Prenatal Workout Plan: Glowbodypt
Prenatal Workout Plan: Glowbodypt
Prenatal Workout Plan: Glowbodypt
This is for women who want to continue to be CHALLENGED in a safe, time-efficient way. Follow
this plan closely to maintain a lean, toned body and grow a very healthy baby-belly in the front!
1. Get the GO from your doctor to do strength training and aerobic exercise before starting any exercise during your
pregnancy. A few of MANY reasons your doctor may instruct you to refrain from exercise are: incompetent cervix or
clerclage, carrying twins (or more), if you are at risk for premature labor, ruptured membranes, history of miscarriage,
pregnancy-induced hypertension, heart/lung problems, placenta previa past 26 weeks or persistent bleeding.
2. Warning Signals: If you have experience dizziness, headache, chest pain, unusual weakness, calf pain, serious
calf/ankle swelling, contractions, lower stomach pain, groin pain, amniotic fluid leakage, vaginal bleeding stop
exercising and call your doctor. If you experience joint pain of any type, that's your body telling you to lay off! (Knee,
hip, groin, pelvic, back, feet, and wrist- pain are all common during pregnancy.) Stop any exercise that hurts/doesn't
feel right to YOU. Only you know your body best and our #1 goal is to keep you and baby healthy!
3. Cardio indicates walking/jogging because that is available to most everyone. However, if you have access to aerobic
machines or a pool for lap swimming, feel free to follow the same time interval efforts. Avoid any machine that puts
pressure on your stomach like the Jacob's Ladder belt or a hunched-over triathlon bike, for example).
4. On a scale of 1-10, you will never go past a 7. "Hard" or "Brisk" indicates a 6-7 effort. You can still say a complete
sentence at this effort! These brisk intervals still cause metabolic spikes that help burn fat and keep you super fit in
minimum time while you are pregnant!
EZ = Easy effort 3-4 / MOD = Moderate effort 4-5 / Brisk/Hard = Hard effort 6-7 / NEVER go "all out" (8-10 effort)
6. Always exercise in a cool or temperature-controlled location. Stay well hydrated. Dehydration can put your baby
under undue-stress and cause premature labor.
7. Take all of the guess-work out and start EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE in your pregnancy. Each week is carefully
designed to be safe for you and baby for the trimester and week you are in.
8. Your Prenatal Workout Plan ends at 32 Weeks on purpose. At this point, you should not be on a regimented
schedule. I want you to become increasingly in-tuned with what your body tells you feels good, and rest when you are
legitimately tired. Continue exercising 5 days per week along the pattern you have learned. You can do any 3rd
trimester safe workout at this point. I encourage lots of walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga in your last weeks.
BODY Cardio steady pace cardio CORE Mommy [Jog quickly 1 Routine
[] Get Rid of Muffin [] Back Fat Isolation min/Walk 2 min (or
super slow jog)] x 7 [] Booty Shape Up
[] Hot MOMMY [] 30 minutes with 15 [] Ultimate Shoulders [] 1st Trimester Leg
[] Jog 30 min total:
Cardio second bursts of & Back [4:00 min EZ jog + 30 Routine
9 speed at the top of [] Calf Shredder
[] 1st Trimester Hard [] What to Eat During sec quick jog + 30 [] 1st Tri GLUTE
each 5 minutes sec brisk walk] x 6
CORE Mommy Pregnancy Sculpting Tabata
[] Prenatal Kettlebell: [] 30 minutes with 15 [] Prenatal Lean Arms [] WU: 10 min EZ jog. [] Lower Body BURN
Full Body second bursts of [Jog quickly 1 [] 10 Minute Booty
10 [] Prenatal Love speed at the top of [] 1st Trimester Hard min/Walk 2 min (or
super slow jog)] x 7 [] 5 Minute Fat Burn
Handles each 5 minutes CORE Mommy
[] 12 Minute FULL [] 30 minutes with 15 [] Ultimate Shoulders [] Jog 30 min total: [] 1st Tri Leg Routine
BODY Cardio second bursts of & Back [4:00 min EZ jog + 30 [] 8 min Inner Thigh
11 Tabata
[] Prenatal Kettlebell: speed at the top of [] Get Rid of Bra sec quick jog + 30
Full Body each 5 minutes sec brisk walk] x 6 [] Pulse & Sculpt
[] Prenatal Kettlebell:
[] Muffin Top [] Prenatal Lean Arms [] 20-30 min steady [] 1st Tri GLUTE
Full Body
pace cardio Sculpting Tabata
12 [] 5 min FULL BODY [] Prenatal Yoga
[] Hot MOMMY [] Top 10 Prenatal
Lean + Tone [] 5 Things I Wish [] Lower Body Smoke
Cardio Stretches Routine
[] Calf Shredder Someone Told Me Sesh
[] Prenatal Kettlebell [] 30 minutes with 15 [] Ultimate Shoulders [] WU: 10 min EZ jog. [] Booty Shape Up
second bursts of & Back [[Jog quickly 1 [] 8 min Inner Thigh
13 [] Fat Burn HIIT
speed at the top of [] Prenatal Get Rid of min/Walk 2 min x 5 Tabata
[] Calf Shredder each 5 minutes Muffin Top CD: 10 min EZ jog [] Foam Rolling
[] Hard Core Prenatal [] WU: 5 min EZ. 2:00 [] Prenatal Lean [] Jog 30 min on hilly [] 10 Minute Booty
Cardio mod/30 sec quick for Arms route. Jog flats and
14 [] 5 Minute Full Body 20 minutes straight. [] Intense Dumbbell [] Lower Body BURN
downhills EZ, walk
[] 3 Pregnancy Snacks CD: 5 min EZ [] 5 Min Obliques briskly up any hills [] Calf Shredder
[] No Equipment [] 30 minutes with 15 [] 12 Minute Upper [] Bump & Booty
[] WU: 10 min EZ jog.
