African Genealogy (Tsonga Kingdom)
African Genealogy (Tsonga Kingdom)
African Genealogy (Tsonga Kingdom)
Morris Bila
Media Action Plan Organisation
The book, African Genealogy is about traditional first born tribe of Africa who ended
up in South Africa Hlengwe Tsonga Land, in Limpopo Province. This first born tribe
come all the way from the cursed house of Simeon; the second born son of Jacob
(Israel).The family tree from the period before and after the death of Christ 1914 AD is
well narrated in the book.
Under this Kingdom there were more than five tribes. Each tribe had its own family
leader known as Kings, whereby they will be known as “Paramount Chiefs”, and
grouped into two: Head of the family and Head of the Altar. However, the Kingdom
was destroyed by Colonisation in 1914, after the Land Act of 1913.
The Book has three scenes: The first scene is about the Application for the
Kingship from the traditional firstborn tribe of Africa, by Makutsuli Mhlahlandlela
Bila‟s grandsons. Application is for the King, the Head Chief, ten head of families, the Family
twin Chiefs with the Senior Chiefs, those who owns the Tribal Authorities and all families who
lost their leadership because of Group Areas ACT. There is no Traditional first born King
without an Altar as there is no King‟s Altar without Family Chiefs Altar. The second scene is
about African Legislation, Culture and Tradition. The third and last scene is about
African Development Plan. The plan is to be done combining both the African and
modern ways around South Africa.
MUKHARI. They all lost their leadership; they are all victims of colonisation. It was an
honour, for the Hlengwe Kingdom to accommodate the traditional first born, as all the
African Leadership was waiting to host the African King with an Altar not knowing
where will their final destination as it was known that they will come. Some families
doesn‟t know who they are, as they were no writers only narrators, for an example, the
Mahuhuxi and Jeleni doesn‟t own even a Village but their younger brothers Bungeni
for Jeleni and Mdavula for Mahuhuxi they are senior Chiefs with Tribal Authorities.
Same as Xitanga wa Mayinga Family the brother of Mdavula and Mahuhuxi own
AFRICA - 1890)
1. First home of Africa:
1st Milestone/Mhlahlandlela from Israel to Morocco was called Semitic. The name
Semitic then became a language, an ancient Israelite Language. Semitic became the
first leader of African People from Israel, from the house of Simeon, Jacob‟s second
born son, who was cursed. Unlike Judah, Jacob‟s fourth born son, who was blessed,
Simeon, together with Levi were cursed for killing men in their anger. This led to
Simeon being scattered and dispersed in Israel. The Simeonites then entered Africa
seeking for pasture for their flocks. They found a fertile and peaceful arable land. It is
worth mentioning that their agreement was that the last born is to remain at home,
taking care of the elderly whilst the brothers go to different directions. Only the first
born was supposed to carry the surname. The other siblings were to use their names
to start new tribes.
or Zion). Kangaba and Aksum fathered tribes as well; however, because this
document focuses on the traditional first born tribes of Africa, it will not look at them.
brothers left their Kingship of Mthetwa as Hlungwani was the first bon under
Dingiswayo, and Magoda followed him as he was caring the Mthetwa Altar.
Dingiswayo‟s last born; Mthembu became the King of Mthetwa. This shows the
importance of African Altar.
Xidyela Hehla/Bila gave birth to last the 8th Mhlahlandlela/Milestone who is the last
king of African Altar the last King of Tsonga RSA, Magqekeni Makutsuli Bila
Mlangeni Langeni. He moved from Mozambique Bileni to Mabulandlela Magangeni
in South Africa. He died and buried at former Makutsule Clan at Livubu or Rivhubye
River bank next to Hlengwe foot print now under Now Mulenzhe. At Mabulandlela they
met the Xixangaxile Family waiting for them speaking Nyai Language with Nyai or
Monyai Family now joined the Venda Ndau family, the Xixangaxile came with African
traditional tree the African Angelica tree whereby all religion have their own trees.
The following is the family tree of the well-known Langeni brothers and sister Nandi
mother of Shaka Zulu.
6. Two types of Colonizers are politicians and missionaries. Politicians seeking for
power to control the whole World being greedy, selfish and show offs through
competitions. Politics is the product of Colonisation; every country in the world was
colonized, moreover, the colonizers were also colonized. For instance, by missionaries
who connected the world by building schools, clinics and also connecting people with
God by building churches. Those who are still in Africa are grandsons of the former
Scramble of Africa:
Boer War, South Africa (1880);Tunisia (1881); Sudan (1881); Egypt (1882);
Wassoulou (1883); Eritrea (1887); Dahomey (1890); Mashonaland (1890); Dahomey
(1892); Matabeleland (1893); Wassoulou (1894); Ashanti (1895); Ethiopia (1895);
Matabeleland (1896); Zanzibar (1896); Benin (1897); Wassoulou (1898); Chad (1898);
(Kousséri); Fashoda (1898); South Africa (1899); Namibia (1904); Tanganyika (1905);
Morocco (1905); South Africa (1906); Ouaddai (1909); Morocco (1911); Tripolitania
(1911), 1880; scramble of Africa, RSA 1913 Land Act; 1914 Fall of Langeni Empire
1913 Land Act; 1914 Fall of Langeni Empire (in order to protect big five African
animals and the Altar whereby two were stolen); (Cheater of Mthetwa stolen to India,
and Lion of Nghonyama of Zulu Ka Malandhela Nguni, in England), 1947 Segregation
Act of DF Malan, 1967 Group Areas Act of Hedrick Verwoerd that left the Tsonga
nationals being undermined.
Trees that represent them at the Altars of their religion even the
missionaries have Angelica threes of their Religion.
Three heroes of colonisation from Southern part of Africa were:
Bhambata & seven friends (Bhambata lost by being buried in exile
without the knowledge of his family who was the head man under
Chief Dzumeri Mavunda);
Nghunghunyani Mdunwazi Nxumalo (he lost by being arrested and
his family ended in exile at Mabulandlela in 1906); and
Mhlahlandlela Bila Mlangeni Langeni. (Mhlahlandlela lost his
Kingship by protecting African Altar, as the African tree was banned
and two of the animals were stolen from 1914) It was also known that
no one is to mention the King because of the witches (By witches
they were referring to the Colonisers. Dingane at UMgungundlovu
once said “bulalani boke aba thakathi” meaning kill all witches
referring to colonists).
Combined kingdoms in one family within the first born tribe of Africa:
Langeni Family under Xihimu Mathlavule (younger brother to the king). The
altar under Langeni was carried by (Mrhemeli Ndlovu (elephant) from Hluvi
tribe, (the youngest of them all) and Zizi Nghonyama (lion/Nguni tribe) from the
house of Zulu ka Malandhela
Hlave family was under the leadership of Jeleni Mavunda, the brother of
Bungeni and blood relative of Xihoko, Ngove, Dzumeri and Rhangani. (the
Hlave are in majority when it comes to numbers). The Hlave altar was carried
by (Gwevekakhulu Novela Mtileni the son of Mbatlu (represented by a Buffalo).
Hlave is also from the Hluvi tribe). The sons of Hlave were Mavunda; Nkuna;
Mtileni father of Novela; Makamu; Ndhove; Maswanganyi; Hlongo; Mawila;
Bvuma; Hlavangwani; Makamu, etc. Hlave has more than 400 surnames.
Mthetwa family under Khubayi Ngomani/Xithlangu Sono (they are the Nguni
sons of Dingiswayo). (The Mthetwa family has less than 20 surnames). The
altar was carried by Gomula Manganyi Magoda (represented by a tiger). Their
younger brother was Mthembu of Mthetwa Kingdom)
Below, the leadership of the Langeni Kingdom and the Altar in a tabular form: Family leaders are like the Kings of the Families.
