Tutorial Review: Continuous Ow Reactors: A Perspective
Tutorial Review: Continuous Ow Reactors: A Perspective
Tutorial Review: Continuous Ow Reactors: A Perspective
DOI: 10.1039/c1gc16022b
With aspects of continuous processing featuring heavily in efforts towards increasing the ‘green’
prospects of pharmaceutical and fine chemical manufacturing, this article focuses on the
developments made into the application of continuous flow reactors for sustainable chemical
research and production.
as being ‘dirty’; however, in the past two decades significant can be intensified by reducing the volume of solvent employed
amounts of research have been conducted into the development whilst maintaining control of reaction temperature.7 With this
of ‘green’ techniques for chemical synthesis, with the goal being in mind, this article focuses on identifying which of the twelve
to reduce the waste generated by the chemical industry.1 principles of green chemistry, as outlined by Anastas et al.,8 have
In 2007, the Green Chemistry Institute (GCI), part of the the potential to benefit from flow reactor technology (*discussed
American Chemical Society (ACS), set up a roundtable in con- herein);
junction with a series of global pharmaceutical companies. The 1. Prevention: It is better to prevent waste than to treat or
roundtable listed several key areas where research was required clean up after creation.*
to facilitate the development of sustainable manufacturing, the 2. Atom economy: Synthetic methods should be designed
details of which can be found in a recent publication by Jiménez- to maximise the incorporation of all materials into the final
González et al.2 The importance of continuous processing was product.*
acknowledged, with the panel ranking continuous processing as 3. Less hazardous chemical syntheses: Synthetic methods
the primary key area for research activities. should be designed to use and generate substances that possess
With the pharmaceutical industry in particular still domi- little or no toxicity to humans and the environment.
nated by flexible batch processes and segmented unit opera- 4. Designing safer chemicals: Chemical products should be
tions, there is a lot to be learnt from the petrochemical and designed to effect their desired function while minimizing their
food industries where continuous processing features widely toxicity.
as a means of keeping productivity high and costs low. With 5. Safer solvents and auxiliaries: The use of auxiliary sub-
these factors in mind, there has been renewed interest in the stances should be avoided and where necessary be innocuous.*
development of sustainable processes, with many of the ‘big 6. Design for energy efficiency: Energy requirements of chem-
pharma’ looking towards new techniques for both research and ical processes should be recognised for their environmental and
production.3,4 For this to be a success however, techniques are economic impacts and should be minimised.*
required that compliment the way that early stage researchers 7. Use of renewable feedstocks: A raw material or feedstock
and process chemists work, therefore advantages associated with should be renewable whenever technically and economically
its use must span both disciplines; continuous flow technology practical.*
has the potential to do this. 8. Reduce derivatives: Unnecessary derivatisation should be
Unlike batch reactor technology, which has changed little over avoided because such steps can generate waste.*
the past Century, continuous flow reactors form part of a rapidly 9. Catalysis: Catalytic processes (as selective as possible) are
growing research area which has the opportunity to change the superior to stoichiometric reagents.*
way synthetic chemistry is performed both at a research and 10. Design for degradation: Chemical products should be
industrial level.5 Compared to stirred tank reactors, flow reac- designed so that at the end of their function they break down
into innocuous products that do not persist in the environment.
11. Real-time analysis for pollution prevention: In-process
Chemtrix BV, Burgemeester Lemmensstraat 358, 6163JT, Geleen, The monitoring and control to minimise the formation of hazardous
Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +44 (0)1482 466459 substances.*
The Department of Chemistry, The University of Hull, Cottingham
Road, Hull, HU6 7RX. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +44 (0) 1482
12. Inherently safer chemistry for accident prevention: Sub-
465471 stances used in a chemical process should be chosen to minimise
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the potential for chemical accidents, such as releases, explosions, In the second example, Löwe and co-workers12 performed the
and fires.* addition of secondary amines to a,b-unsaturated compounds
whereby reaction times of 17 to 25 h were typically required
Principle 1. Prevention of waste in order to maintain thermal control over the batch process.
