Economic Survey 2019-20 English

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Economic Survey

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ANNEXURE S 171-176
(a) Divisions 6
(b) Districts 22

(c) Sub-Divisions 74

(d) Tehsils 94

(e) Sub-Tehsils 49

(f) Blocks 140

(g) Towns 154
Census- 2011
(h)Villages Population
(including inhabited) Census- 2011
Census- 2011
(a) Total No. 2,53,51,462 1,21,05,69,573

(b) Male No. 1,34,94,734 62,31,21,843

(c) Female No. 1,18,56,728 58,74,47,730

(d) Rural No. 1,65,09,359 83,34,63,448
Percentage of Rural Population 65.12 68.85
(e) Urban No. 88,42,103 37,71,06,125

(f) Density of Population Per Sq.Km. 573 382

Male 84.1 80.9
(g) Literacy
Female Percent 65.9 64.6
Total 75.6 74.0
(h) Sex Ratio 879 943
Per Thousand Male

(a) Birth Rate 2017 Per Thousand

(i) Combined 20.5 20.2

(ii) Rural 21.9 21.8

(iii) Urban 18.2 16.8

(b) Death Rate 2017 Per Thousand

(i) Combined 5.8 6.3

(ii) Rural 6.3 6.9

(iii) Urban 5.0 5.3

(c) Infant Mortality Rate
2017 Per Thousand
(i) Combined 30 33
(ii) Rural 32 37

(iii) Urban 25 23
(d) Maternal Mortality Ratio Death Per Lakh
2015-17 122 98
(MMR) Live Birth

(a) Net Area Sown Thousand Hect. 3,508 NA

(b) Area Sown More than Once Thousand Hect. 3,041 NA

(c) Total Cropped Area Thousand Hect. 6,549 NA

(d) Area Sown More than Once
Percent 86.69 NA
to Net Area Sown
Agri. Census
(a) No. of Operational Holdings Thousand Number 1,617 1,37,757

(b) Area of Operational Holdings Thousand Hect. 3,646 1,59,180

(c) Average Size of Holdings Hect. 2.25 1.16

POWER 2018-19

(a) Total Installed Capacity MW 11,751 NA

(b) Power Available Lakh KWH 5,15,733 NA

(c) Power Sold Lakh KWH 4,07,090 NA

(d) Electricity Consumers No. 65,77,058 NA

(At Current Prices) (Quick Estimates)
(a) Gross State Domestic
Rupees Crore 7,34,163 1,89,71,236
Product (GSDP)
(b) Gross State Value Added Rupees Crore
6,16,643 1,71,39,961
(c) Agriculture and Allied Rupees Crore
1,16,028 29,22,846
Sector GSVA
(d) Industry Sector GSVA Rupees Crore 1,92,692 49,56,781

(e) Services Sector GSVA Rupees Crore 3,07,924 92,60,334

(f) Per Capita Income Rupees 2,36,147 1,26,521

State OF Economy


India aspires to become a $5 trillion economy by 2025. Though Haryana is
geographically a small State, the contribution of the State to the National Gross
Domestic Product at constant (2011-12) prices has been estimated as 3.8 percent as
per Quick Estimates of 2018-19.

GROSS STATE DOMESTIC Table1.1-Gross State Domestic Product

PRODUCT of Haryana.
(` in crore)
1.2 The Department of Economic
Year Gross State Domestic Product
& Statistical Analysis, Haryana prepares At Current At Constant
the estimates of Gross State Domestic Prices (2011-12)
Product (GSDP). As per the Advance 2011-12 297538.52 297538.52
Estimates for the year 2019-20, the 2012-13 347032.01 320911.91
GSDP of the State at current prices has 2013-14 399268.12 347506.61
been estimated as ` 8,31,610.21 crore, 2014-15 437144.71 370534.51
recording growth of 13.3 percent in 2015-16 495504.11 413404.79
2019-20 as against the growth rate of 13.0 2016-17 561610.05 456659.35

percent achieved in 2018-19. The GSDP 2017-18 649591.77 494068.03

2018-19 (Q) 734162.82 531085.19
at constant (2011-12) prices is expected to
2019-20(A) 831610.21 572239.70
reach the level of ` 5,72,239.70 crore with
Q: Quick Estimates A: Advance Estimates
a growth of 7.7 percent in 2019-20 as Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis,
compared to the growth of 7.5 percent
recorded in 2018-19. The real growth of
7.7 percent recorded in GSDP of the State
in 2019-20 is higher than the All India
GDP growth of 5.0 percent. The GSDP
of the State at current and constant
(2011-12) prices is given in Table 1.1 &
the year on year (YoY) growth rates of
GSDP in real terms are given in Fig. 1.1.
1.3 The growth of Gross State
Value Added (GSVA) decreased from
9.8 percent in 2016-17 to 7.8 percent
in 2017-18 and further declined to
7.3 percent in 2018-19. The low growth

Table 1.2- Growth in Gross State Value Added at Constant (2011-12) Prices.
Sector Haryana All India
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20
(Q) (A) (A)
Agriculture & Allied 2.8 -2.2 3.8 7.9 6.1 5.3 4.5 2.8
Industry 7.4 4.7 11.4 12.9 7.9 7.0 6.8 2.5
Services 10.1 10.4 10.8 8.6 8.4 8.3 8.8 6.9
GSVA 7.6 6.0 9.7 9.8 7.8 7.3 7.4 4.9
Q: Quick Estimates A: Advance Estimates
Source: Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis, Haryana and CSO, New Delhi.

of 7.0 percent in Industry Sector led to the annual growth than the Agriculture and
decline in growth in 2018-19. However, Allied Sectors which resulted in the
during the year 2019-20, the growth in increased share of Industry and Services
GSVA slightly improved to 7.4 percent. Sectors and decreased share of Agriculture
The year on year (YoY) growth in GSVA and Allied Sectors in the GSDP. The share
in real terms shown in Table 1.2 & Fig1.2. of Agriculture and Allied Sectors in GSDP
declined from 60.7 percent in 1969-70
to 21.3 percent in 2006-07 while the
share of Industry Sector increased from
17.6 percent in 1969-70 to 32.1 percent
in 2006-07. The share of Services Sector
increased from 21.7 percent to 46.6
percent during this period.
1.6 Since the 11th Five Year Plan,
the pace of structural transformation of
the State's economy remained continued.
Consequent upon the higher growth
recorded in Services Sector as compared to
other two sectors during this period and
onwards, the share of Services Sector in
1.4 At the time of formation of GSVA further strengthened to 50.6 percent
Haryana State, the State's economy was in 2019-20 with a decrease in the share of
predominantly an agrarian economy. Agriculture and Allied Sectors at 16.6
At the beginning year (1969-70) of percent. The share of different sectors in
4th Five Year Plan, the contribution of the State's economy presented in Fig. 1.3.
Agriculture and Allied Sectors (crops,
livestock, forestry and fishing) to the
GSDP at constant prices was the largest
(60.7%) followed by Services (21.7%) and
Industry (17.6%) Sectors.
1.5 During the period of 37 years
(1969-70 to 2006-07) intervening 4th and
10th Five Year Plans, Industry and
Services Sectors registered higher average

Table 1.3- Per Capita Income.
Year Per Capita Income of Haryana (`) Per Capita Income of All India (`)
At Current At Constant At Current At Constant
Prices (2011-12) Prices Prices (2011-12) Prices
2011-12 106085 106085 63462 63462
2012-13 121269 111780 70983 65538
2013-14 137770 119791 79118 68572
2014-15 147382 125032 86647 72805
2015-16 164963 137818 94797 77659
2016-17 185050 150241 104880 83003
2017-18 211526 159892 115293 87828
2018-19 (Q) 236147 169409 126521 92085
2019-20 (A) 264207 180026 135050 96563
Q: Quick Estimates A: Advance Estimates
Source: Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis, Haryana and CSO, New Delhi.

PER CAPITA INCOME capita income of the State during

1.7 Per capita income is the average 2019-20 at both current and constant
income earned per person. At the time of prices, is higher as compared to the
formation of Haryana State in 1966, the National per capita income of ` 1,35,050
per capita income of State at current prices and ` 96,563 respectively.
was only ` 608. Since then, the per capita AGRICULTURE & ALLIED SECTORS
income has increased multi fold. The per 1.9 Agriculture is an important
capita income of the State and growth in it sector of the State economy and majority
has been presented in Table 1.3 & Fig. 1.4. of the population is directly or indirectly
dependent on agriculture and it's allied
activities. Accordingly, the State has
accorded high priority to Agriculture
Sector since its creation on 1st November,
1966. Strong infrastructure facilities such
as metalled roads, rural electrification,
extensive network of canals, development
of market yards etc. were created
which provided much needed impetus
1.8 The per capita income of the to agriculture development in the State.
State at constant (2011-12) prices is Creation of these facilities coupled
expected to reach the level of ` 1,80,026 with agricultural research support and
during 2019-20 indicating an increase of excellent extension network to disseminate
6.3 percent in 2019-20 as compared to information related to improved farm
the growth rate of 6.0 percent recorded in practices for farmers yielded tangible
2018-19. At current prices, the State's per results. The State has been converted
capita income is likely to reach the level from a food deficient to a food surplus
of ` 2,64,207 during 2019-20 showing State.
an increase of 11.9 percent during 1.10 The Agriculture and Allied Sectors
2019-20 as compared to the growth rate have always been an important contributor
of 11.6 percent in 2018-19. The per to the Gross State Domestic Product.

Table 1.4- GSVA from Agriculture and Allied Sectors at Constant (2011-12) Prices.
(` in crore)
Sector 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
(Q) (A)
Crops & 59785.53 58589.94 60492.59 58778.74 61034.66 67212.87 71238.09 75280.85 78677.16
Livestock (-2.0) (3.2) (-2.8) (3.8) (10.1) (6.0) (5.7) (4.5)

Forestry & 3894.90 3772.16 3677.45 3897.24 3984.38 2871.81 2830.99 2803.16 2834.46
Logging (-3.2) (-2.5) ( 6.0) (2.2) (-27.9) (-1.4) (-1.0) (1.1)

Fishing 858.43 902.89 855.10 900.64 1003.17 1178.37 1567.81 1537.18 1663.00
(5.2) (-5.3) (5.3) (11.4) (17.5) (33.0) (-2.0) (8.2)

Agriculture 64538.86 63264.99 65025.14 63576.61 66022.21 71263.06 75636.89 79621.19 83174.62
and Allied (-2.0) (2.8) (-2.2) (3.8) (7.9) (6.1) (5.3) (4.5)

Q: Quick Estimates, A: Advance Estimates * Figures in brackets show the percentage growth over previous year.
Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis, Haryana.
However, as a consequence of rapid of these two sub-sectors on the overall
structural transition of the State's economy growth of Agriculture and Allied Sectors.
over the years, the contribution of the 1.12 The GSVA along with the
Agriculture and Allied Sectors at constant growth rates recorded by the State's
(2011-12) prices went down to only 16.6 economy at constant (2011-12) prices in
Agriculture and Allied Sectors has been
percent of the GSVA during the year
shown in Table 1.4. The estimates of
2019-20. The economic growth of the
Agriculture and Allied Sectors indicate
State has become more dependent on the
that the growth rate increased from 3.8
growth in Industry and Services Sectors percent in 2015-16 to 7.9 percent in 2016-17
during the past few years. However, recent but it fell to 6.1 percent and 5.3 percent
experience suggests that high GSVA in 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively.
growth without sustained and rapid As per the Advance Estimates for 2019-20,
agricultural growth is likely to accelerate the GSVA from this sector has been
inflation in the State jeopardizing the recorded as ` 83,174.62 crore with the
larger growth process. Therefore, the growth of 4.5 percent. The GSVA from
growth of Agriculture and Allied Sectors Agriculture Sector including crops and
continue to be a critical factor in the livestock has been estimated as ` 78,677.16
crore with the growth of 4.5 percent
overall performance of the State's
whereas the GSVA from forestry & logging
and fishing sub-sectors has been recorded
1.11 Agriculture and Allied Sectors
as ` 2,834.46 crore and ` 1,663 crore
consist of agriculture, forestry & logging with the growth of 1.1 percent and
and fishing sub-sectors. Agriculture 8.2 percent respectively during the year
including crop husbandry and dairy 2019-20.
farming is the main component AGRICULTURE INDICES
contributing about 93 percent in GSVA of 1.13 The Indices of area under
Agriculture and Allied Sectors. The crops, agricultural production and yield
contribution of forestry and fishing sub- from the year 2007-08 to 2018-19 (Base
sectors in GSVA of Agriculture and Allied Triennium ending 2007-08=100) for the
Sectors is merely around 5 and 2 percent State show that the index of area under
respectively resulting in very low impact crops slightly increased from 111.45 in

Table 1.5- GSVA from Industry Sector at Constant (2011-12) Prices.
(` in crore)
Sector 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
(Q) (A)
Mining & 118.82 91.94 272.40 330.90 695.23 1191.15 1012.63 762.34 905.85
Quarrying (-22.6) (196.3) (21.5) (110.1) (71.3) (-15.0) (-24.7) (18.8)
Manufacturing 53286.09 63311.66 67459.01 72320.84 84936.38 97151.63 104306.35 111503.49 119420.24
(18.8) (6.6) (7.2) (17.4) (14.4) (7.4) (6.9) (7.1)
Electricity, 3446.04 3375.07 2917.19 3267.77 2960.61 3559.34 4386.61 4854.80 5413.92
Gas, Water (-2.1) (-13.6) (12.0) (-9.4) (20.2) (23.2) (10.7) (11.5)
Supply &
Other Utility
Construction 29759.66 27614.98 30686.76 30146.78 29581.79 31519.99 34265.43 36869.60 38786.82
(-7.2) (11.1) (-1.8) (-1.9) (6.6) (8.7) (7.6) (5.2)
Industry 86610.61 94393.65 101335.36 106066.30 118174.01 133422.12 143971.02 153990.23 164526.83
(9.0) (7.4) (4.7) (11.4) (12.9) (7.9) (7.0) (6.8)
Q: Quick Estimates A: Advance Estimates * Figures in brackets show the percentage growth over previous year.
Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis, Haryana.
2017-18 to 113.94 in 2018-19. The index INDEX OF INDUSTRIAL
of agricultural production also increased PRODUCTION
from 119.90 in 2017-18 to 120.67 in 1.15 Index of Industrial Production
2018-19. However, the index of yield (IIP) is one of the prime indicators for
decreased from 107.57 in 2017-18 to measurement of trend in the industrial
105.91 in 2018-19 during this period. production over a period of time with
The index of production of foodgrains reference to a chosen base year. The IIP is
decreased from 128.09 in 2017-18 to presently being prepared in the State with
127.48 in 2018-19 whereas the index of 2011-12 as base year by the Department
non-foodgrains increased from 102.34 in of Economic and Statistical Analysis,
2017-18 to 106.07 in 2018-19. Haryana. Growth in major sectors and
INDUSTRY SECTOR use based categories of IIP for the year
1.14 The sub-sector wise Gross 2014-15 and 2015-16 are given Table 1.6.
State Value Added (GSVA) along with the Table 1.6–Index of Industrial Production.
(Base year 2011-12=100)
growth rates recorded by the Industry Index
Industry Group
Sector in the State at constant (2011-12) 2014-15 2015-16
prices during different years has been 120.3 128.7
(4.9) (7.0)
shown in Table 1.5. As per Quick 119.5 92.5
Estimates for 2018-19, the GSVA for (9.0) (-22.6)
Use Based Classification
Industry Sector has been recorded 122.8 96.7
A – Primary Goods Industries
as ` 1,53,990.23 crore as against (9.6) (-21.2)
115.4 115.4
` 1,43,971.02 crore in 2017-18 recording a B – Capital Goods Industries
(4.9) (0.0)
C – Intermediate Goods 117.8 109.7
growth of 7.0 percent in 2018-19 as Industries (-1.7) (-6.9)
compared to the growth of 7.9 percent in D – Infrastructure / Construction 112.0 109.8
Goods (-0.6) (-2.0)
2017-18. As per the Advance Estimates for 124.6 142.1
E – Consumer Durable Goods
2019-20 the GSVA from Industry Sector (3.3) (14.0)
F– Consumer Non-Durable 124.9 152.8
is estimated to be ` 1,64,526.83 crore Goods (19.2) (22.3)
120.3 126.1
recording a growth of 6.8 percent over General Index of IIP
(5.2) (4.8)
previous year. Source: Deptt.of Economic & Statistical Analysis,Haryana.

1.16 The General IIP with 2011-12 as boots, books, rexin, audio CD/DVD player,
base year increased from 120.3 in 2014-15 rubber cloth/sheet, camping, pen body
to 126.1 in 2015-16, registering an plastic, staplers, handicraft/ decorative
increase of 4.8 percent. The IIP of fancy items etc. increased from 124.6 in
Manufacturing Sector increased from 2014-15 to 142.1 in 2015-16, recording an
120.3 in 2014-15 to 128.7 in 2015-16, increase of 14.0 percent.
exhibiting a growth of 7.0 percent over the 1.22 The IIP of Consumer Non-
previous year. The IIP of Electricity Sector Durable Goods like dried vegetable,
indicated a negative growth of -22.6 milk, rice basmati, sugar, biscuits, black
percent as it decreased from 119.5 in tea, rectified spirit, chewing tobacco and
2014-15 to 92.5 in 2015-16. filters for beverages etc. increased from
1.17 The IIP of Primary Goods 124.9 in 2014-15 to 152.8 in 2015-16,
Industries like argon gas, nitrogen liquid, recording an increase of 22.3 percent.
oxygen liquid, urea, bitumen, liquefied SERVICES SECTOR
petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders of iron and 1.23 The importance of the Services
steel, electricity etc. decreased to 122.8 in Sector can be gauged by looking at its
2014-15 to 96.7 in 2015-16 recording a contribution to the Gross State Value
decrease of -21.2 percent. Added (GSVA) of the economy. The share
1.18 The IIP of Capital Goods of Services Sector in the GSVA at constant
Industries like conveyor belts, dental, (2011-12) prices has increased to 50.6
motors, fan, diamond tools, cultivators, percent in 2019-20. The rise in the
spring pins, air brake sets, axel, tracks, Services Sector’s share in GSVA marks a
railway/tramway etc. showed no increase structural shift in the State's economy
or decrease from 115.4 in 2014-15 to 115.4 and takes it closer to the fundamental
in 2015-16. structure of a developed economy. During
1.19 The IIP of Intermediate Goods the period of 11th Five Years Plan, the
Industries like mud/molasses waste, Services Sector grew at the average
plywood board, aluminium ingots, cast annual growth rate of 12.2 percent. This
iron, machine screw iron and steel, gear growth rate of Service Sector was
case assemblies, medical surgical or significantly higher than the average
laboratory sterilizer etc. decreased from annual growth recorded for combined
117.8 in 2014-15 to 109.7 in 2015-16, Agriculture and Industry Sectors during
recording a decrease of -6.9 percent. this period. The trend of faster and
1.20 The IIP of Infrastructure/ sustained growth of Services Sector as
Construction Goods like paint, cement, compared to other two sectors also
portland, cable, PVC insulated, scrap cast remained on the same path during the
iron, cement, other products, Cable, rubber first four years (2012-13 to 2015-16) of
insulated ceramic tiles etc. decrease from 12th Plan (2012-17). Thereafter the growth
112.0 in 2014-15 to 109.8 in 2015-16, of Services Sector became comparatively
recording a decrease of -2.0 percent. slow. The growth of Services Sector
1.21 The IIP of Consumer Durable was recorded as 10.6, 10.1, 10.4 and 10.8
Goods like cotton, carded or combed, percent in 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 and
cotton fabrics, fabrics, cotton blankets, 2015-16 respectively.
garment cloth, cotton hand bag, artificial 1.24 During 2016-17 and 2017-18, the
fur, other sports footwear, except skating growth of Services Sector was recorded
Table 1.7- GSVA from Services Sector at Constant (2011-12) Prices.
(` in crore)
Sector 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
(Q) (A)
Trade, Repair, 33107.42 36239.29 38434.40 43097.44 50324.65 55984.01 62512.56 67780.29 75572.52
Hotels & (9.5) (6.1) (12.1) (16.8) (11.2) (11.7) (8.4 ) (11.5)
Transport, Storage, 17276.89 18744.22 20469.79 22937.61 24381.94 24363.66 25405.83 26952.91 28280.93
Communication & (8.5) (9.2) (12.1) (6.3) (-0.1) (4.3) (6.1) (4.9)
Services related to
Financial, Real 52584.59 59475.62 68666.72 74026.89 81917.61 89807.03 95085.52 103957.31 112990.76
Estate & (13.1) (15.5) (7.8) (10.7) (9.6) (5.9) (9.3) (8.7)
Public 19956.26 21482.82 22127.24 25264.26 26587.59 28721.93 32611.45 34786.14 37291.57
Administration, (7.6) (3.0) (14.2) (5.2) (8.0) (13.5) (6.7) (7.2)
Defence and Other
Overall Services 122925.16 135941.93 149698.16 165326.20 183211.78 198876.63 215615.36 233476.65 254135.78
(10.6) (10.1) (10.4) (10.8) (8.6) (8.4) (8.3) (8.8)

Q: Quick: Estimates A: Advance Estimates * Figures in brackets show the percentage growth over previous year.
Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis, Haryana.
as 8.6 and 8.4 percent respectively. As per Transport, Storage, Communication
Quick Estimates of 2018-19, the real and Services related to Broadcasting
GSVA from this sector has been 1.26 As per the Quick Estimates of
recorded as ` 2,33,476.65 crore as against 2018-19, the growth of this sub-sector has
` 2,15,615.36 crore in 2017-18, registering been recorded as 6.1 percent as compared
a growth of 8.3 percent. As per the to the growth of 4.3 percent in 2017-18.
Advance Estimates for 2019-20, the As per the Advance Estimates for 2019-20,
GSVA from Services Sector has been
the growth of this sub-sector is likely to be
estimated as ` 2,54,135.78 crore recording
4.9 percent.
growth of 8.8 percent over 2018-19. The
slow growth in transport, storage, Financial, Real Estate and Professional
communication & services related to
1.27 This sub-sector recorded the
broadcasting (4.9%), financial services
growth of 5.9 percent and 9.3 percent in
(5.6%) and public administration (6.4%) is
2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. As per
the reason of comparatively low growth
the Advance Estimates for 2019-20, this
recorded in 2019-20 (Table 1.7).
sub-sector is likely to achieve the growth
Growth of Different Sub-Sectors in
Services Sector of 8.7 percent.
Trade, Repair, Hotels & Restaurants Public Administration, Defence and
1.25 As per the Quick Estimates Other Services
of 2018-19, the growth of this sub-sector 1.28 This sub-sector recorded a
has been recorded as 8.4 percent as growth of 13.5 and 6.7 percent in
compared to the growth of 11.7 percent 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. As
recorded in 2017-18. As per the Advance per the Advance Estimates for 2019-20,
Estimates for 2019-20, the growth of this the growth of this sub-sector is likely to
sub-sector is likely to be 11.5 percent. be 7.2 percent.

GROSS FIXED CAPITAL FORMATION prices was 9.3 percent in 2004-05.
1.29 The productive capacity of Thereafter, it increased from 13.2 percent
the economy depends to a large in 2016-17 to 14.2 percent in 2017-18.
extent upon the Capital Formation
i.e. more the capital accumulation, the
higher would be the productive capacity
of the economy. The Department of
Economic and Statistical Analysis,
Haryana compiles the estimates of Gross
Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) for the
State at current and constant (2004-05)
prices by Industry of use, by type of
Institutions and also by type of Assets.
At current prices the GFCF of the State Gross Fixed Capital Formation in
has been estimated at ` 86,061 crore Industry Sector
during the year 2017-18 as against 1.31 In the State, the contribution of
` 78,423 crore during the year 2016-17, Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Industry
recording an increase of 9.7 percent. Sector at constant (2004-05) prices was
Similarly, at constant (2004-05) prices, 55.5 percent in 2004-05 and in 2016-17,
the GFCF has been estimated as it was 52.2 percent which increased to 52.8
` 44,442 crore during the year 2017-18 percent in 2017-18.
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in
as against ` 41,463 crore during the year
Services Sector
2016-17, recording an increase of 7.2 1.32 The contribution of Gross
percent during the year 2017-18. The Fixed Capital Formation in Services
Estimates for Gross Fixed Capital Sector was 35.2 percent at constant
Formation and growth percentage are (2004-05) prices in 2004-05. Thereafter,
given in Table 1.8 and Fig. 1.5. it decreased to 34.6 percent in 2016-17 and
Table1.8- Gross Fixed Capital 33.0 percent in 2017-18.
Formation in Haryana. PRICE SITUATION
(` in crore)
Year Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1.33 For assessing the price
At Current At Constant
Prices (2004-05) Prices
situation in the State, the Department of
2011-12 47948 30958 Economic & Statistical Analysis, Haryana
2012-13 53158 32041
2013-14 59134 33584 collects wholesale and retail prices of
2014-15 65357 36158 essential commodities and services on
2015-16 71116 38851 weekly/monthly basis from rural and urban
2016-17 78423 41463
2017-18(P) 86061 44442 areas of the State and prepares the WPI
P: Provisional Estimates, Source: Department of and CPI for Rural Haryana & Working
Economic & Statistical Analysis, Haryana.
Class respectively.
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in
Agriculture and Allied Sectors 1.34 Wholesale Price Index: The
1.30 The contribution of Gross Wholesale Price Index (WPI) of 20
Fixed Capital Formation in Agriculture selected agricultural commodities (Base
and Allied Sectors at constant (2004-05) Agri. Year 1980-81=100) of the State from

2014-15 to 2018-19 is given in Table 1.9. percent during 2017-18. Year-wise CPI
It has increased from 1,384.9 in 2017-18 (Rural) of State from 2014-15 to 2018-19 is
to 1,437.3 in 2018-19, showing an increase given in Table 1.11.
of 3.8 percent. This increase was 2.5 and Table: 1.10- Monthly Wholesale Price Index
of 20 Selected Agricultural Commodities in
2.6 percent respectively during the year Haryana.
2016-17 and 2017-18 over the previous Month Index
(Base Year 1980-81=100)
years. December, 2018 1425.3
1.35 The month-wise WPI from January, 2019 1431.2
December, 2018 to December, 2019 is February, 2019 1439.3
March, 2019 1448.2
presented in Table 1.10. The WPI rose
April, 2019 1454.2
from 1,425.3 in December, 2018 to May, 2019 1471.2
1,521.2 in December, 2019 registering an June, 2019 1473.2
increase of 6.7 percent. This rise is mainly July, 2019 1482.2
August, 2019 1496.3
attributed to increase in prices of grains,
September, 2019 1500.3
pulses, oil seeds, cotton, gur and some October, 2019 1513.3
other crops. November, 2019 1520.1
Table 1.9- Year-wise Wholesale Price Index of December, 2019 1521.2
20 Selected Agricultural Commodities in Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis,
Year Index
Table 1.11- Year-wise Consumer Price
(Base Agri. Year 1980-81=100) Index (Rural) in Haryana.
(Base Year 1988-89=100)
2014-15 1279.7
Year Food Index General Index
2015-16 1317.5
2014-15 708 654
2016-17 1349.8
2015-16 741 690
2017-18 1384.9
2016-17 766 711
2018-19 1437.3
2017-18 787 733
Source: Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis,
Haryana. 2018-19 829 767
1.36 Consumer Price Index (Rural): Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis,
It measures changes in the price level of 1.38 To observe the detail of month-
consumer goods and services purchased by wise movement of CPI (Rural) in the State,
households over a period of time. The the index of December, 2018 to December,
main objective of computing this Index is 2019 is presented in Table 1.12. It was 759
to watch the movement of general level in December, 2018 and rose to 816 in
of retail prices of selected essential December, 2019, registering an increase of
commodities that are in the consumption 7.5 percent.
basket of an average rural household in the 1.39 Consumer Price Index for
State. The prices are collected fortnightly Working Class: CPI (IW) measures the
from 24 villages from different parts of relative change over time in the level of
the State. retail prices of a fixed set of goods and
1.37 Consumer Price Index (Rural) services consumed by an average working
of Food Group moved by 5.3 percent class family. It is compiled by taking
during 2018-19 as compared to 2.7 percent into account the weighted average of
during 2017-18 and General Group by 4.6 the monthly indices of six centres
percent during 2018-19 as compared to 3.1 namely, Surajpur-Pinjor, Panipat, Sonipat,

Bhiwani, Hisar and Bahadurgarh. 1.40 The CPI (IW) of the State has
Year-wise CPI (IW) of the State from increased by 6.5 percent in 2019 as
2015 to 2019 is presented in Table 1.13. compared to 4.3 percent in 2018. The
Table 1.12- Monthly Consumer Price Index center-wise increase was highest in
(Rural) in Haryana. Bahadurgarh (6.7 percent) whereas it
(Base Year 1988-89=100)
Month Index was lowest in Hisar (6.2 percent) for the
December, 2018 759 year 2019.
January, 2019 769 1.41 To observe the month-wise
February, 2019 770 movement of CPI (IW) in the State, the
March, 2019 774 index of December, 2018 to December, 2019
April, 2019 780 is presented in Table 1.14. The Consumer
May, 2019 782 Price Index for Working Class (Base Year
June, 2019 786
1982=100) was 1,163 in December, 2018
and rose to 1,257 in December, 2019,
July, 2019 792
registering an increase of 8.1 percent.
August, 2019 795
Table 1.14- Monthly Consumer Price Index
September, 2019 800 (IW) in Haryana.
October, 2019 807 (Base Year 1982=100)

November, 2019 810 Month Index

December, 2018 1163
December, 2019 816
January, 2019 1177
Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis,
February, 2019 1179
Table 1.13- Year-wise Consumer Price Index March, 2019 1186
(IW) in Haryana. April, 2019 1198
(Base Year 1982=100) May, 2019 1202
Year Index June, 2019 1209
2015 1016 July, 2019 1221
2016 1068 August, 2019 1226
September, 2019 1232
2017 1094
October, 2019 1242
2018 1141 November, 2019 1251
2019 1215 December, 2019 1257
Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis, Source: Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis,
Haryana. Haryana.


Haryana is one of the most progressive States in the country. It has been
a pioneer State in carrying out fiscal reforms and our fiscal management is
reckoned as one of the best in the country. Public finance relates to the collection
of taxes by the Government from those who benefit from the provision of public
goods and the use of those tax funds towards production and distribution of
public goods. Resource generation, resource allocation and expenditure management
(resource utilization) are the essential components of a public financial management
system. The purview of public finance is considered to be three fold namely;
efficient allocation of resources, distribution of income, and macro-economic
2.2 As per the recommendations of
14 Finance Commission, the fiscal deficit
Fig. 2.1-Revenue Receipts and Expenditure
target was set at 3 percent of Gross State
Domestic Product (GSDP) for its award 130000.00

period of 2015-16 to 2019-20. As per the


Budget Estimates (BE) for 2019-20 of


the State, fiscal deficit was projected at



` 22,462 crore, constituting 2.86 percent of

Rupees Crore

GSDP, which is well within the stipulated
limit of 3 percent. Similarly, debt to GSDP
ratio was estimated at 22.86 percent in
BE 2019-20 as against the prescribed limit
of 25 percent. 10000.00

-5000.00 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19(RE) 2019-20(BE)


2.3 The revenue receipts and Revenue Receipts Revenue Expenditure

revenue expenditure of the State from
2016-17 to 2019-20 (BE) is shown in Centre. As per Budget Estimates of
Fig. 2.1 and Annexures 2.1 to 2.3. The 2019-20, the revenue receipts of the
revenue receipts comprises State’s Own Government of Haryana are expected to be
Tax and Non-Tax Revenue, Share ` 82,219.41 crore against the estimated
in Central Taxes and Grant-in-Aid from revenue expenditure of ` 94,241.90 crore,

Table 2.1- Tax Position of Haryana.
(` in crore)
Year State’s Own Tax Revenue Share in Central Taxes Total Tax
2016-17 34025.71 6597.45 40623.16
2017-18 41099.38 7297.52 48396.90
2018-19 (RE) 50946.00 8254.60 59200.60
2019-20 (BE) 51105.00 11216.64 62321.64
RE - Revised Estimates, BE- Budget Estimates Source: State Budget Documents.
with a deficit of ` 12,022.49 crore. The 2019-20 (BE) as compared to ` 6,450 crore
revenue receipts of the State Government in 2018-19 (RE) showing an increase
were ` 62,694.87 crore against revenue of 8.53 percent in 2019-20 (BE) over
expenditure of ` 73,257.35 crore with a 2018-19 (RE). The contribution in tax
deficit amounting to ` 10,562.48 crore in revenue from Stamps and Registration is
2017-18. It was ` 52,496.82 crore against estimated at ` 6,500 crore in 2019-20 (BE)
the revenue expenditure of ` 68,403.43 as compared to ` 6,000 crore in 2018-19
crore depicting a deficit amounting to (RE) (Annexure 2.1).
` 15,906.61 crore in 2016-17. Share in Central Taxes
Taxes 2.6 Transfer from Centre mainly
2.4 The tax position of Haryana State consists of State’s Share in Central
from 2016-17 to 2019-20 (BE) is given in Taxes, grant for centrally sponsored
the Table 2.1. Total tax comprises of schemes, grant under the award of
i) State’s Own Tax Revenue (OTR) and Central Finance Commission and other
ii) State’s Share in Central Taxes (SCT). grants. The Share in Central Taxes is
State total tax is expected to increase from estimated at ` 11,216.64 crore in
` 40,623.16 crore (` 34,025.71 crore OTR 2019-20 (BE) against ` 8,254.60 crore in
+ ` 6,597.45 crore SCT) in 2016-17 to 2018-19 (RE). It shows that Share in
` 62,321.64 crore (` 51,105 crore OTR+ Central Taxes is likely to increase by
` 11,216.64 crore SCT) in 2019-20 (BE). 35.88 percent in 2019-20 (BE) over
Tax Revenue 2018-19 (RE).
2.5 The contribution in tax revenue Grant-in-Aid
from Sales Tax is estimated at ` 10,900 2.7 The Grant-in-Aid received in the
crore in 2019-20 (BE) as compared to State is shown in Table 2.2. Apart from
` 11,290 crore in 2018-19 (RE). Sales tax is
the valuable amount from Central
estimated to decrease by 3.45 percent in
taxes, Finance Commission has made
2019-20 (BE) over 2018-19 (RE) due to the
recommendations regarding Grant-in-Aid
implementation of State Goods and Service
to the States for specific purpose.
Tax (SGST). The contribution in tax
State is expected to receive about
revenue from SGST is estimated at
` 22,750 crore in 2019-20 (BE) as
` 9,872.82 crore as Grant-in-Aid in
compared to ` 23,760 crore in 2018-19 2019-20 (BE) against ` 8,507.35 crore
(RE) showing an decrease of 4.25 percent in 2018-19 (RE). It indicates that
in 2019-20 (BE) over 2018-19 (RE). Grant-in-Aid is likely to increased by
The contribution in tax revenue from State 16.05 percent in 2019-20 (BE) over
Excise is estimated at ` 7,000 crore in 2018-19 (RE).

Table 2.2- Grant-in-Aid received from
Central Government. Fig. 2.2- Capital Receipts and Expenditure
(` in crore) 50000
Year Amount Received



2016-17 5677.57 35000

Rupees Crore

2017-18 5185.12 30000

2018-19 (RE) 8507.35
2019-20(BE) 9872.82 15000
RE - Revised Estimates, BE- Budget Estimates 10000
Source: State Budget Documents. 5000
CAPITAL RECEIPTS AND CAPITAL 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19(RE) 2019-20(BE)


Capital Receipts Capital Receipts Capital Expenditure

2.8 The capital receipts and capital

2.11 The total non-developmental
expenditure of the State from 2016-17 to
expenditure comprising of administrative
2019-20 (BE) is shown in Fig. 2.2 and
services, organs of State, fiscal services,
Annexure 2.1 and 2.2. The capital receipts
interest payments, pensions and
consist of three parts (i) recovery of
miscellaneous general services etc. is
loans (ii) misc. capital receipts and
estimated at ` 36,937.19 crore in 2019-20
(iii) borrowing and other liabilities. Capital
(BE) as compared to ` 30,965.10 crore in
receipts is estimated at ` 29,689.43 crore in
2018-19 (RE). The total non-developmental
2019-20 (BE) against ` 25,950.98 crore in
expenditure is estimated to increase by
2018-19 (RE).
19.29 percent in 2019-20 (BE) over
Capital Expenditure 2018-19 (RE).
2.9 Capital expenditure consists of Financial Position
capital outlay and lending (disbursement of 2.12 The revenue account is
loans and advances) and it results in the estimated to show a deficit of ` 12,022.49
creation of assets. The capital expenditure crore in 2019-20 (BE) as against deficit
of the State is expected to increase of ` 10,562.48 crore in 2017-18. The
from ` 11,378 crore in 2016-17 to net deposits of small savings, provident
` 17,666.94 crore in 2019-20 (BE) as
fund etc. are estimated to show a surplus
shown in Annexure 2.2. of ` 453 crore in 2019-20 (BE) as
2.10 The total developmental compared to ` 802 crore in 2018-19 (RE)
expenditure, comprising of social services (Annexure 2.3).
like education, medical and public health, BUDGETARY EXPENDITURE OF STATE
water supply and sanitation, social security GOVERNMENT AS PER ECONOMIC
and welfare, labour and employment, etc. CLASSIFICATION
and economic services like agriculture 2.13 In order to secure legislative
& allied activities, irrigation & flood control, administrative accountability and
control, power industries, transport, rural auditing of any act of spending, the
development, etc. is estimated at expenditure in the Government Budget is
` 74,971.65 crore in 2019-20 (BE) as generally classified department-wise. The
against ` 71,588.27 crore in 2018-19 (RE), Government budgetary transactions are
indicating an increase of 4.73 percent. significant only in terms of meaningful

economic categories such as consumption 2.15 The consumption expenditure
expenditure, capital formation etc. and so of the State Government is estimated at
they have to be sorted out, re-classified ` 38,094.01 crore in 2019-20 (BE) against
and re-grouped. Budget can broadly be ` 34,327 crore in 2018-19 (RE). It shows
divided into Administrative Departments that consumption expenditure is likely to
and Departmental Commercial increase by 10.97 percent in 2019-20 (BE)
Undertakings. Administrative Departments over 2018-19 (RE).
are Government agencies for the 2.16 State’s Gross Capital Formation
implementation of social and economic i.e. investment on buildings, roads & other
policy of the Government, whereas construction, purchase of vehicles and
Departmental Commercial Undertakings machinery & equipments by Administrative
are un-incorporated enterprises owned, Departments and Departmental
controlled and run directly by the Commercial Undertakings is estimated at
Government. ` 9,925.63 crore in 2019-20 (BE) against
2.14 The Economic Classification of ` 9,956.98 crore in 2018-19 (RE). In
the Budget which classifies the budgetary addition to the Gross Capital Formation,
transactions in significant economic the State Government also provides
categories place the total expenditure at financial assistance to other sectors of
` 1,10,615.01 crore in the year 2019-20 the economy for capital formation through
(BE) as compared to ` 1,03,631.83 crore in capital transfers, loans & advances
2018-19 (RE) showing an increase of and by purchasing financial assets
6.74 percent (Annexure 2.4). (Annexure 2.4).
2.17 Institutional Finance is vital 2019. Credit-Deposit (CD) Ratio is a
for any development programme. The role significant indicator of credit flow for
of the State Government has been to accelerating economic development of the
persuade the banking institutions to give State. The CD Ratio in the State has
greater importance to the agricultural and slightly decreased to 66 percent in
allied sector, particularly for poverty September, 2019 as compared to 69
alleviation programmes. The Institutional percent during the corresponding period of
Finance available through Commercial, last year.
Cooperative Banks and other term lending State Annual Credit Plan
institutions reduces pressure on the 2.19 Annual Credit Plan of the State
budgetary resources of the State for the current year 2019-20 envisages a
Government. credit lending of ` 62,196 crore. The targets
2.18 The total number of up to September, 2019 for 2019-20 are
Commercial Banks (CBs) and Regional increased by 6 percent as compared to those
Rural Banks (RRBs) branches working in for the year 2018-19. Overall achievement
the State as on September, 2019 was 4,915. under State Annual Credit Plan 2019-20
The total deposits of CBs and RRBs stood at ` 56,574 crore up to September,
increased to ` 4,06,174 crore in September, 2019 against the target of ` 62,196 crore
2019. Similarly total advances in the State which was 91 percent of the annual
increased to ` 2,66,936 crore in September, target (Table 2.3).

2.20 The performance of banks disbursed ` 50,243 crore upto September,
regarding credit lending to agriculture & 2019 against the target of ` 53,326 crore
allied sector is satisfactory. Against the which is 94 percent of target. Advances by
pro-rata target upto September, 2019 of CBs and RRBs during 2019-20 is given
` 39,143 crore, the achievement up to in Table 2.4.
September, 2019 was ` 30,645 crore i.e. 2.22 The CBs and RRBs disbursed
78 percent. In the micro small & medium the highest advances of ` 24,918 crore in
enterprises, the performance was quite agriculture & allied sector followed
satisfactory. The banks disbursed ` 20,351 by ` 20,103 crore in micro & small
crore against the annual target of ` 14,992 enterprises sector and ` 5,222 crore in
crore which is 136 percent of the target. In other priority sector. However, the
the other priority sector banks disbursed percentage of achievement against the
` 5,578 crore against the target of ` 8,061 target was highest in micro small &
crore which is 69 percent of the target. medium enterprises sector 143 percent
Bank-wise Performance of CBs and RRBs
followed by agriculture & allied sector
2.21 Under Annual Credit Plan, of
the State for the year 2019-20, CBs and RRBs
79 and other priority sector 69 percent.

Table 2.3- Annual Credit Plan of Haryana for 2019-20.

(` in crore)
Sector Pro-Rata Target Achievement Percentage
2019-20 (upto 30.9.2019) Achievement
Agriculture & Allied 39143.00 30645.00 78
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises 14992.00 20351.00 136
Other Priority Sector 8061.00 5578.00 69
Total 62196.00 56574.00 91
Source: Convener Bank, Punjab National Bank.

Table 2.4- Disbursement by Commercial Banks and RRBs in Haryana during 2019-20.
(` in crore)
Sector Pro-Rata Target Achievement Percentage
2019-20 (upto 30.9.2019) Achievement
Agriculture & Allied 31614.00 24918.00 79
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises 14104.00 20103.00 143
Other Priority Sector 7608.00 5222.00 69
Total 53326.00 50243.00 94
Source: Convener Bank, Punjab National Bank.

Table 2.5-Disbursement by Co-operative Banks in Haryana during 2019-20

(` in crore)
Sector Pro-Rata Target Achievement Percentage
2019-20 (upto 30.9.2019) Achievement
Agriculture & Allied 7149.00 5698.00 80
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises 506.00 168.00 33
Other Priority Sector 428.00 345.00 81
Total 8083.00 6211.00 77
Source: Convener Bank, Punjab National Bank.

Table 2.6- Disbursement by HSCARDB during 2019-20.
(` in crore)
Sector Pro-Rata Target Achievement Percentage
2019-20 (upto 30.9.2019) Achievement
Agriculture & Allied 375.00 29.00 8
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises 27.00 7.00 26
Other Priority Sector 24.00 1.00 4
Total 426.00 37.00 9
Source: Convener Bank, Punjab National Bank.
Table 2.7- Advances by Small Industries Development Bank of India during 2019-20.
(` in crore)
Sector Pro-Rata Target Achievement Percentage
2019-20 (upto 30.9.2019) Achievement
Agriculture & Allied 0 0 0
Micro Small & Medium Enterprises 348.00 56.00 16
Other Priority Sector 0 0 0
Total 348.00 56.00 16
Source: Convener Bank, Punjab National Bank
Cooperative Banks ` 426 crore which is 9 percent of the
2.23 Haryana State Cooperative target. Sector-wise performance of
Apex Bank has disbursed ` 6,211 crore up Haryana State Cooperative Agriculture
to September, 2019 against the target of and Rural Development Bank
` 8,083 crore which is 77 percent of the (HSCARDB) during the year 2019-20 is
target. Sector-wise detail is given in given in Table 2.6.
Table 2.5.
Small Industries Development Bank
Haryana State Cooperative Agriculture
2.25 Small Industries Development Bank
& Rural Development Bank
2.24 Haryana State Cooperative of India had advanced only ` 56 crore up
Agriculture & Rural Development Bank to September, 2019 against the target
(HSCARDB) disbursed ` 37 crore up to of ` 348 crore which is 16 percent.
September, 2019 against the target of Sector-wise detail is given in Table 2.7.

THE HARYANA STATE been amalgamated into 19 DPCARDBs

COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURE AND and the existing PCARDBs at Tehsil and
LTD. Sub-Tehsil level act as branches of these
2.26 The Haryana State Cooperative
2.27 The Haryana State Cooperative
Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
Agriculture and Rural Development
Ltd. (HSCARDB) was set up on 1st Nov.,
Bank Ltd. has advanced ` 3,320.67 lakh
1966. At the time of establishment of the
from 1.04.2019 to 30.11.2019. Sector-wise
Bank, there were only 7 PCARDBs in the
State, now this number has risen to 71 physical performance of HSCARDB Ltd.
PCARDBs. These PCARDBs have now is given in Table 2.8 and 2.9.

Table 2.8 -Sector-wise Performances of HSCARDB Ltd.
(` in lakh)
Sr. No Sector/ Schemes Projected Target Advancements
for the year 2019-20 (1.4.2019 to 30.11.2019)

1 Minor Irrigation 6000 1126.95

2 Farm Mechanisation 400 21.50
3 Land Development 2000 354.00
4 Dairy Development incl.
Cattle Shed 1100 143.50
5 Hort./Farm Forestry 1500 309.80
6 Rural Housing
800 108.55
7 Non Farm Sector 1800 1063.92
8 Purchase of Land 500 26.00
9 Rural Godowns 200 0.00
10 Others 700 166.45
Total 15000 3320.67

Source: Haryana State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank Ltd.

Table 2.9- Sector-wise Performance of HSCARDB Ltd.

( ` in lakh)
Sr. Sector/ Advancement
No. Scheme 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount
Benefi- Benefi- Benefi- Benefi- Benefi-
ciaries ciaries ciaries ciaries ciaries
1 Minor
1357 4990.67 1840 6747.04 990 3831.48 726 3265.76 161 694.66
2 Farm
146 333.65 329 667.60 129 308.25 74 210.65 01 4.00
3 Land
499 1533.20 683 2363.35 390 1381.40 211 827.85 45 158.60
4 Dairy
412 1027.84 389 1121.06 202 642.05 106 356.68 34 140.48
5 Hort./Farm
364 1681.40 415 1836.55 231 1144.05 136 720.95 33 191.50
6 Rural Housing 207 431.23 425 892.08 201 509.90 106 268.42 27 84.85

7 Non- Farm
677 2216.40 626 2228.07 381 1387.80 440 1756.51 266 1251.75
8 Purchase of
58 312.22 64 342.40 44 237.00 13 85.50 11 61.50
9 Rural
2 12.00 1 6.00 9 40.50 1 6.00 00 1.50
10 Others 158 542.73 256 637.62 128 349.15 68 223.00 14 54.75

3880 13081.54 5028 16841.77 2705 9834.58 1881 7721.32 592 2643.59

Source: Haryana State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank Limited.

(A) The following Schemes are in operations to ` 5.66 crore upto 31.12.2009. This
by the HSCARDB Ltd.:- scheme had been further extended up to
1. Rural Housing Scheme;
31.03.2018 with the enhanced interest
2. Purchase of Agriculture Land;
3. Combine Harvester; subvention @ 5 percent p.a. 1,24,671
4. Straw-Reaper; loanee farmers have availed 5 percent
5. Strawberry Cultivation; interest subvention to the extent of ` 82.38
6. Commercial Dairy for Self crore from 01.01.2010 to 24.08.2014. But
benefit of rate of interest was changed
7. Scheme for setting up of Agri-clinics
and Agri-Business Centres for from 5 percent to 50 percent of the agreed
agriculture graduates; rate of interest w.e.f. 25.08.2014. Under
8. Two Wheelers to farmers; this scheme 74,852 loanee farmers have
9. Cattle Shed Scheme; availed the benefit of ` 70.33 crore from
10. Financing of Medicinal & Aromatic
25.08.2014 to 30.06.2019.
11. Financing of Community Halls; 2.30 Recovery Linked Incentive
12. Rural Godown; Scheme (OTS)–2019: This scheme
13. Rural Educational Infrastructure; covered those defaulter loanees of
14. Marriage Palace, all kinds of IT DPCARDBs who could not clear their
activities and other services;
installments of principal and interest
15 Replacement of defunct tube-wells with
new submersible tube-wells. due to certain reasons as on 31.08.2019.
16. Organic Inputs. As per norms of the scheme, defaulter
2.28 The Bank has refixed the rate loanee is entitled to avail 50 percent
of interest as 13 percent per annum to be of entire interest liability inclusive of
charged from the ultimate borrowers w.e.f. overdue interest as on 31.08.2019.
01.03.2019. Prior to this, the rate of
The penal interest @ 2 percent per annum
interest was 13.50 percent per annum. The
DPCARDBs have been allowed a margin is borne by Bank. The scheme covers all
of 1.75 percent whereas HSCARDB retains the purposes except purchase of land.
a margin of 2.45 percent per annum. This scheme is up to 31.01.2020. Under
2.29 Timely Repayment Interest this scheme amount of benefit of
Subvention Scheme: Under Timely ` 7844.20 lakh have been given to
Repayment Interest Incentive Scheme of 10,003 defaulter loanees from 01.09.2019
the State Govt. launched in 2009, a total to 28.01.2020 and penal interest of
number of 17,951 farmers had availed ` 1651.20 lakh have been waived off
interest subvention @ 3 percent amounting till 28.01.2020.
headquarters with their 594 branches and
2.31 HARCO Bank occupies a vital
725 PACS catering to the financial needs
position in the State economy. The Short
of 11.93 lakh members, who are residing
Term Coop. Credit Structure consists of
mostly in rural areas of Haryana. The
three tiers i.e. HARCO Bank at State level
various activities undertaken by the
having 13 branches and 2 Extension
HARCO bank are mobilization of
Counters at Chandigarh and Panchkula,
deposits, raising of funds/borrowings from
19 Central Co-operative Banks at district
various higher financing agencies like RBI/

NABARD, State Government, NCDC etc. beginning in November, 1966 has grown
on its behalf and on behalf of the members into a sound financial institution with
and to provide credit to its members outstanding credit worthiness. It had
for agriculture, marketing and processing, working capital of ` 9,282.08 crore as
consumption, manufacturing, trading, on December, 2019 (Table 2.10). The
housing, transport, distribution and Comparative position of advances made
stocking etc. purposes in the Sate and by the Central Cooperative Banks
serving its depositors for the last 53 (Crop-wise) during the last six years is
years. The HARCO Bank from a humble given in Table 2.11.
Table: 2.10- Financial Position of HARCO Bank.
(` in crore)
Sr. No. Particulars 2014-15 2015-16 2016- 17 2017-18 2018-19 Upto
Dec. 2019
1. Share Capital 132.61 137.99 143.21 172.57 245.36 245.36
2. Own Fund 566.45 756.53 800.34 850.05 949.84 949.83
3. Deposits 2179.55 3104.91 3740.28 3397.93 2682.70 3894.54
4. Borrowings 4425.04 4025.27 4300.99 4719.83 4663.96 4295.80
5. Loan Issued 6748.60 7608.07 7397.17 7541.99 7313.05 6318.27
6. Loan O/S 5904.08 6318.60 5564.17 6771.73 6748.65 7099.21
7. Profits/Loss 16.23 23.80 31.96 35.65 31.88 -
8. Recoveries % 99.95 99.96 99.95 99.95 - -
9. Total Overdue as 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05 -
% to Loans O/S
10. NPAs % 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05 -
11. Wkg. Capital 7698.09 8029.50 9127.83 9039.39 8434.21 9282.08

Source: HARCO Bank.

Table: 2.11- Crop-wise Advances by the Central Cooperative Banks.

(i) KHARIF CROPS (` in crore)
Season Targets Achievement
Cash Kind Total Cash Kind Total
2015 4194.00 201.00 4395.00 4369.58 211.26 4580.84
2016 4600.00 227.00 4827.00 4558.40 206.83 4765.23
2017 4875.00 243.00 5118.00 4749.14 233.79 4982.93
2018 5121.00 271.30 5392.00 4978.87 245.00 5223.87
2019 5285.00 300.00 5585.00 4928.53 256.23 5184.58

(ii) RABI CROPS (` in crore)

Season Targets Achievement
Cash Kind Total Cash Kind Total
2014-15 4175.00 305.00 4480.00 4310.25 250.59 4560.84
2015-16 4483.00 305.00 4788.00 4523.94 361.06 4885.00
2016-17 4704.00 396.00 5100.00 4082.05 296.91 4378.96
2017-18 4731.00 414.00 5145.00 4620.06 297.79 4917.85
2018-19 5237.47 418.00 5655.47 5172.20 312.76 5484.96
2019-20 5678.12 459.65 6137.77 3187.41 252.20 3439.61
(as on 1.12.2019)
Source: HARCO Bank.

Revolving Cash Credit Scheme & Personal Accident Insurance Scheme
Deposit Guarantee Scheme for KCC Holders
2.32 For the benefit of farmers, 2.35 Personal Accident Insurance
11.93 lakh Kisan Credit Cards have been Scheme has been implemented in the
issued and achieved the 100 percent target DCCBs since 2009. During the year
of issuing KCC upto March, 2019. To 2018-19 insurance cover upto ` 50,000 is
meet all types of loan requirement of the being provided on nominal Insurance
farmers for non-agricultural purposes, a Premium i.e. ` 5.60 KCC holders. The
limit upto ` 7 lakh is being provided under premium payable by per KCC holder is
Revolving Cash Credit Scheme. In the ` 2 only and balance of ` 3.60 are being
interest of rural inhabitants, a Deposit borne by the CCBs. The scheme will
Guarantee Scheme for PACS has been continue for the year 2019-20 also.
implemented from 01.11.2005. Under this Social Security Pension/ Allowances
scheme, deposit upto ` 50,000 of the Schemes
members are guaranteed by the bank. 2.36 District Central Coop. Banks
Interest Subvention Scheme of Govt. of in the State have been assigned the work of
India distribution of pension/allowances by
2.33 Interest subvention @ 3 percent Social Justice Empowerment Department
was provided by Government of India to Haryana. 3.58 lakh pension accounts have
the farmers who availed crop loans and been opened by the branches of these
made repayment of their crop loans on or Banks so far and pension is being
before due dates. Thus, the effective rate disbursed through these banks.
of interest for prompt payee farmers on Distribution of pension through sales
crop loans is 4 percent w.e.f. 01.04.2009. points of PACS is also being done in
Under this scheme, interest relief some areas. Central Coop. Banks have
of ` 95.41 crore was provided to attained no.1 position in the State amongst
approximately 5 lakh prompt payee all public and private sector Banks.
farmers during the year 2018-19. Core Banking Solution (CBS) &
State Interest Subvention Scheme Services to Customers under I.T. Sector
2.34 Interest subvention @ 4 2.37 Core Banking Solution has
percent is being provided by State Govt. to been implemented in HARCO Bank and
prompt payee farmers during the year all Central Cooperative Banks. Under
2018-19, interest relief of ` 127.88 crore CBS, RTGS/NEFT & SMS Alert service
was provided to approximately 5 lakh & Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) service
prompt payee farmers. As 3 percent are being provided to the customers.
interest subvention is being provided by RuPay Debit Cards & Kisan Debit Cards
Government of India to the prompt payee (ATM Cards) are also being provided by
farmers on crop loans and 4 percent HARCO Bank & DCCBs. ATM machines
interest subvention is provided by State have been installed in HARCO Bank and
Govt. Thus the effective rate of interest on Central Cooperative Bank. RuPay Kisan
crop loans is ‘Zero’ percent for the prompt Cards are being provided by DCCBs to all
payee farmers (i.e. 7%- 4%- 3%). This the active loanee members to avail credit
scheme is still in operation. facilities. Micro ATMs facilities are also

being provided to the customers of whose loans are overdue as on 31.08.2019
HARCO Bank and DCCBs. The POS shall be eligible for availing the benefit of
machines have been installed at PACS the scheme. The scheme provides full
level in all19 DCCBs. Mobile Banking waive off of interest payable by the
Services have been implemented in members who repay their full amount of
HARCO Bank. principal. The eligible member who repay
2.38 HARCO Bank and all the the principal amount as per the scheme
Central Coop. Banks are providing shall be eligible to borrow afresh. The
services under Pardhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti State Govt. shall meet the interest liability
in respect of such loanees @5.50 percent
Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Atal Pension
simple interest and the balance interest
Yojana (APY) and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan
liability (including the penal interest) shall
Surksha Bima Yojna (PMJSBY) to their be borne by the PACS. It is also clarified
customers. that the loanee member covered under the
2.39 Finance Department has scheme are not only farmers but also other
empanelled HARCO bank including i.e. rural artisans, petty shopkeepers etc.
DCCBs along with three other banks to One Time Settlement (OTS) Policy-2019
open the salary accounts of employees of for DCCBs
Haryana Govt. Institutions, Boards & 2.41 This policy is implemented to
Corporations. More than 7,000 salary reduce the NPAs of the DCCBs and to
accounts have been opened by HARCO provide opportunities to the borrowers of
bank including DCCBs and it is expected the DCCB, who have not been able to
that more than 10,000 salary accounts will repay their dues for reasons beyond their
be opened by the end of the current control. The liability of the State Govt. is
financial year 2019-20. restricted to 10 percent of the interest
One Time Settlement (OTS) Policy-2019 amount to be waived and remaining 90
for PACS percent interest liability shall be met by the
2.40 With a view to provide DCCBs. Under the scheme, out of total
opportunities to the loanee members of 31,749 eligible loanees and so for 7,138
PACS in the State who have not been able members have availed the benefit of the
to repay their dues for reasons beyond scheme upto 27.01.2020. Out of total
their control and are defaulter to PACS, Overdue/NPA amount of ` 607 crore an
One Time Settlement Scheme has been amount of ` 155.76 crore have been
formulated to provide relief to them to recovered upto 27.01.2020. Now, the
clear their overdue. This scheme is in scheme has been modified that loanee
operation since 01.09.2019 and was members who need longer time to pay the
operative upto 31.12.2019. However, the total settlement amount has been given
scheme has been extended upto 31.1.2020 addition of time to repay their dues. Such
by the State Govt. and an amount members can make payment of 25 % of
of ` 1,264.65 crore (39.33%) has been the amount upfront by the closing date of
recovered upto 27.01.2020 out of overdue the scheme and the balance amount shall
amount of ` 3,215.30 crore. As per be payable in 10 instalments with simple
scheme all loanee members of PACS rate of interest @10 percent per annum.

