Nutritional Status and Clinical Characteristics in Children With Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

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J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2010;43(2):93–98

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Also available online ISSN 1684-1182
Volume 43
Number 2
April 2010

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Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection Immunology
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Taiwan Society of Microbiology
Chinese Society of Immunology
The Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan
Taiwan Society of Parasitology

Original Article
Nutritional Status and Clinical Characteristics in Children
With Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Shou-Ting Shina, Hsin-Hui Yub, Li-Chieh Wangb, Jyh-Hong Leeb, Yu-Tsan Linb, Yao-Hsu Yangb,
Bor-Luen Chiangb*
Department of Pediatrics, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to investigate the clinical characteristics and nu-
tritional status of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) in Taiwanese children.
METHODS: Fifty-three patients were included in this study. The disease subtype and patient characteris-
tics were recorded. Body mass index (BMI) was determined. Seventy-five healthy age-matched children
served as a control group.
RESULTS: The inflammation parameters, including white blood cell count, platelet count, C-reactive
protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, were elevated in the systemic group. The BMI level of the JRA
group was significantly lower than the control group (p = 0.006), especially in the male patients (p = 0.016)
and when the patient age was greater than 4 (p = 0.011). The patients with oligoarticular onset JRA had
significantly lower BMI compared with the healthy control group (p = 0.012).
CONCLUSION: Nutritional status is often impaired in patients with JRA. The BMI of the JRA patients
was lower than that of age-matched healthy children, especially in the male group, and when disease onset age
was greater than 4. In our unselected sample, the most affected disease subtype was oligoarticular onset JRA.

KEYWORDS: body mass index, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, nutritional status

Introduction 10 years.1 It is a heterogeneous group of conditions of un-

known etiology, each of which has specific clinical features
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) is one of the most com- and prognostic implications.2 It is one of the major causes of
mon pediatric rheumatic diseases, with peak age at 4 and short- and long-term morbidity, and growth impairment is
one of the complications, especially in polyarticular and sys-
temic JRA.3 Poor nutritional status has also been reported
*Corresponding author. Department of Pediatrics,
National Taiwan University Hospital, 7 Zhongshan South in adult rheumatoid arthritis patients. The body mass index
Road, Taipei, Taiwan. (BMI) in men and women are significantly reduced in rheu-
matoid arthritis patients compared with controls.4
E-mail: [email protected]
There are several measures which can be used to assess
Article History: growth disturbance and nutritional impairment, such as
Received: May 1, 2008
height, weight, mid-upper arm circumference and the four
Revised: Dec 15, 2008
Accepted: Apr 21, 2009 skinfolds,5 biochemical abnormalities,6 and bioelectrical
impedance,7 but these measures are not optimal methods

Copyright © 2010 Taiwan Society of Microbiology. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. All rights reserved. 93
S.T. Shin, et al

for the evaluation of nutritional status in clinical practice. city, and who received scheduled vaccinations at our hospi-
The BMI provides a valid measure of fatness in healthy tal. Informed consent and ethical approval were obtained.
children, and is used as a marker of nutritional status in
other pediatric diseases.8 The BMI provides an objective Data collection
assessment of protein-energy depletion, or excess, and is a The main outcome measure used to assess nutritional sta-
practical tool for routine anthropometric measures in tus in children in this study was BMI. Patient characteris-
clinics.9 tics considered as explanatory measures were age, gender,
The involvement of nutritional status (anthropomet- disease subtype, and duration of disease.
ric and biochemical) has often been reported in JRA pa- The laboratory parameters were white blood cell (WBC)
tients, but there are some discordant reports about the count, platelet count, hemoglobin concentrations, C-reactive
nutritional status and disease subtypes.9,10 The aim of this protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C3 and
study was to investigate the relationship between nutri- C4. All variables were recorded when JRA was diagnosed.
tional status measured by BMI, patient characteristics,
and disease subtypes. Statistical analysis
Analysis was carried out using SPSS version 13.0 (SPSS
Methods Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The age, disease duration, and lab-
oratory parameters are expressed as mean ± standard devi-
Patients ation. A two-sample t test and one-way analysis of variance
Children diagnosed with JRA and treated at National (ANOVA) were used for comparison of scores within sub-
Taiwan University Hospital between 1997 and 2004 were groups. The body height, body weight, and BMI were
retrospectively enrolled in this study. The diagnosis and expressed as the median (25th–75th percentile). The Mann-
classification of JRA were based on the 1977 American Whitney U test was used to compare the data between two
College of Rheumatology criteria.11 The onset type was groups. Differences were considered to be significant when
defined by the manifestations of the disease in the first p ≤ 0.05.
6 months after onset: polyarticular onset (= 5 joints in-
volved), oligoarthritis (= 4 joints involved), and systemic Results
onset (predominance of extra-articular features, e.g. fever
and skin rash). Age at onset was defined as the age of the The demographic and clinical characteristics of the pa-
first physical symptoms or signs consistent with the diag- tients are described in Table 1. There were 23 (43.4%) pa-
nosis of JRA. BMI was recorded at a rheumatology clinic. tients in the oligoarticular group, 11 (20.8%) patients in
This study included 53 JRA patients and 75 age-matched the polyarticular group and 19 (35.8%) patients in the sys-
children as healthy controls. The BMI records were ob- temic group. The age of disease onset was similar between
tained from the healthy children who were routinely ex- the oligoarticular and the polyarticular group, but lower
amined at each term of an elementary school in the same in the systemic group. There was no significant difference

Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients by disease subtypea

Oligoarticular Polyarticular Systemic Total Control

No. of patients 23 (43.4) 11 (20.8) 19 (35.8) 53 (100) 75 (100)

Gender, male/female 17/6 7/4 7/12 31/22 36/39
Age when BMI recorded (yr) 9.7 ± 3.3 9.4 ± 3.5 6.6 ± 3.9 8.5 ± 3.9 8.0 ± 2.3
Age of disease onset (yr) 8.3 ± 3.1 8.6 ± 4.0 5.7 ± 4.1 7.5 ± 3.8 –
Disease duration (mo) 16.2 ± 13.5 9.2 ± 10.9 10.1 ± 9.8 12.6 ± 12.0 –
Data presented as n (%) or mean ± standard deviation. BMI = body mass index.

Nutritional status and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

of disease duration among the three disease subtypes (p = 0.863, data not shown). The BMI of the total JRA
(p = 0.151). group is significantly lower than the control group (p =
A comparison of laboratory parameters by disease sub- 0.006), but when the JRA patients and the healthy control
types is summarized in Table 2. The WBC count, platelet children are divided by sex, only the male patients have
count, level of CRP and ESR were significantly increased in lower BMI than that of the male control group (p = 0.016).
the systemic form of JRA. The hemoglobin concentration When the JRA patient and healthy children are divided
was significantly lower in the systemic form of disease. into two groups by age (younger or older than 4 years
Tables 3–5 summarize the difference in body height, of age), the JRA patients older than 4 years of age have
body weight and BMI between the different subgroups. significantly lower BMI than the healthy control group
There is no significant difference in body height and body (p = 0.011).
weight among the subgroups. The BMI values are not There is a significant difference between the BMI in
significantly different among the three JRA subgroups the three disease subtypes and that in the healthy control

Table 2. Laboratory measurements when disease onseta

Parameters Oligoarticular Polyarticular Systemic p

WBC count (103/μL) 8.4 ± 2.1 8.3 ± 2.4 15.2 ± 10.2 0.004
Platelet count (103/μL) 409 ± 95 384 ± 69 522 ± 185 0.011
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 11.8 ± 0.9 11.6 ± 1.4 9.7 ± 1.8 < 0.001
CRP (mg/dL) 2.04 ± 2.14 3.41 ± 3.88 8.70 ± 4.80 < 0.001
ESR (mm/hr) 48.3 ± 28.9 49.5 ± 29.5 89.3 ± 32.6 0.001
C3 (mg/dL) 156 ± 28 147 ± 23 175 ± 41 0.072
C4 (mg/dL) 33 ± 8.7 35 ± 12.0 32 ± 10.0 0.836
Data presented as mean ± standard deviation. WBC = White blood cell; CRP = C-reactive protein; ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Table 3. Difference of body height, body weight and body mass index between patients and healthy normalsa

Characteristics Total JRA (n = 53) Control (n = 75) p

Body height (cm) 132 (111–144) 130 (125–133) 0.315

Body weight (kg) 28 (18.4–37.0) 27.8 (24.0–33.8) 0.701
BMI (kg/m2) 15.32 (14.28–17.9) 16.9 (15.6–20.1) 0.006
Age (yr) 8.5 ± 3.8 8.0 ± 2.3 0.341
Data presented as median (25th–75th percentile) or mean ± standard deviation. JRA = Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; BMI = body mass index.

