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a E > MichaetR Litdeburg, BE. heats US Z err Se tts ‘Expanded Interest Thien Se swine Sires beac CHEERING CARER VAN IE How to Bacome « Prtesonal Bg it Brn Wh fedip sf Guide or gas nan Proper recA Gil fr apne Spey beach boy 400 (aisyasb otis 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS Capris Protea Pbleatos le. Alsgts re ered, Xo PERN ARN Teen te aaron, ( okerrn wibow be por ites per of he pauses Patel inthe Ul Stat fren BN, cosmeae Promina Pubeatony, ne, ZO Pith Aveme, ment, CA 102 (Current printing of hs eition (lat number): 6 5 4 3.2 Somsonmnown » TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE . . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ENGINEERING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FLUID STATICS AND DYNAMICS . THERMODYNAMICS... . « POWER CYCLES apn COMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW . ‘COMBUSTION HEAT TRANSFER HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. FAILURE THEORY . = MACHINE DESIGN DYNAMICS oe ccc eeeeeeeee ‘CONTROLS AND SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SOLUTIONS FLUID STATICS AND DYNAMICS SOLUTIONS "THERMODYNAMICS SOLUTIONS . POWER CYCLES SOLUTIONS (COMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW SOLUTIONS . (COMBUSTION SOLUTIONS. eres MECHANICS OF MATERIALS SOLUTIONS... =. FAILURE THEORY SOLUTIONS. ee = MACHINE DESIGN SOLUTIONS... oe es DYNAMICS SOLUTIONS. . : CONTROLS AND SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS un 8 1 19 23 ey a 33 37 a a sr 65 6 83 9 108 109 7 1 ENGINEERING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ECONOMICS-1 ‘The Acme Mansfactring Company produces product from polystyrene. ‘Two mixing proces, batch and continuous, are availble —_________batch continous ‘80.00 Syea S100 ‘Acme wie sttigh-line deprecation, pays 48% of ret income ws income tax, and bas an after-tax fm attractive rate of rtura of 15%. The company ‘Saran inne market, and can well all ofthe products it produces at $0.10 per unit, Which manufacturing proces should Acme invest ia? xCONOMICS-2 [A corporation plans to buy a eat for $10000 and dee recite it over 8 years uning the double declining ba- nee method. However, the company latends to wll the ear after 8 years for an etimated $5,500. Anal sinenance is eimated at $500. Th corporation alo intends to take advatage of special 89% tax eredit available for aera hept at lent 3 year. The corpoe ‘ation use an flea rate of return of 159% 08 all Investment analyses The corporation pays 4086 of tt et income in tanen, What inthe pst worth of this ar scquston? ECONOMICS-s or the pat 3 years, Bravado Toting Engineers hat ‘been paying iepector 8030 per mile when «personal coe bed travel to jl stn, Sec age i 12,000 tales per year. Avan alternative, Bravado i consi Dying « company track, which woul eliminate the use ofthe impectr’s personal ear The etiated Aleta of the perchase are purchase pice $10,000 Ssnsal maintenance (inledee gu) $1,800 pratieal wel ie ‘yan falrage valve after 4 years $2,000 Bravado will depreciate the truck over 3 year atthe rate of 25% the Est yea, 38% the second, and 37% the third, The company's combined federal and sate tax ‘ate in 40%, and the aftetax minima attractive rate of return i 18%, What should Bravado dot _Boonomacs-« Investory are evaluating an ofce building tht hat a purchase pre of 8525/00. The inventors expect t0 tell the bailing for $700,000 after 7 years. Dasing the time that the building ia Bld, the balding will be deprecated ung senightsine deprecation, an et- ‘ated fe of 15 years, and an (sanmed)slvage ale of tero, (The oll purchase pric wil be depreciated) The ‘Het tax rate of the investors 408 During ownerhip, the eatimated expenses will be 25,0 per yar, which wil be ofet by rental income 1 $500 for theft 3 years, and $75,00 forthe next. ‘year, What wil be the after-tax rte of return om {Wie avestment? ECONOMICS-5 ‘A numerically controlled metal farmer originally cont- ing $100,0 has abeady been in uae for 7 years Tk a 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS tas been deprecated each year on a sraight line bait vith 2 10yeur life and asalvage vale of $900,900, The Thrrent market valu ofthe metal former is $400.00, nd this amount isnot expected to change during the ‘ext 3 years. The current operating expents amos to 42000 per year, and thin amos ls nt expected to change 1 has beam propoued to replace the exiting machine wih a meow metal former outing $800,000. The iii {erating expenes willbe $4000 daring the fst year, ‘Bereasng each yearby $35,000 daring it etimaied 10- ear ifetine, The salvage vale ofthe new metal former {cpends on the year in which i wl be retired erie _nbep vale ‘$050,000 $550,000, $500 000 $43000 $4090 310900 $300,000 $250,000, $2000 #13000 ‘he company intend to stay in basses, and wil ned {sal former forthe freebie ature, Ifa beore-tox ‘anya wanted, and the intret rate in 15%, shoal ‘he exiting metal former be replaced? FoONOMiCS-« ‘hn entrance rd is needed into a large feral forest. he road in expected to bein we for 90 yeae before major rerfacing or replacement i required. Four a- lernativen have boen proposed. A minimum rate of retere of 8% in required by government procurement ‘ogulations. Which alternative shoud be chowen? (AIL ‘Snounte are in dolla) snnmal sane fail years years yours terasine ‘tont__"3s10__1-20_21-30 ‘300000 14,000 14,000 14,000, Banoo "8000 20,000 8,000, © 320.000 6,000 6,000 10,000, D —s00.000 40000" 040,000, ECONOMICS-1 ‘You have $25,000 anilabl, and your accountant har provided you with four investment alteaatives. Your Chertax Iniakmem attractive tate of relurm le 12% (the cath flows accompanying each alternative are ahersx) tine a 8,00 =,000 14,000 43,00 +4000 + 2,000 43,000, $4600. + 4000 +3}000, +200 + 6000 3000 Po Tso Aterstives A and B are independent, but alternative iv not. However, if alternative D ia choven, then ‘erative C mua alo be elected. If alberative A in coven, thea alternative Geanaot be coven, Which Alternatives shoald you inves ia ECONOMICS-8 ‘A consortium of investors (combined income tx rat of 40%, minim attractive at of rturn of 25%) i con- Sidering the contruction of recreational waterside. Dus to variations in weather, the number of days the ‘lide canbe open varies each year ays of operation % of years 2 18% 109 o% 120 20% ‘The entrance fee wil be 85 per peron per day. The daly attendance expected to drop of the longer the tide in open daring the yeu. ays of operation attendance 1-80 500 peore/ day s1100 450 people/day worn 350 people/day "The consortia has assumed the fllowing values for the prpore of ite evaluation: intial con 3315900 time Syear saleage vale $8000 Alepreclation method straight Line tarcredit avalable 10% Imaintenance (Bxed) $10,000 per year Taber cone $800 each day lide i open (6) What i the aftertax income o lou per yar? (@) le the investment attractive? (¢) What i the aftertax payback period? ENGINEERING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 3 ECONoMICS-o ‘Aloo produce wholesalers planing to have larger prodaceashing facility constructed. The contruction feat an bid i $2,500,000 if paid in advance, but the holler hae contracted with it contraction come Paty to male thee progress payments (to be adjusted or 49% annual ination) av follows: ad ofyear 1 50% of bd con nd of yar 2 25% of Bd cont ad ofyear 8 26% of Bd con ‘The wholemer's minima attractive rate of return is 125. The wholesaler payr 375 federal income tax and (OM state Income tax. The state tax in deductible on ‘he feral tax otra. The larger washing fc will ‘be depreciated over 25 years (ureming a tro salvage valu) wang the vraigheline method. (0) What in the atentax present worth of produce: elated revenue required to pay forthe expansion? () What annua afer-ta income ia equred to pay for the expansion in 25 year? (6) Did the contruction company make good deal? PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, INE.+Bamon, CA a FLUID STATICS AND DYNAMICS Jwws-1 ‘The line between a lowprerure booster pump and a high-premere bole feed. pump contains a running length of 68 fit of" ahedule40 sts pipe, four long ‘ads O0 elbows, sewing check valve, and 2 fly open fate valve. The feed pump is 12 fet higher than the booster pump in elevation. The How rae e740 gpm of 260 °F waler, The Knovn rewure ae prewure before booster pump 37 pila rowure before Baer feed pump 95 pla Drere after bolle fed pump 1950 pia (2) What che prema atthe dcharg of the Bootter pump? (©) What isthe brake horsepower reguzement of the mote fr the boiler fed pump, ithe pumps dency in 252 wuums-2 ‘A centrifugal pump has the follwing operating charsc- terns Based om epertin 21800 spy 14.7 pi, and a5 °F water, Q (oom) H(A) _NPSHR (ny 60 S00 «ao eons 95 eso 40a mm © 1180 mm «91180 m0 36072 (4) Tebelate the H and NPSHIR charateritics an fantion of Q if the pump is trned at 2000 rpm. (b) Wit the pump operate aaifactarily at 1800 rpm. under the flloeing conditions? + 5000 aitede $90 °F water tate dicharge head: 9 fet ‘low rate: 650 gpm * friction lw in eton line: 10 feet _puDs+ order to maintain the original appearances of hie: tori building, it has been decided fo renovate the oig- inal hot-water radiator beating system. ‘The building Tus a deign heating load of 400000 BTU/kr, which in ated by convective heat transfer from radiators throughout the buldng. Water leaves the boiler at 220 7 saturated liquid and return ot 100°P, The hot rater sytem haa the following characteris: pipe 24" tel schedule 228 liner fet (exluive of minor Inet) Loving heck valve 2 gate valves (normally open) bole Reating coils heed Tow 12 Damp oficiney: 55% Iota efilency: 75% (6) What hydrate horsepower it required? (©) What athe motors nameplate rating (n wats)? a . 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS of 21 fest for a given Dow rate of 850 7 ‘The water was to fow though 00 fet of 6.00" (aude Aiamete) pipe (Darcy friction factor of 002) pear to fentring the pump. Water entering the pump in cur- ently at 180 °F and 141 pa, and cavitation inthe ‘ump ina is being experienced, 1 har been proposed to enclove the fat pipe with « laeger diameter pipe frit entire 90 fet of ran, ard cold water cvculated countercurently through the outade Pipe, The temperature st the pam Init would be Feduced to 145°, with no change in Gow rte oil presare. (4) What ithe heat removal rate in BTU/hr? (©) Determine analytically thatthe pump shoal cavi- ‘ate under the orginal conditions. (6) Determine analytialy whether or not the pump will eavitate ithe inlet cooled. LuDDs-5 A large-diameter pipeline carrying natural gat must 0 under a river, ad the pipeline engaeer wants to nchor the pipeline to the bottom ofthe riverbed. The Pipeline wil be completely buried in riverbottom md {ri rome the vver, The pipeline engineer has pro- ‘ote placing a erin of 123000 bm concrete weight at fegelar intervale along the pipeline to hold the pipeline down couate ‘deaaity 10 Thm/t? Aapth (of barat) 22 wath ssh ‘vaehattom mad temperate Fr specie peviy 138, ize ales steal diameter a vwalthieknes 1/2" ater oe rowsre molecular weight Including an adequate safety factor, what should be the spacing between concrete weight locations along the submerged pipeline? /Jovs-4 Dasiag fr, the fing on fre hydrant breaks and {here hyran ows rsy rom 4350 (ctl ie) ‘ameter opening. The Bow completly athe ott te coeficen of contraction 1.00 feeficent of velocity 0.82 feeficeat of discharge 0.82 ‘The centrin of the opening is 26" from the ground. ‘The average ditance (Le centerine distance) between the Bre hydrant opening and where the ducharge stream. ‘nena the pavement ie 8S fe (0) What is the fw (in gpm) out ofthe fre hydrant? (0) What i the preaare (i pi) inthe main? mums 4.300 foot pipe (10% clean, Sanged ste, schedule 40) ‘aries 1900 gpm of 155 pug (t lar of run), 90 °F ‘ater, The drop in elevation between the entrance and (Git 4B fet. "The pipe has the folowing features i eras Jong radius 90" ela standard radia 90" le oa faite vale fobe vale fee (chrough run) {ee (through stem) (0) Disegarding entrance and exit lose; what isthe had loo or gin (in et of water)? (0) Barlain your annwer to part(s). mums-s 4 inalation of stile tn pipe ning designed ‘Geary aconmatraied metalic ot sleton. Te pre ‘esta spontaneous decomposition of the ations the [avin ine aaton mast be hapt tot above 18 i fete 1500 fot mise ee 2 vide open gate valves 2 ong dias 90" cows FLUID STATICS AND DYNAMICS 1 ‘alc solson lon in moth wale see: What i the tion se low rate 25000 Ibe (Ga inches of water) trough the heat exchanger? rear at pipe inlet 23 pig pete gravity 45 on emperatare aor ae waco 1.20% 10-4 1/ee vent = (9) What ithe minonm sit of scheduled pipe that" will sai the design requiremeat? (0) What i the actual promare drop (i pi) Between ‘he alt and ont ofthe pips? SN = yLums-0 ‘The heat exchange section of het exchanger used to tam | ‘warm airisconsracted a two multt-pasee ayers. 20, {lm of §*C air enter the Beat exchanger hander. The lou coeicent forthe supply header i052. The lost Seana coafcen forthe receiving header is 0.2. Al contrue- ‘aso — cc 3 erexscooenascs-1 ‘Alow-humiily clan rom recivs some of ta mechas- seal nergy bom age tarbne, Gus fewing through the turbine fe a mintare of carbon donde aod aitoges, ‘The following datas avallabl. 