TREASURIES AND ACCOUNTS has resulted in improving efficiency in the
2.42 At present there are 23 District office work at DDO level as well as at
level Treasuries and 82 Sub-Treasuries in Treasury level. Around 1.60 lakh bills per
the State which maintain the accounts of month are being prepared by the DDOs
all receipts and payments relating to the using this system. In order to bring
consolidated funds and public accounts of transparency, payments are being made
the State and render accounts to the into the Bank accounts of payees using
Principal Accountant General, Haryana Real Time Gross Settlement/National
twice a month. Treasuries and Accounts Electronic Fund Transfer (RTGS/NEFT).
Department is a nodal department for Cash transactions are avoided. All DDOs
Subordinate Accounts Services (SAS) have been given facility to generate file for
cadre comprising of Section Officers, online e-TDS return through e-Billing
Account Officers, Senior Account Officers system without the help of Chartered
and Chief Accounts Officers. Accounts Accountant (CA). The Comptroller and
Training Institute, Panchkula of the Auditor General of India (CAG) has given
department conducting various training approval to Haryana State to switch over
programmes for various categories of from manual to digitized voucher
employees of the State Govt. (e-Voucher). The State Government has
Departments/Boards/Corporations time to successfully piloted Digitization of
time. There are approximately 9,504 Voucher for all the Drawing and
Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) Disbursing Officers of Chandigarh and
of departments who interact with the Panchkula Treasuries w.e.f 01.12.2019.
Treasuries for withdrawal (expenditure) Now the State Govt. has decided to make
and deposits (receipts) of funds from/in the digitization of voucher mandatory in the
consolidated fund of the State. The entire State of Haryana. Paperless
Department is implementing various vouchers for salary payment has been
e-Governance Projects. started in the State from Panchkula and
Online Budget Allocation Monitoring & Chandigarh Treasuries.
Analysis System (OBAMAS) e-Gras
2.43 This application software was 2.45 The Government Receipt
made functional with effect from Accounting System (e-GRAS)
01.04.2010 and running successfully. implemented across the State w.e.f.
Under this all the Budget activities such as January, 2014. All types of e-challans are
preparation of budget, allocation and being generated by the Departments and
transfer of funds etc. are being done the general public using this electronic
online. Now the DDOs/Departments can system. State Bank of India, Punjab
incur expenditure as per the limit fixed by National Bank, Central Bank of India and
Finance Department, thereby streamlining IDBI Bank have been authorized for
the expenditure. receiving funds on behalf of State
e-Billing Government. The State Govt. has
2.44 e-Billing for all types of bills implemented the Payment Aggregator
introduced all over the State w.e.f. Services (Payment Gateway) with three
01.04.2013. The process of generation and banks namely SBI, PNB and IDBI Bank
submission of bills to Treasury has been with approximately 56 banks attached to
made completely automated. The process each aggregator. The State Government
has also decided to use e-Kuber of Reserve for life certificate once a year in the month
Bank of India (RBI) for e-Billing and of November.
e-GRAS. The integration of these two e-Stamping
system is under process. 2.49 The e-Stamping system was
Online Treasuries Information System implemented in Haryana w.e.f. 1.3.2017.
(OTIS) In the e-Stamping system, any citizen can
2.46 Web OTIS has been generate stamp paper (Non-Judicial) online
implemented in all Treasuries and Sub- through this system for more than ` 100
Treasuries w.e.f. 1.7.2013 and running denomination stamp paper. During the
successfully. Under this system all the financial year 2018-19 total number of
three stakeholders namely concerned 21,61,586 stamp paper for amounting
Treasury/Sub-Treasury, Treasury Bank to ` 5,045 crore (approximately) were
and PAG Office are integrated with the generated.
system. Accounts in the treasuries are Human Resource Management System
being prepared automatically through this (HRMS)
system and submitted to PAG office twice 2.50 HRMS is the software in
in a month. which the complete data of the regular
e-Post employees are entered such as Service
2.47 In order to streamline the Book, ACR, Promotion, Leave, Transfer
process of sanctioning of new posts etc. This system was introduced w.e.f.
demanded by various departments June, 2016. Under this system all data of
including those by way of surrender of regular Government Employees has been
some existing posts, e-Post sanctioning entered. This system has been integrated
module was introduced all over the State with e-Salary. Leave updation and ACP
w.e.f. 23.5.2014 and now all departments cases are also submitted through HRMS.
have been given the facility to send the Further, Government has also decided to
proposal of creation of posts through this process transfer cases through this system.
system. Existing strength has been entered Public Finance Management System
in this system by all departments. (PFMS)
e-Pension 2.51 Government of India has
2.48 e-Pension system was developed PFMS as an online management
introduced w.e.f 1.10.2012. All pensioners information and decision support system to
whose PPOs received after 1.10.2012 are monitor the Budget and Expenditure flow
getting their pension through Pension under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes
Disbursement Cell (PDC) using e-Pension and Central Sector Schemes. The State has
system on the first day of every month and also constituted State Advisory Board,
amount transferred to their respective bank State Project Management Unit and
accounts through RTGS/NEFT. At present District Project Management Unit. The
approximate 1.18 lakh pensioners are State has completed integration of State
receiving their pension from PDC/ Treasuries/ Sub-Treasuries with PFMS and
Treasuries/Sub-Treasuries. With the the expenditure is being shared with Govt.
introduction of Jeevan Pramaan Patra of India and visible on PFMS to all
(Digital Life Certificate), the pensioners stakeholders. Some State schemes are also
can now visit any Treasury/Sub-Treasury being implemented through this system.

EXCISE AND TAXATION 2.53 Total number of registered
2.52 The Excise and Taxation dealers in the State under GST are
Department is the main revenue generating 4,66,127. Out of this 2,70,542 are under
department of the State. The department is State jurisdiction and 1,95,585 are under
committed to maximize the collection of Central jurisdiction. Year-wise status of
revenue under GST, HVAT Act, CST Act GST collection in the State is given in
and Punjab Excise Act. Table 2.12.
Table 2.12- Year-wise Status of GST Collection in the State.
(` in crore
Year SGST Provisional Total State Compensation Adhoc Total
Before IGST Collection Received IGST SGST
IGST Settlement under SGST Received (4+5+6)
Settlement (2+3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2017-18 8537.14 1641.63 10178.77 1199.00 667.00 12044.77
2018-19 12689.54 3876.65 16566.19 2820.00 2476.10 21862.29
2019-20 11567.17 4179.68 15746.85 4837.00 513.91 21097.76
(Upto Jan.,2020)
Source:- Excise and Taxation Department, Haryana.
2.54 To provide insurance schemes 30.09.2018. The total premium under both
to Traders / Manufacturers / Service the schemes will be borne by the State
Providers, the Government of Haryana has Government on behalf of the beneficiaries.
launched two schemes on 11.09.2019 (i) M/s United India Insurance Company has
Mukhyamantri Vyapari Samuhik Niji been selected to provide insurance
Durghatna Beema Yojna (MVSNDBY) coverage under both the schemes. Total
(ii) Mukhyamantri Vyapari Kshatipurti premium of ` 36.13 crore has been paid
Beema Yojna (MVKBY) by the Government. Both the schemes will
(i) MVSNDBY: Under this scheme for cover the period from 18.09.2019 to
loss of life and permanent disability in 17.09.2020.
case of accidents under Personal Accident 2.55 For the purpose of easing out
Policy, the insurance coverage of ` 5 lakh the burden of return compliance to small
is provided to proprietors, partners of taxpayers and Micro, Small & Medium
partnership firms, limited liability Enterprises (MSME) whose annual
partnership (LLPs) and directors of private turnover is upto ` 2 crore, the annual
limited companies. The scheme covers returns in the form of GSTR-9 for
3.13 lakh taxpayers registered as on the financial year 2017-18 and 2018-19
30.09.2018. The total beneficiaries under has been made optional. Similarly,
this scheme are 3.86 lakh. composition taxpayers have been waived
(ii) MVKBY: Under this scheme for loss off for filing annual return in the form of
of stock of goods and furniture & fixtures GSTR-9A.
by fire, burglary, floods and earthquakes, 2.56 The complete process of
insurance coverage ranging from ` 5 lakh granting refunds under GST has been
to ` 25 lakh depending upon the turnover made online. To improve the refund
of a registered taxpayer. The scheme processing, a single disbursing authority
covers 3.13 lakh taxpayers registered as on has been created for both the Central GST

and the State GST. Excise and Taxation exempted from registration & payment
department is disbursing all its refunds of tax.
under GST within the stipulated time Reliefs to General Public
period of 60 days. The department has 2.60 (i) The Government of
disposed of 10,300 applications of refunds Haryana has reduced VAT rate on diesel
under GST with a refunded amount of from 17.22 percent to 13.90 percent and on
` 1,643 crore to the taxpayers so far. Petrol from 26.25 percent to 23.37 percent
2.57 The threshold limit for to give relief to the general public from
registration under GST dealing in supply increasing prices of Diesel and Petrol
of goods has been enhanced from ` 20 w.e.f. 04.10.2018. Further, in order to
lakh to ` 40 lakh. Out of 4,09,128 secure revenue, the Government of
taxpayers, 47,160 taxpayers have turnover Haryana also notified to fixed rate of tax
between ` 20 lakh to ` 40 lakh during the rate of ` 14.96 per liter (` 14.25 + ` 0.71
year 2018-19 which is 12 percent of the of surcharge) or 23.37 percent (including
total taxpayers. Small taxpayers dealing in surcharge @ 5 percent), whichever is
supply of services having turnover less greater on Petrol and fixed rate on VAT
than ` 20 lakh are also exempted from tax rate of ` 8.56 per liter (` 8.15 + ` 0.41
mandatory registration on account of of surcharge) or 13.90 percent (including
interstate supply, even in case they are surcharge @ 5 percent), whichever is
doing interstate supply of services. greater on Diesel.
2.58 The upper limit of turnover for (ii) Considering the interest/welfare
opting composition scheme was enhanced of the trade and industry, the Government
from ` 75 lakh to ` 1 crore and now w.e.f. of Haryana has reduced the VAT tax rate
01.04.2019 it has been enhanced from on Pipe Natural Gas (PNG) from 12.5
` 1 crore to ` 1.5 crore. 5 percent percent to 6 percent. Although, the
taxpayers fall in this category of taxpayers VAT tax rate on CNG and Pipe
having turnover between ` 1 crore to ` 1.5 Natural Gas (PNG) for domestic
crore. Out of total registration of 4,50,279 consumption have been kept at 5 percent
taxpayers, 28,584 taxpayers in the State as it was earlier.
have opted the composition scheme. The (iii) The Government of Haryana has
composition taxpayers dealing in supply of reduced the VAT tax rate on Aviation
goods have been extended the facility of Turbine Fuel (ATF) from 21 percent to 1
making supply of services upto ` 5 lakh percent to promote the Regional
per annum or 10 percent of turnover in Connectivity Scheme.
previous financial year, whichever is (iv) In order to recover the arrears of
higher. VAT taxes before implementation of the
2.59 GST rate on job work services GST, a One Time Settlement Scheme
like leather, textile, food processing, namely the ‘Haryana One Time Settlement
printing, handicraft etc has been lowered Scheme for Recovery of Outstanding
from 18 percent to 5 percent. Handicraft Dues, 2017’ was launched and through this
taxpayers conducting interstate sales up to scheme, outstanding dues of ` 2,328.36
the turnover of ` 20 lakh have been crore have been recovered.

(v) To facilitate the recovery of The Board would address the problems
outstanding dues from the Developers/ and issues of traders and take redressal
Builders, the Government of Haryana measures, besides working as a bridge
has launched the amended “Haryana between State Government and the traders.
Alternative Tax Compliance Scheme for (vii) The department has also
Contractors” on 02.06.2017 for those provided online facilities such as Online
Developers/Builders who could not opt for tendering of excise vends, Online
the Scheme earlier. An amount of ` 833.31 permit and pass for Excise vends,
crore has been recovered from 201 dealers online Appeal Module throughout the
under this scheme. State and online grievance redressal
(vi) The Government has constituted facility etc. for ease of doing business in
a Traders Welfare Board in the State. the State.
FINANCIAL INCLUSION Year-wise savings of the Govt. due
Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) to DBT schemes is depicted in Fig. 2.3.
2.61 Direct Benefit Transfer is a The total beneficiaries of the DBT
major reform initiative launched by schemes in the year 2018-19 were
Government of India on 1st January, 2013 1,99,26,909 and in the year 2019-20 (upto
to re-engineer the existing the Oct., 2019) are 1,73,94,566. Year-wise
cumbersome delivery processes using total beneficiaries of DBT schemes is
modern Information and Communication depicted in Fig. 2.4. The State DBT portal
Technology. DBT is an attempt to ensure a is in operation since September, 2017.
better and more timely delivery of benefits The State departments are in the process
to the people. This marks a paradigm
Fig. 2.3- Govt. Savings from DBT
shifting the process of delivering 400 295.28


government benefits like payments, fuel 300
` in Crore

subsidies, food grain subsidies, etc. 250

directly into the hands of beneficiaries, 150
speeding up payments, removing leakages,

and enhancing financial inclusion. DBT is 0
a direct and time-bound transfer system 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

which enables the government to transfer Year

benefits using just an individual’s bank
account number preferably linked through
Aadhaar. This Aadhaar number or the
biometric input, being unique in nature,
removes ‘duplicates/ghosts beneficiaries’
from the government databases. As a
result, the total saving for the financial
year 2017-18 is to the tune of ` 295.28
crore. Similarly for the financial year
2018-19, the saving are ` 263.96 crore.

of uploading more State and Centrally Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
Sponsored Schemes (sharing basis) on the 2.64 Micro Units & Development
State DBT portal along with beneficiaries Refinance Agency Ltd. (MUDRA) was
and transactional data. Up to 31.10.2019, launched on 8th April, 2015 as a new
139 State/Centrally Sponsored Schemes financial entity for developing and
have been uploaded on the State DBT refinancing last mile financial
portal. Out of these schemes, 74 are State intermediaries like banks, NBFCs and
Schemes and 65 Centrally Sponsored MFIs etc. who are in the business of
Schemes. lending to smaller of the micro enterprises
Stand Up India in manufacturing, trading and service
2.62 This scheme was launched in sector. On the same day Pradhan Mantri
April, 2016. The objective of the Stand Up MUDRA Yojana was launched to “fund
India scheme is based on recognition the unfunded” by bringing such enterprises
of the challenges faced by SC, ST and to the formal financial system and
Women entrepreneurs in setting up extending affordable credit to them. It is
enterprise, obtaining loans and other felt that there is a need to give a special
support needed from time to time for boost to the bank finance on a mission
succeeding in business. As per direction of mode, considering enormous task in
Govt. of India every branch of the each reaching to the large number of such units,
bank has to provide at least one loan to currently excluded from the formal credit.
each SC/ST and Women beneficiary This segment mainly consists of non-farm
between ` 10 lakh and ` 1 crore. Under enterprises in manufacturing, trading and
Stand Up India programme, loan of services whose credit needs are below ` 10
` 7,272 lakh has been sanctioned to 326 lakh. The MUDRA loans have been
entrepreneurs (92 SCs/STs and 234 classified into Shishu, Kishore and Tarun.
Women) by 151 bank branches from It would be the endeavour of MUDRA that
01.04.2019 to 30.09.2019 in the State. at least 60 percent of credit goes to Shishu
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana category unites and the balance to Kishore
2.63 This scheme was launched on and Tarun categories. The progress of
28 August, 2014. Upto September, 2019, MUDRA loans is given in Table 2.14.
70.85 lakh bank accounts have been Pardhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
opened in the state and 63.79 lakh RuPay Yojana
cards have been issued, which is 90.04 2.65 This scheme is a one year
percent of the total accounts opened cover, renewable from year to year,
(Table 2.13). Accidental Insurance Scheme offering
Table 2.13- Accounts Opened, Aadhaar insurance of ` 2 lakh on accidental death
Seeding & RuPay Cards Issued Under PMJDY.
and disability cover for disability on
Particulars Upto 30.09.2019
account of an accident. This scheme was
Accounts Opened 7084903
launched on 9th May, 2015 which is being
Aadhaar Seeding 6273885 offered/administered through Public Sector
RuPay Cards Issued 6379341 General Insurance Companies (PSGICs)
Source: Finance Department Haryana. and other General Insurance Companies.

Table 2.14- No. of Accounts and Amount Disbursed Under PMMY.
Scheme Loan Limit (`) From 1.04.2019 to 30.09.2019
Total No. of Accounts Amount Disbursed (` lakh)
Shishu Upto 50000 189855 53587
Kishore 50001 – 500000 27269 46672
Tarun 500001 - 1000000 5836 38832
Total 222960 139091
Source: Finance Department, Haryana.
All saving bank account holders in the age workers in unorganized sector and to
group of 18-70 years can enroll themselves encourage them to voluntarily save for
in participating banks on payment of an their retirement, the Government of India
annual premium of ` 12 renewable on year has introduced Atal Pension Yojana, with
to year basis. Upto 31.03.2019, banks effect from 1st June, 2015. All bank
enrolled 32,64,993 persons under this account holders which are citizen of India
scheme and enrolment increased to and in the age group of 18-40 years can
32,79,692 up to 30.09.2019. Out of 2,799 join APY and avail benefits of the scheme
lodged claims of ` 5,549 lakh, 2,384 on payment of subscription. Under APY,
claims of ` 4,730 lakh have been settled up there is guaranteed minimum monthly
to 30.09.2019 under this scheme. pension for the subscribers ranging
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima between ` 1,000 to ` 5,000 per month
depending upon the premium paid and age
2.66 This scheme came into effect
st of entry to the scheme by the subscriber.
from 1 June, 2015. The scheme is being
To get a fixed monthly pension between
implemented through Life Insurance
` 1,000 per month and ` 5,000 per month,
Corporation of India/other insurance
the subscriber has to contribute on
companies willing to offer product on
similar terms with necessary approvals and monthly basis between ` 42 and ` 210,
tie ups with banks for this purpose. Under if he joins at the age of 18 years. For the
this scheme, all saving bank account same fixed pension levels, the contribution
holders with the age-group of 18-50 years would range between ` 291 and ` 1,454,
can enroll themselves to avail benefits of if the subscriber joins at the age of 40
the scheme on payment of annual premium years. Up to 31.03.2019, banks enrolled
of ` 330. Under the scheme, ` 2 lakh is 2,99,620 persons under the scheme and
payable on member’s death due to any enrolment increased to 3,35,342 up to
reason. Up to 31.03.2019, banks enrolled 30.09.2019.
9,89,007 persons under the scheme and Mukhya Mantri Parivar Samridhi
enrolment increased to 9,91,009 up to Yojana (MMPSY)
30.09.2019. Out of 4,954 lodged claims of 2.68 The objective of this scheme is to
` 9,908 lakh, 4,555 claims of ` 9,110 lakh provide social and financial security in
have been settled up to 30.9.2019. terms of life / accident / crop insurance
Atal Pension Yojana (APY) cover, pensionary benefits etc. to eligible
2.67 Keeping in mind the concern individual families of the State.
about the old age income security of the 2.69 This scheme shall be open for
working poor, to focus on encouraging and families (Parivar) having family income
enabling them to save for their retirement, from all sources less than or equal to
to address the longevity risks among the ` 1.80 lakh per annum and a total land

holding of the family less than or equal to ` one lakh for partial disability of the
5 acres (i.e. 2 hectares) and (ii) having a insured person.
family ID/Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) (iii) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna
Number. Under this scheme, ` 6,000 per (PMFBY) - If applicable, complete or
annum will be provided to each part amount of premium to be paid by
beneficiary family including in the form of the farmer as beneficiary contribution
insurance premium for life, accident and under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima
crop, pension contribution and the balance Yojna (PMFBY) would be paid to or on
amount if any, in cash or investment in behalf of eligible farmer families.
Family Provident Fund as the beneficiary (b) Pension Schemes
may opt. An amount in the range of ` 55-200 per
2.70 Salient features-Each beneficiary month as beneficiary contribution based
under the MMPSY scheme shall be on his/her age would be paid on account
directly benefited through 6 different of contribution for providing pension
schemes providing insurance and pension under three pension schemes namely
to the beneficiaries as enumerated below (i) Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi
and cash/family provident fund. The Maan-Dhan Yojna (PMSYMY)
MMPSY covers the following insurance (ii) Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari
and pension schemes:- Mandhan Yojana (PMLVMY)
(a) Insurance Schemes (iii) Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan-Dhan
(i) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PM-KMY) to the beneficiary
Yojna (PMJJBY) - A premium of ` 330 in the eligible age group of 18-40 years.
per annum per member of family would Each beneficiary shall be eligible for
be paid on account of life insurance pension at the rate of ` 3,000 per
under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti month on attainment of the age of
Bima Yojna to all eligible members in 60 years under the corresponding
the age group of 18-50 years. Risk pension scheme. Pension option must
coverage under this scheme is for be exercised for at least one family
` 2 lakh in case of death of the insured member in the eligible age group.
person. (c) Cash/Family Provident Fund
(ii) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima The balance amount after deducting
Yojna (PMSBY) - An amount of ` 12 the consolidated amount of premium/
per annum per member of family would contribution for all the social security
be paid on account of accident options, etc., if any, could be withdrawn
insurance premium under Pradhan by the eligible family in cash or the
Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna to all head of family can choose the option of
eligible family members in the age investment in Family Provident Fund
group of 18-70 years. The risk coverage (FPF). Under this option, the family
under this scheme is ` 2 lakh for shall get returns from investments
accidental death and full disability and made in FPF.


Strong infrastructure facilities, coupled with agriculture research support and
excellent extension network to disseminate the information related to improved farm practices
to farmers, yielded tangible results and the State has become a food surplus State. High priority
has been accorded to the agriculture & allied sectors in the State.

3.2 Haryana is a land locked State mild in winter. The hottest months are
in North India. It is between 27°39’ to May & June and coldest are December &
30°35’ Latitude and between 74°28’ to January. The month-wise detail of Actual
77°36’ Longitude. Haryana is extremely rainfall occurred and Normal rainfall in the
hot in summer (around 45°C/113°F) and State is given in Table 3.1 & 3.2.

Table 3.1- Actual Rainfall Occurred and Normal Rainfall during July, 2018 to December, 2018.
District July 2018 August September October November December
Ambala 225.0 259.7 291.6 238.5 207.0 156.0 3.6 25.5 9.3 6.0 11.0 16.5
Bhiwani 92.0 111.3 27.0 104.6 112.6 63.9 0.0 9.6 0.0 2.8 0.0 3.5
Ch/Dadri 77.2 168.1 19.4 191.8 67.8 94.5 0.0 35.6 0.0 1.6 0.0 3.3
Faridabad 326.0 192.7 76.0 167.3 112.3 123.6 0.0 23.7 1.0 2.4 0.0 6.6
Fatehabad 71.0 101.4 15.6 94.9 51.3 62.3 0.0 10.2 0.0 1.4 4.6 6.3
Gurugram 138.4 167.6 89.4 158.0 107.0 103.6 0.0 18.1 3.0 2.2 0.0 4.8
Hisar 85.3 114.2 14.3 115.6 57.3 71.8 0.0 13.2 0.0 3.1 0.0 6.1
Jhajjar 147.7 117.2 67.8 119.0 155.0 71.4 0.0 11.9 1.6 2.4 0.0 3.4
Jind 124.1 149.2 62.6 169.8 154.0 97.6 0.0 13.1 0.0 3.8 10.0 6.0
Kaithal 157.0 139.4 80.0 142.2 179.0 99.3 0.0 14.3 0.0 2.4 0.0 7.7
Karnal 264.0 204.3 135.8 235.7 214.2 131.2 0.0 28.9 0.0 4.4 3.5 9.9
Kurukshetra 243.6 186.1 125.0 165.4 178.3 122.2 5.2 17.8 5.3 3.7 26.3 10.9
M/garh 182.4 149.7 51.0 186.9 107.2 85.8 17.5 28.1 0.0 1.2 0.0 5.3
Nuh 238.2 164.0 189.0 176.0 98.6 104.8 0.0 19.0 4.5 2.7 0.0 5.4
Palwal 169.2 163.7 73.2 153.3 68.5 108.1 0.0 18.4 1.2 1.8 0.0 4.8
Panchkula 112.0 296.8 96.6 350.1 111.2 167.6 6.4 29.9 3.8 12.5 3.8 8.3
Panipat 133.0 176.9 133.5 180.4 149.0 112.9 0.0 18.3 0.0 3.4 0.0 8.3
Rewari 177.4 128.6 81.8 146.3 147.0 84.0 0.0 13.0 3.1 2.8 0.0 3.5
Rohtak 59.0 145.9 28.7 137.0 69.0 97.9 0.0 12.7 3.0 2.2 1.0 6.1
Sirsa 80.2 88.7 28.2 80.7 67.2 58.6 0.0 8.4 0.0 2.1 1.0 6.4
Sonipat 391.0 160.0 96.1 160.7 135.2 100.1 0.0 16.4 0.0 2.8 2.0 7.3
Y/Nagar 382.6 258.4 301.0 255.2 206.0 157.7 37.1 27.1 1.5 5.3 3.5 12.4
A: Actual, N: Normal
Source: Department of Land Records, Haryana.

Table 3.2- Actual Rainfall Occurred and Normal Rainfall during January, 2019 to June, 2019.
District January 2019 February March April May June

Ambala 25.3 41.1 43.0 42.7 17.7 25.0 59.7 11.1 15.3 17.8 21.0 75.5
Bhiwani 10.4 11.4 8.2 9.6 7.0 6.4 5.6 2.9 19.4 6.6 17.6 28.5
Ch/Dadri 8.8 16.5 8.4 10.7 3.6 12.3 2.2 1.1 20.2 10.2 19.8 35.0
Faridabad 34.3 20.5 21.3 17.1 13.3 12.9 10.7 10.1 4.3 8.7 3.3 52.8
Fatehabad 5.0 13.0 5.3 12.4 5.3 11.5 6.3 6.1 7.3 8.2 14.3 30.4
Gurugram 16.8 14.2 13.2 13.2 8.0 8.1 7.5 4.7 22.0 7.7 4.4 36.4
Hisar 10.1 15.6 1.6 13.7 2.3 11.8 2.3 7.1 24.3 11.5 34.3 35.1
Jhajjar 6.8 10.9 13.6 10.3 2.4 6.1 7.2 3.5 25.8 6.8 8.1 28.3
Jind 10.3 14.9 22.3 13.8 4.8 8.2 5.8 4.2 12.5 11.0 22.2 31.3
Kaithal 31.3 23.4 30.0 19.5 17.7 16.2 16.7 10.3 17.7 10.2 10.7 48.5
Karnal 20.8 33.9 19.6 24.8 8.8 18.1 7.0 9.3 15.4 10.2 11.8 51.1
Kurukshetra 13.0 30.2 37.0 28.7 14.3 17.7 14.0 10.0 27.3 9.5 29.0 55.0
M/garh 5.2 9.0 2.6 10.1 5.4 7.0 10.3 5.3 1.7 18.7 20.6 37.0
Nuh 32.8 13.3 7.2 12.4 8.6 9.8 15.2 4.8 15.4 9.9 6.6 40.0
Palwal 18.0 12.5 4.5 11.2 11.5 8.9 10.0 4.5 4.5 8.0 1.8 38.6
Panchkula 10.6 51.2 22.6 38.2 9.0 30.3 20.8 3.2 6.6 25.3 11.0 62.7
Panipat 15.7 23.5 16.0 19.3 4.5 13.5 0.8 8.7 9.5 10.7 6.8 47.7
Rewari 3.2 9.5 9.4 11.1 5.6 6.9 13.6 2.9 14.4 8.0 21.4 31.2
Rohtak 8.0 16.6 11.5 14.8 3.8 11.4 1.8 6.8 14.0 10.1 6.0 38.5
Sirsa 9.5 11.4 7.2 10.6 7.0 9.4 28.3 4.4 12.5 7.7 27.5 29.5
Sonipat 9.7 21.3 20.5 15.9 7.0 12.4 3.3 5.3 25.5 10.7 22.8 42.7

Y/Nagar 29.1 42.4 42.0 36.6 15.5 19.9 24.3 8.6 12.2 18.6 5.8 80.3

A: Actual, N: Normal
Source: Department of Land Records, Haryana.
Table 3.3- Area under Principal Crops.
(‘000’ Hectare)
Year Wheat Paddy Total Food Grains Sugarcane Cotton Oilseeds Gross Area Sown
1966-67 743 192 3520 150 183 212 4599
1970-71 1129 269 3868 156 193 143 4957
1980-81 1479 484 3963 113 316 311 5462
1990-91 1850 661 4079 148 491 489 5919
2000-01 2355 1054 4340 143 555 420 6115
2005-06 2303 1047 4311 129 584 736 6509
2010-11 2504 1243 4702 85 493 521 6499
2011-12 2531 1234 4581 95 602 546 6489
2012-13 2497 1206 4302 101 593 568 6376
2013-14 2499 1244 4361 101 567 549 6471
2014-15 2628 1277 4479 96 647 495 6502
2015-16 2576 1353 4451 93 615 526 6502
2016-17 2542 1386 4537 102 571 522 6502
2017-18 2530 1422 4533 115 669 559 6549
2018-19 (P) 2553 1447 4558 109 708 625 6550
P: Provisional.
Source: Department of Land Records, Haryana.

Area Under Principal Crops production. The production of Rice was
3.3 The area under Principal Crops 45.16 lakh tone in 2018-19. Similarly, the
in the State is presented in Table 3.3 and production of wheat was 125.73 lakh tone
Fig. 3.1. The gross area sown in the State in 2018-19. The production of oilseeds and
during 1966-67 was 45.99 lakh hectare. Sugarcane during 2018-19 was 12.77 lakh
However, during 2017-18 the gross area tone and 85.05 lakh tone respectively. The
sown in the State is likely to have been production of Cotton was estimated 20.13
65.49 lakh hectare. The contribution of lakh bales in 2018-19. Haryana is a
area under wheat and paddy crops to the major contributor of food-grains to the
total gross area sown in the State was Central Pool. More than 60 percent export
60.34 percent during 2017-18. The area of Basmati Rice is taking place from
under Paddy crop was 14.47 lakh hectare State.
in 2018-19. The area under commercial
crops i.e. sugarcane, cotton and oilseeds
has shown fluctuating trends.

Yield of Principal Crops

3.5 The average yield of Wheat
and Rice during 2016-17 in Haryana was
4,842 kg. and 3,214 kg. per hectare
Production of Principal Crops
respectively. The average yield of
3.4 The production of principal
wheat and rice during 2018-19 is
crops in the State is presented in Table 3.4
estimated at 4,925 and 3,121 kg. per
and Fig. 3.2. The food-grains production
hectare respectively (Table 3.5).
in the State has reached an impressive
Targeted Area, Production and
level of 181.44 lakh tonne during the year
2018-19, registering an increase of more Average Yield of Major Crops
3.6 The targets of area, production
than seven time as compared to 25.92 lakh
and average yield of major crops for
tonne food-grains production in 1966-67.
the year 2019-20 of the State are given
The wheat and paddy crops have played
in Table 3.6.
a major role in pushing up this agricultural

Table 3.4 - Production of Principal Crops.
(‘000’ Tonne)
Year Wheat Rice Total F/grain Sugarcane Cotton Oilseeds
(‘000’ Bales)
1966-67 1059 223 2592 5100 288 92
1970-71 2342 460 4771 7070 373 98
1980-81 3490 1259 6036 4600 643 188
1990-91 6436 1834 9559 7800 1155 638
2000-01 9669 2695 13294 8170 1383 571
2005-06 8853 3194 13006 8310 1502 830
2010-11 11578 3465 16568 6042 1747 965
2011-12 13119 3757 18370 6953 2616 758
2012-13 11117 3941 16146 7500 2378 972
2013-14 11800 4041 16970 7427 2027 899
2014-15 10457 3989 15340 7035 1939 729
2015-16 11350 4142 16330 6992 995 841
2016-17 (R) 12310 4451 17877 8167 2046 956
2017-18 12263 4880 18032 9633 1626 1121
2018-19 12573 4516 18144 8505 2013 1277
R: Revised. Source: Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana.
Table 3.5- Average Yield of Wheat and Rice in Haryana and at all India Level.
Year Haryana India
Wheat Rice Wheat Rice
2000-01 4106 2557 2708 1901
2005-06 3844 3051 2619 2102
2010-11 4624 2788 2988 2339
2011-12 5183 3044 3177 2393
2012-13 4452 3268 3117 2462
2013-14 4722 3248 3075 2424
2014-15 3981 3113 2750 2391
2015-16 4407 3061 3034 2400
2016-17 4842 3214 3200 2494
2017-18 4847 3432 3371* 2578*
2018-19 4925 3121 - -
* Provisional
Source: Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana.
Crop Diversification dynamics equilibrium of agro-eco-system.
3.7 Crop diversification is a sub- Under this programme, the alternate crops
scheme of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana such as maize, pulses, kharif moong/
(RKVY). It is indented to promote summer moong, dhaincha etc. are
technological innovation for sustainable promoted. Site specific activities through
agriculture and enable farmers to choose distribution of dhaincha seed to improve
alternate crops to increase productivity and soil health are also being promoted.
income. This scheme/programme not only Awareness training camps are also being
helps to encounter the problem of organized for diversification from paddy to
depletion of ground water but also to other alternate crops and restoration of soil
improve soil health and to maintains fertility, agro-processing, value addition of

Table 3.6- Targeted Area, Production and Average Yield of Major Crops.
Crops Area Production Average Yield
(‘000’ Hect.) (‘000’ Tonne) (Kg./Hect.)
Rice 1200 4097 3414
Jowar 78 44 564
Maize 46 131 2848
Bajra 560 1092 1950
Kharif Pulses 62 56 903
Total/Av. Kharif Foodgrains 1946 5420 2785
Wheat 2523 13271 5260
Gram 104 140 1346
Barley 46 170 3696
Rabi Pulses 10 26 2600
Total/Av. Rabi Foodgrains 2683 13607 5072
Commercial Crops
Sugarcane 119 9006 75681
Cotton (Lint)* 661 2691 692
Kharif Oil Seed 10 9 900
Rabi Oil Seed 636 1173 1844
* Cotton production in Bales of 170 kg. each.
Source: Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana.
crop produce to make farming a profitable Central and State Government in equal
enterprise. The State is also promoting ratio proportion. There is single premium
crop diversification in the districts other payable for all crops in a season. In the
than the CDP districts by implementing a interest of the farmers, the State
state scheme viz “Scheme for Promotion Government has decided to take only
of Crop Diversification in Haryana”. 2 percent premium from the farmers in
Crop Insurance Scheme case of cotton crop, which is a commercial
3.8 The Central Government has crop and falls under the 5 percent premium
formulated the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima category. The remaining 3 percent is
Yojana (PMFBY) vide notification dated being paid by the State Government. The
23.2.2016. The State Government has cropping season wise progress under
decided to implement the PMFBY during PMFGY is given in Table 3.7.
Kharif 2016, Rabi 2016-17 and Kharif Soil Health Management
2017 and Rabi 2017-18 Kharif 2018, Rabi 3.9 Soil Health Card Scheme was
2018-19, Kharif 2019 and Rabi 2019-20 launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of
season. Paddy, Bajra Maize & Cotton India on 19.5.2015 at Suratgarh, Rajasthan
crops for Kharif and Wheat, Barley, Gram, with the objective to address nutrient
Mustard and Sunflower crops for Rabi is deficiency and to promote Soil Test based
being covered under the scheme. The nutrient management. Under this scheme,
scheme is providing financial support, Soil Health Card (SHCs) are to be issued
stabilizing the income, to adopt innovative to all farmers in a cycle of two years in the
and modern agricultural practices to the State. The scheme was introduced in the
farmers. Under this scheme, the farmer’s State since April, 2015. During 1st cycle of
share of premium is 1.5 percent for Rabi the scheme i.e. 2015-16 and 2016-17, the
crops, 2 percent for Kharif crops and 5 target of about 13.42 lakh soil samples to
percent for horticultural & commercial be tested was given by the GoI. All the
crops. The remaining share is borne by the samples were tested and 45.21 lakh Soil

Health Card issued to the farmers. The an amount of ` 105.27 crore under RKVY
2nd cycle (2017-18 & 2018-19) of the Gen. and RKVY SCSP. Beside this, GOI
scheme started in May, 2017. About 13.55 had also revalidated an amount of ` 76.13
lakh Soil Sample have been collected crore (RKVY Gen. + RKVY SCSP) for
during the year 2017-18 and 2018-19. Out the year 2016-17 & 2017-18 for utilization
of these, 36.36 lakh soil health card have during the year 2018-19. Hence, the total
been distributed and remaining is under fund released by State Government under
progress. As per success stories received RKVY by 31st March, 2019 was ` 181.40
from different districts, the farmers applied crore (RKVY Gen.+RKVY SCSP), against
the doses of the fertilizer as per which Rs.116.04 crore was utilized.
recommendation in the SHC resulting in Beside this Government of India had also
reduction in input cost and an increase in released ` 17.38 crore (Centre Share) as
the yield. The total expenditure incurred Additional Installment on dated 25.03.2019
till date is ` 3,487.62 lakh. Further during whose sanction was not given by Finance
year 2019-20 a Pilot Project has been Department during 2018-19. The meeting of
started under which holding wise soil State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC)
samples are to be collected by selecting of RKVY was held on 13.03.2019 in
block wise villages i.e. 122 villages from which ` 305.91 crore for Regular RKVY
122 blocks in 22 districts. Under this Pilot and ` 30.57 crore for SCSP have been
project 25,567 soil samples have been approved by SLSC for the year 2019-20. An
collected, tested and 11000 Soil Health allocation of ` 5.03 crore for Sub-Scheme
Cards Distributed so far. CDP, ` 1.66 crore for Reclamation of
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) Problem Soils (RPS) and `1.83 crore for the
Sub-Scheme of Animal Health have been
3.10 Remunerative Approaches for
approved by GOI separately. The Haryana
Agriculture and Allied sector Rejuvenation
State has made a provision of ` 350 crore
under RKVY General and ` 20 crore under
making farming a remunerative economic
RKVY SCSP for the year 2019-20. The
activity through strengthening the farmers
Govt. of India has made an allocation of
efforts, risk mitigation and promoting
` 114.13 crore [i.e. ` 93.67 crore for RKVY
agri-business entrepreneurship. Govt. of
General + ` 20.46 crore for RKVY SCSP]
India made an allocation of ` 137.65 crore for the year 2019-20. The 1st Installment of
under RKVY General including Sub- ` 42.58 crore [` 25.55 crore (CS) + ` 17.03
Schemes and SCSP for the year 2018-19 crore (SS)] under RKVY-General and
on the basis of New Sharing Pattern of ` 10.23 crore [` 6.14 crore (CS) + ` 4.09
60:40 (Centre : State). The meetings of crore (SS)] under RKVY SCSP has been
the State Level Sanctioning Committee released by GOI as well as State Govt. for
held on 31-05-2018, 24.09.2018 and the year 2019-20 on 12th July, 2019. Beside
13.03.2019 under the Chairmanship of this, an amount of ` 81.27 crore (General
Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana had + SCSP) has also revalidated by State
sanctioned the projects for the year Government of last year. The total funds
2018-19 of ` 261.54 crore (RKVY Gen.+ released by State Government as on
RKVY SCSP+Sub-Scheme). GOI released dated 31.12.2019 is ` 114.95 crore under

Table 3.7-The Cropping Season-wise Progress under PMFBY.
(` in lakh)
Season Total Number Collected Premium Total Claim
farmers of Farmers State Central Premium
Covered Farmers Share share Share
Kharif 738795 150881 12735.62 8332.42 4616.37 25684.41 23423.05
Rabi 597298 62606 6994.67 1892.81 1892.81 10780.29 5702.64
Kharif 641562 240144 12674.31 11489.05 6201.65 30365.01 79704.32
Rabi 697977 77215 8224.34 3384.38 3384.38 14993.10 8530.02
Kharif 722953 322574 13908.27 26084.97 18099.62 58092.86 79729.23
Rabi 774947 80721 10236.94 8526.07 8526.07 27289.08 12705.24
Total 4173532 934141 64774.15 59709.70 42720.90 167204.75 209794.50

Table 3.8(a) - Progress of National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-Wheat.

Intervention Unit 2018-19 2019-20
Targets Achievement Targets
Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial
(` lakh) (` lakh) (` lakh)
1. Demonstration on Hect. 4773 429.57 4773 181.35 4773 429.57
improved technology
2. Cropping system based Hect. 1227 184.05 1227 123.60 1227 184.05
3. Distribution of seeds – Qtl. 18408 306.80 18408 88.50 18408 306.80
HYVs seeds
4. Integrated Nutrient Hect. 11100 80.50 11100 26.48 11100 80.50
Management (INM)
5. Integrated Pest Hect. 29920 149.60 29920 57.59 29920 149.60
Management (IPM)
6. Resource conservation Nos. 3096 27.48 3096 12.64 2580 27.48
7. Efficient water
application tools
(i) Sprinkler Sets/Pump Nos. 1500 150.00 1500 74.20 1250 150.00
(ii) Pipe for water Mtr. 400800 200.40 400800 9.27 1000 150.00
8. Cropping system Nos. 40 5.60 40 5.60 40 56.00
based training
9. Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0
Total Financial 1534.00 579.23 1534.00

Table 3.8(b) - Progress of National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-Pulses.
Intervention Unit 2018-19 2019-20
Targets Achievement Targets
Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial
(` lakh) (` lakh) (` lakh)
1. Demonstration on Hect. 1317 118.53 460 41.40 1283 115.47
improved technology
2. Cropping system based Hect. 338 50.70 110 16.50 323 48.45
3. Distribution of seeds – Qtl. 3572.6 169.20 2539 57.98 3479 163.98
HYVs seeds
4. Integrated Nutrient Hect. 7510 42.30 3535 20.40 7487 41.93
Management (INM)
5. Integrated Pest Hect. 8460 42.30 7282 36.86 8000 40.00
Management (IPM)
6. Resource conservation Nos. 3357 35.97 2125 21.13 2680 34.39
7. Efficient water application tools
(i) Sprinkler Sets/Pump sets Nos. 966 96.60 450 35.00 947 94.70
(ii) Pipe for water carrying Mtr. 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Cropping system Nos. 60 8.40 60 8.40 54 7.56
based training
9. Miscellaneous 166 166.00 166 11.15 0 0
Total Financial 730.00 248.82 546.48

Table 3.8(c) –Progress of National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-Coarse Cereal and Commercial Crops.
Intervention Unit 2018-19 2019-20

Targets Achievement Targets

Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial
(` lakh) (` lakh) (` lakh)
1.Demonstration of Hect. 400 24 400 24 397 23.82
Improved package,
Millet, Barley, Maize
2.Demonstration on Hect. 200 12 200 12 170 10.2
Bajra+ Maize
3. Distribution of Qtl. 1918 19.18 1918 19.18 441.7 14.581
certified seed HYV
Total Financial 55.18 55.18 48.601

Source: Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana.

RKVY General and ` 19.13 crore under Rabi 2007-08. Two crops namely wheat
RKVY SCSP during the current year out and pulses have been covered under the
of which `113 crore have been utilized by mission. It is envisaged to focus on
till date. 2nd Installment of ` 36.67 crore districts having high potential but
has also received from GOI, but yet to be relatively low level of productivity. Seven
received from State Finance Department. districts of the state namely, Ambala,
National Food Security Mission (NFSM) Yamunanagar, Bhiwani, Mahendergarh,
3.11 Government of India has Gurugram, Rohtak and Jhajjar have been
launched centrally sponsored National covered under NFSM-Wheat. In case of
Food Security Mission in the State from pulses, five districts were covered during
2007-08 to 2009-10. From the year

2010-11, all the districts have been Pulses with Sugarcane is also added in
covered under NFSM-Pulses. Main the NFSM–Commercial Crop (Sugarcane)
objectives of the Mission is to increase scheme in the sugarcane growing
production of wheat and pulses district. The scheme is implemented in
through area expansion and productivity 60:40 Centre and State basis from the
enhancement in a sustainable manner in year 2015-16 onwards. Progress under
the identified districts of the State. In year NFSM is shown in Table 3.8 (a),
2014-15 five districts namely: Jhajjar, (b) & (c).
Hisar, Bhiwani, Narnaul and Rewari were Water Management
covered under NFSM-Coarse Cerals and 3.12 Water management is a thrust
Commercial Crops, Sugarcane and Cotton area not only for the State Agriculture
were also introduced in sugarcane and and Farmers Welfare Department but
cotton growing districts. Govt. of India has also a very critical need to the Nation.
included two schemes namely NFSM- Major thrust has been given for the
NUTRI Cerals and OS & OP in the main promotion of Water Saving Technologies
ongoing of NFSM during the 2018-19. It is under “On-Farm Water Management”
pertinent to mention here that the Govt. of programme. The department is providing
India has added two new districts i.e.
assistance to farmers for laying of
Panchkula & Sirsa in the NFSM-Coarse
Under Ground Pipe Line (UGPL)
Cereals and two districts i.e. Narnaul and
System, Sprinkler Irrigation System and
Rewari have been removed from the
Drip Irrigation System, in cotton and
NFSM-Coarse Cereals. Besides, Govt. of
sugarcane crops. These water saving
India has included 9 districts i.e. Bhiwani,
devices have been found most
Gurugram, Hisar, Jhajjar, Jind, M.Garh,
Mewat, Rewari and Rohtak in the NFSM suitable for different favourable
Nutri Cereals during the year 2018-19. The agro-climatic conditions e.g. Sprinkler
newly added scheme i.e. OS & OP will be Irrigation System has been found
implemented for whole of the state from well-suited for sandy soils having
the year 2018-19. In addition intercropping
Table 3.9 Installation of Sprinkler, Under Ground Pipe Line and Drip Irrigation System.
Year Targets Achievements Subsidy given to
Physical Financial Physical Financial Farmers
(Hect/No.) (` lakh) (Hect/No.) (` lakh) (` lakh)
Sprinkler Irrigation System
2017-18 30000 35000.00 23014 1244.13 6220
2018-19 20000 2845.98 8152.23 1061.13 5304
Underground Pipe Line System
2017-18 45000 6000.00 20248 5218.93 9063
2018-19 8000 2000.00 9135.21 1610.00 4384
Drip Irrigation System
2017-18 2470 2700.00 348.60 169.59 137
2018-19 2000 1374.92 743.14 549.44 503
Source: Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana.
undulating topography. Whereas, UGPL time during 2010-11. Progress of water
has been found most viable in management is given in Table 3.9.
Irrigation System in cotton and sugarcane Sprinkler Irrigation System
crops was taken up on pilot basis for the first 3.13 Sprinkler Irrigation System is

also in heavy demand especially in South- entire State. By laying UGPL System
Western region of the State. So far, water losses are minimized, energy is
1,75,903 numbers of sprinkler sets have saved; additional area is brought under
been installed with an expenditure of cultivation. So far, an area of 2,02,336
` 262.93 crore as subsidy in the State hectare has been brought under the system
which also includes an area of 23,014 by utilizing an amount of ` 321.79 crore.
hectare by utilizing subsidy amounting The pattern of assistance under UGPL is
` 1244.13 lakh during the year 2017-18. @ 50 percent of the cost of system limited
The assistance for General Category to ` 25,000 per hectare with a maximum of
Farmers, SC farmers, small and marginal ` 60,000 per beneficiary.
farmers is @ 85 percent in the entire State Drip Irrigation System
is being provided under PMKSY schemes. 3.15 Drip Irrigation System is being
Underground Pipe Line System promoted for Cotton and Sugarcane crops.
3.14 The studies monitoring the So far, an area of 3,721 hectare has been
underground water resources in the State covered under this system by providing
have revealed that there has been subsidy amount of ` 19.30 crore in the
consistent decline in the water tables in the State. Out of which, an area of 348.60
districts of Karnal, Kaithal, Kurukshetra, hectare has been covered by providing
Panipat, Sonipat and Yamunanagar, where subsidy amount of ` 169.59 lakh during
paddy-wheat is the dominant cropping the year 2017-18.
sequence. The average decline in ground- Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai
water table has been reported as 9.3 meter Yojana
in the State since 1999 to 2016 due to 3.16 Target to cover 2,000 hectare
intensive cropping system (cropping by providing assistance amounting to
intensity 182 percent). Moreover, about, ` 1374.92 lakh has been proposed for the
55 percent area of the State is affected by year 2018-19 under ‘Per Drop More
poor quality underground water (brackish) Crop’ component of Pradhan Mantri
which results into decline in crop
Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY). The
production and productivity. The crop
assistance for General Category Farmers,
production can be enhanced by
SC farmers, small and marginal farmers
transporting irrigation water from a source
is given @ 85 percent in the entire State
of good quality water by laying UGPL
under this scheme.
systems in such areas. Therefore, efficient
and judicious use of irrigation water Scheme of PM-KISAN
through laying out UGPL system is 3.17 Financial Assistance of ` 6,000
need of the hour to keep away from per year is being provided to the farmers
degradation of underground reserves. The @ ` 2,000 per instalment basis under
Underground Pipeline project is one of the PM-KISAN scheme. The 1st instalment
flagship projects of the department taken to 13,86,364 farmers; 2nd instalment
up under RKVY and the programme has to 13,49,149 farmers and 3rd
widely been accepted by the farmers in the instalment to 11,09,047 farmers released
so far.

Table 3.10 – Farm Implements Given to Farmers on Subsidy in 2018-19.
Sr. No. Name of Implements Physical Financial (` lakh)
1. SMS 225 122.15
2. Happy Seeder 2473 1891.85
3. Paddy Straw Choper/ Mulcher 2100 1785.00
4. Shrub Master 175 39.16
5. Rev. M.B. Plough 1562 1249.60
6. Rotary Slasher 608 142.57
7. Zero till seed drill 2905 784.35
8. Rotavator 3948 1974.00
9. Straw Baler 171 855.00
10. Tractor 899 1798.00
11. DSR 4 0.80
12. Multi Crop Planter 6 1.50
13. Reaper Binder 97 194.00
14. Paddy Transplanter 1 5.00
15. Hay Rack 25 35.00
Total No. of Beneficiaries/Expenditure 15199 10877.98
Source: Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana.

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maandhan implementation during 2019-20. A total of

Yojana (PM-KMY) 1,672 custom Hiring centre has been
3.18 Under Pradhan Mantri Kisan established with financial assistance on
Maandhan Yojana (PM-KMY), the State 80 percent of the cost and 5,224 In-situ
Govt. bears the farmers’ share of 3.36 lakh Crop residue management Implements has
farmers having annual income less than been provided to individual farmers on
` 1.80 lakh through Mukhya Mantri 50 percent subsidy, to curb the menaces of
Parivar Samridhi Yojana Scheme straw burning and management of Crop
(MMPSY). Various farm implements are residue. Awareness amongst farming
given to farmers by the Agriculture and community of the State were created with
Farmers Welfare Department as subsidy the help of village level Camps, Block
(Table 3.10). Level Camps/functions, social media
IN-SITU CROP RESIDUE awareness, Moto writing competition,
MANAGEMENT Mascot, CRM Pledge, CRM Pakhwada,
Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization Puppet Show, Three Suchna Rath and
for In-Situ Management of Crop Residue 22 Demonstration vans etc. Farmers were
in the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar trained for operation and maintenance
Pradesh and NCT of Delhi of In-situ Crop residue management
3.19 As per the new Central Sector machinery and demonstration of In-situ
Scheme launched by GoI “Promotion of Management Technology were organized
Agricultural Mechanization for In-Situ at farmer`s field. Hoardings/Banner were
Management of Crop Residue in the States displayed in prominent places for creating
of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and awareness regarding In-situ crop residue
NCT of Delhi”, ` 19,206 lakh has been management. Targets and achievement
provided to the State of Haryana for under this scheme is given in Table 3.11.

Table 3.11 – Targets and Achievement for the Year 2018-19 and 2019-20.

Component 2018-19 2019-20

Target Achievements Target Achievements

Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial

(` lakh)) (` lakh) (` lakh) (` lakh)

1. Establishment of Farm 1230 9400.00 1194 7431.00 1300 13061.00 1672 9000.00
Machinery Banks or
Custom Hiring Centers
on In-Situ Crop Residue
Management Machinery

2. Financial Assistance for 5563 1950.00 3549 1911.00 7468 3396.00 5224 2500.00
Procurement of
Agriculture Machinery
and Equipment for
In-Situ Crop Residue
Management Machinery
Source: Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana.

3.20 The State Government has and registered companies being not
enhanced compensation norms for the for profit.
damaged crops due to natural calamities up • Government remits stamp duty
to ` 12,000 per acre w.e.f. 01.03.2015 and chargeable on all types of loan
minimum compensation paid to all the agreements for obtaining loan
shareholder is ` 500. The scope of of farmers upto ` 1,60,000 for
compensation has also enhanced for agriculture purposes.
damaged crops caused due to flood, Mewat Development Board
Standing Water, fire, electric sparking, 3.21 The Mewat Development
heavy rain, hailstorm, dust storm and pest Board has constituted during 1980 with
attack. The year-wise detail of funds vision to ameliorate the conditions of
provided to the victims of natural poverty, unemployment, economic and
calamities is given in Table 3.12. social backwardness of this area and to
Stamp & Registration raise the standard of living of the people.
• Government has reduced 1% the The vision of Mewat Development
stamp duty chargeable for purchase of Agency is to accelerate the pace of
land executed in favour of a registered development in Mewat region for
Gaushala. implementation of development schemes
• Government has reduced the stamp specifically designed to benefit this area.
duty from 5 percent to 1 percent for The year-wise details of Integrated
the transfer of property between Development expenditure is given in
Charitable Trust, Charitable Societies Table 3.13.

Table 3.12 – Year-wise Detail of Funds Provides to Victims of Natural Calamities.
(` in crore)
Year Drought Flood/ Hailstorm Pest Fire &
Heavy Rain Attack Lighting
2014-15 123.38 - - 18.40 0.29
2015-16 1.08 21.96 1207.73 976.03 0.46
2016-17 17.85 0.11 25.38 28.45 0.17
2017-18 2.00 5.46 69.42 12.60 0.20
2018-19 - 164.74 16.97 - 2.83
2019-20 - 39.91 26.94 - 3.53
Total 144.31 232.18 1346.44 1035.48 7.48

Table 3.13- Year-wise Details of Integrated Development Expenditure.

Year Integrated Development Integrated Development Total
Expenditure (General) Expenditure (SCSP) Expenditure
2014-15 1858.76 60.00 1918.76
2015-16 1890.51 2.16 1892.67
2016-17 2563.10 74.63 2637.73
2017-18 2193.03 246.31 2439.34
2018-19 2348.96 312.12 2661.08
2019-20 2700.00 300.00 3000.00
Source: Department of Revenue and Disaster Management.

3.22 The main function of the private growers became the targets of work
Agency is to certify, as per prescribed of the Agency. The details of the area
Standards, the seeds of crop/varieties inspected and quantity of seed certified of
notified by the Government of India under Haryana State Seed Certification Agency
Section-5 of Seeds Act-1966. The details from the year 2014-15 to 2018-19 are
of crop wise standards, prescribed by given in Table 3.14.
the Central Seed Certification Board, 3.24 During the year 2020-21 it is
have been given in the Minimum Seed expected that the different seed producing
Certification Standards. The programme agencies/growers may offer an area of
for certification is offered by various seed around 104 thousand hectares to the
producing organization like Haryana Haryana State Seed Certification Agency
Seeds Development Corporation, HAFED, for certified seed production of about
HLRDC, Horticulture Department, 33.50 lakh quintals. The estimated income
Haryana Agricultural University, National & expenditure during the year 2020-21
Seeds Corporation, IFFDC, KRIBHCO would be around 1,575.20 lakh and
and other private growers / agencies. 1,560.20 lakh, respectively.
3.23 Though the Agency through its 3.25 Presently, 247 processing
activities encourages the programme for plants are under operation in public and
certification of seeds, the area offered for private sector in the state wherein seed
certification by various organizations and processing work of various crop varieties

is under taken for Certification purpose. results from laboratory, if seed lot is
After processing a sample of each lot is fulfilling the prescribed standards, seed lot
drawn and got tested from State Seed is certified. The details of Income and
Testing laboratory, Karnal & Sirsa under Expenditure of the Haryana State Seed
the control of Department of Agriculture Certification Agency during the last
and Seed Certification Laboratory at 5 years are given in Table 3.15.
Panchkula and Rohtak. After receiving the
Table 3.14- Area Inspected and Quantity of Table 3.15- Income and Expenditure of the
Seed Certified. Haryana State Seed Certification Agency.
Year Area Quantity of ( ` in lakh)
Inspected Seed Certified Year Income Expenditure
(‘000’ hect.) (‘000’ qtl.) 2014-15 818.18 701.00
2014-15 75.73 2055.72 2015-16 922.50 691.90
2015-16 89.46 2748.69 2016-17 1035.45 747.65
2016-17 103.27 3275.11 2017-18 1169.11 834.64
2017-18 94.83 2878.95 2018-19 1058.87 772.85
2018-19 90.78 2980.74 Source: Haryana Seed Certification Agency
Source: Haryana Seed Certification Agency.
HARYANA SEEDS DEVELOPMENT Production and Distribution of Certified
3.26 Haryana Seeds Development 3.27 The Haryana Seeds
Corporation is for the welfare of the Development Corporation has produced
farmers and the main objective of the 4,885 qtls. certified seeds of kharif crops
Corporation is to supply qualitative seeds and 2,65,873 qtls. certified seed of rabi
to the farmers on nominal profit. HSDC crops during the year 2018-19. To ensure
also works as a price stabilizer so that timely availability of certified seeds at the
there can be a check on the prices of the door step of the farmers, the Corporation
seeds in the State. Sometimes the has a network of 77 sale counters, besides
Government has to lower the rates of seeds sale outlets of Institutional Agencies
as against the costing of HSDC for such as MINIBANKS, HLRDC etc. The
which the HSDC has to face the losses in Corporation also opened temporary sale
order to give benefits to the farmers of counters in the State on need basis.
the State.

