Renewal STCW Certificates Endorsements PDF
Renewal STCW Certificates Endorsements PDF
Renewal STCW Certificates Endorsements PDF
STCW certificates
and tanker
This guideline is for applicants renewing
STCW certificates of competency and certificates
of proficiency or endorsements for tankers
In this guide
1. Overview 2
2. Requirements 4
2.1 Sea service 4
3.2 Fees 17
3.4 Checklist 20
5. Forms 24
The information in this guideline applies to the following New Zealand STCW certificates and tanker
certificates of proficiency or endorsements:
Your STCW certificate or tanker certificate/endorsement can be renewed for up to five years. A new
(replacement) certificate will be issued every 10 years.
This guideline covers training, sea service and other requirements for your renewal, how to apply and pay
for your renewal, and where to find more information.
If you have an old STCW certificate or endorsement that has been deemed as a new certificate under
Maritime Rule Part 32, refer to the transition information on the Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) website to
identify what it is equivalent to under SeaCert.
For more information about equivalent certificates under SeaCert and renewing other certificates of
proficiency, refer to the guideline on MNZ’s website:
These guidelines provide information and explanations about the requirements set out in the
maritime rules, but are not a substitute for the rules themselves, which are the law. These
guidelines refer to provisions in the Maritime Rules Part 32, Seafarer Certification. The Director of
Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) will grant a certificate only when satisfied that all requirements have
been met. In this guideline, any references to ‘we’ or Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) relating to a
decision about the issue or renewal of any seafarer certificate are references to the Director or a
person acting under the Director’s delegated authority.
• prove you have the minimum sea service requirements for the certificate or endorsement
• have the required ancillary certificates and demonstrate ongoing competence in these
proficiencies, where required.
Each of these requirements and how to prove that you meet them is explained below.
The Director must also be satisfied that you continue to meet the overall training and competency
standards for the certificate, taking into account your sea service and any bridging, refresher or updating
training you have done.
Masters and deck officers serving as At least 12 months in total during the preceding five years
watchkeeper deck on vessels of Or three months in total during the six months immediately
relevant gross tonnage before renewal
MEC 1 serving as engineer on vessels
over 3000kW
MEC 2 or MEC 3 serving as engineer
on ships over 750kW
GMDSS radio operator 12 months’ radio service in a seagoing ship fully fitted with
GMDSS during the five years preceding renewal
Or three months’ radio service in a seagoing ship fully fitted with
GMDSS during the six months immediately before renewal
Basic and advanced tanker certificates At least three months’ sea service during the previous five
of proficiency or endorsements years, performing duties appropriate to the tanker endorsement
on the type of tanker the endorsement applies to
To support your sea service, you must provide at least one of the following documents for each vessel you
have served on:
• the name, tonnage and type of vessel (for example, cargo vessel, tanker, bulk carrier)
• the engine type, make, model and output power (for engineering certificates)
• the dates you were employed and the sea time completed between those dates
Any statutory declarations you have made are not acceptable as proof of your sea service.
• from the sign-on date of starting work on the ship to the sign-off date of discharge (both dates are
• by counting each whole calendar month during this period as one month
• for multiple voyages, by adding together extra days that do not fall within a calendar month, with
each addition of 30 days to be calculated as one month.
Extended time in port is generally not counted as sea service, and nor is time on leave.
Voyage means a voyage between a port or place of departure and a ship’s final port or place of
arrival. It includes any period of 24 hours (or more) where you are signed on or employed on the
vessel and you remain on board.
For example: If your service record shows your sign-on date as 3 March and sign-off date as 14
April, your sea service would be calculated as one month (3 March to 2 April) and 12 days (from 3
to 14 April inclusive).
Sea service on voyages of less than 24 hours (for example, day work) is calculated by counting the number
of months made up of days, as follows:
• counting each period of eight (or more) hours worked within each period of 24 hours as one day’s
• counting periods of more than eight hours at a rate of more than one day (may be expressed in
decimal points), at the Director’s discretion, if the Director is satisfied there are suitable policies
and processes in place to manage fatigue
• counting each additional 20 days (or more) in a 30-day period as one month’s sea service. (A
month is calculated as 160 or more hours worked over 20 or more days in a 30-day period.)
Where insufficient hours are accrued in a period of 30 days, additional hours or days may be accrued as
described above until 20 days have been reached. This can then be counted as one month’s sea service.
You cannot claim for more days of sea service than you actually served. You also cannot claim for time
spent on leave or extended periods in port.