8% 1% Bz bhp 340 Ibm /ar 10°F 18 pa 0087 BTU/lbm"R 0218 BTU/Ibm°R ratio olepeciic heats 1355 (9) What inthe carbine inlet prenare? (©) What ithe eficency ofthe power generation pro- cat (e) What ithe entropy change f the gat mintere? (@) Stetch fan label) the T+ diagram fr the expan- ‘THERMODYNAMICS-2 ‘A waste het boller produces TO pia (dry, saturated) ‘team fom 220 °F fdwatr. The bole receveseb- ‘egy from 4,000 Tbr of 180 *F (dry) ai After Destngenvaga te waste hea Doe, she vempersare ofthe ar hus been redaced to 180° above theater femperatan. (6) How much steam is produced per hour? (©) Aner expanding through a turbine, #08 of the con- ‘ensate(aturted Liquid st 190'°F) la returned to a duaratorheater” What quantity of boiler THERMODYNAMICS steam in roquired to het the fosdwater to 220 °F? Boller bowdown is negligble, €0 °F makeup water ia salable toreplace the deci. (9 How much makeup water (in Ibm) x required ‘ander the conditions of pst (8)? 'THERMODYNAMICS-3 A feadwater heater produces an unknowa amount of 212 °F (eatarated Uiuid) water. There is» heat lose ‘of 225000 BTU/hr from the exponed surtaces of the heater: The heater receives three faput steams: 14000 Thm /hr of saturated (liga) water at 50 pe 2. 7,000 Ibm/hr of 100 °P saturated (gu) com denne SS. an unknown quanilyof 15 pla steam (quality of 0%) (4) What is the fw rte (in Tom hr) of the 15 pela fant (©) How much feedwater (i gpm) ie produced? (6) the beat loa a reduced from 226,000 BTU hr 110000 BTU/ke, how much feedwater (x pe) ‘willbe produced? ‘THERMODYNAMICS-< ‘A stam torbin in porered by 2 sat of Sxad ore ‘owen Each novale hasan antropeeficioney of 90%. 8350 °F (ry, eataratod) svar at 280 Ree enter the ores. The steam expands adiabatically to 1750 fue ‘What ia the (2) ethaly, (8) quality and (¢)prearre cl the team an lever the nol?” PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, INC. Balmer, C& 0 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS ‘THERMODYNAMICS-5 ‘An sncccuped, pressaretght equipment room for seclear power plant has volume of 8,000 1%. ‘The oom i iiaitained at 147 pra and 80 °F. Tn order to protect clctonic equipment inthe room from fre, Halon 1801 extinguishing aysem has been nnalled In the event of » fre, 2900 of Halon (eraluated at 80°F and 147 pia) ae injected ito the oom. No ofthe original air it placed. Halon has a molecu: Tar weight of 150 Ibm/pound-mole. Ideal gat relation ‘hips and perfect mixing at room temperature can be teamed, () What i the pres in he room after the Halon i Injected? () the building iv desgned for a 1" water gage allowable overpeesrzaton (based on 147 pia), wil the Building be able to withtand the added Hilo premuritation? Explain your answer. (6) How woud you vent the room if overpremrietion fa untceeptableT| ‘THERMODYNAMICS-~ ‘A steam cubine driver an lactis! generat. Some of ‘theateam is exacted before complete expansion the ‘condenser prstre and the bleed aeam i wbd for pro- com heating. The remaining steam enters a conden, senering steam condtons ‘Gow rate "20000 hm /ar ‘preere 1100 pain temperature 900 °F bed (extraction) eam conditions fw rate 110000 Ibm far preore 200 pia condenser conditions renee 2 Hg (abeaate) PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATION, NC sculpman ficiencin arise, entropic 75% (generaterjelectreal 98% (o} What inthe tampertare ofthe extracted team? (©) What ithe enthalpy of the extracted wear? (©) What poner (in bw) is produced by the generator? ‘THERMODYNAMICS-7 ‘A company tu an unlimited source of 20°F, 25 pla rater Careatly, the water it being dacarded.. The Company alm has a5 unlled need fr 25,000 Tom of 5300 F, 68 psia water. It has been proposed to produce ‘he nesded 900 °F water inthe follwing manner: (2) The 120 °F water wil be throttled to 10 pain Daring th throttling proce, ts predicted that ‘he water will parsaly vapor. (2) The water and vapor will ener o Gash veel (aaizined at 10° pei) where the Heid and ‘vapor willbe alowed to separate by gravity. (0) The 10 eis eatarated)lgud water willbe drawn, of and discarded. (4) The 1 psa cataratd) vapor willbe competed to'70 pia by am 85% oficient comprewcr. The Compretor will be powered by an lectrial ‘moter (0) The comprewed vapor will pas through a heat exchanger where the temperature wile reascod 300 °F, and the pressre will be reduced to 68 pa, (2) What will be the compreter's power requirement (aiw}? (6) Tein a credible, valid proce? 4 POWER CYCLES-1 ‘A company generates 1000 brake horeepower ffom a gut turbine. Ibm ac of comprewed combustion gusee (Cpecie heat at constant preevre of 0.289 BTU/lim- *'B) at 1600 °F enter the turbine and exit at 1040 *F- For yer, the company has thrown away the gases ing the trbine. Now, it i propoved to we the waste ‘eat o generate ste for slow prure seam turbine. ‘A.90% eficlentcoustertow wast-heat Boller drop the ‘combustion guts to 650 F i the proce of produc 1000 °F steam at $00 pia. An 80% eficont turbine expands the steam to 2 pia (the condenser condition). ‘ACO oficint boiler ed forces the condeneate back Into the waste heat bol LE! reno POWER CYCLES slver water. Bnvzonmental concerns have made it nec: ‘sear to replace the iver water with chiled water fom ‘cooling tower. However, the condenser willbe derated {operate at 2 psa instead ofthe current 1 pla. Sat ‘rated ligld leaves the faedwater heater Neglecting the preaare drop inthe pipe, what willbe the combined (both turbines) percentage decrease in ‘output power? (All mechanical eficlences are 100%. Disregard the insignificant work ofthe condenererae- ?) leeation temperature, "P_prewure, pala 7 ‘00 7000 3 00 ‘ 2 5 2 7 30 5 1000 ° 0 2-O- (6) What i the grou increase in power output (a horsepomt)? (©) What ithe seam Bow rate (a Thm se)? POWER CYCLES-2 Currently, the expanded steam from 2 high/low pr sure turbine wt pants through a condenser cooled by 2 4101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS POWER CYCLES-s ‘A.12 MW (nominal) cogeneration (combined eel) lant asea wane energy fom a gus power turbine to rive a steam turbine. (Refer tothe Sgure) ‘The fl- lowing information har been compiled. location temperature, "R_ pressure, pia 500 ro 2400 1s 5 100 6 1400 300 1 10 3 0 net gus tubine generator oxtpet 5000 KW feel mass fow £2500 Ibmyfar fuel lower heating vale 438,00 BTU/om, compeesion ratio omprentioneBcescy tt tabine ficiency {teneratoreficiency team trbineefiiney food pump efiiency eat exchanger efficiency ; ‘et = ‘State all necessary socumptics. (4) What power (in kW) in generated by the steam carbine () What athe combustor iiney? (@) What ia the overall eflceney of this combined cycle proce? | POWER CYCLES-« ‘A condenser in a typical Raine steam eyele operates S280 °F and with avacaum of 29" Hg [rfrenced toa 30" ig barometer) () Sketch the T-+ diagram of such « typical Rank Ine cycleshowing the detrimental fect of large snout o noncondeneable. (©) What ie the percentage (by weight) of noncon- Aenaabls in the condenser? POWER CYCLES-5 1 hae bean ditermined experimentally that the power feeded by a particular ca ean be eatimated bythe fo. Towing oqetion: thp = (43 x10") x 8x [0018 + FA(S") 4 GW] ‘wept of ear in posnde [Mreamlin ctor Projected frontal area in aquae feet (peed in mph Aecimal grade (slope) [Apastcolar cr (standard trasamiaton) has been ale to attain a apeed of 65 mph while cousting dowehil in ‘eutal, under the following measured condition: aonns W = 2100 pounds A RD aquare fet @ = 1% downhill (0) What size engine (bhp) shwsld be installed to allow this arto maintain a peed of 55 sap while raving op © O grade? (elude 20% extra for [Sr condtioner, gba, and otser acesorea) (0) Gasoline has 2 density of $8 tbm/ea. I the brake speife fuel consumption (BSPC) ander the condi ‘ona in part (3) e043 Thm/bhp-hr, what milage (ia mler/ gallon) wil this ear achieve? POWER CYCLES-¢ [A power generating plant mtnfer 2 15 MW (nomi- taal) clceieal demand by expanding weam through a5 40% eficene turbine (mechaniel ficiency of 98%) ‘The generator’ ficiency le 09%. The plant also nes 155,000 Ibm hr of proce steam fr feedwater hesting- ‘There are two option for obuaining the steam from an ‘existing supply line. (Refer to the trations for the operating conditions) POWER CYCLES 1 pton i Spit the supply ine entering the turbine ‘pton 2 Bled steam oul of the turbine. eS wx BB te : 120m 000 emi one ern orion (0) What are the stam cathlpice at the condenser Inlet for both options? 8) What i the diference in power output between the to options? xpress your answer in MW. —-t2 = POWER CYCLES-6 ‘A cogeneration plat operates onthe eyee shown. For {he purpove ofthis problem, the ga canbe considered 18% ea UK ox lib (6) What i the overall ficiency of thi eycle? (©) What is the ratio of gus mast flow mite to ateam, sass ow ratet POWER CYCLES-9 ‘An Re12rebigeatr incorporate reciprocating com- prewer. The following information is ova: ‘refrigerant vapor cmt EE (Dameme SEeiedepat ma ry omprenor vost = “mee clarance “ — TDistinal ped Brom sae Si-80°F encom? Grell thermlysamic eiciency 9% friycpic exponen a (0) Batinateraonabe temperate difeencn inthe 1 S'beat exchangers condemer,Intwioge, and efron fect oot ‘evaporator. “ immer condenser pressure opie rnpertre o (bi Using actual property data for the two refriger- bessanenedhentgs ‘in clleubethe purr a theetrnce tothe NEG i Shectachangere conener,ineagesndorap tempers or cour, roware 1 pa LLL ee « 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS, (6) What athe piston displacement? (6) What ithe input power (i kW}? ‘POWER CYCLES-10 (Currently, «waste-beat boiler wes 243 108 BTU/hr twas eat to produce 180 aia (ry, saturated) seam for process heating. ‘Currently, no condense er tornado the bor, Te has bean proponed to ald = Aleverator, and to eter 605% ofthe steam tothe boiler. ‘The remaining 20% of the dow will be replaced with OF makeup wate, (See proces condguation tration) pax (0) F808 ofthe steam ie returned to the boiler, how ‘mach seam willbe avilable for process heating? POWER CYCLES-11 1 deverator operates with 2 0 °F hot well depresion, (ht ote temperature ofthe condensate removed fs ua to the steam inlet temperature) The denerator part of« power pasa thar produce 260 MW of dlc leieity when operating at 90% ef it capacity in steady sate sad equilibrium conditions. The condensate pomp ‘supplies negligible eneey- ee I f ao wae [Ty atthe SS (6) What i the steam presure imide the denrator? () What ie the quality ofthe entering steam’? POWER CYCLES-12 ‘A et engine in modeled an serial combination of ‘omprenor, an adiabatic, constant presure combustor, {id trbine (in that order. Air (Considered to have 8 ‘Trlablepperic hen) in compreaed through a compres Ton preasre ratio of 251, Aienters the comprenor 1147 pa and 00 °F. Air leaves the combustor at 1200 °R, The compreson netrope ficiency it 0.83, nd the trbinenetropie efleny it 0.85, ‘An caginer claims that 89 ofthe le shosld be bye jpuved around the comprewor and combater snd wed {a eool the engine walle ina double-wall arrangement If that io done, the at leaving the combustor can be incresed in temperature 260 °F, aad the combustor ‘preoare incensed by § pl I is claimed that the e5- {ine wl prodace more thst. ‘Ansing thatthe bypaaed a products no thrust, and ‘ering fel mae, the engineer comet? 5 COMPRESSIBLE FLUID PLOW-1 ‘Ais (k= 140) flows ina converdag/divereing nonle ‘constructed with & design prsmure ratio (Le, ratio of ‘ct pear to stagaationpresnue) of 0.1278. There Js. uniform divergence over the etre length, Ly of the ‘one dvering section. (4) At wha: minimam at prone ratio (i arm of ‘he chanber stagnation preaure) doe athock wave sand a the eit ofthe noma? (©) Atwhat distance (in terms ofthe diverging section length, Z) from the throat doe the shock wave ‘cea ifthe ratl of exit prnure to chamber wage ‘Raton reser is 0.087 COMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW-2 ‘Acagar beat plant need to intl stam humidifier at ‘various loeaions to hep the sugar beets from drying ‘ont and ahrvaing wp. atdoor dag conditions ‘dry balb temperature sF ‘eltive bidity 108 {door dein conditions ‘ry bulb temperatare Tor ‘elative bmiity o% renure 147 pla lant baildig volume 450,000 oxeepangy 6 people seated COMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW vuatilaton far changes per hour 3 makeup alrfrom outside 25,000cfm smolstare absorbed by sugar bets 360 Ibm/br am bani ‘seam premare 25 pig (aturted) Dumler ere sae ost (6) How much team (a Ibm) in aquired for humid eatin (©) Hlow many humidier rico ould be installed sound the plant? (COMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW-s ‘A. high-tomperstore, guecooled clear reactor (GETGR) vewel contains 200 8° of lydrogen at 600 °F ‘and 1100 pala, The vena i arrounded by very large Containment building filled with ar at 147 pla and 1200 °F The reactor ven] satan damage (of a2 or Jnown natare), and the hydrogen beyiae leaking out through « short length of 1” (ise diameter) pipe which has been crushed to an effective orice sae of B¥. Due tothe sae and controled veating ofthe con- ffinment structare, the premare renane ab 147 pia luring the entire hydroren discurre. Bmerrency ‘equipment replaces (displaces) the bet hydrogen with slropen, malstaining the original temperature and Dreeare inthe reactor veel, (No nitrogen ia vented {ito the contalament balding) Anum a discharge co ficient, and determine how longi vil ake to vent all ofthe hydrogen ito the containment building a 6 XCOMBUSTION-1 Propane (CHa) has bee chons athe fuel for «new farmce. The fel ia combined with atmoopherie al sup. plied at 14.7 pla 80 dry Bab, and 70 °F wet bal Crna tats hve been taken, and the product of comm ‘uston have beer determined a follows 9% by volume product (dey bat) co, 99 o a1 © 00 Ne so 80; 00 ‘The frnace stack ia very high, and it ie eared thatthe embustion gases wil cool signieantly ae they rae. 1. |i dated to ewp the farce combution ques at last 250 °F hotter than the water vapors dew poiat tem tare. Ifthe preeare i the wack i 105 pei what 1s the minimum temperatare to which the combustion uses can e cooled? fCOMBUSTION-2 ‘An internal combustion engine