Table 3.16- Sale of Seeds by HSDC.

( Qtls.)
Season 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
(Tentative) (Projection)

Kharif 14669 11750 36363 37852 45852 50678 6980

Rabi 229833 304650 279410 208290 266188 294969 254640

Total 244502 316400 315773 246142 312040 345647 261620

Source: Haryana Seeds Development Corporation Ltd.

HSDC is also arranging sale of weedicides/ Accelerated Pulses Production
pesticides/insecticides and fungicides to Programme. HSDC has supplied Hybrid
facilitate the farmers for getting maximum Maize (10,048.88 qtls.) on 100 percent
agriculture inputs from its sale outlets. subsidy and Dhaincha seed (31,474.86
HSDC is marketing its goods with the qtls.) on 80 percent subsidy under
brand name “HARYANA BEEJ”, which is Promotion of Crop Diversification (State
quite popular among the farmers. During Plan) and Crop Diversification Programme
the year 2019-20, the Corporation sold (RKVY) and Moong Seed (2,980.94 qtls.)
50,678 qtls. certified seeds of various crops on 50 percent subsidy under Increases
viz-a-viz paddy, pulses, jowar, bajra, Pulses Production Programme. HSDC
hybrid maize etc. in kharif-2019 and distributed 26,829 packets of Bt. Cotton
2,94,969 qtls. (tentative) of wheat, pulses, on 80 percent subsidy under Crop
oilseeds, barley, barseem and oats in Diversification Programme (RKVY)
Rabi-2019-20. during Kharif-2019. HSDC has also sold
3.28 HSDC is providing quality Barseem and Oat fodder seeds through
seeds to the farmers of the State on HSDC sale counters to the farmers during
subsidized rates under various Schemes Rabi 2019-20. The sale progress of
sponsored by Govt. of India/State Govt. certified Seeds of the Corporation during
i.e. National Food Security Mission the year 2014-15 to 2019-20 and
(NFSM), NMOOP, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas projections for the year 2020-21 are given
Yojana (RKVY), Crop Diversification in Table 3.16.
Programme (CDP), State Plan and
HARYANA LAND RECLAMATION & 28,35,985 MT of Gypsum. Corporation
DEVELOPMENT CORP. LTD. has distributed a quantity of 31,612 MT
3.29 Haryana Land Reclamation & Gypsum powder on 50% subsidy to the
Development Corporation (HLRDC) Ltd farmers during the current year as on
was incorporated in 1974. The major 30.09.2019. As per latest survey of ICAR-
Programmes of the Corporation are CSSRI, Karnal, 1.71 lakh hectare alkali
reclamation of alkali soils, sale of soil has yet to be reclaimed in the
agriculture inputs, P.P. Equipment, State. The Corporation has proposed to
production of quality seeds etc. Gypsum is Department of Agriculture and Farmers
being provided under Rastriya Krishi Welfare to provide the sufficient funds
Vikas Yojna (RKVY), National Mission under State plan scheme to reclaim the
on Oilseeds and Oilpalm (NMOOP) and entire area in the next five years.
National Food Security Mission (NFSM) Corporation is also engage in distribution
to the farmers on 50 percent subsidy for of Fertilizer, Pesticides, Seeds, P.P.
reclaiming the alkaline soil and for Equipment etc. from its own outlets
supplement of Sulphur deficiency in the situated in the State. Corporation has
crops. produced 22,969 qtls. certified wheat seed
3.30 Since its inception the during the year 2018-19 and sold out
Corporation has reclaimed an area of certified wheat seeds of 17,000 qtls. upto
3,88,549 hectares by distribution of 29.10.2019.

HORTICULTURE Fruit Cultivation
3.31 Horticulture is a major 3.34 Total area under fruit
diversified activity for nutrition security cultivation was 67,165 hectare in the year
and Haryana is fast emerging as one of the 2018-19 with production of 11.78 lakh
leading State in the field of Horticulture in M.T. For the year 2019-20, a target of
India. In the State almost all type of fruits, 70,300 hectare area has been fixed with the
vegetables, spices, mushroom & flowers production of 12.59 lakh M.T. and the
are being grown. Out of total area under State has achieved to bring 4,261 hectare
horticulture crops, around 85 percent area area under horticulture with production of
is under Vegetables & rest is under 4.70 lakh M.T. up to November, 2019
fruits and spices etc. The department of (Table 3.17).
horticulture is encouraging cluster Vegetable Cultivation
approach for better crop cultivation 3.35 Total area under Vegetable
according to climate & soil conditions. For crops was 4,43,598 hectare in 2018-19
the year 2019-20 the Horticulture Budget with production of 73.05 lakh M.T. For the
has been raised substantially to year 2019-20 a target of 4,63,000 hectare
` 52,388.12 lakh from ` 34,498.07 lakh in area has been fixed with the production of
the year 2018-19. 90.28 lakh M.T. and achieved 2,15,322
Policies and Programmes of the hectare area with production of 23.77
Department lakh M.T. up to Nov., 2019in Table 3.18.
3.32 The department implements Spices
24 schemes out of which 17 are State Plan 3.36 Total area under Spices was 9,178
Schemes, 7 Central Plan Schemes (sharing hectare in 2018-19 with production of 0.70
basis). Through these schemes, subsidy lakh M.T. For the year 2019-20 a target of
on various components is being provided 10,000 hectare area has been fixed with the
to farmers for promotion of Horticulture in production target of 0.80 lakh M.T. The
the State. The assistance percentage State has achieved to bring 5,108 hectare
available under the scheme ranges from 25 area with production of 0.36 lakh M.T. up
percent to 100 percent depending upon the to November, 2019 (Table 3.19).
component type. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Area and Production of Horticulture 3.37 Total area under Aromatic
Crops Plants was 315 hectare in 2018-19 with
3.33 Horticulture crops cover 5.26 production of 0.01 lakh M.T. for the year
lakh hectare area which is 7.99 percent of 2019-20 a target of 3700 hectare area has
the gross cropped area of the State. been fixed with the production of 0.20 lakh
Production of horticultural crops in M.T. and achieved 158 hectare area
the State was 86.38 lakh M.T. during the with production of 0.01 lakh M.T. up to
year 2018-19. November, 2019 (Table 3.20).

Table 3.17- Area and Production of Fruit Crops.
Name of Target 2018-19 Achievements Target 2019-20 Achievements
Crop 2018-19 2019-20
(Upto Nov., 2019)
Area Production Area Production Area Producti Area Production
(Hect.) (MT) (Hect.) (MT) (Hect.) on (Hect.) (MT)
i) Citrus 22437 471468 20789 549332 21922 565259 1082 148280
ii) Mango 9982 119324 9563 116447 9660 118333 60 85301
iii) Guava 13180 244311 12595 247449 13320 268178 670 81233
iv) Sapota 1764 24387 1763 23239 1783 25867 29 16501
v) Aonla 2378 36065 2198 10747 2205 19844 0 2618
vi) Others 21259 279445 20257 231701 21410 262139 2420 135743
Total 71000 1175000 67165 1178915 70300 1259620 4261 469676
Source; Horticulture Department, Haryana.

Table 3.18- Area and Production of Vegetable Crops.

Name of Crop Target 2018-19 Achievements Target 2019-20 Achievements
2018-19 2019-20
(up to Nov., 2019)
Area Produc Area Producti Area Producti Area Product
(Hect.) tion (Hect.) on (Hect.) on (Hect.) ion
(MT) (MT) (MT) (MT)

i) Potato 42320 1227280 34738 897846 35612 1053093 24153 141207

ii)Tomato 36254 911428 30173 650625 31117 746148 13304 323187
iii) Onion 37868 908832 32010 780150 32916 905267 16689 354266
iv) Cucurbits 78167 1073658 67835 938085 72262 1223499 30330 541296
v) Cauliflower 44049 1101482 43615 931642 44712 1092826 25624 177091
vi) Leafy Veg. 38899 541640 39947 470784 41231 612513 19165 111076
vii) Peas 17257 162329 15586 144678 16448 197489 6923 23502
viii) Brinjal 20171 471955 16994 333950 18079 401626 7460 124048
ix) Other 185015 2790111 162700 2157250 170623 2796039 71674 581435
Total 500000 9188715 443598 7305010 463000 9028500 215322 2377108
Source: Horticulture Department, Haryana.

Table 3.19- Area and Production of Spices.

Name of Target 2018-19 Achievements Target 2019-20 Achievements
spice 2018-19 2019-20
(Upto Nov., 2019)
Area Production Area Production Area Producti Area Producti
(Hect.) (MT) (Hect.) (MT) (Hect.) on (Hect.) on
(MT) (MT)

i) Citrus 343 6278 92 720 96 765 59 40

ii) Mango 4728 59668 3293 42643 3609 46455 1049 26811
iii) Guava 4186 13700 2230 8832 2416 10330 1351 3680
iv) Sapota 5743 40354 3563 18105 3879 22450 2649 5154
Total 15000 120000 9178 70300 10000 80000 5108 35685
Source: Horticulture Department, Haryana.

Table 3.20- Area and Production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
Name of Target 2018-19 Achievements Target 2019-20 Achievements
Medicinal 2018-19 2019-20
and (Upto Nov., 2019)
Aromatic Area Production Area Production Area Producti Area Producti
plants (Hect.) (MT) (Hect.) (MT) (Hect.) on (Hect.) on
(MT) (MT)

i) Aloevera - - 136 856.1 248 9683 31 789

ii) Stevia - - 15.4 42 22.5 69 6 41
iii) Arandi - - 0 0 0 0 0 0
iv) other - - 163.6 189.9 3429.5 10248 121 220
Sub-total 470 3260 315 1088 3700 20000 158 1050
Source: Horticulture Department, Haryana.
Table 3.21- Area and Production of Flowers.
Name of Target 2018-19 Achievements Target 2019-20 Achievements 2019-20
Flower 2018-19 (Upto Nov., 2019)

Area Prod- Cut Area Prod- Cut Area Produ Cut Area Prod- Cut
(Hect.) uction Flower (Hect.) uction Flower (Hect.) ction Flower (Hect.) uction Flower
(MT) Prod- (MT) Prod- (MT) Prod- (MT) Prod-
uction uction uction uction
(lakh ) (lakh ) (lakh ) (Lakh)
Gladiolus 200 0 298.31 192.2 0 91.66 228 0 134.22 3 0 0.62
Marigold 7860 92184 0 5288.4 71470.4 0 6086 89445 0 1713 4374 0
Rose 265 1622.4 425.39 131 1322 72.46 225 1815 310.18 38 15 11.60
Other 285 193.6 876.30 350.4 2.6 289.51 461 140 498.11 495 0 198.19
Total 8610 94000 1600 5962 72795 453.63 7000 91400 942.51 2249 4389 210.41
Source: Horticulture Department, Haryana.
Table 3.22- Category wise progress of Protected and Vertical Cultivation.
Sr. Component 2018-19 2019-20 (Target)
Physical Financial Physical Financial
(in ha.) (` in lakh) (in ha.) (` in lakh)

1 Poly House/Net House 909.61 30549.87 29.06 1441.03

2 High Value Vegetable 34.4 370.16 89.6 3124.0
3 Low Tunnels 319.37 688.01 96.4 193.20
4 Mulching 2973.08 422.59 700 112.00
5 Bamboo Stacking 1780.56 949.14 1188.4 987.12
Total 6017.02 32979.77 2103.46 5857.35
Source: Horticulture Department, Haryana.
Flower Cultivation and cut flower production 210.41
3.38 Total area under Flower lakh no. upto November, 2019
Cultivation was 5,962 hectare in 2018-19 Table 3.21.
with production of 0.73 lakh M.T. For Mushroom
the year 2019-20 a target of 7,000 3.39 In the year 2018-19, a
hectare area has been fixed with the production of 10,580 M.T. of mushroom
production of open field flower 0.91 lakh was achieved. For the year 2019-20 a
M.T. and cut flower 942.51 lakh no. and target of 12,026 M.T. was fixed and
achieved 2,249 hectare area with the 4,260 M.T. was achieved upto
open field production 0.04 lakh M.T. November, 2019.

Focus on Protected and Vertical “in- Principle” approval to the project
Cultivation “Establishment of Horticulture University”
3.40 For raising disease free at Anganthali, Karnal with the estimated
nursery, off-season and pesticide residue cost of ` 486.59 crore over a period of
free vegetables, green house technology 5 year from 2017-18 to 2021-22.
can play a vital role. Govt. is giving more Sign of MoU and LOI:
focus on protected and vertical cultivation 3.44 Govt. has signed a MoU with
with total subsidy of 65 percent to general Department of Agriculture, IOWA State,
farmers and 90 percent to S.C. famers USA to promote agriculture and transfer of
and so far 1,780.56 hectare area under technologies. Another MoU was also
bamboo stacking, 944.01 hectare area signed with an US firm for Establishment
under protected structures, 319.37 hectare of Post-harvest Management Centre in
under plastic-tunnels and 2973.08 hectare Fruits and Vegetables that will help in
under mulching has been covered in branding, packaging and marketing of
2018-19. Category wise progress is produce especially “Haryana Fresh” brand.
summarized in Table 3.22. • Govt. has signed a letter of Intent
Community Tank with WAGENINGEN University &
3.41 During the year 2018-19, 304 Research, Netherland for collaboration in
numbers of community/water farm ponds the field of Agriculture & Horticulture
were constructed, through an expenditure Research & Development.
of ` 2609.41 lakh. In the year 2019-20
• Department has signed an MoU
(up to November, 2019), 40 numbers
with Agriculture Skill council of India,
community tanks & 108 individual
NSDC, Govt. of India for collaboration in
tanks have been constructed with the
the field of horticulture for skill
expenditure of ` 1141.08 lakh.
development & training at departmental
Micro-Irrigation institutes & centres. For this 6 centres have
3.42 Under Micro Irrigation been notified.
Scheme “Per Drop More Crop” an area of
• Department have taken up matter
3,874.45 lakh hectare has been covered
with Birmingham University (U.K) for
during the year 2018-19. For the year
technology of Clean Cold Chain.
2019-20 an area of 550.33 hectare has
• Govt. is establishing Center of
been covered with the expenditure of
Excellence in each district of the State.
386.60 lakh up to November, 2019.
Eight Centres have already been
Establishment of Horticulture University
established one each at Karnal, Sirsa,
3.43 To boost research activities in
Kurukshetra, Rohtak, Gurugram & Palwal.
horticultural crops, Govt. is establishing
Two another center namely Technology
Horticulture University in Karnal. The
Demonstration Centre, Guava, Bhuna
foundation stone of the Horticulture
(Fatehabad) & Integrated Horticulture
University has been laid out by Hon’ble
Development Centre, Sundreh (M.Garh)
Union Agriculture Minister and Hon’ble
to be inaugurated. Work on other two
CM Haryana on 06.04.2016. An Act was
centres one each at Sondhi, (Jhajjar) &
passed with an initially outlay of ` 50 crore
Integrated Horticulture Development
during the year 2016-17. The Standing
Centre, Barwala (Hisar) has been started.
Finance Committee accorded its

Formation of Farmers Producer wholesale market fall below this protective
Organization (FPOs) price, Govt. shall pay the price difference
3.45 To promote collective to cover farmers’ loss. To avail the benefit
marketing of horticulture produce, Govt. under the scheme farmers are required to
has formed 409 Farmers Producer register on Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojna
Organization to cover 22 districts with 754 portal of HSAMB website. During
Farmers Interest Groups (FIGs) benefiting 1st phase for 2 crops (Tomato & Onion) an
75,581 farmers directly under different area of 10,789 acre and 4,435 farmers have
Govt. schemes. These farmers shall also be been covered. During 2nd phase for 4 crops
linked with Kisan portal for direct transfer (Potato, Cauliflower, Tomato & Onion) an
of technical, weather and marketing area of 54,596 acre and 14,576 farmers
information. have been covered upto 21.1.2019. During
Crop Cluster Development Programme the current phase (3rd phase) starts from
(CCDP) 15.09.2019 upto till date a total no.
3.46 A new scheme namely Crop of 23,692 farmers with area of 65,771
Cluster Development Program (CCDP) acres have been registered for potato,
has been launched with budget outley of cauliflower, carrot, pea, kinnow, tomato &
` 510.36 crore. Under this program, in onion. Upto 1st January, 2020 a total of
each cluster, marketing infrastructure and 46,352 no. of farmers were registered for
post harvest management facilities like an area of 1,42,656 acres. A total of 3,873
pack house, primary processing centre, no. of farmers were benefitted for an
grading-sorting machine, storage facilities, amount of ` 952.57 lakh
refer vans, input and quality control Recognition at National/International
facility etc. shall be created for forward level.
and backward linkage for effective 3.48 Horticulture Department was
marketing of horticulture produce. given Global Agriculture Leadership
Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojna (BBY) Award 2016 on 8th September, 2016 for
3.47 The scheme was launched on taking visionary policy initiatives and
30.12.2017 by the Govt. Main purpose of significant achievements in this sector.
this scheme is to mitigate risk of Horticulture Vision Documents
horticulture farmers during low prices in 3.49 The department has prepared
wholesale market and to motivate them “Horticulture Vision” to double the area
for diversification from agriculture to and three times the production in 15 years
horticulture. In the first phase, four crops by 2030. It has been envisaged that
viz. onion, tomato, potato & cauliflower 15 percent of the total cultivated area
have been taken. Protective price of these shall be brought under horticulture from
crops has been fixed and if price in 7.57 percent at present.
3.50 Haryana, without any that the State has become one of
perennial source of surface water and the main contributors to the national
dependent upon its share in various pool of foodgrains. Achievements of
Inter-state agreements, is managing Irrigation Department are given in
the surface water resources so well Table 3.23.

3.51 Irrigation & Water Resources 3.53 The rehabilitation work of
Department, Haryana (IWRD) is primarily about 220 channels costing ` 1,000 crore
responsible for construction, operation and has been planned to be executed during
maintenance of canal and drainage 2019-20 and 2020-21. The rehabilitation
network in the State including supply of work costing ` 400 crore has been
water for irrigation, drinking, pond filling, taken-up on various Distributaries/Minors
industrial use and other commercial during 2019-20 and 2020-21. Further,
purposes. Haryana has developed an rehabilitation of 52 channels with
extensive canal network consisting of estimated cost of ` 244.79 crore has been
1,461 channels having a length of 14,085 approved on 10.1.2018 under NABARD
kms. The Bhakra System has total 522 RIDF XXIII. Work on 26 schemes has
canals with a total length of 5,961 kms, the been completed and 19 schemes are in
Yamuna System has total 446 canals progress with the cost of ` 137.24 crore
covering 4,422 kms. and the Lift System upto December, 2019 and will be
has total 493 canals covering 3,702 kms., completed upto 31st March, 2021.
beside this, the State has vast network of NABARD has approved a project for
drainage of about 800 drains covering rehabilitation of 564 watercourses with an
5,150 kms. length. The network in the expenditure of ` 300 crore. Work on 359
State is old and the capacity of the carrier watercourses has been completed upto
channels has been reduced due to the December, 2019 and work on 77
continuous running of system. Therefore, watercourses is in progress with an
rehabilitation of the canal network has expenditure of ` 164.87 crore. Work on
become very important. In addition, remaining watercourses will be completed
Government is planning to rejuvenate the upto 31.12.2020.
existing canal system by increasing the 3.54 To utilize the surplus water
capacity of carrier system, so that surplus
during monsoon period in river Yamuna,
water during the monsoon period can also
be brought to the state for irrigation as well the following projects for increasing the
as conservation. As a first step towards capacity of carrier system are in progress:-
realizing the vision of Govt. i.e. Har Khet  Increasing capacity of Western
Ko Paani, a project for improving capacity Jamuna Canal (WJC) Main Line
of various pump houses and canals of Lower from RD 68220 (Hamida
the Jawahar Lal Nehru Lift Irrigation Head) to RD 190950 (lndri Head)
System costing ` 145.52 crore has been with an estimated cost ` 120.19 crore
completed. out of which work costing ` 71 crore
3.52 In the current monsoon season has been allotted and works are likely
of 2019, JLN Feeder carried Maximum to be completed by March, 2020.
discharge of 3150 cs., Loharu Feeder 1000  Improving capacity of WJC Main
cs., M/Garh Canal 1250 cs. and JLN Canal Branch from 0-154000 with an
780 cs which are 3.27 percent excess in estimated cost ` 202.10 crore out of
JLN Feeder, 9 percent excess in Loharu
which work costing ` 171.09 crore is
Feeder, 19 percent excess in M/Garh Canal
in progress and works are likely to be
& same in JLN Canal as compared to the
completed by March, 2020.
corresponding year of 2018.

Table 3.23-Scheme-wise Targets and Achievements.
Year Name of Programme/ Targets Achievements Percentage
Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial
(` in lakh) (` in lakh) (` in lakh)

2014-15 1 Rehabilitation of canals 89 26824.33 64 26824.33 72 100

(No. of canals rehabilitated
including structures)
2 Rehabilitation of 355 12837.09 367 11780.53 103 92
Watercourses (No. of
watercourses rehabilitated)
3 Construction of new minors 16 12659.26 14 12458.69 88 98
(No. of new minor
4 Desilting/deweeding of 36296820 4074.24 34872476 35959.78 97 97
canals(length of channel
5 Desilting/deweeding/ 9326526 1220.51 9270850 1206.58 99 99
desuldging of drains
(length of drains cleared(ft.)
6 Flood control & drainage 180 11668.74 180 9379.61 100 80
works (No. of works)
7 Construction of field 50800 15751.47 49296 12266.47 97 78
channel in Hectares
2015-16 1 Rehabilitation of canals 113 24132.27 103 23078.58 91 96
(No. of canals rehabilitated
including structures)
2 Rehabilitation of 333 9385.21 318 5696.54 95 61
Watercourses (No. of
watercourses rehabilitated)
3 Construction of new minors 10 10543.27 7 7189.84 70 68
(No. of new minor
4 Desilting/deweeding of 30997757 4006.68 46107469 3657.85 149 91
canals (length of channel
cleared (ft.))
5 Desilting/deweeding/ 7360879 660.50 7381745 660.50 100 100
desuldging of drains
(lengthof drains
6 Flood control & drainage 148 5736.02 148 5736.02 100 100
works (No. of works)
7 Construction of field 60000 17238.87 57610 17161.24 96 99
channel in Hectares
2016-17 1. Rehabilitation of canals 104 20400.52 99 16332.38 95 80
(No. of canals rehabilitated
including structures)
2. Rehabilitation of 517 19454.70 456 16267.08 88 84
Watercourses (No. of
watercourses rehabilitated)
3 Construction of new minors 6 4237.51 4 657.82 67 16
(No. of new minor
4 Desilting/deweeding of 34723790 3957.97 33091704 3894.73 95 98
canals (length of channel
cleared (ft.))
5 Desilting/deweeding/ 17966063 1045.91 17924101 1033.74 100 99
desuldging of drains
(length of drains
Cleared (ft.))
6 Flood control & drainage 182 11114.39 176 10010.06 97 90
works (No. of works)
7 Construction of field 60000 20500.00 49223 13316.27 82 65
channel in Hectares

2017-18 1 Rehabilitation of canals 159 38672.71 139 29182.20 87 75
(No. of canals rehabilitated
including structures)
2 Rehabilitation of 440 17125.33 377 14134.84 86 83
Watercourses (No. of
watercourses rehabilitated)
3 Construction of new minors 9 4041.4 5 717.8 56 18
(No. of new minor
4 Desilting/deweeding of 35263144 4464.07 3355366 4451.92 95 100
canals (length of channel 1
5 Desilting/deweeding/ 13627408 1277.1 1359318 1247.32 100 98
desuldging of drains 8
(length of drains cleared)
6 Flood control & drainage 128 14268.49 124 8916.08 97 62
works (No. of works)
7 Construction of field 60000 22500.00 34963 10793.36 58 48
channel in Hectares
2018-19 1 Rehabilitation of canals 156 46695.28 136 39989.70 87 86
(No. of canals rehabilitated
including structures)
2 Rehabilitation of 358 14228.80 278 9922.38 78 70
Watercourses (No. of
watercourses rehabilitated)
3 Construction of new minors 27 3877.32 26 865.38 96 22
(No. of new minor
4 Desilting/deweeding of 35140120 4612.43 3318729 4335.64 94 94
canals (length of channel 9
5 Desilting/deweeding/ 15217675 1669.04 1482764 1518.45 97 91
desuldging of drains 9
(length of drains cleared)
6 Flood control & drainage 163 11764.68 150 9212.33 92 82
works (No. of works)
7 Construction of field 30000 10500.00 19719 8571.14 66 82
channel in Hectares
Source: Irrigation and Water Resources Department, Haryana.
 Rehabilitation of Parallel Delhi shortly. The work will be completed
Branch from RD 0 to 145250 has by 31.03.2021.
been sanctioned under NABARD for  To provide fresh water to holy
improving its capacity with an Braham Sarovar at Kurukshetra, a
estimated cost of ` 304 crore. The scheme of costing ` 16 crore has been
tender of works is pending in Hon’ble completed on 30.11.2018.
Punjab and Haryana High Court due  Keeping up with the best
to higher rates. technology for operations of channels
 A project for rehabilitation of a real time hydrological data, 100
pumps, motors and electro mechanical percent centrally sponsored scheme
equipments of various pump houses of namely National Hydrology Project
JLN feeder, JLN Canal, Loharu Canal costing ` 50 crore has been approved
and Mahendergarh Canal system by Govt. of India for which
costing ` 83.44 crore has since been construction of Data Centre at
approved on 10.09.2019. Tenders of Block-A, 3rd Floor, Sinchai Bhawan,
costing about ` 28.00 crore have been Panchkula has been completed. The
approved and tenders for the work of accessing real time data from
remaining work will be approved various contact points by installing

SCADA system on major canals is which Apex Court issued direction to the
under progress. Tender has been Chief Ministers of both States to make
floated for installation of SCADA committee of officers and solve this issue
system and RTDAS system on canals with the help of Govt. of India. Matter was
& evaluation is under progress. heard on 03.09.2019 in which Attorney
3.55 Haryana State Drought Relief and General submitted to the court that to solve
Flood Control Board has approved 869 the issue some meetings were held. Matter
new schemes for flood control and will be listed after four months. Third
drainage with a cost of ` 983.42 crore meeting on SYL canal was fixed for
during 2015-16 to 2020-21. 06.12.2019 wherein both States gave their
3.56 Haryana is pursuing for the views, but nothing came out. Secretary
construction of up-stream storage dams (WR, RD & GR) expressed hope that
namely Renuka, Kishau and Lakhwar before the next hearing, both the states will
Vyasi on river Yamuna for getting assured strive to find out a solution which is in the
water supply to Haryana State from river interest of all.
Yamuna. In front of Hon’ble Central 3.58 To provide end-to-end solution
Water Resources Development Minister, in irrigation supply chain, such as creation
the Chief Ministers of Haryana, of water sources, rain water harvesting,
Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, distribution network, efficient on-farm
Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh signed the application and extension services on new
consent letter of Lakhwar Dam Project and technologies/information in the state,
Renukaji Dam on 28.08.2018 and as first step during 2016-17, District
11.01.2019 respectively. After completion Irrigation Plans (DIPs) for all districts
of this project, Haryana will get 47.81 have been finalized under Pradhan Mantri
percent of total stored water. Krishi Sinchai Yojana. Agriculture
3.57 Haryana pursued inter-state Department is the nodal department for all
matters with renewed vigour. Hearing the activities of PMKSY.
of the Presidential Reference which was 3.59 With an aim to feed 100
pending for the last over 12 years has now percent tails, department has launched a
been decided by the Hon’ble Apex Court campaign with special emphasis on 41
on 10.11.2016 in favour of Haryana. The chronic tails out of total 1,354 tails.
matter was mentioned by Haryana on A comprehensive plan for the mission to
25.07.2018 before Hon’ble CJI who feed 100 percent tails has been chalked
directed to mention before Registrar out involving police force (special for
(Judicial). A D.O letter dt. 08.08.2018 has Irrigation & Power) to curb the thefts and
been written by Hon’ble CM, Haryana to other offences. The force will be further
Hon’ble Union Minister of water strengthened and provided with more
Resources requesting to issue appropriate infrastructures to deal with theft cases and
directions consequential to the opinion of hence feeding the tails to ensure Govt.’s
Hon’ble Apex Court to the quarters commitment of “Har Khet Ko Paani”.
concerned for early initiation and 3.60 Department has proposed a
expeditious completion of the left out project for increasing capacity of STP
stretches of SYL canal in territory of channel (originates after treatment of
Punjab. Hearing was held 09.07.2019 in sewage water of Gurugram City from

sewage Treatment Plant near village 14 villages of 13 Districts. The total cost
Dhanwapur in District Gurugram) from of the said project is ` 30.60 crore with
188.60 MLD to 500 MLD in reach Km. 0 covering CCA of approximately 2231
to 26.247 (Tail) with a cost of ` 84.99 hectare. Under this scheme, pressurized
crore (` 52.71 crore for Phase-I & ` 32.28 water will be supplied to the farmers for
crore for Phase-II) for beneficiating the Micro Irrigation and energy will be
farmers of villages covered under District provided and exchanged through Solar
Gurugram. With this project, the CCA of Energy and Grid Power. With a view of
STP channel will be increased by 15,300 augmenting water for assured supply to
acres. every field by using treated waste water
3.61 Proposal to increase Lift Canal from the existing Sewage Treatment
Commands has been made at a tentative Plants, a pilot project has been
cost of ` 60 crore using the concept of implemented on over exploited & critical
“Outlet cum Haudies” and laying blocks by selecting STPs of Ladwa,
“Underground Piped Watercourses” Shahabad and Pehowa towns of district
comprising of two steps:- Kurukshetra for irrigation with a total cost
 To facilitate lifting of water by of ` 3.78 crore covering an area of 290
farmers it is proposed to construct hectare. This project has been completed
a haudi at the downstream end of successfully and farmers of the area are
the outlet called outlet cum haudi. being benefitted. A pilot project for
Shareholder of the tentative chak installation of solar powered Micro
will get their time slot to lift water Irrigation Infrastructure on overflowing
as per their holding size in the village ponds costing ` 4.89 crore covering
chak. It is proposed to construct 383 hectare of 11 village ponds has
200 such units in the lift canal been completed by Command Area
commands in the coming financial Development Authority (CADA), Haryana
year with a cost of about ` 6 crore. and all of these are operational. Now,
 In second step chakbandi plan will a project of installation of solar powered
be prepared for underground piped non-pressurized infrastructure on 55
watercourses. Some areas of the village ponds costing to ` 7.15 crore to
chak may require lifting of water utilize the overflowing water of these
by the farmers from small haudies ponds in the command of 1095 hectare
to be constructed. 75 such piped area has been submitted to Government for
watercourses having a length of approval. CAD&WM works shall be
about 16,000 ft. each will be taken covered under “Incentivization Scheme for
up in the first year at a cost of Bridging Irrigation Gap” (ISBIG) under
about ` 54 crore. the umbrella scheme of “Pradhan Mantri
Command Area Development Authority Krishi Sinchai Yojana” and the central
3.62 To encourage the Micro assistance will now be available to the
irrigation for optimum utilization of State under this scheme as per latest
available surface water and supply water to guidelines/norms of ISBIG. Annual plan
farms of every farmer under canal 2019-20 has been approved to the tune of
command, CADA, Haryana has installed ` 205 crore comprising Central share of
Pilot Project of Micro Irrigation in ` 100 crore and state share of ` 105 crore

for CADA for the current financial year Haryana. Moreover, Government has
2019-20. The Key activity of CADA is approved 660 watercourses for lining with
lining of watercourses. At present three a length of 38.72 lakh rft. out of which
projects namely BCC-II, WJC-VI & about 18.50 lakh rft. has been achieved
JLN-II are being executed by CADA upto October, 2019.
FORESTS Forest Department under this scheme.
3.63 Haryana is primarily an For every surviving plant, a student will be
agricultural State, with almost 81 percent provided with an incentive of ` 50 after
of its land under agriculture. The Forest every six months for a period of three
area extends over only 3.62 percent of the years by the Education Department.
total geographical area and the total Herbal Park
forest tree covered of the State including 3.64 To educate people about the
plantation along the road, rail and canal systems of traditional medicine and
strips is 7.1 percent. To increase this area, toinvolve them in the conservation of
during the year 2019-20, 6,120 hectare endangered medicinal plant species,
area has been brought under tree plantation 59 Herbal Parks have been established in
by planting 94.76 lakh seedlings the state. World Herbal Forest is being
throughout the State uptill now, including developed in Morni Hills of the State
free supply and sale of plants. The last with the technical support of Patanjali
five years physical/financial targets and
Yog Peeth, which will become a huge
achievement is given in Table 3.24. A new
repository of medicinal plants in the near
innovative scheme of “Paudhagiri” has
future. During the current year, four new
been started in 2018-19 and continue in
herbal parks are being created at
the current year, under which all the
Masudpur, Kheri Lochab, Dharam Kheri
students studying in classes 6th-12th in the
and Khanda Kheri. A hi-tech nursery is
State have planted trees in their homes or
outside area. Such students have been being established at Morni for raising
provided plants from the nurseries of quality seedlings of medicinal plants.
Table 3.24- Physical/Financial Targets and Achievements from 2014-15 to 2018-19.
Year Targets Achievement Percentage achievement
Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial
(in ha.) (` in lakh) (in ha.) (` in lakh) (` in lakh)

2014-15 23948 18562.88 25834 15834.23 107.88 85.30

2015-16 29904 18366.21 23560 16910.22 78.79 92.07
2016-17 20592 18357.21 18590 14627.29 90.28 79.68
2017-18 11934 25341.98 11523 12537.08 96.56 49.47
2018-19 10607 23740.08 9616 22241.38 90.66 93.69
Source: Forests Department, Haryana.
3.65 In all the major cities, green and Aravallis. This helps in recharge of
belts have been developed along the road ground water and increase of agricultural
sides with tall plants of suitable spices. productivity in the hilly areas. During this
Emphasis has also been given to Soil and winter season, the Forest Department is
Moisture Conservation in the Shivaliks undertaking rejuvenation of the small

earthen water harvesting dams which were Nature Education and Awareness
constructed 10 to 15 years back in the Programme
Shivalik and Aravali Hills at a total cost of 3.68 This programme is being
appx. ` 10 crore. Such dams provide small implemented in the State. Farmer Training
scale irrigation and function as ground Camps, nature tours for school children
water recharge sources. Check dams in and Nukkad Nataks in villages are
small streams are being constructed to organized regularly to sensitize people
check soil erosion. about Forestry and Wildlife. Forest
3.66 To involve local communities Department, Haryana is providing two
in the management of natural resources, e-Services for issuance of NOC for non
Forest Department has been instrumental forest lands and tree felling permit on
in organizing rural women into Self Help SARAL and HEPC single window
Groups (SHGs). So far, 1,990 SHGs have platforms. Digitization of boundaries of
been constituted covering 800 villages. most of the large and compact forest areas
This has helped in improving their, has been completed and works on the
socio-economic status by adoption of digitization of “Strip Forests” along roads,
income generation activities. These canals, drains and railway lines will be
members are actively involved in activities completed with the assistance of HARSAC
like afforestation, vermi-composting, by March, 2020.
organic farming, saving girl child etc. 3.69 During the year 2019-20, all
3.67 As efficient scavengers, the State Schemes and Centrally
vultures play an important role in Sponsored Schemes relating to forests/tree
maintaining ecological balance. However, cover shall be implemented by the Forest
the population of these birds has Department. A total of 1.40 crore number
drastically crashed during last few of plants will be planted and distributed
decades. The Government of Haryana in free of cost. World Herbal Forest shall be
collaboration with the Bombay Natural further developed to bring more area under
History Society has established a Vulture medicinal plants. Efforts will be
Breeding Centre at Pinjore which is the strengthened to educate more people in the
leading centre in the country and attracts Conservation of Forests, Wildlife and
scientists from all over the world. The Biodiversity, so as to achieve the
birds bred and reared in captivity are to be objectives of United Nations Sustainable
released in the wild. After persistent effort Development Goals for poverty reduction,
of several years, the first batch of six livelihood generation and combating
captive bred vultures is ready for release in climate change.
wild and will be released by Feb.,2020.
3.70 Haryana State has a well- Dispensaries, 3 Semen Production Centres,
developed infrastructure to provide 7 Polyclinics, 1 State Disease Diagnostic
veterinary health care and animal breeding Lab and 1 Veterinary Training Institute in
services to the animal wealth of the state. the State. Thus there is one Veterinary
There are 1,020 Govt. Veterinary Institution for every 3 Villages spread all
Hospitals, 1,820 Govt. Veterinary over the state. The total annual milk

production for the year 2018-19 has covered in 2019-20. The intention is to
reached to 107.26 lakh tonnes in the State insure at least 10 lakh breeding animals of
and per capita per day availability of milk the State annually for which an App has
has also increased to 1,085 grams, which is been made to collect insurance details
second highest in the country and a target speedily and correctly.
of 117.13 lakh tonnes has been kept for the 3.74 The Haryana Animal
year 2019-20. (Registration, Certification and Breeding)
3.71 As per 19th Livestock Census- Act, 2019, has been passed by the State for
2012, livestock population of the State is the welfare and Genetic improvement of
89.98 lakh including 18.08 lakh cattle, animals by regulating animal breeding
60.85 lakh buffaloes, 3.63 lakh sheep, 3.69 activities including use of breeding
lakh goats, 0.37 lakh horses and ponies, animals for production, processing,
9,000 mules, 3,000 donkeys,19,000 storage, sale and distribution of animal
camels, 1.27 lakh pigs and 1.79 lakh dogs. semen and embryos by way of artificial
The tentative livestock population as per insemination, in-vitro fertilization, embryo
20th livestock census-2019 of the State is transfer technology etc. by doing their
71.02 lakh including 19.24 lakh cattle, registration and certification. Haryana is
43.67 lakh buffaloes, 2.88 lakh sheep, 3.35 the first state in India to do so. There is a
lakh goats, 11,000 horses and ponies, target to register at least 10 lakh breeding
2,500 mules, 800 donkeys, 5,000 camels, animals of the State.
1.07 lakh pigs and 0.61 lakh dogs. 3.75 To tackle the menace of stray
3.72 Haryana Government is the bulls in the state especially of exotic and
1 State to go for combined HS+FMD crossbred cattle, the department has
vaccination among cattle and buffaloes. procured 1.15 lakh doses of sex sorted
So far, over 60 lakh doses of Raksha semen and 0.69 lakh doses has been
Bovic (FMD+HS) vaccine have been supplied for artificial insemination and
administered successfully to eligible 12,442 artificial insemination has been
bovines in the 1st round and in the performed from sexed semen upto
2nd round over 54.42 lakh vaccines have December, 2019.
already been applied free of cost. 3.76 After training 25 Master
3.73 Insurance of the Livestock of Trainers in Ayurveda for Animals the State
the Farmers of the State is being done Govt. has trained 4,000 staff working
under the “Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay at various levels (paravets/Animal
Pashudhan Suraksha Beema Attendants) so that the first choice of
Yojna” wherein, the General category treatment gradually becomes Ayurveda
livestock owners can insure their 5 large and not Allopathic and Anti Microbial
animals (Cattle, Buffalo, Horse, Camel resistance could be checked.
etc.) for 1 year @ `100 only for each large 3.77 To extend the activities of
animal and upto 50 small animals (Sheep, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to
Goat, Pig etc.) for 1 year at the rate of Animals (SPCA) at grass root level, the
` 25 for each small animal. The total Govt. has constituted Pashu Swasthya
outlay of the scheme is ` 7179.5 lakh and Kalyan Samities (PSKS) at each Govt.
against 60,143 animals done in 2018-19, Veterinary Hospital (GVH) of all Districts
1,43,934 animals have already been and Polyclinics and District Disease

Diagnostic Labs., which are active under 2019 against the target of 2,500 livestock
SPCA. units. The Govt. has also sanctioned a
3.78 To provide emergency scheme of establishment of sheep and
medicines at each Govt Vet Dispensary& goat units for the beneficiaries of
Hospital a stock of essential Generic general category. A Scheme for providing
Veterinary medicines is available there on employment opportunities to general caste
payment basis. The farmer gets assured beneficiaries by establishing piggery units
10 percent off on MRP and medicines are has been sanctioned by the Govt. for the
recouped by the Executive Committee year 2019-20.
running the Pashudhan Aushadhi Store 3.83 For effective and complete ban
which is a part of the Pashu Swasthya on cow slaughter in the State,
Kalyan Samities initiative. “The Haryana Gauvansh Sanrakshan &
3.79 The performance recording for Gausamvardhan Act, 2015” has been in
indigenous breeds of cows is being done force w.e.f. 19.11.2015. Under the Act,
and incentive money ranging from ` 5,000 stringent provisions have been made for
to ` 20,000 based on average milk yield of prevention of cow slaughter and illegal
the recorded cows are being given. Against transport. The Act was amended to make
the target of 1,600 cows, 1,069 cows have the application of Act more successful in
been recorded upto December, 2019. July, 2019 HVS session.
3.80 Under the ongoing scheme of 3.84 Along with Livestock Census,
Integrated Murrah Development Scheme, a mobile Application named as Har Pashu
the owners of recorded high milk yielding Ka Gyan was used by about 1,990
Murrah buffaloes are being awarded cash paravets/vets moving door to door
incentive money of ` 15,000, ` 20,000 and covering each nook and corner of the State
` 30,000 in the categories of 19-22 kg., to collect full details of over 52 lakh large
>22-25 kg. and above 25 kg., respectively. animals with photos. In“ Har Pashu Ka
During this year 2019-20, 567 Murrah Dhyan”, the State is working on a very
buffaloes have been identified till now innovative project, the first of its kind in
against the target for the identification of the Country where the Data collected
Murrah 850 buffaloes. during “Har Pashu Ka Gyan” will be used
3.81 With a view to make dairy to provide a large number of services to
development a venture of self- the Animal farmer at his doorstep such as:
employment, 1,145 unemployed youth Checking Authenticity of the Semen
were provided self-employment during the Straw, Generation of request for Artificial
year 2019-20. Insemination, Treatment, Help in Crisis ,
3.82 In order to encourage under- Vaccination, Deworming, Tagging,
privileged sections of the society to rear Animal Registration including remote
livestock for their livelihood, a special access to Animal Registration Record,
provision of 50 percent subsidy has been Nutrition counselling, Pashu Kishan
made for establishment of dairy, piggery, Credit Card required by the farmers,
sheep and goat units for Scheduled Insurance for each animal and various
Caste families. Under this scheme, 1,400 other services.
livestock units have been established 3.85 To encourage the livestock
during the year 2019-20 upto December, owners to rear the good quality animals,

and to generate awareness about the in the State. During the year 2019-20,
modern animal husbandry practices and 22 district level livestock shows have been
dairy equipment, the Govt. has decided to organized in the State.
organize the district-wise livestock shows
3.86 After Green and White annum. The Department has planned to
Revolution, the State of Haryana is now on bring an additional 200 hectare area under
the threshold of Blue Revolution. Fish saline water fish farming during 2019-20.
culture as subsidiary occupation is Re-circulatory Aquaculture System
becoming popular among fish farmers of (RAS)
the State. Fisheries occupies a very 3.87 To double the income of fish
important place in the social economic farmers and fish production, department
development of the country and has introduced the concept of RAS,
progressively this sector is inching towards which is a new and unique way of fish
becoming an important source of farming at high stocking rate in indoor
generation of income and employment in tanks with controlled water parameters.
rural areas. The Department of Fisheries, To encourage the practice of water
to this end promotes the growth in this
conservation, the Department will
sector mainly by bringing maximum
establish 15 units of RAS across the
available water area under fish farming.
State during the year 2019-20.
Haryana also happens to be the only land
3.88 The Department also proposes
locked State to intensively promote
through better management of resources
Shrimp farming in the waterlogged and
and application of technology to increase
underground saline water affected areas.
the productivity to 11,000 kg/hect./year,
The Department makes quality fish seed
which is the second highest in India. For
available to the fish farmers and the house
the first time in Haryana State during the
would further be delighted to know that
year 2019-20, department will develop
the State of Haryana has been declared as
water logged area by aggregation and
“Fish Disease Free State” by the NBFGR
enhance the income of the fish farmers in
Lukhnow, India Council of Agriculture
these areas. During the year 2019-20, a
& Research (ICAR). During the year
modernized fish market will be established
2018-19, Haryana has covered
and 935 lakh fish fingerling will be
approximately 17307.75 hectares of rural
produced at 15 Govt. Fish Seed Farms of
water bodies under intensive fish farming,
Haryana. An additional 3,500 hectare of
which produced 1,84,142.46 M.T. of fish
saline water logged area will be covered
by stocking of 1,565.44 lakh fish
under fish/shrimp culture and 3 units of
fingerling. This area will be increased
fish feed mills will be established.
to 21,000 hectare for producing
approximately 2.41 lakh M.T. of fish per


FOOD, CIVIL SUPPLIES AND Haryana State has been made kerosene
CONSUMER AFFAIRS free w.e.f. 01.04.2017. Budget provision of
Prime Minister Ujjwala Yojana ` 36 crore has been made under Head
(PMUY) “90-Kerosine Free Haryana”.
3.89 The Government of Haryana Targeted Public Distribution System
has launched PMUY from 1st May, 2016 (TPDS)
under which BPL families are provided 3.92 Operation of TPDS with
LPG connection with a subsidy of ` 1,600 special emphasis on Below Poverty Line
per family. The BPL families suffering (BPL), including Antodaya Anna Yojana
from any of the 7 deprivations in the Socio (AAY) families is another important
Economic Caste Census (SECC)-2011 list, activity of Food, Civil Supplies &
have been made eligible under PMUY. Consumer Affairs Department, Haryana.
There are certain families in the state BPL In the State there are 2,50,702 AAY,
list who do not figure in SECC-2011, the 8,66,580 BPL and 15,79,782 OPH
Govt. has decided to pay them subsidy families. With the implementation of
amount from the State Budget. The State National Food Security Act. (NFSA) 2013
Govt. has allocated a fund of ` 20 crore for in the state as much as 50.05 lakh M.T. of
financial year 2017-18 for issuing the LPG wheat at a subsidized rate of ` 2 per kg
connection to BPL families who do not has already been distributed among the
figure in SECC-2011 list. 6,21,305 LPG beneficiaries from April, 2019 to
connections have been issued under December, 2019.
PMUY and 1,78,833 connections issued National Food Security Act, 2013
from the State fund up to 31.12.2019. 3.93 The Act classifies the eligible
Scheme for Subsidized LPG Connection households into two categories i.e.
to Other Priority Households (OPH) Antodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) families
3.90 The Govt. has also launched a and Priority Households (PHs) in the State.
scheme “Scheme for Subsidized LPG Under AAY beneficiaries will continue to
Connection to Other Priority Households” get 35 kg. of foodgrains per month at
who do not have LPG connection in their highly subsidized rates ` 2 per kg. and
family. The beneficiaries will bear each member of Priority Household will
expenditure of ` 633 for various charges, get 5 kg. of wheat at the same rate. The
whereas the State Govt. will provide National Food Security Act is a bold
subsidy of ` 1,600 on account of the initiative to provide Food Security to poor,
security for Cylinder and Regulator. 9,471 thereby reducing chronic malnutrition in a
LPG gas connections have been issued substantial manner. Due to discontinuation
under this scheme up to 31.12.2019. of Dal Roti Scheme, the State Government
Kerosene Free Haryana has replaced Dal with the 1 litre Mustard
3.91 On the Occasion of “Haryana Oil to all the BPL families @ ` 20 per litre
Day Golden Jubilee Celebration” on from January, 2018, which was increased
1st November, 2016, eight districts namely: from 1 litre to 2 litre per family from June,
Gurugram, Jhajjar, Panipat, Karnal, 2018. From January, 2018 the BPL
Kurukshetra, Ambala, Yamunanagar and families are also being issued 1 kg. Sugar
Panchkula have been made kerosene free per ration card. At present total number of
by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. The entire BPL families are about 8 lakh in the State.

Procurement Consumer Affairs. Its toll free number
3.94 Department of Food, Civil is 1800-180-2087. The helpline was
Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Haryana made functional w.e.f. 12.08.2013. State
procures food/coarse grains with a view to Consumer Helpline is helping consumers
ensure that farmers get remunerative prices by giving guidelines/advice to sort out
for their produce and do not have to resort their complaints in every sphere. Since its
to distress sale. The details of procurement inception (on 12.08.2013) approximately
and Minimum Support Prices (MSP) from 34,442 complaints have been received
2012-13 to 2019-20 in the State are given upto 31.12.2019. Out of which 34,427
in Table 3.25. (99.96 percent) complaints have been
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 resolved successfully.
3.95 Enforcement of the Provisions of Legal Metrology
the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and 3.97 The Legal Metrology Act,
creation of awareness among consumers 2009 was formulated by the Govt. of India
are other important activities of the to establish and enforce Standards of
Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Weights and Measures, to regulate trade
Department. In the State, District Forum and commerce in weights, measures and
has been established in all Districts. other goods which are sold or distributed
Setting up of Consumer Helpline by weights, measures or number in the
3.96 A Consumer Helpline in the interest of consumers by ensuring correct
State of Haryana has been established in Weights and Measures in various
the Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies & transactions. During the year 2018-19,
Table 3.25- Procurement and Minimum Support Prices.
Year Wheat MSP of Paddy MSP of Paddy ( `/Qtl.) Bajra MSP of
Procured Wheat Procured Procured Bajra
(Lakh ( `/Qtl.) (Lakh (Lakh ( `/Qtl.)
Tonne) Tonne) Common Grade-A Tonne)
2013-14 58.56 1350 35.87 1310 1345 - 1250
2014-15 65.08 1400 30.07 1360 1400 - 1250
2015-16 67.70 1450 42.59 1410 1450 0.05 1275
2016-17 67.54 1525 53.48 1470 1510 0.06 1330
2017-18 74.25 1625 59.57 1550 1590 0.31 1470
2018-19 87.57 1735 58.82 1750 1770 1.83 1950
2019-20 93.60 1840 64.34 1815 1835 2.67 2000
Table 3.26- Checking and Action Taken Against Petrol Pumps and LPG Dealers.
Year No. of Samples found Action taken No. of No. of Action taken
Petrol below ISI LPG defaulter
Pumps specification dealers dealers
Petrol Diesel FIR Other Supply FIR
lodged action suspended lodged
2013-14 2325 0 0 0 3 383 3 2 1
2014-15 2419 0 0 0 2 387 1 0 1
2015-16 2218 0 0 0 0 397 10 0 0
2016-17 2633 0 0 0 0 477 1 0 0
2017-18 2796 0 0 0 0 538 0 0 0
2018-19 2960 0 3 3 0 610 0 0 1
2019-20 2964 0 0 0 0 614 0 0 0
(Upto Sept., 2018)
Source: Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Haryana.

against the target of ` 17.90 crore, revenue 31.12.2019. Procurement agency wise
receipts of `15.23 crore have been storage capacity details is Food, Civil
collected and during the year 2019-20 Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department
(upto 31.12.2019) the revenue receipts of 3.81 lakh, Hafed 13.01 lakh, HSWC 15.26
`14.22 crore have been collected by Legal lakh, HAIC 1.79 lakh, FCI 7.58 lakh,
Metrology Organisation. CWC 4.55 lakh, HSAMB 4.19 lakh PEG
Brick-kilns Scheme 34.02 lakh and silos capacity
3.98 Keeping in view the health 3 lakh M.T. The covered godowns by
point of citizens State Govt. has issued a Food Department are currently under
policy dated 28.7.2017 regarding brick construction at Bhorsainda (Kurukshetra)
kilns to establish zig-zag technique to 26,380 MT, Kharkhoda (Sonepat) 42,200
make the state pollution free. According to MT, Sainmajra (Ambala) 15,600 MT,
this policy all brick kilns in the state will Shahjadpur (Ambala) 2,340 MT and Hisar
be converted to zig-zag or any other 40,656 MT which in turn the total
improved emission technique approved 1,27,176 MT capacity Godowns.
by EPCA/HSPCB. About 78 percent brick Construction of Steel Silos
kilns have been converted into zig-zag 3.101 Govt. of India has set a target
technology and restore being converted. of constructing silos for a capacity of
There is no permission to operate brick 9.50 lakh M.T. Out of this the FCI is
kiln without zig-zag technology. constructing for a capacity of 3.00 lakh
Citizen Centric Service MT steel silos at Rohtak, Jind, Palwal,
3.99 Eight services concerning Panipat, Bhattu and Sonepat for a capacity
Ration Cards like issuance of new ration of 50,000 MT each. The state government
card, duplicate ration card, surrender will construct steel silos for the remaining
certificate, inclusion/exclusion of family capacity i.e. 6.50 lakh MT at Ambala
member, change of address and change of 1,00,000, Faridabad 50,000, Bhiwani
fair price shop etc. has been given fixed 50,000, Rohtak 50,000, Jagadhari 50,000,
timeframe for facilitating quick services to Karnal 75,000, Taroari 75,000, Hansi
the public. The process for all these 50,000, Uchana 50,000 and Kurukshetra
services has been simplified by recasting 1,00,000 MT on PPP mode.
of application forms. The State 3.102 End to End Computerization
Government vide Notification dated under TPDS Operations
07.05.2015 has notified the services both  Maintenance of Services: Under the
for urban and rural areas within the time project addition, deletion &
frame under the Right to Services Act, modification of beneficiaries in
2014. New simplified forms for all above database services is a continuous
services have been made available in all process. This process is being done at
field officer/PR Centres. 127 ration cards preparation centers
Storage by the IT professionals. Online
3.100 The State Govt. is cautious to allocation and supply chain
minimize the storage loss and enhance the management related activities have
covered storage capacity. The procurement been computerized and the same is
agencies of the State have a covered being maintained by the dedicated
storage capacity of 87.21 lakh M.T. as on team of IT professionals. Point of Sale

(PoS) devices have been installed at scheme. Presently the Fortified atta is
all Fair Price Shops (PFS) in the State. being distributed in 5 districts (Ambala,
 Improve Quality of Services by IT Karnal, Hisar, Rohtak and Yamuna
Intervention: Commodities are being Nagar). The State Govt. is going to extend
supplied to all the beneficiaries after a this scheme in district Nuh (Mewat) and
adhar based biometric authentication. entire state will be covered within a year.
 Cashless Mode at FPS: PNB has Distribution of Onion under PDS
been selected as acquire bank for 3.104 To contain the rising prices of
implementation of Cashless mode at onion during October-November, 2019,
Fair Price Shops (FPS) in the State. the State Government has distributed
Pilot of the same is in progress in approximately 1,096 MT out of 1,139 MT
district Panchkula.These services are onion received from NAFED under Price
also available on SARAL Portal Support Scheme (PSS) @ ` 31 per kg to
(http://saralharyana. of the beneficiaries through Fair Price Shops
Haryana Govt. through which under PDS after biometric authentication
beneficiaries can apply or these through Pos (Point of Sale device).
services related to Ration Card by Distribution of Sugar under PDS
registering themselves online. 3.105 The Government of India is
Beneficiaries can apply for Ration providing 1 kg sugar per card per month
Card related Services by visiting CSC, only to Antodya Ann Yojana (AAY)
Atal Sewa Kendra and Antyodaya families. The State Government has
Saral Kendra. provided 1 kg sugar per card per month to
Distribution of fortified Atta each BPL family (BPL Families 8,65,752)
3.103 In order to address to issues @ ` 13.50 per kg per month since January,
of malnutrition including Vitamin B 12 2018. The State Government is bearing
deficiency, suffering of people from folate, ` 2.50 crore per month and ` 30 crore
RBC folate, distribution of Fortified Atta annually.
was started in Naraingarh and Barara Distribution of Bajara under NFSA
blocks of Ambala district form March, 3.106 The Bajra alongwith wheat
2018 on pilot project basis. The scheme under the National Food Security Act,
was extended in whole Ambala and Karnal 2013 is being distributed to 26,97,120
districts from February, 2019. From the families (1,19,62,989 members) at
month of October, 2019, three more subsidized rate of ` 1 per kg in the month
districts namely Hisar, Yamuna Nagar and of November, 2019 to January, 2020.
Rohtak have been included under the
HARYANA STATE CO-OP. SUPPLY Haryana as well as consumers in India.
& MARKETING FED. (HAFED) The main objectives of the federation are
3.107 Hafed is the largest apex to make arrangement for procurement,
cooperative federation of Haryana State. It marketing and processing of agricultural
came into existence on 1 November, 1966 produce and allied products, to make
alongwith the formation of Haryana as a arrangements for supply of agricultural
separate State. Since then it is playing a inputs such as fertilizers, seeds and agro
leading role in serving the farmers of chemicals and to facilitate the working of

the affiliated Co-operative Societies. The Supply of Fertilizers: Hafed has played
last 5 years turnover and profit of Hafed a vital role in making the timely
are given in Table 3.27. arrangement of Urea and DAP in the State
3.108 Notable achievements of and makes arrangement and selling Urea
Hafed are as under:- and DAP in the State through co-operative
Procurement of Paddy: Hafed has network as per direction of Agriculture
purchased 19.79 lakh M.T. Paddy during Department. 1.92 lakh M.T. Urea and 0.86
the Kharif-2019 season which constitutes lakh M.T. DAP was sold by Hafed during
about 31 percent of the total Paddy 2018-19. As on 31.12.2019, 0.90 lakh
procured by all the procurement agencies M.T. Urea and 0.09 lakh M.T. DAP sold
of the State. Hafed procured 18.06 lakh by Hafed.
M.T. Paddy during Kharif-2018 and 19.38 Sugar Mill Assandh: 44.58 lakh qtls. of
lakh M.T. Paddy during Kharif-2017 sugarcane was crushed by Hafed Sugar
season. Mill, Assandh during the crushing season
Procurement of Bajra: Hafed has 2018-19 and it achieved sugar recovery of
purchased 95,373 M.T. of Bajra in the 9.64 percent.
Kharif 2019. Hafed purchased 95,635 Marketing of Certified Wheat Seeds:
M.T. Bajra in the Kharif 2018 season, Hafed has sold 62,922 qtls. of wheat seed
whereas in Kharif-2017, 25,114 M.T. in the year 2018-19 with a profit of
bajra was purchased. ` 4 crore. Whereas in the year 2017-18
Procurement of Wheat: Hafed has Hafed had sold 58,666 qtls. with a profit of
purchased 39.17 lakh M.T. of Wheat ` 2.89 crore.
during Rabi-2019 season which constitutes Marketing of Consumer Products:
about 39.17 percent of the total Wheat Consumer products amounting to ` 261.95
procured by all the procurement agencies crore were sold by Hafed during 2018-19.
of the State. Hafed purchased 35.28 lakh During 2017-18, consumer products
M.T. of Wheat during Rabi-2018 season. amounting to ` 161.65 crore were sold.
Table 3.27- Turnover and Profit of Hafed. e-Procurement and e-Governance: The
( ` in crore) e-tendering for all activities has already
Year Turnover Profit been started on the new portal
2014-15 8,501.00 20.31 ( to
2015-16 8,780.11 3806 ensure transparency in the tendering
2016-17 8,940.90 107.96 process. The IT Governance initiatives
of Online CM Window” and “Online
2017-18 9,352.70 76.29
“Biometric Attendance” have been
2018-19 12,307.00 41.47
successfully implemented by Hafed.
2019-20 15,728.00 49.22 3.109 Major initiatives/recognition of
Source: Hafed programme/activities of Hafed:-
Procurement of Sunflower: Hafed has 1. Fortification of its Edible Oils
purchased 8,477 M.T. of Sunflower in the (Soyabean and Cottonseed refined oil)
Rabi-2019 and 4,926 M.T. of Sunflower in 2. Hafed is supplying 18-20 lakh litre
the Rabi-2018 season at a minimum Fortified Mustard Oil with Vitamin
support price on behalf of NAFED and A&D on monthly basis under PDS
State Govt. Scheme.

