Blended Learning

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Silvia Gpe.

Netro Díaz
February 2011
Using technology in and beyond the language classroom
Pete Sharma & Barney Barrett

Blended Learning

In this summary, I will talk about how using technology in language teaching; it is

not only to support the teachers, also to help students learn independently.

Sometimes happened when we attended a conference often hear comments about

what is technology. Some people know how to use email and internet in general

but it is very important for teachers in school to know about how to use a blog or an

interactive whiteboard in order for the students to work outside the classroom.

Blended Learning refers to a language course which combines a face-to-face (F2F)

classroom component with an appropriate use of technology. A Blended Learning

course is potentially greater than the sum of its parts, and positive learning

outcomes are most apparent when clear roles are assigned to the teacher and to

the technology. The term Blended Language can be applied to a very broad range

of teaching and learning is commonly applied to a course where all the

learners meet with the teacher face-to-face (F2F), but in which the course includes

a parallel self-study component such as a CD-ROM or access to web-based

materials. Learners can be set pre-lesson task or specific homework task between

the F2F classes.

Using technology in language teaching

Silvia Gpe. Netro Díaz
February 2011
Using technology in and beyond the language classroom
Pete Sharma & Barney Barrett
It is important to use technology in language teaching this can be motivated;

playing a language-learning game is one example. Learners enjoy tasks. Many

learners simply like using the computer. On the other hand, interactivity of

language exercises can be highly beneficial. Web-based exercises are more

interactive than paper-based exercises. The type of feedback which good

interactive materials provide is appreciated by learners.

Factors influencing the uptake of blended learning

There is a number of important factors exist which will influence the use of

technology in language courses. Teachers and learners may hold positive,

negative or neutral attitudes toward technology.

The learners’ level may be an influencing factor in which type of technology you

use and how often it is used. Teacher training is a vital factor in the uptake of new

technology. It is useful to consider which areas and knowledge are useful for


Balancing traditional approaches and technology

1- Separate the role of the teacher and the role of the technology.

2- Teach in a principled way.

3- Use technology to complement and enhance F2F teaching.

4- “It is not so much the program, more what you do with it”

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