cemplately burn a mix: ture of (vapored) hydrocarboe fae aud dey, desers Air, Where ample, the exhasl gas bat 15 pia and 120 °F, and consists ofthe folorng prodacts of cam Deston 1% by vole pro (ay bass) 0s co" cH i o COMBUSTION fof What a the dew point ofthe water vapor in the exhaust? (8) What inthe actual sir/foa atio (in Ibm/Tom)? ‘COMBUSTION-s ‘A dieubtype engine burning dodecane (Ciao) i ine Walled in ‘mlltary combat vehide expected. to ‘operate under amokey and dusty (but dry) desert cone lions. A full oa, the engine produces €25 Dip while ‘onnuming 043 Ibm of fue per BRP per hocr. The ‘hotte hasbeen designed to % exons r= 1005 ~ 6 > (8 of fll oad throttle) ‘The ubcostracor applying air filters for ¢he combat ‘vehicle has recommended thatthe air velocity through ‘he fer be Limited to 600 fp. Desert air in 14.7 pain 334 90°F, the engin fully onde, what flier area erequred? ‘comBusTION-« [A mixture af gee ia burnad with dey ae. The barn {ate operates with a negative beste prewerey and the fuel/air mixture ia t 00°F aad 12 goin. The foe ‘conse ofthe following compouade: mola fraction 1 compound _(mole/mole mixture) Cll oa? Cae 004 oH 002 Calta 8.005 Celis ‘o.002 ™ 0.063 s 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS (0) What i the stoichiometric ai/fel ratio (in Tb Ba? (8) Aaruming. stoichiometric (complete) combustion fd dry sirqwhat ithe dew pot of he atack gute ‘the sack promare i 14-4 pia? e) What ia your recommendation fr the ack ga femperstre? (Beplain your anewer) COMBUSTION-1 [A peoducer of gourmet popcorn has leftover coresbe ‘Coming out ite ene. The producer ha decided to ty eo eat part ofthe paclaging plat during the water ‘Tuk sun-dried cornobe leftover fom the ummer (and Thoredoutede) ‘The following information is avallabe: preswure 141 pla COMBUSTION-5 Imoutare content negligible Aira 60°F and 147 palais combined with 40 Ib /in A ue il (Cho, density of 8.21 Ibn /gu, and este {ng value of 18200 BTU/al) to provide combustion teeny for ters cotta pot glasing. The ferace tom- erate (nintined by combustion guts atthe same Temperature) has dropped to 195) °F due to a large {stake sytem leak which in admiting exces alr. The trerage molcslr weigh ofthe combustion ga a 32.4 TBin/pmole andthe average ratio of specific heats (4) Perc (6) What is the stoichiometric ar (in ein) required, cxcuding exces and leakage? (0) What mase (ia bm/lbm of fuel) of comburtion sen i produced per minate! ‘anburned slid fein ask: negligible negligible ‘Conduction, radiation lones: negligible COMBUSTION-6 “The combustor of «gut tarbinerecrves LL of 575 °F, 46 pia (stagnation property) al. Lig bo tctane ab °F added, and comburin is complete, ‘The temperature ofthe comboation gute raring the Combustor ie 2250°F. State your asumptios, and Sad ‘he ae/lel aio in Tom/lom- (6) Neplcting the heating effec (i the plant) and aay Taino ones, what perce exces ari requred to Timis the exhaust temperature to 450 °F (0) Using your anawer from part (2), what volume (Ix {t3) ef ara pended to barn S00 Ton of corncobsT| HEAT TRANSFER. HEAT TRANSFER-1 ‘The State Agricultural Commoner has ordered that pple be quarantined snd Leptin cold storage for 3 to ill aupected Mediterranean fat larvae, ‘The apple are brought in fom the eld at 80°F, and ae placed in single Iyer teaye with the frit paced far tough so that no apple afecta another. The trays ide {low conveyor which Bringr the apps into contact ‘wih' 147 pein, 10°F air Coling i by natral co ‘ection only. The apples are raaferrd toa col frat Teekr (malataned at 40°F) when the apple core reach 40°F. The apples cau be assumed to be homogeneous 4.5" diameter spheres with the following properticn conductivity (R): 042 BTU. he ‘lm coeicent (h) ST BTU/hr tpecifc heat (9)? 1 BTU Ibm (ermal deity (a): 0.0068 fhe ow long will it tke for the apple centers to reach wort ‘HEAT TRANSYER-2 An experimental powerrectilying diode diipater § wate of eecrcal energy ftom ls ean, and i cooled By s combination of naaral convection and radiation (coisivty of 0.65). For Inia heat tranafer predic: ‘ons, it Bas been decided to medel the diode asa up ght eirealr eylnder, 0." in ameter and 1.7” high, ‘The bate of the diode ix secered in a lab of cured slizone, which eetively inate that erface. For the ‘urpote ofboth convection and radiation, the envzos- ‘ment within th eletoniaencorure can be coniderel {be at 120° and 147 pia, (6) What a your prediction ofthe diode’ wurface t= perature? (©) What percentage ofthe hat la ia by donvection? HEAT TRANSFER-+ 400,00 Ibe of 270 *P water are to be heated to 370 °P by condensing aurated 390 °P steam. (The team doesnot eubeoolepon condensing) Your jb i to deiga the heat exchanger. The following parastre epreent contrat on our design: ‘ water being heated t steam being col {foamed on outside tute area): 700 BTU fbf tube outade ameter r tebe wall hice: * alk Ene fd velocity: (6) How many tubes are required per pat? (0) How many tubes are required total? (6) Allowing 8 fet for baders and danger, how long: should the exchanger be? HEAT TRANSFER-~< ‘A poor heat-conducting copper alloy (k= 48 BTU- {4/kes?-°F) i drawn ints 0.012 foot lareter wie for 2 critical aeronpace application in an eletroniesenlor tre, ‘The conditions within the enclosure are tale {hincd at 90 *F by a frced air cooling system, To Inep the copper alley bow 270 °F, and to maximize hat tranaerthe wire into be covered with ination (f= 003 BTU-R/Aet"F). The wfective fm cock {icknt forth ination kan been comerratialy at mated at 2.0 BTU/hrft?P. What invulation thickest thou be wad ovr the wre to maximie beat treater? i » 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS: HEAT TRANSFER-S nmates of « minimum vecsrity prison are complaining of being too cold, but the warden i relctat to ine ‘all individual heaters Sn enh cll Tt has Been pro. ‘poved to replace 22 foot ye «5 foot high vection of rll betwoen calls with mild tel plate, Low vo- Tee careut wil fow trough the sta panel, generating 200 watt of estance heating. The steel plat willbe ‘Covered on both aden with 1 abetrock (eyp-oard), roving two heating wurfaces to rooms which are (0 Eo natal at 70°. or the sheetrock, 1.0 BTU-n tet 090 (6) What ia the temperatare atthe interface between she mal plae and the ahetroek? () What inthe maim eee temperature? {@) What inthe temperature at the outside surface of ‘the shetrock? HEAT TRANSTER-0 ‘Mal-Bend Company always tents ie eat exchangers ‘prior t shipping them to enstomers In one cate, alent ‘changer was tated an follows: tube antes: 2 tebe aes con? abe dul: rater being heated tube faid fw rate: 120 gpm. tbe id temperature ins 70°F tbe Wud tomperatare out: 150 °F 1 steam belng cooled ‘hell uid tomperatare i: 240“ (aterated vapor) ‘hell aid tmmperatare out: 240 °F (quid and vaper) ‘Aer being placed in service for 2 years, the customer ihn reported a change in the heat exchanges perfor ‘mance: The current peformance appears tobe fol steam being cooled 250° (eatarated vapor) 280 ° (gid and vapor) ‘What is the carent value of the fouling resistance (eine"F/BTOY? ‘HEAT TRANSFER-1 ‘A ulty company has a policy of inmlting all large diameter pipe earyiag steam. Inulaon, where wed, thn boon bandardined as 3 inches of 8% magnesia cor- ced by 2 1 ick powdered diatomaceous earth Blan- et, Uilty company buldings are aorzally maintained i010 °F. The wily operates 24 hour per day, every day ofthe yeas. (0) What inthe percentage savings inet lon obtained favulting« 10" diameter, chedl160 steel pipe (Crintedheraontally) carrying 400 °F turbulent sean () The tility company curently spends $2.49 pr mi Ton BTU generated. Tin effective annval interest rate is 20%. What i the maximum amount of Ione it should apend om Larlaing Me pipe in part (0)? HEAT TRANSFER-S ‘To prevent slectromagneie. inteerence, 8 200 ‘wat eloctronle device har ben enced witha 45 530m (foopeat) x 25cm high aluninem box placed Gress (No het tratafer occurs though the bave.) The ‘ori lecreally grounded, Aluminum has ‘Sr emibivity of 07. The box renche a steady uniform (Gakzows) temperatare, The local environment i+ at 20°C. (6) Neglecting radiation, what ie the heat tamer (12 frais) from each arace ofthe box? (©) Nerlecting radiation, what ls the box surface t= perature (in *O)t (e) nctading raaton and amuming thatthe average convative fm coefcient forthe top and side ‘C89 bea/hrom2-°C, what is tho box surface tem. erate (in °C)? {HEAT TRANSPER-© ‘Water temperatre is increased ins heat exchanger the expense oft decree in temperature of » 00 Taming oi. The following information is Known: snember of tabe pants: 2 on te (ise) ares ‘veal eat tanafer coon, ated on nude areas | 280 BTU/bn40-°F abe ‘rater being heated te fed temperature in: 00°F tke ld fow rate 1,000 Tbh PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, NC. +8mon, CA HEAT TRANSFER a ‘member of shell pate: 1 shall i ‘ll being cooled ‘Shall Geld temperature nc 280°°F ‘hell fd specie heat: 0.60 BTU/lbm."F ‘hall Bd Bow rte 20,00 Ibm/e ‘What are the temperatures of the two fide as they leave the het exchanger? ‘BEAT TRANSTER-10 ‘A catalyst in aqueoa oltion wed in polymerization proces wil begin to precipitate out ifthe waletion tem- peratre drops below 80 °F. Uafortanatly,fames rom, {his catalytsoletion are toxic, and storage in an out ‘ide tank a unavoidable. The tank is contracted an tube, 12 fet om each ade. The tank wala coma of 16" of highatength concrete covered with 1” sed plate for ‘protection from impact. (The concrete and ete plate ‘Sein atimate contact) The tank has been mounted (o) Hew muh bet (a BTUs) mtb added othe ‘allyt solution to maintain the solution at 60°F ‘ona wont-cate day with no wind? (©) Desribe how your analysis woslddifer (Hom what yor didn part (a) ifthe catalyst i to be kept (Wocaler- (6) Deserbe hw your anagsa would dior (rom whet you did in par (a) if here 25 mph wind. (No are required) (2 Lar rar (6 i) wate am is eae to the solution However, there are no heating tiayetin th tak ow mye whee 40 sea pipe should be installed? ‘RAT TRANSFER-11 ‘An intresion-dtctionaptem partially lias on 028 ‘att infrared beam emanating fom a sure in 00°F ‘oom (at agh) and aimed ata difsing target (ree {on euewhere fn the room. The saree box is sne (Gotietal) cating, bat into Be modeled a8" cabo ‘Rone tothe rom wal ‘There eno het Sant {ote wall by conduction bat ration and conve Aion (onvectie fn coefient of 5 BTU nF ie i aed ona) ear ples ee ee {ne fe lee (Dura the wfet ofthe beam i {eels opening) Thevours box har a ena o (162 To protect burglar aguas! selentally burang ‘ersten the source box ast be kept blow 150 Will the source box efce rach 150°F7 PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, INC. Bemont CA HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING HVAC-1 ‘40 Thm/hr of dry 800 *P air are diverted through & igh temperature scrubber in order to reduce parte Tate emiiona. Since the acrabber ie constructed with ‘lasromeri wal, the ar temperature mast Git bere ‘duced to 900 °F. This temperature reduction occars ‘when the alr i panied thoogh #78 °F water ope, ‘The preatere inthe apray chamber ie 85 pein. (4) How much water (in Ibm) i required? (©) What isthe relative hamiity of hear a leave ‘he pray chamber? HHVAC-2 ‘A building i leat in a pat ofthe country wher the ‘unsal heating seaon is 23 works, Th balding la oe- ‘ape from 8:00 asm. until 6:00 pam. Monday through ‘isay. The building owner pay $0.8 per therm for gat ‘heating (which inclade the ents of fas, pumps, ee), nd the gus frauceefelency & 7%. The building has the following character 20000 10°F 1 ae change pe hour 4 lr change per hour 10,000 O16 BTU soe LO BTU/An fF 25.00 2 0.00 BTU/te-t?-“ on 10 BTU frit" 1m the past, the building owner kept the ine vem- perature xed at 70°F. What wll be the anna eving (Gn dollars) ifthe bulding owner installs an automatic setback thermostat to ree the iterie tempertare {tom 10°F to 88 *P during unocepied time? HVAC ‘A buildings located at 38 *N latitude, Att locaton, ‘he daily tamperature awing in 24 °F at 00 pm. in ‘mld-Jly (cum time). "The iis design tempera te ‘TF, The oulede design temparatare ie 96 °F. The ulin ie constructed follow vale 1000 fang nth {ooo fig oth {eo fing eat (cause radon) ao day we (Grom outside to inside) ih ace Saori te $y Soran nan ah tne Paral gomm root ooo? (Grom outide to inside) concrete, natural olor 2 clutomerie nrlation (k= 08 BTUin/hr-0?