Topic 1 - Introduction To The Law20216
Topic 1 - Introduction To The Law20216
Topic 1 - Introduction To The Law20216
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
classify law into criminal and civil and discuss characteristics of each;
Think about the range of activities you do each day and each week. Think
about your studies and the kind of work that you will be engaged in. How
many of these activities are influenced either directly or indirectly by the law?
Now think of the impact of law on those engaged in engineering.
When you stop to think about it you might be surprised to find that the law
and the legal system influences most of our activities. Although we are not
necessarily conscious of the law and how it operates, its presence and
influence are certainly evident in the society in which we live. The law
comprises a vast body of legal rules and principles that have developed over
time, and which are constantly evolving in order to guide and regulate human
behaviour, activities and interaction.
The law also governs and controls activities in the workplace. Therefore it is
necessary for students of engineering to have a basic understanding of and
appreciation for the legal system, how the law operates and the extent to
which the law impacts on and influences our activities. In this unit you will
learn about the legal system and some of the basic areas of law such as
contract law, tort (negligence) law, Australian Standards, Compliance Codes
and intellectual property law among others which are directly relevant to the
engineering context. We begin the unit with an introduction to the nature,
definition and classification of law. This unit is not intended to be a generalist
introductory law course but rather one that is specifically targeted at student
engineers and as a consequence has a law related engineering focus.
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
Any study of law should include, at least, a brief understanding of the nature
of law and its role in society. There are many opinions on what law is, and on
how law, ethics and morality interact.
Law represents different things to different people. Politicians may see law as
an expression of government policy. For example, the Government's decision
to provide unemployment benefits to assist unemployed persons is reflected
in laws allowing for the payment of such benefits. Lawyers, on the other hand,
may see it as a means to earn a livelihood. Police officers may see it as a
source of power and as a set of rules that regulate social behaviour. The
citizen may see it simply as something that is at times a hindrance and at
other times a help.
The following are some of the definitions of law that have been proposed from
time to time over thousands of years.
Although there is no single correct definition, it does however seem that the
various definitions share the following characteristics:
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
What are the differences between law, morality and justice? Are there any
differences between them? Should laws conform to minimum standards of
There is an assumption that law gives effect to the moral values of society
and that law is based on considerations of justice. It is true that the areas
covered by law and morals are sometimes the same and that law and justice
sometimes coincide. For example, there is a law that prohibits stealing, and it
would seem that most people hold the view that stealing is immoral and that
a law prohibiting stealing is a just law. In other areas, however, law does not
necessarily reflect morality but simply regulates behaviour for the orderly
management of society. It is illegal to park the wrong way in a one-way street
but such a law has no obvious moral content. Nor does it necessarily concern
There are many differences between law and morality. Some are:
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
Engineers work within a legal context. They are governed by the general law
of the land which includes statutory law and common law. However,
engineers, who are members of an engineering profession, are generally also
subject to a code of ethics that comprises a basic set of principles that
establishes a standard according to which engineers work. For example, the
Institution of Engineers, Australia has a Code of Ethics for its members.
Members are required to abide by the Code as part of their commitment to
the Institution and profession, and as part of their responsibility to the
community whom they serve. A breach of the Code is regarded as unethical
conduct. A breach may attract the following sanctions: a reprimand, a fine,
suspension or expulsion from membership and withdrawal of certification on
relevant national registers which will have an obvious impact on an Australian
engineer’s employability.
Civil Law systems have their origins in ancient Rome. These systems use
“Codes” of law which are much like sets of rules that have been developed
from general principles of law. The court’s role in these systems is to apply
the relevant “code” or set of rules to a situation to try and solve the problem.
We call this an “inquisitorial” system. Countries in continental Europe and its
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
former colonies are Civil Law system countries as is much of Asia and South
The Common Law legal system originated in England following the Norman
conquest of 1066. It was based on customs or traditions at the time and has
developed “incrementally”, i.e. one case at a time. The court’s role in these
systems is to resolve disputes by applying decisions made in previous similar
cases as well as principles of law. Countries such as England and its former
colonies are Common Law countries. The United States, Australia, New
Zealand, South Africa, parts of Asia and many other generally English-
speaking countries are referred to as Common Law countries.
