Bheki Kubheka Is Married To His Wife of 15 Years Nokuthula Kubheka and Blessed With Four

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Bheki Kubheka is married to his wife of 15 years Nokuthula Kubheka and blessed with four
children, two girls and two boys.

Currently employed by the department of Education in KZN as Principal of Phendukani Full

Service High School in Madadeni Section 6 in Newcastle under Amajuba District Municipality
since 2007. Bheki is passionate about the learning and education transformation and
development of young minds to cope with the ever-changing education system and to
guide them to be the masters of their own lives in the 21st century.

He has been in the education profession for 24 years having taught both at Primary and
Secondary School level in the Rural areas of our country. In possession of various education
qualifications. He has numerous achievements in the education sector.

As an education leader and union activist he has participated in the drafting and
implementation of various education policies within and outside the education sector. He’s
highly motivated, innovative and always willing to try new strategies and techniques to
improve education.

Considering the ever-increasing technological needs in education both locally and globally,
he ensures that e-learning and inclusive education strategy of teaching and learning is

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