-*F) sephaatarated alt pape, 37 Sein tetton 2 SD cling jie |F" deywall aypram outa cling te, oy 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS 10 fang ct ny) Prahich sng elaine Aged arte {Gacomrgs inne) otter dingo vans or the purpose of this problem, ignore heat tana» tion through stud, joists, and the Boor Ignore heat fui rom fgha ad occupants, (o) What isthe instantancous heat gain at 400 pam iamid-taly? () Why or why not ie thia the peak cooling lsd? HVAC-4 ‘An opera house with wating for 600 people (inlnder the erchesin and performer) is being trotted with ‘condoning acrording tothe following parameter: Ieat gain fom outside: 100000 BTU/hr ‘ile! beat eourcr: ——Saepnieant Indoor design conditions: ‘ry bulb mperature: 15°F ‘lative hart: 0% ‘ontdor design conditions: ‘ry bab tampersture: 90°F fret bulb temperature: 70°F cule airper post Sim ‘ey bub temperature of air taering the room: 60°F eat nk chilled water Sater temperate ins 42°F Tater temperstare out: 52°F heat ‘ot permite ‘State your assumptions. (6) What air ow (a efi) shoald eater the room (8) How much chilled water (in Tm/be) x required? (c) What are the temperatare of the ar entering and leaving the coil (@) What nthe capacity of the aiconitione in tos? HVAC-5 ‘Avbuilding wes an electrical heat pomp for wine het fg. Homer, for past ofthe winter, the apacty of the best pomp ia inficlens, and pure electrical beating Inst be weed to makeup the diference, (No beating in ‘egured at 70 °F ot above) The temperatures in the {able are accurate Yo within 25°F. design beat lon: 3.x 10" BTU/hr indoor design temperature: 70°F Cutndedengn temperature: 0 °F {ered heat tources 7500 BTU/or cont of electric: $008/ke-kr temperature hours heat pump to operate oP per year capacity best pemp «GMBH GOLW 68S 58 080 5 mw ba smo 0 52 2 wm 8 50 08 a om ts % © 2 a 2 15 a 5 6 10 40 0 chest] aa (6) What i the total annual cot ofthe pare electrical Beating?” (Hint: MBH = thousands of BTU per howe) (6) What i the cont of running the heat pomo? HVAC-6 [At particular location, there are 220 day inthe heat ine noson, and the numberof degree dayo i 4889, The fusgn beating lad for a building wan orginally eae fled 195000 BTU/r based on 2 70°F interior ‘Saga temperature and 20°F exterior detgn temper (Over the year, the Building occupants have tampered Srith the heating contol, nd the balling owner ha ‘termined at the interior temperstare has been tualtained at 75 °F for several year, (0) What is the current heat lou over the heating ses seat () What savings (1 BTU/) can the building owner fxpect ifthe interior Umperatare in reduced to oer HVAC [A tehour dino has a maximum occupancy of 240 ‘latte (120 moles, 120 femal) half of which are nor. ‘Bally dancing, end hall of which are talking while (ated around tables, ‘The dlaco experiences the fol Towing heat gna ination to occupant loud HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING Fy food prparion motu: 45000 grain /tr Nat gain and equlpment heating: 140000 BTU/hr CO°F (ry bl) se epi by the second Spare nd ie rmoved from the dco when Suche 7 °F (ey bul) and SOM rie ham kop ar cont of 20 en of eutie (0 °F ay bal 16 wet a). (0) Wt vue ncn) fae epi tothe co? (0) Wai the humid rati ofthe alr apple to Ge does? (6) What ia he vonnage the incondoning wit? HVAC. ‘Acetail apparel goods soe i maltained at 75°F and 40% relative humility, hough the exterior weather ‘condone are 25 °F and 20% relative humidity A 10 raph wind cates the bulling tole 800 cfm of insite {Sr (which in replaced by outse al). There are 7p ‘aly 35 sales clerks and catomere is the store at any Lume Ia addition tothe occupant latent load, 2 (6) How much moisture (a lim /t) shoud the hamid ‘er eaply (©) The store has sever snglesheet, common gle windows Will condesatin frm onthe inde of the windows? HVAC-9 2000 chm of 80°F dry bl 50% relative humiity air SE IAT pein are cooled te a saturated 57 °F condition {nan ar washer, 42 °P child water forthe epay is prodced by an R12 religeration system. The chilled ‘ater in heed to 85 °F by the warm at before tin ‘earned tothe refrigerate. (6) How much moisture (i Ibm/ts) i removed from or ‘Ade to the air in the washer? (8) What i the tonnage ofthe refrigeration eft? (What inthe fw at in gpm) ofthe chilled water? HVAC-10 [A guinea pig brooder Keep $000 pigs in stock for aup- ly to pet mores around the country. The average pig ‘reghe i$ pounds, ‘Tb cage room ia supplied with {Hr at 62°F (Ay bulb) and 65% relative by by sn evaporative cooler. (Therein no recirculation) Air Iaves the evaporative cooler at 140 fpm. Air ia re soved from the cage room when it reaches 87 *P. The ‘age room experiences the following loads equipment sensible heating: 70,000 BTU/tr Tiging venuble Resting: 15,000 BTU/Lr sine pie seaible (per pound of pg): 45 BTU Tatent (per pound of pg)? 20 BTU;lbm (0) What air fw (In fm) through the cage room is required? (©) What athe hum ratio of the ale leaving the cage Foon? (6) What ls the are ofthe evaporative cooke supply ase HVAC-11 20,00 efh (buted on dry air at 60 *P and 14.7 pia) (fae are comprened to 100 pola and 800 *. The ait is asbaequently cooled fo 75 *F in a constat volume Proce that also saturates it. The consent econ fenaitions are 134 psa, 85°F dry bulb, and 80% rla- tive hums. (6) How mach water (nIbm/hx) mast be sapped or removed to saturate the cooled al? (8) Whats the spect humidity ofthe airetering the ceoling process? (0) What i the epecife amity ofthe ir eaving the cling process? VAC [A chemistry laboratory contain two fame hvods ech, ‘aed a 40D cm. To eware hats postive pera x ‘stein the room, 10% more airs napplid tothe room. thas ix withdrawn by the hood and room ir return. ‘This 10% ia lot through leakage. 68% of the alr re moved by the fume hoods is vepplied bythe hoods” ‘iovlinry duct work, The remalning 35% is supplied ‘by the main room supply system. Assume all xtering {Ar in atthe same condition, All alr lesen the room. 1672 °P and 50% relative humidity. The az temper~ are increntea 16 “F batwoon he timer i ntre the ‘oom and its extracted by the fume hood exhausts In ‘ition, the follwing ie known about the rooms occupancy: Late parton par frie hood fom ara: 600 10 Tights heat gaa: 3 watte/A? Dot plats 18 watt ooo ® 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS (0) What athe heat gan inthe room? (b) What i the required vlume of eopply alt? (c) What are the conditions (dry bu temperatre sod ‘lative humid) ofthe entering supply air? (@) What are the volume ofthe ausliary fame hood ply, fame hood exhasst, and room airretara? ‘Draw a diagram, and label ll entering and leving afew. HVAC-13 “The molture content of an alt steam ia reduced by passing the air ehrough a drying bed of slica ge. The ‘ping bed ie reactivated by heating the alia gl to Ase of the moire absorbed. One hour of reactive: tion in reguzed for very Sve hour of drying (Le. hour epee), The following parameters decribe this ‘atch drying proce: sleslow 15,000 fn catering conditions Gy bib mpestee: OF ret ball: SF deaving conditions otto content 25 grain a sia get pec eat 0.21 BTU ftom eat of sberpton: 25 BTU /lbm vapor moisture content of gel by weight Sant Before rexctivtions 25% jut aterrencivations 5% latent haat of vapovination for ar 10465 BTU/Iom Daring the reactivation proce the gel drying beds are heated to 160°P and cooled back to 85°F by celating (9) What inthe dey bulb temperature ofthe treated al leaving the demir? (6) How much (in pounds) ge ie required fora @hoer cree? (6) How much (ncn) ai seguir to cool the rue- tivated beds back fo 85°F is Thou? (@) How much molatare ie romoved from the drying ‘beds during rectivaton? HVAC-16 ‘Two steams of moirt ir enter a mixing chamber and exit a 147 pela, sam flow rate: 1200 etn relative humidity: 108%, fry bulb temperature: 60°F preare: 17 pala | susan? | tow rate: 1000 cfm | relative humidity: 100% fry bulb temperature: 10°F preaure: MA psa | (0) Wont the diy bub temperate ofthe mist? | () How mach ligud water i withdraw from the mix- ing chamber? HVAC-15 ‘Talon people workin» small RED building. Heated {irom the room i withdraws, conditioned and mined trish mabo-ep air and returned tothe building. ovisde design conditions: ‘ry bulb temperature: oF relative ham: 0% indoor deaign conditions: “dy bal tompertare: mr tre bob temperature: our i 7590088 12 people seated 14000 BTU/hr 16 hw 18000 BTU he 4 makeup airforenltration: 10% of total supply 1 condiion rested ar outpat ‘emperstre ser room? (0) What isthe mat of air entering the cist (6) What i the tonnage ofthe air conditioner? (@) What ie the apparatus dew post? (6) What amount (G2 gpm) of hiled water ia required? ‘HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING a BYAC-18 "2150 gpm of 120 °F water are cooled to 85 °F in an ‘evaporative, counterow ar cooling tower. Ar enters {he tower at 12°F dry bulb and 40% relative humility, od Ives af 100 “P and 89% relative humid. The “windage and Bow-dowa loses ae 35% of the evaporn- tive lus Moke water ir avaable 258 °F. Ato. sphere pena ie 147 psa (a) What the air flow (in cin) throsgh the cooling tower? (©) How much (in gpm) make-up water in required? HVAG-11 ‘A schol supply storage room has dimensions of 307 x Go! x 10. Daring the wiater, the ove conditions are 0°F and 90% relative humidity. The rom it main {ined at 68 °F dry bulb and 29% relative humidity Garng the winter. 956 ofthe heated air in the room 1s oat each inate to leakage, and is replaced by out read) ai. 85 *P water evaporated in an {ie conditioner beater to maintain the humility au te (tied, Sab ates are insignias ‘What will be the energy savings (in BTU/hr) ifthe ‘pom condone are changed 10 65 °F dry bulb and 155 relative hemidiy? HVAC-18 ‘The cooling ad for eal eta ofc in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a being ealeaated at 00 pm. in aly. ‘The offe iro the second Soo of «large three-story ulding, and ie windows face north. The following parameters dcribe the room: Inside devin conditions ‘ry bull temperature: 16°F relative hom: 50% outside design conditions at 400 pm. ia Jaye ry bulb temperature: oF ie bam 0% ceiling height: won ‘ecupancy (all ested) Sen ‘eatlation (per person} 25cm Internal heat sree: ‘oom lighting: © Exures, four 4-watt tubes each sir omllones chled water temperate ar ‘water temperate rs 1seF ‘Bocharged al temperstare: srr (4) What i the total cooing oud (la BTU/t) on the sir conditioner? (©) How mch (i gpm) cooling (6) How much (in cfin) ale should be mt PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, NE. eBamans, CX Ecc 9 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS MECHANICS OF MATERIALS-1 ‘A teal brackt used as an anchor in race car trac: tion tats i welded (2" Ele weld) to satel apport st shows, ‘The welding rod (dlactrode) designation is [BOLO The load steady, and a factor of waety of 2.8 is required. What i the masini traction force, that canbe oupporte atthe force angle showa? - the ae ‘MECHANICS OF MATERIALS-2 ‘A12" wide section of lap rivet jot in an lamina thet matal connection must rapport atonal losd of 2000 IM. Both pieces of aluminum in the joint hive 4 thicktesof 0.057" The rivets are orginally "in Aiamte, but are tobe installed in hols produced with ‘#99 dil bit prior to heading. (Asveme the rate expand to completly fl the bolas) Oal-driven rivet ‘engthe are higher han the strengths of the pareat ‘Shoo, but this increase ito be deegarded. Simuly, ‘he algh eect of eccentrty aloag the ine of aceon ‘a tobe diereparded. Design an overlay (ap rivet Jot, “The folowing matral properties should be waed: 54 =35 bat Sp = 32 al Sy 22 si ‘Sop = 62 boi (bening) = 10,000 bs Gan i Poison ratio = 0.98 ‘eto of ety = 2. (bated on yield propertin) ‘MECHANICS OF MATERIAIS-2 ‘The thrust of » mall ake engine in determined by ‘observing the defection of the tet bed canned by that thrust, The test bed const of solid rigid (but nae Ta) platform supported st each corner by © 80" high, 2% wide leaf oping. Bach lef apring la contracted of ‘ASTM 1060, i gage steel (B= 2.9 x 10" pl). Both nds of exch oping are considered tbe gi Sad, Dulin) A deflection of 2.0" i obearved, (6) What is te och engine throeeT () What ie the maximum bending stress in the wring? 30 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS “MECHANICS OF MATERIALS-4 ‘Two OO" route strain gages (yielding four simalts; neous readings) are properly installed on material, Crperencing sures In unknown dictions. The ma {eral har a mols of elasticity of $0,000 MPa. The Poison rato i 0.9, The unit stains detected by the «1 = 0.0008 0.00245 (nertive indicates compreson) 0.002 (negtive indents compranion) 0.00018 (0) What ar the principal normal stress? 1) What i th priaepal shear stree perpendiclar to the plane ofthe es? “MECHANICS OF MATERIALS-5 beam AD 30" x 0" 325" « 326" md ct MECHANICS OF MATERIALS-€ ‘A column carrying 2 12 kip loud in constructed ffom found, srvtura ta! tubing (2.378" od, 2087" id). ‘The ied ha a module of elanicty of 29 % 10" pal td a yield strength of 42,000 pi, The wabraced length ins feet ‘The column i Bred aginst rotation and ‘ranalaton at oth endo ofthe anbrace lena (6) Wit eis cols fll under the 12 hip load? (6) Whas i the factor of safety? MECHANICS OF MATERIALS-1 [A single concentrated load of 176 Ibi mpperted by {beam (225° 503.25") which in tar, a npported by four 1125" diameter torsion ars. The torsion bars ite Exed again rotation at each end (Le, atthe beam fd atthe distant end). The modalus of elasticity of the torsion bare and beam is 3.0 10" pei. The shear ‘modulus forthe corwion bare and Beam in x 10? pa. () What ithe forge ating at uch feed toson bar endl (0 What the musimam bring monet he (6) What ithe defection at the point of loading? 10 FATLURE THEORY-1 ‘An intro ssc handle fam intertallr spacecraft in considered to be loaded in fully reversed beading, tnd was orginally devine for an inniteHietime at 200% ofthe actal sre experienced. The handle was constructed of cold-rolled plincarbon see with the Aimensions and properties given. cold-rolled annealed By sol eo kt S88 © x0 Py Daring repaie flowing a bot alien attack, the han ber of rock eye the bar willwithatand before fare, State all sumptions, Te ( = FAILURE THEORY PAILURE THEORY-2 [A forge stat connectng rod cap in 2 high-prase, reciprocating alr compressor i expected to expeieace ‘multiple repetitions of 24,000 pouads (I) compretion ‘nd 7000 pounda (Ib) tension. ‘The rod ead cap vill ‘be attached tothe rod with two #926 UNF grade 5 bolts preloaded to 80% of the belt material proof ttrengeh The afloctive aren azen under the bolt bead Inlimived by the cap lads to 0.32 in foreach bolt. All ofthe treads inthe cap belt engage the rod. Asie ‘concentration factor of 265 shoud be used forthe alt. treads, The bolt properties are: Su = 120 Sq = 0 (proof arene) Sedo (4) What i the alternating sree in the bots? (0) Heth design adequate (@) What ae the considerations in choosing between feel and alunum for connecting tod deign? FAILURE THEORY- In order to operate in s nonparking submarine «a= ironment, » hgh-prsere air ine (2.28" i 00" ‘ral thicken) was manufactured fom « copper aloy (Sy = 16 bay Sy. 16 a, and Sy, ~ 42 ea), The line caries high-preseare air at 750 psig to the bow water (ballast) tanks, During depth charge attack, The air ine experiences torial ates. Neglecting instability and longtdinal sre, what ie the ma sam torgee (is in-bf) that the ae line can within without yielding? 