3. Hafed is supplying aprox. 78000 qtls. 75 years lease. The final approval from
Fortified Atta on monthly basis under Ministry of Food Processing Industry,
PDS Scheme. Government of India was received on
4. As per announcement of Hon’ble 21.02.2018 and as per approval the project
Chief Minister, Haryana, Hafed is is required to be completed within 30
planning to set up a Flour Mill of 50 months.
TPD capacity at Jatusana, District 6. Hafed has also planned to revive its
Rewari. exports activity and action in this
5. Hafed has started setting up of Mega direction is already initiated.
Food Project at IMT, Rohtak, with an 7. Strengthening of Hafed as well as
estimated project cost of ` 179.75 other cooperatives by cross selling
crore for which Hafed has already their product.
taken 50 acres land from HSIDC on

3.110 Haryana State Warehousing farmers, Govt. agencies, public enterprises,
Corporation (HSWC) is a statutory body traders, etc. At the time of its inception, it
created for providing scientific storage has only 7,000 MT capacity of own
facilities for a wide range of agricultural godowns. At present, the Corporation is
produce and notified commodities to the operating 111 Warehouses, 105 owned and
Table 3.28 Financial Status of the Corporation.
( ` in lakh)
Particulars 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Authorized Capital 620 620 620 620
Paid up Capital (50 % each by 584 584 584 584
CWC & State Govt.)
Total Turnover 268823 319979 371600 482773
Profit before tax 3143 4414.44 7140.20 6760.75
Profit after tax 2345 2863.90 4687.36 4413.54
Source: Haryana State Warehousing Corporation.

6 on management basis, across the State for the year 2017-18. The financial status
with a total storage capacity of 22.08 lakh of the corporation is given in Table 3.28.
M.T. which consists of covered godowns Construction of Steel Silos
of 19.71 lakh MT capacity and open 3.111 HSWC has been appointed
plinths of 2.37 lakh MT as on 30.11.2019. as Nodal Agency for construction of
During the year 2018-19, the corporation Steel Silos in the State. The Central
has earned a profit of ` 6,760.75 lakh Govt. has allocated 6 lakh M.T. capacity
before tax and ` 4,413.45 lakh after tax. It steel silos to be constructed in Haryana,
has also paid a dividend of ` 3.52 crore to for which the process has been started.
State Govt. as 15 percent of profit after tax

Notable Achievements Inland Container Depot
3.112 The Corporation has adopted 3.113 The Corporation is operating
Warehousing Management System vide an Inland Container Depot (ICD)-cum-
which all the transactions are proposed to Container Freight Station (CFS) at Rewari
be captured on real time basis which shall to provide cost effective services to the
increase efficiency and transparency of Importers and Exporters of Haryana and its
Corporation. Tally Software is also been adjoining area of the neighboring States.
installed and shall be made operational However, operations of ICD-cum-CFS,
before next Rabi Marketing Season. Rewari are being handled by CONCOR
Close Circuit TV (CCTV) cameras and w.e.f. 01.11.2008 under a Strategic
Solar Power Panels are being installed in Alliance Agreement with CONCOR
all campuses in a phased manner. The (a subsidiary of Indian Railway). Inland
Corporation has adopted an online transfer Container Depot, Rewari has been
policy for transparency in the transferring connected online through the Electronic
of its employees. The Corporation has also Data Inter-Change (EDI) system since
applied for ISO certifications for its 18.12.2009. During the year 2018-19,
working. The Corporation is also in the earning of ICD was ` 88.14 lakh whereas
process of installation of Solar Power the earning of ICD is ` 48.23 lakh during
Panels in all its campus in a phased the year 2019-20 (up to 30.11.2019).
AGRICULTURAL MARKETING 31.10.2019. The head wise detail is as
3.114 The Haryana State Agricultural under:-
Marketing Board (HSAMB) was set up  Mandi Works: The HSAMB has
on 1 August, 1969 for exercising spent an amount of ` 733.15 crore on
superintendence and control over the the development of New Grain/Vegetable
Market Committees in the State. Since its Markets and Up-gradation of facilities in the
inception, the Board has established 113 existing markets. The development works to
Principal Yards, 168 Sub-yards and 196 the tune of ` 212.39 crore for providing such
Purchase Centres. In addition to this, the facilities in the Mandis are in progress.
Board has also constructed 5,378 numbers Recently, HSAMB has developed many
rural link roads having length 13,886 kms. major Mandis in the State. Development
works of a number of Major Mandis are in
till 31.10.2019.
progress and are likely to be completed
Development Works
during 2019-20 with an approximate cost of
3.115 The HSAMB has spent an
` 150 crore.
amount of ` 2,520.26 crore on the
 Construction of New Link Roads:
Development/Up-gradation of Grain/
During the present regime, HSAMB has
Vegetable Markets, construction &
completed the construction of 998 new link
maintenance of Link Roads during the roads having length 2,780 km. with an
tenure of present Government. The total expenditure of ` 928.62 crore. The work on
expenditure of ` 378.63 crore has been 589 link roads having length of 1,536 km.
made on the development works during with an estimated cost of ` 494.23 crore
current financial year 2019-20 upto are in progress at various stages.

 Special Repair of Link Roads: terms of maximum invoices in E-Payments
The HSAMB is undertaking the work of with 18,907 invoices valuing ` 35.73 crore
maintenance of link roads constructed by it benefiting 5,639 farmers till 31.10.2019.
on actual need basis. The special repair e-Kharid
works on 1,615 link roads having length 3.119 The Government of Haryana has
of 4,612 kms. with an expenditure of embarked on a revolutionary e-governance
` 805.80 crore have been completed. The initiative through “e-Kharid” project to bring
special repair works on 884 number link in transparency at all levels in the Food
roads having length of 1302.45 kms. with Grains procurement processes, to extend
an estimated cost of ` 136.66 crore are in ease of doing business to the traders and to
progress at various stages. empower the farmers by providing real time
Market Fee information and timely payments. The
3.116 A target of ` 850 crore was fixed “e-Kharid” system is a joint initiative of
as target for collection of market fee in the the Haryana State Agricultural Marketing
Board and the Food, Civil Supplies &
current financial year 2019-20. An amount
Consumer Affairs, Department. The
of ` 533 crore has so far been collected.
commodity valuing ` 37,000 crore has been
IT Initiatives
traded through this portal upto 31.10.2019.
3.117 The HSAMB has started a
Weigh Bridges
number of marketing reform systems such
3.120 The work for installation of 140
as e-NAM, e-Kharid, Installation of Weigh
Weigh Bridges, in 26 Mandis identified, for
Bridges on the Mandi gates and PPM
e-NAM with an estimated cost of ` 27.10
(Plot & Property Management).
crore has been started. The installation of
61 weigh bridges has been completed
3.118 National Agricultural Market
and the work on 17 weigh bridges are in
(NAM) is envisaged as a pan-India
progress. An expenditure of ` 10.76 crore
electronic trading portal which seeks to
has been incurred upto 31.10.2019. The
network the existing APMC and other
work is likely to be completed by
market yards to create a Global market
platform for agricultural commodities.
Farmers Market
Haryana is one of the 18 States/UTs in
3.121 The Board has established
India who has implemented e-NAM in 54
Farmer’s Markets in Sector-20 at
APMC. Govt. of India has approved
Panchkula, Sonipat and Gurugram with the
additional 27 Mandis on 03.01.2019 for
objective to ensure fair price to the
connecting with E-NAM portal. The
farmer’s produce without middle-men
progress of Haryana under the project can
intervention. The other objective of this
be gauged by the fact that Haryana has
market is to provide fresh fruits &
traded about 1,150 lakh quintal of arrivals
vegetables to the consumers at a nominal
valuing ` 28,260.54 crore. Haryana is also
price. The Board has also planned a new
the first State to start the payment on
Apple Fruit and Vegetable Market at
line through e-NAM portal in Charki
Pinjore on an area of 78.33 acres.
Dadri. Haryana stands 1st in country in



Industrialization is regarded as essential for rapid development of any country
or state, as it plays a vital and crucial role in the development of an economy.
It accelerates economic growth in a State and thereby increases the contribution of
Industry Sector in the State Domestic Product and contributes significantly to
employment. It represents a process that involves economic and social changes. The
impact of this process is the transformation of a society from the pre-industrial stage
into industrial state. To position the state as a pre-eminent Investment destination and
facilitate balanced regional & sustainable development supported by a dynamic
governance system, the state government has adopted a wide scale of innovation &
technology, and skill development for nurturing entrepreneurship and generating
employment opportunities.
4.2 At the very beginning, way 4.4 The Government of Haryana is
back when the present Government came determined to create an ecosystem in
into power, it launched a path breaking which ‘Ease of Doing Business’ (EoDB)
‘Enterprise Promotion Policy- 2015’ (EPP) guided by Minimum Government and
to propel the State to the next level of Maximum Governance in the State
growth trajectory. The policy is aligned matches and even exceeds the best global
with ‘Make in India', 'Digital India' and standards.
'Skilling India' campaigns of Government 4.5 In 2015, when Government of
of India and offers best in class incentives India launched the Ease of Doing Business
to attract investments in the State. ranking for the States, Haryana was ranked
4.3 The first and foremost agenda at the 14th position. Realizing the
of the State Government is to strengthen importance of improving the business
the business climate of the State thereby ecosystem, the State brought in major
making Haryana a global investment regulatory reforms, which brought the
destination of choice. The Government is State to 6th position in 2016, making
continuously working towards this goal by Haryana a leading improver in the country.
implementing various reforms to reduce Haryana ranked 3rd in the country and
the regulatory burden and attract private 1st in North India in Ease of Doing
sector participation in the State’s economy. Business 2017-18 ranking released by

Department of Industrial Policy and these clusters along with
Promotion, Government of India. The identification and commissioning
State moved up 3 places. The major of few more MSE-CDP clusters
reforms are being undertaken by the State during the current regime.
Government which is given as under:-  Under the Mini Cluster Scheme
 The State Government will of the State Government, 23 mini
continue to focus on path breaking clusters were sanctioned and are at
reforms and measures to ensure various stages of its
employment generation on the back implementation. Our focus is to
of Greenfield investments with an start functioning of these clusters
emphasis on balanced regional along with identification and
development through geographical commissioning of some more mini
disbursal of industry. clusters in the current regime.
 Further, to reduce the Cost of  Further, Government of Haryana is
Doing Business in Haryana, the conducting an Industrial Survey
Department of Industries and (GPS based) for evidence-based
Commerce has launched five sector policy making and main streaming
specific policies such as Agri. of industries located in non-
Business and Food Processing, conforming zone, and complete
Textile, Warehousing-Logistics & this industrial survey activity by
Retail, Pharmaceutical and MSME June in this year.
to offer best in class incentives to  Availability of planned industrial
investors. Our focus will be on infrastructure plays a critical role in
ground implementation of these attracting industrial investment
policies to attract investments and and generating employment. The
to ensure employment to the people Panchgram project along the KMP
of Haryana. The State is also in the expressway is one of the flagship
process of formulating a Data projects conceptualized and
Centre Policy and an Electrical launched of the State. This
Vehicle Policy. visionary concept envisages
 The State Government continues to development of 5 cities of approx.
adopt comprehensive approach to 50,000 Ha area each to be planned
assist the MSME Sector in and completed in a time-bound
becoming globally competitive. manner.
The Government has adopted 4.6 Further, as part of Integrated Aviation
strategy for establishment of Hub, over 4,000 acres of land in IAH Hisar
will be utilised for industrial development to
Common Facilitation Centres
provide facilities such warehousing, cargo,
under the Cluster Development
MRO/FBO facilities, training & simulation
Scheme of GoI to generate centres, Aerospace University and aerospace/
employment opportunities. 13 defence Manufacturing Park. In addition,
MSE-CDPs clusters are at various International Cargo and passenger Airport will
stages of implementation and our be planned here apart from establishment of
focus is to start functioning of FBO (Fixed Based Operations) and MRO.

Table 4.1-Year-wise Physical and Financial Targets and Achievements.
Year Targets Achievements Percentage of
Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial
(No. of project) (` in lakh) (No. of project) (` in lakh) (No. of project) (` in lakh)

2014-15 970 1086.54 603 1238.49 62.16 113.98

2015-16 670 1338.96 594 1152.67 88.66 86.09
2016-17 674 1348.53 614 1178.76 91.10 87.41
2017-18 754 1508.84 905 1889.16 120.03 125.21
2018-19 770 1976.44 1149 2394.14 149.22 121.13
2019-20 815 2521.29 534 1108.39 65.52 43.96
(Upto 13.12.2019)
Source: Industry and Commerce Department, Haryana.

4.7 Other key industrial projects Prime Minister's Employment Generation

which will also be pursued in the next 5 Programme Scheme
4.9 The main objectives of this
years include the Integrated Multi Modal
scheme are to provide employment
Logistics Hub to be developed over 1,200
opportunities for setting up venture in Micro
acres at Nangal Chaudhary, Narnaul and
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).
the Global City at Gurugram, over 1,000
25 percent and 15 percent of the project cost
acres as part of the Manesar Urban
in rural area and urban area, respectively
Development Complex in the sub region
will be provided as subsidy to the General
of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. Categories applicant and 10 percent of the
Shifting of Kherki Daula Toll to Panch project cost will be contributed by the
Gaon Chowk will be taken up by the State beneficiary of the General category as an
Government on priority. equity participation. 35 and 25 percent of the
4.8 Performance of the state on project cost of the project cost in rural area
export front is appreciable despite the lack and urban area, respectively will be provided
of natural resources and state’s distance as subsidy to the SC/ST/OBC, Minority,
from the sea ports. Starting with exports of Ex-serviceman, Woman, Physically
` 4.5 crore during 1967-68, the state today Handicap and 5 percent of the project cost
accounts for exports of nearly ` 98,570.24 to be contributed by the beneficiary as
crore in 2018-19. We are at No. 5 rank in an equity participation. Targets and
the Country in terms of volume of exports. achievements are given in Table 4.1.
INDUSTRIES BOARD KVICs programme and in promoting and
4.10 The Haryana Government developing Khadi and Village Industries in
established the Haryana Khadi & Village rural area. The objectives of the Board include
skill improvement, employment generation
Industries Board by issuing a
in rural area, transfer of technology, rural
Notification dated 01.02.1969 under industrialization, promoting self-reliance
Section 3(1) of the Punjab Khadi and among the people and building up a strong
Village Industries Board Act, 1955. The rural community base. Other objectives are as
Board plays a vital role to carry the under:-

• To provide financing to eligible Ex. Servicemen and Minority Community
borrowers through different Banks. etc.
• To provide the training to persons 4.12 During the year 2018-19, targets
employed or desirous if seeking were fixed for 570 projects involving
employment in KVI Sector. margin money of ` 1,484.25 lakh. Out of
• Development in Khadi and Village that, 658 projects involving Margin Money
Industries Sector. of ` 1,684.92 lakh were achieved. During
• Promotion of sale and marketing of
the year 2019-20, target has been fixed for
Khadi and Village Industries products.
Prime Minister Employment Generation 611 projects involving Margin Money of
Programme ` 1,890.96 lakh. Out of this, 358 projects
4.11 The Government of India is involving Margin Money of ` 871.52 lakh
implementing a credit linked subsidy have been achieved upto 29.01.2020.
programme called Prime Minister Khadi and Village Industries Outlet
Employment Generation Programme 4.13 An outlet has been opened
(PMEGP) for generation of employment from 1 November, 2018 for the sale of
opportunities through establishment of products manufactured by the units
micro enterprises in rural and urban areas. financed by the Haryana Khadi and
The Programme is implemented through Village Industries Board, which has been
Banks with one time Margin Money inaugurated. Action is being taken by
Assistance (subsidy). The rate of Margin Haryana Khadi and Village Industries
Money (subsidy) for projects of maximum Board to open an outlet in each district of
cost of ` 25 lakh is 25 percent for Haryana State. The 2nd Outlet has also
General Category and 35 percent for SC/ been opened in October, 2019 in Jhajjar
ST/OBC/Women/Physically Handicapped/ district.
4.14 Mines and Geology Department systematic development of mining in
is responsible for systematic exploration the country in relation to grant of
and exploitation of the mineral resources mineral concessions.
available in the State following the • Mineral Concession Rules, 1960: The
principles of sustainable development. Rules framed by the Central
Haryana State is not known to have Government for grant of mineral
significant deposits of any major minerals concessions of major minerals.
and its mining operations are largely • Haryana Minor Mineral Concession,
confined to the mining of minor minerals Stocking, Transportation of Minerals
such as Stone, Boulder, Gravel, Sand, etc. and Prevention of Illegal Mining
which are largely used in the construction Rules, 2012 notified on 20.06.2012.
industry. The State Rules have been framed
4.15 The Mines & Geology under Section 15 & 23C of the Central
Department is responsible for the Act, 1957 repealing the prevailing
administration of following statutes rules namely the Punjab Minor Mineral
• Mines and Minerals (Development & Concession Rules, 1964, for regulation
Regulation) Act, 1957: It is a Central of Mineral Concessions of Minor
Act and provides for provision of Minerals.
• Haryana Minerals (Vesting of Rights) been framed so that small entrepreneurs can
Act, 1973. enter into the mining business. Preventing
• Haryana Regulation and Control of any type of cartel formation or monopoly.
Crushers Act, 1991 (commonly This is also being adhered to during this
referred to as the Stone Crushers Act, financial year 2019-20. Out of total of 119
1991) and Rules framed there under to minor mineral mines, 76 numbers of mines
regulate the operations of stone crusher have been allocated through competitive
in the State. bidding process upto October, 2019. One
stone mine of village Khanak, District
• Haryana District Mineral Foundation
Bhiwani has been granted to HSIIDC the
Rules, 2017.
State PSU, on nomination basis in relaxation
4.16 The mining operations are
of the Rules. Among these granted Mineral
being allowed only after required
Concessions, 51 numbers of mines had
“Environmental Clearance” as per
already commenced mining after obtaining
requirement of Environmental Impact all required approvals including
Assessment of (EIA) notification dated environmental clearance, whereas 52
14.09.2006 of the Ministry of Environment numbers of mines are lying vacant. The
Forests and Climate Changes, Government details of the same are given in Table 4.2.
of India and Consent to Operate from the 4.18 Incidence of Illegal Mining
Haryana State Pollution Control Board. At • There is no case of organized illegal
present in the region of district mining of any mineral in the State of Haryana,
Mahendergarh, the mining operations are however stray incidents of theft of minerals do
being undertaken by the respective lease come to the notice and they are strictly dealt
holders in villages Bakhrija, Amarpur with as per the law. Such incidents, including the
Jorasi, Bayal, Musnota, Narnaul, Garhi and cases of transportation of minerals from other
adjoining States without valid supporting
Mukundpura under valid mining leases
documents i.e. without valid cash bill/
after obtaining the Environmental
weighment slips, are dealt as per provisions
Clearance from the competent authority under Section 21(5) of the Mines and Minerals
and CTO of the HSPCB. The related (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957 by
authorities maintains regular vigil to imposing penalty. Apart from this, FIRs are also
ensure that mining is undertaken as per being lodged against the persons found
required rules and regulation and no indulging in illegal mining.
damage is caused to the ecology. • The Government has notified the District
4.17 The process of granting of Level Task Force under the Chairmanship of
mineral concession in respect of Minor respective Deputy Commissioner with
Superintendent of Police and other related senior
Minerals throughout the State, which was
functionaries as members in each of the
initiated in the financial year 2016-17,
concerned district, in order to monitor/stop any
is continued in this financial year incidence of illegal mining and ensure
2019-20 also, whereby several mineral compliance with the orders of the Hon’ble
concessions were granted by the Supreme Court of India. Further, the action
department. The policy of the State taken by these Task Forces are reviewed by the
Government to grant smaller mining State Level Task Force under the Chairmanship
blocks/ areas for mineral concessions has of the Chief Secretary.

Table 4.2- District-wise Detail of Mines in the State.

Sr. District Total Number Total Number of Number of Mines No. of

No. of Mines Mines Allocated Presently Lying Operational
Vacant/to be Mines
1 Panchkula 18 08 10 04
2 Ambala 10 03 07 02
3 Yamuna Nagar 33 27 06 22
4 Kurukshetra 01 00 01 00
5 Karnal 04 01 03 01
6 Panipat 03 03 00 01
7 Sonipat 15 10 11 04
8 Faridabad 02 01 01 00
9 Palwal 02 00 02 00
10 Bhiwani 02 02 00 02
11 Charkhi Dadari 14 14 03 11
12 Hisar 01 00 01 00
13 Rewari 01 00 01 00
14 Mahendergarh 03 00 03 00
15 Mahendergarh 10 07 03 04
Total 119 76 52 51
Source: Mines & Geology Department, Haryana.

Table 4.3- District-wise No. of Cases of Vehicles Seized in the State.

Sr. No. District Total number of cases (w.e.f 28.08.2019 to 31.12.2019)

1 Panipat and Karnal 32
2 Faridabad/Palwal 55
3 Sonipat 60
4 Yamunanagar 149
5 Gurugram and Nuh 19
6 Mahendergarh and Narnaul 47
7 Ambala 20
8 Hisar & Fatehabad 2
9 Sirsa 0
10 Rohtak & Jhajjar 0
11 Panchkula 28
12 Charkhi Dadri 0
13 Kurukshetra 10
14 Rewari 1
15 Bhiwani 0
16 Jind 4
Grand Total 427
Source: Mines & Geology Department, Haryana.

Table 4.4- Cases of Illegal Mining Came to Notice & Action Taken.
Year No. of cases of illegal mining Penalty No. of FIRs
including transportation of realized in lodged
mineral without valid (` in lakh)
2011-12 1588 263.33 117
2012-13 2564 163.31 122
2013-14 4518 991.59 148
2014-15 5333 1451.71 245
2015-16 3912 838.55 78
2016-17 1963 435.34 121
2017-18 1748 480.73 228
2018-19 2009 484.08 252
2019-20 619 222.82 110
(up to November, 2019)
Total 24,632 5467.24 1,468
Source: Mines & Geology Department, Haryana.

• Apart from checking by the department seized w.e.f. 28.08.2019 to 31.12.2019 are
of Mines and Geology, all other related given in Table 4.3.
departments such as Forest, Pollution • The action being taken by such mining
Control Board, Transport and Police are and police joint teams is being
taking appropriate steps to curb illegal reviewed/monitored at the highest level by
mining. the Police and Mines & Geology
• Though there is no case of organized Department. The status qua cases of illegal
illegal mining in the State, however, mining/theft of minerals/ vehicles found
sporadic cases of illegal mining/ without valid proof of legal sources in the
transportation of illegally mined minerals state during last 09 years is given in
do come to notice. Such cases are dealt as Table 4.4.
per law/state rules. However, the Hon’ble • The State of Haryana is working on
NGT vide order dated 23.04.2019 in OA zero tolerance policy against illegal
No. 668 of 2018-Surender Singh V/s State mining and all necessary steps are being
directed that alongwith royalty, price of taken to ensure that no illegal mining takes
mineral and penalty, compensation amount place in any part of the state. It is factually
equivalent to atleast 50 percent of wrong to say that any mining mafia is
showroom value of vehicle is also required thriving in the state including district
to be recovered before releasing the Mahendergarh.
vehicles found indulged in illegal District Mineral Foundation
mining/transportation of illegally mined 4.19 The Central Government
minerals. Accordingly action as per orders amended Mines & Minerals (Development
of Hon’ble NGT dated 23.04.2019 is being and Regulation) Act, 1957 in January,
taken against vehicles found indulged in 2015. One of the amendments was the
illegal mining/transportation of illegally insertion of Section 9B, as per which
mined minerals. The details of vehicles District Mineral Foundations (DMF) for

each of the districts were to be constituted mineral concessions of small size mining
with object to work for the interest and units/blocks instead of big areas so that
benefit of persons and areas affected small entrepreneurs/persons who are
by mining and other mining related interested in business of mining could
operations. In order to ensure Reclamation enter into the business of mining.
and Rehabilitation of the mining area, the New Initiative
mines in operation are liable to pay 4.21 The department as a sample
additional amount of 10 percent to a Fund test has carried out survey of one stone
namely ‘Mines and Mineral Restoration mine of district Mahendegarh (Bakhrija -4)
and Rehabilitation Fund, the State through Drone. Similar surveys shall be
Government is also contributing 5 percent carried in other mining areas. The
of its income to this Fund. The DMFs in department is in process of signing a
the mining affected area/ districts would Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
be under the Chairmanship of the with Haryana Space Application Centre
respective Deputy Commissioners and (HARSAC) for demarcation of mining
with public representatives undertaking areas and Geo-Reference mapping.
works and implementing the “Pradhan E-Governance
Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana”, 4.22 The department is granting
which has the objectives: following service online through the portal
• To implement developmental and of HEPC. Hartron has been engaged for
welfare projects/programs in mining preparation of departmental portal/
affected areas, which will be application for following services:-
complementing the existing ongoing  Grant/Renewal of Mineral Dealer
schemes/projects of State and Central Licence;
Government;  Grant/Renewal of Stone Crusher;
 Grant/Renewal permit for Excavation
• To minimize/mitigate the adverse
of Brick Earth;
impacts, during and after mining, on
 Permit for Excavation of ordinary clay
the environment, health and socio- or earth; and
economic s t a t u s of people in  Permit for the Grant of Permission for
mining districts; and Disposal of Mineral.
• To ensure long-term sustainable • This will help in regulating the
livelihoods for the affected people in movement of all vehicles carrying
mining areas.
minerals going out from the mineral
Policy shift undertaken/proposed to be
undertaken and it’s impact/likely concession areas and to generate real
impact on the activities of the time data of the minerals so produced.
department It will also enhance more possibilities
4.20 Earlier Department was of mining operations to be undertaken
granting mineral concessions in respect of in a scientific and environmental
minor minerals by way of open auctions. friendly manner and all the important
However, now the department has information of various mines
switched over to e-auction system in order would be available on e-module. The
to have more transparency in the system. proposal of e-Governance would
The Department has started granting clearly define the roles,

responsibilities and instruments for material, stone in particular, is being met by
change expected by all stake holders. the adjoining states also. The operational
• E-Ravana System in all districts has stone mine in the state are able to cater to
been started w.e.f 1st January, 2020. around 60- 65 percent of the requirement of
Demand and supply of Stone/ Building Material the public and private projects in the state.
4.23 Due to protracted litigations The state is making all out efforts to get
pending before Hon’ble Supreme Court, more mining area operational so that
mining in the Aravalli Hill areas of the demand of construction material could
districts Faridabad, Gurugram and Mewat be met from the mines of the state itself.
has been lying closed. Though mining of The government took steps so that mining
stone in the districts of Mahendergah, in the state is resumed at the earliest to
Charkhi Dadri and Bhiwani is taking place make availability of construction material
but still due to shortage of construction
Table 4.5- The Revenue Receipts/Collections from Mining since 2005-06.
Sr. No. Years Income (` in crore)
1 2005-06 153.34
2 2006-07 136.26
3 2007-08 215.71
4 2008-09 195.42
5 2009-10 248.66
6 2010-11 78.38
7 2011-12 87.39
8 2012-13 70.83
9 2013-14 81.52
10 2014-15 43.89
11 2015-16 265.42
12 2016-17 494.16
13 2017-18 712.87
14 2018-19 583.20
15 2019-20(Upto Nov., 2019) 428.26
Total 3795.31
Source: Mines & Geology Department, Haryana.

at reasonable rates. On resumption of Revenues from Mining

4.24 The revenue receipts have been
mining now rori/bajri/dust of good quality
at record level ` 712.87 crore in the State
are available at about ` 17-19 per cubic
in financial year 2017-18. The revenue
feet. Whereas Sand (Yamuna Sand) is
receipts has been collected ` 583.20
available between ` 8-9 per cubic feet in
crore in financial year 2018-19 in given
Sonipat and between ` 18-20 per cubic feet
in district Karnal and nearby areas. Table 4.5.
4.25 Energy is a critical factor in the economy, it makes a direct and
infrastructure for sustained economic significant contribution to economy in
growth. In addition to its well- recognized term of revenue generation, increasing
role in development of different sectors of employment opportunity and enhancing

the quality of life. Hence, affordably from State’s own stations, 846.14 MW
priced reliable supply of electricity is from jointly owned projects (BBMB) and
necessary for effective development of the balance as share in central projects and
the State. Haryana State has limited Independent Private Power Projects. The
availability of natural sources of energy. power availability from these sources
There is very less Hydro Generation during the year 2018-19 was 5,15,733 lakh
potential in the State. Even the coal mines KWH. The power sold during the year
are far away located from the State. There 2018-19 was 4,07,090.10 lakh KWH. The
is very limited forest area. Wind velocity year-wise detail of installed generation
prevailing in the State is also not sufficient capacity, power availability and power
to exploit the power generation. Although, sold are given in Table 4.6.
the solar intensity is relatively higher but 4.27 The total number of electricity
the land area limitation does not encourage consumers in the State has increased
large scale harnessing of this resource. from 35,44,380 in 2001-02 to 65,77,058 in
4.26 The total installed capacity 2018-19. The category-wise number
available to the State at present is of electricity consumers is given in
11,971.42 MW. It include 2.582.4 MW Table 4.7.
Table 4.6- Installed Generation Capacity, Power Availability and Power Sold in State.
Year Installed Total Installed Power Available Power Sold
Generation Capacity (MW) (lakh KWH) (lakh KWH)
Capacity* (MW)
1967-68 29 343 6010 5010
1970-71 29 486 12460 9030
1980-81 1074 1174 41480 33910
1990-91 1757 2229.5 90250 66410
2000-01 1780 3124.5 166017 154231
2010-11 4106 5997.83 296623 240125
2011-12 4106 6740.93 326473 266129.66
2012-13 4106 9839.43 343177 262576.03
2013-14 4060 9839.43 402779 288608.72
2014-15 4060 11102.32 438956 319972.00
2015-16 3611.37 11053.30 445111 322370.61
2016-17 3621.00 11065.00 454659 339931.52
2017-18 3621.37 11262.30 506044 382329.73
2018-19 3638.54 11750.72 515733 4,07,090.10
2019-20 3428.54 11971.42 427315 3,13,028.20
(Up to Dec 2019)
Source: UHBVN Ltd.
*This indicates the State’s own projects & share in jointly owned projects but excludes from Central Sector Projects i.e.
NHPC, NTPC, MARUTI, MAGNUM, NAPP, RAPP & IPPs (IGSTPS, Jhajjar, MGSTPS, Jhajjar and small Hydro & Solar
Projects etc.) etc.
4.28 The per capita consumption of i.e. 1,40,112.20 LUs followed by
electricity increased from 57 units in Agriculture Sector i.e. 97,142.95 LUs. For
1967-68 to 1,793.50 units in 2018-19. The Agriculture Sector, subsidy amounting to
consumption of electricity in the State ` 6,878.40 crore was given by State
during 2018-19 was 4,07,090.10 lakh Units Government in the year 2019-20. The
(LUs). The consumption of electricity sector-wise electricity consumed is given in
by the Industrial Sector was maximum Table 4.8.

Table 4.7- Number of Electricity Consumers in State.
Year Domestic Non- Industrial Tubewells Others Total
2001-02 2759547 347437 66247 361932 9217 3544380
2005-06 3119788 387520 70181 411769 11402 4000660
2010-11 3684410 462520 85705 520391 34896 4787922
2011-12 3849779 479366 88821 540406 38593 4996665
2012-13 4020928 502912 91087 561381 41919 5218227
2013-14 4136499 522110 93839 582605 46076 5281129
2014-15 4266675 547395 96887 603797 47265 5562019
2015-16 4419364 573848 99195 613973 45790 5752170
2016-17 4569311 597063 101388 621571 50825 5940158
2017-18 4841143 623455 104124 630487 25328 6224537
2018-19 5150007 653356 109076 638191 26428 6577058
2019-20 (Ending 5329344 676166 110533 641566 27144 6784753
Nov. 2019)
Source: UHBVN Ltd.
Table 4.8–Sector-wise Electricity Consumed Table 4.9 – Sector-wise Pending Electricity
in State. Bills in State.
LUs (` in lakh)
Sector 2018-19 2019-20
Sector 2019-20
Dec.,2019) (As on Dec., 2019)
Industrial 140112.2 91735.48 Industrial 603.57
Domestic 96232.61 83526
Agriculture 97142.95 80696.29 Domestic 3605.36
Commercial 45479.36 35806.45 Agriculture 180.98
Public Services 11745.26 8537.84
(Public Lighting & Commercial 499.88
Public Water Works)
Govt. Departments 405.95
Railways 1014.06 754.01 & Services
Miscellaneous 15363.61 11972.15
Total 5295.74
Total 407090.1 313028.2
Source: UHBVN Ltd.
Source: UHBVN Ltd.
4.29 Electricity bills pending in the amount is to be paid either as monthly or
State are ` 5,295.74 crore as on December, bi-monthly installments or in lump sum.
2019. The pending electricity bills Scheme is also applicable for settlement of
of Domestic Sector were maximum i.e. theft cases, provided the consumer deposits
` 3,605.36 crore. The sector-wise pending 50 percent of the assessed amount without
electricity bills are given in Table 4.9. surcharge and the compounded amount in
Settlement of Pending Electricity Bills full. The detail of scheme as on 31.01.2019
4.30 This scheme is applicable to is given in Table 4.10.
defaulting connected & disconnected Surcharge Waiver Scheme 2019
domestic consumers (having Whole Current 4.31 This Scheme was launched by
Meters) and non-domestic consumers (with the DISCOMs on 11.09.2019 for the
sanctioned load of 5 KW or less) in rural and waiver of delayed payment of surcharge
urban areas. Principal amount is calculated for AP consumers who are defaulter as
for the period from the date of default to 30th on 31.03.2019. As per the scheme, 100
June, 2018 as per the Supply Code. For BPL percent delayed payment surcharge amount
consumers, principal amount of last 12 is waived off on payment of outstanding
months will be payable and rest of principal amount in lump-sum. As on
arrears would be waived off. The principal 31.12.2019, 87,350 no. consumers have
opted the scheme and principal amount of issued the UDAY bonds of ` 17,300 crore
` 48.95 crore have been recovered waiving during the FY 2015-16 and of ` 8,650
off surcharge of ` 19.90 crore. crore during the FY 2016-17. The Haryana
Future Power Projects DISCOM have liquidated their high cost
4.32 Considering the need for debt from the proceeds of UDAY bonds.
maximizing power availability in the State, Balance debt remaining in the books of
various short term and long term measures Haryana DISCOMs are mainly Cash Credit
such as addition in capacity generation, Limits and Capex Loans. For meeting the
improvement in operational efficiency, target of 15 percent AT & C losses by
rehabilitation and extension of distribution 2018-19, a detailed Loss Reduction Plan
network etc. have been taken up. (LRP) has been prepared and is being
Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojna (UDAY) implemented. Concerted efforts have
4.33 This scheme was conceptualized by reduced AT&C losses by DISCOMs.
the Centre to ensure a sustainable solution During FY 2018-19, AT&C losses have
to the debt ridden power utilities to achieve been reduced from 20.29 percent to 17.45
financial stability and to improve their percent i.e. reduction of 2.84 percent as
operational efficiency for sustained compared to the previous year. During FY
growth. The State Govt. has adopted this 2017-18, Discoms have achieved financial
scheme. It is expected to boost the turnaround two years ahead of target year
operational and financial capacity of the and registered a net profit of ` 412.34
State Power Corporations. Under the crores. During FY 2018-19, Discoms have
schemes, the Govt. of Haryana has already again reported profit of ` 280.94 crore.
Table 4.10–Consumer Opted for Settlement of Pending Electricity Bills.
Name of DISCOM Number of Total amount paid Total amount
consumers opted under the scheme waived off under the
as on 31.01.2019 (` lakh) Scheme
(` lakh)
UHBVN 626555 18609.01 153926.91
DHBVN 734745 25143.20 226677.51
Total 1361300 43752.21 380604.42
Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power commissioned in the State. During
Plant Programme 2019-20, there is a target to install grid
4.34 The scheme aims to produce connected solar power plants of 142, out
electricity through solar energy by the of which 50 MW is under RESCO, 60
consumers of electricity in the State. MW is without subsidy, 12 MW under
Solar electricity is a green power which is State Plan, 10 MW Govt. Sector on
environment friendly as well as user CAPEX mode and 10 MW for private
friendly as it also helps in reducing the sector under subsidy. During the current
electricity bills of the consumers. In year, 20 MW capacity GCRT power
Haryana Solar Policy, it has been planned Plants (with and without subsidy) have
to install 1600 MW rooftop solar power been installed in the State.
project by the year 2022. Till March, 2019 Solar Water Pumping Programme
rooftop solar power project of about 4.35 To meet irrigation needs of
126 MW cumulative capacity have been farmers the Department of New and

Renewable Energy, Haryana & HAREDA promote paddy straw based biomass
had formulated a scheme to provide solar power projects in the State, the Govt. has
water pumps in the State. During 2016-17 allotted 4 paddy straw based biomass
and 2017-18, 750 solar pumps of 2 HP and power projects of 49.8 MW capacity in
5 HP were installed in the State with 90 Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Jind and Fatehabad
percent subsidy which includes 30 percent on pilot basis. These project are likely to
subsidy from the Govt. of India. During be commissioned by mid of 2020. This
2018-19, 2,300 pumps (2 HP to 10 HP will consume 5.70 lakh tonne of paddy
capacity) were installed in the State with straw as fuel annually.
75 percent State subsidy and 25 percent Led Based Solar Street Lighting
user share. The Department also plans to Systems
install 50,000 off-grid solar pumps of 3HP 4.38 To provide street lighting
to 10HP capacity to be implemented with facilities in the villages, the Department is
75 percent subsidy. These pumps shall be implementing stand alone LED Based
installed in two phases i.e. 1st phase of Solar Street Lighting scheme. In the
15,000 pumps will be installed out of Annual Plan 2019-20, there is a budget
which 2000 pumps will be installed during provision of ` 4 crore for installation of
the year 2019-20 and in 2nd phase 15,000 Standalone street lights with state subsidy
more pumps will be installed during the @ ` 4,000 per system.
year 2020-21. Solar Inverter Charger Programme
LED based SPV Home Lighting 4.39 To charge the battery bank of
“Manohar Jyoti” existing inverter from Solar Power, the
4.36 To meet the lighting energy department is promoting Solar Inverter
needs of the public, the Department has Charger consisting of solar panels
formulated a scheme to provide LED and interface charge controller. The
Based SPV Home Lighting named as approximate cost of 300 watt and 500 watt
“Manohar Jyoti”. This system has 2 LED systems is ` 14,750 and ` 21,000 and
luminary of 6 watt each, one LED tube subsidy @ ` 6,000 and ` 10,000,
light of 9 watt, 1 DC ceiling fan of 25 watt respectively shall be provided. The
and provision for 1 USB port for mobile beneficiaries have been selected through
charging. The State Govt. is providing draw system by concerned Additional
subsidy of `15,000 per system. During the Deputy Commissioner from applications
year 2019-20, 16,666 Manohar Jyoti’s will received online on SARAL portal. First
be provided to the people of the State out preference shall be given to those
of which 2,890 systems have already been households who are living in Dhanis
provided. located one km. beyond the Lal Dora in
Biomass Power Projects the rural area. During the year 2019-20,
4.37 The Haryana Govt. has with a budget provision of ` 21.664 crore,
notified the Haryana Bio-Energy Policy- 22,500 no. of systems i.e. 2,084 nos.
2018 on 09.03.2018. This Policy has a systems of 300 Watt and 20,416 nos. of
target of installation of biomass based system of 500 watt shall be installed out
power projects of 150 MW by 2022.To of which approx. 2,500 nos. of systems
tackle the issue of straw burning and to have already been installed.

Installation of Solar Power Plants in by Gau Sewa Aayog. During 2019-20,
Gaushalas in the first phase, solar power plants
4.40 Haryana Government has
of 2 MW cumulative capacity will
decided to install Solar Power Plants in all
be installed in 334 number of Gaushalas
the Gaushals in the State with 80 to 85
in the State with a grant of ` 919 lakh.
percent grant. The balance is to be borne
4.41 The Department of Building Code 2017 and the Energy
Architecture is the nodal agency of the Conservation Building Code notified by
Haryana Government for undertaking Government of Haryana are being adopted
architectural planning of Government to make building designs Eco-friendly and
Buildings of various State Government Energy efficient. The Department has
departments in a most economical, worked on various important schemes
aesthetic and appealing manner. This like New Administrative Blocks, Judicial
department plays a key role in the Complexes, Civil Hospitals including
planning and development of the vital CHC, PHC & SHC, Bus Stands, new
public infrastructure of the State being a PWD Rest houses, Government
service department. This department Polytechnics, Government Colleges,
renders Architectural Services to all Industrial Training institutes, Engineering
Government departments, Corporations Colleges, Government Schools, Sports
and Universities of the State and makes Stadiums, Office buildings, Memorial
efforts to evolve innovative design buildings including development of
solutions for all projects after obtaining various Tiraths etc.
feedback from the Client. Haryana
4.42 Roads are the basic means of works. The PWD (B&R) road network in
transportation. Roads make a crucial the State is given in Table 4.11.
contribution to economic development 4.43 During 2019-20, a works for
and growth and are of social importance. improvement of roads by way of
In order to further strengthen the road widening, strengthening, re-construction,
network and making it more efficient raising, cement concrete pavements/
as per traffic requirements, the main blocks premix carpet construction of
emphasis has been laid on the side drains and culverts/retaining
improvement/up-gradation of existing walls etc. were taken in hand. The
road network, construction of bye passes, financial and physical progress achieved
bridges/ROBs road safety, pothole filling upto November, 2019 is given in
and completion of road construction Table 4.12.

Table 4.11- Roads Network in the State Under PWD (B&R).
Sr. Type of Road Length in Kms. Length in Kms.
No. (Upto 31.3.2019) (Upto 30.11.2019)
1. National Highways State PWD - 72 State PWD - 72
NHAI - 2583 NHAI - 3011
2. State Highways 1602 1491
3. Major District Roads 1337 1337
4. Other District Roads 20714 20974
Total 26308 26885
Table 4.12- Progress Under Roads Improvement Programmes.
(A) Financial Progress ( ` in crore)
Sr. Head of Account Budget Allotment Expenditure
No. 2019-20 ( Upto Nov., 2019)
1. Plan-5054 (Roads & Bridge) including NABARD 2065.01 1233.63
Loan & PMGSY)
2. Non Plan-3054 535.03 383.91
3. Central Road Fund 150.00 147.00
4. NH (Plan) 106.43 106.43
5. NH (Non- Plan) - -
6. Deposit works (Roads & Bridges) including 70.00 35.02
work of HSRDC
Total 2926.47 1905.99
(B) Physical Progress
Sr. Item Length in Kms.
No. ( Upto Nov., 2019)

1. New Construction 438

2. Premix carpet (State Roads) 1392.55
3. Widening & strengthening (State Roads) 1102.01
4. Cement concrete blocks/pavement 315.69
5. Side drain / Retaining Wall 181.26
6. Reconstruction & Raising 147.75
7. (a) Widening -
National Highways
(b) Strengthening

Table 4.13- Road/Bridge Works Sanctioned During 2019-20.

(` in crore)
Sr. No. Head of Account No. of works Amount
( Upto Nov., 2019)
1 Plan -5054 248 881.00
2. Non Plan-3054 318 402.00
3 NABARD - Roads 40 138.33
- Bridges
4 Central Road Fund - -
5. PMGSY/Bharat Nirman -Roads - -
-Bridges - -
6. NH - -
7 ROBs/RUBs (Plan 5054) 5 29.00

8 Bridges – Plan 5054 12 84.00

Non Plan 3054 2 3.00
Total 625 1537.33
Source: PWD (B&R), Haryana.

Table 4.14 – Allocation for Repair and Maintenance and Original Works of Buildings.
( ` in crore)
Sr. Head of Account Budget Allotment Expenditure during
No. 2019-20 2019-20
(Upto Nov., 2019)
1 Revenue Buildings 171.55 99.55
2 Capital Buildings 1524.13 704.30
3 Deposit Buildings 300.00 279.62
Total 1995.68 1083.47
Table: 4.15- ROBs/RUBs & Bridges Completed and in Progress.
Sr. Description 2019-20
No. (Upto Nov., 2019)
1 (i) completed and opened to traffic 4
(ii) under construction 40
(27 State Scheme + 7 relates to
HSRDC + 1 nos. on NH + 3 nos.
under CRF Scheme)+ 2 nos deposited
work by GMDA and ULB
2 (i) completed and opened to traffic 6
(ii) under construction 38 Nos.
(1 under NABARD Scheme and 29
nos. under 5054 R&B + 5 nos. under
CRF + 3 nos. under deposit by
Irrigation department
Source: PWD (B&R), Haryana
Major Incentives
4.44 The Department has taken steps Building Panipat & University Building
for construction of ROBs/RUBs and Sonipat) has been completed having
Bridges to curtail delay and increase amount of ` 390 crore and also 2 ROB
safety to passengers. 40 ROBs/RUBs and 2 Road projects amounting to ` 303
are under construction. The detail of crore were allotted under NCRPB loan
ROBs/RUBs & Bridges completed and in scheme and 11 ROBs/RUBs projects were
progress is given in Table 4.15. allotted for ` 225 crore under State Head.
NCR Works In addition to this, 15 projects of various
4.45 Haryana State Roads & Roads/ ROBs amounting to ` 999.35
Bridges Development Corporation crore are in pipeline under NCRPB loan
(HSRDC) in the year 2018-19 has already scheme which stands approved by
spent an amount of ` 240 crore for Roads SFC-“B” and are likely to be allotted
& Bridges works under NCRPB assisted during this financial year i.e. 2019-20.
schemes and in State Head in the NCR Similarly 10 Projects of ROB/RUBs in
area of the State. In financial year NCR Region under State Head amounting
2018-19, 4 ROBs, one no. Elevated road to ` 200 crore are in pipe line and are
project and two no. buildings (Hospital likely to be allotted during 2019-20.

