Planificare Unitati - de - Invatare Clasa 4

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Module 1.

Unit 1
Lesson Competence Contents Class Week Learning activities Resources Class Assessment

Revision 1.2 Greetings 4 1-2 Listening to a text textbook T-Ss Test

1.3 Numbers Matching exercise; notebook SS-T;
3.1 Colours Answering questions blackboard Ss-Ss;
4.1 Family CD individual
worksheets work; group
1. Hello 1.2. Recognise the basic Topic - Countries 2 3 Listening to a text textbook T-Ss Oral
(pp.8-9) location (left, right, here, there) Function - Greetings Matching exercise; notebook SS-T; assessment
of objects in the surrounding and introductions Drilling country names blackboard Ss-Ss;
Structures – the verb
environment. Answering questions CD individual
to be,” have got”,
1.3. Develop interest in and modal verb” I can” work; group
general comprehension of Vocabulary – work;
English films and songs. physical features pairwork
2.2. Present a familiar
person/character giving
personal details (name, gender,
age, hobbies).
3.1. Understand short simple
written texts used in everyday
4.1. Participate in group/class
projects and create and write
short texts.

2. The 1.2. Recognise the basic Topic – Appearance 1 4 Listening to a story and textbook T-Ss Oral
Mirror location (left, right, here, there) Function – pointing to the pictures; notebook SS-T; assessment
(pp.10-11) of objects in the surrounding describing people Correcting mistaken blackboard Ss-Ss;
Structures – ”have
environment. sentences according to CD individual
1.3. Develop interest in and images; game work;
general comprehension of Vocabulary – Drilling new vocabulary pairwork
English films and songs. physical features items;
2.2. Present a familiar family members Making notes;
person/character giving Gap fill exercise;
personal details (name, gender, Making dialogue;
age, hobbies). Listening and matching
3.1. Understand short simple exercise
written texts used in everyday “Guess who” game
4.1. Participate in group/class
projects and create and write
short texts.

3. Super .2. Recognise the basic location Topic - Super 1 4 Drilling new vocabulary textbook T-Ss Oral
Gran (left, right, here, there) of Powers items; notebook SS-T; assessment
(pp.12-13) objects in the surrounding Function – Listening to a poem and blackboard Ss-Ss;
introducing people
environment. filling in with CD individual
Structures – the verb
1.3. Develop interest in and to be; the Genitive: information; coloured pencils work;
general comprehension of Vocabulary – super Singing a song; pairwork
English films and songs. powers. Completing a text about a
2.2. Present a familiar family;
person/character giving
personal details (name, gender,
age, hobbies).
3.1. Understand short simple
written texts used in everyday
4.1. Participate in group/class
projects and create and write
short texts.
Module 1. Unit 2
Lesson Competence Contents Class Week Learning activities Resources Class Assessment

1. Chores 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic - household 2 5 Listening to and reading a textbook T-Ss Oral
(pp.14-15) basic communication situations)activities text; notebook SS-T; assessment
to short, simple questions in aFunction – talking Exploring images; blackboard Ss-Ss;
clear and concise way. about household Matching images; coloured pencils individual
2.1. Reproduce short simple duties Role play CD work;
songs/poems. Structures – the Drilling new vocabulary pairwork
present items;
3.1. Understand short simple
written texts used in everyday
Vocabulary – daily
2.3. Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create
rhymes/short messages.

2. 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic - Sports 1 6 Listening to a story; textbook T-Ss Oral
Waterland basic communication situations) Function – talking T/F sentences; notebook SS-T; assessment
to short, simple questions in a about sport Drilling prepositions of blackboard Ss-Ss;
(pp.16-17) activities;
clear and concise way. movement; CD individual
2.1. Reproduce short simple Structures – The Exploring images; game work;
songs/poems. present continuous Choosing the right pairwork
3.1. Understand short simple
Vocabulary – answer;
sports, prepositions Drilling new vocabulary
written texts used in everyday
of movement items;
2.3. Participate in “You’ve got three
communication games and minutes” game
reproduce or create
rhymes/short messages.
3. A 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic Sports 1 6 Listening to a poem; textbook T-Ss Oral
Wonderful basic communication situations)Function – offering Poiting out animals; notebook SS-T; assessment
Time! (pp. to short, simple questions in apersonal Exploring images; blackboard Ss-Ss;
18-19) information
clear and concise way. Matching images with coloured pencils individual
2.1. Reproduce short simple Structures – the sentences; CD work; group
songs/poems. verb be: this is me work
3.1. Understand short simple
in Germany
Vocabulary –
written texts used in everyday
Countries and
2.3. Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create
rhymes/short messages.

