant performance. The separation performances achieved by the
processes that are running in the nature by the geo-sphere formation. Provided research Drew boy and dense medium cyclone circuit under two different capacity conditions
confirmed that the fly ash can be used as the substituent for volcanic ashes by the indicated that the increase in the capacity from 500 t/hour to 600 t/hour resulted a
synthetic zeolitees and mullite-corundum materials preparation, using the principles of slight decrease in the performances of both equipments.
natural genesis of raw materials.
46-5 Aggloflotation of Coal
Physical Structure and Chemical Properties of Organic Matter of Brown İhsan Toroglu, Dilek Cuhadaroglu, Serdar Yılmaz, Zonguldak Karaelmas
Coals from Different Fields in Relation to the Composition of Mineral University, TURKEY
P.N. Kuznetsov, L.I. Kuznetsova, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Agglomeration is an industrial process traditionally used to separate or recover fine
Technology of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA solids dispersed in a liquid suspension through the addition of a second immiscible
liquid (binder) which presents an affinity for the solids and is capable of forming small
The cation-exchange forms of a considerable portion of metals that occur in brown liquid bridges that hold the particles together. Under appropriate physico-chemical
coals from various deposits were identified. Based on swelling data, the interaction of conditions, the desired particles can be selectivity agglomerated and removed from the
the organic matter of coals with solvents was studied depending on the concentrations sullury (Rosetti, Simons, 2003, Petela, at al., 1995, Cebeci, 2003, Subero Couroyer at
of mineral components. It was found that natural brown coals exhibit a densely al., 2006).
crosslinked supramolecular structure with the predominance of molecular-size pores. Aggloflotation being a combination of agglomeration and flotation, this technology
In the course of decationization, the organic matter underwent partial was developed for removal of pyrite and other mineral components from bituminous
depolymerization; the rate of diffusion and the accessibility of fragments to solvents coal, for recovery and beneficiation of fine coal from of fine coal streams in coal
with relatively bulky molecules dramatically increased. preparation plants and for recovery and cleanup of fine coal recovered from tailings
ponds and coal dumps (Szymocha, 2003).
The study targeted to reduce the ash content of fine coal by producing a low ash coal
for metallurgical use and supplying the rest to the power plant without any further
SESSION 47 cleaning by using aglofloat. Oil type and quantity, agitation speed and time during
Coal Science: Beneficiation – 4 the/prior to the agglomeration, solid content are the important factors affecting the
agglomeration process (Sahinoglu, 2008). The effect of these parameters on the ash
content and combustible yield were investigated in the agglomeration studies and were
47-1 obtained optimum conditions from agglomeration experiments.
A Study to Recover Coal from Turkish Lignite Fine Coal Tailings: Aggloflotation process was carried out with the agglomerate obtained from the
Comparison of Falcon Concentrator and Multi Gravity Separator (MGS) optimum conditions of agglomeration. The effects of oil amount, solid content, pH,
Eyüp Sabah, M. Fatih Can, Selçuk Özgen, Afyon Kocatepe University, flotation time, Na2SiO3 amount on the ash content and combustible recovery were
TURKEY investigated. Oil amount used in aggloflotation is smaller than that used for
agglomeration. Although reduced oil amount coused loosely bound agglomerates, this
Lignite coal is the primary domestic source of energy in Turkey, for this reason had no effect on the ash and recovery since agglomerates were recovered by flotation.
effective exploitation of the reserves of Turkey is very crucial. In Turkey the fine References:
tailings of lignite coal processing plants are sent in most cases to the tailing ponds D. Rosetti, S.J.R. Simons, “A microscale investigation of liquid bridges in the
without any treatment. However, recovery of fine coals from coal preparation tailings spherical agglomeration process”, Powder Technology, 130 (2003) 49-55.
and recycle of processing water are of both economic and environmental incentives, R. Petela, B. Ignasiak, W. Pawlak, “Selective Agglomeration of Coal Analysis of
not only preserving natural resources but also reducing environmental consequences of Laboratory Batch Test Result”, Fuel 74 (8) (1995) 1200-1210.
discharging large volume of tailings. Recent developments in the use of various gravity Y. Cebeci, “Investigation of Kinetics of Agglomeration Growth in Oil Agglomeration
equipments in fine-coal beneficiation have been discussed and their relative merits Process”, Fuel, 82 (2003) 1645-1651.
have been compared. In this study, the possibility of beneficiation of lignite tailings C. Subero Couroyer, D. Mangin, A. Rivoire, A.F. Blandin, J.P.Klein, “Agglomeration
included quartz, kaolinite, siderite, mica/illite, dolomite, feldspar compounds in the in Suspensiyon of Salicylic Acid Fine Particle: Analyses of the Wetting Period and
Tunçbilek/Kütahya region was investigated by Multi Gravity Separator (MGS) and Effect Of Binder İnjection Mode on the Final Agglomerate Size” Powder Technology,
Falcon Concentrator and these two methods compared. The entire exercise revealed 161 (2006) 98-109.
that the MGS could produce a clean coal with an ash content of 22.83%, 5696 kCal/kg Kazimierz Szymocha, “Industrial Aplications of the Agglomeration Process”, Powder
calorific value and a recovery of 49.32% and that the Falcon could produce a clean Technology, 130 (2003) 462-467.
coal with an ash content of 40.26%, 4224 kCal/kg calorific value and a recovery of E. Sahinoglu, “Amenability of Muzret Bituminous Coal to Oil Agglomeration”,
64.53% from a feed coal having an ash content of 66.21% and 1835 kCal/kg calorific Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 3684-3690.
value. Ilkay Unal, M. Gorgun Ersan, “Oil Agglomeration of a Lignite Treated with
Microwave Energy: Effect of Particle Size and Bridging Oil”, Fuel Processing
47-2 Technology, 87 (2005) 71-76.
Evaluation of Dense Medium Separation Performance of Imbat Coal
Preparation Plant 47-4
G.Özbayoğlu, Atilim University; Ü. Atalay, Ali İ.Arol, O.Sivrikaya, Middle Effect of Shape Factor on Coal Flotation
East Technical University, TURKEY G. Bulut, O. Güven, K.T. Perek, Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY
The aim of this study is determination of the washability characteristics of İmbat coal In this study, the flotation behavior of hard coal products having different particle
preparation plant feed and evaluation of performance of operating coal preparation shapes produced by different grinding conditions was investigated with and without
plant for two different capacities. This plant was established to clean the r.o.m. coal reagents. As a reagent kerosene + isooctanol mixture was used in coal flotation. The
with 2200 k.cal/kg average calorific value and 40-45 % ash content. flotation kinetics of coal particles with different shape was studied as a function of
The washability characteristics of plant feed were determined for the size fractions of + time. Shape characteristics of the particles were investigated by Leica Qwin program.
50mm, -50 +18 mm and -18 mm fractions separately. A sink and float tests were The results showed that particles presenting lower fullness ratio and roundness
carried out with representative test samples of each size fractions with the specific properties were recovered better during flotation of the coal mineral studied. As a
gravities of 1.30, 1.40,1.50, 1.60, 1.70ş 180 and 1.90. Cumulative float ash curve,
result, the shape of the particles produced by the ball mill changed upon to their matrix state after gasification reaction is investigated experimentally. Coke-matrix
roundness, their floatability was increased. vanishing is evaluated by spatial distribution of lump porosity and microscopic
47-5 Elastic modulus of coke-matrix is evaluated by nano-indentation method. Coke lumps
Experiment and Research on Deep Cleaning by Selective Oil with and without iron-particles (ferrous coke and formed coke, respectively) were
Agglomeration used. These coke lumps were gasified by CO2-containing gas.
Binbin Zhao, Qiaowen Yang, Linlin Liu, Jian Chang, Huanling He, China Reaction temperature was set at 1173 K. Reaction gas compositions were set at 100/0
University of Mining and Technology, CHINA and 50/50 in ratio of CO2/CO. In each reaction gas composition, in ferrous coke, a
decrease in the elastic modulus of coke-matrix with progress of gasification is smaller
Aimed at solving the series of problems about coal flotation, for example, the particle than that in formed coke and coke-matrix vanishing occurred. It is suggested that the
size is increasingly smaller, the concentrate ash is hard to reduce and the cost of the iron particle promotes gasification reaction of coke-matrix selectively around itself
flotation is high, the paper studied on the deep cleaning of the anthracite from Jincheng (and coke-matrix in that part is rapidly vanished).
in Shanxi province by selective oil agglomeration. In this study, the effects of some It is also suggested that this reaction mechanism maintains elastic modulus of coke-
parameters that influence the effectiveness of selective oil agglomeration, such as matrix because of the local rapid gasification reaction around the iron particle.
collector dosage and frother dosage, on the recovery and the ash content of the clean
coal were investigated. It was found that the ash content of the coal significantly
decreased from 14.45% to 1.71% by selective oil agglomeration.
Combustion: Ash Deposition and Heat Transfer
Coal-Derived Products: General Session – 1 49-1
Spectral Emissivities of Ni and Fe based Boiler Tube Materials with
Varying Chromium Content at High Temperature Atmospheres
48-1 Miki Shimogori, Babcock-Hitachi K.K. Kure Research Laboratory, JAPAN;
Reforming of Low Rank Coal by Solvent Treatment at Around 350 °C Fabian Greffrath, Viktor Scherer, Ruhr University of Bochum; Alfred
Xian Li, Ryuichi Ashida, Hiroyasu Fujitsuka, Kouichi Miura, Kyoto Gwosdz, Christian Bergins, Hitachi Power Europe GmbH, GERMANY
University, JAPAN
To evaluate radiative heat transfer characteristics of boiler tube materials, spectral
Recently, we proposed degradative solvent extraction at around 350 °C as an efficient emissivities of 6 types of Fe-based and Ni-based alloys with varying chromium
upgrading method of low rank coals. In this study, eight low rank coals including contents of 2, 9, 18, 23 and 25% have been investigated under high temperature
lignites and sub-bituminous coals were thermally treated and fractionated by using 1- oxidizing conditions. Metal samples were heated in an electric furnace and spectral
methylnaphthalene as solvent at 350 C. The coals were partly decomposed and were emissivities were determined by using a monochromator system at wavelengths from 1
separated into three fractions having different molecular weights. The yields of the to 178m in the temperature range from 773 to 1073K. After the measurements, the
three fractions respectively ranged from 17wt% to 27wt% (soluble), 4 wt% to 17 wt% sample surfaces were analyzed by means of SEM (scanning electron microscope). The
(deposit), and 47 wt% to 64 wt% (residue; upgraded coal) on d.a.f. coal basis. The total experimental values of the spectral and total emissivities were discussed in relationship
higher heating value (HHV) of the fractions (sum of HHV of soluble, deposit and to chromium content in metals. The obtained results are as follows: (1) Spectral
residue on raw coal basis) was not lost. The carbon contents of the three fractions were emissivities of metals containing more than 9% of chromium have the typical
much larger than those of their parent coals, suggesting that significant amount of wavelength and temperature dependencies of metal emissivities; they decrease with
oxygen was effectively removed from the coals during the treatment. The interesting increasing wavelength and increase with increasing temperature. In contrast, spectral
findings were that the solubles and deopsits obtained from the eight coals were emissivities of the metal containing 2% of chromium have weak dependencies both on
respectively very close to each other in elemental composition, chemical structure, wavelength and temperature; they were high under most measurement conditions and
molecular weight distribution, pyrolysis behavior, and thermal plastic behavior. Thus, changed periodically with the wavelength, (2) Spectral emissivity levels tend to
the proposed degradative solvent extraction method was found to be effective in decrease with increasing chromium content in metals. The SEM analysis showed that
converting low rank coals into upgraded coal and compounds having very similar the thickness of the oxidation layer formed on the sample surface was small for the
chemical and physical properties. sample containing higher amounts of chromium, and (3) Total emissivity also tends to
decrease with increasing chromium content in metals. SEM observation indicates that
48-2 the growth of the oxidation layer increases metal emissivity. Based on SEM and
An Experimental Investigation of Factors Related to Coke Strength emissivity measurement results, it appears that the difference in spectral emissivities
Degradation in Coke Milli-Structure among metals with varying chromium content is due to the thickness of the oxidation
Tetsuya Kanai, Yoshiaki Yamazaki, Kenichi Hiraki, Xiaoqing Zhang, layer.
Masakazu Shoji, Hideyuki Aoki, Takatoshi Miura, TOHOKU University,
JAPAN 49-2
Effect of MGO Additive on the Reduction of Ash Deposition of Upgraded
In order to clarify the factors related to coke strength degradation, relationship between Brown Coal
coke strength and pore structure is quantitatively investigated. The tensile strength of Katsuya Akiyama, Haeyang Pak, Kobe Steel, Ltd.; Yasuaki Ueki, Ryo
coke is measured by diametral-compression test and analyzed by Weibull plot. Pore Yoshiie, Ichiro Naruse, Nagoya University, JAPAN
structure is analyzed with wide range(10 mm×10 mm) and high resolution(2.43
μm/pixel) photographs which are acquired by combining approximately 20 Ash with low melting temperatures causes slagging and fouling problems in pulverized
photographs. Absolute maximum pore length, pore area ratio and pore roundness are coal combustion boilers. Ash deposition on the heat exchange tubes affects the
measured by image analysis of the photographs. By comparison of strength and decrease in the overall heat transfer coefficient due to the low thermal conductivity of
absolute maximum pore length in coke, strength is degraded with an increase in area the ash as well as several other operation problems. Therefore, the operational
ratio of pores over 1000 μm in absolute maximum length. From image analysis, it is conditions of the boilers directly relate to the ash deposition behavior. The objectives
found that the pore roundness decreases with an increase in absolute maximum length. of this study are to evaluate the effect of MgO addition with the coal on the reduction
The length of 1000 μm corresponds with the critical crack length calculated by Griffith of ash deposition during upgraded brown coal (UBC) combustion and to understand
equation in scale. the reduction mechanisms of ash deposition. The melting temperature of the UBC ash
is 1494 K, which is relatively lower than that of bituminous coal ash. Before the actual
48-3 ash deposition experiments, the molten slag fraction in the UBC ash was estimated by
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Metallic Iron Particles on means of chemical equilibrium calculations while varying the mixing mass ratio of
Strength Factors of Coke after CO2 Gasification Reaction MgO to coal ash. The results of a simulation indicate that the MgO addition played a
Yoshiaki Yamazaki, Kenichi Hiraki, Tetsuya Kanai, Xiaoqing Zhang, role in decreasing in molten slag fraction. It was confirmed that Mg formed solid
Masakazu Shoji, Hideyuki Aoki, Takatoshi Miura, Tohoku University, composites with Si, Fe, Al, Ca, and Mn and played a role in decreasing the molten slag
JAPAN fraction in ash on the tube. As a next step, ash deposition tests were conducted using a
pilotscale pulverized coal combustion furnace equipped with a refractory wall. The
In order to prevent the pulverization and the fracture of coke lump in blast furnace, thermal load in the furnace was fixed at 149 kW, and the maximum gas temperature
control of degradation part (reaction mechanism) in coke lump and that of the exceeded 1750 K. A water-cooled stainless-steel tube was inserted at 1573 K in the
embrittlement behavior are significant. Addition of catalyst particle is an effective and furnace to measure the quantity of the ash deposits. As a result, the MgO addition
a simple method for advancement of the CO2 gasification reactivity and control contributed to the decreasing rate of ash deposition even for the UBC. These
method for reaction mechanism. In this study, the effect of iron particles on coke-
calculations and experimental results suggested that the MgO addition contributed to 49-5
the reducing UBC ash deposition on the tube. Mathematical Model of the Low-Temperature Oxidation of Coal in Coal
Stockpiles and Dumps
49-3 Marian Bojko, Milada Kozubkova, VŃB-Technical University; Zdeněk
Modeling and Optimization of NOx Emission and Pulverized Coal Flame Michalec, Institute of Geonics AS CR, v. v. i., CZECH REPUBLIC
in Utility Scale Furnaces
Srdjan Belosevic, Miroslav Sijercic, Branislav Stankovic, Nenad Article defines mathematical model of the low-temperature oxidation of bituminous
Crnomarkovic, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Laboratory for Thermal coal. The mathematical model defines single phase mathematical model with porous
Engineering and Energy; Slobodan Djekic, Electric Power Industry of Serbia, zone as coal where consumption of oxygen, production of smoke exhaust and heat are
SERBIA solved as source terms in transport equations. The rate constant defines by Arrhenius
expression. Parameters of Arrhenius equation (activation energy and pre-exponential
The emission of NOx is of great concern to designers and operators of most industrial factor) are determined from experimental measuration. For numerical calculation
furnaces and boilers. The pulverized coal flame in utility scale boilers is also of great method of finite volume (software ANSYS FLUENT 12) was used.
importance, affecting the levels and distribution of temperature and heat flux.
Numerical studies of combustion and heat transfer processes in energy conversion
systems can describe how the fuel chemical energy is converted into thermal energy
with high efficiency and acceptable emission. Although there is much technology now SESSION 50
available to compute complex flows in energy systems, development of submodels Gasification: Gas Cleanup
describing individual processes, as well as comprehensive CFD codes are increasing
worldwide. A comprehensive 3D differential mathematical model and software were
previously developed in-house and validated against experimental data. A practical 50-1
motivation was to solve operation problems in tangentially-fired furnaces of the power Slipstream Tests of Palladium Sorbents for High Temperature Capture
plant Kostolac-B 350 MWe boiler units. The software is aimed for prediction of of Mercury, Arsenic and Selenium from Fuel Gas
processes and operation situations in utility boiler pulverized coal-fired furnaces and it Hugh G.C. Hamilton, Liz Rowsell, Stephen Poulston, Andrew Smith, Johnson
is adapted to be used by engineering staff dealing with the process analysis in boiler Matthey Technology Centre, UNITED KINGDOM; Tony Wu, Subhash
units. Characteristics of the model are Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to multiphase Datta, Robert C. Lambrecht, John Wheeldon, National Carbon Capture
flow, k-ε turbulence model, particles-to-turbulence interactions modeled by PSI Cell Center; Evan J. Granite, Henry W. Pennline, U.S. DOE/NETL, USA
method, diffusion model of particle dispersion, six-flux method for radiation modeling,
heterogeneous reactions in kinetic-diffusion regime on the basis of experimentally In gasification for power generation, the removal of mercury and other trace elements
obtained case-study coal kinetic parameters, within a “shrinking core” concept and such as arsenic, selenium and phosphorus by sorbents at elevated temperatures
with respect to the model of char oxidation, as well as homogeneous reactions preserves the high thermal efficiency of the integrated gasification combined cycle
controlled by chemical kinetics or turbulent mixing. In addition, submodel describing system. Most commercial sorbents display poor capacity for elemental mercury at
formation and destruction of thermal and fuel NOx has been developed and validated elevated temperatures.
against available data obtained by monitoring of NOx emission from boiler units. The Palladium is an attractive sorbent candidate for the removal of mercury and the trace
main motivation for this study was to achieve optimal position of flame with elements from fuel gases at elevated temperatures. The National Carbon Capture
acceptable levels of NOx emission. The flame position depends on many influencing Center at the Power Systems Development Facility (PSDF) in Wilsonville, Alabama, is
parameters. Selected predictions of pulverized coal flame geometry and position are a large-scale flexible test facility established to develop and demonstrate a wide range
given in the case-study furnace under different operating conditions, like fuel and air of advanced power generation technologies that are critical to developing highly
distribution. Even when both the fuel nitrogen content and the combustion temperature efficient power plants that capture carbon dioxide. The palladium-based sorbents have
are not very high, the emission of NOx may still surpass environmental limits if the been tested for extended periods of time in slipstreams of fuel gas at the NCCC. These
combustion process is not managed correctly. It is therefore essential to understand the results will be described, and possible future testing will be discussed.
