Intelligent Road Traffic Control System For Traffi
Intelligent Road Traffic Control System For Traffi
Intelligent Road Traffic Control System For Traffi
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flow. The paper is organized into many sections, in which auxiliaries of the ITS out of which most significant and
section II will give the historical perspective and an overview extensively used all over the world to solve the traffic and
of the state of the art on worldwide ITS. Section III highlights transportation problem are as follows:
a comparative study of all the existing methods used with
advantages and disadvantages. Section IV describes the
challenges and issues of worldwide and Indian ITS. Finally,
section V concludes the study and some future work.
quality in metropolitan, urban areas complex management Types of parameters (input and output) such as traffic
strategies with network-wide traffic control needed. As quantity, waiting time, previous and current traffic
determined the goal of efficient traffic control using design data information/knowledge to make traffic routing.
process and investigation of algorithm and infrastructure with Traffic data collection methods used and
proper traffic planner is done in [10][57]. communication methods applied/considered.
Smart traffic control (STC) at a single intersection or
multiple intersections or both.
Now a day‟s many countries have accepted applications of this The way of improvement in the performance of traffic
ITS not only for traffic congestion control but for road safety control to avoid congestion.
and proper utilization of infrastructure too. Many organizations Video Analytics Deployed in traffic domain for traffic
are coming with multiple solutions related to the ITS issues. congestion control:
Because of ITS has become a multidisciplinary conjunctive Generally, the problem of vehicle counting is mostly done
field of work, between public, private and academic sectors. using deploying inductive loops. These loops provide high
In the U.S., Department of intelligent transportation system accuracy but are very disturbing at the roadway, that's why it
focuses on automation, connected vehicles, emerging comes with high maintenance cost. Most of video analytics
capabilities, enterprise data, interoperability and accelerating system on traffic congestion focuses on counting and doing
deployment [18]. classifications for more statistics. The vehicle identification is
European ITS has taken a major step towards deployment and used with self-adaptive windows to estimate the mean travel
use of road transport since 2008. Other public-private time under traffic demand and supply uncertainty (i.e recurrent
partnership programs aim at safety applications of ITS like traffic congestion, bottleneck etc) [46]. In [8], demonstrated
connected automated driving, deployment, and use of motion-based tracking with trajectory analysis method is to
intelligent safety [43]. improve intersection behavior analysis for accurate turning
United Kingdom has done some remarkable executions of ITS movement count at the intersection. There is a major problem
as follows-electronic toll collection, cameras are installed to with mixed vehicle (e.g. cars, scooter, heavy vehicle etc)
observe the traffic activities etc. Intelligent speed adaption is traffic flow that has been tackled in [5]. Image processing
also implemented using GPS[48]. algorithm is used to estimate traffic density using cameras.
ITS features in Dubai are traffic jam alerts, parking, parking Based on analysis of traffic images from live traffic evidence
guidance, dynamic onboard navigation system for car users of congestion collapse which lasts for the extended time period
[53]. shown in [9]. Many ITS applications rely on lane-level vehicle
Canada is the first country that introduced ITS. ITS has arrangement (positioning) that requires high accuracy,
traveler information system, public transport services bandwidth, availability, and integrity. Lane-level positioning
consisting transit, management, real-time passenger methods must reliably work in real time in a wide range of
information etc[49]. environments demonstrated in[16]. There are many lighting
A few cities in India have implemented ITS projects such as and weather conditions effects on vision-based systems. Such
automatic parking, highway toll collection, traffic signal system must adopt all these lighting conditions. The different
management, and public transportation management. Chennai cues are given related to this kind of situation in [21][25][28].
