Design of Cantilever Retaining Wall

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Cantilever Retain Wall

Design of Cantilever Retaining wall

Unit : kN , m

Step -1 Input Data

Type of material :
Depth of Backfill : 0 m
Live Load Surcharge ( s ): 10 kN/m2
Unit weight of Backfill material ( g ) : 10 kN/m3
Unit weight of Soill ( g1 ) : 8 kN/m3
Angle of repose ( f ) in degrees : 30 0

Coefficient of friction between concrete surface & soil ( mF ) : 0.5

Safe Bearing Capacity of soil ( qo ) : 120 kN/m2
Unit weight of Reinforced cement concrete ( dc ) : 25 kN/m3
Factor for design as Limit State ( fd ) 1
Grade of Concrete & Strength ( fck ) M25 20 N/mm2
Reinforcement Steel ( HYSD ) & Strength ( fy ) Fe415 500 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel ( Es ) 200000 N/mm2
Diameter of main bars (diaM ) 10 mm
Diameter of distribution bars (diaD ) for slab 10 mm
Diameter of distribution bars (diaD ) for wall 8 mm
Clear Cover to reinforcement ( Cc ) 50 mm
Design bond stress for HYSD bars (Refer clause, IS 456) ( tbd ) 1.4 N/mm2

Step -2 Coefficient of earth pressure

Coefficient of active earth pressure ( Ka )
( Ka ) = ( 1 - sin f ) / ( 1 + sin f ) 0.333
Coefficient of passive earth pressure ( Kp )
( Kp ) = ( 1 + sin f ) / ( 1 - sin f ) 3.000




x5 W5
x2 g.Ha

Tb W2 Tc

ka. g . H a ka.g1 .(Hb-Ta)

Step-3 Input dimensions ( m )

B Tp Ha Hb Ta Tb Tc
1.9 0.17 1.2 2.8 0.3 0.27 1.46

Step -4 Calculation of Gravity Loads per m length of retaining wall and Restoring moment

Weight of Components W ( kN ) x (m) MR = W. x

W1 = B. Ta. 1.dc 14.250 0.950 13.538
W2 = Tp.(Ha +(Hb -Ta).1.dc) 15.725 0.355 5.582
W3 = Tc.((Ha).1.g 0.000 1.170 0.000
W4 = (0.5.(B-(Tb+Tp+Tc)).(Ha+(Hb-Ta))).1.g 0.000 0.440 0.000
W5 = Tc.((Hb-Ta).1.g1 65.700 1.170 76.869
Total 95.675 95.989

Factored Design Load ( Wfd ) = fd. S W 95.675 kN

Factored Restoring Moment ( M Rfd ) = fd . S MR 95.989 kN.m

Step - 5 Calculation of Horizontal Forces

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Cantilever Retain Wall

Equivalent height of Surcharge ( hs ) = s / g 1.00 m

Total height of the backfilled material ( H ) = Ha+Hb 1.8 m

Factored Horizontal force due to oil ( Po)

Po1 = 0.5.(g.Ha).Ha.fd 31.250 kN
Po2 = (kag.Ha).(Hb-Ta).fd 0.000
Factored Horizontal force due to active earth pressure ( Ps)
Ps = 0.5.(Ka.g1.(Hb-Ta)).(Hb-Ta).fd 8.333
Factored Horizontal force due to surcharge ( P HS )
PHS = (Ka.g.hs).H.fd 0.000 kN

Step - 6 Check for Stability

Over Turning Moment ( factored ) ( Mo )

Mo = ( P01. (Ha/3+(Hb-Ta)) + Po2.((Hb-Ta)/2) + Ps.((Hb-Ta)/3) + P HS. H/2 ) 32.986 kN

Distance of resultant from toe ( x )

x = MR - Mo / W 0.659 m
Note: Eccentricity measured from the centre line of horizontal slab ( e )
should be less than or equal to B / 6 (e <= B/6 ) 0.31666667 m

e=B/2-x 0.291 m OK

Factor of safety against Over Turning ( Fso )= M R / Mo 2.91

As per IS: 456 -1978

Over turning moment due to dead load ( Modl )

Modl = ( P01. (Ha/3+Hb) + Po2.(Hb/2) + Ps.(Hb/3) 32.986 kN.m
Over turning moment due to live load ( Moll ) 0 kN.m
Resisting moment as per IS :
MR > MRis = (1.2. Modl + 1.4.Moll) 39.583 kN.m OK

Step -7 Check for Sliding

Sliding Force ( Fs )
Fs = ( P01 +Po2 Ps+ PHS ) 39.583 kN
Resisting Force ( Fr )
Fr = m.. S ( W ) 47.838 kN