Africans were not educated but they had vision, mission and values. Africa
belongs to Africans: They accommodated the colonists without a fight un-
expecting of their hidden agenda. Because Africans were not operating as
politicians but family, they were going to share the land with colonisers as long
as they fall under King Kongo, Kangaba and Aksum, allowing them as tribes to
have their own kings, chiefs and messengers. However, as colonisation
connected the world, it meant that anyone would own land under his own tribe
but under King Kongo, Kangaba and Aksum‟s vision, mission and values. All it
meant was that no individual was to own land. It was supposed to be one tribe,
one king, but many chiefs. Sons and daughters or nephews and nieces can
become chiefs; for example, Afrikaans Chiefs under Afrikaans kings or Indians
chiefs under Indian king etc. from Province to Province. However, because of
colonisation, the dream was thwarted. More than 470 leaderships were
destroyed at Gwambe Na Dzavani, the Traditional First born Tribe of Africa.
African knew that they were cursed. That is the reason they were doing
everything in their power to ask for forgiveness for their father Simeon, from
their grandfather Jacob, and from the God of their forefathers, our Father who is
in Heaven. Africans were emulating their grandfather Jacob, by practising
polygamy, paying lobola and marrying uncle‟s daughters. This practising was
adopted from African blood father Simeon and Jacob in order to grow
Abraham‟s nation as God promised him. Jacob had four wives: two sisters and
two of their servants in the name of making him (Jacob) proud and asking for
forgiveness as Jacob wanted to grow his grandfather‟s nation. In the case of
paying lobola for marriages; Jacob worked for seven years for each of his two
wives, and first born son marrying their uncle‟s daughters (brother of their
mothers) that was an African way of doing things. They even prayed to God of
Africa: to God of Jacob, Isaac, and of Abraham.Protection of African Altar was
carried by five families within the traditional first born tribe king, represented by
African big five animals. Different countries have national animals and religious
trees representing hem. e.g. Australian national animal is Kangaroo and African
religious tree is called Angelica.
Chauke Hlengwe Family is larger than all Tsonga tribes as they are the owners
of the Tsonga language and Land. Hlengwe land is surrounded by eight foot
prints at the mountains. In South Africa there are three foot print (Mulenzhe Piet
Booi next to the grave of Makutsule the second one in Moria and the last in
Mpumalanga): for the Langeni Kingdom of Mabulandlela is at Mulenzhe now
Piet Booi area, (now under Venda Ramabulane Kingdom but under Tsonga
territory of Mabulandlela).
African Tradition of Praying God in African way: Seven Steps
- God Father the one who is in heaven,
- Son Jesus Christ,
- Holy Spirit which poured to three men in Africa who dreamt same
- Messengers our family tree as Jesus have in Luke 3:23,
- Three African Kings as leaders are made by God in Roman 13,
- Family lights our family Kings, our Chiefs and Family first born sons,
- African Altar (from home Altar, to family Altar, the family Chiefs Altar,
to Kings Altar.
o From 0 to 25 years old sons under parent‟s supervision,
o From 25 to 35 become parents, and messengers proud about
their decisions,
o From 35 to 100 takes care of their parents and wives parents
(if they don‟t have sons as they will be taken care of as life is a
First born sons marry their uncles daughters (only their mothers‟ brothers not
their fathers‟ brothers). The family pays lobola and siblings start their own to
pave for their first born sons. In an African way, men must be older than their
wives by six or more years. Examples from traditional first born tribe e.g.
Marrying uncles daughters, the Langeni Family marries at Hlengwe family:
- The Mthetwa used to marry the Langeni e.g. N‟wa-Mathlavule Bila the
mother of Mavambe Khutla, Xitlhelani and Dinga; N‟wa-Xidyela Bila the
mother of Madonsi and Nwa-Dzekundzeku.
- The Hlave had to marry the Lobvi Mathevula, for instance, Nyavani‟s
first wife was N‟wa-Valoyi, of the Xihoko lineage.
9. God Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a Family Tree or Genealogy from God to
Adam to Seth to Noah to Abraham to Jacob to Judah to David to Joseph (the husband
of Mary, the parents of Jesus Christ).
Noah‟s sons are Shem (Israel & Africa); Ham (Egypt & Other Asians); and Japheth
(Australians & other Whites). The three races in the world are white/Caucasian,
Asian/Mongolian and Black/Negroid, are all grandsons of Noah. The difference is because of
God‟s plan, places we are, climatic conditions and the food we eat. Verses: Jacob blessings,
then Simeon cursed (Geneses 49) “their swords are weapons of violence. 6 Let me not enter
their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger and
hamstrung oxen as they pleased. 7 Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their fury, so cruel! I
will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel”.
10.Below, the African Traditional first born genealogy from God to Noah to
Abraham to Africa/Langeni:
1st Semitic BC, Selumiel, Tsurishadai, Simeon the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the
son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor, the son of Serug, the son of Reu,
the son of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of Shelah, the son of Cainan, the son of
Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, the son of
Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of
Kenan, the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.
Semantic was his language;
Berber meant he was barbaric and uneducated according to Europeans;
Africa/Langeni/Zion/Sunny was related to the climatic condition of his
place as a leader;
(Still, even in the eighteenth century) Makutsuli Mhlahlandlela – meant
a solution (Makutsule means saviour).
NB: From Semitic to Selumiel there are many names not written, same applies to
11. (Deuteronomy 33) Moses Blesses the Tribes of Jacob or Israel without mentioning
Simeon. Joseph‟s children were mentioned [Ephraim and Manasseh].
12.(Numbers 2). The Arrangement of the Israelites Tribal Camps after the deliverance
from Egypt shows Selumiel son of Tsurishadai from the house of Simeon.
13.(1 Chronicles 4) the sons of Judah from verses 1 to 23 and the sons of Simeon
from 24-43.
24 The sons of Simeon were, Nemuel, and Jamin, Jarib, Zerah, and Shaul: 38 Those
mentioned by their names were princes in their families: and the house of their fathers
increased greatly. 39 And they went to the entrance of Gedor, even unto the east side of the
valley, to seek pasture for their flocks. 40 And they found good fertile pasture, and the land
was wide, and quiet, and peaceable; for they of Ham had dwelt there of old. 41 And these
written by name came in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and smote their tents, and the
habitations that were found there, and destroyed them utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their
rooms: because there was pasture there for their flocks. 42 And some of them, even of the
sons of Simeon, five hundred men, went to mount Seir, having with them captains Pelatiah,
Neariah, Rephaiah, and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi. 43 And they smote the rest of the Amalekites
that were escaped, and dwelt there unto this day.
14. The Holy Bible is an African Constitution or World Constitution. God the father,
Son and Holy Spirit, is Jesus Christ‟s family tree. From Genesis to Malachi is all about
God; The Son Jesus Christ is from Mathew to John; and Holy Spirit from Acts to
Revelation. After Revelation are the Messengers; our Family Trees; then Kings;
Family Lights to the Altar; who report to the Holy Spirit.
Holy Bible or African Constitution or World Constitution start from Genesis ,Exodus
,Leviticus ,Numbers ,Deuteronomy ,Joshua ,Judges ,Ruth 1 Samuel ,2 Samuel ,1
Kings ,2 Kings ,1 Chronicles ,2 Chronicles ,Ezra ,Nehemiah ,Esther ,Job ,Psalms
,Proverbs ,Ecclesiastes ,Song of Songs ,Isaiah ,Jeremiah ,Lamentations ,Ezekiel
,Daniel ,Hosea ,Joel ,Amos ,Obadiah ,Jonah ,Micah ,Nahum ,Habakkuk ,Zephaniah
,Haggai ,Zechariah ,Malachi ,Matthew ,Mark ,Luke ,John ,Acts ,Romans ,1 Corinthians
,2 Corinthians ,Galatians ,Ephesians ,Philippians ,Colossians ,1 Thessalonians ,2
Thessalonians ,1 Timothy ,2 Timothy ,Titus ,Philemon ,Hebrews ,James ,1 Peter ,2
Peter ,1 John ,2 John ,3 John ,Jude ,Revelation
Age of the Earth Event Scripture Date
130 Seth born when Adam was 130 Gen 5:3 3874 BC
235 Enos born when Seth was 105 Gen 5:6 3769 BC
622 Enoc born when Jared was 162 Genesis 5:18 3382 BC
874 Lamech born when Methuselah was 187 Genesis 5:25 3130 BC
1056 Noah born when Lamech was 182 Genesis 5:28 2948 BC
1558 Shem born when Noah was 502 Genesis 11:10 2446 BC
1658 Arphaxad born when Shem was 100 Genesis 11:10 2346 BC
1878 Terah born when Nahor was 29 Genesis 11:24 2126 BC
Genesis 11:32;
2008 Abraham born when Terah was 130 1996 BC
Birth of Christ and it becomes 0000 AD [In the year of our Lord
Jesus Christ] , 27** A.D. John the baptizer begins his ministry , 27**
A.D. Jesus begins His ministry (at the approximate age of 30) , 30**
4000 4 BC
A.D. Jesus is crucified on cross & raised from dead (at the
approximate age of 33) , 30** A.D. Jesus' church begin in Jerusalem
on the day of Pentecost and the Lord begins adding people to His
church (see Acts 2:37 through the end of the chapter) , 70 A.D.