NOx formation process so that the NOx emission can be controlled. Although post-
combustion clean-up is viable, modifying combustion process often controls NOx most 50-2
economically. In air staging method, e.g., the portion of combustion air is introduced Mercury Measurement and Removal from an Entrained Flow Slagging
downstream, through special, over-fire-air ports. In this work, the numerical study has Coal Gasifier
been performed to achieve both NOx emission reduction and favorable position of Dennis Lu, Robin Hughes, Ben Anthony, CanmetENERGY/Natural
flame in the case-study furnace, by investigating the impact of pulverized coal Resources Canada; Karl Abraham, Environment Canada, CANADA
distribution over the burner tiers, without need for construction changes. The
contributions of fuel and thermal NOx are reported as well. The results of the model In typical synthesis gas (syngas) from entrained flow slagging coal gasification
can help in increasing combustion efficiency, lowering emission of pollution, fuel thermodynamic calculations predict that only the elemental form of mercury (Hg 0) is
savings and corresponding economy and enviromental benefits during the facility stable rather than the bivalent oxidized form (Hg++), such as is present in HgCl2.
exploitation. Therefore, Hg0 is expected to be dominant in such a reducing environment. However,
the chemical and physical processes governing the interactions of mercury forms with
49-4 syngas components are poorly understood, particularly the results of heterogeneous
Observation of Heat Release Region as Functions of Coal Properties in reactions involved in gasification syngas are lacking. Data on Hg emissions from
Turbulent Jet Pulverized Coal Flames gasification systems have not been sufficiently reliable and the mass balance closures
Yon Mo Sung, Cheor Eon Moon, Seong Yool Ahn, Jae Woo An, Gyung Min have high associated error ranges because of problems with sampling and analysis,
Choi, Duck Jool Kim, Pusan National University, SOUTH KOREA which make understanding mercury characteristics under gasification conditions
One issue of interest is to develop diagnostic methods for the monitoring and control of This paper presents studies on mercury measurement specifically applicable to an
the pulverized coal flames in power plants. The purpose of this study is to establish entrained flow slagging gasifier at the CanmetENERGY 0.6MW pilot scale
visualization and diagnostic methods in the pulverized coal combustion fields. An gasification plant. Mercury speciation has been successfully measured directly from a
advanced instrumentation and research methodology was employed to observe the high-P and high-T gasifier vessel and as well quenched downstream syngas containing
structure of pulverized coal flame in a laboratory scale burner. The effects of nitrous and sulfurous species. A bench-scale fixed-bed system was also used to
pulverized coal properties, volatile matter, particle size and moisture content, on the investigate the Hg removal performance of sorbents, including commercial activated
heat release region in turbulent jet pulverized coal flames were investigated carbon, sulphur- and alkali-doped activated carbons, limestone and dolomite. The fixed
experimentally. To understand the accuracy of line of sight measurement in the two- bed was operated above the dew point temperature of the synthesis gas for the
dimensional (2-D) visualization, point measurements of chemiluminescence intensity activated carbon sorbents, and for CaO-based sorbents at a higher temperature in the
by Cassegrain optics were also conducted. The heat release region for the structure of range of 500-700°C, which has been chosen to match the operating conditions of the
pulverized coal flame was observed through visualization by CH * chemiluminescence CaO-sorbent looping process for CO2 capture.
image with an intensified high-speed camera, and by CH* chemiluminescence intensity
for local point measurements. The streamwise length of the heat release region based 50-3
on 2-D visualizations was about 11.4% longer than that of point measurements and Performance Improvement of a Desulfurization Sorbent for Warm
increased proportionally to the volatile matter content. The temperature rise for 35~45 Synthesis Gas Cleanup
µm coal particles was faster than that for 75~90 µm particles, which resulted in a shift Jeom-In Baek, Jungho Ryu, Tae Hyoung Eom, Joong Beom Lee, Yong-Ho
of reaction region toward upstream direction. The coal moisture content less than 15%, Wi, Chong Kul Ryu, Korea Electric Power Research Institute, KOREA
however, had little effect on the structure of the pulverized coal flame. The obtained
results give us useful information for evaluating practical pulverized coal flames. KEPCO Research Institute has improved the performance of a solid regenerable
desulfurization sorbent prepared by spray-drying method. Here, we present a newly
developed desulfurization sorbents which showed improved physical properties and (99.4%). The syngas heating value for the air-blown case is 4.40 MJ/kg, which is
reactivity compared to our previous desulfurization sorbents. The attrition resistance of almost half of the heating value of the oxygen-blown case (8.24 MJ/kg).
the new desulfurization sorbents was much higher than the previously developed
sorbents. Other physical properties such as average particle size, tap density, and shape 51-2
were suitable for the fluidized-bed applications. Sulfur sorption capacity of the new Start-Up Behavior of a Fixed Bed Gasifier: One Dimensional Modeling
sorbent, which was measured by thermogravimetric analyzer using a simulated Giampaolo Mura, Mariarosa Brundu, University of Cagliari, ITALY
synthesis gas containing 1% H2S, was around 10 wt% at the reaction temperatures of
500 and 650 °C for absorption and regeneration, respectively. In the future works, an This work copes with the development of a mathematical model for the investigation
in-depth sorbent analysis and reactivity test according to the reaction temperature of the transient behavior of a countercurrent fixed bed gasifier. The phenomenological
change will be carried out to improve the performance of the spray-dried model is based on heat and mass continuity equations. Heterogeneousness is somehow
desulfurization sorbent and a fluidized-bed desulfurization process. considered by the insertion of two separated heat balances, one for the gas and one for
the solid phase.
50-4 All the main phenomena involved in the gasification process are inserted: drying,
Study on Sulfidation Performance of Zn-Mn Based Sorbent from pyrolysis, gasification and combustion reactions of the solid phase and homogeneous
Different Precursors gas phase reactions including secondary pyrolysis reactions. The system is described
Liping Chang, Yingli Wang, Ying Zhang, Weiren Bao, Kechang Xie, Taiyuan with a pseudo homogeneous approach. Moisture loss calculation is carried out by the
University of Technology, CHINA introduction of a first order kinetic on the moisture content of the bed; a competitive
reaction model is used for primary pyrolysis; heterogeneousness of the system is
A series of Zn-Mn mixed-oxide sorbents with high surface area were prepared by considered for gas phase reactions by the introduction of a shrinking core reaction
impregnation method. The granular activated γ-Al2O3 with 162m2/g specific surface model where the external diffusion and the kinetic resistance are considered. The solid
area was selected as support and Zn(NO3 )2 ·6H2O and Mn(NO3)2 or Zn(C2H3O2)2·2H2O phase is constituted by four pseudo components: coal, ash, char and moisture. The ash
and Mn(C2H3O2)2·4H2O were used as precursors of active components Zn and Mn behavior is described by the introduction of a shell progressive model with variable
oxides. Sorbents were dried at 90-100 °C and calcined at 400-500°C for 3 hours. The particle diameter. Gas species considered by the model are: CO, CO2, H2, H2O, CH4
sulfidation performances of Zn-Mn based sorbents with different precursors were and tar.
studied in this paper. The desulfurization activities of sorbents were evaluated in a lab- Input for the model are flowrates, temperature and composition profiles at the initial
scale fixed bed with quartz tube (20mm i.d., 23mm o.d.) placed in an electric furnace state for both: the gas and the solid phase.
equipped with PID controller, under the condition of 400 °C sulfidation temperature, The model was used to study the start up of an air blown atmospheric gasifier in the
2000h-1 space velocity and gases of 55% H2, 35%CO, 500ppm H2S and N2 balance. case of a Pittsburg n°8 coal seam feedstock. The initial conditions chosen for the
The properties of different sorbents were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and dynamic simulation are in accordance with the start up procedure of an existing
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analyzer. Results of XRD showed that ZnO, ZnAl2O4 gasification pilot plant.
and MnAl2O4 can be observed in fresh sorbents, indicating the interaction between zinc Output for the model are the variation with time of temperature, composition and
and manganese oxides with support. BET surface area and pore volume of fresh spatial velocity profiles of the system. In particular the dynamics is analyzed with
sorbent is higher and the sorption of H2S on sorbent caused the loss of surface area, reference to the bed behaviour in a long time investigation. Scarce information about
which should be attributed to the conversion of mixed oxides to manganese and zinc this topic was before present in the literature. The influence of steam injection also
sulfides. The sulfidation activity of sorbents increases with their surface areas and pore revealed the presence of multiple steady states for this system.
volume increased. Sorbent ZAMAA made from Zn(C2H3O2)2·2H2O and
Mn(C2H3O2)2·4H2O precursors has higher H2S removal efficiency than that from 51-3
Zn(NO3 )2 ·6H2O and Mn(NO3)2. The decomposition characteristics and reduction Entrained Flow Coal Gasification: Modeling, Simulation & Experimental
properties of different sorbents were also studied by means of TG-DTA technique in Uncertainty Quantification for a Laboratory Reactor
the gases of O2/N2 (1/4) or H2 /N2 (1/1). TG-DTA investigations confirmed that the Philip J. Smith, Charles Reid, Julen Pedel, Jeremy Thornock, Institute for
reduction temperature of ZAMAA sorbent is lower, and this property is favored to Clean and Secure Energy, The University of Utah, USA
sulfidation reaction.
Modeling and simulation on petascale computing platforms offers unprecedented
opportunities to explore new transformative technology options in entrained-flow coal
gasification. However, before these advanced simulation tools can be used with
SESSION 51 confidence, formal validation and uncertainty quantification is required. In this paper
Gasification: Modeling - 2 we explore the uncertainty in predictions from large eddy simulations (LES) of the
Brigham Young University (BYU) pilot-scale entrained flow reactor1. The specific
focus of this paper is to produce predictive capability for gasification with quantified
51-1 uncertainty bounds through a formal validation and uncertainty quantification (V/UQ)
Investigation of Coal Gasification Process under Various Operating analysis. We have employed the Data Collaboration methods of Michael Frenklach and
Conditions Inside a Two-Stage Entrained Flow Gasifier coworkers at the University of California-Berkeley in our V/UQ analysis. Data
Ting Wang, Armin Silaen, University of New Orleans, USA Collaboration requires consistency between simulation results and experimental data.
Having developed the ARCHES code, that combines LES with the Direct Quadrature
Numerical simulations of coal gasification process inside a generic 2-stage entrained- Method of Moments (DQMOM) for the gasification simulation, we now perform
flow gasifier are carried out using the commercial CFD solver ANSYS/FLUENT. The V/UQ employing the BYU experimental data. The simulation produces temporally and
3-D Navier-Stokes equations and eight species transport equations are solved with spatially resolved data of the reacting, multiphase flow field, including the moment
three heterogeneous global reactions, three homogeneous reactions, and one thermal description and evolution of the full particle number density function. Specifically, we
cracking equation of volatiles. The Chemical Percolation Devolatilization (CPD) have studied three key particle behaviors; particle size segregation (Stokes number
model is used for the devolatilization process. Finite rates are used for the effects), particle clustering, and particle pyrolysis. We perform the V/UQ analysis with
heterogeneous solid-to-gas reactions. Both finite rate and eddy-breakup combustion the spatially resolved compositional data measured in the BYU gasifier. In this study
models are calculated for each homogeneous gas-to-gas reaction, and the smaller of the we have extracted experimental error for each of the measurements taken. Used prior
two rates is used. The water-shift reaction rate is adjusted to match available syngas ARCHES validation information to produce prior uncertainty bonds on the most
composition from existing operational data. Study is conducted to investigate the sensitive simulation parameters. We have included uncertainties in numerical
effects of different operation parameters on gasification process including coal mixture parameters, models, and scenario parameters. The resulting V/UQ analysis produced
(dry vs. slurry), oxidant (oxygen-blown vs. air-blown), and different coal distribution posterior uncertainty bounds on both the quantities of interest and the uncertain
between two stages. In the two-stage coal-slurry feed operation, the dominant reactions parameter space studied.
are intense char combustion (C + ½ O2 → CO and CO + ½ O2 → CO2) in the first
stage and gasification reactions (mainly char-CO2 gasification, C + ½ CO2 → CO) in 51-4
the second stage. Char gasification is enhanced in the second stage with the injection Numerical Simulation of the Hydrodynamics of a Fluidized Bed
of the remaining coal. The higher gas temperature in the first stage for the dry-fed case Combined with an Entrained Bed Gasifier
(3200 K compared to 2400 K for slurry-fed) means that the refractory walls in the first Jiantao Zhao, Jiejie Huang, Yitian Fang, Yang Wang, Institute of Coal
stage will experience higher thermal loading than that in the coal slurry operation. Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA
One-stage operation yields higher H2, CO and CH4 combined than if two-stage
operation is used, but with a lower syngas heating value. High heating value (HHV) of The ash agglomerating fluidized bed (AFB) coal gasification process, developed by the
syngas for the one-stage operation is 7.68 MJ/kg, compared to 8.24 MJ/kg for two- Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has the advantages of
stage operation with 72%-25% fuel distribution and 9.03 MJ/kg for two-stage moderate operation temperature, lower oxygen consumption, lower operation cost,
operation with 50%-50% fuel distribution. Carbon conversion efficiency of the air- higher coal adaptability, and especially the fitness to coals of high ash content and high
blown case is 77.3%, which is much lower than that of the oxygen-blown case ash fusion temperature. The commercial pressured AFB gasifier (300t/d, 0.6MPa) have
been put into operation for the ammonia and methanol synthesis. However, the carbon 52-2
conversion (~90%) still has the potential to be highly improved by increasing the Transformations of Karaman -Ermenek Lignites of Turkey under
gasification efficiency of fly ash with high carbon content and low reactivity. Accelerated Electrons Impact
Therefore, a new concept for coal gasification was evolved for coal gasification, Islam Mustafayev, Fethullah Chichek, Azerbaijan National Academy of
combining the fluidized bed gasifier and the entrained flow gasifier into one unit. The Sciences, AZERBAIJAN; Guven Onal, Istanbul Technical University,
combined gasifier can gasify feedstock with higher reactivity in the fluidized bed and TURKEY
further gasify fly ash with lower reactivity in the entrained flow bed at higher
temperature (~1200°C). The preliminary experiments have been carried out to confirm The regularities of transformation of lignites from Karaman-Ermenek deposits of
its feasibility. The present work aims to establish a rational mathematic model to Turkey under accelerated electron impact were studied. The absorbed doze in lignites
simulate the fluidization dynamics to assist with the design, operation and scale-up of changed within the limits of 1170-3120 kGy. As basic indexes of process rate of gas
the gasifier. The CFD model is established base on the results from the simulation on formation, decreasing of initial mass of lignite, the contents of sulfur in the solid have
the entrained flow bed and the fluidized bed. The advanced hybrid grid technology was been defined. The gaseous products Н2, CO and СН4 were identified. The specific
used to build the numerical mesh. A series of simulation works were carried out using features of radiation-chemical decomposition of organic mass of lignite under
the CFD model established for the pilot scale coal gasifier. The gas-solid flow field, accelerated electrons impact are discussed.
particle distribution, the mutual influence of the gas and particle flow between the
entrained flow bed and the fluidized bed were discussed in detailed. 52-3
Co-Pyrolysis of Malaysian Bituminous Coal and Industrial Solid Waste
51-5 (Tyre Waste and Wood Waste) Blends via Thermogravimetric Analysis
Numerical Simulation of the Gasification Process inside a Cross-Type (TGA)
Two-Stage Gasifier Sharmeela Matali, Norazah Abd Rahman, Siti Shawalliah Idris, Azil Bahari
Yau-Pin Chyou, Chang-Bin Huang, Yan-Tsan Luan, Institute of Nuclear Alias, Universiti Teknologi MARA, MALAYSIA
Research, Atomic Energy Council, TAIWAN, ROC; Ting Wang, University
of New Orleans, USA Investigations on co-pyrolysis between Malaysian bituminous coal, wood waste
(WW), tyre waste(TW) and their blends were carried out by thermogravimetric
Numerical simulation of oxygen-blown coal gasification process inside a cross-type analysis (TGA). Experiments were performed under inert N2 atmosphere at various
two-stage (E-Gas like) gasifier is studied with the commercial CFD solver ANSYS heating rate of 10, 20, 40 and 60°C/min with temperature heating range from 25°C to
FLUENT. The purpose of this study is to use CFD simulation to improve 900°C. By observing the derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) profiles of individual
understanding of the gasification processes in the E-Gas like gasifier. In this paper, raw samples, thermal degradation event of coal occur at higher temperatures (in
chemical reaction time is assumed to be faster than the time scale of the turbulence between 350°C to 850°C) in comparison to the wastes due to the lower content of
eddies. All the species are assumed to mix in the intermolecular level. The 3-D Navier- volatile matter. Thermal degradation of wood waste occur at temperature interval of
Stokes equations and species transport equations are solved with eddy-breakup 215°C to 550°C while tyre waste degrades twice at temperature intervals of 220°C to
reaction model (instantaneous gasification). The simulation follows one of the cases 460°C and 640°C to 760°C. Pyrolysis of coal/WW and coal/TW blends generates
documented in the report published by NETL at 2000. The influences of coal slurry bimodal thermogravimetric curves where the lower temperature mode corresponds to
concentration and O2/coal ratio on gasification process are investigated in this paper. the release of cellulosic and polymeric matters in the wastes and higher temperature
Under the condition of feeding carbon being nearly completely converted, low slurry mode corresponds to coal pyrolysis. The absence of interactions between coal and the
concentration is preferred over high concentration if more H2 is wanted with lower wastes indicates no synergistic effect during pyrolysis. However, an increase of coal
syngas temperature, while higher slurry concentration is more preferable for producing reactivity is observed with increasing coal blend ratio. The results, thus far, show that
more CO with higher syngas temperature. The case of higher O2/Coal ratio results in coal/WW ratio blend of 70:30 and coal/TW ratio blend of 60:40 have the lowest
more combustion and leads to lower syngas heating value and higher temperature. activation energy (Ea) values of 231.5 kJ/mol and 202.6 kJ/mol respectively. Effect of
Meanwhile, lower O2/Coal ratio involves more gasification reactions and results in heating rate, effect of blending on char yield and activation energy during pyrolysis
higher CO concentration and lower temperature. In summary, the trends of simulated will also be reported.
results of coal combustion and gasification processes in the cross-type two-stage
gasifier are reasonable. 52-4
Desulfurization and Kinetics of Removal of Sulfur from High Sulfur Coal
under Hydrogen Atmosphere
Guojie Zhang, Yongfa Zhang, Fengbo Guo, Bingmo Zhang, Taiyuan
SESSION 52 University of Technology, CHINA
Coal Science: Coal Chemistry - 6
The reaction between hydrogen and sulfur in high sulfur coal at high temperature was
studied in this paper. Crashed and sieved high sulfur coal sample (with particle size of
52-1 0.6mm) was placed in batches in 23 mm I·D differential reactor. The release of
Uranium and Some Other Trace Metal Element Concentration of Some hydrogen sulfide at run temperature and under different hydroatmospheres was
Turkish Coal Ashes followed by a hydrogen sulfide detector.
Isik Ozpeker, Fikret Suner, Mehmet Maral, Tahsin Aykan Kepekli, Istanbul The desulfurization yield was obtained from elemental analysis of residual char. The
Technical University, TURKEY hydrogen can greatly promote the effect of desulfurization and more than 65% sulfur
in the coal can be removed.
This study focuses on uranium and some other trace element concentrations and The releasing curves of H2S in hydropyrolysis process obviously showed two peaks.
distributions of some coal occurrences that had been formed in Trachea and Anatolia, The desulfurization process in hydropyrolysis of high sulfur coal can be regarded as in
Turkey. Coal occurrences are in different age and rank. Most of them are young and two stages according to the evolution profiles of H2S. The first peak at 250~450 °C
their ranks are low. Ashes of coal samples have been picked up from different parts of was from the desulfurization of aliphatic sulfide and the second peak at 450~650 °C
Turkey and were analyzed and evaluated in terms of uranium and some trace element could be from both the sulfur in pyrite and aromatic thiophenic structure. Results show
contents. that the desulfurization of high sulfur coal could be described much better with the
Chemical investigations were performed on the coal ashes via fluorometric method for grain reaction model than with the random pore model. The random pore model is only
analyzing uranium concentration, some trace and major element concentrations were adapted to the initial stage of sulfur removal from high sulfur coal under hydrogen
analyzed by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) and FP (Flame Photometry) atmosphere while the grain reaction model is adequate the whole stage.
methods. The analyses results show that the uranium content in coal ashes change
between 0 – 178 ppm, while the average of Turkish coals is 10 – 33 ppm. Ni, Co, Cu,
Zn, Pb, Ag, Fe, Ca, Na and K concentrations were also detected. The mentioned trace
element concentrations are over the world averages in most of coal ash samples. SESSION 53
Uranium was enriched in the western Anatolia, especially in Mugla – Yatagan, Aydın Coal Science: Beneficiation – 5
– Soke, Kutahya – Gediz and Acemkiri coal fields. Also, an asphaltite sample from
Sirnak includes noticeable amount of uranium concentration. Uranium accumulation of
the coal samples probably depended on surrounding units as the source rocks. 53-1
Preparation of Alternative Fuel from Compost and Coal Slurries
Dagmar Juchelkova, O. Zajonc, H. Skrobankova, H. Raclavska, K.
