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Anna University , Chennai-25

Regulation 2013

To enable the students to create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and
Human Values, to instil Moral and Social Values and Loyalty and to appreciate the rights of


Morals, values and Ethics – Integrity – Work ethic – Service learning – Civic
virtue – Respect for others – Living peacefully – Caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage –
Valuing time – Cooperation – Commitment – Empathy – Self confidence – Character –
Spirituality – Introduction to Yoga and meditation for professional excellence and stress



Senses of ‘Engineering Ethics’ – Variety of moral issues – Types of inquiry – Moral

dilemmas – Moral Autonomy – Kohlberg’s theory – Gilligan’s theory – Consensus and
Controversy – Models of professional roles - Theories about right action – Self-interest –

sy E
Customs and Religion – Uses of Ethical Theories


Engineering as Experimentation – Engineers as responsible Experimenters –
Codes of Ethics – A Balanced Outlook on Law.


Safety and Risk – Assessment of Safety and Risk – Risk Benefit Analysis and

Reducing Risk -Respect for Authority – Collective Bargaining – Confidentiality – Conflicts of
Interest – Occupational Crime – Professional Rights – Employee Rights – Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR) – Discrimination
Multinational Corporations – Environmental Ethics – Computer Ethics –
Weapons Development – Engineers as Managers – Consulting Engineers – Engineers as
Expert Witnesses and Advisors – Moral Leadership –Code of Conduct – Corporate Social

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to apply ethics in society,
discuss the ethical issues related to engineering and realize the responsibilities and rights
in the society.

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a. Aim and Objective of the subject 4

b. Detailed Lesson Plan 5
c. Unit I Human Values –Part A 8
d. Unit I Human Values -Part B 10
e. Unit II Engineering Ethics -Part A 22
f. Unit II Engineering Ethics -Part B 24
g. Unit III Engineering as Social Experimentation-Part A 39
h. Unit III Engineering as Social Experimentation -Part B 42
j.w Unit IV Safety, Risk and Responsibilities -Part A

Unit IV Safety, Risk and Responsibilities-Part B
k. Unit V- Global Issues- Part A 72
l. sy E
Unit V- Global Issues - Part B 74
m. Question Bank
ngi 89


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1. Aim & Objective of the subject

 To learn basic concepts of ethics and its principles
 To educate on theories of ethics in engineering
 To identify code of conduct in working places
 To learn the safety and risk in different streams
 To apply the concepts of ethics in globalized.

2. Need & Importance of the subject

 This subject will be helpful to run their day to day life in ethical manner and also they
identify good and bad things of life.

 This subject will give a basic knowledge in ethics and how it will apply to their work.

3. Industrial Connectivity & Latest Development

 Self Interest and courage towards their work
 Ethical dilemma
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 Computer hackers, Internet Cybercrime


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Department of Elecctronics and Communication Engineering
Detailed Lesson Plan
Name of the Subject& Code: GE 6075 -PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN


1. Mike W. Martin and Roland Schinzinger, “Ethics in Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, New

Delhi, 2003.

2. Govindarajan M, Natarajan S, Senthil Kumar V. S, “Engineering Ethics”, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi, 2004.
sy E
1. Charles B. Fleddermann, “Engineering Ethics”, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004.

2. Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Pritchard and Michael J. Rabins, “Engineering Ethics –
Concepts and Cases”, Cengage Learning, 2009

3. John R Boatright, “Ethics and the Conduct of Business”, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
4. Edmund G Seebauer and Robert L Barry, “Fundametals of Ethics for Scientists and
Engineers”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001
5. Laura P. Hartman and Joe Desjardins, “Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal
Integrity and Social Responsibility” Mc Graw Hill education, India Pvt. Ltd.,New Delhi 2013.
6. World Community Service Centre, " Value Education", Vethathiri publications, Erode, 2011

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Hours Cumulativ Books

S.No Unit Topics To Be Covered Planne e Hours Referred
Introduction Morals, values and
1. I 1 1 R2
Integrity Work ethic, Service
2. I 1 2 R2
3. I Civic virtue Respect for others 1 3 R2
Living peacefully ,Caring & Sharing,
4. I 1 4 R1
5. I Courage ,Valuing time 1 5 R1
6. I Cooperation Commitment 1 6 R1
8. ww I
Empathy , Self confidence
Character ,Spirituality


w I

Introduction to Yoga and meditation

for professional excellence
Stress management.





Senses of ‘Engineering Ethics’ 1 11 R1
Variety of moral issues
Types of inquiry ngi 1

14. II Moral dilemmas &Moral Autonomy nee 1 14 R1

15. II Kohlberg’s theory 1 15 rin R1



Gilligan’s theory
Consensus and Controversy


g.n R1


18. II
Models of professional roles
Theories about right action
Uses of Ethical Theories
1 18

Self-interest – Customs and

19. II 1 19 R2

20. III Engineering as Experimentation 2 21 R1

Engineers as responsible
21 III 2 23 R1
22. III Codes of Ethics 3 26 R1

23. III A Balanced Outlook on Law. 2 28 R1

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Safety and Risk –Assessment of
24. IV 1 29 R1
Safety and Risk
Risk Benefit Analysis and Reducing
25. IV 1 30 R1
Respect for Authority, Collective
26. IV 1 31 R2
27. IV Confidentiality , Conflicts of Interest 1 32 R1
28. IV Occupational Crime 1 33 R1
29. IV Professional Rights 1 34 R1
30. IV Employee Rights 1 35 R1
32. ww
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

V w .Ea

Multinational Corporations 1 38 R1

34. V sy E
Environmental Ethics 1 39 R1

Computer Ethics
Weapons Development ngi 1

37. V
Engineers as Managers Consulting
nee 1 42 R1

38. V
Engineers as Expert Witnesses and
1 rin 43

39. V
Moral Leadership 1 44 g.n R1
Code of Conduct Corporate
Social Responsibility
1 45 et

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Part -A

1. Define Work Ethics. ( April/May ‘14)

The work ethic is a cultural norm that advocates being personally accountable and
responsible for the work that one does and is based on a belief that work has intrinsic

2. Define moral values with suitable examples (Apr/May ’15)

Moral values, therefore, reside both in the acts a person chooses to do and the

results of those acts on the character of the person. There are morally good or bad human
acts and morally good or bad persons.

wDefine Professionalism

(Apr/May ’15)

The term “professionalism” refers to the qualities, competencies, and skills of

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professional. It has behavioural connotations and refers to the manifestations of a

3. List the factors that enhance the self confidence in a person.

nee (Nov 15 /May ’15)

 Self confident people trust their own abilities

 Self confident people have a general sense of control in their lives
 Self confident people able to do what they wish, plan and expect

Define Spirituality (Nov/Dec’15)

Spirituality is a broad term threat refers to the way of living. It emphasizes a constant
awareness of the spiritual dimension of nature.

6. What are the values? (Apr/May ’16)

The term “value” or “worth” seems to have its origin in economics; eventually it was
applied analogously to other aspects of life, human values as such. There is much
agreement on the definition of value as definition of good.

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7. What is meant by self confidence? (Apr/May ’16)

“Success comes to those who dare and act, it seldom comes to the timid”, said our
farmed Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Also we know that faith in oneself is confidence.
Confidence gives rise to strength and courage to the mind.

8. What is Engineering Ethics?

The study of moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations
engaged in engineering field.

The study of related issues about the moral ideals, characters, policies, and
relationships of people and corporations involved in technological activity.

9. What is Empathy?

Empathy is one’s ability to recognize and understand the emotion of another.

10. What do you mean by service learning?

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It is a teaching method that enriches learning by engaging students in meaningful to
their schools.


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1. Write brief notes on yoga and meditation for professional excellence and stress
management. Nov/Dec ’15 (16)

Medical research for decades that yoga and meditation, two practices related to
mindfulness, are considered a means of activating the body’s natural mechanisms for
managing stress. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University surveyed over 19,000 studies
on meditation and used stringent criteria to identify 47 of the most rigorously controlled
studies on which to perform a meta-analysis of the clinical benefits of meditation. The
analysis revealed that these programs lowered stress, anxiety, and depression and that

“clinicians should be prepared to talk with their patients about the role that a meditation
program could have in addressing psychological stress”

Role of meditation in managing stress

The effectiveness of mindfulness programs that use meditation in managing stress

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can be explained by physiological changes that take place in both the brain and the body.
In a recent TED Talk, Harvard-based neuroscientist Dr. Sara Lazar explains that

“meditation can literally change your brain” by increasing the size of the hippocampus,
which is associated with learning and memory, and the temporal-parietal junction, which is

associated with empathy and compassion. Dr. Kelly Brogan, holistic women’s health

physician, describes those changes as decreased heart rate, blood pressure, rate of
breathing, and muscle tension, and she adds that this “relaxation response” can combat

stress, a part of “what is actually driving chronic diseases such as auto-immune,
cardiovascular, and psychiatric pathology”
Role of yoga in managing stress
Yoga, another practice in mindfulness, is also supported by medical research as a
means of helping sufferers manage their stress. Yoga has been shown to have a
regulatory effect on two key neurobiological systems: the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
(HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). With repeated exposure to
stressors over time, these systems are bombarded by catecholamines like epinephrine
and norepinephrine (stress hormones), which can result in their becoming “hyper vigilant”
and “dysregulated.” The dysfunction of these systems is thought to dispose one to
diseases such as “obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, depression, substance abuse,
and cardiovascular disease” (Ross & Thomas, 2010). Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, professor


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of psychiatry at Boston Medical School and one of the world’s leading authorities on post-
traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), has recognized this “down-regulation” benefit of yoga
and applied it to his practice with PTSDpatients. Van der Kolk eloquently describes the
physiological basis of stress and how yoga practice can help alleviate that stress:
“Traumatized people often are terrified of the sensations in their own bodies which makes
it hard to take pleasure in the present because the body keeps replaying the past.[Yoga] is
a way for people to regulate the core arousal system in the brain and feel safe inside their
In addition to promoting health and managing stress, research has demonstrated that
mindfulness activities can also improve attention and cognition. Dr. Judson Brewer at the

Yale School of Medicine, for example, explains that experienced mediators show
deactivation of the default mode network (DMN), a region involved in “daydreaming and

mind-wandering.” His research also shows that meditators show functional changes in

different areas of the cingulate and prefrontal cortices, both of which are crucial regions for

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cognitive control. According to Brewer, “meditation may transform the normal, resting
function of the brain into one that more closely resembles a meditative state from that of

mind-wandering to one of being centered in the present.” Brewer even goes on to weigh in
on the clinical significance of these findings vis-à-vis improved stress management:

“[Meditation] could certainly be used to help people work through frustration and anxiety so

that they don’t move into a clinical depression or clinical anxiety disorder, or start using
drugs. But at the same time, it can be used when people already have these disorders.”

2. a) What is courage? What are salient features of courage? Nov/Dec’15 (8)
b) Write short notes on honesty. (8)
Courage is the tendency to accept and face risks and difficult tasks in rational ways. Self-
confidence is the basic requirement to nurture courage.
Classifications of courage
Courage is classified into three types, based on the types of risks, namely
(a) Physical courage,
(b) Social courage, and
(c) Intellectual courage.
Physical courage- In physical courage, the thrust is on the adequacy of the physical


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strength, including the muscle power and armaments. People with high adrenalin, may be
prepared to face challenges for the mere ‘thrill’ or driven by a decision to ‘excel’.
Social courage- The social courage involves the decisions and actions to change the
order, based on the conviction for oragainst certain social behaviors. This requires
leadership abilities, including empathy and sacrifice, to mobilize and motivate the
followers, for the social cause.
Intellectual courage- The intellectual courage is inculcated in people through acquired
knowledge, experience, games, tactics, education, and training. In professional ethics,
courage is applicable to the employers, employees, public, and the press.
Look before you leap. One should perform Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and

Threat(SWOT) analysis. Calculate (estimate) the risks, compare with one’s strengths, and
anticipate the end results, while taking decisions and before getting into action. Learning

from the past helps. Past experience (one’s own or borrowed!) and wisdom gained from

self-study or others will prepare one to plan and act with self-confidence, succeed in

sy E
achieving the desired ethical goals through ethical means. Opportunities and threat
existing and likely to exist in future are also to be studied and measures to be planned.

This anticipatory management will help anyone to face the future with courage.
Facing the criticism, owning responsibility, and accepting the mistakes or errors

when committed and exposed are the expressions of courage. In fact, this sets their mind

to be vigilant against the past mistakes, and creative in finding the alternate means to
achieve the desired objectives. Prof. SathishDhawan, Chief of ISRO, was reported to have

exhibited his courage and owned responsibility, when the previous space mission failed,
but credited Prof. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (now our revered President), when the subsequent
mission succeeded.
Characteristics of Courageous people
The courageous people own and have shown the following characteristics, in their
(a) Perseverance (sustained hard work),
(b) Experimentation (preparedness to face the challenges, that is, unexpected or
unintended results),
(c) Involvement (attitude, clear and firm resolve to act), and
(d) Commitment (willing to get into action and to reach the desired goals by any alternative
but ethical means).


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2. b) Write short notes on honesty. Nov/Dec’15 (8)

Honesty is a virtue, and it is exhibited in two aspects namely,
(a) Truthfulness and
(b) Trustworthiness.
Truthfulness is to face the responsibilities upon telling truth. One should keep one’s word
or promise. By admitting one’s mistake committed (one needs courage to do that!), it is
easy to fix them.
Reliable engineering judgment, maintenance of truth, defending the truth, and
communicating the truth, only when it does ‘good’ to others, are some of the reflections of
truthfulness. But trustworthiness is maintaining integrity and taking responsibility for

personal performance. People abide by law and live by mutual trust. They play the right
way to win, according to the laws or rules (legally and morally). They build trust through

reliability and authenticity. They admit their own mistakes and confront unethical actions in

others and take tough and principled stand, even if unpopular.

sy E
Honesty is mirrored in many ways. The common reflections are:
(a) Beliefs (intellectual honesty).
(b) Communication (writing and speech).
(c) Decisions (ideas, discretion). ngi
(d) Actions (means, timing, place, and the goals). and
(e) Intended and unintended results achieved.
As against this, some of the actions of an engineer that leads to dishonesty are:

1. Lying: Honesty implies avoidance of lying. An engineer may communicate wrong or

distorted test results intentionally or otherwise. It is giving wrong information to the right
2. Deliberate deception: An engineer may judge or decide on matters one is not familiar or
with insufficient data or proof, to impress upon the customers or employers. This is a self-
3. Withholding the information: It means hiding the facts during communication to one’s
superior or subordinate, intentionally or otherwise.
4. Not seeking the truth: Some engineers accept the information or data, without applying
their mind and seeking the truth.
5. Not maintaining confidentiality: It is giving right information to wrong people. The
engineers should keep information of their customers/clients or of their employers
confidential and should not discuss them with others.


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6. Giving professional judgment under the influence of extraneous factors such as

personal benefits and prejudice. The laws, experience, social welfare, and even
conscience are given a go-bye by such actions. Certainly this is a higher-order crime.