Jerusalem and the temple destroyed by the Roman emperor Titus ,
410 A.D Fall of Rome to the Visigoths , 1451 A.D. Christopher
Columbus was born , 1776 A.D.U.S. declaration of Independence
Adopted ,1910 Holy Spirit poured in Africa from AFM [Daniel
Nkonyane ,Engenas Lekganyane and Isaiah Shembe they both had
one dream which they followed all of them] , 1914 A.D. World War I
started , 2000 A.D. The world celebrates the start of a new
millennium, approximately 2000 years after the birth of Jesus.
The Ancient Country or
The Current Name or Region
Abimael, Obal, Sheleph and
Ammon, Moab and Edom Jordan
Amor(ites) Eastern Israel
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and some of Iraq and
Aram Syria
Arkites Lebanon
Ashkenaz Germany
Asshur(ites) Northern Iraq
Assyria Iraq
Canaan(ites) Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon
Caphtor(ites) Crete
Ham 2nd born of Noah Mizraim / Egypt
Decapolis North-western Jordan and a small part of Israel
Dedan, Ophir, Jobab and
Saudi Arabia
Girgashites Western Jordan
Gomer Ukraine (some suggest Germany)
Javan Greece
Magog, Rus and Rosh Russia
Midian Western Saudi Arabia and Southern Jordan
Mizraim Egypt
Philistia Palestine
Phoenicia Lebanon
Persia Iran and some of Iraq
Semitic / Simeon son of
Africa / Zion
Riphath Europe
Scythia Southern Russia
Sinites Chinese
Togarmah Parts of Turkey, Turkomen, Turkestan and Armenia
Tarshish Carthage (or possibly Great Britain)
Tiras Italy
Tubal Turkey (or possibly Tobolosk)
The Ancient City The Current Location
Babylon Iraq
Ham Egypt
Damascus Syria
Elishah Sicily
Jebus Jerusalem
Kittim Cyprus
Meshech Moscow
Shechem Nablus
Smyrna Izmir
Ur South-eastern Iraq
Below is a step by step well known story from the creation of earth; to the birth of
Jesus Christ; to the sending of Holy Spirit on earth; to Revelation and then follows the
table that indicate the years and verses from beginning to revelation.
Jacob Has a Big Family ,Jacob the grandfather of Africa [Genesis 29:32-35; 30
:1-26; 35:16-19; 37:35]
Dinah Gets into Trouble the troubles that made Africa to be cursed [Genesis
Joseph's Brothers Hate Him [Genesis 37:1-35]
Joseph is Put into Egyptian Prison [Genesis 39:1-23; 4o:1-23]
Pharaoh‟s dreams [Genesis 41:1-57;42:1-8;5 0:20]
Joseph Tests His Brothers [Genesis 42:9-38; 43:1-34; 44:1-34]
The Family Moves to Egypt [Genesis 45:l-28; 46:l-27]
Job is Faithful to God and he love him but Satan does not[job 1:1-22;2:1-
A bad king rules Egypt and Israelite became slaves [EXODUS 1:6-27]
How Baby Moses Was Saved [EXODUS 2:l-10]
Why Moses Ran Away [Exodus 2 :11-25;Acts 7 :22-29]
The Burning Bush [Exodus 3:l-22; 4:l-20]
Moses and Aaron See Pharaoh [Exodus 4:27-31;5 :1-23;6: 1-13,26-30;7:1-1]
The 10 Plagues [Exodus chapters 7 to 12]
Crossing the Red Sea [Exodus chapters 12 to 15]
A new kind of food MANNA after the complaints by the Israelite [EXODUS 16:1-
36; Numbers 11:7-9; Joshua 5:10-12]
Jehovah gives his laws [Exodus 19:1-25; 20:1-21; 24:12-18; 31:18;
Deuteronomy 6:4-6; Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:36-40]
The golden calf [EXODUS 32:1-35]
A tent for worship [EXODUS 25:8 -40; 26:1-37; 27:1-18;28:1;30: 1-10, 17-21;
34: 1, 2; Hebrews 9:1-5]
The 12 spies [Numbers 13:1-33; 14:1-38]
Aaron's rod grows flowers [Numbers 16:1-49; 17:1-11; 26 :10]
Moses strikes the rock [Numbers 20:1-13, 22-29 ; Deuteronomy 29:5]
The copper serpent [Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14, 15]
A donkey talks [numbers 221:21-35; 22:1-40; 23:1-30; 24:1-25]
Joshua becomes leader [Numbers 27 :12-23; Deuteronomy 3:23-29; 31:1-8,14-
23; 32:45-52; 34:1-12]
Rahab hides the spies [Joshua 2:1 -24; Hebrews 11:31]
Crossing the Jordan River [Joshua 3:1-17; 4:1-18]
The walls of Jericho [Joshua 6:l-25]
A thief in Israel [Joshua 7:1-26; 8:1-29]
The wise Gibeonites [Joshua 9 :1-27; 10:1-5]
The sun stands still [Joshua 10:6-15; 12:7-24; 14:1-5; Judges 2:8-13]
Two brave women[Judges 2:14-22; 4:1-24; 5:1-31]
Ruth and Naomi [Bible book of Ruth]
Gideon and his 300 Men [Judges chapters 6-8]
Jephthah's promise [Judges 10 :6-18; 11:1-40]
The strongest man Samson[ Judges chapters 13-16]
A Little boy Samuel, serves God [1 Samuel 1:1-28; 2:11-36; 4:16-18; 8:4-9]
Saul-Israel's first king but he failed o follow Gods command [1 Samuel chapters
9 to 11; 13:5-14; 14:47-52; 15:1-35; 2 Samuel 1:23]
God chooses David [1 and he pleased God Samuel 17:34,35; 16:1-13]
David and Goliath [I Samuel 17:l-54]
David running away from Saul [1samuel 18:1-30;19:1-18]
Abigail and David [1kings 11:26-43/12:1-33/14:21-31]
David is made King [1 Samuel 26:1-25; 27:1-7; 31:1-6;2 Samuel 1:26; 3:l-2l;
Chronicles 11:l-9]
Troubles in David's house [2 Samuel 6:1-15; 11:l-27; 1 Kings 1:1-48]
Wise King Solomon [1 Kings 3:3-28; 4:29-34]
Solomon builds the temple [1 Chronicles 28:9-21; 29: l-9; 1 kings 5: l-18;2
Chronicles 6 : 12-42 ; 7:14; 1 Kings 11:9-13]
The Kingdom is Divided [1kings11:26-43/12:1-33/14:21-31]
Jezebel,-A wicked queen [1kings 18:1-4/21:1-16] 2 kings 16:29-33/18:1-
Jehoshaphat trusts Jehovah [1 kings 22:41-53/2chronicles 20:1-30]
Two boys who died and lived again [1kings 17:18-24 /2kings 4:8-37]
A Girl helps a mighty man [2kings 5:1-27]
Jona and and the Big Fish [Bible book of Jonah]
God Promises a Paradise [Isaiah 11:6-9/Revelation 21:3/4]
God Helps King Hezekiah [2kings 18:1-36/19:1-37/21:1-25]
Israel's Last good King [2Chronicles 34:1-27]
A Man Who is Not Afraid [Jeremiah 1:1-8/10:1-5/26:1-16/2kings 24:1-17]
Four Boys in Babylon [Daniel 1:1-21]
Jerusalem is Destroyed[ 2kings 28:1-26 Jeremiah 29:10 Ezekiel 1:1-3/8:1-18]
They Would Not Bow Down Shadrack, Meshak And Abednego [Daniel 3:1-30
Exodus 20:3]
Hand writing on the wall [Daniel 5:1-31]
Daniel in the lions' pit [Daniel 6:1-28]
God's people leave Babylon [Isaiah 44:28/45:1-4 Ezra 1:1-11]
Trusting in God's help [ Ezra chapter 2 to 8]
Mordecai and Esther [Bible book of Esther]
The walls of Jerusalem [Nehemiah chapter 1-6]
Jesus Feeds Many People[ Matthew [14:l-32; 15 :29-38; John 69-21]
He Loves Little Children[ Matthew 18:l-4; 19:13-15; Mark 9:33-37; 10 :13-16]
The Way Jesus Teaches[Luke 10:25-37]
Jesus Heals the Sick[Matthew 15 :30, 31; Luke 13:10-17; Matthew 20:29-34]
Jesus Comes as King [Matthew 21:1-17; John 12:12-16]
On the Mount of Olives[Matthew 2l:46; 23:1-39; 24:1-14; Mark 13:3-10]