For more information about calculating your sea service, refer to the MNZ website:
Basic and advanced tanker Successfully completing and passing an approved training course or
endorsement courses
The Director may renew an STCW certificate or endorsement (other than a GMDSS certificate) if a holder
has completed at least 2.5 years of non-seagoing experience in the previous five years, in a position
considered by the Director to be equivalent to seagoing service. These positions may include:
• harbourmasters
The Director may renew a GMDSS certificate if the holder can provide evidence of having performed
functions that are considered to be at least equivalent to the seagoing service required. Holders may
• radio technicians involved in the use, installation and testing of the full suite of GMDSS equipment
The following table sets out the types of experience that may be considered and the documents you would
need to provide with your renewal application. Acceptable forms of assessment, examination or (refresher)
training will be notified on MNZ’s website or by training providers as these are determined.
Completing sea service in the role to be Evidence of sea service containing information and of a
renewed (check the certificate requirements) type acceptable to the Director, as indicated in the
relevant certificate guideline (eg certificate, testimonial or
discharge book)
Completing and passing relevant bridging, Documentation from a training provider indicating the
refresher or updating training acceptable to (as name of the person trained, the specific training standard
specified by) the Director provided, the date and a statement that the person
successfully demonstrated competency at the required
Passing an examination that uses a framework Documentation from an approved examiner indicating
set by the Director the name of the person examined, the specific nature of
the examination, the date and a statement that the
person successfully demonstrated competency at the
required level
Spending at least 30 months in the preceding Letter from an employer stating the position, functions
five years: and duties, period of employment (or performing the
relevant functions) and how the employment (or
• employed in a relevant shore-based role
performance of functions) is considered relevant to the
• or engaged in performing relevant functions certificate being renewed
Examples of acceptable documentation are a signed and dated letter, certificate or assessment
record containing the required information.
Training providers, examiners or assessors are those approved either under the New Zealand
Education Act or by the Director of Maritime New Zealand, or acceptable to the Director.
When a New Zealand certificate of competency issued in compliance with STCW Regulations II/1, II/2 and
II/3 is renewed, the seafarer needs to comply with the new STCW requirements if they wish to work on
ships fitted with ECDIS after 31 December 2016.
Information about the introduction of ECDIS installations and training requirements is available on the
website for Admiralty Nautical Products & Services (
Deck officers not meeting this requirement will have the following limitation placed on their certificate of
competency: From 1 January 2017 this certificate is not valid for service on ships fitted with ECDIS.
Deck officers may ask for this limitation to be removed when they have provided documentary evidence of
having completed MNZ-approved ECDIS training.
High-voltage requirements
The STCW (Manila) amendments introduce a requirement for engineer officers to undergo education and
training in high voltage (HV) systems at both operational and management levels. This requirement applies
to all engineer officers starting training after 1 July 2013. All engineer officers who work on ships with HV
systems will need to comply from 1 January 2017.
An HV system involves voltage generated and distributed at high voltage (over 1000V) or transformed to
and distributed at high voltage. It does not include systems where high voltage is utilised locally (such as
for ignition systems, radio transmission, radar or other navigational equipment).
For new candidates seeking engineer officer certificates, HV training requirements will be incorporated into
future training programmes.
Existing engineer officers renewing their certificates after 1 January 2012 do not have to take any further
action, even if they are currently working with or intend to work with HV systems. However, they will have
the following limitation placed on their certificate of competency: From 1 January 2017 this certificate is not
valid for service on ships fitted with high voltage (over 1000V) systems.
A similar limitation will apply to new certificates issued in the future, if the applicant’s training has not
included HV systems.
Certificate holders may ask for this limitation to be removed when they have provided documentary
evidence of having completed MNZ-approved HV training.
• basic training (personal survival techniques, and fire prevention and fire fighting)
• proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
Seafarers renewing their STCW certificate after 1 January 2017 must submit documentary evidence of
having completed MNZ-approved updating or refresher training where required. (This requirement does not
apply to seafarers applying for a STCW certificate renewal before 1 January 2017.)
• personal safety and responsibility and elementary first aid components of basic training
Although not an STCW requirement, we encourage you to maintain the currency of any first aid or medical
aid/care certificate in accordance with the requirements of the issuing organisation.