3. Discuss in detail Apr/May ’16 (16)

(a).Building Character in the Workplace
(b). Spirituality in Workplace

(a). Character :

ww Managers have to influence and employ creative means of stressing the

importance of good character in the workplace, in the following ways:

1. Employee Hiring, Training, and Promotion Activities

(a) Institute and adopt an organization policy statement to positive character in the
sy E
For example, commitment to civility pledges. This may be communicated through printing

on the back of the business cards of the employees.
(b) Prominently and explicitly include character considerations in recruiting procedures,
during interviews and in the hiring deliberations. nee
(c) Emphasize the importance of character and adherence to the ‘six pillars’ of character in
orientation, initial job training, and during in-service training. The six pillars of character are

the ethical values, such as: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and
citizenship. Respect means showing high regard for self, others, authority, property and
country. It includes showing appreciation for cultural diversity by valuing all people as
human beings. Responsibility is
(i) being accountable for one’s actions,
(ii) being dependable in carrying out obligations and duties,
(iii) being reliable and consistent in word and action, and
(iv) being committed to community development. Integrity or fairness means showing the
inner strength and courage to be truthful, trustworthy, fair and honest in all things. It
includes acting justly and honorably. Caring means being kind, considerate, courteous,
helpful, friendly and generous to others, and being compassionate by treating others as you
would like to be treated. Citizenship means accepting and adopting civic rights and duties
as a citizen of the country.


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(d) Include evaluation of fundamental character values such as honesty, promise keeping,
accountability, fairness, and caring, in appraisals/reviews.
(e) Institute recognition and reward system for the employees who exemplify the positive
character. For example, awards and medals.
(f) Think of your employees, especially the younger ones, as people whose personal and
work values will be influenced by what you expect of them and how you treat them.
(g) Think of your employees as present or future mentors, coaches, and volunteers.
2. Internal Communication
Use internal communication channels to create a friendly environment that praises positive
role modeling at the workplace and in the community by encouraging voluntarism, and

mentoring, e.g., through
(a) Internal newsletters,

(b) Workplace posters in canteens and recreation rooms,
(c) Mailers, and
(d) Electronic mails.
3. External Communication sy E
In relations with customers, vendors and others, consciously communicate affirming
messages about character and ethics, such as

(a) Advertise and market honoring consensual values (the six pillars),

(b) Assure that none of your products and services undermines character building,
(c) Include positive messages about voluntarism and celebrate, and
(d) ‘Character counts’ week in advertising, billings and other mailers. g.n
4. Financial and Human Resources
(a) Support local and national ‘character’ projects and the activities of the members by
encouraging staff members to get involved. Offer incentives such as paying employees for
the time they contribute at a local youth-service organization.
(b) Sponsor ‘character’ movement through financial support.
5. Community Outreach
(a) Use public outreach structures to encourage mentoring and other character-building
(b) Encourage educational and youth organizations to become active in character building.
(c) Use corporate influence to encourage business groups (chambers of commerce,
conference boards, and Rotary clubs) and other companies to support ‘character’ building.


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(b). Spirituality
 Spirituality is a way of living that emphasizes the constant awareness and recognition of
the spiritual dimension (mind and its development) of nature and people, with a dynamic
balance between the material development and the spiritual development.
 This is said to be the great virtue of Indian philosophy and for Indians. Sometimes,
spirituality includes the faith or belief in supernatural power/God, regarding the worldly
events. It functions as a fertilizer for the soil ‘character’ to blossom into values and morals.
 Spirituality includes creativity, communication, and recognition of the individual as human
being (as opposed to a life-less machine), respect to others, acceptance (stop finding faults
with colleagues and accept them the way they are), vision (looking beyond the obvious and

not believing anyone blindly),and partnership (not being too authoritative, and always
sharing responsibility with others, for better returns).

Spirituality is motivation as it encourages the colleagues to perform better. Remember, lack

of motivation leads to isolation. Spirituality is also energy: Be energetic and flexible to adapt

 sy E
to challenging and changing situations. Spirituality is flexibility as well.
Creativity in spirituality means conscious efforts to see things differently, to break out of

habits and outdated beliefs to find new ways of thinking, doing and being. Suppression of

creativity leads to violence.
People are naturally creative. When they are forced to crush their creativity, its energy

turns to destructive release and actions. Creativity includes the use of color, humor and

freedom to enhance productivity. Creativity is fun. When people enjoy what they do, it is
involvement. They work much harder.
Spirituality in the Workplace
Building spirituality in the workplace: Spirituality is promoted in the workplace by adhering to
the following activities:
1. Verbally respect the individuals as humans and recognize their values in all decisions
and actions.
2. Get to know the people with whom you work and know what is important to them. Know
their goals, desires, and dreams too.
3. State your personal ethics and your beliefs clearly.
4. Support causes outside the business.
5. Encourage leaders to use value-based discretion in making decisions.
6. Demonstrate your own self-knowledge and spirituality in all your actions.


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7. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Spirituality for Corporate Excellence

The spiritual traits to be developed for excellence in corporate activities are listed as
1. Self-awareness — Realization of self-potential. A human has immense capability but It
needs to be developed.
2. Alertness in observation and quickness in decision making, i.e., spontaneity which
includes quick reflexes, no delay but also no hasty decisions.
3. Being visionary and value based — This includes an attitude towards future of the

organization and the society, with clear objectives.
4. Holism — Whole system or comprehensive views and interconnected with different

aspects. Holistic thinking, which means the welfare of the self, family, organization and the

society including all other living beings and environment.

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5. Compassion — Sympathy, empathy and concern for others. These are essential for not
only building the team but also for its effective functioning.

6. Respect for diversity — It means search for unity in diversity i.e., respect others and their

7. Moral Autonomy — It means action based on rational and moral judgment. One need not
follow the crowd or majority i.e., band-wagon effect.
8. Creative thinking and constant reasoning — Think if we can do something new and if we
can improve further? g.n
9. Ability to analyze and synthesize — Refrain from doing something only traditional.
10. Positive views of adversity — Make adversities one’s source of power—a typical
Karmayogi’s outlook! Every threat is converted into opportunity.
11. Humility — The attitude to accept criticism (it requires courage!) and willing to correct. It
includes modesty and acknowledging the work of colleagues.
12. Sense of vocation — Treat the duty as a service to society, besides your organization.

4.Explain the importance of self-confidence in ethics. Apr/May ’16 (16)

Certainty in one’s own capabilities, values, and goals, is self-confidence.
These people are usually positive thinking, flexible and willing to change. They respect
others so much as they respect themselves. Self-confidence is positive attitude, wherein
the individual has some positive and realistic view of himself, with respect to the situations


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in which one gets involved. The people with self-confidence exhibit courage to get into
action and unshakable faith in their abilities, whatever may be their positions. They are not
influenced by threats or challenges and are prepared to face them and the natural or
unexpected consequences.
The self-confidence in a person develops a sense of partnership, respect, and
accountability, and this helps the organization to obtain maximum ideas, efforts, and
guidelines from its employees. The people with self-confidence have the following
1. A self-assured standing,
2. Willing to listen to learn from others and adopt (flexibility),

3. Frank to speak the truth, and
4. Respect others’ efforts and give due credit

On the contrary, some leaders expose others when failure occurs, and own the credit when
success comes.
sy E
The factors that shape self-confidence in a person are:
1. Heredity (attitudes of parents) and family environment (elders),
2. Friendship (influence of friends/colleagues),
3. Influence of superiors/role models, and ngi
4. Training in the organization ( e.g., training by Technical Evangelists at Infosys
The following methodologies are effective in developing self-confidence in a person:
1. Encouraging SWOT analysis. By evaluating their strength and weakness, they cang.n
anticipate and be prepared to face the results.
2. Training to evaluate risks and face them (self-acceptance).
3. Self-talk . It is conditioning the mind for preparing the self to act, without any doubt on his
capabilities. This make one accepts himself while still striving for improvement.
4. Study and group discussion, on the history of leaders and innovators (e.g., Sam Walton
of Wal-Mart, USA).


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5. Explain with suitable examples how the respect for others religious beliefs
enhance the peaceful living. Apr/May ’14 (16)
To live peacefully, one should start install peace within (self). Charity begins at
home. Then one can spread peace to family, organisation where one works, and then to the
world, including the environment. Only who are at peace can spread peace. You cannot gift
an article which you do not possess. The essence of oriental philosophy is that one should
not fight for peace. It is oxymoron. War or peace can be won only by peace, and not by
wars! One should adopt the following means to live peacefully, in the world:
1. Order in one’s life (self-regulation, discipline, and duty).
2. Pure thoughts in one’s soul (loving others, blessing others, friendly, and not criticizing or

hurting others by thought, word or deed).
3. Creativity in one’s head (useful and constructive).

4. Beauty in one’s heart (love, service, happiness, and peace). Get

5. Good health/body (physical strength for service). Act

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6. Help the needy with head, heart, and hands (charity). Service to the poor is considered
holier than the service to God.

7. Not hurting and torturing others either physically, verbally, or mentally.
The following are the factors that promote living, with internal and external peace:

1. Conducive environment (safe, ventilated, illuminated and comfortable).
2. Secured job and motivated with ‘recognition and reward’.
3. Absence of threat or tension by pressure due to limitations of money or time.
4. Absence of unnecessary interference or disturbance, except as guidelines. g.n
5. Healthy labor relations and family situations.
6. Service to the needy (physically and mentally-challenged) with love and sympathy.


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1. Mention the various types of inquires. (Nov/Dec’15)

 Normative inquires

 Conceptual inquires and

 Factual inquires

2. What is Moral Dilemma?

ww They may be some situations where two or more clearly applicable moral principles
come into conflict or a principle seems to indicate simultaneously two different outcomes,
w .Ea
such a problem is called as moral dilemma.

3. Define Moral Autonomy (Nov/Dec’14)/Nov/Dec’15

sy E
Moral Autonomy refers to the ability to think critically and independently about moral

issues and apply this normal thinking to situations that arise during the professional
engineering practice.

4. What are the models of professional roles? nee (Nov/Dec’14)

Engineers as saviors rin

Engineers as Guardians
Engineers as Bureaucratic servants

Engineers as social servants

Engineers as social Enablers and catalysts

Engineers as Game Players

5. What is Ethical pluralism?

Ethical pluralism is the view that there may be alternative moral perspectives
that are reasonable, but no one of which must be accepted completely by all rational and
morally concerned persons.


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6. What is Moral integrity?

Moral integrity is the unity of character based on the moral concern and
honesty. Integrity is a bridge that links the responsibilities between one’s personal life and
professional life.

7. State Gilligan’s theory. (Apr/May ’16)

According to Gilligan, males have tendency to over-ride the importance of

moral rules and convictions while resolving moral dilemmas; whereas females have
tendency to try hard to preserve personal relationships with all people involved in a

8. What is meant by consensus? (Apr/May ’16)

Consensus means ‘agreement’. A general agreement about something. An

w .Ea
idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group

9. List the methods that can be applied when testing is inappropriate.

1. Scenario Analysis sy E
2. Failure Mode Effect Analysis
3. Fault-tree analysis
4. Even-tree analysis
10. What do you understand by Business ethics?
(Apr/May ’15)

Business Ethics is concerned with the rules by which and individual lives his or her
personal life. et


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1. Explain the gillieyan’s theory for moral development

Kohlberg Theory

These theories are based on the sorts of reasoning and motivation adopted by
individuals with regard to moral questions.

Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory

According to Kohlberg, the people progressed in their moral reasoning through a series of
stages. His theory is based on the foundation that morality is a form of reasoning that
develops I structural stages.

The three levels of moral development, suggested by Kohlberg, are:

1. Pre-conventional level

2. Conventional level and
3. Post –conventional level.

sy E
1. Pre- conventional level

The pre-conventional level of moral development is based to derive benefits for oneself.

In the first level, individual behave according to socially acceptable norms, which are
taught mainly by parents and teachers.

At this level, individuals are motivated mainly by their interest to avoid punishment, or by
their desire to satisfy their own needs, or by the external power exerted on them.

This is the level of development of all young children and some adults, who are unable
to reach beyond a certain limit.

2. Conventional level

In the second level, the moral thinking and behavior of the individual are determined by
the standards of their family, community, and society. That is, the norms or customs of
one‘s family/community/society are accepted and adopted as the ultimate standard of

At this level, individuals are motivated by the desire to please others and to meet the
social units‘ expectations, without bothering much about their self-interest.

Thus as per the second level, individuals give more importance to loyalty and close
identification with others, than their own self-interest.

Many studies of Kohlberg reveal that most adults are living at this level only.

The second level of moral thinking is found in society generally. That‘s why it is named
as conventional‘ level of moral development


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3. Post –Conventional level

In the post-conventional level, the individuals are guided by strong principles and
convictions, not by selfish needs or pressures from society.

According to Kohlberg, these individuals are called as ‗autonomous‘, because they
think for/by themselves and also they do not believe that customs are always right.

The people at this level want to live by general principles that are universally applied to
all people. They always desire to maintain their moral integrity, self Kohlberg felt that the
majority of adults do not reach the post-conventional level.

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Gilligan Theory rin
Carol Gilligan, a former student and colleague of Kohlberg, has criticized g.n
Kohlberg‘s theory as male biased.

 She also charged Kohlberg that Kohlberg‘s studies were concluded with male
samples only and also his approach is dominated by a typical preoccupation with
general rules and rights.
 According to Gilligan, males have tendency to over-ride the importance of moral
rules and convictions while resolving moral dilemmas; whereas females have
tendency to try hard to preserve personal relationships with all people invlolved in a
 Also Gilligan felt that men mostly focus their attention on content of the problem,
whereas women focus their attention on the context i.e., situation of the problem.
 Gilligan refers her context-oriented emphasis on maintaining personal relationships
as the ethics of care, and contrasts it with Kohlberg‘s ethics of rules and rights.


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Gilligan’s Levels Of Moral Development

1. Pre-conventional level

This is almost the same as Kohlberg‘s first level.

That is, in this level an individual is concerned with self-centered
2. Conventional level

This level differs from Kohlberg‘s second level.

According to Gilligan, women will not hurt others and have a
willingness to sacrifice their own interests in order to help others.
3. Post-conventional level

This level also differs from Kohlberg‘s third level.

In this level, the individual is able to maintain balance between his own needs

ww 
with the needs of others.
The balancing can be achieved through context-oriented reasoning i.e.,
examining all facts, people and circumstances involved, rather than by
w applying abstract rules ranked in a hierarchy of importance.

sy E
2. What are the different types of model of professional roles? Nov/Dec’15
The word Professional‘gets different meanings based on the context. In general
Professional‘relates to any work that a person does for an occupation, especially work which
requires a special skill or training. Profession‖ means a type of job that requires special
training and that brings a fairly high status, for example — work connected with medicine,
law and education. Whatever may be one‘s profession one should show one‘s
professionalism, qualities that are typical or expected of a person in that profession.

Professional as Independence
Some persuasive definitions straightaway connect professionalism to independence


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and freedom from the use of force. Robert L. Whitelaw defines professionalisms and
employee status as logically incompatible‖ so long as the individual is looked upon as an
employee rather than as a free artisan; to that extent there is no professional status.
Therefore, only consulting engineers are said to be the professionals. The other
types of engineers, working as employees in business or governmental bureaucracies can
be called professionals only when they are protected by an engineering bill of rights enjoyed
already by consulting engineers. The rights are as follows: the rights to freedom from
surveillance, psychological manipulation and other job evaluation techniques.
On the basis of the definition given by Robert L.Whitelaw, an engineer can not be a
professional engineer if he works on the basis of his employer‘s orders which are concerning

the public good. He further views that professional involves the freedom to act according to
his / her own judgment about conduct i.e. free from excessive domination of engineers by the

authority of management.