In an Upstairs Room [Matthew 26:14-30; Luke 22:1-39; John chapters 13 to
17; 1 Corinthians 11:20]
Jesus in the Garden[Matthew 26:36-56; Luke 22:39-53; John 18:l-12]
Jesus is Killed[Matthew 26:57-75; 27:l-50; Luke 22:54-71; 23:l-49; John 18:12-
40; 19:l-30]
15.Below is the picture of Gwambe na Dzavani in 1914 after the colonisers/witches
robbed them of their land: From the left back row after N‟wanati Family was chosen to
be regent by Langeni Family to govern Tsonga in the Western Way:
1st one is Phahlela Sivulayi Bila Langeni, (the traditional first born of
Makutsule Bila Langeni), from the first wife N‟wa-Fengeni Chauke;
2nd is Makutsule‟s Nephew/Messenger Booi of Mulenzhe
3rd, son of Rhangani Xixangaxile; From the left on front row:
1st one is Ramabulane (Venda King)
2nd is Makhado (Venda),
3rd, Mhinga Xixangaxile
4th, Majeje Xixangaxile
5th, Xivasa Makutsule (eldest son of Makutsule but not from principal
wife, the original owner of now Mulenzhe territory);
6th, King Makutsule (son of Xidyela Bila & N‟wa-Xigombe son of
Mlangeni & N‟wa-Matsena son of Gwambe na Dzavani.
7th, Nyavani Mavunda (Hlave).
The picture was taken from Mhinga website diary now is removed that is the reason
Mhinga is written in red ink, and each member was given his own picture. That being
said, it is evident that all the Gwambe na Dzavani leaders know the truth, but just
withholding information.
Below is the picture of former Gazankulu, HWE Ntsanwisi Majeje Xixangaxile N‟wanati
Maluleke, former Prime Minister of former Gwambe na Dzavani Tsonga of
Mabulandlela, led by Mhlahlandlela, the 8th Langeni and also known as former
Gazankulu. In 1914, the Langeni family chose a regent to disguise against the
Colonists in order to protect African Altar. The Nwanati Xixangaxile Maluleke sons of
Rhangani, Mhinga, Makuleke, Majeje, Xikundu and other N‟wanati brothers were
supposed to be groomed in order to become Tsonga of Gwambe na Dzavani leaders
in western way or colonial way to get Education. HWE Ntsan‟wisi was the best
candidate from Xixangaxile family during the Group Areas Act era.
The era stretches from it 1906 known as Bhambata Rebellion to Land Act 1913 under
Louis Botha, then Segregation Act of 1947, under DF Malan and lastly, and lastly the
Group area Act 1966/8 under Hedrick Verwoerd, needless to say of the meeting of
Colonists in Germany Berlin Conference of 1884. HWE Ntsanwisi was called
Malamulele by Langeni Family Leaders as a Hero or master mind and called
Malamulele Primary School “Magangeni” as a heritage name. It is interesting to note
that Malamulele Town was named after him. To a point, Makutsule was named as a
Saviour of Gwambe na Dzavani against the colonists. Fact is, his name was
Magqekeni Bila Mlangeni Langeni. Those were the fallen and forgotten heroes of
Giyani Gwambe na Dzavani the Tsonga of Mabulandlela the relatives of
This African Map shows the first African Kingdoms: The three brothers, sons of Tuareng,
Kongo (Centre of South of Africa), Kangaba (Western Africa) and the last born, Aksum (on the
Eastern part of the Continent). On the contrary, the first home of Semantic and the second
home of Berber of Africa were not recognized on the map because this was an organized
African family.
African Map showing first six Languages of Africa that were divided from one language, which
is Semantic, an Ancient Israelites language. The fact, therefore, is that all African hundreds
languages started from one Language to six and then expanded to multiple languages. The
first six languages were similar before.
African Map showing first six Western countries that Colonised Africa (Britain, France,
Germany, Spain, Belgium and Italy). Their coming then confused the whole system. Africa
was not an army was a family that followed tradition, culture and religion by praying God in
African way not knowing that it is the same God of their forefathers.
African map showing colonising countries that divided Africa through rivers and mountains.
African map after colonisation showing countries divided by rivers and mountains
Painted in Green is Hausa speaking places half of Niger, half of Nigeria, half of Benin, half of
Ghana, half of Togo, half of Burkina Faso, half of Cameroon and piece of Chad. it was Hausa
Country before Colonisation whereby divided one Hausa Family into Nine parts that caused
confusion and genocide. Colonisers also mixed different families into one country such as
Tsonga piece in Mozambique, another piece in Zimbabwe, and yet another piece in South
Africa marked in an African way.
African map represented by its continental animals, ended up in South Africa, Tsonga of
Mabulandlela [Ndlovu and Nghonyama – (Langeni Family); Buffalo - (Hlave; Novela and
Mtileni); Tiger (Manganyi Mthethwa); Rhino – (Hlengwe, Changameri Lobvi Dombo family)]
Thomas Arbousset, the French Missionary who wrote the hymn song about Africa as Zion, the
sons of Simeone as Zion means Africa as well as Langeni in Difela tsa Sione hymn 195 and
the Map of Northern African Languages including Semitic and Berber.
Below is Nyavani Mabunda Family Tree from his 12 wives, showing chiefs Xihoko, Ngove,
Dzumeri, and Charlie Rhangani son of Rhangani who, for various reasons, was robbed by
colonisation together with the King and Head Chiefs of the Families.
st nd rd th th th th th th th th h
1 wife 2 wife 3 wife 4 wife 5 wife 6 wife 7 wife 8 wife 9 wife 10 wife 11 wife 12 wife
N‟waValoyi N‟waNkolele N‟waGwevani N‟wabyanyi N‟waxigovani N‟waxifambi N‟wachamanga Midogwa Ntshamatiko N‟waShiluvani N‟wahanci N‟waGulatino
Nwavusikwani Mhaleni Ngove Makhawukani Nyenezulu Pandeni Phungu Maxila Makwangela Micezi Rhangani
Charlie Rhangani/Mageva
Isaac Mageva
Gija Ndhambi
Nghonyama Nyumbani
Pheni Divili
From 1914 it was known that you don‟t mention a Tsonga of Gwambe na Dzavani King or your
family tree, because of witches, referring to the white colonizers. Surnames recitation had
limits. For instance, the Langeni, Hlave and Mthetwa would end up saying Mhlahlandlela
Langeni the King of Tsonga of Mabulandlela (Mabulandlela means Mhlahlandlela) in their
reciting. It is a well known fact that all the leaders or Kings in South Africa knows that the
African Altar is within the Tsonga of Mabulandlela.