2 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS PAILURE THEORY~¢ ‘A old sound bar 82 long, i conetruce frm cle ‘heal (Sp = 60,000 pe, G'= 118 % 10 pl). The bar Tixed‘t one end, and in fre to twit atthe other, ‘The bar is woed ne 2 trson bar spring having a ysing Constant of 8600 Salada (6) What i the required lamer of tie bar? (6) What ie the masimom torsional sem that the bar can withatandT| (6) What i the maximum allowable crue? (@) What is the strana the bar fan 8 twist it expe enced? FAILURE THEORY-6 ‘Along pie (3.5" mean radios, 0.25 wall thicken) in onrucied from tel (Sye = 80 hal). The pipe ar ‘ee high-prestre room-temperature cazbon dixie at 00 pag. Du to flare i several poorly installed pipe Inangery, a 100,000 intB torque is alto experiened. ‘Diaregarding longitadinal ares, what ix the facer of safety in thi loading condition? ‘FAILURE THEORY-6 ‘The main member sapportng a fers wheel bench is be. ing designed from stecl (Sy = 038 Sy). The member n lng, and han » 18" x 15" (eld) equre cout fection. ‘The endn are eectively boilin (La, xed) {S shown below. The member can be considered tobe loaded repeatedly by » completely reversing 1500 TBE force applied at member midspan, which includes the tree ofthe bench and maxim pasenger load. Dis Tegrding any aotch senitivity or see concentration ‘Sects tthe loading pola, and sing a factor of eafety ‘F15,what shouldbe the ultimate tem etsength of the wel? eres 11 “MACHINE DESIGN-1 A hk 12” od atin dish issih ed to ‘ate sha with a lamer ineterence of 0.0045" ‘Wat rotational speed (pn) wil ee the iter fers ton “MACHINE DESIGN-2 ‘The longbudinal ante of two parallel precision shafts ar 80" apart. Bach shal caren» 2° ful-depth gear, ‘Sn the wo gears aren me, proving nominal 25:1 speed reduction. Determine the ciametral pitch, pitch ‘ameter and umber fteth fr each ofthe two gears ‘such thatthe contact ratio ie Between 5 and Le ‘MACHINE DESIGN-3 ‘A brome ccuping sleewe (nominal 7" od, 6" Lay 16" Tg) coanects two alld steel shaft (sominal 6 (od). The aleve isnot byed splined, or pinned. The ahaa term at 1800 rpm, and 9000 feb of tongue sf tranmitted through an Interference Bt. "The co- ‘kien of tie friction between the bronse coupling Henge and the stel shat i O18. MACHINE DESIGN ronse 1F 102 «10° 1°F edule ‘of elaticty 2.9% 10" psi 1.6 x 10" pl shear modulus 11% 10" pal 6.010" pat Potuon ratio” 030 oss {I i ‘MACHINE DESIGN-« ‘A spar gear in talfy-plling apparatus it currently ‘manufactured from etalain see. Th bas been propeed ‘that a nyon-baned gear ofthe same deign be wed fore place the more expensive tani steel go. The data Telow describes the parameter governing the replace sent decison. Should the nylon gar be considered? face width all eae in mesh): 0.35" tangential ad on gear tooth; 60 Io contact rains, eo iar 20" (ul depth) u Las very sow very low controlled PHUPESSIONAL FUMLIGATIONS, 1, Beane, CA aa “ 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS ‘MACHINE DESIGN-5 ‘A grade 6,1" UNF-12 eee bolt olds» see bracket ‘thew, ‘The bol ie nial preload to an internal Xeon force of 14,0001. There are nothreas between the nut and boll head, The bracket supperts load that ‘aries continuouly from 8,000 Thf to 2,000 Ih. Die Teard the bracket stones and the saen/Sexibilsy ‘the plate member to which the but bracket i w- ‘red, Pind the factor of aft forth bolt. spacer late modalue: 29% 10" px Tol late modeler 2.9 « 10" pe bet Se 170,000 pai bok Sy ‘o,000 pat ‘ 137 (etre concenteation fhctr for bolt threads) 7 . ces 150 carla on 00:0 2200018 ‘MACHINE DESIGN-6 [Asohp motor ren at asynchronous apeed of 100 7pm. "The motor drives av of gears that provides a nominal speed reduction of 2:1 butwoon parallel salts mounted 3.0" apart Both gears ae tel, have 820" preaare tsgl (fall-deph), and are cae I (welbet, precision, ‘gh-qualiy, te) The ltd stren in bending for both fers 38,000 pi, and factor of wey of 2.0 auld te und. The pinion (moested on the motor armature ‘hat has 24 oath. For each ger, Sad the (6) inmate pitch (©) gos pitch line diameter (6) face width ‘MACHINE DESIGN-7 ‘A mechani to rine and lower as 800 Ibm interior ‘heck ate in high-ecarity prison la Beng designed ‘The eaten auapended at two points by two igh-tert tirrat cables, Each eable carries half ofthe gate load. Bach eable is wrapped around = 10" diameter pulley tmoutted onan AISI 1040 ste shaft (Sy = 60,00 pi, [B= 29 x 10" pi) The gael raised and lowered by ‘lecire motors working in waison through additonal Cabling snd 14” ameter plleye located teach shaft fd. ‘The shaft sappeting the gate i continous, and ‘he efect of alleyway, hols, spines tc, are fo be feecteds ati the fet of fatigue. Ualng a factor of talety of 20, determine the required shaft diameter. A 3 MACHINE DESIGN-8 It indir to strengthen an existing short see pipe (6.000 oc, 0450" wall thickness order to increase ‘the peru the pipe can withtand. A steel jacket (7.980" Ld, 0.80" wal thickness heated and lipped ‘ver the pipe. After assembly and cooling, the pipe it Srewurised to 750 pig Internally. For both the pipe SEa jacket wtel, B (the modus of elasticity) 29 10" pa and w (the Poon ratio) in 0.9. Thee in 20 Tongitudinal ass, What ar the maximum tangential strese in the pipe and the jacket? ‘MACHINE DESIGN a6 “MACHINE DESIGN-9 ‘2000 tm of sprang astomoble mas are spperted by ‘two helical col spring. (The sprang mam can be ‘considered to be independent of oer car mas) and sengerr 2 tara verialoniltin frequency fr the pring mans of 125 His ie dsire. Alo, manufacturing Contents make i necenary to kup the epring index Stclow to 80 ax ponte, The torsional yield stem for ‘heaping material i 60,000 pl he shear modulus is LUE C10" pai and factor of tly of LS i to be sued, The oping cols are slid at 27" defection. For ‘the eprings, nd the theoretical: (6) mean col diameter (0) wir diameter (6) somber of ative ele MACHINE DESIGN-10 ‘A banging hook designed for vertical loads in » parte vrarchoue is contracted of cold-drawn sel, 1250" in ianeter, The maximum alloable bending arte for the Hook material i 26000 pl; the maxima allow ‘ble shear sree is 16,00 pi. “The bate of the hook {a rgily attached (Geed) tothe wall. Through mi ‘nderstunding, the hook eueed to aachor« horontal (static) loa, saomed to be aplied at the ip of the Took. Neglecting any wees concentration the abo, ‘what lathe maximum allowable force that can be ap. led atthe ip? [<< 12 DYNAMICS-1 Avaiable sped reducer in a grain combine (where the ngine rane conetanily at an ficient 8000 rr) is cone ‘chlo showe low: Gor Bis an lr om ‘What are the output sped and direction if the variable seed system it fora OA speed redution? DYNAMICS-2 [A motor (rotational mast moment of interta of 25 Teaco) driver load (rotational ase momeat of Inertia of 15 Tosecin) through et of peed Increasing gears. Neglecting the mass ofthe geae and ear tooth wifseees, determine the torsional nal Srl frequency ofthe mtr drive ayrtom.. Use @ 115 > 10 pl forthe ate haa DYNAMICS Ts aa : oT DYNAMICS-3 ‘The rear worpension ox pickop track wed fr pita Aiveries const (etetialy) of two coil eprings bee teen 2 2vhel aude and fame. The track bec mase tributary tothe spring e550 Im. The aprings ‘tive cla are wound on a 6" nominal (mena) Hame- fees and are constructed from 0.84" diameter st wire (Ghear modulus = 115 x 10" psy Sy = 100k. The Alles ofthe zen, when properly inflated i taken at ‘2200 Ilia foreach ofthe two ts. Peta are apt warm in an 800 Ibm oven. Daring in- stallation, the oven i accidentally dropped @” onto the ‘bed. The over doo not sebourd from the be. (6) How far wil the Sed deflect due to the input? (Disregard any sirctaral damage) (0) How fr will the wprings (alone) detect? (6) What isthe maximum declaration (in grvitie) experience by the ove? (2) Win he springs experience strane in ext of ‘hel yield strength due tothe oven impact ona DYNAMICS-4 [A planetary gear st has «Sed internal ing gear with 419 wandard 20° spar teth. There are two planet ‘The ean gar (the lope) tare inthe sme diretion ld 8 ties a fart the planet carer (the output). Flow many lecth arson the sn and planet gens? as 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS DYNAMICS-6 ‘A mall motor-driven compresice i mounted on aig ‘neta plat, which in urn is wopported on four Bxed- fod leat opings. The motor burns af 1750 rpm, and the comprewor turer a¢ 83 rpm. The maue of the tmoter, compretor, and plate totale 47 Ibm. (Consider the mas to be evely dsteibeted) The springs are Contracted ofstel (B= 2.9 x 10" pe), "Tong (lear Span) and 1 wide, Both ends ofeach oping are welded (Ce, the epringe have fixed end). (9) What thickaeas should the springs be fr the plate to achive anaaral requeney of 4 Hs? (6) What inthe masz aaturl frequency that can Deralomed euch that damping of the motors and ‘compressors vibrations wil be efecive? DYNAMICS-6 ‘An verges Glider amp boat is propelled slong the fnrface ofthe water by 2 50 horsepower motor-driven (propeller located behind the driver. ‘The motor and Propeller re connected by 2 2.0” diameter, 14° long ‘eel abate (Qo= 115 % 10% pal) in a diec-drive ar angement ‘The motor hasan elective mass moment ‘tinerin of 100 Ibis? and turns at 2400 rpm. The ‘propeller bass mane f 18 Tin and an eflectiveradioe Elapration of 2.76 fet, and tur at 2400 rpm. The Arverscidentaly rune into the branches of ree, and the propeller i immediately stopped. (The propel doe not amap) Simsltaneouly the driver a knocked from the sat cane the dead-man evitchy and the fnolerinsantiy sad simaaneouly shuts of. What isthe maximm shear eres inthe shaft between the ‘moter and propeller? DYNAMICS [A stel ywhel (L2" in diameter and 1.29" hie) it ‘mounted on 1.25" diamter ste! shaft exactly mide ‘ray between the two sell-aliging bearings 18” apart ‘upporting the aha. (9) What isthe percentage eflect onthe erica sped increasing the span between bearings by 1987 (0) What ie the percentage eflet on the cite peed of increasing the shaft diameter by 16% (6) What i the percentage fect on the erica sped tf lnceatng the Bywel damater by 15%? (2) What inthe percentage ofect on the critical speed increasing the Syl thicknes by 15507 DYNAMICS-& [An enpowered roller conveyor in a ar freight company ia consructd on 9 96° melne. Bach roller i 2" in Glamor sad hae mass of 10 Ibm. The centento- ‘enter apacing of the roler la 8.0, Rollers have no rotational tion, and ae initly a rest, Packages ar owed toa standsil tthe bottom of the Conveyor by acombintin of iding fiction (coeficint ‘st dynamic ction of .1Sbetwoen the package and the oor) and a Dumper apieg (k= 80 bin). ‘Ado Tb package i placid at the top of the conveyor, od nin contact with tee rolls at al times. There {So slippage bebween the package and the roller. (0) Assuming that the clined part ofthe conveyor it {Staite in length, wat wouh be the maximam ve locity (parallel to ths conveyer race) achieved by the 40 Thm package! (}) Assuming that the package comes off the conveyor {80 in/ee, what the maximum pacage desl ‘ation (in gravel? (6) Asruming that the pacage comet off the conveyor 1180 infec, what value ofthe spring content (by {2 bin) wil in the doceleration to 2 grave? DYNAMICS DYNAMICS-o 10.0 Bf of vrgue ae transite to 23" pulley bee toveon two poleys by way of sat belt. The larger Dullay a 12" in ameter. "The coeflcent of ition be. {resn the belt and pulleys i 0.38. To maintain proper ‘cai in the bel the two plleye are forced apart by ‘pring (k= 651S/is). While runing, the bel inline 1830" (iatror wedge angle of 62"). (6) What are the belt tensions? () What i the detection ofthe spring under loud? DYNAMICS-10 A thinwlled, Jowearbon sted tube (020% od, ‘Long wall thicknen, 35° lng, modulus of elasticity 129 x 10 pl) e being considered at mediam-band fsateana onan orbiting satelite. In operation, the am teana would be xed st one end, and fre at the other ‘ad. There ie some concer that on-board mechanical ‘levicea amy at up rnonnnce at the antena's second ‘modal frequency. (6) What inthe second modal frequency for the n> teams? (8) Sketch the Sem thre modal shapes, and enti the node. DYNAMICS-11 ‘A manufacturer of carrying ese for portable comput ce chime ie cate can withetand acceleration and de- ‘cleraion of ® gravis without damage. (No cai in tmade, however, about damage to the computer) The ‘hee ce teed by fling them with Ind shot unt total mass (ate and lead) of 1900 bm is acheved. The Ald ene wabeequestly dropped from « height of 2.0, feet onto the foo, from which doe net rebound. For the purpoe ofthis analy, amare the force of the fll ge We X 25 ste! beam foor Joist ® sopporte: simple, both ends Jeng: tee dig pints ‘midapan (12 fet from ends) Tae Anal yield enength: 30 be rodulas of eutiety: 2.9% 107 pal momest of natin: 53Aint fection modelo: 16. la? Jelat mae seaiile ‘The balling landlord has received complaints fom ‘other enantesbout unexplained craher, agying Boor, ‘hd falling plaster. In adaiton picture are faling from the walle throughout the balding. When the landlord found out what the mamsfactarer was doing, he ox ‘premed conce about potential damage othe bling. (9 hi hdd be cnc sot hi ba (©) Doon the carping cae experience more than 8 ‘save of decleration? DYNAMICS-12 Acar rnalng along a road encotera a action where ‘he asphalt oad is being repaved, sed a 1.2" layer of ‘new paving tas been placed normal to the ers diee- tion of tare. The cas front wheel hte the 1.2" ste, snd the car