Raclavsky, VSB – Technical University Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
New strategies in municipal solid waste (MSW) management, i.e., a separate collection
of the organic fraction (EU Directive 1999/31/EC, EU Directive 2008/98/EC) and a
reduction of the biodegradable MSW fraction allocated in landfills (EU Directive slurry to pulp. Similarly, recovery of 1x0.6 mm particles improved from 4.6 weight
2003/33/EC), have favored the development of composting as a useful biotechnology percent to 8.3 weight percent at the same ash level. Positive results were also obtained
in transforming organic wastes into suitable agricultural products. In order to meet the by external reflux of a portion of the concentrate back into the top of the column. The
requirements of the Directive in the Czech Republic in by the year 2013 it will be potential to simultaneously achieve improvement in both recovery and grade can be
allowed only 697 tons for deposition on landfills and it will be necessary to find other explained by application of conventional mass transfer concepts, analogous to
utilization for 2477 tons of waste. The produced compost which does not meet the developments in two-phase foam fractionation.
requirements for quality (concentrations of trace metals, C/N ratio and content of PHs)
can be utilized for energy generation. It is supported by Directive 2009/28/EC of the 53-5
European Parliament and the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of Study of the Lignite Qualitative Parameters Modification, During its
energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives Storage
2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC. Sanda Krausz, Nicolae Cristea, University of Petrosani; Ion Bacalu, Mihail
One of the most important steps in the production of pellets is an increase of pellet Dafinoiu, Daniel Burlan, National Society of Lignite, Oltenia, ROMANIA
density and at the same time preservation of their sufficient mechanical durability and
low consumption of energy. The aim of this paper is to describe the preparation of The research goes out upon the quest of establishing the qualitative parameters
suitable fuel mixture which has required mechanical properties using waste products. variation based on the lignite storage conditions, from different open pits of the biggest
coal basin from Romania.
53-2 We start from the premise that the physical-chemical processes which inevitably occur
Investigation of Effect of Reagents on the Coal Recovery from Coal during the lignite storage have negative effects on their quality. The lignite oxidation
Washing Plant Tailings by Floatation can cause the calorific power decrease, the burning capacity diminution and the
Oktay Bayat, Huseyin Vapur, Cukurova University; Metin Ucurum, Nigde modification of the lignite grains proprieties. Experimental approach was carried out in
University, TURKEY two stages: in the laboratory and on field. The lignite qualitative parameters
modification depending on storage duration and coal moisture was studied and the
In this study, effects of collector and frother types on the coal recovery from Tunçbilek implications of the storage duration are discussed.
Ömerler coal washing plant tailings by froth floatation were investigated applying The effect of the climatic factors on the deposited lignite quality has also been
statistical analysis. For this purpose, collectors used on the flotation experiments analyzed: the temperature, the air moisture, the atmospheric pressure, the wind action.
(kerosene, diesel oil and commercial fatty acids as ionic collectors) were compared by
ANOVA, and frothers (pine oil and MIBC) were compared by t-analysis. As a result of
statistical analysis, it was found that there was not a significant difference among
collector types, but there was a significant difference among frothers types. Despite SESSION 54
their lower floatation yield and higher consumptions, ionic collectors can be used Coal-Derived Products: General Session – 2
successfully in coal floatation where cleaner concentrates are required from high ash
coal fines. The results showed that the decrease of 53.44% in the ash content of the
coal has been obtained in the floatation experiments whereas, the combustible recovery 54-1
was 87.61% using commercial fatty acids as ionic collectors. Investigating the Yield and Distribution of Products Obtained from the
Co-Pyrolysis of Biomass and Coal
53-3 Akinwale Aboyade, Johann Görgens, Marion Carrier, Stellenbosch
Coal Flotation Tests: Effect of Operatinal Errors University; Edson Meyer, University of Fort Hare, SOUTH AFRICA
Sait Kizgut, Dilek Cuhadaroglu, Ihsan Toroglu, Zonguldak Karaelmas
University, TURKEY The co-utilization of alternative feedstock such as agricultural residues in industrial
coal gasification is attracting increasing interest worldwide because of its potential to
As in pilot scale scale and plant scale studies operational parameters are also important improve the environmental performance of coal based systems, while diversifying
working at laboratory scale. Operator foults resulting from striping deep froth, leaving supply options for feedstock. Pyrolysis is an important first step in gasification and is
froth at the edges of cell, froth collapse due to low stripping speed are common in the more susceptible to the change in the fuel that will arise from co-feeding biomass. In
practice. Size distribution and size limits, reagent amounts are also important order to obtain information about the pyrolysis of coal-biomass blends, experiments
parameters affecting the effectivity of the process. were conducted in a pressurized fixed-bed pyrolyser operating at 26 bars, 600°C, and
To determine flotability of coals ptior to plant application and to verify operational average heating rate of 10°C/min using coal-biomass blends of 95:5(wt%) and
data various techniques have been used. Release and tree test methods have found wide 50:50(wt%). The effect of adding sugarcane bagasse and corncobs to coal on the
applications. This study is aimed to compare various laboratory scale flotation test distribution of pyrolysis products were evaluated and discussed with attention focused
techniques for coal flotation. Tree, release, and timed-release test techniques were on tar and gas production. It was observed that adding 5% bagasse and corn cobs to the
carried out on flotation size coal sample. Coal sample as taken slury screened at 0.5 coal feed increased pyrolysis gas yields by 68% and 50% respectively. Blending corn
mm. Size distribution and ash content of size groups were determined prior to flotation cobs with coal increased the overall production of pyrolysis condensates as well as the
tests. A Humbold Wedag Flotation Machine with a 3-liters cell was used. Air was production of the tarry phase of the condensates. Adding sugarcane bagasse and coal
provided by the suction of impeller. Two ımpeller speed was used; at lower speed also increased total condensates production but reduced the tarry fraction to lower
conditioning was carried out than, impeller speed was increased and air valve was values than would be otherwise obtained from 100 % coal pyrolysis. Total
turned on. This procedure was used in all tests. To determine the effectivity of the test hydrocarbon content was increased when both type of biomass were added and the
tecnnique, here ash, yield and combustible recovery, three methods were conducted by production of oxygenates like phenols, ketones and acids were favoured at the expense
two operators at two different reagent dosages. Tree and timed-release tests, with many of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which was dominant in tars from 100% coal. No
repeated flotation stages, have been found more practical to reduce operational errors. significant synergistic effects were detected between the components of any of coal-
biomass blends.
Column Flotation of Fine and Coarse Coal using a Novel Approach 54-2
B.K. Parekh, D.P. Patil, University of Kentucky CAER; Edgar B. Klunder, Natural-Gas-Level Emissions when Burning Naphtha (without Water
NETL, USA Injection) in a Commercial Gas Turbine using the LPP Technology,
Creating a “Clean Power” Alternative for an Integrated Gasification
Froth flotation, applied to the separation of solid particulates, has been practiced Combined Cycle (IGCC) Polygen Plant
commercially for a long time in the coal and mineral industries. The potential benefits Leo D. Eskin, LPP Combustion, LLC., USA
of establishing a deep froth, especially in column flotation have been shown by a
number of researchers, and that includes demonstrating that the froth phase is much Emissions test results from operation of a commercial dry, low-emissions Capstone gas
more efficient at mineral upgrading than is the pulp phase. This approach could be turbine demonstrate the commercial feasibility of using the Lean, Premixed
useful in where the particles have difficulty in reporting from pulp phase to froth Prevaporized (LPP) Technology to burn a range of light liquid fuels in a power
phase. Hence, it is expected that introduction of particles into the froth phase will generation gas turbine, without water injection, while simultaneously achieving ultra-
significantly improve the grade and recovery of particles. In this paper, a novel way of low, natural-gas-level emissions for NOx, CO and particulates. The presented test
operating a flotation column was implemented, and the results were compared to those results have significant implications for future Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
when operating the same column in the conventional fashion. Tests were conducted (IGCC) plants.
with both fine and coarse coals. Feeding into the froth zone enhances bubble-particle The Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle technology, as currently defined, couples
contact as observed by a higher product yield of 79.4% compared to a conventional a complex coal gasification process plant with a custom, coal syngas-fired, combustion
column flotation yield of 73.4%, both at about 9% product ash. It was also observed turbine combined cycle power plant. The IGCC process is a two-stage combustion
that the novel froth feed improved the recovery of coarse (+ 1 mm) coal particles from design with gas cleanup between the stages. The first stage employs a gasifier where
0.9 weight percent to 2.2 weight percent compared to the conventional way of feeding partial oxidation of the coal occurs. The second stage utilizes the gas turbine
combustor to complete the combustion with the gas turbine/combined cycle (GT/CC) 54-5
technology. Due to the impracticality of storing significant quantities of the coal Influence Factors on Density and Specific Surface Area (Blaine Value) of
syngas, it is necessary to ensure that the combustion turbine remains operational Fly Ash from Pulverized Coal Combustion
whenever the gasification plant is running. The shutdown of the combustion turbine Hiromi Shirai, Michitaka Ikeda, Kenji Tanno, Central Research Institute of
requires immediate shutdown of the gasification plant. In addition, it is difficult to Electric Power Industry, JAPAN
operate the gasification plant at part load; hence it is preferable to run the combustion
turbine in a base load configuration. These are significant operating limitations. In the Japanese electric power industry, it is desirable to reduce the cost of the
The current test results demonstrate the commercial viability of combining the gas-to- treatment and expand the range of use of fly ash, such as in concrete admixtures.
liquid technology (GTL), e.g. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis or similar, and the Lean Therefore, it is necessary to form high-quality fly ash. To obtain high-quality fly ash, it
Premixed Prevaporized combustion technology to create a much more robust power is important to clarify the factors affecting its properties. In this study, the factors
generation system. The GTL process is a method whereby coal syngas is transformed affecting the density and specific surface area (Blaine value) of coal fly ash were
into one or more forms of liquid fuel. These coal liquids can include diesel fuel, investigated on the basis of experimental results obtained using our combustion test
kerosene and naphtha (among others). The conversion of coal syngas to liquids is a facility and the ash data from the boiler of an actual electric power plant. The density
well-known process and has been utilized for many years. The LPP process transforms was affected by the ash particle size, the true density of the component materials and
a wide variety of liquid fuels into a synthetic natural gas (or LPP gas) which the aluminum content which is closely related to the fusibility. The specific surface area
current results clearly show can be burned in conventional natural gas dry low was affected by the particle size distribution and particle shape. The shape was affected
emissions combustion hardware, precluding the use of water or steam to achieve low not only by the ash particle size but also by the unburned carbon concentration, the ash
criteria pollutant (NOx, CO and PM) emissions levels, and hence the penalties fusibility and the ash content in the coal. It was also found that the specific surface area
discussed above are avoided. of the ash generated from our combustion test facility is higher than that of ash from
By combining the LPP combustion technology with the GTL process, IGCC operation actual boiler for ash with the same particle size. This result indicates that the shape of
is made much more flexible, dependable, and the overall economics is improved. particles is affected by their heating and formation histories in the boiler. On the basis
Three alternative IGCC design scenarios are presented which would allow the IGCC of the above findings, correlation equations were obtained for the density and Blaine
plant to use a standard, natural gas fired combustion turbine together with an LPP skid value.
to provide increased operating flexibility for the plant and to reduce the plant capital
equipment cost.
Emissions and performance test results for the Capstone gas turbine are presented for
both naphtha and bioethanol as a liquid fuel source for the LPP skid. The tests were POSTER SESSION 1
conducted at the LPP Combustion facility located in Columbia, MD (just north of COMBUSTION
Washington, DC) and the generated power was sold to Baltimore Gas and Electric as
part of a net metering agreement. Future gas turbine testing is planned using additional
liquid fuels such as diesel and biodiesel. P1-1
Alternative Sorbents for Desulphurization of Flue Gases
54-3 Pavel Kolat, Vaclav Roubicek, Zbyszek Szeliga, Bohumir Čech, VŃB-
Laminar Flame Speed Study of Syngas Mixtures (H2-CO) with Straight Technical University Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC
and Nozzle Burners
İskender Gökalp, Nicolas Bouvet, Christian Chauveau, CNRS-Institut de Natural limestone, as the conventional sorbent, is used for desulphurisation of waste
Combustion, FRANCE; Seong-Young Lee, Robert J. Santoro, The gases for combustion of fossil fuels. There are two ways, simplified, to minimize the
Pennsylvania State University, USA consumption of limestone as natural primary source in desulphurization technology of
flu gases. One is increasing of the efficiency of the process, second is replace the
Laminar flame speeds of undiluted syngas (H2/CO) mixtures have been studied at limestone with alternative sorbents.
atmospheric conditions using chemiluminescence and schlieren techniques for straight Alternative sorbents, in the research, are defined by authors as the waste substances,
cylindrical and nozzle burner apparatus. A wide range of mixture composition, from by-products from from sugar industry product (saturation sludge) and paper industry
pure H2 to 1/99 % H2/CO, has been investigated for lean premixed syngas flames. To production (caustic sludge), and they represented, under the present conditions of
achieve a better flame stabilization and reduce flame flashback propensity, two nozzle knowledge, the alternative of the so far most frequently used sorbents – natural
burners of different sizes have been designed and fabricated and were further used to limestone. The general motivation for selection of these substances was the fact that
compare the flame cone angle and the total surface area of the flame techniques. those substances are waste materials from the processes described below.
Results are compared to predictions using recent H2/CO mechanisms developed for The article is focused on desulphurization tests with alternative sorbents in the real
syngas combustion. combustion units.
After general research into chemical and physical properties of investigated waste
54-4 substances suitable for dry additive method of desulphurization in fluidized layer and
Structural Changes in Bituminous Coal Fly Ash Due to Treatments with their study, the authors found out the already mentioned set of substances. These
Aqueous Solutions substances are appropriate for the desulphurization process not only from the
Roy Nir Lieberman, Ariel Goldman, Ariel University Center of Samaria; viewpoint of the above-mentioned properties, but also because of their availability.
Haim Cohen, Ariel University Center at Samaria and Ben-Gurion University Their availability may be one of criteria for their real implementation in heavy duty
of the Negev, ISRAEL; Roy Nitzsche, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, facilities.
GERMANY Prior to application of alternative sorbents in the process of dry additive method of
desulphurization in real equipment, there was necessary to test the behavior of sorbents
Coal fly ash is produced in Israel via the combustion of class F bituminous coals. The in laboratory conditions.
bulk of coal fly ashes produced in Israel stems from South African and Colombian The research of behaviour of alternative sorbents in laboratory conditions in dry
coals and therefore these ashes were the subject of the present study. It has been shown additive method of desulphurization prepared the base for performance of tests on real
that during treatment of the flyash with aqueous solutions appreciable Structural equipment. Results from tests may be evaluated as very good with the prerequisite for
Changes in the Matrix do occur. The flyash can be used as a scrubber and fixation utilization, testing of investigated substances in real combustion units.
reagent for acidic wastes. Recently it was reported that the scrubbing product can serve On the basis of carried out laboratory and pilot tests one may expect good results from
as a partial substitute to sand and cement in concrete. The bricks have proved to be those real units (equipment with greater output), some of these experiments have been
strong enough according to the concrete standards. already performed.
In order to have a better understanding of the fixation mechanism we have decided to It may be stated that results of the given sorbents on the given equipment are in mutual
treat the flyashes with water or acidic solution (0.1M HCl) thus changing the surface of accord.
the flyash particles. Surface analysis of the treated and untreated fly ashes have Primarily by comparison of results from the unit CFBC and unit FBC Pjm=100kWt, as a
demonstrated that the treated flyashes have changed appreciably its' interactions with pilot tests units, it may be concluded that the tests on the model CFBC were carried out
transition metal ions. Three possible modes of interactions were observed: cation correctly and the designed unit is very satisfactory. Some aspects of application of
exchange, chemical bonding and electrostatic adsorption of very fine precipitate at the ultra-fine sorbents will be further investigated on this unit.
flyash surface. The process of stay of ultra-fine particles of alternative sorbents in fluidized layer of
model CFBC was recorded as one of phenomena of behaviour of investigated
substances for the period exceeding the period calculated on models. Further, the
hypothesis was defined and partially examined, which explains this phenomenon.
Authors in this article attempted to describe the research of alternative sorbents that
have a chance to replace the primarily natural raw material, limestone. It should be
emphasized that waste substances were identified and investigated as alternative
sorbents. This article describes individual steps of research, primarily laboratory tests Republic, European Union and in other parts of the world. It further quotes the
on the real unit. legislative issues concerning sources of SO2 emissions and their limits, in accordance
It was carried test with the saturation sludge in unit with circulating fluidized layer with the Act 146/2007Coll., as the main goal is elimination of sulphur oxides in
with rated output of Pjm=120 MWt, with the saturation sludge as the substitute for combustion products. In order to provide a full view, this chapter quotes a range of
natural limestone the results of laboratory tested were confirmed. data concerning annual SO2 emission values of some major sources in the Czech
The desulphurization test was also carried out with the saturation sludge in the powder Republic. The objective of the theoretical part is to bring out information concerning
boiler with granular furnace Pjm=72MWt, the results appear already as good. energy budgets, legislative issues, yearly values, and substantial SO2 emission sources
The conclusions from these tests confirm a very good sorption capability on substances in the Czech Republic.
identified by authors as alternative sorbents in the process of dry additive method of The following chapter brings a detailed description of the theoretical part concerning
desulphurization of the given technologies. reduction of sulphur oxides, including both primary and secondary measures. The
The following quantities were measured and observed during the test second chapter, dealing with an in-depth view of the problems related to elimination of
Data of operating measuring instruments sulphur oxides, further offers overall information on lime and coal management of
Measurement of basis gaseous components of emissions CO, NOx, SO2 and relating O2 ČEZ, a.s., representing the company which covers a major part of electric energy
The samples of ashes, flue ashes and fuel were taken for other analyses consumption in the Czech Republic.
The following criteria were chosen for test evaluation: The above mentioned chapters introduce the theoretical part. However, the main
- The course of concentration of SO2, as the means for evaluation of the objective of the research is carrying out of an experimental desulphurization test the
particular course of dry additive method purpose of which is to find out and explore the possibilities of reducing the levels of
- Behavior of fluidized layer, the general parameters were monitored using sulphur oxides below the emission limit of 200 mg/mN3 by way of a dry method using
the own monitoring unit with regard to the use of saturation sludge a different additive than CaCO3. During the experiment, a sodium bicarbonate
- Evaluation of effect of the use of saturation sludge as the substitute sorbents NaHCO3 based preparation was used. This preparation was firs ground to a required
on residues after combustion fraction and fed consequently into the flue ways before the electrostatic fly-ash
P1-2 The whole experiment is supported by gaseous emission measurements located before
Operation of Large Fluidized Bed Boilers and Methods of Diagnostics the point where the NaHCO3 based preparation is fed to the flue ways, as well as
Pavel Kolat, Zdenek Kadlec, Bohumir Čech, VŃB-Technical University subsequent measuring of SO2 gaseous emissions behind the electrostatic fly-ash
Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC separator. The results are further supported by chemical analyses of fly-ash samples
from individual sections of the separator.