Factor of Safety against sliding ( Fssl )

Fssl = ( Fr / Fs ) 1.209 O.K

Safe against Sliding, Shear Key need not be provided

If Shear Key is to be provided the Height of Shear Key ( Hsk ) required below the base slab is caluclated as follows :

Factored Horizontal force due to passive earth pressure ( Psk)

Psk = 0.5.(Kp.g.Hsk).Hsk.fd

Resisting Force with Shear Key ( Frsk )

Frsk = Fr + Psk
Frsk = Fr + ( 0.5.(Kp.g.Hsk).Hsk.fd )

Now Frsk / Fs = 1.4

Hsk = Sqrt ( (1.4Fs - Fr) / ( 0.5.Kp.g.fd)) 0.71 m

Suppose the errosion of the soil over the toe slab does not occur, then, it is necessary to provide shear key of
smaller depth. Since the depth of foundation ( Hb ) shall also provide passive earth pressure, the depth of Shear Key:
Hsy = Hsk - Hb -2.09 m

Step -8 Check for Bearing Stress



Ta a b



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Cantilever Retain Wall


Factored ultimate bearing capacity of soil ( qofd )

qofd = fd.qo 120 kN/m2
The ultimate bearing pressure below the toe of retaining wall ( qt )
qt = ( SW/B ) . ( 1+ 6.e / B ) 96.707 kN/m2 OK
The ultimate bearing pressure below the toe of retaining wall ( qh )
qh = ( SW/B ) . ( 1- 6.e / B ) 4.003 kN/m2 OK

Safe, No tension will develop at the base

Pressure below " a " ( qa ) :

qa = qh + (( B - Tb ) / B ). ( qt - qh ) 83.534 kN/m2
Pressure below " b " ( qb ) :
qb = qh + (Tc / B).(qt - qh ) 75.239 kN/m2

Pressure below "c" ( qc ) :

qc = qh + ((B - Tb + dprovT) / B). (qt - qh) 95.488 kN/m2 dt = dprovT ( Effective depth of Toe Slab provided)

Step - 9 Calculation of Constants

Mu/bd2 is calculated from the value of Mu

pt required is calculated against the value of Mu/bd2 as per Table 2 of SP 16
which is based on the following equation :-
Mu = 0.87 fy (pt/100) [1 - 1.005 (fy/fck) (pt/100)] bd2 - Section 2.3.1, SP 16
pt =100*((1-SQRT(1-(4*1.005*(fy/fck)*((mu/bd2)/(0.87*fy)))))/(2*1.005*(fy/fck)))
Area of steel required is calculated as Ast,req = (pt/100) x b x d
Ast,req = (pt/100) x b x d
The maximum value of pt is restricted by Mu,lim which is calculated as follows:
Maximum depth of neutral axis ( xu,max )
xu,max / d = 0.0035 / (0.0055 + 0.87 fy/Es) - Section 2.2, SP 16
pt,lim = 100 x 0.36 fck (xu,max / d) / 0.87 fy - Section 2.3, SP 16
Mu,lim / bd2 = 0.87 fy (pt,lim/100) [1 - 1.005 (fy/fck) (pt,lim/100)] - Section 2.3, SP 16

xu,max / d = 0.46
pt,lim = 0.75 %
Mu,lim/bd2 = 2.66 N/mm2

Equivalent Shear :-
Nominal Shear Stress :tv = Vu / bd - IS:456 Clause 39.1 Page 114
For solid slabs, the design shear strength of concrete ( without shear reinforcement ) shall be
ktc, where k has the values given below : -IS:456 Clause Page 115

Overall Depth of slab, mm 300 or more 275 250 225 200 175 150 or less
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25

Now tc is calculated as :
tc = 0.85 x (0.8 fck)1/2 x ((1 + 5 b)1/2 - 1) / 6 b - Section 4.1, SP 16 page 175
Where b = 0.8 fck / 6.89 pt
b,min = 1.0

Step -10 Design of Heel Slab

Loads & Forces acting on the heel slab :
Weight of the backfill material on the heel slab :
Wbh = fd.Tc.(Ha).1.g 0.000 kN @ 0.730 m from b
Weight of the soill on the heel slab :
Ws = fd.Tc.(Hb-Ta).1.g1 29.200 kN @ 0.730 m from b
Self weight of heel slab acting downwards :
Whs = fd.Tc.Ta.1.dc 10.950 kN @ 0.730 m from b
Soil reaction acting upwards over heel slab :
Qsh = 0.5.(qh+qb).Tc.1 57.847 kN @ 0.511 m from b

Taking moments about " b ", Maximum Moment ( Mb ) :

