Esearch Ethods in Inance: Multicollineraity
Esearch Ethods in Inance: Multicollineraity
Esearch Ethods in Inance: Multicollineraity
Section 1, 2 & 3
Lecture # 7
July 17-20, 2012
If there is significant relationship between explanatory variable(s), then the issue of multicollineraity can
exit. Y = α + βX1 + βX2 , in this equation if the variables X1 and X2 explain the same phenomena, the issue
of multicollineraity in variables exists.
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Effects of Multicollineraity
i. β : If sample size increase or decrease the beta sign will change. Beta is unstable, sign
incorrect and sign instable. For example if we take the sample of five years the beta sign will
be different to the sample size of ten years.
ii. Standard Error
iii. T-Statistics
iv. F-Statistics
Detection of Multicollineraity:
i. Generate variables (shortcut method for putting data into eviews: note observations of data
and open eviews, put observations with unstructured frequency and click OK. Now copy from
excel all variables with series name and paste in small window of eviews, then follow the
steps and finish)
ii. Go to quick menu-----Group statistics and click Correlation
iii. In new window, put variable names (without intercept) as: y x1 x2
iv. Some results will display:
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In above results, we will check (even read) the correlation matrix as: X1 relation with X2 [here first
variable X1 shows row and second X2 shows as column] so, the correlation of X1 with X2 is -.149838. We
take subjective decision that if answer is more than .5 then the chances of multicollineraity will greater.
Auxiliary R2
This is the second way to detect multicollineraity. First, regress basic equation for initial idea about R2 as
y c x1 x2 and observe R2 and then regress:
As closest the answer of R2 with each other, chances for the existence of multicollineraity will increase. If
you observe that the answers of R2 by regressing above equations separately are close to each other, it
known that chances of multicollineraity are greater so for confirmation about multicollineraity we
regress equation as: X1 c x2 and if the answers of R2 is near to 0.8 or 0.9 then multicollineraity exists.
Which Variable as Dependant Variable? Use dependent variable only on the basis of economic rationale,
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reasoning and economic locality. Suppose there are two variables population and GDP, here GDP will be
used as dependent variable and population as explanatory variable.
Decision Criteria:
If VIF < 5 then we consider it on the basis of different literature that this is in-tolerable limit
and can be used both variable.
If VIF > 5 then we consider it on the basis of different literature that this is out-of-tolerable
limit and one variable must be sacrificed.