The article gives a summary of the measurement units that are used for diagnostic
measurements in fluidized bed boilers. During the verification process, the Technical P1-4
University of Ostrava designed and tested various types of probes for temperature and Ionic Liquids with Amine Functional Group: A Shortcut to Improve the
velocity measurements, and for sampling both flue gases and solid particles. Since Performance of Ionic Liquids for CO2 Scrubbing
1995, 29 large fluidized bed boilers of different designs and power outputs have been Jelliarko Palgunadi, Jin Kyu Im, Antonius Indarto, Hoon Sik Kim, Minserk
into operation in the Czech Republic. All boilers have been constructed based on Cheong, Kyung Hee University, KOREA
foreign experience, technical documentation, licensing and engineering. Every large
power project is always preceded by trial measurements and measurements on smaller One of the global environmental problems of today is the increase of the greenhouse
pilot, trial or if need be model equipment. Due to the great difference in scale, some gases concentrations in the atmosphere. This problem partly corresponds to the
unexpected measuring equipment behavior or problems must be taken into increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from the burning of fossil fuels for power
consideration. generations. To response this challenge, carbon capture and storage (CCS) using liquid
scrubber receives great attentions because there is potential for retrofit to existing
This article reviews the development of verification methods and presents some power plants without changing the existing process. Within this framework, ionic
equipment for the determination of all important and interesting measuring data. The liquids (ILs) have been proposed as alternative media for scrubbing CO 2 from post-
conclusions might be useful to energy companies and operators that want to verify combustion emission where SOx, NOx, and tiny particulates are also inevitably co-
operation data of fluidized bed boilers, flue gases and air channels. produced. Due to the ionic nature of these low-melting point salts, the problem
Apart from basic measurements there are a number of other similar measurements of associated with the solvent lost during cycled absorption-desorption processes might
specific equipment parts that might be initiated because: be minimized. Experimental results from our group combined with numerous
the manufacturer is interested in using the experience to improve or design published data demonstrated that the CO2 solubility in many conventional ILs at the
new units, pressure close to atmosphere is very low. Thus, these conventional ILs are not feasible
the operator is interested in both eliminating problems and improving the compared to the molecular amine-based scrubbers, i.e. monoethanol amine (MEA) for
economics of the operation process. capturing CO2 contained in a post-combustion stream. Regular solution theory and
Diagnostic measurements at a particular unit basically cover: quantum chemical calculations demonstrate that the CO2 solubility in common ILs is
the measurement of fluidized bed temperatures, furnace temperatures, flue merely controlled by weakly physical interactions (i.e. van der Waals interactions). To
gases temperatures at ancillary heating surfaces up to the boiler, improve the performance of ILs, various task-specific ILs dissolved in a simple room
the measurement of flue gas velocity in the furnace chamber and exits of temperature IL or in a non-volatile organic solvent were evaluated for CO2 capture at
cyclones, in cyclones, at the cyclone exit to second pass as well as in the low pressures. Cost-effective ILs containing an amine moiety were prepared by
area of additional boiler surfaces, quaternarization of commercially available diamines. Similar CO2 loading capacity as
sampling of flue gas in the combustion chamber, heat and mass transfer, found in a molecular amine system was observed likely through the formation of a
sampling of characteristic solid ash particles including isokinetic sampling carbamate salt-like structure. The CO2 solubility measurements, the computational
to determine solid particle concentrations. calculations of the CO2-IL complexes, and some factors associated with the optimum
absorption conditions are discussed.
The results give more detailed information about the behavior of the fluidized layer in
various fluidized bed boilers. P1-5
Absorption of Sulfur Dioxide in Task Specific Ionic Liquids Containing
P1-3 SO2-Philic Groups on the Cation
Additive Desulphurization by Sodium Bicarbonate in Pulverized-Fuel Sung Yun Hong, Jelliarko Palgunadi, Hoon Sik Kim, Minserk Cheong,
Furnaces Kyung Hee University, KOREA
Pavel Kolat, Zdenek Kadlec, Pilar Lukas, VŃB-Technical University Ostrava,
CZECH REPUBLIC Fossil fuel burning power plant is one of major producers of sulfur dioxide emissions
worldwide. To mitigate the emissions of SO2, scrubbing process employing liquid
The main objective of research is to assess the effectivity of reduction of sulphur absorbents is considered as an alternative method in addition to the flue gas
oxides content in combustion products below the 200 mg/mN3 emission limit by dosing desulfurization (FGD). Room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) have been
sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 into the flue ways before the electrostatic fly-ash demonstrated to absorb SO2 effectively. Tunable psychochemical properties derived
separator, i.e. employing the dry additive method of reducing the content of sulphur from the combinations of tailored ionic components and non-volatility of RTILs
oxides in combustion products. The first experimental desulphurization in the Czech resulted from the coulombic force stabilization are the key features making these
Republic, employing the sodium bicarbonate additive method, was performed with the materials more attractive than volatile organics for SO2 capture. Some literatures
use of a 220t/h boiler. The article is divided into several, closely related chapters suggest that the formation of specific interactions such as Lewis acid-base interactions
quoting all indispensable information. control the SO2 solubility. Thus, the presence of SO2-philic groups on the molecular
The article as mentioned above, is divided into several thematically related chapters. structure of RTILs is required to achieve high SO2 solubility. In our group,
The initial chapter deals with the current energy demanding ness in the Czech imidazolium-based cations containing various pendant groups with capabilities to form
specific yet reversible interactions with SO2 combined with [RSO3]- as the anion were
synthesized. The solubility measurements for SO2 are presented and the effects of the P1-9
cation structure on the absorption-desorption processes are discussed. Forced Flame Response Measurement in a Gas Turbine Combustor with
High Hydrogen Fuel
P1-6 Kyu Tae Kim, University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM; Jong Guen
Reaction Characteristics of New Oxygen Carriers for Chemical Looping Lee, Bryan D. Quay, Dom A. Santavicca, Pennsylvania State University,
Combustion USA
Ho-Jung Ryu, Jaehyeon Park, Gyoung-Tae Jin, Korea Institute of Energy
Research; Moon-Hee Park, Hoseo University, KOREA The forced response of swirl-stabilized lean-premixed turbulent flames to acoustic
oscillations in a hydrogen enriched laboratory-scale gas turbine combustor was
In this paper, natural gas combustion characteristics of new oxygen carrier particles experimentally investigated. Nonlinear flame transfer function measurements were
were investigated in a batch type fluidized bed reactor (0.052 m ID, 0.7 m high). Three taken to investigate the flame‟s heat release response to upstream acoustic
particles, OCN703-1100, OCN705- 1100, and OCN708-1300 were used as oxygen perturbations. This analysis shows that the dynamics of natural gas-air premixed
carriers. Natural gas and air were used as reactants for reduction and oxidation, flames are characterized by several regimes: the linear, transition, and first and second
respectively. To check feasibility of good performance, inherent CO2 separation, and nonlinear regimes, depending upon steady-state flame geometry, modulation
low-NOx emissions, CH4, CO, CO2, O2, H2, NO concentrations were measured by on- frequency, and amplitude of excitation. The present results show that the flame
line gas analyzer. Moreover, the regeneration ability of the oxygen carrier particles was geometry changes from a dihedral V flame to an enveloped M flame with an increase
investigated by successive reduction–oxidation cyclic tests up to the 10th cycle. All in hydrogen mole fraction, and the changes in steady-state flame structures have a
three oxygen carrier particles showed high gas conversion, high CO2 selectivity, and significant impact on the flame‟s response to acoustic modulations. The present results
low CO concentration during reduction and very low NO emission during oxidation. suggest that the M flame, unlike the V flame, has the unique dynamic characteristic of
Moreover, all three particles showed good regeneration ability during successive acting as a damper of flow perturbations. The response of the M flame remains in the
reduction-oxidation cyclic tests up to the 10th cycle. These results indicate that linear regime, irrespective of the shedding of a vortex-ring structure, because the
inherent CO2 separation, NOx-free combustion, and long-term operation without interaction between the large-scale structure and the flame is not strongly coupled.
reactivity decay of oxygen carrier particles are possible in the natural gas fueled
chemical-looping combustion system. However, OCN708-1300 represented P1-10
temperature and pressure fluctuations during reduction and slightly decay of oxidation Development of Commercial CFBC Boiler for Refuse Derived Fuel
reactivity with the number of cycles increased. Dowon Shun, Dal-Hee Bae, Jaehyeon Park, Seung Yong Lee, Korea Institute
of Energy Research, KOREA
Combustion Reactivity of Char Derived from Solvent Extracted Coal A 6 MWth pilot scale Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) Boiler is
Sihyun Lee, Hokyung Choi, Sangdo Kim, Jeongwhan Lim, Youngjoon Rhim, designed and constructed to perform a feasibility of alternative fuel combustion. The
Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER); Woosik Park, Hanyang capacity of the boiler is equivalent to 1MWe power generation boiler and it produces
University, KOREA 8tons of steam per hour. The maximum qualities of the steam are 38ata 723K. This
boiler burns 1000 kg of refuse derived fuel (RDF). Two kinds of refuse derived fuel
This study produced char from ash-free coals and investigated its reactivity with air. fabricated by under the regulation of Department of Environment were tested in this
Ash-free coal was manufactured by using the solvent extraction technique. Three pilot plant. One is plastics oriented and the other is from municipal waste. The
different ranks of coal were used as samples: Australian lignite coal, Indonesian combustion and the emission characteristics were monitored. The results were
subbituminous coal, and American bituminous coal. 1-MN and NMP were used as compared with those of bench scale or commercial scale data of refuse derived fuel
solvents for extraction. The FT-IR analysis showed that the 3490 cm-1 absorption band, (RDF) or coal combustion. The major combustion zone of RDF combustion was
which usually appears in high high-rank coal, appeared in the 1-MN-extracted coal confined to the fuel feeding area and it was narrower than that of coal due to high
regardless of the rank of the original coal. Furthermore, the 1011–1095 cm-1 band of volatile content of RDF. The emission of SO2 and NOx was much lower than that of
the extracted coal decreased greatly due to the reduction of ash. The FT-IR data of the coal but the emission of HCl was much higher than the Korean regulation of 20ppm at
residual coal samples was not much different from that of the original coal. The 1-MN- 12% O2. An external device for HCl control was adopted for the operation. The
extracted coals showed the same burning profile regardless of the rank of the original emission of HCl was less than 10ppm at the stack after the control.
coal, and had a higher range of burning temperatures than the bituminous coal. On the The heat transfer coefficients of evaporator, super-heater, economizer and air heater
other hand, the 1-MN-extracted coal had the same burning speed as that of the original were analyzed. Most of the numbers showed that the heat transfer coefficient was
coal. The NMPextracted coals all showed lower burning temperatures than the original similar to that of coal boiler. But evaporator showed less value than that of coal boiler.
coal, whereas the residual coals showed a similar range of burning temperature to that The phenomenon is considered to be related to the narrower combustion zone of the
of the original coal. RDF combustion.
The corrosion characteristics of heat transfer tube were not identified due to relatively
P1-8 short operation hours. But the analysis of boiler deposits and ash showed high amount
Flue Gas Desulphurization and Denitration by Activated Char Obtained of iron oxide and chloride contents. The chlorine was highly concentrated in deposits
from Anthracite and ash. The test of the toxic characteristics of ash by leaching was also performed and
Lan-ting Li, Da-ming Liang, Zhen-gang Xu, Peng Wang, Beijing Research it showed the fly ash is relatively inert and could be safely disposed.
Institute of Coal Chemistry, China Coal Research Institute, CHINA The combustion and hydrodynamic data obtained from the operation and construction
of this pilot plant were applied to the design of a 10MWe CFBC co-generation boiler
In order to clarify the mechanism of desulphurization and denitration from flue gas for RDF in Korea. The capacity of the boiler is 56MWth output and 10MWe. The
using activated char obtained from anthracite, the orthogonal design method was steam qualities of the boiler are 47ata and 728K. This boiler is designed to consume
introduced in the experiment, the connections between the desulphurization and 10tons of RDF made of municipal waste per hour.
denitration effect, and influencing factors: space velocity, react temperature, the
concentration of NO and SO2 were studied. Besides, the structure and elements of P1-11
activated char were characterized by SEM and XPS respectively in this paper. The Simplified Quantification of Tetrafluoroborate Ion in Flue Gas
experimental results show that the competed adsorption on activated char contained Desulfurization Effluent for Management of Fluorine Emission
NH3 existed between SO2 and NO, and SO2 took priority of NO on activated char; NO Seiichi Ohyama, Hiroyuki Masaki, Shinji Yasuike, Kazuo Sato, Central
was removed by selective catalytic reduction with NH3, and SO2 was removed by Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, JAPAN
direct catalytic and producing ammonium sulphate on activated char, simultaneity,
chelate nitrate came into being. The optimum condition was found out, that is space Boron compounds in industrial wastewaters mainly exist as boric acid and
velocity, react temperature, the concentration of NO and SO2 were 4500h-1, 130 °C, tetrafluoroborate ion (BF4-). BF4- contributes to the emission regulations of both boron
1500ppm and 1000ppm respectively, at which the SO 2 adsorption capacity and the and fluorine. In coal-fired power plants, BF4- is formed in a flue gas desulfurization
removal capacity of NO were 152.82 mg/g and 57.88mg/g respectively. The reaction (FGD) unit, depending on the type of FGD and coal. BF4- is quite stable and slow to
temperature was the key factor to decide desulphurization and denitration ability on decompose, which may lead to increased values of especially fluorine in discharged
activated char. effluents. Thus, in some plants, a dedicated treatment to decompose BF4- is employed
to manage BF4- emission. The conventional measurements of BF4-, i.e.,
spectrophotometry and ion chromatography requires a tedious pretreatment or a
stationary equipment and are difficult to carry out onsite. The onsite measurement of
BF4- is helpful for the efficient treatment of BF4-, which may lead to a reduced amount
of sludge. We propose a simple and rapid analytical determination method of BF4- for
properly managing the BF4- emission in FGD effluents. We build up a compact flow
measurement system using BF4- ionselective
electrode (ISE) mounted in a flow cell. By measuring samples in a flow mode, the currently not being utilized has been converted into a usable form in industry by the
stability and reproducibility of measurements is largely improved compared to the addition to coal fines.
conventional static batch measurement. The system can measures BF4- in the range of Different amounts of dolomite and waste were used in briquetting and their effects on
1-100 mg/L and the measurement completes in less than 10 min. The proposed method the efficiency of retention of sulfur in the ash were examined. A pilot equipment with
is an easier and more rapid determination compared with the conventional analytical 100 kg capacity was used for briquetting. Briquettes were burned in a TGA analyzer
methods. The application of the system to the FGD effluents is discussed. and in a commercial stove, and sulfur analyses were made in the ash. A mixture of
67% lignite, 20% slurry waste, 7% molasses and 6% dolomite gave the best result.
P1-12 Sulfur retention in the ash was found as 74.6% and 60.2% by TGA and stove tests,
Enhancing Thermal Efficiencies in Steam Power Plants by Utilizing the respectively.
“W2” Prime Mover as Auxillary Equipment Types of sulfur in the original Tuncbilek lignite were also determined experimentally.
Jerry F. Willis, Admiral Air, Inc., USA Since original sulfate in the coal is not affected in combustion, the retention efficiency
of sulfur in the ash was also evaluated on the basis of combustible sulfur and was
Coal fired power plants are the primary source of electrical power today. There are found to be 90.8 % and 73.2 % by TGA and stove tests, respectively. Thus, briquetting
huge reserves of relatively inexpensive coal resources around the world. The coal fired provided a decrease in sulfur dioxide emission not less than 70%. Proximate analyses
electrical plant is here to stay. and heating values of the briquettes were also made and the results indicated that the
The thermal efficiency of the typical coal fired electric plant is understood to be briquettes obtained were marketable.
approximately 35%. This thermal efficiency leaves a lot of room for improvement.
Thermal efficiency today is improved by incorporating new boiler and steam turbine P1-16
technology that produces only minor improvements in thermal efficiency. Experimental Study on Performance that Carbon Dioxide Inhibits Coal
Increasing thermal efficiencies in power plants will reduce emissions, create potential Oxidation and Spontaneous Combustion
for carbon credits, and extend coal reserves well into the future. This paper describes a Deng Jun, Li Shirong, Zhang Yanni, Xi‟an University of Science and
method to substantially improve the thermal efficiencies in existing power plants by Technology; Zhang Yang, China Coal Research Institute, CHINA
adding the new “W2” Prime Mover as auxiliary equipment to steam turbines.
Coal resource is greatly abundant in China, the coal production and consumption of
P1-13 China is in the leading positions of the world, it accounts for about 85% of total
Comparing Efficiencies of the Steam Turbine Versus the “W2” Prime production and consumption of domestic primary energy. Coal spontaneous
Mover combustion is becoming a critical factor that obstructs production safety and efficiency
Jerry F. Willis, Admiral Air, Inc., USA of coal mines in China. In many existing kinds of coal fire prevention and
extinguishment measures, CO2 is one of the widely used and most effective methods in
Coal fired power plants operate today using equipment which was designed during an coal fire prevention and controlling. Based on analysis to current mechanism of coal
era when fossil fuels were plentiful and relatively inexpensive. Greenhouse gas spontaneous combustion and fire prevention and extinguishment techniques, adopting
emissions and thermal efficiencies were of little concern when steam turbines were oil-bath temperature programming experiment and gas chromatography, CO2‟s
first developed. inhibitory performance to spontaneous combustion of coal sample of Tingnan coal
This paper compares the system characteristics of a typical coal fired power plant mine is analyzed in paper.
utilizing a steam turbine versus the new concept “W2” Prime Mover. The “W2” Prime Oil-bath temperature programming experiment system is improved, the accuracy,
Mover will be shown to increase the thermal efficiency of coal fired electric power stability and reliability of the improved system proved superior to traditional
plants from approximately 35% to values approaching 60%. This efficiency is temperature programming experiment system through temperature rise rate test
achieved by utilizing static steam pressure to drive the “W2” Prime Mover whereas experiment. Spontaneous combustion characters parameters test of coal sample in pure
steam flow characteristics drive the steam turbine. air is carried out by using this experiment system in order to offer comparison standard
for further research. Furthermore, temperature programming to coal sample is
P1-14 conducted in oil-bath in different concentration of CO2. Testing results are compared
Optimization of Fuel Properties with Utilization of Biodegradable with the concentration of CO, O2, temperature, CO generation rate and O2 consumption
Municipal Wastes for Combustion Units rate tested and calculated in previous experiment in pure air. Proportion between
Dagmar Juchelkova, Martina Hajkova, Helena Raclavska, VSB – Technical concentration of CO and O2, CO concentration and temperature, CO generation rate
University Ostrava; L. Tararik, Frydecka skladka, a.s., CZECH REPUBLIC and O2 consumption rate are carried out to eliminate obstructions from certain external
factors, such as inlet of CO2, the influences of CO2 of different concentrations to coal
The Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC obliges Member States to reduce the amount of oxidation and spontaneous combustion are investigated. Results indicate that: above
biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) that they landfill. The decreasing amount of 100°C, CO2 whose concentration is over 30% can obviously inhibit coal oxidation and
landfilled BMW is not comply in Czech Republic. The waste production of BMW in CO generation under the experimental conditions. Finally, CO2 is used in spontaneous
Czech Republic is 494 Mt (400 kg per year and inhabitant). Only 25 % of combustion prevention in workface No.106 of Tingnan coal mine, the data of CO and
biodegradable waste in municipal waste is in area with central heating or gasification. O2.indicates that CO2 performs well in inhibiting coal oxidation and spontaneous
Czech Republic utilized for energetic purposes only 10 % of municipal wastes. combustion.
Limited utilization of separated BMW from municipal wastes is connected with lower
gross calorific value, which is influenced by presence of anorganic matter (soils, P1-17
construction rubbish). Separated biodegradable wastes (without paper) contained from Development of an Analytical Solution for Jet Diffusion Flame Equations
spring to autumn 22 – 49 wt % combustible matter, 10 – 25 wt % organic carbon and F. N. Pereira, A. L. de Bortoli, N. R. Marcilio, UFRGS – Universidade
gross calorific value between 2700 – 7950 kJ/kg. The composition of biodegradable Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL
wastes is different in winter (grass and leaves are missing), the contamination with soil
particles is restricted. The gross calorific value is higher – 13533 kJ/kg. Exact solutions of nonlinear equations help us to understand the mechanism of
The paper is devoted to the preparation of fuels with utilization of biodegradable nonlinear effects. Any exact solution for flame propagation must make use of basic
municipal wastes, black coal and additives for improving of mechanical and equations of fluid dynamics modified to account for the liberation and conduction of
combustion properties with pelleting. The requirement of gross calorific value for heat and for charges of chemical species within the reaction zone. The present work
middle energetic sources (> 10 000 kJ/kg) can be complied for fuel with maximal develops an analytical solution for a jet diffusion flame. The model is based on the
content 50 wt % of biodegradable wastes. The main advantages of BMW for energetic solution of the mixture fraction for turbulent fluid flow with no constant eddy viscosity
utilization are very low content of alkalis (maximal is 2.5 % - bound in silicates) and and the results are found to compare favorably with data in the literature.