Utilising a micro mixer with dimensions of 40 mm (wide) ¥
Historically, the focus of reaction development has been on
200 mm (deep) and a tube reactor, the authors were able to access
increasing the production yield of high value target compounds.
reaction times in the range of 0.8 to 5.0 ms, without the need for
More recently, due to changes in legislation and rising material
additional cooling; owing to the high heat transfer capacity of
costs, objectives have changed to also consider the green profile
the microstructured device (4000 W (m2 K)-1 ).
of a reaction/process.9 This can be seen in Principle 1 which
A niche product area that has the potential to benefit
focuses on the development of synthetic methods that prevent
from solvent-free continuous processing is that of ionic liquid
waste generation; rather than treating or cleaning-up the waste
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with the number of reactions performed dependant on reaction To address this, Kappe and co-workers18 evaluated the use of a
time and available material. In flow, ten’s to hundred’s of high temperature and pressure tubular reactor to enable access
reactions can be performed using these quantities of materials, to Claisen re-arrangement products without the need for long
leading to reduced reagent consumption and waste production. reaction times.
In addition, the ability to rapidly change reaction conditions Examining the synthesis of 2-allylphenol 5 from allyl phenyl
enables reactions to be probed in a more detailed way, increasing ether 6 (Scheme 3), the authors employed toluene as the reaction
user understanding ahead of scaling reactions to prepare and solvent and examined the effect of reactor temperature and
isolate target compounds. This approach was demonstrated in a pressure on the reaction. Focussing on the use of a stainless
recent publication by van Hest, Rutjes and co-workers15 whereby steel reactor (volume = 4 ml), the authors identified that a
the Moffatt-Swern oxidation was evaluated using an automated reactor temperature of 240 ◦ C and system pressure of 100 bar
reaction platform. afforded the target phenol 5 in 95% yield, with a reaction time
Published on 10 November 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1GC16022B
Using a borosilicate glass micro reactor (Channel dimen- of 4 min. Using inductive heating, Kirschning et al.19 have also
sions = 120 mm (wide) ¥ 55 mm (deep) ¥ 0.26 or 13.20 cm (long); demonstrated the Claisen re-arrangement where increases in
Volume = 0.14 or 7.02 ml) the authors were able to conduct a product yield (~23%) were obtained when utilising a flow reactor.
detailed optimisation study which enabled a 32 s mixing time and
a reaction temperature of 70 ◦ C to be identified as being the best
conditions for obtaining the target compound whilst minimising
competing side reactions. By employing a flow reactor, many
more reaction conditions could be evaluated than would be prac-
Scheme 3 Illustration of a Claisen re-arrangement reaction performed
tical in batch whilst having the added advantage that minimal
under high temperature and pressure flow conditions.
reagent volumes are consumed and higher reactor temperatures
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containing eight parallel channels (~200 mm i.d.), Hallmark batch reactions, the authors comment that flow reactors provide
and co-workers23 reported the reaction of isoprene 9 with a significantly safer method for the large scale synthesis of
maleic anhydride 10 to afford 3a,5,7a-trimethyl-3a,4,7,7a- tetrazoles as the liquid filled reactor has no headspace. In one
tetrahydroisobenzofuran-1,3-dione 11 (Scheme 5). Immersing example, 18.9 g of a tetrazole (89% yield) was synthesised in
the reactor in an oil bath, the reaction was investigated at a 1 h continuous experiment. The authors have subsequently
60 ◦ C, whereby the authors obtained isolated yields of 85 utilised a flow reactor to investigate the decomposition of
to 98% depending on the residence time employed (28 to 5-benzhydryl-1H-tetrazole to diphenylmethane, employing a
113 min). Under optimal reaction conditions, the authors were reaction temperature of 220 ◦ C and a residence time of 10 min.26
able to produce the pharmaceutically relevant core-motif at a Jensen and Zaborenko27 concurrently reported the use of a
throughput of 1.05 kg day-1 . silicon micro mixer (volume = 4.1 ml) for the two-step synthesis
of the highly energetic sodium nitrotetrazole, gaining access to
the material at an impressive throughput of 4.4 g h-1 .