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The main aim of the profession of engineering is to improve the public safety, wealth and
welfare. In order to perform these functions, the engineer has to play various models to

channelize his attitudes towards the achievement of objectives. They are as follows:
(1) Savior

The engineers are responsible for creating an utopian society in which everything is possible

and can be achieved without much effort — This can only be achieved through technological
developments made by the engineers, for safe-guarding the society from poverty,
inefficiency, waste and manual labour. g.n
(2) Guardian
Engineers only know the directions through which technology will be developed. So, they
should be given position of high authority based on their expertise skills in determining what
is in the best interests of the society. They should act as guardians to the technological
(3) Bureaucratic Servant
Engineers‘ role in the management is to be the servant who receives and translates the
directive of management into better achievements. They have to solve the problems given by
the management, within the limits set by the management.
(4) Social servant
The role of engineers is not only providing service to others but also their responsibility to the
society. The interests of the society can be expressed to the engineers it either directly or


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indirectly. So, the engineers, with the co-operation of the management, have the work of
receiving society‘s directives and satisfying the desires of the society.
(5) Social enabler and catalyst
The engineer has to play a role of creating a better society and should be the cause of
making social changes. Service given by the engineers to the society includes carrying out
the social directives . Engineers are needed to help the management and the society to
understand their needs and to create decisions about technological development.
(6) Game Player
We cannot say that engineers are servants or masters of anyone. They are playing the
economic game rules which may be effective at a given time. Their aim is to play

successfully within the organization enjoying the happiness of technological work and the
satisfaction of winning and moving ahead in a completive world.

w .Ea
3. Discuss three types of inquiry Nov/Dec’14

sy E
Inquiry means an investigation. Like general ethics, Engineering ethics also involves
investigations into values, meaning and facts. These inquiries in the field of Engineering
ethics are of three types.
1. Normative Inquiries ngi
2. Conceptual Inquiries nee
3. Factual or Descriptive Inquiries
Normative Inquiries rin
These inquiries are mostly helpful to identify the values which guide the individuals
and groups in taking a decision. These are meant for identifying and justifying some norms
and standards of morally desirable nature for guiding individuals as well as groups. In most
of the cases, the normative questions are given below:
1. How do the obligations of engineers protect the public safety in given situations?
2. When should an engineer have to alarm their employers on dangerous practices?
3. Where are the laws and organizational procedures that affect engineering practice on
moral issues?
4. Where are the moral rights essential for engineers to fulfill their professional obligations?
From these questions, it is clear that normative inquiries also have the theoretical goal of
justifying moral judgments.


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Conceptual Inquiries
These are meant for describing the meaning of concepts, principles, and issues
related to Engineering Ethics. These inquiries also explain whether the concepts and ideas
are expressed by single word or by phrases. The following are some of the questions of
conceptual inquiries:
1. What is the safety and how it is related to risk?
2. What does it mean when codes of ethics say engineers should protect the safety, health
and welfare of the public?
3. What is a ‘bribe’?
4. What is a ‘profession’ and ‘professional’?

Factual / Descriptive Inquiries
These help to provide facts for understanding and finding solutions to value based

issues. The engineer has to conduct factual inquiries by using scientific techniques. These

help to provide information regarding the business realities such as engineering practice,

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history of engineering profession, the effectiveness of professional societies in imposing
moral conduct, the procedures to be adopted when assessing risks and psychological

profiles of engineers. The information about these facts provide understanding and
background conditions which create moral problems. These facts are also helpful in solving

moral problems by using alternative ways of solutions. These types of inquiries are said to be

complementary and interrelated. Suppose an engineer wants to tell a wrong thing in an
engineering practice to his superiors, he has to undergo all these inquiries and prepare an

analysis about the problem on the basis of moral values and issues attached to that wrong
thing. Then only he can convince his superior. Otherwise his judgment may be neglected or
rejected by his superior.
4. Explain in details about the sense of engineering ethics Apr/May ’16 (16)

The word ethics has different meanings but they are correspondingly related to each
other. In connection with that, Engineering ethics has also various senses which are
related to one another.

Comparison of the senses of Ethics and Engineering Ethics


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Ethics Engineering Ethics

1. Ethics is an activity which concerns 1. Like the ethics, engineering ethics

with making investigations and also aims at knowing moral values
knowing about moral values, finding related to engineering, finding
solutions to moral issues and accurate solutions to the moral
justifying moral issues and justifying problems in engineering and
moral judgments. justifying moral judgments of

2. Ethics is a means of contrasting moral

questions from non-moral problems. 2. Engineering Ethics gives a total view
of the moral problems and how to
solve these issues specifically related

3. Ethics is also used as a means of
describing the beliefs, attitudes and
habits related to an individual’s or
to engineering field.

group’s morality. Eg. : Ethics given

in the Bhagavat Gita or the Bible or
the Quran.
3. Engineering ethics is also using some
currently accepted codes and
standards which are to be followed by

sy E
4. As per the definition of dictionaries
group of engineers and engineering

‘moral principles’ is about the actions

and principles of conduct of the ngi 4. Engineering ethics also concerns with
people. i.e. ethical or unethical.
nee discovering moral principles such as
obligation, rights and ideals in

engineering and by applying them to
take a correct decision.

From these senses of Engineering ethics, one can realize that it is the study of
What is morality? et
The term ‘morality’ concerns with (a) what ought or ought not to be done in a given
situation, (b) what is right or wrong in handling it, (c) what is good or bad about the persons,
policies and principles involved in it.

If an action is said to be morally right or a principle is said to be morally good, then

they are said to be had some moral reasons in supporting it.

Moral reasons include respecting others and ourselves, respecting the rights of
others, keeping promises, avoiding unnecessary problems to others and avoiding cheating
and dishonesty, showing gratitude to others and encourage them to work.


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So, if an engineering decision is said to be a good one, it has to meet out all the
specifications. These specifications must be covered both the technical and the moral
specifications such as safety of the product, reliability, easy maintenance and the product
should be user-friendly with environment.


There are so many engineering disasters which are greater / heavier than the level
of acceptable or tolerable risk. Therefore, for finding and avoiding such cases such as
nuclear plant accident at Chernobyl (Russia), Chemical plant at Bhopal (India) where a big
disaster of gas leakage, occurred in 1980, which caused many fatal accidents. In the same
way, oil spills from some oil extraction plants (the Exxon Valdez plant), hazardous waste,

pollution and other related services, natural disasters like floods, earth quake and danger
from using asbestos and plastics are some more cases for engineering disasters. These

fields should be given awareness of engineering ethics. Hence, it is essential for engineers

to get awareness on the above said disasters. They should also know the importance of the
system of engineering.

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When malfunction of the system is a rapid one, the disaster will be in greater extent

and can be noticed immediately. When they ate slow and unobserved, the impact is
delayed. So, the engineers should not ignore about the functions of these systems.

These cases also explain and make the engineers to be familiar with the outline of
the case in future and also about their related ethical issues.
Approaches to Engineering Ethics: g.n
i. Micro-Ethics: This approach stresses more about some typical and everyday
problems which play an important role in the field of engineering and in the
profession of an engineer.
ii. Macro-Ethics: This approach deals with all the social problems which are unknown
and suddenly burst out on a regional or national level.

So, it is necessary for an engineer to pay attention on both the approaches by having
a careful study of how they affect them professionally and personally. The engineers
have to tolerate themselves with the everyday problems both from personal and
societal point of view.

Where and How do Moral Problems arise in Engineering?

Any product or project has to undergo various stages such as planning, idea, design,


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and manufacturing which is followed by testing, sales and services. This has to be done by
engineers of various branches like Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical etc. These
engineers may be grouped together as a team or they may be separated from each other
with an interconnection or co-ordination.

Inspite of the engineers’ full attention and care, sometimes the product or project
may be unsafe or less useful. This may be due to some reasons 1) The product or project
may be designed for early obsolescence or 2) due to under pressure because of running
out of time, budgetary etc or 3) by ignorance on the size of the project, or 4) because of the
large number of a products sold on the mass market, people may be affected.

Some cases with which different areas covered by engineering ethics:

1. An inspector finds a faulty part in the manufacture of a machine, which prevents the

use of that machine for a longer period. But his superior, takes this as a minor

mistake and orders that the faulty part to be adjusted so that the delay in the process
has to be avoided. But the inspector doesn’t want this and so he is threatened by the
sy E
2. An electronic company applies for a permit to start a Nuclear Power Plant. When the

licensing authority comes for visit, they enquire the company authorities on the
emergency measures that have been established for safety of the surroundings. The

engineers inform them about the alarm system and arrangements have been made
in local hospitals for the treatment of their employees and they have no plan for the

surrounding people. They also inform that it is the responsibility of the people.
3. A Yarn Dyeing company which dumps its wastes in the nearby river. It causes heavy
damage to the people those who are using the river. The plant engineers
are aware of this, but they do not change the disposal method because their
competitors also doing similarly as it happens to be a cheaper. They also say that it
is the responsibility of the local government.
The above given examples clearly explain how the ethical problems arise most often
because of wrong judgments and expectations of engineers. These necessitate for
establishing some codes of conduct which has to be imposed on engineers’ decisions
on the basis of ethical view.


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5. Explain the theory of human right ethics and its classification Nov/Dec 15


There are four types of theories on ethics, which help to create the fundamental
principles of obligation suitable and applicable to professional and personal conduct of a
person in his everyday life. These theories are essential for cause of right action and
morality. They are:
1. “Golden mean” ethics (Aristotle, 384 – 322 B.C.). The best solution is achieved
through reason and logic and is a compromise or “golden mean” between extremes of
excess and deficiency. For example, in the case of the environment,
the golden mean between the extremes of neglect and exploitation might be protection.

Problem: Variability from one person to another in their powers of reasoning and the
difficulty in applying the theory to ethical problems.
w .Ea
2. “Rights – based” ethics (John Locke, 1632 – 1704). Every person is free and equal and
has the right to life, health, liberty and possessions (in effect prohibiting capital punishment,

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medical charges, jails and income taxes).
Problem: One person’s right may be in conflict with another’s rights.

3. “Duty – based” ethics (Immanual Kant, 1724 – 1804). Each person has a duty to follow a

course of action that would be universally acceptable for everyone to
follow without exception. (Thus we would all be honest, kind, generous and peaceful).
Problem: Universal application of a rule can be harmful.
4. “Utilitarian” ethics (John Stuart Mill, 1806 – 1873). The best choice is that which produces
the maximum benefit for the greatest number of people (which could endanger minority
rights). et
Problem: Qualification of the benefits can be difficult. All these theories can be differentiated
on the basis of what they provide for moral concept, good results for all, duties and human


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6. What is meant by self interest? Relate the term with “Ethical egoism” with
suitable examples.Nov/Dec 15

 Self-interest is nothing but one’s personal good. It refers to the goodness of oneself
in the long run.
 Each of the ethical theories recognizes the importance of self-respect. Utilitarian
considers one’s own good as well as the good of others. Duty ethicists stresses duties to
ourselves and for won well-being. Ethicists of rights emphasize our rights to pursue our own
 Virtue ethicists accent the importance of self – respect. Each of these theories insists

that the pursuit of self – interest must be balanced and kept under control by moral
responsibilities to other people. Now let us consider a view called “ethical Egoism” which

challenges all the ethical theories and it tries to reduce morality to the pursuit of self-

interest. It is called ‘egoism’, because it says that the main duty of us is to maximize our
own good.
 sy E
According to Thomas Hobbes and Any Rand, moral values are reduced to concern

for oneself but always a rational concern which requires consideration of a person’s long-
term interests.
 nee
The Supporters of ethical egoism make a differentiation between narrower and wider
forms of self-interest.

When a person who selfishly preoccupies his own private good and disregard for the
good of others, will be off from rewarding friendships and love.
 Personal well-being generally requires taking some large interest in others. But the
rational egoist insists that the only reason for showing an interest in others is for the sake of
 Ethical Egoists try to protect their positions by arguing that an ironic importance of
everyone rationally pursuing one’s self-interest is that every one get benefited. The society
benefits mostly when (i) individuals pursue their private good and (ii) corporations pursue
maximum profits in a competitive free market. The main idea here is that leads to the
improvement of economy through which benefiting everyone. Because, both the individual
and the corporation know very well that what is good for them and how best to pursue that


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 As per ethical egoism, people should always and only pursue their self – interest in a
very cautious manner to value the interest rationally on the basis of facts. Morality
essentially needs a willingness on the part of both individuals and corporations to place
some restrictions on the pursuit of private self – interests.
 Accepting these constraints is presupposed in what is meant by moral concern
Engineering Ethics also has one task of exhibiting the moral limits on the pursuit of self
interest in the Engineering profession. The above said remarks do not constitute a wrong
proof for ethical egoism. Morality stresses that we have to give value and we are concerned
for the good of other people.
 Ethical egoism is not a persuasive or probable theory to state what is morality but it

is only a convinced rejection of morality.

w .Ea
7. Explain the need of tolerance for different customs and ethical pluralism in

sy E
adverse society with suitable example April /MAY 2014

As we live in a society which is of increasingly diverse nature, it is more important to
have tolerance for various customs and outlooks. Hence the concept of ethical
pluralism emerges. nee

It views that there may be alternative moral attitudes that are reasonable. But none of

the moral perspectives can be accepted completely by all the rational and the morally
concerned persons.
 Ethical pluralism allows the customs which plays an important role in deciding how we
should act. Moral values are many, varied and flexible. So, these moral values allow
considerable variation in how different individuals and groups understand and apply
them in their day-today activities.
 In other words, to be precise, reasonable persons always have reasonable
disagreement on moral issues, including issues in engineering ethics.

Ethical Relativism
 Ethical Relativism, an objectionable view, should not be confused with Ethical
Pluralism. As per Ethical relativism says that actions are morally right when they are
approved by law or custom and they are said to be wrong when they violate laws or


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customs. Ethical relativism tries to reduce moral values to laws, conventions and
customs of societies.

What is the necessary for a person to accept ethical relativism?

There are so many reasons for accepting ethical relativism –
I. The laws and customs seem to be definite, real and clear – cut.
 They help to reduce the endless disputes about right and wrong.
 Moreover, laws seem to be an objective way to approach values. The above argument
is some what weak.
 This reason underestimates the extent to which ordinary moral reasons are sufficiently

 ww
objective to make possible criticism of individual prejudice and bias.
Moreover, moral reasons allow objective criticism of the given laws as morally


For example, the apartheid laws (racial segregation) in south Africa. This law violated the

sy E
human rights are not given any legal protections to the majority of the blacks, but morally
ought to be.