CaO addition for sanitation of biodegradable wastes.
Sulfur Retention in the Ash During Combustion of Tuncbilek Briquettes
Ayfer Parlak, Mustafa Ozdingis, H. Köksal Mucuk, Selahaddin Anac, Turkish
Coal Enterprises (TKI); Bekir Zühtü Uysal, Gazi University, TURKEY
In this study, it was aimed to briquette the mixture of Tuncbilek lignite in the size
range of 0.5-10 mm and Tuncbilek Coal Washing Plant‟s slurry waste involving 0.1-
0.5 mm particles with molasses and dolomite bindings and to achieve retention of
sulfur in the ash during combustion. In this way coal fines with high sulfur content was
converted by briquetting into a strong and uniform fuel giving rise to low sulfur
emission upon combustion. In addition, Coal Washing Plant‟s slurry waste which is
Choi, Korean Institute of Industrial Technology; Jae-Hun Song, Gi-Chul
POSTER SESSION 2 Myoung, Yong-Soo Cho, SeenTec Co., Ltd., KOREA
A process model including chemical reactions and mass/heat balances is investigated
for biomass steam gasification in a dual fluidized bed (DFB) system. Gasification in
P2-1 the DFB gasifier is calculated using a two-stage thermodynamic equilibrium model in
Suitability of a South-African High Ash Content and High Ash Flow which the carbon conversion of biomass is predicted using solid-gas reactions, while
Temperature Coal Source for Entrained Flow Gasification the composition of syngas is calculated in gas-phase reactions. The drying and
JC van Dyk, SASOL Technology, SOUTH AFRICA; R Stemmer, Corus devolatilization of biomass are considered to be completed within the gasifier.
Technology, THE NETHERLANDS Complete combustion of unconverted char and additional fuel is assumed in the
combustion chamber (riser). Heat required for the endothermic gasification reactions is
In slagging gasifiers the ash flows down the gasifier walls and drains from the gasifier provided by the circulating bed material (silica sand).
as molten slag. Coals selected for slagging gasifiers should thus have an ash flow The model proposed in this paper is first validated using experimental data taken from
temperature (AFT) below the operating temperature of the gasifier, and in practice can published works. Then, the effects of gasification temperature and steam to fuel ratio
be lowered by the addition of a flux, such as limestone. As the mineral matter start to on the carbon conversion of biomass, the composition of product gas and the
melt and become a liquid (between the softening temperature and the flow temperature circulation rate of bed material are examined.
of the mineral matter in coal), it will have a specific composition and a related
viscosity (ease of flow). During entrained flow gasification the viscosity has to be low P2-4
enough for the slag to flow and drain from the gasifier. As a consequence, the viscosity The Role of O2/COG Ratio on Non-Catalytic Partial Oxidation Process of
of the slag, which depends on the slag composition, is one of the most critical factors Coke Oven Gas
in the operation of slagging gasifiers. Haizhu Cheng, Sufang Song, Yongfa Zhang, Taiyuan University of
The pilot gasifier at Corus in The Netherlands, as used to produce reduction gas for the Technology, CHINA
steel industry, was used for the test. The objective of the experiment was to investigate
the gasifiability of high ash coal in an oxygen blown, atmospheric pressure entrained Coke oven gas (COG) was the main high-quality hydrocarbon resource, and its major
flow pilot gasifier, and to quantify / qualify where possible and within the known component were H2 57~60%, CH4 25~28% and CO ~ 6% by volume. It was an
limits of such a pilot test unit, the slag, fly-ash, water and gas characteristics. important way for the coke oven gas to converse into synthetic gas, and then for the
The coal was fed pneumatically with N2 at ±50kg/hr through the oxygen coal burner. production of methanol and other chemical products. In this study the influence of
The outlet velocity of the burner was set at 110m.s-1 (oxygen flow rate of 20Nm3hr-1). O2/COG ratio on the content of synthesis gas was researched based on the small-scale
The header temperature was controlled at maximum 1600°C, resulting in a temperature single-hole nozzle experiment. The main equipments are single-hole nozzle and quartz
at the bottom part of the gasifier between 1200 and 1300°C. Due to this rapid heat loss tube reactor of which the size was 700 × 70mm. The contents of O 2, N2, CH4, CO,
over the gasifier length, the coal was over-fluxed in order to maintain a running slag CO2, C2H4 and C2H6 in the synthesis gas were determined by chromatography GC-950
and avoid blockages at the bottom temperature of 1200°C, which is almost 150°C and the content of H2 by chromatography GC9890A. The experimental precision was
lower than normal slagging operating conditions. The refractory hot face showed determined by Content Subtraction of H2. The experimental data was analyzed based
limited wear or penetration of minerals into the refractory. The slag viscosity was thus on Excel. The reaction process and the temperature distribution in the reactor were
fluxed adequately for the specific setup to flow gently over the refractory and researched and the results showed that: methane conversion increased with the
protecting the SiC. The measured and equilibrium simulated carbon balances increasing O2/COG ratio. CH4 conversion rate reached 95%~97% when the O2/COG
corresponded well and could be closed with a high degree of accuracy. During stable ratio increased from 0.22 to 0.26, and the content of CH4 in the synthesis gas was ≤
and high load periods, the CO content varied between 50 and 60 vol%, H 2 between 10 1%. When the O2/COG ratio varied from 0.18 to 0.40, the H2/CO ratio changed from
and 20 vol% and CO2 <10%. Carbon conversion varied between 79% and 96%. The 2.0 to 2.8, H2 65% to 58%, CO 24% to 28%, CO2 5% to 7.5%, O2 fluctuated in
calculated residence times were 1.9 to 2.2 seconds. 0.15%~1.0%, N2 fluctuated in 2.5% ~7%, C2H4 ≤1.7% and C2H6 not detected. The
The testing facility at Corus Ijmuiden was able to maintain conditions for high-ash coal temperature at the bottom of the reactor increased with increasing O2/COG ratio from
gasification at relatively long periods of stable operation and high production rates. 750~850°C to 950~1050 °C, the central temperature slightly higher from 600~680 °C
High coal conversions were achieved and high ash flow temperature coal, blended with to 650~750 °C, the temperature at the top dropped from 450~ 550 °C to 420~ 500 °C.
limestone as fluxing agent, can be regarded as successful within the limits of the test
unit. P2-5
Effect of Alkaline Oxide on the Coal Ash Fusion Temperature
P2-2 Zuo Yongfei, Dong Jie, Li Fan, Taiyuan Uinversity of Technology, CHINA
Continuous Experiments of Hot Gas Desulfurization Process Using Zn-
Based Solid Sorbents in a Pressurized Condition Coal ash fusion temperature is an important process index during gasification
Sung-Ho Jo, Young Cheol Park, Ho-Jung Ryu, Chang-Keun Yi, Korea operation. In order to meet process demand and make use of more different coals in
Institute of Energy Research; Jeom-In Baek, Korea Electric Power Research gasification some fluxing agents should be blend in coal to reduce ash fusion
Institute, KOREA temperature. The relationship between ash fusion temperature and chemical
composition of ash is very complicated. Ash fusion temperature of coal depends
The high temperature desulfurization technique is one of the elemental technologies of largely on the quaternary mixture system of SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3-CaO in ash, meanwhile,
syngas purification having both higher thermal efficiency and lower emissions some lower content components, such as Na2O, in coal ash also play a certain role in
compared with conventional wet cleanup processes. The high temperature ash fusion temperature. In general, it will have higher fusion temperature if SiO2 and/or
desulfurization is a novel method to remove H2S and COS efficiently in the syngas Al2O3 contents are higher in ash. According to above opinion, this paper focus on
with regenerable solid sorbents at high temperature and high pressure condition which Fe2O3, CaO and Na2O as ash-fluxing agents to find efficiency way for reducing coal
are preferable to gasification condition. In this study, we developed 5 Nm3/h of hot gas ash fusion temperature, which is too high to match gasification operation index.
desulfurization process composed of a riser type desulfurizer, a fluidized-bed type The melting temperature of ash under oxidizing conditions was measured in this work
regenerator, and a loopseal. We reported several hydrodynamics testing results of the by using SJHR-3 Smart Ash Fusion Analyzer, according to GB/T219-1996 (China
proposed process in the previous Pittsburgh Coal Conference. In order to investigate standard) test procedures. Testing temperature ranges of this instrument from room
the desulfurization performance, we used Zn-based solid sorbents which were provided temperature to 1500°C. Simulation coal ash samples with high ash melting temperature
by Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI). The solid sorbents was consist of SiO2 and Al2O3 in different ratio. Experimet results indicated that ash fusion
manufactured by a spray-drying method, so the shape of the sorbents is spherical, temperature can be reduced evidently by adding any fluxing agent Na2O, CaO and
which is adequate for the fluidization. We performed high-temperature and high- Fe2O3, respectively, and degree of fluxing is Na2O > CaO > Fe2O3. Different ratio of
pressure tests to check feasibility of stable operation with solid circulation and to CaO and Fe2O3 mixture as composite fluxing agent can also reduce fusion temperature.
investigate the desulfurization performance using simulated syngas with 2,000 ppm of And it was noticed some synergy effects had taken place during this process. The
H2S inlet concentration. We are now developing a bench-scale hot gas desulfurization results showed that mixture ratio of CaO and Fe2O3 as complex fluxing agent has an
system which handles 100 Nm3/h of syngas treatment at 20 bar of operating pressure optimum value in ruducing fusion temperature.These experiment results were used in
and this system will be integrated with a coal gasifier which was installed in the three kinds of high ash fusion temperature coals (A, B and C). When single and
Institute for Advanced Engineering (IAE). composite ash-fluxing agent was added respectively in coal, according to different
ration, the consistent results had been gained in reducing ash fusing temperatures from
P2-3 coal samples and simulation ashes.
Biomass Gasification in Dual Fluidized Reactors: Process Modeling
Thanh D. B. Nguyen, Young-Il Lim, Hankyong National University; Byung-
Ho Song, Kunsan National University; Won Yang, Uendo Lee, Young-Tai
Numerical Simulation of Carbon Catalytic Reforming Reactor POSTER SESSION 3
Haizhu Cheng, Yongfa Zhang, Sufang Song, Taiyuan University of SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENT
Technology, CHINA
Coke oven gas (COG) was the main high-quality hydrocarbon resource, and its major P3-1
component were H2 57~60%, CH4 25~28% and CO ~ 6% by volume. It was an The Coagulation in Electric Field of the Argillaceous Suspensions from
important way for the coke oven gas to converse into synthetic gas, and then for the the Wastewater Resulted in Coal Processing
production of methanol and other chemical products. Based on the experiment of a Romulus Sarbu, Diana Marchis, University of Petrosani; Adrian Corui, SC
small-scale single-hole nozzle reactor, coke oven gas carbon catalytic reforming AQUATIM SA Timisoara, ROMANIA
reactor have been designed. CH4 and CO2 reforming catalyst is traditionally a precious
metal catalyst. Because of carbon deposition the catalyst was easily inactivation. The The water resulted from mining industry and coal processing is characterized by a high
prior study showed that carbon is a catalyst in CH4 and CO2 reforming. Therefore, for concentration in argillaceous colloidal suspensions, which do not precipitate free not
using carbon catalyst to prevent effectively carbon deposition in the test reactor, it has even in weeks.
provided the experimental foundation for the continuous industrial production. In this Waste water from U.P.Coroesti washing technological process has a lot of argillaceous
paper the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software was used to simulate reactor colloidal substances and is recalcitrant in cleaning.
for the analysis of temperature distribution, flow field, and synthesis gas composition. Because the dispersion grade is high, these particles have a large specific surface, this
Simulation results show that the reforming reactor demonstrated good flow field and explaining the high value of surface energy and their high capacity for absorption the
temperature distribution. The H2/CO ratio was about 1.8-2.8 in the synthesis gas, ions from water. Because they will have the same electrical sign they will also have a
which is the raw material for methanol synthesis. high gravitational stability. So the flocculation process is a complex one, by electrical,
chemical and mechanical nature where the cations tied by anionic group of flocculants
P2-7 challenge the inversion of the solid particles charged and in this way they lose the
A Study on the Temperature Profile and Heat Transfer Coefficients in water layer adherent at their surface.
Underground Coal Gasification Cavities The most efficient process is electrical discharge of the particles.
Sateesh Daggupati, Ramesh Naidu Mandapati, Sanjay M Mahajani, Anuradda Some research show that between electrodes happen similar phenomena to those from
Ganesh, Preeti Aghalayam, IIT Bombay; Pal AK., Sharma R.K., UCG Group, water electrolyze, liberating H+ ions, which are absorbed at the hydrated part of the
IRS, ONGC, INDIA micelle, changing its sign, or liberating Al3+ ions from consumables electrodes, who in
their way to cathode, meeting some minerals particles negatively charged, they
Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is the potential in-situ method of converting partially neutralize this particles and provoke their coagulation by decreasing the
un-mined coal into combustible syngas which can be served as a fuel for power electro kinetic Zeta potential (Zp).
generation, industrial heating or as chemical feedstock. UCG process provides a source The galvanic chemical process for cleaning permits to reach the necessary cleaning
of clean energy with minimal greenhouse gas emissions, when it is compared with the level, based on the utilization of galvanic elements formed by electrodes pairs, placed
conventional coal mining and gasification. As gasification proceeds underground in the solution that must be cleaned, by applying a current from an exterior source,
cavity is formed as the coal burns, and its shape and size changes with time as the coal without using chemical coagulants reactive.
is consumed. The shape and rate of growth of this cavity will strongly depend on the The purpose of this study is to replace Zetag reactive – with coagulation role, used in
temperature profile inside the cavity. As underground coal gasification cavities are of present time at Coroesti processing plant, with electro coagulation in continuous
irregular three-dimensional shapes, computational fluid dynamics studies (CFD) are electric field with consumable anode.
essential in order to understand the temperature distribution inside the UCG cavities. A
complete knowledge of the transport phenomena inside the UCG cavity is important P3-2
for both cavity growth modeling and process modeling as it determines the quality and Experimental Research on the CO Impact on the Explosion
rate of production of the product gas. In the present study, CFD simulations are Characteristics of CH4
performed to study the convective heat transfer characteristics of UCG cavities at Wang Hua, Qufu Normal University; Jun Deng, Ling-mei Ge, Xi‟an
specified boundary conditions. By changing the feed flow rate, surface heat transfer University of Science and Technology, CHINA
coefficients are obtained over a wide range of Reynolds number for four different
cavity sizes. The methodology of determining heat transfer coefficient through The gases explosion in coal mine is multi-component flammable gases explosion
FLUENT is validated by performing simulations for a circular pipe over a wide range mostly caused by methane (CH4). The flammable gases are mainly CO, C2H6, C3H8,
of Reynolds number. The predicted heat transfer coefficients are consistent with the C2H4, H2 and so on besides CH4 in coal mine. All of them have a great risk of
correlations. explosion. The existence of these flammable gases will influence the explosion
characteristics of CH4 to some degree. Because there are many different kinds of
P2-8 flammable gases, and the compositions and contents of the flammable gases changes
Some Results of UCG Ex-Situ Trials from HBP Company Point of View dynamically according to different time and places, it is very difficult to provide
Peter Cicmanec, Frantisek Verbich, Jaroslav Belacek, Hornonitrianske bane exactly the same experimental conditions as the environment in a coal mine. For this
Prievidza, a.s.; Karol Kostur, Technical University of Kosice, SLOVAK reason, flammable gas CO has been selected to be researched in the laboratory on the
REPUBLIC impact of its presence on the explosion characteristics of CH4. The experimental results
show that the adding of CO could lower the explosion limits of CH4 and increase the
The Hornonitrianske bane Prievidza, a.s., Company (www.hbp.sk) as a private intensity of the explosion of CH4, so that reinforce the risk of the explosion. The
company which core business is deep coal mining and mining powered supports research results provide reference for the further research on the multi-component
production has an interest on underground coal gasification at coal deposits in Slovak flammable gas explosion in coal mine.
Republic for a certain time period.
In 2007 year the company started a national grant research project in cooperation with P3-3
the Technical University in Kosice aimed towards gaining knowledge on underground Thar Coal Mining Challenges
coal gasification especially for conditions of the Slovak Coal Deposits. Farid A. Malik, EMR-Consult, PAKISTAN
The presentation briefly describes Coal Deposits in Slovakia as well as chosen quality
parameters of coal seams. It evaluates in more details coal properties from the Novaky Despite tremendous potential the mining sector remains seriously deficient in the
and the Handlova Coal Deposits and also the deposits conditions in which the country. From Coal to Chromite the mining, beneficiation and refining practices are
company has mining licenses. Ex-situ research results are evaluated from possible either outdated or non-existent. In the seventies Resource Development Corporation (R
practical usage point of view mainly in electro energy and heat energy sectors, because DC) was created for the development of the Mineral sector. Saindak Copper and Gold
there is a power plant close to the deposits and the company. In a context of used Mine Development was the first major project of RDC.
research methods basically “UCG via Channels” and by means of “Fissured Coal Lack of field experience and mismanagement not only consumed RDC, it also resulted
Seam” it analyzes practical questions of future application of vertical boreholes or in the lease out of the Saindak Metals Ltd (SML) to Chinese contractors (Metallurgical
directed ones respectively of course in connection with mining and geological Construction Company). Despite huge investment (Rs.14.5 billion) an opportunity was
conditions of the coal deposits. missed to nurture local mine development process capability.
The paper also describes Company´s plans with the underground coal gasification in Chromite mineral has been mined in Hindubagh District of Baluchistan since decades
future times. but exported without subsequent processing or value addition. In case of Thar Coal
Field the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in their experts review report has declared
80% mining challenge and only 20% thereafter. Unfortunately this single world‟s
largest coal deposit has remained un-tapped due to lack of mining focus. Like most
mineral deposits, Thar poses its unique mining and hydrology challenges that can be
overcome by modern mining techniques, technologies and know how.
In this paper the best mining practices will be discussed for the development of Thar been done in late 2009 and the operation has been performed in 2010. The utilities
Coal Field on sound commercial basis. A development pit will be developed to mine such as cooling water for maintaining the carbonator temperature and steam for the
coal for subsequent processing and evaluation and also to establish the optimum regeneration energy have been supplied by the power company. It is expected that we
mining techniques. can analyze the exact energy consumption of the dry sorbent CO2 capture system after
With a deposit like Thar the energy future of Pakistan is bright. As food and fuel are the operation of the pilot plant. We plan to start the next scale-up in late 2011 up to 10
gaining importance globally, country has a potential to emerge as an important player. MW-scale which will be reflected in the operation results of a pilot scale unit.
It is time to put our house in order.