One no. road project of ` 200 crore has The projects are likely to be allotted
already been approved by NCRPB and during this financial year. In financial year
likely to be allotted during this financial 2020-21, 10 to 12 projects of ROB/RUB/
year. Regional centers buildings, one at Building are likely to be approved for
Rewari and one at Jind for ` 25 crore as a ` 500 crore (approx.) under NCRPB
deposit work, stands approved and have scheme as well as State scheme.
already been allotted during this financial NABARD Schemes
year. Two new building projects have 4.46 40 Nos. road having length of
been assigned to HSRDC by Government 296.32 km. amounting to ` 138.33 crore
on 19.08.2019:- has been approved from NABARD under
i) Govt. Medical College at Jind: Estimated RIDF-XXV in the year of 2019-20.
cost of ` 524 crore (Phase-1) and ` 139 The total expenditure to the tune of
crore (Phase-II). `164.64 crore has been incurred under
ii) Dental College at Nalhar (Nuh): Estimated NABARD scheme and 145.50 km.
cost of `150 crore. However, DPR for
length has been improved during the year
` 268 crore is under consideration with

TRANSPORT parameters such as average age of fleet
4.47 The Transport Department, which is quite low, whereas vehicle
Haryana has two wings i.e. the productivity, staff productivity and fuel
Commercial Wing (Haryana Roadways) efficiency are amongst the best operational
and Regulatory Wing. cost per km. (without taxes) and accident
Commercial Wing rate are amongst the lowest. Haryana
4.48 A well-planned and efficient Roadways has won the Union Transport
network of transport is an essential Minister’s Trophy and cash award of
component for a developing economy. The ` 1.50 lakh each year for lowest accident
Transport Department, Haryana is rate among all the State Road Transport
committed to provide adequate, well- Undertakings in the country during
coordinated, economical, safe, comfortable the years 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08,
and efficient transport services to the 2009-10, 2012-13 & 2013-14. Haryana
public. Roadways has been adjudged as the
4.49 Haryana Roadways is amongst winner of ASRTU Trophy for the
the best run State Road Transport “maximum improvement in vehicle
Undertakings of the country. At present, it productivity during the year 2008-09 in
has a fleet of 3,651buses (30.09.2019) respect of Moffusil area”.
which is being operated from 24 Depots 4.51 Haryana Roadways is keen to
and 13 Sub Depots. Haryana Roadways further improve public transport in the
buses operate an average of 10.67 lakh State and has taken many initiatives to
kms. daily and carry an average of 9.49 improve the bus services and upgrading
lakh passengers every day. the public amenities at the bus stands. The
4.50 The performance of Haryana plan outlay of the department which was
Roadways has been noteworthy on ` 56 crore during 2004-05 has increased to

` 145.25 crore during the year 2018-19. Programme/Scheme-wise targets and
An amount of ` 103.23 crore was spent achievements of last 5 years is given in
during the year 2018-19 for modernization Table 4.16.
of fleet and other infrastructure. An Modernization of Bus Services
amount of ` 253.55 crore has been 4.52 To provide comfortable
approved for the Annual Plan 2019-20, out passenger transport services, the department
of which ` 3317.76 lakh have been spent is operating 39 Volvo/ Mercedes Super
during April to September, 2019. The Luxury A.C. buses service has been highly

Table 4.16-Programme/ Scheme-wise Targets and Achievements of last 5 years

(` in lakh)
Year Name of the Programme/Scheme Targets Achievements Percentage
2014-15 i) Land & Building 3500.00 2756.10 78.75
ii) Acquisition of fleet 15250.00 13669.89 89.64
iii) Workshop facilities 50.00 4.57 9.14
iv) Investment in PSUs- Share Capital to HREC 0.00 0.00 0.00
v) Drivers Trg.Schools 10.00 7.31 73.10
vi) Computerisation 100.00 91.50 91.50
2015-16 i) Land & Building 10000.00 9959.47 99.59
ii) Acquisition of fleet 2200.00 2192.45 99.66
iii) Workshop facilities 50.00 35.87 71.74
iv) Investment in PSUs- Share Capital to HREC 5.00 5.00 100.00
v) Drivers Trg.Schools 10.00 8.45 84.50
vi) Computerisation 70.00 69.39 99.13
2016-17 i) Land & Building 11000.00 9258.55 84.17
ii) Acquisition of fleet 10000.00 1358.74 13.59
iii) Workshop facilities 100.00 81.02 81.02
iv) Investment in PSUs- Share Capital to HREC 5.00 5.00 100.00
v) Drivers Trg.Schools 40.00 20.12 50.30
vi) Computerisation 200.00 194.85 97.42
2017-18 i) Land & Building 13000.00 12846.04 98.82
ii) Acquisition of fleet 12000.00 9571.99 79.77
iii) Workshop facilities 100.00 3.83 3.83
iv) Investment in PSUs- Share Capital to HREC 5.00 5.00 100.00
v) Drivers Trg.Schools 50.00 18.99 37.98
vi) Computerisation 200.00 121.61 60.80
2018-19 i) Land & Building 11830.00 7978.46 67.44
ii) Acquisition of fleet 2340.00 2216.52 94.72
iii) Workshop facilities 100.00 8.32 8.32
iv) Investment in PSUs-Share Capital to HREC 5.00 5.00 100.00
v) Drivers Trg. Schools 50.00 30.09 60.18
vi) Computerisation 200.00 85.30 42.65
Source: Transport Department, Haryana.
appreciated by the public travelling designed buses. During 2019-20, it is
on Chandigarh-Gurugram and Delhi- proposed to replace and add 547 new
Chandigarh routes. Haryana Roadways has buses to the fleet. 500 Standard Diesel
introduced Intra City Bus Service in Engine bus chassis and 150 fully built up
Faridabad, Gurugram and Panchkula cities Mini buses meeting BS-IV emission norms
for providing safe and adequate passenger are expected to be replaced/added during
services to the people in urban areas. the financial year 2020-21. Agreement for
4.53 During the year 2018-19, 183 Hiring of 166 Standard (Non-AC) buses
buses were replaced with the newly out of 190 for operating on per kilometer

basis has been signed with successful Modernization of Workshops
bidders/operators. 4.57 The workshops are being
4.54 A sum of ` 22.17 crore in modernized by providing latest machinery,
Table 4.16 was spent during 2018-19. tools & infrastructure etc. for better up-
` 100 crore has been earmarked for the keep of the buses. An amount of ` 8.32
Annual Plan 2019-20 out of which a sum lakh (Table 4.16) has been spent during
` 6.50 lakh has been spent during April to 2018-19. An amount of ` 1 crore has been
September, 2019. All 8 years old buses approved for the Annual Plan 2019-20, out
which have covered 7 lakh km are being of which ` 0.31 lakh has been spent during
replaced with newly designed modern April to September, 2019.
buses. Road Safety
Construction/Renovation of Bus Stands/ 4.58 Haryana Roadways has been
Workshops taking steps to minimize the accidents/
4.55 The Department has set up 125 break downs by taking all possible
Bus Stands at important places from traffic administrative as well as technical
point of view where amenities for the measures. Haryana Roadways is running
traveling public are being provided. The 22 departmental Drivers Training Schools
detail of ongoing projects is as under:- for imparting training and certifying new
The department has taken up heavy vehicle drivers. Training for light
development of NIT Faridabad bus vehicle drivers is also being imparted in
terminal on PPP mode. Besides this, bus Driver Training Institute Murthal, Hisar,
stand at Pipli (Kurukshetra) and Rajiv Gurugram & Mohindergarh and it is
Chowk (Gurugram) are proposed to be proposed to replicate it in all the other
developed on PPP mode. The bus stand at departmental Driving Training Schools.
Jhajjar, Nalwa (Hisar), Karnal (new site), During the year 2019-20 (April to
Assandh (Karnal), Nuh, Bawal (Rewari) and
September, 2019), Heavy Driving Training
workshop at Jhajjar have been
has been imparted to the 19,764 persons to
commissioned. The construction of new bus
improve their skills and to obtain the
stands at various identified places in
required driving license. An amount of
Haryana is in progress. The plot in sector 29,
` 30.09 lakh was spent during 2018-19. An
Gurugram has been approved to be
transferred to GMDA for construction of amount of ` 50 lakh has been approved
Bus Terminal for Intra City Buses of for the Annual Plan 2019-20. To check
GMDA. over speeding, the speed governors have
4.56 A sum of ` 79.78 crore (Table been installed in all buses.
4.16) was spent during the year 2018-19 Revamping of Haryana Roadways
for the construction of new bus Engineering Corporation
stand/workshops under Land & Building 4.59 The workshop of Haryana
Programme. A sum ` 150 crore has been Roadways Engineering Corporation at
earmarked for Land & Building Gurugram which fabricate bus bodies for
Programme for the year 2019-20, out of Haryana Roadways is being modernized.
which ` 3296.50 lakh has been spent An amount of ` 5 lakh was approved
during April to September, 2019. for Annual Plan 2018-19 and the entire

amount spent. An amount of ` 5 lakh bases on seniority and counselling
has been approved for the Annual Plan yardsticks. Transport, corruption free
2019-20. and accurate leave management to be
Computerization implemented by May 2020.
4.60 Various activities of the Free/Concessional Travel Facilities
department are being computerized in a 4.61 Haryana Roadways is
phased manner ` 85.30 lakh in Table 4.16 providing free/concessional travel facilities
has been spent during 2018-19 on as a social obligation to deserving sections
computerization. An amount of ` 2 crore of the society like students, unemployed
has been approved for the Annual Plan youth attending the interviews,
2019-20, out of which ` 9.45 lakh has been 100 percent handicapped people with one
spent during April to September, 2019. attendant, freedom fighters, Ex and present
Use of Technology MLAs/MPs, press correspondents, Police/
i) Implementation of online transfer Jail staff etc. Other measures include:-
policy for Clerks, Inspectors, Sub- • Free travel facility to the 100 percent
inspectors, Drivers and Conductors to be deaf and dumb with one attendant.
implemented by 31.03.2020. • Free travel facility to National Youth
ii) Introduction of Parcel movement on Awardees.
outsourcing basis to be finalized by the • Free travel facility to women and
end of June, 2020. children on Rakshabandhan/Rakhi Day.
iii) E-Ticketing, RFID Bus Pass Systems • 100 percent mentally retarded persons
and GPS System to be fully implemented with one attendant in Haryana Roadways
by the end of October, 2020. ordinary buses within Haryana.
iv) “Nirbhaya Fund Scheme” with the • Free travel facility to the Widow of
objective of protecting dignity and safety deceased employee of Haryana Roadways
of women in the State by providing till the date of retirement of deceased
quality, safe, reliable, clean and affordable employee.
Public Transport will be implemented • Only 10 single fares are being charged
within one year from the date of approval from the male students for monthly passes
to be received from GoI. and girl students are allowed to travel free
v) Department intends to introduce w.e.f. 1.01.2014.
Zero Emission Electric buses to protect • 50 percent of the ordinary fare within
environment from negative effects of Haryana for NCC cadets to participate in
pollution. their training.
vi) Department has 300 CCTV’s in the
• 50 percent concession in the bus fare of
buses of Haryana Roadways and the
Haryana Roadways to Haryana Resident
department has proposed to introduce
senior citizen women on attaining the age
fitment CCTV’s in October, 2020.
of 60 years and men on attaining the age of
vii) Duty Rota and leave Management
65 years has been allowed even out of
KIOSK System-Touch screen based, 24x7
State upto the destination of Haryana
staff friendly kiosk system, having local
Roadways buses.
language interface and biometric
• Free travelling facilities to the
authentication. Automatic duty allocation Numberdars 10 days in a month from their

residence to Tehsil HQ & 2 days in a distance has been enhanced to 150 kms.
month to their District HQ. from 60 kms. 181 buses for girl students/
• Free travelling passes to the women have also been started on 173
Paralympics Sports Persons participating routes.
in the sports meets organized for the • Free transport facility has been allowed
physically challenged persons. to the persons with their spouses who
• Cancer patients are allowed to free suffered during the emergency period in
travel in the buses of Haryana Roadways the standard buses of Haryana Roadways
from their residence to Cancer Institute’s. and 75 percent rebate is being given to
• The Girls students have been allowed such persons in AC Volvo buses in case of
free travelling from their residence widow or widower.
to educational institute and travelling
Regulatory Wing of Transport private persons for LMV (Non-Transport)
Department in the State.
4.62 The Regulatory Wing of the Improving Road Worthiness of Motor
Transport Department has been entrusted Vehicles
with the responsibility of the 4.64 An Inspection and Certification
implementation of the provisions of Motor Centre equipped with fully automated and
Vehicles Act, 1988, Carriage by Road Act, computerized machines has been set up at
2007, Haryana Motor Vehicles Taxation Rohtak with financial assistance of
Act, 2016 and rules made thereunder. ` 14.41 crore by Govt. of India. The
During the year 2018-19, revenue target annual capacity for testing of vehicles in
was ` 2,950 crore against which a sum of this centre is approximately1.25-1.35 lakh.
` 2,908 crore were collected. The target of The centre is functional w.e.f. 05.04.2017.
receipts during the current financial year However, the centre has issued fitness
2019-20 is ` 3,500 crore against which certificates to 28,064 no. of motor
` 2,110.45 crore have been collected upto vehicles upto 31.12.2019. Besides this, six
31.12.2019. more Inspection and Certification Centres
The following achievements have been will be setup in the state in future on PPP
made during the year 2018-19 and mode in the state at Gurugram, Faridabad,
2019-20 (upto 31.12.2019) Hisar, Rewari, Karnal and Ambala in
Improving Driving Skills
future. Authorization has also been
4.63 Three institutes of Driving granted to 868 Pollution Under Control
Training and Research are functional at (PUC) centres in the State.
Kaithal, Bahadurgarh and Rohtak. Seven Mandatory Third Party Insurance for
more such institutes have been sanctioned two wheeler and cars (Non-Transport &
by the State Government to be setup. Transport)
Haryana Roadways is also running 22 4.65 As per directions of Hon’ble
driving training schools in the State and Supreme Court of India, third party
imparting driving training of the heavy insurance for five years for two-wheelers
vehicles to the drivers. Besides this 247 and three years for cars both for transport
driving training schools are being run by & Non Transport have been made

mandatory. Accordingly, necessary has been started at all the locations in the
directions have been issued to all State.
Secretary, RTAs and RLAs in the State to  Randomization of registration numbers
comply with in letter and spirit. : Allotment of registration number across
Affixation of hologram based color the State by way of computerized
sticker randomization has been introduced in all
4.66 As per the directions of the the Registering Authorities to bring
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, necessary transparency.
directions have been issued to M/s Link  Computerization: Internet Connectivity
Utsav Registration Plates Pvt. Ltd. to affix in all SDO’s-cum-RLAs and RTA’s in
mandatory hologram based colored sticker the State. The National ‘VAHAN’ and
on the wind screen of the vehicle in the ‘SARATHI’ programme has been
NCR area of the state on new vehicles implemented in the State. Computerized
registered after 02.10.2018 as per terms receipts are being issued on deposit of
and conditions of the agreement dated tax/fee in all the offices of RLAs/RTAs.
27.04.2012.  File Tracking System: File Tracking &
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Monitoring System has been implemented
4.67 Standard operating procedure in the department.
for providing services to the citizens  Implementation of Sarathi and Vahan
pertaining to fitness/RC/DL/permit has web version 4: Department (Regulatory
been introduced in the State w.e.f. Wing) has shifted Vahan/Sarathi Version
01.03.2017. 1 to Vahan/Sarathi Web Version 4 and the
Single Window System same has been implemented w.e.f.
4.68 Single window system has 01.04.2017 as such, various online related
been implemented to provide services services of Driving License and
promptly to the citizens in all offices of Registration Certificate are being provided
the Registering and Licensing Authorities to general public at all locations in the
in the State w.e.f. 14.03.2018. State. Besides this, online facility for the
Delivery of Citizen Services payment of the tax and fees for the Inter-
4.69 State/Intra-State vehicle owners is being
 Online payment of Road Tax: provided hassle free and in transparent
E-payment facility is being provided manner.
through e-grass for payment of road tax  Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance
and fees for transport and non-transport System (AEBAS): The Aadhaar Enabled
vehicles. This facility is available in all Biometric Attendance System in HQ and
banks across the State. in all its field offices has been
 SMS Alert: Citizens are sent SMS implemented.
intimating the amount of application 4.70 Road Safety Measures and
submission and tax/fee deposited for Awareness.
various services in the office of registering • The road accidents in the State
& Licensing Authorities. have come down from 11,238 accidents in
 Dealer Point Registration: Online the year 2018 resulting in 5,118 fatalities
Dealer Point Registration System for the as compared to 10,944 accidents in the
registration of new non transport vehicles year 2019 resulting in 5,057 fatalities.
Initiatives are being taken to further work of scanning of all data in all the
minimize the road accidents in the State districts. 35 lakh (approx) final entries of
through Road Safety Clubs, School DL/RC have been furnished to the
curriculum, Audio-video & Print media. authorities for porting the same in the
Good Samaritan concept has been taken National Register. The work of
up by the department along with Health & digitization of legacy data is likely to be
Police officials. Road Safety Fund of ` 31 completed shortly.
crore has been allocated under the High Security Registration Plates
Haryana Road Safety Fund Rules, 2018 4.73 As per the provisions of Rule
during the current FY: 2019-20 out of 50 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rule,
which ` 10.85 crore allotted to police and 1989, the project of affixation of HSRP
` 10 crore to PW (B&R) Departments. was assigned to M/s Link Utsav
Besides, these funds are also being Registration Plates Pvt. Ltd. The agreement
allocated to District Road Safety was signed on 27.04.2012 and the work of
Committees as per their requirements time affixation was actually started in May,
to time. 2012. A total of 32,55,248 HSRPs have so
Enforcement far been affixed on new and old vehicles
4.71 E-challaning and Vahan & upto 31.03.2018 by the aforementioned
Sarathi web version-4 have been agency. As per the notifications dated
implemented in whole of the State. During 04.12.2018 and 06.12.2018 issued by the
the year 2019-20, 22,081 vehicles have been Central Government, the High Security
challaned for different offences under the Registration Plates on New Vehicles are
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. A being affixed by the dealer of the Original
composition fee of ` 76.24 crore has been Equipment Manufactures (OEMs) w.e.f
collected. 01.04.2019. However M/s Link Utsav
Digitization of legacy data Registration Plates Pvt. Ltd, has been
4.72 The project of legacy data has
authorized recently to affix the HSRP on
been assigned to M/s Gujrat Infotech Ltd.
old vehicle in the state.
on 3.11.2014. The vendor has completed the
4.74 Civil Aviation Department, Institute of Civil Aviation is providing
Haryana has 5 Airstrips in the State at flying training to the students for obtaining
Pinjore, Karnal, Hisar, Bhiwani and Private Pilot License (PPL), Commercial
Narnaul. Presently two Flying Training Pilot License (CPL) and Instructor Rating
Centres of Haryana Institute of Civil (IR). Out of total 84 trainees, licences to 62
Aviation (HICA) are established at Karnal trainees were awarded in such as SPL(33),
and Pinjore where flying training is CPL(10), CPL(C)(02), IR(05), PPL(05),
provided to the boys and girls. Haryana IR(Renewal) (04) and AFIR (03).



Human development with increased social welfare and well being of the people is the
ultimate objective of development planning. In any developing and emerging economy, Social
Sector plays a significant role. Education, Health and Social Justice & Empowerment are the
main components of the Social Sector.
5.2 The State of Haryana has Book, CCE Report Cards, Promotion of
provided ` 101 crore for the year 2019-20 Maths at Primary level, Development of
under the RTE Act, 2009/Rules notified Language Lab, Smart Class Room, Digital
on 3rd June, 2011 for providing Free Board, White Board, Science Kits, and
Uniform to all categories, Free Stationery Learning Level Material and other
to Non-SC Students, Free School Bag to activities for enhancement of Learning
Non-SC Students and Other Activities like Level of Students at Elementary Level.
implementation QIP, Monthly Assessment Benefits provided under the RTE Scheme
Tests, Printing of LEP Books, Skill Pass are given in Table 5.1.
Table -5.1 Benefits Provided under the RTE Scheme.
Item Classes Rate Per Beneficiaries Amount
Student (Students) (` in crore)
(in `)
Free Uniform to all categories Class 1-5 800 1445012 126.60
Students from classes 1 to 8 Class 6-8 1000
Free Stationery to Non-SC Class 1-5 100 854486 10.13
Students Class 6-8 150
Free School Bag to Non-SC Class 1-5 120 854486 11.20
Students Class 6-8 150
Re-imbursement of school fee Class 1-5 36 1445012 8.39
and funds Class 6-8 94
Source: Elementary Education Department, Haryana.
5.3 National Programme of Bodies and Government Aided Privately
Nutritional Support to the Primary managed Primary Schools which was
Education, known as Mid-Day-Meal launched in the entire State on 15th August,
Scheme is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme 2004. This Scheme is being implemented
and under this Scheme hot cooked food is in compliance with the orders dated
provided to the children of Primary 20.4.2004 passed by the Hon’ble Supreme
Classes (I-V) and Upper Primary classes court of India. The main objective of the
(VI-VIII) in all the Government, Local scheme is to boost universalism of Primary

Education by increasing enrolment, children. The Budget for the Mid Day
retention and attendance and Meal Scheme for the financial year
simultaneously improving nutritional 2019-20 is ` 37,115 lakh in the ratio of
status of students of the primary classes. 60:40 CSS & State Plan. As per UDISE
Under the scheme free food grains (Unified District Information System for
(Wheat/Rice) is provided by the Govt. of Education), there are a total of 14,398
India through Food Corporation of India Govt. schools in the State and 14,48,024
@ 100 grams for primary children and 150 students enrolled. The details of Govt. and
grams for upper primary children, per Govt. aided schools and students enrolled
child per school per day. Freshly cooked are given in Table 5.2 and 5.3.
food of these cereals is provided to
Table 5.2- The detail of Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools
Sr. Particulars Govt. NCLP Local Body Aided*** Total
No. Schools (Faridabad & (Ambala)**
1. Primary (1-5) 8679 57 5 2 8743
2. Upper Primary 2402 0 0 1 2403
(6-8) GMS
3. Secondary 1287 0 0 0 1287
with (6-10)
4. Higher 1965 0 0 0 1965
with (6-12)
Total 14333 57 5 3 14398
The NCLP (National Child Labour Project) schools are running in districts of Faridabad & Gurugram.
** The Schools run by Local Bodies Department are running in Ambala district.
*** At present Mid Day Meal is provided in 1 Govt. Aided School in Bhiwani district i.e Vaish Primary School,
Bhiwani. There were 198 Govt. aided schools in School Education Department. Out of these197 Govt. Schools
have been taken over by the State Govt.
Source: Elementary Education Department, Haryana.

Table -5.3 The detail of Students Enrolled in Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools
Sr. Particulars Number of NCLP Local Body Aided Total
No. Students
1. Primary 882866 2934 745 259 886804
2. Upper Primary 561186 0 0 34 561220
Total 1444052 2934 745 293 1448024
Source: Elementary Education Department, Haryana.
5.4 The cooking cost of per per month is being paid to cook-cum-
student is ` 4.48 for primary and ` 6.71 for helper in which Centre’s share is ` 600 and
middle school respectively. The cost of State’s share is ` 2,900 per month. The
expenses incurred is shared in the ratio budget provision and expenses are given in
of 60:40 between Centre and State. In Table 5.4.
addition to this an honorarium of ` 3,500
Table 5.4-The Budget Provision and Expenditure on Mid-day-Meal
(` in lakh)
Year Budget Provision Funds Released Expenditure
2019-20 37115.00 21708.11 17369.02
Source: Elementary Education Department, Haryana.

Table- 5.5 Recipes provided by School
Wheat Based Rice Based Bajra Based/ Other
Missi Roti with seasonal Poshtik Khichdi Bajra Gulgule
Halwa with black channa Rajma and Rice Bajre ki Poori
Roti with Daal/Ghiye/Kaddu/ Mix Karhi Pakora mix with Bajre ki Khichdi
Vegetable seasonal vegetables and rice
Meetha Daliya Sweet Rice Bajra Biscuit
Wheat soya puri and White Vegetable Pulao/Kala Chana Peanut Chakki
Chana-aloo Pulao
Poushtik Daliya Coconut Rice Pulao
Chana Urad/Moong Dal/Sabut
Moong Dal + Roti
Channa Dal Prantha/Vegetable
Sweet Poora & Kheer
Source: Elementary Education Department, Haryana.
Recipes in Mid Day Meal menu
5.5 School heads have been asked Achievements
to distribute the 20 recipes to the children 5.8 (i) In Haryana State Honorarium of
having minimum 450 calories and 12 gms. 29,630 Cook cum Helpers working under
proteins for primary stage and 700 calories Mid Day Meal Scheme has been increased
and 20 gms. proteins for Upper Primary from ` 2,500 per month (Centre Share
stage are provided on all school days. The ` 600 + State Share ` 1,900) to ` 3,500 per
detail of recipes of cooked food provided month (Centre Share ` 600 +State Share
by school are given in Table 5.5. ` 2,900).
Sweetened Flavoured Milk (ii) Cook cum Helpers working under
5.6 200 ml flavored Milk is Mid Day Meal Scheme are allowed two
provided to the students of class 1 to 8 uniforms in a year @ ` 300 for each dress.
atleast 3 days in a week alongwith Mid (iii) Six months maternity leave (without
Day Meal. Milk is being provided in 5 pay) is allowed to Cook-cum-Helpers
flavours i.e. Vanilla, Cardamon, Rose, working under Mid Day Meal Scheme.
Butter Scotch and Chocolate. The milk is (iv) Training has been imparted to 9,699
being provided in association with Cook cum Helpers out of 29,630 engaged
Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative under Mid Day Meal Scheme across the
Federation Ltd. State during financial year 2018-19. The
Fortified Atta budget has provided ` 12 lakh for training
5.7 It has been decided the & cooking competition.
HAFED will supply fortified atta in six (v) Mid Day Meal week was organized
districts i.e. Ambala, Kaithal, Karnal, in 22 districts of the State from 25 to 29
Kurukshetra, Panchkula and Sonipat and November, 2019 during which following
fortified Oil in all districts under Mid Day activities were covered:
Meal Scheme w.e.f. 1.7.2019. Thereafter, • Stock checking of Mid Day Meal
HAFED will start supply of fortified atta Scheme.
and fortified oil in other disticts under mid • Cleanliness of kitchens.
day meal scheme w.e.f. 01.12.2019. • Medical check up of cooks.

• Co-ordination with Health Department Din-School Me Abhinandan”. All the girls
basic health issues like inspection of whose birthdays fall in the given month
MDM. are congratulated and given a special
• Inspection of toilets. treatment during the Mid-Day-Meal. This
• First aid box. will also improve the falling sex ratio in
• Hand washing and the State.
• Drinking water facility was checked. 5.9 Scholarship Schemes
(vi) Training provided to master trainers (i) One Time Cash Award Scheme for
on maintenance of record, cash book etc. Scheduled Caste Students in Classes
(vii) Training was imparted by an expert 1st to 8th- Under this scheme, one time
from National Health Mission, Haryana allowance is being given to all schedule
(NHM) on hygiene and cleanliness, caste boys as well as girls for purchase
regarding storage of food-grain by of Stationery articles like Geometry
representative of Hafed and regarding Box, Colour Pencils etc. A budget
nutrition, by home science, maintenance provision of ` 6,500 lakh has been made
of records a lecturer was given by expert for the 2019-20 and approx 5,88,850
of Haryana Institute of Public students will be benefited under this
Administration. scheme. The total expenditure is
(viii) All cook cum helpers are medically ` 4,907.20 lakh till date.
examined free of cost twice in a year to (ii) Monthly Stipends to all Scheduled
avoid engagement of cook cum helpers Caste Students in Classes 1st to 8th-
suffering from contagious diseases. Under this scheme all the scheduled caste
(ix) Participations of the cooks appointed students, both boys and girls, studying in
by SHGs who are mostly the mothers of classes I to VIII are being given monthly
the children studying in that very school. stipend. A budget provision of ` 15,000
Cooking and serving by them the Mid Day lakh has been made for the 2019-20 and
Meal is a very good practice. It has approx 5,88,850 students will be benefited
enforced the accountability of Parents and under this scheme. The total expenditure is
teachers towards society to impart quality of ` 7,224.79 lakh till date.
education to students. (iii) Monthly Stipends for BPL Students
(x) Kitchen Garden in some of the schools in classes 1st to 8th - As per pattern of
has also been initiated; the members of Schedule Caste Scheme Government is
SHGs and students have been motivated to providing monthly stipend to the students
grow vegetables by making use of belonging to BPL category studying in
available land in the schools effectively. Haryana Government Schools in Classes
This will not only make the model self- I-VIII. Under this scheme the amount is
sustainable but would also inculcate the disbursed to the students in the form
habit of self-reliance amongst the SHGs Monthly Allowance released quarterly.
and students. At present there are 2,321 A budget provision of ` 700 lakh has been
Kitchen Gardens in schools. made for the 2019-20 and approx 3,13,798
(xi) Tithi Bhojan every 3rd Tuesday of BPL students will be benefited under
the month is celebrated as girl this scheme. The total expenditure is of
student’s birthday jointly as “Betika Janam ` 204.31 lakh till date.

(iv) Monthly Stipends for BC-A Government schools have been provided
Students in classes 1st to 8th- As per free text books/work books during year
pattern of Schedule Caste Scheme 2019-20. Moreover, from the new
Government is providing monthly stipend academic session new text books will be
to the students belonging to BC-A introduced in the primary classes with an
category studying in Haryana Government emphasis on activity based learning. All
Schools in Classes I-VIII. Under this budget released to Haryana School
scheme the amount is disbursed to the Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad, Panchkula to
students in the form Monthly Allowance their demand.
disbursed Quarterly. A budget provision of Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan
` 6,000 lakh for BC-A has been made for 5.10 The main objective of Samagra
the year 2019-20 and approx 32,000 Shiksha Abhiyaan is to provide support in
students will be benefited under this implementation of Right of Children to
scheme. The total expenditure is of Free and compulsory Education (RTE)
` 2,040.09 lakh till date. Act, 2009. To promote Vocationalization
(v) Education Encouragement of of Education, enhancing learning
Excellence (EEE)-Rajiv Gandhi outcomes of students and ensuring equity
Scholarship for Middle Schools-Under and inclusion at all levels of School
this scheme, one student each in boys Education.
category and girls category in each school Composite School Grant
in the 6th to 8th classes who stood first in 5.11 For the financial year 2019-20,
the preceding class will be awarded school grant has been provided to 14,355
scholarship at the rate of ` 750 per annum. schools (primary, upper primary,
A budget provision of `150 lakh has been secondary & senior secondary) under
made for the year 2019-20 and approx different categories depending upon the
24,000 students will be benefited under enrolment in these schools. A sum of
this scheme. The total expenditure is of ` 5,870.75 lakh has been provided to the
`148.86 lakh till date. schools. This grant is released for:
(vi) Providing Free Bicycle to SC i) Replacement of non-functional school
Students (Boys & Girls) studying in equipment and for incurring other
class 6th- Under this scheme bicycles are recurring costs such as consumables, play
distributed among the students of VI class material, game, sports equipment,
(Boys and Girls) belonging to Scheduled laboratories, electricity charges, internet,
Caste category. A budget provision of water, teaching aids etc.
` 350 lakh for the year 2019-20 has been ii) To promote Swachh Bharat campaign
made and approximate 11,600 students and undertake activities under Swachhta
will be provided free bicycles under this Action Plan.
scheme. The total expenditure is of iii) Science kits to secondary and senior
` 334.50 lakh issued to all DEEOs. secondary schools.
(vii) Free Text Books-A budget provision Library Grant
of ` 1,200 lakh has been made for the year 5.12 MHRD, GOI has approved an
2019-20 and approximate 14,39,332 amount of ` 672.75 lakh for library grants
students will be benefited under this in 11,075 elementary schools and an
scheme. All children in classes 1-8 in amount of ` 492 lakh for 3,280 Secondary/
Higher Secondary schools. MHRD had 12 months was estimated for age
directed to purchase Library books from appropriate admission of 19,705 OoSC
NBT, NCERT or State Govt. publications. through non-residential and residential
Sports Grant mode respectively, as per norms of the
5.13 MHRD, GOI has approved an scheme.
amount of ` 672.75 lakh for 8,695 primary Training and Meetings of SMCs and
schools & 2,380 upper primary schools for SMDCs
Sports Grants and ` 820 lakh for 1,278 5.18 An outlay of ` 332.25 lakh @
Secondary & 2,002 Senior Secondary ` 3,000 per SMC per annum was approved
Schools under Sports Grants. for training of 11,075 elementary SMCs
Civil Work members and ` 98.40 lakh @ ` 3,000 per
5.14 An outlay of ` 5,207.1 lakh has school per annum was approved for the
been approved by MHRD, GOI for various training of 3,280 secondary SMDCs
infrastructure interventions for elementary members. This includes provision for
level. Under this construction of 202
conducting/ convening of SMC meetings
Additional Classrooms (upto class-VIII), 3,481
on a single notified date by the State once
CWSN Toilets (upto class-VIII), 2,947 Ramps
and Handrails, 22 Solar Panel in KGBVs has
in every quarter, Incentivising nominated
been approved. For Secondary Level, an parents for attending the SMC meeting
outlay of ` 3,084 lakh has been approved for regularly, uploading of quarterly reports
the construction of 144 additional classrooms, with respect to meetings held and status of
547 removal of architectural barriers, 500 the school as per the Mobile App which is
Solar Panels and for Senior Secondary Level being developed in MHRD.
budget of ` 399.88 lakh has been approved for Quality Interventions
the construction of 47 additional class rooms. 5.19 Under this component, an
Free Uniforms amount of ` 1,712.80 lakh has been
5.15 Budget of ` 6,725.55 lakh has approved for covering 4,66,877 students at
been approved by MHRD, GOI for elementary level for remedial material,
providing free uniforms to 11,20,925 teaching activities and other activities
children including all girls, SC and BPL promoting reading and language skills.
boys of classes 1 to 8 @ ` 600 each child, A budget of ` 570.47 lakh has been
thereby covering all eligible children, as approved for providing LEP/Remedial
per norms of Samagra Shiksha. Uniform teaching at secondary level. The main
grant is transferred to students Aadhar objective of LEP is to identify the learning
linked Bank Accounts. gaps and equip students with core learning
Free Textbooks prerequisites appropriate to the particular
5.16 An outlay of ` 4,674.81 lakh has grade. Under this component various
been approved for providing free textbooks to activities like Reading Promotion Week,
15,13,437 students of Class 1 to 8 as per Matri Bhasha Divas, Remedial Teaching,
norms of the scheme. Spelling Bee &Vratini Competitions will be
Special Training for age appropriate organized for the students of class III
admission of Out-of-School Children to VIII.
(OoSC) Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan
5.17 An amount of ` 597.15 lakh 5.20 An outlay of ` 202.58 lakh for
@ ` 3,000 for 6 months and @ ` 6,000 for Elementary level and ` 173.3 lakh for

Secondary Level has been approved under greater involvement of Industry in design,
Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan (RAA) for delivery and assessment of vocational
organizing various activities, such as skills. For the financial year 2019-20,
Mentoring by Higher Institutions, Science MHRD, GOI has approved an outlay of
corners. Teachers circles, Science and ` 144.29 lakh (recurring + non-recurring)
Maths Olympiads, Setting-Up of Science for introduction of vocational education in
& Math Clubs, Science & Math Kits, 14 schools. In addition, an outlay of
Science exhibitions, quiz Competitions/ ` 17,447.06 lakh was estimated for
Book Fair, Exposure Visits within and providing recurring support for Vocational
outside State, Vedic Maths and Maths Education towards 1,051 existing schools.
Melas, Science and Maths kits and various 5.24 Under Quality Intervention
other activities to support Science & (i) Bag less Day- Joyful Day: It has been
Math Learning for elementary & introduced by the State with the objective
Secondary level. of motivating students to think creatively
Integrated Teacher Training and express their thoughts, besides
Programme enhancing their personality and providing
5.21 An outlay of ` 1,843.38 lakh them better opportunities to participate in
has been approved by MHRD, GOI for social activities on Saturdays. The students
teachers training of Elementary Level and participate in extra-curricular activities
` 160.81 lakh for different categories of such as PT, games, debate, painting, quiz
trainings of teachers at secondary level. and drawing etc. The objective is to make
Inclusive Education a bag less school, which reduces the
5.22 An amount of ` 629.57 lakh burden of books to be carried by the
for organizing various activities (Students children. An outlay of ` 2,082.50 lakh for
Oriented) at elementary level and ` 228.86 2,975 schools was estimated for the
lakh for organizing various activities project Bag less Schools- Joyful Schools
(Students Oriented) at secondary/higher for Bala activities, Pigeon Holes & Play-
secondary level for Children with Special way Material etc.
Needs such as identification and (ii) Summer School Programme
assessment camps, distribution of aids & (Elementary) Summer school programme has
appliances, braille books & large been designed by the State to transform the
print books and provision of escort holiday period into a learning and fun-filled
allowances, etc. time for students. A wide range of activities
are included such as music, dance, art and
Vocational Education (Secondary)
craft etc. in summer school programmes. The
5.23 The aim of introducing
students also prepare for Kala Utsav during
vocational education in schools is to this period. An outlay of ` 3.96 lakh for 22
prepare educated and employable youth. districts for conducting summer school
Under vocationalisation of school programme for children.
education, vocational courses are (iii) Hunar: State has proposed a pilot project
introduced along with academic subjects for providing career opportunities to divyang
from classes 9 to 12. There is also a Students studying in classes 9th to 12th. An
provision for providing exposure to outlay of ` 158.29 lakh was estimated for 11
vocational education to students of Classes districts as a pilot for two projects providing
VI to VIII. Under this component, there is career opportunities to divyang students.

5.25 The State Government is well • Highly secure CISCO Router and
aware that the 21st Century is Internet Lease Line has been provided
acknowledged as the Knowledge Century. for Smart Class Room Project at
Education is the key to knowledge and the DIET Gurugram and Mahindergarh
State Government has consistently made respectively,
sincere efforts to make “education for all” • Renewal and Maintenance of Internet
a reality with required academic & Lease Line has been done.
infrastructural facilities and easy access. Comprehensive Computer Education
E-Governance Programme (ICT)
5.26 In e-Governance scheme, 5.27 This is a centrally sponsored
Computerization, Automation, Connectivity scheme funded by Centre and State
and Networking of Directorate, field offices, Government in the ratio of 60:40. As per
SCERT, DIETs and GETTIs are included. the direction of Haryana Government, the
The main objective during the year is to department has deployed the Computer
provide new hardware, replace the old Faculty and Lab Assistant on remuneration
hardware, updation of software at the
of ` 15,000 and ` 9,000 per month
Directorate and in the field offices. The
respectively on work order basis from
other activities covered under the
April, 2019 to June, 2020. There are 3,117
e-Governance scheme are up-gradation of
Computer Labs. Under this scheme, the
website, portal, software and to provide
Government has sanctioned budget of
lease line etc. The networking, updation of
statistical data, computer training to the staff
` 7,400 lakh for the year 2019-20. Out of
of the Directorate has enhanced the which the Finance Department has
efficiency of the Directorate to a great released ` 5,246.68 lakh till date. The
extent. department has incurred an expenditure of
• Digital signatures for fly using ` 3,438.94 lakh on remuneration to
e-Token for implementation of Digital Computer Faculty and Lab Assistants and
Vouchers (which was done by doing ` 44.66 lakh paid to M/s SAN Media Ltd.
manual signature earlier) has been Chennai against their outstanding dues.
provided to all DDOs including State The detail of Budget allocation and
Head Quarter as well as field offices for Expenditure is given in Table 5.6.
digitization of the clearance of the bills, Aarohi Schools
as decided by State Govt. 5.28 The Govt. of India had started a
• HD Vedio Conferencing system has scheme for opening of Aarohi Model
been installed at Headquarter, SCERT Schools in Educationally Backward Blocks
and the offices of DEEOs/ DEOs for on the pattern of Kendriya Vidayala in the
better communication. year of 2011-12. The main objective of the
• The Computers, Printers and UPS have scheme is to provide quality education to
been provided at Headquarter and the children concerned of Educationally
Backward Blocks from Class 6th to 12th.
DEOs/ DEEOs/BEOs/B EEOs offices.
This is a centrally sponsored scheme
Computer training has been given to the
in the ratio of 75:25 by Centre and State.
staff working at Headquarter as well as
in field offices.

Table 5.6- Budget Allocation and Expenditure under CCEP-ICT. (` in lakh)
Year Allocation Expenditure %age Achievements
2014-15 956.43 243.87 25.50
2015-16 11514.00 9147.95 79.45
2016-17 2698.00 970.28 35.96
2017-18 3447.28 3379.61 98.04
2018-19 4800.00 3808.39 79.74
2019-20(upto 20.11.19) 7400.00 3483.60 47.07
Source: Secondary Education Department, Haryana.
5.29 Teacher Education
Table 5.7- Scheme-wise Targets and their Achievements under Teacher Education
Programme during 2018-19
Name of Scheme Targets Achievements
“2202-General Education Physical Financial Physical Financial
02-Secondary Education (` in lakh) (` in lakh)
105-Teachers Training
Organization of Science 3 40.00 2 18.80
Exhibition/Fair at District/State level
Setting up of District Institute of 21 6250.00 21 5891.18
Education & Training (DIETs)
Setting up of Block Institute of 2 150.00 2 103.75
Education and Training (BIETs)
Strengthening of SCERT Haryana 1 30.00 1 24.39
Setting up of an Autonomous State 1 1300.00 1 1133.43
Level Teacher Training Institute
In service Teacher Training to 12000 60.00 8040 40.07
Teachers (Secondary) Teachers Teachers
Junior Basic Training Institutes 2 290.00 2 196.76
State Council Educational Research & 1 739.10 1 739.10
Training (SCERT)
Total 8859.10 8147.48
Source: Secondary Education Department, Haryana.
5.30 Incentive Schemes
Table 5.8- Scheme-wise Targets and their Achievements under Incentive Scheme during 2018-19
Name of Scheme Targets Achievements
Physical Financial Physical Financial
(` in lakh) (` in lakh)
i) Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship for 17664 160.00 13789 137.87
high/senior schools(EEE)
ii) Punjabi Second Language 32 0.53 24 0.22
iii)Haryana State Merit 1178 25.00 673 12.03
Scholarship Scheme
iv) Cash Award Scheme for 250978 3100.00 196412 2847.96
Scheduled Caste students in
classes 9th to 12th
v) Monthly Stipends to all 419169 7000.00 367924 6925.56
Scheduled caste students in
classes 9th to 12th

vi)National Talent Search 27843 14.00 27843 13.56
Scholarship Scheme
vii) National Means cum Merit 12138 6.00 12138 5.92
Scholarship Scheme
viii) Monthly stipend for BPL 36245 500.00 29851 427.25
students in classes 9th to 12th
ix) Monthly stipend for BC-A 226224 2500.00 183705 2490.22
students in classes 9th to 12th
x) Providing the incentives to 86 2.00 70 1.49
the students(boys & girls) of
grand children of freedom
fighter in the State
xi) Providing free bicycle and 32000 400.00 18641 443.65
repair cost to sc students
(boys & girls) studying in
classes ix and xi
xii) Provide free Laptop 500 200.00 - -
Total 13907.53 13305.73
Source: Secondary Education Department, Haryana.
5.31 Book Bank and Sports
Table 5.9 Targets and Achievements of Book Bank and Sports during 2018-19
Name of Scheme Targets Achievements
Physical Financial Physical Financial
(` in lakh) (` in lakh)
i) Book Bank/Library 3256 240.00 3028 223.08
Schools Schools
ii) Provisions of Sports 3256 200.00 3223 198.51
Equipments & Development Schools Schools
of Play Grounds in schools
Total 440.00 421.59
Source: Secondary Education Department, Haryana.
But the Govt. of India had de-linked the of ` 54.30 crore has been made by the
scheme in year 2015-16. This scheme has State Govt. during the year 2019-20 for
adopted by State Govt. now. A provision this.
5.32 Providing quality higher education. Access, quality, equity and
education to our youth and to make them sustainability in higher education are the
employable is a major thrust of the State guiding principles on which the vision of
Government. Higher Education system in the State government is based. The vision
the State has witnessed impressive growth of higher education in Haryana is to realize
in recent years and this trend is expected to the State’s human resource potential to its
continue during the next financial year. fullest with equity and inclusion.
The Department of Higher Education has 5.33 During this year, 8 new
taken various measures to expand and government colleges namely G. C.
improve the capacity and quality in higher Farrukhnagar (Gurugram), G. C. G.

Sector-52 (Gurugram), G. C. G. Pillu universities. At the same time, our timely
Khera (Jind), G. C. W. Gharaunda and proactive State interventions have
(Karnal), G. C. G. Bastli (Karnal), G. C. encouraged the private sector to become
Bissar Akbarpur (Nuh), G. C. G. Mohana our partners to spreading higher education
(Sonipat), G. C. Saraswati Nagar (Yumana among all citizens. In order to make higher
Nagar) have been started. education accessible in all corners of the
5.34 Out of total 157 Government State to all students, the administrative
colleges 69 colleges are exclusively for approval for construction work of
girls. The department is committed to open government colleges has been given.
more government colleges exclusively for 5.36 Admission in all Government,
girls so as to ensure greater access to girls Govt. aided and self finance colleges of
in higher education. There are 97 privately the State is conducted online by the
managed government aided colleges out of department of Higher Education. 1,56,697
which 35 colleges are for girls. total new admissions were undertaken in
5.35 The Department of Higher academic session 2019-20. The State
Education intends, to create gender Government is focused to increase the
sensitive environment in colleges and placement of students studying in degree
universities. The Government of Haryana colleges. Emphasis has also been laid
has invested huge resources in creating an on promoting entrepreneurship among
extensive infrastructure of Government students.
owned and run degree colleges and State
TECHNICAL EDUCATION Sector-23, Panchkula in collaboration with
the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India.
Indian Institute of Information
The construction work of NIFT Panchkula
Technology (IIIT)
campus is expected to be completed by
5.37 Indian Institute of Information
December, 2020. Short term courses have
Technology is being established at village
been started in the temporary campus
Kilohrad, district Sonipat by Ministry of
(Building of Govt. Polytechnic, Sector-26,
Human Resource Development, Govt. of
Panchkula) of NIFT Panchkula from
India & Guest classes of IIIT were started
August, 2019.
in the campus of NIT Kurukshetra w.e.f.
academic session 2014-15. From the Setting up of new Govt. Polytechnics in
academic session 2019-20 classes of 1st unserved/underserved districts
5.39 Seven Polytechnics were
year of IIIT Sonipat have been started in
sanctioned by MHRD, Government of
the campus of Techno-Park in Rajiv
India under the scheme in 2009-10 out of
Gandhi Education City, Sonipat
which 6 Govt. Polytechnics have been
(Extension Campus of IIT Delhi). The
made functional till 2016.The construction
construction work of boundary wall is in
work of 7th Polytechnic at Nanakpur
(Pinjore) in Distt. Panchkula also
National Institute of Fashion
Technology (NIFT) completed and Govt. polytechnic made
5.38 National Institute of Fashion functional from 2018-19. Under this
Technology is being established in scheme funds/grant amounting to ` 12.30

crores (` 8 crores for construction work budget provision of ` 100 lakh under the
and ` 4.30 crores for Machinery & scheme. Computer Systems and allied
Equipment etc.) are to be provided for items are procured under the schemes to
each Polytechnic by MHRD, Government establish computer labs for SC students to
of India. The remaining funds over and improve their IT skills.
above grant-in-aid provided by MHRD, Integrated Skill Development Scheme
Government of India have been provided (ISDS)
by the State under this scheme. 5.43 Department has implemented
Upgradation/Modernization of Existing Integrated Skill Development Scheme. The
Polytechnics total cost of the training is in the ratio of
5.40 In this connection, it is 75:25 between Govt. of India and State
submitted that 12 Govt. Polytechnics are Govt. Scheme was implemented through
covered under centrally sponsored scheme NSDC empanelled training providers by
namely “Up-gradation of Existing setting skill training centres in the seven
Polytechnics” of MHRD/ MSDE, GOI for districts namely Panipat, Bhiwani, Hisar,
which grant amounting to ` 200 lakh Faridabad, Gurugram, Ambala and
approx. was earmarked for each Rohtak. Under this scheme skill training
polytechnic by MHRD to procure M&E, was provided to 11,733 candidates.
Computer systems etc. to upgrade Training has been completed on
labs/workshops of these institutes. The 31.03.2017.
Technical Committee of MHRD approved Community Development Through
` 2,235 lakh for 12 nos. of polytechnics in Polytechnic (CDTP)
2014-15. It is further submitted that 5.44 Under CDTP scheme short
term modular skill development
` 1,631 lakh has been released by MHRD/
programmes in different trades of 3 to 6
MSDE to various polytechnics. Out of month duration are being run through 16
grant received of ` 1,631 lakh, an amount Govt./Aided Polytechnics. Skill training to
of ` 700 lakh approx. has already been the jail inmates at skill centres established
utilized and remaining will be utilized on in 15 jails is also being provided. This is
account of Machinery & Equipment 100 percent centrally sponsored scheme.
(M&E) being procured through DGS & D, 4,061 people have been trained in
Technical Education Quality
Supply of Free Books to SC Students Improvement Programme Phase-II
5.41 This is a State Government 5.45 The Technical Education
Scheme covered under SCSP component. Quality Improvement Programme of
Text books and reference books are Government of India Phase-II was a
procured in the Library and free books are Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). It has
provided to SC Students. In the year focus on the objectives to improve the
2019-20 there is budget provision of ` 100 overall quality of existing Engineering
lakh under the scheme. Educational Programme. The Technical
5.42 Establishment of Computer Education Quality Improvement
Labs for SC Students: This is a State Programme-II was made effective from
Government Scheme covered under SCSP 06.08.2010 and was implemented as per
component. In the year 2019-20 there is

Project Implementation Plan (PIP) of Reimbursement of Tuition Fee to SC
MHRD, (Govt. of India). Students
5.46 After scrutiny and approval of 5.47 Under this Scheme Tuition Fee
National Steering Committee (NSC) of to SC Students is being reimbursed. Actual
MHRD, the following 6 Institutions from tuition fee or ` 20,000 whichever is less in
the State of Haryana was competitively case of diploma courses and actual tuition
selected under Sub-Component 1.1 and fee or ` 40,000 whichever is less in case of
1.2. UG/PG courses is being reimbursed to
i) University Institute of Engineering & Haryana resident SC students, admitted
Technology, Kurukshetra University, through central counseling and whose
Kurukshetra (Govt. Institution). parental annual income from all sources is
ii) University Institute of Engineering &
between ` 2.50 lakh to ` 3.50 lakh per
Technology, Maharishi Dayanand
University, Rohtak (Govt. Institution). annum.
iii) NC College of Engineering, Israna Reimbursement of State Transport
(Panipat) (Private Institution). Facilities/ Train Pass SC Students
iv) Faculty of Science, Kurukshetra, 5.48 All scheduled caste students of
University, Kurukshetra.
Diploma/UG/PG level of Technical
v) Faculty of Engg. & Technology,
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram, University of Course having Aadhaar/UID number are
Science & Technology, Murthal eligible for this facility. However,
(Sonipat). scheduled castes students residing in
vi) Faculty of Engineering & Technology,
campus hostels shall not be eligible for this
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science
and Technology, Hisar. benefit.
5.49 The Skill Development and women and in the remaining co-education
Industrial Training Department through ITIs, 30 percent of the total seats are
a network of 172 Govt. Institutes (139 reserved for girl trainees in all trades. 246
Co-ed. Govt. Industrial Training institutes, Private Industrial Training Institutes
33 Govt. Industrial Training Institutes for having seating capacity of 47,216 trainees
women), 246 Private Industrial Training seats are also functioning. No tuition fee is
Institutes is presently providing training charged from women trainees in Govt.
for certificate courses having duration one ITI’s.
year & two years to 1,01,381 trainees 5.51 To make the training relevant
(Govt. ITIs/ITI (W)-(69,541)+(Pvt. ITIs and accountable to users, 51 Govt. ITI’s
31,840) in the State of Haryana. These have been adopted by 29 Industry
institutes are not only supplying skilled Partner’s for up-gradation. 71 Societies
craftsmen to the industries but also have been constituted covering 78 Govt.
generate avenues for self-employment. ITI’s to provide them functional, financial
5.50 172 Govt. Industrial Training and managerial autonomy.
Institutes with a seating capacity of 74,040 5.52 Govt. ITOT, Rohtak has
sanctioned seats are functional during the started functioning and admissions have
year 2019-20. Out of these, 33 Industrial been made in the institute in August, 2015
Training Institutes are exclusively for in 3 trades. The seating capacity of the

institute is 120+120=240 i.e. 120 each up ITOT have been fully utilized and now
Semester. It is further informed that all the the Institute is running under State
funds provided by World Bank for setting Scheme.
ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION SWAN is fully operational in the State and
TECHNOLOGY is being utilized for intra-departmental
5.53 Department has been rolling out transfer of data & conducting video
various IT initiatives in line with the vision conferencing at district & departmental
of Digital India and its pillars. The key level. M/s Rail Tel Corporation of India
verticals of the department are Society for Ltd. is managing the operations of this
IT Initiative Fund for e-Governance, network since January, 2015. As on date,
Haryana State Electronics Development 100 percent uptime at vertical connectivity
Corporation Limited (Hartron), Haryana has been achieved for 143 sites and 92
Knowledge Corporation Limited (HKCL) percent uptime for 1134 horizontal sites of
and National Informatics Center (NIC) departments has been achieved. Overall
have been playing a pivotal role in connectivity for vertical sites is enhanced
realizing this vision of Digital India and its to MPLS from point to point links
pillars in Haryana. A specialized cadre of including BNMCs.
IT professionals has been created and put 5.56 Bharat Net: Bharat Net
in place in the State to facilitate planning, project aims to provide broadband
designing, implementing and managing a connectivity in all 2.5 lakh Gram
wide range of IT initiatives at department/ Panchayats of the Country by extending
organization levels. optical fibre connectivity from
intermediate fibre point at Block level to
Notable projects of the Department Gram Panchayats. The project is being
5.54 State Data Centre (SDC): executed by Department of
SDC in Haryana was set up in August, Telecommunication through a Special
2012 and is offering services in terms of Purpose Vehicle (SPV) setup for this
hosting the applications in shared purpose called as Bharat Broadband
environment as well as providing Network Ltd. As on date, 6,188 Gram
Panchayats of Haryana State have been
collocation environment for various
declared service ready by Bharat
departments/boards/corporations of the Broadband Network Ltd./ Bharat Sanchar
State. Currently, 62 applications of various Nigam Ltd. under Bharat Net project.
departments/ organizations and e-District 5.57 Rural Wi-Fi Hotspots: Under
projects have been hosted on Data Centre. the 3 pillar, Public Internet Access
5.55 State Wide Area Network Programme, Rural Wi-Fi Hotspots are
(SWAN): SWAN implemented in the being provided in Bharat Net enabled
State in the year 2007 by connecting State Gram Panchayats through CSC, SPV,
Headquarter with all District Headquarters, Govt. of India. In the State of Haryana, it
Haryana Civil Secretariat and Haryana was decided on 25.10.2017 that 1,000
Bhawan, New Delhi, all Blocks/Sub- Bharat Net enabled Gram Panchayats shall
Divisions/Tehsils/Sub-Tehsils vertically be provided with this facility in a phased
for data transfer, Video etc. Beside this, manner. As on date, 928 Bharat Net
offices of various departments have been enabled Gram Panchayats of 10 Districts
connected horizontally on this network. have been made Wi-Fi enabled.

5.58 Public Wi-Fi Hotspots: Requesters, Verifiers of documents and
Under the 9 pillar, early Harvest Citizens on one single platform and
programme, one of the programme is ensures accuracy and authenticity of the
“Public Wi-Fi Hotspots”. Under this issued documents. Government of Haryana
programme, public Wi-Fi hotspots are to is targeting paperless, cashless and
be created at one million tourist spots in faceless governance for the citizens and is
India. It was decided on 18.11.2016 that keen to implement Digi Locker platform
initially Wi-Fi Hotspots at 105 locations of across State for issuance and verification
public interest/tourist spots (5 locations of documents & certificates in a digital
each at 21 Districts) shall be provided. As way, thus eliminating the use of physical
on date, 76 places of cultural/historical/ documents and giving a big boost in
administrative importance in 20 districts enabling paperless governance in the State
have been provided with this facility. of Haryana. As on date, 19 services
5.59 Atal Seva Kendras (ASKs): (certificate based) of 7 Departments have
Common Services Centers (CSC) scheme been made available through the
is one of the mission mode projects under Digilocker platform of Govt. of India.
the Digital India Programme. CSC are Also, the State has recently issued a
named as Atal Seva Kendras in Haryana. notification mandating all Departments to
These ASKs are the access points for issue documents on Digilocker for the
delivery of essential public utility services, citizens.
social welfare schemes, healthcare, 5.61 RAS “Rapid Assessment
financial, education and agriculture System” Integration: The National
services, apart from host of B2C services e-Governance division (NeGD),
to citizens in rural and remote areas of the Department of Electronics & Information
country. It is a pan-India network catering Technology (DeitY), Government of India
to regional, geographic, linguistic and has developed Rapid Assessment System
cultural diversity of the country, thus (RAS), an automated system, to collect
enabling the Government’s mandate of a feedback from user–citizen about
socially, financially and digitally inclusive e-Services delivered by Government
society. As on date, 16,141 ASKs (10,930 through various channels like SMS, Web,
in rural areas and 5,211 in urban areas) Mobile app, etc. RAS provides an online
have been registered in the State of mechanism for getting feedback from
Haryana, out of which, 11,500 are citizens on e-services provided by
transacting. Governments across the country. Also, it
5.60 Digital Locker Integration: facilitates in analyzing the feedbacks and
Digital Locker platform is an initiative of generating knowledge out of it, which in
the National e-Governance Division turn, helps in improving the users/citizens’
(NeGD), Ministry of Electronics & IT experience in availing public services. As
(MeitY), Government of India under on date, 390 services of 33 Departments
Digital India Programme to provide a has been integrated with RAS in Haryana
platform for issuance and verification of making it the number one State in India in
documents & certificates in a digital way, terms of number of services integrated.
thus enabling paperless governance. Additionally, RAS–IVRS (Integrated
Digital Locker platform brings Issuers, Voice response System) integration is in

the final stages of Go-Live where an citizen service delivery in Haryana through
outbound call will be initiated from the complete digitization of over 550+
system to take the feedback and increase services. The vision for Antyodaya-
feedback percentage. SARAL is a unified platform to deliver
5.62 Cashless Haryana: In line and track Government-to-Citizen (G2C)
with the Digital India initiative of Services/Schemes across the State. As on
Government of India for promoting digital date, a total of 550 State Government
payments & moving towards cashless to Citizen (G2C) Services/Schemes
society, Haryana State Government is also pertaining to 38 Departments/Boards/
working to achieve the same in Haryana. Corporations are being provided through
In Haryana, a need was felt to have a SARAL portal in Haryana.
consolidation portal where the transactions 5.65 Incubation Centers: Govt. of
being conducted throughout the State are Haryana is working towards instilling a
consolidated and aggregated. As such, the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship
initiative was envisaged and an integrated amongst young professionals by providing
monitoring tool i.e. “Haryana Cashless necessary support in the form of fiscal
Consolidation Portal” was developed to benefits in various schemes and a platform
monitor the progress and penetration of for establishing industry connect. In this
different modes of digital payment direction, HARTRON Multi Skill
transactions in the State. The objective of Development Centre (HMSDC) has been
the State Government is to promote digital established with a total area of 1,20,000
payments and achieve less cash society Sq. feet wherein incubators have been
(gradually moving towards the Cashless made operational to boost the Innovation
way) in line with initiative of Government & entrepreneurial ecosystem in the State.
of India for promoting digital payments & As part of Start-up Haryana, Hartron
moving towards transparent and cashless Incubation & Start-up warehouse has been
society. Currently, 4.3 lakh+ merchants established at Gurugram with three
have been onboarded on BHIM by CSC, operational incubators namely IAMAI
VLE and more than 267 crore digital 10X, NASSCOM 10K start-ups and
transactions have been recorded on the CoE-IoT having 45+start-ups (with 30
portal. The same portal is also been percent women entrepreneurs). MoU
replicated in other States/UTs. As on date, signed with United Nations to set up
the State stands at No. 2 position in digital another incubator namely UNTIL (United
payment transactions per capita basis. Nation Technology Innovation Lab) in the
5.63 Aadhaar Enrolment: State is at 2nd same warehouse. In addition, seven
rank in the country with Aadhaar saturation incubator centres are proposed to be set
of 103.8 percent based on the population up in 7 Universities of the State for
2015. Currently, Haryana is at No.1 rank in which funds have been transferred to 4
Aadhaar coverage (108.4 percent) of universities for the purpose.
children below age of 5 years. 5.66 e-Office Project: This project
5.64 SARAL: Aligning with Digital includes electronic movement of files and
India’s vision of faceless, paperless and documents across all Haryana government
cashless Service/Scheme delivery model, departments. It also covers generation of
Antyodaya-SARAL aims to transform portal for each department for publishing

circulars and notifications related to the Compute, Storage, Network & Security
department. This shall also cover human capabilities by leveraging virtualization for
resource management system including all these components.
e-Leave, e-Tour, e-Salary, etc. e-Office is 5.71 CoE for Blockchain: Govt. of
being implemented in some of the offices Haryana is planning to setup a Centres of
of the 14 departments in the State on pilot Excellence for “Block Chain” Technology
basis. e-Leave and e-Tour has been at STPI Gurugram. CoE will use IBM
launched on pilot basis for the offices of Block chain platform built on Linux
Chief Secretary and 38 Additional Chief Foundation’s hyper ledger Fabric and
Secretaries of Haryana. Hyper ledger Composer. The CoE shall
5.67 Software Technology Parks explore other emerging platforms for block
of India: STPI Centre at Gurugram chain technology and not be restricted to
already operational. The 2nd STPI centre is IBM platforms only.
being set up at Panchkula for which MOU 5.72 Cyber Security: The State
signed between Hartron and STPI for Government is working extensively in the
transfer of land to STPI for the purpose. domain of cyber security. The following
5.68 HALRIS: Haryana Revenue initiatives are in the pipeline for seamless
Department as developed a complete implementation of the Cyber Security
integrated end-to-end solution Web- Policy in Haryana:
HALRIS, with NIC-Haryana as software • Hiring of professional agency for
development and technology partner providing manpower services for
which includes registration of documents, Implementation & Support of Cyber
Mutations, maintenance of Jamabandi Security Policy.
records, e-Khasra Girdawari, issuing of • Hiring professional agency for
copies of Record of Rights and integration providing cyber security trainings and
with internal and external entities. capacity building services.
Currently, this software has been 5.73 Modernization of Revenue
implemented in 70 Tehsils in Haryana. Record Room: To provide a
5.69 Other Key IT Projects: State comprehensive document management
has also implemented e-TDS system for system for the Haryana Revenue
filing income tax return, disbursement of Department, a centralized solution for
employee loan through bank, inhouse automation of storage and retrieval of
e-stamping system, Aadhaar based scanned revenue records, court cases and
biometric attendance system, CM official files will be implemented across
Window, CM Dashboard, e-PDS, Haryana for which software has been
Integrated finance Management System developed.
(IFMS) e-Girdawari, Meri Fasal Mera 5.74 Other Key Projects in Pipeline
Bayora (MFMB) and digitally signed bills • Online Medical Bill: Customized web-
submission in the treasury. portal for employees to submit medical
Future Initiatives bill online on employee portal. The
5.70 Hyper Converge Infrastructure Web portal so developed shall have
(HCI)-State Data Centre (SDC): integration with various concerned
Government of Haryana is planning to departments and the treasury
migrate the SDC to HCI to enhance the

• Pension Paper Processing: Automated portal has been designed to enable all
solution for digital transfer of eppos to government agencies to upload their
pension sanctioning authorities and public documents including orders,
treasuries and pensioners. Employee notification, rules, policies etc.
will be able to submit Pen 1 and Pen 2 • RTI Web Portal: Web portal has been
online on employee portal. developed to enable citizens to send
• Government document repository: for their RTI queries online. The same will
providing all Government documents be implemented shortly.
under a single web interface, a web
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY scholarships are provided to the
5.75 The Department of Science meritorious students i.e. 1,250
and Technology, since its inception in Scholarships for the students of
1983, has been instrumental in promotion Haryana Board schools and 250 for
of Science and Technology in the State. It CBSE/ICSE schools. Selection of
has two agencies viz. Haryana State students is made on the basis to
Council for Science, innovation and NTSE (National Talent Search
Technology and Haryana Space Examination) stage-1 examination
Application Centre, Hisar working under for the students of 10th class by
the aegis. The Department of Science & SCERT Gurugram. Scholarships of
Technology has taken a number of ` 1,000 per month are provided to
initiatives to promote the basic sciences in the students of Science stream
Haryana and to attract more meritorious during 11th and 12th classes.
students towards opting basic science • Fellowship Scheme for Ph.D
objects and make it as their career. The Scholars: The fellowship programme
major schemes are as under:- is based on Joint CSIR-UGC test for
• POSE Scholarship Scheme: Under Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)
this scheme, the department is and eligibility of Lectureship
providing attractive scholarship of conducted by CSIR twice in a year.
` 4,000 per month for 3-year B.Sc./ Candidates who qualify JRF-NET
4-year B.Sc./5-year integrated M.Sc. (CSIR/UGC), Fellowship amount is
` 31,000 per month for Junior
to top 150 students and ` 6,000 per
Research Fellow (JRF) and ` 35,000
month for 2 years M.Sc. top 50
for Senior Research Fellow (SRF).
students opting basic & natural
Candidates who qualify LS-NET, the
sciences select on the basis of merit.
fellowship amount is ` 18,000 per
This scheme was started from the year
month for Junior Research Fellow
2009-10 and till date 1,902 students
(JRF) and ` 21,000 per month for
have been granted scholarship about Senior Research Fellow (SRF) up to
` 2,255.50 lakh. a maximum of five year with annual
• Haryana Science Talent Search contingency grant of ` 20,000.
Scheme: Under this scheme 1,500

Table 5.10- Physical and Financial Achievements. 1. Time Series mapping of crops in
Year Total Visitors Total Revenue
( in `)
2014-15 135720 2926570 2. Monitoring Crop Stubble Burning in
2015-16 139845 3192755 Haryana 2019.
2016-17 142443 3291595
2017-18 135293 3097405 3. Forecasting agricultural output using
2018-19 135490 2859765 Space, Agro-meteorology and Land
Source: Science and Technology Department, Haryana.
Based Observation (FASAL).
5.76 In order to popularize the
4. Coordinated Horticulture Assessment
astronomy and inculcation of scientific and Management using geo-
temper among general public and students, informatics (Chaman Phase-II).
Kalpana Chawla Memorial Planetarium is 5. Ease of Doing Business (EoDB).
working under Haryana State Council for 6. Development of Haryana Spatial Data
Science innovation and Technology. Infrastructure (HSDI).
Planetarium was inaugurated on 24th July, 7. UAV based Geospatial Mapping for
Property Tax in Municipal Area of
2007 in the memory of brave daughter of Bhiwani.
Haryana, Dr. Kalpana Chawla. The 8. Establishment of GIS Labs at district
planetarium system is housed in 12 meter headquarters in all the districts of
dome having unidirectional seating Haryana.
arrangement of 120 persons. Planetarium 9. Digitization of Strip Forests in
programmes in English & Hindi are being Haryana.
10. Forest Density Mapping of Notified
shown to the visitors. Gallery and
Forest Areas and Assessment of Trees
Astropark are the other two attractions of Outside Forests (TOF) in Haryana.
the planetarium and they have interactive 11. Creation and Established of GIS Cell
exhibits on astronomy. The detail of at PHED, Head Office, Sector-4,
physical and financial achievements are Panchkula.
given Table 5.10. 12. Creation and Established of GIS Cell
5.77 Haryana Space Applications at HSPCB, Head Office, Sector-6,
Centre (HARSAC) established as an
13. Crop monitoring and biophysical
autonomous body under Department of parameters studies using combined
Science and Technology (DST), Haryana. S and L-band data.
The Centre is involved in the mapping, 14. Monitoring and Evaluation of
monitoring and management of natural watersheds of IWMP for the period of
resources, environment and infrastructure 2011-12 to 2014-15.
15. Setting up to GIS Lab district
in the State. It has been notified as a nodal
Headquarters, Jind .
agency for taking up various activities 16. Existing Tubewells GIS mapping for
related to Remote Sensing (RS), MC, Faridabad.
Geographic Information System (GIS) and 17. Block-Level Yield assessment of
Global Positioning System (GPS) in the Wheat Crop Using Satellite and
State by the government. Till date, Weather data.
HARSAC has completed about 200 18. Route alignment for proposed
220KV D/C Mundline in Karnal and
projects and 32 projects are currently on
220KV D/C line of Sonepat.
going. Following are the major projects 19. National Wetland Inventory and
being currently running at HARSAC: Assessment (Cycle –II) for Haryana
and Delhi.