II. ngi
The second reason for accepting ethical relativism is because it believes the values

are subjective at the cultural level.
They also state that the moral standards are varied from one culture to another. The

only kind of objectivity is relative to a given set of laws in a given society. This relativity

of morality encourages the virtue of tolerance of difference among societies.
 The above said argument is also confusing one. It assumes that ethical relativism is
implied by descriptive relativism. i.e., values and beliefs differ from culture to culture.
There is nothing self-certifying about the laws and beliefs. This can be explained by
the following illustration. Ethical relativism would allow that Hitler and his followers
(Nazis) acted correctly when they killed 6 million Jews, for their laws, customs, and
beliefs which were based on anti – Semitism (hostile to Jews).
 So, ethical relativism refers anything but for the tolerant doctrine it pretends to be. But
there is nothing tolerant in accepting Nazi beliefs about morality Admitting intolerant
anti-Semitic beliefs is not an act of tolerance.
 The supporters of ethical relativism, generally say that an action is right “for cultures”
when believe it as the right one .i.e., it is right “for them” though not “for us”. So,


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beliefs, however customary or widely shared, are not self-certifying whether we are
talking about moral beliefs or scientific beliefs.
III. The third reason is based on the moral relationalism or moral contextulaism.
 This states that moral judgments must be made in relation to some factors which vary
from case to case. Making simple and absolute rules are impossible in this way. In
most of the cases, customs and laws are considered as morally important factors for
making judgments.
 All philosophers accepted this moral relationalism. But contemporary duty and right
ethicists like ‘Kant’ do not accept.
 The virtue ethicists stress the role of practical wisdom in identifying the facts which are

relevant to assessment of conduct based on virtual manner.

w .Ea
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1. Differentiate scientific experiments and engineering projects. (Apr/May ’16)

Engineering experiments differ from standard experiments highlights the engineer’s

responsibility. The differences reveals through 2 aspects.

 Experimental Control - Selection of members for 2 different groups.

One may receive special experimental treatment while the member of other group
called control group do not receive the special treatment even though they are

subjected to same environment.

Informed Consent

- It comprise 2 main elements

sy E
2. What are the conditions are essential for a valid informed consent? Nov/Dec’15)

The informed consent can be called as “ valid consent” when the following conditions are
met. nee
 The consent should be given voluntarily and not by any force.

The consent should be based on all the information needed for a rational person to

make a reasonable decision.

The consent should be competent enough to process the information and to make
rational decisions. Here competent in the sense, the consenting should be physically
and mentally and fir.

3. List the advantage of industrial standards. (Apr/May ’15)

Standards are very useful for manufacturers for production of goods.

Standards also benefit user and public.

Standards will give equal opportunities to all manufacturers.

Standards ensure quality and hence facilitate more realistic trade-decision.


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4. What are the limitations of code of ethics? (Nov/Dec’14)

 Code of ethics is broad guidelines, restricted to general and vague wordings/phrases.

The codes cannot be applied directly all situations.

 Engineering codes often have internal conflicts, which may result in moral dilemmas.
That is several entries in codes overlap with each other.

 The codes cannot serve as the final moral authority for professional conduct.

 The proliferation of codes of ethics for different branches of engineering gives a feeling
that ethical codes are relative.

5. What are the features of Engineering Experimentation? (Nov/Dec’14)

wwA conscientious commitment to live by moral values: The primary duty of morally

responsible engineers is to protect the safety of human subjects and respect their right of

sy E
6. What is learning from the past? ( April/May ‘14)

Engineer should not learn not only from their own result but alsi from other

engineer’s results. But because of misplaced pride in not asking for information, fear of

litigation and simple negligence usually impede the flow of information and leads to
repetitive mistakes. Engineer’s should not always rely on handbooks alone but should
remain alert and informed at every stage of project or experimentation.
7. What is agency loyalty? ( April/May ‘14)
Agency Loyalty is to fulfil one’s contractual duties to an employer. The
contractual duties may include particular tasks for which one is paid, general activities of
cooperating with colleagues, and following lawful authority within the organization.

Eg: People may not like the job do and hate their employer. But still they would perform
their duty as long as they are employers.

8. Define ‘informed consent’ (Apr/May ’15)

When a medicine or an engineering product is to tested on a person, then the

moral and legal rights is to get informed consent from him. In other words the
experimenters whose experiments involve human subjects have moral and legal obligations
to inform about all relevant facts about the experiments to the person who participates in


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9. Define ‘collegiality’. What are its elements? (Apr/May ’15)

Collegiality defines as “ a kind of connectedness grounded in respect for professional
expertise and in a commitment to the goals and values of the profession”.

The elements are

 Respect

 Commitment

 Connectedness

10. What are the general responsibilities of engineers to society?

o Engineers are primarily as technical enablers or facilitators, rather than being the sole

o Engineers responsibility is shared with management the public and others.

o The other unique responsibilities of engineers include monitoring projects, identifying

sy E
risks, providing customers and clients required information to make reasonable



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Unit III
1. What are the different roles and function of ‘code of ethics’? Nov/Dec’15
Codes of ethics state the moral responsibilities of engineers as seen by the
profession and as represented by a professional society
Codes of ethics play at least eight essential roles: serving and protecting the public,
providing guidance, offering inspiration, establishing shared standards, supporting
responsible professionals, contributing to education, deterring wrongdoing, and
strengthening a profession’s image.

1. Serving and protecting the public.
Engineering involves advanced expertise that professionals have and the public

lacks, and also considerable dangers to a vulnerable public.
2. Guidance.
sy E
Codes provide helpful guidance by articulating the main obligations of engineers.
Because codes should be brief to be effective, they offer mostly general guidance.
3. Inspiration.
Because codes express a profession’s collective commitment to ethics, they provide

a positive stimulus (motivation) for ethical conduct.
4. Shared standards.
The diversity of moral viewpoints among individual engineers makes it essential that

professions establish explicit standards, in particular minimum (but hopefully high)
5. Support for responsible professionals.
Codes give positive support to professionals seeking to act ethically.
6. Education and mutual understanding.
Codes can be used by professional societies and in the classroom to prompt discussion
and reflection on moral issues.
7. Deterrence and discipline.
Codes can also serve as the formal basis for investigating unethical conduct. Where such
investigation is possible, a deterrent for immoral behaviour is thereby provided.
8. Contributing to the profession’s image.
Codes can present a positive image to the public of an ethically committed profession.
Where warranted, the image can help engineers more effectively serve the public.


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Abuse of Codes
 When codes are not taken seriously within a profession, they amount to a kind of
window dressing that ultimately increases public cynicism about the profession.
Worse, codes occasionally stifle dissent within the profession and are abused in
other ways.
 Probably the worst abuse of engineering codes is to restrict honest moral effort on
the part of individual engineers to preserve the profession’s public image and protect
the status quo. Preoccupation with keeping a shiny public image may silence healthy
dialogue and criticism. And an excessive interest in protecting the status quo may
lead to a distrust of the engineering profession on the part of both government and


the public.
The best way to increase trust is by encouraging and helping engineers to speak

wfreely and responsibly about public safety and well-being. This includes a tolerance

for criticisms of the codes themselves, rather than allowing codes to become sacred

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documents that have to be accepted uncritically.
Limitations of Codes

Codes are no substitute for individual responsibility in grappling with concrete

dilemmas. Most codes are restricted to general wording, and hence inevitably
contain substantial areas of vagueness. Thus, they may not be able to
straightforwardly address all situations.

At the same time, vague wording may be the only way new technical developments
and shifting social and organizational structures can be accommodated. Other
uncertainties can arise when different entries in codes come into conflict with each
 Usually codes provide little guidance as to which entry should have priority in those
cases. For example, as we have noted, tensions arise between stated
responsibilities to employers and to the wider public.
 Again, duties to speak honestly—not just to avoid deception, but also to reveal
morally relevant truths—are sometimes in tension with duties to maintain


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Ethical Relativism
 Does a professions code of ethics create the obligations that are incumbent on
members of the profession, so that engineers’ obligations are entirely relative to their
code of ethics? Or does the code simply record the obligations that already exist?
 One view is that codes try to put into words obligations that already exist, whether or
not the code is written. As Stephen Unger writes, codes “recognize” obligations that
already exist: “A code of professional ethics may be thought of as a collective
recognition of the responsibilities of the individual practitioners”; codes cannot be
“used in cookbook fashion to resolve complex problems,” but instead they are
“valuable in outlining the factors to be considered.”

ww Notice the word “imposes,” as distinct from “recognizing” an obligation that already
exists. To violate the code is wrong because it creates an unfair advantage in

competing with other professionals in the marketplace.

Justification of Codes
 sy E
If codes of ethics do not merely state conventions, as ethical relativists hold, what

does justify those responsibilities that are not mere creations of convention? A code,

we might say, specifies the (officially endorsed) “customs” of the professional
“society” that writes and promulgates it as incumbent on all members of a profession
(or at least members of a professional society).
 When these values are specified as responsibilities, they constitute role
responsibilities—that is, obligations connected with a particular social role as a
professional. These responsibilities are not self certifying, any more than other
customs are.
 To conclude, any set of conventions, whether codes of ethics or actual conduct,
should be open to scrutiny in light of wider values. At the same time, professional
codes should be taken very seriously.
 They express the good judgment of many morally concerned individuals, the
collective wisdom of a profession at a given time.
 Certainly codes are a proper starting place for an inquiry into professional ethics;
they establish a framework for dialogue about moral issues; and more often than not,
they cast powerful light on the dilemmas confronting engineers.


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2. With a case study explain the “learn from the past” in engineering
experimentation. Nov/Dec15 (8)
Learning from the Past
Usually engineers learn from their own earlier design and operating results, as well
as from those of other engineers, but unfortunately that is not always the case. Lack of
established channels of communication, misplaced pride in not asking for information,
embarrassment at failure or fear of litigation and plain neglect often impede the flow of such
information and lead to many repetitions of past mistakes. Here are a few examples:
1. The Titanic lacked a sufficient number of lifeboats decades after most of the passengers
and crew on the steamship Arctic had perished because of the same problem.

2. “Complete lacks of protection against impact by shipping caused Sweden’s worst ever
bridge collapse on Friday as a result of which eight people were killed.” Thus reported the

New Civil Engineer on January 24, 1980. Engineers now recommend the use of floating

concrete bumpers that can deflect ships, but that recommendation is rarely heeded as seen

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by the 1993 collapse of the Bayou Cannot Bridge that cost 43 passengers of the Sunset
Limited their lives.

3. Valves are notorious for being among the least reliable components of hydraulic
systems. It was a pressure relief valve, and a lack of definitive information regarding its

open or shut state, which contributed to the nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island on

March 28, 1979. Similar malfunctions had occurred with identical valves on nuclear reactors
at other locations. The required reports had been filed with Babcock and Wilcox, the
reactor’s manufacturer, but no attention had been given to them g.n
4. NASA uses the metric system while Lockheed Martin uses the English system when
building a satellite
Courtesy of NASA
Cost of the lost orbiter: $125 million
Inflation-adjusted: $165.6 million
In 1999 a team of Lockheed Martin engineers used the English system of measurement,
while the rest of the team used the metric system for a Mars orbiter.
The use of two different measurement systems prevented the spacecraft's navigation
coordinates from being transferred from a spacecraft team in Denver to a lab in California.
The orbiter was then lost in space, and NASA was out $125 million.
These examples illustrate why it is not enough for engineers to rely on handbooks and
computer programs without knowing the limits of the tables and algorithms underlying their


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favorite tools. They do well to visit shop floors and construction sites to learn from workers
and testers how well the customers’ wishes were met. The art of back-of-the-envelope
calculations to obtain ballpark values with which to quickly check lengthy and complicated
computational procedures must not be lost. Engineering demands practitioners who remain
alert and well informed at every stage of a project’s history and who exchange ideas freely
with colleagues in related departments.

3. How can engineer become a responsible experimenter? Highlight the code of

ethics for engineer. Apr/May 16

Engineering as Social Experimentation
What are the responsibilities of engineers to society? Viewing engineering as social

experimentation does not by itself answer this question. Although engineers are the main

technical enablers or facilitators, they are far from being the sole experimenters. Their

 sy E
responsibility is shared with management, the public, and others.
Yet their expertise places them in a unique position to monitor projects, to identify

risks, and to provide clients and the public with the information needed to make
reasonable decisions.
 nee
From the perspective of engineering as social experimentation, four features

characterize what it means to be a responsible person while acting as an engineer: a
conscientious commitment to live by moral values, a comprehensive perspective,
autonomy, and accountability. g.n
Or, stated in greater detail as applied to engineering projects conceived as social
1. A primary obligation to protect the safety of human subjects and respect their right of
2. A constant awareness of the experimental nature of any project, imaginative forecasting
of its possible side effects, and a reasonable effort to monitor them
3. Autonomous, personal involvement in all steps of a project
4. Accepting accountability for the results of a project
Codes of ethics


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Codes of ethics state the moral responsibilities of engineers as seen by the

profession and as represented by a professional society
Codes of ethics play at least eight essential roles: serving and protecting the public,
providing guidance, offering inspiration, establishing shared standards, supporting
responsible professionals, contributing to education, deterring wrongdoing, and
strengthening a profession’s image.

1. Serving and protecting the public.

Engineering involves advanced expertise that professionals have and the public
lacks, and also considerable dangers to a vulnerable public.

2. Guidance.
Codes provide helpful guidance by articulating the main obligations of engineers.

Because codes should be brief to be effective, they offer mostly general guidance.
3. Inspiration.
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Because codes express a profession’s collective commitment to ethics, they provide
a positive stimulus (motivation) for ethical conduct.
4. Shared standards.
The diversity of moral viewpoints among individual engineers makes it essential that

professions establish explicit standards, in particular minimum (but hopefully high)
5. Support for responsible professionals. rin
Codes give positive support to professionals seeking to act ethically. g.n
6. Education and mutual understanding.
Codes can be used by professional societies and in the classroom to prompt discussion
and reflection on moral issues.
7. Deterrence and discipline.
Codes can also serve as the formal basis for investigating unethical conduct. Where such
investigation is possible, a deterrent for immoral behavior is thereby provided.
8. Contributing to the profession’s image.
Codes can present a positive image to the public of an ethically committed profession.
Where warranted, the image can help engineers more effectively serve the public.


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4. Explain the responsibilities of engineers to society

1. Conscientiousness
 People act responsibly to the extent that they conscientiously commit themselves to
live according to moral values, instead of a consuming preoccupation with a narrowly
conceived self-interest. By conscientious moral commitment we mean sensitivity to
the full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to a given situation, and
the willingness to develop the skill and expend the effort needed to reach a
reasonable balance among those considerations.
 Conscientiousness implies consciousness: open eyes, open ears, and an open
mind. The contemporary working conditions of engineers tend to narrow moral vision

ww solely to the obligations that accompany employee status. More than 90 percent of
engineers are salaried employees, most of who work within large bureaucracies

under great pressure to function smoothly within the organization.

There are obvious benefits in terms of prudent self-interest and concern for one’s

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family that make it easy to emphasize as primary the obligations to one’s employer.
Gradually the minimal negative duties, such as not falsifying data, not violating

patent rights, and not breaching confidentiality, may come to be viewed as the full
extent of moral aspiration
2. Comprehensive Perspective nee

Conscientiousness is blind without relevant factual information. Hence showing moral

concern involves a commitment to obtain and properly assess all available information
that is pertinent to meeting moral obligations.
 This means, as a first step, fully grasping the context of one’s work, which makes it
count as an activity having a moral import. For example, in designing a heat exchanger,
if I ignore the fact that it will be used in the manufacture of a potent, illegal hallucinogen,
I am showing a lack of moral concern.
3. Moral
 Autonomy People are morally autonomous when their moral conduct and principles of
action are their own, in a special sense derived from Kant: Moral beliefs and attitudes
should be held on the basis of critical reflection rather than passive adoption of the
particular conventions of one’s society, church, or profession.