Makutsuli Thulilamahaxi
Xidyela-Henhla Shaka Nghunghunyani
Mlangeni Skhunyane Nandi Mawewe/Mzila
(King) Ndwandwe Mavunda Zwide Bhebhe Soshangane/Manukosi Swati
Manukunuku Hlave Langa Zikode Sobhuza
Special Thanks
Firstly, thanks to God Almighty for allowing me to dream. From the year 2003-2007, I
used to dream and then wrote my dreams down. Then in the year 2012 I dreamt
about my family tree with all information and references, that is where I took it
serious and then quit beer drinking. The last amazing dream is when I dreamt about
my forefathers and then after three days I saw the photo from Mhinga internet diary
of the same people I dreamt of. The second dream that happened for three
successive days was of a lost and found girl in the middle of nowhere, asking me for
directions. After this dream, I discovered that I have a daughter who was nineteen
years old when I met with her. This is the same girl whom the Messengers revealed
in the dream and it was them who had hidden her. That is when I discovered that I
might be receiving instructions from the higher powers who call themselves
Messengers. I was taught to pray using Psalms 23 and 24 and the Lord‟s Prayer in
all my dreams.
Secondly I want to thank Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. Christ accepted to die
for us whereby he adopted the whole World not only Israelites. Whilst the Israelites
(the grandsons of Abraham) were saved by Moses from the hand of Pharaoh, Jesus
saved the whole world (grandsons of Noah).
Thanking Holy Spirit that went to Africa from the efforts of Apostle Paul, who took the
Holy Spirit to the end of the world. Many churches such as Dutch Reformed, Swiss
Mission, Roman Catholic and Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) churches and other
churches from European countries were therefor established in Africa. The chosen
church amongst these was the Apostolic Faith Mission in Africa. Daniel Nkonyane,
Engnas Lekganyane and Isaiah Shembe were members of AFM; all had the same
dream to establish a church that pray to God in an African way.
Thanking our Kings [Roman 13:1 (Kongo, Kangaba and Aksum)], first Kings of Africa
who carried the legacy of Simeon in order to ask for his forgiveness. For example,
Moses asked for forgiveness and blessed Levi. Now, it is up to us, as Africans to join
together to do what the Messengers told us, such as polygamy rather than not
cheating as cheating is the curse to the family; lobola; and building the Altar for
forgiveness to cleanse the curse as Africa is cursed; marrying maternal uncles‟
daughters by the first born sons; and erect an Altar in order to ask for forgiveness
from God (Deut 33) on behalf of Simeon, our blood or a first messenger who defines
Lastly thanking all the Family Lights starting from: Mazozo John Bila for information;
George Bila for information, Thomas Gezani Bila for information, Phineas Mkhachani
Bila for support, Alfred Gezani Bila for support, Benn Bila for support, Elias
Khazamula Bila for listening, Jomo Fido Bila for reciting our family surname
Mhlahlandlela; Rinnos Bonny Bila for wanting to write a family book about Bila
Makutsule, you have my support; Bejani Jeleni for listening, Nelson Manganyi for
listening, Masingita Hasane for listening, NkataNyavani Rosen Nkuna Mhlongo for
searching and finding me and confirming the Nyavani information; (Mandla
Mathevula, Robert Nkuna, Hlengani Mabasa and Mkhachani Maluleke for their Blog);
Israel and Zama Nkuna for their advices, Dyunisani and Makasela Mabasa Mkhumuli
Hlengwe for confirming that Hlengwe is the owners of Land and the Language from
Dunisani‟s article, Patrick Bamuza Makamu for encouragement, Joseph Khazamula
Bila for helping MAPO, Robert Chauke, there is no MAPO without you, Ipilegeng
Centre, my foundation through Maria Msimango for her help in registering MAPO.
Last but not least, thanks to the late former Chief Mavambe George Hasane
Manganyi for information and more; the late Yingwani Samuel Mkhayisi for the good
guidance to my late father Khazamula Julius Bila; and my late father for listening to
advisors from his uncles. (Family light doesn‟t mean it must be the first born, anyone
within the family can be the Light but the first born carries the family Altar). Not
forgetting my mother for her prayers and my siblings for their combination support
and my fiancé for being there.
All in all when doing all this things it was my task from the Messengers that if I want
a son and a job I have to tell the nation the truth so that they know where Africa is
coming from, so I will be waiting for my job and my sons.
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Colonisation Bibliography
Bensoussan, David (2012). Ilétaitunefois le Maroc - Témoignages du passé judéo-marocain (2nd ed.).
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[5] "The Harper Atlas of World History", 1987, William Collins Son & Co Ltd, New York, pg131
1. Name
1.1 The Name of the Non-Profit Organisation shall be known as Legislation of
Tsonga African Kingdom.
1.2 The Name shall be shortened as LOTAK.
(from 1914 it was a norm not “to mention the name of the King of Tsonga because of
the witches nor allowed to recite his family tree to the strangers because all family
trees end up with the King‟s family tree or tribal family tree”. For an example during
Shaka Zulu‟s era, Dingane of Zulu ka Malandhela killed the whites at
UMgungundlovu that caused the naming of “Blood River” after he said “Kill all the
witches” referring to the colonials. The Langeni Kingdom is the traditional first born
tribe that makes the Tsonga Kingdom to become the Traditional First Born Tribe of
Africa (Langeni Family), with the big five animal Altars, including African Angelica
Tree from different tribes (although two of their animals were stolen by two Western
Countries (England – Lion) and (India – Leopard) (even today they use it as their
National Animals). Meaning that, Tsonga Kingdom is made up of the combination of
tribes. so by not mentioning the leadership they was protecting the three remaining
African Altar as even today they are some countries trying to steal our Rhino in the
name of Rhino poaches using us to help them stealing African Power without
knowing as they are looking for the one male Rhino that born after the father dies
and the Colonials knew that the Langeni has the African Altar that is the reason the
former King of Langeni known as Ndwandwe ka Manukunuku ran away with the Altar
to Mozambique now Bileni Masia.
(ii) The proposal will include the reinstatement of tribal court within the tribal
authorities and tribal council, and the formation of tribal High court within the tribal
(iii) The Holy Bible must be known as Traditional Constitution as African history
comes from the Holy Bible, with Semitic being the first leader of African people from
Israel, from the house of Simeon, Jacob‟s second born who was cursed.
(iv) The structure of praying God in an African way must be respected: God the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Family structure includes Messengers, Kings
and Family Lights (family first born). The Family protocols is God, head of Jesus,
Jesus head of Man, Man head of Woman, Woman head of family first born son, and
the first born, head of the Siblings and Altar.
(v) The Tsonga Kingdom Family Tree must be official to Africans because the
Tsonga Kingdom is the traditional first born tribe of Africa as the family tree connect
all Africans.
(vi) Those who come to Africa with a desire to become permanent residents, they
automatically become Africans after following the right procedures. By so saying, all
white people that own lands must become chiefs and headmen, and fall under the
same tradition and culture. This means that the English surname that owns a big
portion of land must become King, same with Afrikaners etc. Indians must be
allowed to practice their own culture and to allow anyone they want to reside at their
villages as long as is a South African citizen. If the land is for farming then spare land
must be used as a village and farm must be owned by the Family Trust registered
under the LOTAK Trust fund.
(vii) LOTAK, through the formation of Tribal Law, will „Monitor and Evaluate‟ the
Western Leadership since we need to be connected to the world fair and square.
(As there were two types of colonials which was Politicians and Missionaries
whereby politicians were seeking power to control the whole world through
Competitions, Selfish, Greedy and Show offs that means all countries were
colonised even the colonials were colonised also means that colonisation connected
the World and Missionaries were there to build Schools, Churches and Clinics so
amongst all you will never know who was good or right that means Politics is the
product of colonisation that is where going back to our roots again will be the
formation of Tribal Law that will Monitor and Evaluate the Western Leadership as we
need to be connected to the world fair and square.)