masa (bod) jumps 0.0" above the new roud trfac, (That i, the body oversboot the road race by Oot) Thy car maa tribtary to each whed a 1200 bom, ach witli lated from th car mase by oll ‘over shock eborber. The pring at of the ering 90 Bafa. 0 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS (6) What lathe shock abuovber's damping coeiceat, or (0) How long wilt tue to nce the amps te cnllation #0 20% of te maxima vate? (6) What i the nataral frequency of cuilation? PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, NC +B, CA 13 CONTROLS AND SYSTEMS-1 20,0 tom min of 180 °F (gominaly water dow out of 3 large mining tank at a constant ate. The tank receive 2107 staraed steam at a contolid rat of upto 15 (The maxima rate apie to a flly-opened ‘contol valve) ‘The tank alo reeves 60 °F wer af ‘contant vate. The Incoming water and steam expe. ‘ance ideal mixing, and the rant temperature of ‘he water in the anki iniialy 180 °F. The tank ia Willy olds €00 Thm of water, Iaore all heat transfer tothe suroundings. Aatume the ale postion changes Instataneooly. ‘The tempertare ofthe tak outpt ie monitored by controll, which contol the entng seam rate. Two typeof controls are aalable. on/off and proper. SL Both units have sufiint capacity and duty ‘yee to handle the fll ange of team flows (up to 15 Thm/mia) expected. ‘The proportional controler hat the following characteris Aempertare variation between ly ‘opened oad fully closed ign: 12°F aceplale temperstre et pin: 160°P - 200°F (6) ithe on-of controll a seeted, and ifthe mast ofthe water inthe tank is castant, how long (3. ‘econds) mus the valve be fly opened each mite to kop the tak temperatun at 180 *FT CONTROLS AND SYSTEMS (0) the stam valve jae flly open, and I there are ‘no changes the cold water input and mised water ‘etpet rates, how long wilt take ¥o heat the tank to100 "Fr () 1.180 °P water i dered, what isthe proportional band forthe proportional controller? (@) 16 180 °F water ie desired, what should be the set peat? CONTROLS AND SYSTEMS-2 ‘You ary in charge of » motorcycle anembly plant Strikes at your amembly plant have ited the labor nd material rasoures available to you, You can either ‘produce a Tarbo-Cyle (with an accompanying profit £18800), or you ean produce a PankMoped (with a2 ‘ecompanyiag prott f $300). You woud like to max ise your prott Usfortenately it a not a simple matter of merely mak ing all Terbo-Cycly, since certain parte ae in shor. supply. (AI pats can be used by either cycle) part umber avaiable yess Gitings «1800, ‘aming lights 1600 (ae 400 past ‘TurbosGycle Punk-Moped vem Gta 6 2 Fooinglighe 4 2 fone ‘ a How many Turbe-Oyces and Punk Mopeds should you Ihave your asembly plant prodece in order to maslmie profit? FROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, NC. eBumans, CA EE a 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS CONTROLS AND SYSTEMS-8 ‘A control sytem feedback lop i modded a shown, (a) What i the transfer function? (0) Use the analytical or graphical mathod of your heice to determine the sability ofthis feedback loop. ENGINEERING 1 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SOLUTIONS ab conpace Sen Ps -1e.eme freee) (ele 6%, )(or) +f (0. Sar eer Tmt ecm j= A202 5 wy00 (e798 (on) +0290, 6) 1s as inet ea en. +009)(HF5H,5) + Cred) la, (08 os Pe nog) MF] same eb LeBen onedond = = Ahem ~(agos)(33523)(053) oo ome scx tanh + (eng (ones) mee on) = (509 (24m) (048) + (s5gerylom) (a3523)(053) = Age taal 4726 6379 63646 ~8 seein tase tone -eee nee loee es cesed +E Comnveos tye BET. gto F8Q= -s3000 - (hor) (a 94, (00) Hem) 66h)» (DC eo, Big eas 5 ~ao0 ~(at xd) (23523) 053) + Gans) (oo) + ine) (23839)(om) + (Gon er (2) (33635 .53) osgee 37 49003 emg 6740 = teers as poe, ee>5%, smce pel > pfch ‘Ss RR [enense mae are pace Biys 19000 ~ eno =o = Ho = 2160 REE DS gm eraser ne Se ea - ‘5500-2160 + 1540 we 1 (6.08333) (1yee) 5 333. ar be Precre be “eettion aa Saat Prone (035) asm Ds (ep) (02 sabe ys (1009 (039) came AVN Drool 2 Yaa, Me See low © Ba YE Gute Pe Sue oA Soest Aer Inpro ve) oun AR PED = (039) (3,69 (Hh 5% s)(1-09) {039 (a9 (0859) (060 = 6K BLA men, rs tt ‘ sero meh (orn) Had (tn eh eh ste + (ated (6756) or) + 79) (06575 (on) ~Gre(asn¥y(ons) 5 sige 2005 gmt 4 #7 073 457 5 4409 ro sien 404 7667 0 “ 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL Ae wrenesr Aare 0 omens, an Townes oF lian, 2535 - (908) «80 cot rae ew tren ater e030 = Pasa ons) ste L (ond) ose), (0%) ~ (a8 (lash (0%) Hepler end + DCL D104) = INKS) Ceo) es ee tree eo Tat 0 = (0) oi if) Toots. 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Teas nn] (0 Yeon re 44 bp heb, in nt B ton mou ay oy me nin Laws, @ an want PSNR etn Me ane oF seins + 322 a IB ip fe igfunome | Ge ae UT. EY a7 77 Tho 35 7s alk es valves cow Qn GenPuse iF wecesseeY, (A a0°F, (ream v.3-36) Ce tan [e? ard Paar P BIY, AT 000 FT, Rez 3a pain hes Cradle) aesy or oan, Fam we. 4.13, PSMA 6.49 = 7-16-10 297 dinch Q.73-< tty sree ony Re ME overee HOD Mor 1 “ 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS 2 @ eiwsss owlan comeannt: fant Pom TO WATS, reas 2: (057 #2) + anew ah: 1983 197295 at eel - wo, [we i ee 3.68 con /s Gage 110 she? 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(FST my om oa ny one Ont Ft et Dis 90°F ware, fale O.8RG BS he Brenner Lane 9 «089 ‘aoe Hite) + ()(n) +f) Os . + oe Te d +(e) F056 FF ie rise veer ib we a 2173 Pree GY (0.88) «7g 265° * Toe ers fon tees ombann, e016 he edie D ADT ibe rr Foon te Bese emsate, gD hypo = LED pease AS 16TS ry, dienen wow RD (ie simi, Pansute He fon 1a fa9.0 Fr ae 8 Asm fanaa fom, © gaa Fea Sts DS a pu Tenn ta Dg IG) 6° 20% BO Serie). ann gleat ea oe ‘selvng Fou Dy . 6 ble ® Ory hye sag rayon hoe 6 om geselen Lown: Ger teounondl ste OY ‘niente K Boneeena ue velaet (SAY 5 PSDs a & eater a) > 2: easy wr (53° -301 6) Tapes 1 Creal], me condor 00 + (3) (aa) + (M5) 11.8 (say wi F1) fons Alar tn sot ib as 22, bl) ne Fe SEN) reas, ar 5 POS nun 6 et) 2 Os (5) Nog? Vo “ha a Fan 93-00) poe sau! 22. alan 2 0.0004 Peon pus hesbi Pmcnew Frctoa Cn, 6x os tHlonte Poa Dar O-neTIR pL (oxen) (0.038) (131 wea? Loos) (6as)] “ANE = o9bh Fr Comenas Tor. 240) PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, NC Beno, 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS vse 8 pws (Ds 066s! Pr) (9 om, se Fou hg wie BP b: 6c Ft As 0.3979 ee I5i8 Pr fessewrany vncnncen qa 008 CH” Gea GrMEAoaTA = 2a Prbeg € + O00 g: 0030 : RL, oes) isi) (ani) he Soo Sea <3 Fr po gh: senllad(e) Fa¢m | z ag cone (Q)G)= aE (sa, wef) Fae P, 2-36 At HO"T, Ve 6 en -5 PrAlsec Des enero Baek pcine a ees» Las = (a 063s)= Leas wean: ras = (799) (ootai) = 7395" 5. gio!” BE = sor Die AGA we Plow 15 auans 378) FLUID STATICS AND DYNAMICS SOLUTIONS a Faon mate 3.6 [Pn], me ammo Siarenet OF The patency () dee | Septend) = Q.0154S Fr MME Retemgs MnouRis Nae 2: (2988989) 5 357 (nm) Se, arene) mo pennies) AE RST é x Z = 0208 BP (aw BY as) ne Se eae £1996 FF oF at Wasa pew acest all oF Tas on on Pome! ge #788 + (052 408) 21 eee eT ana aPC © bys onda QE) = asf Bon o[ocas mq. re 3 THERMODYNAMICS 4 eieeneners SORENE RE, ome et eee Sac, C5, or OT TMC entRoric RCIENE APPT) BH WER pone bey rena. 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Se. ese] SES eat Bemis owlon 3 Pass mt rathen orden my Pog baste res) Re mors toad Ges Pr) = 10.9 (sta a Phen 6 halk baton at Prano pia © Be, ae Sant FoR P2800 oa © ye nomi P0798, pe sept Nera neon] aay ore = [Pye bw 6 4101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS © Women 05202 losin) Se PRA EG Cr) vie A tooth Hoven BENCIENET > Eases mule, oc ~] Wren? 8 eee (0 m2 SE. gag ees sane Quy = Hyby = (496 s85)(n0a) = 174 md A wigs (O-mns)(9ac mes) = G01 EES anes + gh = (944485) sun) = 4.208 SE eee Orem rig Urs hd euite tiie (3510-2684 ee pnacyetmee = geraura ets) ighas tisha + Maby: Wang + (2s,e00) (26859) = 674 EEG m/HR (goes) = tna) + (HAND Ge-8er " :— tyme ys eb 7007 ge 0473 (913.2) gags SEGAL = (ta tse ax ©, Poor os eli omsany AF 70 A, om Rosen y= B20 enema’) We ~ Wg > Mina Wi ay® Ga Seetcda malas NSE aso PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, IN. eer, CA | SOLUTIONS 4 POWER CYCLES [LAs wou Sas tearmushes Hse + pital em egal Bas Ney oda) om 5) 255 gwfae ‘5 four 9, Pan sure ae on alien hs 1808 welig spol 3, rea mali one ann, as 467 sewn hy = 08 (0.9) (108-69 + 7s ‘Ar Pome 4, Pan Sarvtnted SrAh TOE At APA, het hy Neate (sguadon So) ) 2 98e De sna flaw Aare i eee 755 Fiment pes [ER] ne De mea POOR oxcRT yok © OW -fe15 = 47 Sram paent ter heel nGioe, Baga = BEDE =[ 9983 he] a om He New _Conpitions a3, Be Ge He Psa yteeF Rey aan Meese Gran rs je Bt ~(osvo)(mi ues) sae as a eaesn Ene ie at Rohe cates ma 2 Bann won ae os 5 Crm ral) 5 ~C09) (mH 168) eee a ce aha + Gadhe =hy x (049) + (ob (94) = a. x: ouly PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, INE. +Baman, CA ee ss 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS: wow, Wome Lam THE QA MVAL CONDITIONS. THE cowniions AF 4.3, 0m 3, ane UncunnteD, ivy = wy xia ~(om)(n81-4-109) ae haths “60 au (Hb) «180 ys sae no cowoir os ot Ee oe nat Woe RE Demy et omuteye mms | hy = cr7aa- (os) (61733-29751) thy + (l-Dhy thy rene, X09) « Co) e490 9219 ae wens ae er ib Wa (bets) HG9[O64 44) +049] = Chao) aaa Wier * HB ed + (04H) x in -mbs+ i] ~ (00499) + as0 + (o.uw)[enta] Coin se enn lb Hy tas =(009 (masa) Wing = Hd = 3 + (10:08 [ons oon] = (324-9) + Stb7 von AWS SH = 607 = “ARS ean (eet ae ee 1 EB 098 [it ween] ———— in ste a SELES) ta eee (0-2) (o) ae peers eee ey ite = £76 587 Orme (on) ee POWER CYCLES SOLUTIONS MP nese Emme enter: (4vo,483) (61729. ~280.38) Pia aE Buse Ie ogenms at) 53) BP (iyo) BR = Sd. e586 orfve Tae condemn EF EVO |b ADB oat] (sews wn) 1 sroyy Paw ante 5 2. Bach) fo a sD «wont ae 2 Ora ey Lanham eweard, Bye pe Pee sca, ne San (G49 wes) (1535 1993) (0.293 a- ma WW | Die oveall emricioney is 2 Meer, Te seco +576a_kW (9388) (ans 3) [ony 4 sarees sare mere ee Ae Se cee ey eee ssa Area) Ue sas t p (oomi)(3) = 14 pin om nen Tare bias! fe 6, Pym 8508, Rye? PB ~0.5069 20.966) psi repo E39) 0 Sea ear rast Foon ena, By 27h, at Tes SM 5 ones a RT Be IE BON TE at 25. Nags 252 2 Conse IBF Gammmerais Pannen 8 nen cmnosaas Ge oo * Soins + ocean *|0757 [= ese on bm Teream, Fo. (ns ees) ffoc (am) 00900 ><] ~(o)( MESS ANT hor 00 2emo, Fe ten ed MOFESBIONAL PUBLICATIONS, INC. BamontC& © 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS: G tanr[eseesyis) Loran) kaso 8 wen Nt ace] mona E Sine We sect ws fe (0) ww roel user is aa oe epee Sout nae (2ahglora SBE) 506 yilhe prreumes Bareeme FAR aye “a8 ‘TReRSR RY Pee te Face fa . PES 5, eo mens 18 oy ae & Syvaerieet ra et ed SeSRRE aes, foes ane ese Bano art < rae vs cuca ba mt rE ‘We TES Dinganh For Tas Paactite) wale Oy fr Bro eM & BS iA hye M85 (Peon nelmn), 1 conosrser, Thy 2 45 (Fam helix) Woe Ss (6.09 (655.18) + fea Solan] (ome rgyerr) W ornon 1 Searonra 8, fie ne000 ~55, 900 2S 900 Lan/ne agama Me wears Bar shots n cwoinine Fea #733, Ge em (en 7 Pra) Be (ween) (os 0x) (odlor)(eanaees)| eS = HL MW y, SeeTaa Aas ein, ses oF a Se Tie Pie Re ioe mer £15 Ny Fa tn) S12: open conceive 0 EIS by = 1155 ~ 0.69089 ~1093) [mn] as 2: tomedfoorsmdone ee sommes + (usjeneycaio-a9) | EGR SORE 8 Cota las = 6 MW pebpyoetintnrcres eB: 8-14) =[27 MW [Te Fea) asec Eee ee ESE POWER CYCLES SOLUTIONS vio 460 : $30°R Aye 188037 anyon fey ta07 at e180 ia 1 sevtaani, Fea. *(BB Yea) «tases Tye HOORR, Keane Wennersmethychy 262614372 18757 a3 Tye A9N0 to = 9900"8 hye te3as Re veel forbs = eas aay sty aren Mt omaeet, Pays SAAS gout yeu Kea oe gre hy = Teas ony( 135-3714) san Wat hak e835 M008 bisa aa ae Ts a0 hy: Maw olan a we SEE, Lesh sa2tte = 0.993, ry Iiptherthye +o ties (0.983) (453) art on ge ead yt BIRG 0.03 (1oneg = Ho) 4 se hyehg & 131 B6 65.7 Wate tahoe ZS Yerlbon OS prea poem uP 01 Gas me mre ML geet Moh + Hoa ~angaeg 356.73 wwjian ates patang SF amar me fuchihs = mas ~atr8 Foto. oho ‘Dae eno OF nash Pons is Fee, . 