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University of Rhode Island

Senior Honors Projects Honors Program at the University of Rhode Island


Esophoria and Exophoria in Relation to Personality

Nicole F. Horn
University of Rhode Island, [email protected]

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Horn, Nicole F., "Esophoria and Exophoria in Relation to Personality" (2011). Senior Honors Projects. Paper 213.

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Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 1


Visual Esophoria and Exophoria in Relation to Personality

Nicole Horn

University of Rhode Island

Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 2


Vision is much more than simply being able to see 20/20. There are a number of different
visual problems which can impact how we see and interact with the world around us. One visual
skill, which is looked at in this research, is convergence. Convergence is the ability to turn the
eyes so that they both focus in on the same object, at the same time, and at the same distance in
space. If the eyes either underconverge or overconverge, this can lead to an altered perception of
the world. Overconvergence is also known as esophoria, which is defined as a tendency for the
eyes to deviate inwards. Underconvergence, or exophoria, is the tendency for the eyes to deviate
outwards. Both of these tendencies can affect how people learn, interact with others, and
understand their surroundings.
This study includes 50 undergraduate students who were tested to see if they have a
tendency towards esophoria or exophoria. A survey was also distributed to them with questions
about demographics and a section where participants indicated whether they agreed or disagreed
with statements regarding the introvert/extrovert scale and the conscientiousness scale, and a
section about vision in general; such as, whether the participant wears glasses and can clearly see
the classroom board from across the room.
Of the 50 participants in this study, 27 exhibited a tendency towards esophoria at far and
29 a tendency towards esophoria at near. One participant had a tendency towards exophoria at far
and four had a tendency toward exophoria at near. My research data showed that there is a
correlation between conversion ability and feelings of confidence and paying attention to details.
Correlations were also found between being able to see clearly at distance and the ability to pay
attention to detail, stick to plans, and the preference for order. The results of the surveys were
also assessed to determine how many of the participants cannot clearly see the board across the
room and how many regularly go to the eye doctor.
This study provides insight into the different aspects of personality that visual
convergence can affect, as well as aspects of personality that are affected by clear vision. The
impact of having undiagnosed vision problems is also explored.
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 3

Visual Esophoria and Exophoria in Relation to Personality

Our visual system plays a huge role in how we perceive our environment and how we

understand the world around us. People may perceive “vision” as being only the ability to see

their surroundings clearly. Oftentimes, the eyes are only tested for distance vision; if the patient

can see clearly at distance, then the patient is told that they have good vision. There is much

more to vision, however, than whether our visual acuity is 20/20; 20/20 vision does not

necessarily indicate perfect vision. Issues with convergence, binocularity, and near-point vision

are often neglected because they are not tested for. Individuals who exhibit problems with these

visual functions, however, can have many adverse effects, which can be both physical and

emotional. Insufficient vision can lead to headaches and strain in the eyes; it can also affect the

ability to learn, as well as personality. “Current research indicates that approximately one in four

children has vision disorders that can interfere with their ability to learn” (American Optometric

Association). Even if learning is not affected, there are small differences in how our individual

visual systems work, which affect how we see the world and in turn influence how we interact

with the world. One of the ways in which our overall visual system can affect an individual is in

its relation to personality.

Personality is extremely complex and is influenced by all of the aspects of an individual’s

life. The way in which someone perceives the world can be viewed as one way to understand this

complexity. As Warshowsky says, “One’s relationship of himself to space and objects within

that space is an indirect barometer to his personality” (2008). Spatial awareness is the ability to

see peripherally. Peripheral vision is not sharp and clear but allows one to be aware of the space

around oneself. If we cannot properly visualize the world around us, then we may need to adjust
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 4

for this in our personalities. Peripheral vision is especially important in sports, bike riding, and

driving. It is also important when reading in order to be aware of what word and line to read

next. “A lack of ability to control and manipulate vergence can compromise a patient’s visual

perception and can diminish her awareness of space” (Warshowsky, 2008). There are a number

of different visual problems that can impact how we see the world around us. One visual skill

that can be looked at is convergence, which is the ability to turn the eyes so that they both focus

in on the same object, at the same time, and at the same distance in space.