Table 4. Difference of body height, body weight and body mass index between patients and healthy controls group in male and
female patientsa

Male Female
JRA (n = 31) Control (n = 36) p JRA (n = 22) Control (n = 39) p

Body height (cm) 137 (119–149) 130 (125–134) 0.082 121 (99–141) 130 (124–133) 0.448
Body weight (kg) 28.3 (21.6–41.2) 29.7 (24–38) 0.845 24.5 (16.5–34.7) 26.9 (22.9–31.7) 0.652
BMI (kg/m2) 15.57 (14.5–17.9) 17.3 (15.6–20.7) 0.016 14.96 (13.90–18.02) 16.35 (15.67–18.67) 0.106
Age (yr) 8.8 ± 4.0 8.1 ± 2.3 0.340 8.0 ± 3.6 7.9 ± 2.4 0.850
Data presented as median (25th–75th percentile) or mean ± standard deviation. BMI = Body mass index.

S.T. Shin, et al

Table 5. Difference of body height, body weight and body mass index between patients and healthy controls in different age

Age < 4 yr Age > 4 yr

JRA (n = 9) Control (n = 12) p JRA (n = 44) Control (n = 63) p

Body height (cm) 87 (82.5–95.7) 92 (86.8–100) 0.177 136 (120–147) 131 (127–134) 0.081
Body weight (kg) 12.5 (10.1–14.3) 13.3 (11.3–15.6) 0.337 29.9 (22.7–37.3) 29.4 (25.5–36.7) 0.692
BMI (kg/m2) 15.10 (14.65–17.36) 15.80 (15.42–17.18) 0.136 15.72 (14.15–17.9) 17.30 (15.70–20.30) 0.011
Age (yr) 2.8 ± 0.7 2.7 ± 0.8 0.850 9.7 ± 3.0 9.0 ± 0 0.073
Data presented as median (25th–75th percentile) or mean ± standard deviation. BMI = Body mass index.

in this subtype. In our study, the BMI levels of the JRA pa-
tients were lower than those of the age-matched healthy
children, especially in the male group, and those over
Body mass index (kg/m2)

4 years old. In addition, the disease subtype associated

with lower BMI levels was the oligoarticular onset group.
20 The ESR and CRP levels did not correlate with the BMI
within each group (data not shown).
JRA is a heterogeneous group of chronic inflammatory
15 diseases, and poor nutritional status is often reported.6
There are several studies suggesting that different disease
subtypes and characteristics are associated with poor nu-
tritional status, but no conclusion has been reached.10,20–23
Systemic Polyarticular Oligoarticular Healthy
The poor nutritional status may be the result of (1) in-
JRA JRA JRA control
creased production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and
Figure. Body mass index among different disease subtypes and interleukin-1;24,25 (2) decreased food intake because of
healthy control group. Significant different in body mass index
among four groups (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.048) and between chronic inflammatory disease, or a side effect of drugs; or
the oligoarticular and control group (Mann-Whitney U test, (3) reduced physical activity.26 Poor nutritional status may
p = 0.012). JRA = Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
affect the general well-being of the diseased child, and
contribute to growth disturbance.9
group (p = 0.048), and the patients with oligoarticular JRA There is also a study showing reduced fat-free mass
have a significantly lower BMI compared with that of the and a significantly higher resting energy expenditure per
healthy control group (p = 0.012; Figure). kilogram of body weight in patients with systemic JRA.27
In another study, Xavier and colleagues showed that pa-
Discussion tients with a systemic, or polyarticular, disease subtype
tended to present with lower percentiles of BMI.23 It is
In this study, boys outnumber girls in the prevalence of thought that patients with systemic JRA tend to have
JRA, a finding supported by most reports from Asia.12–14 more severe inflammation and disease activity. The nutri-
However, this is different from most Western studies, tional status of these patients should be lower than that
which show a higher prevalence of JRA in girls.15,16 The in- of the other disease subtypes and healthy controls. How-
flammation parameters, including total WBC count, plate- ever, our data did not support this notion. In our study,
let count, ESR and CRP were elevated in the systemic onset the systemic JRA patients had more severe inflammation
group. This result is also compatible with previous re- (higher CRP and ESR), but the BMI did not correlate with
ports,17–19 and indicates progressive systemic inflammation the CRP and ESR level within each subgroup. This may

Nutritional status and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

suggest that, besides these inflammation factors, some In conclusion, the major characteristics of JRA in this
undetermined factors affect the nutritional status of JRA study included a higher prevalence in boys, lower disease
patients. Cleary et al demonstrated that the most com- onset age in the systemic group, and elevated inflamma-
monly affected subtypes were persistent oligoarthritis and tion parameters in the systemic group. Our study also
rheumatoid factor-negative polyarthritis.9 In our unse- suggests that, when using BMI as measurement, impaired
lected sample, the disease subtype associated with lower nutritional status has adverse effects on children with JRA
BMI was oligoarthritis, and this result is compatible with (especially those with oligoarticular JRA), male patients,
the study of Cleary et al, but different from other studies. and those younger than 4 years-old.
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