Further information about the refresher training requirements can be found in the ancillary guidelines on
MNZ’s website:
Fight and Use self-contained breathing Use various types of portable fire
extinguish fires apparatus extinguishers
Effect a rescue in a smoke-filled Extinguish smaller fires, such as
space, using an approved smoke- electrical, oil or propane fires
generating device aboard, while
Extinguish extensive fires with water,
wearing a breathing apparatus
using jet and spray nozzles
Extinguish fires with foam, powder or
any other suitable chemical agent
Enter and pass through, with lifeline
but without breathing apparatus, a
compartment into which high-
expansion foam has been injected
Fight fire in smoke-filled enclosed
spaces wearing self-contained
breathing apparatus
Extinguish fire with water fog or any
other suitable fire-fighting agent in an
accommodation room or simulated
engine-room fire and heavy smoke
Extinguish oil fire with fog applicator
and spray nozzles, dry chemical
powder or foam applicators
Table 3: Renewal requirements for proficiency in small craft other than fast
rescue boats
Take charge of a Interpret from the markings on survival Right an inverted life raft while wearing
survival craft or craft the number of persons they are a lifejacket
rescue boat during intended to carry
and after launch
Give correct commands for launching
and boarding survival craft, clearing
the ship, and handling and
disembarking persons from survival
Prepare and safely launch survival craft
and clear the ship’s side quickly
Safely recover survival craft and rescue
Use portable radio equipment for
survival craft
Take charge of a Control safe launching and recovery of Right a capsized fast rescue boat
fast rescue boat a fast rescue boat
Recover a casualty from the water and
during and after
Handle a fast rescue boat in prevailing transfer to a rescue helicopter or to a
weather and sea conditions ship or place of safety
Use communications and signaling
equipment between the fast rescue
boat and a helicopter and a ship
Carry out search patterns, taking
account of environmental factors
Control fire-fighting Fire-fighting procedures at sea and in Use of water for fire extinguishing, the
operations aboard port, with particular emphasis on effect on ship stability, precautions and
ships organisation, tactics and command corrective procedures
Communication and coordination Fire fighting involving dangerous goods
during fire-fighting operations
Ventilation control, including smoke
Control of fuel and electrical systems
Fire-fighting process hazards (dry
distillation, chemical reactions, boiler
Fire precautions and hazards
associated with the storage and
handling of materials
Management and control of injured
Procedures for coordination with
shore-based fire fighters
Refer to 5. Forms for all of the forms that you will need to complete your application.
Be medically fit A certificate of medical fitness for seafarers that is valid at the time we renew
your certificate or endorsement.
• You may use an existing medical certificate if it will be valid (usually less
than two years old) when your certificate or endorsement is renewed.
Have good eyesight Eye test results showing you have met the required standards for visual acuity
(including a letter eyesight test). Your letter eyesight test results, assessed as
part of the seafarer’s certificate of medical fitness, must still be valid at the time
we renew your certificate or endorsement.
If there is any doubt about you passing the eyesight test, your medical
practitioner will refer you to a registered optometrist.
For more information about the medical and eyesight requirements for your certificate or
endorsement, refer to the guidelines on MNZ’s website:
Certificates or endorsements renewed more than six months before their expiry date will be
renewed for five years from the date of renewal.
If your certificate or endorsement has expired, you may be required to provide additional
evidence of competence. This may involve refresher training, practical assessments and
Apply when you have completed all of the renewal requirements for your certificate or
endorsement. Once we have received all of the information we need from you, it may take us
up to 20 working days to process your application, so send it in as soon as possible.
Make sure you include all of the documents we have asked for. Refer to 3.4 Checklist to make sure you
have everything you need for your renewal application. .
If your application is incomplete, it will not be processed and we will return your application and
other documents to you.
• supporting documents for the Fit and proper person form – these need to be sighted and signed
copies of the ID documents specified on the form
We do not need to see any of the documents you have already sent to us for other applications – just
make a note about these documents in your application. However, if any of these documents have expired
or will expire before we issue your certificate, we need to see a copy of the new or renewed document.
3.2 Fees
There is a fee for your application. Refer to the Maritime NZ website for information about fees.
You will be invoiced once we have formally received your application. A reference number and instructions
explaining how to pay will be sent with the invoice.
Refer to the MNZ website for more information about how to pay your fees:
As well as the application fee, you will have other fees and expenses to pay. For example, you may need to
pay for your eyesight tests, medical examination and any refresher training courses.
2. Use a courier to send us your completed application forms and supporting documents.
We will send you an invoice with your reference number and information on how to pay the
application fee once we begin the assessment. Please note we cannot release your
certificate unless payment has been received.
6 Issue certificate
We will send you:
• your certificate, if your application has been successful, or
• a letter or email explaining why your application was unsuccessful.
3.4 Checklist
Use this checklist to make sure that you have everything you need for your application.
Check that your documents are complete and have been signed, dated and sighted as required.
We need to see all of the documents listed below to confirm that you have met each requirement. The only
exceptions to this are documents that you have already sent to us for other applications (just note this in
your application). However, if a document has expired or will expire before we renew your certificate or
endorsement, we need to see a copy of that new or renewed document.
About you
Fit and proper person form - including sighted and signed copies of the ID documents specified
on the form
Send your application to us by courier or email (for an emailed application, you will need to send
your certificate or endorsement by courier)
Send your application for renewal to us well before your certificate or endorsement is due to
Alternatively, you can scan and email your application and supporting documents. (Refer to
the application form for information about how to send your documents electronically. You
will need to separately courier the original of your certificate or endorsement to us.)
If you can’t find the information you need, send us an email:
Tell us what you need help with and remember to include your contact details (email address and phone
We need your completed application before we can assess whether you meet the requirements to renew
your certificate or endorsement.
You must complete these forms correctly for your application to be valid. Carefully read any notes
before you start.