If the eyes either underconverge or overconverge, this can lead to an altered perception of

the world. Overconvergence is also known as esophoria, which is defined as a tendency for the

eyes to deviate inwards. Underconvergence, or exophoria, is the tendency for the eyes to deviate

outwards. According to MacDonald, this occurs due to nerve, muscle, congenital or mechanical

anomalies (1931). These phorias, which are measurements of control of the convergence system,

are not permanent muscle changes but are tendencies. They can, however, create uncomfortable

effects on the body because they stress the visual system and cause the person to have to use

excessive energy to make the eyes work properly together. A problem that can arise due to

esophoria is the patient’s seeing things as being smaller than they actually are. This results in

having to use extra effort to get the object to appear the right size, or it can lead to bringing an

object, such as a book, inappropriately close to the face to read. On the other hand, if exophoria

exists, one problem that may arise while reading is that each time fixation on a word is broken,

the eyes will tend to deviate outwards and they must be brought back in to regain fixation. These

difficulties while reading and doing near work can be problematic for learning and can cause a

variety of discomforts, such as a feeling of tension and a headache that gradually increases with

the use of the eyes during the day; fullness in the lids; dull pain in the back of the eyes and brow;
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 5

and spasms of the muscles around the eye. (MacDonald, 1931). In addition to various physical

symptoms that patients with esophoria and exophoria may experience, there may also be

behavioral and personality differences in these individuals.

It has been found that these esophoria/exophoria tendencies can lead to altered behaviors

and thinking patterns, which can be attributed to altered spatial awareness. “On a simple level

over/under convergence can affect one’s tendency to swing a bat, to hit a baseball too early or

too late. On a deeper level, an overconvergent individual may approach perceptual tasks from a

more central perspective than peripheral. Individuals who were more central (over convergence)

would see space in detail while those with more peripheral (under convergence) ways of

processing visual information see space in a broad, holistic perspective” (Warshowsky, 2008).

These different ways of approaching “space” and the processing of information may affect

individuals’ personalities and their ability to comfortably handle various visual tasks. According

to Dr. Theodore Thamel, O.D., of Worcester, MA, some children who exhibit more severe

esophoria will avoid more spatial activities such as sports and will enjoy near point activities

such as reading, puzzles, and projects. Nevertheless, they may still have trouble with reading due

to their lack of peripheral awareness of the page. Children with a higher severity of exophoria

have been found to have a tendency to be more fidgety, avoid near work, have difficulty copying

notes from a board to a page, and they may have trouble remembering things they have read.

These difficulties can all result in decreased performance in school and may also affect their


Our vision can determine which tasks individuals are comfortable performing and the

means by which they execute these tasks; consequently, vision can be related to personality. The
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 6

preference of individuals with exophoria to perform work that does not require reading combined

with the speculation that exophoric individuals understand the world with a broader view can

lead to the comprehension of how these individuals will behave and give insight into their

learning styles. Esophoric individuals, on the other hand, understand the world on a more central

level. Naegel (1990) explains that esophoria has also been related to myopia (nearsightedness) in

that myopic individuals have a tendency towards esophoria, especially at near. Furthermore, he

indicates that patients with myopia tend to be introverted. Naegel also states that there are

similarities in the activities that individuals with myopia and esophoria enjoy, specifically

activities that are done at near point, such as reading. These choices of activities can be attributed

both to their being able to see things more clearly and focus more easily at near and to their

being introverted. In order to substantiate this relationship between vision and personality, we

need to have a clear definition and understanding of what is meant by the terms “extrovert” and


“Extrovert” and “introvert” are two terms that we can use to categorize people based on

their personality traits. The terms extroversion and introversion refer to the extent that a person is

considered outgoing or shy, which includes traits such as being talkative or silent, sociable or

reclusive, adventurous or cautious, eager to be in the limelight or inclined to stay in the shadows

(Wade, 2003). According to Sternberg, “The extroversion trait characterizes people who are

sociable, expansive, lively, oriented toward having fun, and have interest in interacting with

other people. Introverts, in contrast, are quiet, reserved, and generally unsociable” (2001).

Extroverts and introverts tend to enjoy different activities from each other because their interests

are different. Extroverts tend to enjoy being around people and participating in activities with
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 7

other people, such as sports and parties. Introverts, on the other hand, have been found to prefer

activities like reading and spending time alone.

