Fig. 29.6 Pemphigus Vulgaris - Cutaneous Involvement. A Flaccid Blisters and An Erosion B, C Multiple Erosions and

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Fig. 29.6 Pemphigus vulgaris

– cutaneous involvement.
A Flaccid blisters and an erosion
Vesiculobullous Diseases

due to rupture of a bulla.  

B,C Multiple erosions and
hemorrhagic crusts of the back
that can become extensive.
Secondary bacterial infections  
are a potential complication.  
D A vegetative response can
occasionally be seen in chronic
recalcitrant lesions; the patient  
has a Cushingoid appearance  
due to use of chronic systemic
corticosteroids. E The
C dyshidrosiform variant is
uncommon. A,D, Courtesy, Luis Requena,
MD; B,C, Courtesy, Lorenzo Cerroni, MD; E,
Courtesy, Louis A Fragola, Jr, MD.


Fig. 29.7 Pemphigus

to therapy and remain for long periods of time in one location (see Fig.
vegetans. Large,
thick, vegetating,
papillomatous plaques
arising in conjunction
Pemphigus Foliaceus
with erosions. Healed Patients with pemphigus foliaceus develop scaly, crusted cutaneous
lesions have residual erosions, often on an erythematous base, but they do not have clinically
postinflammatory apparent mucosal involvement even with widespread disease.
hyperpigmentation. The onset of disease is often subtle, with a few scattered crusted
lesions that are transient and are frequently mistaken for impetigo.
They are usually well demarcated and have a seborrheic distribution,
i.e. they favor the face, scalp and upper trunk (Fig. 29.8A,B). Because
the vesicle is so superficial and fragile, often only the resultant crust
and scale are seen (Fig. 29.8C,D). The disease may stay localized for
years or it may rapidly progress, in some cases to generalized involve-
ment and an exfoliative erythroderma (see Ch. 10). The Nikolsky sign
is present. In contrast to the extensive oral lesions in pemphigus vul-
garis, it is extremely rare, if ever, for patients with pemphigus foliaceus
to develop mucosal involvement. Generally, patients with pemphigus
foliaceus are not severely ill. However, they can experience burning and
pain in association with the skin lesions.

Pemphigus Erythematosus (Senear

–Usher Syndrome)
500 Pemphigus erythematosus is simply a localized variant of pemphigus
foliaceus. Typical scaly and crusted lesions of pemphigus foliaceus

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