Ashley Jade Domalanta - Learning Module 1 2ndqrt

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Name: Ashley Jade V.

Domalanta Section: 11-Charity

A. Assessing Learning
SENTENCE COMPLETION. Complete the following sentences by choosing
the word from the selection. Write the answer on the space provided.
1. It came to be that all of the land spoke of the same language, using the
same words.
2. Come, let us build for ourselves a city and a tower with its top reaching the
3. It was from there that God scattered them all over the earth.
4. It was the language of pride that caused the scattering of the people.
5. The Story of Babel speaks of God doing something so as to impede
humanity’s quest for pride and ambition.
6. The language of love does not erase the existing languages of mankind.
7. People would be united as one for love and for the name of God.
8. During Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon us as promised by Jesus
9. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, each man and woman shall gather
themselves to serve one another.
10. Lesson 6 is about the Story of the Tower of Babel.

Two roses and a thorn strategy:

⮚ Name two things that you like about the lesson.

The two things that I like about the lesson are the Sacred
Teachings on the Tower of Babel:

1. Humanity’s quest for ambition and pride

= I learned that it was the language of pride that caused
the “scattering” of the people and the changes in
language. It taught me that there is nothing wrong in
dreaming. To achieve a feat and to master one’s identity
and personality to obtain the impossible are behaviors
worth emulating. However, when ambition and pride are
combined, they produce a dangerous concoction. As a
result, God is set aside. Others are taken merely as
inescapable channels to be used, while the rest are
considered stumbling blocks to one’s road to success.
The people of Babel focused on themselves too much.
All that existed for them were themselves. They had
forgotten that there was a God whose name should be
proclaimed and known above any other name. They
were blinded by their ambitions and pride. All they
wanted was to achieve or work toward their ambitions
and to be known throughout all the earth. Because of
this, God sent them wandering because of their pride. I
learned that the Story of the Tower of Babel, therefore,
speaks of God’s intervention to stop humanity’s
inclination to pride and self-satisfaction.

2. An encrypted vision for a unified humanity under the

language of love
= I learned that there will come a time when all people
shall once again speak the same language, the
language, the language of love by the Holy Spirit. For an
in-depth study of the story, there is the encrypted
vision of a unified humanity under the language of love.
It is this language that would gather every people on
earth to take care of each other. This language of love
goes beyond the existing languages of mankind. Rather,
despite the differences, every human being would
understand each other to be able to offer one’s heart for
the goodness of all. It taught me that the prophet Joel
spoke of these times. He prophesied a future when
everyone will obtain the needed capability to speak and
to understand the plan of God for mankind. This will be
obtained by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to every
man and woman. I also learned that through the Holy
Spirit, an era will come when each person will do
marvels, but it shall not be done for self-glorification.
Rather, everything shall be performed for the glory of
God. Through the Holy Spirit’s power, each man and
woman shall gather to serve one another. They would
set themselves aside and would see the less fortunate
as images of God needing their help. They would be
united in love under the name of God. Such is also
promised by Jesus Himself during His Last Supper with
the Apostles (cf. Jn 14-16), that the Holy Spirit will come
down from heaven so that the “curse of disunity” caused
by the building of the Tower of Babel would be
destroyed. This came to fulfillment in the coming of the
Holy Spirit during Pentecost.

⮚ Name one thing you did not like or if you still have question
Nothing, I understand the relevance of the Story of the Tower
of Babel to the revelation of the Holy Spirit and experiences the
love of God through signs and symbols. The virtues that I
learned from this lesson are prayerful and pious relation with
the Holy Spirit; openness and love; and humility.