25573 Siren fe. Fagg SCN [exe] @ ig, DEM Creuse pont woes’) oe = MMs ( ait iH ry s[easr Ll aerate Pome 745, (APC: (wane Tat conPnasion) ad ft Pye 2 pan (Ga) en oa. 6164 (soomar, on. Cs) 7 Goon OE + 613° (°F, say 150"F) PROFESSIONAL PUALICATIONS, IN. mont, CA a 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS 30 (surene Tus) peasant. aes ws a T=s. cham) cana oud ne hey theta ‘ 220 6871s pez0 ARDS, MVPS LAR 8 oe hye maar 2 sn a TE aS A ay SON. FeagiES > corners pune wont hs t969 hye 1.07 hat 346.09 Side PPR REMIT 24 ay & (Iho) 09( 11969-1607) + (ons) (9) (34603 ~ 16.07) Xr Ao ERs Lonfig oF wan tm trom mmo De REPREIAATION erPiCr G BENEEN bam fz (Bien) (1200 te) tl a ee SET ya 8 Comms coed comes Bs (wos \(wre : [aw BEM TESTS SSE Be a, fan tor THI, gwainerns emeost & 9¢-[R) = 1 ]fod = ons ae rams conan (sot vod) is survcrnon , (ies *38) (07 HE) et siete ey ia SS hewnes 2.080 wP] (mr) erga hye 07 hath B64 hips lobes hese ie ne) OuAnce me DAs AeA is awe ® = (omg y(n) (096.9-10643) + (029) (4603 106.9) Ke meonne A0"F mane 2 ane eS wong we enon emapucre is (owe: (098) (aa ees) 2136 eB son) ee POWER CYCLES SOLUTIONS TROBE DOPE Me Sy 1) Fon Oh erent, nas . a behe , nsz-aus ee ee reed ae taser fis tty Mas (09 (hn) PSs (0.390 ma) man om hs iar 2 Hoe (ie, tow) My: (Oong= oo. (54 aH) ‘me mene) QaLance ps DH DeAMMAToR iS Highg Hhsh ahisha > Mihy righ Hlowe)(len hg + [ieadtrcny) romiths = bodhy Seomrevant. values, Hq (aes) + (009) (16289) =(043)(n3 (m9) + (02D (1863) ~(038 (ny) (1809 + (194) (ites) ny 0054 ag mulegus ste) (5 as is a Mel a Ye s30°F herve ay fasta hysu57 (gee) ua Teas tee eons ge em Py sam (aadomaal &, ys 190-01 -0.602 006 (wllrous) Biase, Ye DHL lanes 5 wyrastas ubyenahy enghs = Mhy json ISP| hua BARDBL (ood) (usi) oes >i.) + (ons) (6783) Pee] 2 A807 Com, Reeohesa err NS Seal Fan Mie mana Omer MOS Fen MA, wy Bows * tise fon «onal was, Kerns smes A> Ep, Boros $2, ME MORE LOOKS UME DA: Paw fb sonic sme #70883 a wn we 0 wes Res 04BR . Ee is a sien Pani} SENG Paoceoves ow ass Be Bae neem Ry HET AF ec, HE ce Be seuss an [] a EEL Taw (5 erm Fen D 0,10 ath fat Ss mano Oa eres eae Twany oF poaaue (BG) =e * fe, th os ne fu * Sates © Ow feos som? 04. Yor, Senmans Conaw @ ae fae be once Oh cov ete Po Tye $e Eek come orone tan ne mess te Scorn, Hoag tly S058, Avo Te eur Anen fan? sl OF he AS sane ee AE mn AS ae nt me 36, ERE: foe tas vcnal warts, Ae. pe8r5, im i snl ue (166%) (868) ar mee ny ¥ 12120, Hy 676 donner Ton) Ag nee TF Hay See w ie WOSCaveNT FTEANON nae Simhanien Mint: fe ie joxe7 ectanmae — [osg joss ie fyrtranees fia |isal ty | 197 $0) My GS AND Magy OND Foe EL, stra Ae ® ee [ime = ® Durance Pash sioor we Tuaoar Lat boo. ad =b00 = Tae see ZO PLY OD) Or $2 280 Sine rane ferme sswnt h = 154 owhean Pa 70°F, eon tas cm, 244 gly (o.0e6a9 Lanier) aan h crvsraneine poet ena tag = 0.0006 yy: Was PP/eon ME PossNRE hose) An paint AA: Ayome * Que 2 tina 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS Frasoms = 25° Fammererin © Head = (25-0) (6) (he )(aneear-cceid) 2 7H5 Tie Tenl stow wes nee a0 4145-1 =[ HoH Cando (0 ner Kyran #198 (mou 64) ase 4047 we 40 esiN AS 40 psi, SATUAATED hemes. mee ahs cpaT (ov. 611) ies 0687 ‘too Gras ork Fem on 646, cree a wt, saa- BE cea a7 ea aoe Lppecah sarees Lae Feat Ber 26 camel pean “te Gin (omy? sess a ae pont ze ‘| Wee G37 057) TAN ion. mall ML +037 PpesasteceseeeeceeeeeeHRSESSSSSELEECCECCnanna a eee COMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW SOLUTIONS or AT Ho PA Satennree, Tag 67S *F ap PP/an 4 gapseaggernes © emnee som 2 TEER From ron 8.18, Ait) +1 The mas) Peay AAT ib fevne Fran brew £20) a Cine ant 2.5167 5 Cames* Geeks) = 0.05966 “an/r? THs rol Agnes ARB i; ey mewn Ses Cane (Bro Yoo5n) = ooomerr ie ny OX Om it Arares = 9(S32)= 0000707 ig nome o courexs mene » e007 [oer Gy F mre Mclaren, a Sennen a SHS" Carnay Shon cateshre semen mass ne ROME ET fon Fond CY few 67, Faen Reser Gil, 2203 Fro pair 64, Re es mghe Uy 06s = nea (teats Wow are Fron Bo Bal, Ne cruel PRESS RAND is peenaen , fame. TAZ coo «Ry uber seen (cama Sons Faw fanee BORE eens mt ae Sens Ms mem, gomsy Feonn ‘ie Coven oF M8 43 ww Da othe AM PF (osatd) (no) > 50) Pom Ts (oss) (106) « 8633 °R Be Sgt ae AMIE es iE + [lodensyesty (e085) + 55% rhe oo 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS ALE AeRE ormens, ne RoC tegs Me a TZ, 283. ites TL tor . Taam Fines bil, Ds ont rene & Par we ieee: Deda im tie caries CR * Zam) a Lan? Te na fw a 3 HG EAs (oxD(osai) (ssad}(iney 23) 0444 unfc 2 Be ms a fe me ea ee AS 8as Tah aah RET oer tem mew, we 2 ober Cten tna le C+ 4 9 oq He 40,7200 ; yr ot 8, cus ren 149 0 Cayo a4? oF eo, Ete Texte lnk pon wv ne Se eS Weer suo #7 I exten siscrmst Bude mor 639 FP ot Oy Relea perenne Bh op 7 tho. amply Co, 9 89 sarah Oe aA BO 0 it mas aT, (now) Bs Seay er? aptamer cut Fo Te foiF aceasta ieee vena oe vbend he hare vate & Uy 3a ee é % ween ares o Tame (eos\(aass 613) 478 FP COMBUSTION SOLUTIONS 1G war vlumenti Fenctow oF warat wore 3 7 Tee ig peae PRESAE OF RE naren re Cons) (e1s) = 167 Pain srt MOS, Tig PLOT lt 15 pend Sam, en sme Torani aay as paar [2 @ woe wim wo FP oF fas as, pater} Qeeetecnge i mean ee Bases) gore” volne Crees naweas, PEE. aun FP oF onto 37 censon an) aout me Flee: C+ 9 Con 364 0 4 200 LIBS tee co parm IPP oy oe Peed BES rae nis oP mpesee 8 mm nessa eetgeneo Basten Ye Bem nar Alle Hess 696 FP Oh pueatog, Pt hae of hee wag panera Dom ie + me > Nae Ie mer mknerl Paca of ann oe ‘nae Tarte ASR ee ann © (0:083(1)* 189 ria ba rtm ma, sana Tone LT = 0 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS eee enn pe Ore chars omy aan | Mycensemre eae ree TS AAS oF DO ain is ie Acetate nee OH sn = Be yan | SO EEE pn ene ee EERE Seemed all oF nar Wve tee nem canon |r) + rs) fara) sl) (1) [0 (2) Baber ae tas ety a 3 282 2 nr wenn. BLE bp tee wenn maestro mame a — eS ‘Dee 4Nsa = 15.0 LOM m/egy Pee! 2A, Bled ta) a wll uno Men ee? GRNSe) exces ne: ref, (6(vof) 2 by tan ‘elt (Tues sTocmoneret Als) CeO aay 283 comemes) — | pac asd oF aim at Rlluow 4, me nas) oF cama Iv Te Cy Figg: LDN ayy sana es (o-m3)Qu78) = 0.3316 sary 0 he ~ De vols oF an 55 = panes, neo? (ssayim * 078 Vou = BEE = Combe) 2 nes (By) oss = 2509 ey Ps Che oD) Par meeaee rerun nam ane ete a) ne Mighy cm > EASE Aer Lagregconanen oben Map? welts) = 0-60ma tag: Gog) (ose) = 0.0671 THs Ree /pom tate (01 nevser) By 1s © Spy RLS een ee Tapvomiraamavemare | ey sem seo v age 1 RS | 70 Se De oxtbor Remain oun fom oF eter Shs 4 hon eee consusmion fran Os 44, am 2:57, oper 0 wt Mr ay tenn Do Pena hemos hig = R98 tana an nem I Aa mah fone poi Theat (078)(1988): 1299. tne/ean ral Cade: acaty #703 —94C0, +60 oo ay 1% 108 (eat rae SRE ot et, Catht cc. fa Ko ma nm i rane ay Ch 2G ont atege me Se oie oa) ont Sata: aa fea —ogens 640 wh ne cool com is Tis Tom) a meer pen pons of Pol Rijs 1329 +106 40757 FOO HOIaT ea Soe © psec ll coer a Ses epecan calor anen as L7G TING) oxycey As caalia = 0.043 + a6floxs): +(o04)(2) +ony(e) ore) +0.205(0)] 27731 Fe (9 SEE BS = (ortal) +096) lo(2) e omath) + (m9) SOLUTIONS Mao. wht? (assy(2) +(om)($) Se: Pre Pacha, nts SRL Lesa, tee agieete “no! Tay eter eay = 184 Pot (oupi)(ms) = 2.65 ia Feary THE Senn TO , apes fe exces wlan Hag os ia Re Cat Lae ese? st (o, ane = a Fe Cha 4217002) B+ 14 Asse > then, 6A, + B70) 7 086 ae Dg ait awanewn oer pono oe Pun. id EB PAHO yyy era aq 77 Ty ria Dash oe ain ewan 5 40 x rL7T a 1) Vw? 2 © amas, wr tu gs mw eee En isame 2 73980" ois = hoy a 2 WEE AT CaRbYTIO cas nenaarone menses Foon wat 68 (F3), ep Be 3065 = as 81a Ts yas oP conn ed is oe, Par going oF nev. ae Itt RAPT aeae sm : aa mF Sg REE aneenie EPen oom, Bor ee Eee Se dmeneaee lant ca Se tee te Da Thun meee Teen oee oF nar mob! i Alsasoo51d) = mast = 1873 °R From mos 14 Le. 6], ar vB13R, Seng 10-380 Mean ok ee conan HOS Rem ge Ate = 4) (oan)(xa9-57) 2 7 OM/rec. WED PALERL IH, wae me ame Hem “Be = 0.879 ton/sa Cone mi La sree Oe we.) Du aA ral eno 0 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS. Secon _mmevanond BeBe SLE aleulane tar Anower oF excess AIRS AGyBip #254, + lho, + 1BKO Bag bee Ty ER PME A REIT eho Re owe® aoa om ‘Die ean oF supply NAO OHM AR DP O86 249 Cust, ones) Dee har Sa SEafeene Die cones coneemons saeana i agin + Crahs)en +a) (3) Ma 7 Ar ihcagstayo Hiss, oAUNLam) dN, yoy oy SQ THE MS, Sgmaynererancns oF mae cbs! m4 Csreeeee MESIEEDIET : Sapa eatin wag =O yer Bah sonny op BS toma Nyy DU som 2 2 ‘porter aaa 00.9 °R, Coy: 0347 We: ose ou atl Net e.abe Tega ange BeUn HT OF Mie commune (oeny(oam) + (oori)(o: Fears ee) = 0.8 | eS COMBUSTION SOLUTIONS Be Seriiedy Sm? Cem neva) Tae maa Wa aneney is §F MoAT = (W140.20) (0.268) (sase-49] = 56H wrelser Anemia ineaney weily Avene pal) Rees, Pee 1 ah & conn cons, Faohy ov 93, mye sTocmomuML aie 1S oS + + (oos- S32)] = 54g bon ain ian Pe Corane Gat caily alte Or vive) ASE Bese, gee porno “ABh “Ble Pan” OAS Ovmey, ee sheaf icone: Rik svnmearune tone wank, (005 F050 10h ins ~ wena bur enone Cow me ——) © pe conn perme Feet SBE Seana mw we we me metmage Townes & Gore) aam > 700°R Faon manu gy ar7oa"h, cpus ony) Pann BE HAG Army Sent Me conn Pens g>neeaT (399 4) 055 )lons) (009) nig 2 cet 2 Sar BARONE ta § Seid Oa, Seam), ‘Binds 'S Sezai ee, DesBA he nor oman (rae? EAR aan) Rewcewn To vary roe ong (ied) «566 Bw /eany ow Beat ewae auhour ro wer me 600 -63)-$66 = 5401 OYLo9 ow ue a BRT A See noes ds ‘suo! Goas)(o) $517 re Tar Beas am Beers aes BE x 100%, | aa tes mms evel) Ain Cp oF me nce es, Coen” ae O Mgs 2(69 0813) oe on 2 a au) afuaeo) (oer) Oa) astxid PP i iS 7 Le cue me ier nates. Smet Nyy 70, Sings ar Ow Re Surets {sat! Hew, aon) * as 7050 Tegra? Crm emer, hye 030 Year wan, 10J7, fotmt- Foe te SMe , Cordes) 7 “e005 ee =[n0a hy Pea Ane + (8B) (52) = cons $ Aap (7%) * A hy (F-T0) +e FG Aad fT] alte Pd ME atm or ema Guess: he LOS Mean P.10-3, Tas mosis = 590% 56,7065 (Fw. Ti (exdeme) HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTIONS hob: (349 4-3)(L68) (1-500) + (0.0a47 145 (ts -880) + (0.68) () (0.0398) (ou713 ex-4) x [ret -(svet] 18) Tus ae enaet, TOR e790, man Spun? 4090+ 50) = 665% 205° Av 905°, Pan 1-38 pare Be eas De Gnesi, LOMAS na Lag? Samara» £82 20.0667 ggg? Kear s HE von, tac Genin moran) as (Nas LERETE) | Nesom? (8247). €26) (150-5) = aag er Nass * (mr (0 4 “3 (eed 6) oy = (4a8 209)(072) 308 on (Meo) sag # 089 BH) (078) A970 Feary rus 10, 5 how + 0.87 (PY uta ene 10.08 (282%, 17106 + (39 o3)(18)(%5 309) 4 (e.ean) in) (1-599) + (068}(0.01sa)ierra =H) [-(509] OY TRL Ano ennan, © Goemen Fomt“fnwenet eee ok ree Loom!- 09%] Hemame 2 057 _se7 . 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS Bech: Wa79-230.07 = 103.45 ela 92) (103.96) 24g 4e7 Owhe BE gegyage Row anen mane Bs vane? =, bpm) (01438) ae Ge Reg dag ts one rie Raw nen rn mn na i Ane? F [EQ] * coos élite onbon oF TMes ee Cm rT 8) ur wonos oF woKs is 4100 = [oo mae © sg YB eam, hy moh, co oat ney Fee 1 Fee compnente 11044 Tan geo, 10.68, groak ar, HAgERT = (708) (A) (')(35.8) As tots Fr (total) De Ase ven 08 15 ase Pe RUE ANCE ARIA hen Pore oF ArmbL = ()(4)(i) 0068 FF = 106 Fr Ti6 Fr ory Fr THE was exons iS 2B. e006 THs imsmanoe MucKWeSS I 0.015 - 0006 +[ 0.009 FF eee nae tea favo w} (3413-8) 4 ee irk Geuleeae esas he B2h8 (-T) sis = GSO (79 x 907 (et 40) fueron a7 90°F wll OF iseanrener, Teun? £(90499) © Go°F ean #1034, Ng, 18.73 BE. any ane (orommares) ATs 90-70" 20 Le Sr (ested Newt (8) Car ee0)(3) = 543 ong Neoty, * (072) (503 89) = 3.9 we? Fron mes 103 he o19(a8) = (rT) (0.1) (Ty 9) ew 08 ae TF | faerme te ere sie HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTIONS Sats °ORY tee Dhit WA cats OF Teena Mint oveannen, PE ouget cunteance Pia cai Pos OF aon) coins Ba L) al AS DEFMeD Ww FiGdRE 10.4, Dewenesy a AS Baty Faun mse 10-2}, Kram 226 Fae Een 10.9% Teoma T+ SE Hert an mre ars) ourers) GS ee) + Lowy eed FT 10-90 m* 200) Food (eomrine som) ar 107. ny Fosibes peace fa» (a0nn) (ornay 6) (we BE) ooket ion 2 Syer0 lanl 7 FERALAS ee ar wo h:3.04 ow/con ax i, he 789 Bo 1h 2 (04) (ir.67-260%) 2499 art Owlae is Fran" § UA cay te O: Bagman) * ON ame Bett, SIRE Mee ep APreR 2. Yenas 250-70 aig = as0-no qt BO gO en HS), Fal WF, ys 0106 ay « (u0d}(01339) (63) fi DLN) « 49950 sOH/g has # 380 hoe # 4780 8 ee £499 a6 orig u: aes? Geatstan * 67 Faon aN 10.73 (eats 1-8), 1 nary has * ae ie PP. ' BG > = e.00ng on 1H Assumes hy nawh; 00 var esaucar, _<_— ee ” 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS: 7083 328 ve-ssua Fr tors ne onan Fr "Garey oe" San Angee ae Keveneun = 0037 SUBS = ag ovlan Mom CALOMaTE SuaFAce TENPERATRS. sage ~22(0ee-7) en( 288) BE TO at, 05°F) Sitsgeovtn tas ease 8 miter Trans? #Luoo 78) 2 AIFF Fae @ 10-24 Foe aa, nmap fon ai] Putte”? hy Mune Ue chy APSE Eahise etka, AT THE Pur Revrennrves is, Tint 4 (0398) 27°F Ls mee onnerias $225 0.06 aon Pate 10-04, wvremsann Foe 77, New (0.0963 (0708 ext) (v00-79) (8 eet ; BE oon ast mstanoe mnens S pe 22528 case er Neg = (1502.33 006) (53-9) = Vea eM, = (073) (,1001 NaNen* (073)(146 956) + iar arg Fon MOM 18% og he oa7(2532) "2 ue Foe LF0er oF Levert fron ar 107 (Cee 10-8), Aas (F)(0.¥)(i) = acGis Pr Rg oan(82) is Ganay? (188) (3, $8) (10 Goan eH 00) [ororna. gore] ow TAFE 10% Hed = 1737 £1 ove En HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTIONS Iie ernawey ts ny o (o BD B.A seappguee cos Posuce assume 1737) (20) (368) (406 66-4) ec (73x) (at) (aver [emer] BY RS BARE mon oF A prem ma =[essr “3s Reema Tacs aS FEE a © Bbonrabade prerenls omer At deeb fad am) « 650.6 wre mM aan s ae Par) eee wheats As Bret (nee an ees fas re Pons * = Gorsorren (x) (3261 ae if bea 15800 yg? LOS. Tee dard (a0) 2 68° ge halt, To) B03 > (48) (145) (Ts-68) Tyne BF Tan = RC ob M3) =sas.x (S04 106) cts + a ana een 10.04, on WE ieee LAG a) slager Next (1359 (10 and) (0-68) 22.99 ee io, Meg = (07a) (209 aR8) = [7 2x8 Fawr aur 1027, hee? 023(n 4) + 0a(9 66) 7 0.97 sear ge TE AUN Sane geht) 1903 « (0:9)(108) (7-68) The acts (sar soo?) PLAYERS Be Te stem rr MAME EINE roar 8 he, Be Nye OR BE osseee o Loe 198 Next G25) (o.bs att) (200-66) 2208 aad Noe = (073) aon eat) = A and Peary mess sey hae? 090-08)” row, PE ed, Low # (29)(3.801 8.3) 2 O88 pr Net Coasytoareni(on-0) re Sater ae Mots 887 ram a 18.7, nee ® hanes? 