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 This is often what is meant by “authenticity” in one’s commitment to moral values. Those
beliefs and attitudes, moreover, must be integrated into the core of an individual’s
personality in a manner that leads to committed action.
 It is a comfortable illusion to think that in working for an employer, and thereby
performing acts directly serving a company’s interests, one is no longer morally and
personally identified with one’s actions.
4. Accountability
 Finally, responsible people accept moral responsibility for their actions. Too often
“accountable” is understood in the overly narrow sense of being culpable and
blameworthy for misdeeds.

But the term more properly refers to the general disposition of being willing to submit
one’s actions to moral scrutiny and be open and responsive to the assessments of

others. It involves willingness to present morally cogent reasons for one’s conduct when

called on to do so in appropriate circumstances.

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5. A Balanced Outlook on Law
Hammurabi, as king of Babylon, was concerned with strict order in his realm, and he

decided that the builders of his time should also be governed by his laws. In 1758 BCE he

decreed: “If a builder has built a house for a man and has not made his work sound, and
the house which he has built has fallen down and so caused the death of the householder,
that builder shall be put to death . . .
If a builder has built a house for a man and does not make his work perfect and the wall
bulges, that builder shall put that wall into sound condition at his own cost.” What should be
the role of law in engineering, as viewed within our model of social experimentation? The
legal regulations that apply to engineering and other professions are becoming more
numerous and more specific all the time.
6. Industrial Standards
There is one area in which industry usually welcomes greater specificity, and that is in
regard to standards. Product standards facilitate the interchange of components, they serve
as readymade substitutes for lengthy design specifications, and they decrease production
costs. Standards consist of explicit specifications that, when followed with care, ensure that
stated criteria for interchangeability and quality will be attained. Examples range from
automobile tire sizes and load ratings to computer protocols


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5. Describe the concept of

(i) Fault Tree Analysis Apr/May 15 (8)
 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), as an example of a popular traditional analysis method, and
reconstruct what we believe to be the basis for judging the adequacy of fault trees.
 The subsequent section demonstrates that the same grounds for confidence do not
currently exist for MBSA and that the justification of the adequacy of novel models
poses significant new challenges.
 It is important to stress that we do not argue that the current basis for ‘trusting’
traditional techniques and artefacts they generate is adequate.

However, we suggest that confidence in any new proposed techniques should at least
match that in FTA.

The remaining sections of the paper discuss how these challenges can be pragmatically

addressed through improved methodological guidance and approaches to simulation-

 sy E
based model review together with explicit arguments of model adequacy.
In a fault tree analysis, we begin with an undesirable event, such as a car not starting or

the loss of electrical power to a nuclear power plant’s safety system. We reason back to

 nee
the events that might have caused this undesirable event.
Fault trees are often used to anticipate hazards for which there is little or no direct

experience, such as nuclear meltdowns. They enable an engineer to analyze

systematically the various failure modes attendant to an engineering project.
A failure mode is a way in which a structure, mechanism, or process can malfunction.
 For example, a structure can rip apart in tension, crumble to pieces in compression,
crack and break in bending, lose its integrity because of corrosion (rusting), explode
because of excessive internal pressure, or burn because of excessive temperature

6. What are the safety lessons that can be learned from Bhopal disaster? Discuss the
role of Governments regulator’s in reducing the risk.(16)Apr/May 16
Safety lessons that can be learned from Bhopal disaster:
 Union Carbide in 1984 operated in 37 host countries in addition to its home country, the
United States, ranking 35th in size among U.S. corporations. On December 3, 1984, the
operators of Union Carbide’s plant in Bhopal, India, became alarmed by a leak and
overheating in a storage tank.


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 The tank contained methyl isocyanate (MIC), a toxic ingredient used in pesticides. As a
concentrated gas, MIC burns any moist part of bodies with which it comes in contact,
scalding throats and nasal passages, blinding eyes, and destroying lungs. Within an
hour the leak exploded in a gush that sent 40 tons of deadly gas into the atmosphere.
 The result was the worst industrial accident in history: 500,000 persons exposed to the
gas, 2,500 to 3,000 deaths within a few days, 10,000 permanently disabled, 100,000 to
200,000 others injured (the exact figures will always be disputed).
 The government of India required the Bhopal plant to be operated entirely by Indian
workers. Hence Union Carbide at first took admirable care in training plant personnel,
flying them to its West Virginia plant for intensive training.

It also had teams of U.S. engineers make regular on-site safety inspections. But in
1982, financial pressures led Union Carbide to relinquish its supervision of safety at the

plant, although it retained general financial and technical control.

One source of the erosion was personnel: high turnover of employees, failure to

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properly train new employees, and low technical preparedness of the local labor pool.
The other source was the move away from U.S. standards (contrary to Carbide’s written

policies) toward lower Indian standards. By December 1984, there were several extreme

hazards, including overloading of the tanks storing the MIC gas and lack of proper
cooling of the tanks.

According to the official account, a disgruntled employee unscrewed a pressure gauge

on a storage tank and inserted a hose into it. He knew and intended that the water he
poured into the tank would do damage but did not know it would cause such immense
damage. According to another account, a relatively new worker had been instructed by
a new supervisor to flush out some pipes and filters connected to the chemical storage
 Apparently the worker properly closed valves to isolate the tanks from the pipes and
filters being washed, but he failed to insert the required safety disks to back up the
valves in case they leaked. Either way, by the time the workers noticed a gauge
showing the mounting pressure and began to feel the sting of leaking gas, they found
their main emergency procedures unavailable. The primary defense against gas leaks
was a vent-gas scrubber designed to neutralize the gas.
 It was shut down (and was turned on too late to help), because it was assumed to be
unnecessary during times when production was suspended. The second line of defence


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was a flare tower that would burn off escaping gas missed by the scrubber. It was
inoperable because a section of the pipe connecting it to the tank was being repaired.
 As was common in India, desperately poor migrant labourers had become squatters—
by the tens of thousands—in the vacant areas surrounding the plant. They had come
with hopes of finding any form of employment, as well as to take advantage of whatever
water and electricity was available.
 Virtually none of the squatters had been officially informed by Union Carbide or the
Indian government of the danger posed by the chemicals being produced next door to
them. The scope of the disaster was greatly increased because of total unpreparedness.

7. Explain in detail the powerful support and the proper role of law in engineering.


We should also mention the role of law in engineering ethics. The practice of

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engineering is governed by many laws on the international, federal, state, and local
levels. Many of these laws are based on ethical principles, although many are purely of

a practical, rather than a philosophical, nature.
There is also a distinction between what is legal and what is ethical. Many things that
are legal could be considered unethical. For example, designing a process that releases

a known toxic, but unregulated, substance into the environment is probably unethical,

although it is legal.
Conversely, just because something is illegal doesn’t mean that it is unethical. For
example, there might be substances that were once thought to be harmful, but have
now been shown to be safe, that you wish to incorporate into a product. If the law has
not caught up with the latest scientific findings, it might be illegal to release these
substances into the environment, even though there is no ethical problem in doing so.
 As an engineer, you are always minimally safe if you follow the requirements of the
applicable laws. But in engineering ethics, we seek to go beyond the dictates of the law.
Our interest is in areas where ethical principles conflict and there is no legal guidance
for how to resolve the conflict.
Proper Role of Law In Engineering
 It is wrong to write off rule-making and rule following as futile. Good laws, effectively
enforced, clearly produce benefits.


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 It also provides a self-interested motive for most people and corporations to comply.
 They also serve as powerful support and defense for those who wish to act ethically in
situations where ethical conduct might not be welcome.
 Viewing engineering as social experimentation provides engineers with a better
perspective on laws and regulations.
 Precise rules and enforceable sanctions are appropriate in cases of ethical misconduct
that involve violations of well established and regularly reexamined procedures that
have as their purpose the safety of public.
 In areas of experimentation, rules must not attempt to cover all possible outcomes of an
experiment, nor must they force the engineer to adopt a rigidly specified course of


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1. What are employee rights?

Employee rights are the rights that apply or refer to the status or position or
employee. Employee rights also include fundamental human rights relevant to the
employee situation.

2. Define the term Risk (Nov/Dec’14)

The term ‘risk’ is synonymously used with adverse effect or harm. The term
‘harm’ may be defined as an invasion or limitation of a person’s freedom of well-being.

3. What is the difference between bribe and gift?


Gifts from clients, customers, suppliers and bidders are a particularly sticky issues

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because they are sometimes part of accepted practice and it is excepted that token gifts
may be exchanged.

Bribe could be loosely defined as anything of value given with intent to extract a

favourable action from an individual. Bribes are made in secret.

4. What do you mean by risk reduction?

Risk reduction refers to the reduction or elimination of all aspect of accidental loss
that lead to wastage of an organization’s assets.

5. Define risk-benefit analysis (Nov/Dec’15)

Risk –benefit analysis is a technique, similar to cost-benefit analysis”, used to-

analyze the risk in a project and to determine whether the project should be carried out or

Risk-benefit analysis answers the following questions:

 What are the benefits of the project /product?

 Is the project/product worth the risks connected with its use? And

 Do benefits outweigh the risks?


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6. What is meant by whistle blowing? (Nov/Dec’15)/ (Nov/Dec’14)

Whistle blowing is alerting relevant persons to some moral or legal corruption, where
‘relevant persons’ are those in a position to act in response, if only by registering protest.

7. Differentiate Copyright and Patent.

A copyright is the right to copy and make use of literary, dramatic, musical , artistic
works, cinematographic films, records and broadcasts. The copyrights protect the
expression of the idea, not the idea themselves.

Patents are the legal rights approved for new investments involving scientific and technical

8. What is intellectual property right? (Apr/May ’16)


Intellectual property (IP) is a property that results from mental labor.

The intellectual property is origination mainly from the activates of the human

9. What is Discrimination?
sy E
Discrimination is the unequal ngi
treatment of an individual intentionally on

unintentionally. Discrimination refers to treating people unfairly because of one’s sex, race,
skin color, age or religious outlook.

10. List any four fundamental human rights adopted by UN. rin
 Right to life g.n
 Right to liberty et
 Right to security of person

 Right not to be held in slavery

 Right not be tortured or subjected to inhuman or degrading punishment.


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1. Describe the concept of Risk Benefit Analysis Apr/May 2015 (8)
Risk-benefit analysis is a method that helps the engineers to analyze the risk
in a project and to determine whether a project should be implemented or not. It is very
much closer to cost-benefit analysis. In risk-benefit analysis, the risks and benefits of a
product are allotted to money amounts, and the most benefitable ratio between risks and
benefits is calculated. But it is a very difficult job, as the risks are much harder to quantify
and more difficult to put a realistic price tag on. But when used objectively, this analysis will
be a useful technique as a part of a larger analysis. When applying the risk-benefit analysis,
a person must consider who takes the risks and who harvests the benefits.

 ww
Risk-benefit analysis is concerned with the advisability of undertaking a project.

It helps in deciding which design has greater advantages

It assists the engineers to identify a particular design that scores higher with that of
another one.
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Risk-benefit analysis is also helpful to find answers to the following questions in
an ethical way.
i) When is a person given a right to impose a risk on another in view of a
supposed benefit to others?
How do we consider the worst case scenarios of persons exposed to
maximum risks while they are receiving only minimum benefits? Are their rights violated?
(iii) Are they provided with safer alternatives?
So engineers should keep in mind that risks to known persons are perceived
differently from statistical risks and they have no control over the grievance redressal.

Types of Risk
1. Personal Risk
An individual who is given sufficient information, will be in a position to decide whether to
take part in a risky activity or not. Individuals are more ready to take on voluntary risks than
involuntary risks even if the voluntary risks are more dangerous.
There are so many difficulties in assessing personal risks particularly in case of
involuntary risks. It is very difficult to assess the involuntary personal risks.


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To overcome these difficulties in assessing personal risks is that analysts should

have all the available quantitative measures such as (i) Assessing voluntary activities - e.g.,
Life Insurance taken (ii) Assessing dangerous or risky job-worker can demand for increased
wages to carry out the job. On the basis of the above assessments, we have to adopt a
procedure to assess personal risks that have been overseen by trained arbiters.
2. Public Risk and Public Acceptance
Risks and benefits to the public are more easily determined than to individuals, as
larger number of people are taken into account.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA] of USA, suggested a value for
human life based on the loss of future income and other costs associated with an accident.

It also provides an estimate of quantifiable losses in social welfare resulting from a fatality
and not on the basis for determining the maximum expenditure allocated to saving a life.

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2. Discuss the concept of safe exit in the Chernobyl case study Apr/May 2015
Chernobyl Case Study
The April 1986 Disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukrine was the product

of a flawed Soviet reactor coupled with serious mistakes made by the plant operators in the

context of a system where training was minimal. It was a direct consequence of Cold war
isolation and the resulting lack of any safety culture.

The accident destroyed the Chernobyl -4 reactor and killed 30 people , including 28
from radiation exposure. A further 20 9on site were treated for acute radiation poisoning
and among these, 134 cases were confirmed (all of women recovered). Nobody off-site
suffered from acute radiation effects.
This incident was a unique event and the only accident in the history of commercial nuclear
power where radiation –related fatalities occurred.
What Happened
At 1:24 AM on April 26, 1986, there was an explosion at the Soviet nuclear power
plant at Chernobyl. One of the reactors overheated, igniting a pocket of hydrogen gas. The
explosion blew the top off the containment building, and exposed the molten reactor to the
air. Thirty-one power plant workers were killed in the initial explosion, and radioactive dust
and debris spewed into the air.


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It took several days to put out the fire. Helicopters dropped sand and chemicals on
the reactor rubble, finally extinguishing the blaze. Then the Soviets hastily buried the
reactor in a sarcophagus of concrete. Estimates of deaths among the clean-up workers
vary widely. Four thousand clean-up workers may have died in the following weeks from the
The countries now known as Belarus and Ukraine were hit the hardest by the
radioactive fallout. Winds quickly blew the toxic cloud from Eastern Europe into Sweden
and Norway. Within a week, radioactive levels had jumped over all of Europe, Asia, and
Canada. It is estimated that seventy-thousand Ukrainians have been disabled, and five
million people were exposed to radiation. Estimates of total deaths due to radioactive

contamination range from 15,000 to 45,000 or more.
To give you an idea of the amount of radioactive material that escaped, the atomic

bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a radioactive mass of four and a half tons. The exposed

radioactive mass at Chernobyl was fifty tons.

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In the months and years following, birth defects were common for animals and humans.
Even the leaves on the trees became deformed.

Today, in Belarus and Ukraine, thyroid cancer and leukemia are still higher than
normal. The towns of Pripyat and Chernobyl in the Ukraine are ghost towns. They will be

uninhabitable due to radioactive contamination for several hundred years. The worst of the

contaminated area is called “The Zone,” and it is fenced off. Plants, meat, milk, and water in
the area are still unsafe. Despite the contamination, millions of people live in and near The
Zone, too poor to move to safer surroundings. g.n
Further, human genetic mutations created by the radiation exposure have been found in
children who have only recently been born. This suggests that there may be another whole
generation of Chernobyl victims.
Recent reports say that there are some indications that the concrete sarcophagus at
Chernobyl is breaking down.

3. What are occupational crimes? Explain anyone in detail. Nov/Dec 15

Occupational crime refers to a crime committed by someone during the course of
his or her employment. Also known as workplace crime, occupational crime encompasses a
wide variety of criminal acts including theft (or embezzlement), money laundering, and the
misuse of company property or information.