20. Preparation of Cadastral Level Soil been completed during last five years
Nutrients Maps of all Villages in related to environment, natural resources,
Nuh district. studies, infrastructure etc. A total of 30
21. Trainings and capacity building.
educational training programs have been
22. One year certificate course of Geo-
Spatial Assistant in various ITIs of organized for different level officials and
the State. students of Haryana along with regular
23. EDUSAT Programs. EDUSAT program of department of space
Achievements during last five years (DOS). HARSAC is also conducting a full
5.78 From its inception, HARSAC time M. Tech.-Geo-Informatics program in
is engaged in carrying-out various collaboration with Guru Jambheshwar
activities related to RS and GIS for University of Science & Technology
different line departments of Haryana and (GJUS &T), Hisar and total five batches
also providing technical support time to have successfully completed the
time. A total of about 50 projects have course.





Government of Haryana is committed to provide quality health care to its all

citizens. The Health Department has been constantly upgrading itself in terms of
infrastructure, human resources, equipments, drugs etc. Health Department in the State
is responding to the health needs of all categories of its populace including infants,
children, adolescents, mothers, eligible couples and the elderly in addition to the sick
and trauma victims. Also, there is a constant endeavour to keep communicable and
non-communicable diseases in check and to have strong systems of recording, reporting
and planning.
Health Infrastructure
6.2 The State Government is dependents, unattended road side accident
committed to provide quality and victims and poor patients who do not
affordable healthcare services to all belong to any of the above categories.
citizens of the State. There is a constant Public Private Partnership
endeavour to keep communicable and 6.4 Under the Public Private
non communicable diseases in check and Partnership, State Government is
to have strong and robust systems of providing CT Scan, MRI, Haemodialysis
recording, reporting and planning. and Cath Lab services to the people.
Mukhya Mantri Muft Ilaj Yojana CT scan services are available in
(MMIY) 16 district civil hospitals (Bhiwani,
6.3 Uunder Mukhya Mantri Muft Faridabad, Panchkula, Gurugram, Kaithal,
Ilaj Yojana (MMIY), 7 types of services, Kurukshetra, Sonepat, Yamunanagar,
namely surgeries, laboratory tests, Palwal, Jind, Sirsa, Ambala City, Ambala
diagnostics (X-rays, ECG, and Ultrasound Cantt., Rohtak and Panipat). MRI services
services), OPD/indoor services, medicines, are available in 4 district civil hospitals
referral transport and dental treatment are (Panchkula, Faridabad, Gurugram and
being provided free of cost. In addition to Bhiwani). Haemodialysis services are
this, some services like haemodialysis, operational in 19 civil hospitals.
CT/MRI and Cath lab are also free for Cardiology services, i.e. CATH Lab and
7 categories of patients e.g. BPL patients, Cardiac care units and services like
patients belonging to Scheduled Caste angiography, angioplasty and 20 bedded
category, residents of urban slums, patients cardiac care units have been established
receiving disability allowance, Haryana at Civil Hospital of Ambala Cantt,
Govt. employees, pensioners and their Panchkula, Faridabad and Gurugram.

Limited Cashless Medical Facility Hospital Ambala Cantt is near completion.
6.5 Limited Cashless Medical Under National Program for the Health
Facility for government employees and Care of the Elderly, Senior citizen corners
pensioners launched in 2017 is applicable have been established in district Civil
only for 6 life threatening conditions, Hospitals; Physiotherapy Units have been
namely cardiac emergencies, accidents, made functional in 18 district Civil
3rd and 4th stage cancer, coma, brain Hospitals, 14 Community Health Centers
haemorrhage and electrocution. This and 3 Sub-Divisional Civil Hospitals of
scheme is applicable at all Government 4 districts. Population Based Screening
Medical Colleges, Government Aided (PBS) is a continued activity in 5
Medical Colleges, all district hospitals and districts for common NCDs (Diabetes,
other health institutions of Haryana Govt. Hypertension, Breast, Cervical & Oral
and all private hospitals empanelled under Cancer) which include Ambala,
Govt. of Haryana. Regular employees, Gurugram, Panchkula, Sirsa & Yamuna
spouse/dependent of employee and Nagar. This activity is being extended to
pensioners will also be entitled to avail the other districts of the State. Under this,
benefits in this scheme. There is no upper population above 30 years of age will be
limit for treatment. screened for common NCDs (Diabetes,
6.6 Up to November, 2019, the Hypertension, Cancer- breast, Cervix, Oral
State recorded 93.7 percent institutional Cavity).
deliveries. The sex ratio at birth has been 6.9 Under the State Government,
showing steadily increasing trends and is 75 health facilities including 7 District
currently at 923 (December, 2019 CRS) Civil Hospitals, 3 Civil Hospitals, 2 CHCs,
provisional. and 63 PHCs/UPHCs have been nationally
6.7 In a redoubled effort to curb certified as per the National Quality
illegal sex determination, 33 ultrasound Assurance Standards (NQAS). While
centres carrying out illegal sex 4 facilities are awaiting results while
determination were sealed by the 10 have applied for national accreditation.
Department during financial year 2019-20 • DCH Panchkula became the first Civil
under the PNDT Act. 6 court cases were Hospital in country to get accredited
launched against erring medical in National Quality Assurance
practitioners and 19 FIRs have been Program (NQAP).
registered. 4 persons have been convicted. • Haryana became the first State in
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). country to get UPHC Krishnanagar
6.8 The Sate Government is also Gamri nationally certified.
giving full attention to non-communicable • The lab of District Civil Hospital
diseases (NCD). Haryana has secured Panchkula also became 1st lab in
1st Rank in the country for Best Public Health sector in country to get
Performance in National Programme for NABL certification.
Prevention and Control of Cancer, • District Civil Hospital Rohtak
Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and achieved the distinction of getting
Stroke (NPCDCS). Establishment of maximum 96 percent score in
Tertiary Cancer Care Center in Civil National certification and was

honoured in 12th National Quality application (which is GoI initiative to
Conclave held at Kaziranga (Assam). capture patient satisfaction).
• Recently DH Kaithal has been Quality Assurance
certified having obtained 96% marks. 6.10 Haryana has made
• A total of 56 health institutions commendable strides in implementation
including three medical colleges and of Quality Assurance programme which is
an AYUSH Medical College were being led by Haryana State Health Resource
envisaged in E Upchar, out of these, Centre through State Quality Assurance Unit
30 health facilities (including at the headquarter and District Quality
22 DCHs, 3 Medical colleges, Assurance Units at districts. 32 facilities
1 Ayush, 2 CH’s, 1 CHC & 1 PHC) including 4 District Civil Hospitals have
are live. All DCH’s have been been nationally certified as per the National
integrated with ‘Mera Aspataal’ Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS).
Ayushman Bharat
6.11 The pilot launch of the scheme of addition of additional category of
was conducted across the country on beneficiaries, the entire cost will be borne
15.8.2018. Haryana was the 1 State in the by the State of Haryana.
claim under the PMJAY scheme. This 6.13 Till date an amount of ` 93.36
scheme is on entitlement basis. Every crore has been released in payment of total
family figuring in defined Socio-Economic 72,517 claims. Upto 28.01.2020, total
Cast Census-2011 data base will be 18,07,273 golden records have been
entitled to claim benefits under the generated under the scheme. As on date
scheme. total 526 hospitals (public hospital-155 &
6.12 Government of India private hospital 371) have been
guidelines provide a treatment cover of empanelled with Ayushman Bharat,
` 5 lakh per family per annum on family Haryana.
floater basis and operational cost of ` 50 Future Programme
per family per year covering 15.50 lakh Inclusion of Non-SECC category
beneficiary families (identified through 6.14 Further, State scheme for
SECC, 2011 data base) of Haryana with no specific categories under Ayushman
restriction on family size. The cost is being Bharat Scheme is under consideration. The
shared in 60:40 ratio by Government of funds for the coverage of this class shall be
India and Government of Haryana. In case entirely borne by the State of Haryana.
6.15 National Health Mission, the outstanding services in Health
following initiatives have been taken: Sector (Health Index June,2019-NITI
• Haryana stood 1 at National level
by Ministry of Health & Family • NHM, Haryana got Highest Increase
Welfare (MoHFW) to earn the bonus of Incremental Performance of 6.55
of ` 71.72 crores, the maximum points compare to other states (Health
incentive @13 percent for performing Index June, 2019-NITI Aayog).

• Hon’ble Vice President of India released in May, 2018 MMR of
Sh. M. Venkaiah Naidu conferred Haryana has reduced by 3 points to
“Outlook Poshan Award 2019” to 98 (SRS-2015-17).
National Health Mission, Haryana. • Child Health and Immunization:
• Haryana has been awarded certificates Haryana has brought down its under
at the 6th National Summit on Good & 5 Mortality to 35 per thousand live
Replicable Practices and Innovations births with a Remarkable 10 Points
in Public Healthcare Systems in India Dip. Haryana has brought down its
held at Gandhinagar (Gujarat) from Infant Mortality Rate by 11 points
November 16-18, 2019. from 41 to 30 per thousand live births
i. Certificate for securing 1st Rank as well as Neonatal Mortality with
among the Non High Focus States as 5 points from 26 to 21 per thousand
per conditionality framework during live births (SRS 2017 released in
the period of 2018-19. 2018).
ii. Certificate for oral presentation for • The “Health & Wellness Centre” is a
the best practice titled “Using key component of the Ayushmaan
Multipronged Strategy” for improving Bharat, under which existing
Sub Health Centres and Primary
facility based management of LBW
Health Centres are being transformed
babies for improvement of ECD. into Health & Wellness Centres
• Maternal Health: High Risk to deliver an expended range of
Pregnancy management policy services for Comprehensive Primary
devised and implemented by NHM, Health Care. In financial year
Haryana has been appreciated by 2018-19, total 432 Health & Wellness
Centres were made operational in the
NITI Aayog and Union Ministry of
State against the target of 408.
Health & Family Welfare and had Haryana State achieved the 3rd
been selected as Best Practice for Position in the Country as per
presentation in conference of 115 Ranking done by the MoHFW/
backward districts organized by NITI Government of India for
Aayog on 4th and 5th January, 2018 Operationalization of HWCs in
financial year 2018-19.
under the chairmanship of Hon’ble
• Haryana has achieved 106 percent
Prime Minister of India. Also Haryana full immunization coverage upto
is the first State in the country to December, 2019. State is committed
devise and implement an innovative to achieve above 100 percent coverage
web application named as “High Risk in financial year 2019-20.
Pregnancy Portal” for capturing 100 • The new initiatives like Direct
percent name based high risk pregnant Beneficiary Transfer (DBT) for
better treatment outcome of all
cases identify.
TB patients and NIKSHAY Aushadhi
• Maternal health indicators have for real time monitoring of supply
improved in the State significantly. chain management is already in
As per the latest MMR bulletin process.

6.16 The Ayurveda, Yoga and Haryana State. Most of the AYUSH
Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and institutions are functioning in the rural and
Homeopathy (AYUSH) Systems of remote areas.
Medicine have age old acceptance among 6.19 The department is providing
various communities in India. They are Medical, Education in Haryana through
time tested and validated by thousands of Shri Krishna AYUSH University, Shri
years of use during which they have Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College,
played role in prevention and mitigation of Kurukshetra and Mahila Bhagat Phool
diseases. AYUSH System of Medicine Singh Memorial Ayurvedic College,
have important role in the prevention and Khanpur (Sonepat) under leadership of
mitigation of many life style related Shri Krishna AYUSH University. Nine
chronic ailments where modern medicines Ayurvedic Colleges and 1 Homeopathic
are not so successful. With the increase in College are also running by private
number of life style disorders, there has management in private Sector.
been a resurgence of interest in the 6.20 The Governor of Haryana has
AYUSH Systems of medicine both appointed the Vice Chancellor and
globally and within the country. Registrar has also been appointed by the
6.17 AYUSH Department Haryana Government. The Gram Panchayat
is providing Medical Relief, Medical Fathuhpur has provided the 94 Acre, 5
Education and Health Awareness through Kanal, 1 Marla land for the AYUH
AYUSH to the masses particularly in the University on lease basis. To promote
rural areas of Haryana State. For this Ayurvedic education in the State another
purpose 4 Ayurvedic Hospitals, 1 Unani Govt. Ayurvedic College has been
Hospital, 6 Ayurvedic Prathmic Swasthya constructed at Village Pattikara (Narnaul).
Kendras, 507 Ayurvedic Dispensaries, 19 Hon’ble CM, Haryana has inaugurated the
Unani Dispensaries, 23 Homoeopathic building of Govt. Ayurvedic College/
Dispensaries and 1 Institute of Indian Hospital at Village Pattikara (Narnaul).
Systems of Medicine and Research The manpower of the hospital has been
(IISM&R), Sector-9, Panchkula are sanctioned.
functioning. 6.21 For the Establishment of “Post
6.18 Besides this, 33 AYUSH Graduate Institute of Yoga & Naturopathy
dispensaries (29 Ayurvedic, 2 Unani & 2 Education and Research” at Deverkhana
Homeopathic) 3 Specialty Clinics of (Jhajjar) 163 Kanal, 11 Marla land has
AYUSH (Gurgaon, Hisar, Ambala) & 1 been provided to Govt. of India. The Govt.
Specialized Therapy Centre (Jind) have has approved the proposal of department
been relocated and upgraded as AYUSH in principle. Hon’ble Chief Minister has
Wing in 2009-10, 22 AYUSH Wings at already laid the foundation stone of Govt.
District Hospitals & 98 AYUSH IPD Unani College & Hospital, village Akera,
(Polyclinic) at CHCs, 109 AYUSH OPD district Nuh on 14.07.2018. Govt. of
at PHCs, are providing medical relief to India has decided to set up a National
the masses and also participation in Level Institute for Ayurvedic treatment,
National Health Programme in the education and research with 250 beds IPD

(100 Ayurveda & 150 Naturopathy) and • Hon’ble CM, Haryana has agreed to
catering to over 500 students every year setup the 50 bedded integrated
offering UG, PG, Ph.D degree. Govt. AYUSH Hospital at Mayyer,
6.22 The Government of Haryana as Hisar. Land of 15 Acre and 7 Marla
well as Shri Mata Mansa Devi Shrine has been identified and has been
Board have provided 19.87 Acres of land of transferred for a period of 33 years
Shri Mata Mansa Devi Shrine Board, at the rate of ` 1 per acre per
Panchkula on lease to the Ministry year in the name of AYUSH
of AYUSH, Government of India, Department, Haryana.
New Delhi. 6.23 An expenditure of ` 117.48
• There is a proposal of Govt. of India crore under plan (Recurring/Non Plan)
to establish National Research schemes and ` 44.93 crore under
Institute in Unani Medicine for
Plan (Non Recurring/Plan) schemes for
NCDs with 120 beds IPD in NCR in
AYUSH Department has been incurred
the State of Haryana. Govt. of
during the year 2018-19. During
Haryana has sent a proposal to the
2019-20, ` 198.43 crore under Plan
Secretary Govt. of India, Ministry of
(Non Recurring/ Plan) schemes and
AYUSH , New Delhi vide letter
dated 01.09.2017 to offer the land ` 138.77 crore under Plan (Recurring/
measuring 68 Kanal, 17 Marla Non-plan) schemes have been approved
(Approx. 9 Acres) of Gram for AYUSH Department. An outlay of
Panchayat Kheri Gujran district ` 413.84 crore for Plan (Non
Faridabad within the NCR to set Recurring/Plan) schemes and ` 164.08
up National Research Institute in crore for Plan (Recurring/Non-plan)
Unani Medicine for NCDs with 120 schemes has been proposed for the
beds IPD. financial year 2020-21.
6.24 ESI Health Care, Haryana is private hospitals (empanelled by
providing comprehensive medical services Employees State Insurance Corporation).
and facilities under Employees State 6.25 Major Activities/Achievements
Insurance Act, 1948 to 31.25 lakh Insured
i. Insurance Medical practitioner
Persons (IPs) and their dependent members
(I.M.P.) System was implemented to
through 7 ESI Hospitals (4 ESI State
provide primary medical facilities to
Hospitals + 3 ESI Corporation Hospitals)
and 79 ESI Dispensaries including 3
I.Ps and their families in Charkhi
Ayurvedic Units & 1 Mobile Dispensary Dadari up to dated 20.01.2020 and
located in all over the State. State Govt. Shahabad (Kurkshetara) upto
provides primary and secondary care to IPs 23.07.2020.
and their dependents. Tertiary care (Super ii. Extension has been given to Rotary
Specialty Treatment) is also being provided Ambala Cancer and General Hospital,
by ESI Health Care, Haryana through Ambala Cantt to provide Secondary

Health Care, Medical Facilities to Naraingarh (Ambala) to provide the health
IP’s and their dependants of Ambala services to the IP’s and their families and
region at C.G.H.S. rates on cashless ESIC has given in-principle approval of
basis upto 31.03.2020 or new one doctor ESI dispensary. To start this
empanelment of private hospital dispensary is under process.
(whichever is earlier). 6.26 Project/Programme (2019-20)
iii. Sanction has been granted by the (i) Opening of New ESI Dispensary at
Govt. to open One doctor new ESI Charkhi Dadri. (ii) To tie-up of private
dispensary at Taraori (Distt. Karnal), hospitals already empanelled by Health
Kaithal & Kurukshetra to provide the Department as per CGHS rates on
health services to the IP’s and their reimbursement basis to IP’s and their
families whose in-principle approval dependants. (iii) To tie-up of private
has also been received from ESIC. To hospitals for providing secondary care
start these dispensaries is under services as per CGHS rate on cashless
process. basis to IP’s and their dependants. (iv) To
iv. Sanction has been granted by the Upgrade ESI Dispensary No. 3, Hisar,
Govt. to open new ESI dispensary at Rohtak & Karnal into 30 bedded ESI
Nuh (Mewat) to provide the health hospital. (v) To Upgrade ESI Dispensary
services to the IP’s and ESIC has No. 2 & Dispensary No. 3, Bahadurgarh
given in-principle approval of two from two Doctors ESI dispensary to three
doctor ESI dispensary. To start this Doctors ESI dispensary. (vi) To Upgrade
dispensary is under process. ESI Dispensary Palwal from two Doctors
v. Sanction has been granted by the ESI dispensary to three Doctors ESI
Govt. to open new ESI dispensary at dispensary.

6.27 The Department of Medical importance of Medical System within this
Education & Research was established holistic and personalized system of
vide Govt. Notification dated Medicare, the Government has initiated a
th number of steps for its promotion.
4 September, 2014 for establishment,
up-gradation, expansion and regulation of Pt. Deendayal Upadhya University of
medical education and research. The State Health Science (UHS), Karnal
of Haryana is providing quality education 6.29 In a meeting held under the
through various Medical, Dental, AYUSH, Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister
Nursing & Para medical institutions in the on 13.12.2014 it was decided that a Health
State. The current status of institutes University as a Centre of Excellence will
working in the State is given in Table 6.1. be established in Village Kutial, District
6.28 In Addition, Essentiality Karnal. Afterwards, the University of
Certificate have been issued to 3 Societies/ Health Sciences Act, 2016 was notified on
Trust and Letter of Intent have been issued 21.09.2016 and its Amendment was
to 3 Societies/Trust to establish Medical notified on 02.04.2018 vide which
Colleges in Private Sector. Realizing the University was re-named. Goverment had

Table 6.1- The Current Status of the Medical Institute in the State.
Institution Govt. Private Total Total Seats
Medical Colleges 5 7 12 M.Ch./ DM 7
MD/MS 393
PG Dip. 27
MBBS 1710
Dental Colleges 1 10 11 BDS 1020
MDS 258
Ayurveda Colleges 2 10 12 BAMS 783
Homeopathy College - 1 1 BHMS 50
Physiotherapy 3 10 13 BPT 705
Colleges MPT 210
Nursing Schools 6 85 91 ANM 2833
GNM 3620
Nursing Colleges 13 172 185 B.Sc 1780
P.B.B.Sc 1150
M.Sc 244
MPHW (M) 2 25 27 1620

Source: Medical Education and Research Department, Haryana.

made an announcement for Establishment Departments like Biotechnology,
of Medical University in Village Kutail, Experimental Medicine, Advance
(Gharaunda) subject to providing land by Research Centre in Genetics,
Gram Panchayat. Immunology and Virology etc. It shall
• Gram Panchayat, Kutail leased out 144 also have other educational
Acre, 2 Marla of land to Department of institutions like Dental College,
Medical Education and Research for Pharmacy College, Mental Health
establishment of Health University. Institute & Sports Medicine.
For execution of the project, the work • The College of Nursing & College of
has been awarded to M/s Bridge & Physiotherapy have been constructed
Roof. Co. (I) Ltd. a CPSU of Govt. of with Prefab Technology in the campus
India on 12.12.2018. The drawings of University. Admissions in the
and the DPR amounting to ` 750.42 Academic Session 2018-19 has been
crore has been approved by the Govt. made with 40 seats in College of
The Executing Agency has further Nursing and 30 seats in College of
engaged the contractor for construction Physiotherapy.
of residential and institutional Government Medical College, Bhiwani
buildings of the University. The 6.30 The State Government is in the
project will be completed in 30 process of establishing a Government
months. Medical College in Bhiwani under the
• The University shall have the facilities Centrally Sponsored Scheme of MoHFW,
of Super Specialty Hospital with 700 Govt. of India i.e. ‘Establishing of a
beds, Academic Block for Post Medical College by Upgrading the
Graduate/Post Doctoral teaching (DM/ Existing District Hospital’. The
MCh Courses), alongwith Research construction work has been awarded to

M/s Bridge & Roof, a Central Public project report has been prepared with
Sector Undertaking. The drawings and the estimated project cost ` 598 crore.
DPR amounting to ` 524.95 crore has been Dental College at Shaheed Hasan Khan
prepared by the Executing Agency. Mewati Government Medical College,
The project will be completed in 27 Nalhar Nuh.
months time. 6.34 To take care of oral health of
Government Medical College & people of Socio economically Backward
Hospital, Jind district Nuh, the State Government is
6.31 Another Medical College is setting up a Dental College in the existing
being set up at Jind by the State Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewat Govt.
Government. Gram Panchayat, Haibatpur, Medical College, Nalhar Nuh. HSRDC has
district Jind, has given 24 acre land on been appointed as the Executing Agency
long term lease to Medical Education and for the construction of Dental College at
Research Department for this purpose. The an estimated cost of ` 150 crore.
boundary wall has been constructed by Establishment of AIIMS at Rewari
PWD (B&R). The work has been awarded 6.35 Union Finance Minister in his
to HSRDC-Haryana State Road and budget speech on 1.2.2019 has announced
Bridges Development Corporation. The setting up of 22nd AIIMS in Haryana.
estimated project cost is ` 524 crore for Gram panchayat land measuring 224 acres
Phase-I and ` 139 crore for Phase-II. has been identified for the said purpose at
Government Medical College & Village Manethi, Rewari but since this
Hospital, Gurugram land is covered by dense vegetation and
6.32 Gurugram Metropolitan tree cover planted under Aravali Plantation
Development Authority in collaboration of area, Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Municipal Corporation, Gurugram and Climate change, GOI has requested State
Shree Mata Sheetla Devi Shrine Board, Government to explore the possibility of
Gurugram is setting up a Medical College another site for this project and a
in Village Kherki Majra, Gurugram on committee for the same has been
29 acre land. The estimated project cost is constituted by the Government vide
` 500 crore and the cost will be shared by notification dated 02.08.2019.
GMDA, MCG and SMSDSB in 40:40:20 Government Nursing Colleges in District
ratio. The construction work has been Faridabad, Rewari, Kaithal, Kurukshetra
awarded to Uttar Pardesh Rajkiya Nirman and Panchkula
Nigam (UPRNN). 6.36 Hon’ble CM had made
Government Medical College & announcements for setting up Nursing
Hospital, Narnual Colleges in District Faridabad, Rewari,
6.33 State Government has Kaithal, Kurukshetra and Panchkula. The
approved the proposal for establishment of land for these 6 Nursing Colleges is free
Government Medical College in Village from all encumbrances and have been
Koriyawas, District Mahindergarh and leased out in the name of the Department.
land measuring 79 acre has been leased out The work of construction of these Nursing
in the name of the Department. The College has been allotted to HSVP
construction work has been awarded to (Haryana Shehri Vikash Pradhikaran).
PWD (B&R) Haryana and the detailed The drawings and the DPR amounting to

`194.30 crore has been approved by the and Post Graduate Courses- The
Govt. The Executing Agency has further department is conducting admissions
engaged the contractors for construction of for all Under Graduate and Post
6 Nursing Colleges. The work has started Graduate Courses through Centralized
at all the sites and it shall be completed in Combined Online Counseling.
22 months. Counselling for MD/MS/MBBS and
Opening of Nursing College in Safidon, BDS courses have been completed.
Jind (ii) Haryana Nurses & Nurse Midwives
6.37 College of Nursing was also Council- In order to streamline the
started in Safidon, Jind with an intake of admission, curriculum, examination
60 seats in three courses i.e. ANM, GNM and registration process associated
and B.Sc. Nursing. with Nursing Education in the State,
National Cancer Institute, Badhsa this Govt. enacted a new Act “The
Jhajjar under AIIMS, Delhi Haryana Nurses and Nurses Mid
6.38 National Cancer Institute, Wives Act, 2017” and has established
Village Badhsa Jhajjar is a Government of Haryana Nurses and Nurses Mid
India Project and implemented by AIIMS, Wives Council which has replaced the
New Delhi. The State Government has existing Haryana Nurses Registration
allotted 300 acres of land to AIIMS, New Council (HNRC) and now Haryana
Delhi for this project. The National Cancer Nurses and Nurses Mid Wives
Institute with 710 Beds is Government of Council is regulating Nursing
India’s largest financial investment in a Education in Haryana State. Earlier
single hospital Project with the project cost Haryana Nurses Registration Council
of ` 2,035 crore, NCI would be Apex (HNRC) had adopted Punjab Nurses
Centre having Translational Research in Registration Act, 1932 and the
Prevention/Treatment and care for Cancer representation of the State Govt. in the
patients. The Institute would be the first structure of the Executive Body/
one to have Proton facility for the Governing Body of HNRC was very
treatment of advanced cancers in Northern limited. HNRC was functional with its
India. AIIMS, New Delhi has now limited mandate and was not able to
commissioned the trial run of basic cope with the ever increasing demands
Oncology outpatient services since in the field of Nursing Education.
18.12.2018 and inpatient services since Hence, it was realized that there is a
14.01.2019 in the NCI Jhajjar and now need to create a coherent and
Phase-I of the National Cancer Institute at comprehensive overarching body in
Badhsa, Jhajjar has become fully the State of Haryana.
functional. The National Cancer Institute at (iii) Ayushman Bharat Haryana Health
Village Badhsa, Jhajjar was inaugurated on Protection Mission- The Department
12.02.2019 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister has successfully implemented
of India. Ayushman Bharat Mission in
6.39 Other Achievements of the hospitals attached to the Govt.
Department Medical Colleges. In the 1st phase, the
(i) Centralized Combined Counseling scheme has been implemented in all
for admission in Under Graduate Government and Government aided
Medical Colleges namely PGIMS • 200 beds Apex Mother & Child
Rohtak, KCGMC Karnal, BPSGMC Hospital has been operationalized
(W) Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat; recently. It is the largest MCH in
SHKMGMC Nalhar, Nuh and MAMC North India.
Agroha. The first successful claim for • Construction of Linear accelerator
the patient treated under the scheme in facility for cancer treatment is under
the entire country has been processed process.
by KCGMC, Karnal. • University has various Foreign
(iv) Affordable Medicine and Reliable collaborations like Indo Japanese
Implants for Treatment (AMRIT)- collaboration for study on cancer and
AMRIT Pharmacy have been opened radiation oncology, SMART health
in all Government Medical Colleges Extend project in collaboration with
of the State and are fully functional. Geaorge Institute for Global Health,
(v) Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Australia.
Aushadhi Kendra (PMBJK)- Under • Various construction projects like
Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Mortuary, Sports Injury Centre and
Aushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) have Multi-storied New Residential wing
been opened in all Government for Class 3 and 4 Employees is under
Medical Colleges and are functional. process.
6.40 Achievements in the Functional (ii) BPSGMC (W) Khanpur Kalan,
Medical Colleges Sonepat
(i) Pt. B.D. Sharma UHS, Rohtak • Post Graduate Degree and Diploma
• UHS, Rohtak awarded NAAC Grade courses have started in the institute in
A in February, 2017 and is at Rank 2 various specialities.
amongst all Health Universities in the • Virology Lab is being established
country. under ICMR and will be functional
• PGIMS, has been approved as Centre soon.
of Excellence by Ministry of Youth • A Dialysis Unit has been installed in
Affairs & Sports. Post Graduate the College Hospital.
Courses in Sports Medicine will be (iii) SHKMGMC, Nalhar, Nuh
started soon. • CBNAAT machine has been installed
• C.T. Scan & M.R.I. facilities got for the detection of Multi Drug
NABH Accreditation in the year 2017. Resistant Tuberculosis.
• Bio Chemistry Lab got NABL • Yoga and Naturopathy Centre has
Accreditation in the year 2017. been established in collaboration with
• State of the art 120 beds Dhavantari Central Council for Research in Yoga
Apex trauma centre is operational and Naturopathy in November, 2017.
since January, 2018 with 5 modern (iv) KCMGMC, Karnal
OT, 22 bedded ICU, 30 beds in triage • The Hospital became functional since,
area and a 3 tesla MRI. More than 13.04.2017 and 1st batch of 100
50,000 Patients are treated in last 6 MBBS students was admitted in
months. academic session 2017-18.

• MRI 1.5 tesla machine and 64 slice Graduate Degree and Diploma courses
CT Scan machine have been installed. have started in the institute in many
(v) MAMC, Agroha, Hisar
• Cath-Lab on PPP mode made functional
• The Medical College has got on 1st August, 2018. Establishment of
permission for increase in MBBS Trauma Centre & Cancer Institute is in
seats from 50 to 100 and various Post pipeline.
Food Wing Mobile Food Testing Laboratory
6.41 An amount of ` 8.05 Crore 6.46 Two Mobile Food Testing
has been sanctioned by FSSAI and in Laboratories were provided by FSSAI, New-
addition to this an amount of ` 3.36 crore Delhi and both have been rolled out in the
has been sanctioned by State Government Haryana State (Cluster-I & II) to aware
for State Food Lab., Haryana, Chandigarh. general public regarding safe and hygiene
For up-gradation of another District food.
Food Laboratry, Karnal, a proposal of Drug Wing
` 18.11 crore has been sent to FSSAI for 6.47 Department of Food and Drugs
approval. Administration, Haryana has taken action
License/Registration against the meance of Hookah Bars serving
6.42 The Department has granted tobacco molasses containing “Crude
9,224 Food Licenses to Food & Food Nicotine” to the youth of different part of
Business Operators and also verified State and 38 prosecutions have been
launched under Drugs & Cosmetics Act,
31,479 online registrations till 30.9.2019.
Food Sampling
6.48 410 joint raids were conducted.
6.43 During the Financial year
Drug licenses of 2,992 chemist shops were
2018-19, total 2,992 Food Samples have
cancelled and 1,036 drug licences were
been taken. Out of these 590 Food
suspended and 63 prosecutions were
Samples found non confirming to launced. 16,278 inspections were conducted
standards and action is being taken as per and 3,259 samples were taken in the State
FSS Act, 2006 on these samples. during the period.
Ban of Gutka Pan Masala 6.49 12 drug manufacturing licenses,
6.44 The Manufacturing/Sale/ 42 cosmetics manufacturing licenses, 21
Storage of Gutka Pan Masala, has been licenses to operative blood bank and 84
prohibited in the State for one year from hospitals recognized as RMI.s for use of
07.09.2018 by Commissioner, Food essential drugs have been issued.
Safety, Haryana. 6.50 One acre land have been allotted
Ban of Liquid Nitrogen for construction of Haryana State Drugs
6.45 The flushing/mixing of liquid Laboratory in Sector-3, Panchkula and an
nitrogen with any drink of food article has estimate of ` 21.15 crore was approved for
been prohibited by Commissioner, Food construction of building and ` 10 crore have
Safety, Haryana, in the State till further been sanctioned by the Government for
orders. above purpose.

PUBLIC HEALTH schemes, creating new canal based water
6.51 In Haryana State, all the works, constructing boosting stations,
villages were provided with at least one strengthening of existing distribution
safe source of drinking water by system etc. During 2019-20, there is a
31st March, 1992. Thereafter, the focus provision of ` 380 crore under this
has been given to augment the drinking programme. An expenditure of ` 335.91
water supply infrastructure in the crore has been incurred upto
habitations. The status of drinking water 15 January, 2020.
in habitations is presently adjudged in 6.54 In order to accelerate the
terms of population coverage. Currently, implementation of augmentation of rural
the State is engaged in improving the drinking water supply schemes, the State
drinking water supply levels in deficient has been availing funding from National
villages where the water allowance has Bank for Agriculture and Rural
gone down below 55 Litres Per Capita Per Development (NABARD) since 2000-01
Day (LPCD). During the current financial against various projects. At present,
year, 226 identified habitations have been 12 projects have been approved by
identified to be targeted and 70 targeted NABARD under RIDF-XXI, XXII, XXIII
habitations have been benefited with and XXIV having a total cost of ` 954.92
sufficient drinking water supply uptill crore which are in progress. The detail of
15th January, 2020. NABARD projects are given in
6.52 During the year 2019-20, a Table 6.2.
sum of ` 1,490.58 crore has been 6.55 NABARD has recently
provided under Capital Outlay of State/ approved two new augmentation water
Central Plan for rural/urban areas supply projects at a total cost of `120.48
including Central Share of National Rural crore under RIDF XXV and the details of
Drinking Water Programme as well as these projects are given in Table 6.3. The
Central share under National River work on the project i.e. “Augmentation of
Conservation Programme. An expenditure Drinking Water Supply Scheme (Canal
of ` 1,027.22 crore has been incurred upto Based) for 122 villages @ 40 LPCD to 70
15th January, 2020. LPCD in Narnaul Tehsil, District
6.53 Under Augmentation Rural Mahendergarh, Haryana” has been taken
Water Supply programme, the existing in hand whereas work on the project
drinking water supply facilities are to be namely “Providing raw water
improved/strengthened in the villages to arrangement for 7 water works from
raise the status of water supply to Chaudhariwali Minor, RD 20000-L,
55/70 litres per capita per day. The Tehsil and District Hisar, Haryana” will
improvement in the villages is to be be taken in hand shortly and will gain
done by drilling additional tubewells, momentum by the start of the next
augmentation of existing canal based financial year 2020-21.

Table 6.2- The detail of NABARD Projects in the State.
Sr. Name of Project RIDF Estimated Expenditure
No. Cost upto 15.01.2020
(` in lakh) (` in lakh)
1 Augmentation of Canal water for 5 no existing w/w XXI 9285.81 8022.05
covering 24 villages and construction of new w/w at
Budhpur, Chimanawas
2 62 Nos. Dhanies, providing water supply facilities to 62 XXI 776.68 651.39
No. dhanies to be connected with existing SBS, IBS
3(a) Providing R.W. Arrangements by pumping for 3 Nos. XXII 522.16 536.72
W/W i.e.Ugalan, Bhaklana, Dharamkheri
3(b) Providing R.W. Arrangements by pumping for 6 Nos. XXII 1026.50 821.49
W/W i.e. Kheri Lochab and Jalab, Nara, Kinner, Rakhi
Khas and Shahpur
3(c) Providing raw water arrangements by pumping for water XXII 246.39 224.87
works Madan Heri
4 Niana, Kharar Alipur, kulana and Mayyar prov raw XXII 699.88 484.25
water arrangement by pumping for 4 nos w/w from
balsmand branch
5 Aug.Drinking W/S Quality affected 84 No. XXII 18430.62 12129.93
Villages of Prithla and Palwal Block of Distt. Palwal
6 Khaleta, Providing water supply scheme for 14 Nos. XXIII 4439.00 3297.55
villages and 1 No. Dhani
7 Raw water arrangement/augmentation of 11 rural water XXIII 2847.35 2817.86
supply scheme covering 15 villages in Jind district of
8 Satnali Village DPR for Aug. Canal Based W/s Scheme XXIII 12443.00 6064.02
for 25 Nos. village Satnali Block
9 Aug. drinking w/s sch. in 80 No. vill. of F.P.Jhirka and XXIII 21090.00 17194.75
Nagina Block, const. R/well in Yamuna Plain at Atba
and Pipepipe
10 Providing canal Based water supply scheme XXIV 6602.60 3081.43
Raghunath Pur Group of 25 nos Village and 3 Dhani
Distt. Rewari.
11 Providing Canal Based water works for Sanpli and XXIV 5612.40 3165.52
Kasola group of 23 Nos. village and 4 Nos. Dhani Distt.
12 Bhalkhi : Augmentation water supply scheme (Canal XXIV 11470.00 4409.45
Based) water works at Bhalki for 61 No. villages Tehsil
Ateli Mandi.
Grand Total 95492.39 62901.30
Source: Public Health Department, Haryana.

Table 6.3- Augmentation of Water Supply Projects.
Sr. Name of Project Project Cost
No (`` in lakh)
1 Augmentation of Drinking Water Supply Scheme (Canal Based) for 122 9494.25
villages @ 40 LPCD to 70 LPCD in Narnaul Tehsil, District
Mahendergarh, Haryana.
2 Providing raw water arrangement for 7 water works from Chaudhariwali 2554.15
Minor, RD 20000-L, Tehsil and District Hisar, Haryana.
Total 12048.40
Source: Public Health Department, Haryana.
6.56 Under the Special Component Treatment Plants for treatment of raw
Sub Plan, drinking water facilities are sewage and its safe disposal. An amount
provided/upgraded in the villages/ of ` 5,000 lakh each for augmentation of
habitations having majority of population water supply and laying of sewerage
of scheduled caste households by drilling system in the project villages has been
additional tubewells, augmentation of approved during the current fiscal year.
existing canal based schemes, creating Against the total allocation of ` 10,000
new canal based water works, lakh, a sum of ` 2,355.34 lakh has been
constructing boosting stations, expended so far. Augmentation of water
strengthening of existing distribution supplies to 135 LPCD is in progress in 15
system etc. During 2019-20, there is a project villages whereas the work of
budget provision of ` 15 crore under this laying sewerage system is also under-way
programme. An expenditure of ` 9.83 in an equivalent number of villages.
crore has been incurred upto During the current financial year, it is
15 January, 2020. proposed to augment water supply to 135
6.57 In order to provide a clean and LPCD in 9 villages along-with sewerage
enhanced environment in the rural areas, a facilities in these villages, as a pilot
decision was taken by the Honb’le Chief project. This ambitious programme is in
Minister, that big villages having a its infancy but is likely to accelerate and
population of 10,000 persons or more gain momentum from the next financial
would be provided with sewerage system year onwards.
under the Mahagram Yojana. This is a 6.59 Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) has
humongous scheme and would require been launched by Govt. of India with the
massive funds for implementation. aim of providing Functional Household
Keeping in view the enormity of the Tap Connection (FHTC) to every rural
problem, it has been decided to implement household by 2024. At present, in
the schemes in phases. Phase- I will cover Haryana, 53.47 percent of the rural
20 villages, Phase- II would include 37 households have water connections within
villages and Phase- III would encompass the premises of the houses. Haryana is
71 villages. Besides, the drinking water currently ranked 4th in the country in
supplies in the project villages shall also terms of percentage of total household
be augmented to 135 LPCD + 15 percent connections with Piped Water Supply
UAW. (PWS) as on 16.07.2019. Haryana has
6.58 Apart from this, the scheme proposed to achieve the target by the year
also envisages construction of Sewage 2022 and has already launched Jal Jeevan
Mission in the State. State Water & whereas the balance amount of ` 5,084.14
Sewerage Mission (SWSM), District lakh would be utilised by 31.03.2020.
Water & Sewerage Mission (DWSM) and 6.62 As regards the sewerage
Village Water & Sewerage Committee system, major parts of 87 towns of the
(VWSC) have been notified on State have been covered with sewerage
13.12.2019. Under JJM, Panchayats are facilities, whereas work of providing
being empowered to get the capital work sewerage system is in progress in 4 towns
executed for coverage of households. In a and yet to be taken up in recently notified
major policy change, the focus would be five town. During the current financial
on empowering local governance through year, a sum of ` 20,505 lakh has been
active involvement of the Village Water approved for urban sewerage and till
& Sewerage Committee (VWSC) in 15th January, 2020, an expenditure of
execution of new Water Supply Projects ` 16,867.65 lakh has been incurred and
as well as O&M of the Rural Water the remaining 3,637.35 lakh is likely to be
Supply Schemes. utilised by 31.03.2020.
6.60 The Public Health 6.63 With a view to de-stressing
Engineering Department which has the massive population load on the capital
hitherto, performed the role of an of India, the National Capital Region
implementer shall now re-emerge in the Planning Board (NCRPB) Government of
transformative role of a acilitator through India is making perpetual efforts to
seamless handholding for enhancing provide enhanced water supply and
the capabilities of the Panchayati Raj sewerage infrastructure in the satellite
Institutions. Being Chairman of District towns. The objective is to provide almost
Water & Sewerage Mission (DWSM), at par services in the adjoining cities and
Deputy Commissioners have been arrest the growing propensity of the
requested to hold monthly progress population towards the capital city of
review meetings to take stock of the Delhi and enhanced environment. The
progress of works and resolve issues NCRPB financed schemes follow a
which could impede the footfall of financing pattern of 75:25, with 75
scheme implementation. percent loan from NCRPB with State
6.61 Out of 92 towns, the drinking share of 25 percent.
water supply and sewerage services of 87 6.64 Currently, 9 Projects sanctioned
towns are being maintained by the Public by NCRPB for improvement of sewerage
Health Department. All the 87 towns have system in 9 towns, namely, Ganaur,
been provided with piped water supply Kharkhoda, Jhajjar, Hodal, Kalanaur,
facilities. During the current financial year, Sampla, Sohna, Beri, and Samalakha
a sum of ` 14,706 lakh has been earmarked amounting to ` 72.09 crore are in progress
for urban water supply and augmentation at various stages of implementation. An
works have been taken up in selected towns allocation of ` 30 crore has been approved
and also for providing water supply to the for NCRPB during the current financial
newly approved colonies of the towns. Till year against which an expenditure of ` 7.02
15.01.2020, a sum of ` 9,621.86 lakh crore has been incurred till 15th January,
has been utilised under this programme 2020.

6.65 During the monsoon season, a urban water supply and urban sewerage,
number of low lying localities in various respectively by 15th January, 2020.
towns are susceptible to flooding because 6.67 Public Health Engineering
of the natural terrain. In order to avoid Department Haryana has constructed 124
flooding in the vulnerable areas, adequate STPs in the Haryana state including
infrastructure for storm water disposal is STPs for the catchment area of river
required to be created. During the last Ghaggar & Yamuna and further identified
three decades, a fairly robust and resilient the gaps and is geared up to complete
storm water drainage infrastructure has the construction of new STPs and
been developed in major towns, up-gradation of existing STPs by
susceptible to flooding. During the year 31.12.2020, besides laying of sewers in
2019-20, a sum of ` 20 crore has been newly approved colonies.
allocated under storm water drainage to 6.68 Haryana Government has
sustain the on-going works and a sum of notified the policy on re-use of treated
` 6.35 crore has been expended till waste water, which assumes great
15 January, 2020, with the remaining relevance at this juncture, when the
unused amount likely to be spent by ground water is highly stressed in the
31.03.2020. context of ground water availability, the
6.66 Under the Special Component Policy is comprehensive and inclusive and
Sub Plan (SCSP) for urban areas, covers an array of topics ranging from
drinking water/sewerage facilities are treated-waste water applications, standard
being provided/upgraded in localities of operating procedures, and creation of an
the towns with predominance of exclusive cell for project formulation,
Scheduled Caste population. These funds creation of a repository of database,
are also being utilized to maintain the monitoring and implementation. The
substantial assets created under Indira introduction of the Policy augurs well for
Gandhi Drinking Water Supply Scheme. the future, more so, when the water
A sum of ` 294 lakh for water supply and resources have been severally impacted
a sum of ` 995 lakh for sewerage has and are being over-utilized. The possible
been earmarked during 2019-20 for bulk consumers in this regard have been
providing the basic services in the identified and preliminary meetings are
Scheduled Caste dominated localities/ being held with all the stakeholders.
colonies of the cities. An expenditure of Comprehensive action plan for reuse of
` 196.56 lakh and ` 507.60 lakh has treated waste water has also been
been incurred on SCSP Component for prepared.
WOMEN AND CHILD women. The main aim/objective of the
DEVELOPMENT department is to promote social and
6.69 The Women and Child economic empowerment of women
Development Department, Haryana is through policies/programmes, spreading
implementing various schemes for the awareness about the children’s rights and
overall development and empowerment of facilitating their access to learning,
children and women. The State Govt. is nutrition, institution supports etc. The
committed for the empowerment of budget of the department has been

enhanced from ` 1,114.15 crore (2014-15) honoured for Enabling Girls Child
to ` 1,496.98 crore (2019-20). During the Education on 24.01.2019. Haryana has
current financial year a sum of ` 790.55 been recognized and selected for good
crore has been incurred upto December, performing State and Districts
2019 on various departmental schemes Mahendergarh and Bhiwani for
and programmes. outstanding performance in Sex Ratio at
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Birth over the last 5 years also honoured
6.70 “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” on 07.08.2019.
(BBBP), was launched by Hon’ble Prime Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana
Minister on 22.01.2015 at Panipat with Yojana (PMMVY)
the objective to prevent gender biased sex 6.71 Govt. of India has renamed
selective elimination, ensure survival, Indira Gandhi Matritav Sehyog Yojana as
education & empowerment of the girl “Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana”
child. 12 districts of Haryana which have (PMMVY) from 1.1.2017. The scheme is
sex ratio imbalance were selected for the being implemented in all the districts of
implementation of the programme. The the State in accordance with the
programme was extended in remaining 8 provisions of the National Food Security
districts in the year 2016 and Mewat in Act, 2013 with cost sharing ratio between
March, 2018. The State Govt. has taken the Centre and the State 60:40. The
various steps to bring all communities, scheme will help in improving health
social organizations & Non-Govt. seeking behaviour and nutrition among
organizations on a common platform for the pregnant women & lactating mothers
successful implementation of the to reduce the effects of under-nutrition
programme. The sex ratio at birth in namely stunting, wasting and other related
Haryana which was 830 as per 2011 problems. Under this scheme, every
census has gone upto 923 in the year, pregnant and lactating mothers are being
2019. The State was awarded for paid ` 5,000 in 3 installments. Since, the
improving sex ratio at birth on 8.3.2016. start of scheme till now 3,43,946
Yamuna Nagar district has been conferred beneficiaries have been paid with an
the honor for exemplary performance in expenditure of ` 147.03 crore.
the field of girl education on 24.1.2017. One Stop Centre “Sakhi”
Hon’ble Prime Miniser has also honored 6.72 One Stop Centre for women
Deputy Commissioner of district Sonipat provides integrated support and assistance
for the implementation of PC & PNDT to women affected by violence, both in
Act on the occasion of 3rd anniversary of private and public space under one roof
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao on 8th March, and to facilitate immediate emergency and
2018. Haryana State honoured for Overall non-emergency access to a range of
Support, Guidance, Monitoring and services including medical, legal,
achieving the targets of BBBP”. District psychological and counselling. One Stop
Karnal for Effective Community Centres have been set up in 1st phase in
Engagement, District Kurukshetra for the districts namely, Karnal, Gurugram,
Enforcement of Pre Conception & Pre Faridabad, Hisar, Rewari, Bhiwani and
Natal Diagnostic Technique Act Narnaul. Additional 15 One Stop Centres
(PC&PNDT Act) and District Jhajjar also have been operationalized in all the
remaining districts in the year 2018-19. this scheme, account can be opened from
Till now 6,061 (women alongwith their the birth of the girl child till she attains the
children) cases have been dealt in the One age of 10 years. In Haryana, 4,90,081
Stop Centre. A sum of ` 254.27 lakh has accounts of girl children have been
been incurred since the implementation of opened.
the scheme. Poshan Abhiyaan
Aapki Beti -Hamari Beti 6.76 Poshan Abhiyaan was
6.73 The Scheme launched in the launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on
year 2015 by the State Govt. in order to 8th March, 2018 in Jhunjhunu district of
curb the problem of declining sex ratio Rajasthan. The focus of Abhiyaan is to lay
and to change the mind set of community emphasis on nutritional status of
towards girl child, where in ` 21,000 will adolescent girls, pregnant women,
be deposited in the account of first born lactating mothers and children from 0-6
girl child of SC and BPL families and years age. The Abhiyaan is being
` 21,000 will be deposited on the birth of implemented in all districts in a phased
2nd girl child of all families. At the time of manner. Nuh and Panipat districts were
maturity i.e. 18 years, this amount shall selected for phase-I. For Phase-II, 10
become ` 1 lakh approximately and will districts namely Kaithal, Karnal,
be available for utilization by the matured Kurukshetra, Bhiwani Yamuna-nagar,
girl child. Haryana Govt. has extended the Gurugram, Palwal, Rohtak, Sirsa and
benefit to the 3rd girl child. 2,03,385 girls Sonipat were selected. Remaining districts
have been given the benefit under the were covered in the Phase-III. Community
scheme upto December, 2019. Based Events (CBE) are being
th nd
Haryana Kanya Kosh celebrated on 8 & 22 of every month in
6.74 Haryana Kanya Kosh has all anganwadi’s Village Health
been constituted for the welfare and Saniatation Nutritional Day (VHSND) is
development of girls and women of being conduted regularly on 15th of every
Haryana in March, 2015. The funds will month in convergence with Health
be administered by the Women & Child Department and Gram Panchayat. State,
Development Department. A sum of district and Block level Convergence
` 69.88 lakh has been deposited in the Committees have been formulated to
Bank Account of Haryana Kanya Kosh. prepare Convergence Action Plan (CAP)
The certificate of registration of Haryana at different level.
Kanya Kosh u/s 12AA of Income Tax Act Integrated Child Protection Scheme
as a “Charitable Society’’ and exemption 6.77 Integrated Child Protection
u/s 80G has been issued by the Income Scheme (ICPS) is an umbrella scheme
Tax Department. A sum of ` 52.41 lakh under which various schemes for children
has been utilized for the welfare of in need of care and protection and
women & girls upto December, 2019. children in conflict with law are covered.
Sukanya Smariddhi Account The programme is being implemented
6.75 The Scheme was launched on through Haryana State Child Protection
22.01.2015 to address gender imbalance Society (HSCPS). At the district level, the
in the society and by creating a positive District Child Protection Unit (DCPU)
mindset in favour of the girl child. Under under the Chairmanship of Deputy

Commissioner has been constituted for mothers are covered under Supplementary
care, protection, treatment, development Nutrition Programme. Following
and rehabilitation of the children in need initiatives have been taken for enhancing
of care and protection. There are 82 Child nutritive value of supplementary nutrition
Care Institutions in Haryana State run by being provided to children and women:-
Govt., Semi Govt. and Private • Fortified Oil is being supplied in all
Organizations. These Homes are spread the districts and both Panjiri plants
across the State in all Districts and in through HAFED.
47 Blocks and covering around 3,500 • Fortified wheat flour is being
children. Juvenile Justice Board & Child provided in the 6 districts i.e.
Welfare Committee are functional in all Ambala, Karnal, Sonipat, Kaithal,
districts of Haryana. Kurukshetra and Panchkula through
Integrated Child Development Service HAFED.
Scheme • Fortified Panjiri has been prepared in
6.78 Integrated Child Development Gurugram and Gharaunda Panjiri
Service Scheme (ICDS) is a Flagship plants and supplied in urban projects
Scheme of Govt. of India to improve the of the State.
health, nutritional, psychological and • Double Fortified Salt (DFS) is being
social developmental status of Children in used in Aganwadis for cooking of
the age group of 0-6 years and to reduce food items.
mortality, malnutrition and school Construction of Anganwadi Centres
dropouts. At present under ICDS scheme, 6.79 The scheme of construction of
there are 148 sanctioned projects (127 buildings of Anganwadi Centre was
rural + 21 urban projects) and 25,962 started in the year 2002-03 with an
sanctioned Anganwadi Centres including objective to provide clean and peaceful
512 Mini AWC in the State. The State environment to the children and women
Govt. is providing Supplementary beneficiaries of ICDS and other related
Nutrition (SNP) containing an average schemes at village level and to create
nutritive value as per norms fixed i.e. in assets for them. At present cost of
the case of Pregnant/Lactating mothers construction of an Anganwadi is ` 9.95
600 calories and 18-20 gms. protein, in lakh. Construction work is being executed
case of children 500 calories and 12-15 through (Chief Executed Officer) Zila
gms. protein and in case of severely mal- Parishad. During the financial year
nourished children 800 calories and 20-25 2019-20, there is a budget provision of
gms. protein. The rates of SNP have been ` 13,000 lakh. Since, 2014-15, the State
enhanced from ` 7 to ` 9.50 per mother, Government has spent ` 48,478.92 lakh
` 6 to ` 8 per child and ` 9 to ` 12 per for the construction of 3,788 Anganwadi
mal-nourished child per day. 8.06 lakh Buildings. 2,731 AWC buildings have
children and 2.56 lakh pregnant/lactating been completed during this period.