Module 2. Unit 3
Lesson Competence Contents Class Week Learning activities Resources Class Assessment

1. In 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic - the clothes 2 7 Role-play reading a text; textbook T-Ss Oral
Town! basic communication situations) shop Reading a map for notebook SS-T; assessment
(pp.24-25) to short, simple questions in a Function – asking for directions; blackboard Ss-Ss;
clear and concise way. Q and A; CD individual
Structures –
2.2. Present a familiar prepositions of place. “Guess where?” game game work;
person/character giving Vocabulary – pairwork
personal details (name, gender, buildings
age, hobbies).
3.1. Understand short simple
written texts used in everyday

2. A New 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic – Shopping 1 8 Listening to and reading a textbook frontal work: Oral
Scarf basic communication situations) Function – asking text; notebook T-Ss assessment
(pp.26-27) to short, simple questions in a prices Read and match in blackboard SS-T;
Structures – the
clear and concise way. notebooks; CD Ss-Ss;
Imperative: Look at
2.2. Present a familiar my new scarf!; Repeating new game individual
person/character giving plurals: jumper - vocabulary items; work;
personal details (name, gender, jumpers Completing a dialogue in pairwork
age, hobbies). Vocabulary – clothes the notebook: “How much
3.1. Understand short simple is…?”
written texts used in everyday

3. The 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic – Crossing the 1 8 Listening and reading textbook T-Ss Test
green basic communication situations) street traffic rules; notebook SS-T;
Cross to short, simple questions in a Function – rules Sing and do; blackboard Ss-Ss;
Code! when crossing the
clear and concise way. Make traffic rules; coloured pencils individual
(pp.28-29) street Structures –
2.2. Present a familiar time adverbials: Exploring images; CD work;
person/character giving Never play in the Completing a text; pairwork
personal details (name, gender, street!
age, hobbies). Vocabulary – my
3.1. Understand short simple neighbourhood
written texts used in everyday

Module 2. Unit 4
Lesson Competence Contents Class Week Learning activities Resources Class Assessment (by
Management projects)

1. A space 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic - In space 1 9 Listening to a tape; textbook T-Ss
trip! basic communication situations) Function – T/F sentences; notebook SS-T;
(pp.30-31) to short, simple questions in a presenting a Making notes; blackboard Ss-Ss;
clear and concise way. Correcting the teacher; coloured pencils individual
Structures – the
2.2. Present a familiar present simple: ”He Making sentences about CD work;
person/character giving flies into space” future dream jobs; game pairwork
personal details (name, gender, Vocabulary – the Flashcards to elicit job flashcards
age, hobbies). outer space names;
2.4. Request and give short and Drilling new vocabulary
simple information related to items;
the location of objects within
the surrounding environment.
4.1. Participate in group/class
projects and create and write
short texts.
2. XL in 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic - Music 1 9 Listening to and reading a textbook T-Ss
concert basic communication situations) Function – text; notebook SS-T;
(pp.32-33) to short, simple questions in a identifying musical Making notes about blackboard Ss-Ss;
clear and concise way. adverbs of frequency; CD individual
Structures –
2.2. Present a familiar frequency adverbs, Writing about Emma’s game work;
person/character giving the present simple routines; pairwork
personal details (name, gender, interrogative: Does Making true sentences
age, hobbies). XL play the piano? about oneself;
2.4. Request and give short and Vocabulary : Miming game
simple information related to concerts and other
the location of objects within
the surrounding environment.
4.1. Participate in group/class
projects and create and write
short texts.
3. A 1.1. Respond appropriately in Topic - School 2 10 Listening to a song and textbook T-Ss Drawing and
happy basic communication situations) Function – talking completing the lyrics in notebook SS-T; writing about
person to short, simple questions in a about people’s the notebooks; blackboard Ss-Ss; future plans
(pp.34- 35) clear and concise way. favourite school Matching exercises; coloured pencils individual Oral
2.2. Present a familiar Scanning a text; CD work; group assessment
Structures – the
person/character giving present simple Answering questions; work
personal details (name, gender, Vocabulary –
age, hobbies). abilities, school
2.4. Request and give short and subjects, daily
simple information related to activities
the location of objects within
the surrounding environment.
4.1. Participate in group/class
projects and create and write
short texts.