The studies that have been done that have shown that exophoric individuals look at things

with a broader view and do not enjoy near-work may point to these individuals being more

extroverted in their personalities. In addition, studies have found that esophoric individuals enjoy

reading and close activities more than exophoric individuals. This in conjunction with the

relationship between esophoria and myopia, and the fact that myopic patients tend to be more

introverted, may point to esophoric individuals having more introverted personalities. The

purpose of my research project is to determine whether or not individuals who are exophoric also

tend to be more extroverted, and whether or not individuals who are esophoric also tend to be

more introverted by studying undergraduate students at the University of Rhode Island. I will

also be including a brief survey of how many of these students may have vision problems.



Participants were undergraduate students at the University of Rhode Island (12 males, 38

females; N=50) between the ages of 19 and 44. The racial composition of the participants was

Caucasian (88%), African American (8%), Hispanic (2%), and Asian (2%).


Participants’ eyes were tested for esophoria/exophoria using a stereoscope. The

stereoscope is an instrument with two lenses that are separated by a divider through which a

patient looks at a card placed on a holder. The particular card used in this study is a card with
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 8

numbers and a paint brush on it. The stereoscope can test to see if both eyes are being used

together because only one eye sees the paintbrush and the other sees the numbers. The paintbrush

and numbers will both be seen when looking through the lens only if both eyes are functioning

together. This instrument can also test for esophoria/exophoria depending on the number at

which the paintbrush is pointing. Esophoric individuals will see the paintbrush pointing to

numbers fewer than 6, and exophoric individuals will see it pointing to numbers over 8. The

more extreme numbers on the scale indicate higher intensities of esophoria/exophoria.

An informed consent procedure, approved by the URI IRB, was used prior to each

person’s participation. A survey was used to obtain data which consisted of demographic

information and 20 statements regarding the introverted/extroverted personality scale and

conscientiousness scale. These scales were obtained from the MMPI personality test.


Flyers were posted around the URI Kingston campus and read in class announcements. A

$100 Visa gift card drawing was offered as an incentive. The study was also an extra credit

option for students enrolled in Dr. Collyer’s PSY 301 class.

Participants were first informed of their right to skip any questions and to leave the study

at anytime. An “informed consent” form was read by the participant. The participant was then

asked to hold the stereoscope to their forehead and was asked questions regarding what they

could see. The stereoscope is a tool that allows the researcher to analyze whether the participant

may have esophoric or exophoric tendencies depending on which number they see the pointer

pointing to when they look into the instrument.

Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 9

Next, the participants were asked to fill out a survey. The survey included demographic

information (age, sex, major, race, etc) as well as 20 statements regarding the introvert/extrovert

scales and conscientiousness scales. The participants answered by writing “agree” or “disagree”

in regards to each statement about their personalities.

Finally, the participants were informed that they could place their name in a box for the

$100 drawing if they chose to do so.


Of the 50 participants in this study, 27 exhibited a tendency towards esophoria at far and

29 exhibited a tendency towards esophoria at near. One participant had a tendency towards

exophoria at far and four had a tendency toward exophoria at near. There was no significant

correlation found between esophoria/exophoria and introvert/extrovert (r (50) = .109, <.445) or

conscientiousness (r (50) = -.173, <.229). My research data showed that there is a moderate

correlation between higher degree of esophoria at distance and lack of confidence (r (50) = .281,

p <.048) and between higher degree of esophoria and paying attention to details (r (50) =.304, p

<.032). A high correlation was found between being able to see clearly at distance and the ability

to pay attention to detail (r (50) = .523, p <.000); and moderate correlations were found between

ability to see clearly at distance and ability to stick to plans (r (50) = .331, p <.019); and the

preference for order (r (50) =.292, p <.040).

Other important findings on visual ability were also observed. Fifty percent of the

participants wear glasses or contacts. Twenty percent of all participants could not clearly see the

classroom board. It was found that there is a moderate correlation between wearing glasses and
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 10

lower report of ability to see the classroom board clearly (r (50) = -.300, p <.039). Of all 50

participants, 18 percent had not been to the eye doctor in over 4 years; of this 18 percent, 67

percent of them could not see the board clearly.