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The illegal conduct in occupational crimes originates in the employee's access to

company data, property, or funds. For example, if an accountant at a large manufacturing
business purposefully withholds information about company revenue from the Internal
Revenue Service, the accountant has committed corporate tax fraud. In this scenario, the
accountant has committed an occupational crime-- he has used his access to sensitive
company information (i.e., revenue reports) to defraud the IRS.
The most common form of occupational crime is white-collar crime. White-collar crimes
differ from traditional crimes in that white-collar crimes are financial crimes committed by
business professionals. White-collar crime is nonviolent in nature, and often arises in
circumstances where business professionals misuse company information for financial

Types of occupational crimes

Herbert Edelhertz (1970: 73-75) has suggested the following four types of occupational

crimes on the basis of motivation of the perpetrators:

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1. Crimes committed by persons on an individual basis, e.g., income-tax evasion,
bankruptcy frauds, credit purchases or taking loans with no intention to pay, and insurance
2. Crimes committed in the course of occupations by those operating in business,

government, or other establishments, in violation of their duty of loyalty to the employer or
client; e.g., bribery, kickbacks, embezzlement, and pilfering.
3. Crimes incidental to and in furtherance of business operations but not central to business

purposes; e.g., food and drug violations, misrepresentation in advertising, and prescription
4. Crime as a business or as the central activity of a business; e.g., medical fraud schemes,
lottery fraud schemes, mutual fund fraud schemes, land and real estate frauds, charity and
religious frauds and music pirating.

4. What is Intellectual Property Rights? Explain the various elements of IPR in

detail (10)
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property (IP) is a legal field that refers to creations of the mind such as
musical, literary, and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names, images, and designs
used in commerce, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, and related rights. Under
intellectual property law, the holder of one of these abstract "properties" has certain


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exclusive rights to the creative work, commercial symbol, or invention by which it is

The term "intellectual property" denotes the specific legal rights described above,
and not the intellectual work itself.
The importance of intellectual property in India is well established at all levels- statutory,
administrative and judicial. India ratified the agreement establishing the World Trade
Organization (WTO).
Essential Elements of Intellectual Property Rights
IPR is a broad term for covering -
1) Patents for inventions

2) Copyrights for material
3) Trademarks for broad identity and

4) Trade secrets.

In general these properties are termed as "Intellectual Property". Intellectual Property is an

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asset that can be bought or sold, licensed and exchanged. But of course unlike other
properties, intellectual property is intangible; rather it cannot be identified by its specific

parameters. These properties are protected on a national basis.

This refers to innovations – new or improved product and processes which are

meant for industrial applications. This is a territorial right which requires registration for a
limited time. Patent is a contract between an inventor as an individual and the society as a

whole. The inventor has exclusive right to prevent anybody making use of and/or selling a

patented invention. Of course, this is only for a specific duration till the inventor discloses
the details of invention to the public.
Types of patents
i) Utility patents
ii) Design patents
iii) Plant patents
i) Utility patents
It can be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process,
machine, manufacture or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement
thereof. Utility period is of 20 years.


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"Process" refers to industrial and manufacturing (production) method. "Manufacture"

refers to articles manufactured. "Composition of matter" refers to chemical compositions
and may include mixtures of ingredients as well as new chemical compounds.
ii) Design patents
It can be granted to any one who invents a new, original ornamental design for an
article of manufacture. A design patent protects the ornamental design (i.e. appearance) of
the article. A design patent has duration of 14 years from the date of filing.
iii) Plant patents
Plant patent can be granted to any one who invents or discovers and reproduces a
new variety of plant. A plant patent has a term of 20 years from the date of filing

A copyright is a very particular and exclusive right even for reproduction of an

original work. This is for material, aesthetic material, literacy, music, film, sound recording,

broad casting, software and multimedia. This offers automatic right for safeguarding any

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original creation, which is not in need of registration but with limited time. It does not
require the lawyer's help for settlement.

Protection to copy right does not give any procedure, principle, concept or method or
operation, irrespective of the format in which it is explained. Copyright is sanctioned to
prevent others from: nee
a) Copying the work
b) Publishing and selling copies commercially rin
c) Renting or lending the work in a free market g.n
d) Doing or demonstrating the work in public
Trademark is for broad identity of specific goods and services allowing differences to
be made among different trades. This is a territorial right, which requires registration, but
without any time limit. Lawyers are needed for guidelines.
A trademark is an identification symbol which is used in the course of trade to enable
the purchasing people (buyers) to distinguish one trader's goods from the similar goods of
other traders. These marks also symbolize distinctly the quality of the products. These
marks are in the form of certain 'wordings' or can be in the format of logos, designs,
sounds, etc. Examples: NIIT, Kodak.


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The TRIPS agreement offers the same type of protection for trademarks.
Registration of trademark is issued for definite period of time. However, in order to avoid
confusion, encourage competitions and protect the inventor's good will, the registration may
be renewed. With reference to intellectual property area, trademarks are national in origin
and should comply with provision of TRIPS agreement.
A trade secret means information, which is kept confidential as a secret. This is
generally not known in the relevant industry, offering an advantage to its owner over other
competitors. Unlike other types of Intellectual property, this trade secret is fundamentally a
"do-it-yourself' type of protection. For engineers, inventors, and designers, the trade

secrets are to be maintained secretly. Such trade secrets include some formulae,
programmes, methods, progresses or data collections etc. If there is any improper

disclosure or use of the trade secret by another person, the inventor may claim and recover

damages resulting from illegal use.
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The protection of intellectual property rights is an essential element of economic
policy for any country.
Only such protection can stimulate research, creativity and
technological innovations by giving freedom to individual inventors and companies to gain
the benefits of their creative efforts. nee
It is a very important issue to plan to protect the intellectual property rights. The major
needs are to
* Prevent plagiarism. g.n
* Prevent others using it.
* Prevent using it for financial gains.
* Fulfill obligation to funding agency.
* Support income generation strategy.
a) Give the inventors exclusive rights of dealing.
b) Permit avoiding of competitors and increase entry barriers.
c) Allow entry to a technical market
d) Generate steady income by issuing license.


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5. Discuss the following Apr/May 15, Nov/Dec14

(i)Human rights (ii) Professional rights (iii) employee rights
Human Rights
Human Rights are the rights possessed by virtue of being people or moral agents.
Some of the Fundamental Human Rights are
 Right to life
 Right to liberty
 Right to security of person
 Right not to be held in slavery
 Right not be tortured or subjected to inhuman or degrading punishment.

ww Right to marriage
Right to education

Right to freedom of movement
Right to freedom of thought

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Right to non-discrimination
Right to minimal standard of living
Professional Rights
Professional Rights are the rights possessed by virtue of being professionals having
special more responsibilities
Some of the Professional Rights are

Right to exercise one’s professional judgement on the basis of his conscience
Right to refuse to involve in unethical activities

Right to warn the public about harms and dangers
Right to express one’s professional judgement including his right to disagree
 Right to fair recognition and remuneration for professional services.
Employee Rights
Employment law covers all rights and obligations within the employer-employee
relationship -- whether current employees, job applicants, or former employees. Because of
the complexity of employment relationships and the wide variety of situations that can arise,
employment law involves legal issues as diverse as discrimination, wrongful termination,
wages and taxation, and workplace safety. Many of these issues are governed by
applicable federal and state law.
Some of the Fundamental Employee Rights are


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 Pay you at least the minimum wage

 Provide you with annual leave
 Provide or compensate you for public holidays if you work, or normally work the day
the public holiday falls on
 Provide you with a written employment agreement
 Not deduct money from your wages, without your agreement in writing
 Provide a safe workplace for you to work in
 Not discriminate against you.

6. Define Collective bargaining. Explain the roles of collective bargaining in
workplace rights and responsibilities (12) Nov/Dec 2014

What is 'Collective Bargaining?'

Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating the terms of employment between

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an employer and a group of workers. The terms of employment are likely to include items
such as conditions of employment, working conditions and other workplace rules, base pay,

overtime pay, work hours, shift length, work holidays, sick leave, vacation time, retirement
benefits and health care benefits.

Roles and Responsibilities
Unions can play an important role in preventing and responding to workplace bullying in at
least four ways: g.n
• Negotiate CBA Provisions — Unions should bargain for collective bargaining agreement
provisions that protect their members against abusive supervision.
• Use Existing Contract Provisions — Even in the absence of specific protections against
abusive supervision, the general substantive and procedural rights in an agreement may
provide legal protections for a bullied union member.
• Educate Members and Resolve Disputes – Effsective shop stewards can be trained to
help to identify and resolve bullying situations, including those between union members.
Unions can encourage a culture of safety and respect among their members.
• Support Legal Reform – Unions can back the enactment of anti-bullying legislation such
as the Healthy Workplace Bill.


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Process of Collective Bargaining

The process of collective bargaining consists of 3 steps.
1. Presenting the character of demands by the union on the behalf of the constituent
2. Negotiations at the beginning table
3. Reaching an agreement

7. Explain the concept of safety. How the same differs with the standard of living
of countries Apr/May 2014 (16)

Safety is the state in which the risk of harm by accident to persons or of property
damage is reduced to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a

continuing process of hazard identification and risk management. Safety should be an

integral part of any engineering design. A thing is safe if its risks are justified to be

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acceptable designer thing is said to be safe if for the person who judges the perceived risk
is less and it is unsafe if the perceived risk is high .In short, safety means an acceptable
But the definition of Lawrence has some drawbacks as follows:

Under Estimation of Risks: An unsafe product may be considered to be safe, because of
wrong judgement of a person who has not known anything about the product.
Eg: Buying an ill-designed iron box in a sale only because of law price offered. (ii)

Over estimation of Risks: A product whose risks are comparatively less may be considered
unsafe because of extraordinary safety concern of a person .
Eg: Judging fluoride in water can kill lot of people.
No estimation of risks: For the person who does not judge the risks, the product may be
either safe or unsafe.
Eg: Hiring a car without knowing its safety.
By keeping all these things in mind it is necessary to find the modified notion of safety.
A thing is safe with respect to given person or group at a given time if its risks
were fully known if those risks would be judged acceptable in light of settled value


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Other concepts of safety:

Safety can be objective and also subjective .In view of objective safety is a matter of how
people would find risks acceptable or unacceptable if they knew the risks and based their
judgements on their most settled and values perspectives.
When the value perspectives differ safety becomes objective .so safety is an acceptable
Relative safety can be understood by making comparing the safety of a
distance travelled bt Air,train and bus.
For Engineers safety would extend to safe operation of products and systems, prevention of
natural or human caused disasters.

8. Write a Brief note on Discrimination

(8) Apr/May 2015
Discrimination can be interpreted in several ways. Discrimination means to make an

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unfair difference in one‘s treatment of people. It also means giving preference on the basis
of sex, race, religion etc. In other words it can also be explained morally unjustified

treatment of people on random or irrelevant basis. It is a kind of ―reverse preferential
treatment‖. Reverse preferential treatment means one who gives different treatments to
equal standard of two different groups. nee
The following are some of the examples of discrimination.
(i) In a large automobile company a vacancy arises for the post of AGM. Generally

these positions are filled by the virtue of promotion from the existing seniors within the
company. As per the rules, the management has to make a review among the employees.
The members find one suitable person who has lot of experience and training in the
company. Unfortunately, the selected person does not belong to the community of the
majority people of the company. The management fears if the person is given appointment
there may be less employees‘ cooperation for smooth running of the company. So the
management decides to promote and transfer another person who belongs to the same
community of the majority from another plant.
(ii) A company has appointed more number of women engineers in its sales
division. But their pay is not at par with that of men.
Anti discrimination laws
In our country discrimination against women is controlled by many of the Laws such
as Factories Act, Labor Laws, Acts relating to wages etc.


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In U.S, the discrimination of public as well as private employers is prohibited legally

under the civil Rights Act of 1964, the equal employment opportunity Act of 1972 etc. These
acts protect the weaker, minorities and women from discrimination by race, color, religion,
sex or national origin. The age discrimination is also prohibited by age discrimination in
employment Act of 1967.
Preferential treatments
Preferential treatment means giving preference for the minorities and women in
employment opportunities. It has 2 types
(i) Weak Preferential Treatment
It implies giving a benefit or preference to the members of traditionally discriminated

against groups over equally qualified applicants who are the members of other groups.
(ii) Strong Preferential Treatment

Strong Preferential Treatment involves giving preference to women and minority applicant

over better-qualified applicants from the other groups.
Sexual Harassment
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Sexual Harassment may be defined as
when applied to women, ―any sexual oriented practice which endangers a woman‘s
job, that undermines her job performance and threatens her economic livelihood.‖
(ii) nee
―It is the unwanted imposition of sexual requirements in the context of relationship
of unequal power‖.
In the field of engineering, the woman may be an engineer, a technician, or secretary and
the male who harasses the women may be her manager or her colleague. g.n
Forms of Sexual Harassment
In an interview for the post of a secretary a woman is told that the job will be given to
her only when she is ready to give sexual favors to the interviewer.
(ii) A woman is told by her superior that she will be given first priority for receiving a
promotion if she is ready to ―adjust‖ him by means of sexual contacts. When she refuses
to do so, she is not given promotion and is assigned less category of job.
(iii) A male colleague of a woman continuously looks at her and makes sexual comment
and suggestions about her dress and body.
(iv) A male engineer enjoys telling unwanted sex jokes to his secretary who is not interested
to listen.
So, sexual harassment may be in the form of threats of penalties, offers of rewards,
assaults and annoyance.

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Sexual harassment may take place anywhere, such as work place, public place, schools,
colleges etc. In a work place it involves lowering the economic status of women. It is an
assault on the dignity of the victim.

w .Ea
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Part- A

1. Define the term ‘honesty’ (Apr/May ’15)


Honesty means expressing your true feelings. To be able to be emotionally

honest we must first be emotionally aware. This emotional awareness is related to our
emotional intelligence.

2. What do you understand by ‘business ethics’? (Apr/May ’15)

Business ethics is the study of proper business policies and practices regarding

potentially controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery,

discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities.

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3. What is meant by moral leadership? (Nov/Dec’15)

Engineers provide a many forms of leaderships as they play variety of

roles such as managers, consultants, expert witness, abusers, entrepreneurs, etc. Also

there is an ongoing need for moral leadership in engineering, as in other professions. Let us
discuss few current activities that illustrate leadership within the profession.

4. What is technology transfer? rin


Technology transfer is the process of moving technology to a quite new set of
conditions and implementing if there. Transfer of technology may be conducted by a variety
of agents such as governments , universities, volunteer service organizations, consulting et
companies and MNC’s.

5. What is meant by globalization? (Apr/May ’16)

Globalization referred as the process by which businesses or other

organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
The worldwide movement of goods towards economic, financial, trade, and
communications integration. Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic
perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free
transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers.


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6. What do you mean by global issues? ( April/May ‘14)

Global problems are not just important problems, or problems that affect many
people. Rather they are those problems that affect the whole of the planet, and potentially
all of the people who live on it. Climate change is one clear example that springs to mind
quickly. Global issue referred to something that affects a number of countries and
populations. It is an issue that impacts upon or is important to the global community,

7. What are the International rights listed by Donaldson? (Nov/Dec’14)

1. The right to freedom of physical movement.

2. The right to ownership of property

3. The right to freedom from torture.
4. The right to a fair trial.

5. The right to non-discriminatory

6. The right to physical security.
7. The right to freedom of speech and association.
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8. The right to minimal education.
9. The right to political participation.
10. The right to subsistence ngi
8. What do you mean by conflict of interest? Give examples.