The main difference is that the Common Law system is law based on customs
beginning before there were any written laws and continuing to be applied by
courts after there were written laws. The Civil Law system developed from
broad legal principles and is law based on legal writings and principles.
The Australian legal system is based upon the Common Law system. From
1788 – 1992 Australia was regarded as a “settled” colony of England and so
the laws of England were “brought” to Australia. The early colonies did not
recognize the rights of indigenous peoples in Australia and regarded Australia
as Terra Nullius which basically means “land owned by no one”. Of course,
this was not true and in 1992 in the Mabo Case, (Mabo v State of Queensland
(1992) 175 CLR 1), the High Court of Australia rejected the view that
Australia was Terra Nullius and agreed to recognise indigenous rights,
especially claims to land.
Law which is based on the English system rather than the European
(or civil law) system
As we have seen above, common law refers to a legal system. The legal
systems in the USA and Commonwealth countries such as Australia, New
Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia were inherited from England. Whilst the
details may be different, the basic principles, procedures and methodology are
essentially the same. They are called common law countries.
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
a different system and are called civil law countries. These countries put
more emphasis on codes and general legal principles and less emphasis on
the decisions of judges. A different approach is taken in trials in common law
and civil law countries.
Before Henry II, England did not have a single national system of law. Each
local court could make its own rules. Henry II replaced the local courts with
his own judges who applied the same laws throughout the country. This is the
original meaning of common law.
As indicated above, the original meaning of common law was law made by the
King’s judges. Consequently “common law” came to mean law which is
made by judges (rather than law which made by Parliament). This is now the
most frequently used meaning of the term “common law”. In this sense
common law (which is made by judges) is usually contrasted with legislation
or statute law (which is made by Parliament).
Law which was developed by the common law courts rather than
equity courts
The original common law courts only offered a limited range of remedies and
soon became somewhat rigid and inflexible.
Since the King was regarded as the ultimate source of justice, people who
were unable to obtain a satisfactory remedy from his courts began to appeal
directly to him for justice or equity. This became more than the King could
handle so he passed these cases on to his Lord Chancellor. The volume of
cases then grew too much for the Lord Chancellor who had to appoint his own
special court, the Court of Chancery to deal with them.
In time the Court of Chancery developed its own system of rules and
procedures, called equity. Important examples would be the development of
the law of trusts, and the development of equitable remedies such as specific
performance and injunctions.
Consequently, from the middle ages to the end of the 19th Century, England
had in effect two complementary systems of law, “common law” dispensed
by the Court of King’s Bench and “equity” dispensed by the Court of
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
This meant, for example, that if you were suing someone for breach of
contract, and wanted to claim damages from them you would have to go to
the King’s Bench as damages was a common law remedy. If you wanted
specific performance, i.e. an order to the other party to carry out the
contract, you would have to go to the Court of Chancery. In 1878 Parliament
decided to combine the two systems, so that they can both now dispense the
rules of common law and equity.
There are various ways of classifying law. The most common classification is
criminal law and civil law.
Substantive law is concerned with the rules that make up the particular
branch of law, such as employment law and contract law. It is the law that
determines the content and meaning of the different rules and legal
Procedural law is concerned with how a legal dispute is settled. It deals with
the procedures that must be followed in legal proceedings. For example, there
are different procedures for criminal and civil law cases. Criminal procedure
prescribes how people who have allegedly committed a criminal offence
should be prosecuted, and civil procedure lays down the procedure that must
be followed when an individual wishes to enforce his or her rights against
another person.
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
During the course of this unit you will have to answer tutorial questions
(which appear at the end of each topic in this book), as well as having to
answer examination questions.
Essay Questions
You should ensure that your essay contains an introduction, the body of the
discussion and a conclusion.
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
To allow you to demonstrate your ability to apply the law to a given set of
facts in order to conclude whether or not someone could be legally liable.
Some tutorial questions and examination questions are based upon the
“four-step” approach or process to problem questions which is discussed below. You will be
asked repeatedly during semester to use this technique. Be aware that whilst this is the preferred
method for answering legal problems, the technique has application in other disciplines.
