2nd Grade Worksheet Bundle
2nd Grade Worksheet Bundle
2nd Grade Worksheet Bundle
B. 1
C. 4
D. 2
Question 2 .
B. 1
C. 3
D. 2
Question 3 .
The circle above is cut into equal shares. Which of these describes the circle as a whole?
A. three fourths
B. four fourths
C. three thirds
D. two halves
B. three-thirds
C. four-fourths
D. three-fourths
Question 5 .
The square below has been divided into four equal shares.
Which picture shows the same square divided into four equal shares, but uses different shapes?
W. X. Y. Z.
A. W
B. Y
C. X
D. Z
Question 6 .
This circle is split into equal shares. Each share is a of the whole circle.
B. two-halves
C. third
D. half
Question 8 .
The rectangle above is cut into equal shares. Which word describes each share of the rectangle?
A. fourth
B. third
C. half
Question 9 .
The cookie above is cut into equal shares. Which of these describes the cookie as a whole?
A. three-halves
B. two-halves
C. two-thirds
D. three-thirds
The rectangle below has been divided into four equal shares.
Which picture shows the same rectangle divided into four equal shares, but uses different shapes?
W. X. Y. Z.
A. W
B. Z
C. X
D. Y
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. --
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. C
When an object is split into halves so that each share is one-half of the whole object, then the object is split into 2 equal shares.
When an object is split into fourths so that each share is one-fourth of the whole object, then the object is split into 4 equal shares.
3. The circle is cut into four equal shares, or fourths. The whole circle is made up of four fourths.
4. The circle is cut into three equal shares, or thirds. The whole circle is made up of three-thirds.
5. The square shown is divided equally into four shares. Each share is a fourth of the whole.
The square labeled Y is divided into four unequal shares. The squares labeled W and Z each are divided into three unequal shares.
7. The circle is cut into four equal shares, or four fourths. Each share is one of four equal shares, so each part is a fourth of the circle.
8. The rectangle is cut into four equal shares, or four fourths. Each share is one of four equal shares, so each share is a fourth of the rectangle.
9. The cookie is cut into two equal shares, or halves. The whole cookie is made up of two-halves.
10. The rectangle shown is divided equally into four shares. Each share is a fourth of the whole.
The rectangles labeled W and Z are divided into three unequal shares. The rectangle labeled Y is divided into four unequal shares.
Wendy showed her sister how to do a forward roll. First, she bent down close to the ground. Next,
Wendy put her head on the ground. _______, Wendy kicked her feet off the ground and pushed herself
forward. Last, Wendy stood up. Her sister could not wait to try!
B. Second
C. To start
D. Then
Question 2 .
Anita decorated cupcakes for her birthday party. First, she spread pink icing on the
cupcakes. _______, she put a purple jellybean on top of each cupcake. Finally, she put blue sprinkles
on top. Each cupcake had Anita's favorite colors!
B. Third
C. To start
D. Next
Question 3 .
Rudy had a cold. She followed her doctor's orders so that she would get well. First, she stayed
home from school. _______, she took some medicine. Third, she drank a big glass of orange juice.
Last, Rudy took a nap. When she woke up, Rudy was already feeling better!
B. Fourth
C. Finally
D. Second
Question 4 .
B. For example
C. Before
D. Second
Question 6 .
Question 7 .
Ana Lucia helped her mom run some errands. First, they went to the book store. Next, they went to
the sports store for new soccer balls. _______, Ana Lucia went with her mom to the grocery store.
Finally, they went home to unload the car. Ana Lucia had a busy day!
B. After that
C. To start
D. Last
Question 8 .
Timmy wanted to draw a silly monster for his mom. First, he got a piece of paper and his crayons.
Second, he drew a big purple circle. Third, he put six green eyes inside the circle. _______, he drew
three arms and one leg with a blue crayon. Finally, he put a big open mouth on the monster with his
gray crayon. He knew his mom would find this monster funny!
B. Before that
C. To start
D. Fourth
My school had a fire drill yesterday. _______, the fire alarms started making noise. Then, my class
lined up at the front of the room. Next, we followed our teacher outside. After that, the firefighters drove
to the school to make sure everyone had left the building. Finally, we were allowed back into the
school. I am glad there was not a real fire!
B. Last
C. Second
D. Fourth
Question 10 .