(viii) All Tribal Kings to own land within all the chiefs and headmen under them
whereby within that particular portion of land, half of land must be reserved for the
government for free because the government falls under politics.
(ix) LOTAK will form partnership with relevant organisations that promote rural
economic development through Traditional Life, Culture and Religion. It will ensure
that the members and the beneficiaries with their different disciplines and
backgrounds add value to each other through their participation in the organisation.
This will improve the performance of the organisation better than that of individual
members and other participants acting independently.
(i) Every Royal Family must have family tree with family branches as every African
person belongs to the Royal Surname.
(ii) Polygamy will be Legal, as love affair or cheating of married people is an offence.
Only men will be prosecuted whereby penalties will include losing his Job if working,
and if not working is to be black listed from finding a Job. There will be no more
woman and children abuse. The above will only apply to people who have royal
(iii) Every man must pay lobola for his wife. Children born out of wedlock using their
father‟s surname, the damage is R5 000 for the surname. This is because every
person has two surnames: the maternal (which is an adoptive surname), and
paternal (which is an real surname).
(iv) Every Child out of wedlock must use his surname or if not must use his mother‟s
surname as his sister and become adopted by his mother‟s father and become
counted at the family tree but if the father claims the child the family will be held
responsible for crime of stealing a child.
(v) A woman must be buried using her elder son‟s surname, especially if not married
but having her own stand. If she doesn‟t have a child she must be buried using her
surname and be laid as a hero and named the mother of the family without an insult.
(vi) Every man must not exceed the age of 35 without a wife, otherwise the Royal
Surname must be held responsible with or without disability (why women with
disability find themselves with children). In other words every man belongs to a
particular surname because sleeping around is the curse or witchcraft to family.
Some families are blessed, some are cursed. By sleeping around you will be taking
the curse. So people are to protect themselves from sleeping around and divorce,
which are an offence.
(vii) All stands within the Villages belong to the Royal Family. Doing business within
the Villages is a high risk than in the town because if you don‟t attend Tribal
Meetings you may be expelled and cancelled from taking part in other village
activities. If you are not from the same village there must be a person registered to
be the member of the stand.
(viii) No one have a right to sell a village stand to just a random person, you must sell
it to the Tribal Authority of your place with their price even if you sell it to someone it
must be approved by the Tribal.
(ix) Any Tribal worker supervisor must be a family first born man who is married.
(x) 1st September is an African new year whereby every child must pour each
other with water with all volunteered elders that will be praying for rain.
(xi) All family first born children must marry their uncles‟ daughters (the brother to
their mothers in all angels). The firstborn boy doesn‟t move out from his mother‟s and
father‟s house following the steps of praying to God in African way he can only marry
siblings but not wives niece in all angels.
(xii) All married women must cover themselves with hat or anything on their head.
Unmarried men won‟t be able to play with their hair.
(xiii) Princes and Princesses meetings must be active to give or read to youth Codes
of Conduct, as well as to Mother‟s meetings or Royal Aunt‟s meetings, all Codes of
Conduct terms and Condition applies.
(xiv) Men must be six (6) or more years older than his wife (that was African
Tradition before 1914). The aim was to avoid divorce, but is not a matter of must.
(xv) Format of life men: From 0 to 25 years under parent‟s supervision, from 25 to
35 years, become a parent, from 35 to 60 years takes care of their parents and 60 to
100 years being taken care of. That is an African Traditional way of doing things.
(v) Kongo (Kongo the first born went to Central/South, Kangaba-West and
Aksum-East) Kongo was Milestone/Mhlahlandlela Number 4
(vi) Hluvi (Hluvi, Nguni and Ndau were brothers)
(vii) Lala (Lala and Mboo are brothers (Mboo is the father of Sotho, the father of
Moshoeshoe and Pedi) were brothers. Lala was Milestone/Mhlahlandlela Number 5.
(viii) Juwah (a Swahili word that means Langa in Nguni or Sun in English.)
(ix) Mashiye (Mashiye and Nxumalo were brothers from same mother) from Central
Congo to Natal) Mashiye was Milestone/Mhlahlandlela Number 6
(x) Bhila/Bileni (Bila cousin brother to Hlave)
(xi) Manukunuku (father of Ndwandwe, the King of Langeni in Natal and brother to
(xii) Ndwandwe: he moved from Natal to Bileni – Mozambique), and became
Milestone/Mhlahlandlela Number 7.
(xiii) Mlangeni (Son of King Ndwandwe)
(xiv) Xidyela Hehla Bila Mlangeni Langeni
(xv) Makutsule Magqekeni Bila Langeni, from Bileni in Mozambique to Republic of
South Africa former Mabulandlela/Gazankulu became Mhlahlandlela Number 8.
(a) King
As the traditional first born tribe he is the one to erect the African Altar as the
African family. Altars have been gathered at Mabulandlela/Gazankulu South Africa
which was disturbed by colonisation in 1914. All six Paramount Chiefs report to the
King together with head Chief. The process of putting the King on the throne was
destroyed by colonials. However, he was known as a leader, a grandson of
Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni the King of Langeni.
She is chosen from all different tribes and she must be from the royal family or a
granddaughter from both sides daughter of Prince or Princes. She must be known as
the mother of the national tribe. She must work as the King‟s Personal assistant but
not exactly the PA as she reports straight to the King. She is the head of all family
aunties and her duties include solving all the family problems. She is the head of
Kings Tribal Council, she don‟t attend the King‟s Royal Council unless otherwise and
the King can marry a princess and chose her as a Tribal Aunt. She must be chosen
out from her work and contribution to the tribe or nation. As the King‟s Tribal Aunt
she also runs a Compliance Office whereby the all the Villagers will complain to the
office the compliance about their villages.
Head of five families from different tribes were led by one man who was the
first born as the traditional first born tribe. Example, the sons of Dingiswayo of
Mthetwa was Zinjhiva, Magoda and Mthembu but today Mthembu is the King under
Mthetwa family whereby Zinjhiva the father of Hlungwani and his younger brother
have never been recognised because they went to Mabulandlela/Gazankulu with the
traditional first born tribe of Africa then became disturbed by colonisation, meaning
as the leaders of the combined tribes they lead the Nguni of Mthetwa families.
matters. When she dies the present leader will choose one from the family. Where
the leader doesn‟t have a son but only daughters the first born daughter becomes a
leader but as an Aunt not King or Chief. She chooses her successor from the family
in case she dies.
2.2 (a) From 1890 to 1914 Tsonga had three Kingdoms: firstly was Tsonga of
Hlengwe now Zimbabwe, the owner of the Land and Language. Hlengwe was
surrounded by eight footprints on hills whereby two are in Zimbabwe, three in South
Africa, two in Mozambique and one in Malawi.
(b) Tsonga of Gaza now Mozambique under Hluvi Tribe but speaking Nguni. These
are the descendent of Nghunghunyani, usually named the sons of Mzila and
Mawewe where as he is the son of Mzila.
(c) Tsonga of Mabulandlela/Gazankulu now south Africa, under Hluvi Tribe. They
used to speak Nguni whilst in Natal, but as they entered and intermarried with the
Tsonga in Mozambique, they spoke Tsonga. These are the grandsons of Gwambe
na Dzavani.
(d) Tsonga of Mabulandlela had four District (Swiharhini Ka Nyamazani now
Mpumalanga; Xipilongo xa Nwa-Langeni now Elim and Hlanganani; Tsungeni wa
Nambu, now Giyani to Tzaneen; and Magangeni now Malamulele).
(e) Magangeni was the Capital City of Mabulandlela or the home of the King and the
home of head of five families of Mabulandlela or the home of the Altar. Magangeni
Primary School was named after the Capital City. Mavambe Village was the home of
the Altar from, Mapapila to Gandlanani ka Manghamele.