Step 1 - Introduction
Explain principles of law relevant to the area of law. This is your best
opportunity to obtain marks by showing that you know the legal principles
applicable to that area of law. (The extent to which you will be required to
provide detail in an examination will of course depend upon the marks
allocated to that problem and the time you have available). Important cases
should be identified and a brief summary of the facts, the decision of the
court, and a statement of the important principle of law that the case makes
clear should be provided.
In step two you should explain the principles of law as if to someone who
knows nothing about the unit. In that way you will make sure that you
explain at the level that is required.
Apply the law to the facts of the question in a reasonable and logical manner.
Consider each aspect or element of legal criteria discussed in Step 2 and
decide whether it is satisfied in the scenario that you are considering. For
example, you would say something like “Fred owes Mary a duty of care
because…” It is always necessary to explain which of the facts of the question
indicate that the element of the action has been satisfied.
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
Step 4 – Conclusion
Draw possible conclusions. Please note that many problems do not have a
definitive “yes” or “no” answer until the matter has been decided by a court
of law. It is best to state your conclusions in language that reflects this
reality. Use statements like “it is likely…” or “it would appear that”. You only
need to write two or three sentences for the conclusion.
The question:
Anne has recently started a new job at a marketing agency. She needs new
clothes to keep up the image required.
Last week Anne saw a “City Street” suit in a suburban branch of Nyer Pty Ltd,
a large department store. She tried it on and liked it, but decided not to buy it
because it was beyond her price range.
On Saturday morning, Anne is thrilled to see that Nyer Pty Ltd is advertising
"City Street" suits for half price. She rushes in to the city store and finds the
suit that she had previously tried on hanging on a rack with a sign saying
“50% OFF” above it.
Anne knows that the suit fits her well, so she takes it to the counter and tells
the salesperson that she will take it. The salesperson tells Anne that the suit
was on the wrong rack, and it is actually not reduced in price at all.
A possible response
The area of law relevant to this question is whether the requirements for a
valid contract to exist have been satisfied.
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
Principles of Law
The issue of precisely when and how agreements are made in self-service
stores was determined in Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots
Cash Chemists [1953] 1QB 401. Boots Chemists, who opened a self-service
store, were charged with facilitating the sale of ‘prescribed’ drugs, without the
required supervision by a registered pharmacist. The drugs were located on
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
the shelves throughout the store and the pharmacist was positioned at the
check-out. Boots argued that placing their merchandise on shelves was
merely an invitation to treat, and that it was in fact their customers who
made the offers by presenting selected goods at the check-out. Acceptance in
turn was made, or rejected, by the attendant pharmacist, and that a qualified
staff member had therefore supervised each sale. The court agreed with this.
Consideration is the “price” that one party pays for the promise(s) of the
other party. Consideration may be in the form of a money price, a service
rendered etc. Consideration may be executed (provided at the time that the
contract was made) or executory (provided at some time after the contract is
made). Consideration cannot be past (Khoury & Yamouni, 2010:66).
The interaction between Nyer and Anne occurs in a business context and thus
it would be presumed that an intention to create legal relations exists.
Clearly the display of the suit with a price indicated is an invitation to treat.
This analysis follows the decision in the Boots Cash Chemist case. Anne
makes an offer when she takes the suit to the counter and indicates that she
wishes to buy the suit. Her offer is not accepted, thus no agreement has been
This section deals with how to find information on law in libraries including the
Curtin library. The legal collections in the Robertson Library can be located on
Level 3 and Level 4. Level 3 contains legal reference material, while on Level
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
4 at Dewey number 346 you will find texts that are available for general
General Legal Research is made much easier thanks to many web sites. The
most useful general website is: .
The law impacts upon all careers and all aspects of life. From an engineering
point of view the law is an integral part of many of the major functions of your
job. Areas such as tendering and quoting, entering into contracts, designing
and planning, protecting your ideas or inventions, environmental
considerations, hiring employees and obtaining insurance such as professional
indemnity, public liability and workers compensation are all part of your
working experience as an engineer.
Topic 1 Introduction to the Law
2. Why is law made by both judges and parliaments? Doesn’t this just complicate
3. Give an example of an action that may give rise to both civil and criminal
proceedings. What is the distinction between the two?