Mb = Wbh.(Tc/2)+Ws.(Tc/2)+Whs.(Tc/2)-Qsh.((Tc/3)*((qb+2.qh)/(qb+qh))) -0.265 kN-m

Maximum Shear force at "b" ( Fsb ):

Fsb = Wbh + Ws + Whs - Qsh -17.697 kN

Effective depth required ( dreqH ) :

dreqH = sqrt (( Mb.1.106 ) / ( 0.138*1000*dc )) 54 mm

Over depth required ( OdreqH ) :

OdreqH = dreqH + Cc + ( diaM/2 ) 109 mm

Overall depth Provided ( OdprovH ) : 300 mm O.K

Effective depth provided ( dprovH ):
dprovH = OdprovH - (Cc + diaM / 2) 245 mm

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Cantilever Retain Wall

Percentage of Steel required ( ptReqH ) :

ptReqH =100*((1-SQRT(1-(4*1.005*(fy/fck)*((Mb/bd2)/(0.87*fy)))))/(2*1.005*(fy/fck))) -0.001 %
Area of Steel Required ( AstreqH ) :
Ast,reqH = (ptReqH/100) x b x dprovH 50 mm2

Area of one main bar ( Amf ) = 0.785.diaM2 79 mm2

Required Spacing of main bars for heel slab ( SpmHreq ):

SpmHreq = (1000. Amf )/Ast,req mm

Provided Spacing of Main Bars for Heel slab (SpmHprov) = 200 mm

Area of Steel Provided ( AstprovH ) :

AstprovH = ( 1000.Amf ) / SpmHprov 393 mm2 O.K.

Minimum Reinforcement (AstminH) : - IS:456 clause

AstminH = 0.12*b*OdprovH / 100 360 mm2
Area of one distribution bar ( Adf ) = 0.785.diaD2 79 mm2
Spacing of distribution bars for heel slab ( SpdH ):
SpdH = (1000. Adf )/Ast,minH 250 mm

Check for Shear

tv pt b tc k ktc Remarks
N/mm2 % N/mm2 N/mm2

-0.072 0.160 14.495 0.296 1.00 0.296 Safe

Step -11 Design of Toe Slab

Loads & Forces acting on the Toe slab :

Weight of the backfill material on the toe slab is not considered :
Self weight of toe slab acting downwards :
Wts = fd.Tb.Ta.1.dc 2.025 kN @ 0.135 m from a
Soil reaction acting upwards over toe slab :
Qst = 0.5.(qt+qa).Tb.1 24.333 kN @ 0.138 m from a

Taking moments about " a ", Maximum Moment ( Ma ) :

Ma = Qst*((Tb/3)*((qa+2*qt)/(qa+qt))-(Wts.(Tb/2)) 3.092 kN-m

Maximum Shear force at "a" ( Fsa ):

Fsa = Qst - Wts 22.308 kN

Effective depth required ( dreqT ) :

dreqH = sqrt (( Mb.1.106 ) / ( 0.138*1000*dc )) 30 mm

Over depth required ( OdreqT ) :

OdreqT = dreqT + Cc + ( diaM/2 ) 85 mm

Overall depth Provided ( OdprovT ) : 300 mm O.K

Effective depth provided ( dprovT ):
dprovT = OdprovT - (Cc + diaM / 2) 245 mm

Percentage of Steel required ( ptReqT ) :

ptReqT =100*((1-SQRT(1-(4*1.005*(fy/fck)*((Ma/bd2)/(0.87*fy)))))/(2*1.005*(fy/fck))) 0.012 %
Area of Steel Required ( AstreqT ) :
Ast,reqT = (ptReqT/100) x b x dprovT 29 mm2

Area of one main bar ( Amf ) = 0.785.diaM2 79 mm2

Required Spacing of main bars for Toe slab ( SpmTreq ):

SpmTreq = (1000. Amf )/Ast,reqT 2690 mm

Provided Spacing of Main Bars for Toe slab (SpmTprov) = 200 mm

Area of Steel Provided ( AstprovT ) :

AstprovT = ( 1000.Amf ) / SpmTprov 393 mm2 O.K.

Minimum Reinforcement (AstminT) : - IS:456 clause

AstminT = 0.12*b*OdprovT / 100 360 mm2
Area of one distribution bar ( Adf ) = 0.785.diaD2 79 mm2
Spacing of distribution bars for Toe slab ( SpdT ):
SpdT = (1000. Adf )/Ast,minT 250 mm

Check for Shear

The base slab can be considered as wide cantilever beam. Since the soil pressure introduces compression
in the slab, the critical section for shear is taken at a distance 'd' (dprovT) from the face of the wall.