P3-4 Reaction Characteristics of Water Gas Shift Catalysts for SEWGS
Submerged Sequencing-Batch Membrane Bioreactor to Treat the Coke Process in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed
Wastewater Seung-Yong Lee, Ho-Jung Ryu, Dowon Shun, Dal-Hee Bae, Korea Institute
Wen-Ying Li, Jingwen Wu, Baojie Zhao, Jie Feng, Taiyuan University of of Energy Research, KOREA
Technology, CHINA
As a next generation hydrogen production technology from syngas with in-situ CO2
The coke wastewater contains toxic substances and higher ammonium nitrogen, it is capture, SEWGS (Sorption Enhanced Water Gas Shift) process has been developing.
difficult for biological treatment. Removal of COD and NH4+-N from the coke-plant In this paper, the best operating conditions of three WGS catalysts for SEWGS process
wastewater in a laboratory scale by the Submerged Sequencing-Batch Membrane have been investigated in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The commercial low
Bioreactor (SSBMB) was investigated in this article. The reactor was fed with coke temperature WGS catalyst (MDC-7) produced by Süd-chemie and new WGS catalysts
wastewater in descending dilution multiples until finally original coke wastewater was (PC and RSM) produced by KEPRI (Korea Electric Power Research Institute) by
supplied. Results showed in the “anoxic-aerobic” process, most of the organic means of spray-drying method were used. MDC-7 catalyst has pellet shape and we
compounds were removed in the aerobic stage, the COD removal efficiency of the two crushed the pellet to 106~212 μm. However, PC and RSM catalysts have spherical
stages were 24% and 65% respectively; in the “anoxic–aerobic-anoxic” process, the shape and the same particle size range was prepared. The RSM catalyst was reformed
removal efficiency of organic compound in the former anoxic stage was increased to using fine powder of MDC-7 catalyst. Reaction temperature, steam/CO ratio, and gas
32%. Removal mechanisms indicated that there existed the membrane filtration and velocity were considered as experimental variables. Moreover, long-term operation
biological degradation occurred simultaneously on the membrane surface, but the results of WGS catalysts were compared as well. The best operating temperature and
former was the dominant. steam/CO ratio showed different results depend on the WGS catalysts. For MDC-7
catalyst, high CO conversion up to 99.4% was observed in the range of 220~240°C at
4.0 of steam/CO ratio. For RSM catalyst, 95% of CO conversion observed more than
250°C at 4.0 of steam/CO ratio. However, for PC catalyst, 90% of CO conversion
POSTER SESSION 4 achieved even at higher temperature (>350°C) at the same steam/CO ratio. The effect
CARBON MANAGEMENT of steam/CO ratio on CO conversion showed different results for three WGS catalysts.
For MDC-7 and RSM catalysts, COconversion increased slightly as the steam/CO ratio
increased up to 2.0, and maintained. However, CO conversion of PC catalyst increased
P4-1 continuously as the steam/CO ratio increased up to 5.0. The reactivity of MDC-7
Options of CO2 Capture in Oxyfuel Coal Combustion Technologies catalyst was maintained more than 8 hours but that of PC catalyst decreased as the
C. Clemente-Jul, J. Rodrigo -Naharro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, reaction time increased. As a conclusion, MDC-7 and RSM catalysts showed better
SPAIN reactivity and PC catalyst should be improved its reactivity. However, MDC-7 catalyst
generated much fines during operation, and therefore, attrition resistance should be
A review of the projects that are developing the oxyfuel coal combustion technology improved.
around the world has been undertaken based on their available progress. The
evaluation carried out is focused on different projects, such at small and large pilot P4-4
scale as demonstration projects. All these studies and projects undertaken and in Carbon Dioxide Capture of Flue Gases from Coal-Fired Power Plant
process show that fundamental understanding of the principles and basis of oxycoal Using Enzymes Originated Marine Life
combustion with flue gas recirculation have been well established during the past 20 Sihyun Lee, Soonkwan Jeong, Kyungsoo Lim, Jeonghwan Lim, Mari Vinoba,
years of R&D activities, but there are still some gaps in knowledge that are trying to be Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER); Daehoon Kim, Korea University,
solved. The last objective of all of these projects is to demonstrate the oxyfuel KOREA
technology in a commercial scale, taking into account another competitive alternatives,
such the post-combustion for retroffiting existing power plants or the IGCC option. he The focus of this study is the separation and storage of green house gas, CO2, and the
conclusion of this study is that the oxyfuel combustion technology is suitable for use of enzymes from marine life in development of technology to provide novel
retrofitting pf boilers and achieves clean coal combustion, lowering NO x, increasing method for CO2 capture. Carbonic anhydrase has recently been used as a biocatalyst to
SOx removal, possibly lower mercury emissions and obtaining a CO 2 concentration for accelerate an aqueous processing route to carbonate formation. In this study, we
sequestration. compared soluble proteins of HDS (Hemocyte from Diseased Shell) and EPF
(Extrapallial Fluid) extracted from crassostrea gigas with HCA (Human Carbonic
P4-2 Anhydrase) and BCA (Bovine Carbonic Anhydrase) on their ability to promote CO2
Installation and Operation of 0.5 MW-Scale Dry Sorbent CO2 Capture hydration and the production of calcium precipitates. HCA, BCA, HDS, and EPF have
Pilot Plant Integrated with Real Coal-Fired Power Plant shown promising results for use as promoter to accelerate CO 2 hydration and increase
Chang-Keun Yi, Sung-Ho Jo, Young Cheol Park, Korea Institute of Energy the rate of precipitation of carbonate mineral with Ca2+ ions. The ideal temperature
Research; Chong Kul Ryu, Korea Electric Power Research Institute, KOREA and pH of operation was found to be 40 °C and 6~7, respectively. Lineweaver-Burk
relationship was employed to estimate Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters for the
Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) and Korea Electric Power Research enzymes. BCA showed the fastest rate constant and followed HCA, HDS and EPF. In
Institute (KEPRI) have developed the dry sorbent carbon dioxide (CO2) capture system previous efforts to use CO2 mineralization as a method for CO2 sequestration the slow
since 2002. The principle of this technology is the reversible reaction between rate of hydration of CO2 to carbonic acid has been limiting factor of CO2
potassium carbonate, CO2 and water vapor to form potassium bicarbonate in a thermal- mineralization. In the presence of enzymes, rate determining step is eliminated, and
swing process. Based on this reaction, we developed a bench scale unit (BSU) which therefore the overall reaction rate is enhanced dramatically. Precipitated CaCO3 was all
treated 100 Nm3/h of flue gas in late 2006. The BSU consisted of a transport calcite and the particles size was below 100nm. These nano-particles could be use in
fluidizedbed carbonator, cyclones, a loop-seal, and a bubbling fluidized-bed other industrial processes such as paper, ink, or building materials. Therefore it can be
regenerator. We have tested the BSU facility using a slip stream of the real flue gas reduced the operating cost of CO2 capture, which increase feasibility to install CO2
from 2MW coal-fired circulating fluidized bed combustor located in KIER in order to capture process in coal-fired power plant. This result suggests that enzymes mentioned
check the performance of CO2 removal, the stability of operation and the possibility of above may be involved not only in CO2 hydration but also in CO2 mineralization.
deactivation of dry sorbent by contaminants such as SOx and NOx in the real flue gas.
The results showed that more than 80% of CO2 removal had been maintained for more P4-5
than 50 hour continuous operation. Those results indicated that the CO2 capture system Preparation and Characteristics of Formed Active Carbons for Natural
using developed solid sorbents, which was supplied by KEPRI, could be applied to the Gas Storage
real coal-fired power plant regardless of the presence of several contaminants. We Grzegorz Łabojko, Aleksander Sobolewski, Institute for Chemical Processing
have finished the detail design of pilot plant based on the long-term operation and the of Coal; Leszek Czepirski, AGH – University of Science and Technology,
several tests. The pilot plant consists of a transport type carbonator and a bubbling type POLAND
regenerator, which configuration is the same as the BSU facility. The pilot plant has
been constructed at Hadong coal-fired power plant in Korea Southern Power Natural gas as an automotive fuel presents various advantages versus petrol and
Company. It can treat 2,000 Nm3/h of flue gas (0.5 MW scale). The construction has gasoline including reduced vehicle emissions, lower maintenance and savings in fuel
costs. Main problem in using natural gas as fuel for vehicles is low volumetric energy P4-8
density of methane at room temperature. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a solution Pd-Free Composite Membrane for Pre-Combustion Capture
used worldwide (more than 4 millions vehicles), but heavy and expensive cylinders Jung Hoon Park, Sung Il Jeon, Korea Institute of Energy Research; Young
have to be used for its storage at pressures about 200 bar. Adsorbed Natural Gas Jong Choi, Innowill Corporation, KOREA
(ANG) can overcome issues with heavy storage systems by lowering operating
pressure down to 35-40 bar. Key to the success of adsorptive storage is the choice of Pre-combustion CO2 capture technology is recently focused on one of reduction
suitable adsorbent and operating conditions. Porous carbonaceous materials are well methods of carbon dioxide from power generation system in view of environmental
known as one of the best adsorbents for gases. (carbon management) and sustainable (Hydrogen economy) point. Separation of
Preparation procedure of carbonaceous adsorbents for natural gas storage is described. hydrogen from water-gas shift reactors through dense hydrogen transport membranes,
Based on physicochemical parameters Polish hard coal type 34.1 from KWK Marcel while retaining CO2 produces essentially pure hydrogen in the permeate and CO 2 at
was selected as precursor material for adsorbents for gas storage. Four grindings were high pressure and high concentration in retentate, which is ideal for efficient
performed on selected coal and particle size distribution was determined. Fullers sequestration of CO2. Moreover, the combination of a hydrogen selective membrane
distribution was calculated as providing best packing of precursor material. with a water-gas shift catalyst in a single reactor would allow a high degree of CO
Comparison between optimal and obtained distributions allowed to select the best way conversion, despite a low equilibrium constant at high temperature, due to the
of grinding coal providing best packing of precursor material. Thermo prepared coal continuous depletion of H2. This equilibrium shift can provide more hydrogen
tar and phenol-formaldehyde resol type resin were selected as binders, productivity, higher concentration of CO2 and lower impurity such as CO. Nowadays,
thermoreological study of binders and coal-binder mixtures were performed. Granules many researches have been studied on various membranes for low cost separation of
and pastilles from coal-binders mixtures were prepared and pyrolysed. Influence of hydrogen. Pd and Pd alloy membranes have been studied for separating hydrogen from
binder amount in mixtures on mechanical resistance of granules were studied. pre-combustion capture process but there is limitation for large scale application
Influence of steam activation time of granules on sorption parameters (Iodine number) without reduction of Pd layer and improvement of membrane stability, due to the price
of obtained active carbon monoliths was studied. High pressure adsorption of methane and embrittlement of noble metal. Recently, Pd-free membranes using V, Ta, ans Nb
and low pressure adsorption of nitrogen was performed on selected samples of which has higher permeability have been researched to improve its high cost and low
obtained active carbons monoliths. stability.
In this work, metal alloy and composite membranes have been developed to separate
P4-6 hydrogen from mixed model gases, particularly product streams generated during coal
The Kinetics of the CO2 Reforming of CH4 over Carbonaceous Catalyst gasification and/or water gas shift reaction. The powder mixture for fabricating the
Fengbo Guo, Yongfa Zhang, Guojie Zhang, Bingmo Zhang, Taiyuan cermet membranes was prepared by mechanically mixing 60 vol.% vanadium with
University of Technology, CHINA Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ). The powder mixture was pressed into disks, which were
then sintered in vacuum at 1600 °C for 2 h. As-sintered membrane was dense and
The CO2 reforming of CH4 on carbonaceous catalyst was performed in a Plug Flow mounted to a stainless steel ring with brazing filler. Hydrogen fluxes of V/YSZ
Reactor (PFR) at temperatures range from 1223 K to 1323 K, the ratio of CH4/CO2=1 membrane have been measured in the range of 200~350 °C with 100% H2. The crack
and residence time 3~30s under normal pressure. The outlet gas was analyzed by Gas was formed in the both sides of membrane at 350 °C and pressure of 0.5 bar. During
Chromatogram (GC-960TCD and GC-950TCD), the carbonaceous catalyst was permeation experiment, vanadium of V/YSZ membrane reacted with hydrogen to form
analyzed with element analyzer and specific surface area analyzer. The experimental V2H which was the origin of crack formation. To improve the membrane stability, we
results show that the conversion of CH4 and CO2 increases with the increase of the prepared metal alloy membranes with vanadium. Hydrogen fluxes of metal alloy
reaction temperature and residence time. The reaction temperature remains the chief membranes have been measured in the range of 350~500 °C with 100% H2 and the
influential factors on the conversion of CH4 and CO2. Under the conditions of the mixture gas of H2 and He (or CO2). In addition, the stability of membrane was
temperature of 1323 K and residence time over 20s, the conversion of CH 4 and CO2 investigated according to operating temperature and hydrogen partial pressure.
can be expected over 90%. In addition, the conversion of CO2 was significantly higher
than the conversion of CH4, which indicate that the gasification reaction of the P4-9
carbonaceous catalyst and carbon dioxide was occurred during the reforming process. Composite Ceramic Membrane for Oxygen Separation
A mechanism of the CO2 reforming of CH4 on carbonaceous catalyst has been Jung Hoon Park, Soo Hwan Son, Korea Institute of Energy Research; Jong
proposed based on the experimental results. Based on the mechanism, a kinetic model Pyo Kim, Chungnam National University, KOREA
was developed. The kinetics of the CO2 reforming of CH4 on carbonaceous catalyst
was described in a rate law, the experimental data was analysed in non-linear Oxygen and nitrogen are used in many industrial processes. Pure oxygen is used in the
regression. The apparent activation energy Ea and the pre-exponential factor A were production of metals and in the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) for
solved. The rate constant was as asfollows: partial oxidation. Recently, oxy-fuel combustion CO2 capture process as one of carbon
capture technologies has been developed and this process also needs large scale
109.9 10.1 kJ oxygen separation unit. It has been predicted that the total market would grow
k 1765 exp significantly if pure oxygen could be produced at lower cost. The technology used for
RT commercial separation of oxygen varies according to the scale and requirements for
A comparison is made between calculation data and experimental data of the CH 4 oxygen purity. For example, the cryogenic distillation method that was started in 1902
conversion, which illustrates the rationality of the kinetic model. is used for large-scale production of pure oxygen, and the simultaneous production of
nitrogen, argon and helium. However, high investment costs and energy consumption
P4-7 make it difficult to integrate this process with other power generation. Over the last
A Study on the Absorption Characteristics of CO2 with a Vortex Tube decade, membrane technology for gas separation has developed rapidly. The interest in
Type Absorber dense ceramic membranes for the transport of oxygen has grown considerably. As a
Keun-Hee Han, Woo-Jung Ryu, Jong-Ho Park, Won-Kil Choi, Jong-Sub Lee, result, the knowledge of the intrinsic properties of the membrane materials is now
Byoung-Moo Min, Korea Institute of Energy Research, KOREA overwhelming, and new reports are being published frequently. The use of a dense
mixed-conducting, perovskite-type ceramic membrane is a new technology for the
In this study, the CO2 removal characteristics of the vortex tube type absorption production of pure oxygen. An obvious advantage of perovskite membranes is their
apparatus were investigated to enhance the compactness of CO2 absorption process and 100% selectivity for the permeation of oxygen. However, ceramic membrane process
to reduce the amount of absorbing solution for the process. The vortex tube with the has some drawbacks; the crack formation of membrane under high pressure and
diameter of 12 mm and the length of 200 mm was introduced in the experimental temperature condition, low stability of perovskite structure under ambient air, the
apparatus to treat 20 Nm3/hr of CO2 containing flue gas. The flue gases for the difficulty of heat exchange integration with flue gas.
experiments containing 11-15 vol% of CO2 were supplied from the coal-firing CFBC In this work, the effect of carbon dioxide in ambient air was studied using the
power plant with 12 ton/hr of steam producing capacity. composite membrane with La0.6Sr0.4Ti0.3Fe0.7O3-δ (coating layer, denoted as LSTF-
EDA and DETA based on MEA were used as the absorbing solution. The absorption 6437) and Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (bulk permeation body, denoted as BSCF-5582).
experiments were executed under the various conditions like the absorbing solution BSCF-5582 and LSTF-6437 powder have been synthesized using polymerized
concentrations in the 30 wt%, the flow rate of CO2 containing flue gases in the range of complex method. BSCF-5582 powders were compressed into disks of 20 mm in
6 to 12 m3/hr and the flow rate of absorbing solution in the 0.18m3/hr and the range of diameter and 1.0 ~ 2.0 mm of thickness in a stainless steel mold under a hydraulic load
operation pressure in the 1.4 to 5.5 kgf/cm2. As a results, the CO2 removal efficiency by unilateral press. The green disk sintered at 1353 K for 5 hr. The sintered disk was
increases with the operation pressure but deceases with the flow rate of flue gas. polished to smooth the surface and to control the thickness of disk with 600 grit SiC.
However, the development of an additional process to improve the efficiency of CO2 The surface of membrane was modified by coating of LSTF-6437 slurry. The optimum
absorption is required. coating condition was evaluated according to coating time, rate and number. The
coating membrane was sintered again to obtain composite dense membrane. The phase
of the powder and the disk before and after sintering was characterized with an X-ray
diffraction. Prior to oxygen permeation test, the cell part is purged with He gas to
remove the air in permeation cell tube and to confirm sealing of the assembly for 20 hr.
The leakage through membrane during oxygen permeation test was also measured for achievement of a hydrogen-rich gas with 77–79 vol.% H2. On the basis of solid-state
all runs at each temperature and the oxygen permeation fluxes were corrected on the NMR, FTIR and GC analyses of coal fraction and cokes, obtained tar, and obtained
basis of the measured leakage. Permeation study was performed in the temperature gas, respectively, reactions of coal structures with polymers leading to hydrogen
range of 750~950 °C and pressure of 1~3 atm with synthetic air (21 vol.% O2+79 production were described and, using the results of isoconversional analysis, discussed.
vol.% N2) and ambient air model gases (CO2 300~700 ppm). Oxygen permeation flux
was increased as temperature increased irrespective of membrane coating. In the case P5-2
of LSTF coating membrane, it reached 1.9 ml/cm2·min at 950 °C exposed to flowing Catalytic Performance in Fixed-Bed and Bubbling Fluidized-Bed Reactor
air (Ph =0.21 atm, feed side of membrane) and helium (Pl =10 -5 atm, permeated side of during Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on the Iron-Based Catalysts
membrane). The oxygen permeation of BSCF-5582 membrane in the condition of air Jong Wook Bae, Ki-Won Jun, Yun-Jo Lee, Kyoung Su Ha, Korea Research
and CO2 (300~700 ppm) in feed stream decreased more than 43% in comparison with Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), KOREA
air feed stream while that of LSTF coating membrane maintained almost same flux
irrespective of CO2 concentration. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) for olefin production from syngas was investigated on
the four different iron-based catalysts in a fixed-bed and a bubbling fluidized-bed
P4-10 reactor. The catalysts were prepared by wet-impregnation using Al2O3, SiO2 and iron
A Conceptual Process for Selective Capture of CO2 from Fuel Gas ore (FeOx) with active components of Fe, K and (or) Cu, and K/FeCuAlO x catalyst was
Streams prepared by co-precipitation method. The impregnated K/FeOx catalyst is found to be
Yannick J. Heintz, Badie I. Morsi, University of Pittsburgh and U.S. one of the promising catalysts to be applied in bubbling fluidized-bed reactor for high
DOE/NETL; Murphy J. Keller, David R. Luebke, Kevin P. Resnik, U.S. temperature FTS reaction due to its high resistance to catalyst attrition with high
DOE/NETL, USA catalytic performance.
Recent publications demonstrated that human emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) P5-3
are very likely warming our planet and therefore actions to mitigate such emissions are Operation of Slurry Reactor for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
needed. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main GHG produced by the combustion of fossil Ho-Tae Lee, Jung-Il Yang, Jung Hoon Yang, Dong-Hyun Chun, Hak-Joo
fuels in power and energy production facilities. It is anticipated that until 2030, fossil Kim, Heon Jung, Korea Institute of Energy Research, KOREA
fuels will be the dominant source of energy, and that‟s why it is becoming crucial to
develop technologies that reduce CO2 emissions [1,2]. CO2 can be potentially captured A slurry bubble column reactor with a capacity of 0.03 bbl/day, was designed and
and then sequestered from fuel or flue gas streams using solid-based or solvent-based operated for Fischer-Tropsch reaction. Active Fe based catalysts were prepared and
processes. The solvent-based processes include (1) chemical solvents; (2) physical tested at 2.5 MPa and H2/CO=1. The average CO conversion higher than 80% was
solvents; and (3) mixed chemical/physical solvents. observed. The effects of the reaction temperature and the superficial velocity of
The focus of this study is on physical solvents for CO 2 capture from fuel gas streams. synthesis gas on the conversion, the product selectivity and the oil productivity were
Ionic liquids are our physical solvent of choice because they have: (1) low vapor investigated. The liquid oil productivities increased with the increasing superficial
pressure to prevent solvent loss; (2) high selectivity for CO2 when compared with those velocity and the increasing temperature.
of CH4, H2 and CO in the fuel gas stream; (3) low viscosity at the system temperature
to minimize solvent pumping cost; (4) thermal and chemical stability to prevent P5-4
degradation; (5) environmentally benign effects, and (6) non-corrosive behavior. Process Simulation of Steam Hydrogasification to Produce F-T Products
After obtaining the solubility and mass transfer parameters for the selected ionic liquid and Electricity
TEGO IL K5 experimentally, the data were used to simulate a large scale process, a so Xiaoming Lu, Chan S Park, Joseph M Norbeck, University of California,
call “conceptual” process. This task was completed using an ASPEN simulator. First Riverside, USA
using an absorber (model as a packed bed) followed by a few regeneration units, in
which pressure swing or temperature swing are used to regenerate the ionic liquid A new process for the co-production of synthetic fuels and electricity based on steam
solvent. The simulation of the absorption process will help assess the performance of hydrogasification is being developed at the College of Engineering – Center for
the TEGO IL K5 as a physical solvent for CO2 capture. Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT) at the University of California,
Riverside. One of the key benefits of this new process is the enhanced conversion of
Acknowledgment carbonaceous material to synthesis gas compared to other thermochemical processes.
