Thursday 05032020

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Subject : English Class: Year 2 Time: 0730-0830 Duration: 1 Hour

Theme : World Of Stories Focus skill: Speaking CCE: Language Date: 5/3/2020

Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:

Powerpoint presentation, flashcards, worksheets., audio Communication, collaboration.
Language/Grammar focus:
There’s a …, There are …
The Old House

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar

M 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly C contexts

2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable words and 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information
M phrases C and details of simple sentences

M At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to describe at least 3 pictures correctly.

At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to listen and understand with support specific information
C and details of simple sentences by identifying the correct pictures.
1. Stick the flashcards around the room.
I. PRE-LESSON 2. Say a room and pupils point. Repeat.
3. Point to different rooms for pupils to say the room.
1. Distribute worksheets 1.
2. Give pupils time to look at the pictures of the bedrooms.
3. Play the recording twice. (Track 37)
4. Pupils match monsters with bedrooms. (Activity 1)
5. Discuss the answers.
II. LESSON 6. Teach pupils when to use ‘There is’ and when to use ‘There are’.
DEVELOPMENT 7. Show powerpoint presentation for further examples.
8. Practise with pupils.
9. Demonstrate the description game. (Activity 3)
10. Give practice in open pairs.
11. Pupils take turns to say and guess in closed pairs.
12. Monitor and help as and when necessary
1. Distribute worksheets 2.
2. Activity A: Pupils listen and circle the correct pictures.
III. POST LESSON 3. Activity B: Pupils look at the pictures in Activity A. Pupils choose the correct words.
4. Go around the class to check and help.
5. Discuss the answers.
Subject : English Class:: Year 1 Time: 1130-1230 Duration: 1Hour

Theme : World Of Self, Family CCE: Values (saying thank

Focus skill: Writing Date:
and Friends you)
Teaching aids:
21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Classroom objects, flashcards, letter cards, dialogue chart,
Communication, collaboration, role play
Language/Grammar focus:
Recycled language from lessons 16 – 20, It’s a …, colours, classroom objects
Unit 1 At School
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a
M a range of purposes in print and digital media C range of purposes in print and digital media
4.2.2 Greet, say goodbye, and express thanks 4.2.4 Name or describe objects using suitable words
M using suitable fixed phrases C from word sets

M At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to express thanks using suitable fixed phrases.

C At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to name classroom objects using suitable words from word set.

1. Display flashcards of classroom objects on the board. (with misspelled words)

2. Pupils identify words with spelling errors.
3. Call a few pupils to write the correct spelling.
4. Pupils spell the words and say the words aloud.

1. In pairs, pupils play a jumbled letters game.

2. Pupils spell the words correctly using the letter cards given.
3. Display a dialogue chart on the board.
4. Practise the dialogue with pupils.
5. When guessed, give the object to the pupil, saying ‘Here you are’ and the pupil should
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT respond with ‘Thank you.’
6. Have pupils play the guessing game in pairs using real objects.
7. Organise pupils into groups.
8. Distribute worksheets.
9. Pupils read the dialogue, eliciting the missing words and writing them in the gaps.
10. When they have finished, pupils practise the dialogue.

1. Invite a few pairs to do their role-play to the whole class.

2. Pupils copy the dialogue into their exercise books.

Tarikh 5/3/2020

Masa 0830-0900

Kelas Tahun 1

Aspek Kesedaran Fizikal

Tajuk Kesihatan Diri & Reproduktif

Standard Kandungan 1.2

Standard Pembelajaran 1.2.1, 1.2.2

Objektif Pembelajaran 1. Memahami kepentingan menjaga kebersihan diri.

2. Menjaga kebersihan diri – kepala, badan, tangan, kaki dan
genital dengan cara mandi yang betul.

1 Edarkan Lembaran Kerja 1.

2 Terangkan kepentingan menjaga kebersihan diri.
3 Bersoal jawab dengan murid tentang cara membersihkan
Aktiviti . setiap bahagian tubuh.
4 Berbincang dengan murid tentang cara menjaga kebersihan
. diri dengan betul.
5 Edarkan Lembaran Kerja 2 dan 3.

Kreativiti dan inovasi


BBM Permainan maze

Soalan lisan dan bertulis

Penilaian P&P

Refleksi Pada akhir pengajaran;

KELAS : TAHUN 4 MASA : 1230-1300 TARIKH : 5/3/2020
2.1 Reka Bentuk
OBJEKTIF Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran murid dapat :
PEMBELAJARAN  Membincangkan laluan kerjaya dan pekerjaan dalam reka
 Menghuraikan apresiasi reka bentuk di persekitaran.
ELEMEN MERENTAS 1. Keusahawanan (EK4) – pengetahuan teknologi
KURIKULUM 2. Kreativiti – menggunakan kaedah atau prosedur dengan
mengenal pasti ciri-ciri yang betul
3. Nilai murni – bekerjasama, cermat dan bersungguh-sungguh

BAHAN BANTU Buku teks, Lembaran kerja

PENGAJARAN DAN 1) Guru mengimbas kembali kepentingan reka bentuk kepada murid.
PEMBELAJARAN 2) Murid mempelajari apa itu apresiasi reka bentuk di persekitaran.
PENIILAIAN Guru menilai secara lisan.
PENGAJARAN DAN Guru mengedarkan lembaran kerja
PEMBELAJARAN Amali projek/ hasil kerja


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