city authorities have initiated traffic management by installing Because of uncertainty in the traffic flows with the machine-
surveillance cameras at intersections and supervise the traffic vision algorithm an autonomous fuzzy control system also
flow. Being a part of the project FM radio station played a very used in [39]. All representative of vision-based approaches that
good role in transmitting traffic jam in Chennai. With the help were analyzed in details are highlighted in Table 1:
of radar, accelerometer gun and smart cameras traffic control,
as well as vehicle number detection, is implemented in
Mumbai. A pilot project was implemented in Hyderabad and
Delhi by initiating SMS based system for road users and BRT Refer Algorithm Outcome
system implementation in Pune[50]. Also, because of ence
inefficient management of traffic and increasing vehicle count [5] An optimization The investigation provides
creating inconsistencies reported [52]. model for signaling queue length, queue
time at intersection clearance time
The papers reviewed based on the following points: traffic
Approaches used to make traffic routing and a signal [8] Vision-based Estimate turning movement
controlling decisions, i.e. adaptive (learning) versus Vehicle tracking count, speed profile and
non- adaptive, simulation versus real-time and hybrid system waiting time
strategies. [9] Road traffic Intelligent decision making
congestion system for traffic controlling
vehicles and infrastructures, i.e. V2V, V2I as observed in Fuzzy expert system
[6][12][15][32]. Using inductive loop base traffic signals are Artificial Neural
analyzed in [36]. The traffic prediction is done with VANETs Network
for traffic prediction [38].The historical traffic pattern is also a Wireless Sensor
great asset in the maneuver of transportation management Networks
system [45]. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) gain more [36] Inductive loop detection for Automation of
attention in traffic detection. Taxonomy of different schemes traffic traffic signal
for avoiding congestion with a number of sensors given in [45] Functional data analysis Recognizing
[41]. All representatives of smart technology approaches that patterns of daily
were analyzed in detail are highlighted in Table 3 : traffic profiles
Refer Algorithm Outcome Table 3
[1] Used vehicle to infrastructure Travel time
communication and approximate estimation and
dynamic programming with the adaptive traffic IV. ISSUES AND CHALLENGES
simulation parameters like signal control Several attempts were made for the traffic optimization by
vehicle dimension, vehicle researchers. One of the challenges is to integrate the
acceleration profile, vehicle predictions for upcoming traffic conditions. Another challenge
braking profile, driving behavior is to design flexible model to deal with objectives like time,
[6] Make use of mobile phone for Detection of road financial cost, convenience and environmental pollution etc.
accelerometer-based vehicular traffic congestion From the technical point of view, correct detection of vehicle
movement detection, map- density on road by keeping high accuracy including improved
matching for the traveled road algorithmic solutions for multiple cues, for statistical and
segment, using cellular signal learning methods, sensors and telematics (e.g. V2X
traffic congestion estimation of communication, GPS). One of the key aspects in ITS is proper
traveled road collection of dataset can carried out by employing more
[12] Understanding of Internet of Predict arrival powerful sensors or developing sensor fusion to handle
Things infrastructure in bus time of buses and software and hardware issues coming at algorithmic level. In
transportation system in crowded inside the Asian nation like India, the National Development Policy
Singapore bus Committee (NTDPC) was legitimate by the government of
[15] Using Taxi GPS tracing for the Automatic bus India in 2010 to formulate long run ITS policy. It identifies
human mobility pattern in the route generation methodologies to unravel current ITS issues and targeted
city using two-phase approach towards too long run vision on 2032 by introducing multi-
for night bus route planning : model structures[26].
Phase I- cluster hot Because of people's demand and expectation of service quality
areas with dense has changed due to the availability of maps, GPS, etc. People
passengers for plan their routes based on distance, time and cost. Therefore
identifying a location in „Information and Communication Technology' (ICT) enabled
the cluster as a transport is stressed nowadays. This functionality will help to
candidate bus stop collect more efficient data and analytics will lead towards the
Phase II-Given the bus better decision making in systematic execution of ITS
route origin, destination, applications [54].
candidate bus stop, For the ITS implementation the key aspects that India is facing
maximum total travel are given by world bank study report : improper developed
time and bus operation road networks, economical restriction observed in the
frequency builds bus government, uncontrolled population growth, lack of resources
route graph. for function and maintenance of roads, less requirement for
[31] Using low-frequency data probe Estimated automation, less interest in decision making and lack of user
manuscript for pre-time traffic collection of awareness.
signals Signal Phase and At the same time, the number of small scaled ITS pilot projects
Timing are being implemented that are given in the previous section.
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