P02-F01-03 HACCP Plan - Fried Ice Cream
P02-F01-03 HACCP Plan - Fried Ice Cream
P02-F01-03 HACCP Plan - Fried Ice Cream
Ref No: 1
Ref Date: 01/06/2019
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Ref No: 1
Ref Date: 01/06/2019
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Raw/ Potential Hazard Rationale for inclusion or Preventive Measure or Controls Is this a Sensitive Raw/ Packaging
Significance of Hazard
Packaging (B: Biological, C: exclusion as a Hazard applied to prevent this significant Material?
Material Chemical, P: Physical) (In: Inclusion, Ex: Exclusion) Sev Like Y/N hazard Q1 Q2 Q3 Y/N
Gardenia B: Presence of Ex :Proper temperature control 2 D 12 Purchase from reputable N - - N
Bread microbial supplier
C : Nil n/a - - - - N - - N
P : Foreign materials n/a - - - - N - - N
e.g. rope or thread
Ice Cream B: Presence of Ex :Proper temperature control 2 D 12 Microbe test on yearly basis N - - N
(Finished microbial No
Product) by contamination
Flavours C: Allergen In :Dairy can cause allergenic 2 D 12 Labelling of products N - - N
reaction to sensitive individual No Allergen declaration
Potential Hazard Rationale for inclusion or Preventive Measure or Controls Is this a Critical Control Point
Process Significance of Hazard
(B: Biological, C: exclusion as a Hazard applied to prevent this significant (CCP)?
Chemical, P: Physical) (In: Inclusion, Ex: Exclusion) Sev Like Y/N hazard Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Y/N
Receiving & B: Microbial Ex: Proper building setting, 2 C 8 Incoming/ outgoing records Y Y - - Y
Storage contamination e.g. proper storage condition settings Temperature monitoring 3 CCP
E.coli, Coliform, times a day 1
S.aureus Worker practices good hygiene
and GMP program in place to
prevent contamination
C : Nil n/a - - - - N - - - N
P : Foreign materials In: Improper handling or 4 C 18 Maintain clean environment N - - - N
e.g. rope or thread contaminated environment/ No Train workers on proper food
equipment handling practices
C : Nil n/a - - - - N - - - N
P : Foreign materials In :Improper processing control - - - - N - - - N
e.g. rope or thread by supplier
Ref No: 1
Ref Date: 01/06/2019
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A B C D E Severity (Consequence) Likelihood (Frequency)
1 1 2 4 7 11 1. Can be fatal A. Common occurrence
2 3 5 8 12 16 2. Can cause serious illness B. Known to occur or “it has happened at our premise”
3 6 9 13 17 20 3. Can result in a product recall C. Could occur or “I’ve heard of it happening” (published information)
4 10 14 18 21 23 4. Can generate customer complaint D. Not expected to occur
5 15 19 22 24 25 5. Insignificant E. Practically impossible
1 to 10: Essential to have control measures in place to reduce food safety hazards.
11 to 25: Up to the Food Safety Team to decide whether it makes good business sense to have control measures in place to reduce the food safety hazards.
Q2: Are you or the consumer going to process this hazard out of the product?
Source: MS1480:2007 Food Safety According to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System
Doc No: UZ-P02-F01
Ref No: 1
Ref Date: 01/06/2019
Page: 4 of 5
Q2: Is the process step specifically designed to eliminate or reduce the Yes
likely occurrence of a hazard to an acceptable level?
Q4: Will a subsequent process step eliminate or reduce the significant CRITICAL
hazard to an acceptable level? CONTROL POINT
Stop. Proceed to
Not a CCP
next Process step
Source: MS1480:2007 Food Safety According to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System
Doc No: UZ-P02-F01
Ref No: 1
Ref Date: 01/06/2019
Page: 5 of 5
CCP No. Significant Critical Limits Monitoring Correction & Verification Records
Hazard(s) What How When Who Corrective Action (What, How, When,
CCP 1 Microbial Receive raw Raw materials Check and Upon Storeke Reject any raw Daily monitoring Receiving Record
Receiving survival materials from record the receipt eper materials that by Storekeeper
e.g. mold, the Approved receiving of each are not from the on Receiving
Salmonella Supplier List date shipme Approved Records
, Bacillus nt Supplier List
cereus or
of foreign
e.g. Follow receiving Raw materials Check and Upon Storeke Reject any raw Daily monitoring Receiving Record
rope or criteria record the receipt eper materials that by Storekeeper
thread receiving of each does not follow on Receiving
date shipme the receiving Records
nt criteria
Temperature Temperature Check and Each QC QC shall monitor Daily monitoring Receiving Record
(≤-18oC) record the batch the temperature by QA/QC on
temperatu the received Receiving
re of goods Records
Reject raw Calibration on External
materials which thermometer Calibration Record
are below the UZ-P5-F02
temperature limit
(≤-15 o C)
CCP 2 Microbial Freezer Temperature Check and 3 times Kitchen Kitchen Leader Daily monitoring Freezer
Freezing survival Temperature record on a day Leader to monitor the by Kitchen Leader Temperature
(Storage) e.g. mold, (≤-18oC) temperatu temperature on Temperature Record
Salmonella re display control, inform Records UZ-P2-F01a
, Bacillus maintenance if
cereus any breakdown Calibration on External Calibration
temperature Record
sensor UZ-P5-F02
QA to send External
finished products microbiological
for external lab results
test on a yearly