Cardio second bursts of Body Blast [[Jog quickly 1 [] Thighs & Booty
[] Prenatal Get Rid of speed at the top of [] Back Fat Isolation min/Walk 2 min x 5 [] How To Prevent
Muffin Top each 5 minutes [] Top 10 Stretches CD: 10 min EZ jog Stretch Marks
[] Prenatal 100 Squat [] 30 minutes with 15 [] Upper Body Tabata [] Jog 30 min on hilly [] Lower Body Smoke
CHALLENGE second bursts of [] Get Rid of Bra route. Jog flats and Sesh
[] Fat Burn HIIT speed at the top of Bulge downhills EZ, walk [] 10 Minute Booty
each 5 minutes [] 5 Min Obliques briskly up any hills [] Gut Health
[] Hard Core Prenatal [] 30-45 min steady [] Intense Dumbbell [] 20-30 min steady [] Challenging Chair
Cardio state cardio [] 9 Min Prenatal Arm state cardio Pilates
17 [] Calf Shredder
[] 5 Minute Full Body [] Prenatal Foam
[] Prenatal Love [] Low Impact Legs &
[] Bump & Booty Rolling
Handles Booty
[] No Equipment
[] Best Prenatal
18 Cardio 15 second bursts of [] Get Rid of Bra [Jog 2:00/Walk Booty Lift
[] Hips & Back speed at the top of Bulge 2:00] x 6 [] Saddlebags
Release each 5 minutes. [] 5 Minute Obliques Isolation
[] Top 10 Stretches
[2 min Walk + 2 min
[] Challenging Chair 30 minutes on hilly [] Prenatal Upper [] Sexy Legs With
19 Pilates route. Jog flats + Body Blast Jog gently + 30 sec Chair or Step
[] Low Impact Legs downhills gently, [] 20 Min Prenatal Jog quickly] x 5 [] 8 min Inner Thigh
& Booty power walk up hills. Yoga CD: 5 min walk Tabata
[] Prenatal 100 45 min endurance: [] 9 Min Prenatal Arm WU: Walk 10 min. [] Best Prenatal
[] Pulse & Sculpt
20 Squat CHALLENGE Walk 4:00 easy/Jog [Jog 2:00/Walk Booty Lift
[] Calf Shredder or brisk walk 1:00. 2:00] x 6 [] Prenatal Kettlebell
[] Back Fat Isolation
[] Foam Rolling Walk last 5:00. [] 6 Min Inner Thighs
[] Full Body 30 minutes on hilly [] Prenatal Upper [2 min Walk + 2 min [] Intense Dumbbell
21 Resistance Band route. Jog flats + Body Blast Jog gently + 30 sec [] Booty Shape Up
[] Bump & Booty downhills gently, [] Prenatal Kettlebell Jog quickly] x 5 [] Hips & Back
[] Calf Shredder power walk up hills. [] Love Handles CD: 5 min walk Release
Tabata Smoke Sesh
Cardio 15 second bursts of state endurance.
[] 5 Minute Obliques [] Low Impact Thighs
[] 8 min Inner Thigh speed at the top of
[] Get Rid of Bra & Booty
Tabata each 5 minutes.
Bulge [] Foam Rolling
Warm Up Arm Step
state cardio (3:00 Walk
23 [] Love Handles [] Back Fat Isolation [] 6 Min Inner Thighs
Easy/1:00 Jog or
[] Saddlebags [] Top 10 Stretches Brisk Walk) x 8 [] 10 Min Booty
[] (10 min cardio + 15 [] Lean Arms [] Negative split day. [] Thighs & Booty
[] Full Body
x air squats + 20 x Walk 20 min out. [] Pulse & Sculpt
Resistance Band
24 walking lunges)x 3 [] Get Rid of Bra Try to get back Booty
[] 20 Min Prenatal
[] Embarrassing
Yoga CD: 5 min Easy Bulge home in 38:30.
