1. ‘‘What is Palm Oil,” The Orangutan Project, accessed 3. “Red Palm Oil Benefits the Heart & Brain but is it 4. “What is Palm Oil.”
30 March, 2020, https://www.orangutan.org.au/what-is- Bad for the Environment?,” ExcelVite, last modified
palm-oil/ . January 29, 2018, https://www.excelvite.com/red-
2. “Palm Oil,” WWF, accessed 30 March, 2020, https:// environment/ .
www.wwf.org.au/what-we-do/food/palm-oil#gs.27quij .
Adelaide Zoo - Palm Oil Campaign
Sonia Zanatta
What are the Effects?
In an attempt to continue supplying demands harvested virgin fibre and tree-free alternatives. I have chosen to source post-consumer fibre paper
for paper, much of the world’s forests have been The Forest Stewardship Council assess forest from Created 2 Print, and use their water, vegetable
stripped, leading to a devastating loss of habitat practices and ensure sustainable management based inks. Their binding methods are Eco-friendly
5. Brian Dougherty, Green Graphic Design (New York: 6. “We Are the World’s Most Trusted Sustainable Forest
Allworth Press, 2008), 123. Management Solution,” Forest Stewardship Council, accessed
31 March, 2020, https://fsc.org/en/page/about-us .
I initially brainstormed the first ideas that came This simple piece of information is able to engage
to mind then narrowed them down to creating the users to make a little change for the better
an Eco-friendly shopping list. This seemed to be in what they buy as the information would be a
a relevant choice as it can be a fun and handy constant reminder of what they should avoid. Even
little souvenir to receive. once the shopping list is finished, a website is still
available for their use.
This would be aimed at all age ranges. It can be
used as a shopping list, but also something to There would also be an option of a QR code on
jot quick notes down or draw on. The information the shopping list, which would send the user to
relating to products that contain palm oil, and other a website, where they are able to search for items
names for palm oils, would be displayed on the list. that could potentially contain palm oil.
This would encourage users to easily check if the
product they are buying does contain palm oil. The shopping list would initially be setup to fit
on A3 sheets of paper. To maximise the fit of the
design onto the stock paper, the dimensions would
be 70mm x 297mm per each sheet of paper. This
would be equivalent to 6 double sided pages from
the shopping list as it would be folded half way.
The shopping list will have no bleed, therefore,
there is no need to include bleed lines. Any images
added will stop just short of the outer edge. This
enables there to be no paper waste created.
The most common namess for palm oil are:
Azelaic Acid •Cetyl
Cetyl Acetate
Cetyl Alcohol •Elaeis Guineensis
Glyceryl •Steatic
Steatic Acid
Palm Fruit Oil • Palm Kernel Oil
te • Vegetable Oil
Adelaide Zoo - Palm Oil Campaign
Sonia Zanatta
I have chosen to use a post-consumer fibre The list of substitute names for palm oils are
shopping-list as an item to hand out at the Adelaide narrowed down to the most popular used names
Zoo. This shopping list is informative and useful, as
well as cheap to produce. The practicality of writing
in products. These few have been printed as to not
overwhelm the customer, as this would result in the
The mother & baby
lists down as you remember them will encourage user not making an effort to identify the palm oil. orangutan are used to
The shopping list can people to use the shopping list. All ages can
encourage users to
be used by anyone, engage with the item, as young children are able to The QR code enables the customer to accurately
use it as a drawing pad/writing pad and adults are see whether the product they are considering feel empathy
which encourages able to use it when they shop. buying contains palm oil or not, in order to avoid