Professional conflicts of interest are situations where professionals have an

interest, if pursued, could keep them from meeting one of their obligations to their

Ex: an employee working in a company depositing a substantial investment in a

competitors’ company.
9. What is embezzlement?

The process of committing computer crimes such as stealing or cheating

clients or consumers and conspiracy in the fraudulent uses of computer network is called

10. What is meant by ethical climate ?

A favorable working atmosphere required to achieve a morally responsible

conduct is called as ethical climate.


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1(a). Explain the basic concepts of environmental ethics through case studies
Apr/May 14, Apr/May 15
Environmental ethics is the study of (a) moral issues concerning the
environment, and (b) moral perspectives, beliefs, or attitudes concerning those issues.
Engineers in the past are known for their negligence of environment, in their activities. It
has become important now that engineers design eco-friendly tools, machines, sustainable
products, processes, and projects. These are essential now to (a) ensure protection (safety)
of environment (b) prevent the degradation of environment, and (c) slow down the
exploitation of the natural resources, so that the future generation can survive.

ww The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) code of ethics, has

specifically requires that “engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of

the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the

performance of professional duties” The term sustainable development emphasizes on the

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investment, orientation of technology, development and functioning of organizations to meet
the present needs of people and at the same time ensuring the future generations to meet

their needs. Global Issues Compaq Computer Corporation (now merged with HP) was the
leader, who exhibited their commitment to environmental health, through implementation of

the concept of ‘Design for environment’ on their products, unified standards all over the

world units, and giving priority to vendors with a record of environmental concern.
Engineers as experimenters have certain duties towards environmental ethics,
namely: g.n
1. Environmental impact assessment: One major but sure and unintended effect of
is wastage and the resulting pollution of land, water, air and even space. Study how
the industry and technology affects the environment.
2. Establish standards: Study and to fix the tolerable and actual pollution levels.
3. Counter measures: Study what the protective or eliminating measures are
available for immediate implementation
4. Environmental awareness: Study on how to educate the people on environmental
practices, issues, and possible remedies.
1. Plastic Waste Disposal


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In our country, several crores of plastic bottles are used as containers for
water and oil, and plastic bags are used to pack different materials ranging from vegetables
to gold ornaments. Hardly any of these are recycled. They end up in gutters, roadsides, and
agricultural fields.
2. e-Waste Disposal
The parts of computers and electronic devices which have served its useful life
present a major environmental issue for all the developing countries including India. This
scrap contains highly toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, and mercury. Even the
radioactive waste will lose 89% of its toxicity after 200 years, by which time it will be no
more toxic than some natural minerals in the ground. It will lose 99% of its remaining

toxicity over the next 30,000 years.
3. Industrial Waste Disposal

There has been a lot of complaints through the media, on (a) against the Sterlite

Copper Smelting Plant in Tuticorin (1997) against its pollution, and (b) when Indian

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companies imported the discarded French Warship Clemenceau for disposal, the
poisonous asbestos compounds were expected to pollute the atmosphere besides

exposing the labor to a great risk, during the disposal.
4. Depletion of Ozone Layer

The ozone layer protects the entire planet from the ill-effects of ultraviolet radiation

and is vital for all living organisms in this world. But it is eaten away by the Chloro-fluro-
carbons (CFC) such as Freon emanating from the refrigerators, air conditioners, and

aerosol can spray. This has caused also skin cancer to sun-bathers in the Western
countries. Further NO and NO gases were also found to react with the ozone. Apart from
engineers, the organizations, laws of the country and local administration and market
mechanisms are required to take up concerted efforts to protect the environment.
5. Global Warming
Over the past 30 years, the Earth has warmed by 0.6 °C. Over the last 100
years, it has warmed by 0.8 °C. It is likely to push up temperature by 3 oC by 2100,
according to NASA’s studies. The U.S. administration has accepted the reality of global
climate change, which has been associated with stronger hurricanes, severe droughts,
intense heat waves and the melting of polar ice. Greenhouse gases, notably carbon dioxide
emitted by motor vehicles and coal-fired power plants, trap heat like the glass walls of a
greenhouse, cause the Earth to warm up.
6. Acid Rain


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Large emissions of sulphur oxides and nitrous oxides are being released in to the air
from the thermal power stations using the fossil fuels, and several processing industries.
These gases form compounds with water in the air and precipitates as rain or snow on to
the earth. The acid rain in some parts of the world has caused sufficient damage to the
fertility of the land and to the human beings.

1.(b)Discuss in detail Weapons Development.

Military activities including the world wars have stimulated the growth of
technology. The development of warfare and the involvement of engineers bring out many
ethical issues concerned with engineers, such as the issue of integrity in experiments as

well as expenditure in defense research and development, issue of personal commitment
and conscience, and the issues of social justice and social health.

w Engineers involve in weapons development because of the following reasons:

1. It gives one job with high salary.

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2. One takes pride and honor in participating in the activities towards the defense of
the nation (patriotic fervor).

3. One believes the he fights a war on terrorism and thereby contribute to peace and
stability of the country. Ironically, the wars have never won peace, only peace can win
peace! nee
4. By research and development, the engineer is reducing or eliminating the risk
from enemy weapons, and saving one’s country from disaster.

5. By building-up arsenals and show of force, a country can force the rogue country,
towards regulation. Engineers can participate effectively in arms control negotiations for
surrender or peace, e.g., bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima led to surrender by the
Japanese in 1945. Many engineers had to fight and convince their personal conscience.
The scene such as that of a Vietnamese village girl running wild with burns on the body and
horror in the face and curse in her mind has moved some engineers away from their jobs.

2. Discuss the ethical issues related to computer ethics.(10) Nov/Dec 15

Computer ethics is defined as (a) study and analysis of nature and social
impact of computer technology, (b) formulation and justification of policies, for ethical use of
computers. This subject has become relevant to the professionals such as designers of
computers, programmers, system analysts, system managers, and operators. The use of
computers have raised a host of moral concerns such as free speech, privacy, intellectual


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property right, and physical as well as mental harm. There appears to be no conceptual
framework available on ethics, to study and understand and resolve the problems in
computer technology.
Types of Issues
Different types of problems are found in computer ethics.
1. Computer as the Instrument of Unethical Acts
(a) The usage of computer replaces the job positions. This has been overcome to a
large extent by readjusting work assignments, and training everyone on computer
applications such as word processing, editing, and graphics.
(b) Breaking privacy. Information or data of the individuals accessed or erased or the

ownership changed.
(c) Defraud a bank or a client, by accessing and withdrawing money from other’s

bank account.

2. Computer as the Object of Unethical Act

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The data are accessed and deleted or changed.
(a) Hacking: The software is stolen or information is accessed from other computers.

This may cause financial loss to the business or violation of privacy rights of the individuals
or business. In case of defense information being hacked, this may endanger the security of
the nation. nee
(b) Spreading virus: Through mail or otherwise, other computers are accessed and
the files are erased or contents changed altogether. ‘Trojan horses’ are implanted to distort

the messages and files beyond recovery. This again causes financial loss or mental torture

to the individuals. Some hackers feel that they have justified their right of free information or
they do it forfun. However, these acts are certainly unethical.
3. Problems Related to the Autonomous Nature of Computer
(a) Security risk: Recently the Tokyo Stock Exchange faced a major embarrassment.
A seemingly casual mistake by a junior trader of a large security house led to huge losses
including that of reputation. The order through the exchange’s trading system was to sell
one share for 600,000 Yen. Instead the trader keyed in a sale order for 600,000 shares at
the rate of one Yen each.
(b) Loss of human lives: Risk and loss of human lives lost by computer, in the
operational control of military weapons. There is a dangerous instability in automated
defense system. An unexpected error in the software or hardware or a conflict during


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interfacing between the two, may trigger a serious attack and cause irreparable human loss
before the error is traced.
(c) In flexible manufacturing systems, the autonomous computer is beneficial in
obtaining continuous monitoring and automatic control.
Various issues related to computer ethics are discussed as follows:
Computers In Workplace
The ethical problems initiated by computers in the workplace are:
1. Elimination of routine and manual jobs. This leads to unemployment, but the
creation of skilled and IT-enabled service jobs are more advantageous for the people.
Initially this may Global Issues require some upgradation of their skills and knowledge, but

a formal training will set this problem right. For example, in place of a typist, we have a
programmer or an accountant.

2. Health and safety: The ill-effects due to electromagnetic radiation, especially on

women and pregnant employees, mental stress, wrist problem known as Carpel Tunnel

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Syndrome, and backpain due to poor ergonomic seating designs, and eye strain due to
poor lighting and flickers in the display and long exposure, have been reported worldwide.

Over a period of long exposure, these are expected to affect the health and safety of the
people. The computer designers should take care of these aspects and management

should monitor the health and safety of the computer personnel.

3. Computer failure: Failure in computers may be due to errors in the hardware or
software. Hardware errors are rare and they can be solved easily and quickly. But software

errors are very serious as they can stop the entire network. Testing and quality systems for
software have gained relevance and importance in the recent past, to avoid or minimize
these errors.
3. (a)Write briefly Engineers used as expert witness Nov/Dec 15&14 (8)
(b) Engineers as advisors. Nov/Dec15 (8)
Expert Witness
Frequently engineers are required to act as consultants and provide expert
opinion and views in many legal cases of the past events. They are required to explain the
causes of accidents, malfunctions and other technological behavior of structures, machines,
and instruments, e.g., personal injury while using an instrument, defective product, traffic
accident, structure or building collapses, and damage to the property, are some of the


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cases where testimonies are needed. The focus is on the past. The functions of eye-
witness and expert-witness are different as presented below
1. Eye-witness gives evidence on only what has been seen or heard actually
(perceived facts)
1. Gives expert view on the facts in their area of their expertise
2. Interprets the facts, in term of the cause and effect relationship
3. Comments on the view of the opposite side
4. Reports on the professional standards, especially on the precautions when the

product is made or the service is provided
The engineers, who act as expert-witnesses, are likely to abuse their positions in the

following manners:
1. Hired Guns
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Mostly lawyers hire engineers to serve the interest of their clients. Lawyers are
permitted and required to project the case in a way favorable to their clients. But the

engineers have obligations to thoroughly examine the events and demonstrate their
professional integrity to testify only the truth in the court. They do not serve the clients of the

lawyers directly. The hired guns forward white lies and distortions, as demanded by the

lawyers. They even withhold the information or shade the fact, to favor their clients.
2. Money Bias

Consultants may be influenced or prejudiced for monitory considerations, gain
reputation and make a fortune.
3. Ego Bias
The assumption that the own side is innocent and the other side is guilty, is
responsible for this behavior. An inordinate desire to serve one’s client and get name and
fame is another reason for this bias.
4. Sympathy Bias
Sympathy for the victim on the opposite side may upset the testimony. The integrity
of the consultants will keep these biases away from the justice. The court also must obtain
the balanced view of both sides, by examining the expert witnesses of lawyers on both
sides, to remove a probable bias.
5.7.1 Duties


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1. The expert-witness is required to exhibit the responsibility of confidentiality just as

they do in the consulting roles. They can not divulge the findings of the investigation to the
opposite side, unless it is required by the court of law.
2. More important is that as witness they are not required to volunteer evidence
favorable to the opponent. They must answer questions truthfully, need not elaborate, and
remain neutral until the details are asked for further.
3. They should be objective to discover the truth and communicate them honestly.
4. The stand of the experts depends on the shared understanding created within the
society. The legal system should be respected and at the same time, they should act in
conformance with the professional standards as obtained from the code of ethics.

ww 5. The experts should earnestly be impartial in identifying and interpreting the

observed data, recorded data, and the industrial standards. They should not distort the

truth, even under pressure. Although they are hired by the lawyers, they do not serve the

lawyers or their clients. They serve the justice. Many a time, their objective judgments will

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help the lawyer to put up the best defense for their clients.


The engineers are required to give their view on the future such as in

planning, policy-making, which involves the technology. For example, should India expand
nuclear power options or support traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels or

alternative forms like solar and wind energy? In the recent past, this topic has created lot of
fireworks, in the national media.
Various issues and requirements for engineers who act as advisors are:
1. Objectivity
The engineers should study the cost and benefits of all possible alternative means in
objective manner, within the specified conditions and assumptions.
2. Study All Aspects
They have to study the economic viability (effectiveness), technical feasibility
(efficiency), operational feasibility (skills) and social acceptability, which include
environmental and ethical aspects, before formulating the policy.
3. Values
Engineers have to posses the qualities, such as (a) honesty, (b) competence (skills
and expertise), (c) diligence (careful and alert) (d) loyalty in serving the interests of the


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clients and maintaining confidentiality, and (e) public trust, and respect for the common
good, rather than serving only the interests of the clients or the political interests.
4. Technical Complexity
The arbitrary, unrealistic, and controversial assumptions made during the future
planning that are overlooked or not verified, will lead to moral complexity. The study on
future is full of uncertainties than the investigations on the past events. On the study of
energy options, for example, assumptions on population increase, life style, urbanization,
availability of local fossil resources, projected costs of generating alternative forms of
energy, world political scenario, world military tensions and pressures from world
organizations such as World Trade Organisation (W.T.O.) and European Union (EU) may

increase the complexity in judgment on future.
5. National Security

The proposed options should be aimed to strengthen the economy and security of

the nation, besides safeguarding the natural resources and the environment from

sy E
exploitation and degradation. For the advisors on policy making or planning, a shared
understanding on balancing the conflicting responsibilities, both to the clients and to the

public, can be effected by the following roles or models:
1. Hired Gun

The prime obligation is shown to the clients. The data and facts favorable to the

clients are highlighted, and unfavorable aspects are hidden or treated as insignificant. The
minimal level of interest is shown for public welfare.
2. Value-neutral Analysts g.n
This assumes an impartial engineer. They exhibit conscientious decisions,
impartiality i.e., without bias, fear or favor, and absence of advocacy.
3. Value-guided Advocates
The consulting engineers remain honest (frank in stating all the relevant facts and
truthful in interpretation of the facts) and autonomous (independent) in judgments and show
paramount importance to the public (as different from the hired guns).


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4. Explain the roles of Engineers as consultants. Nov/Dec 15 (8)

The consulting engineers work in private. There is no salary from the employers. But
they charge fees from the sponsor and they have more freedom to decide on their projects.
Still they have no absolute freedom, because they need to earn for their living. The
consulting engineers have ethical responsibilities different from the salaried engineers, as
1. Advertising
The consulting engineers are directly responsible for advertising their services, even
if they employ other consultants to assist them. But in many organisations, this
responsibility is with the advertising executives and the personnel department. They are

allowed to advertise but to avoid deceptive ones. Deceptive advertising such as the
following are prohibited:

(a) By white lies.

(b) Half-truth, e.g., a product has actually been tested as prototype, but it was

sy E
claimed to have been already introduced in the market. An architect shows the photograph
of the completed building with flowering trees around but actually the foundation of the

building has been completed and there is no real garden.
(c) Exaggerated claims. The consultant might have played a small role in a well-

known project. But they could claim to have played a major role.