B. Earlier
C. Later
D. However
1. D
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. --
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. A
1. Look at the passage again. Wendy kicks her feet after she does two other things but not last. The word that best fits in the blank is Then
because it shows Wendy rolls forward third.
2. Look at the passage again. Anita puts jellybeans on her cupcakes after she ices them but before she puts on the sprinkles. The word that best
belongs in the blank is Next because it shows that Anita puts the jellybeans on the cupcakes second.
3. Look at the passage again. Rudy takes medicine after she does one other thing but not last. The word that best belongs in the blank is Second
because Rudy takes medicine second.
4. Use the words that show that you are adding new information. "In addition" means you're adding to the information.
5. Use words that show that you are using examples to make your meaning clear. Since you are giving an example of what to know, you should
use "for example."
6. The word "however" is correct because it shows that the speaker feels different than some people in the class.
7. Look at the passage again. The blank is at the start of the third thing Ana Lucia and her mom do together. The phrase that best belongs in the
blank is After that. It shows that Ana Lucia and her mom go to the grocery store after the sports store but not last.
8. Look at the passage again. The sentence with the blank shows the fourth thing Timmy does. The word that best fits in the blank is Fourth
because it shows that Timmy draws the monster's arms and leg fourth.
9. Look at the passage again. The fire alarms make noise before anything else happens. The word that best fits in the blank is First because it
shows that the fire alarms make noise first.
10. The author wants to use words that show he is making his meaning clear by using an example. Mitch playing professional football shows
how big he was.
4. That book is very thin! 9. Liz was angry when her little brother
A. skinny broke her doll.
B. small A. mad
C. fat B. happy
D. green C. sad
D. silly
5. It is very hot outside.
A. cold 10. The skinny girl lives upstairs.
B. warm A. fat
C. wet B. thin
D. windy C. little
D. big
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. B
2 Helping Hands
Name ___________________________________________________ Date _______________________
1 Add an ending to each word in the box to complete the sentences correctly.
Spelling Challenge Write the first letter of each picture then spell your own word.
2 Helping Hands
Name ___________________________________________________ Date _______________________
safely: ___________________________________________________________________________
later: ____________________________________________________________________________
largest: __________________________________________________________________________
Spelling Challenge Use the letters in this word to make new words.
s he l t e r
Score five points for each correct word.
My score:
2 Helping Hands
Worksheet A
Worksheet B
Spelling Challenge s he l t e r
4 letters: eels, else, heel, here, hers, leer, lets, reel, rest, tree
5 letters: ether, heels, reels, reset, sheer, sheet, sleet, steel, steer, terse, there, these,
three, trees
1. Copy each list word.
sale steal sight
sail flee site
meet flea toe
meat hole tow
plane whole rain
plain pray rein
steel prey
meet steel
meat steal
3. Missing word.
The landed safely at the airport.
The mole dug a deep in the dirt.
We watched the boats past the harbour.
I bought a box of old toys at the garage .
My brother tried to my new slinky.
4. Word clues. Which word matches?
a tiny jumping insect with no wings
leather straps attached to a horse’s bridle
a hard strong metal
to run away or escape
an animal that is hunted by another
Challenge words
5. Copy each challenge word.
wear haul
where rays
hire raise
higher morning
hall mourning
6. Choose it. Circle and rewrite the correct word to complete the sentence.
I eat breakfast in the morning mourning .
We enjoyed the warmth of the sun’s raise rays .
We climbed higher hire up the tree.
They have school assemblies in the big haul hall .
I didn’t know where wear my sister was hiding.
7. Silly sentences. Use as many challenge words as possible to make a silly story.
The alphabet
b d e
g j k
m q s
t u y
2 Draw lines to match.
r H g
d D b
h t
70 Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2015
h c
f at
m b
Sam has a
I can see a
2 Color the correct word. Cross out the wrong word.
The man had a .
She in the van.
72 Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2015
Check a-z
Lesson 42 • Worksheet 4
1 Draw lines to match.
e k q a y n
2 Color at words = red an words = blue.
cat hat man fan
van rat pan tan
Phonemic awareness
Lesson 23 • Worksheet 1
3 Circle every D. Circle every d.
D D A D D d c d d c
C D B O J d a e b d
How many? ____ How many? ____
136 Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2015
Lesson 23 • Worksheet 2
1 Trace the dinosaurs.
your best
d og olphin
uck oor
rum inosaur
sa see
2 Write words that end with d.
Lesson 23 • Worksheet 4
1 Circle the beginning sound.
p m d t v s h b d
i e a b n v t s z
v z r b p d n m h
2 Write three words that use these letters.
a b c d e f h i m n p r s t v z
This week in your canteen!
