Business Name and Logo
Business Name and Logo
Business Name and Logo
When it's time to choose a name for your business idea or an existing business, gather
your trusted family, friends, and/or colleagues for a brainstorming session and work
through these guidelines
A business name should have a strong visual element. Colors will be an important
component of your business logo and promotional materials, as well as your website.
Choose words that have generally positive connotations and are suitable for describing
the business or industry you are in.
4. Include Information About What Your Business Does
At first, your business' logo can't be as instantly recognizable Nike or McDonald's, nor
can the services you provide be known intuitively by your potential customers. Descriptive
logos are easier to process and will elicit stronger impressions of authenticity from your
audience. A descriptive logo is one that includes visual design elements and clearly
communicates the type of product or service you offer. A study of 597 logos revealed that
"descriptive logos more favorably impact consumers’ brand perceptions than nondescript
ones, and are more likely to improve brand performance."
Choosing a business name that indicates what you're selling is a practical way to define
your brand and makes it easier for potential customers to find your business online or in
local directories.
You also want a brand name that will serve you well as a web domain. In a research
paper written, it was discovered that shorter domain names yield higher traffic and the
use of a numeral in a domain name is associated with an improvement in the website
rank of 8.19%.