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example exploiting this phenomenon was a biphasic Wittig frequencies of 4.3 ¥ 106 h-1 for the coupling of iodobenzene
reaction reported by Krajnc and Šinkovec.37 Using a simple and phenylacetylene performed in the environmentally benign
FEP tube reactor (0.25 mm i.d. ¥ 90 cm or 17 m), the authors solvent-water. Product isolation was also easy, with the precip-
investigated the reaction of benzyltriphenyl-phosphonium salt itated Pd0 filtered under vacuum and the product isolated via
and methoxybenzaldehyde in DCM, with an aqueous solution phase separation from the aqueous reaction solvent.
of sodium hydroxide as the base. In this case, the advantages An interesting area that has received attention from re-
of a biphasic system were two-fold, firstly the slug flow regime searchers is the development of continuous methodology for the
obtained in a tube reactor afforded a reproducible method for preparation of well defined semiconductor materials. Applying
increasing the interfacial area between the two phases, resulting continuous flow processing to the synthesis of quantum dots,
in an increase in reaction rate and secondly, the presence of H2 O Jensen et al.45 reported the development and use of a high
prevented the precipitation of Ph3 PO within the small reaction temperature and high pressure micro reactor suitable for the
Published on 10 November 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1GC16022B
channels. For additional examples of precipitate manipulation synthesis of nanocrystalline quantum dots. In addition to
under flow conditions, please see McQuade et al.,38 Dolman demonstrating an increase in the optical characteristics of the
et al.39 and Jensen et al.40,41 CdSe quantum dots, the authors were also able to replace
Whilst authors have demonstrated rate acceleration as a conventional solvents such as squalane and octadecane with
result of utilising segmented flow,42 Buchwald and Nager43 reduced toxicity solvents such as hexane, toluene and octane.
recently reported the need for additional mixing of the im-
miscible toluene : water phases when performing a C–N cross Principle 3: Less hazardous chemical syntheses
coupling reaction (Scheme 13). Packing an FEP tube reactor
with stainless steel spheres (60–125 mm), the authors ob- Whilst the toxicity and hazards associated with a specific final
served 60% conversion of 2-chloroanisole 31 to ethyl 2-((2- product do not alter with the production method employed,
the fact that flow reactor technology has routinely been shown
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Scheme 22 Illustration of the protecting group free synthesis of Biocatalysis. Whilst biocatalysts are extremely efficient, par-
derivative 44, a key component in the synthesis of Pauciflorol F 45. ticularly with regards to stereoselective reactions, the costs as-
sociated with their use have somewhat limited industrial uptake.
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development of chiral organocatalysts, biocatalysts afford the early example of online FTIR by mounting a micro reactor into
ultimate atom efficient route enantiomerically pure products. the sample holder of a standard bench-top instrument. More
Using crude enzyme lysates, containing hydroxynitrile lysate, recently online flow cells have been reported, with researchers
Rutjes et al.77 evaluated the synthesis of a series of (S)- coupling them to the outlet of continuous flow reactors to
cyanohydrins in a glass microstructured reactor. Employing an perform real-time analysis of process streams. The ReactIRTM
organic phase containing the aldehyde (plus internal standard) (Mettler Toledo) system has been widely employed in the
and an aqueous solution containing potassium cyanide and labs of Baxendale for the monitoring of short-lived reactive
the enzyme lysate, the effect of a fixed reaction time (12.5 intermediates; illustrating in one example the instruments use
min) on substrate reactivity was investigated under biphasic in the synthesis of butane-2,3-tartrates.80
laminar flow. Using this approach, the authors obtained the
target (S)-cyanohydrins in moderate to high yields, as illustrated Mass spectrometry. Coupling a micro reactor directly to
in Scheme 25, with > 95% ee for aromatic substrates and the spray capillary of a mass spectrometer, Santos and co-
~85% for aliphatic aldehydes. Employing (R)-P. amygdalus, workers81 were able to identify and characterise intermediates
the authors also investigated the synthesis of (R)-cyanohydrins of the Sandmeyer reaction; confirming the mechanism of this
using an automated screening platform to reduce biocatalyst controversial reaction (Scheme 26). Reacting isonitroacetanilide
consumption, an important consideration when selecting an 52 with sulfuric acid 53 in a T-mixer, connected directly with the
appropriate biocatalyst for a specific transformation. ESI-MS instruments source, the authors were able to sample
the reactor effluent allowing samples to be analysed < 2.0 s.