(f) Five head of families together with six head of the Altars Called Eleven
Paramount chiefs starting from the King
(g) All Tribal Authorities had two chiefs: Chief of Land/Muganga and Chief of Family
(h) Chief of Xivongo belongs to the present Altar of chief Muganga ruling with King,
Head Chief, Paramount Chiefs and Official Aunt. The family trees of family braches
are not included because of colonisation and curse, this makes it now the right time
to erect the African Altar in order to bring African Messengers together.
3.1 The organization will keep a record of all its assets. The income and property of
the organization will only be applied towards the promotion of the objectives of the
3.2 No income or property will be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any
member of the organization except as payments to a member in return for any
services rendered or goods supplied in the ordinary and usual course of business to
the company; or of interest rate not exceeding current bank overdraft rates of interest
for money lent.
3.4 Members or office bearers of the organization do not have rights over things that
belong to the organization.
4.3 Members of the organization must attend its annual general meeting. At the
annual general meeting members exercise the right to determine the policy of the
4 .4 ceasing to be a member
A Member‟s membership of the organization will cease:
(a) If the member gives the secretary written notice of resignation, from the date of
receipt of that notice by the secretary.
(b) If the member ceases to be a participant.
(c) If an order is made by a court for the winding-up or deregistration of the member.
5.1 The organization consists of eight or more executive committee members who
are the founders of this organization they are as follows:
- Chairperson
- Deputy Chairperson
- Secretary General
- Deputy Secretary
- Treasurer
- Financial Secretary
- Public Relations Officers
- Executive Members
5.2 Office bearers will serve for two years but they can stand for re-election of
another term in the office after that the organization will have general members who
are from the beneficiaries of his project.
5.3 If a member of the management committee does not attend three management
committee meetings in a row, without having applied for and obtaining leave of
absence from the management committee then such a member must be replaced.
5.4 Management committee will meet at least once a month with more than half of
the members attending and decisions taken from this meeting can be carried
forward. This constitutes a quorum.
5.5 Minutes will be taken at this meeting to record management decisions. The
minutes of each meeting will be given to management committee at least two weeks
before the next meeting, they shall be seen as a true record of the proceedings and
in the next management committee meeting they can be signed by the chairperson.
5.6 All members of the organization should abide by the decisions from these
The management committee may take on the power and authority that it believes it
needs to be able to achieve its objectives stated on the constitution. Its activities
must be within the law.
6.1 The management committee has the power to:
Raise funds or invite and receive contributions.
Buy, hire or exchange for any property that it needs to achieve its
Make by-laws for proper management, including procedures for
application, and termination of membership.
Send members all minutes of the meetings per request.
Do filling and administrative duties of the organization.
(e) Treasurer:
Records all finances of the organization.
Deposit, withdraw, pay and issue any financial requisitions made to the
Form part of the fundraising committee of the organization.
7.2 Should be a quorum at such meetings.
7.3 If necessary the management committee should vote on issues if they do not
reach an agreement.
7.4 Minutes of meeting should be kept safe and always be on hand if requested by
7.5 If necessary management committee can set subcommittee to function
effectively and such committees should report back to the management committee
on its activities.
7.6 Ado meetings- these meetings can be held in case of an emergency.
9.1 The signatories of the organization bank account will be:
Secretary General
9.2 An accounting officer shall be appointed at the annual general meeting. His or
Her duty is to audit and check on the finances of the organization.
9.3 The end of financial year for the organization shall be end of February each year.
9.4 The executive committee shall be responsible for appointing independent
auditors for preparation of audited financial year reports of the organization.
9.5 The organizations financial account records and reports shall be ready and
handed to director of nonprofit organizations within six months after the financial year
9.6 If the organization has funds that can be invested, those funds may only be
invested a registered financial institution. The treasure of the organization s job is to
control the day to day financial obligation. The treasure shall arrange for all funds to
be put into the bank account on behalf of the organization .All financial records
should be kept in a safe place.
This Research has been done by Media Action Plan Organisation (MAPO) or (MAP)
a Non-Governmental Organisation registered as NPO-083-378 / PBO
930036051/SARS 9009/706/23/6, a member of CharitySA 201. The Letter of Support
from Collins Chabane Municipality dated 14 December 2017 following objective
number 3 on Media Action Plan Constitution, that reads as follows: To be the one
stop Centre of research and information as well as being a preferred community
Dear Sir/Madam
This letter is twofold: directed to the Chiefs / Community Traditional Leaders and
Funders, all about Rural Economic Development, hence the request for a
development area (space) from Traditional Leaders and funds from Funding
Department or any Institution.
1. Introduction
From the year 2002 to 2010 MAPO (Media Action Plan Organisation) was doing
research on what must be done for Rural Economic Development based in Rural
Malamulele. Malamulele is faced with various challenges that MAPO aims at
addressing. Lack of Information, one of the challenges, has adverse effects as it
promotes emigration to big cities and also erodes the vitality of the community. We
intend to position MAPO as an Information Centre and Economic Developer,
because most rural areas are facing the same problem. That is where we come in to
any rural area willing to accommodate us for development. What we ask of you is to
help us in implementing what we have researched long time ago fully tabled below.
the organisation has written a well-researched Book about African History called
Mhlahlandlela through the guidance of messengers / ancestors.
I, Morris Risimati Bila, the founder of Media Action Plan Organisation (MAPO), from
the royal family of Makutsule Clan at Mavambe Village, in Malamulele Area.
Makutsule / Mhlahlandlela 8 were the great grandson of Ndwandwe ka
Manukunuku. Ndwandwe, the former King of Langeni in Zululand now Kwazulu Natal
(KZN), was Mhlahlandlela 7. I belong to Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni Ndwandwe ka
Manukunuku Hluvi. Hluvi was the first born of Kongo. Kongo was one the first three
Kings of Africa: Kongo, Kangaba and Aksum. My strength lies on the POAC
principles (planning, organising, activating and control), and I am a team player. My
inspirational phrase is (Alone you can go fast but together you can go far). I believe
in togetherness. Skills acquired: Online International Financial Economics under
Bulgarian Professor Kashmir Patrov (the lecture at Harvard University USA).I did
online Financial Economic Systems format from 2018 to 2020, while preparing for
Board Exam on the license of Financial Advisor (Financial Advisory and Intermediary
Services) under Financial Services Board (FSB) South Africa known as RE 5
(Regulatory Exam level 5).
The reason for writing this Letter is to engage in Rural Economic Development.
However, this is done in a different way. It is done in combination of African
Traditional way, old Colonial way, and the Modern Style of doing things,
explained in this document. Success will be evident within six months to a year.
What we want to do at your place is to bring back the system of Municipality Bond
in a traditional way under the chief of the village or King away from Local
Government Municipality as is not politically inclined but about the Messengers
working hand in hand with Corporate Bond. Unlike entrepreneurship or tender
business that benefit only few people, we are coming up with something that will
benefit the whole community members equally and the traditional land owner and the
generation to come.
5. The Project
Rural Economic Development will borrow Start-up Fund of around R125 Million
from the Treasury of Central Bank or Funding Department from any Financial
Institution, or corporate. This will be secured by R250 000 pension funds as
collateral to make it R125 Million from 500 community school teachers (educators).
As soon as teachers contribute, they form Local Teachers Credit Union, and they
become Bond Holders introducing Bond Market to the rural community in fashion.
The money will be invested into Mortgage Market (Real Estate) in order to build
Mini Community City.
The Mini Community City will consist of Shopping Mall, Office Park, Industrial Park
and Warehouses. All the businesses will be owned by the 500 community school
teachers as bond holders. The funds will also buy franchises and do accreditation for
Shops. Newly created shops and offices (which will not be franchises or accredited)
will be owned by 10 X 10 community members, recommended by 500 school
teachers. The community members will be grouped into ten (10) members,
according to their skills and interest. At the beginning the Mini City will use a big
Container Generator or Solar System for electricity. Borehole water for sanitation will
be used during the initial stages. When it comes to transportation, the project will use
its own transport, meaning that even when the city starts operating, the transport to
the City will be owned by the city and this is all about the Community Development.
