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Sewage Treatment Plant: Q. State The Procedure For Discharging Sewage Into The Sea

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Sewage Treatment Plant

Safety of sewage

1. High level float switch

2. Low level float switch

3. Tank high level alarm

4. Automatic start and shut off of the discharge pump

5. Blower oil level

6. Vent cock

7. Drain valve

8. Overflow arrangement

Q. State the procedure for discharging sewage into the sea.

Ans: The discharge of sewage into the sea is prohibited except, when
 Treated sewage is discharged using a system approved by an administration at a
distance of more than 3 nautical miles from the nearest land.
 Sewage which is not comminuted or disinfected may be discharged at a distance of
more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land, provided that, in any case, the
sewage that has been stored in holding tanks shall not be discharged instantaneously
but at a moderate rate when the ship is en route and proceeding at not less than 4
 The ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant.
 The effluent shall not produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration of the
surrounding water
 When the sewage is mixed with wastes or waste water covered by other Annexes of
MARPOL 73/78, the requirements of those Annexes shall be complied with in
addition to the requirements of this Annex.

What is ‘Biological O2 Demand’ B O D.

Amount of O2 required for bacterial decomposing the sewage is called BOD. The correct
treatment of sewage is tested to take 1 ltr of sample and incubating it for 5 days at 200C with
well oxygenated water. The amount of O2 measured by mg/ltr or PPm is termed as BOD.

COD ~ Chemical Oxygen Demand: It is similar to BOD but greater value than BOD
It shows water quality, for chemical oxidization

C) What is ‘Coli form’ and what are the affects in human body?
The alive tell tale bacteria originated in intestine, found in human waste are called ‘Coli
Form’ organism, they are very helpful for digestive system. But they are responsible for
‘typhoid, dysentery, gastro enteritis, poliomyelitis and hepatitis.

Effective disinfection of the effluent of sewage will reduce the level of coli form organisms
and it can be confirmed by a coli form count.
A sample of effluent incubates over 48 hrs at 350C or incubation of 24 hrs at 350C to produce a
colony of bacteria.
Coli Form count: should not exceed 1000/100 ml effluent for USA, Canada, UK and some
European countries water.
But IMO suggestion is 250 coli form/ 100 ml effluent.

Suspended Solids: Quantity of solid material

Solid collection by asbestos mat filter ~ Dried ~ Weighed PPM/ mg/ltr
Normally 35mg/ltr

Q|: What is grey and black water?

Grey water:
Grey water includes drainage from dishwater, shower, and laundry, bath, and washbasin
drains but not from toilets, urinals, hospital spaces, and cargo spaces

Black water:

Black water is used to describe wastewater containing feces, urine and flush water from flush
toilets along with anal cleansing water (if water is used for cleansing) or toilet paper. It is
distinct from grey water or sullage, the wastewater generated from washing food, clothes and
dishware, as well as from bathing, but not from toilets.

What is US sewage discharge regulation?

Treated or untreated and grey water sewage is prohibited to discharge within 3 nm the nearest
land. It is known as no discharge zone.
While operating a vessel in USA an EPA designated no discharge zone, flow-through devices
are only permitted if adequately secured to prevent discharges of all treated and untreated

Air blower pressure: 30-40 kPa

1. O2 supply
2. Air lift
3. Back flush
4. Sludge removed
5. Turbulence/ good mixing

Air pressure high~ Escape early

Air pressure low~ Not mixing properly

Checks OF STP during round:

1. STP running
2. Blower pressure
3. Blower oil level
4. Any alarm
5. Temperature
6. Chlorine tablet remaining

State 3 reason operational circumstances

▪ Too low a temperature will slow down the digestion rate

▪ Flow rate too high and the bacteria will not cope up to fully digest he sewage

▪ Flow rate too low and the bacteria will die due to lack of nutrients.

BOD max 50 mg/ltr

Normally 25 mg/ltr

Chlorine tablet ~ 14 pcs/ week

Chlorinator 1~5 ppm

Gamazyme 700FN 1 kg with 10 kg warm water of 35’C for minimum 48 hrs.

Anaerobic Bacteria produce Hydrogen Sulphide, Methane and Ammonia.

Type 1 A device capable of discharging effluent having no floating solids

and a coliform count of less than 1000 per 100ml of effluent.

Type II A device capable of discharging effluent with suspended solids not

in excess of 150mg/litre and a coliform count of less than 200 per 100ml

Type III A device to prevent the discharge overboard of treated or untreated


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