Under these conditions, the authors confirmed that the reaction
proceeded through a previously unidentified cationic species.
In addition to analytical instrumentation, examples of spe-
cialised sensors have been reported within flow reactors as a
means of monitoring changing in conduction which can be
related to chemical conversion.82 Due to the specific nature
of these sensors, they are relatively inexpensive and therefore
demonstrate great potential for the monitoring of continuous
Scheme 25 Biocatalytic synthesis of cyanohydrins, developed under
flow processes.
biphasic flow conditions.
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Hydrogenation. Whilst hydrogenations represent one of the a discussion of recent advances in this area of flow chemistry,
most synthetically useful transformations, the hazards asso- please refer to the review article of Kappe and co-workers.91
ciated with the manipulation of H2 gas, and the need to
employ pressure in order to drive reactions, means that stringent
safety precautions are required. To address this, researchers
at the University of Cambridge85 developed a prototype ‘tube
in tube’ reactor which employs a gas-permeable Teflon AF-
2400 tube housed within a PTFE tube. Using this approach,
the authors are able to deliver H2 through the outer tube,
making efficient contact with the fluid flowing through the
inner tube. Using Crabtree’s catalyst or Pd–C, the authors were
able to demonstrate the technique for both homogeneous and
heterogeneous hydrogenations, with the former taking typically
160 s cf . 110–250 min for the latter.
Again employing a capillary based system, this time derived
from a GC column, Kreutzer and co-workers86 demonstrated
the ability to eliminate axial dispersion, utilising gas-liquid
segmented flow to gain access to product selectivities cur- Scheme 28 Illustration of the key hydrogenation steps employed under
rently unobtainable using conventional techniques. Investigating flow conditions for the preparation of synthetically interesting pyrroles.
the hydrogenation of 3-methyl-1-penten-3-ol 54, the authors
employed a Pd impregnated g-Al2 O3 55 wall-coating as the Oxidations. Due to safety concerns associated with the use
catalyst (tunable Pd contents of 0.02–5.7 wt% Pd) and evaluated of gases such as oxygen on a production scale, the chemical
the effect of reaction time on the product distribution. Over industry have in the past missed the opportunity to implement
the course of 1 day, the authors were able to optimise their direct oxidation routes for the preparation of pharmaceutically
system to attain a maximum yield of 78 ± 2% 56, which is interesting materials. By applying the use of flow reactor tech-
in line with previous kinetic modelling studies (Scheme 27).87 nology, researchers are beginning to demonstrate the industrial
In a subsequent experiment, the technique was applied to the advantages associated with this new way of thinking.
hydrogenation of aliphatic azides, due to the pharmaceutical Using a commercially available tube reactor, Hii et al.92
relevance of the resulting amines. evaluated the Ru-catalysed oxidation of benzylic and allylic
When commercially available flow chemistry equipment is alcohols to aldehydes (and ketones) with >99% selectivity. Using
discussed, more often than not the piece of equipment that air (15 bar) as the oxidant in place of O2 57, the authors
comes to mind is the H-cubeTM (Thalesnano, Hungary), the demonstrated no change in reaction selectivity; illustrating a
primary reason for this being that it is an engineered solution tolerance to halides and heteroatoms (S and N). In an extended
to a long-standing laboratory problem. With laboratory safety application, the authors developed a tandem oxidation (90 ◦ C,
being at the forefront of the modern researchers mind, the 1 h) and olefination (3 h) which could be performed without a
development of a dedicated piece of equipment capable of solvent switch (Scheme 29).