The original hypothesis for this research project, that individuals exhibiting esophoria

would tend to be more introverted and individuals exhibiting exophoria would tend to be more

extroverted, was not found to hold true in this sample of participants. One reason for this may be

that individuals adapt in order to succeed. Some individuals, therefore, may have learned how to

compensate for their introverted or extroverted personalities; therefore, they no longer exhibit

signs of these personality traits. There were, however, some interesting correlations that were

observed that do suggest a relationship between convergence and personality. Participants who

tended towards esophoria rather than exophoria reported lower feelings of confidence, which is

one dimension of an introverted personality. It was also interesting to find that participants who

were more esophoric reported paying attention to detail more often than exophoric individuals. It

has been found in previous research that people with esophoria pay more attention to specific

detail, while people with exophoria tend to pay more attention to the whole idea rather than the

details. “Individuals who were more central (over convergence) would see space in detail while

those with more peripheral (under convergence) ways of processing visual information see space

in a broad, holistic perspective” (Warshowsky, 2008). This finding was reproduced in my


The correlations between being able to see clearly at distance and the personality factors

of paying attention to detail, the ability to stick to plans, and the preference for order can also be
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 11

looked at to further understand how our visual system impacts our personality. A person who

lacks the ability to see clearly would be less likely to pay attention to the details of their

surroundings. It is interesting to discover that someone who cannot see clearly would have

trouble making plans and sticking to them. This could be due to a feeling of disorder in how they

visualize the world which would impact how one responds to the world. This feeling of disorder

would then transfer to an individual’s not having as much preference for order in everyday life.

The findings in this research project regarding the percentage of students who are not

able to clearly see the classroom board are useful in understanding why some students may fail

to succeed in school. Twenty percent of participants are unable to clearly see the classroom

board and 30 percent of these participants have not gone to see an eye doctor in over four years;

this clearly is an issue that needs to be addressed. If these students were encouraged to get help

with their vision, this could greatly improve their educational achievement and the ease with

which they can complete their school work. Inability to clearly see the classroom board can lead

to a lack of note-taking, a diminished interest in learning, and a decrease in grades. Also, it was

found that students who wear glasses or contacts reported higher levels of inability to see the

classroom board than people who do not wear glasses or contacts. This correlation shows another

area that can be further investigated at the University of Rhode Island in order to improve the

ability of these students to clearly see the classroom board; a vital step towards increasing the

overall educational level of the student body.

Overall, the results from this research project show that there is a relationship between

how we visualize the world, whether it be in how the eyes converge or in degree of visual acuity,

and certain personality characteristics. These findings contribute to an understanding of the

Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 12

means by which our personality can be shaped by how we visualize the world around us and

consequently how this can affect many areas of our lives. In addition, the results revealed that

there is a significant population of students who are lacking good visual acuity, which could be

examined as a possible source of lower education levels or greater difficulty in completing

schoolwork amongst undergraduate students at the University of Rhode Island.


There are a couple of limitations that must be discussed. One limitation of this project is

that students volunteered to participate in this research. Students who were truly introverted may

have been less likely to respond to this invitation; therefore, this may have led to inaccurate

results. Additionally, if a larger number of students were screened, there may have been a more

even distribution between participants who exhibited esophoria and those who exhibited

exophoria, which may have led to more accurate results. There was also a greater proportion of

psychology students who participated in this research due to the extra credit that was offered in

Dr. Collyer’s PSY 301 course. This may have led to larger proportion of participants with a

certain type of personality and understanding of the personality factors that were being

Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 13

Appendix A
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria in Relation to Personality

Consent Form- Anonymous Research


Dear Participant,

My name is Nicole Horn and I am a student at the University of Rhode Island. You have
been invited to take part in my research project described below. If you have any questions,
please feel free to call myself or Charles Collyer.

The purpose of this study is to see if behavior is affected by vision, as well as to survey
vision problems on our campus. Responses to these items will be kept in a locked file and no
names will be associated with your responses. There will be a random drawing for a $100
Visa Gift card. Drawing for the gift card will be done by picking names from a jar. Your
name that you put in the jar will in no way be associated with the information obtained in
this screening. Your name and phone number or email address should be provided on the
paper you place in the jar so that I can contact you if you win. This contact information
will be kept in a locked drawer and destroyed after the drawing.