The Rural Economic Development Project will be registered as Hedge Fund called
Milestone Project. In order to lower the risk, we will invest in Mortgage Market (Real
Estate). The Project will own everything including building contractors and the bricks
company in order to work hand in hand, to make the project cheaper with calculated
risk. The Business will not all be opened at the same time, but gradually. Again, all
the workers, especially, building contractors and bricks firm, will also become the
owners of the city newly created shops. This means that the Milestone City will be
made in a combine strategy using „Traditional way of Life, Colonial Way and Modern
way‟ as explained above. The City will be in one place divided by Streets and only
two streets to go in and out surrounded by high fence. What we are not going to own
is the Commercial Bank and Insurance Company but they will become our business
associate. The Hedge Fund, our bank account will be known as Milestone Bank.
This will help us to get involved in Fed Funds (Borrowing of money between banks).
As the Hedge Fund, we will also qualify in Foreign Exchange Market as we will
import goods from China, Japan and other countries for the shops, meaning, we will
be involved in all financial markets. Another advantage of being a Hedge Fund, we
will get the Government sponsorships automatically. Again the company will not
work with individuals but with groups. Example, for property renting, we will allow
government offices, franchises and accredited businesses to rent. The hiring of the
workers will be conducted by Chief‟s Tribal Authority.
For the workers our first preference will be anyone who has been in matric, passed
or failed with statement of result from builders, brick yard and other businesses.
Unless the person has other qualifications or experience for that particular Job as
workers will work from contractors then becomes Shop owner workers they will be
grouped according to their skills, experience with reference will be preferred even
retired people with experience, no age limit as long the person is healthy. After the
money is paid out the 500 teachers will receive R250 000 each as an Interest, and
their bond converted into shares equalling shareholders. The same will be done for
the 10 Founder members (3 from MAPO, 3 from Royal Family including the Chief, 3
from consultant Company and one from the Royal Council), meaning 10 founders of
the project equals to 510 plus the newly created Shop owners to be shareholders will
earn Salary not Dividends, and will start small from R1 500 to R2 500 per month will
not exceed the amount of R20 000 before the end 10 years same salary including
500 Bond Holders. The aim of the project is not to make money, but about job
creation, creation of legacy and rural development that will succeed even 100 years
to come. Traditionally, if the shareholder dies, the first born carry on by being the
leader of his family Trust. This means it will change from being the shareholder into
being the Family Trust for ever, and the family members will again choose one family
member to stand as a shareholder. shares can be sold not the family trust (the
Family Trust leader will be the first born from generation to generation, as long as
the city will still be in operation). Moreover, ten (10) doctors or nurses will own the
private hospital to add as shareholders in the project, as a way of giving back to the
community. All the names of the founder members of the Hedge Fund will be written
on the stone in the city for their remembrances.
To the Funders (Financial Institution) that can help with R125 Million: before the
end of 5 Years, the company will have gotten a total of R250 Million, meaning R125
Million plus R125 Millions of interest only are welcome to the alternative of money to
be borrowed from 500 school teachers, meaning they will no longer be the bond
holders but shareholders. we will still include teachers this time we will need
commitment fee perhaps even reduce the number into 100 whereby 10 founder
members of the Project including the Chief of the Village which will donate the Land
and the 10 X 10 members of the community. At this stage will be recommended by
the chief, only those who can get involved from the beginning will end up being the
Newly Created Shop owners whereby the consultant company will arrange the
training for them for Skills Development as for the owners we will prefer skills not
experience but it can be mixed.
For an example of contractors (bricklayers and more) and brick company (brick yard)
at Mavambe Village (Malamulele Area) at the building of Mavambe Youth and Care
Centre the contractor took the skilled bricklayers, electricians and more to build the
Centre and it was successful, the contractor was only the name and the materials.
That is what we are going to do. The consultant company will register every business
including the building construction whereby the extra workers will own hardware
shops, accreditations and franchises all under Milestone Hedge Fund, again for an
example for the electricians, the electrician will own the electrical shop and services.
This means that every worker works everywhere. For clarity, if one shop is not doing
well but if is needed, it will not close down, the others businesses doing well will
compensate it for it to continue to function. In the Milestone City “we are there for
one another” do everything by the book for the sake of generation to come. Some
of the businesses researched and to be included in the Mini City are: A Mini
Museum that will have Mhlahlandlela History; hotels (International Hotel, National
Hotel, Provincial Hotel, Local Hotel and the Tribal Hotel). The Chief will co-own the
Tribal Hotel which will accommodate only the Traditional Leaders and the Royal
Family Members that will be named after the Chief‟s name.
7. Closure
I, Morris Risimati Bila declare that our Rural Economic Development will not fail.
Once we get going nothing can stop us, the only fail that can occur is when we don‟t
start, but we will die trying. As the founder of Milestone, I will automatically be one of
the ten shareholders. The chiefs and other members of Consultant Company will
also be shareholders. For the Rural Economic Development, the community
members will depend on the Traditional Leaders (Chiefs) for Job Creation. The
Traditional Leaders will depend on the educators (teachers) on their Economic
Development proposal to be accepted, educators (teachers) will depend on Media
Action Plan Organisation (MAPO) on management, monitoring and evaluation.
MAPO will depend on the Consultant Company for Business proposals,
accreditation, franchises, skills development and all arrangements. The Consultant
Company will depend on the community members to work on the project. 500
Teachers will form the Board Members of 10 amongst themselves then Board
Members will choose the CEO from the community. The skills development will be
conducted by the consultant company with job description on this we work by the
book not experience. Milestone Project will be the first formation then from here will
work all around South African Municipality (meaning one city per municipality) the
same way, the difference is that the newly created shop will be the newly created
franchise owned by Milestone Project with the 10 founder members including, first
the chief who will accommodate MAPO. We will do the project in a decentralised
Anyone who will start exactly what we are intending to do without MAPO, it will be a
business and not community development. That is the reason we want to involve the
teachers/educators because from their profession, doctors, engineers, directors,
Chief Executive Officers and Ministers, are produced. No one will join Milestone
Hedge Fund individually, but as a Credit Union, called 500 Teachers Credit
Union. As we will be working with one Commercial Bank and one Insurance
Company for property and life, It means that there we will be risk sharing, lowering
risk and referring the risk with them to make your money safe. It means even if
anything can happen you get your money back with interest.
During the first proposal to the community teachers and surroundings by Traditional
Leader for the creation of Credit Union the teachers will be given this document each
to read for themselves and to sign on the same document at the bottom of it with the
due date agreed upon with the name and contact details at the back of the
document. The registration process and logistics will be done by the consultant
company, which will be approached after we have acquired land and the signing of
500 Teachers Credit Union.
Thank you
Morris Bila
Secreatry Robert Chauke Collen Ngobeni
Thembi Ramoba
Male Female
Hikombela ku lavisiwa vana kumbe vatukulu va xinuna va Xivongo
xa:Makutsule Magqekeni Mhlahlandlela Bila Mlangeni Langeni lava a va
tshama e ka Mavambe e Rivhubye.Makutsule Bila ari na Vavasati va 4 plus 3
watihlatswa kumbe Servant swivula ku ari na 7.Kambe sweswi lava nga sala I
vana kumbe vatukulu va vasati vambiri tsena kunga Nwa-Fengeni Hlengwe na
Nwa-Vangoni.Nwa-Vangoni mhana (Xivasa na vo makwenu vona va Vuhosi bya
ka Makutsule na sweswi bya hari kona byinga tsongahatiwa kuva
vundhuna).Nwa-Fengeni Hlengwe traditional wife mhana (Phahlela Sivulayi
,Mashamba na Gija Xipepeleka vona va Vuhosi bya ka Mhlahlandlela byona
byinga fa hi 1914) Nwa-Fengeni a dume hikuva Nwana Nwa-Khosa. Hikombela
ku lavisiwa timitsu ta vavasati lava 5 vanga famba na vana e Dhaka ku lova ka
Makutsule Bila.