performing hydrogenations via the in situ generation of hydrogen Concurrently, Johnson, Yates and Stahl93 reported the devel-
from water was inspired, removing the need for H2 cylinders opment of a continuous flow process for the aerobic oxidation
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performed in toluene. piece where a solution of hydrazine derivative (1.5 eq.) in MeCN,
EtOH or H2 O was mixed and the cyclisation reaction performed
of alcohols using a dilute oxygen source (8% O2 57 in N2 ), in a PTFE tube reactor. Using this approach, the authors were
taking inspiration from the commodity chemicals industry able to obtain the 4-fluoropyrazole derivatives in moderate to
where selective oxidations are performed on large scales. A high yields (66–83%), with product purities determined using
further advantage of the technique developed was that the offline 19 F NMR spectroscopic analysis.
authors operated outside the explosive regime which meant that
decomposition of the Pd catalyst, to Pd metal, was avoided
giving rise to potential recycle of the catalyst.
Ozonolysis. Another underutilised synthetic transformation
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Published on 10 November 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1GC16022B
Scheme 32 Fluorination of alcohols using DAST 62 under flow Looking towards the production of highly energetic materials,
Loebbecke et al.105 described the construction of a micro reaction
previously forbidden transformations using either homemade or plant for the synthesis and downstream processing of nitrate
commercially available platforms. When it comes to production, esters. Owing to the thermallability of the materials, a remote
reactor safety is key and with the foundations of the technology controlled reactor was constructed and the optimisation of
being the facile up-scaling of bench process to production, an undisclosed material performed; enabling the evaluation
it comes as no surprise that a series of large-scale examples of process parameters that would have previously remained
have been reported by the fine chemical and pharmaceutical uninvestigated. Once identified, the optimal processing condi-
industries, with system engineers reporting the fabrication of tions were transferred an automated multi-purpose plant where
both dedicated and flexible installations.99 continuous synthesis of the explosive materials was performed;
incorporating downstream processes such as washing and ex-
Liquid–liquid phase traction. Using this approach the authors were able to synthesise
materials such as trinitroglycerin at a pharmaceutical grade with
In an early example of micro reaction engineering, Kirschneck throughputs of 9 kg h-1 .
and Tekautz,100 reported the installation of a StarLam 3000 Experiencing significant temperature rises (180 to 445 ◦ C)
static micro mixer and tube reactor for the performance of during a key synthetic step in the preparation of a drug candidate
a two-stage industrial reaction. Conventionally performed in 66, researchers at Bristol Myers Squibb proposed a safe process
a 10 m3 batch reactor at a throughput of 1800 kg h-1 , with could be developed through the application of continuous flow.
a reaction time of 4 h, the authors were able to double the Employing a stainless steel tube reactor, heated to 220 ◦ C,
system productivity to 3600 kg h-1 employing a reaction time the authors investigated the effect of reaction time (3.5–17.7
of 60 s and demonstrating significant energy savings. At the min) Claisen re-arrangement of propargyl ether 67 to 6-cyano-
point of reporting, the system had been installed for 18 months 2,2-dimethylchromene 68; observing >96% conversion under all
and had been operated with no operational problems reported. conditions explored (Scheme 33).106
After ten months in use, the mixer was dismantled from the
system and inspection revealed no corrosion; demonstrating
the applicability of micro-structured reactors to fine chemical
de Mello and co-workers101 illustrated at the bench-scale, the
potential of micro reactors for the continuous flow synthesis
of azo-dyes, highlighting that operator safety was increased as
a result of performing the diazotisation in situ. The technique
was subsequently exploited for the transformation of anilines
to aryl chlorides under continuous flow conditions using the
Sandmeyer reaction.102 Building on this initial work, Wille
et al.103 employed a three-stage pilot plant for the synthesis of
an undisclosed azo-dye capable of operating at a throughput of Scheme 33 Illustration of the Claisen re-arrangement which forms a
30 L h-1 . Pennemann and co-workers104 subsequently described key step in the synthesis of the benzopyran-based potassium channel
improvements in pigment quality as a result of employing flow activator 66 of BMS.
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Gas-liquid phase
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54 | Green Chem., 2012, 14, 38–54 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012