Truths 3rd Trimester
[] No Equipment [] Upper Body [] Lower Body Burn
[] 30-50 min steady [] 32 min cardio:
Cardio Tabata
state cardio (3:00 Walk [] Calf Shredder
25 [] Hip & Back Release [] 5 Min Obliques
Easy/1:00 Jog or [] 8 min Inner Thigh
[] Gut Health [] Fat Burn HIIT Brisk Walk) x 8 Tabata
[] 5 Min Warm Up [] (10 min cardio + 20 [] Ultimate [] Negative split day. [] Lower Body
[] Full Body x air squats + 20 x Shoulders & Back Walk 20 min out. Smoke Sesh
Resistance Band walking lunges)x 3 [] Love Handles Try to get back [] Best Booty Lift
CD: 5 min Easy [] Macros home in 38:30. [] Foam Rolling
[] Bump & Booty
[] Pulse & Sculpt [] Walk 25 min with [] Best Booty Lift
[] Intense Dumbbell [] 45 min steady
Shoulders 30 second bursts of [] 20 Min Yoga
[] Top 10 Stretches state cardio
27 [] Pulse & Sculpt speed at the top of [] Must Know- BF
[] Intuitive Eating Booty each 5 minutes.
[] Back Fat Isolation While Exercising
[] 5 Min Warm Up [] 30 minutes total [] Pulse & Sculpt [] WU: 10 min EZ. [] Best Prenatal
[] Fat Burn HIIT cardio: (4:00 easy Shoulders (3 EZ/3 brisk, 2 EZ/2 Booty Lift
[] Calf Shredder /1:00 quick) x 5 [] 9 Min Prenatal brisk, 1 EZ/1 brisk) [] Low Impact
[] Hip & Back Release CD: 5 min EZ Arms CD: 10 min EZ. Thighs & Booty
[] Negative split day.
[] Bump & Booty moderate-easy Walk 20 min out. Try [] Pulse & Sculpt
29 [] Love Handles
[] Ashley's Private cardio to get back home in Booty
Journey Postpartum [] Back Fat Isolation 39:00. [] Calf Shredder
Cardio cardio: (4:00 easy (3 EZ/3 brisk, 2 EZ/2 [] Intense Dumbbell
30 [] Pulse & Sculpt
[] 6 Minute Inner /1:00 quick) x 6 brisk, 1 EZ/1 brisk) [] 8 Minute Inner
Thighs CD: 5 min EZ [] Hip & Back Release CD: 10 min EZ. Thigh Tabata
[] 5 Min Warm Up [] 35-45 min [] Upper Body [] 35 minutes total [] Thighs & Booty
[] Fat Burn HIIT moderate-easy Tabata cardio: (4:00 easy
31 cardio [] Bra Bulge /1:00 quick) x 6 [] PRENATAL Foam
[] 20 Min Prenatal
Yoga [] 41 Weeks Pregnant CD: 5 min EZ Rolling
Cardio cardio Arms Booty Lift
cardio; walk hilly [] Full Body
32 [] Saddlebag Isolation [] Ash's 6 wks into [] Pulse & Sculpt route if possible. Resistance Band
[] 1 Week PP Belly Post Pregnancy Plan Shoulders [] Pulse & Sculpt Booty
So I became a Certified Personal Trainer, a Pre & Postnatal Exercise Specialist, and immersed myself in 10 months
of scientific research on the postpartum body, muscles, and recovery. All the other "postpartum workout programs"
out there seemed too slow and easy, and really didn't help burn fat while nursing like I wanted. Requirements: a)
super time-efficient b) deliver max results on flattening the abs, pulling the ab gap back together, and cinching
the waist c) burn fat fast (this wasn’t going to be an easy, boring stretching/breathing program) d) vaginal delivery
AND c-section effective because you never know what labor may bring!
After I tried my Post Pregnancy Plan on myself, I was beyond happy with the results! My husband couldn't believe
it either. I hosted a Trial Group of 35 new moms. Feedback on every single workout and individual's progress were
catalogued and considered as I further refined the Plan. Finally, after going through it AGAIN after my 2nd baby,
(and healing up faster than I did after my first baby!) I knew how much time this could save moms if they just put
in the 12 weeks of work!
When you have a new baby and are already sleep deprived, it is so comforting (and motivating!) to to be able to
click-and-go to the exact workout you need in order to heal your postpartum body. I coach you through perfect
form and muscle engagement to ensure you make max gains from every minute you put into it. I cannot wait to
help you save tons of time and connect personally with you in the Private Group for moms on the Plan!
Immediately Postpartm
You will feel like you look 4-5 months pregnant. This is normal.
Your uterus will be enlarged. Excess fluid still need to drain.
There is simply some extra body fat, which used to protect your
growing baby, and it is naturally still hanging out.