Soil upward Pressure Intensity at "c" ( qc ) = 95.488 kN/m2

dted = Tb - dprovT 0.025 m

Soil reaction acting upwards over toe slab (between toe edge & "c") :

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Cantilever Retain Wall

Qstc = 0.5.(qt+qc).dted.1 2.402 kN

Net factored vertical Shear at "c" ( Fsc ):

Fsc = Qstc-(fd*dted*Ta*dc*1) 2.215 kN

tv pt b tc k ktc Remarks
N/mm2 % N/mm2 N/mm2

0.009 0.160 14.495 0.296 1.00 0.296 Safe

Step -12 Design of Vertical Wall (Stem)

The vertical wall (stem) acts as a cantilever slab. The maximum bending moment occurs at its junction with heel slab.

Factored Horizontal force due to oil ( P H1 )

PH1 = 0.5.(g.Ha).Ha.fd 0.000 kN
PH2 = (ka.g.Ha.(Hb-Ta).fd 0.000
Factored Horizontal force due to active earth pressure ( PHs )
PH3 =0.5* (Ka.g1.(Hb-Ta)).(Hb-Ta).fd 8.333
Factored Horizontal force due to surcharge ( P HS )
PHS = (Ka.g.hs).H.fd 6.000 kN 0.1

Taking moment of the Lateral forces about the junction of stem & heel ( Ms):

Ms = PH1*((Ha/3+Hb- -OdprovH)+0.5*PH2*(Hb-OdprovH)+PH3*(Hb-OdprovH)/3+PHS*((H/2-OdprovH)) 6.944 kN-m

Effective depth required ( dreqS ) :

dreqH = sqrt (( Mb.1.106 ) / ( 0.138*1000*dc )) 50 mm

Over depth required ( OdreqS ) :

OdreqS = dreqS + Cc + ( diaM/2 ) 105 mm

Overall depth Provided ( OdprovS ) : 170 mm O.K

Effective depth provided ( dprovS ):
dprovS = OdprovS - (Cc + diaM / 2) 115 mm

Percentage of Steel required ( ptReqS ) :

ptReqS =100*((1-SQRT(1-(4*1.005*(fy/fck)*((Ms/bd2)/(0.87*fy)))))/(2*1.005*(fy/fck))) 0.125 %
Area of Steel Required ( AstreqS ) :
Ast,reqS = (ptReqS/100) x b x dprovS 143 mm2

Area of one main bar ( Amf ) = 0.785.diaM2 79 mm2

Required Spacing of main bars for Vertical Wall (Stem) ( SpmSreq ):

SpmSreq = (1000. Amf )/Ast,reqS 540 mm

Provided Spacing of Main Bars for Stem (SpmSprov) = 200 mm

Area of Steel Provided in the Stem ( AstprovS ) :

AstprovS = ( 1000.Amf ) / SpmSprov 393 mm2 O.K.

Minimum Reinforcement (AstminS) : - IS:456 clause

AstminS = 0.12*b*OdprovS / 100 204 mm2
Area of one distribution bar ( Adf ) = 0.785.diaD2 50 mm2
Spacing of distribution bars for Vertical wall (Stem) ( SpdS ):
SpdS = (1000. Adf )/Ast,minS 380 mm
Spacing provided 150 mm
Step -13 Development Length ( Ld ) :
Ld = / 4.tbd
ss = 0.87 fy
Ld = 777 mm

Step -14 Curtailment of Bars

Height (from the top) at which curtailment of bars is required (Hca): 3.9 m Not Permissible, No bar can be curtailed in less than
Taking moment of the Lateral forces at specified height (Mca):
Mca = ((Ka.g.Hca3/ 6)+(Ka.g.hs.Hca2/2))*fd 58.305 kN-m
Available depth at the section ( OdAvca ):
OdAvca = Tp+(Hca/(H-OdprovH))*(OdprovS-Tp) 170 mm
Available Effective depth at the section (dAvca) :
dAvca = OdAvca -( Cc+ diaM/2 ) 115 mm
Effective depth required at the section (dReqca) :
dReqca = sqrt (( Mca.1.106 ) / ( Mulim*1000 )) 148 mm
Percentage of Steel required ( ptReqca ) :
ptReqca =100*((1-SQRT(1-(4*1.005*(fy/fck)*((Mca/bd2)/(0.87*fy)))))/(2*1.005*(fy/fck))) Err:502 %
Area of Steel Required at the section ( AstReqca ) :
Ast,Reqca = (ptReqca/100) x b x dAvca Err:502 mm2
Percentage of steel curtailed at the section (Pcurca) : Err:502 % Err:502
Actual point of Curtailment from top (Hlca):
Hlca = Hca - dAvca or 12*diaM (whichever is greater) 3.78 m -IS:456 clause page 66

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