(d) Making false suggestions. The reduction in cost might have been achieved along
with the reduction in strength, but the strength details are hidden.
(e) Through vague wordings or slogans. g.n
2. Competitive Bidding
It means offering a price, and get something in return for the service offered. The
organizations have a pool of engineers. The expertise can be shared and the bidding is
made more realistic. But the individual consultants have to develop creative designs and
build their reputation steadily and carefully, over a period of time. The clients will have to
choose between the reputed organizations and proven qualifications of the company and
the expertise of the consultants. Although competent, the younger consultants are thus
slightly at a disadvantage.
3. Contingency Fee
This is the fee or commission paid to the consultant, when one is successful in
saving the expenses for the client. A sense of honesty and fairness is required in fixing this
fee. The NSPE Code III 6 (a) says that the engineers shall not propose or accept a


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commission on a contingent basis where their judgment may be compromised. The fee may
be either as an agreed amount or a fixed percentage of the savings realized. But in the
contingency fee-agreements, the judgment of the consultant may be biased. The consultant
may be tempted to specify inferior materials or design methods to cut the construction cost.
This fee may motivate the consultants to effect saving in the costs to the clients, through
reasonably moral and technological means.
4. Safety and Client’s Needs
The greater freedom for the consulting engineers in decision making on safety
aspects, and difficulties concerning truthfulness are the matters to be given attention. For
example, in design-only projects, the consulting engineers may design something and

have no role in the construction. Sometimes, difficulties may crop-up during construction
due to non-availability of suitable materials, some shortcuts in construction, and lack of

necessary and adequate supervision and inspection.

sy E
4. Explain the moral obligations of an engineer as per the code of ethics.

ngi Apr/May 14
Engineering is an important and learned profession. As members of this

profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the higher standards of honesty and integrity.

Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the
services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must

be dedicated to the protection of then public health, safety, and welfare. Engineer must
perform under a standard of professional behavior that requires adherence to the highest
principles of ethical conduct.
I Fundamental Canons
Engineers in the fulfillment of their professional duties shall,
1. hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
2. perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. issue public statements only in objective and truthful manner.
4. act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5. avoid deceptive acts.
6. conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to
enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.
II Rules of Practice


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1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
(a) If engineers’ judgment is overruled under circumstances that endanger life or
property, they shall notify their employer or client and such other authority as may
be appropriate.
(b)Engineers shall approve only those engineering documents that are in conformity
with applicable standards.
(c) Engineers shall not reveal facts, data, or information without prior consent of the
client or employer except as authorized or required by law or this code.
2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence.
(a) Engineers shall undertake assignments only when qualified by education or

ww experience in the specific technical fields involved.

(b) Engineers shall not affix their signatures to any plans or documents dealing with

w the subject matter in which they lack competence, nor to any plan or document

not prepared under their direction and control.

sy E
3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
(a) Engineers shall be objective and truthful in professional reports, statements, or
They shall include all relevant and pertinent information in such reports,

statements, or testimony, which should bear the date indicating when it was
(b) Engineers may express publicly technical options that are founded upon
knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject matter. g.n
4. Engineers shall at for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees
(a) Engineers shall disclose all known or potential conflicts of interest that could
influence or appear to influence their judgment or the quality of their services.
(b) Engineers shall not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than
one party for services on the same project, or for services pertaining to the same
project, unless the circumstances are fully disclosed and agreed to by all
interested parties.
5. Engineers shall avoid deceptive acts
(a) Engineers shall not falsify their qualifications or permit misrepresentation of their
or their associate’s qualifications. They shall not misrepresent or exaggerate their
responsibility in or for the subject matter of prior assignments. Brochures or other
presentations incident to the solicitation of employment shall not misrepresent


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pertinent facts concerning employers, employees, associates, joint ventures, or

past accomplishments.
III Professional Obligations
1. Engineers shall be guided in all their relation by the highest standards of honesty
and integrity.
2. Engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest.
3. Engineers shall avoid all conduct or practice that deceives the public.
4. Engineers shall not disclose, without consent, confidential information concerning
the business affairs or technical processes of any present or former client or
employer, or public body on which they serve.

6. Explain the role of engineers as managers.
Nov/Dec14 (8)

sy E
The characteristics of engineers as managers are:
1. Promote an ethical climate, through framing organization policies, responsibilities

and by personal attitudes and obligations.
2. Resolving conflicts, by evolving priority, developing mutual understanding,

generating various alternative solutions to problems.

3. Social responsibility to stakeholders, customers and employers. They act to
develop wealth as well as the welfare of the society. Ethicists project the view that

the manager’s responsibility is only to increase the profit of the organization, and

only the engineers have the responsibility to protect the safety, health, and welfare
of the public. But managers have the ethical responsibility to produce safe and
good products (or useful service), while showing respect for the human beings
who include the employees, customers and the public.
Managing Conflicts:
In solving conflicts, force should not be resorted. In fact, the conflict situations should
be tolerated, understood, and resolved by participation by all the concerned. The conflicts in
case of project managers arise in the following manners:
(a) Conflicts based on schedules: This happens because of various levels of
execution, priority and limitations of each level.


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(b) Conflicts arising out of fixing the priority to different projects or departments. This
is to be arrived at from the end requirements and it may change from time to
(c) Conflict based on the availability of personnel.
(d) Conflict over technical, economic, and time factors such as cost, time, and
performance level.
(e) Conflict arising in administration such as authority, responsibility, accountability,
and logistics required.
(f) Conflicts of personality, human psychology and ego problems.
(g) Conflict over expenditure and its deviations.

Most of the conflicts can be resolved by following the principles listed here:
1. People

Separate people from the problem. It implies that the views of all concerned should

be obtained. The questions such as what, why, and when the error was committed is more

sy E
important than to know who committed it.
2. Interests

Focus must be only on interest i.e., the ethical attitudes or motives and not on the
positions (i.e., stated views). A supplier may require commission larger than usual

prevailing rate for an agricultural product. But the past analysis may tell us that the material

is not cultivated regularly and the monsoon poses some additional risk towards the supply.
Mutual interests must be respected to a maximum level. What is right is more important
than who is right! g.n
3. Options
Generate various options as solutions to the problem. This helps a manager to try
the next best solution should the first one fails. Decision on alternate solutions can be taken
more easily and without loss of time.
4. Evaluation
The evaluation of the results should be based on some specified objectives such as
efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction. More important is that the means, not only the
goals, should be ethical.


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Question Paper Code : 52133


Fifth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Common to Mechanical Engineering

ww (Regulations 2009/10)
Part- A

1. Define Work Ethics.

2. How character and values are related?

sy E
3. When dilemma occupies the centre stage in an individual’s activity?
4. Give 2 examples of customs followed in your area.

5. Write the 2 reasons that prevented safe exit for passengers and crew of the Titanic
6. What is learning from the past? nee
7. What is agency loyalty?
8. What is the prime objective of intellectual property rights legislation?
9. What do you mean by global issues? g.n
10. Name any 2 weapons of mass destruction.
Part- B
11(a)Explain with suitable examples the need of courage un maintaining honesty and
character Refer IQA: Page No: 12-14
(b). Explain with suitable examples how the respect for others religious beliefs enhance the
peaceful living Refer IQA: Page No: 19

12(a). Why the integrity should be maintained in private and professional responsibilities?
Explain with suitable examples.


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(b). Explain the need of tolerance for different customs and ethical pluralism in adverse
society with suitable example

13(a). Explain in briefly four cases where plain neglect to learn from the past mistakes leas
to repetition of accidents Refer IQA: Page No: 39-41
(b). Explain the responsibilities of engineers to society
14(a). Explain the concept of safety. How the same differs with the standard of living of
countries Refer IQA: Page No: 60-61

(b). Explain with case studies where the employers exposes their employees
15(a). Explain the basic concepts of environmental ethics through case studies

w .Ea (or)
Refer IQA: Page No: 66-68

sy E
(b). Explain the moral obligations of an engineer as per the code of ethics
Refer IQA: Page No: 76-78



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Question Paper Code : 91508


Fifth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Common to Mechanical Engineering
(Regulations 2009/10)
Part- A

1. Define Moral Autonomy
2. What are the models of professional roles?

3. What are the limitations of code of ethics?

4. What are the features of Engineering Experimentation?
5. Define the term Risk
sy E
6. List the methods that can be applied when testing is inappropriate.

7. What is the difference between bribe and gift?
8. What does whistle blowing mean?
9. What are the International rights listed by Donaldson?
10. Explain the meaning of ‘moral leadership’.
11(a). (i)How did Gilligan view the three levels of moral development initiated by Kohlberg?

(ii) Discuss three types of inquiry. (4)

(12) Refer IQA: Page No: 21-23
Refer IQA: Page No: 25-26
(b).(i) Discuss the different models of Professional roles.(8) Refer IQA: Page No:23-25
(ii). Explain the skills needed handle problems about moral issues in engineering ethics (8)
12(a).(i) Discuss on the roles played by the codes of ethics set by professional
(ii). Compare and contrast engineering experiments with standard experiments(6)
(b) (i) Explain in detail the challenger accident. What are the ethical problems
involved in this (12)


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(ii). Discuss Research ethics (4)

13(a). (i) Discuss the concept in Risk benefit analysis.(8)Refer IQA: Page No: 50-52
(ii) Explain in detail the effect of information on risk assessment with an example (8)
(b). Discuss the concept of safety exists in the Chernobyl case studies (16)
Refer IQA: Page No: 52-53
14(a) (i). What is Intellectual Property Rights? Explain the elements of IPR in detail (10)
Refer IQA: Page No: 54-57
(ii). Discuss human rights and professional rights in an engineering field (6)
Refer IQA: Page No: 58-59

ww (or)
(b) (i). Define Collective bargaining. Explain the roles of collective bargaining in workplace

rights and responsibilities

(ii). Discuss on collegiality and loyalty
Refer IQA: Page No: 59-60

sy E
15(a). (i) Discuss the ethical issues related to computer ethics and internet
Refer IQA: Page No: 69-71

(ii). Write briefly on environmental ethics and weapon development (6).

(b) (i). Explain the role of engineers as managers.(8)Refer IQA: Page No: 78-80

(ii). Write briefly Engineers used as expert witness (8) Refer IQA: Page No: 71-73



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Question Paper Code : 27266


Fifth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Common to Mechanical Engineering
(Regulations 2009/10)

1. Define moral values with suitable examples.
2. Define Professionalism

3. Why engineers are considered as responsible experiments

4. List the advantage of industrial standards.

sy E
5. Define ‘informed consent’
6. What is the use of risk-analysis?

7. Define ‘collegiality’. What are its elements?

8. List the factors that enhance the self confidence in a person.
9. Define the terms ‘honesty’ and ‘moral leadership’.
10. What do you understand by ‘business ethics’?
11(a). (i) Describe Kohlberg and Giligan’s theories on moral autonomy g.n

(ii). Write a brief note on the types of inquiries(6)

Refer IQA: Page No:21-23
Refer IQA: Page No:25-26
(b). Discuss in detail the uses and limitation of ethical theories
12(a). Discuss the ethical issues involved in challenger case study.
(b) (i). Explain how the code of ethics guide an engineer in the professional
(ii). Discuss briefly the role of Industrial Standard(8)
13(a). Describe the concept of
(ii) Risk Benefit Analysis (8) Refer IQA: Page No: 50-51


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(iii) Fault Tree Analysis (8) Refer IQA: Page No: 45-46
(b). What are the safety lessons that can be learned from Bhopal disaster? Discuss
the role of Governments regulator’s in reducing the risk. Refer IQA: Page No:46-47
14(a). (i) Discuss the significance of loyalty and collegiality in team work (8)
(ii) Distinguish between employee rights and professional rights (8)
Refer IQA: Page No: 58-59
(b) Write a brief note on:
(i) Institutional Authority

(ii) Discrimination Refer IQA: Page No: 61-63
15(a). What is environmental ethics ? Explain its significance. Give some of the

environmental issues of concern to engineers?

.Ea (or)
Refer IQA: Page No: 66-68

sy E
(b). Discuss the various global issues that have an impact on business.



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Question Paper Code : 27266


Fifth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Common to Mechanical Engineering
(Regulations 2009/10)
Part A
1. Define spirituality

2. What are the qualities of a self confident people?
3. What is meant by moral autonomy?

4. Mention the various types of inquires.

5. What are the limitations of code of ethics?

sy E
6. What are the conditions are essential for a valid informed consent?
7. Define risk-benefit analysis
8. What is meant by whistle blowing?
9. What is meant by moral leadership?
10. What is technology transfer? nee
Part B
management (16) g.n
11(a). Write brief notes on yoga and meditation for professional excellence and stress
Refer IQA: Page No: 9-10
(b).(i)What is courage?What are salient features of courage?(8) Refer IQA: Page No: 11-
(ii) Write short notes on honesty.(8) Refer IQA: Page No: 12-13
12. (a)(i) Explain the Gilligan’s theory for moral development (8)
Refer IQA: Page No: 21-23
(ii)What are the different types of model of professional roles? (8)
Refer IQA: Page No: 24-26
(b) (i)Explain the theory of human right ethics and its classifications.(8)
Refer IQA: Page No: 29-30
(ii)What is meant by self interest? Relate the term with “Ethical Egoism” with suitable
examples. (8) Refer IQA: Page No: 30-32


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13(a). What are the different roles and function of “Code of Ethics”? (16)
Refer IQA: Page No: 36-39
(b). (i)Explain in detail the powerful support and proper role of law in engineering
experimentation . (8) Refer IQA: Page No: 47-48
(ii)With a case study explain the concept of “Learn from the Past” in Engineering
Experimentation. Refer IQA: Page No: 39-41
14(a). Discuss the concept of safe exit in the Chernobyl case study. (16)
Refer IQA: Page No:52-53
(b) (i) What is intellectual property rights (IPR)? Explain any one essential element of an
ww (8) Refer IQA: Page No: 54-58
(ii) What are occupational crimes? Explain any one in detail.( 8)

w .Ea
Refer IQA: Page No: 53-54
15 (a).Discuss the ethical issues related to computer ethics. (16)

sy E
(b). Discuss the following (i) Engineering as consultants.
Refer IQA: Page No: 69-71

I) ngi
Engineers as expert witness and advisors.(8)
Refer IQA: Page No: 75-76

nee Refer IQA: Page No: 71-74



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Question Paper Code : 52133

Fifth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Common to Mechanical Engineering
(Regulations 2009/10)
1. What are the values?
2. What is meant by self confidence?

3. State Gilligan’s theory.
4. What is meant by consensus?

5. Differentiate scientific experiments and engineering projects.

6. Give the limitations of codes.

sy E
7. Differentiate between risk analysis and risk benefit analysis.
8. What is intellectual property right?
9. What is moral leadership?
10. What is meant by globalization?
11(a).Explain character and spirituality and their importance in ethics.
(or) rin
Refer IQA: Page No: 15-18

(b). Explain the importance of self confidence in ethics.(16) g.n

Refer IQA: Page No: 17-19
12(a).Explain in details about the scenes of engineering ethics.
Refer IQA: Page No: 27-29
(b).Discuss in details the various ethical theories and their uses. (16)

13(a).How can engineer become responsible experimenter? Highlight the code of ethics for
engineers. Refer IQA: Page No: 41-44


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(b).Discuss on roles played by the codes of ethics set by ethics by professional

14(a). What are the factors that affect risk acceptability? What is the use of knowledge of
risk acceptance to engineer? 16)
(b). Discuss the significance of intellectual property rights. Also explain the legislation
covering IPR in India. (16)

15(a). Describe in details about the global issues of weapons development. (16)

(b).Justify engineers as expert witness and advisors with suitable examples (16)

w .Ea
sy E


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