Milk $1.00 Pancakes ONLY ON TUESDAYS
(choc, straw, banana) 40c each or 3 for $1.00
Juice $1.20 Fish Bites 30c each
(apple, orange or mango) Pizza Pocket $1.60
Chicken burger with salad $3.30
Apple 20c
Banana 30c
Mandarin 30c
Packet of dried apricots 40c
Bread/Roll & Butter 50c
Cheese $1.80
Chicken $2.50
Ham $2.50
Jam $1.20
Tomato $1.20
Vegemite $1.50
Salad $2.40
Ham and salad $3.50
Chicken and salad $3.50
Salad contains: lettuce, carrot,
cheese, tomato and beetroot.
In the texts
1 Read the text on page 76.
2 Read the text on page 77.
d Where might you find a text like this?
Read and learn
1 Read Pancake Recipe and fill in the missing words.
b The dry ingredients you need are flour, _________________ and _________________ .
2 Draw and label the three tools you need to make pancakes.
5 Read This week in your canteen! Write how much each item costs.
t___m___to, ___eet___oo___.
A procedure tells how to do
something. It has:
• a goal or aim
• a list of materials and equipment
Your turn • steps in order
• steps that tell how, when and where
Write a procedure that shows how to order • steps written as commands
• time words
lunch from the canteen. • pictures and diagrams.
Give your
procedure a title
that uses the word
What you need: Write the materials
you need to order
lunch. Hint: they
are on pages 76
and 77.
What you do:
Write what you do
in the order you do
it. Number each
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 81
A sentence can be a question. Do you like pancakes?
question a ____________________________________________________________
command b ____________________________________________________________
statement c ____________________________________________________________
exclamation d ____________________________________________________________
4 Singular
A sentenceor plural
ends with a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation
mark. Draw a line to match each punctuation mark with its name.
full stop ?
exclamation mark .
question mark !
5 Add punctuation marks to the ends of these sentences.
a I am making pancakes_______
b I love pancakes!
c On Tuesday
cool games
Th e be st pa rt wa s
Th e be st pa rt wa s
Th e ha rde st pa rt wa s
Th e ha rde st pa rt wa s
Th e ea sie st pa rt wa s
Th e ea sie st pa rt wa s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
drawings Diary
great websites
This is a test to see how well you understand There are three different ways to show your
what you have read, and to see what you answer:
know about using language, spelling and • Shade the bubble next to the correct
punctuation. It is also a writing test. answer. O
• Write a word in a box. answer
• Write a number in a box. 1
Read each question carefully. Some
questions will ask you to read a text from
another page in this book before answering.
Use a pencil. DO NOT use a pen. If you make a mistake, rub it out and try again.
Start of test
Read Seasons in Kakadu National 4 The Kakadu region is
Park, Australia on page 69, and O always dry.
answer questions 1 to 4. O the dry season.
O part of the Northern Territory.
1 The season that comes after
Banggerreng is 5 How many syllables are in the
O Yegge. word magpie?
O Gudjewd. O two
O Gunumeleng. O three
O four
2 The magpie geese get fat in
O Yegge. 6 How many syllables are in the
O Wurrgeng. word waterlily?
O Gunumeleng. O two
O three
3 A good time for hunting snakes is O four
O Gurrung.
O Wurrgeng.
O Gunumeleng.
7 How many syllables are in the 13 Wash the dishes now!
word Kakadu? O question
O two O command
O three O exclamation
O four
14 Help, it’s spilling!
Read questions 8 to 10, and write O command
the conjunction from each sentence O statement
in the box. O exclamation
8 There was lots of rain and it Read questions 15 to 18, and choose
flooded. the punctuation mark missing from
each sentence.
25 Write a procedure that tells how to make a sandwich.
• Use dot points to list tools and ingredients.
• Write ingredients in the order they are needed.
• Write steps in the right order.
• Number each step.
• Draw a picture for each step on a separate piece of paper.
Ingredients Tools