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UCLA Graduate Admissions Prediction Model

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UCLA Graduate Admissions

Prediction Model

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.896365646
R Square 0.803471372
Adjusted R Square 0.799961932
Standard Error 0.063782901
Observations 400

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 7 6.519873703 0.931410529 228.9457637 3.1185E-134
Residual 392 1.594757297 0.004068258
Total 399 8.114631

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept -1.259432478 0.124730747 -10.09720948 1.84119E-21 -1.504657371 -1.014207585 -1.504657371 -1.014207585
GRE Score 0.001737412 0.000597897 2.905870153 0.00387008 0.000561925 0.002912898 0.000561925 0.002912898
TOEFL Score 0.002919577 0.001089532 2.679662152 0.007680241 0.00077752 0.005061633 0.00077752 0.005061633
University Rating 0.005716658 0.004770425 1.198353939 0.231503246 -0.003662161 0.015095477 -0.003662161 0.015095477
SOP -0.003305169 0.005561643 -0.594279221 0.552668188 -0.014239549 0.007629211 -0.014239549 0.007629211
LOR 0.022353127 0.005541485 4.033779331 6.59901E-05 0.011458379 0.033247875 0.011458379 0.033247875
CGPA 0.118939454 0.012219435 9.733629396 3.38204E-20 0.094915628 0.142963279 0.094915628 0.142963279
Research 0.024525106 0.007959756 3.081137852 0.002207647 0.008875955 0.040174258 0.008875955 0.040174258

y1 = B0 + B1X1 +B2X2 .... + error



The University Rating and the SOP do not have real significance on determining the Chance of Admit.
These Metrics are not important while applying, One who is not from a great university or dosnt
have a great sop rating will have an equal chance given other metrics are good.


The GRE SCORE and TOEFL SCORE are significant metrics to determining the Chance of Admit. These
Metrics have a greater weightage compared to University or SOP. Applicants for the Graduate
Admissions should try to get the best possible scores for GRE and TOEFL.

3) Research

Applicants who have already done research had more advantage compared the sutdents who just
have good GRE SCORE and TOEFL SCORE. But the CGPA and LOR are still considered more important
factors than research
4) CGPA and LOR

The CGPA and LOR are few very crucial metrics to consider for Graduate Admissions. Applicatns who
have higher scores in these metrics have a great deal of advantage over other.

* These Graphs are just given to represent the individual contribution to the Chance of Admit

Chance of Admit vs CPGA y = 0.208x - 1.071 Chance of Admit vs LOR
R² = 0.762 1.2
1 y = 0.106x + 0.357
R² = 0.448
0.6 Chance of Admit Chance of Admit
0.4 Linear (Chance of Admit Linear (Chance of
) 0.4
Admit )
0.2 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6

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