Development and Panchayats Department, Haryana is primarily responsible to
oversee the implementation of various development schemes of Centre and State
Government in rural areas and also to regulate and coordinate various activities of the
Panchayati Raj Instructions.In Urban area the development activities are mainly
carried out by Urban Local Bodies Department through Urban Local Bodies i.e
Municipal Committees, Municipal Councils and Municipal Corporations .
Swachh Bharat Misson (Gramin) 500 households respectively. In the State,
7.2 Haryana State Swachh Bharat a total number of 1,395 SLWM projects
Mission Society has been registered under costing ` 390.57 crore were sanctioned by
the aegis of Development & Panchayats the State Scheme Sanctioning Committee
Department for successful implementation (SSSC). Out of these, 722 Solid Waste
of Swachh Bharat Misson (Gramin) in Management & 555 Liquid Waste
rural areas of the State. This is a centrally Management projects have been
sponsored scheme of Ministry of Drinking completed and the work on 172 Solid
Water & Sanitation, Govt. of India under Waste Management & 412 Liquid Waste
60:40 funding pattern between Centre and Management projects are in progress.
State. The main objective of the Under the Annual Implementation Plan
programme is to bring about an (AIP)2019-20, 1,377 Soild and Liquid
improvement in the general quality of life Waste Management projects amounting to
in the rural areas through accelerating `198.98 crore (` 119.39 crore Central
improved sanitation coverage in Share + ` 79.59 crore State Share) has
sustainable mode by 2019. Under this been approved by the Ministry of Jal
scheme, 6,31,866 Individual Household Shakti (Department of Drinking Water
Latrines have been constructed during the and Sanitation).
present Govt. tenure. Open Defecation Free Panchayats
Solid & Liquid Waste Management 7.4 Haryana State has been
(SLWM) Projects declared as Open Defecation Free (ODF)
7.3 The total assistance under the on 22.6.2017. Now, the Focus of Swachh
Sawachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) for Bharat Mission-Gramin is on ODF+ i.e.
Sustainability of ODF status and Soild &
SLWM projects being worked out on the
Liquid Waste Management. Under
basis of total number of households in Swachh Survekshan Gramin-2019,
each Gram Panchayat, subject to a Haryana State has achieved 2nd rank
maximum of ` 7 lakh, ` 12 lakh, ` 15 lakh across the country. Similarily, in the
and ` 20 lakh for a Gram Panchayat North region states, Haryana has achieved
having upto 150, 300, 500 and more than 1st rank. District Faridabad and Rewari

also achieved the 2nd and 3rd rank the water pipelines and electricity lines in
respectively in the country. these bastis. An amount of ` 5,000 lakh
Setting-Up of Gram Sachivalayas has been provided for the year 2018-19,
7.5 To institutionalize the Gram out of which an amount of ` 1,099.38 lakh
Panchayats, as well as, to bring have been released. An outlay of ` 50
transparency in their functioning, the crore has been provided for the year
Development and Panchayat Department 2019-20, out of which an amount of
had planned during 2015-16 to set-up ` 14.20 crore have been released so far.
Gram Sachivalayas for every Gram Swaran Jayanti Maha Gram Vikas
Panchayat. Keeping in view the Yojana
sanctioned post of Gram Sachivs, all the 7.7 In order to avoid migration of
Gram Panchayats have been clubbed into village population to urban aabadi, it has
2,294 clusters, having 3-4 Gram been decided by the Govt. to initiate a
Panchayats in each cluster. For this
new scheme “Sawaran Jayanti Maha
purpose the Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendras,
Panchayat Ghars or any other Community Gram Vikas Yojana” for the planned
Building available in Gram Panchayats development of the villages having
will be upgraded with basic IT facilities. population of 10,000 or more than 10,000.
Total number of 1,855 Gram Sachivalayas Duration of the scheme is 5 years i.e.
have been established in the State till from the year 2016-17 to 2020-21. The
31.10.2019.The main objective for aim of this scheme is to develop big
launching the scheme of Gram
villages in trade marketing facilities,
Sachivalaya is to bring Gram Panchayat
and village level functioneries of all social and infrastructure development,
departments under one roof for better training institute and human development
functioning and coordination. It aims to etc. so that migration of rural people to
ensure efficiency, transperancy and the cities may be avoided. Sewerage
accountability in the working of Gram facilities will also be provided in these
Panchayat and other agencies engaged in villages. The estimated cost of the scheme
the process of rural development.
is ` 1,46,100 lakh. The scheme has been
Mahatma Gandhi Gramin Basti
Yojana approved by the standing committee of
7.6 Under this scheme, free Finance Department. An amount of
residential plots of 100 sq. yards for each ` 13,500 lakh have been sanctioned for
eligible SCs, BCs (A) and BPL families the year 2017-18 out of which ` 8405.91
are being allotted. Sites, on which these lakh have been released. For the financial
plots are located and developed with
year 2018-19, a budget provision for this
necessary infrastructural facilities
including power supply, drinking water, scheme has been made in the budget of
paved streets. A number of 3.87 lakh Public Health Engineering Department by
families have been conferred ownership the Finance Department.
rights through execution of gift deed by Haryana Gramin Vikas Yojana
30.11.2014. Allotment of plots to 7.8 The objective of the scheme is
remaining eligible families where the to improve overall quality of life in rural
panchayat land is available, is in progress. areas by providing basic infrastructure
The remaining villages where the suitable
and up-gradation of existing infrastructure
panchayat land is not available, in those
villages, land will be made available by like paved streets, proper drainage of
way of exchange or acquisition. The waste water, construction/repair of
Govt. intends to provide funds for laying community buildings/chaupals etc. by

using proper mapping and IT based expenditure on payment of remuneration
system. A budget provision of ` 45,000 to the Safai Karmcharies. Initially,the
lakh has been made for the year 2018-19, salary was fixed at ` 3,525 per month in
out of which of an amount of ` 44,930 October, 2007. Due to again and again
lakh have been released and a budget revision, now it has been to
provision of ` 50,000 lakh has been made ` 12,500 per month w.e.f. 12.9.2019.
for the year 2019-20, out of which of an An amount of ` 13,100 lakh were
amount of ` 99.94 lakh have been approved for the year 2017-18, out of
released so-far. which ` 12,580 lakh were utilized. An
Financial assistance to Gram amount of ` 14,000 lakh has been
Panchayats for Improved Sanitation proposed for the financial year 2018-19,
7.9 In order to improve the out of which ` 12,649.87 lakh were
sanitation environment in the villages, utilized. An amount of ` 130 crore has
more than 10,229 Safai Karmcharies had been proposed for the year 2019-20, out
been engaged by the Gram Panchayats. of which an amount of ` 83.04 crore has
The Govt. provides financial assistance to been released so far.
Gram Panchayats to meet out the
RURAL DEVELOPMENT has been spent during the year 2019-20
DEPARTMENT upto 9th January, 2020 for generating
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural ` 58.94 lakh person-days (59 percent)
Employment Guarantee Scheme against the target of ` 100 lakh person-
(MGNREGS) days, out of which ` 26.45 lakh
7.10 To provide 100 days wage (45 percent) person-days were generated
employment to every rural household in a for scheduled castes and ` 30.11 lakh
year to enhance livelihood security in rural person-days (51 percent) were generated
for women in the rural areas of the State.
areas, the scheme of Mahatma Gandhi
An outlay of ` 350 crore has been
National Rural Employment Guarantee proposed in 90:10 as Centre & State share
Scheme (MGNREGS) is being for the Annual Plan 2020-21 under this
implemented in the entire State w.e.f. 1st scheme.
April, 2008. One third of the jobs are Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana
reserved for women. Minimum wages of 7.12 Under PMAY-G, beneficiaries
` 284 per person-day are being paid to the are identified as per the Socio Economic
workers engaged under the scheme w.e.f. Census-2011 data and households having
1.4.2019, which is the highest in the 0,1,2 room kutcha house. An amount of
country. ` 1.20 lakh in plain areas and ` 1.30 lakh
7.11 This programme is being in hilly/difficult areas will be provided to
converged with schemes of other line the beneficiaries to construct houses. In
departments like Forests, Agriculture, addition to this, an amount of ` 0.18 lakh
Irrigation, School Education, Women & as Top up amount by the State Govt. and
Child, Development & Panchayats, ` 0.12 lakh will be provided under
Fisheries, Public Health & Engineering,
convergence for construction of Sanitary
Marketing Board, PWD (B&R) and
Railways etc. to ensure creation of Latrine to the beneficiary. Under
meaningful assets in the villages. Under MGNREGA, out of total 90 unskilled
this scheme, an amount of ` 279.42 crore person days in the plain areas &

95 unskilled person-days in hilly/difficult development works as per the list
areas will be permitted employment to the recommended by the MLAs. An outlay of
beneficiaries for construction of their ` 180.20 crore has been proposed as State
houses. share for the year 2020-21.
7.13 During the financial year Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban
2019-20 upto 9th January, 2020, an Mission
expenditure of ` 43.67 crore has been 7.17 The Govt. of India has
incurred and 4,549 houses have been launched this scheme on 21st February,
completed and 5,860 are under progress. 2016. The main objective of the mission is
Under this scheme, an outlay of ` 170 crore
development of rurban clusters, for trigger
has been proposed in 60:40 as Centre &
State share for Annual Plan 2020-21. overall development in the region. The
Member of Parliament Local Area clusters would be developed by
Development Scheme provisioning of economic activities,
7.14 This scheme has been launched developing skills & local entrepreneurship
by Govt. of India on 23 December, 1993. and providing infrastructure amenities.
Under this scheme, Govt. of India provides A Rurban cluster, would be a cluster of
to each M.P. an amount of ` 5 crore per geographically contiguous villages with a
annum for the development works. Under population of about 25,000 to 50,000 in
this scheme, an amount of ` 19.50 crore has plain and coastal areas and with a
been spent and 414 works have been population of 5,000 to 15,000 in desert,
completed and 729 works are in progress hilly or tribal areas. All the selected
upto December, 2019. clusters are to be developed within 3 to 5
Vidhayak Adarsh Gram Yojana years.
7.15 Under Vidhayak Adarsh Gram 7.18 Under this scheme, 152
Yojana (VAGY) the State Govt. decided villages of the State have been identified in
now to grant an amount of ` 2 crore for 10 clusters in 3 Phases. These clusters
each constituency every year. This amount consisting of contiguous villages would be
can be spent in one or more villages developed in 3 to 5 years by providing
(` 0.50 crore if the village has population economic activities, infrastructure
upto ` 5,000, ` 1 crore if the village has amenities, developing skills & local
population more than 5,000-10,000 and entrepreneurship. 377 works have been
` 2 crore if the village has population more undertaken out of which 32 works have
than 10,000). Under this scheme, an been completed and an amount of ` 70.43
amount of ` 64.53 crore has been released crore has been spent the during the
during the year 2019-20. financial year 2019-20 upto December,
7.16 Hon’ble Chief Minister 2019. Under this scheme, an outlay of
announced in the Haryana Vidhan Sabha ` 245 crore has been proposed as Centre &
during the last session that the State share for the year 2020-21.
development works to extent of ` 5 crore Integrated Watershed Management
in each Assembly Constituency shall be Programme
carried out as per the recommendation of 7.19 The programme is mandated to
the concerned MLAs. All the Deputy restore the ecological balance by
Commissioners have been directed to give harnessing, conserving and developing
priority for the execution of the degraded natural resources such as soil,

vegetative cover and water. The outcomes Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana-
are prevention of soil erosion, regeneration National Rural Livelihood Mission
of natural vegetation, rain water harvesting 7.22 The National Rural Livelihood
and recharging of the ground water table. Mission was started w.e.f 1.4.2013 and
This programme is being implemented in implemented in phased manner in all the
13 districts of the state namely Ambala, districts of the State. Under the scheme,
Bhiwani, Gurugram, Hisar, Jhajjar, 10,040 new SHGs have been formed and
Mewat, Mahendragarh, Palwal, Panchkula, an amount of ` 42.58 crore has been spent
Rohtak, Rewari, Sonipat & Yamunanagar. during the year 2019-20 (upto December,
An amount of ` 16.03 crore has been 2019).
incurred on various activities in these Deen Dayal Upadhaya- Gramin
Watershed Projects during 2019-20 (upto Kaushal Yojana (GKY)
November, 2019). 7.23 This scheme is for providing
Water Conservation and Water training and placement to rural poor youth
Harvesting Scheme of India. The cost related to training and
7.20 The scheme of Water placement subscribed as Common Cost
Conservation and Water Harvesting in Norms are allowed under the programme
notified over exploited blocks of the State and the funds are calculated as per the
has also been implemented during targets allocated to a project. The scheme
2016-17. An amount of ` 21.22 crore was works on a People Project Partnership
released both by the Central and State (PPP) model and the funds are routed
Government under the new scheme. through the State Rural Livelihood
Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) Mission. During the year 2019-20
has notified 22 blocks of 11 districts as (upto December, 2019), an amount of
overexploited. The new scheme is ` 8.44 crore has been spent under the
mandated to undertake Water scheme.
Conservation and Water Harvesting works Mahila Kissan Sashaktikaran
for recharging the depleting underground Pariyojana
water in the over exploited blocks. 7.24 Mahila Kissan Sashaktikaran
An amount of ` 4.49 crore has been Pariyojana (MKSP) is initiated by
utilized during 2019-20 upto November, Ministry of Rural Development on
2019. pilot basis in Bawani Khera, Matanhail
Irrigation Efficiency Fund (NABARD) and Naranuand blocks in Bhiwani, Jhajjar
7.21 This new scheme will be and Hisar respectively. The objective
implemented from the financial year is to strengthen small and marginal
2019-20 for undertaking Water farmers through promotion of Community
Conservation and Harvesting works in 36 Managed Sustainable Agriculture
identified over exploited & critical block (CMSA) which involves making best
of the state for recharging of ground water. use of locally available resources and
Under these schemes, an outlay of takes best advantage of natural processes.
` 50 crore has been proposed as Centre & Under this scheme, an amount of
State share for the year 2020-21. ` 0.39 crore is spent upto December, 2019.

Start-up Village Enterprenureship unemployment in the villages by helping
Programme to start and support rural enterprises.
7.25 This is a sub scheme of NRLM An amount of ` 1.97 crore has been
for helping rural poor youth to start and disbursed upto December, 2019. An
support rural enterprises. The overall amount of ` 200 crore has been proposed
objective of SVEP is to implement the as Centre & State share for Annual Plan
Government’s efforts to stimulate 2020-21 under these schemes.
economic growth and reduce poverty and
URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE Development (MoUD), Government of
DEVELOPMENT India will operate as a Centrally Sponsored
7.26 Urban Local Bodies are Scheme (CSS) and the Central
important institutions of self governance, Government proposes to give financial
providing physical infrastructure and civic support to the Mission by providing ` 100
amenities in urban areas. Presently, more crore per city per year. An equal amount,
than 35 percent (as per Census 2011) of on a matching basis, is to be contributed
the State’s population lives in urban areas. by the State to the Smart City. Faridabad
There are 87 municipalities in the State was selected under the fast track Smart
consisting of 10 Municipal Corporations, Cities on 21st May, 2016 and Karnal got
19 Municipal Councils, and 58 Municipal selected in the 3rd round of the Smart City
Committees. The Government is on 28th June, 2017.
committed to ensuring that all the Faridabad Smart City
Municipalities in the state emerge as 7.29 Special Purpose Vehicle
strong and robust institutions of namely Faridabad Smart City Limited,
government to achieve this end. The established on 20.9.2016, which was got
Government’s aim to support and facilitate registered under the Companies Act. Chief
Executive Officer and Project
the Municipal Corporations, to begin with,
Management Consultant (PMC) stands
to become self-reliant and capable of appointed.
taking development decisions at their • An amount of ` 390 crore
level. consisting of ` 196 crore Govt. of
7.27 The budget provision of the India share and ` 194 crore as State
Urban Local Bodies Department has share has been released to
enhanced significantly from the previous Faridabad Smart City Limited.
years, during current financial year • The Smart City Proposal of
Municipal Corporation Faridabad
2019-20, a sum of ` 4,619.37 crore has
comprises of 2 components viz.
been earmarked in the State budget to lay Area Based Development
emphasis on creation and up-gradation of proposals and Pan City Proposals.
Urban Infrastructure. Some of the • There are total 49 projects under
programmes being under taken by the the Faridabad Smart City Limited
Urban Local Bodies Department are as with total cost of ` 2,580.93 crore.
under. Achievements
7.30 Out of 49 projects, 2 projects
Smart City
7.28 The Smart City Mission of Smart Toilets (10 locations) and Open
launched by Ministry of Urban Air Smart Gym (5 locations) have been

completed and other 15 projects costing • The Smart City Proposal of
` 595.85 crore have commenced and are in Municipal Corporation Karnal
execution. One of the major projects i.e. comprises of two components viz.
Integrated Command Control Centers has Area Based Development
been inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime proposals and Pan City Proposals.
Minister on 8.9.2019. The detail of major • There are total 57 projects under
awarded projects includes, Rain Water the Karnal Smart City Limited with
Harvesting, Smart Park (Sector 21 B), total cost of ` 1,171.83 crore.
Beautification of 5 Intersections of Achievements
7.32 Out of approved 57 projects,
National Highway 44, Development of
5 projects of ` 21.15 crore includes Light
Badkhal Road (Badkhal Mor to Bypass
and Sound Show at Karan Park, Musical
Road), and Construction of Barahi
Fountain at Karan Tal, City Surveillance,
Nakshatra Vatika etc. whereas, 7 projects
City Bus Services and Convention Hall
of ` 190.86 crore namely Selection of
have been completed. Subsequently,
System Integrator to design, development,
17 projects of ` 167.13 crore are in
implementation, operation and
execution which includes major projects
maintenance of disaster recovery cloud of
like Installation of Open Air Gyms and
Smart City, Badkhal Lake Rejuvenation
Meditation area in parks, Smart Utilities,
Part-A - Lake Bed Treatment, Badkhal
Earmarked Cycle Track, Docking Stations
Lake Rejuvenation – Main Bund
for Sanjhi Cycle (PBS) and Storm Water
strengthening and widening on EPC basis,
Drainage, Road Intersection Design,
Design, Engineering, Procurement and
Providing Wi-Fi in Park, Integrated
Construction of Bus Depot, Selection of
Control and Command Centre etc. whereas
System Integrator for creation of Optical
2 projects, namely, Creation of
Fiber Backbone Network, Request for
Commercial space in Mughal Canal and
qualification and proposal for selection of
Development of Underground Parking at
private operator for City Bus Operation
Old Subzi Mandi (Ph.I) costing ` 293.83
and construction of Government Primary
crore are in tendering stage.
School, Sant Nagar are under Tendering
The Haryana Municipal Corporation
Stage. Advertisement (Amendment) Byelaws, 2016.
Smart City Karnal 7.33 The State of Haryana notified
7.31 The Special Purpose Vehicle the Haryana Municipal Corporation
for the Karnal Smart City was constituted Advertisement Byelaws, 2016 vide
on 1.8.2017. KSCL registered under the notification dated 23. 3.2018 for regulation
Companies Act on 8.12.2017. SPV has of advertisements in the State, which is
appointed KPMG as Project Management also a great source of revenue to
Consultants (PMC) on 10.8.2018 & municipalities. For better regulation an
agreement with KPMG stand executed on amendment was notified on 13.2.2019.
1.10.2018. Status of City Bus Service Faridabad
• An amount of ` 110 crore 7.34 The city bus service project
consisting of ` 60 crore GoI share has been approved by the CoSI and CCI.
and ` 50 crore State share has been The special purpose vehicle namely
released to Karnal Smart City
Faridabad Transport Service City Limited

(FTSCL) has been constituted under the cities of India in Swachh Survekshan-
Companies Act, 2013. 2019.
1. City Bus Service Planning - Based on • All the 80 ULBs of the Haryana State
the demand assessment two types of have been declared ODF (Open
bus services, namely Feeder Services Defecation Free).
to Metro stations and intra-city are • Ministry of Housing and Urban
proposed as under: Affairs have declared 12 ULBs
Feeder Bus Services – On 10 routes of (Sonepat, Bahadurgarh, Jhajjar,
total route length of 69 kms and each Taraori, Thanesar, Narnaul, Tauru,
Meham, Rewari, Bawanikhera, Jind
route serving at least one metro station
and Sampla) are declared as ODF+.
at headways of 3-4 minutes generally • 11 ULBs (Gurugram, Karnal, Rohtak,
synchronized with Metro headways
Ambala, Gannaur, Panchkula,
with fleet size of 40 semi-low floor Yamunanagar, Panipat, Gharaunda,
(650mm floor height) CNG fuelled air- Hisar and Radaur) are declared as
conditioned mini buses; ODF++.
Intra City Operations – On 10 routes
• Karnal ULB has been awarded by
with a total route length of 97 kms at three star rating for Garbage Free City
headway of about 10 minutes with 50 in Swachh Survekshan 2019 & 2020.
semi-low floor (650mm floor height) • During the first quarter of Swachh
CNG fuelled non- air-conditioned mini Survekshan league 2020, MC Beri has
buses. achieved 1st rank under the category
2. The total estimated project cost is of cities having population less than
` 463 crore for a fleet of 595 buses by 25,000.
2031. The fleet will be acquired,
• Swachh Survekshan has started from
operated and maintained by a
4th January, 2020 and after evaluating
Private Operator at his cost and
shortcomings of last year, necessary
depots, terminals and Bus Queue
steps are being taken to improve the
shelters shall be developed by the
ranking in Swachh Survekshan– 2020.
• Under this program, Govt. of India
Swachh Bharat Mission
has released ` 122.69 crore and State
7.35 To achieve the objectives of
Govt. has also released ` 169.75 crore
Swachh Bharat Mission, Govt. of Haryana as its share till date.
has committed to provide Quality Sanitary • During the current financial year
Services to the Community. Under 2019-20, a provision of ` 60 crore has
Swachh Bharat Mission, 64,884 been approved in the budget.
(91 percent) Individual Household Latrine • Govt. of Haryana has launched
(IHHL) have been constructed against the Swachhata Shehri Puraskar Scheme
revised target of 71,000 IHHLs. 4,011 with the objective to motivate and
(98 percent) Community Toilet (CT) Seats create a sense of competition among
have been constructed against the target of the ULBs to promote accelerated
4,081 seats. 6,808 (108 percent) Public sanitation coverage and to eliminate
Toilet (PT) seats have been constructed the practice of open defecation in
against the target of 6,313 seats. urban areas of the State. A sum of
• 4 cities (Karnal, Panchkula, Rohtak ` 2 lakh for Municipal Corporation
and Gurugram) ULBs of Haryana ward, ` 1 lakh for Municipal Council
stand in the ranking of the top 100 ward and ` 0.50 lakh for Municipal
Committee ward will be given to the • Door to Door collection started in
best ward after every three months. 1,427 Wards and Source Segregation
The award scheme will also recognize initiated in 975 wards.
the achievements of Resident Welfare Atal Mission of Rejuvenation and
Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
Associations who have made sincere
7.37 Under AMRUT Scheme of
efforts for the cleanliness award in the
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,
ULBs. Best performing Resident
GoI, it has been envisaged that every
Welfare Association will be selected
household in the urban areas of the
by the District Level Sanitation
selected towns under the scheme has
Committee and a sum of ` 50,000 will
access to assure drinking Water Supply
be provided as award money to RWA
and a sewerage connection to every
in a quarter of each district.
household of urban area and proper
Solid Waste Management
drainage system with development of
7.36 For scientific management and
green areas. Atal Mission for Rejuvenation
disposal of Solid Waste and providing
and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
clean and healthy environment to the
Scheme is a flagship scheme of Govt. of
citizens of the State, 14 Integrated Solid
India which covers 18 ULBs of Haryana.
Waste Clusters formed covering all
State Annual Action Plan (SAAP)
87 ULBs, i.e. 4 Waste- to- Energy and
amounting to ` 2,565.74 crore has been
10 Waste – to- Compost. Out of which
approved for Haryana by Govt. of India.
work for 2 clusters, namely, Gurugram-
The aim of this scheme is to strengthen
Faridabad and Sonepat-Panipat Clusters
network of water supply & sewerage
with common Processing and Disposal
system and providing connections to every
Facilities to cover all the ULBs have been
household of urban area and proper storm
water drainage system with development
• Work for two clusters namely,
of green areas. Under this scheme, works
Gurugram- Faridabad and Sonepat-
Panipat has been awarded. Door to amounting to ` 2,493.05 crore are in full
Door Collection is being done in swing and are likely to be completed this
Gurugram and in Faridabad and year.
Collection and transportation coverage 7.38 A centrally sponsored Scheme
in both the ULBs for Preparation of GIS application-based
• Panchkula Cluster– Bidding process is Master Plan of all AMRUT ULBs is in
completed, Technical and Financial progress and is likely to be completed this
evaluation has been done and is year. The objective of this scheme is to
submitted for approval from CoSI and develop common digital Geo- referenced
CCI for awarding the project. base maps and land use maps using
• Tenders for Rewari, Bhiwani, Geographical Information System (GIS)
Fatehabad & Punhana Cluster were that will lead to better planning of
invited in September 2019. Single bid infrastructure facilities in the urban areas.
has been received for Rewari, • 18 ULBs namely Gurugram,
Fatehabad and Punhana clusters and Panchkula, Ambala City- Sadar,
file is under approval for considering Yamuna Nagar- Jagadhri, Karnal,
and opening of single bid. Hisar, Rohtak, Faridabad, Panipat,

Kaithal, Rewari, Bhiwani, Thanesar, Works Management System
Sonepat, Bahadurgarh, Palwal, Sirsa 7.40 Major modules developed are
and Jind have been covered under the Project definition, Estimate preparation
scheme where work is in progress as and approval, Administrative and Budget
on date. Approval, Technical Sanction, Vendor
• During the current financial year, a Registration, Work allocation,
budget provision of ` 470.21 crore has e-Measurement Book, Bills processing.
been made under this scheme. During Development of all modules was
the next financial year 2020-21, a undertaken by in-house IT Cell and pilot
provision of ` 1,026.29 crore has been has been completed at 8 Municipalities for
proposed for allocation in the Budget. functionality feedbacks. System is
• To improve upon Governance in 18 currently under Security Audit and will be
AMRUT Towns, work of launched after Security Audit is
incorporating certain important completed. The advantages of works
Reforms like Online Building Plan management system are as follows:
Permission, Online Basic Citizen • There will be complete data,
Services i.e. issuing of Birth/Death approvals, payments of all the ULBs
Certificate, Mutations of Land, e- at single platform
procurement for online tendering • Will increase transparency and
process, Online Payment of Municipal monitoring of utilization of funds
Taxes, Water/Sewerage Charges has • Paper less work which will save time
been implemented in the AMRUT for approvals
Towns. Under the scheme websites of • Online monitoring of progress of work
all the MCs have been created and by the Head Office.
commissioned. Credit Rating of all the • History of development works of the
AMRUT towns has also been got roads, buildings, parks etc. will be
assessed through designated Credit automatically created for the purpose
Rating agencies, by which the credit of minor and major repairs.
worthiness of the AMRUT towns is GIS-based Property Tax Survey
known. Govt. of India has provided an 7.41 Centralized GIS based
incentive amount of ` 20.79 crore to Property tax survey in all the ULBs of the
the State for achieving the reforms. State has been started on 4.10.2018.
Online Citizen Services Property survey is being carried out using
7.39 ULB department has launched high resolution Drone Imagery or Satellite
135 services online on SARAL Portal. Imagery as base map for highest geo-
Major services launched are Birth & accuracy and accurate plot dimensions.
Death, Marriage Registration, Building Every house would have a Unique
Plan Approval, Fire Services, Water & Property ID (House Numbering). The
Sewerage connection & billing and various advantages of GIS based Property tax
Business Licenses. survey are as follows:
• Major upcoming services: • Data of properties in urban areas will
• Change of Land Use be hosted at NIC cloud which will be
• Advertisement managed by Head Office.
• Major services planned: • Monitoring of ULBs for the collection
• Right of way of property tax by ULBs
• Rent & lease • Will help in accessing impact of
• Burial / Burning ground rebates

• The system will result in enhancing • Balance sheet will be generated on
the property based tax revenues by 30- real time basis
40 percent as compared to the existing • Data for all the assets of the ULBs
revenue. will be entered in the Accrual-Based
• All the properties will be Geo-tagged (Double Entry accounting) system
which will be helpful for planning and which is not available in ULBs
day-to-day developmental work. currently
• Online availability of data will help • All the ULBs will be having uniform
the citizens to view their property tax, budgeting heads
can self assess the property tax, make Human Resource Management System
online payments. 7.43 Department is in process of
• It will lead to transparency and speedy implying online Human Resource
disposal of collection of property tax. Management System for all the ULBs of
• Data will lead to assess the scale of the state. NIC online application is being
ULBs and further will lead to evaluate used by the Department.The process has
the impact analysis of the policies been started by the department and is
from time to time. likely to be completed by the end of
Accrual based Double Entry Accounting February, 2020. The advantages of Human
System Resource Management System are as
7.42 Department is in process of follows:
shifting from Cash based accounting to • The Service record including details
Integrated Accrual-Based (Double Entry of service book for all the employees
accounting) Financial Management System of ULBs would be available on the
across all Municipalities of the State to online HRMS portal in digitized
improve efficiency in Revenue collection format
and budget planning. RFP for the selection • The HRMS application would ensure
of agency for the development of online Complete automation of Human
application has already been invited and is Resource Management lifecycle –
under process. RFP for the selection of CA from Hire to Retire, within
firms has already been invited and is under Municipalities across the State to
process. By the end of May 2020, the improve overall productivity of the
department will shift from Cash based deployed workforce
accounting to Integrated Accrual-Based • Leave Management, Attendance
(Double Entry accounting) Financial Management, ACR, Transfers &
Management System across all Postings, Promotions etc will be done
Municipalities of the State. The advantages online.
of Accrual-Based Double Entry • Data of posts filled and vacant will be
Accounting System are as follows: available to Head Office which will
• There will be online mechanism of help in studying the staffing in all
recording all types of transactions ULBs
ULB-wise Websites for all the Municipalities
• It will show the accurate financial 7.44 Websites of all the ULBs are
performance and financial position of being developed by Head Office duly
ULBs integrated with the website of the
• The system will enable participatory Department in content management
budgeting for ULBs to prioritize its system. Websites of all the ULBs
investments including Head Office is under security
• ULBs will be in the position to float audit and will be launched after receiving
Municipal Bonds on the basis of their security audit certificate. All the websites
credit rating will be hosted on NIC cloud which will be

managed by Head Office. The advantages State Finance Commission
of Websites for all the Municipalities are 7.46 A budget provision of ` 1,200
as follows: crore has been made on the
• All the online services will be recommendation of State Finance
delivered through web portals. Commission and ` 540 crore has been
• All the information/instructions/ released to the Municipalities during the
notifications/orders etc which will be current financial year 2019-20.
published by Head Office will Strengthening of Fire Services
automatically will be displayed on the 7.47 For Strengthening of Fire
websites of all the ULBs Service in the State of Haryana during the
• Will reduce the expenditure of ULBs current financial year 2019-20, a sum of
for managing the cost of operation and ` 4.65 crore has been incurred for the
maintenance of individual websites, purchase of Fire Fighting equipments/
cost of hosting website on clouds.
vehicles. In the financial year 2020-21
14th Central Finance Commission
7.45 On the recommendation of budget provision of ` 25 crore has been
th made for the procurement of 30 Small Fire
14 Central Finance Commission, a
budget provision of ` 905.27 crore Tender, 20 Foam Tender, 20 Advance
(` 576.91 crore for Municipal Rescue Tender, 2 Hydraulic Platforms of
Corporations and ` 328.36 crore for 32 mets. Height and 2 Turn Table Ladders
Municipal Councils/Committees) has been
of 55 mets. Height and other safety
made for the year 2019-20 and an amount
of ` 730.11 crore has been released to the tools/equipments.
STATE URBAN DEVELOPMENT ` 5,880.72 crore (Central share ` 3,612.34
AUTHORITY crore and State share ` 2,268.38 crore)
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban have been approved/ accepted by State and
7.48 The objective of the scheme is Central Governments.
to assist the beneficiaries of Economically 7.50 Under Beneficiary Led
Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Construction (BLC) vertical, 49,691
Group (LIG) categories of urban areas in houses have been geo-tagged, 35,156
new construction/ purchase or up- houses have been approved upto
gradation/ enhancement of existing house 31.12.2019. A number of 605 EWS DUs
for their use. In view of the weak financial have been completed and 7,398 EWS DUs
position of urban poor, the State Govt. has are in progress. The Town & Country
decided to provide financial assistance Planning Department invited applications
upto ` 1 lakh for the construction of new from PMAY-U approved beneficiaries for
house/flat (except Enhancement DUs) allotment of already lying 6,973 EWS flats
apart from Central assistance upto ` 1.50 and 6,083 applications have been received
lakh per house/Dwelling Unit. against it. The Banks have sanctioned
7.49 In a demand survey 3,61,365 interest subsidized home loan to 4,262
applications were received and after applicants under Credit Linked Subsidy
validations of demand, the Detailed Project Scheme (CLSS). All the 67,411 EWS
Reports of 2,48,657 beneficiaries (BLC houses under BLC vertical are expected to
67,411 DUs + AHP 1,80,879 DUs + ISSR be completed by 31.12.2020 and all the
367 DUs) involving financial assistance of 1,80,879 AHP beneficiaries are expected

to be covered by the end of Mission period vendors for accessing emerging market
(i.e.2022). opportunities.
7.51 Upto 31.12.2019, the Govt. of 7.53 Upto 31.12.2019, 518 Self
India has released ` 342.62 crore to the Help Groups (SHGs) have been formed,
State and State has further released 3,982 candidates have been trained,
` 212.74 crore to the ULBs. The ULBs 2,481 candidates were under training and
have disbursed subsidy of ` 76.40 crore to 2,667 candidates have been certified,
eligible beneficiaries through Direct 218 individuals and 6 group beneficiaries
Benefit Transfer (DBT-PFMS). There is a have been provided interest subsidized
provision of ` 355 crore for PMAY-U in loan for setting up of their micro-
State Budget 2019-20. enterprises. Town Vending Committees
Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana- (TVCs) have also been constituted in
National Urban Livelihood Mission 80 towns. In a survey, 1,01,950 urban
7.52 The objective of the scheme is street vendors have been identified,
to reduce poverty and vulnerability of the Vending Zones are being identified and
urban poor households by enabling them to with the approval of Town Vending
Committees, the vending space shall be
access gainful self-employment and skilled
allotted to urban street vendors in all the
wage employment opportunities, resulting 80 towns. In another survey, 19,015 urban
in an appreciable improvement in their homeless persons have been identified in
livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through urban areas of the State. Apart from
building strong grassroots level institutions existing 103 temporary/permanent night
of the poor. The mission would aim at shelters, 39 Porta Cabin Shelters have
providing shelters equipped with essential been installed for providing relief to urban
homeless persons. Further, 30 new pre-
services to the urban homeless in a phased
fabricated shelters are being constructed
manner. In addition, the mission would through Hindustan Prefab Ltd, (A Govt. of
also address livelihood concerns of the India Undertaking), New Delhi. 24 pre-
urban street vendors by facilitating access fabricated shelters have been completed.
to suitable spaces, institutional credit, A budget provision of ` 87.93 crore is
social security and skills to the urban street under this scheme in 2019-20.

An amount of ` 609.09 crore has been
7.54 Housing Board Haryana since incurred from 26.10.2014 to 30.11.2019 on
its inception in the year 1971 has the construction of these houses. The
constructed 95,687 houses of different construction of 268 flats has been
categories up to 31.12.2019, out of which completed and the expenditure of ` 41.44
71,852 houses are meant for EWS and LIG crore has been incurred on the construction
categories of the society. of flats from 1.04.2019 to 31.12.2019.
7.55 During the present Govt., 7.56 The construction of 6,590
19,925 houses have been completed w.e.f. houses of different categories are in
26.10.2014 to 31.12.2019, out of which progress at different locations, out of
18,115 are EWS for BPL families, 279 these, 1,058 houses are for EWS category,
flats for serving and Paramilitary Personal 4,872 EWS houses for BPL families and
of Haryana and 1,531 for other categories. 660 houses for other categories.

7.57 Housing Board, Haryana has Ex-Defence and Paramilitary Personnel of
procured 11,239 plots from Town and Haryana.
Country Planning Department, Haryana. 7.59 Housing Board has procured
The triple storey flats are under 27.24 acre land from Urban Local Bodies
construction on these plots for BPL/EWS for construction of EWS and other
families. The construction of 24,205 flats category houses at Karnal, Cheeka,
has been completed and 4,872 EWS flats Charkhi Dadri and Jullana. Housing Board
for BPL families are under construction. has also procured 35.69 acre land at
7.58 Housing Board Haryana has different stations for the construction of
procured 192.02 acre land from Haryana flats for Service & Ex-Defence and Para
Sahari Vikas Pradhikarn (HSVP) for Military Personnel at Gurugram, Palwal
construction of EWS and other categories and Sampla.
7.60 Housing Board will start construction
of houses at Hisar, Fatehabad, Agroha,
of 4,254 EWS flats at Karnal and Hisar
Karnal, Cheeka, Charkhi Dadri, Jagadhari,
for Economical Weaker Section. Housing
Saffidon, Sirsa, Gohana and Jhajjar.
Board will also start construction of 3,306
Housing Board has also procured 50.96
Type-A & 2,869 Type-B category flats at
acre land at Faridabad, Jhajjar,
Faridabad, Jhajjar, Rohtak, Pinjore, Rewari,
Mohindergarh, Rohtak, Panchkula,
Mahendergarh and Gurugram for Serving &
Pinjore, Palwal and Rewari for Ex-Defence and Paramilitary Personnel.
construction of flats for Serving &



Human development with increased social welfare and well being of the
people is the ultimate objective of development planning. In any developing and
emerging economy Social Sector plays a significant role.

WELFARE OF SCHEDULED ` 10,000 lakh has been made for the year
CASTES/BACKWARD CLASSES 2019-20, out of which ` 6,883.36 lakh has
8.2 The Government of Haryana is been spent up to 30.11.2019 on 20,592
fully committed to promote the Welfare of marriages.
Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes Mukhyamantri Samajik Samrasta
by implementing various schemes for Antarjatiya Vivah Shagun Yojana
their socio-economic and educational 8.4 To strengthen the social
upliftment. Haryana State Commission for fabric, inter-caste marriages with persons
Scheduled Castes Act, 2018 has been belonging to Scheduled Castes are
enacted to constitute the State Commission encouraged. “Mukhyamantri Samajik
for Scheduled Castes to investigate and Samrasta Antarjatiya Vivah Shagun
inquire into specific complaints with Yojana” provides an incentive of
respect to the deprivation of rights and ` 2,50,000 to such married couples.
safeguards of the Scheduled Castes. ` 381.45 lakh has been spent on 258 such
Haryana Safai Karamchari Aayog has couples during the financial year upto
started functioning for the welfare of 30.11.2019. A similar incentive scheme to
sanitation workers in the State. promote marriages with divyangjan is also
Mukhya Mantri Viwah Shagun Yojana under consideration.
8.3 Under the “Mukhya Mantri Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Awas Navinikaran
Viwah Shagun Yojana” financial Yojana
assistance ranging from ` 11,000 to ` 8.5 A subsidy of ` 50,000 is
51,000 is being provided to various provided to the persons of Scheduled
categories of persons, such as BPL Castes, Vimukt, Ghumantu and Tapriwas
Scheduled Castes/Denotified Tribes/ Jatis living below poverty line for the
Tapriwas Jatis, other economically repair of their house under “Dr. B.R.
disadvantaged sections, widows and Ambedkar Awas Navinikaran Yojana”.
destitute women and sportswomen on the A provision of ` 5,000 lakh has been
occasion of their own or their daughter’s made for the year 2019-20 and ` 2,729.20
marriage. ` 51,000 assistance for mass lakh have been spent up to 30.11.2019 on
marriage is also provided under this 6,256 beneficiaries.
scheme if bride/groom is domicile of 8.6 To encourage meritorious but
Haryana w.e.f. 13.12.2019. A provision of poor students belonging to Scheduled

Castes and Backward Classes to complete from SCs and BCs to prepare themselves
their education, scholarships are provided for various competitive and entrance
under “Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatra examinations such as civil services exams,
Yojana” and the Centrally-sponsored Post Banking/Railway/SSC/HTET and NEET/
Matric Scholarship Schemes. Free JEE etc. through reputed institutions.
coaching is being provided to aspirants
HSCFDC urban areas. There is no income limit
8.7 The main objective of the under NSKFDC scheme, only occupation
Haryana Scheduled Castes Finance and is criteria for eligibility.
Development Corporation is to undertake Bank Tie- up Scheme
the tasks of socio-economic upliftment of 8.9 Under this scheme, the
the Scheduled Castes in the State. At Corporation provides financial assistance
present, the Corporation is implementing for various bankable income generating
three types of schemes, namely: Bank tie- schemes costing upto ` 1.50 lakh. The
up schemes, Schemes in collaboration Corporation provides 50 percent subsidy
with National Scheduled Castes Finance (maximum ` 10,000) and margin money
& Development Corporation (NSFDC), @ 10 percent of the project cost and
Schemes in collaboration with National balance amount is provided by the bank.
Safai Karamcharis Finance and Scheme in collaboration with NSFDC
Development Corporation (NSKFDC). 8.10 The Corporation follows the
8.8 As per guidelines issued by unit cost as approved by NSFDC under
the Govt. of India, the Corporation various schemes. The NSFDC, HSCFDC
provides loan/benefit to only those and beneficiaries contribute towards the
identified Scheduled Castes families scheme in the ratio approved by NSFDC.
whose annual family income does not However, the share of the Corporation is
exceed ` 49,000 in rural areas and upto 10 percent of the approved unit cost.
` 60,000 in urban areas and his/her name In case of NSFDC assisted scheme, the
should figure in BPL list for various bank Corporation provides subsidy in BPL
assisted income generating schemes such cases @ 50 percent of the project cost.
as dairy farming, sheep rearing, animal The maximum amount of subsidy is
driven carts, leather and leather goods ` 10,000.
making, kiryana shop, atta chakki, Scheme in collaboration with NSKFDC
carpentary, cyber café, photography and 8.11 The Corporation follows the
auto rickshaw etc. In case of National unit cost as approved by NSKFDC under
Scheduled Castes Finance and various schemes. The NSKFDC,
Development Corporation (NSFDC) HSCFDC and beneficiaries contribute
assisted schemes, the income ceiling is 50 towards the scheme in the ratio
percent of the beneficiaries having annual approved by NSKFDC. However, the
family income upto ` 1.50 lakh and share of the Corporation is upto 10
balance 50 percent of the beneficiaries percent of the approved unit cost. There
having annual family income above is no provision of subsidy under
` 1.50 lakh and ` 3 lakh both in rural & NSKFDC scheme.

8.12 During the year 2019-20 generating schemes by providing them
(upto September, 2019), the Corporation financial assistance of ` 15,281.50 lakh
has assisted 1,261 beneficiaries by including ` 1,497.50 lakh as subsidy.
providing them financial assistance of The Programme/Scheme-wise physical
` 1,137.66 lakh including ` 72.63 lakh as and financial achievements for the year
subsidy for various self- employment 2016-17 to 2018-19 are given
schemes. The Corporation will assist in Table 8.1.
15,000 families for various income
Table 8.1 Programme/Scheme-wise Physical and Financial Achievements for the year
2016-17 to 2018-19.
Name of Programme/ 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial
(` in lakh) (` in lakh) (` in lakh)
1.Agricultural & Allied
i) Dairy farming 3,355 1,827.90 3,143 1,705.74 2,579 1,411.18
ii) Poultry farming 1 0.50
iii) Sheep rearing 90 66.24 103 77.90 80 66.80
iv) Piggery farming 85 44.40 60 31.00 33 20.20
v) Jhota Buggi/ Camel/ 9 6.10 12 9.40 6 4.60
Cart/M.Cart, etc.
vi) Bee Keeping 1 1.50
2.Industrial Sector 135 92.45 103 68.60 40 34.45
3. Trade and Business 1,426 992.77 1,332 969.67 1,262 988.05
4. Professional & Self
employment sector
i) E- Rickshaw 1 1 5 6.60
ii) Legal Profession 2 2.00 4 5.40
iii) Photography 4 3.60 1 1.00
5. NSFDC assisted 103 198.50 123 304.33 82 231.50
6.NSKFDC assisted 15 20.21 13 20.75 34 29.15
Total 5,220 3,250.57 4,894 3,191.99 4,128 2,800.93
Source: Haryana Scheduled Casts Finance & Development Corporation.
HARYANA BACKWARD CLASSES persons of Backward Classes, ` 15 crore to
& ECONOMICALLY WEAKER 3,000 persons of Minority Communities and
SECTIONS KALYAN NIGAM ` 10 crore to 2,000 persons with Disabilities
8.13 Haryana Backward Classes & during 2019-20. But during the financial
Economically Weaker Sections Kalyan year 2019-20, the Nigam has not received
Nigam is working for the economic any funds from the National Corporations so
upliftment of Backward Classes, Minority far. The Nigam has disbursed loans
Communities and Persons with Disabilities amounting ` 1.91 crore to 283 members of
for self employment in various income Backward Classes, ` 1.32 crore to
generating schemes, with the collaboration 158 members of Minority Communities
of National Corporations on low rate of and ` 2.89 crore to 357 Persons with
interest. Against a target of ` 25 crore for Disabilities for the year 2018-19
providing financial assistance to 5,000 (upto 30.9.2019).

SOCIAL JUSTICE & EMPOWERMENT the poorer sections of the society such as
Old Age Samman Allowance Scheme agricultural labourers, rural artisans, SCs/
8.14 To provide social security to BCs, small/marginal farmers etc. From
old persons who are unable to sustain 1991 to October, 1999 pension @ ` 100
themselves from their own sources and per month was given which was
are in need of financial assistance, Old increased ` 200 w.e.f. November, 1999
Age Pension Scheme was initially started and further enhanced to ` 300 per month
w.e.f. 1.4.1964 during joint Punjab. The w.e.f. November, 2004, ` 500 to ` 700
rate of pension, which was ` 15 per per month w.e.f. 1st March, 2009 ` 1,000
month at beginning of this scheme was per month w.e.f. 1.1.2014, ` 1,200 per
enhanced from time to time. The month w.e.f. 1.1.2015. The rates of Old
Haryana Govt. implemented this scheme Age Samman allowance have been
w.e.f. 1.11.1966 and 2,382 beneficiaries increased to ` 1,400 per month w.e.f
were paid pension of a total amount of 1.1.2016, ` 1,600 per month w.e.f.
` 24,680. The old age pension scheme 1.11.2016, ` 1,800 per month w.e.f.
was liberalized in 1987 w.e.f. 17.6.1987 1.11.2017 and ` 2,000 per month w.e.f.
@ ` 100 per month for those people who 1.11.2018. An amount of ` 4,070 crore out
were in the age of 65 years or more. of which ` 1,918.53 crore has been spent for
8.15 The State Govt. further the year 2019-20 upto 30.9.2019. Year-wise
liberalized the scheme and introduced status of beneficiaries & expenditure
“Old Age Pension Scheme-1991”, now incurred under Old Age Samman Allowance
renamed as “Old Age Samman Scheme is given in Table 8.2.
Allowance Scheme”. The scheme came Haryana Pension to Widows and
into operation from 1st July, 1991. The Destitute Women Scheme
age of eligibility was reduced from 65 8.16 The Haryana Pension to
years to 60 years. The person is domicile Widows and Destitute Women Scheme
and resident of Haryana State and his/ was introduced in the year 1980-81. The
her income from all source together with aim of the scheme is to provide social
that of his/her spouse does not exceed security to women who are unable to
` 2 lakh per annum. The aim of this sustain themselves from their own
scheme is to ensure benefit of old age resources and are in need of financial
allowance to the needy and in particular assistance. The rate of pension, which
Table 8.2- Year-wise status of beneficiaries & expenditure incurred under Old Age Samman
Allowance Scheme, Pension to widows & Destitue Women Scheme and Divyang Pension Scheme.
(` in crore)
Year Old Age Samman Pension to widows & Divyang Pension Scheme
Allowance Scheme Destitute Women Scheme
No. of Expenditure No. of Expenditure No. of Expenditure
beneficiaries incurred beneficiaries incurred beneficiaries incurred
2015-16 14,19,026 2,065.01 6,10,321 875.16 1,41,462 203.73
2016-17 14,39,020 2,518.25 6,32,691 1,101.46 1,44,226 252.43
2017-18 15,12,436 2,965.55 6,66,808 1,305.77 1,51,932 296.78
2018-19 15,69,616 3,479.01 6,95,455 1,540.44 1,60,433 352.94
2019-20 (upto 16,39,045 1,918.53 7,16,795 843.52 1,66,817 195.21
Source: Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Haryana.

was ` 50 per month, at the beginning of has increased the rates under the scheme
the scheme, was enhanced from time to to ` 1,400 per month per beneficiary
time. The rate of pension was increased w.e.f 1.1.2016, ` 1,600 w.e.f. 1.11.2016,
to ` 1,000 per month w.e.f. 1.1.2014. The ` 1,800 w.e.f. 1.11.2017 and ` 2,000
rate of pension was increased to ` 1,200 w.e.f. 1.11.2018. An amount of ` 405
per month w.e.f 1.1.2015. The crore out of which ` 195.21 crore has
Government has increased the rates been spent for the year 2019-20
under the scheme to ` 1,400 per month upto 30.9.2019. Year-wise status of
per beneficiary w.e.f. 1.1.2016, ` 1,600 beneficiaries & expenditure incurred
w.e.f. 1.11.2016, ` 1,800 w.e.f. 1.11.2017 under Divyang Pension Scheme is given
and ` 2,000 w.e.f.1.11.2018. An amount in Table 8.2.
of ` 1,653 crore out of which ` 843.52 Ladli Social Security Allowance
crore has been spent for the year Scheme
2019-20 (upto 30.9.2019). Year-wise 8.18 The scheme is on the pattern
status of beneficiaries & expenditure of Old Age Allowance Scheme for the
incurred under Pension to widows & families having only girl child/children
Destitue Women Scheme is given in started from 1st January 2006. Initially
Table 8.2. ` 300 per month per family was given.
Haryana Divyang Pension Scheme The enrolment of families under this
8.17 To provide social security to scheme commences from the 45th
Disabled Persons, the scheme called birthday of the mother or the father i.e.
Haryana Disabled Persons Pension for 15 years. In case of the death of either
Schemes was introduced in the year of the parent, the surviving parent will
1981-82. The aim of the scheme is to get this. The Government has enhanced
provide social security to disabled the rate of allowance from ` 300 per
persons who are unable to sustain month to ` 500 per month and reduced
themselves from their own resources and the eligibility age from 55 years to
are in need of financial assistance from 45 years w.e.f. 1.4.2007, to ` 1,000 per
the State. The rate of pension, which was month. w.e.f. 1.4.2014, to ` 1,200 per
` 50 per month at the beginning of the month. w.e.f. 1.1.2015. The Government
scheme, was enhanced to ` 300 per has increased the rates under the scheme
month. from 1.11.1999. The Govt. has to ` 1,400 per month per beneficiary
enhanced pension to 100 percent w.e.f 1.1.2016, ` 1,600 w.e.f. 1.11.2016,
Disabled Persons from ` 300 to ` 600 per ` 1,800 w.e.f. 1.11.2017 and ` 2,000
month w.e.f. 1.1.2006 and further w.e.f. 1.11.2018. An amount of ` 99.25
enhanced pension ` 500 for 60 percent crore out of which ` 45.77 crore has
divyang and ` 750 for 100 percent been spent for the year 2019-20
divyang. The rate of pension has been upto 30.9.2019. Year-wise status of
increased to ` 1,000 per month for all beneficiaries & expenditure incurred
categories w.e.f. 1.1.2014, to ` 1,200 per under Ladli Social Security Allowance
month. w.e.f 1.1.2015. The Government Scheme is given in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3- Year-wise status of beneficiaries & expenditure incurred under Ladli Social Security
Allowance Scheme and Finanical Assistance to Destitute Children Scheme.
(` in crore)
Year Ladli Social Security Allowance Financial Assistance to Destitute
Scheme Children Scheme
No. of Expenditure incurred No. of beneficiaries Expenditure
beneficiaries incurred
2015-16 27,988 40.80 1,62,111 101.49
2016-17 29,765 51.23 1,83,687 123.04
2017-18 32,718 62.77 2,05,023 182.99
2018-19 37,350 79.11 1,33,739 251.70
2019-20 (upto 39,720 45.77 1,39,783 146.53
Source: Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Haryana.
Financial Assistance to Destitute 01.4.2006. At present, 9 beneficiaries are
Children Scheme getting benefit under this scheme. An
8.19 This is a State Scheme under amount of ` 3 lakh out of which
which parents/guardians of the children ` 0.54 lakh has been spent for the year
upto the age of 21 years who are 2019-20 upto 30.9.2019.
deprived due to various reasons as per Allowances to Dwarfs
scheme is providing financial assistance, 8.21 Dwarfs person who are living
initially @ of ` 200 per month per child in various parts of the State are being
w.e.f. 1.3.2009 subject to maximum for given allowance @ ` 1,600 per month
two children of one family as per per beneficiary. A male person with
eligibility criteria laid down in the 3 feet 8 inches or less height and a
scheme. The rate of pension under this female with 3 feet 3 inches or less height
scheme is ` 500 per month per child (equivalent to 60 percent disabled) is
from January, 2014, ` 700 w.e.f. entitled to monthly pension. The scheme
01.11.2016, ` 900 w.e.f. 01.11.2017 and is implemented w.e.f. 1.6.2006 and
` 1,100 w.e.f. 1.11.2018. An amount of initially the allowance was given ` 300
` 254 crore out of which ` 146.53 crore per month. The rate of allowance is
has been spent for the year 2019-20 upto ` 1,400 per month per beneficiary w.e.f.
30.09.2019. Year-wise status of 01.01.2016, ` 1,600 w.e.f. 01.11.2016,
beneficiaries & expenditure incurred ` 1,800 w.e.f. 01.11.2017 and ` 2,000
under Finanical Assistance to Destitute w.e.f. 01.11.2018. An amount of ` 10
Children Scheme is given in Table 8.3. lakh out of which ` 3.88 lakh has been
Financial Assistance to Kashmiri spent for the year 2019-20 upto
Migrant Families Scheme 30.09.2019.
8.20 The Kashmiri families which Allowance to Eunuchs
have migrated from Jammu & Kashmir 8.22 Eunuchs, who are living in
to Haryana and are living in various parts various parts of the State, should not be
of State are being given Financial less than 18 years and provide certificate
Assistance @ ` 1,000 per month per from the Civil Surgeon in support of
member of the family subject to being an Eunuch. The scheme is
maximum of ` 5,000 per family. The implemented w.e.f. 1.6.2006 and
scheme is being implemented w.e.f. allowance was initially given ` 300 per

month. The rate of allowance was ` 3,500 lakh, ` 1,374 lakh has been spent
` 1,400 per month per beneficiary w.e.f. for the year 2019-20 (upto 30.09.2019).
1.1.2016, ` 1,600 w.e.f. 1.11.2016, National Family Benefit Scheme
` 1,800 w.e.f. 1.11.2017 and ` 2,000 8.25 This is a centrally sponsored
w.e.f. 1.11.2018. An amount of ` 10 lakh scheme. Under the scheme an amount of
out of which ` 3.80 lakh has been spent ` 20,000 is given as compensation if the
for the year 2019-20 upto 30.9.2019. death of a “Primary breadwinner” (male
RAJIV GANDHI PARIVAR BIMA or female) has occurred while he or she
YOJANA is in the age group of 18 to 59 years. i.e.
8.23 State Govt. is implementing more than 18 years of age and less than
Rajiv Gandhi Parivar Bima Yojana w.e.f. 60 years of age. Under this scheme only
01.04.2006. Under this scheme BPL families are being covered. An
compensation is given in case of amount of ` 13 crore out of which ` 4.27
accidental death/permanent disability to crore has been spent for the year 2019-20
individuals in the age group of 18-60 (upto 30.9.2019).
years, who are domicile of Haryana and Financial Assistance to Non-School
whose name appears in the Voters List or Going Disabled Children
who hold Ration Card issued by the 8.26 The scheme was started since
competent authority. The scheme has 2008-09. Under this scheme, financial
been amended on 30th August, 2011 and assistance is provided to mentally
accordingly compensation amount is not retarded and multiple disabled children
being given to the persons having income who are in the age group of 0-18 years
more than ` 2.50 lakh per annum. and not able to attend formal education,
A budget provision for the year 2019-20 training etc. due to their disability. They
amounting to ` 8.75 crore has been made are totally depending on their parents and
to clear the backlog and Court cases. relatives and need constant supervision
Dr. Syama Prasad Mukherjee and care of their families. Financial
Durghatna Sahayata Yojana Assistance shall be admissible under the
8.24 The benefit admissible under scheme @ ` 1,000 per month. w.e.f.
the scheme will be ` 1 lakh. Any person November, 2016 to every such disabled
in the age group of 18 to 70 years and child in the family of the applicant. An
domiciled/resident of Haryana is eligible amount of ` 1,490 lakh out of which
under the scheme, provided the person ` 958.80 lakh has been spent for the year
was not enrolled at the time of accident 2019-20 upto 30.09.2019.
under the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Financial Assistance to Women and
Yojana (PMSBY). Under this scheme, an Girls Acid Attack Victims
amount of ` 1 lakh is for accidental 8.27 A scheme namely “Financial
death, an amount of ` 1 lakh is for assistance to Women and Girls Acid
irrecoverable loss of both eyes or loss of Attack Victims” has been implemented
use of both hands or feet or loss of sight by Social Justice & Empowerment
of one eye and loss of use of hand or foot Department, Haryana vide Notification
due to accident. Out of an amount of No. 333-SW(4)-2019 date 26th Feb, 2019
for empowering the women and girls

who faced disfigurement of any part of various Social Security Schemes.
the body due to acid attack. Under this An amount of ` 20 lakh out of which
scheme, number of beneficiaries and ` 1.87 lakh has been spent for the year
financial assistance provided under 2019-20 upto 30.09.2019.

WELFARE OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS extended to the Freedom Fighters/their

8.28 The State Samman Pension of Widows and their dependents which are
Freedom Fighters/their Widows of Haryana as under:-
State has been increased from ` 20,000 to • On the death of Freedom Fighter of
` 25,000 per month (including fixed the State, funeral expenses amount has
medical allowance at the rate of ` 750 been enhanced from ` 1,500 to
per month) w.e.f. 01.04.2014. After death ` 5,000 w.e.f. 03.07.2009.
of Freedom Fighters and their spouse, the
• Financial assistance to the Haryana
State Samman Pension will be transferred
State Freedom Fighters/INA personnel
further to their unmarried unemployed
and their widows for the marriage of
daughters and disabled unmarried
their daughters, grand daughters and
unemployed sons with 75 percent
dependent sisters has been increased
disability. If there are more than one
from ` 21,000 to ` 51,000 w.e.f
eligible children, they will get
20.8.2009 in each case even though
proportionate share in the pension. In
more than one marriage is solemnized
addition to Samman Pension, some other
in a year.
schemes/facilities have also been
WELFARE OF DEFENCE 8.30 The State Govt. is also
PERSONNEL providing the Annuity to Gallantry
8.29 The State Govt. is Award Winners prior to 5.10.2007. The
committed for the welfare of Defence amount of Annuity being paid to
Personnel, Ex-Defence Personnel and Gallantry Award Winners is given in
their families in recognition to the Table 8.5.
services and supreme sacrifices made 8.31 The State Govt. is also
by them. It is a matter of pride that providing various types of Financial
every 10 soldier in the country Assistance to all Defence Forces
belongs to Haryana State. The State personnel’s. The amount of financial
Govt. is providing One Time Cash assistance being paid is given in
Award to Gallantry Award Winners. Table 8.6.
8.32 One time cash award to Yudh
The amount of Cash Awards being
Seva Medal/Distinguished Service
paid to Gallantry Award Winners (War
Awardees is also paid by State Govt. and is
Time and Peace Time) is given in given in Table 8.7.
Table 8.4.