The technical effort was performed in support of ongoing Carbon Dioxide research at Another benefit is that it does not require the use of oxygen from a cryogenic air
the National Energy Technology Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy under separation unit or ASU, thus reducing capital costs. One current coal-based application
RDS contract DE-AC26-04NT41817. being considered for this technology (called the CE-CERT process) is to co-produce
Fischer Tropsch products and electricity. The results of a process simulation model of
Reference an integrated conceptual design of a 4000 TPD Sub-Bituminous coal conversion to
1. Holt, N. A. H.; Owens, W.; Buchanan, T.; DeLallo, M.; Schoff, R.; White, J.; Fischer-Tropsch liquids and electricity is presented in this paper. A circulating
Wolk, R. "Evaluation of Innovative Fossil Fuel Power Plants with CO 2 Removal," fluidized bed with a regenerator setup for providing the heat to the Steam
EPRI, Palo Alto, CA, U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Fossil Energy, Hydrogasification Reactor (SHR) is modeled. The process simulation model involves
Germantown, MD and U.S. Department of Energy/NETL, Pittsburgh, PA, Report the major steps of: 1) simulation of the steam hydrogasification reactor using
No. 1000316, December 2000, 2000. gasification units based on built-in Aspen reactor blocks with the determination of the
2. Gale, J.; Bachu, S.; Bolland, O.; Xue, Z., "To Store or not to Store?," International equilibrium composition of the gaseous components in the reactor by means of Gibbs
Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2007, Vol. 1(1), p. 1. free energy minimization; 2) empirical simulation of a warm gas cleanup system; 3) a
steam methane reforming process simulated by using a built-in REQUIL equilibrium
block; 4) empirical simulation of a hydrogen separation process for syngas ratio
adjustment and excess hydrogen recycle to the steam hydrogasifier; and 5) a Fischer-
POSTER SESSION 5 Tropsch diesel synthesis by means of an empirical expression. The regenerator is
COAL-DERIVED PRODUCTS essentially a combustor where residue char is burnt in the presence of air to heat
circulating sand. The hot sand flows back into the SHR to provide the process heat for
the main reactor. The material and energy balance of the whole process was developed
P5-1 using Aspen Plus. The overall process performance and the optimum F-T
Reactions of Coal Structures with Polymers Leading to Hydrogen liquids/electricity output from the 4000 TPD coal plant is determined. The optimum
Production process thermal efficiency is 50.25% with 37.1% of coal carbon in F-T liquids.
Pavel Straka, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, v.v.i, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZECH REPUBLIC P5-5
Further development of the PSRK Model for the Prediction of the
Thermal reactions of polystyrene, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene and styrene- Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria of Direct Coal Liquefaction System at High
butadiene rubber with chosen coal fraction were investigated from point of view of Temperatures and High Pressures
hydrogen production. As method a two-stage copyrolysis of coal/polymer mixtures Xuefeng Mao, Shidong Shi, Wenbo Li, Zhennan Gao, China Coal Research
was selected. Experiments were carried out on pyrolysis laboratory unit with a vertical Institute, CHINA
quartz reactor (the first stage) and a horizontal cracking oven (the second stage). Thus,
coal/polymer mixtures contained 30 wt.% of polymer were heated and products further Since Huron and Vidal (1979) developed the basic idea of so called GE mixing rules,
cracked. From the results, the process conditions leading to maximum hydrogen similar models have been proposed by different authors. The aim of all recent
production were defined and the yields of products determined. If the mixtures with 30 developments of GE mixing rules is to combine the successful GE models or group
wt.% of polymers are considered, the heating rate of 5 K/min and final temperature of contribution methods with equations of state to enable the description of Vapor-liquid
900°C at vertical reactor and 1200°C at horizontal cracking oven are sufficient for equilibria at high temperatures and pressures including supercritical compounds.
The system involved in direct coal liquefaction was a three-phase state of solid, liquid, modification methods on mechanical properties of LC-SPI composites were
and gas phases at high temperatures and high pressures. One of the challenges in the investigated by the analysis of bending property, impact property, tensile property and
analysis of the Coal liquefaction process was due to the fact that the contents of both XPS. The results showed that, Gly and GMA content were the most factors to
hydrogen and methane are very high and both of them were in the supercritical state. significantly affect tensile properties of compression-molded SPI-LC-Gly-GMA sheets
Besides, when small, spherical hydrogen and methane molecules were mixed with over the range of molding temperature and pressure conditions. A small amount of
liquefaction oil, the huge difference between their molecule weights causes extreme interfacial modifier could effectively strengthen and toughen LC-SPI composites.
asymmetry of the system, bring about the difficulty in analysis and modeling of the When using GMA as interfacial modifier, its epoxy group reacted with COOH and Ar-
liquefaction process. OH in coal or COOH, OH and NH2 in SPI, then grafted on to LC or SPI.
To Predict the vapor-liquid equilibria of direct coal liquefaction system at high
temperatures and high pressures, a group contribution equation of state called PSRK P5-9
was proposed, wherein the group contribution equation of state PSRK(predictive Numerical Simulation of Syngas Production by Partial Oxidation of Coke
Soave-Redich-Kwrong) as suggested by Holderbaum and Gmehling (1991) combines Oven Gas under Non-Premixed Condition
the mod UNIFAC model (Hansen et al.1991) with the SRK equation of state. In this Honggang Chen, Kai Zhang, North China Electric Power University; Hui
work, the range of applicability of the PSRK method was extended by the introduction Zhao, China University of Petroleum; Yongfa Zhang, Taiyuan University of
of additional gases and the determination of missing interaction parameters between Technology, CHINA
the following gases: CH4, CO2, CO, H2S, H2, H2O and the original UNIFAC structural
groups. China is the largest coke producer in the world. The yield of coke oven gas (COG), a
A computational method to solve the flash model for coal liquefaction system at high byproduct of the coking process, reached 1190 billion Nm3 per year in 2007. COG is a
temperatures and high pressures has been developed. The numerical code has two- good feedstock for many chemical processes e.g. FT synthesis, methanol synthesis and
cycle iteration, including the inner cycle of β iteration and the outer cycle of K ammonia synthesis, instead of only as a heating fuel. The main component of COG is
iteration, and the results of fast convergence can be achieved. Generally, after about 5 hydrogen (~56-60 vol. %) but there are also other compounds such as methane (~25-30
times of iteration (outer cycle), the program can reach the convergence precision. vol. %), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. There are several methods to
Based on the model of PSRK, the composition of 24 components of the gas-liquid convert the methane into hydrogen in order to fully make use of the COG resources to
phase and the gas-liquid equilibrium constant has been calculated. Calculated results the larger extent. The non-catalytic partial oxidation of COG with oxygen is one of
were consistent with the literature results and the vapor-liquid equilibria for the coal important routes for COG comprehensive utilization.
liquefaction reactor were calculated. The comparison of the results showed that the In the present work non-premixed combustion of coke oven gas under low oxygen
capability of the PSRK model to describe and predict the vapor-liquid equilibria of condition was investigated through computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation
coal liquefaction systems at high temperatures, high pressures, strong asymmetry and coupled with radiation heat transfer. The mathematical model was formulated to
strong polar. describe the fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer, and gas phase chemical reactions.
The obtained model was numerical solved with finite volume method using
P5-6 commercial software FLUENTTM.
Arsenic and Mercury Removal by Using Iron Humate Prepared from Temperature profile and product distribution in the reactor were obtained from
Turkish Coal Based Humic Acid simulation. Calculated temperature profile indicates that oxygen react strongly with
Hacer Dogan, Murat Koral, Tulay Inan, TUBITAK Marmara Research coke oven gas in region near the oxygen nozzle and the temperature in this region
Center; Selahattin Anaç, Zeki Olgun, TKI(Turkish Coal Enterprises), increase sharply. Significant influence of reactor wall temperature on product
TURKEY distribution could be found in simulation results. Higher selectivity of syngas could be
archived at higher reactor wall temperature, while conversion rate of methane in coke
Humic acid produced by TKI (Turkish Coal Enterprises) was used in the production of oven gas was suppressed simultaneously. Reactor wall temperature should be treated
iron humate. Different iron sources (iron (II) sulfate, iron (III) sulfate and iron (III) as a key parameter and optimized well in this process. The simulation results are
chloride) were used in the ion exchange reactions. Iron (II) sulfate (FeSO 4) was found helpful the development and design of the COG non-catalytic partial oxidation reactor
to be most suitable iron source in terms of iron content and adsorption capacity for As, and process.
Pb, Ni and Cd. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermal
gravimetric analyzer (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to P5-10
characterize the humic acid and iron humate samples. The efficiency of iron humate as Coal Supply Agreements and Competition
adsorbent has been studied as a function of amount, contact time and initial arsenic Değer Boden Akalın, Boden Law Office, TURKEY
(As) and mercury (Hg) concentration by a series of batch experiments. The adsorption
capacity of iron humate for As and Hg was above 90 % and higher than that of humic Coal is used for many different purposes. It is primarily used as a solid fuel to produce
acid. It was concluded that iron humate can be used as an effective sorbent for the electricity and heat. It can also be converted into liquid fuels such as gasoline or diesel.
removal of As and Hg. Its application on the sorption of cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co) It can be used to produce synthetic natural gas, synthesis gas and hydrogen through
and nickel (Ni) was not successful. gasification. Coal supply agreement is critical for the usage of coal for different
P5-7 Under a coal supply agreement, the supplier agrees to sell coals to a purchaser at pre-
Heavy Metal Adsorption of Turkish Coal Based Humic Acid/Epoxy determined prices with minimum/maximum annual quantities. Duration, quality of
Composites coal, quantities, delivery, risk and ownership, price determination, termination and
Emel Yildiz, Hacer Dogan, Murat Koral, Tulay Inan, TUBITAK Marmara force majeure clauses are important clauses of a coal supply agreement. In drafting
Research Center; Selahattin Anaç, Zeki Olgun, TKI(Turkish Coal coal supply agreements antitrust laws should be reviewed. This paper aims to analyze
Enterprises), TURKEY how a coal supply agreement may violate competition.
The objective of this study was to investigate the adsorption capability of Humic P5-11
acid/epoxy based composites. Humic acid produced by TKI (Turkish Coal Enterprises) Chemicals from Turkish Lignites
was used as a co-curing agent for epoxy resin system based on Bisphenol F. The Vedat Mihladiz, Turkish Coal Enterprises, TURKEY
stoichiometrical amount of humic acid as co-curing agent, Diethylene triamine
(DETA) as curing agent and Bisphenol F based epoxy resin were mixed. The In this paper experimental and calculated gasification results of Turkish lignites shall
homogenous mixtures were cured at 190 °C into the preheated molds. The curing be discussed. Material and energy balance for production of synthetic natural gas
agent/humic acid compositions were optimized to investigate the effect of humic acid (SNG) and ammonia from various type of lignites shall be explained with the gasifier
concentration to removal of As, Pb, Ni and Cd. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) selection criteria.
Spectroscopy, Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA), Differential Scanning
Calorimeter (DSC) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to P5-12
characterize the humic acid/epoxy based composite samples. Methane Cracking over De-ashed Coal Chars and the Effect of the De-
ashing Conditions
P5-8 Yizhuo Han, Yisheng Tan, Jiantao Zhao, Hongjuan Xie, Institute of Coal
Effect of Interface Modifier on Mechanical Properties of Lignite-SPI Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science; Ling Wei, Graduate School of the
Composites Chinese Academy of Sciences; Jinhu Wu, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and
Zhi-yuan Yang, Guangheng Wang, Pan Ran, Xi‟an University of Science and Bioprocessing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA; Dongke
Technology, CHINA Zhang, The University of Western Australia, AUSTRALIA
Using soy protein isolate (SPI), lignite (LC) as raw materials, glycidyl methacrylate Methane cracking over different de-ashed coal chars derived from the same parent coal
(GMA) as the interface modifiers, glycerol (Gly) as plasticizers, LC-SPI composites (Xiao-long-tan lignite) was studied using a fixed-bed reactor operating at atmospheric
were prepared by compression molding. The effects of LC content, GMA content and pressure and 1123 K. The first set of samples of Xiao-long-tan lignite chars were
prepared by heating the coal 1173 K in nitrogen for 30 minutes and then washing the Cheap raw material resource is a type of fertilizer which fixation of direct industrial
resulting char with 5 N HCl (char 1), 5 N HCl and 29 N HF (char 2), respectively. The chemicals‟ usage and “industrial humification”, being used as an alternative of long
second set of samples of Xiao-long-tan lignite chars were prepared by washing the coal time taking natural humidification as well as theoretical N, P2O5, K2O like macro and
with 5 N HCl, 5 N HCl and 29 N HF, respectively and then pyrolyzing the de-ashed micro nutrition elements, can be adjusted as desired ratios.
coal samples in nitrogen, also at 1173 K for 30 min (char 3 and char 4). Comparing to
blank experiments using quartz particles, the chars were shown to have a significant P5-16
catalytic effect on methane cracking. Hydrogen was the primary gas-phase product of Modeling, Scaleup and Optimization of Slurry Bubble Column Reactors
methane cracking. Different chars also showed different catalytic activities in methane for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
cracking. Chars 1 and 2 were shown to have higher catalytic activities than chars 3 and Laurent Sehabiague, Badie I. Morsi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
4. These observations were also confirmed by additional experiments using a
temperature-programmed desorption coupled with mass spectroscopy (TPD-MS), The Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis appears to be a promising technology to help
using methane, instead of nitrogen. Chars 1 and 2 were found to be more porous than reduce the dependence of our society on oil and diversify our energy sources towards
chars 3 and 4, which is speculated as the major cause of the difference in their catalytic more environmentally friendly and sustainable forms of energy. Transforming Natural
effect in methane cracking. Gas, Coal or Biomass into clean liquid fuels is one of the many attracting aspects of
the F-T process. However the scaleup of new F-T reactors such as Slurry Bubble
P5-13 Column Reactors (SBCRs) remains a difficult task due to their complex
CeO2-K2O Promoted Co-Mo Sulfur-Tolerant Shift Catalyst for the Shift hydrodynamics and flow patterns.
Reaction of CO in Coke Oven Gas New correlations for the estimation of the hydrodynamic and mass transfer parameters
Yuqiong Zhao, Yongfa Zhang, Guojie Zhang, Taiyuan University of were developed and along available reaction kinetics and heat transfer characteristics,
Technology, CHNA were used in a comprehensive computer model in order to predict the effects of reactor
geometry and operating conditions, such as reactor diameter, length, superficial gas
To avoid energy and H2 consumption in the process of CH4-CO2 reforming (CH4 in and slurry velocities, temperature, pressure, syngas composition and catalyst loading
coke oven gas and CO2 in gasification gas), a method was proposed, which through on the performance of SBCRs operating under FTS conditions.
CO shift reaction makes CO in coke oven gas converted and simplifies the separation
of CH4 and H2. In this work, CeO2-K2O promoted Co-Mo sulfur-tolerant shift catalyst P5-17
for the shift reaction of CO in coke oven gas is investigated. The results indicate Ce Biogasification of Soma Lignite (A Preliminary Study)
and K have a synergy effect on promoting the catalytic activity, and the Co-Mo-Ce- Mustafa Baysal, Yuda Yürüm, Sabanci University; Sedat İnan, TÜBİTAK
K/γ-Al2O3 catalyst with 3.0 wt-% CeO2 and 6.0 wt-% K2O exhibits the highest activity. Marmara Research Centre, TURKEY
Moreover, CeO2 contained Co-Mo catalysts have higher catalytic activity with low
steam/COG ratio, demonstrating that introduced CeO2 increases the water adsorb In this project, the bacterial gasification on the coal samples which were evacuated
ability of catalyst. from Soma basin in Turkey and gas adsorption mechanism of these samples were
analyzed. It is known that coal can be solubilized chemically (alkaline solutions) and
P5-14 biologically by using wood-rotting fungi species. Chemical solubilization of coal
Effects of Preparation Conditions on Ru/Al2O3 Catalyst for Coal-Based samples was investigated. For this purpose, coal samples were solubilized in the
Syngas Methanation Reaction different Lewis base solutions. For biogasification process, solubilization at moderate
Liping Wang, Yongfa Zhang, Yaling Sun, Xianglan Li, Taiyuan University of pH (9≥ pH ≥5) level is an important factor for the conserve bioactivity of the
Technology, CHINA microorganisms. We found that carbonate and oxalate systems can be solubilized coal
at moderate pH and also these Lewis bases was used in biogasification process to
Effects of preparation conditions on Ru/Al2O3 catalyst for coal-based syngas solubilized coal samples and increase gasification efficiency. To understand gas
methanation reaction have been studied. The catalysts have been characterized by adsorption on the coal surface, high pressure gas adsorption experiments were
XRD technique. Using of ultrasound impregnation method can significantly decrease conducted.
impregnated time and improve catalytic activity of the catalyst. The catalyst
prioritizing preparation conditions are:Ru loading of about 2%, calcination temperature
of 500 °C, and H2 reduction temperature of 400 °C. Under the optimum catalysts
conditions, the conversion of CO and the CH4 selectivity reach 97.18% and 83.29%, POSTER SESSION 6
respectively. Besides, the catalyst washed with deionized water and diluted ammonia COAL SCIENCE
can remove chlorine ions and increase catalytic activity.
