pr10 D Flip-Flop

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2CE302: Digital Electronics

Practical 10
AIM: To study D Flip-Flop circuit.


The D flip-flop shown in below figure is a modification of the clocked RS flip-flop. NAND
gates 1 and 2 from a basic flip-flop and gates 3 and 4 modify it into a clocked RS flip-flop.
The D input goes directly to the S input, and its complement, through gate 5 is applied to the
R input.
3 Q
C lo c k
Q '
S 4

Generation of two signals in RS flip-flop to drive it is a disadvantage in many applications.

Furthermore the forbidden condition of both R=S=1 may occur inadvertently. This has led to
change R-S Flip-Flop i.e. a Flip-Flop that needs only a single data input. This Flip-Flop is
shown in figure. The truth-table of D Flip-Flop is as under:

CLK D Qn+1
0 X Qn (Last state)
1 0 0(Reset)
1 1 1(Set)

This kind of Flip-Flop prevents the value of D from reaching the Q output until a clock

In general D Flip-Flop is a bi-stable circuit whose D input is transferred to the output only
after clock pulse is received.

1. Connect circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Switch ON the power supplies for any condition of D and analyze the condition of
output Q as per truth-table.
3. Set D=0 and apply clock pulse. Analyze the condition of output Q and verify with
4. Set D=1 and apply clock pulse. Analyze the condition of output Q and verify with


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