Module 3. Unit 5
Lesson Competence Contents Class Week Learning activities Resources Class Assessment
1. The 1.1. Respond appropriately Topic - a healthy life 1 11 Listening to a tape; textbook T-Ss Rules
country in basic communication style Scanning the text; notebook SS-T;
code! situations) to short, simple Function – talking Using “must/mustn’t” in blackboard Ss-Ss;
(pp.40-41) about what we must
questions in a clear and new sentences; CD individual
and mustn’t do at the
concise way. country side; Exploring images; work; group
1.3 Develop interest in and Structures – the Matching activities to work
general comprehension of modal verb “must” places;
Vocabulary –
English films and songs. Talking about chores;
outdoor activities,
2.1. Reproduce short simple rules
2.3. Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create
rhymes/short messages.
3.1. Understand short simple
written texts used in everyday

2. Yes, 1.2. Respond appropriately Topic - illnesses 1 11 Listening to and reading a textbook T-Ss
doctor! in basic communication Function – offering text; notebook SS-T;
(pp.42-43) situations) to short, simple advice Skimming the text; blackboard Ss-Ss;
Structures – the
questions in a clear and Making notes; CD individual
modal verb” should”
concise way. Vocabulary – aches Offering advice using the game work; group
1.4 Develop interest in and and pains new structure; work
general comprehension of “What’s the matter” game
English films and songs.
2.1. Reproduce short simple
2.3. Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create
rhymes/short messages.
3.1. Understand short simple
written texts used in everyday

3. Stay 1.3. Respond appropriately Topic - health 2 12 Listening to a text; textbook T-Ss Draw and
healthy! in basic communication Function – Scanning the text; notebook SS-T; write a healthy
(pp.44-45) situations) to short, simple presenting a MCQ blackboard Ss-Ss; recipe
questions in a clear and Structures – modals: Repeating the new coloured pencils individual
concise way. „should”,” must” vocabulary items; CD work; group
1.5 Develop interest in and Vocabulary – healthy work
food and activities
general comprehension of
English films and songs.
2.1. Reproduce short simple
2.3. Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create
rhymes/short messages.
3.1. Understand short simple
written texts used in everyday

Module 3. Unit 6
3. On the 1.4. Respond appropriately Topic - recipes 2 13 Listening to a text; textbook T-Ss Writing a note
shelves! in basic communication Function – Exploring images; notebook SS-T; to mum
(pp.50-51) situations) to short, simple presenting food Matching items with blackboard Ss-Ss;
questions in a clear and ingredients for a numbers; coloured pencils individual
concise way. salad Writing a shopping list; CD work; group
1.6 Develop interest in and Structures – modals: work
„should”,” must”
general comprehension of
Vocabulary –
English films and songs. vegetables and
2.1. Reproduce short simple kitchen furniture
2.3. Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create
rhymes/short messages.
3.1. Understand short simple
written texts used in everyday