0:20(EEE) 1a Tome HO 40s) O enemy 12 Behe Ane Te46)% heney Ans (1566) Goa. (028) (Fs -485 Cae) (1-69) + (oa) (ERP Cro) (1,48) suri, Gore « sain(Ty-4t) + 190(n 66% OF Tan arm tate, ype oF comet 2 tes Fis) « [FE] tw ge 028 (190-6555 Lev hwo = 000(SRET roy Give ® (1871) (118)(i0 68) = 190. om /ae Bones = (Hel) #09) (190-68) = 496 Mo tnae: 606 &lue Besta ® ‘fit $88 ie Mer ess Feet sms Amo TOP is Gona® HE sav0w= [va 7] (2) gut Ag rew: Gow 165) © Fam pave 037, 2 his oney gag ee GehACTste) + FF [1] cone ()(5a)(H,-48) Honnaenyeninsn)f ae! (obo) ] Gace tor +(csvees)tonsl-8)] oe a ty al Tye SRS 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS 4 cmeg DAY AAU Tee Tags MiB Babette natah moma AWWNE Cpa Tok waTOR, Connaa # RE # C0) G) = 100 TY Con * (299 (048) = 1aor0 Geum Came so, Cnt, Bee 10 a Fah Ben 16.7%, nv + GC) 2093 7x08 Fan Ren 10.4 (2), Exons Fram ean, 10.76, (°.10-1) ows (ase) (ae (rs) (ate Taher =F mee Som. 10, Bev. 1077 cay abe sen Se NO, ane Liners) (Tonmagon -62) PFS Cr woo) (abe = 68) 2 6k Tena, oor suse: Brann ner (aed coor) = (a9) (06) aa suseee/ EE SE corsa am Sin Kyra 2242 (ier 10-2) Kamau © 054 (més 10-23) pe HEAT TRANSFER SOLUTIONS a © Hearzowm, pr verre, Ax (303) = ont ree Lear 5000 Tam, 10°F AT ATQ Tet 10-03) + 208 Tran * A(t 2T2)* $(104 G49) = OF Fron Prue 10-34 Foe OF, Ng 023 200. saan Pron gran 10.57, Nee = CSF 12 806) (48) = 3.05 ee NyNont (0273) (30601) > 2a.ceu Mo 10-7 eres Moved 2 on, Sens fe pad as hee? (0ad(ad) 2 050 Tig rom) Qwumace m kwr rom i Romaine” HH" SER Ba + se Baer = 238 olin women. ses Az (a) nC) = 576 er® Leiner ate 30°F Nig? 22 811 (40 emncs) he 019(a057 051 Pa a ot 7 M3, Siow: GOR). ox68 ane Be OT Qeewamy Te oP ser Tne sats 1S Sut? Bret Semay = 288 + 8368 + [10,606 Gwin SERENE LOTF Assen noouT cues gue: OTD 7 Tet WSF { close smown) Hexen 7 Fou te see) mls ox smlae} 5 a, wae 08 emtla, “Thay ely Oe sr, 247 0 cmensiy gee nh 0 Ee Bae . eae eee, (5 1g, 20 ria Taneg 2 23796 °F dys DBE 0.1086 Fr Te AGE PU wir Loven OF Pee tb Ax (n)(0.1096)()) = 0.3993 Fr ‘Assume hy2 2000 (concern mga) By? see Nerwas era pee pussmce, Baas ye focceoe one mer ey mee, g suka '9b06= (4)(0.20v3) L (237,96 -50) he ong Fr (exany smi) rr aoe a 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS 4 g: (a3 (20) = i are See Gin) ws Eom @ sos re Br hAGTA) seh AL aay] Pe wR, $5.3 = (15) (0.368)(T, 590) +(0.09 ex-8)(090)() (cast f(T] smaurting, 6552 (Te30)) + (sos ae) [1 (6058 ] 01 Te wp era, Th7 BOR (10°F) ‘Seace owe wall met ae BOF, PHOFESBIONAL PUBLICATIONS, NC+Bement, CA ae ee HEATING, VENTILATING, HOF BOOS anger ME Pe we oer wr 78%, omagye 1608 Ulan WE swluntED AT Paneas nc. neal god a seh Sah emer ser #1093 Onan, PIE OMagEINDTE PreK, 50 nen seat a Bonne 990 (2664-9669) Fis (1999 -M 00) Fam? 2178 tanhee oe Tests TA STE THO, Fheiuep £ OY Pia mt Peston toronto TO TE hose me oT Toe HE AF Pou oF MAT net ret Mb iar fan nase 6, Mag? 34 Nee Be ura De hae Peace i 17 See? pM sos nea AND AIR CONDITIONING SOLUTIONS ie mans erg, Pasian Pear ® (012 (88) = sey oa MMe MEUM hunt is ¥ 2h [oes Gad) ZL tm of hn wen abs roses aor BRUAAT= (ei) (mm (a + (4)(2500)(1a) gece wera) = Bhomy OH) ke USER Phe bate eres $2 (o8)(o) ar seen] oe coeod} ca) Ae et wo a fous? 3001 + 64000 2 143.639 Oh EAT YROF tae Neat nm AE as Sago BE BE) lo BB) SY] = wala, Se orm 8 gon far a «sm nes es snes i (Coss) (5281) = basta scares ner es ee ay oe (son wd) ana eee g: Onste Re aghp O Ove earnans ead ake 03 a 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL Diotima bgt Prem #7, (16-18) -202 -3° noe tn) sanaes 8 82d OR 9 Fans ppeEang isle Pan com ow i O FEE) ee ZF TRH yy ThOS stones), hy 4:0 (Atimen, 25 r9n) Ruwronee mame = OM fo BO as on wet mete Rgree #056 ‘ 1 SS Trois GOED FOR ty 0.06) GryunePAOF ton Deke TID, onan De wet oP aTig tee a. wie 4: UA sTae . conf erento) eH 9) 0100 owfim SON ost ‘sone HAY new) 2) aa eet, = oom Foon Tae 188, AT ge F Geen? (228) Goin) = 19800 Oram eos [ENGINEERING PROBLEMS : 1 1 OF Tamme “ona reaver a Saag 8 sit facranernod fy 7 HE Poh Armooic AY Tee ie ler rower Sn, Reet Rake Gan SEs Poon cow 174, GA cst +007 a) Ge ons ten 4 anal olane as Figs a6 (om aatjnucn urine a) ge nefersiesd tn) #)] = S70 STO mae onl twsrnemanton Heat bom Gtotes* Boh * Brone * Brees (> anger ais Seat sas Wa Meneranee ae s) EP ES ae ener mo gale re (aes swan wall want) pareweinte on values Chater as te rsceraa oo Pee 1 SEL, cag wlan tee | PP/an ma ‘325,000 One Branon = (9008): 6 asin eT ERO +079 ‘sn0 Toe arrnand aon rr is vee x [SPF SEE creer Ty, = 60° (oven) soon Ws Ty 2 Got yh Rous (Par 10-ai) CES ges PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, NC. Bene, CA HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING SoLIITIONS BPE Qu ib biniven 01 SENIIALE Herr Aanentl eon Ben 66, Gu (eesyengend = 9.46885 ehh Fy) unm OF LAB MONT Aen, mH ogee SS a ale Qu: bebeee “ ™ BREW EY ER Fone = [m0 Fr Free 5-57 Q: Mees, <(0395) (B46 e68) = 304,759 crm Q,+ 8666S ~324750 + SHya50 oH snob omsoc na 6 Q, + (60 (5)(ie) = ioe ctw soca Pot 3 Se oF Se) OA Tenerene, = : eo = O33 (fy ones an) Teas Tyg 23834 Ths) +0133 (90-18) BOF Ewen. oil Fron gan 120) sw 6 aaSpe etipe 6 4 + (039-a4.) (tere) (hz) Bra 000 Owe a roonete i Sraeo *BS greet, Fae [7200 Lone DE) I fay tes asm, Fara? asim Fe seus 0M Carta) ‘Deus = UA (70-8) OAs 4200 thet ns, fur © 1200 (70-48) = ays? 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(anhe SSI © eran rasert hg, % F950 Uren (oateammey T° 75-4) ee haTaons etwas ba i Apa: sonar | ny wane RSHRE mete 2 OTD = nee a ae peta een tones tae ee © es omer ar Par Ta cmd 0 OS Tyst0% (ow) Teen - EE gry Ea mee mae a, forse 60 Grem/ian Cs] mor a7 cose ys 8 PP fean he sna MBE byt OS ys LOD) Gag) (7409 v2 LNA Gad ‘ca TTR] canoer 1 eterna are caoene pa Aa: = (oe) (Na) (0-4-209) eo nines es > Bases fe B55 «Ley ne] NG cxillay matin From ane i of ak SS i‘ Gary ay = 17846 tone comme een, ran) $2 (8 $3) cee ane -[rem] Ege sae HALTED "5,500 wat Fe = O%90)(9) = ie ora a RSME Tap sigs OF | oh a as oe omer, Tees eo alee toms Jan corer han HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING SOLUTIONS a Peon gan 15, 12550, © canes eo] RDA pine HPe Sher fo 080 © te sh lag 0.5) eee f+ (099)(0598) = 047 rin 88, PEIay = O07 = 12993 pin ‘Taee (eo? oF Ave AF Sucrey covermens , Xen (mo) "© “Gaavtnorag “16 a PV. (our i Et ER ig scams StU. Memon 15 ryt hy aw + (Sw) (0.0384 - 00183) ee rs 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS 38 spot ne pesca bem, | Simnae® COLORS mynd s ane oe Quran * 104220 + 99pH0 ~Ihb00- 14.930 | seen tor ae ceerants AREAS = 430 OW /aR =] Sons Samed tier pls: 3 xIOAFO HIND om seams SSE] Laren wer Caine cm eCPaMye AIOE = a ome wer eters: Ypviyasooxans ¢ 1900 gon wer [lense | 4 got 9) W Grhgat ae He Se ae fina $= 26? _ ss Neda awe Omni aa BYE. e005 “Yan Gur Bz HEE -[20,060 cH 7° iy” ere Faby Be ps cata, Ge neces m & GUO, eicrect + tos 207 nx as PPhen © su or HOS by % ASR Grv/an Tee “in covonee Por is Fone 3 fellows: | THE At mass Go useee MMs “ou? room ow MAE He ce] gy (genio BYE) on = aS PYion © geassctas RRR FEY (© spugogy PEs bar we Tae Hens LOM © ass et atephaea as SORE estate (on c08)(0.008-208357) 36" 2 70h @ A remeten ow ne Hoos is gees «Mapa 506 Fea Fig PuatPhaon 56 eva G0 = [eke] Solan meee Tro RavaneNS SimarangoALY, ‘aw taoh hoo Sand Pape = 288, 10h (04s) (isn) =[orioo oF ees [CL am THE wooo sure oer (35%) & Tube ~loqaeo » s5b00 SRK PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, IN. HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING SOLUTIONS, © ggepte as $ Fe aes nie hivovlien she Pepe +342 Ovfaoh at ee ug Our" Power cw sae = Bas"F 1260 mt (0 Snr) + 80mm oe BoE age SNe SEE some ied Tar rr % 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL (9 tie enrarnanen neo naeene ne tS (esd (2epoe) 25000 CPN From 6 PCH che ‘y, #1356 FPhan Dy # ene =280° = 19910 cone Fram we een ca, ws mS hyo? 28282 26000 ae70 Lome Pee Mass OF Tus an corning. Tes cals 1d 19,410 +80 = ‘196 «aha © fy 2243 owlon (eet camer) he * 47.6 Orion Fatty een tL70 $a Barge t Chehidh Tie Tose is pz de mainele -a43) (207) : Det Bin H3 TRS (@ ne toon songors How mame is sua: £5.52 _ = 0966 (ser Ho0) age + ao Pil A ues aome] Line Ow THe pete om, = 195400 “AOD ENGINEERING PROBLEMS & © eB 2 BER = 1.910 hy 2 @ Gn 3) oe ae) (o Be) a1 een : ft © bee & = (sate BED 20 | * (ase HE) (550 BRElon) =] 020 he ie; he 246 oryhan Uns FPhan wn IE. (0% E 67 han) aang whe Tennnee pee hea oven 20.097 stnjan SPELL GEM. oot Benes O88. FH Pa TTess)(omy) : onets mo Foon con, Hab Lee) «ons et From sen} 130-1133, hs (om) (id) + 3¢)fome)(e) sisi] Apps [mor ] = 4 whon HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING SOLUTIONS: @ fy true yahn (2376) (679.539) 5 nq (09-249) (0 ru mmeoaame wane is is atiy 2 Hace = (919) (9037-0006) ay SU, vs 0013 BE é Bus (48) (61) SY) (000405) (248 98.9 6m FT et Pam (seme nen Sule} congo (65°) h 2203 Grlian or) hea ewan Naum? (18)(68) (0) = Bernumenas * (659) (60.8) (theo 2) 2 20 FH THe smamos is tah = Qeah: Qah 7 (205-13) walls: 1g connpy lls 00 wor contre he? 165 (Pan cosrmicie) h = 400 + os¢ HY Ehr/ aw Biro? 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Bm, CA eaeieeeeenenEeEnnEEEEEEnEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee 2 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS Hest Gam,_conrnmen eros (eB (ai) w O15 Oman cco: (3 (283(48) #6 ohn alse gs0aaGe = (oot5i(253 (8) = 329 he ss i BB, oom caren commer et, ree gr Aleta ror] offend () +1033) (0098)] sesame win LiONTS: Foon, mom 175 Fest FueapcnsT ets ge Gattow xdar3 x1 33930 G/HR ‘Ten smsions sono 1 » 004 339 + wane +3920 = 247 Oem (@) pon em 72, aml Lenn gu an cosa Vises Ce) ta) ‘ie 5 oy 15,775 GT ]R (B araae, b= loos onan ety freon Pehon a1 eH © Fen cow 1146, (65001) 05-59) (@) PROFESBIONAL PUBLICATIONS, INE.eBanet, CA MECHANICS 9 ch BERGE SGPELD Res ateven mee 8 Pee th waren Re a. i Pn), ct we men sn wots ¥ FEE, ulaideiv) eset EMR at enna Wey +3, ares yeaLaee +c0d(eas] 2186S od et 2k at ‘ae Ty: alone’) « OS 2643 ot ‘Ts 6S + 693 = 205.5 ml eget, a Freee nawe ae bm ° kes (oan (H) 0.2481 3s (#ass)usd) = 516 4 2S Rm Me Te Ate 5 As (orsdi (+498) = 5.3 OF MATERIALS SOLUTIONS 2 SKE S ons is erehors sm ere © © La row root (2) json ae iae) la 3 ei 20 From Bon 1.119, Mec Sccemrmeery ex LOWN®) - © sas TORE 26a M6 Tekin HONE rs Pes TAP Ag Poet A, wer canrovony 9 anal se a te (EDs 090% ays): oaese a o 401 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS is Toasio butne is TH/g. 093) (1253) ~ 0 g30: - 0.630P SHR BS, groves * (0-95)[12 -(4)(09)] tye Leashian WP53 _ osesp = 0560 smewem oF mar Aemew congue Me Oiaeer dow mace AS, Tunkel FOUR P + O.6D0P + ome Spee ,O-urnes Gast oF Rae-owr yong = MSP ® OROP Anes SH CIO Caer + Hob? 2 eat dy = Pf(oasip + O.635P nx? 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Rat Ry tRe #180 A Seton gee TARE nome) ater A: TH, D:0 HoRe+ 6oRg ~ (386139) 0 NoRe #60% = ceo |B 1101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS: BERLE omy (ich) = Hea) = BES nem os, $5, - Bbq rh 20 Saya itbg 6? 33) Pas Sey at Feon gt te 7, Bea spelt pena F S Bat Es dy CL nm & meet nae Sar Pn nt 3 : Be & he Ht Saint me Sn BS BS Bente Ha - maRet ere 2 sey Mens 2, en smd Ry= 41,313 bors Rye bill Rees Ree S75% Mees 6 Sammne M10 mw ee MECHANICS OF MATERIALS SOLUTIONS QE Batyernows Ov me Germ Des 2 wuss an) Se iia Gp anesycs = Coe 1 Prem, pad wechweD my X een, rR Sez (ens e? oored & cogs ge QE) ex] = 0.66" As Has Ellon (aos) L975 wt Tux tony of Eharnew 1 uf > 0767 ™ Fae mate 143 Lp.ms7] FoR Px woos, sr no 20 cae gas - rt eet ern We chore) AAR £: CWI. 927 0-187 ® meant ures ho 8 or roe ‘Ly m1 n i. eee bab smcs 827 > B26, DAs DA Lent colores ie Teen COMA a Es mee orEs Bees us pt Smee 1163 b(hae) feu 2 13MB , ~6O4B PT Wow, Seay IS Magineh Suine $TamsS Puluas Fey Santas Oe te ce vb + Cord > 25396 61 ye Toame oF saver Onsen ow ‘Pe cominlot sees rs: 20D, Bate Taas mar 7: Mood), W@ 8: (Gp) (D+ O15 eros f Zh swe te TE (remem) CE, dor T t _ Cossad (us axe) (285 33, s[ayma pa TN | rr 02 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS. ‘nusrese sone ‘rem me) bem Swe, Tey Te (anes Conde lopeeo8) eh 20,998 ts: Sh. ae aay ore ar Acre o sar? caller AS Sp, osm race Be pe Mee Te San Ani, ma Ie sraus conetinmam pcm & Ke 16. ae oa ES , ee Oss dca ea) gate ao ret Seer, a =e il Lips moms ottoenanes oF sur betwe on Alanon, oie (PREF 3, TABLE ott) oii a Te yp? «ose anf? fea sma, wae eam 1659 calovlare «(4 *3H64 m/se) 20) Si [ode oe] coe ang = a(S) gceus osets + Galatea) fone onci] eons iam MACHINE DESIGN SOLUTIONS as so neasn vhs reas” nye DS a93 = bo7 be a5 yon 4: ance 4 4 a9ang 5| ean ear) Me coer Rane an a blir BY rasp hsm + [le Beh - anf BSS groom rem, oe me soa re, Te Love oH LEA 15 Ls [Cor spy (Flea ae)* ood (uss) + [lars re) (wader ae - (a) one) [Corfe + [eo Fe om 104 frow, 14S MNGIAS OF THEM Cay OW Toxo, ne Bd fasy(an) = rors gs (8) (186) © Ras hea(n) SHAT: eprERoeL RESIURE py 20°F Teh TOW M6, vin RPI0 mm 20. 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Bley IS Ts bod (8) = a0 war we Pons te Pr cata is Fe De Be cage ae ea ME Feet oF IME seers a no a 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS ow, vie Ta ourenne URE Dany, 3 We wean eH cerca crease] BEE & s0.000 es e.sna" ‘pis seamen ouacsanas ouer sume Te owOT oben it foave0 wso8 Ws ener ewww id xe geet Base ME pyyhen bene ib A800 MOF, ne ASS MS, mer. ae rt geo smaan, we bert Fon The Cononan SMe m5, ae: ett [e. 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Rowamees sibetrantoeil, 7 a Ts 5a ae ee Kenmore Tower 3h 1S (ase nga) (se) = sya at (Oem Teens AR Inv THE Sans boat) Tie haioe BARE, eae" (S(ae%s) = ous ae cass sacnmal AR bh Elest oo] santas rt Due vole put Foor 15, Ve Als (454 e0)(): doves Per SEALS ORES OF 189 Han/en 50 hie @V = (469) (25420-5) ere Hat + Blloas'- (rsi'] 55a ser Foon Rona, Tar WO Fecornen) Att «Ke Fy 6 ae SF or AE BE omer wuter re at Ba : 101 SOLVED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS Ke flgh COMET sen oes oe Bae tte, amen (Wt) pats i [role par be [ererl fo = nese} — — toe T = 3 1st hoor, $$ 2& owe TiS Seem Aaionner — 6 Ge BE /EenemeyoR) eae 355 wa @ Woeraas? “Fremnrine wh ww = mah (om we sha Da rage rut, OF Aanenin 31 re Sram orm sonny Wied xt me etn mtn, ee stamte comma: E Peon case 4, ocr MAT, we Es AE «, (N(an ex Tes) 2 3017 “01h. Let x Qe TM gout oetiamon, 28p! Wimscnm rrwof lau) ox] = (una) Brae + 630% = 1585.9 x* —————— DYNAMICS SOLUTIONS Ww oeonme Fear, 1 x9. 0.816% = 2005 20 comple NE sees, vege" EAA Bytes ne ow mae Yea Rar eLearn ow a 1B OYERDE. 4 Mgt oon aber 46er = Res BT 2 = {490 fnee)(539) Toray* SN EEG mor a oma 9 we: fs ne A Be gs = 65,952. esi plead My Meee ne we ie TUES % arene omega ‘Shs grass te SNS 7s mall gre © Sh Gennes gk Jeng “er i. se all ose ao 10 week us Fah cast x, pace 1-2, Hywe® Si Frau weBe Hit es gD s = secnny rdes wr as, oS, 5 Tat S08, apes) + 6350 408 Faon Fema, neat fer (om wm shes) * BR sans m/e Gs) erracue Mw gaan 2068 fe 604 Couns 238 pet 64<80, HO, [Bape Bens Arramceen ad © ASgRD ecommas A step Peatinbe © S257, g Ammer Pah smi BREASTED ovmtsneer, ne sun is rae Eavin ton 15 exe Oh OW 199 Hd TYc,eoscyt + Gsmayt) ‘pre mal Conginees mes Ryo ig 2 “Our WO PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, IN. 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