B. Enhancing Skills

Make an illustration that symbolizes the Language of Love. You may use any
kind of application. Then, write a brief explanation of your work in no less than
2 sentences.
In my own perspective, no matter what language we speak, what country we are from, what
religion we believe in or what color our skin is, our heart is the same as other people's hearts
all around the World. There is no difference. Our desire and need for love and peace and
happiness is made by God, and the same in everyone the World over. Whoever we are and
wherever we are from, the simple answer to all of our problems is the same as it has always
been for every age and every generation: LOVE. What everyone needs is love. This is God's
answer to all the problems of today as well as to all the problems of the past. An answer
which has always been so simple and childlike that many people find it hard to believe but this
is still God's solution, even in such a confused and complicated World as we live in today. If
we love God, if we have His Love in our hearts, we will love and care for each other. We will
then follow His rules of life, liberty and happiness, and all will be well and happy as we follow
love God and each other, they would not be mean and selfish. The rich wouldn't rob the poor,
those with plenty wouldn't let their neighbors suffer hunger, disease or overwork without
helping them, and they certainly wouldn't fight cruel wars in which they kill and wound each
To first of all love God, and then to love your neighbor as yourself. In fact, He said that these
two simple laws fulfil all the laws of God (Matthew 22:37-39) In other words, Love fulfils all the
Law, God's only Law is Love. OF COURSE, A LOT OF PEOPLE SAY, "OH, I DON'T
BELIEVE IN GOD" But if you were to ask them if they believe in love, they'd probably reply,
"Of course I believe in love" Well, if they can believe in love, then they can believe in God
because the Bible says, "God is Love" (1John 4:8) So real love, God's Love, is all the religion
you need, because God is Love, and Love is God. GOD IS NOT ONLY LOVE, BUT JESUS
ALSO SAID THAT "GOD IS A SPIRIT" (John 4:24) He is the Great Spirit of Love that created
you and me and this beautiful World and the entire Universe. He is so big and so great that
He is far beyond our human understanding, but God loved us so much that He wanted us to
somehow know and love Him, so to show us His Love and to help us to understand Himself.
He sent His Own Son to Earth in the form of a man, Jesus Christ. JESUS WAS LIKE A
PICTURE OF GOD, to show us what God Himself is like. that picture is a picture of Love,
because all Jesus did was talk about love and show love and live love. Then finally, in love,
He gave His life for you and me, so that we could have God's Love, forgiveness and free Gift
of Eternal Life if we would just receive Him into our hearts. SO IF WE FEEL THAT WE DON'T
BY RECEIVING HIS SON JESUS. There is a hollowness, an empty spot that He has placed
in each of our hearts that only He can fill, and that nothing else will ever truly satisfy so if we
would like Him to fill that spot in our life, all we have to do is open our heart to Him. TO
RECEIVE GOD'S LOVE IS SO SIMPLE that Jesus said you must become as a little child to
enter His spiritual Kingdom of love and joy! He said, "Unless you humble yourself and
become a little child, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Matthew 18:3) ALL
mistakes and that you need God's forgiveness. The Bible says, "All have sinned and come
short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) In other words, we've all done wrong, so we all
need to be forgiven, because without forgiveness of sin, we'd be separated from God's
perfect Love. BUT WE CANNOT SAVE OURSELVES. The Bible tells us, "by grace (God's
Love and mercy) we are saved through faith, and not of ourselves or our own good deeds. It
is the free Gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8,9) No matter what good things we do or how religious
we try to be, it's impossible to save ourselves. It's a Gift of God and the Gift God gave is
Jesus "FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD (you and me), that He gave His Own Son
(Jesus), that whoever believes in Him should never die (be separated from God's Love), but
have Everlasting Life." (John 3:16) God loved us so much that He gave Jesus to die in our
place, to take the punishment that we deserve for our sins. All we have to do is believe and
come in, He will come in. He says, "Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart), and knock: If
any man hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come into him." (Rev.3:20) I believe that
“God is love, whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in them”
C. Reflection

Write your personal response using the question below.

How did the Holy Spirit renew humanity and reunite all mankind in a single
language called love?
The Holy Spirit is a Gift of God's Love. Love Is the Most Powerful Fruit of The
Holy Spirit Given to Humanity. If humanity will love each other, regardless of
what language we speak, color or race, black or white, this world will be filled
with peace. The Holy Spirit works differently, being Peace and Love. God
would ultimately use the result of their actions (differing languages) to unify us
once again in Him. While it is true that God used language to confuse the
people (and in essence protect them from doing something truly terrible as
sinful men), He would ultimately use language to connect us once again as the
Kingdom of God. While God once used language to separate us, He would
ultimately use language to bring us together. Throughout the New Testament,
God used the gift of tongues in mighty ways. It demonstrated that someone
had the gift of the Holy Spirit, and it also revealed that the Gentiles had
received the same gift as the Jews. The Gospel spread in ways that were
never thought possible as people shared the Good News of Jesus in every
tongue. On the day of Pentecost, God took something that once caused
confusion and transformed it into something beautiful, yet powerful. While the
Tower of Babel separated mankind through language, God would ultimately
use language on the Day of Pentecost to bring us together in Him. What
happened that day at the Tower of Babel was a representation of God’s mercy
and His ultimate plan for salvation. The plan was Jesus, it was always Jesus.
And in His love, he put a hindrance between us so that our sin wouldn’t be the
end of us. We must not forget that God had a plan to unify us once again in
Him. He saw the bigger picture, one where we would worship Him in every
language imaginable. God bring us from the Tower of Babel to the Day of
Pentecost through the death and resurrection of our Savior. He would be the
one to set mankind free from sin and death, and He would be the one to unify
us once again as children of God. The love of God poured into our heart by
the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God brings abundant life, spiritual growth,
increasing fruitfulness and healing to our life. Our Church, guided by the Holy
Spirit, is directing each one of us toward the fulfillment of God’s plan for all
mankind. We should open our hearts to let the Holy Spirit act upon us. We
should set aside our pride so that the “curse of disunity” caused by the building
of the Tower in Babel would be destroyed. We must live together in love to
serve one another, beginning with our own families to our communities, then
out to the world.

If the Lord doesn’t build the house,

the builders are working for nothing.
-Psalm 127:1-

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