P5-15 P6-1
The Production of Organic Fertilizers from Göynük, Ilgin and Elbistan Modeling of Coal Drying in a Pneumatic Dryer
Lignites with H2SO4 Oxidation Sihyun Lee, Sangdo Kim, Kyoungsoo Lim, Soonkwan Jeong, Youngjoon
M. Çöteli, A.Güntürk, A. Yavuz, A. Köker, G. Yıldırım, S. Atlıhan, General Rhim, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), KOREA
Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, TURKEY
Operation of the pneumatic conveying system for drying coal was influenced by many
Various organic fertilizer production processes related with alkali and oxidation of parameters, in particular, gas velocity, gas temperature, coal residence time, and coal
coals, with HNO3 has been developed. In spite of this, these products are controversial particle size. In this study, the pneumatic conveying drying system was simulated for
for agriculture due to their high pH content of alkali oxidation products, high drying wet coal. Numerical studies were conducted to examine the effect of these
temperature and pressure comprising control difficulties. It is known that production parameters on drying coal. As the gas temperature, the drying rate of wet coal was
with HNO3 is difficult and has not found any application in time. Except pH, due to increased. In addition, coal drying increased with an increase of coal residence time.
similar reasons and chemical structures of the produced products are not clearly Particle size is one of the most important parameter on moisture removal efficiency of
known, therefore, nitro humates have not found any application areas. the pneumatic conveying dryer. The moisture removal increased in short drying time
In this study, partial molecular disintegration of high humus, with H2SO4 oxidation, with a decrease in particle size due to the large surface area.
comprising of Ilgın, Göynük and Elbistan lignite were studied, the neutralization
reaction was carried out with ammonia by increasing acid ratios and a new type of P6-2
organic fertilizer production with a total chemical work base and a new molecular Characterization of Chars Made of Solvent Extracted Coals
structure was produced. Sihyun Lee, Jiho Yoo, Hokyung Choi, Sangdo Kim, Jeongwhan Lim,
While the used material was chosen randomly from the material‟s beds and Ilgın Thiruppathi Raja, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER); Wantaek Jo,
contains of 42.02%, Göynük of 33.19 % and Elbistan of 53.00 % humic compounds. Yonsei University, KOREA
The samples cleaned with “acid leaching” in case of metal pollution and
stoichiometric amounts of H2SO4, H3PO4 and Mardin phosphate were added through Of contaminants contained in coal, ash was blamed for the serious issues in the power
these compounds to substantiate of required amount for theoretical N-P2O5-K2O. sector; a decrease in the power efficiency and discharge of fly ash into the air. Thermal
Moreover, rested oxidized coal was neutralized with liquid ammonia and KOH. As a extraction of coals with solvents has produced ash-free coals successfully, potentially
final product, fertilizer was produced in theoretical form of (8-6-1) + S. solving the ash problem and bringing new applications such as direct coal feeding into
Humic acid ratio in produced fertilizers varied between 33.43% and 37.40 %; nitrogen gas turbine. Whereas the properties of the ash-free coals are well known, chars made of
amount, between 7.35 % and 8.46; P2O5 amount, between 5.84 % and 6.46 %; K2O the extracted coals have not yet been characterized. In this study, the organic portion of
ratio, between 0.96 % and 1.12 %. Organic material changes between 70.92 % and a sub-bituminous coal (Roto south) was extracted at 370 °C using 1-methyl-
74.58 %. This is a cheap fertilizer which may be evaluated in the framework of the naphthalene solvent. The extract/residue coal as well as its parent coal were pyrolyzed
National Organic Fertilizer Regulation. at 300 − 900 °C. The carbonized products were then characterized. Proximate and
ultimate analysis were performed to study the compositional change. The difference in
chemical structure was investigated using a solid-state 13C-NMR. Calorific value was analyses of experimental data confirmed that adsorption process can be described
also determined. The discussion focused on how the physical/chemical properties of using Langmuir adsorption theory of monolayer coverage.
the chars varied depending on the kind of the coals and the temperature pyrolyzed. Thus, equilibrium constant of adsorption was possible to calculate from Langmuir
binding constant b. Further, from the dependence of b constant on temperature,
P6-3 thermodynamic parameters as enthalpy ΔHads, entropy ΔSads and Gibbs energy ΔGads
Upgrading of Low Rank Coal by Hybrid Flash Dryer were evaluated. Calculated thermodynamic parameters indicate that the adsorption of
Sihyun Lee, Sangdo Kim, Hokyung Choi, Kyoungsoo Lim, Sangyoung Lee, SDS on the coals is exothermic (ΔHads < 0) and spontaneous (ΔGads < 0) process. The
Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), KOREA adsorption capacity of SDS on coal was found to increase with rise in temperature for
all studied samples, the highest adsorption capacity being observed for bituminous
Deposit of low rank coal (LRC) represents nearly half of the estimated coal resources coal. Also, tight relationship between adsorption capacity and critical micelle
in the world. But, these cannot be economically utilized due to the characteristics of concentration (CMC) of SDS has been found. In addition, from zeta potential
high moisture contents (30% or more), low heating value (5,000kcal/kg or less) and measurements, correspondence between adsorbed amount of SDS on coal surface and
spontaneous combustion ability during transportation and storage. To avoid such zeta potential value arose.
problems, development of upgrading technology of low rank coal is needed. In this
study, hybrid flash dryer system for upgrading coal was tested in the laboratory scale P6-6
of 5kg/hr apparatus. Assessment of Elemental Sulphur in Biodesulphurized Coals
In a flash dryer, a feed material is rapidly dried by direct contact with hot air while Lenia Gonsalvesh, Stefan Marinov, Maya Stefanova, Institute of Organic
being transported by the air stream. Coal samples obtained from Mongolian coal Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA; Robert Carleer,
(lignite) that has moisture contents of 29.74%, volatile matter contents of 27.83%, ash Jan Yperman, Hasselt University, BELGIUM
contents of 10.51% and heating value of 4,270kcal/kg (as received basis). Drying air is
heated with a burner and inlet velocity of hot gas is in the range of 10-20m/sec, inlet Recently clean coal use became foreground of coal technology. Desulphurization
air temperature ranges of 300-600°C, particle size of raw coal is in the range of 0.1- strategies take considerable part of this trend. A requirement of any research in this
2mm. Moisture content of raw coal was rapidly decreased to lower than 7% with field is to acquire an accurate method for determining the forms of sulphur. It is
increasing the inlet air temperature and the heating value was increased to more than important to evaluate the effect of the treatment on the properly selected coals for
5,550kcal/kg. Also, the moisture contents decreased with decreasing gas inlet sulphur specific desulphurization processes. There are direct standard analytical
velocities. procedures for sulphur forms determination, i.e. total sulphur (St), pyritic sulphur (Sp)
and sulphatic (Ss). The indirect way for organic sulphur assessment (So) by subtracting
P6-4 the sum of Sp and Ss from the St, can create an overestimation of So content in Sel
Drying Kinetics of Low Rank Coal in Multi-Chamber Fluidized Bed presence.
Jaehyeon Park, Dowon Shun, Dal-Hee Bae, Sihyun Lee, Jeong Hak Seo, Two Bulgarian high sulphur containing coal samples, sub-butiminious (Pirin) and
Korea Institute of Energy Research; Jaehyeok Park, Hanyang University, lignite (Maritza East), and one Turkish lignite (Cayirhan-Beypazari) are used in the
KOREA experiments. Prior biotreatments the samples are demineralized and depyritized. The
white rot fungi “Phanerochaeta Chrysosporium” – ME446 and the thermophilic and
When low rank coals such as subbituminous coals and lignites are combusted with acidophilic archae “Sulfolobus Solfataricus” – ATCC 35091 are the microorganisms
high moisture content, they cause higher flue gas flow rate resulting in lower plant applied in the biodesulphurization processes.
efficiency. A better understanding of the drying process would improve the A procedure for elemental sulfur determination is developed in order to specify the
development of the use of these low-grade coals, and they could be economically changes in the organic and elemental sulfur as a result of the studied coals
treated for further processing such as combustion, gasification and liquefaction after biotreatments. Its application gives us ground to achieve better sulphur balance. The
appropriate drying processes. Among various drying technologies, fluidized bed drying results of experiments demonstrated that more suitable solvent for the extraction of Sel
has the advantages of temperature control due to uniformity of bed temperature and in the studied coals is chloroform instead of described in the literature c-He. The
high drying rate. When hot air is passed upward through a perforated distributor, the highest content of elemental sulphur is registered in the preliminary demineralized and
coals in the dryer are suspended and the bed has many properties similar to a fluid. It depyritized coals. It can be related to their chemical alteration. As a result of the
offers a way of drying coal in more economical end environmentally acceptable implemented biotreatments the amount of the elemental sulphur is reduced by 55%. It
means. Drying can be done in any state of fluidization, however the optimum condition is found that extracted Sel in the samples varied in the range of 0.7% - 4.6% of total
is highly related to drying gas temperature and gas velocity. sulphur and from 0.8-5.1% of organic sulphur.
The objective of this research work is to develop bench-scale (1ton/day) multi-
chamber continuous fluidized bed coal dryer to overcome the disadvantages of low P6-7
rank coal with high moisture such as low calorific values, costly transportation, high Study of Biodesulphurized High Sulphur Coals from Bulgaria
emissions of pollutants, and operation problem. The effects of gas temperature, gas Stefan Marinov, Maya Stefanova, Lenia Gonsalvesh, Nadezda Kazakova,
velocity and coal feed rate on drying rate were studied to obtain information relating to Institute of Organic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Veneta
optimum operating conditions. Coal characterizations (proximate analysis, ultimate Groudeva, M.Iliev, University of Sofia; Petyo Gadjanov, Technical
analysis, Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), BET, Higher Heating Value (HHV), University of Sofia, BULGARIA; Robert Carleer, Jan Yperman, Hasselt
Lower Heating Value (LHV)) were performed to identify the effect on the change of University, BELGIUM
moisture content. This investigation aims to study the drying process under moderated
heating conditions. Biodesulphurization is one of the perspective methods for production of friendly fuels.
The coal drying experiments were performed in a 100 mm width, 500 mm length, 1700 The aim of the present study is to determinate the changes in two Bulgarian coal
mm high fluidized bed dryer consisting of preheater, plenums, bubbling bed, and samples, their soluble products and residues after treatment with bacteria.
cyclone. The particles size of crushed coals was minus 3 mm. The gas temperatures Low rank high sulphur Maritza East lignites and Bobov Dol subbituminous coal, are of
and velocities were varied up to 150 °C and 0.9 m/s, respectively. As a result of the important energy significance for Bulgaria. The treatment by bacteria Pseudomonas
experiments it was concluded that the thermal fluidized bed process could be putida B2 attained 44% total desulphurization for lignites while the biotreatment by
successfully applied to reducing moisture in low-rank coal. Results also indicate that Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans F3 of the subbituminous coal achieved 14%
about 80 of total moisture could be reduced, including some of the inherent moisture, desulphurization. The bitumen (chloroform soluble portion) and fractions with
yielding high heating value product. The drying rate of coal in a fluidized bed was different polarity of neutral oils of initial and biotreated coals are under study. Some
increased by increasing the temperature and velocity of the drying gas and by increase in oxygen containing homologues of polar diterpenoids, i.e. phenols, ketones,
decreasing the coal feed rate. However gas temperature had limitations causing from quinone and ketophenol derivatives, an indication for oxidative process, is confirmed
the spontaneous combustion and gas velocity had to be decided considering energy by GC/MS for subbituminous coal treated by Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans F3.
efficiency. Those parameters will be used for the design of pilot scale (10 tons/day) During the same treatment two new formed oxygen containing compounds, ~25%
fluidized bed dryer. from total amounts of polar diterpenoids are found. Concerning polar diterpenoids of
treated by Pseudomonas putida B2 lignites their relative contents are comparable with
P6-5 initial lignites.
The Influence of the Temperature on Adsorption of SDS on Coals Temperature programmed reduction coupled “on-line” with mass spectrometry (AP-
Boleslav Taraba, Roman Marsalek, Ostrava University, CZECH REPUBLIC TPR/MS) and its “off-line” TD-GC/MS mode to determine the sulphur changes in
solid residues after bitumen extraction are applied. TD-GC/MS profiles are
The influence of temperature on adsorption behavior of anionic surfactant – sodium quantitatively interpreted by spiking with deuterated sulphur compounds as inner
dodecyl sulfate (SDS) has been studied. Batch mode was used for adsorption of SDS standards.
on three different types of coal, namely oxidative altered coal (BO), subbituminous It is concluded that Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans F3 bacteria generally decrease
coal (SB) and bituminous coal (BC). The adsorption from aqueous solutions was pyritic sulphur and slightly oxidize coal organic matter, probably due to microbial
carried out at temperatures 25, 40, 60 and 80 °C. Linear as well as nonlinear regression metabolites secreted into media. Pseudomonas putida B2 bacteria influence lignite
organic matter but pyritic sulphur is also affected probably by metabolites‟ formation rules of organic chemical compounds were achieved to provide basis for reasonable
in the experimental conditions. utilization of Shenfu coal.
P6-8 P6-12
Samples in the World Coal Quality Inventory - A USGS Compilation on Use of Flicker Noise Spectroscopy for Analyzing the Morphological
Global Coal Characteristics of Coals
Susan J. Tewalt, Harvey E. Belkin, U.S. Geological Survey, USA D.L. Shirochin, S.A. Aipshtein, I.A. Nikitin, Moscow State Mining
University, MOSCOW
The main objective of the World Coal Quality Inventory (WOCQI) was to collect and
analyze a set of samples of mined coal from around the world during a set time period, The genetic classification subdivides coal vitrinites into genetic types according to the
from about 1995 through 2006. Generally, international collaborators were provided conditions of their genesis. They differ in the degree of decomposition of lignin–
sample collecting guidelines and forwarded their samples to the U.S. Geological cellulose tissues. Obviously, these differences largely determine a number of important
Survey (USGS). Samples were subsequently analyzed for major-, minor-, and trace- characteristics of coals, such as fragility, granulometric composition, and gas
elements at the USGS Inorganic Geochemistry Laboratory located in Denver, CO and permeability. However, the use of the genetic classification for estimating the
for proximate and ultimate analyses at a commercial laboratory located in PA using properties of coals was limited until recent time because there were no quantitative
ASTM methods (2007). The resultant dataset, in EXCEL 2003 format, includes nearly estimates reflecting the morphological characteristics of vitrinites with different
1,600 individual samples from 56 countries and is not subject to the inter-laboratory genotypes.
variability present in many coal chemistry compilations. Flicker noise spectroscopy (FNS) was used to quantitatively estimate the
About 70 percent of the WOCQI samples have data from the commercial laboratory, morphological parameters of coals. Thin sections of coals were used for
which are presented on an as-received basis. parametrization. The analysis was performed in transmitted polarized light. More than
Values for nearly 50 elements from the USGS laboratory were calculated to a 150 coal samples from different deposits were studied.
consistent dry, whole-coal basis in the dataset. The WOCQI data should be used with The use of FNS for parametrization of coal images yielded quantitative parameters
care, given two caveats: 1) sampling on a one-time basis is incapable of showing adequately describing the morphological characteristics of the organic matter of
temporal or spatial heterogeneity of a coal deposit and 2) a review of quality assurance different coal genotypes. The main morphological parameters are , which is the
in the USGS laboratory in 2008 discovered that standardization (normalization) was measure of changes in the contrast (arb. un.) calculated as the standard deviation of the
beyond accepted limits of 10 percent. Re-analysis of some WOCQI samples by the contrast from its mean level, and S01, which is the index of sharpness of changes in the
USGS Laboratory has shown that the original results are generally valid; although they contrast (arb. un.) serving as a measure of spike irregularities.
may be plus or minus 30 percent from values obtained more recently under more Linear relationships were found between the obtained FNS parameters and coal
rigorous quality control procedures (Energy Geochemistry Lab, 2010). microfragility. The statistical parameters of the particle size distribution after grinding
Additional coal sample data were added to a second EXCEL file from USGS were demonstrated to be closely related to the FNS parameters of coals.
international studies conducted prior to WOCQI. These are split into two time periods:
before 1990 and after 1990. The sample locations for all three datasets are plotted on a P6-13
map (Figure 1) that depicts surficial coal-bearing areas of the western hemisphere The Property and Utilization Trend of Low-Rank Bitumites in West
(North and South America) and of Africa, compiled in Geographic Information System China
(GIS) format by the USGS in 2008. Yuanyuan Zhang, Yong Wang, Sijian Qu, China Coal Research Institute;
Yonggang Wang, China University of Mining and Technology, CHINA
Research on One Kind of High Volatile Matter 1/3 Coking Coal Used into More and more low-rank bitumites in West China will be developed and utilized. This
Blending-Coking type of coal is used for combustion, gasification, hydro-liquefaction, and
Ru Xiang, Gaifeng Xue, Xuehong Zhang, Wuhan Iron and Steel Corp, carbonization. The coal has more semi-inertinites, and is shown as moderate gray
CHINA under microscope; hence the coal has the nature of moderate liquefaction and
gasification. This paper proposed a way to deeply study on the properties of chemical
One kind of 1/3 coking coal from Shan-dong Province in China, has low reaction and process of the semi-inertinites.
metamorphism, high volatile matter, and the caking index (G value) is 70~75, and the
coke misconstrue has lots of isotropic structure, so the coal show gas coal properties. P6-14
This paper presents when the high volatile matter 1/3 coking coal and gas coal is used Model Structure of High Sulphur N.E. Region Indian Coals
into blending-coking, the effects on blending coal property and coke structure was Sunil Kumar Srivastava, Atma Ram Singh, Central Institute of Mining and
researched. The results indicate if the blending ratio of this kind of 1/3 coking coal was Fuel Research, INDIA
equality or less than gas coal, the coke quality was high, but if the blending ratio of this
kind of 1/3 coking coal was equality to normal 1/3 coking coal, the coke quality will be As per Model structure of coal proposed by Shri B. K. Mazumdar, number 9 and 10
deteriorated. positions are available in phenanthrene unit, which is the mother nucleus of coal
(lignite to semi anthracite). In this model structure, one unit of coal is linked with other
P6-10 unit by certain linkages such as ether and methylene groups. Oxygen in coal has been
The Research on Meager Lean Coal Coking Compatibility with Different distributed in the form of different functional groups such as –OH, -COOH, >C=O and
Coking Coal ether. The functional groups –OH and –COOH are available at the site of phenanthrene
Ru Xiang, Gaifeng Xue, Junfang Bao, Zikui Song, Wuhan Iron and Steel nucleus either at 9 position or at any other place. Position 10 is available for linkage
Corp, CHINA with other unit of coal. >C=O group is present in a cyclic ring. Assuming this model
structure of coal to be correct, oxidation of such a coal should lead to carboxylic acid
The meager lean coal, after fine crushing, coked compatibility with gas-fat coal, fat formation up to a maximum extent of 5-6% because oxidation of methyl group and
coal, 1/3 coke coal and coking coal by weight ratio of 1:1. The results showed, to carbonyl group are expected to yield of –COOH groups. The actual experimental
ensure quality of coke, if the mixture ratio of meager lean coal was improved, the results obtained on oxidation of the same coal by 3N dilute nitric acid yielded 18% of –
blending coal must have amount of fat coal and gas-fat coal and moderate to restrict COOH groups. Hence this model cannot explain this experimental fact. If one assumes
the amount of coking coal and 1/3 coking coal; In the coking process, the expansion that besides these two positions, oxidation occurs at several other sites also then more
and mobility of 1/3 coking coal is far less than the gas-fat coal and fat coal, so when it solubility of coal in alkali / organic solvents on oxidation is expected to occur but this
coked with the meager lean coal, the result was different from the conventional coking would lead to the formation of low molecular weight products on oxidation, which is
mechanism. not actually obtained. Hence a modification is needed in this coal structure so that the
new model structure of coal can explain these experimental results also. Thus a
P6-11 modified model structure of coal has been proposed. Mr. Mazumdar has not spelt out
Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Shenfu Coal by Fractional Method anything about model structure of high sulphur coals of North Eastern Region. With
Hong Chen, Xiaotoni Guan, Shenyang University of Technology; Jianwei Li, the help of the data generated by Dr. Srivastava‟s group on disposition pattern of
Lingmei Ge, Xi`an University of Science and Technology, CHINA sulphur in NE region coal structure, a model structure of high sulphur NE coal has
been proposed.
According to fractional extraction principle, acetic acid, tetrahydrofuran and ethylene
diamine were used to fractional extraction of Shenfu coal. The acetic acid,
tetrahydrofuran, ethylene diamine-extractable fractions and the residue were analyzed
by GC/MS and Solid-State 13C NMR, from which abundant structural information of
P6-25 P6-28
Effect of Triboelectrostatic Separation on Coal Desulfurization and Manufacture of Fired Clay Brick from Coal-Preparation Refuse and its
Deashing Characteristics
Byoung-Gon Kim, Ho-Seok Jeon, Sang-Ho Back, Chong-Lyuck Park, Korea Soo-Bok Jeong, Ho-Seok Jeon, Chong-Lyuck Park, Byoung-Gon Kim, Korea
Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), KOREA Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), KOREA
Coal deposit among the fossil fuels is very plentiful in natural resources and has high Large amount of coal-preparation refuse (CPR) has been discharged from coal mines
economical efficiency but its application techniques are very inconvenient. Coal is not all over the world. This disposal of CPR is somewhat toxic to living organism since
though CPR contains small amounts of heavy metals, sulfur, and organic materials,
they contaminate the surface and ground water through the leachate generated at the
dump-sites. Therefore, it is important to find a possibility for effective utilizing CPR
generated from coal mines in terms of environmental and economic points of view.
CPR generated from anthracite contains the SiO2/Al2O3 weight ratio of 2.0-4.0, which
is nearly similar to that contained in fired clay bricks. In this study, a manufacture of
fired clay bricks using CPR and its characteristics were investigated. The results
indicated that firing shrinkage ratio and compressive strength decrease with increasing
the addition amount of CPR, while water absorption ratio is almost constant under the
entire addition amount ranges of that. It was also found that the properties f plasticity,
firing shrinkage, water adsorption, and compressive strength of bricks manufactured
using CPR satisfied them of the 1st grade clay bricks of Korea Standard L (ceramics)
4201. Therefore, it is expected that the use of CPR as a raw material to make fired clay
bricks can save energy and decrease pollution.
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