During this study I will be using an instrument called a stereoscope to assess your eyes.
The stereoscope, as a vision testing instrument, allows each eye to see a specific image at a
particular point. This instrument does not touch your eyes and will be sanitized between each
session due to handling. Using the stereoscope, it is possible measure esophoric and exophoric
tendencies. Exophoria is a condition in which people’s eyes tend to turn outward; therefore,
people with this condition are more comfortable viewing things that are farther away.
Esophoria is a condition in which people’s eyes tend to turn inward; therefore, people with
esophoria are usually more comfortable viewing things that are closer to them.

YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD to be in this research project.

If you decide to take part in this study, your participation will involve filling out a survey
pertaining to your agreement or disagreement with certain personality statements and a brief
section on your vision.
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 14

The possible risks or discomforts of the study are minimal, although you may feel some
embarrassment answering questions about private matters.

Your part in this study is anonymous. That means that your answers to all questions are private.
No one else can know if you participated in this study and no one else can find out what your
answers were. Scientific reports will be based on group data and will not identify you or any
individual as being in this project.

The decision to participate in this research project is up to you. You do not have to participate
and you can refuse to answer any question.

Participation in this study is not expected to be harmful or injurious to you. However, if this
study causes you any injury, you should write or call Nicole Horn or Charles Collyer at the
University of Rhode Island at (401) 874-4227.

Participants will not necessarily receive any direct benefits by participating in this

If you have other concerns about this study or if you have questions about your rights as a
research participant, you may contact the University of Rhode Island's Vice President for
Research, 70 Lower College Road, Suite 2, URI, Kingston, RI, (401) 874-4328.

You are at least 18 years old. You have read the consent form and your questions have been
answered to your satisfaction. Your filling out the survey implies your consent to participate in
this study.
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 15

Vision and Behavior Survey

This is a study on how vision may affect our behavior. Please answer the following questions to
the best of your ability.

Please indicate your major____________

Please circle one:

Male Female

How old are you?_____

Please indicate your academic standing. (circle one)

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

What do you consider your nationality?

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.

I prefer to just pass by school friends, or people I know but have not seen for a long
time, unless they speak to me first. _________
Criticism or scolding hurts me terribly. __________
I am likely to not speak to people until they speak to me. __________
I am certainly lacking in self confidence. __________
I am easily embarrassed. __________
I seem to make friends as quickly as others do. __________
While in trains, busses, etc. I often talk to strangers. __________
In a group of people I would not be embarrassed to be called upon to start a
discussion or give an opinion about something I know well. __________
I like parties and socials. __________
My feelings are not hurt easily. __________
I am always prepared
Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 16

I pay attention to details. __________

I get chores done right away. __________

I make plans and stick to them. __________

I love order and regularity. __________


I leave my belongings lying around.

I waste my time.
I do things in a half-way manner.

I leave a mess in my room.

I find it difficult to get down to work.

Please Circle One:

Do you wear glasses/ contacts? Yes No

Do you get headaches often? Yes No

Can you clearly see the board when you are sitting in class? Yes No

When was your last eye exam?

Under 1 year 1-2 years 2-4 years Over 4 years

Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 17

Distance Card

See both numbers and arrows ______

What number is the arrow pointing to? ____

Just numbers_____

Just arrows______

Are both the numbers and arrows clear? Yes No

Which is blurry? _____

Near Card

See both numbers and arrows ______

What number is the arrow pointing to? ____

Just numbers_____

Just arrows______

Are both the numbers and arrows clear? Yes No

Which is blurry? _____

Visual Esophoria and Exophoria 18

Works Cited

American Optometric Association.

MacDonald, Alexander. (1931). Esophoria and Exophoria. The Canadian Medical Journal
Association, Toronto. pp 306-308.

Naegel, Guy. (1990). Myopia, A Behavioral Problem. European Society of Optometry

Communication 134. pp 17-22

Sternberg, Robert J. Psychology: In Search of the Human Mind. 3rd ed. (2001). Thomson
Learning. pp 495-496.

Wade, Carole. Psychology. 7th ed. (2003). Prentice-Hall. p. 468.

Warshowsky, Joel H, O.D. (2008). Vergence as a Self Perception Relationship Function. Journal
of Behavioral Optometry. 19, #6. pp 151-153

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