*Troll Integration of Skills 1 14 textbook Oral

Tales! Go notebook evaluation
Green blackboard
coloured pencils


Lesson Competence Contents Class Week Learning activities Resources Class

Happpy Topic – Customs textbook : T-Ss

Halloween! 2.1. Reproduce short simple and traditions 1 14 Listening activities notebook SS-T;
songs/poems. Function – blackboard Ss-Ss;
1 class 2.3. Participate in expressing wishes coloured pencils individual
(p. 64-65) communication games and Structures -the CD work; group
reproduce or create Simple Present: game work
People dance and
rhymes/short messages. sing.
Vocabulary –special
Happpy Topic – Customs textbook frontal work: Our World:
New Year! 2.1. Reproduce short simple and traditions 2 15 Listening to a carol notebook T-Ss A card for the
songs/poems. Function – Singing a carol blackboard SS-T; holidays
1 class 2.3. Participate in expressing wishes Craftwork – Christmas coloured pencils Ss-Ss;
(p. 64-65) communication games and Structures -the cards CD individual
reproduce or create Simple Present: game work; group
People dance and work
rhymes/short messages. sing.
Vocabulary –special
Revision Module FUN TIME
Lesson Competence Contents Class Week Learning activities Resources Class Assessment

*Our School 2.4. Request and give short and Music, ICT, 1 16 Matching shapes to textbook T-Ss Oral
simple information related to health education instruments; notebook SS-T; assessment
(pp.56-58) the location of objects within MCA blackboard Ss-Ss;
Topic - school
the surrounding environment. subjects Match words to their coloured pencils individual
2.1. Reproduce short simple Function – talking definitions; CD work; group
about school Scanning a text; game work
Structures – the Sing a song;
2.3.Participate in present simple tense”
communication games and Vocabulary – school
reproduce or create rhymes related words
/short messages.

*Our School 2.4. Request and give short and Round up 1 16 Scanning a text; textbook
simple information related to Topic - Rewind Tense transformation; notebook
(pp. 59 the location of objects within Function – offering Exploring a map to give blackboard
-61) the surrounding environment. directions, talking directions; coloured pencils
2.1. Reproduce short simple about family Q&A CD
Structures – present
songs/poems. game
2.3.Participate in Vocabulary – family,
communication games and buildings, routines
reproduce or create rhymes
/short messages.

Fun 2.4. Request and give short and Revision Unit 1 textbook T-Ss Oral
simple information related to Consolidation of 1 17 notebook SS-T; assessment
Time 1 the location of objects within skills and language blackboard Ss-Ss;
the surrounding environment. coloured pencils individual
2.1. Reproduce short simple work; group
2.3.Participate in work
communication games and
reproduce or create rhymes
/short messages.
. Fun 2.4. Request and give short and Revision Unit 2 textbook Oral
Time 2 simple information related to Consolidation of 1 17 notebook assessment
the location of objects within skills and language blackboard
(pp.70-71) the surrounding environment. coloured pencils
2.1. Reproduce short simple
2.3.Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create rhymes
/short messages.
Fun 2.4. Request and give short and Revision Unit 3 textbook T-Ss Oral
simple information related to Consolidation of 1 18 notebook SS-T; assessment
Time 3 the location of objects within skills and language blackboard Ss-Ss;
the surrounding environment. coloured pencils individual
2.1. Reproduce short simple work; group
songs/poems. work
2.3.Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create rhymes
/short messages.
Fun 2.4. Request and give short and Revision Unit 4 textbook T-Ss Test
simple information related to Consolidation of 1 18 notebook SS-T;
Time 4 the location of objects within skills and language blackboard Ss-Ss;
the surrounding environment. coloured pencils individual
2.1. Reproduce short simple work; group
songs/poems. work
2.3.Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create rhymes
/short messages.
Fun 2.4. Request and give short and Revision Unit 5 1 19 textbook Oral
Time 5 simple information related to Consolidation of notebook assessment
the location of objects within skills and language blackboard
(pp.76-77) the surrounding environment. coloured pencils
2.1. Reproduce short simple
songs/poems. textbook
2.3.Participate in notebook
communication games and blackboard
reproduce or create rhymes coloured pencils
/short messages.
Fun 2.4. Request and give short and Revision Unit 6 1 19 textbook Oral
simple information related to Consolidation of notebook assessment
Time 6 the location of objects within skills and language blackboard
the surrounding environment. coloured pencils
2.1. Reproduce short simple
2.3.Participate in
communication games and
reproduce or create rhymes
/short messages.

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