Table 8.4- One Time Cash Award to Gallantry Award Winners
(Amount in `)

1 Paramvir Chakra 2,00,00,000

2 Mahavir Chakra 1,00,00,000

3 Vir Chakra 50,00,000

4 Sena /Nao/Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry) 21,00,000

5 Mention-in-Despatches (Gallantry) 10,00,000


1 Ashok Chakra 1,00,00,000

2 Kirti Chakra 51,00,000

3 Shaurya Chakra 31,00,000

4 Sena /Nao/Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry) 10,00,000

5 Mention-in-Despatches (Gallantry) 7,50,000

Source: Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare Department, Haryana.
Table 8.5- Annuity to Gallantry Award Winners.
(Amount in `)
Sr. No. Gallantry Award Annuity

1 Paramvir Chakra 3,00,000

2 Ashok Chakra 2,50,000

3 Mahavir Chakra 2,25,000

4 Kirti Chakra 1,75,000

5 Vir Chakra 1,25,000

6 Shaurya Chakra 1,00,000

7 Sena /Nao/Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry) 50,000

8 Mention-in-Despatches (Gallantry) 30,000

Source: Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare Department, Haryana.

Table 8.6 - Financial Assistance to Defence Forces Personnel’s
(Amount in `)
Sr.No. Defence Forces Personnel Financial
1 F.A. to widows of ESM and ESM of above 60 yrs age 4,200
(Annual increase of ` 400 per year/every year) and
FA to WW II veterans and their Widows 10,000
2 F.A. to Para/Tetra Hemi Plegic ESM 4,200
(Annual increase of ` 400 per year/every year)
3 F.A. to Orphan Children of ESM 4,200
(Annual increase of ` 400 per year/every year)
4 F.A. to Disabled ESM 4,200
(Annual increase of ` 400 per year/every year)
5 F.A. to Blind ESM 4,200
(Annual increase of ` 400 per year/every year)
6 Grant-in-Aid to RIMC and 50,000
F.A. to cadets/Gentlemen Cadets for undertaking the training
successfully at NDA/OTS/IMA Naval and Air Force Academy and 1,00,000
any other Defence Academy of National Status
7 F.A. to war widows of Defence Forces Personnel’s in addition to 4,200
Family Pension already getting from GOI
(Annual increase of ` 400 per year/every year)
Source: Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare Department, Haryana.
Table 8.7- Financial Assistance to All Defence Forces Personnel’s.
(Amount in `)
Sr. No. Name of Award One Time Cash Award

1 Sarvotam Yudh Seva Medal 7,00,000

2 Uttam Yudh Seva Medal 4,00,000

3 Yudh Seva Medal 2,00,000

4 Param Vishist Seva Medal 6,50,000

5 Ati Vishist Seva Medal 3,25,000

6 Vishist Seva Medal 1,25,000

Source: Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare Department, Haryana.
Table 8.8- Incentives to Sena Medal Awardees of the Defence Forces.
(Amount in `)
Sr. No. Name of Award One Time Cash Annuity
1 Sena Medal Distinguished Service/Devotion to duty 34,000 3,500
who got the award on or after 31.3.2008 and before
2 Sena Medal, Distinguished Service/Devotion to duty 1,75,000 -
who got the award on or after 19.2.2014
Source: Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare Department, Haryana.

Table 8.9- Monetary Allowance/Pension to the Pre-Independence Gallantry Award
Winners and their Widows.
(Amount in `)
Sr. No. Name of Award Monetary Allowance/ Pension
1 Victoria Cross 15,000
2 Military Cross 10,000
3 Military Medal 5,000
4 Indian Order of Merit 3,000
5 Indian Distinguished Service Medal 2,000
6 Mention-in-Despatches 2,000
(only Pre-Independence Gallantary Awardees)
Source: Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare Department, Haryana.
Winners and their Widows is given in
8.33 The State Govt. is providing
incentives to Sena Medal, Distinguished Table 8.9.
8.35 The State Govt. is providing
Service/Devotion to duty awardees of the
One Time Cash Award to Gallantry
Defence Forces personnel is given in
Award Winners to Pare Military Forces
Table 8. 8.
and Police Personnel. The amount of
8.34 The State Govt. provides
Cash Awards being paid to Gallantry
Monetary Allowance/Pension to the
Award Winners is given in Table 8.10.
Pre-independence Gallantry Award
Table 8.10- One Time Cash Award to Gallantry Award Winners to Para Military
Forces and Police Personnel.
(Amount in `)
Sr. No. Gallantry Award One Time Cash Award
1 Ashok Chakra 17,00,000
2 Kriti Chakra 10,00,000
3 Shaurya Chakra 7,00,000
4 Sena Medal (Gallantry) 3,50,000
5 Police Medal (Gallantry) 1,50,000
Source: Sainik and Ardh Sainik Welfare Department, Haryana.
8.36 The State Govt. is providing The amount of ex-gratia grant is ` 50
Govt. service of Class-II, Class-III and lakh and in case of disability, the amount
IV category to any one dependent of the is ` 5 lakh to ` 15 lakh depending upon
Martyrs of Defence Forces Personnel on the percentage of disability due to War,
ex-gratia basis. In addition, the State Militant, I.E.D., blast battle casualities in
Govt. is also providing the Ex-gratia operational area or specific area of
Grant to the martyrs. The grant of operation as notified by Govt. of India.
ex-gratia is admissible under the policy/ This amount will be in addition to the
instructions shall be given in all cases of financial assistance given by the Govt.
“Battle Casualty,” as declared by the of India.
Defence Authorities, irrespective of any 8.37 The State Govt. is also
operation or any specified area of providing the Ex-gratia grant to the
operation as notified by Govt. of India, member of Central Para Military Forces
which occurred on or after 24.03.2016. (CPMF) who die in harness or are

disabled in the performance of their disability, the amount of ` 15 lakh to
bonafide official duties while serving in ` 35 lakh depending upon the percentage
operational- area in war or under of disability during natural calamities,
terrorist/militant attack. The amount of Elections, Rescue operations, Internal
Ex-gratia is ` 50 lakh, and in case of Security Duty etc.
8.38 The Employment Department Graduates, Graduates and 10+2 pass
facilitates unemployed youth in getting applicants respectively and ` 6,000 for
jobs by registering them on the honorary assignment to eligible
employment exchange, provides useful registered Post-Graduate (PG), Graduate
guidance by way of talks, mentorship and and 10+2 pass applicants. Under the
training to job seekers. Job fairs are Scheme, total 1,41,528 (PG 46,583,
organized to bring employers and job- Graduate 61,757 and 10+2 pass 33,188)
seekers on the same platform to applications have been approved till 31st
accommodate job seekers into Private December, 2019. Total 94,807 (Post
Sector and employment data is collected Graduate-43,248 and Graduate-48,900
from establishments in the organized and 10+2 pass 2,659) eligible applicants
sector. were given honorary assignment since
Saksham Yuva Scheme the beginning of the scheme. By now,
8.39 The Government of Haryana ` 346.33 crore and ` 292.39 crore
recognizes the importance of providing have been disbursed as unemployment
dignity to our youth and engaging them allowance and honorarium respectively.
constructively in gainful assignments. The skill training has been provided to
Accordingly, the Government launched 10,906 Saksham Yuva under the scheme
the “Educated Youth Allowance and through Haryana Skill Development
Honorarium Scheme- 2016” popularly Mission.
known as Saksham Yuva Scheme on 1st Unemployment Allowance Scheme
November, 2016 on the occasion of 8.41 Department implements the
Haryana Swarn Jyanti to provide Unemployment Allowance Scheme for
unemployment allowance and 10+2 or above applicants not covered
honorarium to the eligible post-graduate under Saksham Yuva Scheme. From
youth of Haryana in lieu of 100 hours of April 2019 to September 2019, an
honorary work. Later, the Scheme has amount of ` 15.76 crore has been
been extended to include registered disbursed as unemployment Allowance
Science, Engineering, Science equivalent to 26,592 applicants in their Aadhar
and Commerce Graduates, Arts graduate seeded/linked bank accounts.
of the State. 10+2 pass applicants have 8.42 Total 7,51,210 Job Seekers
also been included in the scheme from as on 30.11.2019 have been registered on
August, 2019. the departmental portal
8.40 Under the Scheme ` 3,000, and 2,824 persons have been placed
` 1,500 and ` 900 are given as against notified vacancies under CNV
Unemployment Allowance to Post Act 1959.

Saksham Sarthi/ Rakshak Vocational Guidance
8.43 The Department has also 8.46 Vocational Guidance is an
partnered with various private enterprises important tool through which youth are
to create jobs and providing the same to educated for personality development.
unemployed youth. As a part of Saksham These talks also provide information
Haryana Campaign, 57,185 Unemployed about job opportunities. Vocational
Youth have been employed as Cab/Taxi Guidance has been provided to 1,38,164
drivers (Saksham Sarthi), Security applicants through 5,046 Career talks till
Guards (Saksham Rakshak) and food 30 Nov, 2019.
delivery partners under MOU with OLA, Model Career Centre
UBER, G4S, Zomato and Swiggy. 8.47 Model Career Centre has
8.44 The Department has been established at Hisar in 2015 under
organized 4 Mega Job Fairs in Karnal, 100 percent centrally Sponsored Scheme
Naraingarh and Palwal providing with the aim to empower youth with
employment to 7,403 youth under essential attitude and skill set to attain
agreement with service provider and 504 their career goals. MCC Hisar has
departmental job fairs recording 34,108 organized 11 Job Fairs since its inception
placements since Oct., 2014. The and 464 job seekers have been placed in
department is committed to organize Private Sector.
quarterly job fairs in 2019-20 in all Interlinking of Employment
districts to maximize assimilation of the Exchanges
unemployed youth in Private Sector with 8.48 Interlinking of Employment
an aim of 10,000 placements annually. Exchanges with NCS Portal is a mission
8.45 The Department has project of Govt. of India under which
endeavoured to provide its eight services grant of ` 267 lakh has been sanctioned
online on Saral Portal. The Department to Govt. of Haryana for interlinking of
is providing online services through employment exchanges with NCS
its portal, and Portal. The total budget for the financial year 2019-20 is ` 470.20 crore.
LABOUR WELFARE present, the rates of minimum wages
8.49 The main functions of the w.e.f. 01.07.2019 in the categories of
Labour Department, Haryana is to namely: Unskilled, Semi Skilled (A),
maintain Industrial peace and harmony in Semi Skilled (B), Skilled (A), Skilled (B)
the State and to ensure Safety, Health and Highly Skilled are ` 9,024.24,
and Welfare of the workers. ` 9,475.43, ` 9,949.19, ` 10,446.65,
8.50 The Department is fully ` 10,969 and ` 11,517.45 per month,
committed to protect wage rights of respectively.
workers. In this regard the rates of 8.51 To encourage employment of
minimum wages are fixed or revised women in the Information Technology
from time to time. The rates of minimum and IT enabled industries in the State,
wages of the unskilled workers in the permission under Punjab Shops and
State have been revised at the rate of Commercial Establishments Act, 1958
` 7,600 per month on 1.11.2015. At have been relaxed for women to work in

night shifts with mandatory mechanism Amendment in Factories Act, 1948
for adequate protection during working 8.55 In order to facilitate Small
hours and for employers to take full Scale Industries, Government of Haryana
responsibility for the security and has brought out amendment to simplify
transportation of their women employees. the provisions laid down under the
23 establishments have been granted Factories Act, 1948. As per the
exemptions u/s 30 of the said Act and amendment, the factory having less than
1,412 women employees have been 20 workers with the aid of power and
benefited during the period 01.01.2019 to less than 40 workers without the aid of
18.10.2019. power has been exempted from the
8.52 In districts of Panipat and definition of Factories Act, 1948. The
Yamunanagar, 2 rehabilitation centers amendment provides for making the
were established for destitute and exemption orders for overtime work upto
migrant child labour. Now, at present 2 150 instead of the prevailing provision of
Rehabilitation Centers are running in the 75. The amendment gives further relief to
district Panipat and Yamunanagar, in the industries and provides for
which free services are provided for compounding of offences committed first
accommodation, vocational education time under various provisions of the
and food for the financial year 2019-20, Factories Act, instead of prosecuting
the State Government has sanctioned a them in the Court of Law. The Factories
budget of ` 60 lakh. (Haryana Amendment) Bill, 2018 has
8.53 Any unorganized worker been published in Extraordinary Gazette
between the ages 18 to 40 years can be of Haryana 8 for general information
included in the PM-SYM scheme. This under provision to Rule 128 of the Rules
scheme would provide them an assured of Procedure and Conduct of Business in
pension of ` 3,000 per month from the the Haryana Legislative Assembly.
age of 60 years on monthly contribution Haryana Factory Amendment Bill has
of a small amount during their working been Passed in Haryana Vidhan Sabha
age. Which notified on dated 7.2.2019. and assent of Hon’ble President of India
Prime Minister Laghu Vyapari is awaited
Mandhan Yojana (PM-LVMY) Online submission of Requisite
8.54 Any Laghu Vyapari between Drawing of Factory Plans
the age 18 to 40 years can be included in 8.56 In compliance of Business
the PM-LVMY Scheme. This scheme Reform Action plan/EODB mandate and to
shall be open only to the Laghu Vyapari eliminate the physical touch point for
for joining whose annual turnover does approval of plans under factories Act, 1948
not exceed ` 1.5 crore based on the and rules, framed there under, The Govt.
self-declaration, an assured pension of has decided that the requisite drawing of
` 3,000 per month from the age of 60 factory plans shall be submitted online
years on the monthly contribution of a only in AutoCAD/any compatible format
at in routed through
small amount during their working age.
single window system of HEPC.
Which notified on dated 22.07.2019.

Inspection accordance with the all the Adminstrative Secretary, Head of
checklist under Factories Act, 1948 Department, Deputy Commissioners and
8.57 In compliance of Business Vice Chancellor.
Reform Action Plan/EODB Mandate, all Reform of Ease of Doing Business
the inspection under various labour laws 8.60 In compliance with the
as mentioned in Transparent Inspection Business Reform Action Plan and to
Policy will be conducted strictly in restrict the physical visits of the
accordance with the checklist duly inspecting officers in the factories the
approved by the Labour Commissioner- requirement of Registration Report and
cum-Chief Inspector of Factories, Physical Verification of Factory Building
Haryana, except in case of complaint Plan is eliminated. In view of the
based inspections. mandate of Ease of Doing Business
Single Annual Return (EoDB), the practice of prior obtaining of
8.58 The department of Labour “No Objection Certificate (NOC) from
Govt. of Haryana has taken up a serious Haryana Fire & Emergency Services
measure to improve “EODB”. The Department and NOC from Haryana
emphasis has been on simplification and State Pollution Control Board for the
rationalization of the existing rules and approval of factory plans under the
introduction of information technology to Factories Act has been dispensed.
make governance more efficient and BUDGET
effective. In compliance of the Business 8.61 The current Plan budget for
Action Plan, 2016 of DIPP, Govt. of the year 2019-20 is ` 302 lakh out of
India, the Labour Department has which ` 157.95 lakh has incurred till
approved the online submission of September, 2019. The Non-Recurring
unified single annual return under all budget proposal has to be sent to Finance
labour laws. Department for the year 2020-21 as per
Compulsory Registration of Govt. requirement.
Establishment and Construction Achievements of Haryana Building &
Workers working on such Other Construction Workers Welfare
establishments under the Building and Board
Other Construction Workers 8.62 Haryana Building & Other
(RE&CS) Act, 1996 Construction Workers Welfare Board is
8.59 To ensure the safety health providing following benefits like
and welfare of the construction workers Maternity Benefit, Paternity Benefit,
working in the Govt. Establishment Financial Assistance for Education,
which are coverable under section 2 (i) of Kanyadaan, Purchase of Tool, Mukhya
BOCW (RE&CS) Act, 1996. The Govt. Mantri Mahilla Nirman Shramik
has decided that all the Govt. Samman Yojana, Sewing Machine,
Departments have undertaken the Bicycle, Financial Assistance of
construction work through contractors in Marriage of Children, Travelling Facility
their respective department shall ensure for Religious & Historical Places,
the registration of such construction Financial Assistance to Physically
works under the BOCW Act. The Labour Disabled/Mentally Retarded Children of
Department has issued the guidelines to the Beneficiaries, Disability Pension,
Coverage of Chronic Disease, Advance (1) Shagun Yojana: Under this scheme
for Purchase of Construction of House, financial assistance is provided for
Family Pension, Death Scheme, Mukhya marriage of worker and for his son,
Mantri Samajik Suraksha Yojana, (2) Shramik Kalyan Yojana: Prize money
Funeral Assistance, Financial Assistance is provided to the Managements who
to the Unregistered Worker Death, have recommened maximum number of
Creche & Mobile Toilet and Labour workers for availing benefits of welfare
Sheds for the Beneficiaries of the Board schemes and (3) Coaching fee for
during the year. Professional Coaching: For preparation
8.63 Under this scheme, of U.P.S.C & H.P.S.C. during the period
registration of construction worker as 01.01.2019 to 15.10.2019, an amount of
61,622 beneficiaries of the BOCW in the ` 31.26 crore have been spent for 66,651
year 2017-18 are ` 1,43,37,024 for workers under various schemes. In order
disbursement of funds under welfare to ensure transparency and speedy
schemes. For the year 2018-19, an disbursement of benefits under various
amount of ` 259.22 crore has been schemes, entire data of 34,27,582
disbursed to the 1,24,082 beneficiaries. contributor workers are being captured
Year-wise amount disbursed to on web portal
beneficiary workers by Building & Other The benefits are being provided online
Construction Workers Welfare Board is under DBT. Due to online payments of
given in Table 8.11. benefits of schemes through DBT in
Achievement of Haryana Labour Aadhaar Seeded Bank Accounts of
Board Workers are being done. In addition to
8.64 Various 22 welfare schemes above an amount of ` 7.84 crore has
are being run by the Haryana Labour been spent under Haryana Silicosis
Welfare Board and from 15.01.2019, Rehabilitation Policy.
three new schemes have been introduced
Table 8.11- Year-wise amount disbursed to beneficiary workers by Building & Other
Construction Workers Welfare Board.
Year No. of Beneficiaries Amount Disbursed (In `)
2014-15 63,843 7,42,37,305
2015-16 1,94,283 37,37,15,675
2016-17 1,64,541 74,47,60,270
2017-18 61,622 1,43,37,02,477
2018-19 1,24,082 2,59,21,67,305
Source: Labour Department.

Cash Awards to Olympic/Para sports arena. The Sports persons of
Olympic Medal Winners Haryana have brought laurels to the
8.65 In recent time, the Sports country by performing well in sports at
persons of Haryana have played a key international level. The budget provision
role in country’s upsurge in international of the department for the year 2019-20 is

` 468.69 crore. 3,122 players of the State were given respectively in Haryana
have been given ` 150.40 crore as cash Kumar arena.
award on the basis of their achievements All-India Free Style Reward Wrestling
in national & international competitions competition
from 2016-17 to 2018-19. 8.69 All India Free Style Reward
Khel Mahakumbh Wrestling Competition (Male & Female)
8.66 District Level Khel was organized from 22nd to 24th March,
Mahakumbh 2019-20 is being organized 2019 on Shahidi Divas, in which top
from 31.10.2019 to 2.11.2019 by the wrestlers of the country in 10 category
Sports & Youth Affairs Department in of weights participated through teams in
open category of 15 sports disciplines which 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th position holder
(men & Women). ` 4.09 crore is teams were given cash prize of ` 1 crore,
expected to be incurred on organization ` 50 lakh, ` 25 lakh and ` 10 lakh
of the event. State Level Khel respectively, which is the highest prize
Mahakumbh 2019-20 is being organized money given to the winners in any
by the department in open category of 15 wrestling arena all over the country.
sports disciplines (Men & Women) from Yoga Tournaments
8.11.2019 to 10.11.2019 on which ` 1.33 8.70 District level Yoga
crore is expected to be incurred. tournaments were organized in the month
PT. Deen Dayal Upadhayay Memorial of August, 2019 in the State and ` 10,000
Kabaddi Competition were allotted to each district and an
8.67 Pt. Deen Dyal Upadhayay amount of ` 2,20,000 were spent for this
Memorial Kabaddi Championship was purpose.
organized from 22.2.2019 to 24.2.2019 at Sports Infrastructure
Hisar. Top teams of the country 8.71 For construction of
participated in this tournament. It was facilitation centers in 19 Districts, ` 3.25
the highest ever prize money Kabaddi crore were given to each district.
tournament, in which 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Construction work of these facilitation
place teams were given ` 1 crore, centres has almost been completed. Work
` 50 lakh, ` 25 lakh and ` 11 lakh of Football Synthetic Truf and Synthetic
respectively. Athletic Track with Pavilion of Ambala
State Level Arena Competition Stadium with cost of ` 85 crore is at
8.68 State Level Arena advanced stage. Construction work of
Competition Haryana Kesari and Sports Hostel in Ambala Sports Stadium
Haryana Kumar were organized by the with cost of ` 12.96 crore is also in
Department from 25th to 27th Feb, 2019 at progress in Ambala Sports Stadium.
Kaithal (Female) and Faridabad (Male). Construction work of all weather
About ` 23 lakh were spent on this Swimming Pool in Ambala with a cost of
organization. In this arena, prize money ` 13.70 crore is also going on. Sanction
of ` 1,51,000, ` 1,00,000 and ` 51,000 for construction of 5 Sports Stadium in
were given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd position village Kapro, Mada, Majhad, Kheri
holder of Haryana Kesari arena Jalab and Budhana in District Hisar with
respectively and ` 51,000, ` 31,000, an approximate cost of ` 3 crore each has
` 21,000 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd position holder been issued. Sanction for construction of
2 Sports Stadium in village Dusian and in all districts of the State in which 1,100
Munahari (Kaithal) with an approximate boys and girls participated on which
cost of ` 3 crore each has been issued. ` 15.40 lakh were spent. 2 days District
Sanction for construction of 2 Sports Level Seminar on Drug Abuse was
Stadium in village Samana Bahu and organized at all district H.Qs. from 27th
Majra Rodaan (Kurukshetra) with an to 28th May, 2019. In which 2,200 Youth
approximate cost of ` 3 crore each has participated in these seminars. An
been issued. amount of ` 5.28 lakh were spent on
8.72 The construction work of these seminars. District level Youth
sports stadium in villages Silana Festival is to be organized in all Districts
(Rohtak), Samaspur (Charkhi Dadri), on 3.10.2019 & 4.10.2019 for any
Sivaah (Panipat) and Narwana (Jind) 2 days for which ` 1.76 lakh to each
with an estimated cost of ` 19.77 crore, district, approximately sanctions of
` 20.79 crore, ` 27.53 and ` 6.88 crore ` 38.66 lakh have been issued. On
respectively are in progress and ` 5 crore account of honorarium and other
for three districts (Rohtak, Charkhi Dadri allowances, ` 9.74 lakh have been paid to
& Panipat) and ` 2 crore for one district the Chairman of State Youth
(Jind) has been sanctioned. The Commission, Haryana. For making
construction work of Athletic Track in Documentary Film and Radio Jingle for
District. Bhiwani, Faridabad, Karnal, function of “Nartarang Shehidon ko
Kurukshetra and construction work of Naman”programme held at Charkhi
sports stadium in district Fatehabad, Dadri, ` 8.07 lakh were spent. “Navtrang
Ambala, Hisar and Kaithal is in progress. Shadidon ko Naman”programme was
Budget provision of ` 10 crore for organized on 10.8.2019 at Charkhi Dadri.
purchase of sports equipments has been About 20,000 Youths of the State
made in the financial year 2019-20. participated in this programme. Financial
Purchase is to be made through Director, sanction of ` 80 lakh has been issued to
Supply and Disposal Department, District Sports Council, Charkhi Dadri
Haryana. for expenditure on this programme.
Sports Nursery & Sports Academy 4 River Rafting Camps were organized
8.73 For imparting sports training from 20.4.2019 to 12.6.2019 at Kodiala,
to young budding athletes, Sports Rishikesh in which 168 boys and girls
Nurseries/Sports Academies of games were participated.
which are played in Olympic Games, 8.75 Two Basic Water Sports
Commonwealth Games, National Games Courses of 14 days were organized at
and Para Tournaments have been allotted Regional Water Sports Center, Pong Dam,
to government and private schools of the Kangra (HP) from 11.6.2019 to 8.7.2019 in
State. At present 446 Sports Nurseries which 77 boys and girls were participated.
and 3 Boarding Sports Academies are Two Camps for Mountaineering, Tracking
running in different districts of the State. and Rock Climbing from 14th to 21st
Youth Programmes and Adventure September and 22nd to 29th September,
2019 were organized at Maclodgunj,
Dharmshala (HP) in which 76 boys and
8.74 During the year 2019-20, 10
girls participated.
days Cultural Workshop was organized
TOURISM Rohtak, Faridabad, Panipat &
8.76 Haryana Tourism has Yamunanagar.
acquired a prominent place on the tourist Krishna Circuit
map of the country for its outstanding 8.77 The Ministry of Tourism,
contribution in the promotion of tourism. Government of India under its ‘Swadesh
The main activity of the Tourism Darshan Scheme’ has identified
Department is to develop tourist Kuruskhetra under the Krishna Circuit to
infrastructure and promote tourism in the develop its tourism infrastructure to
State. Haryana Tourism has set up a promote Kurukshetra as major tourist
network of 44 Tourist Complexes named destination. Accordingly, the State Govt.
after birds along the highways across the has shortlisted development of Braham
whole of the State which are extremely Sarovar Jyotisar, Narkatri, Sanhit
popular among the tourists. Some of the Sarovar, and development of city
Tourist Complexes are adjoining the infrastructure of Kurukshetra. A 3-D
Heritage Sites, Lakes, Bird Sanctuaries multimedia show on various themes
and Golf Courses. These resorts provide from Srimad Bhagwad Geeta &
a wide range of tourist facilities such as Mahabharata, Mural painting and
hotels, serene motels, multi-cuisine Mahabharata Artefact, work on
restaurants, well stocked bars, fast food parikarma path and facade lighting of
centres, health clubs, swanky conference Braham Sarovar and a Theme Park
facilities and recreational facilities like complex replicating the original 48 kos
lakes for boating; picnic heights and Mahabharata battle field at Jyotisar have
children parks etc. and some of these been included in this innovative project
resorts are spread over acres of land. The by the Department of Tourism, Govt. of
total availability of the accommodation Haryana.
with Haryana Tourism is at present 8.78 This scheme is being funded
857 AC Rooms, 14 Dormitories and by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of
55 Conference Halls/Multipurpose Halls/ India. The Tourism Department of State
Banquet Halls/Conventional Halls etc. Govt. has submitted a detailed
Moreover, Haryana Tourism has proposal/detailed project report of `
42 Restaurants, 5 Fast Food Centres and 99.51 crore to Govt. of India. Against
presently 31 Bars in various Tourist this proposal, the Ministry of Tourism,
Complexes of Haryana Tourism. Govt. of India, issued sanction for an
Haryana Tourism is also running amount of ` 97.34 crore and also
14 Petrol Pumps in the various released the funds amounting to
complexes of Haryana Tourism. Haryana ` 77.88 crore till date for construction
is the only State in which five Institutes works relating to information centre,
of Hotel Management affiliated with the gazebo, parking, signage boards,
National Council for Hotel Management benches, lighting, toilets and ghats etc.
& Catering Technology, Noida (set up by have been started.
Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India) the 8.79 The Detailed Project Report
apex body of Hospitality Education in for development of tourist infrastructure
country are functioning at Kurukshetra, of important tourist / pilgrim places

related to Srimad Bhagwad Geeta & of ` 11.12 crore under Pilgrimage
Mahabharata at Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Rejuvenation and Spiritual
Jind, Karnal, Panipat and Mewat under Augmentation Drive (PRASAD) was
the Krishna Circuit Phase-II of Swadesh sent to Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of
Darshan Scheme amounting to ` 97.06 India, New Delhi for consideration and
crore has also been sent to the Ministry approval on 31.10.2018. A meeting in
of Tourism, Govt. of India on dated this regard has been held on 27.11.2018
22.03.2018. Further, another DPR for the in the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of
development of Gita Gyanam India. After discussion the Ministry
Sansthanam, Kurukshetra amounting to approved the Project of Development of
` 33.45 crore has been prepared and sent Nada Sahib Gurudwara, in principle
to Ministry of Culture under Museum under PRASAD scheme and directed the
Grant Scheme on 23.05.2018 for State Govt. to submit revised
consideration. Preliminary Project Report (PPR) of the
Heritage Circuit Rewari- project. Accordingly, revised
Mahendergarh-Madhogarh–Narnaul Preliminary Project Report (PPR)
8.80 The Proposal/Detailed amounting to ` 72.29 crore was sent to
Project Report for development of Ministry of Tourism on 3.5.2019
Tourist Infrastructure under Heritage including the Mata Mansa Devi Temple,
Circuit for Rewari-Mahendergarh- Panchkula and Kali Mata Temple, Kalka
Madhogarh under Swadesh Darshan in the above project. After detailed
Scheme for ` 99.75 crore has been sent discussion and presentation on this
to Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India project, the Ministry exclude the Kali
on 27.03.2017. Ministry of Tourism has Mata Temple at Kalka from the current
already conducted site visit and now proposal. Therefore, a revised PPR
Govt. of India, Ministry of Tourism has amounting to ` 44.90 crore has been sent
communicated some observations which to Ministry of Tourism on 05.09.2019
were duly attended. The project is under for sanctioning and releasing the funds.
consideration of GOI. In addition to Light and Sound Show
above, a proposal for ` 29.60 crore for 8.82 A Light and Sound Show/
the development of Mahendergarh-Fort Multi Media Show has been setup at
and external and internal area of Rani Tilyar Lake, Rohtak with central
Mahal, Babri and surrounding area of financial assistance amounting to ` 5.40
Madhogarh Fort excluding Fort has been crore by India Tourism Development
approved by the State Govt. under Corporation. The show was inaugurated
Madhogarh-Narnaul Circuit and on date 12.9.2018 by Tourisim Minister,
administrative approval of ` 29.60 Govt. of India. One more Light and
crore has been issued by the Government Sound Show/Multi Media Show is also
for this project.The development works being set up at Yadvindra Garden
at both the site is under progress. Pinjore by India Tourism Development
Project under PRASAD Scheme corporation. The Ministry of Tourism,
8.81 A Preliminary Project Report Govt. of India has sanctioned ` 6 crore
(PPR) for the development of Nada and released ` 3 crore to India Tourism
Sahib Gurudwara Project for an amount Development Corporation as central
finance assistance for implementation of 8.85 An annual event, “The
this project. Mango Mela” was organized on 6th and
Swaran Jayanti Sindhu Darshan and 7th July, 2019 at Pinjore Garden, It is a
Mansarover Yatra treat for the lovers of the King of fruits.
8.83 Haryana Govt. has decided A large number of mango growers of
to provide financial assistance of Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh,
` 10,000 per person for Sindhu Darshan Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
Yatra, ` 50,000 per person for Kailash participated. Famous mango varieties
Mansarovar Yatra and ` 6,000 per like Dasheri, Chausa, Langra, Amarpali,
person for Swarn Jayanti Guru Darshan Bombay Green (Malda), Ratol, Malika,
Yatra Scheme 2017 (Sri Hazoor Sahib, Ramkela (a pickle variety) etc. were
Nanded, Sri Nankana Sahib, Sri displayed in the Mango Mela.
Hemkund Sahib and Sri Patna Sahib) The Heritage festival at world famous
upto 50 persons/pilgrims. Accordingly, Yadvindra Garden at Pinjore was
` 40 lakh have been provided for this also organized from 21st to 22nd
purpose for the year 2019-20. December, 2019.
Fairs and Festivals 8.86 International Gita Jayanti
8.84 The internationally famous Mahotsava is being celeberated at
Surajkund Crafts Mela is being organized Kurukshetra every year. The Geeta
in the month of February every year to Jayanti Mahotsava was organized from
promote Indian Handlooms and 7th to 23rd December, 2018. Baisakhi
Handicrafts. The event attracts over mela was celebrated at Yadvindra
around 12 lakh tourists both domestic and Garden, Pinjore on 13th and 14th April,
foreign. Every year more than 1,000 craft
2019. Other than these, every year
persons participate in the mela and
1st September and 27th September are
successfully showcase/sale their products.
celebrated as Haryana Tourism Day and
Since 1989, all states of India are given an
World tourism day respectively. On
opportunity to show case and display their
Haryana Tourism day, competitions for
crafts, cuisines and art & culture. The 33rd
school students are organized at various
edition of the Mela was organized from
1st to 18th February, 2019 Maharashtra tourist complexes. A plan outlay of
participated as the Theme State and ` 3,940 lakh for tourism promotion has
Thailand participated as the Partner Nation been provided for the year 2019-20.
for the Mela.
ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE guidelines of NAPCC, State action plan
CHANGE DEPARTMENT of Climate Change has been prepared
8.87 Environment & Climate after consultation with various
Change Department, Haryana exercises Government Departments by
administrative control over functioning Environment & Climate Change
of State Environment Impact Assessment Department being Nodal Agency.
Authority and Nodal Office between The SAPCC has already been approved
State Government and Haryana State by the State Steering Committee. During
Pollution Control Board. As per the year 2019-20, ` 25 lakh has been

sanctioned by the Finance Department, • Two projects were approved by the
Haryana. State Steering Committee on
Implementation of State Action Plan Climate Change which were sent to
on Climate Change MoEF&CC, GoI for funding under
8.88 After pursuing the line NAFCC.
departments through workshops and (a) Development of Agricultural
SAG meeting following two projects Biodiversity Park in Haryana by
have been sanctioned and being CCS Haryana Agriculture University
implemented under National Adaptation and ICAR-CIRB Hisar for funding
Fund on Climate Change (NAFCC) in upto ` 25 crore from MoEF&CC.
the State: (b) Preparing Haryana for Climate
• The Ministry of Environment, Forest Change Adaptation is submitted by
and Climate Change has sanctioned HARSAC, CCS, HAU Hisar for
` 22.09 crore for the project on funding of ` 18 crore from
Scaling-up Climate Resilient MoEF&CC.
Agriculture Practices towards Revision of State Action Plan on
Climate Smart Villages in Haryana Climate Change
under National Adaptation Fund on 8.89 The State Action Plan on
Climate Change to establish Climate Change (SAPCC) is under
250 Climate Smart Villages (CSVs). process of revision in light of
The project is initiated in 100 commitments made under Intended
Climate Smart Villages in 10 district Nationally Determined Contribution
of Haryana namely Karnal, Sirsa, (INDC) as desired by the Secretary,
Kaithal, Fatehabad, Kurukshetra, Ministry of Environment, Forest &
Ambala, Yamuna Nagar, Jind, Climate Change (MoEFCC). The process
Panipat and Sonepat are being of revision of State Action Plan on
developed. Aim of this project is to Climate Change (SAPCC) has been
overcome the adverse effect of initiated. The matter of revision of State
Climate Change faced by the farmers Action Plan on Climate Change
due to rising of temperature, (SAPCC) has already been discussed in
lowering of water table and other the meeting of State Advisory Group on
factors. Climate Change. New 8 working groups
• The Ministry of Environment, Forest were constituted for the revision of State
and Climate Change has sanctioned Action Plan on Climate Change as per
` 27.14 crore for the project. Climate INDC goals.
Change Resilience Building in Special Environment Courts
Rural Areas through Crop Residue Faridabad and Kurukshetra
Management for the States of 8.90 At present, two Special
Haryana. Further, an amount of ` 7.56 Environment Courts are functioning at
crore has been released to Agriculture Faridabad and Kurukshetra, which are
Department, Haryana on 3rd May, dealing with cases relating to various
2018 for the implementation of Acts i.e. Water (Prevention and Control

Table 8.12 Status of Cases Instituted and Disposed of from 2017-18 to 2019-20.
Name of 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Environment No. of Cases No. of Cases No. of Cases No. of Cases No. of Cases No. of Cases
Court Instituted Disposed Instituted Disposed Instituted Disposed
Faridabad 315 519 168 320 136 236
Kurukshetra 93 282 428 385 209 198
Source: Director, Environment, Haryana.
of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention Environment Training, Education and
& Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, Indian Awareness Programs.
Forest Act, Environment protection Act, 8.92 The Environment & Climate
1986, Wildlife Act and Public land Change Department is making efforts to
protection Act. During the year 2019-20, create awareness about the Hazardous of
an amount of ` 201.30 lakh has been Environment pollution by organizing
sanctioned. Status of cases instituted and seminars, workshops and conducting the
disposed of by the special environment training on various Environment issues.
court Faridabad and Kurukshetra are During the year 2019-20, an amount of
given in Table 8.12. ` 50 lakh has been sanctioned by the
Setting up of Swarn Jayanti Finance Department for implementation
Environment Training Institute of the scheme.
8.91 The department has State Environment Impact Assessment
purchased one acre plot at the Authority
approximate cost of about ` 8 crore for 8.93 The State Environment
establishing the Environment Training Impact Assessment Authority was
Institute at IMT Manesar, Gurugram for constituted for 3 years from 30.01.2019
enhancing competency level to different to 29.01.2021. During the year 2019-20,
stake holders about Environment & an amount of ` 135 lakh have been
Climate Change related issues. The sanctioned by the Finance Department
possession of plot has been obtained and for implementation of the scheme.
building plan of institute has been To Establish the State Strategic
prepared by Architect Department, Knowledge Mission Centre on Climate
construction work would be handed over Change
to PWD B & R Department upto August, 8.94 Ministry of Science and
2018. The estimate of ` 15.65 crore for Technology has accorded the sanction of
construction work has been proposed. about ` 2 crore for the duration of five
The amount of about ` 7.82 crore will be year for the project titled Establishing the
paid by Haryana State Pollution Control State Strategic Knowledge Mission
Board and remaining amount Centre on Climate Change (SKMCC)
` 7.82 crore will be paid by the NMSKCC in the State of Haryana. This
Department. During the year 2019-20, project is being implemented by the
` 500 lakh has been received which was Environment & Climate Change
further transferred to PWD B & R Department Haryana. The process for
Department to initiate the work of recruitment of staff is under proceedings.
Creation of State Wetland Authority Govt. of India. During the year, an
Cell amount of ` 5,82,962 has been received
8.95 The State Wetland Authority from the Govt. of India.
was constituted under the guidelines of Setting up of Eco-Clubs
Wetlands (Conservation & Management) 8.97 The State Govt. has
Rules, 2017 issued by Ministry of established 5,250 eco-clubs in 22
Environment, Forests and Climate Districts of the State. These Eco-Clubs
Change (National River Conservation are doing various activities throughout
Directorate), Government of India to the state like plantation, creating
identify the Wetlands in the State for awareness among the general people
their conservation and management. The etc.During the year, an amount of ` 150
Wetland Authority is consisting of lakh has been received for the year
13 ex-officio members. Further 2019-20. The amount of ` 2,000 per
Technical Committee and Grievance Eco Club will be distributed to 5,250
Committee are also constituted as per Eco Clubs in the State.
requirement of Wetlands (Conservation Swachhta Action Plan
& Management) Rules, 2017. 8.98 Ministry of Environment,
Envis Forests and Climate Change has been
8.96 An Environmental Information approved ` 10 lakh under Swachhta
System Hub (ENVIS) has been Action Plan. Process of River Cleaning
established in the Environment & and Awareness Campaigns will be
Climate Change Department with the initiated.
Grant in Aid received from MoEF&CC,
CO-OPERATION Ethanol Plant at Shahabad Cooperative
8.99 Government has allocated an Sugar Mills have been started at a cost of
outlay of ` 1,47,709.50 lakh under the ` 355 crore, ` 263 crore and ` 99 crore
state schemes (Welfare & Development respectively. Enhancement of crushing
Schemes) which are being implemented capacity of Jind and Palwal Cooperative
by the Cooperation Department during Sugar Mills is under process.
financial year 2019-20. The 28 State 8.101 During crushing season
Schemes and 7 NCDC Sponsored 2018-19, all the Cooperative Sugar Mills
Schemes are being implemented by the have crushed ` 354.96 lakh quintals cane
Cooperation Department. and produce ` 35.72 lakh quintals sugar
8.100 Government has enhanced with average sugar recovery of 10.06
the price to ` 340 per quintal, ` 335 per percent. During the current season
quintal, ` 335 per quintal for the Early 2018-19, all the Cooperative Sugar Mills
Variety, Mid Variety and Late Variety, have purchased ` 355.17 lakh quintals
respectively. The shifting, expansion cane valuing ` 1,206.15 crore and entire
and modernization of the Panipat cane payment has been paid to cane
Cooperative Sugar Mills, Expansion & growers by the Cooperative Sugar Mills
Modernization of Karnal Cooperative after taking financial assistance of ` 350
Sugar Mills and Installation of 60 KLPD crore from the State Govt. As on
30.10.2019, an amount of ` 2,549.49 and Rohtak, which fulfill the criteria of
crore is payable to State Govt. against food safety and quality aspects of milk
loan granted to Co-op. Sugar Mills to and milk products. Under the scheme
clear cane arrears from the year 2007-08. ‘Assistance to the Milk Cooperative
Business Turnover and Profit of Societies’ 700 Nos. of Online Data
Hafed Processing Milk Collection Units
8.102 The business turnover and (DPMCU) have been purchased during
profit of HAFED for the financial year the 2018-19. The existing DPMCUs/
2018-19 are ` 12,307 crore and ` 41.47 AMCUs installed in the Milk Producers
crore (after tax) respectively. Hafed has Cooperative Societies (MPCS) are also
purchased ` 39.18 lakh MT of wheat being provided hardware for online data
during Rabi-2019 season which transfer. Under ‘Rashtriya Krishi Vikas
constitutes about 42 percent of the total Yojana’ during the year 2018-19, 127
wheat procured by all the procurement Nos Visi Coolers, 132 Nos Deep
agencies of the state. Hafed has started Freezers and 44 Nos Fabricated Milk
setting up of Mega Food Project at Booths have been purchased.
IMT- Rohtak with an estimated project 8.105 By the efforts of the Labour
cost of ` 179.75 crore for which Hafed Federation, the Primary Cooperative
has already taken 50 acres land from Labour & Construction Societies have
HSIIDC on 75 years lease. The final executed the works of ` 468.55 crore
approval from Ministry of Food during 1.4.2018 to 31.3.2019. The State
Processing Industry, Govt. of India was Federation has fixed a target of
received on 21.2.2018 and as per the executing works amounting to ` 500
approval the project is required to be crore through Cooperative Labour &
completed within 30 months. Construction Societies during 2019-20.
Mukhya Mantri Dugdh Utpadak Financial targets and achievement of
Protsahan Yojana works executed by the Labour &
8.103 Under “Mukhya Mantri Construction Societies from 2014-15 to
Dugdh Utpadak Protsahan Yojana”, a 2018-19 is given in Table 8.13.
provision of ` 33.30 crore has been Haryana State Cooperative Apex Bank
made in the budget. Incentive of ` 4 or Ltd.
` 5 per litre of milk is being given 8.106 The Haryana State
based on quality of milk to the Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd. (HARCO
Cooperative Milk Producers directly Bank) has advanced ` 6,318.27 crore
into their bank accounts. The from 01.04.2019 to 31.12.2019.The State
re-furbishment/modernization of all Govt. has provided financial assistance
6 Milk Plants will be undertaken under of ` 50 crore to Harco Bank. The
Diary Infrastructure Development Fund financial assistance of ` 90 crore was
(DIDF) scheme for which an amount of provided to 13 DCCBs out of 19 DCCBs
` 5,421.25 lakh has been sanctioned by to maintain their 10 percent level of
the NDDB. CRAR as per RBI mandate during the
8.104 NDDB awards ‘Quality year 2018-19. At present 19 DCCBs and
Mark’ to 3 Milk Plants Ballabgarh, Jind Harco Bank have in adequate CRAR.

Table 8.14- Financial Targets and Achievements of works executed by Labour &
Construction Societies.
Year Target Achievement %age
(` in crore) (` in crore)
2014-15 335 178.98 53.42
2015-16 250 170.86 68.34
2016-17 300 252.32 84.11
2017-18 350 431.14 123.18
2018-19 450 468.55 104.12
Source: Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Haryana.
Haryana State Cooperative Agriculture Scheme”, 74,649 (appx.) loanees farmers
and Rural Development Bank ltd. have availed the benefits of ` 67.92 crore
8.107 The HSCARDB has from 27.8.2014 to 31.03.2019. Under
advanced ` 4,073.37 lakh from 1.4.2019 “One Time Settlement (OTS) Scheme-
to 31.12.2019. Under “Timely 2019”, 10,003 defaulters loanees have
Repayment Interest Subvention availed the benefits of ` 78.44 crore.


Annexure 1.1 Annual Index of Industrial Production
(Base Year 2011-12=100)
Group Description Weight Index
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
10 Manufacture of Food Products 83.50 109.9 135.4 170.2
11 Manufacture of Beverages 12.57 75.9 78.5 79.3
12 Manufacture of Tobacco Products 0.75 105.0 112.9 120.8
13 Manufacture of Textiles 40.43 169.7 203.8 198.1
14 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel 49.68 101.7 119.0 123.2
15 Manufacture of Leather and related Products 27.44 94.6 98.9 103.9
Manufacture of Wood & Products of Wood &
Cork, except Furniture; Manufacture of Articles
16 3.09 209.6 186.3 177.1
of Straw & Articles of Straw & Plaiting
17 Manufacture of Paper & Paper Products 9.27 101.7 103.9 119.1
18 Printing and Reproduction of Recorded Media 4.16 155.7 160.6 156.7
Manufacture of Cock and Refind Petroleum
19 0.41 83.7 91.0 110.5
Manufacture of Chemical and Chemical
20 23.19 124.2 113.7 108.7
Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals, Medicinal
21 13.34 112.2 120.9 132.2
Chemical and Botanical Products
22 Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic Products 22.53 88.2 86.8 90.3
23 Manufacture of other None Metallic Products 18.73 89.7 112.6 108.2
24 Manufacture of basic matels 48.60 104.5 104.7 100.4
Manufacture of fabricated metal products,
25 32.54 126.8 145.9 123.5
except machinery and equipment
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical
26 11.16 101.1 121.2 125.2
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 58.22 111.2 115.1 118.2
28 Manufacture of machinery equipment n.e.c 106.63 130.9 125.3 170.3
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and
29 230.72 105.2 109.9 111.4
semi trailers
30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 121.25 118.3 115.1 116.2
31 Manufacture of furniture 0.41 72.5 77.5 93.0
32 Other Manufacturing 9.21 219.9 135.8 138.7
Manufacturing 927.83 114.7 120.3 128.7
Electricity 72.17 109.7 119.5 92.5
General Index 1000 114.4 120.3 126.1
Source: - Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis, Haryana.

Annexure 1.2 Growth of Industry Product Groups (IIP Base year 2011-12=100)
Industry Group Weight 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Manufacturing 927.83 114.7 120.3 128.7
Industrial Groups with growth rates above 10% during 2015-16
10 Manufacture of Food Products 83.50 14.0 23.2 25.7
Manufacture of Paper & Paper
17 9.27 2.5 2.2 14.7
Manufacture of Cock and Refined
19 0.41 -15.6 8.8 21.4
Petroleum Products
Manufacture of machinery equipment
28 106.63 4.0 -4.2 35.8
31 Manufacture of furniture 0.41 -23.3 6.9 20.0
Industry Groups with growth rates between 5% to 10% during 2015-16
12 Manufacture of Tobacco Products 0.75 6.5 7.6 7.0
Manufacture of Leather and related
15 27.44 2.7 4.5 5.1
Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals,
2.7 7.7 9.4
21 Medicinal Chemical and Botanical 13.34
Industry Groups with growth rates below 5% during 2015-16
11 Manufacture of Beverages 12.57 -13.2 3.4 1.0
14 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel 49.68 3.3 17.0 3.5
Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic
22 22.53 15.6 -1.6 4.1
Manufacture of computer, electronic
26 11.16 -11.7 19.9 3.2
and optical products
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 58.22 10.3 3.6 2.6
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers
29 230.72 6.6 4.5 1.4
and semi trailers
Manufacture of other transport
30 121.25 2.0 -2.8 1.0
32 Other Manufacturing 9.21 81.3 -38.2 2.2
Industrial Groups with negative growth rates during 2015-16
13 Manufacture of Textiles 40.43 24.4 20.1 -2.8
Manufacture of Wood & Products of 3.09 48.3 -11.1 -4.9
Wood & Cork, except Furniture;
Manufacture of Articles of Straw &
Articles of Straw & Plaiting Materials
Printing and Reproduction of Recorded 4.16 14.0 3.1 -2.4
Manufacture of Chemical and 23.19 19.4 -8.5 -4.4
Chemical Products
Manufacture of other None Metallic 18.73 -7.1 25.5 -3.9
48.6 -2.3 0.2 -4.1
24 Manufacture of basic matels
Manufacture of fabricated metal 32.54 28.8 15.1 -15.4
25 products, except machinery and
Source: - Department of Economic & Statistical Analysis, Haryana.

Annexure 2.1- Receipts of Haryana Government
(` in crore)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Items (RE) (BE)

1 Revenue Receipts (A+B) 52496.82 62694.87 76828.11 82219.41

A) State's Own Sources (a+b) 40221.80 50212.23 60066.16 61129.95

a) State's Own Tax Revenue (i to ix) 34025.71 41099.38 50946.00 51105.00

i) Land Revenue 16.09 18.07 20.00 25.00
ii) State Excise 4613.13 4966.21 6450.00 7000.00
iii) Sales Tax 23488.41 15608.92 11290.00 10900.00
iv) Taxes on Vehicles 1583.06 2777.56 2950.00 3500.00
v) Stamps & Registration 3282.64 4192.49 6000.00 6500.00
vi) Taxes on Goods & Passenger 594.59 2317.47 21.00 0.00
vii) Taxes & Duties on Electricity 275.69 306.03 330.00 330.00
viii) Other Taxes & Duties on 172.10 79.19 125.00 100.00
Commodities & Services
ix) State Goods and Service Tax (SGST) - 10833.44 23760.00 22750.00

b) State's Own Non-Tax Revenue (i to v) 6196.09 9112.85 9120.16 10024.95

i) Interest Receipts 2309.79 2227.82 1862.08 1622.58
ii) Dividends & Profits 5.90 7.53 24.97 25.64
iii) General Services 318.50 656.37 531.62 523.51
iv) Social Services 1455.41 3896.79 4138.34 4656.55
v) Economic Services 2106.49 2324.34 2563.15 3196.67

B) Central Sources (c+d) 12275.02 12482.64 16761.95 21089.46

c) Share in Central Taxes 6597.45 7297.52 8254.60 11216.64

d) Grant- in- aid from Central

5677.57 5185.12 8507.35 9872.82

2 Capital Receipts (i to iii) 27284.61 25495.28 25950.98 29689.43

i) Recoveries of Loans 973.23 6340.93 5378.32 5449.44

ii) Misc. Capital Receipts 26.27 39.87 40.00 1778.00
iii) Borrowings and Other Liabilities 26285.11 19114.48 20532.66 22461.99
Total Receipts (1+2) 79781.43 88190.15 102779.09 111908.84

RE-Revised Estimates, BE–Budget Estimates

Source : State Budget Documents.

Annexure 2.2- Expenditure of Haryana Government
(` in crore)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Items (RE) (BE)

1. Revenue Expenditure (A+B+C) 68403.43 73257.35 85334.81 94241.90

A Developmental (i+ii) 46348.70 46168.16 55393.74 58884.53

i) Social Services 25473.49 28061.34 33034.86 36114.22
ii) Economic Services 20875.21 18106.82 22358.88 22770.31

B Non-Developmental (i to v) 21630.78 26698.67 29715.35 35357.37

i) Organs of State 818.43 934.06 1089.18 1456.62
ii) Fiscal Services 392.30 432.87 602.94 666.27
iii) Interest Payment & 10541.91 11961.27 13846.56 16632.62
Servicing of Debt.
iv) Administrative Services 4178.55 4572.76 5695.51 5934.33
v) Pensions & Miscellaneous 5699.59 8797.71 8481.16 10667.53
General Services

C Others* 423.95 390.52 225.72 0.00

2. Capital Expenditure (D+E) 11378.00 14932.80 17444.28 17666.94

D Developmental (i+ii) 10915.66 14395.53 16194.53 16087.12

i) Social Services 1592.36 3237.39 4809.01 4467.12
ii) Economic Services 9323.30 11158.14 11385.52 11620.00

E Non-Developmental (i+ii) 462.34 537.27 1249.75 1579.82

i) General Services 399.37 480.90 1197.13 1471.82

ii) Loans for Govt. Servant 62.97 56.37 52.62 108.00
other than Housing

3. Total Expenditure(1+2=4+5+6) 79781.43 88190.15 102779.09 111908.84

4. Total Developmental Expd. 57264.36 60563.69 71588.27 74971.65
5. Total Non-Developmental Expd. 22093.12 27235.94 30965.10 36937.19
( B+E )
6. Others* (C) 423.95 390.52 225.72 0.00

RE- Revised Estimates, BE–Budget Estimates

*Compensation & assignment to Local Body and Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Source : State Budget Documents.

Annexure 2.3- Financial Position of Haryana Government
(` in crore)
Items 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
(RE) (BE)

1.Opening Balance
According to Books of
a) AG (-)733.40 426.73 (-)489.58 (-)327.75
b) RBI (-)736.51 433.96 (-)525.49 (-)363.66
2.Revenue Account
a) Receipts 52496.82 62694.87 76828.11 82219.41
b) Expenditure 68403.43 73257.35 85334.81 94241.90
c) Surplus/Deficits (-)15906.61 (-)10562.48 (-)8506.70 (-)12022.49
3. Misc. Capital Receipts 26.27 39.87 40.00 1778.00
4. Capital Outlay 6863.09 13537.91 15963.65 16259.67
5. Public Debt
a) Debt Incurred 28169.52 21489.76 34772.66 42767.35
b) Repayments 5275.84 6338.85 17596.31 20257.15
c) Net 22893.68 15150.91 17176.35 22510.20
6. Loans & Advances
a) Advances 4514.91 1394.89 1480.63 1407.27
b) Recoveries 973.23 6340.93 5378.32 5449.44
c) Net (-)3541.68 4946.04 3897.69 4042.17
7. Inter State Settlement - - - -
8. Appropriation to - - - -
Contingency Fund
9. Contingency Fund - - - -
10. Small Saving, 1114.89 1226.31 802.00 453.00
Provident Fund etc.
11. Deposits & 3379.02 1846.04 2723.14 (-)303.01
Advances, Reserve
Funds and Suspense
& Misc. (Net)
12. Remittances (Net) 57.66 (-)25.09 (-)7.00 (-)50.00
13. Net (On Year's 1160.14 (-)916.13 161.83 148.20
14. Year's Closing
According to Books of
a) AG 426.73 (-)489.58 (-)327.75 (-)179.55
b) RBI 433.96 (-)525.49 (-)363.66 (-)1215.46
RE- Revised Estimates, BE–Budget Estimates
Source: State Budget Documents.

Annexure 2.4- Budgetary Expenditure of Haryana Govt. as per Economic
(` in crore)
Items 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
(RE) (BE)

I Administrative Departments 74515.93 83041.19 97544.97 104294.33

(1 to 7)

1. Consumption Expenditure (i+ii+iii) 24822.84 29240.42 34327.00 38094.01

i) Compensation of Employees 21640.00 26116.37 28510.90 30516.38
ii) Net Purchase of Commodities 2939.21 2847.74 5303.04 7124.97
& Services including
iii) Transfers in kind 243.63 276.31 513.06 452.66
2. Current Transfers* 27292.58 30797.39 36690.77 41319.28
3. Gross Capital Formation 3950.13 6507.72 8809.46 8700.27
4. Capital Transfers 11948.15 9147.22 10239.86 10093.65
5. Net Purchase of Financial Assets 1965.66 5709.94 5598.67 4205.33
6. Loans & Advances 4514.92 1394.89 1480.63 1407.27
7. Net purchase of Physical Assets 21.65 243.61 398.58 474.52

II Departmental Commercial 4328.17 4911.83 6086.86 6320.68

Undertakings (1 to 6)

1. Purchase of Goods & Services 1269.68 1328.38 1595.94 1632.33

including Maintenance
2. Compensation of Employees 1548.89 1833.67 2540.17 2643.91
3. Consumption of Fixed Capital 40.88 43.89 43.91 43.92
4. Interest 662.99 664.65 680.17 680.16
5. Gross Capital Formation 716.47 975.62 1147.52 1225.36
6. Net Purchase of Physical Assets 89.26 65.62 79.15 95.00

Total Expenditure(I+II) 78844.10 87953.02 103631.83 110615.01

RE –Revised Estimates, BE – Budget Estimates

* Current Transfers also include subsidies & interest.
Source: State Budget Documents/Deptt. of Economic and Statistical Analysis, Haryana.


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