Numerical Based On SHM: Department of Physics and Nanotechnology SRM Institute of Science and Technology

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Numerical Based on


18PYB201T - Waves and Optics ​Module-I, Lecture-4

18PYB201T Module-I Lecture-4 ​

Q1: ​If, in a spring-mass system, the spring

constant is 50 Nm​-1 ​and the block of mass 1 kg
is displaced by 0.01 m to the right before being
released, calculate the (a) restoring force at t =
0, (b) restoring force when the block travels to
the other extreme, and (c) The restoring force in
the static equilibrium position.
Q2: ​A 50 g mass vibrates in SHM at the end of
a spring. The amplitude ​of the motion is 12 cm
and the period is 0.1 minutes. Find the
maximum speed of the mass. What will be the
speed at x = A/2?
Q3: ​A particle of mass 0.2 kg undergoes SHM
according to the ​equation: x t = 3sin (πt + π 4 )
then ​(a) What is the amplitude of oscillation? (b)
What is the time period of oscillation? (c) What
is the initial value of x? ​(d) What is the initial
velocity when the SHM starts? ​(e) At what
instants is the particle’s energy purely kinetic?

Q4: ​A block, whose mass is 680 g, is fastened

to a spring whose spring constant k is 65N/m.
The block is pulled a distance x = 11 cm from its
equilibrium position at x = 0 on a frictionless
horizontal surface and released from rest at t =
0. ​a)What is the total mechanical energy of the
oscillator? ​b) What is the potential energy when
the block is halfway to its end- point? c) What is
the kinetic energy when the block is halfway to
its end- ​point?
Solved Numerical

Q1: I​ f, in a spring-mass system, the spring

constant is 50 Nm​-1 ​and the block of mass 1 kg
is displaced by 0.01 m to the right before being
released, ​calculate the ​(a) restoring force at t =
0, (b) restoring force when the block travels to
the other extreme, and (c) The restoring force in
the static equilibrium position.

Sol: (​ a) If x is taken as positive to the right of

the mean position, then the restoring force is

given by ​F = -kx = -50 x 0.01 = - 0.5N (b)

Similarly, the restoring force is given by
F = -kx = -50 x -0.01 = 0.5N ​(c) At the mean

position, x = 0 ​F = -kx = -50 x 0 = 0

18PYB201T Module-I Lecture-4


Solved Numerical

​ 50 g mass vibrates in SHM at the end of

Q2: A
a spring. The amplitude of the motion is 12 cm
and the period is 0.1 minutes. Find the
maximum speed ​of the mass. What will be the
speed at x = A/2?

ω = 2πv = (0.1x60) ​
​ ωA = 1.047 ​
v​max =
1.047 rad s​−1 ​
x 12 =
m​ m/s
0.1256​ s ​v = ω​2
(A​2​−x​2​) ​v = ω
3​ ωA =
(A​2​−(A/2)​2​) = ​ 4​
18PYB201T Module-I Lecture-4
3​ 0.1256 = 0.0942
4​ 5

Solved Numerical
​ particle of mass 0.2 kg undergoes SHM
Q3: A
according to the equation: x t = 3sin (πt + π 4 )
then ​(a) What is the amplitude of oscillation? ​(b)
What is the time period of oscillation? (c) What
is the initial value of x? (d) What is the initial
velocity when the SHM starts? ​(e) At what
instants is the particle’s energy purely kinetic?

Sol: ​(a) Comparing the given equation with ​x t =

Asin (ωt + δ) ​the amplitude,
A = 3 (​ b) On comparing with ​x t = Asin ωt + δ ​, ω
= π then,
2π​ = 2π​ = 2s
T = ​(c) Initial ω​ π​
conditions are at t = 0

x 0 = 3sin π0 + π 4 = 1.5 2 m
18PYB201T Module-I Lecture-4

Solved Numerical
(d) Initial Velocity , V at t = 0
=​ d(3sin ​ πt ​ +π​ 4​ )
dt ​ v 0 ​ = 3πsin ​ dt π0 ​ +π​ 4​
= ​ 3πsin 3π​
=​ 2
πt + π 4

(e) The energy is purely kinetic when the

particle is at the mean position, i.e. ​when x(t) =
x 0 = 3sin πt + π 4
πt + π 4 = 0,π,2π,3π,4π .....
1​ ,3​ ,7​ ,11​ ..... ​
t = −​ 4​ 4​ 4​ 4 ​ Rejecting the negative
value of t, we get t = 3/4, 7/4, 11/4... At these
instants, the particle crosses origin and hence
its energy is purely kinetic.
18PYB201T Module-I Lecture-4

Solved Numerical
​ block, whose mass is 680 g, is fastened
Q4: A
to a spring whose spring constant k is 65N/m.
The block is pulled a distance x = 11 cm from its
equilibrium position at x = 0 on a frictionless
horizontal surface and ​released from rest at t =
0. a)What is the total mechanical energy of the
oscillator? b) What is the potential energy when
the block is halfway to its end-point? ​c) What is
the kinetic energy when the block is halfway to
​ ol: ​a) Total Energy E is given
its end-point? S
1​ kA​
by b) Potential Energy ​E = ​U ​ 2​is ​ given 2​ ​=
1​ x 65 x 0.11 ​2 ​
2​ = 0.393J
1​ kx​ 1​
c) Potential ​U = ​ 2​ Energy 2​ ​= E = ​is ​ 2​given
1​ kA​ 1​ x 65 x 0.11 2​ ​
= ​ 8​ 2 ​= ​ 8​ = 0.098J
T = E − U = 0.393 − 0.098 = 0.295J
18PYB201T Module-I Lecture-4

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